The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 26, 1866, Image 1
FAIS WEEIMY OB S ERVE t. 14 ft ,sop (vrtrratas) ftosaarWiloed COO STATZ Zr. AND 18c f'Jt6. .3,,cilivriol'i,•'!VO.DOWoll:4 AND Firrr elms pee rt it Fail in adrsalo ; Tone Dou.unt if tot Nale expiration of the-year. Stibantibers ' trr ,l by flatlet 7 0 . 1 Oe•Chakged ,Flrer CUTS a vain adi!lion. p1.3.-4o* Squire of Ten lanes out, !ye ; two insert:ooll ; three loser,„ (int toou' i l $1, 5 0 kwo Menthe t 3 „ • ow b. 51,50;. is mouths s7.oo.oneyear $12.00 Ito , rates ether abrnstisomente In proportion. Thom ,nit ~,e t r ac tly adhered to, opine chango4 by special patrsct. or st the optiOn of Abe publishers. Audi. tole N o nco, :limy!, Divorces ;and „ow g4O; Administrator . * F.otieee Not i e es rsv cents& line; liarriage Notices TWEWIT. . Ivlcia ts piece; Obituary Notloes (over three lints ists t e lt) fire outs per line. Original poetry, tw !tor:Most the request of the *Mn,. ono. &dux Pu •— All adttertinetnallia will be continued a t tte el:ewe of the person advertising, until - ordered poi by his direction, "tenbeas a specified period be upon foe their insertion. I 3 1; , , o nsg.—Nce have one of the best Jobbing ova in the State. nmd are ready Ito do all workin tout -that may be entrusted tons, In equal styli tL , ter er'shlisbnient 'outside of the largest cities. e r 44t1 com munications should be addressed to 13111PJ'iti WHITMAN, Editor and Prc 4ktor. nets Direct H. CUTLER. Arrortmor Ay LAW, Girard, Erie Coltotn rand other bushieu attended to with 4: pU UM, _ Arroloorre AND COITSSZLIA)2I Jr LAW. 13106. neer North West conies of the d: w 14111:1K, Al7Ol/1711 Mr Law, Ridgway, pa, , licges l2 , Cameron and Je &nano:made% A ny. ultalY66- 1v W.W. WILBUR. -• ;tam, • • DINALVR ART Gomm. th 1 umourS, (Pam Seed, Plaster, etc., eor sad Pattie Ectitre..Ezir;Pa. jaritt. NE,' • larny armillaat Straat.a;on Eighth to sad Fritsch. Flag Horses sad Car cptable terms. asy2Bll4-Iy. :'lll . AND SA LE STABLES}} Coma 07 FROCEI exu Thn Signers. EMI. E „,?. p,opri,tnr. 04,0 d H 'roes sod Carriages in food at moderato prices., Sept. 2S, TiSS- au% [trigs% LEtt Des , er in Groceries, Prodoes, Provisions, How zwi Stone Ware, Wines, Limiors; &e n • it, opposite the PostotEce, Erie, Pa. nserfriSSAii , • ' ' r-- i: . 3.I.tGILL, , ' , or"' - f. . , e3reieT, Offkre is Ems- 'ler .. . lock,r.ortledeof the Park, I;rie,,Ps. 21. ‘V I 11.1.1AMS_ CO.. ScoomsoOon to al , Igo J. Morton. .11 gerLantif, and Whaler/0e dealers In -Coal. r N. Y. I: E. sad People's l.lne•of Steamers.' {clack, Erie, F. - jan4'es .'NI 31 AZEPPA IfInIISK DI 4S :i•- 1 ~.L.—Dinsetz..w °profit's run Pass ' us." 4 UR tn., ?a.. Beinw newly Atte up in the :14.. zur: :Ile, is now open to the public. Mem In 1 le thp arritral of all Zoom:war Trains,. 1 . 10, J. O.I.Ir.LISY 1311.03.,Pr0pct. t•qe.. .les wilt LLDISr, M. U., Plll/1101.413 AaD So coos 2.1 floor A:loony's Ettott, Weet Park, Erie. lord, Cliestian k Hutti's store. Reeleenee nee Wiliam, FllthStreet, SLAM French. stria 2 to 1 P. Y. 8601 BIND= BLAIR npflit WAIMUCTIJOIR •of Rio deneehes Btock , 14145,‘Pif. - • J..81.4tiR1.Y, • •/rpowiray it Law. Ridgway. WM also practice In adjoining Coantiea. • ADD OWIDDS•OLIIAMITt,'•; bett's 01111ee.); Clotlitift: short notice. Termaiki rot 24 & etyma, Arrog%lye 4 ..0 Cetrzaditone A? LAW BPRICn v., opposite Crittenden lien linnet's and all. other fecal beisi vmezo, Erie, Warren =I Farce. to carefully sail prongtly. a. A. Gelbraitt; , Waltnian & /4reald • k llr,rtiv, irte,Pa.- • Ilee. B. P. Joltzeosi, W. D. Brown V A E. . - 17iobEalE3!!! or bee .remand Ms dock at litqcetles tad above the Lake . 1 ,•••••• Depo' to •he brick block no Stets street, cornet of he will be happe to se.• ui friends and rtl this ordsts for goods Me stock `vie sad carefully selected akod ole.ed tit retie consistent with- the oilsinsl cos 411 la u se d a t anything to Mt. allen to es' P. 410inilliDER I+l,ll POTTEFLYi IIItiTWKEN SkC.,(1111); Flue, Pretut.' 1111•0 associated that:44,er, eallei' 4 14 it of Webb & Chibh, in th e Pottery band t oLi stead, on the canal, between 8800113 Strt4.the • wttroesge of the euttomers of the Oa tutvta of the pubile generally, premiday ast endeavor to dire ierfect aa , lefetioo. F. Airx gßimlAi. CO LLEG E. ta t it, Gko,, W . fltxxigott `: Lsor. • ' 8, btu nstsification of At.- Al at, Oraitteanbil sbd MA" Con,. r j LW)) erlitntioreist Artth' team; be,a r 044%, nog ' Cud. mm7:00,14110 1014.- Arimuas at e% ssq erahiwat f etey:iacutstble vary. sod closing Looks. Ws stilettos will be aWs pleasant. preeticiChod perms ibis City of Sc-Lools." Prectioal ••• Ns will be emptoyed. Terms—,TuttLeas bad for eirtu Ths best feetltti tsr es a • emit greetast ' T. COOK VOLUME 36 sUr- ( 1;41 -7 it A_ T_A lIiT0 5 411T1t 'INT C _lg • • . . , . 1 This Old lEstablisbed Agency represents the leading, most. popular and mit successfil insurance Companies Life, Fire, Marine, Inland and Accident Insurance. Combined - Capital represented $28,000,606, affording f , l once tokany allsonnt desired, and on as reasonable terms as sound and welt monoged Companies ecu afford. Order's for Insurance attended to with Promptaeis and Fidelity, in town or country. 111)4041 attention gire liege and Farm Property, fa periods of three or flee years, or perpetually, 14 deposit of premium. Rates ver ' gelj-Thet.hoisghtfulUntprudent man insures hie Property &gehapt toes Or damage by TlT:Nand hie Life for the and kindred depetkent upon him. Alt' who havenot yet attended to this duty, should cal at once and get the the tollowingpomPanies : • Walker's Of itair 7.112 A. 1 COMPANY. • NINETY-THIRD STATEMENT I= OfMoe second een Flfth and lunels-2. Cub Arstis, - - - t4:667,445 - - - 244,491 43 Net A:motto, - - 3,823,064 Si THE VETERAN OF 16,000 FIRES taw art ate, t rem that lart • . . BULL , II A-111) AT WORK!! • ET 43f Efficient organisation at roar thouaand ilodaTwriters. from No Scotia to California, cod Lobe Ruperior„ b este° mad the gulf, barmoo'ing the savored' average w with al psusatiog ratesthe adiroseursrot of the public w are. ALTERING TESTISIO.IIALB OP Till . ETNA INS IT RANCE - COMPANY ! neon e Park P. M, nog TUE lIIHU2AIIIOB DIPAITIONT OF THE STATE - .OF NEW YORE. Streot. be le are cil )pUed Tii hoorrance Centaimiinisr to as Legidefortt , :The Etna Insurance Company, . f Dartford,, one of be most eneceratul Fire Insurance Corneal:lle_ of this or any othrer country ••• • • .Coaneetient Companies follow the roles and practi ces of the Rtut aim-at as caret Ily as if they were. m bod.ed In st state law." - Again. pointing to errors of prattle. In Net* York Companies, the ;this's enecesafol management and so id ru:es are called to their a teutton thus: "It sill:remain, more a matter of wonder thin imita tion in the Insurance sroed • • • • ‘"Eli what subtle alchemy has this ccrporatlon been enabled to tern its fallpail capital into •he Thileso• phor'a atone r • • _ • • "The extraordinary scents which have distinguished its unparalleled ticiantdal Mater?... The a.erege 'owes per diem iattl.• Culled Stain at this period of the year, are boat two hundred and Oft, \Clausal:6l dollars. The telegraph daily Botta& startling notes of warning to all prudent omens. DO NOT NEGLECT. Tusk IXCIIIirrY OF RELIABLE '`INSURANCE. Policies Wised without delay. J F. DOWNING. Amt. T. W. CEO WELL, Surveyor., —A 1 CoMpany.— BLE, guru voistlittavvis COMPANY OP NEW SOBS, - OFFIOR, NO. 135 BROADWAY C %Rd O.4PrrAL - 82.000 000 00 As4KIN. lit .hataxy, IS3, 3 1 39 4 ,874 14 - i 5304024• ABSTRACT 07 TOU 25TH SEMI-ANNUAL, STATE lIEN,T Showing the c inditton of the Conineny on the tit day o (January, 1866. ♦aesta. Cnt•h balance in bank Bowie Sc. mort., let lien on real estate • 196 892 60 Loans on stooks, Tay. on demand 97,392 OS United Rates stocks,market •al. 1,350.834 90 Slate & man. stocks & bonds, do. 405 425 00 Zink stocks, do. 113.6 0 00 Interest dne on Ist Jan., 1866 27,43 la BZO s 6 412., Balance in hands of agents and in ' course of tram:mission' 178.010 51 Bills Rao , for pre. on In. Itisks,&*3 43,163 44 Government stamps on band , I • 110 00 0' bar Property, Mis. Items. . 13,505 18 Pie due and uncol on rcol. issued .01015 ly Bt office (fire. Warta & mar) 43.141 88 Steamer Magnet - &-areik. apps. 83,483 94 -- Total Assets; .$3,598,674 14 LIABZLITMS. ea to tbo 'emboli& Claims for too. out. on Jan. 1, 'G& $152,946 24 Due, stock on account dividend 1800 00 Notwithstanding the eery trial of the put yea; dur ing irl• Leh the eornoanv hie paid losses to the amount of $1.637.853 34, ertthoui omitting the eetni.annual d c t Idende, "The Warne." with Ile teeth' a' Two 141111 Intact, apd a net enrolee of -$1.444.937 90, ematinnes to eir.r to all who-aeek reliable inattrenee, Intueem nte surpassed by no other company. • - 1 J. F. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. Crowell, Furreyor. ~. 1- ' • r •lt IR 'Will loin entteennoray to Irina re in the best Coro. pante', ead tbereite none better than the old Inas , saw Coropeny a ?Forth Ameries." e . S INCOU!OIUtT o, 1194. ' INSURANCE COUPANIV A 11421( 1 gtoni Wing, claim* Uinta tended in'the nit he I kin d.. 654# NPIITIt A.ll ERITA! OP TUX Cllf OP PHILADELPHIA. 1 ' . ....-.... "-144Th9E241,4.3121CAL STAIIDIZNTI I . 11$1411, Jar. 1, 1E 1 18 , : . Markit Pala. First mortgagee on city property $4441300 00 11. S. Government bonds 83000 00 Pennsylvania State bonds _ 109,000 00 Phila. - city bonds 128,700 00 Sae ding, B )cds of Penns. IL- B. Co. end other corporations 190,440 00 & other corporation stooks . 66,196 93 Notes'' Kee. (temporary loans) 150,471 06 heal Betate, office of the Co., 232 Wa'nutt street 22,000 00 Unpaid Pre. & debts due on acc't— good - 107,581 13 Cash in.B'k &in hands of Agts. 168,829 32- InAh I== Total Assets 51,731,216 14 LOSSES, PAID IN CASH SINCE 1794 •OVER $18,000,000 001 rcAus succusseuL mimosa sxranizscs. Policies tined without L'elsr It - J. F. impwriliva,Apat. I% W. CROW&LI; Surrayor. Flo/MIX INSURANCR VO32I"ANIf, g. LOSSES PAID IN - 1865, $410,1318 91. OABII ASSETS, lAN. 1, 1866, $1,006,79033. Ebi teat of tta nallonnUtr. the solid *wee, it bu tospitred patrons. and its ability t s pus tbroith ma soya prolito of mall arzstlons with boom and prollt to them Most iota salad. may 06 Wensd from avenue of the folios iftg arum of, - LOSS - PAID. •Arkongsis $22,830 43 Minnesota • 20.080 42 Alabama - 45,728 36 N. Hemp. 26,309 19 tlooneotiont22o,B3l 97 New York 548,680 a California 181,820 54 New Jersey 3,750 53 D't of Col. 196 85 Nebraska 1,167 00 Florida 20,468 42 Ohio ' - • 103,958 59 Georgia - 22,138 75 Peno!'s 53,274 QO * ludiens. ' 84,203 19 R. Wand 20,771 21 Illinois 210,698 57 8. Cattlins 21,032-75 lowa . 81,616 73 TenneSsee 46,970 90 Kentucky 59,978 19 Texas 3,961 98 Kansas' 18,416 07 Vermont 4,282 48 • Moine 60,893 45 Virginia 27 24 Mesa. 59,870 04 W. Virginia - %MOO Maryland 89,602 95 Wisconsin 86,444 76, 1 blissitelppi 20,882 65 Canada, am SO iliasouri• 80,585 86 N ora Scotia 14,283 78 lgiehigsn, 67,057 , 64 N..Brnam )6,830 75 Losses Always Paid Prosody. J. A. DOWNiffgist, i e, * T..%f: OBOWSLLO3nner , • - , . . , . , ,• . . - , .•• . , t . , ' . - . .. . '' •-.•••;:-. '...... '+' 'i' - ' ' ,"' s.' :• :-. •' ' .'.. -',,-, . . . ; 6::r'' .: ir. .. vt .„.. tk ~,.n .i... . . .._ .._ ...,,,...... k''.''.' ...",..1. 1 1; ~. ..._? ..".,, 11 %;.:' •lh , )i, ' ! I - i : 0,, , - • ~.. . . .:. . 0 ! ~ tr:o4 - I,* r ~• . , ~.... J. , ,s- •• - - , ... ~...•,,,,,... ; -,-i - --• --1.---. .., .....-,--,*._.:-:-.• 1 -- - -; - •••T..;:_t: --. ' : . • trl ..-, :i -,- . 3 10 ft X 1 . . .. .., •di , -., t “ . - , - ; . . - : I '+' . '. i •,!' -7. , - I f.! '' .!" ~• - ' Or THE_ $50,744' 49 / 0.7 11AITIOIN 003 A. TWO DOIAARS AND A-lIALF PER YEAR,VF PAID IIi''A'DVANCP,•' t• 3 00 IF NW PAID ritE ' D pr . 111 E'A , . DOWNING'S lUI , J. Erie, Peurea. Office in Rosenzweig's Block, opposite Brown's Hotel. NIAGARA FIRE :INSURANOE COMPANY, Or THE CITY, OP NNW YORE. Casir.Capital and Surplus States Securities 468,643 05 Loans; ou Bond bforgage_ 262,000 00 bash in bank and hands of agents 85,518 87 Loans'on Stocks, pay. on demand 852.400.00 Real Estate, Interest, ace. • 11116818 Wisconsin & California Bonds 8,00000 $1,288,729 00 LIA BUMS. Lollies In process of edjwament 120,000 00 Unpaid Dividends 1,880 60 $21,876 60 . t Fair Rates, .Parst4Class Security, Prompt P ay. Inge'nt of Losses. . 1 - - J. F. DOWDTISCI. Agent. 1. 1 .,,,W. CHOTELL. Barrejor. . , ETftCPPOLIT'AN SCRANCE COMPANY, or NEW YORE. Cali Capital Meets, January 1, 1866, 1 The Assured receive . - SEVENTY-FIVE P E R °ENS*. Of he net profits erl'houttieenerleg any Ltibelith or, In lieu the, ito4let the'r option, a Mena diaconal Apoo tbelproolual. ; _ ALL LOPREEI PROMPTLY ADiORTIR RIM PAID . Scrip Dividend, declared -1(66, Fifty per cat. 1 , J. P. DOWNII4O, dient. T.l W. CRIWELL, .Bareryor. , 1 0 3t a I NSUWANCE COMPANY, OP NEW nArcsr. CONN Ca4h Capital, /hiving, , Aa4atz, Imams Herdlegs, Mantesetetiee. ye ehydiu azgl other property against lomat d'emege by gm owd elan insure, against the risk of Inland Transportation and MmHg*'ion. This Company has tiumo.Dtparimants in Imolai on Its hreltniinesa. ' - • Ordinary or Teim.Department. Tam r term or one rise oollairs,on.ill Mw' oo of to so able propert, at fair will oquitablental.lithallt UP7 puileipatioo la tbw poets of the Corepsoy--thr sum as oiler stook Corepe*m - , , Participating Department. IMMO term boliaiy for one, Om' er den yinani. 4 44 Dwellings, rarnitare sad relll2 Building, and their contents. glv nit wreh polterkii a narttepatten to the pro. St. of the Company, withcrat their incurring any talky thereby. Peipetztal Department. ,Insuresa perpetual pollees muffin, • deposit of • mall amount of money. in lien of alLfiatot• paments of pruiskasc, covering take upon threlltcp, and then F.ralturc. Rano and Mgr contents fitorpsCand stocks of Goo4ii, Churches and Schen! Room. 1 - J. P. DOWNING. _ T. R. CROWELL.Surrsfoc. SFATOMEOF OF TO.D CONDITION OP ine ARCT IC FIRE INSURANCE CO., No. l 8 Wall St, N. Y., on the lat du of Jut., ism Croat le tank and In offier, • $ 36,564 94 kinds sed'erort•ares Mang drat Ilea oa real estate to New York and Brooklyn, worth at least $381.00()) mato 00 ioui• no do-k% parable on dented& (market - Woe of emirates he'd u ooitateral. $ 79 ." L. 1740 0 ) 1t‘,743 211 Caned states stocks award by the Company, irAt 254 220 00 *tate weeks owned by Co.. varlet vales, 29 GO CO Real Estate (entnentobored) 4,000 00 lettered iteerped tot which meter part doe • • • Tan : lst, ptdd,.) 4.9e9'31, Balanee . ln hinds of Agent; and in ammo of 11 transroleston trees /ants, t• 44,60000 Bills receivable for yromleun on inland risks ' and other Ileum . 13,791 25 • Cub teem, Irons onnolleeted ton'yolleiss Lanai at oats 6.89648 Mika for Lewes eatataztelug, ha. 1, '61.„ 19.66511 L Copaid Dhidendi,4lc,SCO.. . . Total meta ma Liabilities.' 5ig;3973 IP. The "Aretit" ha. s first elsrs , Jettstatios forjussers. Lis an* literal dealing. It Is s mond estopsay,sail .• • - doles a prosperqui bemoan! J. swim Pratt 4 , LLB. WlLLlttitTtf, Vies Pr e V szczn ittt OV. Seel. Timm's Bastursas, Ain't Early. J. >i'. DO 111411170, Agent. ' W. CROW ELL, entveyor FORTV.THIRD ANNUALSTATEMINT . OP no comirios OP Pine - N 0 R-T 11 . A 'E RICA IN inks INSURANCE CONANT. OtthoC7tyofNow?ork,oe Oro 31st day athwart.. prr,l66s. Cub Capitol, =6OD,6tID (IO 2urplasp • 34 6:3 61 Loma on Band and Mortilare,balog AM on i real estate worth over SO per eent. above • • the mount Joe • ed. - in. VW 100 . Btoeko, Hoods sod other' imeeneltleo ova .4 by the Company, emend valor,, . ;12 Brl SO Cub to book and odes, • 39,931 41' Loans on dratudo idtb Coliatere. • 39 OM 100 Premium:4 dill sedates's:idiot, 14.10142 Cseb•ln agent? bandi, Weems of tesnoode.i MA ISO latotest seemed co oecoadtlea. 1400 l• le Bills rseelvable, I• . 2,8 f 4SS _ . Other property et cezepeay, , 8$1000! —.........- 161063 AT . rota amts. , . • TS* loose by ens tbreutfrout the rafted' Mateo dor: tag the put year bore bees larger to mown than Those °Sent PRO of tbe_praTioun eire - ate; years, oasirdloretb, Doom:eon *am of $49.000,1n0, arod 'Op others and 'c 1104 ' awe of tte Pompey tonvatallir its sioebbeadora; egad, and =Amer' upon 120 wry Battering redolt of tbsyear's Suable's. In this 'pi:dower tba'aa'ADA 'oaf Pollefeit• In 44 ; profits of the beternetertrw• et toeurilnirsay_uoWSP.l . Invideod tor 1146, GO ter not • A COUtISSI nee auyour beer se,roPiettelly 40'!424.4. _. , - - •• - • 348.,W.C1111.8 - freal: . • , 11. W. Briocunia TAO., . „ - _ - J. OusiroLD.Oen.dipret. DOWNING: Agent. • .T. W, citoWiga i Bangor. ... Erivitargass ~ITSUBANC'E COMPANY, -.' " 1 1 01 , am 0 7 VIMOZZIMML \ •• Cub (Unita], ' ' Esnarallim dust 190000 - .---- t; .. ; . _.''',. 1110,000„. . , Titsultstrtnebs.• iiitti a gala tit gosh %Rae Mar I million. awn rsone,ity sottnailint order or malt TA* standing orttia tionin:af:Jil "A 2.!..-llunii PrdziP9 sad 1r 1t : 11100. , ,11.. X 0 *UM _ Pro% Asst. V.' Wyss* Astry. - 1.. - 9V,',.CIOWIEiL i Salvor. ERIE, PA, THU SDAY AYTERNOON, APRIL '26; 18661"- CA MAL. $1,286,729 60 ASSZTS. . $1,00,000 1,644,000 StADCRO OO 27438 ) 1.20,086 '' ASSET .3. cia,tol itit LTABILTII:CiI 10,12%10 751,053 57 1.333611. A. C V" I n the Country. embracing ilities for first Cilisll Incur• - to the 'neural:ate:of ihrel low. 1 t." ro 1013 ec of wife, ahiidren 'r policies in one, or, more of . §PRINUFIBLI) I'NStr RAN E ..COMPANY! " • -r 0P 0111.120710L14 /LAIL Cash Clonal iuld Saniiaa, tfha "digingdeld^ has done a bugs and anecaufal bl iffesau fop boollY tlr4ntl year+, sad b on• of Bap 'gni. WWWSWISOI 1 1$1 11 1g Leos NPW blidand• 11 ratEMAN • Praiddint.„ I 'FBAS . E. PANS,Sed,r. . . „ _ S. P. , DOldStiO, Ape.: 1 I X,lff• STrnyar. , - - • - 1 • , • quunes INSVICANCB CO BEINV• . • NOR,WII/11, CrONK. . . , CAA Capital and Stoplin, -' iwaserwstiva sad well essaired tall mad O th s insuring The glimmer la a Coaraah aniglea to OKI& • LQUIII settled prom V,r mod Morally 0. BUZZIiREDGE• ?hail }seer. 'J. P. DOW NI Va. Apia. yor. D.B. WAITTIMOSZ,, ?. W. CROWSLL, B CONNIECTIUM UTUA f. LITZ COMPA NYI INSURANC POB7,ONN. OA HO Assets over !Somber of Polies IMila New Policies timid duel Retests thetas nu • - ,i3MM 4,000.000 preaao 1441 year, itO per glee! 8000.000 4,600,000 eta ihoola to profaned 1 Div Mead p o 'd during Total alvtdaadit paid, ay. Total Lo am gaid. an? Why tie Co anestient It lithe 1113 I:l4cwst "and ljtest 184 Safest, I Lora It by been ism oustes te to is C! CONPAWT Or THD3 • MIE • LWII ?HZ OR • th. %mat Mita elaidette. - the hard entente% hotted. the largest at mtge. ' the tamed ilibristhl• autplue - the lamest the leyeeet to m.. • had through It white Vetoer tb• pettlest . . ' ni tha 'I =mit avarage tams at tatmeat of • onto. • .!ore famish." lattirance at kw cost than company.' I. It •• 2. It • a. It h 4 It ha 6 It b 8. It • It to • it• • ' 8 It oh %, 9. It tb say otbi I • . -lee !cued br itsta Com ;nor ani either non by their toms, or tow be toirrerted 'lnto eh ars so, at the option of the Inured. • - attictry anexteptionable ?take accepted; no d upon spn betieeen Fourteen and Sixty. ni, Gin B. Pabi.rit, Soiy; Via Pres% W. S. Otaurriuth WIN es* • AU Pal fortrUshl them vh liEl J* t• 2. Psyrt • rcz=2 lEEE 1.1800 = J. IP.'DOWNINO, Arca: ara ND AVOID TAL" = 1 121 IE LER S' , INSURANCE CO, TRAY or i tiaffirOßD. CONN. Capitai, mum: ICIN,C7 I ACCIDENTS. :ALL ..1. , . . . . The Tr 44•11 011. huntrants Compizy, of Hartford. C olio was t he first to ineeerrifully Introduce hs. thus .ortantly the prnettok of l i sorsnoe wine% aecident; of whatever wed, whelks , or occur 'a traveling. or in bunting. dehlng. ealliag.: diet: skating. is the street, ohm; adtai t or while woring-in shoes's:ol4 tar : 4lm or on the farm. , .- - A. generearnidint oolira, coven .everf possible form et easnal ~. looladeng risk in travellor; alert. all forme of ;34. elocatlony.broken ;sonn roptored Undone sprains, sprain., IIeVAMIDS.. CTWIILI/1. b. ON cake, O. ca; stabs: genehot •eneunle. poireaki- woruu* barns suni,seabis, bites lot doge, noprovo bed eassults by buntline. robbers eP etarderr the echo o Of ilehtnine or inn etteks4 the awe of implosions, -thsonteale,, tl usAri. and earth. frelses,an . eaffsestioo he drewolognr choking. • This Vompany hes cow 'when in enoceeetot operation siwro April 'lst , I£o4. senfoi p to Jart.let.' INA had liaised tiowents *Uhl:trifle then lain! porele‘nod rem, over ries bond* lonia-4acio•tingitto large ram of ; SS9; 'Mtn toe tvlroe pollejo.hedars within the , year, for $ 9,440 vedsll; prezolimas _ ~, :-• I -. . . Crish..4 .F - 2, :-- 1 t 36 - - • , : " _.. ACCA, Dig it? POUCTO: • I . _ . The WI lTolley forever" ma. abettor be travels snub on littli,„fs • general : ieeideakt policy. yid* 1 0 - nrou;nig•fuit every-. poesrbba fonts of ClMlnsity at-all. Usual and phew. / /As used prelate* (teeordlag to ease— idica Avner , scoldent policy for Min to me at Mel sees eat, an inftperereet &alai ifliabil-1 1 Ity named by seohleat. !cola 4seeedlag reel* for saw ono seeldeef.) I AR mead prealuut:of 11211 , br$3(140111; IA aka ostai :2orof” pot q f P r ?r- I F$ 21 1 1 T•1 11N11°1404I n Asi timeAssi mats *WOO at prepartismft Mom: :VW* pelbii agaiso fan lita man oy . yor compowettlieftely. a ft retie ate pub lover ! ; Ilbersl dieemart al -e leitresepelkies. ACICEN2fr MAW. , Desca nano • , • • - 1 This =ipso iasAiss4. a vetY : form aniqoantb moral acaddrit pandas. at tea ran nay*, _ftioned..with id patone amennasollawnitaal UNrsion .tassent, - Tionalita areas naltarthaar ski!. idaajor travels/sand nelastirdasilts att ' WO awl* WO in any about, filar *maw n Ulis7 osier liZsaddeitac sea 4ae4sm4 tr SO feat tea inaatannfiaga,d. am la at destroys I. -l . iaatru_alta and " otter; rin teatnlls am. own sow lbw woosit of so osaliatrobiallS Node . boom kw tbo 1110110,111 Atilt this 'elides So lab*. To s wry* wbo bays sit aeon MN hi oar woo *ll for bait k jov• gliwowitboot elbows R o l = bowfin ) N. rimoicalet. `Pain DrnahlStrar "` ION. • r • ; t flrt , OrAlli.4 1 41!0, • . . There Are , p ;an, univiittell and am:laming, , tir es:ar than any that l air yen heard Necia'thit watt tot Ya Apgationave, - &up tbst:bot 10dg tar s pstsdiss'bfrd. Poe= that stop% tdieag2i lOwiist, Poets', sanded sad iiiddon sway ' • , flows in tbe-aOarsibtrif liks,besattfol Sweetly as Ames. Jo the sirs of hilly. _ Poems that only the saris shove • " Looking down deep halo oar heartamay behold, "bit thoogl tukeeen by . the twinge that lovr Written Was to' lottos of gold. Sing tom , soul tkeswest wog that thou Reset 1 flead we the poem that weer was ponied—, The weed ,, rful WI of We that thou gins; !nib from ob;beseititut Mend. Mrs. Man . SwaL A writer fi the Ladiei' Repository tells the following pleasant story. The husbastd... petal/J.O rhe auto/onto of bla yonog had acquired,the habit of spending. his eve—, ningi away' front hine, arid • her earnest' pro. tear aphist this prude° resalted in his igre•;. ale 4 to IPP4' la every. ovestiog for a week.sed allow her to be abseut. The reault is ly.ttat, might be expected in' every case where true and-strong kffeotioo •ezists between husband god wife. . • - - - Monday evening esbne,and George neon rniained true' to his promise. His ' wit-1441t 0n her bonnet andahaw4and he'said ha Would remain home and keep • - you dowbcp Lem gone V Emits asked.' ' . I= s000po; 'O,l anon read, and bins; and 'enjoy myself generally.' ; • 'Very well,'.said Datnt,•'l bank early.' The wile wententend the busbandwu left alone.. lie had ,out interesting book, and he. began-to read. ft. • II( read •till 8 o'clock and then began -to yawn; and look frequently. at the clock! Tbe bcokkdid net interest him ai •Bver and meals would ellests-ra a passage ihich he knew would pleasetikis sr*, and iustinctively be turned u though ba would read it aloud; but there was no Watts Lear ft. At half-past eight o'clock he moor, from his chair and bestir' to pace the Boar and whistle. Then ha went and got his flute and played several of his favorite airs: After this be got a chess board; and played a girlie -fifth an imaginary partner.- Theo he walked tbs. floor and *blotted again. Finally the 015:44, struck nine, and his wife returned. ' - (Worse,' said she, '1 ant bank ingood 'time. How have you enjoyed yourself P ' • returned the husband. if bad no idea it was to late. I hope jr au have en joyed y oerself..! -, .0, splendidly,' raid the wife. I had no idea hew much enjoyment there was away from home. Home is a dull place, after an, 04;1 E Why, no, 1 can't Eay thit it in,' returned Geotte.earelessly. beaded, rath er like it. s lo . ooo = aO.OOO 10000 'I am glad ot,that,' retorted Emma; 'for we "alrall'irate a nice comfortable week of it: George winced at thia,bnt be kept Me 'coun tenance and determined to stand On the next eveniug Ertitda prepared to go off again.. • 'I shall be bask in good time,' she said: here are jou going; Emma t' her husband, naked. exactly; I may go to several places.' . George Wilson was left .alone again; and he tried ..ter amuse himself es before; but bo, found it a difficult task. Ever and.snon. be would cast Ids eyes on-that emptj and the lhtiught , *liquid come; gm* plesailit. it _would bad she were here-I', The otoolt sir ck nine, and .fitLinigaa to listen far the itepi . of his wife: Half an hear more, Blipped by, and be beoantervell'aervous and uneasy. 'I declare,', ito muttered to himself, after he had listened for some time in va in; 'this, is too bad. She ought not tvitay out so late;'" But he happened to remembee Opt he often remained away mioh,later. then that, so he concluded to make the beet of it. - , ' At a quarter to ten EMMA came home. 'A little - late, em I not ?' she said, looking up at the 'clock.- 'Bat I fell in with some old friends. -How have you enjoyed youlreelf r , 'First rate,' returned Ueorge bravely. : it think home is a capital place. - - 4 Eapeohillyithell a 'Man can hue it all to himself." . added ,the.wife, with a sidelong glance at herhusband. ~ But-he made no reply. Oithemext. evening Emma prepared to go 'tittles before; but, this time she klased..,her husband ere she went., and_szemed to hisitate *bout leaving. • , • - i , , 'Where 'do , y u - think' ot going t'''Getirp asked-in an undertone."' - • :,, -, 1 d may drop in' and - see Uccle John,' replied Emma. 'However, you won't be uneasy. •You will know I'm wife. ' .o,•eertainly,'Ssid her intsitand.; tut:when left to his own reflections, be begaitto 'Fonder Seriously upon the subject thus presented for 'consideration:, • ',. FlS'eould not read, he could not' phi, or enjoy himself in any 'way, While that 'chair was imply. In ahort. - he found that home Lid' no real colfort , without hie- wife:: The one thing need al to make Osorgilfliettult home pleasant ven'not present. „ „ t -4.z...! , - •4I declare,' h 4 said to. himself, •I'did-Wot think it would eo lonestme.•Atd Can it be that she teals ea I do when she .ii here all Slone 1 It must be so; it /ajar& as ebe says: -Before we werelmarried she was very happy in her childhood's Mime. Her parents 'loved her,, her ,broth re ,and sisters loved ter, - and they did all the coal& to tasks her Cornfortn, ;hie.' • • , After this he 'hiked up and down th e room, several times, nd then stopped again and ostilmtined with \ hiniself ~ , ?I can't s'ind,thlip! said he, 'I should dietht it week:- If Llama Irks berg .I tliink=l could ,enjoy myselfvery well.- How lonesome it is! 'and only eight otelook !" • I declare; I've a mind, ;to Walk down as far as Miele John's, and see 'if she is there. It: would be a relief if I only could see her. I won't ''go in. She shan't know-yet that lau outs° faintly.! • -.. . _ Q eorge , Wilson,tooli another turn acmes; the room, &need once more at the, clock; and then took his fuii and went out.- ,- . Ha locked the Idoor after hirer; and then bent hie steps towardn Uncle John's. -, ' It Wass beautiful moonlight night, and the, sir - vet keen 'an bracing. lie wee walking along with his e es 'bent upon the pavement,- when he beard a light step approachtng him. He. looked up v and—he could not bemisiaken —be sal' his wife. • . ' - SS OO P O $600,849 72 His firet Impulpe was to aroid'her, bideshe had recogniz d him. 'George,' she said in .surpriso, 'can 'elle be you'!" ' -. -*Mit ie.' was the response. do' you pass your evenings at homel' This Ts the first time there beenont, Em nut, upon my word, and even now. t bare not 'been abaint from - the house more 'than rep I merely eame out to tat the fresh air. But where are you going ?' , „ _ qam going hou.a,Haorge; willytiii ' ~o with „VerialeiTy, refurned George. :".'" • She thin • Wet 'arm and they ;Waite' lode In silence: , %When prima had takes off n hor.things: she eat down in her ' shalt; and 'oohed. a t, ihe Sleek en therein/ .' ; ,; - - 3 Toe' are horeawarli to.sigh4g: remarked her bnihande, : ",,,. • The youeg wife •looked ,ip into her hme hiite foe; and with 1M expression half emit ,-Ing nirrhilf tiarlitli she said i '' ; " 41-will-eonfets the truth. George-.-I •have _given yeu thsexperiment. !managed to stead isit mein& but I 'eofild not bear it thrOnglt, tonight ; thrligbi -of Jots bare- all slime !Wanted to be with. yam It didn't sense; ttghtl hirnet vaJO/ 1 4 aokanrhome bit tins , 'Vey yon" Said George , morinthin Shalt. t o fiaLviree side, snit taking dictate One of, her hands, ''tPaetti ' "''' Evenings. at .tome: • I . Theti let. me mike my oonfeesion.. I hare stboilleabt *hit'', Mier.' Whin' l' 'itiV bit 4 No this iftening.rilouli itearlt .no lunges: I ro,uad. ehtt„tAtia, irptsto,..tpme ton ton whits *my Wife was 'abeent:i thought I iraull, , go down to Uncle s lithri'd setfjoinqaee, if' possible. (1 hid:gased spat yoni 'empty' shah. 01,1, 4 27 ,fi*.e4e!i‘ ;: : Eel. evening was, speut,.t .home by, hatband and' wif, And it wail a season of tatutit enjoyment.''' , In ("short time George began to realize how= much comfort was to be fsuud, in a,.quiet dud liaabefut home, and the longer en joyed tat comfort, the more plainly ditl he see and.nit— daratand the simple truth atilt it takes two to Make a happy. home, and it,thti w i fe i s one party, the huabsad mat be the other. A If am Wotratt.—" What srelon 'singing for t" said I to Mary Aladony. "Oh, I don't know, ma'am, without it is Itteitit.o my heart fieLS so happy." • HaPpy, • kro you :happy ? Why, la: me See, you don't own s toot of land lathe wide ir.d4d." • \ !..Foot of latuf,le it?" ehe crieo without it laugh.' 4, 0 h; what& hand ye are - after a joke: Any surer; Lt novo peony, ,let;,ahnie fool of laud.? ' • , - :; -- 1" . Xout mother bi dead." ' rest , her sowl,' yes," seiplled Mary, withwith-s irmalrof.geaules pathos:. pi I,Tbisileas a bols , r,bed ' • . • • _ Your b roth er etlll a sop. I n .— • • 4 1 1. -Te soiling bat drink, drietki aitd . bate his sifs—ipoor Grey, , . You hare ' o payzycher sister's board . "flisre;the bit crepes* F and shoes good Mlle girl, k Willie' to do ,whotevot I. axes her. -A don'i grud_goelks mosoy that goes for that." I hod yogi hsipl'itay fashittaiible dtteses, •ifitber ?" • „ • it " Fash'stable, is it? -014.yi5,-I Olt a bit of wbalebons . ,me skirt, gewn spresdi as big As the ladies.. Putrtitio you ( say trrie; i-baven't two •gowas to me back, two shoat tome feet, and not-a_buunit; Amin' me mild boott." . • . You kgpiren't soy icier?" • -I' Oh. be off aid Yes! catch' Mari lillioney v tridn bribe &eke claya,• , When:ohe bard times is come.'-l- " • •• What on earth. bare.. 70,- make 7cu happY? .A drunken Veother,nyoor, helpless slater, 'no • 'mother, I no , -10letifby; 'Where do yo'u Seilour .4rpiuppoz" s -L "The Lord be praised,-miss, it rowed up in me. Give me a bit of efinsAine, o clean Sure, -plenty o' wort ands nip at the rigbt iitos, - sad I'm. toads. That,makes mo laugh. land sing. And thin, if troubles come, I try lo'teep my . beartnp. Sure, it would be a sad thing af!Patrick McGaire'shetdd film it in his bead to gm me;‘-hutithe Lord try to bear upiander lt,- Another Speech by the President. HE 414E8 HOT SHOT -INFO THE BAD! _ -CAL CAMP. The Soidlers' and 134ilors' Association of Waihirigton . City had a celebration: on the 18th init., on which 0006811011 they serenaded the President. la response to a speech of congratulation from one of their number, he 'made" the following' lengthy and stirring ad— drat:' ,It - -is not affectation' In me to say that len page: is inadequate- to' cones" the heartfelt ,reelinge, produced on this occasion . by your presence, here, and by the - pr e sentation of your sentimen t ` sas expressed by your repre 'annuities' In his ,address, - and in the 'aloha. ti!.rts which you have thought proper to adopt. .1 confeits that in the peculiar poslifon 'of pub lie tiffsire, yonr.presence and,address give en.; conragement and confidence to my efforts to' disthisige the duties - • ineumbent upon-rue as Chief liilagistr ster-of the 'Republic, sod - in what.l. have to esti I shall address you in the eharacter'of Aid:ens, sailors and soldiers. shall speak to yotion those terms.end on none - other. • I Repeat my thanks for tile manifests Lion of, your approbation and encouragement. [Applause.] .are to-dey involved in one of the most critical and trying struggles that bay' otiedsred since this government came into Nations, , like individuals, - must leave ~a.: b eginning, must have g birth..fiting sling inbileStenet, a natiori ptsies throdgh its 'first trying ordeaL Ii is not necessary tor me now Lci carry year minds back to thee/411g— gle when tbie.nation was born. • It is not ne cessary for me - to allude to the privations and hardships of those who were engaged in that struggle to - achieve the national-birth. la is not necieseutrrto point,to Aim blood shed-and the lives lost in accomplishinfr that result:bt neziJOrdeal throUgh which a nation' hat to pass- is when It-is called up in torgletreei-, denim that it bee strength, *spicily endl power to maintain itself among' the 'Cations of Ahe .earth. In giving inch evidence, we peeved Atones 4 she sir of 1812 i :sad:throughihri u‘r trith i ttlexiso,,snd wq pgriettgrough• all the sitruggles ,th'athavq einccomyred up to . die ingigning l ef ahe irobetife . 6l - ' .2 eint.d *Mei& -I But: s; nitiett hat4stil nether test, AG-undergo:anti that-is to givenvldenoe to,,tho 'wpm, of Ole • earth ) and to its 0111. gam, "thatithen power to resist internal tire/eche* and treason 'with% its eleat. binderti: [Cheers.] • W. have Awn.- minced- that „ordeal. _ant I trust r in (ledwe will pass through it suchen/1611y. [Cheirs.) I feel _Complimented 'by thenllnsion ofleur representative' to the fact that I stoidiwther. Senate in 1860 and ; 1861., when the nation, was entering on the third ordeal, and raised voice and hantaiiinetireasort, treachery and irifterent int &Wien "Gend."] !I. stand here to day,.he'ding:tn . and Po!outigdolt somelrinoiptes whioh then counhintet, [ Cheers . ) . , I, to-da y opposing tranotlxindirsson; whither' they be in the Routh or In the: North. (baud chests 3-:1 standlere,lo day as ktbenetood,_ %ming nll my,p.swers-meteat and i . preserve the nation ho poesink tannish the third phase of its existence. ; 'rho orgibis4 fortma; and- -combined powers- ,that recently soot arrayed against are disbanded and driven train the field. But it does not follow Chet there are- till no enemies/. against, ourl present - form. of government sod our free in stitutiotts, .[Applause t hen stood la the Senate. of , t he ; Staten dervittilhe doc trine of eptratien ntid ishohisten. -. • - ttltinied then, ail deity now, that any State has the AOC oft it; ems -will to separate_ itself from - the other States,, and thereby . to destroy the tration aid' break up 'the government. And I ,think sites some evident° have been sincere and in earnest. , And'nowi want to know why it is-that-the whole pack of slanderers and-calumniators antl.taaducers live been barking and snapping at uiy,lieel4 ? While leihat she); sat y themsefier againet, met':ll itliecause I the:au:of the people I And when •I , sox . 4, , the, people,!! ) 1. include the soldiers andmlors. [etteere,] , Why lea that they ire; arrayed in trilioing, and eslumiliting, - and Yillifylittniit f 'Where *ere they during the rehelliOnlo voice-s -./ At ,home.,. in .bed.?' 4,./4"904q , .] : image tt; and 'heti it Wan 'believed' thet it Winictba le'. the tutored' Of the station; and would waft putting - . down the rebellion,- did • not.leasts my, plane ; , in, the Senate4 . ?lspis of amolument, cane, and AititintstiOn-an4 take toy the enemy cool/Ile reaelted,niasibilesynielea lives were in dangert---ECheers, and cries of st,That:elo i r 1' While, 1 lints 'than 'lmpeded,. personally. sod •pabliclyit . end . , ,in t nyAtitys . some - of ;ny tresent traducers ,aita - cilumnia..,'- terieWerelar feinted tee th Alte toe;niidLirediti aajoylat ewe jual aamfors::;-1 Chien sad laughter.],, But, I aara, act tor ' _h care , not that slander. the taut Of ;lin,' his Veen turned loose egillit itlftbsty: Indies too tell youterettoAsY that; Alamo& -Progq- oroil.4 ll T4WlLAttliros I,' fool ,he} I shaltlive long enough,te line dote the -*hoe fradueeit :fita - itfaired - thicispai pack loose tO lower me in jour estbruktien. CM EMMEI 'l' P , - r C. 0 n• ~• C. 1! . +1 efer, - fi 04 ,iiisWltiitli „TtiNtO .'•-• O r n i ti,Sweetbeartr Ilttli' ' • al ng ereppipg,ap , sear' neg., liet A boa : them not, VbeergrEligl kali people— , citizens eitizens,:-.01.41ers 1,-. ', - know thetftem ,my" adveol into p V--,,,,, the piesentrooplet.4 I hare dtwayssCopit,-iltir:e yieldingly; Acid .uutravelipgly the ediocate , mid - defentieref thrir rights turd intereate— , t Cheers ,I, - We are in the, nation's third or dial ; re are' not through it. at e (lad that theGiates could not. go out Of the ?Moe; we denied the doctrine of edhession, and w e ', e y e demonstrated that !ire, are, risht ' We' dlere 0/1- "Po. a the'sirdng atm ; , yes, throolerere 1 "1 41 laZ 3 r.e — Gid Weiss 'there t 7 have ttetot•n• - stpSied ' by !heir-Pattie' ic heerte an'd strong 'lupe; that State!) haie2not the'power to leave the ilnion. [Applattee.] What followed! The coefetiorate armies Were. over; owertd all& diebanded, arid' there was itrwillingpcee on the .part, of the people Othello latest to ~, . conehack; be obedient to the laws aid , ne.., 'knowledge she supremacy ofthe i Cotietiiittintt ~ or, our lettere.' For what, brie we ,pasehd, threugh this third'ordeal!- It was tdestah-"- flab the, principle that no.Gtete had the Ferrer to ,break up - the governmenti it Wee 0.14 .. down the rebellion. The rebellion hail teen - pqt - down.. and for what? Was it to 4stroy the:States ? (Voices—"Merer."] FoT what .. have islt these lives been eaorifieediaad all ' Iris treasureeipe,nded ? Was it for the par. • • pore of destroying States ! 'hie, it' wasfar the purpose of pre-service' them in,the Union of our lathate. [Cheers-] It Was for that. ' you fotight-it wee .for ' toot I tried not. to „ break up the ,government, but to put down the rebellion and preserve thit Union., of - the - States. That is whit we have' been contend. fag for, and to establish the fact that the no- ~ tion can lift itself above and beyond intestine ; foes, and treason and traitors at tome: When, - the rebellinn in Pennsylvania was put down, ~ did that' cieSteey she State, and put it out, of -- the Union!! 'So "'heti the reeent great rebel--, lion wee put'down, and the'tonetitution And, ~ ~ ••• aws,of the,country restored, the States `.. , gaged its it - -the rebellion being crushed; i''. • few- restored; and , the "Censtltutlon sm. , noirledgelin thont--stand in the Union:con-. • 'tutting 07 pert 'ciT the Merlotti and 'bright galaxy of States. • tLond Oilers:l. - In ;Casa. ing through this ordeal What has been ilone - in Tennessee wider the direction of my la-- merited •• predecessor? We' coMmenced the . wcek of reztoration"- ' 'we succeeded .before I ~- - game here ity . fistoring the relations which, had existed bet'ween - Tenneitiee and the rest of 'the Union, with'enh ekeeption, and that Walt 'the relation arrepresentation. r ',Aix' , to t,Tatehlugtoi. and' tinder' extriordina4 dr. ', curtatatteeranoceeded to preSidential chair. 6'bot ,Ibiteit '-',,The 'Congress or ill e" 'United ltrteititatl ad,jearnedirithentprescribin . g day . plea I tbenproceeded as YEW done i n my . . own State ' tinder the direction of the govern. ment,,tO restore the other States f • And how did webegin V - - WO found that the people heti ' - no'conita, mid we said to the•judgee, the die; trict attorneye 'and the marshals, "Go down, and bold your Courts; the people 'need the tribunils of justice to be oPettea." " Was there anything wrong fa that? The Courts,were opened. What else? We looked out and new that the people down there had no mails;" they ' had been tiut tiff and interrupted by the °pa.' , , ration of the rebellion. 'We sail to the Post master General, "Let the people have floili-, ' ties for "mail communication; and. let. teem again begin to understand whet we all feel, And think—that we are one people.". We loOked out -again and sari thatAbere waelti_ .„. bleakede ' that Abe cirstoixi - holies were' all closed.7,We• said, "Open the doors of the custom house and remote the blocked . ° ;, let trede, and' commerce, add the pursuits of peace be' restored." And it was done. We , thus traveled on Inept)) , step, opening custom houses, appointing, collectors, ,establishing mail facilities, and restoring all relations that bad been interrupted by the rebellion. Was ' there anything , undertaken to be done here ' that was not authorized by 'the Constitution ; that was not justified by the necessities of the Cave ; that has hot been dearlreonsonant , with the Constitution, and: with the 'genius and spirit of our government ? ' [Cheers.] ' What remained to be done? One thing-so= .; meined—to dnmonistrate' to. the eivillied _and' ' pagan world that we had passel suceinebilly ; through the third ordeal or our 'national ex tence, and proved that'our governmeit was '' perpetual. A great 'principle war tolie re- 'T 'etred, -which , vas established in nit reiolit." ' tii n *heti otrrfatherd were contending - agile . et ' th :fewer of Great Britain :' ' Whit was one ' ofi the pritelf al IMMO of this complaint ! It - wee that they were denied representation. They complained of.tatatin 'without' retire- , sentation. [Cheers ] One of thergrest prin ciples laid . down by our fathers, and Si hleh tiredtheir hearts, was that there shieild he no ' taxation without representation. floor then • demi the matter stand? Who'has been ttetlrt)- ink power? Who has been defeating the eree ration of the Constitntiow? and what now re. -.. militia to be done to complete the restoration of these States to all their former relatiors under the federal government, and to finish the real ordeal through which we hare been pestling? It is to adniit representation [Cheers. J. And when we say admit represen • toien, what' do we mean ? We Olean _repro, aentatienin the constitutional and law tibial rts ' sense, 'at was intended at the beginning of the ) government: • 'The Copetitation declares in ' express terms 'that each - Rouge, the Benet& aid Rollie of Representatives, each- acting .far itself,aholl- be the judge of the returns, ' election and qualifications of its own meto- ' 'hers. It is for each house to settle that ques , ' ' I'neider ' , tips' Constitution 'and Under the - '. s lawn 'emotion of ad oath. ' And can 'ire • he. ' Jive that ` either Horse would admit any ' roam- , b r into ill body 'to participate tails !Iroise& - •itige? They-, heats' the .f (twin, not ' the •two 'Gouges, but each Heine for itself-' The Con- ' otitntion farther"deolsier that no Stain aluill l 'ittprived:ll lie enual",stileasti lit the Sen. 11 s of the' plaited Suatellrlthinttlis con - sent. ' 1 ewherede we stand?' 'All that laieeded - to lintel)) tide:greet Work of restoration is - for the twit-Ronan - respectively te - detertebie the • question. '' *,, 1 "Oh !Du tint bcinte'one will ray. -", tti traitor - ght cbme in " The answer to that ii, that ooh' Iltrzee nick ho the judge, antl,:if a trai r pet:Saks- himself, cannot' 'tither' House -- ii - know llittatitiClittaittir ? '[Applause-] ,,. And, ,if he . is a traitor,_ can they_not kick hiserout ' of Ahe doOr - , ad see - d - fitin thiak, saying to tie 'polite eilitierent hini, - , is Yan must'seud•ne a thy at Man' ' - ‘{o4e,rs;.tirid a ioice-: , • 4 That's .' lOitti 4 "3 • 11l tffit4l'LllY Alifilenly . Omit "'that f` ' c.,-$6; 11 6 ; t• ;no ilieersi,J" if, tt,titiltor pre. ' lents' Itionselfctecitlier ' !louse, - Ciniot that ' ' idoestisitylolliit7 , ;fity, - you cannot be adMit. tied iht4:-thisc'betlY. On back. Wiltiirnot deny yontopeoPla t he!right' of representation, bat they' innetreend a - idyll represontal ive.'r (Cheertf.) ' And 'when the States dosendiciyai reprerettatives, can 'You' have any better evi- ' , deuce of their fidelity to the Constituibh and the 'awe? - . , -There is' no. one learned in the ' Constitution and the laws who will - say that-if" ' traitor, happens e. get into Congresi, that , body-ant - tot expel him after he gets in. That . staked' assurritee doubly -tire , and confirms ' he action of the government to thcreonstitu 'llan of eitr fathers. Hence, I say,'let as stand'''• hy that „Qinstitntion; and in standing by it . the eofettant will he preseried. While .l rive been icentsodieg agyinet traitors , and treason, Ind secession, •and 'the: distoitttiori' of 'the • tni eth l hare, -b;en' eontestditten,V tee' sable ? time againeethe Sonsillidition of power here.' Cries of “ G tred V) 7 I' think ' the e one olide-'-' Jibn of pewer here is Squally dangerous with ' ' ther separation of the States., TObeers I The' . 4h33e iponld' , shatter' ha and' might run: into tbliy, while the ote.4* would•oeneentrate d eventuate in 'monarchy. - ' [cheers,' anil- 1 tries of "Can ' t do ft l"] oh, but there is an `, idea abroad that - one ‘tearreati be iv - despot, shst :one man eel - be 1 mover; but that a ,. handred'or two hAndred :men can not.. ' ldr.- 1 : letterset?, the apostle of :liberty, tells' us, and Ise dtetikohniten sale, 'that tyranny dud dee.. pie - dine Oan be enerifeed'ity many more Tiger- . obely7ttndz *ore tyrannically thinlky eine..::. , I lirtiaepthWeillitiyourPresideet to bee ty r a n t? Wilk: t eak:he do? ' What can he roriginate ik esi,f,:ttiair say he exerciser the: Veto power. tLevighterl - Wher, is' the- Waterpower ? j [ t seine" Ter put down the Wither.° 'Lang., _ I tir I r 'Who''is 'velar Preildent if' [ Sereral'- s ' ay - 3 h "] ' i reieeiFa-liAn 9 newt•. Is he not elected i bY The Teeple through the electoral tielleges t ' The Presideetis nothing' more than the tri bune-of the people. Ilia office is tribune' in its cearinter. . T pTden iimeei when tribunes We're i iirst , eleeted in the Roman 'Republic, they steed at the 'door of .the Roman Senate,: whiehiree,then overreaching on the.pepular rights . and 'putting the heel, of polar on the -neck/ iif the psopte. • The- people chose a Wilma* and placed him at-the door 'of the figete i , eo rwhett that body, ventured - tut-op. primitive set he was ready edibles's* , to say, . 7, Vita, - / forbid., was President now le the OhAtniiiPet this peepie.4. -T *sit God dam' sad I intend-to insert; thwpswegenskinkvii