The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 05, 1866, Image 3

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    Nogg 49botria,
. _
ERIEJA.., APRIL 5 . 1866.
. first clan piano ,i s
licr este—almost new. _Price, sBoo_
, bsrgsiu. APPIY IP: -
S mar waney. N
me r of Peach sod 12th sts.
giaustrer,,--The, Republican party
t bia they art is rarer of negrasiquality,
/et 11 their legislation, National 'and
ie pointed in that directioni Darin
f gss .sloa of the Sunday car question to
las° of gepreeentatires, - an amendment
.fferes Euddiman, of Philedel.
loienting railroad companies, from
g i ll y distinction in their passeagers
„ sli t of color, which was adopted by a
cote, At a subsequent date, an act to
, , rs t e the SrieCity Passenger B. R. Co
G o e r consideration, Mr. McCreary
the tame amendment, which was also
These instances show, in an .un.
I,b i e %wser, the /Wachtel/DC of the
rye pity to this negro-equality idea,
tirdetscoxiostion to force it lute a
A s ps ley legislation.
Pies..—The moat defame.
7 -..,
~,f tams in theoil regions occurred
,3.20 s pon the Hyde and Egbert farm,
~,t , bo u t 8 o'clock in the morning,
0013 o'clock in the afternoon,
is o ilio have originated from a gas
~,,li g from the - lank of the Burling,
1 to e dwelling,' At the limo there
ter y etrafig wind.. The burning eil,
p i n the hill, set the !anions Coquette
it tire. , Froth' Abe Coquette Well
' 4..eathed towards the creek, sweep.
ryt hiog before t hem,, and on 'reaching
in, ow sit hundred barrel., which
I:ri, lying on the bank, took ire, to—
,iti seventeen tanks of oil; all of
pert destroyed. Some eleven or twelve
llieg is the creek, loaded for shipment,
.01 its at one timeqthe creek was 4
'at of dame -half et mile in length.—
An which tlivitine the town - of Petro
oe from the firm alluded to took
ell times, seriously endangering the
L•at with desperate exertions the flames
ttil i t hed,and the estruotion of . the
nested.' Some tirty wells in all
,ed, in addition to the tuildings,'
tad tacks conneottd with them. The
lie estimated,at ip,qoo , barrels, and
eof the - property I destroyed is re—
v that $125,000) making a total of
- ht Bo. - •
Borer.-flie work upon the Reed
o pregre.ssing - withas much rapidity'
!11504 will permit, and'oonftdenee is
it will be ready for corm:Taney an
Fr the let of October.' We are in-
at •ith how • much corredness
state, that the !scuttling has bees
ca & ter oars by Messrs. Loomis
, of Brown's hotel, who propose to,
bothestablish . mlnta, Of the lending
of the new Berl House, -our neigh
e local of tho bispatelk, who WS pre—
ss been
. pernsittel to Bee the plans,
.as, the parlors and halls, are all to 1 ulinie of. thelnlimited•Ctinfldencewhiett.enr
, sly large, and every one of them 11 business men bays,- always repossiTin it. Mr,
ell lighted. The parlor and recep— Nailer haOseitotillfed hilltiself_wah Kr- 41 " w"
...are intended to be fitted up in a ' Spooner in the Hine trade; la which We 111;04
cancelled splendor. • The dining Sp ooner in
3 , 60 room will be etnusualy large , not ► they will seen -build mp a large patron :
.tid floors, and excellentlyilightel . -age. - ' t
deed. A contract has been kmade to 1 . Says the Cleveland herald : 1 " About one
use with a steam heating and cook- I week ago louse gentlemett•were 'talking : about
'125, bed no fires will be used any
ii except under the steam boiler. ; feats of stmn g th ' - One of -the party, Mr'
e4sl entrance 'will be on the park, Fred. Kelley. s'oondcietoe on the Lake Shore
petals ball leading to the business ' Road, said be could raise a dumb bell weigh .
ifs cent-e of the building, on the h undre d A . ik ,bw ideht, band
, lug onepout sr-atii
• With the exception of one or two
cit.for labor departmenis, the main f,•om the floor, end hold it, at arise' length,
tad office r 'together with a, private above his head...* gentleman laid a - wager of
from Preach street, all the rest of $5O that it could " not be -.ldyll.' -The trial
story is beide fitted up to rent for ' '
ho house is to be made ready fora came off on, Tit urfulay_ event g 14it, and th e
to step in and go to work. It, wilt teat was successfully pe rforms .". . _
uted f.r at least four limbed Mr. Lowry read a hill in place creating a
i new county out of part-of Crawford: Warren
. I end Venango countieS.—Telegrom.
rave TERANIROTIOIIB.-.-We are In. 1, we wish Mr. Lowil to understand distinctly'
dieters. Hayti & Kepler, real estate that Warren county wants no new canny of
, r'' the following list of recent sales turtin'in any shape or form.— !Ferree Nod
4in this city. It will prove inter- ' 'lf the ,Senator pays ps little attention to
-any of our readers: i . the wishes of the people of
-Warren as be does
welling, property of O. .Tareckz; to hose of Erie county, our cotemporary's •
Bth and French streets; sold by , remonstrance will avail nothing in influencing
Kepler to George Burton, of New his course': . .
re $6,500.' J , I The rebels and Democrats have achieved
to of Dr. C. Jack'son, on Beet
sold by eyes & %bier to John
another victory I President Johnson his to ; .
toed the Civil Rights Bill !..:- Warren Mail. '
T 821 Croat on State street, East
i If the President's course is so objection
. BLit sod 9th, Property of L. P. ' able to the editor of the Mail, why in - the
Id by Hayes & Kepler to 0. Noble deuce does he continue tcrhold an office under;
1 1.256. , „
, I Johns on ' s Administration? A man of 1
X 165 feet front o . Seats street, t Mr.
toner cf Bth ; e Id by P. Bon- t spirit *mild rather that hie right arm should
3oble—price $6,00. ' ,be 'cut off than remain ari office-bolder under I
on State, next North ; sold a President whose policy he denounces. It 1
olio H. Newbauer, I
an State etreet,. next i Noith ; never looks weil for one to. spit on the Load, , "
.., • •
Galbraith to P..Honeckee— ._ that feeds ""
toot. ' I , The Clearfield Republican has made an in
i bathe Bouth.east corner of teresting discovery whereof it "discaitraes- as
I streets; sold by 'W. A. Oat.' rowan:
le. Co.—price $6,500. , -
hues house o n- W est gd street . L. WI Fenno But.— We occasionally hear
A Henson; sold by Reyes a some-of our " loyal" neighbors inqiiiring of
r Matthews—price $1,650, t each other of the whireabouts of one Con
nie on East 11th street, corner greseman. Upon inquiry at heed qnarters
toperty_ of E. Macumber ; sod we ascertained that Thid Stevens carries*
a for $2,000., ilitii in his breeobes' pocket, to keep him, from ;
:t on Ilth street, near P: & E. 1 spoiling before the next election. 1
. 1
r Hayes tr. Keeler. ' i The announcement is made from Harris- •
:ory dwellings on West 8d 51.1 burgthet the bill treating the new county of
Cnriright ; so!d by
for $2,500; one for t...2.,000 ;
Saye r(ne Y" 1 Curt‘n, out of portions of Crawford, Warren '
Am. Cone/ley purchasers. t and Venaego, has been defeated in the Senate,
'B F. Sloan on Hut sth street ; !
, her it originated. The committee of bit!
Tyler, Suet. P. & E. B R.— ' rens from Titusville,' who were engineering
l tho hillihrough the Legislature, feit'ctinlid.; 4 l
erably surprised over this information, as'
they had pledges ici favor of the bill.. frc m
a majority of both houses, 'as well as the I
Govetnior. Some of Mr. Lowry's enemies
here' are uncharitable enough to intimate
that the fact of hit i n troduc ing the bill Dry
beveled to its untimely death. ' "', - I
The Berwick Geneticsays that a breach of t
260 feet was made in tbacentre.of the Towan
da' data- hy - the late ice. freahet. . This will 1
probably 3.eve , an important bearing' on the
via 'trade North fee a portion cf the coming '
season.-Ezehanirs. ; , • • ' 1
The North. Branch Canal, _of which the
Towanda dam forms a portion, has been thei
main source from which Buffalo drew her coal
:supply. The: effect petite break mentioned
must naturally be tothrow a large portion , of.
the Coal trade going
,that way' heretofore into
our ;harbor; vii the Philadelphia R.
_lf. r '" . ,-•
ThttPittsbiirgh Post thus' refers - to Bleary's
etti4iiiiatneng Ihe eel diertr:. -
- If General Geary wants to know how popu
nisi he is with his old regiment, the 28th. a :
number-of whom are is thiti* city, let him
, find ant. The Republican _portion
liliftliVitttont:', wig
,not. only not vote for
hin( for - miter; bite ligrittilefe.,C4/o_er..
1 :'Whir the Cf°,110410:146418461044iii-;'
S ,-, I. V ~ a • . ;mi lt;'
: Vi iifillitiOtie*Oi 7 :Si a * 00,0414)0 .
will ,extend ' theoffibant4 . ' -4- .o*
command residing in this part offfielltatLe
If be bones his 'hopes of success upon the
totes ,of his old companions in arms, we fear
- '
that he Is loving upon a broken reed.. We :
have beard of, at least .A.dozen returned sol
_ vrtitts,, a A,
rid , : under the' General, who
deol4e/ 1 theit, they ,would not'suppert
him :for • any Icitation. ' 'The' dislike enter.
tained' for him , " •hy.oo means confined to the
privates, either
itlf lot on East 10th gtreet,
toglehort; sold bq lives tic
Cmkey—priee $2,500.
frac on Myrtle street; E.
ter—➢rice $1,550. .
. _ •
.story frame houso on West
tner of ,Peach, property . of A.
‘t , i by .A. Jordan at $6,500
itt on Selland street. South of
E:b Holbert to A. J. Sterrett
ati city It on. East 17th st ;
Repier to Mr. Robinson at
lilt lot on Myrtle street. be
10t: sold by Hayes & Kepler
has purchased house and
4,kin Hyrtle street. between Bd .A. H. Gray to S. A. Bacon
reet i ° ol ", EriP, on Sassafras
for t! , '" by E. Goodrich to
ea 100
E "
u ... 2th street,' sold by
i"t i ` 3 " l 3haution.
lo,b itre p a somber 'of city
, irst
civa the purchasers 4 46 ';
Heider 'rt. lactate.
.. well,. -13, 4.-
y ,,. recently is.
case 1 444
- , v4h a home. "
Autocrat Aye , . O
the 'mit
rd county (whiih, by he way,
e'7 N4tion4l en nay) has
t the old'issue, abient $326e,
in probable 'the deposits win s
Vol The,aesets of the tank
. be in' the neighborhood of
is not probable that the affairs
Ildti affected by the Culver-fail-
Itter cond ition—indeed, some of
be fie is orstii"
Items of Local Interest.
- In Meadville 372 people hive been admit
ted io the dilleripf, thitrehia'aineelhei poix
meneemeit of the euEoter4eiting thcre.
poomid St Rces, of Brown's Hotel, have
poroharal a well cultivated firm just outside
tho oily, - en which they design raising
the iregetables for use in the hotel'
The bill to prevent minors from attending
billiard saloons does noLappear to have had
any very alarming effect:upon the alas! for
Whose benefit it was iatended. f •
A lady of our city who has read of the ex
tensive mantitantititiof odonietarit, to VOX bow
far a carriage hoe run, said she wished some
otie would meat in instrument folell how
far husbands have been irt-tbe evening,„ when
they just step down to the post office.
11. F. sloin, Es% , has dispoSed of his real
deuce on Fifth street to the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad Co, for the film of $8,500. 'lt
is—to be occupied by Mr. Ty'er, general:3u
perintendent of the road.,
Our Crawford county neighbors are going
into the divorce business by wholesale. The .
ConcealitVille Record of last week contained
no - lessi than tWelve proclamations ib divorce,
and Says it has publisbedabOut twenty since/
the first of4anuary.
The price of, nearly everY kind of store
'goods is still tending downwards. Dealers
who have large stocks on hand, purchased
some months ago, will miter very considera
ble losses. The only article that haiaot been
effected by the general decline is piter, and
that from some cause or.other , still keeps np
even higher than it was during most of 'the
years of the -" - •
_ ...
In the list of banks published by tie last
week as being affeoted by the failure o Cul
Ter, Penn &be.. e inChaed Lift C ary Na:
dons! and First National . Pin r. We
have since, beim
,informed lllr Culver
bad no connection whatove tilt either of
these institutions y . a .eir standing' is
in no way ,ipj .. .d by his unfortunate specu
lations. . .-
The Buffs o Courier -appeared on Monday
in quarto firm, and- much • enlarged - --a mew
surd compelled by the "constant and increas.
log pressure "- if-itis'advertising - patronage.
The many friends, of the paper in this city
and section will;be gratified' ; -to' earn cf its
preosperons condition. ' iniong the numerous
wail conducted journal's inw - Y
*stern 'Seork,
it has no' superior. and
.but one or two equals.
The Lancaster Intelligeetter\ learns, on In
quiry at the Audttor General's sarkee in liar—
riaburg tb et the Venal:lgo and retroleutu tanks
have' United States " Seven• tl irty " bonds
deposited with the Auditor General to .the
full amount of their notes in circulation. It
thinks there will be little, if any, loss "on
the notes of these'tro banks. Their present
circulation Is about $200,000. ;Last Map ' t
was $1,500,000, These notes ‘ sre registera
and countersigned by the Auditor General."
The well kaowq banning firm of Weiler &
Warren Wm. beep • dissolved by mutual-con
sent, - 114 r retiring, and Mr. Warren
continuing the • business at the , old location - .
The thorough financial ability, of the. Utter
gentleman will ensure far thii, him° 8 contin-
..., -~~b:::.~..~,-.
• - A correspondent of an Eastern paper gives
an account Of a - considerable natural curiosity
ia4his-county, which we presume few of our
ea.'s:dors to be acquainted with :
Tetykrday we rode about six miles to Elk
('reek, where arc to be seen some of the moat
wonderful freaks of nature.. Evidently the
whole .r.ettey thtnagli which the creek runs,
has, at some former period, beeu washed out
to the depth of two huotirt it feet, and In some
pieces reverat tuilca in width. The borders of
the small streams, in places, are studded with
gloptio tieest, from one to two hundred feet
in heightt—the tops just riving on a level with
the territory on either hand. But 'the IN:Ant
of a'traction was a place called the "Devil's
anathema." This is situated at en abrupt
bend. of the creek, forming a narrow ridge
running out some three hundred foot length.
The top of this ridge is not over two feet
wjdo in any part, and yet visitors who have
the' nett, Igo ,out the who's length, look
down the'nearly perpendicular sides on either
hand one huadred and fifty fo„ r feet by act*s
The following Vroceediags in the loWn.
liouso.of the State Legislature, on Thursday,
have a local interest:
The.,neat lull before the House was an act
incorpOraiing the \Erig passenger railroad.—
Mr. McCreary offered an amendment that
negroes should ride OD the . oars. M a
r. Or
land was opposed to this phase of negro
equality, and argued against the whole prin
ciple livid down by the advocates of , this doe.
trine. Mr. Thomas said the day . was not die.
tent when the negroes would vote in ,this Stole,
The yeas and nays were called on the atitend
mant.• The yeas were 49, and the neye.2s. so
the amendment was. agreed to. The bill passed'
The iturriab . urg Patriot says ; the Howie
wc trd noE hays passed the bill, if the clause
permitting negroes to ride In the care had not
beet .inserted.
- The City Councils bare reconsidered their
resolution Ivposlng the -bill for securing is
hospital at this point. It turned out, upon
inquiry, that the bill was drawn up by three
of. our clergymen, Rev. Alessrs..Cain, Lyon
and Johnson, is connection with Mr. J. C.
,Spencer, sue that .X,ostry's onlyponneetion
with the measure was to' introdecktt into tbs
Legis!ature. The bill in itself was not object.
!tionable, but the simple Asa that our, Senator
had introduced it infers the Legishiturialed
many to suspect that there was s 44 nigger in
the wood pile." The opposition to it on this
ground is' a suggestive indication of the rela;-
tions : Mr. LOwry occupies among the c pieple
where ho resides.
Al firm in Titusville for some time past have
been missing smell acme of money from their
drawer. Finally a three dollar bill was missed.
A watch was set, and the thief discovered, and .
who (or what) do you suppose it was ? Why,
amply a little mouse, which, wiser that
its fellows, appears to have learned the
value of" paper promises to pay, sad flew
mined to lay up something againeit a rairiyy.
day. Its'nest watt found; and ten dollars re—
covered, including the
_identical three dollar
bill mentioned.
The City Councils bare i parced reap/Miens
previding_ for the vacatiolx_ of - the stalls in
the , market house by 1114 Ist of May ; the
sale of the building at auction on May 2d,
the party purchasing - befug obliged to remove
it wi bin forty days; ,The securing of plans
fir a new market hews on the Philadelphia
style, end for obtaining an estimate of
. the
probable cost of such a building.
The Elk . !advocate, published at Ridgway,
has, gone into the hands of John G. Hall,
Esq:, as editor and proprietor, with Mr. .1. F.
Maore t las publisl4. We are not acquainted
with Moore, 4t with Mr. Rail we' are,
and we regard him'as exactly the man for the
place. A &ear headed thinker and kforeible,
seeker, he will make the, Advocate ju, such
an organ as the Deinonrsoy of Elk county Imes
long needed.
The Dispatch warmly commends' the energy
and industry with 'which Mayor Scott is tak
ing hold- of the affairs of onr community,
and thinks “.it will not be long before many
important measures for the welfare of the
city will be presented to the public in such
a meaner as to meet their AK roval Itttd hearty
eo ropetration."
The General Superintendent's Office of the
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad is loon to be
removed froth Williamsport to this city. The
company have leased the entire second end,
third, stories of Wrighes Block, (with the ex
ception of the Council chamber,) which are'
being fitted up-in an unusually neat and con
venient style.
The Councils .of Titusville hive chosen F.
B. Guthtie, Esq , formerly of Warren, City
Attorney for the ensuing year. Mt. Guthrie
is senior member of the firm- of Guthrie lb.
Ewing, and one 'of the Olest'yonng lawyers
In the North—west. We congratulate him upon
his success, and the city f‘theis of Titusville
upon the soundness of their judgment.
The new brick residence lei be erected by
Mr. Joseph McCarter, at the corner of Ninth
and Sassafras streets, is designed to be one of
the finest in the city. It is to be of brick and
in every feature is to be made as complete as
it is possible to have it. The building will be
finished by fall.
Dr, Fraser, homeopathic pbysielan, has re.
moved his office to Peach street, 'opposite the
Park House. The Doctor, although only a
resident of Erie something :my a Year, has
already ,built up an astonishingly large pram•
lice, aid is a general favorite among all who
have secured his services.
The aqies_ of religious. meetings in our
churches still continue, and appear to be' in
creasing in interest 'and' enceens. &rabies
are held morning and evening, and accessions
to the different denominations art:concurring
almost daily. Among the converts are some
of our most influentird•Otizens.
. Persons who have income taxes to psy still
ho interestei in learning that July and Angola
have been dud open as the periodln which
that'pottion of the Cloverament revenites will
.44" . PCt ed. • "
• The flnichinson Fatally glive'xin exhibition
here laa , wankto . ant.
, auditnee which did no
number' over - forty persona, ft:tending dead
heads. They are about piped out. in ibis
portion of the so it:korai 'vineyard." '
The rapidagrostih .of Park Church congre.
satin has necessitated an , _enlargement of
ttriir building, and arrangementio are already
being made to effect• it in a abort time. -The
front of the edifice, trill also undergo consid—
erable alteration. - .
& boy aged nineteen,_ ands damsel aged
aiiteen, were married is ilesdville. Their
cruel hearted parents endeavored to break pp
the match, but without sitocess.
Phillips Bros , of brew Balite, Write that
the Think of 'Lawrence County// sot injured
by the failure of Weer, Peen & Co., it him.:
ing bid twbusinesi connection with that an-
fortunate house.. . -
'Vile number of improvements made in Erie
the itemise seas on will be far in ad
,witnce of any previous year. From all that
to can learn we estimate that not-lass than
five hundred new buildings will be erected.
Capt. Christian Sexhaur bay been appointed
cif) , collector for the West Ward, and ea W.
Rihiet, formerly foreman in the assette office,
tom the East Ward.
Mrs. Helen, wife of Mr. I. W. Neirberger,
departed this life, id our city, on the 811 tnet.
Ner funeral, on Wedneaday, was litrgely
, tended.
The Fulani are hard, at work la Thalia
drilling and prepiwing for the, coming con.
teal Forty-Aro volunteers bare been sworn
ih and are drilled every evening.! A tell corn
pony is expeetech o be swore is this week.
Their ants are all pees idcd,tiadS he untforwis
Muni be ready.
q. Evans has removed his dike
from Sixth 'street, 'to Artie's new building_ on
Peach, a few, doom smith of .the depot. We
heartily commead the ilbetes to one friends in
part of the city; as*atost excellent Op
elision and cooties:4i, •
- hirollThitT TO TIN ATTLIOTT,D.--WS [ire
pleased to announce le ail these ebbeare
offlieted with'tliseases of the Ey°, Bar, Liver,
Throat,. keen; Lituge,. Stomach; and Catarrh;
Bronchitis Cr Polypus, that the ranovnefillr.
Won, Surgeon to the Albany Infirmary, will
by request extend his Visite hereafter, so as
to enable thoseveho have been obliged to go
to Buffalo heretofore, and the afflictedgene
rally, to anti_ themselves of his peat skill
and experience. He will make his Bret
visit here on Friday and Baturdey, the 27th
and 28th 'of this montbistopping at brown's
Dotal ter those two days only. The Doctor
comes highly recommended from those places
which he has visited for years, sad brings
'with him thousands of Certificates from per
sons who have been cured by/him, and from
the most prominent men Its the State . of New
Tork. We are very glad for the sake of-the
afflicted in this part of theimuutty that he
has concluded to visit Erie Iktreaft " 0-
member the time,. sad prepared le avail
yourselves or the well kOwn skill of err
Waxy ws War Per.—ln his spa on
the lecan - 8311, - week before lash Mr. 1341efiedd;
of this 4tistriet, said.:
ThemnOust of our public debt en the, first
of this month was $2,711,86 0 .000. Lese liken
half of this cmonnt is funded. Within' the
next three years $1,600,000,000' of this debt
rill - fall due. Ind will' be presented et the .
counter of the Treasury Department for pap;
ment.. That payment must be promptly made
or our . paper goat to preteit and our credit is
broken. Between this de, and the 80th of
June next, we must pay, in addition to the
regular expenditure of the government,
674,874 82 - During the, six months ending
December 81, 1866, we must pay $47,666.000.
Diming the six months ending June 80. 1867,
mris must pay $8,471;000. During the six
maths ending December 81, 1867, we must
pay $350,000,000.. During the six months'
ending June 80, 1868, we must pay $369;-
415,250. During the six months ending De.
cember 81, 1868, we must piy $287,664,482.
So that between this and the assembling cf
the next Congress there must be paid over
the counter -of the Treasury, beeides the or
dinary expenseu of the Government, $1,201,-
990,607 92.
- VMS AT 8P441 . 4185404.—We leers hem 4
gentleman residing stNtilpirtansburg, h this
county, that a fire . oeourred in,that place at 3
o'clock an', yesterday morning, which fake
with peculiar severity upon the sufferers. The
Ere originated in the cabinet shop of Mr. Jas.
Bruce, wholost-his dwellinv and sliop,valued
at $l5OO, together with furniture Ind tools
to the amount of $BOO, in all $2,300 Mr.
Bruce is quite an aged and highly respectable
man, who hal labored long at his business.
There was no insurance upon any of his pro
perty. tle thus bereft of all be bad;
Mr. Louis Ketchum also lost his dry goods
stare, estimated at $1,500. and,a building val
ued at .—in all $3,500: Insured for
$1,600 -in the Crawford Mutual. Bev. Mr.
Crum, who resided over Ketehum's store,' lost
all his furnituie, aid with his family, came
near perishing in the Nines, all of whom were
taken from the second story windows. Mies
Crum was rescued while the fire was pressing,
bard- upon her: . Another minute would, ip
411 probability. hare proved fatal —Cratoford
Deritocrat (Friday).
New Advertisements;
Ma •Jo .ate
. flonteapattle Pliyease and anetnts . •
Oates and reside - , c• ¢2l. Pawn bitopeoelte the Paelt
Hone. Oiee bow tons 10 te it" to 6P. Xi
e•d7teSP.ll. ; & Alen*
1110LACK.RIRED St&R.R.OWIRATS. end Earle
D Rent Pose for seed, at God Patterson 4 Co.'s. Mt
Reyna St. apiktt,
0 Ynr Nod, attioff, Patterson & C 0.., SID /nub Bt.
•s 2f
ONE on . min au, & ONE ON Ea? no tit,
_ trarwiss arlt LAA AIM "In 114 -
Mat a WI acme of land attactid_to
sps.2t - 777 - . JAIIP ?ILL, Death Bt.
passitiox Noner..;
the pantos hip barstotoro a'nlattag batman the en•
igutod, davit bushman ht the drut moo of Weber &
Uha, eel dissatted by mutual laintant oo the 24 day of
kter. The books and aonts ate Is SO bands
of JP. A. Robin who b dots autbartr dto settle the%
and upon whom all ladabtad to, Ilataltrtn Sr. ropitaiti.
nd oall without &lay.
optiv•llt• AIRS OHL
The toyettemeli4 eadetleog. betweine S. L
Seiler and W.. 0. Warm ander tbe arm *swot Nailer
te.Warten. Mabee. men, by nsatwil eannent, &oohed
ea /he Lind day al Jar nary. Ude. 0. S. Sean re Msg.
And Was C. Warm contissibe In the Baskin and En.
chomp badges&
A. I.
F 11,11 A U ALL
Friday and Saturday Eveniga, i r dr. 13 and 14
Autiosirlpti orMfaalrida. • •
*obi of Cobb Ity 'Lod brae Itsarnmed
• Wit and litaserria!, '
Wirt nill positively appair Is it olsotion Olds coda
prod .1- •
ir._ , .
• Iterate. MIT Clwr&- :
Tickets for nib it I uitit's Itookiltrtm /lowa onsiii•
Ti rotractoottas at It. r • # • .
ay Rte. . J. W. 414NSION, Ara,.
•ll •
• •
anAcki eiural•lim .
/lISTORT or !Si WAR.
• •••I'lts Andean Cowliet." is two stamens. Rialtut l 7
litosfrated with 141 portraits on stea4 namerolut noes
wad Magnum of Battle Islas, ids *a. Ott. 1210113 soPisa
cyoinute I. of thls History. ptaltslaid Sanioirthira Yens
liter thaa the drat part of marl, *vary also; alma,
toctifiss mow its patio* 1n1125.4t0 of the pOsthlt-,
awn of those early work; lad te •••11111111TO rearrased
&alba lathed_ a Ahern,. even by the sutures opyo -
Volans U. will Dowdy ha • few AriontheT-st the wit
ilea day en which a well prepared Shim
_of the trite
San be obtained; The entire work faistitaN4 alike in
excellence of plan and detail. viii be'. miff liniewp e t; ta
any et thew now tomplet d. (most Orbits wi•
woe& Ding billne Gos. Omit'. report inedf4 Wed
by far the wit witisfactray History et ibp lets ita
does shams(!—witordhwe sseqoattedihr theximea JO;
peas acid accuser of etitemonts.' eendlined With "ado?
and giaphict didlecation of mote. -
. .
. tic plated as &dried, the work sill be entherity
as to the events of the wet mindisfel ens to the idido
-17 of the otiblottP—CL O. CIRO@ (to•olibox of PPPP
It would be dilitalt to place too as edlintte os
the service Mr. Greeley Des rendered oat mashy by its
prepustion titbit volume. - • - emit the forth.
eakcitscof the emend volume, with oiler w9isedation.—
Ms D. lie;. y. U.- C. - •
-it bows the marks of Lawirr; studied WOW/ and witm
-11 [ =. 6 l. 1 1 i l d eiptra t ill ot a , gth et
W. arid epirit in It that it La mixt to imemeible not ts
toad a whole chaster without stopphit • • It will
b., and odgbt do hi read by all war ton stryinen.—Vedger
Cowan. V. S. Smite.
Its accurst? tires it a vale, boyond Say other bietity
of th a t otinktrodperipk: I'M grist todestrysad imps:-
Witty of Sr. Greslai make this the tut of all fu
ture lititoties of the groat rebellion , rodinddenn Ste
tson. K. O.
01 all the Ilistories of tie Olga Betel ion which 1
ham *we- nod, this can Wane •to me the twat ba s ti
toptoshaise Its astewildret eigswiewtset imp
Wong recorde, as as of ihe an of the Wir Itself
--(emsead ebsy tatlerh Colbox, Speilmir Valise Stotts Von's of
Scis, ,
- Volume 11. will litamosiipanied chine)
be an elegant copperplate map of the Mat of pay; troth
IL Sol only bit:enlist VIOL
D. Milian •
• - ",
l'ablblaws, &Mho; Cons.
At X Of • fro o ne
-, • . •
•, 'PRtiCES
• ; 313 1
.111.110108 sr. *4 . •
Pr No evetatior owed be amid to woes to as to low
pH& fbrfoor of Mimi doomod for oostabodv OWs old
askto, as flows Is on porton cottoottag ow debts of oar
HOT" nowibor slit there bolonooftion, , or,b4t•
AQUA :DIG 1111.111.6P101416
A toilet plight —gawks to soy aologoe,—; to
bathe th. face tad Naos. to nor thCakto, salt sad
tisk to 414 Intaalostloti, to p.reaete elothtoz; tot
*Oak.. kn. It is sessittichwed' from the witlgtostts f •
op. NiesollA sad fa doldslos tiros's* 401 to paw
ireoedsatid. Ulm s fasettifrltb sotrielfs sad *tom
elsiers It Is sohl by srl deshos, at iteo to lame
tke. sae ly DIMAS BARNES i 00, New Tork, whole
s& &mkt. * ' „
Alga by a 11;liatial.
- .
Birk Bolin Vail& mia: a t ll •7
vem them, onley that" If he eat mortar to the
entailer., he task' Ilintaidos Illtrarr; If he fill mini at
nlglikbe tact rlisithiiihre VIM* If I t o leaked appetite.
„r• voit• iszkrOM " mati tar" •lllminfird. be toot - Pew
,Im.'ilitttars, and, they riarer failed to at kiss on hie
odes name sod deem . , . .
• Orme *ant any batter authority, but is some
May. Int road the cottoning td. \
• •. .• awe meth ,t 9 Yoel-fa; I nu* br
lure rfastatlion 81itins saved my We'
BIT. W. u.'wasoints.*lfsa. B. Y.
• . • •, "1 h". bore • irsaValtiferer from
Illoppprii. and had to•slosidoe prierddee..! ri•
Planiattan Bittrasinees eared res.# • 1 * !, •
BIT. C. A. MILLWOOD, Nay York City.
A - a
... . - •/ bad kit all appal:U*74as ea
enaktad eau, lad I ooald baldly valk c aad, bad &par
last dna at aelesy, -• • .• -The Mantatioa
tmban set wt all aiiht."
Wirt 1111111N3rAlr. St. LoulkY
• • • ''The Mutation Blttour him mood
ipo ifs 44:440iist of the 11d4414 sod Urtaiu7 Orissa
that &litres isrl ma for yoato. nay' mot no a /am.
. • C. C. NOoltt. 254 Broadway. K. T."
Y Dr7ol4.nminigat of, Alm Tlahno Boone
&hoot for Soldiers' tihildien, says atm has eves h to
otho weak and invalid children under her charge with
ties mod h ippy load gratltring resalte.° Ire have rs ,
solved one a houidra rants of nab en
ttasatea„ bet no adverUsement I so lidestir* as wbat
people timtramhsi eray of a good article. Oar ferias) and
oar repnaticsio to at stake, The original quality and
high obaratter anew grail Inn tot sustoctimid gla a n
wrong lad all clrenctetanees. Thong haul alma/ ob.
taheod aisle In every teem WI/age, pi g& and hamlet
&Moog einlienkanlor., Bus 3 eitatoce to' to coma ai
neacceir suns and stp4 is risible, and because a good
artholo CAILIgi,, be sold u cheap u a poor one, thag and
some anprirt - ftinn parties who do not cave 'what the,
sell: 14 cm Aram gaud. Soo our private marl one the
cork. P. B. 00508 h CO., Ida* Took Cats.
aliteistleasa: t had ii.esaro 133'1a worth $'400,-orho
Wheal from a bad hart IA the tsg, brut w; Welty for
over a ram -brit asest• suaythtag t could hoar of
wittiest tosaset. natO I tried the Meirtale ral•
Inset. Itaorta anted perstaasst care. - -
JtoatirassarMiha,Jaairlf„ W J. L. DOWNIJf
. 1 1 take plasma hi rasorsaanettag the lisalesa sat
bag Idahseat es a +Waal& sail Wiliam ‘als ankle_
for SprshmalerataSeatstzr Gans en ['arils', Oar
rasa hank used It far Et Braises &ma, Shama-,
Oast, its., saki% as7.4t 4its nosta. -
J. W ,
Jorarrom for Armless, Wills. Tames ind:Earodooli
tzproes" •
, "15n sprain of =gibing/do's Latta, 'oats/fads' d *has
skating yrt winter, was stitirsly cured In ens mask attsr
igut ensansoneek using your selstested Mustang. Lint-
Gloucester. Mau. Ang.4,
It is an admitted rant that Om Marfean Mustang Lini
ment performs More Mum In shorter time, en man and
beast, than say' article net illscomired. Audits% lire ;
erymieir, and planters. should always hem it on hand.
Quick and *ere it eertMoly. is. All • peals* le sapped
la dial plate eacraviAgit,,be rint thi sigorto:e. is/ 'G.
W. Watgrook,Chimtit.sad the private C; B. Atciali of
DIMAS BARNES 3 co., over the top. t
'n effort has b en made to eoniterfeit it sithleheap
stem lairiMdevi• Loot eternity.'' • -
• • Wald by all Dem tiets. -
' •
• - ; 4 . 1
. I - •
-; •
It le• mat dolightfal Nair draping.
n trwittatog ottiffatid daiittreE: *"
It keeps the heed coot aideleao.
It onalteit-t . he lairstaloitoottateleolms. ' .
' gym/pa the halt barging pay and tailing off..
*miens heti upon petitatatelybald bifida: ' -
Thlt la what Lyotee Hathfiiiii• will It is troth—
it I. cheap:4h i. 01•4. It ti literally sold by theta:geed,
'and yet Its almost inteldible disiand Is daily ineriaider
until then is hardlis Cower/ store est aoitiket keep
it,•:• [amity that does tiostAisa It: ; • •
E. TattaAtt LYOIF, Chisilet c lf. Y.
54;1.1 by all , breggisti.
' • • ,
1 - -
' • .
Who would sot bil beautiful? WU iriold Dot add tw
their 11- suty t' What Oros that tumble. Rarity and dlo
tlapio appwwwooo Ira o>l wrre upon Wm stop, apdln the
city tiorlet - ltdo ill:. iiingter Itilklit. - Thiy use - naitiqa
gaguolicitabs. fta- oontlated tee zenirrea yaw, neck
leo, Plisplio Ston'oughtolso trimethi tlewiud ban4s.
aid buiroo'thocogapleslow arca * 4s . Aspavit; Nowa
in sod tsolahlalr. - fraliki sosayowastotio; It coataluo
At otakitlal lOuticata tit the Oda mg
„drogglot will ,
fader it fa you; it act oU hood, a t 69
,ta - por bottit.
• 'ice • -; •••• W. a, ILLGAN.I44, . Y., outwit..
Willa& #AIOIIFII ilea, Who dputtelit. I% . 1
. .
• - - r ' - Bold by all wrogutoto.
. -
. •
• •
lithallabit Bak Wads/ la ADS a dye:
laatsalwesa 4lyaa aw elhoPosall of haiir !eat.
aad iarairriless4Patroy the•vital* isasty- at tlia
Lilt. Ma la ta• artrlaal hal! Mosta& 0114 baa kw
graw;aig la, OrTar over tuautyrara. a. porns ray
biLt 'Or eetor hi` vians„U absenilloa,l si
am aftemarkabla maaDar. ID ' Woo s bateau! Mir
,driislap • Mattis tyo . dat:4o units sad Si—bl
ittatm• itatinnizr, Chemist. r• -
• _7. : y voia by all sitaarCafic.
Itte-tisci Gilts* JASAlolTs
digesUsar Nipsseso_lbst.ttalt,Bielt Ilip“sois, Cholas.
Nerbes.llsislstley;ks • who. a warta , air stlEislant is
*atria. Its astshal prostatitta and entire prlty
sostilltstlikiiis!tit /*EAU vitalityr military sip!,
ns. giota visslwasii; a sollia• psi troths:. 4a ho
*troy Pop gstristt. , Wino otltst. - ; "
8,14100114 , SPRING WATERI\
apslll47 awn by au
TURAtivittilt*- p- :f , I
Oi -0113341TigD tor;
N n u m l i g 'hereby glum that le plirapfol'of AP ant of
i ltop ri ,G ui t ia. nerr om Ais t r e b e ly ia a tti f C
ds onfuirporralatkeetnteuez•
met to amend &mast dirPeina tbk , ' ToOdo of telling
traceltel Cando for faith" c.titha A ilinefanotbe
gond see rupplonaorgary thereto, and Iwo bit estil/nd
'AI act innate, tit 9 Count •It ates and Leetast foe le,
n t toy. Camas:m.44%lth," tau 'd the 29th day of
Ireth,l°3l; end sprosehly to the psi -vision" of the !id
a , 'of an att 'totaled "in act to redo!!! the Stele'
DOA tlicf rs.cnrbiriVe tits Feat afleaola Railroad cot
Cpsi to led the der of and an t
ltelaUoci to the wee of Unstatcri Lands s asstril
Soundei of this tt , oxatoovealut," ;memos the ath da of
*arch, le 4: the following Arsetaand lotto! Unseated
Londe Pa the' coon of Hite, (or a i leach' theteofu
pay the artuaragea of taxes aid Costa 'teemed
tit-reanr) will be expand to public sale, iat the Coo ft
Iraant,.in' the City or C 4 e, ois the eeeeed Monday 'al
, Joaa ant. at 2 o'clock. p. and sentineled hyadjearts
;theaa A l m day to 4,r, it it Am, be (mind necessary to
intß-RART WARD. .
navtrraaowszats. va'cf. Valise. tarot
Robinson, Wm T, 1 1985 '68'64'65 $3O 70
'Davison, A, heirs, 3225 - '64'65 49 00
Davison, A, heirs, .8228 - '64'65 •49 09
Ormsby. o,' heirs,.., 11287;. _ 266 10 70
Ormsb4t, 0, heirs , • . 3283 . -' 65 10 70
& nor J 11, heirs, 8283 - '64'65 19 89
Stuart, JH, beiri,soit 8284 '64'66 14 64
Wallace. B, heirs, ' 659 • . '64 18 60
Woliaise, B; heirs , ' W 662 '64 930
Wallace. B, heirs, W 665 '64 9SO
Witßutt, B, heirs, W 666 . '64 ' 980
Wallace,-,8, heirs, ,E 667 '64 11 64
fitairatt, JB. • • 2616 '65 16 45
RllPagtt OWallipl. iliArr. :rise. TOTAL.
Herring, 8. heirs,BBft 665 '64%6 $lO 02
Riley, of Union, 2909 : '64 18 20
Wiltes,{ Henry, aq, 66 - '64'65 107 73
Postero 3,'491 ft of 567 - '65 7 95 1
Pitater, J, 33 ft of 568 '65 5 151
Kelsey Henry 0, 29 ~ "0512 BB ,
Martin 11, 18, 19, 20, 869 ',. " '65 aTO 20
Martial , 11, I' , of ' 2760 '65 10 20
MeLou , J W, heirs, 1906 ,
''-- '6s 16 50 ,
.-West, Illrial U R. 2767: '65 15 80
**reran owease. neer. mums. .TOTAL.
Hulbert; R o,•er'r lots, 244 '64 $ itB
Halbert, It o,..w'r lota 245 '64 . 39
H'sb'g P [Co, 01, 619 a, '64 24 12
' - Darlbm,A P, w'r lot, 211 '64'65 229
Marlin; AP, w",r lot, • 212 ' '64'65 236
tlJohttao , 111, 1244165 ft. o Mina, '64'65 936
Atlkias, l o Et, Res 39 & 46, 10a, '64 •1 16
Rause, john. o I, 232 '64 24
is i v a t,ip, Rma.9 a. - '32 ' '64 120
Brown,4l 8, Res, 71 a, 37. '64 114
Brown, .1 8, Ree,ol, sa, 536 -, '64 284
Barton,O W. 01, 5-8 s, 635 •"; '64'85 214
Caldwell, 1), Re's, 211 a, 18 - '64. 284
Colton, 0 W. 1.1,6 of o 1 . 363 - '64'65 • 86
Crane, 0, o 1643 & 647, 21 a. '64 101
Constable,J, 60 :165 no 1 152 '62'64'65 76
,II & N BIRR Co; 01,1 a, 570 '64 20
Foe:, Jacob, la, 684 '64'65 189
Porrier,4ohn, 1a: 550 • '64 , - 32
0 061616 8. A. 41 X 166, 638 '64 . 20
Lane, W 8,216 of o 1 298 '64'65 69
Lane, 1918, 2.16 of o 1 363 '64'65 52
Lane, W 8,9 82 ofol 538. .'64 108
Lane, .WlB, 21 a, 117 " c '64 . 98
Liffey, (Anon:ban of Ll_ 634 . '64 ths
llorgani heirs, 1 a, f
NlcAvcg• heirs. 1.6 a, 569 '64 • 64
IdoCoM,, 6', 1-32 of 298 '64 12
Goolding, John, /a, 650 '64 87
McGill, A, 1 18h„! 639 '64'65 84.
McNair, IWm E,l a, 152 '64 200
1108panVin, (I, sa, 151 '64 - 1.96
Marvin, g, 250 by 165 114 '64 - r• • 76
Patton, _Wm, 5 a ,694. '64 116
laid, ..JU, 652, ti& 4. 16 a, - '64 812
Stroble, PK. Res 82 10, . '64 - 32
Sterrett 0, Coma. .10 a 841 '64 64
Stew% & 13ine'r ol 6 16a,363 '64 • 78
Stewart; f t; J• L, 116 of 363. '64 • 16
Sterrett, J Q A;•o 1, la, 566 . '64 66
Sterrett, 3 Q A, o 1, ),
6 781; '64 , 66
1 5
144 by 1 feet, •
lateith; BU, Res, '5 a, 97 '64'65, 280
Welinere JO, part of 122 . '64 , -1 98
Whitton, J 11, Res, 141 a, 38 - ' 6 4 .2 28
Wagner, 0 11, Res; 77}' a,, $ .7 '64 --- -., .I 20
Boca, 8,130-330 ft of o / -245 '64 ' • 89
Tuck. J TA, 30.430 ft of o 1245 '64 89'
i tilbraith, J,,hiirei 8} ii. 246 '65 ' 6 24
Bees,ll'elt't Erie 1-16 011298 - '65 156
Weozaeldt IT, o 1 412 • '65 210
Pagan, J an, la, 298 '65 .20
Bowen, - '(W - etisibre - - 1 '
Agl) Sq 0 lois 2192, ! .. "65
.2185, 21* 2188, - ~',
'Cilins, 14,,5q 48, lot 1831, "'65
Cornell. Wan, Sea 37, 4/ a; '65
Lankman; Miss 2.80, 538 '65
Spofford; 0, 1-16, - 639 '65
Stratton, W P; Res 87, 6 a, '65
Stearns Will R, 5-82 - 538 '65
Sterrett, Wm J, 1 lot, 566 .t 66
Himrfid, 1), la, . 114 , '65
Ileibeek, :1;49 X 1220,412 '65
Sold Dgall Detig gists.
11.11PDVID dining& TWO?. TRAIL TOTAL.
Fla Ten, I 0;53 a. 16 ' '65 11 66
8emu5,,L,155- a,25 '64 - 888
Jessup, A; 25 a, ,
116 ' '64 270
Jessup, A; 80 a, • • 116 '64 315
Kirk, P, 129 a, 9l '64 • 14.63
Elharr. 100 a, 103 '64'65 29 41
Hartshorne. B, . 86 '64'65 - 18 19
Reputed Oioger.. Tract. A. reisr.
ldyem, itlialollF,l 111 60 1864
.31aishai„ obert, 26 100 1864'65
Robertson Geo W, 650 1865
Fisk,W, • ‘i` 1 24 50 1864'65
Cannada,,t: • - 6 100 1864'65
Buena, Nelaon, •
•' 5 150 1865
`Youngs, Dud, 97 183=1865 •
Hula & 'Olds.- 82 1 '1865
Oral:cumuli'. 1), 27 04 '
Reputed Owners. • Tlviet. A. ;rears.
Hays, Walter, - 1978 14 1864
Cochran; Tdt TC; 111' 3o 1864.
L'lntaktu , ',_Levl,, • ' 1098 2001864'65
;Hays. Alansca;„ 1964 2001865 0
Morris, Joseph /b• 189 175 1864'65
Sterrett, David, 1976 111 '1864 :-
Smith dr. Kennedy, 1957 •501864
King, Mrs TD, 111 .80 : r .'65
ligniied Owners. • frac! A. rears.
Bennett, J. heirs,.. 2067 8901864'65
.Finney, Harvey, 2064 88 -'64435
Joseph,, - '2028' 200 • "64'65
Haynes Serra, 2105.-20
Graves, Dozana, 2098 ' 8 •
Gleason, JF, •
• 2056 82: '65
Lester, Lase, •88 , '65
Morton, John, • - 32,88 8 ;
,Botton, - • 84- 1- • - '65
Buffington, Orson,B4 • 4 ,!65
'Dirtieht, Michael, ,
33• • '66
Kelley, 511Chaelr 83 • 1 '65
Peterplace. - 34,. 1 '64
litahonei, patriot, 'sr 1 '65
4ttenbur. — • 84 • - 1
, Lanham, J. heir;, 35:54 - • '55 •
• Breath, Vi' H L,' 83. 47
-Smith ,k' Wright, 32 33 25 1 '65 ”
&puled Owners. • Tract. it, .Yettra.'
Barderin & Dario*, 288 1764 '64'65
do do 280 :Nib
• do • do. _ `298' • 21 - " '65
do ' . . 296 12 " , '65
do ' do _ 365' 200 1864'65
do , 366: 25. '64'05
do do - 288 80 '64'65
, do ' 125 '64'65
Crawley, Andre!, .48, 10 '65
Leary, John, 62 50 -'65
PO, Itylimen, • 87 100 . '65
I•Sitnford, David f t .)B9 97 • '65•.
Criise, Jacob; • lot ISO
iti*ett triitiiers, . A.•
Clark, ani , _ ' 1865;
Ocaniin; Ott: 1' '65
Conifer, Heney;l lot (Colegtovey6s
Crooks; eiirties, 1 vacant lot '65,
Dalton, Edmund, 45 a 1 / 4 45
Finnegan, Thos. • 1 lot . '65
Gillett, L lots No. 87, 96' • '65
• Hotrard,'W 8,1 lot • " 4 5
.Hatch, CS, 1 do' - • '64
'Hall, NS, ,• 1 lot on - '65
Mr, Ido • do — '65
Kennedy, - A W4hintit " 1 65, :
King,'o L l ._ 1 of 4 ,65
Luee, Lester, 4- vacant lot, ' -'65
Lovell, Melvin 2 do do '6B , -
Mitchell, lotto, 1 - -- do do - • 1 65
Mason, Chas 3 a, Liberty street '65
Nelson, B a laud; '65
Oltastead,•Lyman, 1 a . -
Platner, Elbut J, 2 a (Colgrove) '65
Platner, Mathias, 2.a do '6 5 ,
Perkins, CI, 2 lots (of Smith) '65
Iteno,,-Pittichi.l lot' : '65
Handalf, Ur. 1 do.' ' 65
Heed, F, 1 vacant lot' '65
Skinner, OAS, 1 do do „ "65
Shedd Peter *land ••
SMlth, Heary, I hit:Mont - • '65
Safford, Orrin, 2a, Church St ..P65
• Skinner, George 1 lot PROW '65,_
M.3.~ +Qie~-.. -
" thoiiiish;t4 WOO 'kit do -''-;:: , '-'6s:: l ''''' 71".4 1 .•::, 'IV* ,
Taylor, John,. Ido do '65 500
Unknown; .1 lot (of E Wright) '65 625
,!Unknown, I.lot, oox 2 ay/1114in 065 20 00
Williams, Mir: I lot '65 :7 00
Webtor,.llra OL, 1 lot vacant '65 ':•: 5u
Wilcox, 11,.i.5, Mid of Rolpti '65 - 43 75
urtiss, Sheldon, 1 lot vacant '65 • • 5 (10
Copeland,. r. 152 21T 1864 ,
Patterson,, Wm, 118 "
Warren John 11 40 • '65
haitleit, &login°, 138 84) ... . " !62 .
do do 131 , 20 ; '65
negatt, - John, 123 21 • . '65
McLane', John 8: '147 100 '65
Thocupsoo, Ciaritta,l49 30 . '65
de.' do 120 70 •• '65
Wade, UUmei.C, 0 33 '65
Mater., Knight IC; 187 4 " '65
Alexander, (David] Wm' village lot 1884
Harvey, Jacob, do do
Reynolds, J W, do' - do
LI:Bolin)? Towtragyp: -
urc?, U 40 1864, 1805
King, nos, as • 94 '64
- 30 '65 -
Davenport, El A, as , 94 '65 •,
Smith, Alpheus gg 104 '65 -
Sweet, J •R, bb ' 50
Richardson, W m,gg 100 • '66
Stitching, If, v 50 '65
Lippett, L, L, 45 '65
Harris Junius. as 4 '65
Henry, Michael, 391 200 1864 '
Balkan, Michael, ' 2073 185 '65.
Center, Jerry, 2013 4 ' '65
Trout, Simnel, 2018 100 164.,
Dailey, Mary, 226 5,6 1864 .
Ranucuck, Benj, 224 44 '64 1865
Lynch, Charles,- 122 13, '64'65
Wood, Geo H,' 238 • 24 '64
Wallace, Wm, heirs, gore 30 '65'65
Olds, L W, -; 385 30 'B4
Taylor, B A, 225 58 '64
Allen, SA • 238 . 24 ; '6s
Bowers, GB, • 188.9 400 ! '65
Kinnedy, TB, 235 ape '65
dd do 236 300
SherwoodoilanioslBB 2$
Thompson, FA t 235 50
ignited 4 Tra t, den*. 1 Total
Judd. Byron. 400 -15' 194 $Bll3
Graham John C. . 392 '' 72% ' 3495
Binnecl.4 TB._ , 253 167 , " . 101 35
do de • 396 ' ;63 , " 35 19
terns*. /1 8. heirs. 8 • % .11160+16
Lusk. Dennis. 443 231 1864'
McNair. Win N. • 4 C O 22 "
Eddies. Chas. 445.30
Staneliff. Margaret. F '25 " "
Wln. • K 47 IP W.
'Pim Alonso. _B5 25 1864 Sian. Leonard. 71 '25 '65
EL V A,_ 49 156 "
Crane, E.ihn, . 462 --- /0 1864
Glossop. Janos. 99 125 • "'65
Pomorov Alden. ' 463 100 ' ' " -
Wilson. W. 93 _ 125 - "
Ebbw, Wm IL • '99 75 , "
Jonas. W .I'. , Gore .40 '6 '65
Jacobi. L C, 579 50 "
21 ~ ..
Milks,•David. 520 3 "
Anderson. Alvin. • 646 - • • • -I.
Luce, Norris. Gore k ll l. . 62 . 3 -/0
Litteohlo CE, 522 , M o
Diego's. Daniel, Gore. 'l2 _ ' "
Citifies. Niraso„ heirs. 516 20 ' 1"
13easunont. John. 520: 1 lot ' 1 ' 'f,t
Thompson, John. 602 - 300 •' !.
d ' • • 144
do o d o ' 6 604 63 , 144 . "
do do - 697 225 PP
Wallace. J W.,' - • ' 601 ~ 52 .• • - „." -
do ''-' l , do . 663 - 220 • ' " ' , • 1 ..
do de 604 ' MO
L do do 116 300
Grant. Beal , ' 602 I 115
do do , DA. : 70 -
do do . ' 6111 ~ - //
do. do - 607 • 750 ,• • "
Wallace. J W.' ' 608 ' 116•
Grant. 1 3 e• 609 . - r 8.2 "
Ramat. Wtn, 5.1.1 ... ...' _,,34 o
Robinson, Amass W, 600. 4il ' ..f?
Williams, li M. _, ti pro 5' • • ..
Hall,. Horace, ' 620 ' .:4 1 1< it 1 ' • •
Lnutliog. James. Village let, • 1864
Milks. Mrs, 466 • 9 ."-
Warren, Lugo. Tillage lot '
Wood, John. - do ' ft
Brows. .. - t
Downs. David.' ' 7 ' : '65- ..
Faulknor.(otOilereolc) I ell lot - in Lockport
.Routed Choirs. Loes.-, - Tivet. Block ream
, W 11. • 2
2 . - • 519 10 , ' 1864'63 -
du do. • JO Pt •
-Keith. A, 4 _ : ~ z? ~.,.. ~
!Wright. Orrin. 6 VP 13 . 111/ SI
lUttlitcoint. • 2. 3.4. sil 1 17," • 1. 3 „
) . 18,19,20, V. •&,24.” '
Unknown. - - 11. ' 0 00 IP Pr
P. 1 3 , ~
do 1.23,46,9,10
do 1 31,12.14. '
14 " 14
do 22 • ~
do ' 1 5 1. ,
14,15. 18. 22 " 27
Cummins,John.3. - " 22”- . ' "
Day. Nrastus, 9,10 : , 5lB 18 ,IP
Montgomery, GB. 11 - ' 5d9. 13 f "
Towner. Joseph, 14.15,16, r•-!-_,• 13 ~ 41
Unknown, 2.3 4.5, 7,11. . '-: -,-.• ,
12.13.14. 45. 16. ' - '
1 . 17,18,19, 20, 21. I
M.. 5
Z. 21.25, ." a
: . 13M
' 24 'tl-2-3
46 3, ,*.
oo B B iand.' Rt ' ?nod forTazes--
P 1444114. Mobs) . 24 1 9140rth W 186 4,
' anl_liiitilow .
66 20
12 18
80 59
49 90
86 SS
51 60
E4i 11. 4117311:4I a 00"
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IPredeviskilicigh, - _ _
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R ttle 'VAT emus . , 'To, :` ,
23 38
48 43
25 20
$76 03
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