II J. (1, tit_sg hoed ITEIURSDA.Y. MAY n, 1866. MESTER' CLYMEit, OF BRRKS COUNTY.. - ANOTHER VETO. The President's message, vetoing the 1.i1140 admit 'Colorado into the Union; was fiuly . seut to the Senate on' Tuesday, but thifFbody had not the common courtesy •reed to -lived, before adjourning for the disyi -liv e document is-brief, bat pointed: It (bows the gross inequality to which the lartely populated States would be placed 1)y, axe admission of Colorado. Mu:Presi dent cites the fast that the present basis .31 representation is a Representatiie for smehundil and twenty thousand popu latton,..While Colorado has hutithirty thou:, Kind inhabitants. He adds ,that the new ,N!ate would have a Representative for that number, while New York,-with four runlet's of . People, only has , thirty•three. Ilegdso speaks forcibly of the injustice to the. : eleven older States of the _Union whieh are unrepresented, which wojld be sicaunplished 'by admitting Colorado.— !Mae seems to be little or no, doubt bit t hai r the veto will he atuitained and the bill rejected. -3 - 1NCON811611011P1P1101•11121 , 11. b - cannot avoid, • reading - and, Dr . *ening to the maledictions now ifieweied open the bead of 'President Johnson, by. theAbol4ion preitelio and politicians, reclining the course and language of these wit*. ill!PPleiet the iftee.ief Xr. Lincoln's :leash and the former's inauguration.-- While all the-land mourned - together the stradfil tiniing.eifor the late President; svhiPt` the soldierko:. Lee in Virginia bled their voiced.with thliee of Grant in execration Of thst - murder most .foul and unnatural ; while Johnson in North Cara icni was clenching the hand ofStierman in e common horror at a crimri at oncisti hideous and sod irrational, these Saintly leaiteri..nt the party sounded ' otr :,!great moral ideas," 'professing to be the privy nouncilloor of the Almighty, declared the act: to be not' the wilful deed of Bocith;-but ss direct 'interposition of -Prositionci.— Frciin, two-thirds of the pulpits. in the laud wag heard the exclamation, in -substance, if not in Words: "Abraham Lincoln was too:, gentle, too goOdi) (end saw him to ba en 'unfit instrument to execute his yen 'gestic. upon the PCIPUOMI"' people MT their crimes, and He has removed him to =Ate lay for Andrew Johnson, who will better carry out. Nis purposes." "Like the:sending of Joseph into Egypt," said Darnel S. Dickinson, who, to give him bil dui, cotdd beat, not the Dutch only, but the: Father of Lies himself, at quoting Scripture, "like the sending of Joseph into Egypt, the murderers 91 Abraham Litjfoln meant it for evil, but God means it for gnat." "I thank my God I" ex claimed the meek and lowly Butler, "that in taking that life the rebels have left the iroli band of the people to fall on them 1" "'God." protested . the expert Chittenden, of .New York, ( confidential clerk of St. John the Divine, and agent for several /eadiog ,cotton mills in Massachusetts, "Gc r ni intended that Abraham Lincoln should be removed, in order that. the pro per punishment should be Imposed upon the; authors'of this rebellion." "He has gone from - us," shouted the suave i and codciliatory Cheever, "in order that a mis. .onsible and mistaken leniency Should not enter into.the policy of our Government towards tie rebel chiefs." And, sum ming up the glad tidings of great joy in bey/ unhesitating female way, a leborah of the chosen people, Anna E. Dickinson by' exultingly declared at the Cooper Instittite, New York, "Abraham Lincoln's - special mission being mom ! . pill:hod in the triumph of the national a X iPs, Providence saw that his - kind heart oiatd not . -permit him - to hang quite so any traitors as would sectire our country against, future rebellions, and' so disposed of him through the instrument of the re bellion itself, for hbrown historical im mSttality; and to snake plate for a sterner and less merciful successor." ! Ilere, then, .we' have it clear and plain —4 deer, to plain that he who runs may rend, and the wayteiring - man, though a tottl, -shall .not 'err therein. Abraham Llcoln, these authentic tribunes of the Goipel assured us, had forfeited his right tolclive, bad outlasted his usefulness in G 4 's divine economy, and so was consid erilely put out out 'of the way, made a Imartyr of, and his body deposited, as the Tott‘iic at the time told its readers, "in a coitn gotten up on a-scale of unsurpassed magnificence and grandeur, at a cost of nersgy two thousand dollars, and utidoubt egy the most beautiful thing ot \ the kind ever manufactured in this country” —his soell in the gratitude and the school books onts countrymen t There were difficul ties in our mind, at the time lathe way of Incepting this cheerful faith. It was hard for:tur to believe that Providee would select such maliciously dispose*. persons as otter and Cheever as the' 4.poneite ofkie purposes on earth. It was hard to thlielc the Author of the Sermon on the lerciunt as acceasory before the fact to as sassination as a means to vengeance. To , clqtabt it, however, was to dottbrthe infal libility of more And;ore vociferous prophets than ever Is: possessed. If yciii 'said that to believe it was tai impugn the decorum of.the Divine dianCery, and the archangelic ministrentS of Heaven's will, and to - make Wilkes lOoth an inno, .ciat if not an admirable being, you were sure to call down upon (year bead the cli§isett imprecations of the tinge& ere& turns Who claim te, be He_ a _ vice ge. rents in America. ie revive the assertions of the" people at'that lime for the sake of calling atten tion to the sontrast between Hie ribald abuse of He-Johnson at:their hinds cow, aid their steam& then. If it be true, aslberthttl3 prophesied, that Mr . 'Lincoln w; $ removed at the hands of the Almighty that Andrew Johnson might be giiren an "bprirtunity to carryout His will, is it not Wileked-.—nay; is it not eseriligicius in them tit endeavor to thwart the acts of his min: inter? Either they were false prophets at that day o ey are at this. If Mr, Lin. coin wakiiille by God's command, that Ms. Johnson m t better execute the parpoistef Heaven, what sacrilege !ode. 0. f 1 44 1 0 1 ppUoy 9 flow wrong 1 ° ca ll !• him "ttilitor t " itiid Weal h, u Chesser _time:Jai did. t 8 "biteep kith trom power." :the saintly people who make the-plate forms aad carve out the othirseof the Bad• teal party, have got themselves into aesd plight.' To acknowledge that they Were mistaken last Year, is td prove the falsity of their chicle as toe spokesmen of Prov idence, and to i mpair their, standing with the people. — Let them lake either hoio of the dilemma, and they will find it rathei difiliult to explain thek_position. • _ CM The Reading lea: cue; published in the city of Mr. Clymees residence, states that in every instance when he has run-• for the -Senate he has polled more than the full Democratic vote of Berke county. In 1860, when he was first elected, ton fill a vacancy, be had 2831, mejority. 7 7lB more than Mr. Mcilenty. the Congressional clin dilate at the seine time. Again, in-1861, when he was elected for the full term, be had'4424 mejority-tha largut , by from 110 to 400, of any , emaciate upon the Deriacrotic ticket of that year. He' led the highest of his colleagues on the Legislatiie ticket 03 votes. In 1864, When he was re-elected to the Senate, he had 6561 majority, 221 more than' Mr. An'cons, candidate for Congress: , Mr..Clymer has never been guiltY of tha trick of electioneertn 4: for rtes personally, in order to mantifscitire Paper popularity, by runpipg . abseil aids collealtnesatt, has bees inn. orably content to stand with them - fitly and sinitely before the: people,and abide their verdict. The • Gamtie adds.: ' Our friends abrosd mai rest assured that Clymer is all tied at home, Whatever unscrip wlous opponents matassert to . the contra lti; and that Old , Barka will roll alp far him a msjority talky equal to his desert ing, and wertby of her atscient'repown as the banner comity of the State. „ . _ ::.'Arm the ersistenk claims of the Bed labs to be the peesliaifrieeds then:ti dier, it may 'surprise tbs . pitblioto learn that the Senate last week refused to con tra the aPpMettisentfotGea t Prank- P. Blair as CORector at Loafs. No charge against his competency or fitness for the place was made, and the- sole reason of his rojectioille admitted to belie endorse meat of the President's policy. The re jection of Blair is buggestive. He embark ed in the war at its very Moset l and kept in it to the end. the possible ex ception of Capt. Lyon, the wed:4 of pre verting the formal secession of :Missouri is due to Frank Blair more than to any other amain the Union. :He was a frfeluf and favorite of Linfidn down to the day of his death: Yet became he is 'pied. the new policy of the tbsy-at-home radi cal., they refuse to allot him to share in the honors of the government 'which he did.oa much to isainio! II is stated that wien Gen. Grant beard of his rejection. he Warmly denounOed thwack and de clared that if any man in America .de• served to be rewarded for his services, it was Frank Blair. tea negro riot in Memphis, of which we publish a full and candid report on the first page of, this week's Observes, should teach our national authorities a lesson. It may be that this riot is to be repeated in all parts of the South where negro troops are stationed. We hopenot. Butne one can be blind to the fact that there well be difficulty, in carrying out any plan of re construction if those two hostile elements. no doubt purposely placed so by the rad icals. a black military force te overawe a loyal white population, come together. In the Memphis business we see that a small detachment of United States regulars sup pressed all difficulties. Is it not better, then, to have - in all disquieted districts the negro troops withdrawn and their places supplied by United States regulars? ;f one regular is worth a hundred black soldiers, the United States treasury will gain much by theeschange, and the court :try be saved froM such outraget as have lately occurred inMemphis. The subject is worthy the consideration of Congress, thb. War Department and the President. Tui Disunion leaders in,the Senate . . de clare their fi rm intention of ilefusing to confirm any 'appointments'. which the President may make, unless, they are - 0 their own dirk and, disgusting shade in polities. A stormy time was had in Y.:- ect4 l 7e some days' ago, which is .thus described by the Washington cores pondent of the Tribune,: • An attempt was made by Senator Cow an to get the appointments ot.Sloanaker, Collector in Philadelphia, Kid Johnston, Collector in Allegheny, and others, con firmed. To this several Senators demur red, and some pretty plain talk-waii had upon the subject of removals because the °Mee-holders would not follow the Presi dent. A resolute determination was de veloped to confirm no. appointmen ts Where Radicals hid been removed, and where men were appointed because they were the especial friends or pretended friends of the President and hie policy. Tag Bellefonte Press (Disunion) having stated that Gov. Curtin "will do all he can to secure Geary's election," the HarrisbUrg Patriot responds that 'he "Will do no snob thing. Ira is plodgad is the support 'of President Johnson—bas refused to preside or participate at antijohneon meetings of Geary's Imp ;pavers—and, unless ,he has changed within very few days, will do nothing to the election of a Disu nion•opposer the President." We do not question that the Governer lest heirs a friend of Mr: Johnson's policy, but we seriously doubt his courage' to make it publicly known. He belongs to the class of men, tor common in Pennsylvania, who are ready at any time to sacrifice . their dearest, principles for the sake of a little temporary popularity and' person's' ease. Tim Ottisasts or rns Wet.—ln his let ter to the recent Johnson meeting in _Brooklyn, Major Gen. Dix said: "I am of opinion - that it is both politic and just to bring back into the trniOn'as speedily as bit): the great body of the Southern people who were forced or de• luded into a treasonable resistance to the authority of the Government." In bit letter to the SI. Louis bleating, held to rejoice over the proahunstim of peace. Najaf. General 'Frank P. -.Blair ssid: “Thcse who have tattered nothing and done nothing, but who, on the contrary, have made the wars an occasion for profit and a means for personal advancement— staying at home and making loud profes sions of loyalty—these are the greatest and onlyobstacles to the peered ?atom lion as ioaintensns imam” " ' 4)2111t. WARM AT 'IIO,IIE. gi 4A/P1 lIMLLAADA I J A 1146101119116 The Richmond Pdtgairai has been guilty &no lot of "'disloyalty " Which addi eh 'other Ai the many in lieatlopit the tut tinessOF to'be mbeitted to, tU rights itt ihnitnien. Dioved ' bL th'e eon intuit etwiensiMiswf itte Radice's .ke rep• resent " the voice of , the nation;" and by , their acrimonious appellation i of " tor" and " copperhead " lo all who un• dertake to thwart tbeir design', it has se tually_bad the hislnideneettklonk over the consus r eport, and exainine" the election returns' of file court try :The inveit iga sioa has led it Into the following alarming conclusions: Taking the vote betWaMt . Lincoln and Medlalla3 as furniabtag the test between Republictusismond PitOotismon the one hand. and Copperhead' sin and Treason on the other. the Salim will stand thus : , 4 Liecoln 2 203,831, McClellan 1.707,019; or a majority for the former 'of 406,812. . e number of Conservative Or Johnson Republicans has been estimated as a fifth of the whole party. This modifica tion being made, :She loreeohig Storrs would read : Patriots, 1,763,065 ; Traitors. 2.237,785—maj0rity for the , Tridters, 474.- 720. • - .. •• - - But thliunhappy exhibit must show a still greater balance on the wiong The South is yet to be counted—u the southern people are ill traitors. we have but to ascsirtido the aggregate of their woo- tem. We find that the Southern Slates, excluslie of Kentsuilcy and Missouri, and omitting " West Virginia," soicalled, cut its the, Presidential election of 1869, an aggregate vote of 870,901. These, accord ing to the doctrines of the day are all traitors.lS necessary for , ass public safety to esclude,them from ill position under the government. and the, are in feet denied even is hearing. ! They are never consulted ; they are only command ed.. Addible last number to the previous, and the pel stands Patriots , 1,763065 Traitors. 3,108,686; oramsjoritvof 1 345 - 621 for the Traitors.- Deduct' Botts and , Calvin Pepper. and the dreadful majority still -remains 1,345;519. Thhi is a very alarming show fir the safety of the coun try; and of thribestgOvernment that the wend aver saw. • -•-• • • Wu ever assuranoe more, bold than this ? • To think of a Itetitel".. paper prov ing-by plats and figures, which cannot be dielnited.lhat the saints are scarcely more than a third of. the people! • . . . .wrantost. The public gezumsfly will ba surprised to learn that at a : recent Cabinet meeting Beeretary Stanton, who has! heretofore been cliiined by the RadiatlS, forma4ly gave in his adhesion to the Tresident's policy, and announced hie intention 'to "fight. it Cut on that line." The Disunion', ists who had been led to believe that hi was one of. their molt reliable digisactly &mita - the ellesplinn at_ firat, but it not samna.admitted to, be correct. The ATatimestistegyeartr, which is the ao. - orediied - " i Ezetmtive organ, reaffirms its original report of Stanton's pOsition in the followintpositive languages- "This 'community_ does not expect the ratagroei ) to reaffirm its statements of what it has published as reliable matter of fact ; and we should not now refer to the denials of the verity of onr. report of what transpired .. .recently in Cabinet council concerningrealoration, were it not that we have a ;comment to make upon the sub jack and also to aver upon authority from many intelligent sources, the further fact, that Mr: Stanton spoke at some length, and was more pronounced or emphatic than oar carefully prepared report sta ted." Oss of our acquaintances was accus tomed to tell a atm of a tough old roos ter, which his stepmother onoe conclude to kill and cook for dinner. The old cock was. decapitated and boiled; but upon serving hini it was found that no knife would out his stubborn flesh. lie was again put into the pot and boiled for ano. thee day---still it wee iinpOssible to masti cats him. The cook then concluded to roast him, which was accordingly done, but the voreralde fowl was proof against all attempts to eat him'. Asa last resort, ,a chicken pot pie was made, hi which the 'old and irrepressible "Shanghai" was put, end after a thorough baking, in the oven, he ras brought to*tb and placed on the Uhl% but after the guests , were seated the old rooster stuck his head op through thei4tiit and crowed I Outraged at this the Old., lady threw him over the back fence to the pigs*. The story applies-very well as an illustration of 'the policy of the party which sustains General Geary °for Governor. The disunionists ,within the fire' or _six -years they have held power , 4 • have been, engaged in making a political dish that would be aoceptable to thcPett• pie. They haivi stewed-it, and boiled it. and cooked it.-hut with all their efforts the woolly bead of the niggei always per aids in coming to the lop. The American public, for whom the dish is intended, are becoming disgusted, and before-long will pitch woke, kettle and all out of their sight. Ems representative body! of the Re. publican party that has spoken since the passage of the district negro suffrage bill, has taken grounds in favor of admitting the negro to the ballot box. !See the re cord : An Abolition Congreas,iby a unani mous vote, declare for negro The Pennsylvania Legildare, by the same kind of a vote, indorse: negro suf frage. All the Abolition gatherings have indorsed negro suffrage. ~Every leading Republican paper. in the country has in dorsed negro suffrage. Thut the tettite ilePublioans, and there are thouiends of thein, will see' that the issue is)midly made, by their leaders, and every vote cast for the party in power is a vote firr negro equality. White laboring men, think and act. ' We are gratified to learn of the confir mation by the Senate of the heroic robber and devoted patriot, General Joiep P. 'Knipe, as Postmaster at Kar Mum. He takes the place of the nottiiietui , Bergner, whose filthy sheet, the Harrisburg lea graph, has well earned the reputation of being the most unscrupulous and 410- cable An Pennsylvania. General Knipe, like most of his brother soldiers, is a fer vent supporter of Presidenk• Johnattabia policy, and has the courage *skips to 4..; bor for its success. - • - •J . Tua Rochester IN" • alluding to the fushia of the Demeorats end the dolmen in 'the' sth Indiana. dlitilet; say. the UM course should be adopted eivrywhare‘ remould and party snteee. &ids ahould be held to be of no account in the Coagreadonal eleationL The issue is union Under 'the rrtsidsnt't policy, br dlialnioa airier the scheme of the tory of fifteen and their parthoulain Con, Rem, On thalami that alone 'the Cow . f t ._ ,! . .11 === t?may ~:3sv~+E.'• 112 tilt RADICAL. A Radlsatili . Montag, who, Weill South thoroughly fm , .-. with the belief that Mr. Summer's - p.hook stood next to theßible; if 1 dim it, as the word of truth, has ten a letter to ',the io the Chicago Times, in whij h he records a marvelous change of tinrent. The following ex tract will b4ound instructive : :II •fore , log. South Iwa ;a stanneb .believer in ell those ridiculous reports. gotten up nnprineipled politician,-in regard to• .xlistoyalty of o the Southen people, an" l openly argued the rigid pel e icy urged Stevens.' Sumner & 00. But. in justicilp a brave and noble people, I will sayl have utterly failed to dis cover th ritich-talkeit-of-Areasiti. Oa the coo r itt• y, I have foncd a intiverealde airs for ce and union.• I confess that on arriv ' here I cherished all the preju dices of it true Radical collard thesedown troddectieople, but tat opinihn Islip uo dergonan entire change, and I am now fully co ruiced of gross wrongs that inercif party now in power. I hope this have a heaped upon them by the un tol3 unjustyeatmeut of a brave but fallen too may forever—that the fraporta got ten u npolitical demagogues, who em ploy dew pens in fabricating falsehoods of thireepest dye, may no longer deceive the N Meru mind coocerniom affairs in the Southe rn States. They are - all' false— only fotended - to continue the . deminint ply is power. , kis the •great desire of the' Southern • 1 .ple to bury the dark deeds of the past ouryears and Meet the Northern people with renewed love. With this feeling ex isting in their bosoms. is it not a hinting shuneahat they are daily subjected to the met- galling Wallis from a party, who •would gladly see them deprived of every veitige of frwidom.l rank the Northern people. how is it possible that a people, after .undergoing all the horrors of a war of plunder, shoo d tend their aid-to • ger remelt which seeks to degrade - and en slave theta 2. It is .an ',linpossibiliLy. and if; persisted is-will.-before !orig. create an tutilyinghatrad between thelgo sections. Let any other course be-pursued. and Is kind, brotherly feeling • will spring up at Once. __ , - " rite expressions of hatred and deep 're venge that daily ascend from the halls of 'Congress to high heaverronlyAend .in-: 'crease the wounds of the nation. In• the name of God. then, r let those who repre sent the people-in eur National Legisla ture cease their. persecution and •turn their attention to the derelopmental this resources of our vast countyy. Remove the scourges that now oppress the sunny Smith, 'lnd. her desblaterdeldi itfiald' made to blossom as the rose. Could. Mr. Stevens ,or some Of him disci- - plea have attended a mass meeting here a short time ago, in indorsement of the pol icy pursued 47 President Johnson, think' they would be \ less abusive of the South in the future. The" speeches made were by Southern orators to Southern audi since. I failed to hear one word that breathed the spirit of disloyalty. Atter a, few remarks from the,presidinikeiplana torf of the meeting, Hen. Walker Brooke, formerly United States Senator from this State. was introduced to' the assembly.— Scion his voice filled, the hall, end could the noble sentiments he expressed have reached the halls of Congress, the politic- , al "thugs," woos. presence there disgraces the memory of our . forefethers, would have been mule to blush With shame at their own perfidy. Mr. Braloke's remarks convinoid nib of hie great powers as it pro found statesman. ' I had the honor of hearing his eu10..7 on-the d4th of. Henry Clay, delivered before the United States Senate. A few more such. men as Mr. Brooke coirld - do more to calm the turbu:' lent sea of political discord that now ex ists than a thousand such vulgar dema gogues as now disgrace our seat of govern ment. All the statements male before, the Re construction Committee by certain mill tars officers of high command, I belitve to be a palmier( talsebbods,`oniy intended to continue themselves in office. Let the th only have fair play, and the whole wor • will soon be convinced of her ear nestness for peace and friendship toward the North. I wish, for the benefit of our whole counVy, that every unbelieverpould be as fully convinced of the real state of affairs as myself. W1,1111,T Is -FEARED The' enemies of the_ President have boasted that they, eared nothing foi him. or for the attempted aerobe of any pow er he might assume to poissesi. But they 'have evidently 7' waked up the wrong than, ""'and one. begin to see the con sequences resulting from. their ceuree...- The Washington correspondent of 'tke Radical New York independent gives cater &nee to the following The President is prepring - for the fall election—there is no longer a doubt on the subject. To a Pennsylvania member, who remonstrated with hice.npon rem,- in; a tried Republican from, office. he " I am for rotation, end this is but the beginning of whet I mean to-doej-, - Brit ke rotates Radicals Out and,Conset valises in. The wheel Is set is motion for the purpose of liting down the Re• publicans in the 40th. Congress.. There is DO longer onf attempt at concealment among the Preiddent's friends .4m this. point; indeed, - they threaten . Con'gress.if it, does not recede, - that the Opposition will be permitted to gain"control of the next Congress. , _ The -issue is already made up. The President demands the Instant admission of the rebel Stab* to representation, and Congress- asks furtherguarantbas.. The de cision rests - with the people. It may as well be understood et the outset that in every weak disti ipt th e President will use his patronage against the Republicans.. Tat New York Tow ii one of the few Reptiblicsn papers which sustain Mr. Johnson's policy. It condemns. boldly the Radical, plan to keep the South out Of the Union unless it throws itself into the hands of Stevens and Sumner, ist;ti plainness deserving of commendation. de dares that " to propose to piatida a .sohote people to suit the, part4an etmvenienee of those tohe dictate the penehy, is an Move von. ties and common Auntemity. With all their errors and faults, the Southern people have shown that they are not commis.— They will not belie their nature by Writing themselves down slaves, at the bidding of a Committee appointed . to consider the question of reconstruction. If we would do aught to hasten the result which all moderate men admit to be exceedingly desirable, it is necessary without mire sdo to discard the idea'of eenstiottiered ehieges es the. eolulitiswprecedent of the re-stheissfrt,of - the South to amiss. THAT is the primary step toward - recoustrudion, practice* considered, and we shoild Vapre r tered tp take RAW the ground' of exhttnglighto, subjecilt4 to , the lewful. test. of , nil fitness. To sr/Weide - and al most indiscriminate punishment ass pre liminary measure—to call for concessions Implying the relation of supplicants SU doubts ior farina, inatead . of-eitlairia' in; elating lanais_ their right-TO -.41.14011 ciontaision of' inferiority Witlk.ontr_breatit, while with another adioitting t#ta cast. ewe of oonstitutional.equaliii4-144 mule feinaiiiireadYflai* too A 1 4 31 400r. jthislll 'WO Joint lit, have thus far vein* eta ES2 ~. • nil U 111146021111 AT Worts.—ln Wiseen- ' sin k Weeping dileapitation it the o;deit of the dayjtetulaaters and Volted - Stab's Mirshntla being aim I Adrift and lothers put in !their , places!: Senator Doolittle and AiStitSpg t °Manistee' . General Randall •• have the • tarot ofLthe.patronaie. In Minnesota the same policy is ptirsaed, and I the some sort of men are appointed, tic , 'dei m the siioerviiiiiiii of senator Norton'. --_, In issouri, 4 .'clninge'' le thcnrder of the 'day., In likostss"`,sonic mtnifiee'chanmi have bee - PI - made, but in the mild the. lea4jtie elliiii4 slii [ - Off 112)0tisiden,q 7 Ini Pennsylvania the work is going for- Faird isyshunatietilyk il In'itu:fittaburi and Philadelphia districts, by Jutige Keliy . an4 Govingir Morehead; the principal offlca-boilers 'all been re• PI. 1 r, c d, ..1. 1 has been authoritatively - -4 Avely announcet. from Washington, and nowhere and by no One contradicted; ,that, ,Gais,.6Tant is 1244 only au earnest supportei'of . Presl. (het Johnson's policy, but that he baa de clued I thet:President has not gone far ermines in his antagonism or`.hostility to " the Disnionists at the other end - of the line "—the Stevensei, - Sumnei . s,-: Wades, :414 who are distracting the public tided, k ping finance and tradirmueettledi and, deeying representation to •.the Southern' Stipa unconstitutionally and :for- no just . or legal reaue. This eff4tually. settles' Gen. atakit'enoaltion. " I Ton 114talitui., Of'Pittsburg; Who was a =tuber ot the Convention that nominated Geary. says the General is a warm endoi-. - .viol Med. Steven's cigars:3'in Congress; • Whet that has been May be easily under= Stotod from , the following quotation from: ono of Stevens' apeeohU : !,, "This. Union , war- shill, with-iny von sent, be restored. tinder , the . Constttuiion uit is.'! . • • . • ' . lx ei:ohiusips &Ail: Is not the Indiiin min staninether ? If he-is, why 'is he asnlesl yetis Ander th e Itadiesl plan of reennstrusiiion 1 0 ' Tile is not, will esmSeic, l dyibe kinii-enough to point out the pai ticistars In Which he is inferior to the, MNheti Notices. How Booyntsa.—How stiblieasly.be4difui are the sweet strains of melody. se they come) bona, to Mt uputi f tha wings of evenizir—how it ills the heart with gladnesi Vet; midst all, this joy and liaPPlnies;how ip mars our pleasure tu sea our neighbors or compauions suffering from the ravages of a violent cough or an obstinate cold. The'smithitig; quieting properties of Cces Cough Balsam allay alt the irritation, ea Will speedily euo thew ost bstinsde`ca of croup, cough,ti'''#e theist sad•iallsossa. "ski! it - freely. - ' ' Pireirr Meniotnii.-=-If faith. would cure disesse r our physicians' -occupation would .be ,gone. The afflicted need only Feed the laver lisements in the papers to be made whole, but the noettuni*prepared 'by these psendodoc tori_does not_often back unlhi faith inspired by their advertisements. Wndo not wan to condemn alt so-called pateijt medicines, for some have been found to be very valuable. Its -this class,we would include Coe's Cough &a uto, for &Tete,- croup, hoarseness, &c., and Coe's Dyspelda Cure, for indigestion, dys pepaht and al troubles of the stomacher bow els. They have been tested in thousands 'of mutes: - Odr dealers all sell them. "Arriaortott.—Why will you suffer the tn roil sad afflictions lncident. to a - disordered state of the liver, ,Qr digestive organs, whin} a certain remedy is Within _your reach ? Roof land's Germaa:BittertWUL cure you. - It you will only discard your prejudice, and give this article a trial You will never regret it - . YOIT etamsch wilt trerttlengttletlea and regain l i t, original vigor, and - yon will be able to digest your food satisfactorily. These Bitles ire for sale by, all druggists, and are not aln . hello. mall:2li tbactininananoa.-Why put off yotir Sure? If you an ettfferiag wttbihe dyspepsia, liver., complaint of weakness of the digestive . or.; ' gone 4o not delay. but resort- at once to the use of Rookies Ginnie Bitten: We posi tively and unhesitatingly Say, they will cure yen, _st . they have done with thousands Of easel before you. For sale hy all druggists. They are notik beverage, • : • mal7.2w. The reel tetPie Fria** Pills shisulduot be usid-during l a-oertain-time, as they will surely' bring on. a ; mil osaiiim : , l3old by. All drug., gists.myB-Im. . • ser ClarkA Brother, Wholesale audit*. tail Dealers its Otinfeetionery: Oysters, Nailed Fruit,. Statioitery, Yankee Notions : , Nacre' Goods, Toys, Cigars, 'Tabasco, Pipes, Am, West ; Side of Peach Ftreat. 1 Square South of the . llnion Depot, Erie, Pa. Also , Dealers in ell' kinds of Country • Produce:. Particular Woollen paid to filling country arders. - lfii'D. W. Hitehisson, United States , Claim Agent, Girard, Penna._ PIMILIOSi r Biel; Pay, Bounty, and all other claims against the Goy. ernmentottended prourptness.thavole nameable, . Applicationebysnailittended to the same as if made in person. (jalB tha.) Piorsase.— Persona wishing to proeiro per mute Jof, themselves Or,4members of:their fan. files, should call uthe Mallory of Mr. Obiwiler. In Rosenzweig's block. Ills specimens _of work 00111Vitlee_1111 that he is an artist who his fete superiors. The-thvong• or visitors to his rooms are an indication that hisuerits are daily becoming better known ind'oppreelstett , by the public. ; • tumulap. VaWhat Nay 14 lot the itec-Mr. Rtareed, Me. Nelson Rabbiloot of Ilk amt. and Ahead& J. Kirkland, at El bard. On the ld of Kepi by Rev: W. tiollletei./fra Merlotti Ohioer, and ra r. John 2 atedatit, both . of Clon'andi At Bpritioldioitar Ysidetlle , oatba irith.llts by the R. Runnel T. Lord. lir. Franklin Batt and Mho Meg igto Brisker, both - of Woodville. At Wmit Sprlmeidd.. 710 n .111. by' Pad: D:Prisesion Kr. Wm. • Johtuom and itst Augusta Fit:kinder. ell Or Ckmnoont. . r 1 , Alln the Jbth . lnh at Moorhoodville. hyltev. Quo F. Coln, lir. Charge W‘ WOO% et Botta. Pe .to 161 - L. Colhertion, chinghtir of Thermo L.. Culbertson, Erg On the 10th Isist,lbir Clemeand. at the no. Until of the bride's vitiate. Mr. Win. H. Foliar, and Kim listen C. ItortmesAll of Worth Rut tp.. . At the nion Honor •to Vetroixo Goren'. h, A_peU 12, Hr. N. IL Dialli, of Cassenno tp, anstinm Slab d. Oramy,Si Watetford tp. • In !amine, on the 4th hitt, tof John Thompson, Jr., Intmlir• David Mar/A7.ol,Cumwago tp..Crovfor4 Co; to Auk Polly Barber, of Mk tp. • Is tbla an/. Mary tp, Roland Clara. jaaliiilo'ailt of J. P.asd Yaw A. Polak% Ijedo aioatbs. 4 11a14e little abildmi to coon unto ma. and: forbid sham sot, for at snob la the tiara= of Hossint." , ?to ilaaeral sill tabs place at Ito,"eloell as.-toobef. roar (rriday), it 'their rultbsiaa, tiortlmist, Sops? Ai sad Ilasaatru streets. . . [Disputa pleattreiipy.3 • Irais4.l, Kat* daughter of A. P. said 8.11. Burka, aged 11 months. - •ig 00 : 11 / 0 1 1 / a l ld. Cbsalei Fredevieklafaat moo of Joh& aad Carollse lfautack, apd 11 wed:. • •• - te gueutitkaptil 21111 t, after • liege dig illasse, In. • Kam, Jobaritotgedlthgethre. ' • • t he Plttehgrgit,,44.D Pik !Otis D'aidity, 147.. Weal Sc. of Jane 8.71. Oath -111 aggie`L'Thisi kmos. and Ildnik •L,., • • - • - L o,c Ouththileata.'4l- _ 111%.41. M.Hsll.-witasillol. 4 diegebter otJoe. and Lodiskyßrtadhl. Of Bprta • Pa.; *god 213pesea. /1 With lipetiefisld;Apstl 14th, Jo hiss L. 4 1 thih• ter of Altman Broth. AIM /0 Paillat4 3 tap. , la North 'Ea" May IDA of Cousuitipthia, Dein L., Welter of %thee litirdy p aged 2441114 7 _ A la Gloard„ Cy_ Bd, at th e reathesee Dettlei yen,: O fn. P Lififstlit 13,,Totiiist. aged 75 yam Othouths sod 11' . I ILI9 Li r e iud w a , to CtLeart; nosae. 11 lattle„tuothar of . Dr.. 9 f J.l 4 , 51 , 00 1 10 1.uh1ard. P 7 .12 1. • Is this elty, Apell 22th, Teed. irortrisoit of Fred. A' sad nth I. jUlikut A'S i siogrial4o. and 20 Maw Tintelinsitatoro AID itlVllupoll4 tb• Wien &IA ogotthiero'rotnvo, avow °then, who Beier from hlobillo Debility preeistor,a Defy itaahoo4, iweetheiliTitaksali AiiiegcatiUm 1141°31 ' 1a / I ga ocl4 lo 4 .o#ll l o•N"ifilkiniglOor, loolfewolehomitallyhtliiitorthottEthor. 1811 , 41 ' /14, 0 1 1,englittatio iSOF ..4A•atoUs- Vivo( t* iiinuticas JOVgiAL Of THAMCV. Vat 1865, edited by Was. Proctor,'Jr., Professor of Pharmacy to the Philadelphia Colle;rolTritsaaly.—"Will the ittiotibstracteigolostoistliN3litag otho.high price, o salt we - leave Mae iiathoritatiee &Scat one of the • foramilaahy witiih we ran matratbedt at a more reason ahlet011? If the tatter, stall the ehan;e be he the qt attty'of the asioateistn, or Le fhe manner 14'014h:1)r 1t404 atrlorwitice tit quantltj_iequinifol Can there be a conrocatiOn of the Committee of ftwrlalon to au, thortee emu* new method or medlhmitton of the net sent Wilk r.litira ter the contemrlsted eti..tiale the, um, titi, i n Ihe wroqtennm !the.% in the pre r,- • a tko pf 0114 ertie li.l rwill take oc.7aillm that, two 11.7; aetbebeatte lisepinftweasehislyeast • palled. The cost of the material is sorotthicr i but w 4 put tato the scale with human health, and o ten human life, it is . hardly wittbr of consideration at all. YT Baehr! (Efeitabold:9 7111 continue to be , rita:le f.? l,lo o l 7;andlettpuissibt soluitslasist ow, they sill bite to I e advanced to mee. the itdrance in the srleeof,miteriaL To inch as desire quantity in stead of quality, we would say that water is a cheap commodity, and may be readily added by the person iltilagthaptodic4ie if he desires to do so. &i. TAIELLISBOLD. Druzilst and chemist, 691 Broadway, Newyork City. Comm, COLD 0a Poen Toirnir—Rcquil es fr.. medisfei attention and 'should bo elreeked.' If altered to continue, inflation of -the' !loose,' n permanent throat affection or an leen:Md. Wog amass is 'often the, molt.. Brain** Bronchial Troches hiving a direct laihmenCe on the parte, give Immediate relief. For bion chltisotethms.'istarrh, coMnuipttimeand throat diseases Troches are used with always good success. Florets sod Public Speakers will dud Troches .ureful in clearing the voice when taken befo.erslnging or ineaking, and retiree thithroat Uttar an nutmeat oration otos vocal arcane: `Tim Troehis are memo/ended and preicribed be physi cians and have had lisetteconials 'from sediment men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, ~rind having proved their efficacy by a teifol niay. jure, each year finds them In new localities in rariPlas Porto' of the world, and the Troches are nnitersally 4 pro: bunted batter than any other article. Obtain onlj "Brown's Brustet - rtaTroihrt,". and dp not tato any of the wortbi4s..Smaktiogi tbpt casylos offered. Bold everywhere to disUojtedilltdokiunt.inforelgn coin. tries at'Betents pet 4 It ;03 _ QO/111_ G - NSW S • It ditskis c Cointry tStater:Dregglata.aad allatelday " hosughditPretWitOtidosm Foe " br , l6.4tica Thaleariditice. tase4witedaifd itt,t - par day et. - • - 4t rr k 00111VIlannrirs,193 %lasi St , N.-Y. N O rites. lino caffeine ship heretofore exielog betwein tit* 111=rdolor briefness under the Arm auk.* of golL'has Ude day been dissolved by inntual eon sot.- Thebooke and aeannota pial.be found ;at tbe old stand, when perms indebted to or lieilog Claims against the firma will ;dearth call for settlement. _ PHILIP MC to 11", Nay PO 464 t. MICH A • L KNOLL. PA• •- Pealed proposals wit bek mitered by the ander cilFrant.l liolutay..inmi 4th, 1860, at 8 o'clock p. m. l a el day, tar grading, muting and paving with mace, .or Nicholson, pavement.. according to apecitlca , ions,, Instil stmt, from•the end of the preicnt plivectont: at Pdurtb Street, to the north aide of Front street Proposals should be addteved "To the Stl bet Com- Mittel tb•City Of Erie," and ondorred ''Proposale for N'teeta," and the pri a bid will be by the foot' lineal on the doievemtoseing the vales cost of remne lag the earth to grade, and t' .ncht`points as she wet !Mations shall deelgneo., and ailing tn, preparatory to paving, with - mad or ravel, and tarnishing the date dale, as pet sp. eteeations. Plana and Opeellictlions will be on exhibition at the ONO of WM. /1. Galthalth, MK. l on West ro:xth St, a. It. IC.O RN, mart-td Int!°STANT NOTIOHr. I ' . Lod Sow, 834 lbe for. __L._ 8103 But "nate coffee, ao:, 8 He 108 Blows do.; 9 lbs. • ' - • 1.00 . . TEA AT ONE DOLLAR,AND lIPWARDI. The ion to fa the witted st • 8/0 4. Choice Homy Syrup, per ......... 40 Prlsteokl Java Coffee, per lb SO. • • ' RELY. RAISING ITLOTJR. No &slily should be withoet it: EierybAy is using_ it. To be had aa we are the agents`. • CaU and get one of thole PATENT • talIP CHIMNEY CLIIATCP.I93. -The rarest thing out, • 1 • 01PCIP 4INLIALS CHOICE POTATOES. • idst etts - 4,lisii:rAll of the alien, goods we will sell ebraper alai the cheapest. • • • ' rAr All our goods ars - neiicliarlogJast been received We !invite all to muslin for *minimise,. saitiVdd:tf ; CHRISTIAN & FARRAR' IIALL••• SAM BYARS COMBINATION OP 31,TAISPISD PERFORSIEBS ABE COMING] ARE COMING f.! TigundaY Evening, 4NY 24 0 1 _ . Thur4ay Evening, May 2.4 a Ito tlwd Yeteotion I Feeelted in the illy of Erie last hollorbete I bad tbs-bonor .1' playing 20 nights, has i. - dated tie to-orisit yoto onto, with s company o• Ld4■ sad poilettew selected dating toy retest star engage newts ft= the •ptinelyel 'theatres in Atatzles... They will appear in, • gamy; TRAGICDr AND Line. rir gell m 1741 of the day. SAM RYAN, Diicetor FAMILY SUPPLY STOILS, 223 and 24 ~y i,sl Park, (Beatty's Bfoek,) icauc, E.A. - Wholegate and Fiats!' Ri O . C E rf: S , And ..l lc COlnif SY pRODITCII. * mot, rots, FITT , • DRIED . /s SIVALED WOODEN & WILLOW WARE. ) TOBACCO, swiss, &C., &C. ; ' " Vie Rot Qualities of Petits evd Oils. li lientir fir the Cleveland !tido Wu; Id Blastio' Log ant ~Pgirdkr. .7 lir A tholes and hash stook always kept on hand' *bleb wa Ibe sold at the Icnrist Born. • We pledge eiosiedves itot to be caderaold, and incite ci • ,to &tve at a call. lar TheAtigtplot pries paid for country P1'71;7 131 6 tf Bowman us M)VTU ERIE. Chdisenee to prove .t Hogs. Horses, Cove, Sheep, Goats 4' end Gem from- Tanning at 'Argo. snd tor _ ~ other pup )105 7 . , :Seg. 1: ' Big It emoted by the Buigiss sod Court:llZ' the Borough at south gret, that no person being the owner of say hor.e, mare, mute, ix, eow, swine, sheep, or gust, shall anger them to zoo at lar g e with ini the bounds co the said' nom- gh, ender the peolty of five dolmas tot. , etervshorse,mare„mule, or, cow, Woe, sheep to stetted *trued to run - At large. „ ~ . , Ssa 'h. vlhes so mosen - being the owner of any goos e Its 111411 eatler 'them al atm at luso within the ' ts a -the - add liateuglb;tunler,the: penalty et thy Ontlitelinejorglisatos seamed *resat tarp- &c.a. That thr high aonstebteeer sky pinto Mal_ A, vld IrhO MY lON Op lotortuer In any ease, and lb - - wham lotertelmtee or aeslatooo env 'nee or Mar he received Ander this tee preceding s •o• to shUl h. eoliffed , twentshelt of the doe rt a mired - :Staid: 1.11 shall bottollogilaiks.arlY rebih , Unlit ohargetee saes ei sap 4r,res,, rays ar, AU o t or soy team 'et the boroughOr teeth Ityii, neat tended by puneenit 'able ,perstni, anises oinonely hitched to a Dust kr that t ,,,rr l e al7 niT ie ot. I l i : ISt th ti til id v i e l t i to li re ha lt % ty douars.- •'L: 4I • ' • • - --, a i 1 , ~ Sets IL it shatilettaltieltd ( et any lonlon orreltsons tyjthly the boenda oc seht Borough to tate og any' door ,hell handle, of late down, deltroy 'or defect any alga pet up by soy inhabitants:ors& d.Bormagh terideeitte his, uearihosir trathbronowpattoo 104.401100 of ill 1.140;ICO b or amdlosetion boiltd ot. the corner ptatreet or etiewhere, t em ed by authorlts et fire torgeratlen; or teir- down, deraator dettriyvo Bormigtioi Mance, or 3thor_ Do ' Schell& or mituittiNimiatt of say kind, onto Cr 4 ,1 upon I thytifblSlf bilildAp r illapaill, 470,,,,141X,pi0rare or•dellne :Oleo, ,or rtalteite, thireao—tod any stalstiou of this pan ghiabeptsfilivd`by a sus, .44 less thin one oar 'tastiest:bed 1 rear tlei &Ilan. , - • .Zdakme4 melelnalliVhieltikis. day e/Etit, l i Witiiiigtfiaz .{ ••-• w nr"ggillfw. . -..._ . . - q.= I. 11H It Bill DA I, C 11 . 1 :1thi34 74. 7 and )astrachan to loon' Meo-14 4.6Asfaelation,c,id nut fr., of . 0 4 , 7 ,!Teo, addrefs Ur. J.raKP , - jall'elly. r Fr, EItVOUPI 1)1:011,171. r4ll t 4 [unit( by ono. 17114 Cv":- "44, 4 1 ie other*, an , ' 4 , 1 r. Hi with star:lp, •• rllti et it 1, !.: -A, Nil , , • „ ftn t , , tj • - griaioc,pr luti 0, 4 CITItA NUR. BUT Aj gentle , rin in the tbip..,1,t44,,.1%.1;''' caaeh to their adeanta,re rettlin charge) be addressing- ilia andlrrt,o,,, Jerre rt being harrlingged will 6b"1R.,, All • others will plemie ant, d ae2SY4S e3i•ar,„i .. D J RUOItt4 Oir YOUTH.—e g .,,, i , 12 4 suffAredtarr yearsrom Kenny, h tars Deesy,a4daq the g Ueete of jentib s il l f or the taitliki Illfr4 lug humanity r who w e ld it. the mcii.e abd dirtetint: simple remgdy by which he wa4eurm. a to krolltby the adrettizet'e expetteaca,..4,, rice2B%4 17. No 1:1jC1-1,:p14.„,., erna:4v TN YOI~ $ d r an v er: p f so; Y : l ti V ti fl : Al .e !l um3 lre ir t ! t a i f a, ti tin n it :f ofE t t 7 , ll.. : ll t 4Bic h: D. V m e lre l :to t ittomrctift marriage CUStOrtni of the world • hue , t 3 Wise &thousand things never published befe,,, • eerie** book for envious people, a n , evety one. 40 0 . pages, lot Olustratiost Contents table *.tnt free to env eidrea had at the book store; or wt:l kw, I paid, OD receipt of the price. 'Address, firo 1130 Broady ef.! • rib CONALMPTI VP Tho J_ been restated to health in a few temple remedyiatter b art 1g inaired eerer , a severe Ina; affection, and tivit dretd tomption—ht anstout to mate koora to fee ere the 1118/MI of care. To all who desire it, he will reed & roti scrip:lon used. (free of charge.) with preparlog and 'Wog - the man., which etre cure for CO amaigtion. Aattno Coughs. &e. The ooly ot.j,et of the adier log the prescription is to benefit the ale in f atmli ti on which he eruptin' to be iPTI hopes every nineter will try Ns remedy, them nothing, and rosy prone a bimetal. Parties wishing the preaenption,riu,l will plomett nearest' ken. FiloW otD. A. 4 0"..2tr6d.2 .7 , ' Willlynecurqh, "lAILLBIAMPIkIA LLN CATA It RII KNi 11 Snail huis,thoronghly mused itself to article known Islr ctuing CATARtg, co, and wienn.a. .it has been toned to t, in teeny cases ed gone ETC& Nueva; by fL . and linemen Lae often been rat its use.. It is fragrant and agreeable,ind, At RELIES' to the dull heavy psiLa nut Or the Head. The eensations after e0,,, g A and iningomting. It Oiens and pzrei 'tractions. strength as the glands and gin! 'notion to the parts effected. More than thirty yeare ci tale and nEe Catarrh and Headache Snuff! has prored for all the common diseases of the head, a ni.tatgt stands higher than ever before ed by many of the beat physicians, and is success and r..o..isfuetion erers where. Re' of Wholesale Druggist., in H 64: The undersigned having for many yeas ted with Dr.lilarshall's Catarrh and Her cold In oar trholtale trade, eheertallw at lieve it-to be equaL in erery reirezt, to t.l thraigiTeta of If for the cure at catarrh that it to decidedly the best article we hi t , (Dual common dleeazee of the Read. B urr perry, Reed, Austin a Co., Bro n, . C o ., Reed. Cutler It Co., Seth NV. :Foyle, Irk.. at Co., Roston ; Rerdaw, Edmunds Portland, Rat Barnes & Park, l, F . l; Paul Ic Co., Israel Minor & Co., ReCeucz L. Seovili & Co., 51. Ward, Close k Co, 13 1 ; f h . New York. JOS. x CtRTF.R. WY. A. CRAWFORD. A. VAN TASSELL. L YON'S YEktIODICH. DILO?*. THE . GREAT FEMALE REM! IRREGULARITrES Thete Theirs are a, selentifieally yen-, repamtimr, and better th.n any trutria. Being liqu i, their action rendering them a relia,le, epte:, for the curia of,al - obatruction; tare. .Their. popularity it in oyer 101,009 bottle. , a-r. .1 , the ladies of q 7.1.7 ti.e strongest terms of p.x4re nf tl.l- rut They are rapidly taking the plate of ev er:,.; retnedY. aril ere cone dered br nl! .11 , , litu them, an the garret, safest and test itfa'4: 'lino In the world, for the core of ill knalt the removal of all obatruetona of cert., motion ofhealth, regularity and btrenil:. rettiona, stating when thee may be ti , el tag when and why they ehotild net, and need wl'hont producing effects eottrarr MU !awe, will be found carefully fol bottle, with the written signature of without stitch none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JpEllsl L. LYUS, 9i New Hum Conn, who eon be e on al: eciaalty-or by letter , (enclosing E IN private &teases amremale wettt ea Bold by Draggiataeyery where. TALBOTI"..4 HILL!. (ANTI-DYSPEPTIC Composed of highly Concentrate - 1 Roots and Herbs of the greatest medial from the tirigsal prestwiption of the eelef belt, a nd used by him with ramarksti• twenty pars: An infallible remedy in of the LIVER, or euy deranemput of th• ORGANS. They Care Mar/ham, Dyspeplia, Bilious:am Liver Complaint. The well-known Dr ; Mott says of thessn: used the formate from Which your Pan I ray practice for over 12 years; they hue fact upon the Liver and D petite (bon eine la. the Valid, and are the ride: pees which has ever yet been made by anybo, safe, and pleasant to take, but plverttl t penetrating properties etimulate the ret the body, remove the obstructions of in the Weed, and expel disease. Thee puns Inman which ebreecl and grow (Estee: sluggish or disonlered organs into their and It:apart a healthy tone with•stisest: misteltt• Not only do they cure the t I? slate °l'VrerYbodY.-bcit also firmldiblei etheeses, and being purely v•getahle are risk or harm." They create pare blood, and reams ill from the system, hence are a p , lsitlve care Headache, Piles, Mercurial Disearee lel Humors. Dosz—tor adults, one Pal in forehildren under 6 yearn, hail a Pill. Prime= Dollar p.r Box Trade suppi Mail, part paid. to any part of the .17m Canada: on receipt of price. Vase pin' fan similes4matur• of V. Neu Ulna; V. MOTT T ALDOTS Ann., . No 62 Fulton sheet, To zritiowinits AND COPM - STORK KEEPERS. AT • GRAND,'ATREtT CIE AP NEW YORK CITN, You Can purebase Cot Ler.gtba of cheaper than down town Jol • - • 'whole pianos. Call. Straw Good', Ribbon., Bilks. Flown taw, Are, received daily' from auettoa. En IT am N(1411(18 TO TUR PUBLIC. Wharf's iiy wife, Vary Jane Gardner, ti and troard:Vithoutiont owns or prorotr' caution [II persons .galnat harboring or t nor Ai:mount, as I wilt p.• no de to of be mteciurs C Erie, ADYilltl, 186641 F URNISHING STORE TOE LADIES AND GENTI/ENSS. A variety of Childran'a Plain and Farr RE ADY Di ADE CLOTE L Ladies' Beady-Made flatlet Clotemg..i”. , Fnraishing Goods. All of which will b& kent,en , hana otdpr. Oar pods are mibiractrel'4c Stamping, •Ititebing,rluting at ^rslJ.; shortest notice. ^leo, a large vanett or Patterns for Ladies' sod Children a Ga .ders it 111 be promptly attended to ' • JtiliN rn French St , between L' S P R I N Q G.OO N'w TOBACCO Clat The udeisigted have opened a nee ' rif„th_,Artoet, between state and Fr , each. Paulin'OTtee) and will beep constantly' nz a ril? of &Pre, Toba-eo, :ton if, and eel aro Ina drat etass Tobacco store. 'bill' 11/01116/1110 sad retail. Flag meant' totem of he beat nisei/facture. Sznetb. 110 fa zuodsin.grett varier. &Or ty BOAG A n Sped; yams C. G. CLI 0029 Agente for L. 8. nn76 6 -l7 0c515-ly 909, 811, 511% Grand 811..a0d 64 any E 7 Fifth block ea%t from the Bowery. apl9 iy N W NOW RxcErrx , .; . 1? JOHN C.- BEEBE'S April V, 18116.7apr19-1m ttEtk_iitik isLE rerrrEgv , D. THE CANAL, HETWVN F.ECO.N.D-k • ' rem,' FORA. cal She undersigned bare associsiel .tbe Om and style of Webb & Childs, in nem et the old stand, on the eve.' aid fhird streets. We solicit thepatronage of the enitonv firm 50 the barrow of the puha,' esetd, t- eitiOtt? Utmost endeavor to glee Pee% dEd. JAYS maittb:li n P. KNSIGN. Booagausa and Near 4r6'l;atilrythalliiries, Nommen, uIP More idadarßrowen Eioteitouw spiflrli2tA NI