The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 10, 1866, Image 1

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    WS WEEKLY 0 :ERvEn.
_.„.._ •
g c , 5 ,9 INDIO (or PRAMS) 8011231:teltiCe8 awl,
; I ii.W. COOLS STASI ST. LSO isle Pam. .
'loN—Tarn DatLiza AID Fart Cam per
it pad in advanceDOLLARS if not.
W .
mio i ib e sap
iration of the year. Subscribers
14:,::$1" w rier will be charged Purr Cleats I'
..., i n ',adjoin. 411 millieriptitom SCCIIIIPISS ..kfUST '
~ d
~ ,,,,,diy. No paper w il l be sent :Pat oi l
L' e tt : ll 4 to ~,,,,. *.• rsid fnr in (tetra:we. :
, . •
:ii , NT,: -. )9 , Suoare of Teull.lnce one 1n
. 0 ;
~,, ; , ; • i." 0 : , ' 03 it.i s ll three Ineer-
I ......,. ,
...,.. th ,, p. , :yt ) ; t w o liwnthe 13 . 40:
1,030 ,54,50;4ix to Mel( t7,Cif. , ;ene yeat $1 . 2 00; 1
;hot 1,03
.tber airertieemeuts in proportion. ) These rates
sill lotrtdly sine red tn,..onkas et:Leaked by-special
‘,..triket, or at the optintf of the publisheri. Audis
..e . 5 ,,,,,,,,5, Strays, Divorces and like adviruis.
g ; :is Asa; Admitiliteatot ' a Notices $3,00; poook
risen 14 casts a lioe; Marriage Notices inhirm ,i
onus 0, 0 ,z . nbitaary Nt s tltta (over three lines
ii , „tee) ten cents per line. Original poetry, uu.
wor d our st the request of ths editor, Ane,4l.llar
. ...lick La Or " events will boy mutinied at
1 - . • 04o s of the ran advertising, until ordered
7 , , vi we direst ' n, unless a specified period I.
o re for their Insertion.
tootaaniestions should be luidzesizi to
13E.*.I'N WIIITNTAN, --'
r ditor and etopristor,
9S 0. CIMP 14. •
MOW= A? •11.4 Innird, Este County,
` and other -Ixtdnese attended to with
& 31411VEN, •
Rica, cur North W COM est, mu NS
ter o f Os
Ps. •
Rims or vas Piaci, Paripz Block,
Wed of Farm HO, Brio, Pa.
, d Claim agent, Conveyancer end Cottector.
•tta bullang, mouthweet oorno of Fifth and
Erie, Pa. - apltPCF•t
choice business sib's an State BMW, be.
th and Eighth streets, East side. 'rea
m !fry reasonable terms, if applied
Dulls is DIY Goons, Gaocrunce.
wee, Naga, atria, Seed. Rasta, sta.,
and hiblie Sours, Ede. Ps. bad.
d 'ft 0
[MATZ 112, BIT•IMS 8o /SD {TEC
equal to anl to the city, and prt
,Decler In Groceries, Prodsge, Provisions,
Stone Were, Wines, Lbraors,
•he Pogo@lee, Erie, Pe.•
Pik GILL .
Dirtier, Mee In Ham- ' , lt
oek,north dde of the Park. Me. Pa S..
,EVel NIAZtiPPA JUSE L DI 1111111.
LL—rhuscm Oproarre Tin Peen:wee lie
urr,,Pi.. Being newly fitted up In the -Ivo t et
. yle p - is now open to the public. Meals
the &Mal of all Passenger Train", oitita
ty: 01KLICT BROS., Propel. he Pe
made by
Sas Them.
ID. D.,
floor Beatty. Block, West !ark, Eris, Pa.,
Christian di Ruth's Store. Residence
tied, skim!, 3d bonito Bouth of Ninth.
oun-8 to 10 A./A., and 2 k) 8 r. x.
ATTOLTIT AT LAX.liirir ay,
tactics in adjoining Counties.
(tete of the 11. E r . Tenantry, Department and
rade Comoideeloaer for Soldiers, Waahington,
;mural Claim agent, Farrar Hall • BuildMg,
ioor) Erie., Military, Naval and Civil claims
vim fidelity and dispatch. Pedals:Ms obtained
'tea. applleallone by mall promptly attended
P. having had several years' experience in the
the various Departments, feels confident be
r not eatisiactory aid in proseCuting all kinds
raiment claims. . n0v30'65-tf
ate Of the Pennsylvania Collage Of Dental Sur-
Office in the second stir., of Stetson a
the corner of •he Reed Room, Erle, Pa,
LE71111130/1 ST P 214118 5102 G
PIM!, D. D. S., North Sor r oth litres; PhUadol
i, D. D. S., No. 243, North NW th
20, 40 eve
6)0 4 letul
1111P eatir41
Initiato r y
' 4l4 • 4l ntrY mem
tOB 04 opethaz t
edited to task•
t l i ! t iastitntioni
, V ) , CO in 44
"Amt. to
. c - • t-,•;Chtr...F.e;),".CY.,...c5,
43- lE Tt A_ It
. . • . ~ ....PJ.EZ , '
t . 1
Thie Old Established Agency represente the leading, most popular and most encceitsful Inittrafice i Ccimpaniesin the Criantry, end) ng
Life, Fire, Marine, Inland 'and, Accident Insarence.:" Combined Capital, 'represented $28,00 . 0,660; affording facilities fir first class hour
ance to any amount desired, and on as reesoiablo terms as sound,aud well : Msneged eniniaafes can afford. 1 ' ' ' ''• . 3 i
Orders for Insurance attended to with Promptness and Fidelity, is Loin or country. EsPecial attention givCis to the Insurance of Del
liege and Farm Property, ft.r periods of titre° or five years,.or perpetually, by deposit of premium. - Rites very low, - `- -
.. • . , ,
. .
• i.
ger The thorightful and prudent men insures his Property againgt loss or damage by Fire,ind his Life for the protection Of wife, children
and kindred dependent upon him. All who have not yet attended to this duty, should call at once and get their policies In one or more of
he following Companies: „ ; •
. _ .
sacra Kalil/
CIA Aisetr. - - 34.06:.4108d
- - 214,401 43
Net Assetts, - L .
r be re
ed that
H ntnn
Efficient organisation of four thousand ticideririters,
from Nova Scotia to California, and L Ite Superior,
exleo and the Sall; bermes's - mg Malden= of average
with oompemeatiog rates to the adireemment of the
public welfare.
o Park
P. lt,
The husranse Oommissioner de LisiOrtirs:
•The Etna losuranero =party, t.f Hertford, ens of
he most successful Fire insurance Comrarde of this
or any other country: -
• „ - • •
"Connecticut Companies follow the rules and prattle
erg of the Rtna almost as Wet. Ily ea if they v41?4, 4 112
bodietin ...tate !ad.!'
Again, pointing to errors of practice in Nee York
Compute*, the Etna's enoceadal management and
so ld rules are called to their a'teutton due: -
"It still remains more a matter otwouder than Witte
lion In the Instirance word."
• '
•• • •
By what subtle :aim, his this corporation been
enabled to torn its full grail capital into the Philos* •
phees atone 1"
• • - • •
"The extraordinary *rents which hare di/Unguided
its unparalleled financial. history.";
The •. ems' bun per dim In the Coifed Stales at
this period of the year, am bort: two hundred and Mr
thousand dollars. The telegraph daily sounds startling
oetes of yarning to all prudent persons.
Policia issued without delay.
.J P. DOWNING, Agent.
T. W. CEO WELL, Surveyor.
• —A 1 Company.—
Symms, on Eighth
Fins Horses and Car
J. Worts",
en is Coal.
• Steamers.
ASSETS. tat'Jantiary,lll6B,
A337240T UM
Showing the condition of the Company 'On theist day
o f January. 1880. = • ,
•UZT&. •
Cash balance in bank
ER !
Bonds &' mort., let lien on ,real I _
estate / D . 196.892 50
Loans on stocks, pay. on demand 97,892 OS
United Kates et ocks,maiket Tat 1,360,834 90
State & pun. stoat & bonds, do. 405 425 00
Bank stacks, do. 113,660 00
Interest due on tat .Tati., 1866 27,431 16
Balance in handeof agents and in
course of transmission 173,010 61
Bills Bee., fet. pre. on In. Ilisks,&o 43,168 44
Government ntamps on hand 110 00'
Other Prope#y, Mis. Items 13,506 13
Pre: due and uneol: on Pol. issued, •
at office. l (llre, inland & mar ') 43,141 88
Steamer Magnet & wreck. apps. ' 88,483.94
anlols ly
Total Assets,., ' $3.598,674 14
LIAII rintss.
Claims for los. out. on 3an. 1, '66 $162.946 24
Due stook on account dividend L. 800 00
Notwithstanding the dozy Mal of the, past year,
hip Thiel' the cornmel's paid lowa to the amount
of 111,637.852 88, wtthoni omitting the senetraninal div
idends, "The NOine," with tta •apital of 'Two Milieu
Intact, and a net =pine of $1,1!4.95? 90, continual to
eller to all. who' - seek . reliable insieranee, indneens ruts
anrpaned by do other company. • -
F. DOWNING, Agent.
T. W. Crowell, Eurriyor. -
C 07111211 CLMASER
ties., Tartu as
m 122 ly
Kt to wisdom and economy to inn= In tha but Com
panieq and them la none better than the old lam
ina Company of North America."
:• /mils, Jas. 1, 1888. Market ribs,
First mortgages on city property $444,800 00
11. 8. Government bonds , ' 884.500 00
Pennsylvania, State bonds . 109,000 00
Phila. city bonds • 188,700 00
Bonds of Penna. B. R. Co. and other ' ,
- corporations 190,440 1 00
Band & other corporation stooks 66,196 93
NotOs Reo. (tempornry loans) 150,471 06
Real Estate, office of the Co., 232 -
YirainuE street 22,000 00
Unpaid Pre. & debts due en '
all good 107,581 13
Cash in B'k &in hands of Agte. 168,329 32
lan HMI
mil but
Total Assets • $1,781;21614
D. Drown
- OVEIi $1g,000,000 001 '
. . ,
Pollatill Lusted without zedav Ake s.
J. F. DOWNING,Agent.
T.M. 0110)ULL, &lutist?.
ton coal,
)petty to the
rout the coal
tautly war,
411 Mint&
reet. between
opsiring nod
dope In the
&mom It
LOSSES PAID IN 1865, $410,618 01. .
CASH ASBE:TIN JAL 1, 186641;006,790 83
The leaf of itaynatioaaUts. the solid oar*, 1% has
rendered patrons, and its ability to, pus throegh sea
sorra prolific of conflagrations withlkimsr aid proatto
these moat intereeted, my be intoned tram a perusal of
the ibiloting net" of
otoOk of Groostiet
NW. to the
tolet, corm of
eel LI , hinds and
goods SL *too o.
esloatod sao clawed
NI tht AAstnat Att.
rtkiag s la ac kl a s i ago sin
Lo3Bll§ PAIN
Arkansas $22,88048 Minnesota; .20,0042
Alabama • 454728 86 N. Ramp. - 25,309 39
Coonettiont22o,BBl 97 New York '540,00 83
California '781,620 54 Nov Jersey 8,750 58
D'acif - 196 as Nebraska 1,167 00
Florida' 20.468 42 Ohio 108,958 ,59_
Georgia 22,188 75 Ponn'a 68,274 49
Indiana 84,208 19 R. Island ' • 20,771 21
Illinois, 210,69867 8.-Carolina 21.082 75
lowa $1,616 78 Terme:met 46,970'90
Kootucky 69,97810 Texas •• 8,961 96
Kansas; 18,416 07 Vermont 4,02'48,
Maitre 66,08 45 Virginia 27 24
59,87.0 01 W. Virgialis. 2,000 00
Mityylati4 89,602 96 Wisconsin • 86,48116
MissklitPl 20,832 M Oanada 88.878 so
Missour 80,545 MiNora &lolls 14,285 78
111014.99 ' 67,057 04 N. Brom. • 15,830 75"
lama Attar- Paid - - Prosody. 7 ' •
J.P. DOWNING. Agent:
. W. Otmnisin Efq.,
01elei8ehttott of 'Ae
, Ornamental and Stud-
AT. Commercial A:l%-
Mb/ and geed& The
, tll the whole Mal, of
every possible MU.
Na expense will be
MoCIP I el PrZeil Pin l a ;
gployed. tereas—Tolliesi
end greatest lam
T, 80014
:i.,,- , ' ' ..' .. - Y .-0 ' 7,., • •-• 1Z)
. f • H.....L , ....,_,... 1..-1,./..., r ) i sl ,
, .
' - t.r , - - - V- . '": . .... ,-.:' ". . , ' -'._ ..,. :. irt s
.3:.. -r-4- : • • • . •
.i., : - -,
... . ,
.;: ,. .e - '4 ...I a, .-, I a ; t • ...._
... :' 1 ... _ : '' '', l'
•- _ -
, A . •- , ` , .!' - ' s ~....;
. -
- _
'd a
. .
. I • -
. .
7110111 lall nral7ll4lloll Duarnizrr
- -
3 fr40110.000 SO
,224,15/4 14
123042 24
01P Ittinvoaa, coax.
'RAF. '4OIIOWIJo4 Elan
F:' . DOW'N'ING'S_
irf s irlf it-A*o 3.:
Erie. Penn's.
Offiee in Rosenzweig's Block, opposite Elpivn's 'Hotel.
N I Jt• 0 A B. A
Cub Capital and Surplus $1,286,729 60
United States Securities 468.848 Og
Loan. on Bond Matisse 262,000 00.
Cash in bank and hands of agents 86,,618,37
Loans on Stooks, pay. on demand 362,400 00
Beal Estate, Interest, &a • 111,10818
Wisconsin & California Bonds ' 8,000 00'
• • - $,4 2 0k7g 9-60
. •
Losses in process of . adjustment •
.•- , •
20,0G0 00
Unpaid Dividends' • " 1,1126 - 50
$2 . 1,87 . 6 - 00
Fair Bates, Fit—Clare Security , Prprapc Pay,
event of Jinni.
4: F. DOWNING. Agent.
T. w.pROWBI2.. eurtsra.
Matte, January 1, 1866,
The Awed men '
szvExTy,-701r.g PER CENT. • , -•
.0( the vet proiltii withoitt Ineurizg atp`Lfahe~ity, ar e
fultitu thereof; at their °slob, I Must dbeetutt apes
ttri, premium ! ' -
Sdrip Dirnitedi,
_declared 1865 t Ai7,y per text.
T. W. CROWELL, - Surveyor.
H .o.
Cub Capital,
_ Audi t - -
brutes tiatldiege, lianufaetptlas. Atatehaadhe aad
other_ property &vault lots az dassaphy dreisked Waco
insert. against the ita of tatead tersiertatioa alad
Ilrikstle_ .4. -- • _ ! •"' '
Uffi Compaatr hui threepalattemate In eatoiog on
Its be Justness. •
Ordinaiy*Zinii bepartiiient.,
Taws term or ea_ Tear poikles. ea all elapses 'or is.
an, abte property, at fair and plata!t ratse, vitiate:it ear
pertietpaues le the "roars' the Cosepser. , ; 4o prep
ea other stook Ceeppeales, ;•; • • , • ;
Participktint Deptimisiit.' • , ~
• • .. ~ , .. -
Issue. Awn olisie• hr-ostok tbrik. et; dm jas" vs
trilling; lureltai• - • tad Firfii Bialldtagifinsd Moir
east••• 4 gleng =Ape:Oda • sattkipatlasis tit* re•
Ito et tb• Campus". V4kfiTt tludr isicartiai sit U.. blltty thereby. .. •
„, , ,
• • Doom pi g Ds *oh*/ a &politely&
mall .moan; of !Doom is Ilia of all Moro mutual
of proadolos,bovorlog tistiropoillorollfaiir,sadl th eft
Vonaltato. Danko sad. ear looDoito:ftioroiraad rtoeta
ot(ioods, Churches foollobt•I 1101110114" -
I'. W. CROWiLL,Sarvirjor.
$50,744 49
gravassiorr OF TB. CONDITION
OT Tat
ARCTIC 141113, immtiorTcr, ;co;
Y 6. 1$ Tan St , sa.thii tat isa,
Cash fa bask o,llll'in • ' S 4011 94
Salida sad iiioitil l4 2 l 49; Art lien 16 4 ,46 1
sststa laltsv - To aaasygrodab s . worm •
Utast SX10): • , 111;310 00.
Lows es stael mea & - ..oltikaala4.llwaltet , ;
.alas of 21 .!" M . 1e 9. 1/ ,5. 790 ' 4- -
Ciwitsdlttatsfatqds tha tiOioSiy 4 '
miukvt vans,
State wookrowisitirakot volts. VI en 01
Resi !mats (onineasobared) 4,600
latent acernakf whisk !refer • p u t = Awi
Yaw., Ist. is , .1' • ,•• • • • •Sr o 311
Saknes In Lai of, Aiiatii, sad koWisa a<_ ,
trisoostratontsoir Itaisb. • • ,
Intisivosissais tos mud= ea- Was! tido:
- wad vibes Coma • 7.14.291
Cub prominms wanted ow pause-, a •••
at aides 41,89440.
, •
LIASCLITIC4. 411.1011!
! _
Claim far Losses outsbadin. Jaw. 1. VI, 19.062 90
Chidswis • 4116 00
" 2 0•7.9 D
, Total asse;is tint rLisoll i tes, ' SPAM lt.' 4
The "Aretie" • a nors
us =sag rural dealing. is a sound good
doing a prosperous ImiKesse. •
• J. 1111?0,11 SMITH, Pmt
• H. It WILLYANIS; Tier Pileet.'
Viserre TrtnorAlSetty.
CEIAZIAIS Ilussuaai, Asti
I.DOWNINO c ksiai.
T. W. CROWELL, Ow? Var. •
. or ma imartomrar or Tas
NOR . 1` H Alt E R -N
FIBS 111111171111NCI C 011: 15T,.
Of the atrof New York; ou the Fat "Tot DU•up.
bet, 11366 . -
Cub Capital, . $600,063-00
Birplas, 861.456 67
Long on Baud and Morten% aloe trot an • '
mantas worth ow by par eentabove.
• thek mama los • od. . , ,_.. •,' . . ispO l opp op
Storks, Bonds andante 'wattles own td,bi,
_ •
' the Conway - , market voles, ' - . - Sll3 at SO
Gosh In bank oneVolika. • - • •. • ; : - SUMAC
Loma on doomed, with Colloterol, , • MOW 00 •.. -. ,
Pronto= doe and antrainfUo& . . KIM aI" '
- C
ash In spat( hind; la memo et th 1111.114 SttAll 30 • • • „ GIBIIIIIII. ABOIDEKT.NLIBIBL:
Intend earned on mmuittan,'' • • ?4,00116 •: "
BWo iseeiroble.
Other property at Omani, - - •-• -' ' 2.ll6B eutoorto - - ,Ste bilit t I t & Sol miry Wess: 'whetbor Im stik trwrolo ia.
' -- -- ,' ~.......::... • orinslior 11 .Ia et . Emend owntdont poltoj . . ..
fetal units s -, - " ' tuossear ' l l 9 l O l fed, 1 ,0 , 0 0, !, 0 ,,, l of,, ~. IY- al •su
, .
,__ __.. • ... I Illd Plag Aiiiiiikir '
The fOono fl ale threathCkStko Chaffed fitOtlO .thi,": . , ' , ' lafilaid s l "t S IS (11.11144111 4 t. -"et%
in th•SAlSPubsoll baartexiMln•ratinant Moil - lliatoll Pita Inggl .1. 121 1 1 10 4 " 1 "=" e db ir d" r r ireasi a".
azi g us
Of any an of thoplovlooff, treaty, rnmi VW :• to ON° Wa l wi t h a lt•lit Per • toes
eaansay 8541; Or $44005,000. an 4 tbiLltallelil .. iy,mitolid by Mel ,teift . l Me
~ , ,
.. %rib
rim - ase melba.) . • - - f,,,
try of Us" realm i moystelot) is Meek shot et ,`" Sof VIS or Pt Will. I,& like num-
Meal IBS sisslowero neon lie ver7 eater% rola) o 4111 " 1 " P rill * lul tk a a . moo or pos t vs* ecomok•
the yin's go he re. . ~.., ... .., -. sevmollfalllo4SY. • . . , •
pro ia llto thil atirtaudo .‘" m th e wi li th ai" •'ltt tenarlit illinnwt llar, 112*-11111 7 . e. • V.. - —lllllll6ili n v emiero l imaiM "ti at itEi lognat ail "P letslist al ej a r *--17.1624.11111. '' "1-42 1
4 .
beamed int MS. SO pee Met: Bete 'M a' yOlte ---..--
tow to rimmettnuy oellatted.' • •',...• -' • ~--•', •. d el"!.. 1 = 14168 0 0 1 .431111 7 / 4"l" P illgu i rs ammost isnylit. •: 11
• = c O.',Y• Ma I' line ' .', ; - •- • 1 •-• • •,•, ' ' ', , •.„
2.1 r. thaliini*Ssies s ; '' ' ' • !-,-::. : ,• • ' "-
' .
: 4"1111."46.1"glit - ''..
' -'
. . - - Oll4O/21 iPirriA6 iaitiZiT
_ • • , J:1413011111Egar AleaL 2 • .
1. W. CROWELLe Barkfor• . • '` • •'' ' - - - ' -..
—-' ' - ,
, as m ark or m *.
Barpbasaas. 1, 4111, ,
Ibso witlispili *VW of '
sailllooditers lattuitYlat Mg* rift lb
dikaaag 11 .? 61 f ll, 1 4 70
' • • TapS.
* ano • ONO
wen, Say.- _ f.110. - 3 , t
T. W. COMM% Irtmeit.
ERIE,' *A i TRUItSDAYi AFTERNO9N; joy Jo, 18.66
f 1
$1,0 0 X1,000
• $1,000,000
751,563 67
c. 9 ,1 —.7X
A: 0-.:E - N .0 7ir : !
OP /1:10
' gos, . . I
Cash Capital iiiithri - - - ; . • 000,0 p
i •
Th. "Springesleh•s dais • • sa tll
- at e 114'
'444. tio;
'bedlam for 'n•itly,tiresty rum' it efts of th•
'Mt* sompi ce. hellos from Nair Entiand. • i t
GRA& 2.l4.lil e tiedy. - )11122104
J. P. DOWNING, hoot.
: T.W.42IOWIELL, s•••ryor.: .
• i
. • 31(111 . 1F108, CONN. '
Cosh Captts 1 tad Suples•
. 1
Ibroftvaier , smilinsthe ase I f t i .=
ne lb eh erbtj•d tcl ft*, fultseall4or co
1'144,111.01.0 PIinW V I I 4III4 IIIIMBB, Prift
9. B. truinsitoison .
CROWILIis livr/o•
9' SLWITORD. coax.
/liiiiitiovir 1 • '!, -• • ''."2 '•:'• - ;10,000, 000 tisinbes of Polley Haldeman? . 110,01X1
Item Paige'n lama daring the yea ever ' - 4111000
Receints tbr .theyeavkirer - _ - _ .000
Dividend Onid-dnring th e lira, Ina year, 111 vdr ant.
TotaldividendapAidomr - - iiipoo.Ood
Total Ln. , des rid. (Tr - WOW
Why the C Naiad be 1
if4essurs It litho
Largay - &rat, ateapest and 21* I
Miss toes dim:imitated to be
runt'Nauseam COMP/XT IBC MITA
e; •-: • ,
t:nhasthitaralst ousberof salsoheela •
It beaittetprewet menet ineara9.
" alt %%albs _largess 'earplug. •
" 41 UAW ( theibblOtettviwal• sartlea. ;_c .
0. It larcao lessee. ' '
' 7 If Au rhWfthlte wide /Mom tlha alnallast
4. It obtain lb* tire* , wearssi rats of iiitiirest ea
Its torestowati. I - • - • •
9. It there** futilities basassaes d Its eat this
NKr other eosepany.i - •
• -
Alt Peltiesterastl4r V 001995e7 an IMO DOS.
,herisltsble IQ tbste , twass.' or may be emaretted tato
those which ales so, at the optloa of the honered..s .
Irons bat stiteby iisseeptionable risks besepttd; and
- 047 Wm at, Wimp Irolutten and
Juan 4304 ens, Prirt. On S PutrorllfitY.
91.5* . W. & OsaniuNi OsUet
1..*& WILIXr4, P 141601611. -
lihnarl 1,1806.
Doman. Arm:
e , nr , eg ';‘•
n asermiz
R ' natowics co.,
unarms Ammer
'ALL 81 - N ! DS,DF: , ACCI-PEN6.
. . . .
r Ttii fitiatkatie tail:Sams , ' Campo% or
Oast . via tbs. drat to asoesiOnyod fai , Oda
vtia %Mrs hi ll e r " \ r,
ta. ..Additi..fithi.,a,„,,,,,,gikt,„,- g.. 44„...
s atork *roadie vorttagis stops sigb.itiatattio.
•:Ll, ~.•
oi="4t I aware ' '' ' ' toss '
1 11 61 1/Or • i gi rtak lir ?* ; goon
tams of dialosatJaisk i ttolOsaii.
sprilsa.. easeasiois.', atat it wm_ll9t. ,Ir l ittb d it'
mahat wounds, poisoned, igautds.oatss_ —...
tittasef aommipsirrokvl assalti brbtesb robbers
ar aissisrars, thaiatios Madam car inn otoPter It,
effect, of,asplotitipp., .; So*. -rna•
4 aza.stwely.os by 4rownloror
nig ) 17i at* tees II- Atalsartit pliattait
direr II at, Wal;aad sii toles. 15t.11164 ittat4
lipwarb of tidatpsta easiest pond*.
i altra "i f
niarliasdatil . samia&-Iseladlattbs' Wire 01.0111 r.
Mu watt 0* bailey balder* liftlilar the' year. for
$3,9.4c 0 toy .astrto Imam& •;• - : ' i• .
fgiCAssds,". 1; 1860 ,
~ ~ [•]
soirtisiOle - s einist iunsoltat ! hernia
sedeloat ,peeththeASlO, was st St,
t./ 11.7 1411 4: 0 = 0 * ma
Waist - Sot eh Abu! Sjdllet,
etheesditaiteshott item sie
Ntil~ktsas: steiMmitePelete, o f
sl a rA l trirtr e
Imitsisethistri: saCcithorii Who ajar ipso
sukelist fa swat ytelstfiklldloo4 Mks to
te7 waSe; these ghats thoisws- s styled
Woo: • ?•.ay pormsai isensk.w.
'ISM ISIS/ **TWA) Pilrett a Ira b!
/Mitsiesef . "111"4-
riesZ e r n iAiiiiii: -)" ;1
/S&L!. Pretkleist.
J. F Spat
' But they tell me L ire raying,
Thexpeet so @triage' thing, -
Asit they lan& towers* stsatase,
MO the hopes . teywhtete. I sham.
is mast eyelgo thee,.
Aed sbeeheloi reeesta, ' - '
Yet hewer e'en forget ties,
eh too eestly-itsry hese. •
We invite special ettentiontOths folloWing
letter from Hen. Rio* AnigiUri•
He icons of the 'earliest..peados of seoeftion,
and during the war earned a fame ,for sbllity
and gallantry exceeded by few. ,TO hisd we
are Indebted. more than any niker man for lb.
.stand Missouri took .during the irar.'"iThe
Tieno of
,ectoh a MA are entitled to more thew
Ordinary_ consider:4oot: : ' • '• j
EttlieMlll . lllllllY Axes,
' • .*:
Mississippi River; Aprllll,lBB6. j
Gen. E. B. Brown, Chairmen of the .Central
Thies Committee' of Missouri: 1 .
Sir: -Before leaving bone I recoiled your
invitittlia to 'speak at the grand jubilee to be
held st - St. Louis on the. 21st of April to tele.,
bran the restoration of peace to our country.
'I egret my inability to be present on ad co.
- elusion so fell of. interest, and so well Wattle
led ~ to inspire the 'profoundest emotions el f
pleasure in the heart Of every _lover of his
country. It is an occasion for which the ni
don, bee looked and longed Minuet sissy and
enxietut years, end; which will be belletilwith
delight by everi-beest that is notindensible to
the greatest of God's blessings. -. • ,
The duty which' all men owe to thonwho
look to t'lein for support sad which they nay
have been cm:spelled, le ,e , great degree, to
neglect by reason of the highec-duty* to
she country ht time of war, returns with hi gh'
er obligetion when peace relieves the mof
'their public service. I am denied the pinions.
of Welting my gratitude with that tif my
fallen-citizens in their grand end appropriate
jubilee for the restoration of peso*, beimise
Ibis eery oeoulon has brought to me the duty
and privilege ■ too, long neglected, of exerting
eny faculties for. the comfort and euppert of
thesodependeseupen me for both. It is in
deed the tote excellence of peace that it im
poses these pleasing -taste and Teleran from
thesis stern duties which involve injury ti• our
selves aid other.-God grant, that our country,
torn and bleeding by s war so diesetiona to
all,. may long enjoy the sweets of peace. lehrin I
are no criminals so black, no traitors en vibe
as those who seek fo disturb the repots t r iads '
floe in his mercy . has stlength bestowed upon
ns. Some who have suffered in int late l strifb
'delude themselves to believe that resentment
agsirst the authors of our woe is a dtity . to
the country, • They , only commit the Orme
they Condemn in others. Those wh were
laggard is duty when our peril, were mi- l
ti m
sent, may seek to. win cheap reputed n' for
patriotism by severity sad harshness to she
recently disloyal. t„They only keep Orb bit
tertian, and risk the renewal of a straggle for
which they have shown.. that they have neither
heart ncer tippet:U.4. ~ Those even whoa whits
to ,be the servante Of the Prince of Peachourd
who lend thetneeltes te theiperpetuatien,4 our
quarrels, may be truly said to- have 1144018 n
the livery of Ressento,serve the devil in
. Peace meads pardon, amnesty, recodellia.
thin ; • withenit 'Mete "nein have ho puO, I
'Wien that thotinertothare dinit'aid i uffired
'most tumours peace by destroying theit ia iwir
~`tich toolt.srms against it aniline w Olin
nav y mostieady to suffer and do to mein it;
.Thee who bare--suffered - nething t and done
It sthistg, but who, on the contrary, hare made
the was in occasion of profit and . avehiels for
' persona advansiement=ettying at bout° and,
making load professions of loyalty,; these are l
the and only obstacles to the p erfect
restoration and Maintenance of peace. They, ,
having filled thrill pockets and enured the beet
plans, talk most of ." compensation for the
p a st and security for the future." They will ,
not be convinced - that Peace bits coma; 11,4
the WO enemies of theGoieinment .h ve, 'in
good faith, laid down &ileums, beam they
themselves are loth to ley_aside those Mies.
ry powers. which, dining the war,
.ha e been
wielded bore to gratify their avervire their
Versotispenliee than forpabllo good. i They perpetuste bitter memories d, sow
the seeds of future strife - ..,1 They ilia - Ind
record in solemn and official donturn every'
intiblent of individnal-.culteage or bad emper
,which occurs in the lately revolted Ma le, and
spread it broadcast through the laud, se proof
that the rebottles:a spirit still smoulders,
I .
;Ithlle similar and more frequent - critics, are
committed in, the loyal States, without being
regarded as of any tmlinarimportiriae. , -
BMA persons ere most persistent iri urging
measures of unnecessary harshness and left=
shy, in order to irritate and gold °briar'.
quished n tpponents into aft of refinee l
Which - Wlljeuttify the initiation of stiliceateir ~
' If those brave and unfortunate
[ people could only be driven oy theit insults
and contumely to such sets, it, would ell the
souls of their malignant prosecutors erithlun
*disable joy- and - satisfaction, because, it.
• weuld afford the pretext -, they es et, ?, to deny
to the Southern people the sights If, the men
and tiles . States. ' These hotibins led' and
know that it-is neoeseary to diefranehiso the
white rase at the Routh :as liffordligg tho D
their oily ehonnh of retaining power and po
'What eivilliediuitien ;' on earth-we Id heel.
tate n•ainstant, , if •the opportunity-offered, to
with, themselves' the brave and
Oohs people .of the South, - whose latitude
add Endurance; in nmhuskissi tin . Mi. tehlUdal;
lie the' admbetion and Testiest of tbieweridl
iftudOsszonegßaglatte, ot !ATM 1. cliff
istal poem, AtWiste to give Mob mod thiitsll
end oriel rights accorded• tof ether &inns?
Washiness' tkose' - satins be noses Itappyto
?slain SI 'Mir own ascii Mee se Lee ehd ;O w .
son sad a hist.of others, anti - to centre upon,
tlesai living beton the rewards tibial' &nisei
end stung, have slwayanommandedf-: 'OULU,
Ow NI to honor And oberillh• ee Of th at
era glory, .the .memory of that I lintrious.
ihrong of the dead led by Stonewall nelsissry
i'lleirfainabelongo' to ,: sop llama taw
: iiimeLtbeir. enniTalliAldligket by ;an equal
mange and devotion, and lamina by what ,
ilica.coc .
W 0,849 72.
.r;_•,tttic;c. - t ilo IL-o:1L,:c.
A Bachelor's Mlsglelngs.
than %Instill at ptting isarriad
Whea Vve amt thee. Mary Jane.
With thy dttnly Ohs and suttee;
With thy crinoline and tants;
• Bat ► whisper es ►anon me. •
Uke • fign with omen rlfh l
"Ah ray well to marry,
Bat tit; nutrient' ktop s vtret"
"Thom am tams, then am bora;
Tboiita many &Wog beads. -
That loolMottesalsog ott a maldto,
Dot ocitiolta so on abide.
It Yo-r parse :s taimmlsi!over;
Yoo ma, *ln and you may mew;
But slat! It •It be empty, •
X y good follow hove s cam."
139 the whisper I buts heeded.
Aad•l ban not oda ed yet,
Bit toy thoughts orthstou aptiti e
And my heart is oaths* mt.
Yet Mel I due sot venture
Till I know, ch,
ElhotEd I be tat) poor to &set Ws,
Coubist thou bs sontmetad plain ? ,
They ire iniMatri In plenty
To satrap a Swallow tar;
There ats Mists, Soo. to jewels. '
Moro aro "irotters. too. la Uhl
'Post thoi pug isultooding b thou.,
Coast Um bold Shy paps Adige Sight,
With a . diniur party - lofting,
Ora ball that Sim sight I.
If :the tart now bonnet mitts thee,
Omit thou year It iWI the mai;
Tbooih • no ow, gliders Wept. Moo,
I*tely handed down to has
wins drew or two eritent.thoe
Whin etas Pashto* Orders more,
And s solliarsotey'drest'do •
' . 'wigged of half a.sora ?
Glen. Blair on the Situation.
NUMB R sft
we'hopoinf 141iiie :is ' , e tibttei t 'tiuke; Wilj
hereetter -contribute equally With-Abe noble'
spirits' of Abe' North IC the lellowte. of .00
greet Republic..., - . . I i
Pello*-citiicas; those who wiSh'well , toithe
countrii atidlwould securik ifs irestert hepl.:
nose, our higher'espiration:tban bat
the peace you celebrate may be rerpOuti.,
• With . respoot, yonre, &e , I,- ••,-.:.
7 .1•••`-• . )"' '• FRAIIR'r.'NLIgit.,
f , •
Lincioln on Negro. Suffrage. 1 . • '
_ . .
The' following la an extract from the speech
of AbrehaM Lincoln, delivered it Columba's,
Ohio, In October, 1859 : -
• •
dppearlog here ter the first time, I' have
been somewhat embariassed- for a topic; by
way of introduction to my speech, but I have
been relieved from that ,embarrsimment ban
introduction which the Ohio Biakinnan n ews.paper pee me this morning. In this paper I
have read an article in Which, among other
statements, I find the following: . 44 In deba
ting with Senator -Douglas during the tneor•
able contest of last fall ; Mfr: Linciln dee ed
taiin•favol of negro suffrage, and ' attain to
defend that. ile conception against, the Little
I Tanned this now ; it the . openin g , of pi'
remarks, for • the purpose of making ' tiaree
commentei•upon it. The brat I have alstedy
announced; It littelited, me. Su. istrodoes )ry
topic. 'The second is to, show that titn gentle
man is mistaken. - Thirdty, to give , hint en op:
portneity to correct it. , .: , -!. ~, 1
-In the first place, in regard to this mater
beiaga mistake. I.have found - that •it is mot
entirely safe, when one hi dierrepiesented
der hie very nose, to allow th e IwilowPr tPtn.
ne in
tion to go uncontrsolicted. I, therefere.- o
posi here, 'at ther Minot, not only to,ety that
this is a misrepresentation,"but to show 6n•
elusively it is so ; • and you wilLiniorwith;mc
whin I add a couple of canoe' a from 4hatelivY
memorable detiateewith Mr. Douglas .stst year,
to which this paper refers. lit the lest
Id battle which Suitor Douglai 'and • myself,
had, at the tow* of Ottawa, I used the gin
gen) which I will now read._ Having been
previously reading an extract, I continued as
folio*. '., . •
liowfgentlemen, I don't wank, tg ; read a
any greater length, but this is the true, Com
plain-a or all that I ever said in regartrtotbe
institution of alaveiy and,the black 'rue:—
rigs is the whole of it, and anything that:ar•
guea roe into- his idea of p,erfecti. ;meal Ind
poUticaXeqwdity with the negro, is but' a apt
erous and fantastic -arrangement of Words,. by'
which a man can ; prove_ a horse•cheetuat, :to
bee chestnut•hone... - I will say IMO, while
upon this subject, that I have no purpose. di
redly or. indiieotly, to interfere with the{ in.
stitution,of slavery itt the,fintes where igei.,
jilts. - I believe .I have no lawful right to do.
so, and I hate:So jai:Dilation to do so. I have
no purpose to introduce political and :social
equality betweerthe-white.and black riesee.
There„ is a , physical. difference between the
two, ,whiiih, in my judgMent,_will probtnly
forbid their ever ilvieg together; upon the
footing of perfectequality : and, inasmooltas
it becomes it, illness* that'there must he it,
difference,_ - I, as well- as Judge - Douglas, am
in favor °Lne race to wiach I helonchavirii
the superior position. I have never said ithyt
thing to the contrary, but I holdtbet notititk.
standing sit this, there is no reason %ire, the
world why the negro is not•all the .
natural rights enumerated in the' Declaration
of Independence—Ae'light of life, liberty'
and the pursuit of heppinesti. '•• I hold-that h
•is is mach entitred to theae:aa the:white Otani
I agree mith Judge Douglas that he istuqt int
equal in many respeote-certainly sot irs "tol l .
or, perhaps not in moral and intellect' . eo r
iowments:, BO in the eat the ea)
witho u t leave of anybody else, which hi oath
hands earn, he is my equal, and the eq al, 1'
Judge Douglas, and the equal of every aid
13pan• a subsequent occasion, wile:LOA -
son for making a statement like this r
I geld : • - i .
While I was at the hotel, te-dey,wn elderly
gentleman called to' me' to know whether I
was.really in fever of producing perfect ; equal
ity between the negroes and white people.
While I bad not proposed to myself, o 4 this
°cession to say much on thit 'abject. , y t, as
the qualion was asked me, I thought I add
occupy perhaps five minutes in saying . me..
thing to regard to it. I well say, then, at I
am not, • nor never have Chen, in fa r of
bringing about, in any - way, the 'goals -
patent 'equality of the white and 'I
rages; that I am' not; nor neverllave be
favorsf mating vcters or jurors - of nei
nor ot nullifying them to hold office, or 1
mart? 'with the white people, and I, wit
in addition to this, that there is: a ph;
difference between the white end black
which, I beßeve, - .will forever forbid the
rsceslivingtoWer on terms •of eooia
political-equality. • And inainnucli as
cannot seliva, while they do remain toe
there mast be , the position or superior a
feria., and I, as much as
. . any otkerfia
in favor of having the guliaieipositie
signed to the whitetace. •-• lA, not per
that, beam* tho white. min is to be fth
perior,the negro should be denied ever
I do notanderstand that beep:nildotes
altegro• woman for i 'tiara PathS t nein
went her for a wife:: 4 Aar naderetandi
theta can just let her. slows_ Lia..*W
fiftieth year, and 1 certainlitaitiO IMO
blade weakener either ettlive.Wei itlwifi
it seems. to me quite _possible for 'JAI- t
along, without making either,elavas or
of negroes. I will add .to thislhat I
never seen, to my" knowledge, W-iniut; 1
or child, who was in favor •of Orcolueini
foot equality, social and,pollacal„ bows
groes and white - men. I recollect of bi
distingulabsd instantee that liiarlatid
frequently as to be satisfied vl its care
and that is the lase of 'Judge Dope
friend, Colonel Richard M. Johnson.
aloe addle the remark, I - heremsde,,
am sot going to entarit , large epee th
jeot,) that bare never had, the leiter.
!tension for my friendi.would
If there arse no la,* 't iktiepiheitt tiro,
gtve Mm - the most 'lotions - pledger - thes
do the vary best_to staml-hy %the law
State which forbiaalha Marrying 9t
people with neprine. ' •
• There, my tenacity you, lime briefly.
have, - on former nocasionsAmidyspon ,
jam, o Which this newspaper, to the e
its ability, has drawn the
. ptiblif Atte , '
1a it you not enlyirereeive at•a.preb
that in. that seutes“.did not. nir an
say I.wM is taTOß , Of.nelFß;onlfragei
absolute ,prpotthat i . talce+pnce•strbs
1 3" an4, 024 ,.9 1 Preaft4 deplaned .
Having - shown yon.k is, there !slag...
/ad orconinent .opoqost hawaltal • •I
It.'lB•Shis : that t preaminei" the • edlto
paper is In honest and, truth-lovibs
stkat'lni wilt be giesq,s7diged, sso
alshing Ilia thus ah 'apiptuttnity - t9
the misrepresentation her hisimedit
barren so long that - mslicionit people
him a #
Douglas' Debate,Of..24o-411.
• irhe 800. Henri -J. Rattnohd r of
York •J u. bolleeee , that ." the._ TM ,
done so much for theitegro,and At A
that it:does - lot feel jestified loor,i
but& mare r!.'stid be ie. also or iai
that (!therivaletbe a doubt tliakthe
Is find and Oilvtittd irth, tht .to
extratagatiretyle' In eritibh theitle t li
negro hive beep Pteseed." '
331•101•40,Ptii (gombiios49
. "v 4 erese. would tif au
teif aurae fella iiiineti7.''"lllo 9 ll
teestegated :taltber of. Col;
np---to- the avenge of the rao
IlontherwatillillAlid how, sop ene h
-knowledge of_thein ean vote to put. •
n Iheir..kindif t trllh tko Author pr
poem out Wndetstandjwg."
aliporratt Opunon,—The•Pre idetit•re ,
Pently - remetkitd - to the Wde' 'a *pion ifil4
e sr this ke4114-6614ondideieleteene 04:Chtf
Thad ! ..Bkirout tttt ht Ohgt., r ,
- 1
;_.l, 4I
Pitepeoar -:- . '
0) A, A
. .- 1
1,44*6* 4 0,1 1 1 , is ally
et . a a position te e ' laws
for the eolhadoitatdolge____The mover of the
billy Mr..llllntga, 1101101'19V ells evinced
ly.litsfellogisteg AO ,fr_pa his Ite
... ch .... on
Ithat subject: i . •
The speak% iiiiiteillift 10 review the Fres%
=1! ... jhea_ e au_
anielaralum I a
flee and '441 eltelllite 41, 1 *Octs gave advice
in redet-ttedbisinieeolestnesentrsgszletigl
lion: , Judaea uatole Liqadcra anili rojainkc..,
He had a tittle iiiirleace la ,l a i mid tilt
'WU - rich. [Lriiighter. ] ' litivehtligVii4 h:0- -
' tory all: The speabeitheniniatqlskda be
lost boraboaed, A biotillef , R4eitstSkOr.stsikreafs
a-tt;• so fft:r.them;,,.
.41. fer days after
eon of the indo he'bodgfiethe oietrfroni,
&end fillitieldaild ihdakifirf fireirlite. Ile
istefirted oat haTitiS pay o-viittrlis- -11-444Pnl
tippled, ,s, snit. before, o Just oe. 'The jury
dada Vagieti. L koditt,'litiiliiirifile'W*oosi
Jostle° of thall'eseo,•th ' eidmideresti:sgpinet
him. lie appesiod-it' ie the Circuit Court in . -
Milwitukte.' , lTherelliestisgsni,mmlleaid to
ISLIOWYerk..!A bAl:tillftdgll Ice's to ,
guef*Peanall. nisklasr to.3,cdge Mill and I
'get a dew nil - didefek ' [ ared lifilMer.] 1 '
tie' took I that: ' a ielelleas: ebettparfetnigi hie
. duty ., ; A new, ' maethertgrnakOnsshven-c
ne.chaused to valmorth 0,0 04,y . J.ud;e• Is
'fi Ai
'win`was Ilion l ltidge. Any m i., a i eWlato *ant-
ed to gain: ti, *use hale Cote.' hid ;Akar to
go buntingPO him' mulletlim esidtiil the
gene that was t.. or. else -pat hie ,deg, I .
patted : his clog. fLingliter.] ' I'ted.thWdog. -
[Rewired Übe tit : ] . The easewite4ddided
11 , T or hind. Whim fl::heard the decision, I
,the dog had followed 'me, about ,long
enough, sp, I turned an gave him i hick.—
[Laughtes.]' - The'yelp'of thddoghailtirdly
subsided eel heard gm Jtidge soy t:: !,'.. 0
01 Mr,,Clesir, this jqdgment,is,set and
s new trial granted." [ Great butstrier.:
Mr. Speaker, that kick - deaf:it:se i $ 1
[Convslsise Ittifeller]: - You have. no, deubt
seen a licit in a 3itinice'iCSiirt - inlb`d cam
tilt i There z.irspently , ,jutoti4adheingere-f"
eras belles *OW • 00810. 44 hast.lllo4 halides
4. ill fettlinipt ond...dteeensioae, csneedZ it.
It id ill s cheat.' Tli J eTtfigenta lid" Vet r sit'- •.
deters Fenn vittrsigietkot. elk Ridge Id tide
the,Ousei ill. would, belanerelnurs in lOW the
die rt t, jT 3 ! 1 7,1 •C, :•,i f , •r.. • ....-, • , -,, ii 1 " ,
' — A Sati o i tail! thoiii:='Hirii it it,' tory
tald; by' ' Morgan,* set ettptain,- ribrielletting
a, husband SA Sell Willi* ittiklr Wad semiztort- -
,shie,hint kryouog. htdies : ._ , . ~
•• Smile isdiii'aro'is the *Stir tinder ihe spa- ,
*el mu* of thti !cuspid* of-the •.eltil; tEn di if a '
Aca.r40;911 ,1 4 111 94g! :9issengent the
- partied:
ususilyit conddart
,c,f, ; yr egilsolh
atik t
- partied: A very Teseleallig oung . laily had
been placed 'udder' Morgarecterrhi andAhree
young. gentlemen leU.deePertilisivirs loesnrith '
her. They were...ALL equally agreeable, and
Vle young ledy. was pttsfla.,Wbkhlsiglicour
,.gp. . ghe asked the caytain's,advls,. ;„,
' 4, Come - en -deck • the 'Skit 44 f l , Itrper* '
featly calm. The gentleilettiitilW6flahrst,, .
be sear ,rost...• Tilsit. hate: s„-,lfeaUllowered
Jlown, and do you jumplonorboard, sad see
which gentleman will jumpnfter yen, :.1 will
take care of you.". • ~, . „ ,
\ keslm day von Came; the c,aptain'tkatig
gestions. were followed, and., tiip.ef.tha,levers
jumped after the ledy.,at so„instanSht he r _
Omen thesetlidyping lady , ceuld.'nel:deCide, -
11 , 34xicailiiiirbepi their, devotion. Sheagain
Obtain:o the''esipialu. / I,' . . ~ - ."-
'. di Take the than'thardrdietjiiiejt; *Ye! the
Moe' t sensible fellew; and iiill . lrielio Osi trgood .
,I n iiii t L,,,,,..iv c.--...,c , ,, ,:: CI. -1(Y... C 1 Lt.
....I 3 :I
-!•: 3. - 1 1
5,... ,
meet with in regisid c id is so
issay-toltfres , up the lose of money with spe
cious names: Epouomy is &duty, sAtd wince
preitees this 'duty -into, his setyipe s. and we
think' 'Wed tire 'only ectinomlial,'. wlttlewe,are
covetous,' 'You - last irk& *fotLyetii Own
and,:evartee int erprets•ttislidernean,
lei and keep_ all:ifritteqpnaptsiblyeaft : , fore.
sight - and
.prAdetige are virttieS,` Vie perverted
by avarice th'efere feerl liiiik - I'deft't think
I,have yet:seen; It! Man wh9. l -t4stalt.ala was
c lis
cow:tops. Among .ell the . prgetut„.; ,huve yet
heard in, Ike' prayer - eefinge, and pit -deep
confessions of fin ma e, I haiinativir yet
„card the sin or of
.., nesii.cppfmed. The
iti i 9 so, universal, so hiddezt'an4 so
al; that we are bardlr coiled:int of ilirlmist- V
enne.•...4kud.because you.dou'lsatutirolet con
fess It. iprpubliu prtLyer,th c i rso Ake mme need
that you pray ' owes it id:caret: Ober sine
-destroy • this icody;'retiltei - you '-fdtblei•prenia
turely: old :: but: thiti •.drieslip'4he stud; with
al', she nPuVisp:lLaSe.nil•'4 ll3. ***4l and
makes men fee l that they nrc`goils, an may
secretly glot!t, over thitcistresiiiin'of lizpawer .
whit& make:v.oin: waft); 'l3ll the seplaration be
tween the gooksod , God. igloo iwithi eien for
he cross of Christ awl the power tif,Lbe Ho
y Spirit ever to ..diminish. V, man!of God,.
there be any one' thing, %%inst which- you
ugh& pray; •i 4 is that yog may be
• Ted from loving money --which "la the root
I all evil.—" Dr. Todd. - .
Lrvn WirarrYour Idzass.—We don't like
tingiuwe' don't, dike;; economy; when it
owes down to rags and otarvation. „Tir i e have
. sympathy with - the 'notion that' the poor
an shoal' hitch 'himself to'a 'post MA stand
till; while the ;rest'of:the world. meves for
. It is rmman's duty to ,-deny,„ltimself
very amusement, :every recreation , , every
Oinfort, that' he May get rich: It is Itrman's
my to -mike: an iceberg of hiniselfp tb shut.
Melt PlidAlartl,to the eufferimo ,of. his fel
owe, end to_ deny *amp' the, enjoyment that
tp , from genereuo:_actions;metelylhat he
.• sylioartiMealtb for hittbeirs to qttarrerabout.
: dimre le an lealmtudY Wltiehria elria. men's
rit4y,ond . whieli hf . .edpecia ll y Commendable in
the Mtn Who struggles With poverty 2 =itn econ
omy-which id oonaistentierittv ',supplants; and
which must be practidd44l;thes.da,r, law would
secure iodeperteseer, It is almost every man's
privitege,'- itAtociaas 'hie. 411*, to live
within thinn."!aWatiatit,ddellfAtinsak itAhe . man
adutit,,andAhpol I.n e-Yer. th*
at:Meant, duejtiditnent Or Mett r ;,but com
petence ihonTd.oo44l . be mire:l/4111*We* it can
by. the fieactice of decamp and tnelf-deni-'
t at
,only ,tolesable.,ententb, link be
Ise:cured, Rot, so much for others tilo upon,
te'raige trisln dieestirdittidii'd '8 rs, as
ftp meare illei . consciommemkotindepaddence,
And oPt4kut. 4 P t isAWkl l- ; 1 0 1 0/k. *34 o rived .
from itd acquirement. aufl
• lack
o, in
ItAro ;
Eliatt:of our -
village (he relates the' kayo btailein who
fought but did - Willie at Antietam and Gettys
burg, reCeitilitilitt Vitro the province on foot, .
mieticeenze irtiaes:fot , stElewqlnsAiight just
iyelka sable, nut 1 . 14/4,1 . 0., vieningtirm being
lowered ' upon 44 1 49 tipplAed it a e ery
ifectallahousalbri etteitaitinaal very
Madiri 4 k 4 o
. 1404 itti } irea 1 4 101 Yedififilypetked
t 9. WOO 'toy. temorliker family atittoine, with
AboAt par,toqc eff,Ofa, PYraimumal, and
everything 'seemed ai our hero to br . going as
-over,,ilabthe yintrig laslyLe think that
cotertaiil ug.a BO enter
taining "an angel.- But o get riCot
him`ztaa thearo' üble: Hlll.4OlE l ' soled him
he comb:Wimp . ,weM. saying. that: to could
jtI4P tragic!. Oin,c!),..Taakes_.4l : i . r.
was a "stuzor which
_the hero. i a dozen
bittTirtleld3was net disPdsed to - ialco,ilnd they
arratigift-Intctrtriai of kap10447. z 571110 yoting
:le l bt‘S* oo4l,l tetildr,ltlainetlakilldWitm door,
ankle. Ilree, jtimps_reacjted tite.Ogar. Our
Yankee able took hits sation tdittle tirtab At ,
titl3 bbintiltatellets4s iasoliedlhe tltittr , when
tionimagirtehleeaq 44,w0 1 414 Rpeß,th e door
for hjm, he might haye 4 ()lance to see
hitirtadetit izderie_ hoe took the
third i leswaltialulatdmiblikant id. he !mow.
The 47Rital. #44s„. ky‘
O'D 0 114014 fee—
ea the door & LI3,E. alf t tlelph °Tering
tiiis &Wine listobihir l eh amber, '
in& tkieirthitte litt!eftlanitlide* tci lam and
f co/d: ii tkre.lfas 4/TMAtl9p 41P0
where no,,donbt. he could 'bs enter t a The
Wetit'dolat tfia. says-
Urinal; ways erviunc- - d4ostottial Feta
dtsge•Asish pi 7 f'fraurcis
e old
it. el
.1 the:
at I
oat of
I odd
1. -but a
of, that
or far:-
of i. his
V ig
op on
we end
ll' At
. Is so Burrow' ATPLiZitynt 'n4 .ll TO as
bbt WWI 'eines we were
• told Ibpilie ikkeetteeetJ M.A.) Calm - party,"
.betZ Prod
dent as 14opablIeitw patig, t, •there
wayttrbriatii " to be s
Insardeal o trolobbilin!aragothttaft " rube.
WbOheAbe Malan t .:Rectloweilltiwa a rup
ture r %(71 1111 4 9, 1A u ni al S eale
it if •
• 0„1:101f.
• skt
• Otiltoi
a lays4;r • t, after
111 4 . thipagirgin Jot
off ha
gata g , 4 en than Nartlibr4 414 . a
bettor tau sala-rapreeniatiaa.
( \