The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 05, 1866, Image 2

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    'grit o'hstrbtt.
The Democracy of Connecticut, aided
by - the . Conservative Republicans, have
made one of the most gallant fights ever
recorded in the political history of the
country, and although their candidate is
defeated by a meagre majority, the result
is anything but encouraging to the Rad.
icals. Gen. Hawley, the oPpteition nen
ditlete, is chosen Governoi, by the small
majority of 509, in the largest poll ever
cast in the State--a,less to the Radicals,
since last year, of over 10,000. • Besides
this enormous gain, we have secured eight
or nine membets &Mate, where we(
did not have one last year, and from fif
teen to seventeen Members of the House.
We, of comae
_,, would have been much
better pleased had lour State ticketbeen
successful, hue conlidering that all - this
has been effected in &single y,ear, and
a New England State,..theresuilt is as good;
and even better than could have been ex
pected. The prosperitf of - the Conieria;
tive party in Cpnnecticut williladdenthe
hearts of thelriezds_of the Union every
where, and encourage them to renewed
efforts fot the cause: With the - same
.nourage and spirit displayedon the part
of the Conservatifes of Pennsylvania as'
we have seen in Connecticut, Mr. Cly
mer's success will -be as certain as the
'coming of election day." • •
manzans IinSIGIVATION.
It will be, perceived by the fallowing
letter that -Mr. Clynier, believing it to be
inconsistent with his position as a °midi.
date for Governor; to hold another State
office at the same-time; has iesigned
. his
seat in the Smite. The motives which im
pelled him to the act ere honorable in the
hig'lest sense, and his course will meet
with the hearty approbation of all his
friends. We onderstsind it tnbe Mr. Cly
mer's intention soon to commence a thor- .
ough CSAVABS of the State. -lie will, if
pots iible, endeavor to visit every county
and important town, and wherever be
goes, wo feel firmly assured, his pleasant
innera,frank expression, and eloquence
!alter, will increase, his long list of
Ind Fleming, Speaker' of the Senate of
oimisyttnnia; •
S►a—l hereby resign my seat as Senator
representing the Sixth Sianstorial District
of this State.
I had intended to forward you my res
ignation on Tuesday, the 6th day of this
month, but, •on examination of the elec-
tion laws, I found that if a resignation
Stakes place at any time before the last
fifteen days'of the sesiion of the General
Assembly, it :Would be the duty of the
Speaker to,-issue his writ for a special
election. As, by a joint resolution, the
day of final adjeurtment has been fixed
on the 12th'day of April, 1866, I have de.
ferred informing you of my intention
until this day. in order that my district
maybe spared the expense incident to a
special election, whion it is now too • • late
to order.
You .will believe me tha6 I sever my
long connection with the body over which
you preside with feelings of deep personal
regret, constrained thereto by the nett
relations which I bear to my, fellow citi
zens. •
For you, sir, and every member of the
Senate,. I sball ever entertain the kindli
est feelings of personal regard and esteem.
I have the honor to be, yours vary faith
fully, lbusrza PLIIfItR.
'rotas are_two questions, says the_Phil
adeiphia Age, which the people desire
General Geary to answer without delay,'
and which we shall, continue to ask until
we get'ex_plicit replies to them :
1. is he, or is he not, in favor of negro
suffrage ?
2. 'Does he, or does he not, support the
restoration policy of Andrew Johnson ?
Let there be no quibbling or dodging.
Give us. plain! and unmistakable arawers.
If the General imagines that he can get
through the six month's campaign before
us without meeting fairly and squarely
'these two important questions, he will find
himself as sadly mistaken as when he re
treated .before fifteen . of Hoseby's men,
under the impression that they were the
body of Stonewall Jackson's army.
President Johnson on Monday issued a
proclamation declaring the insurrection'
in the Southern States at as end; that
" the laws can be sustained and enforced
therein by the proper, civil authority ;"
and' that " standing armies, military oc
cupation, military law, military tribunals,
and the suspension of the privileges of the
writ of habeas corpus. are in time of peace
dangerous to public liberty, incompatible
with the individual rights of the citizen,
contrary to the genius and spirit of our
free institutions and' exhaustive, of .our
national resources, and ought not, there.,
lore, to be sanctioned or allowed, except
in cases of actual invasion.' or insurrec
tion." Vail proclamation ptds an end to
military occupation and domination at
the South.' and places the seceded States
'on an equality With the rest of the States.
Tas following telegram, was sent from
Harrisburg last week, by tze agent of the
AssociatedPress.' It was excluded, how-
ever, irom ill the dailylie publican Pipers:
This is a sipplei of their fairness. When
detected pi - false statements, they meanly
decline to make-the Correction :
- ilastasnuao. March 23, 1860.
The Chairman of 'the Democratic State
Central Committee authoritatively denies
the statement ; which less appeared in the
New York papers, that-any conarbittee of
the late Democratic Convention; or of the
State Central Committee, haslvaited upon
\President Johnsen.
Govxxxos Arras, of New York, has,
responded' to two requisitions from Gov
ernor Wells, of Louisiana, and -to o{{ - ++e
from Governor Worth, of North Cavoliaa.•
He has done this on the ground • thaf
these Governors are recognized by the
4iational Executive as representing legiti
mate State Governments. The Supreme
Court of 'the United•Ststes has in carious
ways recognized the existence of the South
'ern States. Congress atone refuses to as
sent to - the restoration of the Union.
Tire 'editOr . 45f the - Mobile ..Register says
that Millais not seen a,Sonthein man Who .
wouldleuew, the _conflict.' if the opPoite , "
nity' etiontd ' present iteislt, end ot
who iitet in aver of President Johneon'i
rettoration policy.
.• • • 74.",-
eittheirLss, NOT PANTY; alliiNtairs,
The frantic cry of party—the Unman party
—the party that is very modestly claimed
by tricksters as the one that carried on
,the war to a triumphant issue, as if no.
body but Republicatie fought the Attlee
of the 'Union, is now set up to delude and
ensnare the people who support the gov
ernment. Such are entreated not to break
from the benignant organization in Can
gress led by Thaddens §,terens,elibpngh,
the body of th — ai organization is simply
and solely for disunion. ' For 6141mb:eel
old, issues, or traditiene,er'passions, or.
names, grown up Man are expected to
abnegate sense of right'and disposition to
support the President in a tranquilizing
and healing policy, and- allovr-therateltes
to be bound hind and foot to the fortunes
of destructivedisunionista in a wild, des
perate es:Arse of revolution or usurpation
of constitutional powers. ' ' •
If the. people •of the North could be
• . to-day, by a ballot, -Upon the Preii
dent's y, out& be sustained' by a .
vast majority -but there is a eel of dis
unionista in Northern' States who are
following the lead of Congreai, and they
hold the machinery or ci - manization of the
"Union party," so 'called,. and have,
douhileas, imbued the body' of it with
ideas hostile to the Government. But to
the largo element ofAhat,party who sup
-. President, -.they stretch - forth
theirn,hands imploringly, and 'say, "stand
by us, or we sink. '
These disunion tricksters hate a holy
horror of Itepublicanit acting with' beim . ;
crate, though they:hesupporting the po'
;era the Goverment. On this point tt
Republican in high position iveently're
marked thatall the old homes—even that
of war for presorting the ~Union—had
'passed away, and 'the only vital present
bums is that of the Preii4ent'a_polioy.' He
should support 'regardless of party or
party names, of old of effete issues, or of
those who went .with him, or whoroAhey
were for, prpvided - that they were , going
in the right direction for theaccemplish .
meat of a vital• object of naticiutel con--
If the Republicans who are fcir a restored
Union Under the lead - ,ef the President,'
stilLadhere io 'their party organiiation,
and are mastered by it, as they new 'are
and *ili„continue to be, then,' of course,
they defeat _themselves and their princi.
plea. Under precisely 'such' a condition
of things in partyism, Mr. Webster asked,
"Where shall I go?" "This is not the
entertainment to which 14was invited!"
Mr. Webster did not hesitate to break
from the dictation of the shoal of entail
politicians that, ruled Massachusetts,sand.
called upon the people "to hear him N.
his cause." That 'cause was union and
haft:dopy through measures of concession
and 'compromise, to avert that civil war
which was afterwards precipitated ,by
extremists to the woe of all the people.
Applying oar idess . practically, we find
that 'the so-called Union victory iti New
IlaniPshire is pa n ed, 'as an„ endorsement
of a:ingress - and a condemnation of the
pirlley of the President. Thaddeus Stevens
is gratified—Ckiloner Forney is . . overjoyed
—the odicius star chamber reverberates in
all its parts with plaudits, and the' entire
disunion party in'Congress and elsewhere
breaks forth in romans of joy., .Does what
pleases .such parties satisfy and; gratify
those Republicans who. support the Presi
dent? Is their lead arid association the
proper one for conservative Union Men
Andrew Johnson men ? Do Men gatbe
grii.pes of thorns, tar figs of thistles ?-2Cii.
tipna2,lntefiigenie . r. • ' • . _
, WHIM. 11 TOR UNION Pir.Tlr f:
fhe following is the remit. of: an inter
view betwon President Johnson and two
Prominent Democrats from Connecticut.
It will be read with interest, as showing
whom Mr. Johnson regards as his friends,
and what Organization he. considers the
true !' Union, Party " of the country.—
The President's emphatic declare !ion Mit
"no onecan approve' of his policy and
that of Congress at the same time," is a
üb b l l i n ca w n et p th art e Y p i---„i olitidal trimmers in the
To the• - eketors of: Conneetieat •
: . -
The undersigned were introduced to
President Johnson on- 'Friday evening,
the 23d inst., by Gm. Itotissean, a mem
-bar of Congress' from Sentuoky; and si
personal friend of the President; who had
previously assiireci , nl that, the President.
in 'view of the'' success of his restoration
policy, so vital to the Welfare cf the Union,
desired the eteetitin Wilk, Mon. jiitiles-E.
English in Connecticiit, Gen, .ussean
remained with us during 'Our . intriiilw
with the President.' '
We stated to the President that r e had
called to ascertain 'beyond' que.stion
doubt, the position which he took in a
late conversation with Geri. Hawley and
Messrs. Owen and Grisirold; of. Connecti
cut, areport of,whictibed been published,
and which we hollered did not fully rep
resent. the President's sentiments as-ex
pressed upon that occasion:„
He said . he had no -view s to conceal....
that the present' crisis demanded. frank
avowals, and he had publicly made them ;
he ” hoped there would be'no decepUen•
practiced upon the people. • n ,
We read to him the despatch of Messri.
Owen and Griswold.. to - the Republican
meeting iellartford. He expressed cur.'
prise, hat the gentlemen bad omitte d 'llll
essential part of his remarks. - slid
he did stand upon the . principles'ef thei •
Baltimore ,platforin, _the-Object of which
was to restore, the Union, and that was
his Ohject how. Her- did' desire tha 'Auteuil of
.the Visiorkparty. -
.We then said, it iScleimed iesCouneot 7
icut that when you say) you desire the
success of the " Union Party," you desire
the election of Gen:. Hawley., as-the party
that cupportehint.calls itself the -"-Uision
Parti." , r ' • ••
- • • '
lie replied that he meant by the Union
Party; at• this Aime ,, the party which: Sup,
porti-his 'Usk; 'restoration-policy. who
ever they may 64 ad ne °there. He did not
eoitsides thou whO'oppased - ai '6alo ng.
iitys to:the 17,nioi; Rat*: •Ttiere shditld' bane
misrepresentation irs - thie matter'; te!tioni
sidered • that 'the - *afire lortheLUtilon
:depencled,upori the:tine:m r
a 'of his estora
tion policy. ' " -• • •‘•
The President then remarked that,
Weirs. Owen and Griswold "eboald hire
reported hint as saying that he - livid - the
friend of those .who supported hisliolley,
and the 'opponent of thoie who oppose
it. Thequestion, said, he, °flay ?amora l .
tin policy is -new ,the piriunount.ques--
nap, and all who oppose it are my .oppo.
-We anteed , the President that if ewe
gentlepety- had - • so - telegraphed his re
marks, we should hot ha ve been here this
evening.", ' • 7' 7
• The President then Bald P-Thetriii
ciples of my ?estimation • polio'' , are funds*
Mated. mitt eat approve Of My policy
sod that Cangretri - ittl the 'Mine•times.
V a tNevr:,Hampshire it
was claimed thafticith policies there'Sup
poited,'Alcik*:tirciottrse could -not be ; -but
after the eleefihniVinsvotainied that -a
radical victory had, been achieved." • He
treated the people Would not now be de.
. We that handed to the President the
iieignstion of Postmaster Cleveland. He
took the paper readit over carefulir and'
iemarked thimeerning read at Abe
Atellipnesr Mr: Cleveland's late speee'hin
Hertford.;, ItitteLitod speech. tikes
the right ground . " He then read Mr.
Cleveland's letter again; and in our pres•
once signed upon the back of it his ap
proval of Mr. C.'s course, and calling his
Secretary, reqaested him put it in, an
official envelope, and to direct it to Mr •
'Cleveland," - which having been done; - the
President retailed it to us unsealed. •
Our interview was exceedingly Omant
and entirely satisfactory to us, and we so
exPresved ourselves to the President on
taking leave.of -
:March 24 ,
'laconnection.eiththissubject, we pub
lisp the following special dispatch him
Viresiiington in the New 'York. World, of
March 27th .
• President Johnson has to day clearly
defined his position in regard to - the elec•
tion in COnneinicut, and no one will now
be at alosa to know which candidate hits
his sympathies. In-reply to a telegrain
Which be received from the Bast, he uses
this plain and i unequivocal language:'-
"In reference to the elections in conned
ictit; or elsewhere, I am for,the candidate
who 'is for, the . general policy and the
specific measures promulgated in my an
nual message, veto message, speech of
of February. and the 'veto message sent
in to-day. , l! There can be no mistake in
this, I presume. • It is known, or ous be
ascertained, what candidates favor- or op
pose my policy or measures as promulga
ted to the'country."
The , Cincinnati Coaimerdal, a :Republi
- ,
Can paper, recently sent a special come-.
pondent bi,*ashingtonCity, for the pm'
pose of ascertaining Abe distinotlitnation
of matters ft the National Capital. He
has gleien the result of his observationa l ir.
a lea thy ietter, tke '
substance of which
is'embpdied in the. following clear suns
mary near the close of:the epistle. Those
who desire to obtaitereliable information
as to the President's habits, views and
Party position will Sad it of _rare inte
rest :-
'That. The President does not get drunk;
is temperate and abstemious in all his
habits; does not touch:-liquor of any
kind, and has not since the day of the
Second. Ile Is-not going over to the cop
perheads, nor is he going to appoint any
man to office wbo,was not with the Union
party during the war. -
Mini. He is going to• have every man
who.holds office under him support him
and his measures, his 'policy,"arc set
forth in his 22d of February speech, Ibis
veto, and his message. Those who do not
support him, and do take sides with the
radicals in Congress,- had better look out
for the Executive axe, for it will surely
fall. .
Fourth. Andrew Johnson is as honest
and patriotic a man as lives on the earth.
He is just as combative and stubborn as
he is honest.
Fifth." Dear to him as hie first-born. yea,
precious as the breath of his nostrils, is
his " polic y." Before his determination to
sustain an 4 carry through that polick, all
other :.considerations must go down. ' To
that "policy" he Would sacrifice the Uniosi
party. were it necessary. 'He Would sacri
fice any. and .1W personal triendships
-9084 his very, life would weigh nothing in
the 'scales against' his determination to
carry it.through. Why ? Because her has,
after long days, and 'reeks, and months of
earnest thought, study . and prayer, co ,t;
eluded that the salvation of his _country
,and the welfare of - the people depend
upon : it.
However much we may differ with him
in judgment e can but admire his Spar
tan' tr. ^ and dauntless courage.—
is the President's 'policy' upon
w ich he is risking so much?.!' many 'in
quire. '-'"_What is this phimera, this phan.,
tom, this ignisfatuus policy' that is. lead-I
,ing the President this wild dance?" That
cannot,fully answer. His message, veto
and speech will best give it. Tlie princi
pal ingredients of that policy are :
rissa . That the constitutional rights of
the States and people thereof shall not be
infringed or trampled upon by the gene
ral government. •
/Second. That the States have the ;right
to determine for themselvei the qualifica
tions of Voters, and that. tie general gov
ernment can no more intestate with that
right in South Carolina than in Massichn
sette. :
Third. That whenever a member of Con
,gretut tram any one of the thirty.six States
presents himself fora seat in Congress and
cm take the oath prescribed for each and
:every raeruherot that body, Congress has
no right to exclude him ; that, Congress
'can prescribe rules that will apply to all
its . memberk'but cannot
invidiously' legir
late against meMbeis from sections of the
country. or that apply only 4o aipart of
that body cuspated the States.
Fourth.-He does not believe in the Ste
veni'dastrine of "State suicide."
Fifth. He is. opposed to negro, suffrage
at this time; thtnics they are unfittlidfor,
and have not the requisite ospaciti‘to in.
- telligently exercise that sacred yet den
. .
gerous"pri rtiege. "
. .
, The fallowing importait letter ,
to views held, lily—Lincoln in,
refer ee ,to the Radicals and, thWques
-tioti of restoration.lias been addreihed to
Riisideut Johnson by ;ez-Lraited States
Marshal Lanion, Mr. • Lincoln% intim ate
friend:aid law partner. We commend It
to the taloa consideration of these, Repub.
Reams who claim "a warm admiration of
Mr. Lincoln's character :
'' Ms. Passings? ; —Among the nniner
one allegations' made against you by the
ultra abolitionists. lE hear ,norie repeated
so often acthis—,that you have deserted
the principles upon. which you were elec
ted. - and , turned aside from the path in
which . yoin• lamented predecesser would
have walked if he had lived: It same to
be believed by some that lair. Lincoln
couldlave been used, by the radicals for
all their.plarpoies, includicgAre desfruo
tion of tlieeovernment, the overthrow of
the Constiiition, and the indefinite post.
of Onion and' harniony among
the States. I need not say to you or any
well informed man that the masses.of that
powerful party which supported Mr. Lin
coln and you in the 'canvass of 1864 were.
iinesitelY attached to the Union and devo
ted, believers in the Constitution': They
Werywhereesserted' that the - object of the
wee wag to re-establish the Union with the
leastpossible delay, and one of the resolu
thins of thellaltimete Convention pledged
you both to restore thepansmount author
ity of the Constitution ail States.
Jt is tine that this Carty Included some
malignento Who hated the Union - and tried
AO destroy, ,it hefore i the war .began, and
their pretended love.of the 'Union during
-the iver„witio more .thati suspected to be
,and hypocritical '; but they kept
prudently silent. Mr. Thaddeus &tweed
was,. to ,the \Of .My knowledge; the
onlylesding man * the party shameless ,
and impudent enough to avow his hostili
ties to thaUnion: He was not the expo
neat of our viewa,and he represented not
evens fractional part, of the honest mil
fiend who east- their
. sootes, epenl , their
Money,- and; shed 'th eir blond to bring
back-the government 'of the'r fathers:—
All this you know. 'II Write now to tell you
what I know concerning the personal sen
timents of Mr. Lincoln himself, and I
claim now to be the same kind of a Rei
publican that wax when I voted for : him
at his first and sicend election. .I was his I
partner in the practice Of the law for al
number of . years. I came here with' hint
as his Special friend, and was. Marshal of
this District during the whole of Ida add '
ministration,- Down to the dap of
death, I was in the most confidential and
intimate relations with him. - I kniw hini
as well as one man can be known to an.
other. I had many and-free conversa 7
Gape with him on chit dubjeci of rec)p
struction: was made entirely - certain
by his own repeated deelaration to me,
that. he' would exert all his authbrity,
poner and influence, to bring about an .
immediate reconciliation between the tw o
sections of the 'country. '
AS far as depended upon him, he would
have had the .%uthern States repressnted
in both; Houses of Congress within the
shortest possible time. All the energies
of his name were given-to the vigorous
prosecution of the war, while the rebel
lion lasted, but he was equally determined
upon a vigorous. prosecution of peace,-10
anon as armed hostility should be ended.
Ile knew the base designs of the Radicals
to keep up the strife for their own advat
tags, and he_was determined to thwart
them. As he himself tqld me very often,
if any - corroboration of this statement is
needed, it may be found in the fact, that
the ultra abolitionists had actually begun
the outcry against him before - this death,
and the moderate men everwhere. North
and Smith, sincerely mourned his fall as
a calamity which - deprived them of, their
best friend. If that inscrutable Provi—
dence, 'whose ways are past finding out,
'had permitted-his life to continue - until
this time, there can be no.doubt that the
Northern disunioniste would now be as
loud in their denunciation of his policy
as they are of yours. Mr. Stevens' de
mand for the head of " that man at the
other end of the eveintie " would not bee
been one whit less ferocious. 'Of course
he could not, and did not ant'erp tie the
precise rhape of the measures which the
R a di ca l s might adopt to prevent recon
struction. The Freedmen? Bureau Bill
which recentlyitnet its death at your hands
was not born in- his lifetime; but- I pro
notinee it a foul slander upon hitanemory
t, assert that he would_bave signed a bill
so palpably in ,conflict with the Constitu
tion and sri plainly intended:to promote
the one bad purpose of perpetual the
I did hive Mr. Li Ili h • --
A. E. Buie.
C. M. Isatasou.
....r. Lincoln with a sincere,
and faithful sanction, and my deferenCe
for his memory is intensified by the her.
rible circumstances under which his high
career was closed. Now that death has
disarmed him of the power to defend
himself, his true friends 'should stand
- forth to vindicate his good name. , It
t'sere be any, insult 'upon his reputation
which they should resent more indignantly
than another, it is the assertion that he
would have been the tool and instratnebt
in the hands of such men as those who
now lead the heartless and unprincipled
contest against, you..
Tab following resolutiotts„ intreduced
into Congress by Mr. Rogers, (I:)em.,)' of
New Jersey, were voted down 'by the rid
isals : s • ..
Rcsoloid Thatihe Federal Government
has no constitutional right to mutt or
pAy the debt of the so-called govern nt
of the insurgent States,' or the rebel debt
of ally of said States, and that it would
be an outrage even to attempt to do eci.' -
Reaolved. That the honor of the Fedeild
Government and every principle ofjustibe
demand that the Federal debt should be
paid to the uttermost farthing ; that rein
diaion should be discountenanced, and
the faith of• the country- sacredly pre
Resolved, That equal taxation is jUst and
right, end that every person in this coun
try should 'bear his equal share of the
Federal and State taxes, and that there
should be no priVileged class.
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, at his latelec
ture in Philadelphia, in describing the
ludicrous position at present, assumed by
the 'Radical disunionists, under the lead
of Sumner .and Company, •who, in their
greit chattering.and impotent flings; are
endeavating to pelt the P i resident at a
convenient distance, said
The kind and, patient Mr. Lincoln was
cudgeeled and whacked by Vongress, and
be bore it with a patient spirit, reminding
tarn of some horses, who merely act When
cudgeled as though it was to brush flies
eff. When they, commenced. whacking
Hr. Johnson, they found a pair of heels
through the dash-board, and they left the
wagon _and took to trees and bushes,
" Beast, brute;'. but since then had
cudgled more carefully.
IT takes at least $60,000 a month to
support the 25,000 Jai) , and worthless
negroes who invest the neighborhood oft
Yorktown,- .Va. They are too lazy to
work, andoaly fit for servitude in their
present position of indolence and depen: i
deuce. This is 'a good specimen Of the
practical workings of the wrestled Freed-
wens' Bureau, which the radicals are so
desiroui to enlarge and extend over the
South:~ If 25,000 negroes at. Yorktown.
coat $60,000 n. month, what ,would be the
expense orhaving two or three milioni
to support, wholly or in part.. Tim maths
matically inclined may well figure a little
on the sum.
Tas Abolition' journals aro howlinifuri
onslyat President Johnson' for a ferr
morals from office of persona who have
spOken abusively of him or his:policy.—
What would they say if he shoti,ld do as
Mr. Lincoln did,, send tem-to Des
tile Lo •
CLlllitit: AND TEM PRICSSDICNT. —A corns
pondent of the New York Tribune recently
stated that the nomination of Mr. Clymer
was received with marked dissatisfaction
by the President. Perhaps the statement
was not overdrawn. Be this as it May, we
have excellent authority' for declaring that
'Mr. Clymer has been a frequent and; wel
come. visitor at the- White House dUring
the last six months.—PiusbureA Gmtette,
Pep )
.... 1 1.
- et the State Cemtruttee.
,I)Dsstocaarie BUTS Collittnal Balms, ,
Hanatspuita, P.A., Mar. 27, - 1868: j .
To the Pioptf9f Permaykanici
A civil contest, laden with grave result's,
las just been entered upon._ \ [
The great political organisations of the
State bevel' etuntintieed their platform and pre
- f.
seated to you.their olndidates. 1
"The Deretoem distinctly aim, their par
pose to restore the Union and to maintain the
superiority of the white man.
Their opponents refuse to restore the Union,
treat. 'with' silent' contempt the policy of the
'President, and again attempt to' deceive you'
-in regard to negro suffrage. . . 1
The restoration .01 he Union is an issue
embracing sod overshe o wing alLothers.
If it be postponed, agitation_tiontimiad,
you' will deny chit the war Es "a w:ir for,
the f Union i" you will shake your form of
government to its very-base, jeopardise. the
'security of your National d lb% . in cur the
hazard of ofinancill revulsion, fetter the de
velopment of_Your industrial resources, snake:
a desert of the fairest partion,of the Republte,
and aid in elevating the negro at the expense,
of the white man. , .
fide period of resc.ion after: great - titional
exertion is oftener fitsi to free institutions,
than the:sercrest throes of civil warfare, and
radical disunionist, seise that hour to oonaol.
iddo your GOTIMPZIekt briminding - the CO'
stitiiticai and to perpetuate their power thro'
I have the horior to be,
Your obedient servant,
WARD H. Laws;
the political equality of the negio.
.Prolooged agitation, .r prompt restoration
are the alternatives predated,
Alen of the Keystoae:
Look back, upon yon history, rind in the
light of that retrospect determine whether
you wilt be led to yoeir rain by a reckless
disturber of the peace j et yo . ar Commonwealth,
or will follow ,the Pres dent by . the paths of
the Conelitation to the avea of peace, order
and security. I • ) -
i t
The %moor' ey Trase,nt to you, with pride,
their mitt itiai for GoVeirnor;' a Pennsylvanian
hy birth ;of etroirititinary family; honest,
pure, capable ; pOisesse/ of large experience,
anti, gifted with • the rarest qualities of - the
bead, and of the heart, .no .mar need `blush
to follow where Mester Clymer leads the
way. , l '
Denwer4te of Penasylititnio:*
All -ip well; your candidate will be sus
tamed 1 trifling personalities give way before
the • onward march• c 4 great principles. Mb
assuredtof success, and labor to deserve it. .
By order of the DeuMeratio 'State Commit
tee. ' -' ISII. A. WALLACE,
.1 I 1 . Chairman.
he Great Flnantiall r
• '1 - • •
The main topic oflral dispassion during
the peat week has bee ate auSpension of the
great New York4m af Carer, Penn Si Co.,
with its chain of conAvting hints in Craw
ford and Venting° an. cities. "'The direct lone
in this city and county a comparatively email,
but the depression 'blob must inevitably
ensue in the oil reg on, if the suspended
institutions should fa , to resume payment,
cannot but seriously affect us here. From
a'l that we eau learn, he losses to our banks
are quite small. • The bankers of Erie have
never felt the- unlimited confidence in Mr,
Culver's financial ability entertained in some
quarters, and they have long been in the
habit of sending thej , 'fishes of his banks
home as soon as th y accumulated ii any
considerable amount.-It is hardly likely that
'one thousand dollars f the bills are held by
oar bankers. -The muss of the psiople; how
ever, has - te not been se fortunate. Almost
every person we meet, has - snore or less of the
discredited currency on hand. in leosne cases
the hard. earnings etthe winter hare accumu
lated wholly in theie funds, and peer persona
who bad several hundred dollarailaid away,
find themselves suddenly left *Rhea a penny.
The effect in this city lajnothing in elm- -
parison to that in the oil !country. There
nearly • the 'entire ,circulating medium was
made up of the issues of these banks, end
they were the popular depositories of the
-people. Thousands - - jot persons are directly
crippled in their fins chit operation's by the
suspension, and ever kind of businets has
experienced a blow from which it will take
many months to reco er. The state of affairs,
ie thus described by he Oil City Register:,
When it is taken into consideration ?at the
notes of thesebankri constitute probe ly not
less than two-thirdi bf the , ourrenoy in circu
lotion in the oil rogio , for the ordinary docu
mental transactions •cit our merchants and
business men, - the fee ing can'be better imag
.ined than described . The loss. as is usual in.
such cases, falls u on the laboring classes,
who are the !east ab , eto bear it. The- sari
bus scenes of t'' " day were painted to con-.
template. Many , laboring men who had re
ceived this mo op is payment for their ser
vices. seemed. utter .y disheartened as they
gazed on the l dishonored "promise to pay."
i ie
which oonstitu i d their entire all of worldly
,oalth. In, a me cases .the holders of the
notes of these auks litho bad saved up a small
slim to meet a sbility, or prepare for a rainy
dip, found :Jill t sit walh worthleilis bite of
paper._ 1 - - P
The banks Wit itwh ich 'Culver, Tenn & Co.
were connected i t.lis part of the State, and
which bare folio ed -the New York firm into
suspension, are Ise : Petroleum .Bank,
Titusville; First. Heusi Bank, Titusville;
Venango County tilt, Franklin"; Crawford
County : Sank , Me s 4 Ile ; Oil City Bank ; and
A. D. Cotton &Co Petroleum Centro. This
lied includes ell—ttie other banks mentioned
by us fast . week having since-been ascertained
to be unaffected by the crash. The Titusville
First National is nof one of the Culver chain,
but "had. heavy 4 dsposits with the New York
I . firm, which are not svailable at' present. The
officers gan out that it would resume business
on Thursday, but whether such has been the
case, we ale not Wonted at the hour of pub
lication. Among t.e wumberless interesting
incidents connects'' with the crisis, the lot-
lowing is related: : . i ,
One loser rushed into the banking house of
A. , I).- Cotton & • • 0., with a revolver, and
pointing it 'at-31r. / C., deManded the amount
of his deposit; but a well . known' Roches
t rise, who was having ati interview with the
Cashier at the time, .deliberately put the
would be shooter and shooting iron into - the
-Street, by a peculiar sort of persuasion known
to himself. He then induced the firm to dis
gorge a draft. for $5,000„ which-he deposited
with thorn the samoafuirnoon that they closed.
He was fortunate. i The telegraph operator at
Petroleum \ Oentre,l upon receiving 'the tele
gramlir directing the bank 4 close, very coolly,
turoeCto the comp ny's betas. znada out the
bill. against the h nk for telegraphing, due
for thirty days pri r, including the amount of
the last dispatch„' ant to the bank, demanded
and received the esnbacks. receipted the
bill, and then h ded over the dispatch di
recting tho bank tol l chine up-buelness. I
The all important ) which ever ybody
is wanting to have answered now is—will the
banks resume porMertt ? . The friends of Cul
ver say limy will,' ut the loutaido public feel
very dubious on iii 1 point ' It iti argued that
- - • 1
if he could not sustainn his credit while- he
possessed. the. entitti con4den oe of the com
howls It possible that he can r eirtve
it, now that dt. has been imp i ired.? hlr4 Culier
bimseif appears to have no doubt on the sub
ject. - The folloWing disPiatch was sent bylini
on the 28th'inst.: , •
New Ironic, March 28.
I will be able t pay in full with time' to
convert. Advise holders of Crawford and Oil
City notes not to s'acrilice, but to accept re
ceipts, which we I Will pay in fall. Will go
West we goon as pdesible.
• 4 C. V. CcLimn.
The fact is noticiable, also, 'bet the Mead
ville and Titus Title -papers: seem to rely upon
his ability to meet all his engagements.—
Whether this is founded on the warm per
sonal friendship oft the iditors for him, upon
their confidence It his integrity and ability,
or on reliable information In their poesegsien,
we are unable to I state. The Meadville Re
publican tells - the following:
- .Tudie,lChureti-, Whose opportunities for as.
certainine the exict situatlonuf the iffaire of
the arm are not; excelled, and whit is well
known to all our people, eays thelasseta of
lver, Penn & Co. largely exceed their lia
bilities, and:that if the creditors are liberal,
lonient add forbetiving, rather than exaoling,
unrelenting and oppressive. every dollar will'
be realised to meet all claims. We are ad
vised that the -New tort creditors desire to
co-operate with the creditorsherS in a liberal
policy, believing {bit under the direction of
Mr. Cult*r the assets will be readily available
for double the Amhara, that can be °realised by
the assignees. With Thew to this Object we
lea* that a meeting o all the creditors had
been agreed upon, to be bald in this city on
Thursday next (to . .day,) to deliberate,in
Bard towffeirs, and it practicable to• adopt a
plan looking to the ultimate payment of every
dollar, and tbel early resumption of business
by the firm. Bunnel Q Brown, Bag one of
the wealthiest men in North-western Penney 1-
ends, and one of the creditors of the house,
le, we tidderetand, engaged among the capi.
White:in the oil region in an effort looking to
$ harmonious arrangement emong ill Whose
interests are involved and his high standing
there and in Bey York, taken in connection
with bis energy of; character, will exercise an
important influence.
Vie Rigallain up farther that Mr. Cal,
L - clfrestl, attributsjt to his hesitsilas *al
... :ftY4is.~-.•rte C,:[TJN!!.~ .V.EPiG~il.9lir":li^•./.3.+/s.
delicacy in appealiiiifor aid in the emergency
to his personal friends, who, we are assure ,
would bare promptly advineed the me s
requisite for the rola of his house. Th.• a
man who in 1861 g4ve away for char able
purposes doable the amount which i 1866
would - bare soved him from faitnre, eheuid
have hesitated to make his wants own in'
time to secure aid.=-Feome almost., incunpre
heesible, but we have the bigticvt nu hority
that subh was the cese,•tind it is attributable
io the eonfus'on of the moment and the natu
ral Clicacy he felt in the emergency, It is
stated on the authority of the President of
the Third National Bank of New York. that
had die - house been able to keep open - forty
eight hours longer, securities belcogieg to
Mr. Culver would have matured to an amount
that would have rendered-their fluttncial situ
&lion perfectly esay.
And the Jonenal adds :
Hon. C. V. Culver arrived hero on Satur.
day, remained he a feW henry, and departed ,
for Franklin by special locomotive in the eve
ning. He a:peened confidence in his ability
to meet all his obligations and to resume busi.
nee! within sixty days. The assets of the firm
of Culver, Penn do Co. are vastly in excess of
its liabilities, and-if thespeiple of thin region
will .only exercise the same forbiarauce and
kiadrices which Eastern creditors exhibit, not
a dollar need be-dotit. -We earnestly hope that
matters will bt; so arranged as to secure all
bill holders and depositors against 104, and
we have assurance ,-that a little lenity and
liberality will seonra , this end.
We sincerely . ho Pe , that ale statements of
our ootemporarles may be well founded.—
While having serioul doubts as to the vend.
'Cation of their -predictions, it is no part of
our intention -to add to the apprehensions of
the public mind by any hasty or ill advised
comments. To denounce Mr Culver without
knowing the precise cause or extent of his
difficulties, or the means he proposes to meet
them, is simply to' damage his credit the more,_
and render him that mach tie lees able to
• ••eel his' obligations. Should 'it turn out,
however, that rash and unworthy spedulative
schemes have .oansed his disaiter, involving
as it does that of thousands of his fellow °M.
seas; and should he fail to mike an earnest
and straightforward effort to secure - his cred
Roes; the. opprobrium 'thatlrill attach to hi
will be no more than he deserves, and we
shall be ss.prompt as any to bestow upon him ,
his fell mead of condemnation.
Tan Fca. Darkerntzsr.—The report of Mr.
J. G, Stafford, Chief Engineer of the Fire
Department, for 'the. year ending April -Ist,
was submitted to the City 'Councils on Mon
day evening. ' It is a well written and
markably interesting document. We !earn
from it that " Perry No. • 1 has fifty men, and
is located in. an old barn on Holland street.,
put' will move into the new house on Fiffh
street es soon as vacated by Mr. Pelt on. Eagle
No. 2 has fifty men, and is located for the
present in a store house kin ily given by
Messrs. Degmire and Sterrett, on Sixth street
near the canal. Good will No. 3 i has eighty
men, and is etered. for the present in tebarn
on Ea4Sevecth strcpt, occupied in part by J.
Blenner. The steamer is boated on Poach,
between Seventh and Eighth streets, and him
fourteen men, including engineer anti fireman.
There have been added tiering the year 1,508
feet of ne • hose, makirg in all about 2,000
feet now fit.-for use." Mr, (afford reconi--
mends. the purchase 4 a hank and ladder
truckas an indispensable
_necessity to the ef
ficiency of the departmept. He also urges
the building of engine houses for Nos 2 and
3, and the purchase 'of a pair of borses for
the steamer. The latter, he-says, could be
worked on the streets, and could - pny for them.
selves in one season . . The total expense of
keeping up the 'fire department : during tote
year, including $l,OOO to Mr. Peltpn as part
'payinent of Perri company's new house, is
given at $7,290. Accompanying the report is a
able, comparing the running capeasesof
andhand engines in different cities, from Which
it appears that while in Boston it costs $2,760
to run a steam, and $4,400 to run a hand en
gine pei•year, in Erie the cost is only $250
for a hand and $62-1 for a steam-engine dar
ing the same period. The following is a rec•
erd of the fires from April 1, 1865, to April
1,1866, .with the amount otiose 'and insur•
anco 1
Jane 19, 1865. Canal Duln,
♦Alines malt house, sect
dental, 521,00000 9.20,030 00
dlnit..lll, 1865. corner State
and Second, D. C:Dobblna;
Nov. 11,1885, dry house, Finn
d Steam
Nor. 13,1565, lone !din, D. C.
Wan/bee. accidental,
Nov. 15,, 1665: oil tank, Hen•
nody Sr, Co., eareleuxissa,,... 2,000,00
ov. 27, 1845, house corner
Frpneh and Iroarth, Ati. W.
Blom accidental..
A)? 27. 18e4, 33 ( . 0
Nov: SD, 1855, Ileum on Peat ll
stmt. Mr. ikker,acelden
t&l.' , 250 00
Zia 1. 1856, , eoraer State sad
-1 0 111 b. Cheilew Reed, acci
Jan. Z. an Works, Um Co..
earelestasta, .
Feb. 24, 1866 pOttery, Webb
it Child. eeettleataL
Feb 21. / 8603,dt, house, Pita
burgh lc Zee B. see/-
Abb. 21 4 .18445. dwelling house,
B IVA rs,
1 I
'rota,. l"
Him% Conog . RPXRDT.—The public attention is again
tailed to the merit" of this old and 'popular medicine—
DT LCD C 121112 CUBE LJOWS 101 71111.0 AT LCD LUSO
Eve considerate reixon *now' the importance of
removing lung affections in anar early stages ihd many
from ead experience have learned the danger of delay.
- Cough Remedy is nor recommended as a 6111(11-
UAL PAiACII,II TOE ALL. BOMAN 21.1.1, but only fore IVIC4-
411 class of Vninaire located In the same structure, inci
ted by the same causes and requiring much the same
treatment, varying only with degrees otviolence;
It is pleasant to the tarte, safe in its operation,
-thorough and speedy to its action. Long experience
proves it harem erreaton or ZWllel. in merit or efficiency
for curing 00tfall, CROCP
MITRIII4 and wrroorma COCCI!. ;
, It removes Irritation, cause* free and cis excretal.'
Ono, loosens the tight and full sensation in the hinge,
radar's the respiration to Its essA natural condition,
impute health and vigor to the lungs and alao clearness
and strength to the voles.
One bents IS gene all, inalkitt' DI to eats an ordinat
Retail price 60 cults to $1 Per balk.
Liberal Inducement, offend to Um trade
gold wholesale arid retail DT Hap k Warfel. prirprie
,tors, at their dreg store, 830 State street, Erie. Pa. and
by dealers spirally. Jals.em
A .Cosau, Venn Oa Sorts Tama—Beguiles im
met lateatteption and shwa be checked. If allowed
to continue, irritation of the hangs, • perostat,
throat allbetkric or an incurable brag' diesase is often
the result. Brown's Broach's', Troches , having a direct
Ind itence'on the parts, give immediate relief. For bron
chitis, asthma, catarrh, consumption Ind throatdlteases
Troches are med with Always goodsnoosisk Singers and
Priblic Speakers will find Troches rtiefal'iocleating the
voice when takes betas eainging to making, and relieve
the throat altar an nnostoti exertion of tie Twat arrant.
The Troches are recommended preset:ll*d by pliyai
clans and 'hits has testbirontate from eminent tram
througbont the country. Being An article of true merit,
and having roved their efficacy by a tinker mini- Ilan,
will year finds them in new locallttaa in Tarim; karts
of the world, and the Troches are OnlversallY • pre-,
menaced better then any other atUcle. Cbtaim - daly
oßrown's BronebtatTroehes a • and do not tete - any of
the worthless imitations that may be offered. Sold
everywhere In the United States, and in foreign coon
-tries at 35 cents Der box. ' jall-31n:
PublLsied for the benellt and is a CAUTION TO YOUNG
DIP;, and others, wbo rafter from Nervous Debility
Preentura • Dees, of KaPhopd, •te , supplying Wt the
NEC' time TN' MIJINS 9T get"-Ceitic. By wbo h
cored hie:mil : after ander totag eassuleTable (malty.
Di enclosing s addreeaed envelope, siesta eeir;
ha, free of there, may be lad et the linear. •
Ittoettra, Hien Co.. N, Y.
PRO C TOIC Ankilolll SOlL:int. OP
'1955, edited ' 0 1 1 rel• Pr6elor• Proleva,;;Z:
in the ,Philadelphia College of Pinneati,..;ries
Plaid Extracts go out of one owl h, o , it: 74
esa we have Come authoritative moeltest,44ll%
karats/ by irhinh waren mesa th em 3, Ott
able cost? If the latter, *Lett the ehtny.e . t „Nt,. •
quality of the menitranm, or in the mu m , , f
11, so al tO Triune the ortelltv relahile?
beeconvocation of the Certneittee of 4, 41 , 4 .4
th e w s , some new method er modllinateder”.
recipe, f"
With regard to the contemplated cheap
tity, or in the tninstrattm Itself, in the im.w.Tl4l;
Auld extracts, I would tale occasion to Uy
t tl 01
icini the health of the patient b t h e rot hex
vetoed. The . coat of the material Is emz vAitt lE
when put into the seal* with {lumen health, e „ i '
human ilk, it hind!, worth? of eau l td„ nni. %
m y avian (fiefm•toirre) emtitri4 t, - L T I TI
formerly, audit it cannot be onstottio s d•
d er, they will hate tots advanced to ete c th, --444
Ia th e , yearn of material. To each u dnheteent7:
s tud of onfaity, we
h i would say that met e , 1
"lodity, and may be readily added t l /4 'l
ndus the medicine if he desires to do so. 1,1 1
B. T. EISLUBOLD, Drug a d a t cod c6 L ,
594 Wroadeay, New IS
.Fonefirrt dna bonding lots on !Ithaca iti
west aide, a part of the rotate of hr. Hal 1 . 1. • -
la all lu on• body, and very d.sirable.
B u ii ze , it property for sale.-62N fret butes
Ch to
betwn Slate and Peach. We w r Imu t hy -1
eap. ee \ •
Rosso and lot . on Second etreet t - ri e t t ,,, 8 , 4
Peacb. This desirable property ebutaini 45 %4 I
cite fruit-house its good repair, su
sold clitair
_for pretopt pay.
The Co ttail', house of Capt. Georg. g 0.,,,„,„
street, cornier of Third. Rouse fart iahtd fn
Fruit and Shade Trees 012 the p er m it , I . e
• r
$2 500. Try s i z i;easy.
The Coo dwelling house of ifralfL.Ete,,
French et est, c , roer of second Soule f a % - ,rt
complete 'Ptak. I roe low-terms e. ,y,
Ftrst class three sfory brick dwelling ow id
eart able, linOned Compete, sod ' bill be R d, :
HOUSE AND Lof Folk SALElletwera Pa t h
Myrtle streets. on the' ank. Hotqe t. o ita4 4 l l
good condition. Pete $l,BOO.
• We have • number of very desiribte private itui 4
for sale, worth from $5,00 to MIX&
C )TPAOIf HOUSE b'OR SaLE-lot Chek t , t ,
between Ninth and Truth %treats. Hems by ""s
sitting roars. dining toorn, Itlf4m• Dine 5,44
closets. cellar, etc., in complete rep lir.
ruisr cL4ss vwcLLINa pot 81i8.4)„
atreet,ilrat door e at of St At. Roue Dm irt
l t
FOR STORES fOR SAI S -We offer force, 1 .„
teet, corner of State and Eleretitk 'teeth!, arA 1 11 ;7
feeten State atrest,tionth of Lilat's
is decidedly the best property for salty its t 1
machine @hope, stores, eta, and will be re'b hit,
suit the purchasers.
A Fall City I of on Eighth street, between Nu.
Chestnut. Also, the Lot inlbe rear, on: retail
convenient to Tory desirable for Umiak
Two thole. dry Lots on Fourth street, Z4l
Chestnut, 41 feet 3 inches by 165 feat. -
We have left a number of Inilding lata
and Buffalo streets. between Rolland and Gene t
high gravel ground and very desirable.
One acre of land on Cherry street, west cf
This is a doe, dry lot.
One full City Lot corner of Eleventh and et,
north aide. Price 5i,400. Also, one go Twelltbk
of Myrtle. Price
Tea Building Lots, corner of revatith tad Loth'
One full eityLot. cornet Tenth and
one on Tenth SL, between Myrtle and 01;
side. ?hie 100 foot street is fist being bits
ties desiring to erect first chin resider.,
-A FULL CITY LOT—On etli street errary
FOft TA - I.k a ntimbe: of the eueet a
and Harbor Creek tpm, at psites from + 4 um,
CITY LOTA FOR SILE.-4 number of thf ezt,
affable building lota in the city on prints terti.
FOR SALR-100 acres w.,cl lot, 10 acres orperi i
mites from the city. Price, $2O per aEre
One hundre 1 aces , ,alz miles from Erie, on tFall
H. R.—two barns, house, orchard, ele. The h il t
in the town of Summit
We c ffer for tale the Farm of the late Either:
an Mt bo • Creek;, inur miles east of the eV, root
100 acres of land,! large; Bretela.s farm total
barna and mit hooka, large apple orehard.tortei
peach, pear and plumb trees. Tlll is one oft r a I
!atlas In Erie connty. and eVI bee old cheap.
A Farm t.f 85 an ea to Chantagqoa county, 2cl;
r 41211 to located wittin three mtlet of the 1 ale i t.
About 70 acres improved; a Brat claim dseirp
good barn and out bonitos, yo-ng orchard d 1
frult , —spyler; peuhea. plums, etc
Twenty acre. c f ruining lard and 10 arra qr.
lot. to elimillee east of the e. ty. on the lablai
Price $l2O er tell the 20 aeressepana
sired. Vine lam no the 20 a.-rte.
• e F A RII la Ilarborareek. south of ths Raj
'Hon '9,3.t0 100, rods. coatairdcw scoot 100 os
bank .bsigt—goodinclersle az d Potve—y
—5 t. 10 acres of woods—gal co , 1, snit
glibe of valtivatlon Price $7,500. Terse em_ .
A F failt north of the ra:iii-oad etttion. rs ul
Road 100 rods, about 100 'ere/ glq^, a sabnotai
hones, 2 fire barns, orchard, out houanr;te !hl
is In &No 1 state of ellgratl.m. ?nee SIN xi
Fitbr ac e , firm 'Mr ult.—the farm r,
of T. t
Mill Creek, ab,nt .fj-: mile, from the ci•i-gua
honse—lnb bank t aro. orchrd. :ad =4
bottom laid Price $4,000. Poreenion Atrl
3 • VIAYEs l: BFPFy,
Agent/ and Deilete to Rea) FOCI
- Wayne BlOtk,LA
Lou. I:mum:tee
M ANHOOD! How Lost, Dow
net Pnblietied . s new edition of
Du- CriTleawint's Crutezerip
400 00
!Ler on the inotical • cure (without
medicinal of STERNA:MI=O6A, or,
;sop 1,500 00
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary ienind Lest'
reset'', Mental and Plusical Incapacity, he
to Marriage etc. ; also, Cossrxrras, 12.11
Fite, Induced by self-indulgence or eesral
Cir Price, in a sealed envelope, only liceata
The celebrated author. in this admirable asap
demonstrates, from a thirty years inceesahl p
that the alarming consequences of &elf-Waco cqi
Ically cured without the dangerous or dint/
de a
ein. er thpplication of the knife—pointing ett
tof curs at once simple , certain and effectual, tyre
eghich every sufferer, no matter what ha cordincr
U. can cure himself cheaply, privately and edits.
or This Lecture should be In the WIN of
74:Intl:a and every man in the land. •
' Sent undersea!, in a plain enveloa al, to t ll l ,
the receipt Pt six cents, or two posts g.
the pabliabers, CHAS:. J. C. 11182 tt
• 12? Bosun New Tut,
• Pon 012.0ai
1,000,09 ...-.
' 7 1,400,00 ---
1. J ',cox swoßtn,
A. man. Baud,
$35,975,00 $21,700,00
or Collodion" code on Favorable Terra,
Letters testamentary on the estate of h.
Gene er. died. late, of North East tomMo, ) .
PA., having been greeted to the ml-rsime,t ,
hereby given to all knowing theteseiret loc!Oli
oats estate to taste Immediate pkmett; I
haying claim* against the same will preetol o
authenticated. for settleramiL L •
. -
Worth Ettat,-)&areh S. '6B-6w
READ t For one dolhar„pe- etait,Tel.
any &dares+ • recipe and medicine that I.l:P i
to cure the worst res., or Catarrh in ILe t... 4 .5
ellal to in a few weeks. It hao art/ F•
mated of Catarrh and a severe broca.l:,i,
bad evil' red withleryears I tried the wilt
and all the advertd tn. did. Pll of the dill
tit, relief till I obtained this. I w mid tin rr.
doitsee for this recipe and the mediate 1..
thi Catarrh and could not ohtsiti it lea !I
instratettonsare followed. it will Mr:. act 0 ,1
that has not alteady reached the lucre , W .
settled consumption Cure it saris " 2 W 1:/
Address T. P. nuns, lio.lnti, rel3'"
'r IC K :—Tbs netters' vied
lOUSAIDd tons of the bat Proleue't,7ol
'mum of MI, and he is ;metered to 0 04 .:A
ties to 'apply these for the noon, or ut
twee. To Famines, hotel-. Saloons I:I
Inducements will be offered as sill ca
kti t °„'
them to irate contracts latowsiistely. I
my Tee to be qua brat that will be ottallrl,is; )
this seasoti, coo bane prepared to, oliTq
well as alt foreign , demands. no oar c' i r
customer, in quality Or pries Than OP"' oil
found to the resent at me bona. arar ,1 1 1 4 $
Orders through the poetoillee will be el'
calls 2m ' , WM Cite,
CUTlON.—Notiee to hereby g loats Ili
to manse any 'elaim in fore/ Of glber t
,ann .gainst the real wet. of the late lasi g • i o
ably. widow of the late James NEW*
Veiing° Twirl:kelt, - Erie County • rsAid
and will resist 'any Bach claim 1 ° ° Fir
the law. Wild log /
0 44
Vertango, Erie Co 22d.
------------- .1.0
T) 6iVAILD ...S4O.OIITION. pu...,,
. 4
I L PULA, P.ll-..—nis.wes rt the r:iat.:l,l
s , stems—new and reliahle Alf i
L'hambrr, ati•gisay of Warning gad I ,i
tailed eavelapts, free of elbarge• kith" ( AI
• Ranglatcht,
_llnward AUOCilltiON NO. IPik
treat, Mailadalphia. AL
several very choke bustneu si l ts on 549 ,
taeici Seventh and kighth treets•
'red for aa'a on Teri ressonstap terai
Enquire of ,
- v2ll,
• WE. /L GI:
71nmars. WA.11112.7, C.
; •
ro a in and Deineetta Eubank, k.