The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 10, 1866, Image 2

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THITROAY. *Y. 10, 1866.
The bill for the admission of the Terri
tory of Cc:11011ml° as is State of the Colon
hes passed both Houses of Congress, and
now awaits the President's, sigdatnre or
veto. The opinirm gains ground that Mr.
Johnson will give - no countenance to this
most Iniquitous of the many .shameful
party schemes of the dominant organiis
lion at the Federal capital.
, lv is now generally understood that the
Johnson Republicans who are opposed to
Geary's election have resolved to hold a
State Convention in Pittsburgh for the
nomination of a third candidate. Gen.
Dick Coolie?, of Westmoreland, a soldier
of admitted gallantry, a lawyer of ability,
and a gentleman of rare talent as a stamp
speaker, will, in -all - probability, be their
nominee far Governor. - He was Lieuten
ant Colonel of the regiment with which
Geary first went to' the war, and pronoun
cos him a coward and a poltroon. With
Clymer and Coulter on the course agaipst
him, the Disunion nag will find "Jordan
a hard road to travel." 4
_ •
Dnennitheir motives as th 4 may.ltia
transparent that the great en Ci the Radi
cal leaden have in flew! in their refisal
tOillow the SouthetnAates to occupy a
pjace at the national coUneiliboard, is: to
keep the posts of honor and profit under
the government in (hihands of a party
which would be in a miOrity if the South
-1 ern States• were anemia their political
rights in the Union. Were the people of
the South able add disgosedlto enter into
a covenant to do nothing : Weald* . to
take theses of the Government from the
Republican leaders and their friends, their
right to representation in 'Congress would
no) be ,withheld'another day.
Tau editor of the Warren Mail writes to
his paper from Washington inn the follow
leg doleful strain t :
'The Union man should know that the mem
yrs of- the Democratic State Committee are au
by, Moan to report to him all eases
where.Aepublicane sax be folowl to =got ewes
-wild ifohnson's
. eoNrstione annexed, and, upon
the recommendasion of the copperhead cowl
men, amen will Kane the change. made as
cis Covey a4jowns. eo that conlfrmation •
not be neeessa l I spealeadrisedly on that
point, and can establish the fact, beyond
all hope of contradiction,Uf Cowan being
in constant intarcourse with leading Dem
egrets to effect the decapitation of true
Union men. and he is fully authorized by
the President to do so.
Substitute for the words - "Union men"
In the above; that of Radical, and we sus
pect it is not- far from the truth. The
President and Mr. Cowan have resolved
that men who "oppOse the Government"
and labor with all-their might to render
the dissolution of the Union complete,
shall no longer enjoy the bounty of that
"GovernMeut" they afe doing so mach to
• Wa oom *end -to the special attention
of Federal office-holders in this and ad
joining counties, the follovring dispatch
from Washington fo Ma Philadelphiaßad
idiss, one of the chief radical organs in the
Bast. We can add, from • our personal
knowledge, that the main part of its state-
meats is comet
"The President is understood to haze
declared that he is bound to defeat Geti ,y;
and to , his end will remove every Fide 1
officeholder suspected of upholding the
union nominee. General, Moorhead, a
candidate for Gubernatorial honors when
Geary was nominated, has been here for
severadays, fixing up some arrangement
of this sort."
= Tux loie which thelladicals bear to the
• aims has been instructively illustrated by
the conduct of the Setiate during the past
week. Three generals of the arm , nom
inated for posts in the diplomatieserVice,
have been rejected by the majority of that
body, because they were known or sup
posed to be favorable to the president's
policy of poses, reconciliation, and the
speedy reconstruction of the Union. The
only "loyalty" reoogisised by the Radicals.
in out of Compress, is "loyalty" not to
the Union, tut to the policy of Sumner;
Wade. and Stevens. _
Tao New York Thus (conservative
Republican) declares of the Destruction
Committee's report that "as a plan ofps•
cification and reconstruction, the whole
thing is worse than a burlesque. It might
be styled a farce, were the country; not in
the midst of a very serious. drante. Its
proper designation would be, A plan to
prolong indefinitely the exclusion of Abe
South fromCofigress by imposing condi• •
tious to which , the Southern peoploymeier
• will submit: "._!
WE Disszyr:
On the day of the final adjournment of
the State Legislature—an . event for which
the- people should feel thankful—resolu
tions were offered in Wilt Homes - Ain the
Senate by a Democrat, • and in the House
by a disunionist,) highly complimentary
and disgustingly eulogistic of Gov. Our
tin's official acts during the last five years.
In both houses the resolutions were pass
ed by an unanimous vote. To our mina
this is extraordinary. For the Democrat.
to members of the Jogislature to approve
of Gov. Curtin's elfeiti sets--acts which
every Democratic member has had com
a= to:condemn,and which no Demoerat
le Convention, State or Sounty, ever had
the hardihood to endorse—ii beyond our
comprehension. " What does it mean ?"
we have been asked a hundred times by
sturdy Democrats, who have been disgust
ed and shocked at the corruption and un
blushing extmva,gance which have pre
'Tailed at Harrisburg ever since Gov. Cur
tin has occupied the Presidential
We could give no answer to the question,
for, as we have said, the action of the
Democratic members in voting for the re.
solutions is a mystery we are unable to
. Since Andrew G. Curtin his been Gov
ernor of the State he has
• deliveied• nu
morons speeches before the political loth
iringe of his party. In every one of them
he spoke of Democrats is "ooppeiheads"
and "traits, ,, and in every one Of tirem
he endorsed and aiprofed the hifik-hind
ed entraps perpetrated by the ( infamous
Lincoln administration. Re permitted
the tools of the wretch Stanton to come
Otto Ibis State; find, without warier - It anti
in defiance of law, drag men to prisons
and baatiles, confine them there for
months,ind then releaie them without
explaining why they had been -arrested
and imprisoned. Some of these men
his neighbors, and many of those whO had,
arrived at the riPthage of three score years
and ten. One old man, aged 70, from
Columbia county, died in Fort Mifflin
after an' imprisonment of six weeks. To
'this day his family has not been told why
he was arrested or by whose orders. Gov.
Curtin permitted Ahem; oittrages, we Say;
nay more, he approved of them, and many
of his hirelings assisted in the base work.
More than this. Gov. Curtin's Admin
istration has been extravagant anti cor
rupt to the core. The very atmosphere
of Harrisburg smelled with corruption.—
For the last five years scores of political
*rants have Hovered about the &Ste
Capitol like vultures attracted by carrion ;
and these creature* have been permitted
to draw tens of thousands of dollars from
the State Treasury' without rendering one
iota of service to he State. Any one who
takes a look it th the reports of the. Au
ditor General and State Treasurei, -Can
form some idea of the reckless manner in
which the people's money has been ley
ished upon political toadies and stealing
vagabonds.: And all this by pennisaion of
Governor Curtin, for none of the
loos measures of the Legislature becime•
a law without his approval. . Aud.yet this
is the man who is endorsed and cotruxteild
ed by Democratic menibers of Assembly I
But again. Governor Curtin has par
doned scores of the very worst criminals
in the ;State because they were his politic.:
al friends: - When he turned lonse . opon
society the three cold-blooded - murderers
in this county, O few months ago; it was
because they ; were Republicani who bad
voted for him, and their victim a Demo
crat who had voted, against him. "
If Gov. C Jrtin's administration has been
ell right, then Lincoln's' was also .right,
for Curtin approved of Lincoln's worst
and mist tyrannicalcis. What use then
is there in contending for the election of
an honest man 'like Hiester Clymer?. If
Curtin's administration has been patriot
ic, honest and proper, why make any op.
position to the election of Geary, who
proposes to run the machine as Ciariin ran
it ?' Seriously speaking, this endorsement
of the Curtin administration by Demo
cratia\ members of Assembly, was a most
flagrant error. Here in old Mother Cum
berland we may be a - little rustic and , tin
acquainted with political "rings," but be
that as it may, we are not quite ready to
endorse the public acts of Andy Curtin,
and in the name of tour thousand Demo
crats whom we represent, we beg leave to
dissent from the action of the Demoirat
members of the State Legislature.-'-:
Carlisle Volunteer.
The fact that John W. Forney is Clerk
to the Senate of the' United States, and
the further fact that he was a chief agen
cy in the nomination of John W. Geary,
give to the political sentiments expressed
by him a significance and an importance
to Which they would not otherwipo be en
titled. When he_spe:aint he may firmly be
regarded rie reflecting the 'vieers„ of the
radical majority of the Senate. Ma ut.-
terances may also, not improperly, be
taken as explanatory comments on the
platforit of the radical disunionists of this
State, upon which Jelin W. Cleary now
stands.. The most authoritative eitposition
of the political, creed of those whose
mouth-piece Forney is, may be found in
his recent address before the Banneker
Institution of Philadelphia, delivered on
the 19th inat. in that carefully prepared
speech Forney says:
I am unhesitatingly in favor of confer
ring the ballot upon the colored citite'n—
nay, I believe; that the only principle upon
which our restored institutions can. per
manently repose, is to confer the same
rights upon the loyal colored man that are
returned to the disloyal white 'man. '
tii we recognize and act upon this truth,
we shall be justly taunted 'with having
vainly fought down the rebellion.
That is a bold avowal of the leading Po:
litical dogma of the party to which For
ney newt belongs. We are'bsire told that.
the end and object of the Radical Repisti
licans in the pruSecutioe of the horrible
civil war through' which we:have passed
with so much g national distress,.was the
elevation of the negro to a perfect politic ,
al and 'social equality with theibite man.
What will the soldiers say to such 'in in
famous doctrine ? Are they ready to ad-
Shit that such was the object' for which
they fought 1 , 4 Will they agree to the•as_
sertion that all their glorious achieve
ments must be regarded as in vain - unless
Universal suffrage and entire equality
granted to the negroes ? • Tint.° is to be
no restriction of negro suffrage, for For-.
ney declares again :
If- it is replied that a colored man
should not vote until be can read and
write, the answer is teady that thmisands
of the white men who fought against the
black could neither read nor write.. • '
Lest there might be some inisapprehen
sion.of the objects and the design of the
party for which he speaks, 'he reiterates
the sentimen t s expressed - before.: The
equality is to be universal. and the suff
rage equally sa unlimited._ He declares
that the masses of the Republican party
are being rapidly edutated up to that
standard. Hear him
, We (the Republican party) are being
wonderfully prepared, white and black,
North and South, East and West, for the
results of
_universal emancipation, viz
un i verse / equality and universal suff rage. - The
moral revolution itt the United States ma)
really be called a-rand religious revival
The destruction of long-cherished heio•
B i en is followed by the acceptance . of long
repudiated doctrluee„ -
Do the anaaaes4ae where they are being
led blindfolded by party prpludieci? , Can
they doubt as to what will siedily L'a3
quired of them f.. Will the/ not_open
their eyes to the true political coridition 7
Are they ready to be triade the plitirit biota
in the hands of designing political dema
topes .. in the - hard task of working Out'
their oeciplete degraciition ? :It , ii, - for
them to atty. Put they nifist aa, speedily
or it will be too late. If they:eleot * Eleist7
at the' coming eleotitin; they 1 ill
keYe deeidid the tAktelit
The New n •
Lisbon (0. ), BitcheyJ Strt6 l
Republican Pape!, cloning' an ;attfOlf: On
the situation; says; !.`pb, that
the hand-of-Booth had been Paralysed,
and the heart Of. AtzekOtt iuoreffirm c w—=
Atunott wat.the tuna Who. 44' elniica'
with intending to kill Johnson.
I - et VI
~, Political Clippings.
The eastern newspapers are publishing
a phrenological chart of Bittlet.:., We have
ex,ll4lll4ft, Ceitie no account of the
tinuipii which 'we're raiss.dim cra-,
alum by She
The Washington correspondent of the
Chicago Time) says that Gen!, Grant "is
the just and firm friend and adviser of the
President. Gen. Grant says the President:
has not gone far enough." , • 1.
Brownlow says Kentucky lusty t' go .to
hell.? Can't ; you give her a etter of in
'trodueion, _Governor? It might have
great weight with the cloveril,footed radi
cal below.—Nashville Examiner.
There is a negro in Philadelphia whose
feet measure twenty-one inches in length.
It is supposed they will housed as the ntott .
" Republican" platform.
A RADICAL ' CROWD ....A RifillbliC92ll in
Maine, who had served out his time of 30
days' in the Augusta jail, was asked when
he came out how he liked it.l " I had a
bully time," said he. "There were se!.
enty.six inmates of the jail and not a
copperhead amongst the lot."
As the building at one end! of Pennsyl
vania Avenue is called " the White
House," would it'not be wise, as a matter
of distinction, to call the !building, in
which Congress peets, at theother end of
the afenue, " the Black HouSe 2" ;
It is indeed strange to .hear a first class
Loyal Leaguer, who a few.years ago advo
cated withholding the ballot from_ the
" and French,!'" because of
their alleged ignorance, now turn around
and claim it for the late negro slaves. Ii
takes the.wisdem of a Solomon to under
stand nab gig ratio summersetts.
A' black duck--Cbarles. Sumner. ' A
lame duck—Thad. Stevens. dead duck—
John W. Forney. Wounded ducks—Post
masters, Revenge Collectors' and -Assess
ors, and"Federal l office holdets,, generally.
ttA Suss]: Peaotor,—ln a recent address
A the " unterrified," at Tainmany nail,
aptain Ilyriders, referring in his peculiar
and sarcastic manner to tluißlack Repub
lican party, said its motto was from Pope,
and was : - - i
Li Hetet-and etatinti boil no onto glen else,
Steal an yott cth them all the prOt
A bill has been ''reported I in . -Cengresit
making an appropriation of ; eleven millions
sir Atavism, ea :forty tliouseasd dollars for the
support and education of the negrees.—
The - white tax•payera of the country will
find their " colored brethren"- and the
Bureau - an expensive luxury,l'_
A white man in §L Louie became en•
raged at a negro, the other day; and was
about to strike him with a biickbat, when
the colored man fell back on his reserved
rights. "'Look here, white man, don't
you strike me wid dat ar rock—don't you
do it, sar. ra hive you know dat When
you strikes me you a strikes a Bureati t"
The radical Republicans are determined,
wherever they have control, to rile with
an iron rod. Not satisfied :with persecu
ting those who differ with them political•
ly, they also attempt to control- men? re
ligious actions. In Chicsgs, where the
city offices, are filled by Republicans, all
German and Trish Catholic ;laborers We
been excluded from public-works,-to make
room for 'anti-Catholics' and ',ltegroes.
The New ' York Times glires, in a nut
shell. the Chieflseope an 4 substance o
present political discussinne. It says-;
The Southern States claimed, and the
North denied, the right to secede from the
Union. Both believed they' were right,
and appealed - to the arbitrament of war.
The North conquered. Thesouth swept
ed the result. Why, then, do`me
twin that States which we Said could not
get out of the Union; are os4 of iL. 0 • •
nuissonossrrs.—The way ' they do it.
there, is in this wise : • • f
• The horse railroad drivers; of Cambridge,
Mass., struck on Monday,Lecause two col
ored men were employed to work in one
of the stablei. The result Wail, that forty
colored. men were pet in the plaoes of the
strikers. ' •
" STOOhI TO Commus."—We are ciedibly
informed that Gen. Geary, the Blimp fa
vorite for Governor, stops eveiymaa , wo
man aid•child whersver 'meets Iheml,
aid Sonata .their votes aid itifluen te in
his.fay.or. A day or two since baba' one
of our intelligent Democratic mechanics,
and said, "BillY, of courie',yeid_ will vote
for me. : You know I ana . i Dooirat, as
ion are " "Yes" said our,honest friend,
may be, butlt . ea, Ge n e ra l; you are
in verylbad company, and iyon musk not
expect .much quarter from me, or men of
my way of thinking."—Halrriabur,ry 'Patriot.
HISTOZICAL NOTL—The New York runes
'says : " A little fact came its, our knowl
edge a day or two since, wblch shows how
history may sometimes .be written. A
young man, of not over steady habits, was
lately - missing from his hotne for nearly a
month.• Last week he returned, 'saying
that he bad ' been Pouth? to get work,
but that everybody, was mtirderbsi Mirth
emery, and he had -concluded - a retreat
'advisable. -Investigation ;developed 'the
fact that his erratic wanderings had been
bounded by the oonftnesiLot Sixth
-ward during the entire period of ifs ein- .
• ,
How CHAT = I —Edwin *with, brother i
of Wilkes, appeared i f ai '4lto Walittt - St.
Theatre, in Philtidelphilvi on did night,
of the 24thialt., in the :theveotei of thO
Moor. ' A larger or morerilliswt 8 odierloo
never before Asembled in Sltat'aity. It
was nearly halt an hour, sitter his sippear
ancer on the stage, before! he could pro-
coed. lie was greeted with one round of
applause after another. , One ran' ago he
hid to hide himself in that city, in celleri
and girrets, to- save hie life. Stich are the
characteristics of '" loyslty," ahont whie)
a certain class of .peoplel4lk sci. airstab. - L:
aearifirct Republican; , i , ,
RI/twins° BEABON,--.TheOltinitilEennin
speaks of a clergyman whia it:limit:led the .
editor:the other- day, that day; or-- two
*lke-the. assiussinatiori,of4 . resiabn't tic;
coin be had preached.* Sermon 4mb-erg.'
ed with
_vengeance torisird tbeAlutkinsd'
that., alined' over 'sines the; thOdight hes
been present to ihn : . ,t'-I'm , e4atrdoned
febel,loo,"Oidthat, therefore;: ehere.wa*
4+ 0 . 0 .P r Y4::. iii ,... ,70 !:k 0 44 1 4:*i 1 41 41 atiCe.
%on the Seumern peoP.l.l3vho 1,0 %OW
enlisted in ''.l4A)elliOnv while alms through:
‘pard?n. ' 4 4 **,.: . O l Og h . , t Y. `'`l 2- . I A: tktiO
foi• Balialklp... where' as ; qirkat sraity_ in,
this view and been amp iced Ehai
Iniii r .oBOli4iii r to • he AiVinely ii*fi t iiid . — :
hove iitetieSnisitteditlieo;gieckalpil.
It is not toil istelocip so.o - 1044s w." v '' - '
L 1
4::::.2.".: . 7 .•: ,, ,1,... i•
ASOIIIIIII Ansanaser.4-1t is rumored
that a prominent member of the Commit.
to3o enkliettonstructioa , has" prepared and
meaiiiiiieller in Voittreen, ins few days,
the fothriPtii4litioottramendment to
the Constitution : . '
ASTICIa XOV, -no Slaw shall 'be
admitted to repretentrition in 'Congress
until, by wproviso embodied in its funds
mental law, it pledges its citizens never
to claim restitution of any Pianos. Witch
es. finger ringNspoons, Bilk dresser,books,
r picinres,, sideboards, wines., Doors,, OLT
Times; and 'other portable Moped, which,.
Intifatazirtfineomiler..4bir - -
military necessity, have been transferred,
shipped, removed or carried awaylrezik
their residences, cellars, grounds, out
houses or stables, and delivered it to, the
care and;keeping-of loyal citizens of Neir
England ; and alt persons claiming or as.
serting title to any such portable property
so removed, shall be excluded from the
basis of representation, and are forever
disqualified to hold any office ortiast:cir.
profit under the State-or General Govern
Forney wauts the Southern imst.offices
git . ren to negroes. He !aye, in his thso'
ele : " There is a ,clais of men
. at the
South, howayer, about whom . there can be
no doubt, and whoseloyalty is abovastis
picion. We mean the blacks. Wedo not
see why the offices at the disposal of the
Postmaster General should go a. begging
:while this eletnent,remitios at-the South."
The "loyalty" of the mules is also
"above suspicion;"why, _ therefore.
Should the offices go atbegging.:while that
element remains there ? The " elements"
Equal in " loyalty" and intern
gence—let them share alike,
Last week, says the New,baryport Herald,
a company of , glass-blowers closed a series
of entertain ments, with ainizesif a glass
bird--?a, very handsome present . -L-ttr the
handsomest lady in.the ball. - A' Cominit
tee of two gentlemen was appointed to
decide who the fair woman should be, r -
After a careful survey 'of the company,
they decided upon a lady of African de
scent, haying black .curls:and black , eyes;
with_ a skin of the same color, and escort
ed her to the room for the presentation.
The Savannah Republican, a malignant
radical journal, bears this testimony con
corning the feeling of the people of Geor ,
gin.. We commend it to lty.' Sumner as a
proper addition to his sarap-book i
The most•valimble, high-iiihded, indus
trious, honest and generous men in the
South to-day ere the. ex-Confederate sol
diers, , both officers and privates, from
whom government has little to fear,
and from whom emigrants will receive
such treatment as the true gentleman al
ways extends tp the stranger.
The New 'York World says: ' 4 lf thei
share of human blood shed within the
last four years could be, apportioned'
aniong.thcrse who caused it lc film the !le - 1
nior - editor of the 7ibuni could take
blood-bath every day of his natural life.",
WA2ITED.-4. • commercial school
Washington, where members of Congress
can be taught, that the whole interests iof
the ination do not lie - in the negro, but
that the country has a ,vital interest in
the development of its commercial reibri,
tions and power.
As Congress has said thathereaftex the
head of no living man shall be• prhited
on United States eminency, it is thought
probable that the next important line
will- bear the head of..:Forney.—St. Louir
Republican.. • •
"But ther& is still another :clan for
whourao one has yet Item on this floor,
who hafe contribute toyouy succese nsf
lass than the soldier .the creditor, I was
COUNTEY."—einitOT U. S.
Sena*, Apr •
'lB, 1866. :Bee_Congressiorl
al (Robe) -
The soldier, the creditor, and the white
mechanic of America have, in the estinpi
tion of Senator Sumner, borne'equal bur
thens in the salvatiownt the militia. .Be
"was almost about to say"' that the freed
man was equal with each, but he fails to
enunciate' the sentiment., and are fairly in
fer that in his opinion the - sacrifices and
'privations-of the former surpass those of
all,others. This is : the deliberate - law
guage.ef the Senator, in a studied attempt
to flatter and praise the mechanic. It
was called out during the discussion upon
shill for the relief of Certain naval con which the theme' chosen - for
his elaboration, was the value of the
'American mechanician in the recent civil
struggle H e believes the negro' is, txl4l
to any white iUSTI; 1014 herd he tgpreseee
his conviction that his services artrgreater
than those of the men who bore the brunt
of the fight for the Union. The negro
amp the mechanie r the negro the equal
of all white men, the negro 4mtitledlo
vote, to nit _en juries, to travel with us, to
eat with us, to sle'sp With the, enjoy
every social and political rightahat we en
joy, are the Alpha and Omega of his daily
thoughts; they are the prominent traits
of the negro-loving disunionists.• White
men, protect yourselves by your ballots.
" tetterffroni Plthole a taty." '
i'ITIIOLE CITY, May 8, /MK).
• En. Ens Onsativais :Your correspondent
has noticed with much pain severaLallusicins I
of sAierepittable chancier to this , model
turn:: Animated with n desire that the trgth_
should be known, he, is 'Unstained to break
a Silence of some duration, imposed upon hitti:
self by that mein of modesty for which lie le
said tote remarkable.
'Why Providence has continued to let us
modern Sodom Sourish for BO long:-why He
has sensed all the Aires to take place en wet
aid still nights, when even the shingle/tonnes
twfused to burn; why He hoe kept an abubd.
limes of mud and water.always near by to en
tinguldi the flitmesil these aretryend Mor
tal ken.---But soil Is; Pithole ,City hes been
lip - tired, And it may be for some great end::.-
Perhaps ass depot for ill manner of vice arid
- crime; perhaps as an er k ample. • 1,
In $ business, point of view, Pltholn City,
seems destined to become again •prospereus.,
The;railrodds, oil pipes. and plank roads ten'
teeing here seem to forbid that this lutitily
construeted city shall die in a day. A tiredly
amount of public spirit and liberality eilata
among the people, already beariog frultin , the
planking of the main-street (Efolmden) and
the construction of a large sewer along ttlet.
once a conservator. of health end, a prompter
'comfort' la the meantime the deprealleti
among oil men le =giving-'way tn:gonlidratee
and hope. Old wells are beiag .fy..tosted
- worked with profit, while new ones'aili being'
struck' in unespeitted ' -
- Evenvelth lie great disadyantsgehi Pithele
carts pronounced by many- tofbe.after
mostdeitirshin, Olson - JO residene'eAts th
regions. kis elean sand heilthy'lind,thelogn.
Lieu is pleasant,
_The abominable corruptiens
Ant have geein wit:here end given the plane,
such an odious name abioad,nre slowly widen.•
leg the : breach -between respectability and,
decency, and paving the' way to reform.l Jit"
present there are • aucusf_ gkand licensed;
oieration some ten 'or liteleacedane , of - vlge;
from Whickniese OfiLlrn!flY. l .o4,lllll lhi
• • time . of rattan.' Or, oigrge,_; tlelput hurganity
Indigene with tlseclisgutiog of
40 . :111,14110,1:,JOVOilinej;° TlBTAliepellteTlL, •
justice-weigh Mein otlenWel• l iiftbe balanhe
,theitowifinterest.'smiwn betide themufer 7
tunatis Winger ;whollallii Ante the hendeut:
trim Titheihtn:, pkiklatinen,:, l l‘hatlid lei
-efpritrat.'nome between .the throagnif flaunting'
masseik44:o44 !here; ir*termite"
June iro 141,1140,17 iiiii*Poollll be num.
and it is hard to tell which would be vlctori—
one.- There is a body constantly Increasing,
who are striving and hoping for better things,
and in due time they will.behenrd.
„j',lreeare of such , frequent occurrence as no
Icbgikto *mien seem& local excitement :4 1 --
Your i lorregeoulbin t *la at first inolitiedAo
.post u with fultpacticubtis, bUt the coziest,
jstietips Mowed Mich . other In such' apid
ocesrion" as to prevent lie keeping u the
aorresPondeneelnd it been begun.
i f
!Petroleum Centre is-now tbo greatest' p oint
for, oil, speculations, and e x perienced. dges
say-that It will ' soon ' take the lead in - hose
orenlieritlei heretofore known only in Pitbole.
Weskiliotkory, bee anew well producing about
kt,,g l ot,
._, Y , _
Hon* on,.culvere ..k-Thel "en. life &Weir") is si.irtiidtee ski)
settled down at Franklin, Penang° county, a
ew„yeara.egoiand witlytrne h ankee cuteness
soon "persuaded - the `people of 'that- distriotti
that he was just the man to direct all their '
finanotel.'eperations and replesent them in
Congress. He got up banks, staked 4 ont rail
roads. and laid out cities, And made a large
, majority et the people believe that iina.very
few years theywould all of them become mil
lionaires throuelkthe genius and enterprise of
the "Hon. Mr. Culver." The stock of the
4_l2degtodon Bone Mining Company"; went. up
-five hundred Ter cent. when , she name,of the
"lion. Hr. Culrer",appeared In its list 'of Di
rectors. 'Oil flowed whereier the '!Apo. Mr.
Cttiver'? 'looked down s bole -in the ground;
and if he juk 'opeoet - tis mouth there; wee
an unmistakable flow ofgas.
' The people pinned their faith to the "lion.
Air. Culver." They gut their money in his
hankie; they :took stook in his railroads; they
boughtt, hie- city lots; they adopted his polit
ical principles , and they elected him to Con
gress. Alas! they are now in the doleful
condition of "victims of mispladed - oonfi
deuce." The 'lion. Mr. Culver's" batiks ore
looked" and -his' 'oenetitnentel - have _bit their
money. His railroads are not built and their
stock will draw no dividends.- His cities have
not risen from the ground, and those who
bought the lots-can-find no sale for them. His
political principles have been found no better
than his financial schemes; • and to cap the
climax. and add insult' to injury, the alien..
;Mr: Culver" now only "occasionally repro
pents" 415 deceived'and swindled constituents
in Congeal's , . • - • -!'
• In the good old times when honesty was ibe
both in business arid politics, the Die
trict which the “Hen. Mr. Culver"'now -Itoo
casionally represents"' Demooratib.—
That was when Pennsylvanians .ruled
Pentsylvanis, and ! before they ha 4
suffered: itinerant. Yankees to indoctrinate
them with, the !'great Moral ideas" of Ketoh-
Inn and Culier. Now that they have bought
enough of wit to last 'herd a. very long life
time,.to judge by the Trice they have paid for
it, we trust the people of the "Hon. Mr. Cal
ver's" district will return to their first love,
discard Yankee principles' andsend a Penn
sylvania DemoOrat to represent thee!' in Con
A RemanY.— A sure and certain remedy for
dU disessee of the stomach and digestive or
gans, is Hootland's German Bitters. 'They,
never fall in Dyispeptia, Liver Complaint, or
Nervous Debility. The use of a bottle or two
Will work wonders. Try them. For sale by
all druggists. They are not a Rum drink.
• ,The,real.Velpau trench tills should not be
used during a certain time, as they will surely
bring on s miscarriage.' Bold by all drug.
gists. myA-1 m.
The roallielpatt French Pills ours eiciimiiss
►t the stomach, vomiting and heartburn. See
notice. Sold by all druggists. a12.1m.
- mar Clark & Brother, Wholesale sad Re
tail Dealers in Confectionety, Oysters, Canned
Fruit, Ststioaery, Yankee Notions, Bakers'
Goods,- Toys, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &0.,
West Bide of Peach Ptreet, 1 Square.Sonth
of the Union Depot, Brie, Pa. Also, Dealers
In all kinds of Country Produce. Particalar
•ittantion paid to tiling country orders.
geirD. W. Hotehineon, United State. Claim
Agent, Girard, Penna. Pensions, Back Pay,
llognty, and all other claims against, the Goy;
ernment attended to with promptness. Charges
reasonable. Aiipliestiolits by malattaided to
the same as if mule in person. (jalB m.)
Picrritans.—rressons wishing to procure por
traits of theiteilves or members of their fam
ilies, should collet the gallery of Hr. Ohiwiler.
in -Rosenzweig's, block. • His specimens of
work convince us that he is an artist who has
feSmuperiors. . The throng of visitors to his
rooms are an indication that his merits are
daily becoming better known end appreciated
by the public. • *
I. Erie. Mat]cets••Buying Prices.
Oirrfetsi. mu* for. Ai Observer, by GA Patersax
CO., Arm* 4 MIN, ionises+ Diersor i g; 4.
headmrdDasta 4 Carom —. • • •
. • . .
Dino Varti.—Apples 16017; teaches 28082;121ark
berries. 86040.
Vaarrsatais.—Potatoes. $1.000110; Moots, 000
sl4olitttipst, 800507 - CaldaiKper bead. 10011; Beets,
0 45076 e; Carrots, 44060; l'anudos, 65075; 'Vegetable
Oysters. 203 e per latedk: &flow Set - U.46.W - 7.00. • K.
Paoarrom- , Batter,4oo4se; Cgge,lBo22; Lard, 17.16206:
llone14515080; - Clutese.lBo6tr
Partr..-.Aoples, $176 0 $2 00,
Geuw.. ire.— Cara, 66068; Oats. 46048: Wheat,
Taber,V 4001 60 ; Rbeat, white. $9 604 ; Shorts,
$1 4501 60 ; Corn Reid. $14501 80; Feed, $1 46C* ¢0 1
• Barley, 75085; Beam*. V 6002 CO
$OOO. --Clever, $6.76.0 1626; .slolothy. $.2.50
. • '
rietrearktit "Aim: XXX w; wheat, $12.50013.00
-XX red. $ n memo; 1c tee, 40040.00: za 0 lab $620
' 01000: IX Red Wleter. new, $0,2500.76.
YOU sea Ilitec.--Xabe, Beaty Vork 1'3.00029.50;
I.lgtitis2B:6ool22 003 ager Cated NUM 20gt2 I rer
COIIIIUI 1 190. Sa0IIMS111.1405; Lift. per barrel
$ 1 8: 10 00,810; tetra Yesi Reef, $lBO2O.
HAIL% Count Bestanu.—Thii public attention Ii *Pala
called to the merits of this Otani" popular mollehs•—
mini] am roe iroefistaisliran taw: prima i:rs
imp or Twearneinii Teems 41 arum-ran tun son mar
DT LID, 0/271111 C 17511 12(01/111 soa 11111104? am LUDO
-Every considerate raison knows the importance of
removing lung affections to their early stages and many,
from sad experience have Waned the danger of delay.
Hairs Cooghffiensedy re soy recommended as a GM.
Flll. PANAI7LI POS ALL 1117X411 ILLS, but only fora sped
an 0 1 0/IS of 01011.11 M located to the same structure, inci
ted by the same ceases and requiring moth the same
treatment, vagting only with degrees oleic:dance.
It Is pleasant to the tarts, safe in iti written;
,thoroughand speedy In - its action. Long experiinee
proves it bait 110 MIMI= 11? EQOAL lament Or efficiency
for Aging irotio, It011tS131119; BROISOIRTIO 011.0 n
stritia and wnoortua Oran. - -
It removes 'lrritation. canes free and east inventors
ffi.on;,loosens the night and full sensation in the tulip,
meters, the respiritlon ibite natural 'condition.
Imparts health and vigor to the lunFd alsooelearnesa
and strength to,tho voice.
One beittiels ginerally entlitient to cure air ordinary
cough. ,
gilts ISO eentitO rex - bottle. •
Mord ,indlneMOllti *Wed toll* trade. I
Bold wholesale and retail by Ball & Warfel, .proprls.
tors,st their drug store, 630 State Street, Fah), Pa, and
brdesiers generally. ja25.6m
F&011 ?HiltlOilf JOURNAL or Pl l / 7 00.01t, Ifay .
ISM, edited by Wok Proctor. Jr..Protessor of Pharmacy
In the Pitiade!ph% Boilers of Phainsaey.—“Will the
fluid Katmai go ont of twe owing to the high peas.°
issfini hare awns enthoritatlre modUleat'ens of the
formulas by Ala we ma resat them at a more reason
able mat? If the-latter. 'atoll the change be In the
Tualkrof the assaitraatn. or In *umlaut: of applying
it, man to :ranee the 'quantlty Strjuislte? -Can there,
be is eanytwation of the Committee of ffeilsion to au
thorise smile new roetbad er nuidUleatton of the present
recipes ?" • , , 1 -
Bich myth' to the thateatplated than, to the aun
t*, or la the ionetthatolttelf. is. the priparation pt
eeideateseta,twoald , lat e ox'teaton to say that 'to toed-'
`I the health .of tha sodieitt'le thigreat:oNect to be
ith4 Tho ;Beet of t h e mates4i 1. smustbthp bat
Omni pit tato the Rale with Kaman health, sad alai.
.ttat*lthi, tt7. Sattllitiithr. othtudderation at all;
-hty.iliitthiathdadathre)" jitti'ioatione • tt4e !ilea • Ile
thimettkand inteatthet be antuthained ittitreeent
eei; Wei irlit have t adrateed to 154 1 0100 advitna
the ;sloe or testilsittli; .lappe4i - ait Avila qaaittty'th-
Aida galayOre would ray that interim It chop
commodity, aidiasY i4ll°ll
using the medicine it he define to do ea '
' it. f: HitlAißlitl);'Dragbt And *mita;
09*Elre f hira T , Nati . lath City::'
c; F• •
- ficittomisooit 'lAOiofizoos or Al tir , mass,
.PahBMW for this banal sad 4010/11410N 70 IrOUNG,
MITA end others, wife sames , :trose NerrouS BebiUty
Presostura Dow of Manhood,
,Iker, anypljisit et the
MS time Tax Mears os Suir-Ctirot. By one ' , oho-boo
owe, hisissltafter eriteirriscoosiddersble cisichrey.
itlli!goirt . lo44l,4o4ll , llWintritopei, eop.
Swim had 4.14 Slither./ -
'101104;. 7. " 1 : • Ope Y.
-—-- • • •
asl:; r ' Fei +D.W
— atiiir; Coin . of inn Ts sos? i:1 - req — isiterlilr" ' "
mediSte attention and should he checked. If alloired
to continue, irritation of the large, a parmusent
throat gilication or_ an hacurabte lupg disease is often
the result. Brow', Bronchial Troches having a direct
-10011-011166.110 hintedlate relief. ]for brow
, inthmitiedirrbieommenptioo and throat diseases
,Troches in tiled with jl ye gooleuecoas. Siowereind
istatoiipearri will nod Troebee urefal (1704 t he
efoiee When ti4eo befo.osto;iog or e , eat (own/rein*
thatitroat alba an nattant exertion of no vocal l'orgalie.
The Troches are recommended and roxer,tied by physi
cists' and have had teettmoolats from eminent , men
throughout the country. Bing an article o'trritt
'and hating proved their tallowy by a test of maul years,
each year dads then in new loaditles la ration parte
of the world, and thh TrOches are universally pro.
wernteed--better-therany other mitten. 'Flash* only
"Etromcie Brotrbial Troches," and do not take, any of
the worthless imitations that may be offered. `Bold
"everywhere In the United :Bates, and in foreign tonne
trite at 36 cent, sr box.,fin
. . ,
Atlantic City, Mercer County, Penn'a
Win be folds! Mlle Auetkm, on
iIIESDAYI TM 257711 DAT 07 MAY, 18156.
A number or fine ,Ilarlding Lea, in the now dty of At
Untie, bro•mtlb loath of Ureenvire, Pa., at the termi
nal Jun• Bon of the Bear Cr 'et railroad with the Erie
k Pittsburg and ASt'intie dt Grest Weeterri milrosd and
Pittsburgh k EH. canal.
This point has recently been adopted for a generel
transfer station and crossing of track of its two last
tamed roads; thereby rendering this one of the impor
tent stations on all °tee above railroads where all
~ •
- . •
The Dear Greek railroad beteg built to develop the
coal region of Nerves' and -antler counties traverses a
tine agrioulturatiection where are found largo deporita
of Cost, (legend Lintestone that intuit end an out l et at
~,llMipi74:ohrlig point;
,d it k ii 1 1 1 CA E-D,
In tier rich valley of Os Shemmgo rifle. distant 12
mi t es 4om gri 4 l. 80 mile/ from ; Cleveland. Oodles from
- Pitt= wi At.tho Sittltlion of throe PatiOidit and
MO'• -- '' •', :, . , ; '.., :- !
OFtri‘irtotracbtito flt‘ Musts:taro, ,the Merchant
•6ROWlegarlia.linSgalidged tn Weston' Falumytranta.
. _
, ' 1 - ! -*-• - . .
For farther infOnciaMon apply to
, • W. 8. WOODEN, Agent,
ing3 gt ,I. ti Greenrille, Mercer Co., Pa.
the undirmlgned having been duly commissioned by
the Governor et the State
his openid an Auction and C0M1311111192 Store under
the name and dna of
Oughts atm' ' awaits _the Portals*. where he will
be found at ail timer. Parties haring any g ode to die*
pose of at Public or Private \ Pale, will end ft to their a f
rontage to entrust them to m.. Out door sales attended
to anywhere in the city. , Consignments respectfully
solicited, and prompt trettlemento mode pfter earl sale.
Auction sales two con in each week, viz 4 • -
Without Ml. and I would respectfully requestill par.ies
boring 'goods to &lime of. to notly , me in that time.
BO that I (=sell them on the above
J. days.
Commissioned Auctioneer.
Auction & Commission Merchants,
_ .
ah 44
, •
Pawed from a Prescairsiton of c!fr..._J. Cla4e, Y. D,
Physician Eztraiirdinary to the Queen.
lOr invahlablimedicine to unfailing in the cure of al
tturingedufai and &age:mai diseases to which the female
ementution Is subject. It moderates all excem and re
moras an allatnietions, and a speedy mire may be relied
it ie peenliarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
E bottle, prim One Dollar, bean the GO'vernment
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
Mee Pib Amid litif be tuts by Females daring lAD
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preens:ET, as they ors
'onto bring on Affirearrings, bet at ethertiwe they
are rife.
In all cues of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in
the flack and Limb% Fatigue on alightexertion,Palpita•
lion of the Heart. Hysterics and Whites,. these Pills will
affect a sere when all other means have 'felled: and at
aweigh a powerful lamed,, do not centainiron sato - mei,
Antimony or anything hurtful to the conatitntesu.
Fnß directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be ("irefully preserved. ;
Solelgent for the United States and Canada.
JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt Bt., New York.
N.41.--$l,OO ands postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized agent. will Manse a hottle, co • 4ng Pins.
:1 set 521'65-Iy.
• I • 1- •
- CAPITAL, $150,000.
0. NOBLE. •
- JOHN J. TOWN, 0. . .
The adve herds will be opened for the transeetit r of
tombless on
Wert side.of State tit. between Seventh Sad Menu
. WI/factory paper discounted.
- Honey received on Deposit.
Collections made and proceeds aceolusted:
Draft; Specie and Dank Notes bought and sold
A shire of Publie Patronage, is respectfully ecile t t..:.
T~TBTV 1 H. .
James P. Crook, having taken In his son Junes
ite a parfner, on the let day of April, 1864, antler the arm
Mime of JA P. CROOK 3 SON desires to have a set
Cement of his old amounts. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to him are requested to eill and settle
without delay.... -
' PPM= 15
AXD 5A34141.0141170.11 or
Window Sub, Frames. Doors and Blinds,' Mouldings
aad Picket Fence Stroll Sawing. Matching and
Planing done to order.
Shop ob Peach St, Between 4th and sth 'Sta., Erie, Pa.
We reepeotftilly eall the attention of the public to our
*ditties for doing work In the best of style. promptly
and on reasonable time. Baring fitted up entirely au
shop", with supenor =unbitten, no feel conedent o
eying entire eatidastiott.
IWOydere from abroad will teethe prompt attention
. inr2r64—tf. JAMES P. caefox ar. SOY.
7 -
P. A.' BECKER 4t. CO.
Airsi.Reas aim& of Os Perk. Prink &rat,
Would rupedfrillyt:oetanhe at
ai t t e=o o n;of the eomronalty
_ Which he Is desirous to sell at the
Efts assort:cent of
• FISH, &C.,
sot summed in tho 'atty. ash, is prepared to prove to
all who giro him a can.
• ,
alsi. keep eonsfailily _on hand a raperlor • lot of.
PURE' LiQtroßs,
Int the wholesale trade, to maids he direets the attention
of the rads. - • • •
le moue la; 'Mut& 3a14 Small Plata and a tal
Equiraletit .
for th e aarll'intL
11 For oar ttalr Work. the Pietorial ROA of
, or IBS . -
fleroie; Patriotic, Political. Itomatitia;"ilnatorotui sad
Treglittal. Splendidly ilitiatratia with rarer 300
, • tine Portraits .A wawa], zagravinp.
This work, for omial Mime. tender patiunk startling
intend and attz4M: • re bawdy, stands psalm and Casa.
-aromal% canipetttors. The What andbrarialteirt
td, tho plottirentioanddisniattc. the ',Wand marrel;_
,J O l/ 11 / 4 the togs, and pathetic. The roll of ham land eta.
ri,camp,ilctetspy. sant, Siva axe atkd seed , 'Wilt&
ataprilkilf vendetta eteipco; tazonatirerds awl ...hs - s iw.
of women, and the tabula panorama vitt war ire here
thrillingly and ittartlinly portrayed irca taastarly man
car, at, ones hiattiriail and romantic, validating it the
most ample, Maud ar d readable book that the war has
called Ikea. plaided ofricers pod soldieri‘teaelera,'
elleillsli 4 3 o 3r4 =missed all tq Want of protibeds arm
ploment, will and this the brat ehance to make money
ever yet MIMIC. Pend thriedranlars and reader terms.
- =late •
X anti instruc I.<
aryl Assoeisiisa, yid r
ups. Address
tax be e
dreds of 01l
Addr,its ell
riling 31
I forty di
mile, for'
medals, or
trstftl Catsl
Boston. or M.
I - 3 gentle ,
y ranch I
Chirp) by
Um of belt
VAL Ailoi
for %hip
who weed it
simple moo
to prop by
lit YOU
'. EVER'
marriage ens
a Upbeat:id
vise*and ei
a enOone be
aim 006.
W •
Cont. tabl
haVat the t
paid, on reeel
ism `itql ,
simple remt
a severe lat
toren the nee:
To all wht
prepasiu at
mare cure fui
Coughs, &c.
Mg the pram
hopes every I
them nothlni
Partial 'Hi
will pity° at
j.,/ Saul Lusa
e known/
*. ma ny PAP
by it. and Hl
ita um. M h
of the Head.
and invigcaa
structiona, dye,
action to the r
More than
Catarrh and 1
-for all the cco
went it Mane
ed by many o•
imams& and gal
of Wholesale
The umiereb
tad with Dr. .
cold in our wl
Dave it to be •
time given of
that it is deck
for all common
Barr k Perry,
Co., Reed. Catlin
Boston •
Pant Lc Co.,larael
L. Seovill &
New York.
For sale by
These Thom,
;reparation, t
trams. Beiro
rendering th
'tor the erne w
tare. Their
'orir imoo9
the ladies of
the strongest
Thep are rape
remedy, sr d
them as the
Hon in the Wi
the remoril
Mat= of her
lag when unw
need wi•hout
ren laws, Will
bottle, with I
without which
Straw Goods,
ear, &e ~ reethe
0 CO
Prepared b:
New Haven,
sonelly or by
private disease/1
Sold by Drup
non 1r..1y
Roots and Het
from the °signs
bett, end used
twenty years.
of the LIVER,
They Core DI
Billowiness_ Li
The well-km
used the form:
my practice tc
feet apoti the
cine in the we
which has ever
sate and pleasam
penetrating pro
the body, remc
the Wood, and
humors which
ahoccish or disc
and implirt a to
system. liot
p aintsofereryl
diseases, and bel
risk or harm."
They create
from the oyster
Ileadoebe, Pile
Humors. Dona
tor children un'
Price One Dot
Nail; poet paid.
Ciluidai on mei
fae•aimile signal
You 'cut porch
-c cheaper
309,317, sr,
ra- Fifth bloc
Whams my e
aimd board. with('
caution el peter
my account, as
Sri•, April 26,
A yariefr of Cb,
RE iti)
pales' Ready,Ml
All of which
order. Oui goo;
Slamping, Slit
shortest notice.
Patter/A for i.a.
den a tll be pror
spl9 ly
April 14,1886.-
p i W TUBA
The nadersigne ,
Fifth street, home
pat& tallest and •
apply of Sem*, Tc
mod to a first Ow
at wholesale; altd-y
taco) of the best r
and booty goods 1)
.p 1286 ly
pßesiti. •
The co ;tat:
Sid fhb I at),
Tirt;llCLlOt •
finskithit tho custoi
t use our utmost
p. ENSI(
Paper, Ms glO O
, urruM• St°l*