6rit Attokig (011ottifer. E grg, P-A., 31.AY 10, 1806 , regular Nay term-of the codrt of ions Commenced on '•Monday, ter t'c' jobw n residiog. The list-of cases 'iretaely large, and is expected. to occupy ft , 10 ,,k, large share of she busi b3s bon diToscd c.f liquor oi , ewe:ll.ly every drinking and billiard ,0 keeper has beet indicted, and most of plead guilty. Other portions of the. tv furnisti 'their full quota. and .the ', st y still be r eplenished to a considera ;ent fr:uo the floes that will be imposed. • Johnson, is hi= charge to the Grand “pelt at great length, and with much ;5, u p on th_ainereasiog violations of ar lie annout—ieiril7ll-144 de. an to put an end, by every_ineal is r e s ell, to the illegal traffic in Strong tie notified the constables that it was i s ty to see that no liquor was sold in ion of lay, and that Wenner neglectiof re vireccient would subject them to seveied wtit lie told them they must , npi trot t all such cases when brought to talcs, bat that it was a p'ai , to f their w search them out, at l whatever -11,1tatifort and popularity iinecessa riejudge's decided temperance notions 5 ,,, 5 t cinch e x citement among the class ,r,s dircctly interested, and be is de, by the liquor sellers and their friends niere y. The constables have also tit lie a t his instructions to them, and then declare that rattler than go pry. It o the premises of their neighbors re=ign. Meanwhile, zaloon keepers b „ ora e remarkably shy as to what and ~J. 4 they sell, and, for the time being, iluor lsirs are better observed than they beet for many a year. This state of r , •ill last until Court adjourns, or it leek or two after, 'when the traffic golrably go on as brisk as ever. ,hatzsrlos.—The many questions we t kly receiving relative to the course to secure naturalization papers, ;e lse relating to that subject, has in 0.o -endeavor to present a clear and Erntsille statement thereof. In preparing f a llowing we have had the assistance of 'the leading P attorneys of our bar, to :legal ability and accommodating spirit are been indebted for many previous it A person desiring to declare his inten. lot belomiog a citizen haq only to go be tae Prothonotary or Clerk• of the Quin.— tuions, and make statement of the fact. 51stment will there be taken down, aid in a matter of reed for future use.— Thee es are needed in making a declare- of intention. 2 Any alien, being a free white person; Ibe admitted to become a citizen of the itei States or any of them on the follow conditions, and not otherwise Id. If he is over IS years ofage when he res in the United States, he may afti4 two 's -residence declare his ,intention to be. I { ra dam, and three years the eafter, taking the oath of allegiance, a., have ial ertificate of _citizenship. Aliens under the age of 18 1 years at of`their arrival in the United States, .)t bake the preliminary declaration of ;:ion, but can obtain their final- eertifi of c!t;znship at any time after 5 year's Tac .'year's rvitience must hate ucinterrupicd Minor children of naturalized persona citizens Any :lion of the stie of 21 years "or i trls, who has served in 'the armies of the ' States, and been honorably discharg— tad has resided in the Hailed States one , may become a citizen without a previous laration of intention. He must prove his ice by his discharge. . Any Court of record has jurisdiction in 1 molter of naturalization, Upon. due proof the facts above stated, by one credible ness—a citizen of the United States. 'lb. Persons desiring naturalization should .ly to the Prothonotary of the Court of mmon Pleas, or to the Clerk of the Court Quarter Sessions of the county where they ide, or if in the vicinity of a District or .ilt 4 l,ouri. of the United Statei, then by . lication to the Clerk of such Court, They st take one witness of. good repute with to,prove residence, chtdacter and fide]- to tl Thetiazette of last week contained an edi .lo endorsing the " legal ability and integ Id Mr. 11. L. Richmond, who has been svglat out in Crawford county as a caddi •efiedssociate Law Judge, and annouP ,g ia the event of there being no candidate Erie county we,feel confident that Mr timed will receive the hearty support of Too ~le (Republicans?) in this park of the • It takep occasion at the same time to give lge Derrickeon a ely dig between the ribs, o:th, in view of his subserviency to the par sid_notorions "loyalty," seems quite as alas it was unexpected. Who, after read- Fthe following, will deny that Republics -. hmere Republicans) are ungrateful : If ,Itilge Derrickson, who has held the "'adoring the term often - years expiring It toll, intend, to . become a candidate for - :••;:titatn, the action of the Crawford ..ty her will no doubt surprise the major ...l tor readere. We have too much res t for the intelligence and good judgment tie members of the bar of Crawford co. qptie they did not :have good reason for c , tbil in this matter. , So far.as we are in it ,is in part attributable to the fact l:f Derrickson's i course relative to.the 11 eases in which C. B Wright and 'the it Commerce havn;been concerned has tt lthefriendship , of many in this sec who would otherwise hate cheerfully' tah!n their support." %w ithstanding the action of the bar at :ihtte, and the geneial tone of public Ben -1:111,•,ve noderstanthat the Judge re• become j 'a candidate. Ile.has I ' /417 influence both here and in Craw •' aunty in, his favor, and is vain enough .were that he possesses sufficient strength litori anomination'. Meanithile, strong her grown up t i here in favor of an grist , 1 " 1 :i man. John t.• Vincen t -, and John W. Eseirs., a l reirrientioned,omong the Ito- T r` n ti of ,our Fooun kw; will ant thyigtaTiftirleljki t t>tteman whoss, prkii* totsrspeeialt piint le* I= _place, ntiw';. Ait::ta ties were cast the aside, would ft be o. tbii: 4litcotte choice of the members of the Erie :lie Republican Congressional' candidates e nittriet composed of Crawford, Venan ltd Clarion are Messrs. D. W. Finney and t!;Prrton Pettis. The district is now \repre l'l4l (in a Pi ckiickian•sciase). by Mr \C. V. r abose majority in 1864 was only 731. terlirford Democrit thinks no Republican .klbe,nnxions about the nomination, as the ''lzotritsintead to elect their man. RE • , • . • ponosass . .—The IMspatok' gaffe nnttCe in one of its 'mai last week thatit cannot sup port Mr. Scofield for s re-eleotion to Congress. Its reasons for this decision ore thus necktie _ ly stated • .1 From certain intercourse which wo bare bad with Mr. Scofield indirectly, we are not satisfied in regard to his reliability. Weraise no question in regard to I bis honesty. Let that be dtelded by those who are more faroil jar than we are with the details of_ - his official action. We only know that when a public man is so long about determining whether he will or 'will not he a candidate f. r re-election as Mr. Scofield has been. he is evidently cal. oulaling the chances which may result -from a cc mbination of interests, and the character of the influence which may be brought to bear against him, making it a scheme of gambling in which be winst_wbo is able to control, by all means usually made use of in such oases - , the votes of the people. This plan involves the use-of men in so selfish and uncoraditional h manner that there is neither principle. or business fairneas,, to be expected of and awnot-encoart et4;t_.itjn_ any one. We can condemn, with the utmost - earn-. - trickery or secret machinatiops that may be need to defeat an honest and able man who is a eandidate•for position, but we will condemn with greater severity_ any such means when taken advantage of by the person"who wishes to be represented as honest and reliable." It concludes, further, that " Erie county is now entitled to tho-Congressatan, and we shall use our efforts for the present, to that end., and we are not unwilling that Warren. or some other'soeutty, in t i hnt part of the Dis trict, should be represented with some of the lets impoftent positionvl, and hope that an un ,derstanditlg to this effect may be entered in to. These affairs can as well be amicably and satisfactorily adjusted - in"advance as to have thena hanging fire until the last minute, and then creating dissension and disturbance, with which no one is satisfied : " The views of oar cotemporary will meet With the hearty approbation of nine out of ten of the people qf our county. It is strongly and earnestly felt on all hands that the growing interest - a - of our county imperatively demand that we should at-this time have a ieprasentative at Washington who thoroughly understands oar needs, and labor to secure the legillition 'to which are entitled. This sentimsnt is ta king so decide 4 a shape-that we belieie if the Republican District Convention fails to give -us such a candidate as vit! require; our •citi tens will take up an independent man, and support him, without respect tosparty. Items of Local Interest. Guekenbeihl & Sehlaudeeker are selling off below cost". See their ailvcrtisement. • A rare chance for bargains in hats'aild caps offered at the store of P. B. Honecker. He closing out, bis old stook at leFs . than cost The people of every county in this section will be pleased to learn that both Rouses of Congress have repealed the tax on crude Te— trolonm. The burnt district on Peach street is being rapidly rebuilt,' and in a few weeks it will be occupied by a better class of buildings than before. Mr. Chiges F. Browne, (Artemus Ward,) it is said, has been offered • $20,000 in gold, Clether with his traveling expenses, for a - six month's lecturing tour in England. " A countryman who wssk charged with ten gallons of whisky, which a grocer -Tut in an eight gallon keg, said, "he didn't mind the money over charged so ranch as he did the strain on the keg." The " Union " office at Dunkirk haeihang ed hands, Mr. Dean having disposed of the establishment to Mr. M. D: Cushing. - The latter promisea_ to keep.the paper soundly Democratit, and to improve its local and newe departments. It should be remembered. by all that the in• come tax is payable on or before the let of June. Those who fail• to square up promptly when called upon by the Collector are liable to have 'a heavy fine imposed upoi them. _ The offices of the Erie & Pittsburg RH. have been removed to Clark's building, at the south west corner of the Park and Peach Street, op posite Dr. Lyon's church.' A suite of eight eampodiotis rooms have been fitted up - for the bneicess use of the road, ire a style - of - taste and convenience not often seen'. The Masonic Lodge in this city has been re vived with the following officers: Worshipful Master, 0. A. Dolph; Senior Warden, J. 8. Childs; Junior Warden, W. P. Price ;' Senior Deacon, E. Macomber; Junior Deacon, J. M. Bryant; Secretary, S. Todd Perley : Treas— urer, Jesso,ll. Lord. • s The Toledo Blade, in referring 'to the de capitation of officeholders by the President because of the up-support cf bis policy, quoted these two lines for the beatifit of offiee' holders in that locality.. They will apply to the same class of peolile about our city : tt Ye living men time view the ground Were Jon most shortly lle." A young man nanked Samuel Tatum about a month ago passed a five-dollar note on a bank that had been brok,en . for twelve years, on a Meadvilletrm. The note was eoon die covered to be worthless sad the young man was notified of the fact, but be neglecte• _ ,to redeem it, till yesterday he found a warrant chasing him up. He paid seven dollars in gtod money before he got his bad five back again. • A fire broke out imerry at Sunday eve ning, about eight o'clock, destroying the Erni test, States Hotel, the Mezeppa House, and two buildings adjacent. A lamp left burning in a servant's room is Sin pp oe ed to have been the cause of the fire! The loss is estimated at $14,000, dtvided as follows : 4 "Chas. eG,GOO ; Wilcox & Calhoun, $2,000; Charles Bush, $2,000; Oakley_Bros., $3,800. The store recently ocettpied by Justice, Gheen & Gallagher, _has passed into -the hands of Mr. P. B. Honecker, one of the class of young, active and enterprising business men whom - we wish were more numerous in Erie.-' ; He has laid in a splendid stock of goods, procured a first class cutter from New York, and is bound to drive husinees ahead in the right sort Of a manner. To a man of Mr. tionecker's stamp, failure ie an imposta bility. 1 he house of Mrs. Ho ll oway, a widow lady, w at Lowville, as broken into oa Friday night. and about $4O stolen from it. Mrs. H. and her daughter were the only pen one occupying the building at the time. The robbers need chloroform to effect their entrance.. Not eeenr .ing es much as they expected, they woke np Mrs. 11. and daughter, and pointing pistols at -them,-thrnatened'their lives if they did not give Up the money in their pessession. The J"lSo*tlitv 44 th" lb*Y , fi nally ca ta aciicid -lmat • i tt w e re, icito,„ . 10 r M"11013 4 1, .. • ..? tz ;Mr-lt,lk_1 1 1111!,„1011bi ti, - Oridthe salary has' beeit raised froth $BOO to $l,OOO a year. " Some of the hot headed Radicals endeavored to give the election a po litical bias, by electioneering against Mr. 'Persons on the ground that he wars Demo •crat. v This mean and highly' reprehensible course, however, was offset by eome - ec the more conservative Republican director', going the other way and supporting Mr. Femme in view of hie ample qualifications as an educa tionalist.° - 1-The Crawferd-Deanaerat regrata-tobi lOW' pelted to Say Chit Uo more. -definite . informa lion has been gifen to the publio regarding the stispended ba9ke. " Note holden( may realize a few cents on the dollar, they may re-, aline more than merely a few cents,..or . they may realize nothing. Every day the proba bility grows 'stronger that the worst will come at last.. Why has not 'sinter repoil been made ? is a question 'that Is 'asked on every hand. * .* Is it the design'to, treat the injured people with cootompt—Or do those inside of , the ring know that the revelation would be so monstrous, so startling, as to raise the pre sumption of trawl and rascality ? • Mr. Culver, at the incipiency of the calaniity,_ telegraphed from New York that the note held .are a should hold on and not sacrifice.' Thy? none of the Bank Presidents will say any thing for the relief of those interested; lit Mr. Culver do it. The people have given him their g confidence,' to an unparalleled de- - • " • " • ' &WWII 8 - 0 - 021) reciprocal recognition. ,Will he persist in refusing - to do so t " The Conneeutville- Reeord acknowledges the justice of the reputation that town has acquired as a matrimonial mart, and iswilling to stake ft- " against, any in America" as a place for rapid courtships and numerous wed. dings. ai Besides "—it says the happy couples always know their business, and it's an isolated case when weds not either receive a share of bride's cake or a greenback, or both, and In one or two instances we have been allowed, In addition, to kiss the bride." It denies, though, that divorces are more fre quent there then elsewhere, and alleges that is not a single application for divorce has ever been made by any .resident of this place with in our recollection, and so far as our observa tion extends none is likely to be." We judge from the ardor our eotemporary evinces on the matrimonial question, that things arerget. ting to be serious with the junior editor of the firm. _ • . We are reliably informed that Col. Chauncey F. Rogers,•of the 83d regiment. has resolved to be a candidate before the next Republican convention for the office of Prothonotary: Col. R. served with sonspicuous gallantry in the Union army during the rebellion, and in* soliciting this endorsement at the hands of his party friends asks for no more than he de. serves. He held a clerkship at Harrisburg last winter, and performed the duties of the position in so satisfactory manner as to leave. no doubt of his capacity for the Prothonotary ship. We have understlipd that Mr Colton. the present incumbent, fitended being a can didate for rr.r.election, but knowing him to be fc , a warm and of the soldiers, we hardly think it - probab , be will remain in the field against so brave and meritorious a man as Colonel Rogers. . . A very bloodiest and altogether a very laughable revolution his just taken place in the city government at Buffalo. Mayor Wells (Rep.) the present incumbent,. being extent from the city on business, the majority of the Coune) I. whit* is Dementia, convened, and elected Alderman Haberstro Mayor pro tem, and a quorum being present, (all Democrats) resolutions were adopted ousting from office the Chief Engineer and his Assistants, and appointing a new set in .their places. The next day, Haberstro, with the City Clerk, proceeded to the office of the Assistant, Mayor and demanded the city seal, , which was per emptorily refused. They then sent fors lock smith and broke 'Roan the safe where it was kept. stamped the documents of the new ap.. pointees, and left in triumph. At the last ac counts Mayor Wells had not returned to the city. •We wait with some anxiety to learn the result.—Dally Dispatch. We learn that G. W. DeCimp, Req., has resolved to becomes candidate for Congress next fall. He expects to secure the Rainbli esu nomination in Ibis county. -Lowry is add to be out of the held altogether, being falls. tted with his laurels ,in the Senate. We bear thit name of S. A. Davenport, Esq.. suggested in connedion with the Congressional nomina l . lion, though we have no knowledge of his feelings on 'hit tinkled. If we must hive a Republican as our representative it would cer tainly, be more of, a gra . tileation to see the position filled by a young min of Mr. D.'s ability and intelligence, than the sticks we have had fey some years back. A case came up in Court this week of con siderable legal, interest. A man from one of the townships war. Indicted • for selling liquor without a State license. He plead in defense that hehad a Bederal license, and supposed it was all that woo necessary. Judge Johnson would net admit the man's plea, and stated in explicit terms thsit no license to sell liquor was valid unless issued by a State Court. If this opinion bad been delivered by a " Cop perhead " Judge it might be pronounced, very "disloyal,' but coming from one of or thodox Radical falth, wepresume its correct. .nese will not be questioned. Dr. Sanford B. Rlint, long connected with the Buffalo Express,. has assumed the editorial chair of the Newark (lr: J )Dally-Adiertiser. —Exchange. We hive often won dosed who the malignant creature could be who• wrote such mean and e. 'lnsists as the Express contained until recently. The matter id explained! by the above paragraph. While we congratulate the peo;le of Buffalo upon Hunt's retirement, we cannot help but condole with those of Newark. To be afflicted with the writer of such edito rials as the Express has been in the habit of printing, we should think was a worse calami ty to a community than the cholera. The publiehre of the New York •" Day Book " Imre in preee a ""Youth's History of the Great Civil War." ""It is a bookintesided mainly for the yinth of our land, but inter esting to all classes of readers, in which the true causes of the late war, together pith an impartial history of it, will be given:, It is 'tut nob ti book as ovary Demootat might to have in his family. Price 11,50 hodlid in cloth, and sent post paid on receipt Of the price. It will be issued as cool -is it can be got. ready." Our anisette will be gratified, to learn thAt the steamer Michigan has - been ordered to re turn to this port. She will leave Buffalo as soon is possible, the iee there at present pre venting her egress from the harbor. So many changes and improvements have been made upon the vessel, that as one of her officers siodtbe other day, .4 the people of Brie will scareeljr know her." She his been placed in fit* eke ss oondltion throughout, and. 4 regard ed now as one of the . finest 'web in the service,. Sam Ryan, with his theatrical troupe, will melt il t Farrar Hall, on Thursday evening, ay 24th. He promises to introduce some of , #s mar performeri of the eountry, and that ! ...: thing shall be. roduced on the stage that : , , I rebook the most hatidions. I /,.. 'We are pleased to-learn that Idr. James A. Blies has been enabled to reams business in Titusville, at his old„ stand.. The crash in the.ell region last winter ,gave our friend James a bard blow, bat he ia,young and our getie enough to, stand a good .many 'ups and downs, and some out all right in the end. The old market berme IA rapidly being torn down, and before. many days "not a vestige of it will remain. ..We truants removal will be speedily foil ?Ted by a thorough repowition pf 'tittl Park. W. hale elludedlatirarlons times to the res. ported agreement between the PenWit t iiii" and the A. SCO.W.IIt,' It, companies, b 3; Which the lino of the Phibt. & Erie roadie to be used as a common thorenghfare for the two corpo rations.' Thateuele compact had bean entered into was a metier of general notoriety, but the details the rtigre enrent bare been kept ntose ly sealed. They site beginning to leak out at last, and we presume it will notbemsoy weeks until the public cariosity is thoroughly satis fied. The contract only needs the assent of the directors of the two iorriPanits to become of legal effect. Below is give an abstrait of the arrangement ad far as we have been able to secure informatiem on the subject: It provides that a transfer for freight and passengers shall be provided at Union, where the transfer businira will be attended to until the third rail; forming the narrow gunge, is laid from Union, Pa , to Dayton, Ohio ; That the rates)pf freight and fare shall be the same as otherttunk lines, to be divided between the two roads pro rats per mile ; That passengers ;over the P. & E. railroad, may, if desired, be transported by the A. & G. W. over the Mt. Cannel. Lehigh Valley and New Jersey Central or Morris & Essex roads, and if the A. & Q IW. -- lease of the Catawissa road is made valid the A, & G. W. company may take its bus)wess over that road from Mil ton to the Lehigh Valtey route. That the Philadelphia and - Baltimore busi— ness go by way of Ilarrieburg. The A. &G. W. have the privilege of extending its Frank lin branch to Bid way or Brookville, to oon : nect with the P. E.; That all biudnees under the control of the A. & G. W. shall 6e senfiver the P. & E , ex— cept that to and from the Erie road. The time is at hand:when almost everybody feels like Indti'ging in-a flew suit, and if they ill take our adviOe their will not. fail Co give Lytle & GoaldinCa call-before making their purchases. In our dealing with these gentle. men we have always found them to be not only equal to the hut in respect to,workmaal ship, but thoroughly reliable. They repre sent their goods exaotly is they are, and make no'attempt. to .dedeive their customers. We commend them tol the favor of our citizens, and in so doing we do not wish this to be ta ken as what ii knbwn as a u puff," betas say lag Melly what ire believe. • A man now lies in the jail at Cleveland convicted of having caused the death of a woman through his criminal efforts to procure an abortion: He ' was foind guilty. of man slaughter and sentenced to .the penitentiary, the evidence showing that he had made the above horrible trade extensive and profitable. And yet we learn ,by one of the papers of that city that " be is overrun with lady visitors " and ule almost "soothered with kindly per sonal attention of, females." No true woman of that city can. read the assertion without blushing for the s l ltameleteness of her sex.— Reno Timer. The Fenian movement has been a decided "fizzle" in eve 4 part of North-Wetitern Pennsylvania. But few men have been en ticed to join the biotherhood, and the amount of money secured is quite meager. The point where it has met with most success is Corry. At a meeting held in Tidiotile recently,' after strong appeals frcim several orators, only three men and a few dollars were received. The Irish people of this section have neverziven much countenance to the movement. Why is it that tiie Democracy are • so esker to have it appear, that they support President Johnson ? The answer is plain and is simply because they suppose be has deserted his party and his pnaciples.— Westfield Republi can. It is upiln the same principle that there is more rejoicing in that place of which you will never Lave personal knowledge, over ore repentant ,sinner, thin over ninety-and-nine juerpereoni nide perfect.—,Mayville Sentinel. The citizens of Franklin have suffered more severely than these of any other locality by the late bank failure. The following named persons are the: principal losers : James 8. Myers $61,000, iliehard Irwin $40,000, L. D. Rogers s4o,ooo,lJohn Duffield $40,000, John Rynd $100.000,; N. B. Bushnell $60,000, Thomas Hoge $60,000. Here are seven per: eons whose tassel approximate $400,000. The aggregite leases j of the _people of Franklin are probably double that, amount. The congregation of Park, church have gen erously increaseff the salary of their pastor, Rev. 0. F. Cain; to $2,000, in addition to giving him, n parsonage rent free. -On Sunday forenoon last, Mr. Oain referred to the report that - he had received a call to go to Elizabeth, N. J. He said that he had -no desire to leave his present charge, and that so long as his people were satisfied to keep him; he was re rived to stay. Such being the case, he can iely upon remaining a citizen of Erie. for many years to dome. The breaking down of the Fourth street bridge civet. the Banal, last week, has caused the people living in that part of the city an immense amount, of inconvenience. They are obliged at present either to take a elterait round by Sixth street, or scramble over looks and loge at considerable risk to life and limb. We commend their case to the immediate at., tuition of the city fathers. ' The revenue cutter Commodore Perry is expected to ,bexeady for service by the 15th inst. She has !been placed in command cf Capt. Douglas Ottinger, one of our own oiti tens, and an officer who is universally canoe+ ded to be one of the most, competent, as he is one of themost'popnlar, in the service. The Washington correspondent of the Dis patch writes : Judge Scofield developed bis views on Booonstruciion beforA a select andi enohOf fifteen or twenty members and an in. considerable gallery, on • Saturday." The Judge must have felt highly gratified at the honor of having such a large 'sulks , select au dience." We fear that his abilities as a states. man and orator do not meet. with so hearty an appreciation at Washington as they do in the backwoods of Warren county: Those of our 'readers wanting a vied livery team will find the stand of Capt. Lennon— familiarly kaolin as Tommy—one of the best plates in the dity to patronize. Besides be ing always pleasant and accommodating, i he. keeps a splendid stock of animals and carrl 7 - 4 ages. A man cunst be fastidious indeed, if he can't find a team to snit his lastest Tom, • The firm of A. D. Cotton Br. Co., at PetVo lours Center, who were involved by the Cniver failure, are earl to have effected a compromise with their'oreditore, all of whom, with a sin. gle exception, km consented to Accept a pro rats dividend tiom the assets of the Institu tion. it-te said the firm will pay fifty cents on the dollar. • •. The Baptist church of this city are making an effort to buildup a congregation En Girard. Oiled serricmn wers'eonnenoed,there on Sunday, last, the Old School Presbyterian church having been tendered for.ths purpose, Booileld, of Girard, has speed. to &dunce the money necessary is build s Bap tist, place of worship there., 'The Clevelend Herald (riphy:iritslifite: publican) sdmiis that it:looks 6e•if the ail calls' Union party: 4 'tad come Id an end for 111/1 priotical puiposes. • It loelts as it it yrera. blowp to fiecesi and the same - exploidon'tlia rent that party bide fair to cement the Demi °ratio party. A meeting of: friends of lho.Edinbord Nor. mal Sobool willbe held at that place on the 16th inst. It is expected to _be largely st• tended and intOrifitinCill OhixaSer! • I "In Ina; ,or Dr. Deitrend handsome new navel from thap Sheppard, Boston. publi markably neat manner, andap more then usual interest.' 'The sale by Caughey, McCreary & CI and Breed, Ballet &' Co., Buffal• 1 1. „, .., The - potpie of 111eadvfile - l oo k lopes' !,1101411 uro of the Crawford Coati Bank as iperna nent thing. The hills are regarded as Wittily worthless, and• depositors feOI no assurance of getting back•their funds. As usual in each cases, the heavy creditors have Oppettict and secured al: theassete, leaving the little fish to pick up what they can. • 1 • t A large number of gentlemen in Crawford Co. have addressed a letter to 11Cni. B. Reaton Pettis requesting him to.' eons nt to ' become a Republican 'candidate for Con ress. 1 Mr. P. responds in a lone of doe diffidence and patri otism, announcing his compile 'co with their • ropiest.' • • • • • We advise country dealers. desiring to se cure a supply of confectioneries, fireworks, and fancy gOolls to - call upon Beier & Bargees. Their stook is nit excelled by atsy firm in:the west. The widely extended eputation of these gentlemen for integrity and enterprise is richly merited. . • Charles Henderson, of Meadvple, has , been appointes Receiver of the Venango National Bank, Pennsylvania. The noteW of the" Bank *will be redeemed as rapidly as !they are mut in. Ourbrokers are buying them at. 10 per oent disc,oune.. • - Prentice. says that the :Democrats didnt' •quite annihilate Radicalism in the late Con necticut election. but they knocked its . eye teeth• out. So it can never save itself "by the skin of its teeth." • A resolution has passed the Board , •,Con. trol of Public'Schools providing for the pros. ecution of billiard and drinking Saloon keepers who harbor or furnish liquor to pupils. - Lives of Lincoln are, about i as plenty _au flies in summer time. -We notice that; 'an agent is canvassing the city with a new Lion. ' i • 4 PIIIIZIOLO4Y.--• Messrs. Fowler & Wells, 889 Broadw4 have just issued , a inew and im• proied Phrenological Bust,ihowing the latest classification `and exsetlemitioni of the Organs of the Brain, designed for learners. All the newly discovered organs are given._ It leas tided do as to show each Organ and &lithe groupel- , Sodial, Executive, Intellectual, and Moral—k;lassified. It is now eifensively need in Europe, and Is elute* the only cosi in nee here. There are two sizes-the largest near the size 'of lifeis sold at $2.0& The smaller one, which is not more than six inches high; and may be carried in the pocket, IA only $l. ,May by sent by Express, or ae freight. Ad dress, Fowler & Wells, 889 Broadway, New York. __ • • , MARRIED. 1. Ests—Ouvos-.:02 tho2sth , JON. Preri• ley, Er. J. FL Boon, to Vrs. Sarah P. Olive; both of Summit to.. Erie Co., Ps. •I , En G EO. C. BISNNETT, Parsioum atm &rumor. Office East i'Aut street, CrMr C. Sierra store—bearda at the residence of O. M. Kelso, 2d door Month cf the Y. E. Chord'. on Sassafras street Office hours from 11 o'clock A. H., until 2. P. M. web: feet?. SELLING OFF BELOW COIST. ' Onckenbt hit & Sehlaadeeker hare again occupied their • former • BOOT AND SHOE ;STORE! ' On Peach street, a few doors south of ;the ,tinion type; which way partially destroyed by the late are. They Lave determined upon selling out their entire stock of ElOOlll, SHOW, Bd.1.110&ALS:„ &e:, below cost. All persons deslroucimaking good Ur ides and obtaining good Undo tiding, at vastly reduced prices, should not fail to give them a call. mrlo COL BY I I3,;;ITENT WRTNGE t iIOFF. PATTERSON &, CO.; 416= French St.. Erie, Pa ) Hue ken appointed Bole Agents fr the Sale of this For tbe etty Erie, Born Erie. Mill Creek, Graeae Summit, MeKeaa awl Fairview towakkipa. • , Agents wsnts: e tio sell them in lin. tie above named togas. A LIBERAL PEE CENTAGE WILL BE GIVEN! . Amy latelllgeot man wom ctn mike SS per de/ bj canvassing for them rcerpartlemlan apply aa above. mylOtt. p .. B. ' 110 , ND VILER, . I . &mogul to JUSTIOE, GREEN ; GiLLAGRER, ' . - .0 • - • MIL i s I 1 1 READY-MADE • 0 RING, . CLOTHS, GREEN ( ' AND CASBINCRIL9, HATS & CAM ' GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, • •thabilabia, -, . '-. ,I I- ;, Canes, Cellars, '• 1 • Hosiery; • . ' ' • - Valises, • - CLOTHING. MADE TO ORDER, i - to the Mast god Letesi litg4e.. iked with the titmoit dispatch. Bayles seeurM one of the ablest MITERS TROD TEIII Lei? I . Am re a dy give good " Viti" or Iv! r y i ,...,_ --- , LIP', BOUOUGEI,OIf SOCTLI SBA B. Ordinance for levying a Ms on Doga. Bea I. Be it ordained by the Burgess and Council of South Trie, and it la hereby ordained, that it shall be the duty of the High Constable, preirione to the let day of Way next. and before the lards,* of April eachque thsreafter, to proceed through the entire limit, Of the Borough to amaze or take an account of the number of dogs and [luta within the limitsof said Borongb, to gether with the names of the so ners or harbozers of the same. and make reborn thence to the Council, who shall cues a duplicate tabs made out and plead in the bands of the collector for toll/slim • tilec. 2. The armament' of dogs shill be sit follows : For one dog or aisle puppy on. dotter ; for each ad ditional dog ormaisrpuppy two dollars. For very alqt of any age !See dollars; for each additional slut of any age ten dollars.- - e. - &re. 3. The toile" succeed shall be collected u &ha assessments are by law collected for' Borough purimies lOrdained and skracved Shia inth day -of April, A. D. 8615. Burgess, Wm. Lome, Clerk. , • coylcr It. Bottoucul OF BOUM of Ord Pavementinancer s.. egulatingitre Myles Out and - construelon - Sao. 1. Belt ordained by' the Burgers and Council of South Elie, that all owner* of late or parts of lots,. or smaller portion, of land, on the erupt and seat aides of Peach street; In the Borough of SoOth BON be and the samears hereby required to mike dr cause to be made good, substantial aid, walks to front of their lot or lots; °ram/War pieces of land, 0 feet next to the curb to be of brick, and hart the puiwcoNdettd, by the 16th day of June next. Bee, L Thatili owners of lots or Pie hi of lots, ha, on the north and south' Ades ,Of Simpson street, between Beach and Sassafras streets, in said; Borough, be mid the same are beret y required tofmake or cause to be made good., substantial side walks in front of thews lot or lots, 9pc,10 feet newt to the cuterto brick, and have the same completed by the 18th day June seat. Sea 3. That all careers of lota parts of lotsifte,, tor‘• the north side of South street,. (Ridge Road), between Peach and Cheetwatstreetr, la the Said Borough; be tad the alms are hereby required to maks or cause to be made good. substantial side walks hi front of thelrlot os lots, Sc., six feet In the mitre of -Mid side weak; to be of brick and to be completed by the Linn day et 'June next. . , , Sec. 4. That all owns of latter Oita of lote,'dre., ate the south aide of Buffalo street, Ica Mad Warmish, he tweeta Pesach Chem, 'tests,' to and the yams are hereby req dto make or cam tto made good, intr • i m ptipt ewe make In front ref their °tor lots, lk lade walks to be sf gruel, edbythe lgtb day et Jigae newt. _ae4 to cos plert" Ike. 6 'That alt owners *I lots or parts of lots; ato , on, the treatable:of State airsekbetweea Buffalo and Smith': streets, W said Borough, be andtbre pamper* It•rif* re.; quire d - to nate or cause tabs meat* good, substantial ddri eeeke, kk hot!' of thalrleft or , beta, de , eVd side walks to be of gravel and to be cottipetsd bylp.irlittlr' day-ofJeme neat. „ . • •' :‘ Sec.& That the shore dd. sto he Mid willabrick, and all other side walks of any street or streetiln this ritarbolltSseltuy Port len thesesc the game ween requ'red to be pared with brick, chill be,coustrneted by the own-' - era 'theta& tearmilvely ot" the gibund adjolaing side walkshere snob pavement is to be oonstructerVnt good, pietas brick. /aid on atlaset *at inches „of , ge,4 beach sand, - or othersaud equal bi!quality forth* p•-• pope, and bend at the outer edge with a d and cleat curbing of cons or timber. The w We to be in acoortance with the grade given'by th Bu or : Ordained and lhhi lth' day f •-." AIL Y, WY. lams, 91erbr. • . .*; „ - . , 0 • .1, NE Hout.ehOld iffßiaitietrit aka,. of lidetit hed hris-1* ears io be of `reogkf_ie` for in tliks our, Advertise*ento. OLDINU CELZFABATED WBWGp, W. PIERCE d; CO. tIYDE & Bliirt* HORSE Hg! 1 . :•!:41;'"-OLI " LiTlVAirlift • PLOW . -.. aye. received the emit premlund whencv‘r eshltated,ind all who hall us. d it propane* it far eiperior tie anything else of the kind The tellowirg are mow* of • thy advantages, this Cultivator Wove:" every other god now iivnle : , Ist. Lightens and dm:ability; being me eof the bunt. quality of steel, highly' pollsheci,and.the vital° impte. runt weighing from tiny to slaty , ono I. , ~_ f ! . 2df adaptation to rows kindsot work thin any -otitis, cultivator - mown; being a perfect and thorough OnIU- Titer wheel Deed with all the WO on,leavlng the ground event and len& and working antra! the row?, than any other Cultivator. „ I " • .- - ' 3d. 4'mm:win the emelt teeth, end Mizell:* the winp to the shovel, is' le the Mott rand instlttlinent for hiding that can 1* &mad 4th. It is the best Instrarssatforecrearint lusddleging potatoes ever Wanted. A: tutu end horse ran cover potatoes as fast, as a horse can walk, and a m-sk and, Um= can dig from 303 to 600 •bushaln of potation fitsq day, when the Crop is a fair one. ' r - • . '': 6th. It.works equally well in corn or any; kin i of crop. requiring culUvating. and In most Use{ hand hoeing, can be dispensed with. • • -•- kt rA, dth ss .lts chaspne,,couldering the lai y 4of work to which it eau be applied—the-far:nor ha ,in one implement.all that is necessary for enitivatlh and b toe illing any koad of crop, or covering and diEging pota s. Numberless certificate' boils the most aifinentlal far mers in the,Unit 2 dlhatem might be 'given of lutpos... riority of the above hetplement over &Waders dettgued for like pnroo - es. ~ ..•• . We shall be pleesedt , receives cll from inv o ne who nee& a Cultirstoror Shovel Plow, and explain to them the meribrof the above for a Hoe over all other ample matte of thp kind. We warrant this' Boise Roe to wart u a Cultivator as WOll is any Caliltlltar 11:1140.411 a Shovel Plow,se well as any Shovel Plow-Ud asp Horse Hoe aoomplete rictess, or refund the money if it does not meet this :errs:dee. ' ' -• . z , We also keep on hand in connec tion with our Bard warsyStoras. tinwareond House - Furnishing Goods, a complete assort pant of Horse Hato, Hand RaW, Crain Cradles, Scythes, &lathe% Forki, Hoes, Shovels, Spud .s, &e. Don't fail to give us a rail. /. . - • W. w. macs le 00.,-, -, i. Sole Atte fur Norse Roe in SA* Cos Pa ould Aehtedinta "Co., Ohio, Corner State and 9th St a., Erie, Pa: .., , War,. W. Plum rep2tfBs-Sw3 flao.-S. Itsconn. • ' - dada ns 14 pretfiekt, thing, Pm eet thing," and the Mint all for the least rami&g. ;It orereorism the _odor of persplcitienj 'softens and agilo delicacy to the Writ Le a delightful perfume; allays heidiebeind inflammation; and is a necestarjeaspoir kola the sick rooto,ln the memory; and neon the:toilet sideboard. I lean be obtained erreryerheri at oaa dells per bottle. " ' k; Saratoga Sollait Wat,rs Bold b 7 all Dzilllediir- M B. T.-18150,—XThe amount of .Pliuytatioa Bitten cold is one year. is eomeshit startfAig. They , Wouid , all Broadway air fen high, from the Park to 4th St.' Drakesuinntaistory is one of the institutierui of New, York. It is uld that Drake painted all thß • riieldi Eastern States with his cabalistic , i.,T-1860.....a and then got the old , granny legislators --to pre slat "preventing disfiguring the face of nattroy,"" yrkeh gives biro • monopoly. Wedo not know' how this is,„ bat we do know the Plantstion Clttar sell ell no . eihei article ever did. They ate out by all classes of the community, and are death on •Dyipepsia—csrtain , — They are verj Invigorating when Unsaid -an d weak, and a great appetiser. • „ Paratupylipries Water,•Sold by all Dr uggists. Inn lifting the, kettle from• the ere I melded myself very severely—one hand lamest le a crisp. "flis torttme vu unbearable, • • The Haman Mustang Liniment relieved the pain almoit immediately. It healed rapidly and left very little scar. CRIS. FOSTER, 420 it, oad - St., Phna lilts he merely a sample of what; the Malang Ifni• pent will do. It is invaluable in all eases of wounds. rwellinp, sprains, cuts, bruises, amine, etc, either \ upon Ma or host. Beware cf countetfello, None Is genuine Auden wrapped la flue steal pla'e engraving, bearing the itg. nature at G. W. Westbrook 'Chemist, and the private stamp anemia Barnes & Co.. New York; Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggiarti. Alt *honks s beautiflal head of hair, and its prei• mystics from premature baldnees And turning gray, will not fall to use Lyon's intebrated Icathartorre 'lt makes the hair rich, soft and glow; eradicatei dan druff,' and 'marts the -hair to grow with luxuriant beauty.. It le sold everywhere.. 11. TROIKAS LYON, Chrmtst, N. T. Saratoga Spring Water, Sold by all Dom's:l;i. Irl2/.1" DID I,2—A. young. lady * returning. to her *Santry home after a sojourn oft few months in New ork, was hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a rustic flushed face, she had a soft, ruV. e =pluton, .or almost marble amoothnesa; And instead of 72, she really appeared. but 17. She told them plainly she . used Hagan's Magnolia Balm, and would Dot be withorit it. Any lady can Improve..her personal alipearsomi very much by using this article. It can be ordered of any draggiat for only 60 eta. 'tgaratoga Idprtrist Water, sold by ill Druggists. Beircstreers Iniseltabhiftsir Coloring has Niemand- Ily growing In favor for 4 . 1 , 44 twenty years. It arts upon the absorbents at the mots et the , hair, and changes it to its original color l by degrees. All instantaneous dyes diadem sad Injuriethe hair. relmstreers is not a dye, tat I. certain ltilts results, promotes its ;rosette; and lea beettalftel:iritrening. Prise 60 cants and $l. Sold by all dealers.. . - Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Diciggirts. JAS4IO. Gtsoas—tor ration, nausea, h9iliksra, sick h e adach e . cholera mini bus, 'bare a !aria* genial stimulant Is requlrst. lit wen' prewatiaa and entire. pnritj makes it s cheap anireliable artier* foriaiiitindTparissas. Sold anti. others at 50 cants per totes. • i Illaristogn Spring *Ater, said by all Druggists., r YOU WArry,TEI or BOWL ART/ C L E TOBACCO ANv'C'IGARS In the Ifatiset, go to ST-ERNii"&, coma or ETATS ♦ED FOIJNIIIBYRRETN, DAIWA. W.EIOLISALS AND:MTALL• DEALERS Evllitbing In the Tobacco litielgars, Plug, Mut,. kept cam, ileerichatim Plow Holders, &c., ways kept on hang. Oar variety a'o large node can tail to be salted. Part'eatar atteo(lon Oald to orders, and all goods warranted to be what the, ate sold for. {- HILIIKT T. 13/1/11261i. (rna3'ed.4) • lairs S. Barra, CITY EIVELVIKYLNG. ••• W ' :•W Surveyo'r and Civil, Eiwineert re Ping& d tO esirgii! any Ws in the city or enbasbe, or set any grade from the °Cleat records of the elty. Partlealu attention given to enbillvtdoim of ont•lote and the extension of streets. ♦ll wank-dime with the utmost tare and gnargatand comet _ . hnfling and Ifapplog neatly executed. 2 - Phne,epeetitleationiard Waikato! tarnished on abort notice. , Orden left et the Clothing Store of J. 11. Jim. tics on Iltate.Bl., or it No. 720 - Tionseh Bt., will melte prompt lineation. coat.loso D`"`"TION OR IN).PARTNERSIIIIk • This Inn heretofore extatlng under the ;mine of " ' CART, E.17?,,_ mimed orinient, dating teem Aniiszy, ugh, garter - irtleing.. The' t•oolor of the old arm ra t ed . Wound sthe old place.' Prompteettleneente requ B. DARTER R. (WTI* • - - • ... Hr Carrer.hil seiretsted hirion • 'ebb - Undo tbeteudnees nn.:ll,,m.the teethe and !Om of •• .- _A. It . I t.,t :R. C O:; atieta *metal Dra m kii k u. elnee. Fine Mande:de; rent - 1 1 liernisikeirtial Pre**. • siewitereyerinmar. Yam dttleterOte,. linrstrilifineedeforkeedti.la Unsex are retained and ftnone can rely upna. loidpor "Teed -441 ^ : l77' ; 4 ;Ceih.gei4see;et-iiit:l4-eitir hi " als4; " imam eeriaredienni br Idu:iwUppi,.tceprot old ittwoimputonimlors.o,, • , eit'PAßlr)loK4lllll4=3,4"Alw' mat-tt ; _ 71 ' • - I,3s4oTaurrturs Wooloilaiia *atop Goody. Daum 'tad Costa Ititbanir jail Tan* dfidattdAbloayd , mom - 440 ,tihiBl4dlittA• %pit , „ , '4Oll r 0111.• + A' i ' '' Lac...-.., Mali= IE 'T IX SFr N •R ENE MINI ~~n;».~ ; VI WM? EITRIINGTIII6/11NU 'TONIC -. - !./WI/pagartifliefejtatnna - , 31.00PLAND'S GERATiltAnTrill3 t. - L: - ,1 fr: , . z.• trrc/riducura • ;:.,., . . .- • - ~.,. it..4.40400,,,,r,f4t.,e1.1_, Prostration. to ta rffiLtme N Itt l4fr pl i" .. atri l Air e r.:174 firupwoidiella butan.b# wllltnA int • MU** e Oniii ate• ll €MONG&llPYb+ ol 442ofarth,i, ..P 4l° ". f f" • 11ie5,1ng,14 1 0.... a !;:::-*: l - irietzr x 1 1 .-6 - iti-, - ..., , • .. ad dimities iettiting 4'04 atsciidirs ' *et Ili peer ,n.l , . . Dlgefgyaosi - restrt4lo, " „. , . .. . . 1 B.OOFLIN WS -• 6 kik iiif 4 AirxEßs. , . -TIM Miter. has :prrferrmed more gam. Siten-hette: *ailed* harrow teetimmig. inut mom impeelablo rtliet tit wentish law Daiwa any otheitaltiiisin thetas' . w. 4.0 imams ta.coirtatelk4 th is armititin , mi. my SW.* tansy me who mill prods'' a aertiekme i n tayft l ep by =OMAN sat mittmlane, ..- . . •• 6a ' FiLititA 63RiciAti3rtiEtigi ' . il , ~ .. --..--.,.."...... *Mani also cm ordered:del or iterlo9l debility Anil. Iliettasensitthe isielneya. Obi/arm the ktilowing utopians retttlithif train'ttleOrdnt Of the digestive organs t ' Conatipitibn, Trivial Vika: Vnilatei of Birgeito Cite • !Rem& eciellity of M.'S Nemeem. Atiribarn;' Die. gust ter Vora, Faints s or we hi in the 'fftsteb„ Sew - 11t , tiete)iona, Sie%ing or: Pitt - ilt 'the, Pit.-of the • Stab, Swimming of•timi Bead, me Olean( Arimignm, Fiattering at the Do" Owning orthyttoest t :lag %dilations when In a lying posture.. Ilimutome mytni,, ;ion, Dots or whim before, the Sight,Tervir rad DWI Paid g 't iill (hi Head, DeScieney et P Downes' ir.l' , Doeskin and Syn. Pain in the 'Chest, Loam ,Almr, Sadden Vista's of asst. ge in In Fletall, Con.; ;slant Imagining! of Reiland . Deprenien old phi is. Rafmia ~thatthisßittersbDotalebooliih tostaini no mar or whiatiy a Oka caitiot 'Oak* ilinutloOs, bat is the ,best,tonle in,Upt ruld. - ? , , , I • - - READ WUO SAYS 80. - • Prom Rev. W. D. Beierlid, rsakir of twelfth . Chumb;•Phiia4P. - • Gentlemen— I hare mealy born iabortge, Kadin the distrimiut effects of indlpetion,sotompaelladby a pros, tattoo of th's nervous system. Numerous 1•1:1111EM were reuotennentied by hiendsAmblisoure of than tested. be. without *lief. Your Hoolhind'a,Claresue Bitters wets recommended by parsons whit) hafl tried than', And whose favorable widatlon of these 'Bitters Wined me to try urn'. I umstoutisalhat I bier Id' orefffien to Patent mpmehos trom tha,uthousand and opal qua& oprrpnr wh - om Only aft seems to be to palm off Sweetened sad dragged liquor upon the sommettity Ws' efy Tay, Arid the teatime, br.whithe lfear. to make many Call. limed dronlmo. " Upon ilarMospthat ) ours Cam nails tattwetuti preparation I ter* it With hipai effect. Re action, not only upon ths'atomaeh.beittiorn the asthma flatem. wan prompt and gratiffim. Z 4.1 that I p im a derived mreat and,permmient nenatfrom the on of a few bottle.. Very respectfully' younk W.D. Skiff iRM,IIO. 264 Thaekamaron Pt • the Rev. E. D Amidowt Aedibm Chr*Mw • .4 ' Chrenlehr, Phfl,de. , nue derived decided tone" 4oiti thicin, goaffu l d• N Diemen BAP" and 1.601 WRY PhD* to vsoomenean them ite • most valnabiet tco4pv. all wine are Whiting froth general debility of Mon Pt*Nafrom 4op dersopmeot otitis tivot, "., ‘• ^,• - Yoom truly, .21111 DALL: ,-. • . 'iota Rev. P.. Madge; Nita: pj. Paistittsk B 9 Ptisi • • ' • 'Ohaet It , ftileds. ~-Fro_m„,the_MAN realialinnaltdatk e adnh to 'Wen 00IILDIWA IierALIZI itterl4l,llllll biducad to (WOW* trial. 'After piing sevatil bottles 4 foondthen; to be & good remedy for ands mint essellent tonle toe the stomach , .t, ' D. ifiRRIGII. , 'gram Rev. Wen. Smith, icirmerill Pelted of the Pineal • - town and (N. I 'Dentist IChnythee. Raying used in my f amily *timber of bottles of vets. goolleneVe Garman Bitten, I hare to ear I mud th se an excellent medicine, epectetly ' all to rentoyo Abe diseases they are ret4moiended 4er. . 7 Strengthen and invigorate the eye - tett w h en debility; endue nee fel in disorders of the liven besot appetite, kis f I sue. `also reclmtinendedthem to several, of my Mends. whe hive tried them, and Arend them greatly betualcial in tbo lestotstion,of health. - Yours trap, r. WM. SMITH, 966 MitchinSonS . t, Pfulsda.: BEWARE OF COUNTEREITS: See that the signature of "C. L SACILSON^Js on the wrapper ofeseh bottle. - • Should your nearest drusght not have the &Melted° not be put oer by any,Of - the intoxicating preparation. that may be offered in-its place, bat send' to nizaad we will ferward, seourelypaeheikiby express., Eir Nt Pr t p al Wiles Pa and Mandactery, No. 631 hrels ree; Philad Iphia, • 3627111 EViNS. • • Oneeeasors to C. IL. Jackson ArZ44,l Proprietary. For sale by druggist/and dealers In every town Lathe United States. - &e7'o6-Ig. ; . a HAYES it: YOWLER.% COLVMN. DWELLING 110118E4 kOR ,t3ALE. roue. grit class buildingielis - 4th led 7th Streets, west aide, a part of the estate of Dr. Hall. Thin property. all In one body. anti very dsalrabio.. - . - Elosizei a property for. ale.-112Wfret freest on sth St between State and Pea& . We will nen Ala property cheap. Holm and lot on Second street, between State and Peach. This desirable property-contains about XV! a city fruit—homes 'in good repair, and will be sold cheap for prompt pay.- - . - The line large dwelling lure* of Ws: J.L. Rodgers. on French street, corner of Second traine in the meat complete repair. Price low—terms cosy. Fait elan three atom brick deredliag On sth street. east side, anisued complete , sa4 irilE be "soh eta bar' HMS AND LOT IfOlt SALS—Siiefeen Sasiatraeind Kirtis streets, on the I ink.. Hove two retries, and in - good condition. Price $1,600. • We haves Dumber of very desirable private residences for sale, worth from $5,0 1 0.t0 $l5OOO. •CITTAHS BOUM FOR.SaLS—On Chesuost dew. betwceo Ninth ..and Tenth street,. House has parte]; Sitting room, din tog . room. kitchen. three bed roadie. - eksete, cellar, etc., in complete repair • PIESTVIASS Dwier.Lisa FOB 141.15—0n-Eighth street, lint dour e .at Qr.% 44"; Hors new. lqt 53 by Mb feet. STORE. FOLTNOIty, WATER POWER - AND I,OTS FOR STORES MR BAlll.—We oiler for see 155 by s.ek, beet, corns; of State and Eleventh streets; sod ISO by leo • feet ou State street, south of Idlers Machine Shop. T. decidedly the but property for side In the city «4. upeldue shops. stone, etc., and will be itoldlw lota sat the purchasers. . • . •12,:ii : - ! --.,:), - I. .-• BUILDING :LOTS Fe ReB ' ' Ilt, , , , : • .... .!: - :.:,. , 4. e::-ii • A Full City Lat be Eighth street. Chestnut. Altus the Lot in the nano* *set. convenient to canal.. Tery desirable for . _ Two eheiee dry I..ets on Fourth street, ' restmg. - Chestnut, 41 feet a Inches by 1851sest. •.,...- _ ,', We have left a ameba of Building Mt; tratiniuh .: and Bu ff alo streets. Wire= Holland ext 4 ',A4 high gravel ground and very desirable:- ._ ,- ..,:.. °macre of land on Cherry etreecneittat—CeluellitryS This is a ans.*, lot. • - - -7 : . this fell City Let, earlitr -4 -1116 Yelittfafligtalits - - mirth side. Pelee S4OO- Abe, oste'on age Ora"' of Myrtle. _Etta $l.OOO. . Ten BuildincLOte. elector of , DiTsVtraa 4 Xhie full CB - Wt I . ertraiiTenth and ' , Mao.: one on Tenth 111.1teterseta Myrtle sa d - 4orth aide. Ws 1.110 foot id:retitle fast built .sillbt par - ties died:tag to erestAind elms resideassa. , . _ , ~, A FULL cmr i.p7 . -De flth inset , Of -Midi& Eit FO lee n t4 A 6°lr. ALlia . a - attiHrer: o i Lb a dattat — fllbt - Aiiiiik Wiewit— and flertaar Creek . _ tps., et prises Aron 4 - 70-ao. *Toe! We. CITY LOTS FOB BALIC. • -A innatter of thiriatikde• ' arable building lots in theulty on prisatetiallffistll . - -i, J.i . t',f ,, '-.4 ~ ' . .. n•-• • .. .. • ,M! . ,P''''". '":.. . . ,v ii ,: ' 2r4; .1 . • FARMS FOR BMX SY HAYSIWICIFSLOYS. . , • FOR aux—liii airt4 o 1 the larinfillate Billed Barr, 'Boated on -Ridge ltbak one tkeittb• dip* containing an orchard of 160 glatledigqpie krelei int at few pooh and peer true. • • FORIALE-100 mei wiled 14,10 liceedi,lll li miles front the 07. nice, $2O per pet: ,-, • Farm of 85 acres InChantenqua a ROL:This form is located within-three miles of -ilint e alante, about 20 acres improisd; a Mut *sled good bans and eat houses, young. aidatalL , •ge. ocral 3 :frtoto-gplee, paschal,' Prescatega• • ''•:_t --,•".•:, ' Tventyseres of Fartalog lauttatel Isi ages eta timber :lot, 4to 4 miles east of the city. me the takeltaad..— Pete $120: er sore-101 sell thelflsorea riptrato# de. aired. • Vine tarn on the 20 lama, A FARII itllarbooFeek, south of A L ka •-, sta tion go to too node, eantainlng ald d t UM Altriti..ooll bank bern—goodlooderate els d flonelp-folum Siena —6 to Mural 41f itoode‘leoU Atotekkad i . Oa fiatian ntate of coldratloo. •Prtca $4,500. Tanta easy „ .... , ' ' A FAlllf,north of the;ralboad itatdon, on thellidge. RAW 100114 Aunt 100 none geoid,* StatilEastlaVfaraz house, 2 flee born; orchard, out holosee#lllo.- Vag plleat 1/1 In a No. 1 state at cultivation. ?ties . ItICG par soot. Terms eau. ' • -• Fifty sere farm for eale—the farm - W4. Darien Int Bill etaelroktoas 4,ittlesiles from the eller-aw! eara• • b00m...6w back tom orchard, 8 10.._Zr01 Illndl bottom laud Pries COCO. Posigeiabla I st - , •• ' •-- ' - TRIM* k . Irate aad Naive ill Rata • ' , . . _ Rat bloat, Erie. lit. ~..._ Jantr, • - • A 'All tha; warding tbs 4 i; 01P 'lowers and Reapers Tebbilid. ',Vitt : ll l.4 Mo, far Oirenlm. ~ ..X.- B°. 1 11; 40.1 311/ 44 1. , . EttAlso Agin , .64 t464le:Porik**l4or9D. per. ri • r.l.oo4Asentompitid‘ to