s igtOigt6botttet. otc, r:k., MitAr 3, 1866 ise WorED.—Eicoommodittioas vill ibed for fourgeuticmea boarders.-- { the Observer office, or to NIL KOlll - fivel.ho,ra oast of Parade, • ;aNsttat. ittitatt/Au :etion of a general failroadlaw is interests nearly everybody in Erie end Ro meet fey persons w.-co do not orocste.the passage of Buell a mea l s_ Legislature. - It appears that the is as popular in of her sections khere. , i n favor of a general railroad •aw t atty in Sharon, Mercer county, Itornittees were selected to question Oates . for Governor as to their a m atter. Mr. Clymer's response 0 Like everything he does, it is it i ye aid manly. Mr. Clcat•esletter „nyablished,if he has condescended u all: Manisa, April 12, 1866. 40: _I have just received your fith inst., asking the question, t go or am not in favor of making ilrostl law by the Legislature of oswe'slth, somewhat .similar to ,st in the neighboring State of i s repeated and persistent efforts , to long service in the Sen. :to t he passage of a general railroad ,titian on that qnostion is not ma— w tbatmothing 1 may now say ttily announce ' 00 ,0 noor, and will continue to o f a general free railroad system or to that of the States of rev York; believing that capital er be permitted, under proper re r ibe pruection of private property , e bts , of individuals, to develope any ~.sestion of this State without let or l e peer le of thin Commonwealth es -s;rtem, many of the . richest and fl ietio thereof will for half a century! )I deprier- ved m of those means of dm:l— to Which at t hey are entitled, and without which of Iron. of coal, of !amber and of .leas and unprofitable, not alone is, but o well also to the- whole to are unqpitionably most deeply i in their prompt deyeloprdent and in. rareelfully toed truly HIMEJICLIMESLI lOW BANRS..--It appears that the sud Venting° banks were ahnitered Ftee Banking Law of Pa., and hav • (7 bonds) deposited with the t ypal, which will cover all their ,so that eventually little or-no lots oetstioned noteholders—althttigh it insitsie the holding of the same for ants before the securities are mann t entire expense at making such repair rpm the owner or owners. occupier or occupiers in any manner, author ised bylaw,and idadditton the party or cattle' ea of fending shall forfeit and pay for the use of the Borough the two of fin dollar* for even ten deyg beseltworiblir shin mats td,oomply -with the requirements of Illetd third section. •. • • . • , .• . - ; , •• see, o..Thot, arifowner pr °wens of sinlOt; or parts ce lota in raid Borough, shall, at hie, her or their ex ,pense.itiler end clump, by, raising and lowering the 'side-walk inifentitsef tile; lin of their yelped :ma lot or lets, or part of lots, to any grade that may At any time be died ,by or or . idert.tie,direction ot,th eso4d43p2g4pl and Connell; , - Feciton t: Thine; pinion refusing and nevi cling to ni lioen i rgbet oink rtion of 44,41010;ti it otifnellfee se of the &iron& the sum o rave - dollies or every ten ye that be, she or they shall refuse or neglect to comply with the re . quirmnents thereof Section B. That all erections or obstruction& whateo emir, (wales* eintherised by, special r isentinp of Btireenand Connell) ..upon ilorpert.ietheatrests4o4 sidewills, are 'hereby declared common nufsenete, and an persons are hereby prohibited Atom causing, Pim: lB M maintaining V.I. keeping upon any part of any open street, any merchandise, wagon..omege, trees, timber, firewood, brick, stone, stater, hay, shatings, manure, or any oft& setide,hthingeir oberb action mhstaneemS remain thereon more than six hours, under the penalty of Gra dollies and thirty-9w cent; rain--sum an; pinion offending in the premises shall forfeit and pinto 'the sae of the said Borough forsmete, genii Oman: pvet • Tided, that wagon and ourless matters and blaaenithel maybe allowed to keep wagonikepd,earideps in front telltale respectire shops and pretzels* for a reasonable time, white *attune at work neon An eh wagon ocw•-. day, Is making, finishidg and Tvpairleg thet'sani.,4n eloadition, however, tht such wagorm.and carriage. be placed le n gth w ays , ed) , + a ining the peed edge °l i the side walk, ait close thereto as posable; In single Ma, with no • part of any opt Two ornarriage, abreananother, and . no - part of.aaf Ogeenbinitioehayondthe Itent' of the .prentees of th.• parson so engaged le meting likening and repairing the name; provided, also, thot firewood, for the purpose of having it sawed or chopped, may re . satin twentsfour hones on the Amok on onditien it be plantd eon toth. outer ed&ir Of-theiddirsillot: t encroaching thereon nor extending more thin sir feet into the carriage way, and that all chips therefrom be removed with the wood: and It le farther provided, that any person about to erect a building in n d ;Borough' may, on application to thn'Acirsenni amt Cellincil, hate west permission in writing. signeil by the Boren and *nested bt the Clerk, to occupy:with his building ma ,oerlel, for &time limited therein'. portion of the ad• joining street, particularly described in such permit, always leaving snfitennt room for warps, ars ito peg: • Section 9. "Apjines'who tat heretofore ca wed or placed any such . ' obstrcetlon, thing, or nul ianee as - *Potent& upon any of the Wens, which still remising thereon, is hereby reqaired to remove the same theta from eichin twenty- Yonhoors;And every penmen,. -tinting -to edmply with this requisition, shell SOAR sad pay a fine of five dollars and thirty tone cents for evert , such neglect. and an additional fine of five dol lars and thirty-four cents for every di; such obsirtm tint. thing or ionizce shall remain after nit institir ted for the recovery of thetiret ortun subsequent fine. Section 10. 11 any person shall, in any manner or by any mean, ohs net the carriage limy of any open street In said Borough, to each an eiterit as not to leave room for wagone and carriages freele and conveniently to pass and repass.or abellobstrild anteldeimiljt (nmpt es herelabefore provided) as not to leave room for foot p a ssen,ersyreely and conveniently to pass end repute, such per.on shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten deniers !ornery such offence. Section 11. It any person shalt Cede or 'Orin any ~.horse, or horses and wagon, sleigh or carriage, or any team, upon any sidewalk of this Borough, or shall ride any horse, or shall drive any-bene-or horses and wa son, sleigh, coach or ander carriage. along. any of the s t ree t s stood clo t fOly gate faster than a /1404:1 trot, such person stet fetNit and pen a fluent dye d onus eu'd thirty-four c - nts for every such offence. Section 11. Ady Ws= who shall without authority ititcol the Burgess and Council, oat down or otherwise wtiliolly or negligently injuie „any tree, 0+ hitch any horse or mule to a tree, grewleg upon any street of the Boronghlexcept adjoining his own sidewalk) shill for, tell and pay s fine of ten dollars for only senh'offente. election 3. If any person shall set fire to and, burn any shavings or other combustible materials, upon any street or lot in ibis Borough.withinTwe hundred and fifty feet any bgllding belonging to at other person, or cease the 111Mito tine; to' the andinelr ring in anY degree of any such building, or shall fire off any can. on, 'gun or other fire arm, within twenty rods of any fabler. teed dwelling house, shall forfeit' and paya doe of five dollen and thirty lour cents for everyone% toffeace. Section 14. There nail be iippolntied bylhe Ber e ns end Council one person, to be calked the Borough Sur veyor. - wbe•sliallocintisan L4,0111C3 one ye ar, 11211011.1 neonerniothergekind a new Appoinent can be' made, phose duty it shill be, as often as there shall be need to ascertain the boundaries °retreats, regulate the foundation of all buildings about to be erected, adjoin ing any street ' direct and superintend the gradmition of all pamentals and rideired j olalhhe BoriSugb, net per . form each other professional' duties as the lint-gess and Council may, from time to time, enjoin upon him. &salon 15. It nein' be the duty of the nitrous% Sur veyor. on application of any person or persont, to entr ee; his, her or their lot, or lota, or pieces of Ind, and designate the line' thereof ; for who t service the sad Bervepor As I be entitled to a compact-anon f threes. dallars'iot every' lot or pica of laud. • ; ; •',7 • Fettion 10. If any person shall exit or cane to be erected the foundition of any building within lone foot of any street in lealdtaseeingle:withouthasiblethet Inds .Application and had the exact line of the street in front ofsuch building sacerlaind. such Imre= shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars for every such birders; and On owner or.oecupant ofenvbeiliding encroaching upon any street of till beennti shall be 112%4 ter IL the pen- Attlee berolnbtfo e provided against persons causing ob structions upon the streets of the rime, unless such building shall have teen erected en the Bee established by and in conformity to the direction of the Borough Ordtlned and enacted this 10th day of itpril,'lBBB. LIITJS, Clark. Wif. HENRY, Burgess. E=3 EMI A u" ' is WANTED • • • - • Por ode sum thilNistoesas Beek of ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS .or THE REHRLIGON. Her Ole, Patriotic, Political. Romantic, RUOIO,OIII and Tt:agicak.Apltndidlitllostnitad with. offer 330,. tint Portal& & This work, for genial humor, tender pathos, startling aed attractive beauty, stands. peerless and alone sol s in n rell its cotopetirors. Thrfallant and bran-heart the picturesque and dramatic, the witty and marvel lous, the tender and pattertico.. The roll *Chime and "to- IT, camp, Octet, spy, acont, /Neonatal:Ascent; startling sanitises; wonderful escapes; fitscousworsts and. deou of women, and the whole panorama , of tratesis are - thrillingly and startliiigly portrayed in a masterly man ner, at once hist:ideal and, renumtisk rendering it the most ample,lirititant and readable book that the warble called forth. Di)tabled officers and 'elitism teachers, olnOrgotle young men, sod all in want of prolltablii em ployment, will ned this the best chance to make money e'er yet &Tema. Sand far eirculata and see out terms. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING 00., N 0.1507 Hi rarr-Streat,-Philadalphia. I r, • selinittik • -111 YOU WART THE REST ARTICLE' • T •Or 1r A' 0-01} . 'AIL !GI AT-it 13! '- • ' B_T Wit t , B AIE RAO oosazit'oi trArrAVOlrotialit alutv rosni , A. AND ROUE; Eirrythlog Rietoliaeop Ihre.-14garii Chew'=;" log. Cigar caiee."lfeeraelurum Pipes. Seders, 114 4 at. kept,ock baud. Ditr , variety hp ao large ;woe ,or 4 lato bo gaitea. „ PuVentargittegi ' tiCrs; paid to, orders, Ail• *deft" Mitroated to be That they are iold for. " , Itiosi.T. Aria n&, . (rosT6ti-1.0 JARS•: (11. TY - isuavitlrtfru'.) r •• ;""!--• - W 'T OW NE ' it' Surveyor and Ciqa Engineer. •t e• ; • , ptureartd to surrey any lota In the city er admit:s r br est any grade from the Miletat - reccorde of the city. , ' Particular attention given to stb-dirtelotrof outlota bad the estenniont-of, stmts. , werk:Sicße 10,ith the tatmuat ealn anaj6tatintand erltrent:' • - - . Drafting sad tipping neatly esecited. • • Pleiii,Speefeageon and Valentin fatnishedne 'hart notice. Ordere left efthe Clothing Store of J: N. Jos tles on St., or at No. 946 French St.. will reCelve Prompt attention. '"' • 1. nuttinall LuTiorv. OF .-07.PriXteNEIDfittr , The arm besetotbleillatlng nadir the name of Mai dissolved by mutual consent, datlsitTrom January 16th, 1660, yr. Catirlethims• Tlifi:bvab the old firm may be fotusdst the old paw. f f romeeglessants 1411_1.1"ed* • Yr Carver has aisoelated Wawa with btm, and will eoatlaQe 9nbil# l2l, i t air,the IMO 40 4 5 / 1 32 , or ; , • J.. == B 0 . CARVER & CO .. r—ts Seeping • new aireirelt aillieteiteteels ot Dram 'WM elves Mae Chesaleale. new Plusraukeeutleal Tespais• lbIll~ n4 SIN Four uttotvoilf p • • The evens &eras oftSLDoutlarersetaldeit and = 2 ,, can 11 , 17 1111 011 being ,aureelly served at all Nos2ce.—The eerN ' of Mi. I. P.:Clem, Vie" isles beet f ac liielited te atll be will be tuippy to mit ; obl rieaitu ow awn.; veniviritsaa_ Mt _ 4 ; UMW Stakwafarb i rpo le uw ita i stils4lloolo4 lo l 4 l waira i tal • , k. 61 , 1141 41 J . .42 at LI ,T4' , 1,"- C . .7-1,1,..a": . ky• %V. VilOttim AO% HYDE & WitIGHSVTIOtikii; • E _ HOE OH CDVITVATIM PCOIV has any other ciaiiatTir - • - 1- -. • 0 - , 3d. By removing the small teeta,".l4lAttiehinfir the wins to the shovel, it is theme/a:plaid inetzument fat billing that ean hi:found. - • 4th. Itla the beet instoinsatfereetn - ringanadtifirl3 lonteteee ever Invested.- A Man in& tiotwo'emi *over potatoes as fast ass horse mot awl team an dig from 300 to 500 btulels, pe oss hka di7. whenthe crop is a fair one. - oh. it Welke equaLlymell in minor any kitt 3 of crop ean requi be ri disposed wing maltivstla treandh. in' molt eases hand hoeing - • • 6th. Its • cheapness, contiderlog' the mu, 7, kinds of work torrid& +testae applied—the farmer havint le one implement all that is neeessarrfor enitiitting sod billing any kaid of crop, or covering and digaing pota toes. t - ' - -. • . Yinimberless certificates from the mosi,mtinentlallar. mem in the Unit 211Statee !night ba.eitien, of ,the =pa rl ority of the isbore hophasent Corer idiot/tam designed Tor lihe parpows. WeahallbeManedt receive so 11 froutanr ono wit° needs a Cultivator or Shovel Plow, sad explain to•them the merits of the strove Doi Slice orer all other Imple manta of the kind. We wamut this Horse Noe to wes t " as a 'CultiSster as'well as , any Cultivatoe Mado—aa iShorel Plaw,is well as any Shovel Plow—AS.4Sn ,llosscomplete success, or termed the mo ney[[ it does _sletmeet this warrantee. - •• • We *Whoop mai hand in colmectlou with our—Hard ware, Stoves Tinware, and House Furnishing °pods, a complete assortment of Hares Bakes, Used Rakes, (irate Cradles, Seythes, disattunt, Forks, Hoe; Shovels. Sped .1, Ao. Dosettsil to (teener call. • : -I W. ST:;PIERCBA CO., • " Soli Artstor !Torso Roe in Brie Cle., Pa, and Ashtabula Co., Ohio, Corner State and 9th Ws, Brie. Pa- • • 5 t Wa. W.Viencit. rap2T9s-thrl Gm. J. Rtcosn. " 1 1 AIWA D s W4GNOLI4.—The pliant thing, die"lllrelllt sat thing,* . and Ike- titian of it for the lead moldy. It °femora,' MO:49r of tieriairit; aofleiti and adds deUcaey. to the akin ; is b dellak 4 1 Isdlutne; altail hesdaeheauld utiliaromation, and is] a peesanary sampan ion la the:kick room; in the nntzerj, and upon the toilet sideboard. It can be otifiiini4 ere whereat one dollar per bottles 1 -- • -- ' %... Saratoga Sprint Watts% Enid by all Druggists. • , ' I :-..z-- S. T.-411160.-I.—The amount of Plantation Bitters *old to one year is somewhat atintling. They world 611 Drondway six feet blab. froM the Pa rk to 4th lit Drake's mannikeNny is ore et the, institutions of New York. It Is said that Drake painted all the rocks in the. Eastern Stites with his caballslie 4 4 T,-1880.—X and then got the old granny tenislattne to-pasta law uyalMenting dliegniine the fun 'or tiliture.7 gives him a monopoly. We do not know he* this is, 'but we do know the Plantation Bitten sell u nit:other article seer did; They are used by all classes of the community,aid are death on Dyspepsia — certain— They are very Invigorating when languid and weak, ands great appetiser: . Far:delta Spring Water, Sold by all Druggists. Kri lifting the kettle from the I scalded" myself very moverely—one hood almost to a crisp. The tortire was unbearable. • • The Mexican Itastmeg Liniment reeved the pain 'almost immediately. It hialeirrapidly and left irery tittle scar. " CHAS. FOSTER, 4 Mead gtv?hilll ' Ihiatamerely a sample of what the Mustang,Lmi• meat will do. It Ls invaluable in all cues of wounde, nisllingr i sprains,' cuts, bruises, amine, etc., either upon magi or beset. Beware of counterfeits. , None l is genuine cutlass _Mapped in finesteelplaie engraving, bearing the sig nature of- 0. W. Westbrook, Chemist, and the private will not Gal to use Lyon's eerebpitsd F.Cathation: It makes the heir sieb, sot and g!nii7; trig/lease dan droff,, end 'causes the heir to grow with Ituurbint beauty. It,is sold erenwhere. B. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y lietra j tosis Npring Water, Fuld by all Druggists 1 . • 1...... I . l, , I • 1 Warr DID 11F --.t • young lady, returning to her country home after a sojourn of a few months in Nair tort, rut keret; tenor:nd' by her friends. In place of a rattle Push' face, eh* had a soft, ruby complexion, of aim naar4le smoothness; and instead of 12„ she really appeared but 17. She told them plainly she toted Itagao's Ilag i nolia Balm, and would not be without it. Any lady can improve her personal appearance very•much by using this article.' It can be ordered of Any druggist for *only 110 cis,. Vartdoga Spring Waters sold be all Druggists. nedontreet's Inimitable Hair Coloring hu been stead ily growing In firor - tor orer. twenty yens: It acts UMn the absorbents at the roots of the hair, and changes it to its original color by, degrees. All instantaneous dyes deaden and WWl* the heir. Helmetreet•s in not a dye, bet le certain in its results, promotes its growth, • is a beautiful hair drening:, Price 60 cents and SI., Sold by ell &ens. Saratoga Status Water, sold by all Druggists. LroVe EXTRACT OP POILIPJAIpiaC4 Goacs—tor Jodi gaition, nausea, heartburn, slekistadache, cholera mor bus, wbeie wartulog, genial atistulant is required. Its earefaiprejearatien-and entire purity maim it a cheap and reliable article for enallinary• purposes. 7 Sold every where at 50 cants Per bottle. - - Brerntogn glories Water, sold by ' all Druggists. ATTENTION 11 .A.6ENTE" WANTED.. them ..wanting the but MoSsing Ilsehtnes, Rowers and Rearm .ecnabised, ra. p t. o ixad r ireas Ws' • --, - • 14Itcensf,Erle Coo rrty, • ' ' I, Er Also Agent far the beat corn Planter and Drop. Per.3l ; • ' Cr Loesl Agentswanted for sem towestdirin North Western Pennsylvania. aprl9 2aa NTBRESTINI] NOTICE. , • P. II A liT MA N, The well tiscam.llachinist, hissing returned from New York city, with the larges - Taasortment of (TUNS', 'l' IS T 0 L.g, &C. - •, • ' . Peer tiro - tight to tile. Celt aisd.rizansimishis ,rteck. Yea cannot thil to Bed what4on waist. . • _ Sur. yr dans Viad Pistol"' repaired in a satisfactory mart „ LEV!It xots want a glut class tine or Pistol, call at lidan'ai, stvet, beltsreen State and Peach, South aide. apdalw fjoszen- KtUnitatLAUkt, _ ,:1114NUPPOTIIILEB, OP B 0 o°l' l B' A N to. 8 11' 0 - E 1111,1JOLISALM AND lUSTAIL: ' AT lIIMICBIMICIIS. Ifaviag a hate stook of my own mamnfacinte on hand, with a complete assortment crafty made work, I an sell cheaper at •Wh'olesale's ea Retail than any other estabiLihment In this city. Staring had long earpreleace as to the mints of auto -308111. I shall take special palm - in preparing El dm, u , Inn theuK — l have tha esetaidoe- sigh 4113,...10, PLUMER PATENT BOOTS & BROES, 42 • , 'Air that:emelt array custonterMilet Only ailk trf.C.of 'them, tosathrry any mesa to - their reperier comfort over those moli.talheildiray. „ . Boot needs notreale digit; It la - u easy frees theater tat Oa* vent her was Im,. . IMPAanarxr Witt iiestiVisiy oini/ ona my" teottrni it. wale/ - • - • '• LEATHER. LASTS AND FINDINGS Tor the trail, abaft as MIA to rittM., , ; , Toodmirittor lAis to roT friilo. sod, for fast Wrong% I bop by lost mat immorobbi Aliallacto merit o .on*Otammo s my ottUt Mageotrist =OW, /Mit* ill .144—ond umsda otbekbefon posimgoit: whets.' M. Oh State St.l7Erbr i Pa. morMatt. t R HA 11 1. , -. - - rnrm..;. , +:wlie.e..l? *A IIII ,1 9 .... . - - - 4,B (.l. llfol l i t s k ,v,trern"ePt)i, a I :i a. 'FLAN WO., ciE4NAN_BrerEng I 7 0.... .. b‘r,1.4.i.~-- 4.44 tj ~/ i. 11.1, ~., ' ... ~... 1• ' win co,re:: ' ,,,•. 4- ~ , I, i, ~,,‘ / 1 M ist ttotlAnXatut ehlzitt:Tpl's ;Ps'aitnitaa I, i , ...lured Ity, ,I,Asailt .b, 1 0. 1 . 1 4 1 0 6 4 44 .14 , ' kt. 44 of cucjihtstq.: 4- ehtfutt..cititetei,Jh '4 - 1 4 ~ 41 , I A 4 V l ? . . bll ii i * 444 CF9 I l f, i • • tra i Mel ... 0!,..;, :71,r . ...3:.t ' ............ ..,.... 1, ....., .., resulting frobi'disorete..OrAeLisei-eisid '-'-- r,,, : ; Mesabi, °Twists; ske stdtti 4.,—.:: - .. - .;#, , FRAND'a, 0:E : XITTUAIe • _,.:* I cstroi has performed nigni.ettettirstirttiostik 2 , tient has more teathnony.--bes more . trolonch for Whets key othereelkeketk . the '.... i 'wadi any one to eontradhatAttla. rintiO to any one wheiret t roths a /„ iiie •aIVY XI that fa not temper:tar -t ~., „ ,--....t,... .. F.. ~,, -7 •r-,..z.,_,___ , - --__.•"-,-'-._..---,-- .'l-.t-e. , .!. 1 . 1.. IORIMAN . W11:: GRUItANSITTE49. - - 7 2 3 . . I . ; • •,- -:-..-.--..1 ....--1. VI :! I 0.1 . 111 1 ;1 1 , sot cue of chronic or , nit4otulkiAily . 1 the kidneys. ObsterveVte, .ntirearfAlc... glitpkii ". .Cfcent disorders of th e 4 1 0 8 7.:orgith ..;...1 . - . .. I. . . ~. 4iticl4 - ra4titir Mr; kiitieikit.tigair tie 7 ;; • eidity of the Stomach. breasitei Thhistleint, Die- :1 . :r.raed, Fatness or Weight:ln thialtamagia, t, ; tiaras; Slaking or Flutterto*:.the :Pa.et e .: i Ir; BYrlmming or the Head. ttolan t .r 4.01 7 [ ihaluttering atAtteritatt, o.nnitoa,aa ~ 11011 P t , ; • 'WWI when In lYingpciael4unninrobarta... •1 tg,44 - wets before the t' .r.„. ) , 0 _sad DaU rale thuit" Def.ciutty: et rear idsetibit.:-Yerktirmermi t i albs Eyes, Me tit theliide.BackelTheit, l 4lllbg. .• ddsil:Fluthes of Hest, Mukluk' the Flesh, cdasgttlioga of Ertl and great Unitressloaliftrisikt .: ..... . Mei dPtli f.ite Ilr fat u• .F Thi Wie Diop l Trai p pub' *II c doteas Mg ,- Ritatzapala, that this /laterals not:a h -- IS 31: t 1 ' ovum or whiskey, and, mop! take 13 ll4 *gas the boat tonic in the world. -74 • _ , 7: 77 ; • " . RtA D wil t) 44Ti 3 4 3 ,- - ' risixte...Ay. D. Bei efried, Pastor iof - prietll ... I?ifillit Chnrch, Rbilsda" • -- dentiernia- I have rcemtly been laboring dietreiring effects of indigos tioap _moo mpanteltbyll lies- vation of the nervous system. Numerous remedies were roCommended by.frtende, and some of -them tairerrOMit 1 • ierihont miter. Your Xtoolland's German Bitter; 'Ake recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose S favorable wed tion of these Bitters induced me to try stem. L mot confess that I had to aversion to latent Medicines from the l'thousand and one^ quack fillitteis" *lune only aim seems to be to wilco :o ff sweetened sad I ;hugged l iquor upon the comes ,nity in a sly way,. and the tandem'' , of which, freed.-Is to make many , a eent. armed drunkard. Upon learning that $Ol2l was resily-„, : `, a medicinal preparation I, took it with happy effete. Its : Utica, not only upon the stomaM„ hut now t thti rusw ik u , system; was prompt and matifylop I feel that I hake darived great and permanent benefit from , the use' et a few bottler. Very respectfully tours. W. D. SEIG/NIED,NOadtt Thasitawncron • ef From the tae,li..o,•Pendslt, Assistant Editor ChrteMen ChroMele,Philada. , • • ' I have derived decided benefit from thesis. ofifoolleflore - dermas' Bitters, sod -Ifeel It my. priviieseto: recommend • them ma most valuable tonic to. Lamas are milferrog from amend debility oilmen diseases -artidng froni,the • derangement of the liver. - 'lmre trey, , 6,../11NDA11.1 Prom Be, D. Denim Fedor- etßaids the Pessaynnk Eantiet Chinch, . • •-• - r From the Rotor resneetable remourrerndations &mite - Dr. floofland'a Eitratin Bitten, I wax induced to giro them ' • trial. After using swami bottlers, i !band them robe good remedy for debility, stidanmeit excellent tonic for • the stomata. - D. itgastas. /lOW Ser. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of , the Vtadeit• town and ifillyille (N. I') Slaptigt Chotnhee. tiering nu-din my tangly s ortmlefrof -bottles el Onr Boodend'a Germs* Bitters, l have to say I regard them !‘ es an excellent modkine, egreclallr adapted to, remove the silee.asee they are recommended `or. They etrengthen and Invigorate that systerit when debilitated, =dare nip- • tut In disorders of thallrer, loss of appetite, die. 1 , are ; alto reammended them to MEM of toy friends. et he have tried them, and found them greatly beneficial iritho restwation of health. Yours troll, • WV. SHIM, 963 lintelinsonBt-, Phthtdi. BEWARE. OF COIIi:TERELTS. See that the sigivelarelM t.C. IL JACKSON" re on Wrapper of each bottle. , .•- i i. Should yo.m nearest druggist not have 'the article- do I not be pat off by any of the intoxicating preparations • that may be-offered in itl e but send to us and we • will fireard, securely pee bye xpress. (V• St Ptdiad Prindpal 011 Pa ice and ufseory, No. 13 3 1 Arch reet, elphia, . JOtilVi & EVANS, -,, • , , [Successors to C. If. Jackson & Co.,J Proprietors. ' For sale by druggists and dealers in every town to the United States.- • . - • decr6s,l7. , • • ' HAYES ii.: USPLEIL'S CIEN i IMIN. . . . .. .. DWELLING HOUSIV:FOR SALE. . • roar Ent class building lots on oth and 7tio Stitits, - west aide, a pith of the estate of Dr. Nall. This properly - Is all In One body, and vary desirable. Bullpen property for sale feet front on sth St, between State and Peach. We will sell this property -cheap.' Rouse and lot on Second street, between State and Peach. This desirable property contains about of a s city lot-sne fruit—house in good repair, and will bo sold cheap for prompt pay. , • •-1. The fins large dwelling house of Nra. J. L.Bodgent; on • French street, corner of Second Hoagie in , • the moat . • complete repair.' rice low—terms First deal three story brick dwelling on sth street. east finisned complete, and will be col l at a bar garn.' • HOUSE AND LOT TOR SALE-43etweenSasst&as and Myrtle streets, ocithe lank. House two stories, and to good condition. Price 161,600. We have a number c f very desirable private residences ' for sale, worth from $5,0 1 0 to $15,000. C'ATAGS 110133 P. FOR - 811.E—On Chestnut sheet, ~ between Ninth - and Tenth street*. House has parlor, 1 " sitting room, dinlpg LOOM, kitchen. thrse .bedroome,- closets, cellar, etc, to complete reply. , - FIRST CLASS'DIVELLING Fait SALE—On Eighth k street, first door east of St 40. goose new, lot 53 by 105 tees:. - • , STORR, FOLNDRY, WATER. POWER, AND 1.0'13 FOR STORESt FOR SALE.—We offer for ;sale 165 brh'•••O feet, corner of State and Eltreentliatreets. and IPdby leb • feet on State street, south of 141ey's Machine le decidedly the boat p - .party for gale in the city .or. Angeline shops, otores, t ...sad will be Old in lots to suit the purchasers. ' "_ ZIIILIANG LETS FOR SALE. . ' A Full Citylot o nßlghth street, between MyriliVand‘' vt, Chestnut. Also, the Lot in the rear, on Seirenth street, -' I. N, convenient to canal. Very desirable for Manufseturing. .„.` Two choice dry Lots on Routh street , 4d-West of 1 4 ' Chestnut, 41 feet 8 inches py 165 feet. -:1 • le We have left s number of betiding lets on Seventh , t . aid Buffalo streets. between' Boland and German.' Ail ." high gravel ground end verydesirablli. ' - • • iS One sere of land on Cherry street, west of Cemetery il This is a tine, dry lot: . ~, One fall City Lot, ionier 'of' Eleventh and Chestunt,' . north side. Price 5i,500. Also; one on Twiath fft.,,vrestl a of Myrtle. Price 84040. . , . , • .. . 1 , Tee Building Lo, corner of Eleventh EsstSka. •!. Loa, . h i One Bill City Lot. earner Tenth Sid NyttliStir. Also,z, one on Tenth St., between Myrtle einorebettenti'iterthv re aide. This 100 toot street ii fest being - taken up hY'Var- • irk ties desiring io erect first cies" residences. "' A FULLAOO OTTE LOT.,— . on ilth 'Bee% corner of Myrtle. : 6 Price $4. - , . . 01.• FOR SALE a numbii.: of the #neat firms hi Will Creme' in and Rubor Creek toe, at pi lees &gin $* tq" $ lOO Per.. al.: acre. - . CITY LOTS FOR SALE. A number of the most de- P b e sizable !guiding lots in the city an private terms.' ..lii 30,- FARMS FOR 4ALE,BY. itiYEB 8z KEPii7i.g; FOR itALE-14,U, acres of theism of the late Samuelt: Barr. situated on Ridge Road; one mile froserthe hay , containing an orchard of /50 graftedapple trees, and alt few peach and pear trete: • . , • tt 10 FORiLIIA-100 acres weed lot,lo actailinputefl, 11 2: 1- chiles froze the city. Rico, 820 per saw ' r • A Farm of 80 acres in Clututauqueointy,N Y,2ht. lj farm is located within three miles at the 410.—i. Ii About 70 acres improved; a drat clue dwelll% Mutes.: g good berm and out houses, young orchard , grafted _ freits—apples, peaches.Pluars, eta.. • • Twenty acres ofPorming laudand 10 acres of a tifebert: „ lot, 4 to 434 miles eat of the city. oa thelaike Price $l2O ger acre—trill sell the 20 sates n1=11617 des.2.l. \ aired. Fine - barn on the 20 acre'. A F 41111,14 Harbotereak, !oath of the Raikola Pd tion 100' rods , containing atont 100 acrerstl-ausrag ae I bank ham—good moderate sia d Howse—youngmahardrt •••iirt to 10 acres,of woods—soil head, and i ' ttelillneattl - state of cultivation. Price $7,600. Terms easy..r:: IL '"" • FARM north of the railroad statioa, 'on tker aldge:t Road 100 rods, aboet 100amea good, a anbstaatill lea;; • of bode", I tree barns, orchard, out tumses, 41=1 Tete ; . 1 .„„T is In aNo 1 state of cultivation. Meseta° FA' • ff. 5 . " 4 Terme easy. " _ - Add ._‘ Fifty r farm for sale—the firm of Tdatriellea inll.Thist Hill Cree atone 4)4 miles from the ster-vgete dutilsoz oo .. house—Ye bank barn, ores*d. Oth bottom land Price $4,000. Possesdo,n rthist, ;.1 ;,they , • and EFFIXIW: 111 f, • Agents and Dealers Real Ruder". t^. • ' i Warne ls. Pd. • • ••• =lnv ' • - •- - ;f- •.1 At mr• liwsToNit STOVE' WORFAS. .; - - - • 1 . 3 1011 sum eartwas tee TIBBALS, Wo,l7.nin oar t...,!...., •.• , . STOVES A'ND:. HOLLOW- 111 r ,CF,tg, .. th e aye a, lama and extensive, assort:Meat . 4 , 4l3thti L ril o w. fi n e a and Sea. ( THE T I.R N G 1 ' ?Ott at fast-chum Coil Malaya, with er '16 ,1 ,/eser! )or vote, for hard or soft atawerwotietipt . • EETTER THAN THE' STEWART VT()V.4: an . . , We ago termilhoture the • 'per, ?WHEAT SHEAF - AND ff iIFIE.HI,; 80 t hes. Both low oven Coal Cook Stives—wlta:tfobdtates4. „. - - can be need either for coal or "fa:: , Yen., • • f T -FOR E B -•- We, are iittu-sonsarsetarieg thid4efoltratel , .Storelor wood—With or without reservoir'. ,EIT'T "; were :L A, Low Oren Steve ter Wood. nessiotort : s ty,” beautiful design, and now forsale...agetilel - 1 1 ,4 treat.: . -large assortment otelerater,Oyea..ooo6 '^fit. Parlor Cook for wood orearag,iiiid.FS,slte. - , and Office Sterols, for erOod or . imsrt 'be a, O. TIBRALS, D. SHIRR; `IX. toll/I=4W isks. Erie, Jart.l9. 1884—ta. •,; . . .v, 2" t, p . irlAwlti FOR bl&l.M...Thenufseoltei t rorks ?nada, sale his farm, attested haistirdbadtdstradlip, odd ristlsf east of Fairview 'Mono= tkeßodkolytud. oast - • %mini:m.6o acres, all improved etteepte.seectit wait , and timber. Raid laminae erected thence saliva frame a a e r dwelling house with good etase ogles tee ere frame ill re. :tarra,42 by 30 bet, with a shed at eachendoei _read well Al= of soft water, and young orchard of frail Fox particulars" 9P194801 enquire:or the %on o • /OR Ie preratres. - • 1/2te • ' EZI3 IMO FBI N 113