Srie at, ektg ehoemr. ERIE, P 9., MAY 17, 1866. Soh Printing, tai"ples.sure iii notifying the public h;:c cecured the services of Mr. J. } -,„11,., hate foreman of the jobh;ng it: it GI rbe 11i.ritch office, to I.ske 0.? .feral itt t. trv:e . e 4 the moat taeteful :end tat. 1•t (Were m lel country, and under superlistoni+ expect to turn out beet Eastern offices. m aul io that of the jg tel up oar establit-htnebt vitt' every necessary to do Fbod jobbing of every je respectfully Invite those wanting i D g in our line to ive us a can. , Iblesn c andidatTs for office are as plea.. ; AM county. as shad Ries in 'Au fbe party organs there are fall of -an— ;nt, o f patriots who are. willing Jo their country for a consideration. The is a list of the devoted. oneirup- , 10 v- - Congress, D; A. Finney, S. Newton Ifeldeie; Associate Law Judge, Da trrictses, li. L. Richmond, Meadville; . ; : s. 3f. Davis, Meadville;. J. Boyd fi: i itille ; 0. Baldwin, Spring ; E 11. I;ssville ; Wm. licLenni Smith Shen. i hol ff, W. A. F. Gear; Summit ; F. W. i, Meadville; Prothonotary, R. B. :13, g e o,ille; W. F. Chalfant, Conneaut; E ,, ri et, Adamsville ; Regia)er and Re. g E. Ashley, Richmond ; Joti: Brown, ,; M. L. Stone, Conneautville ; D. .landolph: Co missioner, M. W. 01. 3 spring; Theron. ,} eard, Surnmerhill ; s ia o l g o, Needy/Ole ; Clerk of the O. linlollister, Meadville.. T s the Soldiers . of Pennsylvania. Ilartersntrao, May 1, 1866. -,tedience to the authority vested in me is olation adopted by the Convention of tr held h this city, on the eighth day 1866, I do hereby request the hon discharged "f Pennsylvania to meet iu ecectire Legislative diettriets, and elect et, not - exceediog five in number, to e st their district in a Soldiers' Conven to be held city of Pittsburgh, on s y, the fifth of June 'next, at_ tenp'cloelt, ere any R ' presentative district conf-7 more than one county:_t he manner of the delegates is respectfully referred Idlers of the district, for such confer • will result in a fair representation lof ustaty • sans who have borne arms in defense of ,:100 against treason have especial inter the plumes of%this Convention, and it table that ac full a representation of the lefenders of the country as possible he neared on this occasion. 3 F. TIAR.TRANI?T, Lste Brevet -Major general, U. S A. oat favorable to the cause will please !h the above. Oh errer being now, and.ever having and always expecting Co be, a friend of Iterestn of our soldicri, gives room to core in compliance with the request ap- A, 'kith pleasure. In doing so, however, thee to he distinctly understood as en •icg ILe movement in so far se it' may it is rfpreeented, a genuine attempt it the !ciiiers'intereste, and no fur ehotid it turn out, as some have pre that it would, to be an artful scheme to capital for the Radical candidate, :gla the instrumentality of our gallant we will be as ready to denounce as We to encourage it. It must be acknowl that the manner in whiel. it was origi the character of the person whose attached to the call, and the fact that iblican papers only have been direetly FO ti to publish it, lend color to the suppo o that other objects thin those which ap oa its face, are at the bottom of the plan. rzar Pstocsantsas.-7`he:6llowing'eases iiipbsed of at the Coureheld last week. aumbor of indictments was greater than .y peiioa since the commencement of the A large ))ertion of the list Was contin .ntil next.'"Court Richardson and Geprge B. Gray. Ur. Guilty. Sentet , ced to pay a fine of and costs, and e imprisoned for two ,n Young. Larceny. Sentenced to pay of $2O and costs. and undergo impris nt in the county jai for forty days.. 4ri Martin. !larceny. Guilty. Fined •ad costs, and sent to Penitentiary for 1 .11 H. Van Slyite and Harry Williams. ing. Guilty. Fined $lO each, and be ironed 30 days• Di H Hayes. Malicious mischierf. Not e bill, and prosecutor to pay costa. M Barris. Larceny. Not guilty. thud Dudley. Obtaining money under pretences. Not .a true bill, and pressen. I pay costs 'ix NlcCann, Junes irmlly and oth e rs.. ueC►on guilty. Bentenee suspended June, 13, 1866, and defendant ordered •te hie recognition in $1,900 for ap , .te to answer. is McCann. Assault aid battery (three Verdietiguilty and recommended to trey of the court. , lism Fultz. Compounding felony. 'Per. Jilty, and sentence suspended until June ' Van Tassell. Keeping .drinking and 1 saloon. Indictment. quashed ?, Dreisigaker. Selling liquor in less 'net than one quart. Witnesses not to $l, end tat pros. enteredi Ito)inson. Rape. Plead guilty, $l%. teateneed to the penitentiary for, :yeira, and to pay costa 'of 'prosecution. 1 8rriogtori. Larceny,: .!1:10,iltj, and pay fine of $25, oasis 'of prose. 1.4 e imprisoned 90 days.' 4 , Fri. Barnbuening. ~ Verdict guilty. t!tflospecoded to June lg:h. Cv*an: Fornication , ark bastardy. — T. Sentence &upended indefinitely on 'et of mete by defendant, and filing a ory eettlement to the parties' and • . , illier. Keeping's disorderly house. ;rA attired on psytnent, of costs by de .., '. , Littbsbier. Selling liquoko persons To . ,: , .rate habits. Nolte pros entered on tl . ot costs. Commonwealth vs same. ....If/or Is persofis ,of iniernperate_bab• e *pros entered on payment of ensue. q,hr. Tornietition and bastardy . . ';' , .:.%triceJi to pay a fine of $1 to poor proiccutrii, expenses of her •upport of child' to date, and Per leek for seven years' for aupportsof ot , i Charles Snow. , Lat : ceay. Guilty. ood gailty,4sad sentenced to pay fine dollars, be imprisoned 30 dip, and pay • Sollie . ig liquor: Defendant son I 'Ply a tine of $5O for the use of the and $5 and costs. , es Rolvead. Selling liquor. Sen 40 ply a fine of $5O for 'Girard town -4 dietrict, and $5 an costs. 4 1 1 Lenehan. Selling d Sea— 'to Pay a fine of thirty—fivei dollars for' . zt school diltriet 'and five dollars and l ibury. Selling liqUor. Fined sixty lead fire dollars and ooeta. Selling liquor. Fined !sixty dol iti_ate dollars and costs. ,i'vsi.,Schlaudezker. liquor.— 1 9111 es and &re dollars and costs-. "114 Pa Larceny. Bail forfeited in eGurt, ae s entenced to of titi, dollars , for the use of 1 4', 3 „ATdiettiot of Greenle t . tewfishiii , ,. and or tarlibrary and costa. - - 4 ' l 111 7. Keeping liqtior and billiegd li tlictinerit quashe EEerJ d. Selling liquor. Sentenced to . Pr for dollars for the nee of the alltrict o fGreene town hi p and fire tot UT library and Costs. • Charles Maws/ Keeping gambling house. Plead guilty, ana Sentenced to pay *fourteen dinars and costa. _ Dan Killer Mid , Peter Goodwin, Keeping billiard mad drinking esloon. Indictment fitmehed. Milo It Green. Selling - liquor to minors. Nolte trait oa payment of costs. , i Geo Carroll. flied way robbery, and recom mended to merey,of the court. Saml S Lusa. Rape. No evidence to sup— port the charge, and rik,se,tllsmi-fetl• Milt 1, Uro n. £olliug liquor . to minors (24 attse). • G S e ntenced to pay fine of forty-five dollars, imprisonmeut 1U days, and pay the costs of suit. John Edwards. Keeping billiard and drink jog saloon. Indictment quashed. Peter Goodwin and Dan Miller. Selling liquor. Plead guilty. Miller flood fortr dol late and Goodwin eighty dollars. Michael 'Mehl. Selling liquor. Plead guilty, and filed silty dollars and costs Barney il Iney well and 'Robert Throup.— Keeping drinking and bil!lard saloon. Indict rant quaihed. Items' of All Sorts. We are iritlebted to the Rev, Mr. Baxter, of lontlon, - for the cheerful news that the it to end in 1873: Sealed proposals are celled for by the Street Committee for grading and patios State e l tr'eet from Fourth to the north side of Front./ Messrs. Close &'Lake have isauedlt4pros pectus for an evening paper at Titusville.— They will god it difficult to make a better lo cal paper thou the Effiraid. A nunaer of citizens of Girard have ad-' dressed a letter to S. E. Woodruff, Esq , ask ing him to be a candidate for Associate Law Judge. Mr. W. responds that be is willing. We understand that several young Men 'living in the vioinity,of Lowville have been arrested on the charge of breaking into Mrs. Holloway's house, week before last. Ode or two of them have been placed in 'jair..t,l \ ;L The Conneautville mad, always.' a 'meat looking paper, has pu chased a new., power press, and made Hs 'appearance last week looking brighter than ever. Long may_ it wave, and r reserve its reputation as the mat- I: I rimonial organ of he North-West.. _ The Crawford emoorat givles l currency to the report that the Warren land Crawford county Republican politicians have entered into a noLbination to keep Erie from securing the Associate Law Judge. The Gazette announces by 'authority that 8. A. Davenport, Esq., will not be a candidate for Congress. It is time that the Republican pal' Dimas, of our county were uniting upon some gentleman for this position, unless they want to be tripped up again by Scofield. ; We were in error last week in stating.that the notes of the Venango National Bank were taken at a discount. by the Bunks of this city., They -are amply secured .by United Stets. bonds, and pass as readily both here and in the oil country as the !totes of ,other National Banks A hot,contest is goin - on itl Crawford Co. between Messrs. D. A. inney and S. Newton Pettis, for the Republican Con gressionsl nom=. ination in that district. The ether counties are understood to concede de nominee to Crawford. • We are often askedi what. the population of Erie was in 1860. BY'referring to the census report we find it to have been nearly 10,000. The pity regularly doubled its popu'ation every ten years frouflBBo to-1860, but from . , present indiostions`will treble it in the tett years from 1860 to 1870. Erie is bound to be "some punkips " yet, and Buffalo and Cleve land must look out f"r their laurels. c't Elie Venango Spectator is entitled' to the credit of the following capital bit on a sub ject' that -just now excites considerable inter est in ihiti section : The aspirants for the Additional Law Judge ship in the Erie and Crawford districts are the most modest" men' alive. They don't come out fist fcoted and ask for the officein the old fashioned way, but are forced on the track by a long call, tanobly signed'to the newsptspeei. This looks better than the 'old way. and is good for the printer. ." Biddy," said O'Mul Hein to his wife, " it's a heal atria ye have— s drap of the erayther cd dolve no helium." " Ooh hone ! " maid Biddy, "I've taken the plidge. but ye can mix a 'drink, Jimmy, and force me to ovally it." Sherry's, Theatrical Company in Farrar Hall continues to bare good houses &terry has ma ie a fine thing of it here, and hell entitled to all.that he has secured. The members of his company are ladies and gen tlemen in the complete sense 'of the word.— During the three weeks of their sojourn here, the goisips have not been able to find a thing in the conduct of-a single member of the troupe which could afford them even the' slightest theme for scandal. If ail theatrical performers were of the same clue, the preju dice against their profession, whiot exists is the minde of so many of our citizens, would soon pass away. The Venango Spectator &Teethe following account of the late arrests' of bask officers at Franklin : “Hon. C..V. Culver and James 8. Austin, Cashier of. the Venango Bank, were arrested on the 30th,ultimo, on charges of conspiracy, , &c on information of Thomas loge, John Duffield and P. ft. Gray., Mr. Austin was held to bail for his appearance at court in the sum of $60,000 in the three' cases—s2o,ooo each —and Mr. Culver in the sum of $20,000. On Saturday last Mr. Ctilver was agiiin ar rested on information' J ot Mr. flogeo,on a oh irge of trover and conversion, and after a hearing before Judge Gordon, was held to bill for his appesrasce in the sum of $23,000. These are the simple facts in the matter of the several, arrests. A rumor is in circulation to the effect that a certain notorious Radical politician and office-holder has extended an invitation to the Ron. Mester Clymer to stop at his residence in case he visits! our city during the cam paign. Of coarse Mr: C. will not accept the offer, being tot. the time in the hands of his friendi, but the incident is not without ite! moral.' In the firet Owe, it is a " - high testi• menial to our candidate's persenal character, which thuaeli-its the respect of a red-hot po. liticai oFlponent. In the next place, it is a proof positive that the charges of Copperhead ism and treason against him by the Radical press are unfounded. Ererybody knows that the politielan referred to is too intensely 'el4al" to think for a moment of .inviting In enemy of the country to the hospitalities of his hens.. . -- A Mr. B. H. Chtee, .'resident of the Petroleum Beak at Titusville, having presented himself as s candidate for the Legislaturwlrom Craw ord county, tt . large number,of the /eliding Republicans of Ahat city have addressed him a letter requesting the withdrawal of his names and presenting that of Joseph T.. Chise,'as their fcvorite candidate. The oil Intermit. -of Eaeieibi C:airfoid imperatively require that one at least of -the members from that county should be,ts matt In the tall confidence of the people of that put of the county, and Mr. E. H. Chase does not appear to binne °op to this standard. It is not surprising to ns, after the Legislative indiffarens! which has been man- ifested to the interests of the oil regions la the past, that the people there should be de termined to have proper representatives in future. If they cannot get them throtlgh the notion of the two, political parties; tbei - ere resolved to suffer! men of their choice, iris speetive of politiest ties: • N t•\ ( EiE=39 IM!1=1 ?OWL Johan 6 Whin, tie sell kneitti 'photographers, hue. ooisiderably enlarged their rooms in Beatty's block, and - can now boast of WWI/the finest accommodations their line in the city. They have.also largely °creased their facili•ies, and are prepared to furnish any style of pictures that can po 3- eibly be called for, from a size as big as a barn door, to one as' email as a pia bead. Among other improvetuentelhey have a d ded, is a large camera for taking ant-door views, which performs its work in a meaner that we have never seen excelled. They have recently taken pictures with it of a numb'er, of huil4l7 ings about thti oily, including the Observer; office, and let Presbyterian and Park church es, all of which are executed with-a clearness and •lidelity that cannot ba surpassed. We bare a specimen in our ppssesslon which we will put against any work turned out by the best artists cast. . • \ the increasing railroad busineas at our depot renders the crossing of the track with teams at that point daily more difficult and dangerous. Cannot some plan be adopt4by, which the immense number of pains daily coming into the city from the south with con• veyanccs might be relieved of the dread they are now compellid to feel! A wide orated bridge over State street and Mill Creels might do much to remedy the matter. • The present situation cannot last much longer without seriously crippling the business ci the lower portion et the city. We appeal to our councils to give this subject their early and attentive consideration. It is of a thousand fold More importance thin nine-tenths of the business modally before those august bodies. The grand jury last week made a maul mon' presentment of the county jail as illy ventilated, badly constructed, and altogether unfit for its purposes. They also recommend the erection of a new jail, to be built and conducted on the workblinso system. - To the keeper of the present jail; Mr. Warren, they give the credit of managing It _uas well as the nature of the building will permit." - This is The !mirth time the subject has; elicited the attention of, the grand jury within the last year end a quarter, and it is hopel the matter will not much longer fail to receiyethe atten tion it deserves from the Commissioner'''. The unfit condition.of the building for its purposes has been notorious to our citizens for- some Years. The New York World Is led to believe, by the fut. in its possession, in 'spit' to the crops of the country, that wheat andrflour will remain high during the year. "It is now satlefsetcrily ascertained that the wheat crops of 1864 and 1865 were not large; and we therefore begin a new year with scarcely any surplus. Taking into consideration the dis couragement, 41' farmers at the planting sea• son, and the probability of it large demand &nth next fall, there does not seem much likelihood of cheap flour during the year 1886. The low price of corn which has obtained up to this time will have its effect in increas ing the hog crop of the present year. There is reason to believe that meats of all kinds will be cheaper next fall than now." At a meeting of the Erie Gas and Water Company, on Saturday, a committee musk• ing of A. Scott, J . W. Shannon, 0. Noble, 8.. H. Emerson, Wm. L. Scott sad Henry Bawls was selected to wait upon our citizens during the present and coming week, to solicit sub scriptionsto the stock of the. company. We are not aware what success they hare met with thus far, but earnestly hopi 'tha enter prise will meet 'With such encouragement as to ensure the early completion of the proposed water works. , _ Blessis. Heard, Christian & Craig have re ceived a supply of the celebrated .elf-raising flour, which has within a few. years gained so grest a 1 popularity in some of the Eastern . Cities as to drive nearly out of u' the old qualities. It is pronounced by leading ahem tits, p_bysictiaas and others the most healthful mode of preparing flour twee disooVered, and the msnufaolurers claim it to be - a 'third -cheaper than the" artiole in common 1188, Every family should try it. A kasha the last New York Legislature prevents railroad companies from issuing free passes to any except employees and disabled soldiers, and fixes a penalty of $5O for each violation of the set. As a consequence, the Buffalo & Ene railroad company have with drawn all their complimentafy passes, - ibleh had been distributed with considerable liber ality hereabouts. The remit of this course will :be to divert a good deal of trade and travel froth Buffalo to Cleveland. ; • A few =tightssince, whild Mr.Vouldock and daughter were . playing at the theatre in Quincy, Illinois, me Cou!dock astonished the audience by withdrawing near the dosed the first act, saying he could not play with suntr acting as there - was in the other parts. Man ager Duff announced that the theatrewas in definitely clotted. This action_on the part of his stars,derangiag his plane, has caused the arrest of Mr. CouMock. Bertelsen & Co., 611 Chestnut street. Phil adeiphis, have for sale photographs 'of our candidate for Governor, lioo. Riester Clymer, and advertise for agents to sell them. Specimen copies *lll be prwarded, postage pal% upon sending them sevenly-Ilve cents. The adveitis,ement offering loth for eale - at auction k the new town of Atlantic, Monier county, is deserving the attention of all who desire to procure for themselves a home. From •hat we can judge by the representations of those who are familia; with the locality, the town can scarcely fail to become one of con siderable importance. . A laboring man named Barney Doherty was killS3 on Saturday morning by the fulliog in of the south wall of the old market . house, which had been undermltied to hasten the work of tearing it away. lie was a widower, and leaves four children. • It, may be a matter of iaterest to-our read ers tp know that, taking' the list of mercantile appraiseMente u a bask!, Erie does twice the amount of trade done in Harrisburg, which claims to have at lout See - thoniand More , population. The Herald claims that "there are twenty one more legitimate business firms in Titus villa than in any other town' in-Crawford county." . A dwelling liCuse in Waterford, occupied by David Klansman, and owned by Es,clll ll2 / '; eon, caught Are near the roof, from a defect in the fine, and was deetroyed. We de glad to learn that most of Mr. ' faraitiieNras saved. The 'congregation of Si. Paul's German Evangelical Church have contracted lrlth Henry &shatter, of, Buffalo, for an organ, at • cost of k 2,000. Dy a late sot of the Legislature, the salary of the Governor has.been Increased to - $5,000 a year; of the Supremo' Judges to the striae"; and of Presiding Jadget,of the Court of Coin mon Pleas to $3,600. ' The splendid sods fonnitin st Calv:er' drag store is itteseting.hosis Or the thirsty. Those who vista a 110'140 and plesasst drink should lire.ll ,MMERRIMiIog! a tie'deb Wht,n the workman II the AnthrimitO Cdat And Iron Company corameneed.relaying the traok on 12th attest,. under the direction etf the elliveltuld & Erie railroad company, n large: number -women residing in the vielnity made an iiinult upon the men and obliged them to , impend opera— tions. A call wu ir deupon the folice 'force to protect the workmen, but their efforts proved utiavailiegL Six of the women were arrested upon a charge r,f riotous conduct, on Wednesday, and held ever for- t riat at. the next 'term of court. , Most of those ensagedin. the Ilistiarbance are the 4 tughters and wives of laboring men, tithe object to the peerage of the railroad through . the greet the ground the inconveoiencses and annoyances ii will occasion them, and' the depreciationit is ex pected to cause to titer preperty. ie hardly necessary for us tosay, that, for the credit of the city arid their own interests, we deplore the conduct of these peOple, and earnestly urge them not to repeat - It. That the mange of a railroad through their street wIN be an. pleasant to them we 'can . well under. stand, but there Should be - no attempt to prevent it by -mobjforee—no violation of the law. The courtsisee the propeeplacep to set tle all disputed questions of law' and right;' and if they believe themselves to have just cause for' complairtt let them appeal to -this eouroe. Should they persist in rioteculfop— posing, the completion !lithe tritok,the of will be compelled to take them in had, and serio'usionitequencee to all concerned in the disturbance will hardly fail tri ensue. The Titusville Herald tells-the following story of iTithole inanciaring." It prime. csnalusively that sharp piaStice is apt fined to Yankeedom 4 1km of our 3IISIIIIIIIOO agents issued a $l,OOO policy to a grocery firm down there, some time ago, anti to 'duo lealloll thei had the misfortune to be burned out. ~ A • sworn statement was sent Ito the insurance•eompany: of anentire loss of stook to the amount above stated. The affair was investigated, and it was a•certained that. the Sheriff of Venango had made a raid on' the premises three day,' previous to the fire;wnd_taken o complete in ventory of the stock, which Was presented in his official form as follows. Read and rumi nate : • • One bolt barrel griund coffee; $lO 00; ,26. lbs. salt pork, $8 75 ; 15 cans cove oirsters, $4.50; 2 lbs., wattling', $B.OO ; 1 lion failed herring, 650. •,.i dos. memorandum books; Si 00; two gallons of syrup, $1.50. Total, $28.40. • -; Very good "surfice ehoi," but hardly suf ficient to cover the )premium, whicliamounted to $42. . , The conduct of tlie soldiers stationed here is universally complimented. Their head quarters at the -Park House are as orderly as could be desired, and the general course of the soldiers is . suchi as to merit and receive the approbation of all good cithess. A num ber of them have beoeme connected with our churches, and take it warm interest in the ear. vices The object In sending the soldiers here bas never been, fully explained, though it is commonly undirstood to have reference to the threatened FEMME' invasion , of Canada. A report was circulated some time.age,and was believed by many hf oar Irish .population, that large numbers of arms bed been ordered to 'this city by the Fenian leaders, and that Erie was to be made hoe of the important bases of operations for the; forces iessal4l.Canadgi: In the Councils, on Monday evening, Mr. E. P. Ilentiett,"gave notice that be should on the next evening present a resolution for the closing up , of State, street from North to liktatth Park streets, so as to throw both park. into one." We hope the Squire will 40 no. , iuch thine, and that if be does, the- members of Council will immediately give the inetion ate quietus. To close up State street at the point mentioned would in .no way add to the beauty of the Square, while It would muteriallihnOtl venience a large portion of the public. • We do not believe that one out of ten of eur.citl lens would favor the proposed measure, after ici giving it a few mlents'e carotid refleatioll:, • That portion of oar community who are nn fortunate enough to have had incomes during. the last year over $BOO has btteri-eilled upon during the last two creeks to make riport the same: The Assistant Assessor's - office is almost constantly.fUll of persons attending to th important regnir' ement of- the Federal' floyerament. It is ,due to Messrs. Kelso and Lyon to say that they answer allAuestions asked of them in ',prompt tind obliging spirit. Tho'President bas appriiredthe' joint 'reso lution presiding that paraffin° oil, not exceed ing in specific.grs i rity--thirty-cis - degrees. Baume's hydrometer, the produet of -a resir ducim of distillation 'of crude petroleum andT- , Crude oil, the product of ' the firet.and single distillation of coal, chile, &sr hOtam; peat sad other bituminous substances, shill ; kota and after the passage ofthis joint resolution, be !tempt 'train- latitnal tax or duty; We have not, in a long period, Seen spore interciting fact or truer 'sentiment than the following from ati: exchange : " Baeitieeti would greatly revive if Congress would,ad— journ, and let the country settle , The" constant excitement Ond the unsettled state of public affairs, is dolog more damage. to the asmmerolal and industrial interests of the country than a _gerieral bursting nit of the banks. The' raarplets .at Washington are blocking the wheels Of industry and infusing to the mind of the oOnntry ah lighting masts. billy, which affects ;all interests, North and South." , • The officials of "the new borough of Ponth Erie are attending to thlair duties with an alacrity thetpight pioStably be imitated la' same platted of mere pretensions. Streetrarat rapidly being open') I, o , as and graded; pave ments laid dawn. a wholesoma sett of borough ordinances has been adopts!, aid improve men t all anion] is the order of the dty. 0! aotinie: • in.eahibithig this spirit of progress the ail-, were meet with some opposition, but this they expect, and are resolVed to perform thefr.ob- . ligstians in spite of it. When the reform they hare commenced is once completed, all pattiel-will be so well please], that nobody will be found willin Ito. soy,haever ohjeiote4 , to it. The Titusville ' Handl u measures necessary to the relief, of the oil in teresti, the speedy completion of the Titus rule i li a Union R. R l '; 6114 the building uP : nf a direct trade from Erie harbor. to Europe, via the Lakes and"St."Lsivronoe river. It arguer 'that oit can be transported by water from here to. the. sea-board Or' one dollar. a..barrel, whereas by rail it outs four dollars. Dr. W. D. litartio_hatiocated in North East, with the intention 'tusking it hie permanent otiose. We have kndwn the Doctor eines thti days of our boyhood,:and - reeommend- him to our friends at 14ith [East as;a: yonagaltief more than ordinary tris eilligouce, energy lad skill. Re said' oridit we Surgeon in the army, and for .one of his age km eaperientie and marked success. A small eklid of ,Mrs. Carey.. of _Conneaut township. fell Into brine - 6'44 Week; and Was-so hi,* sated thitlislieli,T r fry is deu.btfal. "," • Viers 8; Y, irrott hoie added s fountain Ui *err store. are 0 39 0 1 !„ -6 . 1 / 1- ft1f44.4044110.116M444 to 14.V#Ses of thoir customers. i ~~~.-:tut;: ' The Oleartlela Itepritliiiii7Vetneeratie orl g • of :that county; atikoileii - 31'" r. Grahair, who lips bifix.eaggelittr, 11: tall ilfe(Jahrititi* Rb p icin candidate forCongreaa, as a "atroog a pporter of tiie tricver 4 nineiii,"''Cird lk i popular Ibl ." It , ;thinke tho alePtionot, 111 37 'gb 4ll parson, let called by what party Dame bl e w may, "who would sdatain ;be policy of Pretride!" JohiPon; woutd. - he glory' enough for the 'Dem n ern cy . " IWe are indelied to ly e H o me Weekly for the following . 4f- the Om works es; Mine. Dented our littlylrf adore will thank us for pub tithing it: " 1 t this amigo!), bortm-radish iii very geucrally . pepl, ! bul, preparhig,lL fpg,the table has caused many., and 'sundry eneeser. A pin put between the teeth while grating, wit! wit! prevept the aiOnapni.9na,seatoatt lion." ThePhilsdalphia & Erie Railroad Co. have, renewed their rule adding t fit,e per bent, tho' regular fare or passeutiers who fait procure, their tiokele (rain the AUL:at agents. They argue in fav'or of . the plan that the facilities now atfortieTefir 'l;tioctiring tiokkii:ei 'llWe dif ferent stations leave no eacuse for neglecting that duty. ! The New Caille-kitisellii cells eiteritian to a , feet which is'quite as noticeable here ae there • Bother eiglititnlinonilis 'age !it. *Mile hare been very dangerous to appear in ' the streets of New Castle , with 4 .butternut" coat on, while to-day that color is all the rage among the "young. bloods.'? Queer iroild! The _Chantatiqua' County Agricailmial 614 641866, will be held at Westfield, on the 11th, 12th and 18tly0 BeptebiNelc The Lime for the Erie county feir.bastnot beratizett yeti J. The dose was the first,newspaper carrier, whensono- morning it went out and fetched a leaf for Noah.'' ikiiiiiined4-Piragra",:h on , the , vesther..,nottfy,lng t him that the heavy rata htid'iubsided: Spixte.l6 o .4lllVl4l..ptiet.. •'S 4.4444 • ".• 11 • Ovrritda resbljftff tee Observer, by 04, Paitassaa Ce. Craves, 4 41....8r05 i &orris** ¢ Deirsars, 4. Ma, asl Dedi OPYIPS. " • I • Daum Farre.—ApplNl.63ll; read= / B ®U; 211 50 k-i ba Nr ffles, AVM. uiraiLisa—Potatoii. $1.100 1 26, • 01310 AL 1.100 $120; Turtaltat, OEM; CiablialMer4llla4loBl2; 111 1010b 1 .2510100; Carrots, 45050; Paraaiw, 80015;. Irewstabhi Oysters, 205 e parte:web: Oalan MO. $0 0 6 1 . 00 . Paotslos.—]rattaillEtere: 860417W5;14141.11E5344 H0wey,2503); Clem" 1 0 4, 2 2 Pam —Auplaw. $200,05164 • - &e.— Corry 66401; Oats, 44550: Wheat, abhor, $2 4053,2 60 ; Wbset,, white. 52,216.3 00 ; Corn Meal, $145)1i ID; nod, $14601 50 ; Barley, 75q595; llsams,s t 6002 00' Sawa --Clever, $5.75 0, 1 1345; Timothy. 0.50-0 se.oo. firm.' XXX w. wheat, 1115.80015.(0 : XX red. $l6 5 001 or p. l 4storoo: t o sum 01040; XX Bed W ater, new, $ll 0915: PORI ae Heim Port, $30,99021.00; , Ugh; $26.00@:9 00; Sugar Coed Hams. 20021 ear lb.; Coaatry do., 190 0e; Shoulders, I. 5; Lard, per barrel sl6;inkege,sso; Zztra Wm* ; $lBO2O. •' 1 : • BALL'S COUGH RlMlUMfronlip i• attention le tignin called to the merlin of Me old end porde/ medicine— , Tamil iriia Till lose iiircivitis:Anstiz. loop Or TwESTT-01111 , 610.813 ADYITTID 'SUE 101? BPII - ATM °MAI% CO.I 11.101r4-$O2 TIIIIOIT MIL; LUSCI connevitia. • Every coosidenits follow lowa thiCitoportance of removing bang affections In their earlx stages and many from rut experiiiici hire leU ed the diagierof Zefiy. Hall's Cough Remedy 18 NOT p own- PANACNA FOS ILL ntteeler sites, tnt only for • spool— do elms of nesziszelocated In the same atracture, inci ted by the earne calves and requiring much the same treatment, varying only with degree! of violence. It is pleasant to the taste, sate , ie ILL Cleellifhles thorough and speedy In its action. Long experience proven it has no drPlllloleiti2iltrAL in merit er eflieleney, for •I:ti .eing watrau;!'wfLtiessfnewt, naosoitme. MOO; ~arasa and wn•ortwa,nottow, , I It removes Irritation, causes free and ease szatectora• tion, !nouns thi tight ind "full tenzatibef in the lines, restore. the respiration to its my, sista* condition, imparts health and view to the lungs sad 'also clearness and strength to the voice. One bottle Is generally east to curs an ordinal y tough. Retail pries GO eat:data pei.bottle. , Meal tadocenseateroitued to the tree!. - • • EMI whaesale aadvatail by Nall 4 Wa:4l, proptle tor; at their dreg atop, 0.70 Slats SITMt , Lrie, Pa, and . 47 dsalara powalth J•24.en2 • Samna? te,. 44110. E, , °BEEN. .94u4ogra,_ 33 ,At 1 4 4 / 1 21 -% READY—MADE CLOTHING, P . CLOTHS,* AND c Ann( tut 9, 11AVir fi (DIPS",' GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, , :Caney ;?': • r' 410,47 y, • • I."rrhi. , . 'CLOTHING MADE TO 04.13II;s :- Is the a ti pa seiVad ß is ivi tima ng o tt 4 ; t ;rith the t ayar in t - CUT?K MON TON Alli m;;;Z:t o . itteire ' " stFi-"" dr r • • TUB lORICATENDLIBII 91131111br.. 818 TASIEI3 CILARSIPE'r 0-11V/113 84:1 1 I D irx.. l P-1 PRO 13CTIO: • LI,T E - - -IT ROYAL 11 . - 41 4. ,ATENT I NI4 - Prepared trots • Pcae;tyioa of sir. J. Mute, Y. D, Physician Kttraordletary. to the Qum - . Ms invaluable medicine la notetling friths cure Mal tnosepshifujandAarbretrole dibar - esti% width the female constitution ii subject. - It - moderates all excess and re. on mono wt obetyuctio, and a speedy cure any be relied •^ ' I TO MARRIED LADIES - iiiipsatuuty ate& 3t win.lite shirt Ems; boos' as the monthly period with regularity. • ,Each bottle, price Oae Dollar, been Atte Government Stamp of Great Britain, td-prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. Mess Pins Abel& Wit be rata-be' Ptiseteu4s4a, 71R3 - 7 THREE MONTHS of Pregooliff. es Oise an to bring ow Motaniage r bott ow baker Hots the are KA bb a cum at NOTIOI3I andlpinal Affeetioes, Peinalo the Back end imberratigtee idlihtexeittion)Palpiti bib* of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other ;out asye filled: and al though a powertal remedy, do not eentain irtnr;ealotoel, antimonyocanythingburtfal to thseanatitation-, . - /Toll clhreetio - tM pamphlet ermind saeh peach which should be =Wally preserved. -- ,401eD UT Dfa/GtliSM Sole Age nt forthe United States and Canada, JOB HOSES, 27 CortianOt ew Tort. N. 11.--sl,okeeli a P9ilteile +WWI ht an aa thcatOd*rat, will insure ribtittlefernitsininglKl rills. Iteet,Vab-I}. . heTTO T - , r - c .s.-: , - •:•, - • - i usteliiiitinia -having been duly eoEi nalseono4 by the Girteftor el tlyi State . ._ _ . AUCTIONS= FOR TWJFTrzi ? 7 ,O4.4.Ft opeaed, Aaltion_and C0E001141021 Store nAtr , I T 7 : - Airmairould ern of; I . GRSZN On State Wee, °pima* the Postolnce, Wham he will be found at all Om:Phrti•Ablialneartsy4rods die" pose of at or Priests Sale, will tad,Hit to their ad vantage tie wotruat them tem.. Out door imam attended to anywheire' to the City.. Coneignmenta mapectfolly aellcited.nadprompt settlements made „after each sale. Auction sales twoi mays in era week. - als.i • 'Wlf.DlfitElbaliti AND ItATORDATS,-' H Without MI, and I would respectfully regaled ill var.l4 hayin g goods to dismoo - of, to- nobl i t r isz ta, that,- time ao that I culla thilloroltillie abbe, 1. - j,f it. J. ccizin , r, • -- 4 r" ` l4 ' 4ll F' Ana tion & foFpiptitpii literehaott. - I 'mast, CV II 1 Pt .• • " Jams , IC hiv:a y taken Is bliaon, Jaws Z., ALartoet,on the lot daof l lgi, anall'ilni • citilliZSP,C9U)94 daming toßa tient:Ad tilittiebtlta •II 'WM. • acme indebted to 41in are roqusted to inia an ;44*ItiEft:PrOBOOK B OLA P.O litrititt ! . . - APAININMNIN Sven Planing Om to order. , Shop on Punk St, ilatweillith and atl! Rat, Me, Pa: We =1: r " tear raollitleatorA9.43Bo , c!=giet and OS rnawitotelp•*:u rapitior ; 1/6 . aft, satiersuos. TO"Ordazi boa alma will resales gooreb—tt. J 41155 1 1 . , 4 50N. Voll3.llo:siAgattuitt.,•4l-.:74,t,-- • L.:A; =I , • 401 Th DX savoirs.—The prettiest 1b...15-trea tact thing," Sad lb* meat of it roe . t. 1, ortreqmrs the odor of wept es end &die gil deltreey to the side • tl, - etiume: tre'• brad •" kdriiiiii4ilviirce*Ty romPru ton to the sick Knots,ip the riiSe**47ll, pen Ike toilet tleebolkid.laßi*fiesthirieditirrt fretikr - iii#2;sr per totthr. - ' - , - _:- 3..- ._ , ~ : :-...47. „, I , -,- .. ..,,k,...;!= l 1411*44104idelit3ViOdri6AVylititkitifitp.- WM 9.l`...llloe.—X:—The saxnant of PiantatLod Bitten WI is Otit,ra fa attbreekat startling. they. ironic ell Broaden, sit, hot high,•troan the Park- to 4th St Drakes nasnalatatory Is one 'of thin:wilt:4lov" of Nes Fork. It is said I* Drake pain ted 11l the rocks to tho Suborn-841os with kit cabalistic • 0 3.T.-111C0.--X ," and thestot the 4614 granny begstors to, pies 6 laW "nrartnitiiig iliafigorytg 'As tsc4 of, nearer which ere' Mai a moitopoly. , Ilk do alit know bow this 61. bat we do know, the Plantation Bitter. sell Is Ito 0 4 10 r ar:tolo ; ever did. ; Thar are aged by all e'sasest of the connanalty, and are death on .12rapalisia-7-certaln They are vary Invigorating when langaid and weak, soda grist appetizer. - Playabfiya Spline Witten 8014 by all Dyaggists. MIA lilting the kidtlt i tVois • the lire I treaded *salt very severely-hoze !laid atm:ad to • crisp. 'the torteve was anterarable. * • : Etta Nebein Mutant Llnlmest relieved the palwaho3oet Immediately, It baled rapidly sad 10 very little , ILL Is man!, spiepto 'of ihat, tko Moitang Lmt ` Meat will do. L . If is thridegbli a an paw of wounds, .Pralac•cnti felliK,.A.BPivimV ON, 'Mrr aloolossi or b!ast. :Dorm ,of coaritorfoits. Irmo ti goexitao anises . InsPliod is na• gtsiViebilv =Win& bossing tho rig s:Moro of 0. 11; Obsoaqt,And ,I.lo,privato otatop,of*tioill Co. If "wrest. • Erstratogo . 111prilig liTatir, , l6l4 bpi!! Dregelits. Alt who value a bunt:hal ad of is and its pree elution !Vila' premature badmin and turninigray, vu not . ,rya Lyon'a celebrated ,Kathurton. It makes the hale tiob, - 4oft and stony; eradieates dan druff, and arum the hair to pow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold everywhere. r r..rnoffABLYos4.l..bsselat.,/i. Y. IllaruSega SPriltiWittlyarold by all Druggists. NEM WILT Dm 'pang fedi, returning to her country home after a sojourn -41.• few niontbs r g New lock, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a rustic dashed bee, abe had a soft, reN 'completion, almost marble smoothness.; aad. instead of 22; she Nally appeared but IT. She told them plainly she used liagan'eltagnol(a Salm, and would not ba'eritliout it. Any lady can improve her- personal appearance very much by using - this ionic's. It can be ordered of say druggist for only.lo ate. • ' • lrarauiga SpllalkWall,lr, sold b, all DruggiOs ifeltestieet's Inimitable Flair 'Coloring tag been stead ily gtotriog ht tarot tor over twenty )ears. It acts upon the absetbents at the roots c.f the hair, and change' it to it+ original Color by 'degrees. Ail instantaneous dyed deaden-3nd /Owe the hair.. ?emit met's is mot a dye, bet is certain in its reenits,, promotes its growth, end le a beautiful hair dressing. Price 51) cents and $l. gold by aU dexter!. • Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. LTow's gamma' ow Pose Ululca Giveas-.tor Ind!: gelation, aanaea,•heartbnm, flair headache, cholera wocr-' hut, where • warming. genial stimulant Is require!. Its caraitil Prepar*tloa arid entire parity makes it a cheap l reliable article for call:lazy porposer. Sold every• where at tiJ cebtu per bottle. Saratoga lining Water, soli by CI Druggists TP YOU WANT TUB BM ARTICLE OP • TOBACCO.AND-CIGA.RS In tial Mutat,. go CO BTE•A,NER 8 BAKE.R'S, 00221131 OP rpyill LID POCRT4 571111174. 18114 • PZ.IYA WHOLTZALE AND RETAIL DEALER& Imayttsisg la the Tobacco Ilno—Clgan, Plag, Chew ing. MlPar caw, MIIIMICNIIIM Pipes. Holders, tit., al ways kept Gs has& Oar variety la so large nook eau fall to be rutted, gorTPattbathe atteation paid to orders, all warrauted to he what they are sold (or: Moat 7..gussrsa.- (=age6-1y) Jaws. A. Basis - crrt ispavEvirta. • W.W.'T O'W N - - Surveyor and Civil . Eviimer, fa primarcil to airway soy lots to tit, city orsabirble or ast say grade from the official records of the city, • Particular attention ideal) tosiltadltidars of tiat•lotis aid the extension of statists. All work dose with the atmust sue sad gaszahtesi carnet, Drafting sad Napping rutty smote& Ttiar.epealikatloas and estimates- tarnished on short cotta. -Ordure lilt at the Mathias Store of J. N. last' tica on State 8t„ or at No. - ffire Preach ISt, will receive prompt sttsaUsa, - • -., TOSSINACTION OF CO•PARTIIIEUSOIr , -The diallrintedbroollatior trade► the mw» et CAjRTE,R 4 . .0 R V-13 B, Was dissolved by mutual comsat, dating boa .January Nth, IBYE4 Yr. Carter mitring. Tha boob of the old Arm may be familial lb. old place.- Prurapt_aetUeoteati rewirated. - . S. CARTER.' - • • '1.13. CARVER, Career trim inscidaisd• Mt sou will ham, and evil I uptinas tbs basinassAndar the mama sad Ora of c gasping • Wise and veil elected atOrk . of Draw.. Heal class, Fins Chemicals. arm Phartaseiontical Prepare. deny ii•TUrolinullatianay Articles. ita - • ?be isperianeed clerks of this house are retained and persona . awn rely upon Wag. coprenlig ,eareed at all tbnes Norrici.—The service! or Kr. 3; 8. Carter have also been mewed, and to Ml be' happy to meet hie old Wanda sad enstostara at ' • 21 PARCHOW,- . 21111 OLD 87,41111. =Mt • pont4c MU VALII&B ILE .• LOTS AT ' 44115uyie .G'ity. Alarm' gowity, Will b~ tukli at Pli!blia Anet.tori v - oci' ' : 1 TUESDAY, TIM 29TH - DAY•OT litY, 1556. A number of doe Balding Lots, ln Meson*, dt7 or . At lantle, two nines mouth of tireenvil e. Pa., at the termi nal jun Hon of the Bear Cli s elt. rat'road with the Erie is Pittsbore and At'entic d se - WeNtern railroad. and Esbreauhat. ' Thus Writ;has re.tently been siaptoa for a general transfer 'ets!lon sad erotalnw of track of the two lut Mood itketehr- ' , Earring IMO one - of the inipor tint stations on all ct the above ridakilidi where all *IIST ifrOP. , The Beat, Grin . 11;iirosid= being built IS develop the coal mins of. *weer mut Butler =intim traverse; • Sae agricultural section where are found huge deposits °Moat, the and Llsnindowthaa omit tired an outlet at this place. - . prlllidstus pole s i C ;(- 1: 7/ 2 L't Y I; 6 In the' rieh • *alley of !be She:lug° river. distant im mates Owe trio, 86 miles from Inevalaad, 82 canes from Maw. a t tld at the ,jaaatiaa of three Railroad. and the mug r.. , . jaTIVID,ING TRANBP3RtrION in an DIRECT/02A ohm tattatontotits to the litanutottcuvi. the lierahealk-, bad Tesaigtakti oolutiotiptititi Ponotylitutle:" 12 . 1018 MADE KNOWN ON DAY OF SALE. Toi ratio! th oeaialidri spill 'b W. 8. 887.00 EN, isat At , Greenvilto, limes 00..1'4. COLBIPS PATENT 114LyvaoLinmp W R T : N G EV,I 4,..., 0 1 , 00•PF; 1 •Ykl i 4 - 1Reb14''''&:. (). Ban, it4a 7 40410 pisio '4r we Bole of this iiiii4lo4 Vox tie a=tiltriodllcmtli' Vafig lOW Coa t 'OM*, 411autroas sad smoosw.tar:ooldri.• ' L . 4*ssti oasts to 101 l Qua la itt tits abbot samod =ll , • • .‘,- !?11:111 , 1!i i 4:- ' 1 ' 06 CIINTLTS I *I2. V 0 1 , 1! • " sui tulip pr ivo ass tor uurzo. Tor Mal es m:101f! i I MIA& VCREMEK,4II:IIPBrid Bt.. 11:11s. MI El AMA* . letk at; Xi* Pat MOM evrilvt i rc o rn6il!lNC4 Toy; (Not ilW44l9ky Ft!pis+ 41cn.,) ILOOPLAND'S' GERMAN BITTER~ ..I - • will ore .") Debility ritatiting from any - cause whatever. Prostration nt kl k e system, &mamma by tmliete h.trdshir. esposutro, (evert or disease(' of eantp life. Yoldisrs, CittiVlJP, Tll.l • or llintisl,4 adults nr yridth,alll And Inibleitittess ti ti;ttt: Tents, not dependent an bad lig news foe their Cron.t rot • rteu'ous efrect. DYSP.ERSIA, In v•-• !tt og tA.' , l". • my_ - ' ghiti ory,nitia,l:7l. • naPd 1100FL&NP . 'a GERIIAN • Th=e Bitters has tettortned more tti free 1,114. :4thtfaitteii; hit 100 u tettlatoly, tit* more reapect. 114 *opts Inorourh for It than any other article to the finer ,W. defy an t one to contradict this weer:Uwe, and., ortll'Osy $l,O 0 to In? ono who wll1 - produce cerllB-nte publiehed'hy-withatts not getilwo. • • 1100FLIkND'9 GERNIA:N ni;TTSFI.B, Will etas every ciao ads runic or, nervous debility en, diseu... °Ube Isidaef e. , Olveerve the fullowisig iy moods ,rerealling from absurd. rs.ef Ow digestive orgasm s Constipation, Inward litre, Fellness of Blood to i • tread, Acidity or the NSIIIIIIA. Blllranll3, Vet tor Woad, Futons oga oma itzuctalloonotDakiag or, r •Pla Wei tter ht In l g the at. the St rtM e r lin Stomach, Sairomrog of the Dead; 'Darned aml Drearttlog.'flatterlog et the Heart, Chet log or , 8u it ent - .og &walla= when in a lying pouturo, Disroveg ion, Dote or Webs beton) the eight, Fairer and Doll to the Head. Daßeiney of Tereetratlon. Yellosrore. the't kin and gY•B. rain to the tilde, ItaakVtett, -Lit 144, ac :x Saddam Floahei of Rea flaming an MO /lea, Co..' aunt tinaginiugs of Eviland great DepreseloaorSgiript. . Riettriresi, thifthle Bitters is not sleboolle, - cot. i narutooswhiekiy,induttnot,oake dinnUtds, but tt the best tonic in the world; • READ-WHO SAYS SO. - • trout Rei. W. D Seigfried, Teetior of Twelfth" Ss Vet Church. Thilaght• gentkeeea_ I hate gauntly' been. bibultor seder, tie &Arguing effects of indigos tion,acco slanted bye c. MUNI of amputate system. Numerous rmedles *Vit. reesmmesided byttisadep spa some of than ? wt Lout ;slier. Your Roodand's German Bitters %etc r o oommendad lirypersoits who had :tied them, sad w ' Urotable mutton of these Bitten induced tee to the teem -I stud sonfeatthat 4 had's° Wren! gm to Alai-et itezeinee from the ”thonsand and one" angel 4J3ittet whose only aim 'wont to, tte to Ulm' et sweetened s d druttsd.listtor aeon the continuity in - Irelly way, the to o f which, A teas. is to stair many a C• 10. Sneed diunkard. • Upon teaming that noun sou a medicinal preparation l ir teit with happy effect antlon;not only uponlths mach, butt:soothe nervou Odom. was prompt iqd tifying. - feetthat I here derived great and permanent bentedt * from the use at a few bottles. Very respletfally !atria. - W. lk SSJOISIED,No.,264 Tbachamarou ,t. from the Rev. E. D Fert/a . ll, t ilugatarit Edltor cha i" ('hmnfele, Philed% • 'have derivettasseidod benettt &meths use offlooillost Genulm Bitter% azel I feel it_my privilege to reenenne.l them al a-most valuable tonic to all who me antlatlo4 from general debility or from discuses fHsing from the derangement of the Liver. ' Yours ital.'', From Rev. D. Merritt% Pastor of tits Pages:lank Vs! I,st Church. ft MAI& • ' From the many respeetablerwoonumindattans gtv:u Dr. Ffoofiand'i German Bitten,' wactoduced to give t.t m a trial. After hang several bottles, i found them tc ',,, • pod-remedy far debility, and a - most ereeellsot tont for the ',loam's. • - D. MSRRIG K. From Rev. Win. Smith, formerly Pastitr Of the Vin•ert • • town and Htllrllle (V. I ) Raptiat Churches. Raving need In my family a number orbottlas of •••i. th !Tooed', German Bitters, I bare to ay' I regard tiler as an excellent medicine, specially adapted to rem - •re the dtiletaee thleY Are recommended 'or. They sisen,vin-r, and Invigorate the al Item whim debilitated, and are :du MI In disorder! of theilvcr, less of appetite. Ste I et , also recormended their, to 'several of my friend' site, hive tried them, and found them greatly beneficial le tae Milo-ellen of health. Yours truly, • WM. 'MITA, get Mutclithison St, Plulatla. BEWARE, OF COUNTEREITS. See that the stgrtitcre cf '.C. H. JAM:S.3ONi La on the wrapper of each bottle Shontd your nearest drur gilt not hive the wriirl+ not ba plat off by carat the. intoxicating preparattfto thlt may be c tiered In its place, but mid to R 3 an 2 N r will firward, securely picked, by esirega. . ear Principal oak. and Mannf.Letory, No. 631 Arca Stand; Ittdiads/phili. Ps. . . . Ottesessors t 3 C. IL Jackson & Co.,lPropristO:i. Fur ule by druggists and deulers in every, twin truifed Stoke. decno HAYES & KELI,EIVS COLUMN:. DWALING HOUSES. FOR SALE , E Four first clue bulidtug lots on 6th and ith Stan te, west - aide, a pert of the estate of Dr. Hall. This prep.: t is all In one body, end very desirable. Boa L . -ere property for sale.-1323i feet front on fal, between Slate and Patch . We yid sell this prep, cheap. Hutsa and lot on Second street, between Stat. sad Peach. This duirable property contains about E. 1,4 pity lot—fine fruit—honee in 'good repair, and n: ::p sold cheap for prompt pay. ' The due le dwelling Lows of Mra.i.L.Rodgets, . 1 1 Preach sires of Second Haase in the complete rope r. Price low—terms easy. First class three dory brick dialling on sth si Et. east side, flnianed complete, and ;rill be 2011 at . ,r -gain. HOLISM AND LOT FOR SALE—Between Seaming. Eo•t- Myrtle atreetr, on the t ank. House two stories, u... good condition. Price $ 1 , 600 . • We have a Deriber of eery desirable priest* rant 2. :C. e: for gale, worth froth $5,050 to $16,000. 0 .ITPAOS 110010. FOR SaLR--On Chestnut between Ninth and Tenth streets. lions, ham sat llt. Lilting room, dining room, kitchen. Wee bedroor: - .. Closets, teller, eta.. in complete rertir. ' FIRST CIASS DWELLING FOR SALE—On E;r:ith street, bet of St .te. -House new,-lot 53 be .1. feet. STORE, FOUNDRY, WATER POWER AND f t'..! FOR STORES FOR SAIL E.—We offer for sale 1&S le: feet, corner of State and Eleventh streets, and 170 I , r ,tv• byt on State street, south of Llle7's Machine Sho'r . 11 decidedly the best property for wale In the city onchine shops, toe% eta, and will be said in lot, suit the parehasere • : BUILDING LOTS FORSALE. 4 - Full City Lot on Elighth street, betwoin Chastain. Also, the Lot in the rear, on lierepth .1 , convenient to twos!. Very desirthir (of 111thuriletui,u;.. _Two ehOles 'dry Lots on Fourth street, 2d IC.-st Chestnut, ill feet 3 163 fret. , • We have left a number of Building lota on Seroo and Baal° stlee between Holland and Ger1:1110. Ott - high gravel grog and very desirable. Otte awl of Jandon Cherry streetorent. Gem it t. This is a Mae. dry lot. One Toil CHl , lot, corner 'of Sierlinth and Chts to, t. north et e. Price Also; hue on Twelfth St, Al t at Myrtle. fities PM% • • Ten Building LOtewootnet of Eleventh and gait ti'. One - foll , Otty Lot, eorner Tenth and Myrtle Sta. one on Tenth Mt., between Myrtle and Chestnut, ..otth aide. - This 1001elt Street 11 Got being taken up bi I.r ties desiring emetflrit class moldiness. A rum, OITF LOT—Ola 6th street, corner of li%:u f Price $4,600. FOR SALga•namie: of the finest farms in Mill C4n. and Harbor Creek tpi at pane from 476 to' p4.r acre. wiT.LOTII FOB /I,4l4.,—,kmtunber et the most atrabielinifding tote the city on private terms. FARMS FOR SALE BY . HAYES & KEPi:I;R.~ , FOR SALY-14V, serer of the farm of the late Barr, /situated on 81dge Road, onemde trout the c•; .. contain/clan orchard of /50 grafted apple Wiwi no few peach and pear trees. TOR SAVE--100 urea driOod lot, 10 wires improved.; miles from the city. Price, $2O per acre. . . of 85 - aorea in Chautauqua county, ?t,. Y. fit term is located within three mile., of the Lead ohm.- About.7oaorealinproved; *a drat alma dwelling noe.o, gckod Urns and .out houses, young orchard of t r." frniti--ipplei; peaches, plums, eta. Twenty acres, ct Lad and 10 etre. • t . lot, 4to 414 mi tes east ot.lhe city, on the late - Price $l2O a ersicre—willsall the 20 scree separate it di aced. Fine,Lertioe the 20 acres. A F &RR iu Harborcreek, south of the Railroad .6, ton -eo to'loa -coda • containing about 100 acres to* bank bizo 7 looci roodirile d Eionae,ryettog Q/Ct 11.1. —6 to 10 urea of woods—ioil good, and i the- aver Tellllll.B4lY • A FARM north of the railroad atitlon, on the "1 Road 100 rods, ebout 100 artgrg.vo, a sobraotiil t horse, 2 Hoe biros, orchard, oat houses, fin- Thia is in a 4. 1 1.41 atlitcrjergyretioki Price •f t tQo pa arta Fetrt» : Fifty awe firm for Sale - :-idhe - farm of I'. Davi. Mill Creek, ab vat 4X miles - from the city—good pio tit house--o ne -auk tarne-oreht!di RD.; ooit gravel .0.1 bottom lanal•Pricsl4,ooo. •Porsesiden OM lat. ' __HAWN fi KEPLER, - Agente and Rollout in Real Rotate; ' • Wllllll Biockarie, ATTXNTioN . • 102111 A.G , ENTS -- WA.N TED-. thole .wontfrii 'Oki 'best - 11.3 wing , Amongstokitneent.eozotkood,,,will -please aILL,Tdds eel/ Ctrcnh V. IL •Gr, •Le Rome, Site County, Ya. ar A u. A gent for the beat Corn Planter and Dior tr'roisTAirentswantiatoi every to,wsiblp in Nc.!th Vow= Pennsylvania.' • sprig 2.tif saLlario OFF ORLON COST. ' °natal* * Sehtatithicker hare again '45 cettpied their forma, „ _ fetiO - V-A3M-,-8110X , SI . oit E ,- - • , On Peewit street, • few door* eolith of theArelos Dever. will& teas parttealif dattlilded tir the late Ore. thcr have determfned upon selling out their entire stock 01. 808TE1,41R0113,f, BALMORAL% de., • below cost. All parlous - desirous of making gt r. 'r. va la nil obtaisdai s'goodlftadsrstanding; at patty reduced prices, should not faillergive them a call. I mrl.o lit Stir O. 118NNESTT, au - 6;, o r.asvoni ova e s raT e s - asa Straasoos. goi lastr-boari a: rtulaino 9 of o."craeso, 2d door south at tbo Y. IL arab. o n Sassafras stmt. Oettie boars loom 11 o'clJea. A. IL, antil2. P. N. akyl7oOU, m MIME Z. EL FENDALL ..TONEI& EVANS