- dmtAtt;'''"b - ARPCIST ro. d , ~ ' . ..Tait opene • - • ' • . A NEW ' ' ASSOR,TIt.tNT OF CARPETS! : _.. Fnalteh.ltrassebr, Elegant atterns, Near styles' 3 say Ingrain : Good all Wool Ingrain, it $1,30 . 1 , ed t Tine rrtlfrEete end Felt Cl this. acne Carpets of the BeantUal Oarsman . Pattern, Coos Slatting, Floor tat Cloths, all nil styles an& widths; ,Staln Oil Cloth, beery; OG,Clotb. by the Sheet, large - - . euouglLt noser a large yooln.Oithelit Sleeted. Velvet Reaaand Mats Cocoa aid Stanitte Door "Site. Stale Carpets and Eods. ,411,etyleitillt . . . . , . and. Plaid. Wiadow Shades. BRE and Greve E /Leh . • , • .' - ' ' ' l Holland.' Rhode's' ail wldthg ug „ —.- • . ~ :: --,I 1 l. •it a ilrefal am ..,• : ), . •, PATENT ' SPRING -BALANCE •CCETAIN- - FIXTURE, - I • . • .„ , , • . : the neatest Weil out' C": 4 40 Mifi'W Elegant Gilt aad.,Broossd Window Cornices Curtain !Tooke. Picture _ Sails, ThOSldis, , Corda.4 l , 44c,_ gyerrtningto Ili, nee; can ho found here. 4 - Spleo3l4. A soltirimen! ' , i.-: , 4 , • ' E m b . it '1 ' Noitiliettlill Late by toe yard: glex int, 'soigne fir 85 eeit .... --t4pPe than Emb. us in. Emb.l.lmdlit also; Lice fidg. Hindeaine Looe far Veatibuli Winilawiy.iith, , rckta and Fixturea.. __The! . 4.propt aiumftment of , . Wog and Wiiilow Paper in the town. -- • -..„ LINENS „ L ILI,ItENS, S• . ~ (Thelargeet atsortinen o Linen Goods in tbill Market at:prices that dehicomjpetition. Elegant Bleached Table Linens. Ili' ,rardsveride, at $1.15 per yard. We can show "thesegooda.in ail grad: e, from the soused 10 the hand Double Daiwa. Napkins, all etylet and prices: We him 4. job lot of these goods at $3 per, dozen, all Lion, Tphleh ve,schasider ,the phi is/train the marketa . ,- ~ . • linelabank and piautsk Linen. p endni Fluntabnek Tnwele at V°so . doi, all Llben. Elewant finekabaels Tow . -eling, bleached, by the yard. X 's wide, at the Teri low pries of &Scents. Irish Linen , Sheeting. Linfhas, • Shirting Linens, Pillow Linens:Ete.. Ete. Cleata'.• Ladles' nod Children's Linen liatulker• , • 'chide. A good, 11 lisen;Lailiee.l3and'airchipf at 12A ► dea. . I I - I(LOV.E.'A'ND 110SIERY! • (leant, Ladies, ?Clio, Bole and Children** Cott's' and 'Wool Bose. air Prices. The beet atock in imam. A good ; , - • Cotton How at 46 eta. per pate. Finter,Glolres (or Everybody. • ItANKEt , Bleached Sheat h:A; Shirting.% Pillow- Boehm, kiss - , A10 . ,,,a. 'spied. steak of Goods at low prices. *it keep n ta o Drees Goods, therrebi imibliog us to keep a larger of ht . :listing mode. I.3llltennes &lithe !WIWI* are ken. . - . , , . ~' W. .G. GAItIYNEII, • , ' r I . ... •,- i - ' ' - • ' - ' No T Reed Eforuse Biotic, Rife,-. , - . , . - , Pa lir The above la under ithe aupervielon of -Ifr,'4,I.GRISITOLN erho tawelE known in this/filthy.. 'nb9l3s. - . . BROD& P.URGEBII, ILYC►IO►CBZBB cy E y I •• And dealers in all kinds of PLAIN_ AND FANCY CANDYI • • AT /,WHOLESALE 'NOES LEMONS NUTS , &C., &c., 1 • i OR .41 • A? . - - W IIIiLESALE `AND lIETAI - YANKEE` -NOTIONS; WHOLESALE .T9YB. pF . ALL KINDS, MHOL•ESALg. FINE 'CIGARS_ AND • TQBACCO P IVIS 8 H 01? 8 T 8 1 4. Agents for the ' - %- EXCELSIOR, FIRE WORKS! . . 1 •LL 4100 DO IN OUR LIN'S 'Ai l I BEN ER tic BURGESS, MOSS AND EL3CCANDT! •Ths Cheapest awl Mast:,llaasaat totrGirligiti4x, I - ,THE'C 01J -1; z*lt Y it will do all that is claimed for LID xrrta rAnal,r? / 1 1 C.LEATt. TUE VOICE, RILTII92 . I " i:tHRO . AT AFFECTIONS, , , ALLAY COUGHS MRITATIOitSI ' • . ftiairs •• • . MILD & piagtswr. EXPECTORANT ! EIMEJ • • iH 14 E 41 , ..:4..'8.1T:1144 . „ 7.) • Ir.ii!;11: LILIVM;i - 1,4 • *birdie'"-' - IMO= • uarsaufaiiswilimiti iros Jut • C - A . P. G 0 CVO S t • S t f ieriiii4 ll 4N D B E TAU.;!' GROCy,IcIE AND. . tROVISIOIt-ASTOttz, '" . " — ttlle:: LIQUORS. " " WEE _ %!%,F.A.II.BO3J,AMSCii:ER,' Ms now receiving at. their old stand,, i l uriesz 'mod State strict, a Zareelissfibi ifilmiWitock at ilereearidat; Prinisloaar 111.-Liquare r W a illttirj Wooden -sa d Storrs-Ware, • " " Mits. Nutt: &nt fite s • - Ishii `overyttltialisial a Uinta .of . Okla kia4. *WU_ suites, asitirrlther estate ataKktry prodaee. They bays alio ba Landbrtel.Of 'the largest and finest Mocha of Tobias, end' Sayre Bret toleingbt to ltrie, to whiahlkay_forltelbe attanttotiOtthe • s i .nr'catrand esti es-4 sixteens le baker:4as be4shillbetentkytlieltboyere twill led I als w is by CRIMP atthv' - 4120CERY. HEADQUARTERS. --MORICAN'S.T.QM 'STATE -STREET,-- Jabot iB6O-62 • ..1. Alt mr:scomunitizzat.- - ' F A ME. art";:IILOICIFORA.S. LIDDELL, BEtifittr FOUND IES;8 &MA C .Htl NI fi S, OM tlll D•ANYILERI4. !WE =WA AND TA NU:- ' WAXI G RONS ;' OE MILT OBARINGB AND'•MAGHINEEY ♦A oat IN* h madetroat thereat audogials,stalro • ; , ; RLIIITID to be of the BEST ET/1 4 .E ANn IVwatAN.3qlr.., gt" ' lBl lo ll 7#4 o f per- Msebbility:itie Xestabattulaglaisigues.eto sandy Illik•hurriened 1 : 9 mtpd for "tr "IkY L ihrthsir ;41110.'SELDEN.: r JOEIN MM. • isur.. , °ling lair Lad gentimen the 1414 d niatent ran bar ACCterblfl; waxen& tit their skrautki; relorn churl be:ndtireetingAte 1 9 0 epiiter.,:Atoit b(4oDir 'son az belvichlusitistrecrrilibbNy b 7 no% noticiatxto s Ord...A4l.).t?viAtivt,takddirooftheir.ow4tant sery- Mt. • , TRIM. elttflitic . 42 V 11 . 1 * .17;- ..111'#FP14?q,21. NOirOff . :171 ABf LACE CURTAINS T• OWELI, S „:, MIME lElli IBM 431 . STATE STREET 111 11312 - ME IME liE EMI , 17 ,. !;TCOT.IESAyE 0 ,11411/I,INIUdi?6• cOItHERCTAI C OLiIi,EGEI 11, Akv T,6 l I EGRAPHIQ INVPITtiTO. ERIE, P& ! LI,TERA-RY MEE :To meet an argent demand, a literary Departmel, fa chialnetitutiew, will tro,opened ON: .MONDAY, APRIL, • SECOND, .1866, AT 9 o'oLocir,A. It, For the ser,ommodttion of Ladies and Gentbison. Who . desire to pursue such studies, v other with or without the other hroachts. This Department will be - under thet persciesl supervision of GEPROS W. GIINNL3O2I. fiO4.. 1 Who is well known in this community DJ & Classical Teacher. r E- Pleasant Rooms lave been fitted ny in the College Building,. - 3roanfrwser coaxal? PAWL ITO MILOS 8111. .RATI#3:4OO 7 TII7ITIOS-TERIS OF ISM WE6B3 . . Cob:my= Ell eliish 13ranches 11412eir.nglish Branches 8 00 Cheek, Latin, German mid 'YeNstilt ' ' 10.00 loKtatory Course of Book-Keeping, extri.:....... 5 00 .. ~ 6 amlG•tt 1 4 1 if. 'I E EL A L A'V •. GREAT BROAD GUAGE, DOI:3RLO' TRACK 115311T$ • NEW YORK; BOSTON ,AND: tEft NEW. ENGLAND CITIES. . • . exterele fro Dekktrk to New Tort 460 . buffalo to New- York,- 423 mita. Ear • lumina to New Ynrk 415 gaits. AND IR MX 22-TO 27 MILES TB StiO.EITST 'ROUTS.. - , B Train, run directly . tUrrioghtx New York, 460 without Change aches. - s ' FrOm &winner Nov. 20,-PB5, Trains • I leave in co* aection with all VI eate , n - lines as follow : From 4.IRK and SALAMANCA—by k time from Unto a Depots : 4.31 a. st. Nada York Rey Erpreas t from Salaniancs, daily (except, Sundays):. lateral:die at flornellwrille with the 5.00 A. w Day Rxpreas (trim Buffalo, and arrives in New York at 10.20 P. X - 700 Ad IL Express lifati, from Dunkirk, daily ((misfit Stu:days): .Stoter at Salsa:Mom 925 J. and oat- , „s baits at florraillsville and Corning 'with the 8.35 A. X. Express' Mail froast .12nBalo.' and eirrireg in New York at 700 A. 31: 020 P. X. New York Night Erprem from Dunkirk, daily (except Sundays). - Stoplast Salamanca 700 n. and arrives in New York 1412 60 r. w.,congeals:, with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England Cities. ' • ' ' SAO P. E. Accoarxerahattas Troia, from Dunkirk, daily (eimpt Sunday 4. • Stops at Satan:Lana 912 P. ii.. and interseeta at iloroallsvide with 10.45 P. w., CID' clnuati Txpreme flora Buffalo, and arrives in New York at 415 r. x. • From Buffalo—by New Year time, from Dept Corner . Excbange wad Mi. Eton Streets: 5.00 A. X. New York Day Eereu ) (Sundays ileepred); 'Are:realm ?dew lark sit 1020 P. w. Counsel, at Great Bend with Dela care, Lackawanna A Western • Rkiiroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash', eon and pants South. • • d 8.25 A. St: 01111 , 441 Mail, via: Avon aka. Riainallsellta. dWp (eacept Sunday). Antal* in ;New York 5t7.00 A. w, CORXeCt6,4 111X1111, with Williamsport it Ballioad 'forEfarrisburin, Pblladolihlse more; Waehingion and points South. +.05 P sr. New York Night Egress, daily. Airsrett.itt New Yolk *IMO 1 1 .14. - „ . 10.45 Kir: Cierkeesti Exprest, daily (exceyt Sundays).. arrives in New 'York at 4'15 v.- x. Connects atlas - mini with Williamepqrtkt Railloadt at Great Bend with Delaware. La ckawanna, Western Rail road, and et Now TM* with afternoon - trains and steamers. for Boston and New England Wks. 1, 01:15 Otte Train Rent on Statday• luring Ennio at 6.05 P. X., arid reaching NeW.Yorkat 11.50 A. w, la. ad. ranee of all other Vos64. - • • Boston sad 'New England panel:rinal with their bap gage, are pawl= free ir atirge, In New York. The teast.Ven d and moat Loustious Sleeping Cars IN Tlle _WORLD iteeempanr all - 'night trains on this railway: Baggage checked through and fare always as low as by d - UV other rate. nr - ASK FOR TICKETS VIA. BRIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at a 1 prinelpal•Aisket amps in the' West and South-west: : H. RIDDLE, • R zia•titt; • Beal rilete ' Gen • lP•sa. feblatile 1- • f . IIIitg,GREAT.ENGLISH 1. 811 c JAMEg 'CLARKEI• C E :14 ill A :I' O E D PROTECTED 1. E TEAS BY ROYALA • -. N PATENT 1 tltt- Prepared from a Prescript= of, tsie. J. Mike, L D, Physician Entrapritnary to - the Queen. Ate 'invaluable mediebb is unfailliag in the'Utire of at biome piddle and daniterone diseases to which thafentale constitution Is subject. Lt moderate all Gleam and ri movreall nbetrtictions, and a speedy • clue may be raked on • • • - TO 'IItARRieD %ADCS' . ... it is peculiar - 1y spited . Lcia,lri_s short Uses, brini oit the monthly petiod with regaltrity. - fiSech bottfe, psioi One,Dollar. bests fife Airrenumpat Stamp 9f great Britanh r to praveirt,coontert4ti... ,-. , . - Atin4li,4 These Pills sketid bee be takea by Ffludis iftnikg fits FMST MEM .UOIII7II. Sr of PrerisstybatW,af. sere td Irk-gas Arm -amigo, bat at tsVetArenbasjithey are We. • .1 = 15.'• j fIU 10,41 one* of bf,erynne andliglyat AtfeFtlonf... Nue in, the Back and Limbs, Telltale 012 FliSlitiZerthillOOPitt tiort of the Heart; Hysterics And Whites, those Mht will effeita cure when all other loans have Ailed:, rind fa . thobgh a,powerfni remedy, dtr not centa.Wirarifealoreel, antimony. ..or anything hut-1111110 the consiltab;62 Fntl diteetlone the pittepbtat aienod Weer wear,' which ahnaldhe inithilly preserved. , , • , ." • IOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.; -- ';/ finie Agent for the UnitedEtatest and Canada,- JOB 11P6iSS, 27,Gortlandt SL, New!Yoti., 14. E.-41,00 and 6 postage atizone enclosed tit_ap,l in; Mottled agent, wilt insnren bottle, containing 50 11.1)2r6541. • MUM ipir.Aew ro GET irourrOfOINTEY MACK . ' Ezra E. COUGHLIN'S •- " BOOT A,D 811 - 0 E .0:T 0, O.E - - Siaiesuvist. itesilf Opposite the sPost,oo4l. ' 11.47ottirtdio. Boot aitd Shoe Dealer, - respe&dly infants thsi . Path* that hit ; harentoyed his stand to Store Rcoyn • on State. street, nearly opposite the Post 01Sce,'where he !Mites all his old high& bad Customers' to she fan a call. Particabi ittesathwalitlin to; • &8P A ill IN Q t' ;....,..,,: Satin easeful workmen, and 'aspirin.' teading 014 !bid faxidaaralimalf,„bebetievea he fakers ui toed asidadta• than and Den ataalow viols ad lu3y other pima itr the city. 9,74 Pita Narrated. -v' • •• - i a:. 7 ;of 7:!;,1%,-;, • Mears In a 111.161 4 13 Or GROCERIES. 'Run's. vsQI7ABLVS Pythßtneto between Statehinil Preoa.l:rfors. Having mamma otis stook„ before 2 - the lota rise fa prices, vs favl coothieot of befog • . Able_ otb gito , I ; i iaellort; both to price and gnaiity:' " .• • • - Cant:dry Procinte et every ii,cirtbonebtandeold. Farmers can always depend on receiving the highest mar ket prii;elor t , , -'• - •DEALAts-reTitg AploNtsia"rovlt49" . ' - on the Linefattialioidi''''' WITH TRUTT, VIVIKTABLES, REMEMBER MAYO JACRSoNS MAREEY DEPOT., aut74 . 111 , 111 . iff& • NoTicig., •'" 1 IF. REYgTONE;,:NATIONat:Ii, ME I- • - Jowl maau MARVIN - r . BEMB TOWN, . 'IV OBA.NOE NOBLE, President. "JOHN I. TOWN; Milkier. The aboye Ira,* will be opened for the transaction hf badness on DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOOI, West side of State St, between Seventh se n d With, Satisfactory paper discounted. !tom received on Deposit.. Gl;llPetb3 l ta 1E 3 4 0 iziO:troceeds,Aceoluktvg.?!- procaptutske t , • • . Di'stta. SPoglit sad. o azas !totes . 4 . 4tre •PubDc!r,ratroniS• ilizettnekink#olll.4 : 1 • • !c"...•: P•,‘ Irit? NIORILISON & SONS Beg leave fixforiiihepltla;na at rrfe Mat they baiqi riamiied there ilitirk 6t To the 'I{IFESItBLOCK,Ii the trillcUni hismerly DRESS GpODS. Retnrakaa thanks to ass- =atom= for abet tberal pattlinsge, we I,sipeOtall7, fsk & izntisi the same A UTlLlinliilte CAPITAL $500,1290: • . CAPITAL PAID IN, B-N 1 3,000. . - • THE SE'COND'ITATIOTVAL BARK Wjß open baitnese o 1 1 1 MONDAT, DECEMBER : I2TH, 1881. • In the Banking atlas now occupied by the tierehant'i Doak, Cu Crones Cote! •Bnllding; north.east:ealder of MAW street sad radio Put. • • %I'M. L. SCOTty,sgannurr. , WM. C. CURT. Cs wipi Wk. L. SCOTT, of Arm of J. Hearn & Co.. Coal %Were JOS. McCAIITER, of Arm of Seidel; Bliss & McCarter S a lders. G.R0.1. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. S. BROWN, Agent Buffalo h Erie Railroad. JOHN C. BURGESS, of firm of C'emena, Cantles & Burgess, Wholesale Grocersl O.It:CROUCH, of Arm of Crouch & Br* Floor .Nees. IL B. BARS, of firm of Barr. Johnson & Stove Manufacturer*. . ' F. F. FARRAR; Qtyy!& Perra4sirstruceesereintelir if. DUNGAHRR, Grocer. Rile, DM 7, fedil.t THOlik3 coos, Principal. ANUEIMAIL " • , TV • ' GSLOcreitY STOUR. P. 'A 0:t . 4. WITQL'ESALNIAND RETAIL GROCER, World - 4es! OWitie of tleiiio7t,w-itteied.Sereh* Would :rliepletfolly tall the . attoutiotcedthe ioasisuulty • to tdalarge Stock orts, - GROCERAS. AND,'PNOVISIONN, w Yaata is dealroui to mast the VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I . . SUGARS,- COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, - -TOBAPCiek; Io no w t y, who is wowed to prove to an 2 &C• 2 "alu U. also loiops constantly on hand a - ittprilor tot ot PURE'OI7 011S; - 1 •-• for theitholosale trade, to which he dlrieti tie ,• •• - of the publics. • Ms motto is,. "Kiniek Sales. Borsit ?spits , s. .F.quivalent for the lionejr." sorLVlSatt. • • STATE _SIONSIAL • The Spring Sum . will open WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1868, • " Students wishing to eonunenee AT IN OR GREEIK, Should begin with the SPrisigTir;S: I;4k:tint:lra as wl al to all thn Gemmed Brunches, • -. BOOKKEEPING, WSW . AND: TEACHING. tit The rao4t . popnlaz ' Beige I be iictitii•Western Psinnylvapfs. For &Weft addess the Priberpbt • J. A. COMISI, 11 13:5 t•FT. • _ AIiVaPrAcriV22F,FI, ORILISON & DINSMORE ~ ~ •• • • irno - taseiit iiisisiii tii • riptut,"4* . ilr - Eii.,'BAl.4' ; ',llßkilt ; CLOVES, ISEKDAai NOS. 601= AND" 603, FRENCH STREET, Betwaen sth and Bth Streets. Site, ?a. . 4076str BROWN'S HOTEL. CORNER OF STATE . ST., AND no/ PARK,. Ell.- ;•' - * ,This Win j roOtett . Iroude 'Era , poureed,into' the control of Atte. tratteteihittet, who are determined to spare no short, that , teed - to mate it a pheasant stopping plies for themtrairelinllit lie. 4 amber of tihportsnSimprirementa hare been mmie.aad,others to be completed at miserly pert will 'render it Ste of , the Anat. haat-10nm Especial tare - is taken to.turniab the table . tire articlar.serserl up is the mostril=i t rm l istyls, and by antalitirlodating waiters. We toot of the hotel with the resolition to mate it en ehd wants of this sedition require o ash Lid itooodeiatotetieetiox the -ciprkibti ' nAf LOOP'. the pat four years, has removed into the i NATIONAL HOTEL; CORNER DP PEACH AND 11D/PALO STREETS. • Where he will try to accommodate twice ail many mete, mules welt, as he did in the old stand. He hopes the% the ;patronage which was so liberally extended to him Mere, will be er ended to him in trishaw dine:tem Ris slablintarseilicienb atrancoartniidatirallithei . mat tams him • with their RatrenziPi*i • tPtl*:, 11 "irfigntirrE-R:.O 1 1 1 , el it'Acale vs 0... 1 ...1 t,...4.:1,. .. .'5t0....i 1. _ . ,.,„^_i_..., ;._.i . ".._. 1, ..-, ~..., ~.....,_ . lit„.._ . _ ts r X I S Li g 'WS ' WEIV./Ng.,A4s4 . ag.ll - , r.:i !....- t.,_ . 0 .11,1) 3: ~ ril • .1-• n., : 'MU Bead& Varmint« of ouvia otb49tock; ~. STA.MrIIIO4 p.tu9sBW . VBEAT,S, &a., sic., t, 1, „ ~,.., , ~.. ~ e ._, L ~;,.,:, # di _,I I. , 1 PABA,GOIN BUIL ?M t WM PAY BOW; 4211!1!4fi .e.- r- ''' .'' _ i MU!. PA• ARTFORD FIRE IrititDRAINII4H CO.. HARTFORD, CONNECTICHT., I.I46(IRPOIIATED 1810. CAPIT.a. simmoo. P. C_ Aizatliants44) re, priqr tit I: 4 o9lnLidiCit to piPirlio;'• .ocNWrlgol';- 1f i c.9 61 347 , 1 1 0 Off. 64 0irrAP *4* Pr"-, . bun:mum % ~brmea~o asitl',44l6Thii*. l - fites m aw, taam!ills," AND ntoinsioxs, Otte no a Call Flyrn 5r2331. I CAP/M, :$l5O 000 _ , A I= DR:Y' , GOODS; OWL by mILLY BS as }LULU wheys thy hitorbd keepi n g • lineauoitaea. OLOVES, lIOLSEItY,r4t,!. aria, Jazi."l, DMECTORS Eli szeortgbelkt ,of Mil z ::s 41,V 0 0 41 :11 R G 'N U 13, "14' sending yettkr. 0 ~ d , Mil' /4 wapusui PI AN) F0RTH:,411..11):,; t Let him retts": , , la.trlbutle ill 02, late steytteg sp a zro.. 'ter and umbel; iglicd with likeocce, Ilenry ,Tafilter.: . .h . • ' .. . e Linneriek Is bnutiful." Words by Borelcault,tomie, Dati Bruent,... .... .. 30 , T,obtatar of my home. - The last songful cholas by • M„Mtry -Tucker,-...a..... .................... , house under the hfil,Thy 13:U: Thep; „:, gn Leave iiite obit*, dart thselann by` Ilittuigqii, that, by J. H. MoN augbto n . ' 85 Booulight, with thee, by R. lfe„ er ' 7 ".110-1 'Sy PoltT Aun,comin, Of Mesh. Pardo..., .... lly . . Mother'ebteesfig.br.T. .. .. mires Vaasa by 04 , ,Fluladit litr o ga boy, byfilieyhto Q. feater.,..a.,.. &s i ' Music outhe travel.' Duett; 0. by".1.'. EL 601 Netter dream toy4orainitralmage, Tal toe, iittba-tralttioll du. b 7.0 . 14 There's none goat? , gotal, night . t o 'me; by u, .2rsightbe -•-• ' - --- • —lO , Trust me ell to in, iteirlos stoat. Words, by Tanapugh , - W. 11. - ,Deulfuler.-;-..,4-...--tc4.-. 4 .-:-1.•-ae....1 50 Be thou fore l s+r, mine, by Beautiful drai.Mer, (thrriltar; by.Witther, my' Beautiful talialif the sea;by 81116-6ja`lP- halms.; ...so Madererone JaMis, combo, by ,(1-rorge ELI" - 80 I cannot call bit Maher, by -Chamberlain,. " y.. 649 lives bat lei thte„ by .1 Kissing onthe sireby J. A. Bits tus„filli , r.eral die, by Wolicer„,„. BO Bury toe in the` siuludade, 11:51 lhad, .. :...30 Angel child by 6 Beautiful cloud, ter p pp. 3 3 Striking 'We. pan gby au - y aot:ii - . D. Emmet,. „,„,,,„,..80 INBTRIIMiNtit:—BEW 7 , 1111 =I . . , I:Ardite. - • ' FO Bella of firoolayn,by George William Warren,— 1 01 Value; by Eeg. Kattener,.... Faust:lllh. Flowtog streetalat, by Ckg. We , 75 Pansy by George William Warren, ' - • flar.est home, by Jeep Manna Heart's ScheOly - ao idw, by Jew Mebbe 60 Rua, by le A.; , , ••• , .;11.• fID !fez, arranged by .. 4 ... —4,60 MADDOX'S AND QOLCDSTZIM. •. „ Lincoln Amaral , • . ifabeedt !earth from,Don Sebastian,l2TCA;K:d . el7„..*./50 gA Marcti.Dnoise, by . H. Wellentlatirt, • • `....80 Mardaytiltaphalsylkt Or. Perabesa,. • OS March Noble:incise, by D.'Mayber, ' ' • If/AUTON& - Beautiful dretmor t by A. Bauctseb ...... all me tot ,beek from the ech.lea • strum, ' Dear motberNe eermilkome to ille,'bytk Larilgemiabaility A. - '• - f. 19 - , Bend for ifitistrat.ed peek list oriustrimedtiaradData-.' logo. of New Mode.` 'Add ear ordure to - - . • • . ,WILLA.B.D. -W•broletalo Flan Forte aria Marl, Dewar. n023'63t1.. . Kti.447 Broadway, Rev York. $100.'43-4‘‘3." 444-NO FOITT, to Po ON MELODEON OR ORGAN -11 =l3 Tir,r - -0 # Instead oisi.rfairi4wairi;.°i6sew MEI PIANO YORTKet axe10.0270:014 . IYlltGtllLlnbemt dijtc4itigeolobist4 Stalantsetuor. kilo to . Rev Tort; Wa).4boe 0;4 0 4 1116 re. /MI -' WEL 43: BadbcuN NeTrYork, ' -Ir. trritia4aoA+Colc Niro • . Boardman & Gray, Albany N. Y.. ii4o l E* 44' DISCOUNT BELOW MAN UFAOTBiEkt . F ' soi:itc4 4,7X1'441,400. ' • 411 41.4 . ,743ici or ifetOde ocreno4orttatf,to : oall and exorable our fastrumoots Ore P4:44 ll pielareAere!...- • . . Every InstrymontiTenSanted for fire • . NO. 420 State Street, neatly epeolite the Post Mee; Erie, Pa. , . _ ..---,, . ' l, KO i - i noattestf. ' Z. SMITH. ....- ; WRoLliaLl inuLia SEGARS, TOBACCO,; SNIJ F.F, ' siCA, " 17 s YIFEII BELOW STATE STREET; • Opposite tirptspetol?,l",ttn4okOles, ,tr IMO & t, • 11rEft r .STABL E. , . The nodnrsigned haying ehaling tbh prrell-knhera 11,17et,•. - rttriadi .heretoynre pled by Wm. J. ritarrett,'"deames to infeiroalattlienda and the public that he will eontion, the. badness, mad ' 'writhe their patronage. I- ' .:`. inn `STUCK_ , ; , ' _ 1y inerrea4 an4„impror MI rp4—inew .convey. Anse"' have been procunsf, and `Wee of the beat Livery , gorses:to lhoonintry. lem dental:os to la, conduct the est/211140'3MA' as to give " satisfaction .., those 'he grant to obtain the services of te: good leatiewill end me reads at all times to accommodate them, at reasonable prices. &collect the place, STEBREIT'd OLD 41348 1 1 A, Filth street, tear of the Reed House. - • Erie, Jane 8, , Z1108.1ANNON• .: • Sarosir.....Crook i , ' rlog_iikett In his Am, James .P.i.. •• • partner. on th e 1 t day of. priL i 'l .18rItosnd_ul sot the d im tiaras of JAMEA R.,g GYM 4 .9.0:1 &MAIM) haul • ‘s--- bf t 'deviant of bit old grit*:' AU persons knowing them. tretres indebtotr to riVer Pequettad la; •las 4 tad ai!Alo .. 1 4AlLEsx.x.ttoqz 4.5.0 N,. - ~, R (34! 11 . G4l :, 4.: 1 k1ia..R tr,A' 2;1041 RI:, - i 01; • aIIUitAILVIIPAITZWOIIII:OP,J ...: 1 A. A - WiEkyli Saab., Fromm Doors and r lDlnds, _Mouldings arrt - P4st ritio f 9•••ort Sarribir,:iitehlorroid , ! " '_, ." •,rligiurri donikto order.'" 511birl'oaelinerttreoiLitth 'and 6th Sta.. l ,`WPat WerrlOplettaUy 41 the attiottoo at tire Prablio to oru forciti. thwi.:Nt 401 *4U-the -1 , 41 ) , _ ~Ili Atit,fes .. er4tDP4l3.. &nava anaimpkgrstatial itatriojrataao,okeottorli tow 0 , 4% , -30i AI; p.: ti0r , .1.04 4v.m. .!ip filet 590. 41 0' O't Wring entire itatisiattion. . . ~. , ~...„.. ~ - , . E r order. am abroad wfn ieeiiie f peottil aurrottOi sorWritie..44 : --,i :i , z AMP. ,kre_ o/0 9 11 a 4 SO' ... . —.. . , ws R 116.11Y 4 % 4 . `l"..ilt n. At • N Wotrld jurettully ititorio tbe het 1); t 1-oePcitekos4the, gs- , ‘y rtpair ev...#l6l4scv:ati irm* W14 , 14 '4,#44- 1 ....**4A1t , i'llaitiktriassit'Ot FAlll4y ;. - ,' 441 , 1 49PE0RS 1t PROVISIONS, `• ME uiekepliaErl.. : r! - , t f ,;• : ~.kept; FLOUR Erne hifiest Martal. "rpm ptid for all lar . ds at. - 1 , , • , - Or'41;0 - 6 rq;, , die/visa-al • - .411 :4%1 , • 4 • CENE -rTiv.l3l- ca ix LODEONI 2•4len! „., A,Rfr, No. &47 Brradwa U§IC I D,PA,LER '~ ~ 1 :. Br parchk.tins of Geo. A. riiieirfte do ; Bdßlite,3a IT, *an* V.- 4 7 111 van, K. Tr , IMO Jewett $; Goodsmatt„Ctleselansl4 Or . m - —' -- i11114,D0.144,14i-W0.12 , Til , , • •••• t t - MIL I TAVIBMin t ' s ~ i ~,,: t ; ' : c ,LovolowFasab - caPots , , ~, a s PliA, i•D0: 1 ; ta, lA. 4 ' 4A: 6 ` H , •• ~ , • ',..--.;: ~,,.: Iyitbo,o ipgard 0 'Aloe. Fot to he pttltt for ontil ' ~,,o, _ . ~1 " ypu talPst what you . are LP roretv.• , „ - • , - F- EITRIEKB 0 .. I' 14.1 CD ID . LIST - OF ARTIOLFS, LUID T B , . 1 -4 i • AUTO PE BOLD role ears teLLAI !ACM . • 0., " soo ROolitat Ain ills • to 1.154 oselt 110" w *ith Will and 1:01 to £OO each • 50-Silett Teapot/ and cotfe to oath , r noo fliatteg Plebes nto to 100 each 1000 4 . 5 lit l".tebets .. . . ........20 to '5O mash 1Z) • ; ' Syiop'Cro with :lei e '.20 to tio each " OtitiTsks aLid Prinking Cape .f to 60 oath ,30k • radon.. ..., td 60 each `lO 0 1- Ytriait, re end eats terk...7o to_So each 1 1101XiTre4 alivirr Tema:poem, 55 ,' 111 204(5 1 001.0 . • , " sati:a 'peons Vfo , ks... 20 to 40 nth 2.0 Gents' Cril Hunt. Ctrie Watclion...so to 100 each 2f.0 Leah*? Old and waitmeled Onnt ' ' tug itsnwutchts 36 to 70 each 4•ooGenta' Mint. com SilreniValchee.3s to 70 each j 2130 Pisaiocid Mugs_ ' 50 to 100 each WO Golly Teat MO Nack;Chalcia....,.. 410 •ao nth 11000triold Oltsi baud bramilettr • 4 to 8 etch 50 4 0 /et Suit gold bracelets... ' C to TO 04 1 8000 - Bhatelsine and Guard Mans to 20 *itch ' 1000 Sptitalve and Gold Brooches. 416 , 10 each 1058 G_pal ' std emerald broochre 4 To 8 nth 5000 Roman, Jet, t I Ara. nd riorentine Isirdrop ' • 4' to ''B nth :7500 floral, Opal & Ntorralti Eardrops._ alto ca 4(100 C a li rorma Diamond Breastpins-7 50, to e a ch Golarreb•and rest'watlh ter'.:. 2 50' to • Bip 4010 Rob ilnid,vest ottatroo alto 10 6000 Sets tnT sire; aleereln•tons, hc.-. -*to -8 eel 50000014 Th11211) 1 4.11. Penclio, hC 41o' Club .10(00 340 a: um I,,ecksta ...2.50t0, 10 each •• ;MO , w • tingle epritig.....l TO to 20 cacti • 6000 laold Toothpicks, Crones, 2 to - S each 6500 Rain ,Go'd Maga 4 to 10 each 10050 inoeo,Set, arid Signet Ring5......_2.50 to 10 each ~50e0 Cussed Gold Ringo . ..... 4 to 11 each choifritnis Dlouond Riain • 2 to /0 each ;1500841a Ladles' Jewidey —Jet & o.to 15 tack GOO " f. Cameo, Pbeaatl, • indother stow. .. .. ...4 VS 15 each 11400 Gold fink - Silvan eate n - ' • ; •brs and - 4 to /0 neh 15000Otrad Pens k Gold Noun', Bolden. 8 to 10 inch ' 5000 'En. Holders 15 to 25 each 5000:LillesfOilt and Jet Sudan to 15 each r 5000 • ; w ; • " • 'Hair bars hail. 5 to 10 each •Cerel ' ocites of tho various articles coo first poi into - 2trinvelapttrf, sealed op, and tn' zed; a-a u hen ordered art taken out without reward to choice, and: mist by matt. 'lnns giviag all a,,fair chance. On receipt of tho eertifie cataoutt will' tree What you are to hare, Rat theti it is - at 'any . 1:11114ROT ' ef al, the Delaat ikr not. Pluchasere may thwilubbiln - it Wife% itfikmnnd Ring, or any Set o,J:fluidly on oar list for ONE DOLLAR. SEND . 25:CENTS FOR CERTIFICATE. " In 'an trannontt .as by mail, we shall charge for for. wardinr the Certfacestni, paying. tbe postrge.errd doing Int busintes,2s „Ceuta natrh,,sthich must he enclosed 5 %lortlycettie Cortanttola trent. - Fire rerrtlcates Rill bo nut for-810412 for 3100280 031 $5 00f /00101 815. • 601114T,5.-- 7 779 11511t,stiqeate in even regiment; and ;is , &try .sod - etrinusy in the country, and these entlaus each win be, allowed 'lO eentn,on everjr , enttitl ate ordered - "by "them, provided their remittance acooOnta Agents Wilitolten 26 cents for anery . Certificate, mod -remit 15 cents to us, either in Pollan; P. *tags stamps: ; • - BRYAN BR )S, lc CO ;- 5 ' Yeti 2 a ' 58 I.lberty St, Nowt York City. WANTED„.. 132 ?NM tOw nib' p;tioro ugh & Wart to eanysiss fir ' -"ZIA Ansi - QNE VOLUME .1 WARHISTORY.; , - xesitatoloyurecte..end not Politica. The only woo, every page of which has teen prepared sines the olrso of the war. ,The tioealaritv of this work has no natal • blitsisinere than 50,0)4 copies her been sold in 'the tag three months It contain as mash Wormy 11107 thr. one or ten volume works Olt, and yet is sod for only slso,bonnd either In mntosenor Our in dm:sweats:re denbledly the hear offered, is no glys the 'highest Commission, &rail; boxes tree,ang pay ezpres• asp on boob. Also, 1 .0 LIFT{ ;AND oF,Ara EN RIMEL 111120:48." • The most tbr il iegly exciting tittle book c.l the times. by one woo bee seen and szpeilenced the scenes width he Quadded. ' : • , Carmel/re for any Ristory the Ira , will end this ,an excellent atilt, lgoolx,as tt em'araes, ens h important incident* of the war almost errrjbody.whi talcs one, either with or without a history, or when), haying Ore. ylottalv subscribed. • Disabled soldiers, *released prisoners and others Kitt find; in the tale of this and ,oar History, employment euitaute to t:.eir emodition. tend for terms, or vitt at AMERICAS 1 1 CrBLI3IIING ACIENCY,I 74142 thr g 600 Chestnut Si., Phila4elptila. • • COAL, COAL, COAL. ' • ."-M •• WHITLEY it CC . 1 . : Are sell iv the best quality ot,: :: • BITUMINOUS COAL AT LOWEST RATES, , . De' (tared In any put of the city And will make greater redaction by Quantity: or Ca • Load •We bare now on himin , , • ,LARQK STOCK OF ANTHRACITE •COAL Oat :Coal only needs a trial to CrHITICICe toy rineof ae sup - arias qna It 7. OIVeA corner Peach and 12th Ftrada stric.fra. Hiarnkleit .at Murtha's Store will inset iv to prompt attontion. W. IL WHITLEY , , dearest& . • • R. J. sal.Tailfal...l • • TUE. Laintiif VATTLA P 0 WD LSD . , 15 WArmaa VIM TO BS tiito Itio•VTOlretintliTTLT tug the Stomach and Blood ce Cattle, Swine, or Sheep, in promoting ingestion, cleansing the tyatem and transferring the purified sedum' fluid to flesh, Cat. milkibitter and strength, and eitab. Ifehiag health and sips. • ' . BIIVOT'S ; • • 11 n r. POWDER le the Only Medicine Vs ,gaily patented in Prange, England, Switzerland, di ' Holland, and duly ad . • tatted b y their Courts. honored with Priselmedals, andlmented - by Mr. Dnroy, Professor of the Imperial Coliwei for Agriculture et Paris, And now manufst.tured by 0;0. Hiram., Dr. of 7., and A., Allentown, Pa. • • , All diseases of tireStortiach, Blood, Lags and Bow els, speedily and 'certainly cereal': Itealthy stock will be brought into toe highest state of perfectiacT, and one to two tablespoonfuls a week is of I gnat , value to hard working homes, breeding' stock, "Ca Cols, and' eared thoosspdael valuable horses , fooro coutstiout disease, Sella at the barnyard %sin the A rtuy-of the • THE LEIIIGLI:WORIki gOtiFSO 110128 , Etkettially overcome all the oblectsWilitil. neatly pm, yea - the expeilleg of Worms, aye rikmaant to take, and also.one of thsmost agrMable pargatlves for Chitdreo. onnfld , int bi the inventor, of th, success of hm labs 41 °T 1 4 stream. in the pothole* ca.mouposition of this preparation: that he furnishes every graduated I hysletati with s vitiates- preserlptiore; MI: s new ens in Mated.% ]Ladies _ „„ AND,ANT --.. • NA fE nit KA so it • -VoWdeir Bir the Ware externination of all Vermin will serer ithangerlith &mar eliflaata.and malt preterit. bre to the old emu/P . - 021 ms Paste, which hardens- is a 'chart tlenii:malkkig it 'worthless.' For directions and .pafticulals see the small bills In the Bases. Higher-three Premiums Awarded to these Prepay*. tip,* steel - • • . • Dr. Nick, and. Carter & Car Ter, Erie, Wholesale and Retail Agents for Erie county.; Sellers & Co. Pittsburg; JobixHenderson& Bra ,Pittsbarg, and Boa Aou*Pro., C'erelrhod, Wbolesibt Jobbers. ' . Jiarlif4y M tc , vutsors_lutiNu ruoDuilk. t ROE SALE. We oreinew Minutes ia Market Ltoe from Erie to Re aove, onthe Philadelphia /It Erie railroad , snd riehmg e ticure all kindi of VEGETABLVI AND COUNTRY PRODUCE EMI To eat,: iton, !love eetabliettlain Depot on , ,STR T :4nti Olt Reed Bonne, BVTWEEtt. STATE: . AND Fitzson STREET% W here we will be at All tigite ready to reoel►a awl pair. • .1 nib? • • tor The same, AirhaTiog Produce lot sale are request ed to : give es% Mat. Inquire for' Market Depot, Filth St.' amg10,1864-tt.. - MAY As JACKSON. itptatiltbs: a#oczunts: Nap LESALE AND.RETAI !. B.• - SOH A A F • Would respectful l y !ohm The publlo that he tiii our.i. k More ' • NO. *MGM' BLOCK, - ERTE, PA., Whsle he wiltalWays keep on held a lassie witmly •" GROCERIES! ' GROCtERT - *AND 4 •Wi3ODEN WAHL. • - *INES, 'LIQUORS; CIGARS; • And everythlng usually fo'r sale lasts establistiosti , t:r* Terwe - ea swimmable ak any Other tmel a etx " : . • le q GP - AV .' - JlLLsuir-,. . ..,. ~ .. _.,;„..., „ 4 .LICiEbT3fiD AFC:MN/MR ~,,;-•-_ i . 1111),CFaigitAl.,..BUS,INE:Si ,A.,6ESTI: Obiatisiflonses and Stores foe those wanting. and rens Mores, dkrobila Sind Tnitellnim -with' or a Mina thes Airnihc, kr..qoasillOving up. housekeeping. sill kla of ' - t- - , • ~. I :Sr OIC IN TRUE, MiRCHANDISS, 1101:13F1191.4), ' , ', • "FOAT•triI4E, CARPED; ; S TOVES , 1 P.14:7111RK;. )111,140R5. MUSIC. IN AtiD Otc1)00I/ Y FFECTS. :AO., Le, • Thbsev Wag to salt by Fiesta ooistrset, and sdranest teensy} p a any_ nodal .property intended for unres-reed sal* atietlon.'Those braying or Wang earr betirto thoiradvantage byapolitag . tom'; at the . , BMWS' .111101111.111 g STORE, ynolalittt=i • zoo, es. ciOristi' • . • ; * ' culls ready to be osilrd down. adapted to Ilcusna, iecturies and Buildings of all binds constructed n: mateilabt that hard stood ihri test. of 'fifteen yeah, anti 'inennfecttired on en entire'!' &Mira and better Vol, than skrother oaittott rogdngin use. Stoma by Patina. _lrer7 &Sett l ovenri c o . , Cirenbut W(. Poppies 'sent trio byttift.. I i ItRADY 8 0071313 alt.; • No. 9 Maiden Lane, New Yob. NIMIE Of all glades. ENII I:cu•Ralentlen at facontinenco d Urine.lrritation; Le.' allmmailan, or Ulceration of the Bladder, or Sidney; ha.earch of the Prcetalo.Gland, Roue In the Bladder Gat=Wry Gravel or Erick Dust DeMiti 4E4 all Dlsosape at tbo ,Biade9..,l44neys, 4nd pi:ozoga4Sireplapi. , REUIBOLD'S FLUID ,ABTBAC2.23AiCZU., ME FOR Nallommate, ',MOOING TOO* 1F015921 Oft OfDISCIi11011; The Constitution once affected by 6rganle Wen requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and limier . ate the system, whlcb fielrebeld's Fitted }echo Uwe; rtibly dom„ If no tro t tment be submited to,Clormatep , . • Ike et Insanity may cane. ; . ; • I • lIMIBOLD'a • MT.Ii i 3E.O L. :I Biel .:I.Uj In Motions peculiar to [males, la onolpudifil by an/ other preparation, an in Chiorasda or Retention, Irrega. hillier, pintail:en suppeentionoteusioasszysenboan. Wm; Ulearation.or tzeirsbous state of It& trims ? Leneorinco, and all foinPlabsta Incident to the sox, whether arising from babite at dissipation, isopiodon• eses, or in tie DeefinO as :I:tuusgo of Life. HEL . MBOLDi . FLUID EXTRACT-6VMM , =. , - . AND r . IMPROVED ROSE WASH, .- will r;ylteally extermbute c etbe ga , m Mime. at the lialk narywas arlOng . _ bablta'at disiiipatlon,si littie:expenies lithe or no In diet, and c. 6 mai' we, completely superseding thosikuplessisat iad daft germs resimalles, Copaibi . kid Mercury, in coiling the 4 I:gamma , and dangerous &sews. . I .. 1 . 'USE , HRT MBOLDS PLIIIR I:I2OrRACT EMCEED In all cases of the Urinary Organs, whether (Wilting tu male or female, from 'whatever calm orlon:ding, and I o matter of how Lang standing. It is pleasant, Mamba and odor, Immediate la Its acuol:44lnd more strengthen. log than any, of the preparations - at Dot or Iron. Those mitering from Brokemdcnim or Delicate Om atitutions, procure the Remedy at moo. The reader must be aware that however sl (gilt may be the attack of the Above Olsowle, it is sure to 'fleet his bodily health, mental , powers, happiness, and that of ' his posterity. Our flesh and blood are supported troth these soureeit. . , PHYSIC.I4NS, PLEASE -.N770.ff We make no secret of the ingredients. RELJILBOW3 FLUID, EXTRACT 71t1CH77 is maimed of Bacilli,- Cubebs ;and juniper Berries, selected swab great care and gepared *limo by U. r HELMBOLD, Druggizi and Chemist Or stitx= ye4ne experience In t4os city at lobiladelphia;And which is now prescribed by the mess eminent physicians; has been admitted to use baths United States ariar, and Is also in very genetalime In state Hospitals cad public Sanitary inetituttausthroliei• out the laud. 4 s3.Direet leiteis to HELMBOLD'S BRIM . & CHEMICAL WAREHOUSH, 594 Efroedway New Yezie„ -OH-- - HELMBOLP MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Teat:tilt:est (belovi Chestuat), -' 1 PHILADELPIII • Sold by BEWARE OF 00 ass 70 warrti , Preferrcifir sit practical painter. Try it:,and you tall ligre i noother• ltangLetnredonly ßJ & WIIOLP,Sktp DIWG., PAINT GLASS DEAttag, ' No. IVr; North Third Eitreft, Phibs " 0131•6617 6 • i rue 1.11313,1tTY W 111.713 LEAD, ' Will•da more and*ter rroriest given end, than any • other.' Try} it. bterinteetured only by ,ZIEGLER & SMITH*, ' TB'oLzs.tix l l)Rerii, .d1197' 044 SA' DEAL?. • !E R S, ' No. 137 , 1Vortti- Third Street, Phila. • febteb I . S TEAM. BAK SHY , . -• .t flaring thoroughly established my ;roods in this na tion of oonatry. I Itpe 41.1rp611118a 'with my trayeling agents, sad would moat respectfully. refer my retail. country patrons to the lesiEng Jobbing beams Of the city who keep all my goods Mash and nice in stock, • ft sr Ask fur Sands' Crackers, Ginger Snaps, etc., and -sic that my.laaads in on entry psekage, - I WM. J. SANDS 11113. • ' Steam Esoufactory, Erle. JOHN , G!t11811131.31HIL DILLIMIS Ia• CLOTHING - D GMT" FtittNistaria GOO* ' • Corner of Seventh and St OE ERIE, PA OLEIII6rIS, I OMI6II.I3Y , & 8111111828, WHOLE ALE. ,GROCERS N-D PACiViSION DEALERS, • r ALSO MAIM 111 r; WOODEN *AIM, NAILS, GLAS.S,4OPE, !WINED 011.„ WATER LIKEI , WHITE LIME, OIL ;VITRIOL, CAUSTIC - • SODA, GLUE, AC., ' NOS. 25 & 26 NORTH PARK STREET, • . BRIE, PA. deelrebtf, i T GOALDING, fa • F HI9 NI ABLE TA, 1 . 14,0 ' R, . . Das removed to • . FRENCH sr, ,ovirl oteckftrus rtouit vrotts; •W bare he hasheesh his friends to can and ses.hirn: • Custom Work, Repairing and Cutting v ittexpiiii to prompa 6 lasaning done in the beat 111114117 en ' 'C ENG LitEIIART, ; • Matta • , B - 0 018 _Et N ••• ittsvziortrazaor CITSTOIOIII.ADB BOOTS AND. gkozs Would tate this teethed of returning his thanks tx We friends aid the publiel gentraily foe their Maid _patronage heretofore extended to hinf,ind hopes to ben eontinuathin of the serge. Its** plfoisi:,ulein inkrrateng , •the tbit L still selling . • • .118.01 f WAIM 801:1T? AVOW:WES 4tBgUl. P, ' • gni A ram* Win firer Thas finy'Rcauwe in this ;dace, end:l arm 1W! the bertgruditleaof °safe Boots and Shoes, for whim ploy moms but the Mina WOBICIIEN,under thetinpeg• Xntendenee of O. Haying obtained a license to nee the pr e umER,4I , ENT Bopts, Zam con iir'epared.-teszake the litrioer ,Pe te al Donis 'and Skoee to a manner not to be sarpaased La Style and Worionanaliip. •. • 1377 Z always keep on hand a eeleetbin' of 'the best grind! of French and American (Wand • P. 4.1 --ItMogring *La!' rd, to. . =mew. r A DMINO- 0 1 4 0A fti:t Notneff.• Letters of adrelnistrittori hieing been gtintiWi to the nu inelgeed cos the estate of AmMn ;Corbin. demised, notice it litreby given to al indebted to the add estate to make itomediate Payment, end those both; Mahon ag: Sint the caren e vill ggeennt them, duly authenticated, foe settlement ; . • " • Greene, AprAll4l)ll.6, .H. Lnsintir, ' I Adnilabgimbore.- , . FiE ' A Most E k a ll is it e ,i Delicatti . . , end 17 4 , grant perfume,. Distilled'from the 2 0 ande sits tam Beautifu; Meyer from whi c h , 4 take. Manufactured only by PHA LON di 804 . • ikw BEWAIE:or COUNTERFan Ladies, take „Verticula: Notts • THE RE AL ' TIBLVAU FEMALE Pzi o • ) • IVirsanasrre Inman.) Tlll ESE PILLS, so celeliratoff yeari r ago in Paris for the relief of ic,s, Irregularities. and afterward so noterlotl )„, their criminal employment in the practie,6 sbn?.tion,lare now offered for sale for tie fa time in rAmerim. They have been kept' txmrparative obscurity from the fact that* srigituttor, Dr. Velpau, is a physician.ially of great wealth a4d strict conscientious ciples, and has withheld them from gad use, lest they should be employed for unlati urpregs: . in overcoming Female 04444 4 Falling Of the Womb, Whites, Green a flees, Suppression, -Retention, or Izarnoemy Flow of / the Monthly Discharges, they a l2 'to be truly omnipotent, bursting opea flood-gates from whatever cause m ay 1 , 11 a bipp e d Abeam ; but they are offered to th et a lic only \for legitimate uses, and all agent j 1 forbidden to sell them when it is that, the object- is rmlawfuL Married Id s should never take them when thee my reason tq believe themselves p rer ... mt, they will be stare to produce a many These pills are entirely safe nr;ieril dr cumstancesi being ,coraposed enti 4 ly d stances from the vegetable kingd.m. . Each box; has the coat of arms for the (ill of Paris stamped on the box, with the v-m " Trade Mark" in French, to rounterfehri4 Is %misdemeanor, and all persons will btZal with according to . laW.,;. a- Full directions accompany everyk, Ladies am obtain a box sealed from the of the curious, by inClosing One Dollar post-office stamps to any respectable gists, or to. O. 1.1: - STAPLEs, General tor-the United States, Waternnen,.S." Aches.—Viers k tulott, Booth, ,Liddell k Sin 1. Carter it Cater, Rai; Br - "-)rth *sat: ' Bro,Oltird:P B s 'GOLDEN BITTERS.r PURELY VEGETABLt ' .11.1910plaTING k EIMENGTEBNIS! Yertiees the ',stein eget:fat the evileteetr lEhn:tt%iidumfi. • ••• irons water. Will are'Dyagrapalio• ' • • Will mare Doletasile.' t • .• Will cure" Gedaral Will ears tlearthuni. - Rill edge ileadabbe. R ill edre Llser r complaiet: ' Will excite and treats s healthy ripper* Will Iliad/prate the organs of &piton r ly Inman the tanianature of the body eirdulatiou, acting in fact as a general ear 'yam, containing no poisonous drugs, ?l3s REST TOXIC %1' o$ 'PE • t A fair trial ii earnestly soaao l• • .r GEO. C. 11.VBBEL -&-CO., Prq Hz Central Deti, Am a ican prel.l . SON sI':,NE TORS. - • For sale by an Druggists, Grocers, ,te. GOADLEF. ' Erie, r and for sale by Han & Warfel, Carter ' Wu It Booth. mores. r. EAGLE r PEACH ST , AEC, HENRY, osicausco PARLOR, COO vaitr Stove am • .lite ttliii; Sleigh afeetured to orde novo ellity slimy elle le all ere ask. CRAWFUII,IIO, KUTU, & 01.1115T1 GROOS RIES -AND PitOV on.twrolirt. r. iszdeNSs-tf J. BYRON RUB N R =IEEE C.E A• Y B lIS OrNortb Spine% 'Pit. gni bond b; lien for doing beividabm, to have as 10 pstronago already given by av We shall 'mike it a opecivig With ieverythins they need in th , F souu eau depend . I°B6 00.DS 1-....9416 /I.N D ~.:...,r,,t. 11 fP',l. l, w , • ma._ j: :,,blokr ,‘ g i ` , Would rear , ettally oil IWO, 1 1:'.42•0 E STOCS OI I4 .... Jost received heel Yew llort,10': ' BONNETS, HATS, 11113000,P 1 - • , .. Together with Soot i 1 • D .li, y.OOP - . t Which she will sell O 1 ' CEERAF FOR CA9B, OR RI A • • "EirPirtientar attestion sA O to t' • s od gnseing. 3tore es Leash St., T Acsits i' b • pp. a - pint piff thelT4lldkeis URI ASK For. PILAZObiIt--TAKS 1 O *am Soid -Prusglea gmerfills. v O' AND Al. mr2frea-1 Den to D ) -iod inS.Sesled Fruits, rsist3 ship Chandlery, Dest Bto/ NO. 7 BEATTI7S BLOCK, P. /WIN -Fitt, DO*, foot of nit IRIS, PA Jiro Gal has aliatheiated with hi IrfitOLES.4l.g . 3. rATTIEI4 SUPPLY BOARDING 1101JSD AND PRIVAT,E a T 711 Z !AWE'S El= n- P. isrcsioN, s oo xsiss> . ifaganfacyc Neoesr, 1111P010 Sto re nadir Brolllo fro aprtNiatf- II 1113! 1