cog WEEKLY OBSERVER. t• IV it ht LINO Rol ZIT EACH Lorr • - , „ .!;TITK,r. rA),A. • -711 S -Two roLLAIIS rr usra pOr I it, ; trig [1311,33,0, if not ~; ot OD f the •car. 'Salvscriber. elrtwi %111 uc t harge I FtlIT egini A f,r -no.. sqnsro al Ton Lines one in . ,t, t y • two ia.iftioD4 $ . 1,75 ; three, I,,,Arr . • I LrPltou" $2150 1 , 70 months 50: $4,:,0:81% months $7,03;0ne year $1200; r ~!,,,rtperJeuts in proportion, Thess rates stmt), adhered to, uoless changed by Special or at the option of the publishere. 4 °di- Stra,Fl, Divorces and like advertise ..,,,,..„A.).l;.l..admittistrator's Notices $3,00; Local 6,',,t1C-,4 TIN c qats a line; ilarrisge Notices rir,..",y. p i ece ; Obituary Notices (over three lines is - estenti tire tents per line. Origins] poetry, an. wr itten at the request of the edittir, one 4,11ar ; eller.. Alt advertisements trill be continued at the e xper,F4 of t4s person advertising, grail ordered by birldtrection, unless a „specified period is weed ores for their insertion. flasl is9—We bare one of the best Jobbing to the State, sod are ready to do all work in ,-at ttl;; that rosy be entrusted to 0,21, in egad style ~,cr estedlsbment outside of tbe largest c; ties. A :: cornounkAtiorm should be addressed to 131/X.1'1 , 1 Editor and Proprietor. • , - Business Directory. EtiTLER. ldi " 71 0r,i!6.7 A? Law, irsnl, Erie Coutaj, s, rd other 'brogiussa atteadecl to at% EMIR LTNW Ig ' 15. II ,ATTOLNNT.Ar LAW, 111 Of , v . f h f.rlc. attic 7..62 MEI L , t 7 . 4 * " - & _ lx in veg. , A7l'ol+3Elll AND COZNSULOR.II AT Lava. near North West corner of the Ezie ;, JCiTICY OF ISM PILAUS. (Mee ♦eeoad ireneb Street, between Fifth and junel6-2. lii 1:1 6 : IV fal+ ll VH , ATTVIT A? I LAW , Ridgway, Pa. F.• : , McKAan, Ca emu railJefferann eonottes. - (incr3fOre—lr • 2 Cr. w. WILBUR. • ( OF,Trill PLAGUE, Paragon Block i'-.aY:l; Wes: or r'arrar Elan, Erie, Pa EI), V:. GUNI'il.4O:ll.; AITIEfFT AT LAW AED JICETIOX OF THE PEACE. and calm arrnt, Conveyancer and Collector, sonthirest corner of Fifth and Er e, Pa. "ap1365 t ,TO ar • • U011:1 C ROSILNIMEarn.. at the new E,„i4 , T n hand a large assort provizione, Wand and Willow Ware, T. Won. ge,rare, /te , to which he re+ tb. attention of the public., ratiatted that hargains as can be had in Cr6.s ar h art ..mar3- ME .1, .FILVW , K, 11. 1).. " • 11 .m.npat) is Phva;elan and Surgeon 4. co Peich st., opnadte the Vark r,rn•, hours from I() to 12 A. 21., 3 to A P. M., P M. at.s-6m• Eth EnTATE FOR SALE. ,es; vts claws bus' no'ks Bites oa State Steest,,l*. ,v;ott sad hl. htlCr• trusts, Esst mid*, are ol tal ray reneinsabfr terng, if applied r_,,:ire of WU. A. nA T.TIRAVi37. Agent t DEAD!, IN DItT GOODS, Gft.oolollll9, Seed, Plaster, etc., cur ,sth a^rat in.: Put tc nare. Erie. Pa. j a 1731. i). W4lO[O4E, LIPIRT aYjj SaLit Stan;, on Eighth ,«treta Sttt.. and Freach. Fine gorses and Car t.rletor. rew , na , llB tprmß, ray2S'B4-Iy. 1 t. 111" t\ t) .4 LE STA HI. S, ~,,,Ye ~, FRC% CI AND ire* tintsFTP, EA' 1 1 rg, Chi. P:op•irtur. GI od Li tries and Greiner; ~00bto.I.V. twit:erste prices. Sept, 29, 1.95.5- 4 MAGILL'S LIVERY 4 . trA E, SitTl Sr, FIRTWBC7C CND 4+ll. d ekes' to 007 in the city;aad prices as made• (tnarl4l) t 11 1) EleTl e - . - IH•aier io Grnceries, Prnilnco ' Transform, Fllion. an 1 Stone Ware. Wines, Liquors, ona,te the L'ostaaet, Erie, Vs. assrB'6s-1v • de - Marta?, Office in Rosen-' 4 IJ • ,• , tk, north side of the Park, Erie. Pi_ 2a. •K1N.7.0N, 1,111.1.1 A :11S , CO.. SVMes9oße trrifie rg, Vorton, 31 - , chanin, and %Che'eseii• desiers ta Coal. ' N. V. kE. in Peek lies Line , f Ste•reent. Fine, Ps. jan4'BS lg. ikl.t Y's fiZEPP.4 11111U.SEC DI NI,. OrpoNti; THE PAHSami:Fti Ix Het newly fitted 9_p-in the rc .et ar evl., i+ n 6 -0 op.o- tirr - rn6llc. - Meals xi 11 . 1`,. , arrival of all Pair Traina, et N, 0 kKLFY flßOß),;Propri tet • ;r . LIONEL, Waterford. R0111614T I.raLIII, PStniamr.m. and caletnl attention given to :It,n tof gteAtO. . . 98W -Iy* HE .AT PIANUM IS ASIF,RICA re mule by S. OR 7CIiF;R & CO ttitl Selig Theca. Tl Ty s Arm LLuny, m • - IL, 1•%• AND Fs:V . :Wm, 2.1 Naar FteattyP •Hfock, West Park. Frio, Pa, , Cbestion 'k Kuth'e Store. Itillteenee Jon•A W1)11/1119, Filthßtr, e t. Fail o f p zenc h. I, , ,irF-8 to 1p • .11., and 2to3P. X. lAA NS, 31. D., 'fender.; hie prof moon' reriieee to fl, ,r,d et, jolt y. f ffire in Lytle's new build. , fret, a few doors south of the depot COLE. ➢m6 R:NPItYt, ROO( KA.lttri , ACTttait of Rlndernockt'A Block, Erie, re. , It J. 11L4.11iElaY, AvrosursT ♦r LAW. Ridgway. Will alga practice in adjoining Counties 31111.104, TAILOR AND CLOTNILS CLEANNR 1‘101,, , Dr. Bennett'a Office.) Mentes 4,1 end cleaned on short notice. Terms as e v Let. tatt'2,l ly DI) PElthrt Y, • *•• of the I'. S. Treamry Department £Q4 for Soldiers, Washinstion; Claim A zest', ?ante Elan Dulldinp, • Wl' , mthearp, tiaTal and Mitt ciaim 4 fidelity rig} dispatch. Peosione obtained Applications be snail prou3ptly so,tendeii. ' :Anoc had see .ral ears' experience in the ."! eirv.cs liepariments, feeig confident Ire •se , ;it,s.tis'sclory aid in proseeatioc sir kinds no e.1Y85-tt U. Y. FICli -I)BNTIST. Prnit<yl cania College of 'Dental Sur .torp of Sterrett to btu:ding, h. Erie, Pa ? etravi CX Dv ' • , North strett, PlAtadol . t^i,rl. D. S., No. '243, North Nio IL 'Oleaalt ' 111. • VI N(;', •„ krroomva 404 t, eattxbal.LT.aiis I.Aw Sre., , :fk Sr. opposite Crittenden Hill C. , ll«rtinna mud all other laza' boot L VeIWI=O. Ene, Warren mil gone, and promp'll i 11 0. A .411;raith , Whitman' & Preoht `itt,rer kirarrin, Erie, Pa% P. Joh.sun, W. D. Brown Wartr4, *4)IE,RIES G " removed Ilia atoet or °roe...Paige t shor e tLe Lake rol oe. Depo to "he *•••"4e te;cs block cm ?tats ' treat , corner 'M ,he will Le happy to. 604` friends I': their order; for Ilia stock w 'kite .‘cl curfully . Relattaa en 4 04a.a4 ratAt e , npintent with the orlentl eqsz. "is t•ed of iinythinw In hie line to vto y. SOIINIstItFR etlig ISLE POTTERY, r ' "L , B E T WEEN SP.ZOND Ar. I.unt Prtn• , Es.e tesects , ed theuntelves„ under : I' 4: ll ' 4 ° l Webb at Childs, in the Pottery bust • ,:t•ty m betweenaw), on the canal, between Secon 4e.t6144.. of the customers of the old the public generally, prorets . lne c: l l,svvrto give tafectton. 4: F.O. F.lOlBll. • JAY S:-CE111,E1.9. co lxemciAi. cu Li.lue. CI:LT Y: '• illo.W.Grsasscs WPM ccr Ciamific%tion of Ac ‘",on“Ltneatal and rowra”rcial Arith er..l cents. The •; -0 :11 , r+tite .c. , -.1; late; ;index, 1: every pcissible faiie "P",^t 1.4 ctoi.c, hoqb. Sn exp.nne e ;big tAxosra., practical and perms "rt. City of Scheele." Practical An ''"Aeri will be emptoyed. ,lames --Taltion Ltik..nctoe, The belt feilitics and grestpit in • iptste, lead tot Cir4ulut. "r, COOI VOLUME 36. TIIR BRIDAL Cll A JlBSlt, an Noisy of Warning and Instruction to v runt lien—published by tlqw ard Asrocistlon. • d sent free of charge in sealed easel opes. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOCGRTON. jair63-Iy. Pbiliti.lphlst, NKUTOtIrt ntcpii.rr,Y, ftetfauel Westneen, etc., er4a bt atria ione,srho hat ear.d hltuftwlf sod ha a• dream orothe c e, awl will tell yeti n.ftblng but the treat A4.lrrtut witb !tamp, jslV65-ry, • • r1 5 11.1t 51,1-.AON 9.1111.1 N canisrar forty different stile*, adapted - to Jeered and secular 'music, for $BO to $l3OO eaeh gold at surer modals, Or other tinilt prat:proms awarded tbern, plan. Crated Catstewora free.. Addreßs. - Sf 180Nr & HAMLIN, Boston.orMASON BROTHERS. New York. 12'11'68. T vYOU WANT TO !KNOW A I,IITTLIC OF ETEIWTIIING relating to the human ayisteat, male and female; the CaIiSAMI ano treittneat of diseases; the marriage Coetorns of the world ; ho • to .earry well, and a thousand things never published before' read the re vised and enlarged editisn of Ammer. &meow Suez, a curious book for curious pimple, and a good book tor every one. 400 pages. 100 illustrations. Price $1 .50. Contents table a ant free to any address. Book" may be had at the hook etores, or will be cent by mail, port paid, Oa receipt of.t.t4.4lfice. Address, • • E. EL FOOTS, M. D, dm 1130 Broadway, ISiew York. I= TlO The advektiser having been restored to health in a. few weeks by s very simple remeily,wklsr hart rurffered several years with a severe lung striation, and that dread dime se, Con. 'w:option—is anxtous to make koown to his fellow-saf- Curers the moans of core. To ad who desire 11, he will send 11 copy of the pro aeriptlen reed, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and Wing the same, wfitch they will End • tura rare fir mrumptlon, astbmt, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, !tc. The only object of the advertiser to send ing the prescription is to benefit the arnieted and ipreed information whmh he comet,. a to be invaluable: and be h , frs seer/ sufferer will try h'a remedy, as it will cost them nothing, sod may prove a Messing. • Parties wishing the primer ptIon,PRlll, by return mall, will please address Rev. NOW sail .1. Wit,3o/4', dec2Bll,l4y. Wiltiamsourgh, Kluge Co , N. T. ootrattt, EBllOlll4 YOUTH.-I.gentleman who has stitZezed for years trom Nerrorts Debility, Prema ture Decal, andel the elects of youthfiel indieeretion. will for the Lake of saifering humanity, send free to all wbo need it, the recipe and directions for .makine the aimplo remedi by which he witrelred. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adrerticet's experience, can do so by ad- JOHN R. PGDEN, dec 8 63 ly., No. 13 Chambers St., N. T. DRAM 1.1.."e3 CADA RUH ISIIIUFF.:—This Snail has UlOrOughlrproYed - Heel( to be the beat article known for curing Cars/tag, 'Caw :ft Tits Haab and litatisons. it has been round an.excellent remedy- in many cases of Snit! EYSlL , 'Ditairitysif tias been removed by it. and ilittitio bee often been 1 , . reatly improved by its use. I b is fragrant and agreeable, and gives IIiMEDI ATERY.LIEO to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the Read. She sensations after using it are delightful and inrigorafting. It. opens and purges out all ob - atructione. strengthens the glands and gives a healthy action to the. arts affected'. Rees thee Years of sale and use of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Ifeadache Snuff has proved its great value (or all the common diseases of the head, and at this Eno' meat it atatZ"higher than ever isifore It is reeommeted•\ ed by many of the be physicians, and is need with great' carcass and satisfaction everywhere. Read the Certificate or Wholesale Druggists in 1554: ' The tutidersigned having for notify rears been aennain ted with Dr. kiarshafr a Catarrh and Heads. he gnuff,and, roid in cur wholesale trade, cliertfoll. state Shat we be , . Dere it to be mutt, in every respect, to the re , c.eamenda• Gotta given oft for the cure of Catarrh Affections, end that it is decidedly the best artee we have ever known for all common diseases of the ead. t„urr & Perry,,,Reed, Austin & Co., Brown, Lamson & ' ed. Cutler & Co.. Seth W.,Fowle, Wilson, rairbank it,s . • . Boston ; Fienshaw, Edniatids &to, FL R. Ray, gitlZ and. Me.; Revue, i'ark, , A. 13. & t , rlands,Stspheir Co.,israel Minor & Co., McCown & Robbing, A. & Co., IC ward, Close Co., flub & Gale, York. F. r sale by all T:raggists. Try it. affp?.l.'4ss-I.y. • T YON'S rxtclooto tr.;,ottopm. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR IRREGULARITIES. These Drape area scientifically compounded Meld }reparation, and better than any pills, pew dere or one. triune. Being liquid, their action is direct eel positive, rendering them a reliable, 'peed, and •certain specific for the cure of all obetructions andenopmesions of na ture. Their popularity is indbated by the tact 'that over 100,000 bottle'. are annually sold and cbusumed by the ladies of America. every one of whom speak in t , e strongest terms of prisee of their great merits.— They are rapidly taking the place of every other female remedy, and are sons dared be all whn know aught of them, as the surest. safest and most infallible prepare lion in the world, for the core of ell female crozolainie, the removal of all obstruct one of nature, and the pro motion oi health, reguivity and etrength. Explicit di rections, eating when they may be rimed. and explain lag when and why they should not. and , c old not be. need eel hout producing efectscontrary to nature's oho 'en taw, wall he fowl.) carefully tolled around each botre. with the written signature of John L. Lyon, without which none are genuine. Prepared br Dr. JORN L. LYON, 191 Chapel street, New Comm., who ion be muranited either per- BoOlai7 or be letter ' (enclosing stamp) concerning all private diseases araliemale weaknesses. Sold by Druggists everywhere. C. G. GL IRK & CO., trD9ll6-1y Gen'l Agents for 17. S. had Cauadae. D R. T %LOOT ni . (ANTI-DYSPEPTIC.) - , Composed of highly Concentrated Extracts from ' Root/and Herbs of the greatest medical value. prepared from tile origeal prescription of the celebrated Or. Tal bert, ..nd used by him with remarkable emcees, for •irenty rears. An infallible remedy io all DIRVISPS of the LIVER, or say derangPment of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They.Ctire Disrritmt, Oyepepeiti Ser dolt, Jannatee Siliornels Liver Imanhunt. ThW l-known Dr. Mott ssys of these Piro : 1 have usrahe formals from which your Ptlle are made, in nit prattice for over 1 2 'earl' ;- they byre the - finest et fret upon the Lim' and D.geative Org tat of any Medi cinilagn the world, and are the moat perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody: l They are safe and pleasant to take, but pokerfut fissure Thetr penetrating properties stimulate the vital - activities of the bOdy, remove the obstructions of its organs. purify the hood, and expel &aeons. Thee purge out , the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, Stimulate rluseish or dinordered organs Into their natural action, and impart a healthy tone with strength to the whole ay-stem. Not only do they .eure the every day com p aline of everybody. but also f irtnidshle and dangereur diseoreo, and being purely vegetable are free from soy rick or harm." aulo 65 Iy They amide pare blohd and remove all impurities from the system, hence ate a positive cure for Fevers, El..adache; Piles. Diseases and fieredlttry Burnam Does-.(or adult's, one Pill in the morning ; (or children under 8 yearn, half a Pill. Price One Dollar pn* Doz. Trade supplied, or sent by Mail, poet paid, to any part of the United States or Denada: on receipt of price. None genuine without the fac-simile signature of V. Mott Talbott, H. D. V. MOTT TALuorr k Co., Proprietors, -005'65-ly No 82 Fulton street, Nee York. • 'vasEra ineuerd.,_kun, X kIiUP ACTIY9II. 07 BOOTS - AND SiIOES! AT RROUCRI) PRI 113. Having a large stock of my own maculae' ure on hand, with • complete assortment of city made work, I yin al , ll cheaper at trholesale or iletail than any other ,establishment in this city. Paving had long experience thw wanta of c sto mers, I shall take special pains in preparing my star O. snit them I hive the exetariva right In this ellA to make the PLUMP, PATENT BOOTS & n the benefit of ray, customers, and only ask p til tosatiey arsy one Mato their aapericiromatott i.ser th”se made to the old way. The Blamer Boot needs no breaking In; It la aft easy ram the start as one worn for some Mr CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Will .r.ess'ire lmy own and soy brothers enpeelal LEATHER, LASTS AND roinuvus For tlo trade always on hand to init. Tendering my thanks to my friends and tot pant patronage,L hope b, jaat aind bonnrable dealing to merit .ontlananee of the same, and cordially Invite, all to call And iminnine my stock Wore patchy/deg elm. where. No. 448, State St , Tide, Pa: martiefitf. ITENItY LIARPRH, IVATCLI4S, FINE swag WARE, And Superior Silver Plur Ware, it REDUCED PR IC,ES: sasl4'C4rarno CIIAMISEILS 4:. D / UNN, _ PHOTOGRAPHERS! 'TO A LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPH, lia Execated to 01.5 be it style of thetart. • I ANTED TO GIVE SATISFAWION rifi . , . , . . ~ . , i , . , ~, , . . . • I - . a . . , . ism -•''...------".- .. . . , . . . . . . . . , --- , ,„:4 r.,"1..=',.... - 4 , - 17',.• ... 4 „ 4 . . ...,..,,,.:: . , ~,;„. - -.7 - ,..j . . ..._ 1 ....C. ...,...1. k 14. .. • R . „... ~..........t.... . ...„... .._, ......... . . ~...._..................... , Spepial Notices. BOX s; flostoo, Mots WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 620 ARCH STRRRY, PHILADELPHIA. I ' FINE GOLD JEWELRY, ALL VIVI or MMUS, MON A ILL r) crtrass Pictures enishol in OIL Olt W4Ollll COMM. Wireva Brinniei jiotel it ;WI Nom TWO DOLLARS AND A-HALF PER YEAR, IF PAID IN .I ADATANCE; $3.00 IF. NOT • PAID UNTIL - THE END OF - THE yEAR WENIIIIMMiaImmaL ERIE, PA., THURSDAY AFtERN'ooN, APRIL 19, 1866.; I) 4 CF O- WNING I I 1 S v i r Ti.A. INT C3E A. 44 ]B "Y' . • This Old Established , Agency represents the 4 leadirg, , most popular and most successfol Insurance COmpanies in ti Life, Fire, Marine, Inlan and Accident Insurance. Combined capital represented $28,000,000, nffording fulfill alma to any amount desi red, and-on as reasonable terms ati sound cad well tthstaged Companies can afford.. I Orders for Intuirance attended to with Promptness and - Eidelity, pa town or country . Especial attention given to t Hogs and Fa r m Property, tor periods of three or fire years, or perpetually, by deposit of premium: "Rates very low; . . -r& ge"•The thoughtful and prudent man insures his Prop;rty again loss or damage by Fire,and his Life (Or the prolei and kindred dependent upon him. All who have not yet attended io this duty, Should Call at once and get their p 4 the following Companies A't COMPANY. - •. NINETY-THIRD •STATEMENT _• OP !RR 414 EBEiiMIIE Net deaetts, - THE VETERAN OF 16,000 FIRES 19,1 Lb _ HAR D A T W O R IC!! EWE ELlWant organisation of font thous aid Underwritart, from Nova Scotia to - California, and 1,%1te Superior, it man and the Solt; barmon'ing the science of avarage with' elm pm/sating rates to the advaacemeut of the pubile welfare ! • FLATTERING TESTDIONIALS • or TIM ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY! PROZ 1711111%8IIRLINVII DIP.LIRMINT • OF TEE STATE OF NEST YORIC. The fantranne Comminioner to the Legislature: 'The !Ital. Insurance Company. .f Flariford, one of. he moot auccessial Fire layman "Cons.arde of this or any other country l i • • • • "Connecticut Comps tee follow the ruin and practi ces ni the Stu& almost 's.% caret ily as it they Sr era eny. boded in at 'tate law." Area. pointing to Va rrors of .praetico in Fk. lea Yan , i Companies. the ns a sueceastui management and so id inter arecalled to, their a'teutton thine: "It stil. remains morS a matter of wonder than Imita tion in the Insurance wrr d" • • • i . • 'By what subtle sl ' my has this corporation been enabled to4 , rn its fit I paid cspltalinto 'he Pitiless' • phoes tone :' •-• • • ' "The extraordinary • mt.' which have distinguished its unparalleled Magnet 1 history." The a.erage losses per diem In the United Stale, at this period 01 the year; are boat two hundred and eh. thousand dollars. Thetelegraph daily ulna& start li ng ootes of warnlog to all 'rodent revenue. DO NOT NiCILIACT ?Hp isr.cuarrt OP nsivugua INBDIANOM. . , .:. Polities jutted without deiny. J F. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. cRo WELL, Barreyor. . . —A I.Compan.Y. ' -7 -- - - - -- --t IJEGME /NSW:LIMY/I COMPANY OP NEW TOUR', OFFICE, NO. 135 TIROADWAY. °Aga CAPITAL .AstOrrs. tat Isntsary, 1664, - -ABSTRACT 07 vex 25Tti SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Showing the anidition Of the Con:gouty on 4 lre Int da 0 (January, 1886. 7Aearra• Cash balance in bank Bonds & mort., let lien on Teal estate 196,892 60 Loans on stocks, pay. on demand 07,392 08 United States stocks,market val. 1,350,834 00 State & man. stocks te bonds, do. 405 425 00 Bank stocks, do. . 113,550 00 Interest due on 14 Jan.; 1866 = 27,431 16 Balance in hands cif agints'and in eourse' of transmission 173.010 51 Rills Rea:, for pre. on In. Risks o lka 0;153.44 Government stamps on hand- _ 11000 Ocher Property, Ms. Items 13,505 13 Pre. due and uncol on Pol. issued et office (fire, blend & mer .413,141 88 Steamer Magnet Sr. wreck. Naps. 1 83,483 94 Total Assets, LI All CLITiER Claims for los. out. on Jan. 1. TX $152,040'24 Due stack on account- dividend 800 00 Notwithetwudiag the fiery trial of the peat leer, Oar ing which the' company Ise paid losses to the amount of $1.637.852 86, without Omitting the setni.ononel Mead,. "The Rome." with its repittl o' Two Intact, sods act snrolue or $1.444.6157 GO, eantiaciew to Hier to *ll who seek renal:pie ituorrume, inducem nth warpsucAl by no other compatue - J. F. DOWNING, Agent. `.T. W. Crowell, Sfirveyor -It In wisdom and economy to Imam In the beet Com panies end there is none better than the old Lie .. *nee &myna) , of North Amerien." INCORPOItATED 1794. INSURANCE OCIIPANY 0, NORTH AMERICA! OF TIM MIT OF PHILADRLPIIII • lasu BIM ANNUL STAT33IIINT. Assets, Jan. I, lirA.. Market Yaba. First mortgages on, city property $444,3A 00 U. 8. Qovernweat bonds 334.600 y 00 Pennsylvania State bonds 109,000100 'Phila. city bonds ' 1 188,700 00 Minds of Penna. n. R. Co. and other corporations . 190,440 00 Band & other corporation stocks 60,196 91 Notes Rec. (temporary , loans) 150,471 06 Real Estate, office of the Co., 232 Walnut street Unpaid Pre. & debts duo ort &eng— ulf good 107,581 18 Cash in It'k &in hands orAgts'• 1p3,32t1 32 Total Moats $1,731,216'14 LOSSES PAID - IN CAM SINCE 1724 OVER $18,000,000 00 72 'rearm sccoeseruL Etratgasa vtestitsseg. Policies Ismail •about Loiter by J. P. DOWNING, Ascot. T. W..CROWELL, Bangor. ptigENIX INSVILANCE CO3IPANY., OF FIARTFORD, CO3N LOSSES PA,;,D IN 1865. $410,03 Of.. CASII ASSETS', MN. I, 186'6, 51,006,790 33 The teat of /ts national/Iy. the solid service it has rendered patron*, and-Its atotity peas throitah sem none prolific of eoneitgratlons with honor and moat to these most Interested, may lie interred! from s perusal of the folios Ins; agates et 'Assiut nit). Arkansas , $2:4,830 43 31iniesotA 20,980 42 Alabsma 46,323 36 N. Huai. 26,309 19 Connectiont22o,B3l 97 New York 643;530 32 California 181,320 54 New Jersey, 3;750 63 D't of Col. - 190 35 Nebrqsks • 1;107 00 Florida- 20,4687/F2 Ohio 103,953 69 Georgia 22,188 75 Penn's" 63,274 40 Indiana 84,203 19 R. Island 20,771 21 Illinois. 210,698_67 8. Carolina, 2h032 75 lowa 81,615 73 Tennessee 45:970 SO Keotuoky 59,978 19 Texas * ..3.961 98 _Kansas 13,410 07 Vermont_ 2;4 282 43 Maine 06.893 45 Virginia 27 24 59,879 04 Wir , . Virginia. 00 Maryland 39,602 95 Wisconsin 86,401 76 Mississippi . 20,832 55 Canada 38,873 80 Missouri 80,535 36 Nova Scotia =14.285,78 Michigan 67,057 64 N. Bruns. 16,330 76 Lows Always Paid Promptly. .1. F, AOWPUtG, Agent. , T,w, 08017g1403mTesor. SI 0 Office, in Bosenzweig's Block, opposite Brown's Motet. N Aa A. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP' TUX CITY OP NEW TORN.. . _ • - o . - cArrrit. Cash Capital and Sniplus , $1,280,729 60 ilsErs. - Unito States Securiiiei 468,640 05 Loans on Bond "Aforgiige • '262,000 00 Clash in bank and bands Ofagants 85,518 37 Loans on Stocks, pay on demand 352,400 00 Beal Edtate, iniereet, &o. 111;168,'18 YVisconain St California Bonds • 8,000 00 • • --.—. $1,288,729 60 LIAMUTIW: Losses in prooess of adjustment 20,060 00 Unpaid Dividami. • 1,326 50 1067 4.,445 80 - _ 244•9! 3,8::V.;034 34 Fair Raw, ment l Louts: J. F. DOWNWG, Agcnt, T. O 2 r CI z tOWELL, Sonleyor. MI IN + SURAI3C COMPANY, Caen papital Mart i , January 1, 146, -L-- 1 The Silenced reeelve VENTY-F INT E PBII , CEN T. Of The net meta irlitiontinencrine. any Liability, or, in Hen the .04 at their opt ton. a labral diecoant capon• The ptetalinrl: . ALL LOOSES PAORPTI I T ADJUSTED SSD PAID. Scrip Pividend, declared 1865, Filly-per cent. J. p. D3WNIN6 eat. T. W S CROWELL, Surv,ayor. ijir i t) YI Ho I NSURANCt COMPANY, or NEW HAVEN. dorm. _ ' cub C*pital, Svoins, Iv- rim Berillege, Man other pmpertv against toe teenreq agslast the risk of 1 Narhtaften. . • . this Commas his three Its fire Fineness. lan II term or one year r 'WINO property. at fair an participation in the profit • ea other atockcompanira. 134.000.000 4 on 3,591,97 14 153,749 24 Paiticipatirt 1 , , Ts le e° term remits for Dere tags,:rurettor• and met rata. eerie' mph pallet et. of the Company, with° , Witty thereby. Tosones Forpetud rate small amount of money, t • of pm:dorm eassoing •t lta Fr pottore, Buns sod that of Goods, Morotots sod Sob ✓550,744 49 T. W. CROWSLL,Surrey STATEMENT OE, OFtit • ARCTIC FIRE NSURANCE CO., No. la Well St N. V I on,the let day of Jan., 1665. - __ . , . ASSRT3. , . , - Cakh la /melt and in hille, I . $35 ,Bs6 91' Ronda and sort •fteoss (helot Ifirst lien on real I . . estate In New York and braokira, worth , at leas: $365,000) • I 177 310 00. Leone on ato-ke. parable on denund. - (tharlret ~ • value of uenrities bald sr collateral, $79; 17400 7 63,743 21 Colton ntetes atocke typed 6y the Companie ' • en ukot rain.. 'I I 16120 00 State rocks owned by Co- marls! nine. 29 6th 00 Real Estate funtocerraberrd) I 3,000 00 Interest accrued rof whiehgreater part due i ren..lsr. la pals.) - I . . - 4.919 33 .lialanu in hands of Agenta,and In t'atiniKer trananarston from Agents. ' 21,600 (fa Milt reestrabLe for premium fon inland halts Ana other um. - .. 13 *Vi 0 Cub premiums uocallectei o policies brew at office ' I - 6,89440 $3,598,674 14 LIAOII.IIALE.3. Claims for Losses outstaelog, /mi. 1, '6B, 19.602 99 tinvedd Dividends. ' 1 , 4,3; 00 20,12 t 09 Total wets over Liabliitlas. =693,99319. The "Antis" hes a first clAaa Mulatto* lortMCS' ble and I bent dealing. It ifs a sound company, Ind doing s prosperous business 1 J. 31114 , 0141 BiIITII, Preet. H. B. W /LLB /MB, The-Trial. V mover TILTOI7, Ireey. L (mates Bauternoi, sail seley• . . - . .4. P... DOWNING, Agent. T. W. ciloWgl.l., But mot. , a 1 F ORTlir-TUIRD AMID, - ' NORTH A Of the City of New Tort, o bet, 1: Cult Capital, • urplas, 2%000 00 Mans on Bond and Mortgage being ant on read estate worth overdOlper cent. store ' the amoset lot • ed. I • • 5211,916 00 Storks, Bonds and other secltlga own td by, • the Company, market ra p e. i . 382 81710 Ciah in bank and °Ake, I 39,934 4 4 Loans on dem indoalth Collidoral.. • 39 ow 0 0 Premiums dim sod on Moon cling. . 144'03 42 Cub In agents' bands, in cootie of ttaninnte.. AGM 89 Int...lett seemed on secnritiosi, 14 001 16 Bills receivable. ' '. - 2,893 59 Other property at Colnpa4V. i 1 - 8,60304 __ • 1... Total austk The losses Ili ire threughou i" t the Iluite4 States der. hag the put year hive been lafrger in amount than those niece one of the prevlouir *dents Yearn ezele'dinit the enormous tam of 543,04000, the ettkers and dim* try tta employ sons Inlat‘ tie ainektatildrea, agents and tattooists upon: f ury glittering nun of the , 'earl -• „ basineaa. . 1 - In Gls companf_th• ahoy partkipate lii the . runts otther buttnitowitti* tamable any liability. Dirtiteurd for ads, 60 per mat. A ootitisaants oryotir Woe r ut respeetfelly solieitt JAS. W. OTIS Preet. R. W. 13zszownt,, Seey. T. Gamin:um, Gain. Agent. .r.DOWNING, Agent. T. W, CItO WELL, gplyttl o, l: . "FNT 4 %ILPR INSURANCE Caab Capital, Stopllo, Jan 1,188, The "Sot•rpriar;' with a • minion, offers teetWor 1, deeding of the Compa•y Ai trastworth.r. Y. R..Errhßß. THOS. IL MO.Zi aray,..W. Warm. soory ! „!, . , • i 7, W. asowELL, Surveyor Penn"ft. 521,376160 Security, Prompt Ary. OF 'NE YORK El=l factories. Metchaadlse and 11 or daraegfe dre, aad Alen llnTand Transportation and peottaxisnia in elm ingi on Ordinary or Te .km Department. . itelei. on all elaaaes or in equitable rite& without any of the Company—the awe Department . • 'one, threr. or ere yeue. , •tt YAM ihtilaloire and their a osrtfolpatt•ol in the kn ot their incurring any llia- epirtrikent. Perpetual ?impairing a deposit Pf a lien of all future pavmenta t.pon llwellionn sod %elf 'coolants Storm and dada .1 !Immo. -4 P. DOWNING, dent i t. 4:l t) • EC CONDITION AL isTATEXItINT =1 EIZEEE=II ERICA-N ,CE COMANY FIRE INSURA the phi, day of Dee in -65. 751,453 57 3 4 EMS Pi g COMPANY, InuAnztraza.•• -, Or ?Ili orrr or E=l ttd ap Cult dapitad r oi Malt la firdordar of. nvirit• The 'A 1 `—liberal prompt and pew rno. '4 : P. 901iiiriCa, Asyut. seintlimELD INPURARCE ~ .(j!liff'ANY! Or mtworzzA mum Cash 4pltal and Surplus, 1 1 6Wi 0 20 ogeobr bat dodo a lav re tad pet:awful bulnemi for wean, tweed pm:clod 9a one of the fa- Yolito,eotopaalea hailing from New Enema. • 8.1 PRIM &N , Froahleat. cals. N. LANZ Sooty. J. Y. DOWNING; Agoat. 3.'W. CROWNI.I6 Barveyor. EM INSUUANCAL CO OPANV. lii Ell ital. and Surplus, Cash Ca ne I • I eginiMlo Tublte. Loom smear tea eonearestlire and yell managed entitled to the 101 l cooddenee of the inuring - Wed promptli• and Morti W • 8. BRAIEWRIDOE, Frei& nr:mi mg, See'!- J. P. EO RNI:4O, Agent., ROWELT Surveyor. DO $1,001,000 1,6'44,000 CONK CTICVT Intri'VA IN4URAINCE COM.PANt! ' I • or' tlisirrForr3, CONN. . , Atiteta liver, sin,ooron Number-of Police Eloldina over 30,000 'New nilicies honed during the year over lOlOO Reerintli for the year over 4,000.000 Dividend laid during the present Steal year, Dr per eert Total divid in de paid, over • 3 000 OW Total Lo see paid, one . - 4,600,000 $1,000,000 275,856 -. 1 -- 1,275,888 Why the Connecticut Medea ehoald be preferred Beesase It ti the ' Ltrirts4 , Sala!, Chtaptst and Be.!t THE G;TEAT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TINS 1. !that the tamest number of members. 2. It his the largest amount Insured._ n. It has the holed sercins. 4J It hat the largest dlefstb's extrplaa S. It hes lb. largest business. O. it has the larsesk Itemise: • Iqt hes had through its whole history the smallest avenge expenses, 8 It ebfaine the 1 ?gut avatar* ratellAr 1 01811 fut 0 8 Its invesitmente. - D. It therefore fu-rishes insurance at lee, cost than any other company. • All Poll ire honed by this Company are• either non; forfeitable by their tei tor, or met be twererted into Thom whteti are ao at the opttork of the inalued. • None bat Aridly nnexcentionable risky accepted; and pair upon meg between Fourteen and Strty. JANN3 GOODWIN, PTWet; GOT S. PIMPS, See' Z. Faxersos, Vie* Pri s't. W. S. Oturresn, Caster L. S. Waco", Pll3slelan. Tebratry 1,186 E LIVE AND ACCIDENT. TRAVELERS' INSURANCE CO., 011,101 IS Capital, RINI)S OF ACCIDENTS. . - The Travellend Ineuranee Company, of. 'Hartford, Conn ' liras the first to anceenfully introduce in eta ernintey the ambles of 'actinium whist aeoldente. of whatever hied, whather thew, neon? !u traveling. °pia bunting. ashiog, ulnae Minn, stating, in the street, store. Mlles, or while waiting In shops, mills, faitoriva, or on the lerni. A genonal icclient policy coven every possible form of casualty, Including the tick in-traveling; also, all torero of dislocations, broken bones. motored tendons, sprains, cn,uutussiots, crushing/I, b utter, cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds: pots/toed wound., burns and scalds, bites of dogs, unprovoked assault* by burglars, rotbere or murderers, the action of lisbtninv or run stroke, the , etfeets of exploy,lone, cheerily-ale, fl oda, and earth quakes, and stiff ,cation by deowning or shaking., • This Company hat now been In ancestaaral operation duce Aril lat. 1864. and up to Jan. istarlad, bad tined upward' of tntrfpfivo tboneand pollster, and pad 'over Wine M u irosei—ineinding the large wasp of VB,- 400 to tube policy holdeus within lito 'rare for $.9,440 received In :numinous: ' *so mo on 2 , 1 553 57 - ' Cash Assets. Feb. 1,180 G, $600,819 72 GENERAL ACCIDEKT POLICIES! The hest popsy for for every num. whether he travels witch or little.ti:e general accident policy. which in sures against story possible form of anualty at ail times and pterea. An annual - pretoloor of 410 or $l2 (seeoldlog to 4teti- Pat'OU l *Mr enroll general , accident polity for $lOOO In swot fetal Seeldetli, Of $lO per meek during ditabli• Ity reused: Ay 'mordent, 'not oleredingivestreir. vests for are oteseeldsnt.) Amantsal premium of $25 or $5O w 111„ lite man 'ter, oeoupo potter for $5.000 or $25 per Thic cotton- Wine. ' other'Aus uta. froze $5 OO to slo,ooost proportleaste faces.t Where policies are fantod ageisms loss otitis only, or for eozeperratlen only, the rates ail meek lower. A acrid ditewant en tbreitand are year *Metes. 751,03 61 out-sorra antszai - icaust twang. , . . This company now times a very convenient forro - Of one - month general. *osident policies, at the rate of $1 per thvnund —with Sid' per week entopettastion for inch tbOtuand inetirttl. These are nosh better then ticket pollee., for travelers and others &demi - short SIAM. en tiAll cm he taken in any amount, from $0:1 to $10,004 they etym. all accident , std each policy is le nd, so that the insurance i. g ood, in cue the galley is lost or destroy el. Pot. mechanics end other, who cannot serif rime the amoa •t t f to annual prettiluto. but would llketo insists by the mouth, these short Unto piloted are jest the thing, To Any potion who boys all =quail Old - ledeo in avy , one year • policy tor loaf yam' will be ge s teno v ith o ot c h a r (except *1 , 411'4144 tit ) - • ' JAS G. SATTEMON, President. Pommy' Item is, Secretary. apslB.3o F. POWNENG,4Igent. SSOO.OOO ItAVIP, Gon,oco !Mil e County, embracing for first clasp Ineur be Insurance of Dye- etion of wife, children cies in one or more of NORWICH, OpliN OM It bailee:l demonstrated to be COUNTRY J. F. DOWNINGI O Agent =I OF HARTFORD, CONN nrn:itge AGAIIST tianw!raital Nte Ode kl3stl4 Marra ERIK PA., APRIL 19, 1866 Some of our citizens object to the removal of the, post office up town, oo the ground that it will draw business away from the Park and the North part of State street. - Experience in other cities does not• bear them out in this conclusion. The bat offices in Buffalo and Clevelaad 'are .botk outside of the business ,centres, and in fact,seem to have little or , no influence open the' operatioda of trade. 'A few email stores are carried on near them, but thelarge establishmente; both wholesale and retail, are all located some distance away. In New York city, Broadway continues to be the great,thoronghfare, an& Ana street, where the poitt office le situated, continues a locality of minor importance. The same state of affairs is Seen in alt ost Crary city upon the conthatiot. While it mai be beneficial to a few kinds of retail stores - to be adjacedt to a post office, the experience of nearly every laige comma. nityproves that the popular than ;leis of trade are seldorttlaffeeted by any such influence.-- The neighborhood of the Peek has become the favorite business point in Erie, And while the reinoval - of the post offioia further np State street may kelp to improve that part of the city, rre-do pot believe it will have the slight est effect upon the prosperity of any estab lishment in its present vicinity, or impair the value of. property North of the Park. $BOO,OOO The editor of the steno Times,. while riding Cie the AG & entroGreat Western railwiy, a few Ililgits.sge--7. "saw A little by-play which was comical to the speettvore. A couple of younepeoplo of the mate and female persuasion, had.l3een having an Animated argument upon :some. interesting topic, perhaps as to whether they , should:cull tiport a minister at the next stop ping plebe.' - At tiny rate,' he was persistent and angry, and she reluctant and pouting. As.' the train neersd Leavittsbarg, "the hell cord ins detached at the end of the oar, pre paratory to. separating the train. The end Of the rope hung ,beside the seat whence the young man. glowered upon the• travelling world. Partly for fun, and partly to frighten his companion, he jumped up, and throwing the cord about his neck, pretended to hang himself. Just at this moment' the brakeman at the farther end of the car, seized. the rope and, gave it A treventious jerk to dials it , out. The twitch upon the cord almost" itted the young-man. from his feet and made :him see stare that were not down in the books. • The young lady jumped up with a feminine shriek and caught hold of ter beloved to keep him from being drawn headlong through the cord loops. As he settled back into his sett it is hard to tell which had the whitest. face, even when they came in 010'4e : contact a minute atter in a labial proclamatic rt of peace. We tbink the minister in the next town got a f e that 'day.,, a • 40- SSIVAX) IMI Colchester, the pretended spiritual medium, whose - astonishing feats-in our city and snr. rocuad;ng towns were the subject of consider. able iotetest at the time, has been arrested in Louisville for practising his art without a license.' A confederate of Colchester admit ted on the examinati o n that the " masifesta Lions" were produced by mechanical agen cies, and this was not denied by the former. After the examination, Colchester • was al• la wed to make a statement, which he did. Ile was examined by the Court, and admitted that he elute within the requirements of the act of Congress, and fUrther admitted that he considered himself liable as a juggler. The Commissioner therefore allowed him to take out a license as'a "juggler" and "exhibitcr,' and will decide whether he shall be held criminally fir his omission to take out such license before. - The ups and dOwns - .ef life ;re ciatiOus to contemplate. The-rich man of to day may be one of the poorest tomorrow. The man who is a day' Vorer now, in a few years may to, one of the wealthiest among us. Persons wio are in the habit of judging their feltows , by their present condition will be apt toAnd themselves very frequently mistaken. As a sample of the strange phases of society, a Buffalo cotemporary.relates - that among those who apply for lodging it the station house of that city, often appert. the name of one, now seventy one pars of, age, who formerly was classed among the wealthiest men of the place. • The many trashy an lying histories of the war, put out for the use'of children, are cal, culated to leave ayery mischievouti impression on the minds - Of the rising generation. It will interest all who have the interests of truth at heart to learn the+ the publishing firm of Van Erik, Horton & Go., New York city, have arranged for the issue in a short time o f "A Chilo History of the Client Civil War," whi3h will be reliable in its statements end free from sectionalism. - The book will be complete in , one volume of three hundred and fifty pages, duodecimo, capiouals , illustrtited, and the price will be a dollar and a half. $513,030 Medical :Notices. A Goon Trusteogiso—For dyspeptics and those who have been suffering for years with a disordered liver, or weakness of the diges tive organs, You will believe this,after giv ing iloofland's German Bitters a trial. This remedy will Cease a permanent cure, and en , - ahle you to enjoy life. They are not used as a beverage. al"ir. ' • The real Velvan French Pills cure sickness at the stomach. vomiting sod heartburn. See notice. Sol 4 by all druggists. a12.1m. Somereas.--Soldiers who hive served in the artities'of the Unios. children, tnothers,,every body that hes got a bad oold, croup, whooping congh,!or is troubled with any lung or throat complaints, we 'advise you to uee Coe's Cough Balsam, the cheapest and beat cough premn , - etirst in the world. And when you have the dyspepsia; or are troubled with constipation, the great cause of ill health. or any trotfile of the stomach or bowels, use Coe's DyspeP - - . sits Core immediately. A repoiter of thaChicagt, Tribune furnishes to that paper in count of a singular interview with a professional seer or astrologist ot that city. The reporter disguised himself in , fe. male apparel sotafectaally as to deceive the prophet into the belief that be was really a women. The artrtments were Crowded, and several hours were consumed in waiting - for his turn before Ate reporter gained an inter view. The astrologer assured h i vhat a malign spell was hanging over. his life and blighting his, prospect', and offered for fifty dotterel to;told him be was % widow, had' not loved the deceased husband, would be married. again to a roidele - aged gentleman and would go to Europe on a bridal trip. The . Tffiin Advertiser says that Gen. Buck land, member of Congress frim the 9th Ohio District, said !to one of his 'politicel friods, hereon casting his vote for the bin giving no groes the right of suffrage in tbel District of Columbia, "1 seal my politico! dotal wen vote for tura suffrage " The Ciene:ors 11,04 in clear on that point. . NUMBER 47. • Political ' ' ilet -- -, - .7; By 'the Constitution i.. tor tha At i ic4n reitub:io—no One that'hini tint ne i i gro Wood iri his veiny can 'vole..- Vi'hitco wen have no rights there. ' . The negroes who are asking for atiftrag , 4 ought to be airli a rrrert 'of - -thergeolires. - :n nll I they convert the republic of Liberia to Waite suffrage, which is now denied. A. reverend politician in Oarrolltau, 111,, in a recent prayer before his congrega. tion, is reported to have uttered the fol lowing petition : " I pray aod - tO raise another Booth to remove the iniquity from the Presidential chair." We noticed in tows ykderday.'Gorierat Richard Coulter, of Westmoreland` Co. Gen. Coulter was Lieutenant Colonel of Geary's regiment, but he repudiates ; the great (!) paper General, and supports CV. mer. Johnson and the ilnion.—Eferrriibarg Patriot. Foingsv ox Um Twin, RENE—MIS; po. We'd parricide is now engaged on, his third job. Ile fawned and betrayed Gen.r Pierce ; he fawned and betrayed Presider) ti Buchanan ; he fawned and has' likewfa , , betrayed President Johnson. The following. from "Love's Labcl• Lost/' represents the Radical platform : rare. Pompey Bivet—Renoivned Pompey ! B;ron—Greater than great, great, great ! Pompey ! Pompey the huge! Cas.o.—Andiew Johnson, General Veto Agent, Washlt;gton, D. C. , Vetoes furn ished•promptly and with despatch. Refer ence :—Thaddeus 'Stevens, Chas. Sizinner, Benjamin F. Wade, Washington, An advertisement: hi a (New York paper, 'promising on the receipt ot, twenty five cents to-send a receipt to keep water in wells and cisterns from freezing in cold weather, a than sent on the above atm, snd t -received'iby're turn mail the following answer: " Take in: your well and Cistern on 'cold - nights and keep them by the fire."' A NIG oil . um DIG —Fred. Dough* in rk convention in .Washingtonjust aper- hitt interview with the President, is reported to have remarked: - . • - "The President charos us with It'eatilitY to the poor class of wilites at the South. It islvery 'natural that he should! , tilt,' sides _with them'against us, for he belong'. to their ranks. I grew up a slave among the aristocracy of naryland, while he ill only a low.hred tailor, and it is not sur prising that I' contenin such 'poor white trash.' " - The Lancaster Expres.r, speaking of tlo letter writtep in, Gen. Geary, in which 114 announces himself as a "lifis-long Damo • crat," attempts fo break the force of utterance by showing what kind of it Democrat the redoubtable General is. :if says : "General Geary is a •Democrat ii the sense defined by Wobster—'onet wh adheres to a government by the people, or favors the - extension of the right of suffrage to all classes of men." I Mr. Thomas, " Republican " menibe? of the house from Philadelphia, said,' cut the 30th tilt, in debate, that; "the tinsts was not far distant when negroes would. vote in this Slate." This man sapports John W. - Geary for Governor, and helped to nominate him. True. filpublicana• of Pennsylvania, will you assist in carrying into effect the negro schemes of such .pu: litical leaders ? The following is All extract of a speed* Made by Gen. Hawley, lately elected Girv4 , - - ernor of Connecticut by the Radicals, to the negroes of Hartford, Nov. 24th, 1805. - <Those who rejoice over Hawley's success must end6rse his princti)le's : "THANK_ GOD, ONE • THING. HAS • BEEN SETTLED BY Tin WAR. IT IS SETTLED THAT THE. BLACK MAN IS ENTITLED TO ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE, wurrE MAN! (Cheers.) AND MTH THE HELP OF GOD THEY SHALL HAVE T Ell!" (Cheers.) - , Ur. Harris, of New York, presented a petition in the Senate last week, signed by, a large number of women, wilting for an amendment" to . the Constitution, pro. bibiting any State•from clistrinchising its citizens on account of sex. I t was laid on the table. The men who think negroes fit, to vote are not willing to give the•samh privilege to the wives and daughter's white men. ANDHAW •JOIINSON ON THE SITUATION.-- "THE UNION PARTY IS NOT THE PAR- • F THE EADICALS."—;Andrew Johriso .larch 23, IRO. "IT IS TRUE I STATED THAT; (that' what' battles ho fought would be within the Union party ;) BUT WIIEN' II ;SAID, TI1:1 UNION PARTY, I DID NOT MEAN TH t•I MEN WHO ARE ENDEAVORINa 4 TO.BREAK UP THIS UNION, BUT -THE MEN - •Ntli STAND BY ME !'"=-Andiew Johnson, „Von 23. 1866. •H believe the maintenance of this Union de - ,pends upon the policy which I have indicated to Congress, and THOSE WHO SUSTAIN THAT POLICY ARE MY FRIENDS, AND THOSE WHO OPPOSE THAT POLICY CERTAINLY HAVE NO DESIRE, TO BEE ELECTED TO ANI OFFICE! Andrew Jahrn, Ninth 21, ISM - • I i The great is , ne before the people is-- whether all - the power of dovernment shall be concentrated in the hands of. tho fietteral Government, the States being re lit:teed to the torid akin: of cotroties, and it consolidated despotism, be thereby estab lished ; or, whether - those rights of local self-government, which our !fathers }.en joyed and whic'3 we inhetited from them, and without which -there can khe no real liberty, nowise government, ino public economy; po light taxation, shall be pre served." • ' The President Ibis week issued an order to the various departments-to withhold alt advertising patronage from .the Chrbitiee, (Forney's Washington paper.) is/un derstood that all papers that fail to.sus. lain the reconstruction policy. of the Prey-. ident will be treated likewise, and the advertising will be given to Nmotratie papers. All the other papers I here sus tain the President, and allhav_e) the ram: , patronage, all being sound in pernocratie faith, and all assailing; Copgress and the Radicals.—.V. Y. Tribune. q - Nor To us Fottoorrix--very; tax-p - tlyer —no Matter whether he be' rich- -poor. whether he be Democrat . 9t.Retift%Can will remember that the pt6sentlCopgress, made infamous by its tiereancy to the rights" and interests of the white men, passed the "Negro Bureau by which. the tax-payers-of the country would hay.. been robbed out of at least h:f0) , c. 4 eidlzys annwilly to feed and clothe the idle and worthless negroea who have Imiete thrown upon the ,public by.the xesults,of the war. And let them- recollect, also, that the Abolition (invention of this State, which nominated John W. Geary for Governor, endorsed this same bill toy the very letter. . gfir Clark & Brother, Wholesale and tail Dealers in Confectionery,,Oystars, Cannel. Fruit, St .tionery, Yankee Notions,, Baker' Goods, Toys, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &0.. West Side of Peach Street. I Scpuire South% of the Union Depot, Erie,Pe.. A l4 °, Dealer t in all kinds - of Country lroduce. 'Particular attention paid to-filling country orders. ( _ -Norien.-- Mr. P. L. Kimberly,' of Sharon. Pa., has been, admitted as a partner in ths erin of floskinson lc Williams: . The businesti• of the firm wilt hereafter be condubted audio the name of Ifoskinson, Williams di Go. , mr22 , Bosittssn's & illps.T.Ams. Piano - Fon SALB,--A first clis a piano a 'offered for eale-'-almosi. new. .Pripe, P 00—• a rare bargain. Apply to W. P. woney. 1 4 4' R. corner of Peaqi and 12flo-ete. ituar.lso. W. TOfilkilllo74l.- crass a t rUi s. ; - Abe naderalgned hams opeal i a new Toikaeco Mario* = kink street,t.etween Stite ac French, -Opposite D Pilch offleel and will keep constantly on hand . ' choice rioppir of Segue, robs; e Snna' and every tilling' u•uallr (could to a &et clue Tobacco *tore. whinis_thry wilt a t-t st ihoDwale end retail. Plogand floecotchuttnt sq. 1w...c0 of lke beat manufacture. !Betaking titans*, pipe. ahut! goods in great valets. P" /Y BOAti AM% rin El .vamtl7l4o =I Gil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers