The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 05, 1866, Image 1

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    6 tvrEitr,vons,EnvErii.
, N D 10 . (CP ST.SIUS) RO ~SZASTIre Bloc&
CO.GN:T.3IT erg ST, AR PARR. -
~rll,Pi -T7O.I)OLLAUS
RS if not
rtres per
4oy iv cAra.:l:ft
tb+ expirr.tiop ,of
. tbe yeat. sabsaitair
artier grill be elArge.k . Firer CENII2I4
, a dding°.
•;;.501'4.—0n0 S'intro or Ten i bug. our In
:„;...v, tr..) tv ert,l , l4 .1.1,i;: , ; tk u , 43 sour
.ei , n3 ~,,,ts 3;50 ; two months Is En;
1,,.ty,t150;.iL mon th . ft.oo;oue year $l I oo;
rwiro ble tote .sli proportion. These rates
otrieli"bere I to, unless changed by special
~, or s i 0 option of tile pobliallers. Adds.
'7 4 04 two, Ditortes IP:1( 1 1 1 k. advertise
-11:1100 ; dottoistratar's Notices $3,00 ; Leeea
to ce oscine; llarriags Notices !Warty.
F A • • Obituary blotlews Ores three linos
et c:A lIP . , . . ~ ...
...i , t „ , s te per hue. Original p oe t ry , on
tto , e r equest of the editor, one d o nor
.. Au rernsenients will b e amtbatted
p oor of he person tsdverlising, until ordered
„ v.) I :ion, uu:sfis a specified period i s
loolos their Insertion. •
:0,15,;.-4'e Iss - e one of the beet Jobbing
,ti State, and are ready to do all' .work in
~t t oy to entrusted to no, In equal style
i..ib:ilunsat outside otitis largest elites.
roc,=umestiene should be, addressed to
sc....u* irtivrmiti, -
Editor. and. Proprietor.
tess Directi)ry.
it, C TLUER.
oto prrof LAW, Girard, Erie bons%
othrr busin!fa attended to
' i T T,OST AT LAW, in Walke?. Of.
neg • Pel. nag 7 '62
s wll Veg.
ca BloA, c ear , ?.otth ireat connY of The
ATTICS' 07 TUB Mix'. Office second
Bl oc k, Tretich Strret, between nth A na
Ar rokysys Ay LAW. Ridgway', Ps.
yelean, Csmernn and Jefrowson CO CI deli.
fjcaln'CS-Dr•3 W. W. WILBUR
11A1 !.1101,
.101Vai 07 THS Paaoe, Pampa Block,
7rst Farris lionfErie, PI,
taIiNISON, '
gm LA
at; Cnno J
yaneer and Cnilector.
e sluttoNest thnier. of Fdth and
lowt CROMENinoutt'At the new
viibcr, has o hatid a lingo er ort-.
ri,TilioUS,'Wnelrl and Willow Ware,
,rs, Tub , to which he re
the aniatton of the public, eatieded that
yf hslicaine as an be had d in
:1 an y pert
~,suLDEN de; MIAS*,
11311.111T128R6 Stelra BilTblen.2o3/0.11.
Ariet!turnl Imphvrnts, alinreid Can,
VrTC::: 1 11T AT LAW--OfECIOLI Othstreert,
Coart floupe, Rrie, P 3.
DtAIR IN DRY GOODS, Gaotrzatzs,
Mans, Seed. Fluter; etc., cur
qrvet sad Pnbiw Square. Erie, Pa. jel'itt.
O . ; SOILS r.
• ,
t etatt cud Freoth. - Fine horses and Ca
w rel,..:sYe torum. -my FB4-Iy.
VMS . 1 ,11 ST lutes,
cn,ns r Fr.:Ncs se/ I) Ti n STRIIRTS, ERIS.
Hr. Preristi , r. Good H , raqs Carriagen
udst ondersie prices. Sept 2S, 1485-
g LI !
IN sr , rtrisatx 30, ,p.D •
to /.21 la the elty,lsied prices as mhdo
, (marl4l)
4 ,1 K FrSALEit,
Den'er in Grocenes, Predate, Proviatons,
lint Stone Wire, wines, Llcvaoes,t
oppEltd the Postal:psi, Rein, Pa.
n Rosen- I St
Res. je.
Durrirr. Ofdea
•orthrideot the Par
Belng newly fitted np in the =7O es
,irenpoa to thq public. Mesh wi.t tw
el.:int or all Plingeoter Teltinft, pit4l4
a tKI.RY BROS., Pr.:3pr'; tory.
iTEL,Waierford. Pn..
Roeear Leacnc, PROPRIELTa74
aoda' ions, and emofttl attention Riven to
raga. apte6s4ya
lls Mein.
:n. 111.,
rEll§11:1101 MID St( 03031
it Fttatty's Block, Walt Part, 'skis, Pa.,
9hrlstfsn k Riattea 'tore. Reslt'encs
FifthStrsot, East of French.
OA Di, and to ttr. I.
.. .
ios',.- wiLLzAlts,
, I SITOOPPB 9 R2I to tle , rg..T. Morton,
)tim s f Mon Merchants, Who:easle do•lers
ni BI uminnuJenal. Ageotil for N. V.
lea 1.1 eof Steamers. East Public Dock,.
INS M. 134
'fend re Me protestant! cervices to the
aid dotty. Mee In Lytiesnew
tort a few doors south of the depot
&It ThwnEß. iILANI Root Utwrrtettrast\
aiasroseht"s Block, Erie, I's.
Artoswzr AY Lair. Ridgway.
ra also prsetlea in !adjoining Conntlea.
l'an. Dr. Benoett's Office.) Clothes
cleaned ort eboit notice.- :Tenni
. _
:El'I.H: V, ~.
pl Ze U. S. Treasury Department and
' . 117, M1Rii0.1.,, for Soldiers. riVa.hiortoft,
'Aim Ap:o*, Farrar Hill Railding,
ir? M,:itara Naval and' t'ivil claims
.tit'l!ty and dispatch.* Pertisiorut obtained
Appl.ntlony by Mail proptly attended
MICIZ bad several years' ea Mace in the
' , roes Departments, feelsi
confident be
' l4 :•eaclary aid in prosecuting aft kinds
:4:=l. 1n0v30'65-tf '
DENTI, T.") ,
2 •?enta)lventli ColleVe of .4 20
.b.eeeond *tory of Sterrett building,
rte: of be Red Hoare, Erie, a. •
rtrrzuct DV PIRStISeitOS.
D. , tiorth Seventh etreet,"llitilede*-{
hx.z,D. D. S., No. 243, North . :On
, taNa Sr., opposite Crittenden Mill
Nll.etions and all other regal bitsi
Vratnro, Erie, Warren and, :Vorro
.twerally sad proeirOtr. •
o. 4 . ll 4.lhraith. Whitman L , Creeht
Manna, Ent., Pa.
Ilan. 8. l. Jobnisoil, W. D. Brown
t wont, pc
U 1 A I,
tie removed hie stock Or Oroteriee
*bore the-Lake : 4 1) Depo' -to the
td , l , ..bloek on State Street, earner, 01
ie wilt be hsopt to 6w friend', and
tlt %di orders for goods Ma stoth 0.
blt sod carefully selected mina odezed
Wel eoueletsot with the °tieingl cost.
teed of !nythine in his line to ir.7.
14L8 po rrEitv
iP.I; Para.
h ire Visotiated themselves, under
webb k claws, to the Pottery bust
v ia, on the usual, b•teeen den'3l3
, th•onsgt of the CUa tamers of the oht
a! the public gekorally, promteie•
• thautor to give pert4et raCtiOtl.
(7EO. P. WF.Etn,
4 Ntacipm k Geo. 0C13280J Za
.of Copmetcfel Law.
t'4 / , `;'''d, new Claniticatlon of Ac
.ct-e, r chmamental and 13nal•
Lax, commercial Axial
and gents. The
- he whale haaii of
,gouible vat's.
this • So - enimse will be
ce tical and pertna
en winbe - eL'
tett feemitiee r.= veril:at fn n
aaad for Cirmalan.
fj'fltßfl bll.►lllllxlt. xiSsesinl Wai%irig'
L and Instrucaon to Tenn; lien-,publistmd by:giver
s:4 Ludetatioa, a d rent free or chary. in..sendo4 ossiTeL.,
4,611'65.1y, • : Eldladtlptda,
lkrlittAltribt Dtrnt 1.17 V. Seminal - Weakness. eta;,
Llirigsbd nand by one who hen car himself And hmol
dre , hisotothoin; nnl yen' tort you if 4thing bat the trutin
Addy lot with stamp,
BOX 57. aostoa,
forty different strlss,'AdaptAd:to intered and eesnlar
inarre,lor PO to $5OO each S,ft►.ooe Ohl Cr nitre/.
medals,'or other ere, inerniuma awarded them.
traced Catalogues free. Address, 3isSON s FiAll (.IN,
Boston, or /30N , 11120113VittS, New - jntr66.; -
Ttr YOU WANT zot %v . A 'LITTLE OP
I EVERYTHING relating to the human eystent, male
and female; the cantos ana treatment of :disessee; the
maniacs customs of the rrorbf ; boa to ..arry wen, and.
a thoneand thtoge never Published befirt, read the're—
wised and enlarged editi - in pf ntrizoar. ColniON Siam.
a clarions book for corieue people, and i good boob. tor
ereu one. 400_pagns, 101/ 11Instratlons. Price SI 50;
Contents table s;nt free to any address. Books may be
had at the book stores, or will be rent by mail, poet
paid, on receipt of the price. Aderrng • , .
, • E. 13: YBOTE, M. n.,
em ' 1130 Broadway, New York.
CONALEIIPTI VPS. The adverthafr having
been Teetered to health lea few reeebabe a veer.
simple remedhatter Bart ',offered serensP :lan) with
'a eavere long attrition, *awl that finild dike .se, Con.'
anorption-48 anzfons to mate known ttor his fallotr-fnar
finera the !near., of care.
To aft who dewlre it. be *fir fetid a tettoji of the pre
leriptien used. (tree,of ebsio.) . ,with the diree:tons fur
prepuing'and ailey the Si which they will find ti;
tare cure nraumptlen; satbras. C 9113 1 .,
Coeelts. Am. The only object of the advertiser in Real-
Inz the pnweriptioels to benefit the a filieted.aud spread
information whmh he eonmiven to be Invaluable: add, be
bopeserdrl Suite: Or Will try h - rernAly, as it will dolt
them nothing, and may prove a blessing._ , .
s Parties wishing the peeseepitee,eeee,bi rotunt
Wiltpl•npoadOess Rey. FUR" 4 titelzalLlAßOlf.
decli.S*64-Iy, Williamseurgh, Kings Co
oF YOUTft. —A: gSntlrmsn orto his
jj suffered fee ;rare frank Nervous Debility, Prima
/am Decsy, sod al the effrete - of youthful rodiseretioh,
will for the sake ol Buff . ..ring biim‘nity,'Ssad free to al l
,who need it, the recipe and directinne for msklor the
simple remedy by •hzeh he was cirri!! 'So (ferry; wishing
to prcialiy the advertiser's exprr'enos, eau dos° by ad:
di erelnit 111111:4 R. 061 RN,
Elre23 85 Iyt No. 13 Clambers St., N. T.
r „ tt. MAUS'S titsl- , t4CATAillittlit MDlDlekr.—This
'LP Sudff has thoroughly proved itself to be the beat
article known for curing tiswa SSW. Coto ry ,Tllll 'MUD
and HEADAC/111. It has been found au excellent remedy
In many taws of Etoßt Erse. Dssessas him been rerortil
bylt. and BILAIIIIIO has °Din - been greatly iniiprored 17
its .
nse. It is fragrant mud agreeable, and gives Itlifen
STD DELIE'r to the dull heavy pain/eaused by diseases
of the Reed. 'The tens:Leona after using it are delightful
and Invigorating. It Opens and Trawl out all' oh
strnctiona sthengthxna the glands and gives a healthy
action to the parts affected.
More than thirty years of sale and use of Dr Meridian's
Catarrh and, Headache Snuff has prored its great sodas
for all the common diseases - vette head, and at this 'mo
ment it stands higher than ever before It in recommend
ed by many of the beat physicians, and is used with great
Rumens and satisfaction ever. .here. Read tho Certificate
of Wholesale Druggists in'
The rindersivied having for many yew'', been acqnain
tad with Dr. kfarehall'a Catarrh and Renda , he Snuff, and
wild in oar wholesale trade, cheerful]' state that we be
lieve It to be equal, In every reopen, to the recommenda
tions given of it for the care of Catarrh affections. and
that it is decidedly the beat article we have ever known
for all comincra direasee of the Read.
Burr*. Perry, Fried, A tortlnA Co., Brown, lleirnson &
Co„ Reed. Cutler Co.: Seth I s towls. Wilson, , Fairbank
k Co., Roston ; nehaw, Ed dit & Co., H. 11 Hay,.
Portland, Me.; Rernes & Park; R. & tr. Sands, Stephen
Pan Co, Israel Minor k Co., -UcCealon & Robbins, A-
Siorill Co., M. Ward, Close Fe Co., Hush Fe Gale,
New York.
For gale by all,bniggists. Try it. sep2lls-1y-
These Drops are a scientideally compounded said
ereploatien, and better than any pills. powders 'or nos.
trams. BeingUgnid, their action is direct and positiset,
rendering them a reliable, speedy an•i certain 'velem
for the enre of all obstrttetious and anppresetons of nu.
tare, Their popularity is indi•-atvd, by the fact ,that
over ICal,ooo,,bottles are annually slid and Consumed. by •
the ladies it America, frerY:ono of *honk spelt Ol
the strongest terms of , playa - of their great merits.—
They are rapidly taking the place of every otner.leinibs
remedy, and are cone dared by all who know aught of
them, se the surest. serest and meet inhlltbia prepars
tiondn the world, for the ears of ail female comelalnts,
the removal- o 7 'all obstruction of nature, and the pro:
motion of health. regularity and strength. Raplicit di
rectionx, stating when they may be need, arid explain
iag when and why they should not, scud e.-add' not be
sued without producing effects contrarr to nature° cho-
reit laws, will be found carefully folded ironed each
bottle, with the, written. signuture of John J.. Lyon,
without which none are genuine.
Prepared be Dr. JOAN L.1,1' ON, 1.9 i Chapel street; '
New Doyen, Conn., who can be consulted either per
sonally or be letter, (enclosing stamp) concerning; all
private diseases and female wesithemes.
Sold by Druggists everywhere. •
C. G. CLARK & CO.,
n091311.-ly Genfl Agents for U. S. sod Canadss.
actlolls 1p
(ANTI-Di:WY:PM ) ,
Composed of highly
,Concentrated Extracts from
Roots and Herbs of the greatest 1113 d iesi value. prepared
from the ongsal prescription of thetelehrated Dr. tat
bett, ..nd used by him with remarkable S.CCISItg for
twenty years. Aa infallible remedy in all !Mg ARg3
of the LIVER, - Or any derangement of the DIORSTIVR
They Care Diarrheas, Dyspepsia, Ser,fetita, , Jaundice k
Ittlinusness layer' Complaint,
The wag-known Dr. Stott siva of thetas Pills s I have
used the formula from which your lilts-are ,made,
my practice for over 12 years • they have the finest of
festpupon the Liver and o.ges ' ti re Organs of any medi
cine in the wor:d, and ire the most perfect Purgative
which tuts ever yet been made by -anybody. - They are
safe and pientsant t 4 take; but powerful to care. Their
penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of
the body, remove the obstructions of ,Its organs. purify.
the Wood; saa expel dloAse. Three-purge out dim foul
humors which breed and grow distemper,, stimulate
simegfetior disordered - organs into their-natural action,'
led impart a healthy tone with stiength 'to the whole
Inhere. Net only di they cure the every day - enm
p lints of everybody, bat also f umittlable'atid dangsratts ,
absentees, and being purely rgetabte are free bout any
-risk or harm. " -
They create pare blood and ifturcre ill ftlfrarities
from the eyeless; bens+ eh) a eorntive care for revert,
Ilesdsche Piles. hlercurlal Divisfes and Eferedittry
Humor.. • Done—for sdalwone Pill in the morning ;'
for children ',rler 8 ye:6114.1;10lb
Price One DdU&r p-r Rua. Trade ',Applied, or rent by
Hail, poet paid, to any part of the United `Makes or
Canadei on receipt of price. Norte genuine sithcmt the.
fec-siseths eigaature of ,V., Mott Talbott, la. D. ,
iipTT TALBOTT Ac Co. PrOprietorg, -
0e6'66.1y No 62 Falttni 1044. Net York;
8.0 0 T HUESI
AT RIMITCE:h PRPIN. Having a larva efoelt °Tory
Coen triarmiae• ore on band. with a complete aasortraeot
of city made work, i ecn acl: cheaper ■t wholesale or
Nolan than any other establiatonent in this city.
Having bad long experience tilt to the want" of c
mem; f shall tato apse& pains 'in preparing m►aeari o
snit them. I have tile each:tiro right in this cil) ic
make the
tor-the benefit of my cuittomers, and only ask • tgl „xt
them, to satisfy any one as to their superior comfort veer
those made in the old way. " - ,
the Plnmer 13oetneeds no breaking In; it fs u easy
tram the start u one - worn for some time. Itly
Will receive my own and -ay brothers especial at
Yror the - trade alleatir on hood to mitt.
Tendering my thanks to my Mende and onstomere fel
riot patronage, r Lope by 'Pitt and honorable 'dealing to
meritseontinnanee of the asele,eind cenlially.lorite el!
to Cali' and examine my idol* Wore purehmlost 4469-
where. No. 828, 134 , 4 e St., Erie, Ps. mar77o6tf.
HENRY 11AUreffi'',„
1 dad-Saperior 7iirase, at.
E S 1:1 C E D •.•Ik C • E
malcr6-216, •
n A min E it is & ti V rt
"WM ::\
Ma. sums Or XS, !BOX A
. - •
Execnted In the bell!, Ftyls o gte art.:
• , On. ?oa „wATE.R: copits„
ETzgzMoak; kettiresa'Brsjines k Reed Bowie
T. 0304.,
V.v....-. ,,,- = - ..-..;:= 6.. ::: -,...........N5m. - iwuri,mrsintgokiain.osoMr'''t ---- 47 0 7 1 '717 - 7: 77. - --... - .P . P , ' , ...--
_„ _ _____ „. ___„__ __-_______ „.. _____ - _ . . .
t •
.• ;.J , r , .:1; , Jl." , 11• ;L. ''. ',•;* '.- 'P, 1 , -, :‘,, ~: • ..,:: ,-,.', : , 7, '.,,,,,,,,, • - 1..,,"...• • -SD `l',„l Vtc.:ll JCII I+:Liii:J" ‘,10:(1.11.1 q;!..t bl.;1, - 3 FL.:.,13:7'.0 , 3 - 431 t-1 ~-'ll- i .,1
~,. ;-; . . ~ ' 'i. ',,.i 3.-,:.,.., - , ,; : . -,;,, 11 ,- t. "•.,.., -,:. '. , rrn- ,.. , :...z : ,, w ,,,,,•• .-,, ,r4-::!:11,:: ' • -, :: :-.1: .- , 'Ar".
•"?. • • .•.: . ...._ . . •
• . .
- — lt it J: 00. #11. , -.r -, 8
...........,.„....,."_..,,„,,,„...,:.,..: ..,„ ~,. ~.,..„.„.,_
t Hi" 11 l
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, ~i, - ... . S.
-- ' I' . . . 4 '
.. , 1 '',` , l 0- ;'..- " '* , S l '''.l rtt +,..--: i , 1:i. !• 1 • , r• ”i". ( ~ 1:1.1 ~ ..1 '.::: - ;;!: - 1 - : 3i i' , r • - il
'Special, Notices.
MANlTrivercrirst or
:Tara enlabod in
(goi"s Malawi' Prepar4it , n;l`
1 '%,..1,/: . 4.10 ,6 4P , ! rP-.: ii ,-"
7 -
r ' I
i ,
debility.r,sulteglinin it'll tirtireViV.......b......... sr!". 1
o f o n ii,m,oarped,bl , l setters. hard:shops.
lereri•ot hisses& nt Camp tits. Suhttere„,, du, .
ni forma ai or ults youth, itla Sha in Chi...ill-UV
•TontryttOdepeudiutoti b liqoers fin their a
rartfous Off-a:, - -, .
' - i DXSP- D ,P .S.i A
And &se/manta:Ming frnutAlsorders of the
• . ; - biarsitre organs,' sre dared
. .
. 1100FLAND'$, OtAliiN - BE
. ,
Tills Bitten the Ilksiornaed-momourso.e 0
satiscset4m, has moot testimony, ban more
peoptosq +(moo for It thin boy 4:allot &Mile 1 , ;
ket. rtiss', defy any ,one.trtonntl' , Alet thin arse , I
iftrim!,ll,,h - 0 to any.elle irloetri4 i)rodiee'l6
pttilist.rd by tpithatoi not genuine., n „
1 . •
-•' • IinCIFIAND'S OBBAlA!ti'llrfTE
Wil;c.nrci every etie 0 hrottio or otifronie, l
aisisfiAs rattle icidosyS.• Ferree the following frOM dienVe . . Ff . the_digeatiro ?Tsar,
'terktpStiOn, loirar itilee;.•Pillnees of B 1
i z iis
OW 4 Ohii Ly r a the St . ;I, Nausea, }lead,
gust for raid; Fuharroor &Edell in the:Stutto '
lhoobtiousd4skilt .ur Fiat terlug M the
Stomach; fielinniing of the 'Huta, darned an ;
Orrarbitig. Ftettli-ingOrt'so,litlsrt,.c,tolihni o I
trilSens dons when in a lying posture,- Dhoti I
ion. Eon' or Wells 10-fore the sight . relei Nwl
.in Meal. Jul._ D e ecirocr -id. f..l" , e piratio fn Y.OI
the :-• lUM .iier Eyen, PM ci lh the Side, tier, Cho;
, arri.StlllietriPtrthiait of Hitti` s 401404 in the 1; I
Coot lintictuirigi_ of Evil inct.gyeat Depressron
•, - Itessinrw. , that this &Uteri is bog sloqolte, I
11 , 1 rl6 hi
oo 7 Aley,and cannot make . - drank • •
thevasit tank friths Wort&
-, cl; I - •. cc.IIIEAD .W.llO MAW. so.
,Trenn Botv. W. D. Seleried, Pastor of Terslii
Church. Intifada:.
I .lltedtl4o3lo,-,l.hive reseal:it been labeling +der the!
dAtreteii..g effects of indlge tape, ace, VI o.artied v a proa
4ritioa di the nerrideleystern: KunteroueVeteccßier wire'
recommOodoci by.fclenda, and. came :of them Wiled, but
vritheutirellef."Ycni Floodand e Gerean Bitters were
reemoroinsed by pentane who had,: tied.thern, skid yeltnee
favorehl me aloe of these Miters' thane d I . to try
ti e: I metet-confese that t had. an aversion o Patent
IleNcirtefrece th e "thousand and one" quack 'Bitter,"
Whose netfy aim Seem; to be to palm off sWeered and •
-dragged liltror upon the cutuu . city in A sly ay, and,`
the teeth:ace of which, I Rut, la to make many a tan.
tlrMedwinker& • Upon learning that. onre area miry
a medic nal preparation) took tt with happy effect. he.
action, Otonly upon the ate oath, but upon the neivoei
eyetent,wastyrompt andiratifylng.: I feel that 1. have
11 ,
dertved'oreat +nd permanent benefit from the nec of a
flew bottett. Tory respoetfulty sonet,
' W. D. SkilOill lED, No. 254 Thackams on St. -
,' • . „ . . • . . , ... ,
From 1 t
e tier. E.,15 Fonciall, Arnietartt Editor_ lotion
- II +rived decided benefit from the woof ofiand's
G..rom Balers, and I feel _it My privilege to rekommeud
theca al a most rates - We tonic 'to all who Scent/We - ring
from teuertil debility - or train' discoliee arising from the
deranzerrent of the Liver. t
; Yours truly,,, . ...' Z. 11, FR BAL L .
From-Rev: D. Merilge, Paster of the-Paeseyanllc rapttet
Church. Philada
fiord the many respectable recommend.tiontl teems to
Dr. Hoofland'o German tilltere,Temaindriced to givethem
st trial.' After wing oezoriti bottle( 'I found theht to led• a
goad totuedy for docility , and a moit extellent jtnrllo for
the A lab: , , . - „ 1): IllifilllGE.
I- I .
From Iter.-WrOlSmith, formerly Pastor of ' the Vincula
• town and Milltille ( N. I / RaPtillt O n ult e s''
Tl arlegused In my 'atolls a number of bottle of your
floo244d'a German rlitters,l have to Ray I resift' them
ne en excellent trietlfetne; sixtieth , ' adatted tO remove'
the dieSases they are recommended- or. They corogaten
and io itigorate the seater* when deallitated,Me are use •
fat In cheordere of the liver, lies of appetite. &c., I Ave
oleo re 4 weinended them to seretal• of toy frieteis who
hare tried them. and round therrigrestiy ben/Am/in too
reetioetion of health: Yours truly. • .
- WM. SMITH, 061 Hutchinson St., P tied'.
• . • • l' ~ . • . . .
- Ree quit the eignataterd"..d% M. JA.OILd ON" omen
wreopcfr of esch b,eltle• ._. -, -
ShooVd yo lit:merest iini7gfit nofhare the article do
not bot ittwatf by., any or :the ; into skating preparations
-that may be t.ffered In iti place. bict e.nd to n and ye
will &beard. sectantrY peeked; 'kr e11i.140.4,'') ! '
..Or Principal Onice and Manufactory , No. 31 Arch
Street P. - ' -•• • . • ' • '. I. • .".
• ' - JOMPR 14 P. 110.11. . .
. linecniseni to ( If. rebore& Co ,J Proprietor,.
---Fur 14. by.droggistsasedslcialero in eyery;tort In the
UpititiStates. .. ' die d 5 ly.
pH 01,111(1.4 - NArI93IAL CLAIM. A
. 'At the Sign of the "Old Flog',"
• . _ -
West Ptah 'Plate, Fite, 'i . e., or address Loci oz 301.
reasiou nbtoined ?or mounded sad disable Solana
and Seatn.n, pr theft widows .orpha dependent'
tnotbertrae ate:tars.% - : .•
Beni 'poy and Rountr: dae•Soldters 'and Seriltlen and
their helre,.col eased with greattp facilities theot byrOty
other „agency In North-Weslern ,Petinsylvailbr, herlog
hsd 'Mar year's experience-10 the United states Treas.
310ggY. ADvAybEnfix..c.f.43ll, ,
Papanima ll:Tarred to onalning r bringlryr he
burls! of de,euied Soldiers, and leermen,collect
atga.of the Vier.* • ' • . •' "`
Pay on willow= promptly:eollecteh•indlti
All wow:4o4lolo4er/, ~z F9ozet.,oro,toitil.) ..
, .
Rtteturee it:wirier! foreeeerulting: MA pay fo
• occupied ebtlkotedisa *bit Se sal ntthe above,
A? risistit's itArrosst VLAISK AGIN'
• until elasnif and paid.;
• llemernber pay Oh - begins' Willi" dile
cation. tfnleesapplifd tor artthin tom yeai of
- -discharge of invalid qr Oa t tror MUT.
°them, ,hating nneettredfancountil.'wHl
epncY 11. Treoraty'fltitic, who has
of eareriened to their areounto4i, -
ao•t000, it rertrY'll-se4uoTa
,for c'othin g, lett by destruction of ale
-Hon; , Look oat let • ' ' ' " I
SIGN:: 'GP TIIG ' 4 'OLD' rLAD;" -WAX Tit
• elatitOrfor horses killed la ilettos,ausaldi to
tei State,, proloptly collected... , , - '
RemeMber, T. Parley ' wan twin yeaii
„EtAILoR, HO4II money Diottly et
=all, per cont, Perini ; lain:II.I .Itessnry
• • a Totititerlel;. !hoot fol fog iliceary liberal pr,
trenage bedewed by the public, feels that having . a
large ecieli.nee is a r:E; rOMeale„ tiodOO nor . nfthe
Peonnylvania, ,soteleee Veopfitioti n bnd Co, tr) 1 1',/neeer
for Penne for otoldiete , darloz the era , be 'Carl
randl• noNnalled'inreici too Itic!rth-Weattro P rtneylrit-,
• , „ 1-12 Zin
, •
Pto IL, a, [I P.,L*1.11 41, s;r• I li IC. 11.0 ' 141 is . , Raw.
Itit.3 great line traverses the Northern and Nortlnklart
agouties of Pennsylvania to ,tbv city of iFiie. 'on -
Utter Eric. It haSteetileised by the Pennsylvania &a
real, Company, tort trioperated by them.
Tzars 0? PABSIMEM:riunts 41 11111
Leave Pietwaril.
' . 1
'Oen Traln 6iloll.'m.
Eel, VolsrPsi 'Hain • • i. • - "•'-' 18% vt.•m• •
Cony Acoom. -• '-' - i.../04646.14,
• - • - Aortyft Pro tward.
. ,
Vali Train 1165 p. m
Erie Rrprass Train • • • 91t a tri
Warren A etym... (1 . 60 m
l'aistalar elm ran threughoo thaEtteltali
press tlllinCliithOlit, 0 . '149 bah :11 . W etweA4 Phil•del
phis end Ertf;. ,
Yew -York eentsetln a z lame New Nark 9 LEI•.
emirs it Erl. I) 15 a. m. Leare,Erlp at 155 p. m y arriri
at Nair Yark 340 p. ' - I • • •
• Elea" , 81 A , Piln.STATA PA all night t-aina. -
For infatrnstinn re'spactiag Paatenaor businiqo apply
at ma mar of 30th cad tiert.itet..,philaoinet. forsrmiltlkt
tha.Creparies agents,
S. WAIN GSTON,Lia, comer lath and 111Ariet`8thotei.
J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. • - • -
W, BROWN. e &et 1 , .1: Q, A.R.'. Baltimore.
A. IL 11.0IIST04,.• O•nersiVreight Arot,Y1111• r ,
11: W. (MIMS ER. o.q.Tieliet !kit ,
A:L.-TYLER;tliii•killaperlitandent. Wlllllmniort..
c Al.. .
The nirdereigned havhii ensopleifol theft rpitri noon
the pane stms w ? toa repeat:Ay lethiria the pubile net
th.y are now preplreln do
C-UST-OW - GlllNvl-11 .4 3
i L
,We estaeep 0c448A4.., bq.hsno a. rdil! , t4k
L 0 U. R• t P.
Of Aptindi fin ! n4int WlLilfe,te •
' cask; ,r kirk imi. : Apt, Kpip4 or Gii. ± l4;f;
•kfitif 'MON, Mir,
OLIVVV-ICBAOPis t B2 4 3tcfe sp., Erie , .
t IIIS 14.'rlt. WU' ti a 0 Ir-e
A. If-illeke Irourd seepieltelly Latvia die el tisini of
Teti and . ioJotning tarn!' that Ire bee opened AV feints's ,
Where Ipie lieXepTy to t
see lit.; eld en‘tetnain
all others. 'A It tie& oretnek kept `ind-reide to ordeeln
at iy .tyre:-- an balsas of ti altereNSlssotred, dyed cod
angel:of in ;be-; v? . .4 1 11'5h%-hest 01. elmlra
help end xiscbinee: and 'Ton. experiebte In - seer e 7
part me o t otqfeei Go odkj Inaniot IgtvOsifteso
ikon. All standard styles ressistd as soon isont. Beer!
a ;dense, eneipmers. All .work deo°
• prompiri;-indirstileteal;-, -Alio if , elodfgeek -WSW**
Goode on head at fewest cash Oast. Des/treaty.) WU-
Roo* Entitling done procaptly
, Izaderfeel-'"ltett
door bothefisk:Obma. ;1r :/sug.
;flip fi§DAY..AFTAItIi9ON:, PALUFA" 18 00 , , ~
~ EI;S.! G
a . .
• *titan
•, Wln
, s • pure
. 8 batter
Una, and
Inty and
Qata the
r; Us;
it of the
e& of Vig'
.stness of
lush, Con.
• (dttritd:
e„ tint 11
! , •e, and
edst the
' 41TsoCed•
I• to pear
time se
la MO ai
at Ols
a yams
a aoltt ,
I P. fP
1 A cc
the Mal .
the 11. 8.-
V ,0 ,- V TAS -:• •-•
of theßteAipte F. A eptielltere eCtia-Mtscitimi the
Vehr House Erriproyjnentrui thii amid:
or pie. Peens.. from Jeanirj ,- 1846;"t&" is
• , ' the aut 4sl RI iteCeabers
11 16 0 , -yIWEIrX4.: - . :119 '4C r
Cut t th1frarta7.0,„00r•41344018484ri,...51714,11f.
• Sr. ABC, Airs.yrimarrre "
", Tobias • •••-• • . . 2Y6
4, O. P.01,-..tigs r &
, .... 80 00
11 , a6Botion from Cop,hty &ramie ~....11;030 00
" WA4 ht.reaorpsl " 41008
Warms-tali - • ' i.'202810
it 8,38843
•• • ,112P1IND1TURBB. I
BY narrAtrt4 144 , 444 for,elm-it, 14fta in vet TriArcherB
OR. 614:
For r. 114 'mita to•ont• dor,' tiartpeiir of -all r
—... . . (18
rormmitatme t to tri,sai4nt 4estitutecßetiorm
tbrougll Ili State,- " • • • ' r atti 4.6
-Pot 0144Mri. 4,21167 631 Drl Boads..BlB6S BT.:. 3,41080
.whe4t aq3 Crazlt . .ell4 31J8 t 2 ;' r%f#1, 1 ,C 1 44/ 0 , -
- • smr to. - tooi sti
tort $1880: B ef, tao ' ' -18-2,(1
StoPp. $61101:1; Hatter, 897.4 - 18328.
k Potatoes, $40o; • Cesil,• 8473 ~ 49193
" Westorn Penn's tropit4•' - • - ' Ifo 48
".... .... . ... • • '671)60
Physicians, to, out ,30or wipers—. 21260,
",Conlos, $73 00; Justiett.s4ft4, v. 7 4t,.. 13241
; ithwasoettfor blits.and•fsrMitse ' 09 'Cr
" Lopsiter and repsir • • -.6 : 0381 •
.4' ponatals ,frp*,fir tnenoiin& 4 1 1. 4 1pera to
tobr Hones, - - '• • '
" r flarderare nent. ,47 48
-4•-9tatzu ne.4. Stemless:sr.476 00
" ti.r.m.;s2ll - 06 : M M
otter, 83 la._ . t 75
" nobs. salary;" r • '2O 00
',!• rOtbil4 Pancao salary, ; 80 00
" Tbonss+ t.tewaft's . 2(0 00
Loh; r on far= 11938 00; Henna irkon, $76 - 20; .30160
" Threshing; 07; 9 untitled'. 818:81...6»....1 69 Of:
)91,43eiNsrto Pr 0;1 1,000 0,••••r;vite-{.•••4,0. 9AO 09
4.llq:boay.,rotenty ou a ',icoutir or Slander •
' `Store " • -- 'O7 50
Printing sinonit .. ; ..—, 612 i;
10 Poop $2 . 1 44; Gi s p e Ince* VG 00; Tax $124,. • 4P.9
- "P Arbon . fp. alert and Treannter, .....
- John H.=':;2840
; A Rhea and . . • • . • 410
" Aennuot of 'wsrrshis in elreuiStfon
sett , ennsrit. ' " ' ' .1 P 103% 84
r " Nett ... ... 17060
•: We the underldepetl. Attdito .11 of ErtsCottuty, taring
wet toretbrr at- the office or the count s c:minisibzwu
of said enunty, and 1.1 ring caretally emu:L . ine.l the ter.
eohnt of the Directors Of Abe Poor.gtkii of Abe
'flour of Erie mowndo tepi rt anti certify Mutt -Ire
ea tbeni eol•reet its nhorelitated - • • • "
GI, ton under Dar hued' 'Ladies!' 13 Mier Jae. 3, 185.
, OREN RlEfs.
• ointralr. raw.
riIRGETSON, [sou,
Prodbeo of tlii,,farra for th• year, eodto ne Mgt
73 btlOON('• trots, 76 kittAbele TutulpA, 303 Barley, 22+6
19brit. 700 - Potator4. 10 0 6iOns. 72 Beets. 6 Si 50 , ;96)
Corn. £92 Apple/ 17 Clorrr reed. 711c1e51132„ ?Allow 007,,
Berl 1167, Pnrk 5509„ Mutton 1275: Vim' 405, Iron R5O,
Tobkero 100: 4 •abbsge 1600 head: 491.‘tir oqtalli 100;
Pigs ■old $.7,25; Say 76 Lois; liOnos 40;804p MIS;
Condit!' 00 doz ; Rutter:7oo Ibs. • • •
Sliest on-1111 Parini/ail: 7, 111.'i9: d ii'ohiami Cow.:
20 • hontx, 2 brzeding 'BOll2, I Calf, 100 Chteketta, 767
Artm . eo' mann factored In the 'House for Hai year end-
Ine Dec. 31. 1835: %fen"' Cpais 20, Pa"tii 43, rests 15.
).h(rte'Oi, Shoes 20 pro ,Liandkerchiefs 20, Orirturuls
25,Faika 30 pro : Wemen'a Caps 12, Diem* 83. Ckeent
ies-28.-Aprons 40, Slime 18 or.. 'Mocking* 25 or, Hand
kerchiefs I.s,.Pcfilm-ati 111, Nicht Dr.itars 5; Girls' Dee,-
25,,Aprons 15, Chen Iles 20. „Dr.tticoats 27, "hors 10
ors„Ntoekings 12 pro ; Rove Costs 10, Pante 20, Shirts
12, Shies 8 priv, Soak* 'lO pm' . -I • -
, •
7zr ber OfSin. Int, 1864.... 68
Asi nod dnitiOg thi Tetar r , ' 7$
'Mr 4, Discharged 53, Hound oat ' 58
- .
*iunsininf !Fi ;Inman Jan. 1,1884,
Where Don— tee rid 46, !relied 10, Engtand •,
Germen. 12, Brevet r • :
Ages—From 1 1.4 ,6
year,, 9;. frOm 5 to 10 , years, 9;
from 10 to 16 yearn, 4: fro., 15 to 23 years. 11; from 25
to 40 3 , ara, 13: loom d t 4 903mM / 1 1 from 15 0 to 75.14
(rota 70 to 86,11; ocalo7. , - : • ,
• Poyidral Condition-43140,1; Deareplt, 7; 1311:11o,10;
Icmuf,.4?(lefOinisd, I; Mal and Dumb • 2 -
1/ocabar of mil door pauper*, Jan. 1;1.65....... an:
Tsk.o elsrp44 daring the y ear, 405 .
h . . . ~. ; 616
Diaohargail and aired, ~..,,..1 „ : „ .......,„;c 4 64,,:
:. • r" .. - ,
Rea :mining on hands Jan. 1, 1860,',„ 219
Ideals and loam,' m deatltnto mit done pcoperit for
Dished in 641a,240: Meal. and lodgirma of dostitnt4 a ,
&Tina 1 oude,tranatent'pan peta,l2o—reinalalng frnm crier
algtit to one week.' • '
,AK of It 41448 nrapoCtltely silootttr4, . • - . ,
TRO.3 1=1,19.
_'• ,
met22-2t , 4,T,13011P306T.
N.W • -
Ftraniitl'lM'ANo VNtittriglerNa '
A''• It E . • O' •O. I • ef 1 •
State - ft., between Seventh nod Zightk. •
The Sober:there hare entered Into the Cenispet Making end
?wed propose making to Wit and keeping cOastlintly ts
hind an kinds of Fornitore.
Otdars will receive' proznet attrition.- Bevelling done,
- on short. notie,.. p •
The relnerThera will g ive special attention to this 40.
vestment of then boldness. They will taanntaettue and .
keep corienintly on' band a. large adornments! Estonia
Cases and Conks, and hold themselves In TOI4OIIIIII to
Meet orders in this - floe, promptly, from any - g ret ottbe
country: Dkertoleed to spare no effortsto give satisfies
than both he the quilt, or their plea and plea% all
hope to !A c ne! , liberal ahare of public pattoon ?
• ' &RI
' : 513e041/WiTh to J. 11. litine3ll4 •
... , , .
. .
"Irt It. E . 'A' tit 'BR E , WA' Xl5 ' ---
' `' l l , , :,:, • ...-.:• -,...., =: .:. , -:- •.• . ~
' ' . prow : ql:rr pAGER,,4RtiVERY,‘ ,
' ik)Rsgal l bI? ,NPLett, AN4 RIDGE STREETS.
Eltl.F. fdA LT - A gD t AILEY' WA - R13E6013E4,
i coß.litif)r TM BTREEVAND CANAL HABIL; !...
~ ... , i , I t.f.:', ', .1.0... -:. .'. I !r: r . •"' •, .: 1.
.Pale *ld Am ber =awl XXic f 4l,
. .
,; nip Best Quallty'sa4 Dena nestles 011 age; '
•Plicse &Udell Entom Rom • 1 .
-The Choicest Qualities of, Malt . in4 Bariei; '
' -Oa Ipized taftandlastahrbt.:, 1 " rr,,:_: ' . , , • ,
' d. KING.
KEPI7 O N.c. #!Tov.F WOItKM.
SUM int 117111.1.3 OW,
4AI D.. noLLo-F.
Hate s large and extensive assortment of Stoves lit
Wholesale andtßetail. '
2: xR.c• N 43,4T,E,:„
las Bret-dace Coal Cook Stove t with or i'ilthotit
- Yale, for hard of soft,er•ia, , or wood, and ;
T We el 1. manufaetzt, the u
.."34 , nxA1,sar„..r aft D E W • *lt, A ,
Roth to; ,, yen Coal book 1gt0143 teml erlties
ein be slated altitar (at cosior wood.
A y e ate still ssaissiftetnrierttitilesrebrited low wren
N -
A . Lew ; osin ,$ tar* fdr , Wood. Thilf do • a row SOT%
befotataliewitn,Aaid now for solo—togetaor with
► large eaiortment et elersted Ono Coos •
Part- Cook for wood or.coal, and_Pailor
;•.eird,Olios Sloven, cox mood pr oto4. • . s;
C. Ii..IIBRAITI. Di. SHIRR, , H. WH; * Tgaati
. ,
Di lt4Bol,llllpAr Or • VO.PAELTNEBSUIP
The arm heretofore existing adder the name of •
C R t . C
Watt ilinnlired Wk . *tank! 4,4ittlett, &Vag Worn :Zarau.l7-"
14th,; 1800, isr. Gatti, .ketirthic, TUe. book.
,Rf Ik, 014
Arta may be found at th e old place. Prpmptaettiemmaits
rognsite4.. " CARTER: •
3 •-• ••• J.11.1341117J4 •
- carnerbtas aiseelated, hie son,withllen, ind'eflt
continue thetrasineas deldt, the name and llefn-of -
diß 0 Alt 0:
Keeping a new and well selected stnei of trip, addl.
vines, Fine C i heivicals. new Pbarotatentleal Thipara;•
neatly Flate-rdrfuelee, - "Paser iticads,
The esporiabood Winks of this *melt arteretidzied, and
Tomtit! , cau.S/ upon bl 4 egTrectl, _Agreed it - al,l
. - tim e .
;140y94.—The onkel, of- MG J. B."Caiter 'hale aras
been secured, - cad be will be bappi` to - meet iite old
Mande and enetotiers at'':; = • ' 1
ina64t 4l l'AM"i°wl—TEtS trimp
IN - • • • L - I — • A •
Iha aianttai *x41261111401:1 of *tie • Soper
dezt for Mill Creek tiiirtusblvirill be "held at Ria4l*Sll
Imp ; nsiAbly lib. INA r eounaaaaing at 10 cielitoks
Alt sboidssyll Co teach pa the lawßikh iv. dariag,tbe pa
e dog yea% not holding yal!a4ettileatew, firs ifttairod Na•
attend-tba *Aim ittO on. • JAZ. O. QAARAIrI, Saes.
Virch 224 1866-G1 , •
r ir A pr. T.
Ai itetireilelleble tn n,. tiFtpki the acenAr for •the
'counties of Crawford and, ,Werrers, fer,the , best Life In.
* ,thrjaplay the , /tote. jolt/lira reoccurthiOns
paid. Aaptii • • lAMBOXia4I463."Pa. -
6 • - 1,:,.
110 trie:NotitivOlotatt4
.r'i ~f
rF ~'aßSlF~~`PA:,'ilPßt~.'.~~s;,t
irrtus Missouti'Legialature, as we learn
ficim'tite St. Louis .ooublicart,, mild4riday
giste'Afr.'Deatealied atteUtiati to tliiifset•
that the offleiitibg: Chskileite
leg for Congress; 'll'!lnitiofr` tO
the Pfesident. Wishing to put an end , to;
flue invidious discrinainatiori;'he offered a
resolution re4uesting the clergy, of Jefrer-,
son, City, . who oak, iate gsChapltupe for the
SeoatO,', to remember In their p*ayirra the
President of the rUnited 'States • .butf it
was at once laid ipctri the . iithhs Iy a.yote
or fourteen, to Aix ! .Ilow wally Aouthern
Churches, during • Lincoln's • .6:dministra=
iicija. closed• because) their pastille
refused 'to "pg)l.lfiii,,the - Presidatit of the
United, Stater 1, And; yot,, here pie . SO&
the : .yli.ssouri Senate 4 - refliiiog :to .requiit
the.minlitbres ol' the'State'Us:Pital "tondo
the very seine iiiiig - btiOdi'eds,
proothore were punished tpt nat "doing
Oh; • Consistency, in, thej ~R4 4 :y9 a tt p ia)icy,
02 0„arty' :Awe'
There Wait tilinnet'a Wer4ster;
Mass„ efi Saturday leaf, aawa'of'zt•huin
ilred.cututaueesptingtto rest sidrunken
*iiiitier,frorn utikir4g4.l.
necessary, for the ciflicers,to fire,upoo them.
giveral of 'the 'rioters we're woitridistr, r and
some of the,. offleeni received Vard,kinsikti:
' • : :
' in , MOdel Massachusetts,: we :lire
'is but another: indiaitioir. di the
great moralideas" whichloweiLthere.
Had it occurred in- the Sou tkt, Whet S,Wisii
of holy horror would be "Beet up by the
people of that state vier the shocking
demoralization- cansetk • by' stave instita
tieue: .
' $14,355 45
. , _
Harrisburg Telegraph, the sunien
central orgart r coutputee the ;lumber, of
,zi egroes who ..harty perished sit s i cones , ',
quence "of ihe'iiebellion,- at orielitillion.
Considering the , period o(wer:as full forii
years, (which It . i,s , not,)7this:,woul4„giie,
the deaths as' 200,000 a . .year,,lit,6oo a
month,' 553 every twenty-four h0Ur5,..2.3.
every hour; - and *hit one for: everytwo
ninutes_ of tirtie for the, whole itie,yeari I
Well may Abe Harrisburg Patriot, front
which' we copy these figures, suggest that
"freedon . 3. boa been/it cosily boon, td the
blacks p!i4er
Veit:tales 34
Tueonoas. Timm. editor , or the. New
York fridepoidem, has, a protracted fit of
political itisanitir. - -Eis leader, list week,
bad the wotiderft4 'headline, 'lto *ore
White.States,"'aud goes the •whole figttre .
for:the exclusion -.front the Union of am
Statenernew , in hill relatiOns to'tbelen
'ertiltiloi,eriimentithat deeiCnot ;1,11 , e the
oegroes the right of ~ suft,ge;
Phillips and Garrison have •abNayst been
the•piodeirs of-Aitierineiii Abolition dog
expeAt soon to tiro"l.)iiiraet
up as , one Of the 'caidinal planks 'in ilia
opposition Platform. . ',.• •
. ' Tait; Ittintingdotk dournat Says : ' l t The
coursa.' of Andrew • Johnson, affords us
ineihei fearful warnini.of ,the danger of
trnstthg any man who has been foaled in
'the cradle of of unread in'the lap
of Modern Democracy." „Hoar in' '..the
world a paper holding• math sentiments
can support Geary—whose•hattie appears
at thi3 head' of its columns as the "editor's
candidate. for 'llovernor-:-Waiild puzzle a
Philadelphia lairyer to explain.
A good- many , papers:ire ocuifnah?g Can
tratir Clarke with 8:N4.010/4:printer to
the. ressury. Controller Freeman Clarke
is ji m• New - York; is :an - ectdifernber Of
Coniress,: and' for honesty and- virtue has
nev=l -his obarsoter
The inferenee *natural . that? Ciatkethe
printer, iazia had his OhOianter ',for = honesti'
'and !lane impeaohed; ,Wb.y, e
:rettlinedtio[the position beholden , ;, 7_
BII,PSILING IS- Bitrtiir.o.- caw
rier,altyt this whilst rine' parthutot anicoltu
=n4 are revelling Walk kinds of pleasure.
Laird' 4zansemientt Another; portion are actnistly,
prifee n trig ler-the necionterles: Alict;ttre
ittfo 0,14 nrin‘ - uf the. city --poltee, valvo,4n,
theirlug ID, I various: diseoliOnao4o4
ameUrlall classes, become well aciptetiateC, I
with jibe tree condition of-rehire, there ' I
,never liasum.ranah sofftxbas *MOM 1 4 0 '. POOP ,
The e s of lifeare
_extravagantly, high ,
hee'plq pace with the deeding di told— •
blothing is - dear atireitallire;eibimbitant. fat
beyobd-, the, mesencoC ; 134127 i,„ They, sey that
there are mahy,persons io the ! city, who,. here-
Soforle; bari3.ocettpiect W h at is termed the middle
clime iritirnifetY,-*he trencitesist df-fempioy .
Meet sod are sellibg wee* effects floiF
'06037 roluai,hr;of, -Attbabitanue. atrb ie
the elate ofAinga n w, What in's', vie '
epriothe Suffetlngs .- ' epi'Ople Will bellefere.
g opener tir.: - .6 - sad 'employment
Ought not some etepa agnvtate,
their wants
itTiP l7 oll!!;‘ l )taink
iwOet:city4hat the picture:- nbore. dream stp
-014: is‘vrell 'able as to Bnedo.7-. Labor hat
liee`neci:rc e he4 . tirfnflhe', wintiii:lind the'
iiiiihrii;ofenferiego i tioveionetita intialoiilabls
ht,t,r,:tnY ,Pler; 414 ; 1 PCinil nonfi44o fit theaame
Army tbeewthis wintir_as • they had bull ; saved
but 3ittle of"theiv - 'anises?' eernhagt, and •ere ,
Lift now withdrit! the' : inane. of
thei hetieriaL firm -Whit in,-, .
formal ion Asa been ; c?to. mant l e:4l4 tn,ar, tint! ,
the Amount of poverty is. greater bow than
d&ibg thi • 'prerions airmen: j'l • . •-, :c •
. .
wfW is•it.' that the ,Dearearsat ore so stger
to have it appear that) they arportcPresi4eat
JohOstati The stuwerie'plalA and iftiamply
beeitted ; they) suppose :be .desertell i his
paw and. hie principles.-rfiret6l44.l4sibik
"ara- • r , : tl: • • s:
I ,le, APou the Mime: Pni0.4 1 0414019,,f4t 4
'more ; Aar: that pympefcc e rqQa: :; ypt!
will aiver)liese pareetoNkoSielgo,syx
reYestlint sinner , than ; ,over idoety-sed
)mt PePP*lol4,:r.r4fic±Afv,l4.-
&Other,' inB
tail ptinreitiefiu4 ; 04803* 'O4O
Fruit t "afliticiluff 7;Yialieo'Notiot Eskaisi
Clitiodo,i Togs, - tigkre, ..Tob - tre6;`Titiii, : 3 8164
W‘st,,' Site Of P,o.sett Peteit.lll gellitee 0 01 iti 1
0(AI:4).1:talon 'Depot, Erie, . Pa ago. ?kale
in till de 'of .ConartwAliodtree; z - Pistioutar
Attentickk odors.
• 4.S • ;
a. = trq,
,orlien.-;-Mr. - of .Bhereni
ilea":beew , admitted se tt,' partner in the •
I of ,tiobkiosim& Thcbgeinees
1, a firm will heeeefter be eendnoted under .
1. tune gif Tiri)liams &
22.1nt,.= ;ROPINW r1414441:14
. ~.i i i =• ll.'U'" iI 4 f .0 1,...1::,til 777 - 7
I t. < : . P I Q-S r e-raQ0•11 ,1 1. 0 Morgum.: . ,'! ~.1
-., 0 , '' r'r . 7 4, - ----- • . • '
- A, KOAANdki 11V kitTeSithr WARD: I.
„ "l' ii .-'t i , • , ,,_;• - i:, -- ,-....:...;..." 4 ,...,:.: qt. J • '..- . 1
- f
!', i ' 1.: ( ': , 614 - 121111II:Lr'. • _ , .- - . , I.
~T 4.18 1101060.7e8 IMPAlVilleill. . :.
, Vie morning np,whilch Reginald Glove:soa
iiiieto leave eireittlalt Lake city_With a mule
fait' dpiviiiit'b'eaptifallY.'" - ' '"',:''-.
Ite ' ginatd - bricieirson was i young and thrifty
.Horwurd.. with 44 iuterestingfamily of twenty
young and handsome wires. His wkiono - bad,
later been, biesse l twith child - ran. ' 'Ail . often
as goat a, •
year er their to go to Omaha,: in
•Nebteielta; with atoula train,. -for , good.; lfga
:elan:nigh he bad p, rforzned the.rethor perilous
Journey; insityole's' with entire tstety;" hip
bear;, Was. fittl#litkr 'bid 'alt thie particular
morning, and filled, ith•gloomy . forebodings.
- „She ! time for s.deperturpilad arrived.—,
The'' high . effirit Mules were at the door,'
impatiently chain itg' their: bits. ' The lifer
yeen4triod.sadly among hii 'Beeping wives. -
. 4‘ Ilearest. anal he laid, "I am singplarly
'Bad at heart, , this morning ;, 'but •do ;Kit let
Ill's ;depress - you.? i The journey is - it Perilous
one, Jan t-4stiaw I , I 'have atwaye dome, beck
tafel; I ,t 4 lTSclar.4,„''VAct Why," tihnet "i:l.fear I,
Beg IN I know everytilght f ei Ilay,down on
'tbk - Ifitarlit*tairier year" bitglit Niel Wig'
Untie tei me in my dreams. and mektimy slam:
biro iiretketedgeso4 You'Azughwitkrur•
mild bile eyes; and you, Henrietta, with your,
splendid black hair; aid you,'Nelly, With your
his so height ly,teenitifkallitoldeaT itur yen;
ella, ,with i yolar cheeks Bo de.Woy; •iltid3ou; ,
-Betlby.' with your "Firm. red lips—far more.
dpllcions, - Itiugh, than any - wine I ever tailed
-old you. Maric , with.youti'irineeme voloi; ,
'antf,yit,llinsan s .with yow—•with your—that
Airte'llay,„Suesu, •vrith your=and , the other
,thittalti - of you'
,deck No ' good and' beautiful;
Will - oolui to nier'in arleetdritami; 'pinyon not,.
Deiiistilds t"-, !,,,, ,•: ,:!' •• • ~! •., -,,,, •
' Our own," they., lovingly !gained, ig . 'we
.win 1.",_ ' • " . .
, ." And so' farewell! " oriel 'Reginiatd.
-14 ecime to Parana% my own." lie , eaid,-“that
is, is Many of you avian do it'nonvenisntly
. •
at onqe, (or I must airey.' , . . .
•~,i?may J:: ~,
- -
. 1 .
• lint he had not gone tar when the trace of
The off hind mule. heipame - ”wribitched. Dis 4
a.i9nullwg, liq smelted to t adjust the trace ; hut
ere • e• NO 'fairly oimmeticed
,the "task, 'the
luta a singularly refractoryani'mat —snorted
.i l lil di . sad kieke4•Rtginaltt frightfully Willi
eto*Sch. Re ,prastr• with difficulty. ?fad, tot-
tered I feebly . towaedi . his ~ Mother's 'house,
'MO wee wear by;tsjlfig dead in heiyard,
With the . risiark,. uttitiar mother, Pre come
titime,to • dist" ,- . . -
~--. , .. ,•
1$ So I: see,'" ehe sa id ;", 4 ' hut where l arthei
• :Alas! Reginald Giovereetr could 'give , iati
ansafer., In train the heart stricken mother
thee* herself apou . his inanimate tons. ory•
sorti,sy son ;only say where
thli *Estes' is. - and 'then ybn may-die it you
want tot"- -in Tain—rin
Beginald,hoti passed,. on. ,
. , • .
1 t ' - ' CHAPTER 11.
-1 . • sustassrp'sateatuos.,
Vba •
rnales•were novae found.,
•, • Begleald'i heait' broken mother took the
boAty, home to heti utifoitnnhte "eon's :widows.
Bat liefore. her arrival she•divoreetly sent a
boy ti - Bust the 'sums „ gently- to the afflicted
trivesiihich he idid by 'Dreaming, them. in a
hoirie whisper, - that their' "bittpurn had gone
in,rt •t -• :-'../ :- 'I/ 11/ „ 4 i ..,,- . • -
. ...
' Theiritels felt very, badly indeed. .
, lig H was devoted to me," sobbed
• ..r•
A. dto ine;nliard Maria. - ' - 1 . • .
• ..1r VI. said Em 43op ily, t. be thought tichri
tbry- t your , tint, not so_ much as he did of
- 6I Who d id'"'
- . .
• I'.& d fatty he dititill" - -• . ; --; '
l'He .414 I!•
-• • , •
-1 .
He didn't l" • '
•," Darn look acme, with Your - squint eyes I"
, • "-Dea't'sbalte yam relhaid et met" , '. `
. " Bitters VI -Gait We black haired Henrietta,.
o , ceatie. this unseemly wrangling. I, as Beg
ineld'S 'first wife,, shall stria, sewers on his
ve ''• •-- •• .' - • • •
• "lib you aren't," said•finean. "I, his last
wlfe,Ashall strew flowertrentrirgrave. It's
nribtraineasAriettettr I- 0, r ' -.
"'Von - shan't, so the:el" said Henrietta.
. 14 Pllkbet,LW4 l ! " .em - d tiusen, with a tear
soffit/tied cheek.
'• " Well, aslar me,"-said 1 the prat/HAI Bet-
Ben' ) !Al ain't-on the etrew•much,-.• tett i; shaft
ride at the head of the funeral procession I".
"Not if Pre ever been introduced to my
self, yt:t Wont," said the golden haired Both -,
"th4i!, - my position .
.Toq bet your bonnet
'evince it is II :, , ~. ; 1 < . ~,••,• • , ,
4. o,6l)drei3, l ?:said Reginald's' `Mothei, "yen
muttbiioititie aiying,'y du kntlw, On the do•Of
thefttatttsd :' and diem:many pocket haedkerr•,
Aberdifillik t041t..4%.1.P;r 4 P 3 441f', BO•e*Y. yon:
snit welly ought ' t mate one'- de hetweeti:
yolt.I! ..• , ,•,..-:.,..//.:
... "Tic tear r eyes out It die Paipetratesw•
aikent ray , hasrikerebeet said Belly:: • i, :: ..
o f *
••ir D :etanghtete 4 lfrlairel said Heginald's
Mafhe ~.,, r itaw,ennseemly'ie this suger.,Alfalea,
to lie Edited. dollars a _Spew sad every, iifor.:, •
ixial We zit •poor/ boy. had bite beettgebbled,,
,UP by itsd . , taw .kkoole whelk Iliriatiiiinald
: ' st4ge "Ivo _the ~doir, thet,, 4, wm. on the,
;die,. b t It lltt„guly .141tott, to, ask -him. abcnt
theedolop)ptripe his , gentittgiStioolt flight.
'III/Auld heels been' tepr - thaniiaili dollats in
our Pb0404-Aid no ,Solatika I `Blouse ,tboite :
sett tears, Kitt '
yr/revs - tidier 3f014 4 parent's
,••• '1" - Illui
I t OseAlAka, 4 !sob 'atilt** . laDeet,
b l a m e i s. ;rot.: t 1• , - .._•. ~ ;
Veit- SorViler. , • •-•- 'l. , ~
• The tatterai , piiited eft-ina veil pleasant
&sine .'nothing '666tteritnr, Ur:Sear -the .lutr
-mon,* 410 *evasion. , " By a' happylb ought •
At 44 , neld's mother,: • the Artees-Velktit to ,
the; tr4se 'llsenty)Jabsisast., , vhieli retidared
'that pot of the '4ennnaby .thaeougblyitnpar.
' is
. ^t•% , :: I',, : c ~
- ,3'p i t ;sightothe tveats vivfm with zheav,
bee" ~pought their twatii reepeptiesseosiehes i
'l3 lit lie
4o 0h i l f i tegtaild aeon pi ed th gutty/matt slope°. ,
' thii.eir=p,gelinAg vc l2l .o"KforPlog9 ili :
gesrAlnjghltnth4twenty ilispeetiSeettpetieS .
, ?--Rfthuh,l e 4¢,elirronla nesstoie fists. lII'S
'ieepatlisl Aric o, ttPictsi Ot!Me r .,OPPI I* `
ston*Iiii?1 11 !" 0 4 #tlleFi,ttere I , I . = ' 't
a• , .. , ,la ' * et ', V"4 " .iet -.! er
tsll. lt. ....- .....: t , ...„ d r
.„,. ,„
,- , , ,
e9e 4 Der settee,. not, ,stasy
,ppasties mar
the lieuse,, df monfeln,et.,getyltairea 'Voila*
-wee ireepiig"bstsiottitely: - l'a. - Ile died."' she
4114; ' , lite' died,whhout signet 4riteAtilityl tiMk
Spite!, Wh#e thed 'melee Vent Us ! DI. •
•I • AMER • . • 1
-, LlutitutoccaCkur:" . l- , " J- 1
,T eirpesiis'ircia
the hint and fourth chapters of_this original
A Aso rltostaucer. : • 1.. : : :
cosily ddormoe. into affiagutiscr the iun
".IroS ruliwthig to dot moot alddedt.lNtoßtiaentt,
oflUteli: dad Atimoort cloudo tri_lhoiyedtecia.
,hortia•-although , for that raittorAo oca haa t ,
whertrt rrfhterto.:#lo . do,
I mO.irt(K..bss 4 4 4 D-s: 1, ,
toppud "Coat ,at the 4997 ifiWe **Mon ,1
.pf the 410 Rostaold Glaiersos.r. ' ';'
The door wao'opeuedliPidrilli6fititovii.
his d fif •
t dho,
.of the In ow oyer.•
sail" itira
4 oto 1 0
_I 3 t
S lAn/ lio}r - Sir third Or Shelly biqiired
lbaltoriatier. iird
; - 1 , 7•‘-'1 if) .I',l
•liiThiiitilt'atioitlireser of her; ' installing
toittleisisynet' ipted the fair Susi=
" : ?41 Citi i geollepr • rl ,t:1': :
IcLos . ,eaa."
ill gadaiso Ira isottlilisid4 addressing 016,1
disesiaalsPrvidtiwsi taw* ,asalk;
park at bretoliehrel faliCalthaagh Limn .
alr4sd,rl (molar five wives, whom I respset
Sad • tWerif Asia fatlt ase.trall,vey„thatT
*ever feilleve's holy 411601,111,1,i11 , thes r Bet
.4 1 44pv-be :u4intll.-)be erkibwitastevni7erfed,
"4 is vilyib o w that world eirliFiog
Intim .' ; at the ; twat, AO troth r the Fops:
Irma 4 49 41 . 1•1ri ,
eats ouveoplawaEssiaasys sapsam; l ,
ohs heiellso44 ;
",1..; , , , •;::1wt, no-NJ ,Lc
'''tf "ar
,% e'f. ,st!.t.i
- r-:?: ,',
b 1 r 8 e.7?i
,pp l . s
177.'1 +.4
... ....v.)
eatiliiiicret - docitiot - the, inbisi oT rug - -
l'OlitiliCi3 IhOlra
c i r it-d4eEljt irk 4'4kfact, oh&
thlt ho ' stevir4 y ttiffyilii 5 ' 6 '04 ..i .7 4ef 1 .,
'lritiow ni4mimj dhorAlootiliiNeVittiont;•toot., k.' • '
whatorier number of persons one wmnnu may
ht•'°f — wel), never inirid 'vita ii 'eiotta„/ ,
to I is wrinilemoniiiiiihmulisiilio:ia6.l7
141.46191i,r05t ,
.1' 1
-vt.4.11, ieortir..if q 2 0 , P . 0Z.41
.9 4• , ~. I ' Z.,' 14.1 i ' •
:fifty dollen base beie,offered toe the pea, ,- it
wit 4. whi_ely_os pretikient eige.c4 the veto": --,' '
mesii!ige. / .
- iintitebeAP iiiiis P dlilt l l ' i E 84- 6 it 4 the et &tr' , , , '..
a mu:lumina in many !nstatiCee, e like the .
t' quirk "lea ritrii tott—Llnwi' for:''tizi oriiiik ' •
went, thiWthie.• - i •;•• 1 •1• 1 4/ --1 ' ' ll •, •: .:..., ~..r .-.! ,
~Benntorrtheistiee *si off erect• tok arttlada •, I ‘,
tb - e othez,dayf3T.the QplOred;;lnbab#Anto f
thei;itird btp
,yrhigb. be liiras ja:treabin, ,gton,.: .
:the - ,CottiPlimehi'ic'ati, aais
Di; Pert? •. - •
4.1 ID gtou asks, very- Indiguantly,.: if : i .;.-
,0e hills Wirt", Congress • ate uot • isounterfait,: .. '
"why there should be sp ,mu,cli difficulty in.. ,
pawing theth. -. • "• ' ": .' ' • *.
Dr, Bellevia singeisti* i '`Pbyelologitial az- • .-
plapanatics • of the.' extremism- is :Congreirs. -
He says : -it la;" led, omewhat . crustily by ~ ....
litiehtiore tightly we ded to their own ways
for - Want 'of ether' bill es'." A 'colitopOrary
says ';' theta may be emberhink in , this t .but is „-: -
It too 'late :forieesre.,autaner en i Stevens • , ..
:to try . the „reellAwizr„ ipflueece' .of ii3Cri
many ? ". • • .
:: Merrier, aliturned soldier, who'hilled his
cousin 'ft* the" seduction of bid- (Srewet's) • .
-wife, - while: the :latter- vie $n the army, has
been acquitted by who. Montgomery ,(Indiana)
;Circuit Court' The , cliitens of 'Crawfoids; '
.rifle itsitredr's -puriei'stid-' frosente& -it "' t'o- '-'. '
' The' Siog Sin ,Rriblican leerni ttlziard.
it Ketalmm, w h o wailetelY cotielo or.
gargled eel:deuced Co iier•-ve-.. a . term' Of-fur ' -
years and slz menthe in Sing Sing. Prison,
!lie been PACC.Ii r ip 44e shoe:- shop of, fhp -..
'redo*. 'Hit hi "treated.tbe !Stile as the other r.
:prieonertW.iiareheis to ditinerwith•therir i and
like...theta lucked -in his solitary-cell - -,.:,
iivery:night,-,, c , ' -; “
._ , . y
A: young lidy Pf V 1013178 was merited a lair
days ago toii - yonerddiiiir,' and's!" went'well • * ',
till the time for the nuptial ' feast. She, bor . - - •
ever; did not ar, pear, and alter, SOLEW Alas -• • -
spentjin seeking for her,_the-door, of her
chamber was
.forged, ,witen ? $ strange -',eight..... .
•Prae'. l inlet • to the, eyes of the mother,—
On mile - dt 'wood Sallie centre of' ibe riot" .
wail the .young bridal enveloped 'in .fames:'' '
They; tore: her•from her .borrible,sezt, straitly .. -
frightfully burnt, and required the reason far . .
this terrible resolution. "I Could not make '
him unhappy," said she;' "I was not.; worthy , . .
:The health: of the ,Teaerablo-kewia,',..l
ill rapidly., failing.lic scarcely Bite up at ..,
all,. en d his death is daily' expected.—. -
General Caen, was rboint, iii /782,.and:18,
therefore, eighty four years old. Re, wad„ bora the Paine year with Martin' Van Duren; - '
Daniel Webster, John G.-Calhoun and Themes
it Renton, all of .whoro have preceded hint to- . a
the grave. ,Getieral..Cass is almost,.if .not, . -
quits, the only'surtivor of that class of pikto:-
lie men irhn were personally acquainted with ' '"
the leading.cdtaractere.uf the American sere. • .
'Union of .1776. „
`. The business of some of the leading houses
of lierr •York 1411 astonish Ole; ro,erchifits, of , • •
eurirurat 'districts." The revenue. returns
"or the past rear show the following" heavy
tooting of the.eounnereilit transactions of est , '
taio well knoWn eotiee:ts: 'B.
Co., $43,506,715 i A. T. Stewart 8: Co., •sdß,'-
$91,688,; • Anthony Zr. $10,000,000; 'G.'
Bliss & Co.. $10,000,000. ' - Fifty four firms • • -' -
sold over .$2,000,000. per year; the grand. •' ''"
aggregate of vales for 1865 was $610,060M0, -
or averaging nearly. $ 6 , 000 , 000 . each.
'The, largest army' ever assembled at !atiY. Oil) :i 7.
;time - daring the revolution was' that m.: 7 '', -•
; iciadded by_ General Pitinani,'on`Long is land,', •,-
That numberil seventeen thoneand men of all ' -
, - -
'Orem. Tbe'next largest• was that with - Which ',-
; Washington' captured Corairallis at
l FOrktbia '
when heattriirtatin I-bonsai& ' Oar, larges t ' '
umy assembled in: 1812 was' nomnefioed . l,)y •" "; '':
Jacksonlit New Orleans, and crenated' hat 'six • '
thealfind. Coming. deice' -to the Ilexican ,l •. ;
army, Taylor •wom:his:vioteries with:a film ;
never exceeding:Ave --thansand;• and - Seott's - -••
largest force woe oat beyond eight thousand '
five hundred. • The .lorgeet army !prior; to -
the • rebelliotc:was, •therefore, tbati of Put. • „
awn, •at Long Island—seienteen 'thciusaed" , •
men. • ; - ' : -
, ~ • ...
' EDWIN Possesr.--By the hy,, a good joke,
is veld at, tho expense of one of the oititene. . , ~.
A most, cantankerous ,Nepablinan,who owns
a largo interest le the opera house, Wrote to
Mr. Forrest, 'at Daytohotrginglim lo'visit '
Columbus. Mr. Forrest r \ epliod thit bis visit, ,
to the West was only at the urgent request of '. , =
an old friend, whine he - was •nnaioas to oblige '
....11on.clenientL.,:lrallandighttm.—whe nCgikt . • • ,
him:•to ,viait Columbus,. oad hence fie- would:, , ,•
accept theoffer.— Colum,bua Cor. Cleveland (0.)
- Plaindealer. - • - -- - ..
A farmer:living:near ; Chicago 'brought into •
the runes office a - bushel basket - of hail stoners - ;
which fell at thnt,placein the storm oitTues4' ..-..
daY last.: They were very". hard and large, ft '
eien after forty hours', m elting and evaporw ;
Lion., SOO.e of thern - ineasfieed an inch, and - \
ia.half in 'diametilf.- Thousands tit bastiele'. T•••• I.'
"reciaintd, there on Thursdoy,•ssian arida:sae :.. . •
bribe atartling: i lrisitation.• i 2duch darasgti,•:Ar •
wiedone the .bustdinge and animals -exposed
to the preitißgit Of ihaiiittletre retie. Iha
rook of teverat:lmildiestrwere ' riddle& as ' ••.
withlgrape, ; shot, ;,hundreds, of widow panes ~,,,.,
were: shiveredto atoms , , and s several•-smell
boys ,Wireltnocited•deten hylhelkating hail.
A larciiibribleti 61 itie titruakza tioren.betweee •.,
the eyes and killed bilealmeskinetanay,4ad •
„pee the rider, an old manoiihorough test. •
tog,o,f the soundness of his ekpll and body. „
-,_,Diatfit,. ipgeonseilitima..."—Neouniere, : A 1 . ,; •
wept rarity-your - Areas, for,another and more ...
desperate assault 40 . i..111/1 , 01447. It 4111121)37
~. •
essaileYou,•aid the - worldaecit is - apt t do - • •.'
lit plfeheasevdataketpirt With you / traducer*: :', :•; 1
tdoseitttrn Moefir .and Mioani,hrloPitkar worse-, i,-...1.
atill,,seeh' to drewa'y,our unhepPineoll, IA li; 7 ••
alpstion. - - 111:16 3.01 f -tune. ": Dista•Ove Oil'
elatldee if yon' Calif 'if. riefilive it detifi,:o'lf-' •I''`
Ptiverty-' come- stpon ' -you , like a thief dm the• i
nigh what theiti.' t Let, 4 , rouee , lcs „,, 4l ,„
,presinne'of a real: tliterwOrild do; to energetic - •
otioni•••l•l6 . itiiitter• hoiFileePlY• yen - hitie 't,O • t''... -- "i
into bet vaierm.iiiiiisya_piwkided. you Aid _nee. :I + ~-,
- helpl4o PA er .4Lf lipgl4 414'4 4 -7.1 - 9nr, Polloi T I-; 1, , -
I r yqti, Pre inadifar,:the ilg4)llSd of stuff, ---;.,-,
net _dieliksrate • :" Tor 'lt' is in - ilecerir *lib Aid `-',--' ' •
pi, ...iirder ,orthiagethat• life eboalti• have" . •,:f -''•
no nilloultiaklwhichAit‘hpueatoiefrouxioed ~.;41
iiie' s M r . /4 kAl'll y( 9k ll) 4.ll"P" t ' f 'uTPV44 , ' ,•• :';•
,-. ; ,'l;he 11g,isl a tare e j. f.Oregen„4ur..... ,
Ing itila:se Omen, poised 'an 'term:impelling - 3_l ;
lierlieithirlieto'clbse ballets" at lerCo'oloelt;•-••
"A•: M.yein iintdayn...„ .. This :liven riah 'to"' . .'t
tfilinir . prictiesi,jokoe-,sma tbe!'beat4s . this:, • ,
A tfiw Sundays smelt the` Oliernci of 'thi_' -
Slat stepped - info a bar lee r" op - about fi:+so,
A:.• I,cind placed himself ;Itt , the 'chair' td 'be "-.."'
"she, diietthe same .thnedgiving - lialloota,ie, . : ~; I
the 0y,,,,t0 polish.,,,The.tarber fattfered4hir . ,,
Env llohallt face, and the boy induidefouely_ . •
brl 'on "his loniittoJiAinitit the ificipltte- • '
hal of .liierEzetnitivel beard, warrellern; sad .•
, anti WO 4likti4ragtox:l l 7 PAshedv-Ptlo'rfilloalt ,‘ :. •, •
etrurten. !tie brush diepped,from the boy's . -
hem , and thr. liaibeiiiagaii litietilY' to \PI ice" ' ''
hie intaintaintikentheihelL 4 Theativernor •
desired him proceed;., , •ti,„Can't.••do it,; Arr. .• 'l'
Silibbs; •the Sunday-low Leib force," Ina Ithe , ;•-•., .
,reply.' ;And in• - miteriof hit : Protattationei the l:
"Gily P illril)OWSOCIVO 1/01110 with 9 12 3.11i5b --
g• 11 0. 60 4 imilialteitt fad 'ono.hoet,:oorer a d
' - I. tinatt 1 =.; ••-, '! ....:.1. .
',; '• ansits.—;q maize it a Point of mortilit, , _ ..•i
-:ill, ver fi nd fault witkiinsaher-for his man- -
- nor '-'eiyeelliriter.;`, l lThey.Plar, beisstk,, ;1 _
Ira cir,gracey, ,b,luoi. or polite, rkoieheA,,,, x •
iiii 'O. f I care not Whit they nib If thermvoi ! 'L.
I. : lad wet ertin . 2 bhnefft Went - fens without -
I dris:iv' nr affectatibh.,iiAll'inen-have raft . • •
the stivantage ,Of '44 49 4 ; f100ie17." .ao sit is .. 7
044,0 school themielves in all itefintaitin
Indite 'aild ceremonies f 'imd . if theft Mai' -• '
istaidai4 •iff!painsteret,,ic is well forMded ea :. •
rem* -and,, geed ~ sense,-
.n a nd. And: net,upon,these
.artiffoi4 regulations. Ilaphera,lilteoonter, , ,
tfailor„ - should '
should'be L eitempotalitf r, Orre - and not '''' '
..tudied. I alwhyir inispeet• Slain that mettle -'.. ' '
mewithlhe samcpturgetualiusile4m his 619 ii .1 : ,
yrith the same bphdlog of the ' body, and the „,
sighe premeditated iligke reltlie band; Give "- '
llteltbil be, l 4 - 74 th!l.7-beriklMO•rliriP Of-,the, ,
It i )
the. mrOes . g, pod : Of recogntion s And;
il l - 11 ,404 1011 •TeitutiiNiql,il o ,Olalt„.!iiti,)!ed.'
Oa 0, ealitie t tlin:-79 8 9F 0,41 0 ., 704 zi t y (Ail
, ,
.v..-..... 1 •,-7.