The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 29, 1866, Image 1

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    - -
1 ,
r Dila%
• 1.• " per,
•i d ar.r; Dot Laud if out(
tb. "ri n
heY'ar• dubseribe
•,- b .rre I Farr " CILTTS a
• _ or Tpu • Linea
1" St,TF; three loser
; on., be:o nsouthe
" ,.5 • .•,'u,i7,o4;poe'year 00;
r-Olre;n.s.rz.,: 11t va proportion: Thee° rate;
s :..;rj to, uaiera cliinged by special
or at the option of the putdishers.
rs Divetces and like sdrerttse;
;I.v ; ilwiri:strator's $3;o0 ;, Law
vatee line; Marriage gotie/33 TIFIRISTII ,
t , s - s p i ec e; Obituary Noticea(over three Itnes
tre eea t per line. Original poetry, no
t;ri it t h e request of the editor; one
j alrer tisNtimits wictir'eontinued at
unottbe ? von edrertliing, antilorderod ,,
d i reetioF. unless 84;speeitled period 4e
treute: their ineertiotr.:-:, •
IsG-0•e bare one oI the beet Jobbing
q e s•ste, sett are ready , to-do all work fa
m ay be entruoied to is, In equal style
fe•s!,;sl,neor outside olthe'largest cities.
..:::.unl'est;.,ns should be addressed to
51:N.5"1 41 WILLTHAN,
Fditar sad Proprietor.
0 , 1:0 aste: 0 : 60 = 12 = 1
pilleSS 'Directory.
etTLEi. •
o,• t l,Aw, dirard, Erie Connth
c. ; o. 11.: business attended to - with
LAW, 4 Walter's Of.
' l's}.••• atur 7 '67
, "WV:TN.
{moors" .es;Th Corsall.4as Le T.A*.
North Weyornefof the ,
7,4, fa.
.0 gy,INE.TT.
:qv:1010F Mee second
r'ctk Freed Skeet, betwepn b nod
ta Mnelb-2.
YV)l.lWit. 1'
I'iTtANSTEI LAW. Rid g ir a y, Pa.
r -q j v 3V 1
g<Reso, Csfon =4 Jefferson countir.4.
310 . •
t r ete% or rote PRAM Paragon Bklek,
2 , Wee. 0 11 , min: Bath E(ie, Pa.
. 01 , 0iN frv.
4sSn C 4 .l3Veyancer and tlnllector.
louthwf et corner of Fifth and
, . ~.
%Tose.. ‘,..•
JOHN Csoswracnarn. at the new
ri ,,, rluzii, has i . ri t 'uorl a larza 5m0rt
,,,.!,,,f,i0t0, Woos Vane! Willow Ware,
7 ~ , ,,,,r i, 'eizar.: Fro; to which hero
au Attn.:ion of the public. eatieded that
`ur.v.! ~room as calube ba4 in any part
~...131,111iN -
ce of EnginePjlotlfra
, a;n:titv'al Ftstlrcad Can,
ki rrls..,,g, ATw °Meson ethatro‘t,
n , /Lilt IN 061" GOODS, GROCIII ISIB.
;irtc7at, Seed. Plaster, ote., QOF
tt ~ quare.", Erie, f-6. :
0,1130 E.
.!„cv,.T . /1.7 , D SALR STATILV, on Eirhtb
rine Horses and
. en retklt.l . L ' i tarn.. my`ZB'4l-Iy.
:F;c'.cr AND 7rzr Srariar, RIZIr.
•Ichr, P cv.tor. 4.tod EI .roes and Carr:agog
a: caoJeili:e prices. s e pt. 2Yr Iqi3s.
u u
ir,rl ST , BETT - EAN 3D ATI) 4Til.
ti:11 t , iny in the cityiland primie as mode
yitTi Ktcei•iLV.R.
P. a •r in Groceries, Prehltice, Provielona,
.‘n I `tone Were. Wines, I,iquore, &c,
•,•;20si:e the Poetutlice, Erie, Pa. T •
MArS'65-1 y
Ditrrr:ar, 0 Mee in Rosen-'4 JAC
.it.north thia of• the Park, Erie, Pa.• 28..
:d Vl, EPPS VI
.L.—DIRFCTLr orrosrrs Tfig PAASS.III: tl. ,le
.7. Fa:fit-leg lively fitted up iu the tr..'Ff at
'r, cow ovate the public. Meats
Irrical of all Ye.seneer Teeing, Pit 4 .l.•
aUYEL Waterford, 'Po-.
and !Id attention elven to
of guegto.
:E" , T ?LINOS
S. tiRIitKER
1.":1 W1.11.1.LP1N.11. n.,
• ruvAlrIAN AND St asoa
floor Beatty's Block, West Park, Erie, Pa,
'.rd, Ituth's Mora. ile3idenct
•~e ylft.b , ;treet, EMAT. of French:-
•Irs--8 to 10 A[it.. and 2 to 3 P. Y.
Scersseoss to (ae"rA, J. Morton,
tleecurdssien Merchants, Who!ecale dealers
...rand Mt ominous CJAL. Agents (or N.' V.
ea•le's Line of Steamers. East Paddle Dock,
jac•ITO ly.
EVANS. 31. D.,
Tenclore bit prof•onional services to the
.nd Ofrtre and retidetiee No
iLtrathourt!wert of Episcopal church.
Rlrnall. - 13T.Awrc hoar MiAirra.crueza
Riodernecht's Block, Erie, Pa.
Assoarlir flidgwar,
li s al also prontict adjoining Count
a'orn Dr. Bennett's Office.) Clothe.
-, !nAe:eatte.,l on shortrnotico. Terms as
tzar, malt 17
C. 'S. TreasUry Departmelli-tnd
for Soldiery, W.vbingiOn.
raim Agra:, Farrar )15ell Rill!ding,
• F^e .11 , 1itati, Nays! and Civil claim,'
!:.:Ity and, Per done obtained
Applleltions by emit promptly attended
•nt:t bad ceveral reams' experience in the
[lr7lrtmente, f.mle , coofident he
tmr.t ifactcry aid in prosecuting all kind!'
• novarElb-tt
D iagylvani% College of Dental Sur-
Wngis Bicck (oeirr Viers Elliott &
Minim! ET
D. S., North Seicoth street, Philadet
tztrz, D. D. 9 • N'a 243. W North Nlb
4 4;t1. •
CLAIM zwircii.
' 4 I EWING,
A.Tce ConnentLT.OnS AT-LAW
Sr, .eopeeite Crittenden Rail
y ,
xnd all other, a'gar baEt
V eninto, Erie, Warren *4l Forts
arefull had prom p • Iy•
:4-.T n..A.ll,ll..raith, Whitt:l6n & Brecbt
VS.rrth r Erie Pi. •
S. P.',TAtiaaon, WD irtr
i f'xt Winn, Pa. ;.
I - %. .
, 4 , r rtni - OT.d. 1,4 stock of Grocerie•
-43 ; %toTe tea hak, q‘, De to the
. 14 ek blot ' on matematestreet, n' corner .1
ell) be bawls, to friends and
Li Li thy ardent to: goods 'His stock
scd csrefuliF selected so.' ofle•ed
rvAi tithe the otiploott coat
t4 ' 4 . 1 0f snitbine• in his line if* ' 7 " l.
e. Eta, Pxxx•.
. •
themi•lres, under
of 57ebb Chdo,e. in tbe,l'ottery bunt
S*l rtind, on th• yktrai, twt warn Sewn
••1 of the 4stotneri of the old
tbt imb!iegeperslly, promishee
- 7AZ rad n
naror to give ' nn nkflotinn.
4 7E0.1.5. tVRIJ-11.
^ . l 47 .G.Cxxistar Fiqk
.1 will
belt fa •
gotta for eirmitr.
T. COO4l
Special ,Notices.
17111i4; D ttl UAL VII.A 3111E14 as Foust' of ,Waroine
and lontrociton to 'rant lien—published hr., flow.
srd At.poelation. a .d rent free of charge. in sealed end -
(veg. • Adiress Dr. J. stEILLIs 'HOUGHTON., .
$0.1'45.1y. I'htladdphts, Pa
, .
t ,
I\T Eft VO UN DEB( MTV, gemintl Vrioaknemian,.
IN ran he mired hr ono who bus curd h!mitrlf and han•
.4 . . , is cf others, and will-toil fun n•thing bat t he trait
• A‘blr•tA .ith stamp,__
_ _
j.ttlz+3.74y. BOX 57, Boston, Borg.
TIME :111SON . ..t" Mt 11 1.1 N ftAflIgET OffGAN:
1 forty different awls', Adapted to tarred sod secular
ton4ic; for $,() to st;o9 each F ftr.ono gold or diver
PYlore, or other, are premium' awarded them. Mos-
Imted eztdelzure free. Addrour-, WISO`i 4.IIAULIN.
Poston., or SUSOIN ItitOTFlEfft.s - , Xesr Fork. AIM&
EVRRYTUNG relative to the human nyitem, male
and female; the 'citieei and treatment of diseosee; the
Marriage contains of the world ; how to „erry well, se t t
n thnromed thing' neier pablinhed bef ire, read the re
eked and enforced editinn of NEDICIM COMMOT SE B*,
a curintia bon: for corions people, Cod a gem: book for
every bee. 400 pa,i•AvA 100 Ploetratori. Price $1 60.
Contents table Item free' to nay address. Book, may be
had at the bnnk etoran, nr tali he rent by mill, post
paid, oo receipt of the price. A ddress,
6ea„ 1130 Broade:a , New York. •
'llO " CONAV:IIPTI .—The adv ?User haritli
j Nun tee:lnc Ito health in a few rake br a ?my
empty remedy, niter suffered save 1 yearn with
a Euyere Inn/ affection, and that dread die. as, Ceti.
somption—ts anxious t make known to his fellow-fief-.
ftuers the mimes of cure. •
To all 'pato de•tre it, ho will rend a copy of-the pre.
scription weed, (free of charre.y with this direetions fur
repsrian• mad sislog ther mime, which they wilt dnd •
ail, care f C ul+umptiou, aathml, ifronchitls, Colds,
Co.torha, &c.
.The only object (cram 'advertiser in aund
inq the nreseriptio” is to tenefit the efflicted.and spread
iniormation he entieetus to be invaluable: and he
lrpee eyerr flamer will try he remedy, :la it call eon
therm nothing, and mar prove It bieloirlt•
' Parties wishing. the preset- p.ion, rasa, by rctura mad e
will pit rye addrest • Rev. K.)IV tßilr A. WI (30,7,
dee:2B•os-2y. ticilllemsoargh, Kings Co., N. Y.
- •
1 - 1, Hitt/list ittO yourii.—A, gentleman who by
L - •. 4 sefferid far years from Neirons Debility, Prelate.
inra Drosy,andall tho effeots of youthful indiscretion,
will for tho mire of sof - faring humanity, send free to ell
who need it. the recipe sod directions for makfnr the
•icanic remedy hy limit he was cored. Sufferers wishing
to prod.:by the advertiser's experience, can dos° by ad.
dteraino. JMIN R. -- 0111EN,
dec2B 63 ly. No. 13 Chambers St., N. T.
TAIL M VICS 111 k1.11. , 14 CATARRH fINUFF.—ThIa
1/ song bee thoroughly proved itself to be the beat
ar,licle knoWn for curing CATAR.fiff. Coca In TUX Run
and iirenacrtz. It has been found au excellent remedy
in many cases of antin ETER..Dnewaxes has been re noviad
brit. Lod liv..suino has often boon greatly improved bj
its tee.' It is fragrant and agreeable, and gives Illstsql-
ATE BS:LIR...eI.° the doll heavy pains caused by diseases
or the Head. The sensations after using It are delightful
and invigorating. It 'opens and purgea out all ob
'tractions. e,reng hens the &ode and gives a healthy
actioutto the parte affected.
More than thirty years of axle and nee of Dr Marshall's
Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved its great value
for'ell the common diseases of the hiad, and at this mo.
most it stands higher thou everbefore It In reeohnnend
ed by many of the beet phre Mans, and is used with great
1111Cte;as and satisfaction even. where. Read the Certificate
of Wholesale Draggints in M 154: 1 '
Th.underalened having f many T ears been legman
tad with Dr. Marshall's Cate rh al Heads be &tuff, and
.old In our wholesale trade, heerfii Iv elate that we..
here it to be equal, in every respecti,to the recommenda
tions given of It for the car e of Catarrh Affection& and
that it is decidedly the beet article we have ever known
for all common diseases of e H e ad.
Burr & Perry. Reed, Austill A: Co, 'Brown, Lamson &
Co., Reed. Cutler ,tt Co., Seth W. Fowle. Wilson, Foirbank
St Co., Roston ; Renshaw. Edsaands & Co., H. H Ray,
Portland, Me.; Barnes & Park, A. R. & 1 , . Sande,Stephen
Paul & Co., Teruel Minor & i Co., McCeeson & Robbins, A.
L. Seovill & Co., M. Ward, Close & Co., Bosh & Gale,
New York.
Foi sale by all Druggists.. 'Try it. sep2l'6s-1y
yolles PI ittomptl; DttoPd.
These Drops are a selentidcally'comnoandsd duld
"trensration, and better than any pills. powders or one.
trains. Being lignti, their action is direct and positive,
rendering them a reliable, speedy and certain walk
for the cure Of all obstructions and suppressions of na
ture. Their -popularity is indieatad by the fact that
over 10,000 &Atlas are annually Bald and coasnme4 by
the ladies of ameriee. every one of whom . speak in
ti.e strongest terms of passe of their great
They are rapidly taking the place of every otter female
remedy, sed are; cons dered he all who know asgbt of
them, as the sorest. safest and moat Infallible prepara
tion in the world, Fir the cure of all female onrnelainfe,
the removal of all obstruct one of nature, and the pro
mot'on of health, regularity and 'strength. it xpliclt
rections, stating when they may be need, and ea-plai t ,
lag •when and Why they rhou'd net, and c nid not be
used wl•hout producing effects contrary to nature's oho
-en taw, will be found carefully folded, around cards
bottle, with the written signature of John L. Lyon,
without which none are genuine. -
Prepared be fir. JO RN L. LY0N,195 Chapel street,
Noir !Jaren, Cone., who gm be consulted either per
lumen.: or be letter, (enclosing stamp) concerning. all
private diseases and female weaknessrs.
Sold by DrugglAs everywhere.
C. G. CLARK & CO..
Gen:l, Agents for U. S. sad Canadas.
aulo'6s ly
D R. TA LIIOTT , A 1 • 111,L4.
Componel of highly Conceeratel Extract; • frotu
[Coate and Barbs of the greatest medical value. prepared
from thetortgaal preacription of the celebrated Dr: Tat
belt, ~nd used by him with remarkable worm; for
twenty years. An infallible remedy In all DISTASRA
of the LIVER, or say derangement ot the 12LO gdTIVE.
They Cnr, Oterrhmt, Omer'le, Set Malt, :undies •
allionsceoi Liver Complaint.
The we'l-known Dr. Mott says of thee, Pills : . I have.
twit the formals from w '
hich poor Pills ore made, in
my prattle• tirover iS yearn • they here the finest s(
fect upon the Liver and Dige:tive organs of any melt- '
cine in the world, and are the most perfect - Pares/bre
which has ever yet been Made by anybody. Thee are
safe and pleasept to take, but powerful to cure. Their
penetratiog properties etimulate the vital activities of
the body, remove the obstructions of its orgies. Wiry
the Wood, and expel Omen!. They purge out the fool
humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate
sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action,
and impart's healthy tone with stuleth to the whole
system. Not only do they cure le ie every day com
p abate of everybody, but also formidable sod dant - trona
niaeases; and being purely vegetable are free from'sny
risk or harm."
I They create pare blood and remove all impurities
from th• system, heriCe area pnaitiie j cure for Fevers,
liradadfif., Piles lf ercnral Dlsesses-1 - nd Hereditary
Rumor,. Dora—for adults, one Pill to the morning ;
for children under 8 years, half a Pill. ,
Price One Dollar p-r Ethic. Trade supplied; or sent by
Stair;"post paid, to any Part of the United States or
Canada" on receipt of price. None genuine without the
fac•simlle signature of V. Matt Talbott, it. D.
P. IiOTT T ATAMTT it Co, Proprietors,
No 62 Fulton street, Nair York;
:0e5'65 17
Office 611 , Brntilway, New York.
if caw ars w.-taft.r a fair trial. if any person does not
maid tha Finkle do Lyon Sewing Machina an superior
to ao• 'Meet Me in market, he canreturn it and have his
motiAr. It has taken many of the higheetprizes—ialesta
on as plicsted than any other Snit elava maehine—dota a
wider tang•' of work without changing—requires no
taking &oar to clean or on, and no ..leevorts" to set nee-
Idlo, rev late tone on or o perste machine.:
Clammen reading na two orderi for Ira
chines. thlll receive one for himself as a I /event. The
carpe proposltion is extended to ilrofeuirs end Teachers.
ice have now nomplefed our Kew Manufactory at a
cost of some $200,000, incl uding raw PATENTS and Ira
nortant lIIPROTEIVSTn; and the ol..ject of the above pro
porition Is to scrota the diate introduction of our
improved machine into every town of the cotted/Statea
without incurring the great expense of a traveling a gent.
rhie propoe:tion (masa avail in towns occupied by out
n.a . zento.
• - Plram eend for descriptive Catalogue, with earoptea iof
-- latEreett LUCIUS LYON, See'y.
AT- BI PRIPES. - Waving large stock Only
own cnootilac: ore on hao'. with a ,coutpleta assorttuent
of city made work. I can sell cheaper at Wholesale or
Retail than any other establishment in this city.
I4arinz had long experience .e to the wants of e
teem I shall take special palm in preparing soy ettre
snit.thero. I have the =clerics right in this env; le
'make the -
tor the benefit& my customers, and only ask a lig
them, tosatisey any one as to their superior eon&
those Made to the old way. - . ...
The rimer Boot needs no breaking In; It Is as easy
Item the start as one wren tor soma '.. ,Xy . ~ . _
• - - --41752'011 DEPARTMENT
*Till receive soy own and my brothers especial at
Int the trade always on band to snit.
Tendering my thankst; my friends and anstomets for
past patronsae, I hope b ,hit and honorable dealing to
merit a -ootinnanee of the emi t and, cordially invite all
to call and examine my stoat before purchasing sig.
where. No. elk St to St 9 Erie, Pa. coarMidtt..
_ .
. . .
• Of. !O.
nd Hog.
r tit
1 1 r 7 . ;
r. na•
cil A,7
• nal qt
-atest, lo•
'And Superior Silver Plated Wire, at.
1 1 11 P t . I>', QQ E D PR I C.Bk
mal4'66-Bmit •
~, 1
y , -''
H ie,R
, F
620 ABCs MUT E /1114DELPHIA.
(Not A Whiskey Pre
will cue'
Debility yr:milting from any einsewb tom-Prostration
of the system, cin•ed by -Perez* dibipi; orposcuve,
fevers or dVa of eemp, fife. Sold ray ettlsene, pale
or fem- le, Volum! yontb, Inn mkt In fhb 11111tete *pre
Tonle, not dependent on bad,briers for tbetr almost mt •
racu'one etT•et. ••• _
And diseases resulting from disordirs of this Liver end
Dieestive'orgerue, lad eafedbf
. ,
. ...
This Blithe bus Performed more
satisfaction, has more testimony, ha
people to vouch Tor it tlisnrtlier
Let. We defy any one to co radict T
inikpay 111,0 {lto say one 0 will p
published by us that's not naive. •
NE . Move every eveii --- )f . chronic or la
clivege .2 of the Md....eye: Ot serve thg f
nutting from dboele riot a/o'4oga
• Conaiipatien, Inward Mom, Foline.. of Blood to the
Fine, Acidity of the Stomach. Menu Heartburn, DU.
gaitfur Food, Fulness or `'.eight in the Stomach, Soar
i t rn
Kinctatione;einking or Plintiegiog t the Tit of the
Stcmach, Swimming of the Head, if ed acid Macon Brearhing .
Broarhing. Fliittedng at the Heart. C Ohm or Softest.
leg ilenrationa when Ina lyingpostare, Diainecia of Vie.
ion. Dots or Webs borne the eight, firer ond Hall Pain
in no Heed. pendency of Peropirallow,^Yellifineu of
the chin and Elea, Pain is the Side. Bub, Cheat, Limbe,
&e, Sodden PloiLea of Heat. Barningli the Veda Cop.
etent Imaginings iff Hill and' great Dedica tion -ofSgßita.
Fixture Boa, that thle Bitters to not atehoolli, eontaLas
no4to or wht•ka7,and cannot wake drunkards, bid is
the best tonic. to the world.
- -
s~ 4
1 r..........
TTOITI Rev. W. D. Seigfried, Pastor oi l 'Twelfth Baptist ,
• - Church. Philada. , - •
Gentlemin —1 harivreutitly been laboring wader the
&drew ing effecti of Godigeitlon, aceovipanled by a pros.
tration of the nervous system. Numerous remedies were
recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but
withoit relief. Yowl:1°01foot. Miners were
recommended by persons who bad : r 1.4 them, and whoike
favorable me eition of these Bitters iSdated me to try
ti em. I mast confess that I had an Sversion to Patent
tl .
Medicine& from the "thousand and o " quack " Bitters"
'hone oolralm seems to be ito, palm If sweetened and
drugged liquor oven the cornea • oity a sly way, and
the nadency of which. I fear, is to make many a con
firmed drunkard Upon leaning the ioars wan -really
a medicinal preparation I took it with happy effect. Its
action, not only upon the stomach. knout the nervous
system. was frompOliod gratifying. ' feetthst I have
derived great and poratatientbeneGt f ' m_the use of a
few bottles. Very reavettnily . onn i'''
• W. D. SEIG FRIED, No. 2.5 A =nom St.
. .
From the Rev. E. P Pendell, Atelstan Editor Christian
,•• ;Chrojdele.rbilada.
I have deriveddecided benefit from the use of Boodand's
G-nuen Bittern, and Heel Holy privilege to recommend
thenav ninon valuable tonic to all Who an eufferiog
from geaerat debility or from anuses; arising from the
derangement of the liver.
- Min truly.
From Re*. D. Yantis's,. Palter of the ' 1
Chute', Phileda.
From the many rospeet a to e
Dr, Hoodand's German Ritter& WU in
• trial, After tieing several bottles
good remedy ,fer Ow:ditty, soda moat e
the stemsoh;
- , 7
From Rev. W. Smith, formerly Pastor. of the Timone
town an I lirliville Vi. 1) Raptiet Church es.
Haring ne e
t it
In nay 'amity. a number oit bottles of your Modelle, ile man Bitten, I hare to sly 1 regard them •
as an excelle i medicine, specially adep . ted to remove
the diseases ey are recommended ' or. They eareatithe 6 •
end invigora the in stem when de e :l in li ted, end are ale
tut in_disorders of the liver, loss of ap S ite , he. I ale
afro rec - ormendedthero to several of V friends whe
have tried thee, and for tid thensgreat beneficial in tho
restoration of health. Yours truly,
WM% EiIIITR; pots ant a St, Pkdada.
I n
. . .
L ' -
• .. .
Bee that the signature of NI N. JAC ON" tir stilt*
wreppsr (leech bo.tte " .
Shou'd your nearest druggist not ha e the artiste do
not be par or by any of the intoxicating preparations
that may be .fared in !Urdu*, batsand to to and we
will it urward. securely packed, by err. .
rjr" Principal Oelee and Manufacto ry.No: ISM Arch
Street, Philadelphia. Pe.- . •
JON11"3 r k RYAN&
[3escessors to cr. K. /stetson & . 3 Proprietor,.
?Or eele by druggists end•desiers in . very town in the
united elites. ‘ deeThilly. ,
At the Sign of the
root Park Pliis i Srie, Pa., or added Loa Box 1014
Pensions 81A:slued for wounded and isahled Belding
and Seamen. or their widows or orphaia, dependent
taotheis ore erg.
Back pay i d Bounty due Soldiers Ind Semen aid
their heirs, 'se'ed with greater fspilitise than by any
ether agency In North-Weston Penns Tanta, baying
bad four y e experience?, in the Unit +d flats. Treag
Wxpenaes in tiered In °Veining, bHoOnp home, and
Mutat of Splitters and Seamen. icollesteid at the
Mg% of the "3ld Mal " • •
ay on pensions promptly collected' and a rested.
All wounded soldiery and semen are entitled to pen
, - , ompsfisoiTrawrioN
Expenses inexrred foe rehnlting. and Ley for time so
occupied cellected, as veil as all of thesi!ove„
• NO charges until claims are iosid. •
Aetneinber pay on pensions begins ',Ph date of applt •
ea ob. ant owe applied for witbus oney of the tints of
dfritharge of hwreild or drab of same. •
flaws be are unsettled, accounts. U lied at this
*racy in old U.S. Traisty, Ceres wit has pad reue
of experience their aecouuts. •
&filet e" an se • inexcf at Parley , * age,eau collect
par for cloth * lost by destractiol ebit! in ao.
than. ,Lobk o t for '
11011 401 P UN “oi.Drnao " PARE rue&
Claims for h ire tried fn settee. GP wild fe the Val"
tea Sta rery aptly collected.
Penn r. . T. Parley ails four ynyirx in the U.S.
Treasury. . .
semnrp, f — Prize money oroMotly collected at •
small per eel, ~ by Peels', a lets U.S. Irealltry oldest.
1 •
* * B:Todd Parley. thanifal for the v er y liberal pa
tronage bestowed by the public. feels that baying ad a
Mese experienetfas •U. El ollbutr..and as Dor. Sea. ofthe
Pennsylvania Soldier's Aegoeistlon. and Comudaloner
for Penn+ lysels for Kadin's; daring O. wat, he can
render unequalled servine in bfortb-Western Pennsytta-,
ale. targil 9m
putpAnezPulA ac ERLN Nils /LOAD.
THIS great line traitress the Northern and Northwest
eonuti es ,of Pennsylvania to the city, of Erie, cm
Lake Erie. It has been laud by the Paanugtoenta I;o41-
'read Company, and is operated by them.
'TIMM OP PAilliliallt 1.11.1118 411. WI.
Leiee Eastward.
11311 Train,....:-.1 .. Bid a. nr.
Bee Exposes Train ' 1 in p. era
Corry Amore._ '..4.•..10 45 a.m.
Arrive Westwar d. t
Mail Train .. .... ........ -: ... -..... ~, . 6
.Erie Empress Train....../.• ... . . ... ... ......:1....... '9 15 a =-
Warren /Seem- .... ..,.... ... : . L.." 640 p. tn
. Passenger can run through on the Ida Mall and Ex
Press trains without ehangeboth erayl ‘ betwerre Philattel '
phis awl Eno. . . . ~! -.. .I . .- :. ~
New York enniseetien : Leave New York at 9 00 01. 1 h.
arrive at Brie 9.18 a. m. Lamm, Erie aft 58 p. tr., Myhre
at New York 840 p.m. • - • . i :-:.: - -
Elegant, Sleeping Cans, on all night laisism.
.weeping us. —43L_
Por infennatien easpeetimg Pass•zurse butineig Apply
at earner of 80th and liarket stor'. Phila.; Li for rrsigitt
business piths Company's la agouti • •
R. B wap,TON, Ja„vornex Binds,
J. 117. iIIiTWOLIOI. Brie. . • s • • • •
W. DAWN. Isnot N.C. R. R„ Baltim rs: 4. • ,
R. 11..1101TRIPON, General Freight Arent, Phila. •
13.; (WINNER, Gee. taut Att. Phila.— '
- - - •
istgoed hiet4.atimphetett the74.pstreitpthe
• hle:weaNl towage lty fain* -the 9 111,11 0 tbaS
• i prepaad to de •
The u • •
Oa Canal,
thy are •
- I
C U fI , ;T 0 1,1 G I.IIIR
rularrlar. •
W• Woo Asap coartantly on bind •!ido* of ,
F-L 0 B, IP B r:D, tI REt l I if, ""kg.;
Of 119 kliuir for Mb at rboleorlo or WAIL
m 023410.
Butz' *TICA'W 01100. - ' f-*
d. Blake woidd respeetlhily Inforist l pe eitissii of
Me and adjoining towns that be has opened atogniir
E A B'T EaN 8T R-A-W- 11- 0 P
Whom ho be happy to see hissed' en 'comers and:
*Umbers. AII kinds of Most kept and made to Or* M
any style.- :All kinds of hats altsred. Washed. .3,8 d end
finished to the latest style. - With the best of eektemn
help and machine; and a long exposing* in ever/AG
porta:el:4 of =tray Goods. I eannottail give netheser
don. Alt standard styles real red as soonlee ant...Evert
cue will be taken to please customers. *U work done ,
promptlyoustwarranted. ;Also ;good Stole 4 of MOM:
Goods od hand at faired rub' priors. . peelers' end
finishing done promptly' at Mod. pttoes. Wait:
door to the Park Chunk. znaliTls•
o'; ; - 1- r •
• :
. v.- • ,• ..
I,A I ,THiIp.4T - AFTER.I9 . 9N . ;: '.
K Ilte d .44 t4e,F or dp,
Ste ti detid,
"The heart or hAtor, the Warta Of troth,-i
Re, the We and 4:01 of of afl. , ;
Whose Irolci woe lithi as the bugle call,
Whom all elan followed with one mzelint _
The cheer. of whole laugh, and,erhoce olourint
Sailed .all rauzinars ord'aeoittent... .
Only hitt 'deltas we rode a/org
Down duke! the a:Mu:I'MM gap,
To Omit the Picket guard at the fold, ' • •
dreaming of any mishap, • • •
He Irma htunming the ir ‘ hrdi of come 014414 I
red A psee he had on LIP esp,
Arid auntNer he Mrs at the point of big ereroed:,
/• u t glres better
more respectable.
article to the mar
hie, assertion; and
k • ••• a certificate.
. . _
Sudden and swift a ahtstliag.tall . . ..
Came out of the wood. and the voice wag still i
Something r heard in tlnilukoesefall,
Anil fora dement my id o grew chill; .
I spate Ina erbleper,isr he be speaks
Ina room where Some cite Is yips deed;
Itut he: Fallen° answer tow at I kald. . .
We lifted . him up In his at le again,
And 'breast' the plus and 'ad t and sal;
Carried bloc back to the silent camp, ; ,
Ana laid hinkas if ;Weep on his bed;
And I saw bg theAisht sit the, eusgeores hsrap.
Tworshlte soseeaport hie cheeks, .
And one just *serial heist blood;nrd. .. •
nova debility and
Uowing eympkopit
TO 0211101 I
And I Saw 112 • lialetalow fat ltd ftot
That fetal bullet west apaedlthr forth.
Tilt It reached i lowa In tat• distant North,'
Till tt readied • house In • sunny stmt.. •
Till It reached a heart that ceased to best
trithciat • roursuni ' • • without cot ' •
And a hall was tallitd In that Car-off town,
rOf dal who had passed from cross to CrIDWD;
And ths eitghboriwond4ed that she should die
NEGRO siuvifireA.ait.
Opeeoh of Hon. Et eator olinier.
_ ,-
hilts SW. Se.efa. on Litanies ruotatiais eisrooteir
tie District of Colloabia Micro Siiriss4 ROL, and
- iiit.itctizg our U. B. StllatlV t• sorplorB ii.
Mr. Clymer said :—Mr. Speaker, were I at
this hour to consult my own feelings, I she Id
certainly not rise address the Senate. For
several days / have been' suffering from a
severe indispOsition, and I do not know that
1 will be able to say what Lhasa propoied for
myself, with at clearness and that precision . '
which 9
. Gc(iive the great importance - of• the.
Identantle; and I should gladly",re—
main silent did I not feel Ith it a higher duty
Q 1
than is usually 'tweed upon a Senator fells
to my lot. INIel, sir. that *helium, is charged
to speck by . lvery man *ht hss voted
. fer him
and whom helmmediately represents, - snd by
thousands of others who ;have hitherto op. :.
posed. him, .who,say—lkier.thet sake of right ]
for the sake °LAl:vase for our sake and, for
those *ho are to oome filter us. Rive utterance
to our sentiment; in the Senate of Pennsylvania"
—I say, when called , up§% by such voices,
comieg up , from every hilll,and valley 9f the
Commonwealth,l ciuld not refr in from'speak
ing. hoirever 'imperfectly the' sty may 'be'
performed. In addition, a i , uslled upon
. . . ...—. . .
swank rapUst
.11ntlene giver' to
ueed to Ore them
.tsnli them tribe •
eelleot tome for
by past memories: in this
action of the good - and gee:
foundations upon curtain in
and who guided her destini
weak and' dependent colony. . .
By all these considerations I fettl'eutttntined
at this hour and , upon this sabjeot,- to uy
something td this honorable body , and in 4 130
doing I shall ntet Alivergo from, the hum di:
hotly made by the resolutions' offered by. the
Senator from admirer' (MY. Landon.) I will
not, unletie compelled so told°, trivet over the
wide held embraced is the remarks of that
Senator, and in the dismissive Attest, of the
- Senator from Indiana (Mr." Whits.) fintend
to eonfinismyeelltit the gnestion upon which
instruotione•are. proposed to be given. And;
sir, for myself and for the people of this
State, I thank the Senator lfrote Bradfora that
he, beet - or-allt,,:has had ' th e hardihood.' the
boldness: aye,' Mr, r rout call it. the dor*,
courage,. here and now to tinetly . avow, rind
glory in the avowal; that! all the blood sad
treasure spent, that all the Ills untold which
have. befallen our lead, that all the debt.- that
the eilamity and misery, ,the carnage and
r i
harvest of death through hioh we have just
passed, was, sir, not to p serve a Constitu
tion and restore a broken Onion, but was to
keep the party to which the Senator adheres,
in power, through the cd-operation and•by
the votes of an inferior - and debsied - race,
whom they already proud call-their allies !
[Applause.] -r. :, ,
Oh, , sir, .1 contesi to you it does require
nerve and courage to do it] Bnc i thank God.
the Senator has made
-the deliberate .avewel,
ight here, where it may b_met by,the - indig.
. pant goons of the people of this State ' and
that 'the member' - of Congress from theLan
lcasier district (Mr. Steven!) has made a Aim
ilar, avowal upon the doorI:of Congress. Ile
alone .of all' his party, d ed makti it there.
The Rapnbliean party of t is State may not
s tr
hereafter deny its positiqn on Mils-question.
-It has long, depied 'the iisne. Would, air;
that. it could have been fsirlotatin years ago.
How Intich.of 'sorrow and!' of blood-would it'
hive spared this' land! - .Mt, sir, the mask hi
thrown 'aside, the hideous i purpoes is at,,last
disclosed; the hour of tral has come. The
peep)o obakl eat in judgm t ; and woo be to
those who have so lon - dee ived them,' tkeyeby
drenching the land with itioottaid mortgag
ing the present: and fours generations with
endless debt.
Mr. Speaker, , the *iliso utiAli before the
Senate era in these word! : •
Wnitisas, A. bill,enfranbhising the colored
citizens of the District df Columbia lately
paescd the leder houre of congress, receiving
the earnesesupport of one ilepnblicen . mem
bers e'llbereforts, be it, !,. . • - ;
Rezqvcd, by the
,Seprge and genie, ! to; Thal
we approve-and' eon:mend the notion ef ' our
members in their suppotli ' of- this 'measure;
and our Senators are requested and hereby
instructed 'to vote for the Same.; , ~
.E6tolvit.l,-.- That: the Uovernor" le , requested
to. forwa r d to cult of our memtiers and Sens
tore id Congreturarcopy of this' preamble and
resblation.. . ~ . .. 1 '
015111.1:113TIP2p1.•-triCT ASAT
. ,
Before Onassis' the policy:Of the measure,
for which our Represeatazives in Congress are ,
thanked for having voted,,isind for 'cli it Is,
Proposed to instruct for Senators to' 4;1
belga -briefly la diecissi.thi &tart of. in: I
•Aroctione. 1
• It ds based open the suiporitioi tbet l hose
who give theinstrizotloni truly indunques -
tiousibly represent the majority of the -whola
•peoPle of the State; and that thequestion
Aspen. whit* instructions are :given .was a re
cognized principle in the kenural platform of
the pariyhaving -Ike asoendenoy in the State,;
or a distinat testie made biters end aPprevedl
of by the people' id some' preceraluteledilon.!
I centmiveAliese ,ta be t e
. only gt:cande -on
which Instructions can have - any binding,
force. ' - fr ',/ ' '• ' '' • '''•• ' '- •
DONS Tat :Sanaa -or 'PI sertaranza,;.ks:sirs
t, croxerzroxszi, , NAI/ST •i•Va1i111371 0 ,41/44,1-.
IN: rats easari ? • 2 1,
la order to seceitilaishetber - ;'if 'theta iri.
strustions are passed by the General Assembly.
they wilt truly represezelhii - opinions of a
- majority of the whole peoidnottenneylvanis, •
1 or whether they, will merely be in expression
of the Opinions orcertain Solicitors and Meta
l• ben g' who bold -their seat"' in these halls by
l4lotterrymatidired districts, rnpon b Issues other
I 'm
than t he, NNII 41III,preal .4 tad, lass to
refer to ime bets and ii ores. -, 1
I At, tfie Prerldinlial election in 1864; alirger
Irroiti was polleditstrevesi before ift'lbis State,
amounting in the aggregre,to 662,707. Of
these Mr, I,inooln receir d 296,891.w:id Oen.,
1 ItlcOl'ellon 276,8161, Mr.i 14ocidn'S majority
being 20,078. ' It yen_ ;Will ' dividathe Whole
1 vote 'by ,the aninber*mpOsing this body,.
(thirty three) it will a ppear that the aver.age
number of voters to eaci Senator is 11,061.
lefollews, 'then, if the' Sepia of 'this Stet*
,'were fairly sad honestlyrepresented .on this
fblers.644 &hilt #4 1 3 6 .8 41 6 1 10 146 0 6 4 6 Arti
I fully and uneciestitatio illy, 'hi party ' 1
i'sid under the lash g• miadered, • Mai,
t '' ,
:" 9 .1.!7 IT!
si toiraisitor
State, by the .past
t men .who laid her
• mutable principles
.eS - since she was a
{:% ,SU .iii
•-• _
ARCH 29, 1866. 1 f-
. ... , . .
1 404 onel wopld be sixteetcpemooratio ilea.
itore holdinir eeittc•berC , teereed of twelve,
and - buy , estenteeit Republicans fietett 'pt
iweety anal , , "..t• .: :• • ,•. 1 '. '
. IC,tore a aseless waste of thee to point out
the means, by Which' this 'nefarious aChemti
was acoemplisbed, but I , may MO refrain from
Biting orie speciatiriqf the tioftertY and fdritea
of the Republioia. majority which fastened
this iejustice tkal-outrage aped the people of
this State.
At the Presidential election, the - county. of
Lancaster polled 22,917 votes., .At the same
election, Berke .county polled 19.976 votes;.
'Lancaster polling but 2,911 votes • more then
Berks. ancipl, Luicaster'has two. Sensteie in
this body and Barks 'bat one; and in the
;Muse Lancaster bee four members and Berke
only three! !—theroby giving the 2,941, voteis
which Lancaster 'ft as in escesi•ot Berke one
Senator end a member 11l .1 might cite other
Oases 'of like..injwiticeand' fraud, but Twill
net Ote in, the Senate by iaterring top subject
for w there is no present remedy: •
But, sir, tisisumiog that there abut,' be tris
teen &nature on 'this floor. representing the
Democratic . vote of the State, and -that at
leait three, if not a grantee timbal. of Re
publican Senators, will - decline ti'vote, or if
voting, will do so against the resolutions, /-
ask, sir,.whetber liven it you pees them:, will.
they be, the voice of the whole people ut t'
State? Therels, sir, but one answer to the
question: They will be the instruction •of a •
majority, of the General Assembly, rut clearly
ntit of the whole people, and therefore of no
binding force or - affect upon•our Renters:
trn_st I haven:tads - this point clear and beyond:
cavil.. , . • .
HMI Tlfil;ollaTtair. allOaa auFlaaall'alalt
TAIRLY4Ii UsinfllalaairißlPlOPLl or Tula
erns . -, - -
My se3ond piolpositien le that you cannot
inspect upon a question which was not a'
recognized principle in. the general platform
of . the party in the ascendency-in the State,
or which was made a distinct- issue and ap.
prOved at by -the people 'at some preiteding ,
election. •
- Will any Senator, Republican or, Democrat,
assert that the question of negro suffrage in
the Dietriet 'of Colombia, in the Southern
States, 'or In key. State of the Union, ever
entered - into the platform pf the Republican
party, framed 4t, Baltimore, 1894, or into
the one Mode in' ihis State latlqiugust, under
the guidance and direction of Cessna, the.
chairman of the 84 to committee of that party, ?
On the contrary , air, when the charge was
made that a forced Oonstructien of that kind
might attach to the Cessna platfOrM of RM,
it was indignantly and officially denied by that
gentleman. It-was asserted vehemently, and
with emphasis, by.every, speaker,
averyirbere in the Btate, so far AS We'll:DO to
my knowledge, that the Republicans ova party.
were opposed - to the 6etrine, - and they: never
would, and never could, be committed td any
such policy. twill not speak fer the Senator
from Bradford (h Landon) nor for the San— .
Woe from Brie (Mr. Lowry.) I-knew him
often they are far in advance of those who
Usually act with therm. and bow likely they
are to tell the - 'truth whet' others dissemble. I
will not:aver what they-might have sal ; but
I assert that . elsewhere—everywhere n this
broad State—it was denied to be an issue - e'
and I ohallenge'iyott now, my Republican
friends, any. if,you bad daredle maltathat
issue, where ,would you hale ;beep ? ['Ap
plause.] You would hive been , whe ~ e the
people of this State - wil(earely canal yen, •
after you 'hall, htiTe voted for these ieseln•
gong s
DIONNIei t 7 Or - COLUNDIA AND Nall min oi:
AOeOEEAta 70 Alautit'afi tN ACCOIRDANON.
WITH :TB *11111 . 11.1 AND loassexa
1 •
I have thus demonettatedbhat Cho regalia
liens, if parsed, *ill 14ot represent the will of
as rasjoiity of thekthate people ef the Steps ;
that they are ziot'upon a question embraced
in the generalsplaiferm of the dominant party,,
or arisinF. from., a 'issue involved in the late
election in this State.' l'shall bow proceed CO
- discuss the' subjeet matter of the resolution
which its:to instruct our Senators to vete for
the bill before Congress enfranchising the
negro in the District of Columbia,. and thank
ing and conome)aeng the Republican members
of. Congress from Pennsylvania for shaving
adVocated and • vo ed for the hill when before
that body.
In 1788-89 th
Virginia ceded certain portions of their terri
tory for-the ; purpte of a seat of Government
for the United Ste en, and by Bth Artiole,'Sec.
1 ()litho Constitution of the Unitel States,
absolute nuthorily over that District was con
ferred upon the Congress of the United States.
I do not intend to dispute this fact, o* the,
contrary, I admit e lt i in its fullest, broadest'
Arid most uneanivo i signification. COngress
was given absolute. unqualified, and. if I may
use _the
,expression, eternal control of that
District: ' - - - But, err a Will the Senator from Brad -,
ford, will any Senator who intends voting.far
these; resolutions. i pretend to -say that when'
that Claim was pu t - into the Constitution of
the United States. ,it was reerouppesed, by
thOsa.who horned it, that the day -would come
when Cotigrees WoUld dare toJetelate, on any
aubject, -,Logatont the. views; and; winheu, end
interests of the peopte of that ,District Y! Wes
it net, on Air Contrary,' the only' recognised
doctrine, that the ropreseutailies of the peo
ple were ever to respe:t and obey their *demo,
wishes end interests T• Did net that principle
enter—lay at
. thei very foondationi of our
Government t-• Wie it not idiplanted soit\44t•
down lil . the heerke of those who ,made
Constitution, that iill,ould . never have b ea
etippOzed by them that evil hours like t e'
present,might cane ,npon der country? N
sir ;, they were tee jealous Of the rights,*
- tutu everto have c'enferretle-pii_wer-ohutrtin
. -
limited and illitottaVe aver their brethren
andtiasterity who were tb inhabit that Die.
tric hide:leyonied-iltat it 'would. ever be
exercised 'zizaiest their'. ' trews , ,their wishes
and their interant . ' Let who,will attempt to
deny this propositio*; let YAM ,miry deride it.
I tell hietiat'orir pant- history-Sall prove it;
every principle that entered.inte the forma
lion of our Government will establish IL—.
These who fremed'Ahe COnstitution hid tinged
La seven yearn'. war to enable them and their:
posterity to maintain this doctrine and enforce
it, and they would have beau the last, men on
I earth
-to hareem:lon:titled any portion Of their
-fellow citizens ttithe tender pertletia%;law
making poster; la .t/iitich their -Views, wigh s
„andlivereets wer not to be . resrcted .an
,obeyed. And; ei , that hodY to which this
_supreniejbrindictioTh,wee given, =watt _ever in.
cOntemplatiets -of, those who conferred 'lt, to
legislatein aceordride" with the demands and
wishes of the pec le of the' -District, They
allowed (hit people ne representative Cthey
deprived them of *vote upon tuitional &faint ;
*'territory anomellins in condition was created
without represelittition, yet iiibloot to taxa
:Non. 'But, eir;• the 'Staten et Virgirdi and
Maryland, Yilii'olfl ceded' the territory; and
those who mode it the .suprome law, which
gave' Congress,- the irzeinsive land • eibtrolu tie
contrelOverit, did,so.h.edausn'thay ti9losised •
that theyll/emit:4o3*g that poWerfo *body,.
which, at no time and under no OrauMetanoes,
*old , violate 'thee, e'rundimlentel: iiiilotplea
eiblehoui long:ski, OureMiernomreVerap,admln.
Iderod;ll.4l9olo 4 t, rarttto,scurern. the A cto n
o 1: 41ry logisl!pgro_ bod 7 In the,lgind , . -
,00mosess Is lo Lim/nom ut
' _scooitiaricn wain pla,yrsyre AIM roues
or,iiiiriorrm tiVrtin muter.
, -
. ' This' beteg admitted ; hoW doe! ilia eelfact:
to the ileire, wislitio and interests 'of the peo
ple, of 'that-District stand! - ..This could-beet I
be determined, by ti •yptetot,that people . , t it,,
'etas .tiketi; and ti r o ' Senator, -raft. Landon)
wall koiintie'the resiilL - Nearly - seven thou-' ,
sand .sgeinst snit but etztr odd In favor, of
the propogitiqu._ i Se- venthoneond white men.
have deliberately,eall•-;“)To.wielt no tutu.
tare ct keen': Welwhili to meet he man hare,
On eithercpolttical -or- tools! eqnslity,l' other
thee those vhcp%1_084,43r,; , 01/r time, 11,110r0d
I,ltvsteir,-.-wiliiivOieci accustomed to meet. It
15 - aginitit'aile Tieing, Our wishes, and era eon•
cairn - against enribest Interest*" Aid • yeti/
-siti, ka : deasne, Or , Ws: Sear.: sro3 explie4 (
,dtplaridloi, - Me. RePubliCan majority of ttho !
freSent °engross elected from 43tsios r s liege
1 . . •
States, of Maryland laid
I. 1
Majority of wheinleie persistently. and ever
dented'this' 'right, this "privilege," a; the
Senator (Mr. Landon) welt It, to the celote , zl
Citizens within their borders , have forced this
measure upon them. It has been done, es it
boldly 'proof:tithedhero and there, for (haver.
pose of testinanblio sentiment, to know trove
far they bony
. go out danger ,of , being
hurled from power. It has been done. no -.'
entdrink teedp" for the enfranchisement of
negroes there Ind elsewhere throUghout the
land. 'Thelhaie done / that to the District .of
Columbia which; as yet; - they would not,dare
attempt in their:States.- Yet, sir, negro suf
frage is to bp foroed.upon the District of To
iumbia ,
the Votes of•Congre‘emen repro -
Aeutitig Stet es whoh,-saving; Maine, Vermont,
New Hampshire, litassachusefts, New -York
and Rhode 'Nand, do .uot permit negroes to
vote. New York , admits them on a.freelictd
qualification of two hundred end fifty dollars,
so there the property votes, not the negro. I
say, air, that every Cougressmse who voted
for this iniquity, 131Y8 those from the States
which I hive named, voted for that to which
their own people will not sulmit. They 'did
It, too, in flat opposition to the almost moan
imorti wish of the people of the District. Is
this just ? Is it right? Is it:fair ? Will it
. !)e subMitted ? "UM not Hie hour come
;when the judgment entered against the views,
the wishes and the intereitts'of the people of
the:Dietrict of Columbia, by an , irrespeosible
body,. by • a Congreff organized and existing
on. such revolutionary' principles, that doubts
may - well arise as to the legality of any' ofits
note ? Will, not * the 'hour , Come when that
lodgment, if it-be Concurred in by the Senate,
will be -reversed? These, sir, are my views
in regard to the question eo far as it relates
to the District pf Columbia.. '
4►L wares or !i►lGtlo ? `
In order to reach tbe,generel principle, I
propose ' briefly to -examine this doctrine
enunrliated by -the 'Senator from Bradford: -
Dlr. Landon] - that the elective' franchise is
ono of the naturarrights of mankind. It- is
true the Senator did not enunciate it in spa. ,
oifie terse. His argument was general iI, its
character, but I drew the conclusion that he
claimed It ae t natural right. if I afn wrong
r beg to be corrected here andmow.
Mr. Speaker; I havenlways considered; and
I believe every writer on the subject, has
hiiheito adjudged-that the .natural 'rights of
men are protection to life, to liberty, to rep
utation,. to property. , if the right to vote is
one of the _natural rights,lt should be exer
cised by all mankind with outlimitation as to
age or sex, race or color, at all times, every
where and under all circumstances ; becautp
611 Geverarsents 'profess, at
.least, to furnieh
protection to -life, liberty, reputation and
property. But,, sir. has any government
anywhere, at' any time, granted unlimited,
'unconditionalsuffrage I To State thcpropo-•
Bitten, is to show its absurdity, becaulip if it.
be a natural right it should be exercised , la
all melt, of 'every. age, by both sexes, and at
all times. Has this ever been' done ? I ask
the Senator ' , lilt has ever been permitted
anywhere ? Is it net, on the contrary, a right
which belongs to sad is vested in the whole
body politic, whose exclusive right is to deter
mine, when, where and by whom it skiill•be
exercised; and under what. restrictions? •It is
theretere - , not, a _ natural - right, but :purply a
conventional or political right, to be exereitted
only by these srho'are adjudged worthy of it
by the whole_hody or the people,
sna mare* Ql PaIiNSYLPANI.44 0211 , 1811 suit
'.7lld'r or ulnae etirrascia.'
. .
. I have said, Mr. Speaker, that no morn,
'tient, in any age, or at any time, has granted
this conventional Gr 4:mildest right to.all tea
of all ages, regardless of ties or, color. T-he
history,-of oar own State is illustrative of the
position I assitirm., it is,:written - in her Con.
dilution that; elections by the * citizens
every white freeman of the age of twerrtt-one
years, hit'aingreaided in.thie litnte'enc year,
and in the eleetion district where he offers
to rote tea days immediateli preceding such
eletttion, and within two years paid a State
and county tax, which shall bare :been ay.:
teased at least ten 'days before the election,
shall enjoy the rights of-fa sectors
• died further, to illustrate my argument' nd
kir the informt4lo ii - of those who have failed
to utulerstand the reatons which led to the
adoption of .the clause of our genvtitiation
which I have just. read, I propose at this - time
to cite the opinions of one of the ablest of our
lawyers and statesmen. whose virtues, learn•
ing,and eloquence \ win . obtain for him the
admitatitsa f After times, in reference to the
',policy and necessity of insertin the word
"white"- in ate OW section of the third arti
cle.- I refer to the .horsey General, Mr.
Meredith. lie Was a member of the conyen.
tics whiaa framed the existing Cohstitution
of the Commonwealth., • • .
. SUIRECCTPF, SIBLIVUULD IX rtie atropir cos
viATlOlll 8P 1838 OS TUN SCRJSOT.
Oa the'l7th of January, 1838, the conven
tion resumed• the consideration of the report
of the committee
.to - whom wofs referred the '
third article of thilittottstitutien. ' Mr Martin,:
of Philadelphis,.moved to further •amend the_
tirst section' of the article by insertingibe
word "white" before theword freeman.' The
motioa lid to it prolonged and able debate, in
which Mr. Meredith 'said': i .
“The:right of suffrage ought to berth° priv
ilege of white citizens alone. And where - is
the injrtattee? The blaeks
from slavery, reeking from the. chains of
personal bondage. fe it not enough-that they
aro protected •by ouNaws? Are we bound to
do-more for them than , for the 'English and
German emigrants wits come into war State
'end trzim whom we ourselves have - descended
remote - trod proximately? flow is it with these
emigrants ? Is the right of suffrage bestowed .
upon them without a servitude of tosetryeats
nod the pfooess - of naturalization after oaths
have been filed'!' Viewing the question as a
statesinit, and - not •'as connected 'with any '
themes of the equality:of the - human ' Zees—
[ What have Wit to - require of the gavel *hp
I come tibia as fligitives from bondage! Noth.
,ing,- 4very'citizm orthe State - of one year's
restidence..who has paid his Tax, Is entitled to •
vote. While the Boglishrian, - the German and
-the Fienclimal •who come into this - State,
must serie - Seven yeart - bs.foie they put be.
-permitted to vote. • . •
..- "Fie did not - think the argument sound
which rtequired us then to - open the pops to''
all these blacks j ,, Re shuddered atltie conse
quence of throwing open our polls to all who'•
might- notnelere to ekercise'the righe.of sof
trage. -Ile thought it wiser not -to incur the
of Inving'our institutions coritrolied'hy
a race to *hie& we-do not belong, 'So one de
nies the' posiessioti it intellect and virtue to
the blacks; bitt. I require mai% than
we' rookie all ae!ooiation with them,in
private life, and' repel- the idea of internist'•
eine with the race and athalgamation With
them—to induce me to glee them the right of
suffrage and to run the TA - , however remo
it may be', of_ having ;theigovernment ol th .
State, in the hands of - the African race—Ord
therslitinldiewexulite cotitrorover Rs adminii..
trsdon. ' - •,_,.. i ' '-•
. / 4
4 fle' win entirely at a 101 l to perceive how
they_.totild reconcile the idea of the two pile
tips going to thei palls together for the pur
peeei of pplaiting their votes, in The' ,same
ballot, *es. Be kneir terrain parts - of Penn
eylvastia in which such an attempt could not
"possibly be made without blocidshe. - * *
, -.Th, li m y °f ee l principles of religlim; he knew
`of nd principles at' humanity; he knew of no
prinOiplen of civil freedom *high made it int
perstive - tipon. this body to 'adopt such a
-onureo,'which' must eventually •leadto-Atka
renults 'a/ be had described. - • - '
~.- 4 !ltwit viewedlhis as it' political questien.
gis; political' right, he thought that: it would
lui - eppistent•tket - it becetne our duty-to give
thei leotive franchise - to those o'nly who could
enjo it, and through the medium 'of whom
the me and prosperity of eociety would be .
prompted. .' • . -
"It is enough, surely, that whenthese races
Ora brought:to the shorts of the-United Staten
A nd, placed in bondage, that We resbre-tberri
!tizihe condition' of , tnen - and' confer on theta
the btessingsiotlibarty. - We Are not Nana
to-give Min political rights which say. ambi'
them at tionuffhteirif day te . triest:the:govertii
merit Irons the' hands of the descendants of
these who ferindodit. iiis Course, therefore.
was ;influenced by considerationfi ol , oneett4
with the it kfety •nti.: 'pro,periiy et the Cum..
'rnbowOuilth: , Abe lifestipti 61ight 10 be CUg'bi .
delta u der sir :lir views; end not in reference
to ally r ild notions of humanity. What would
be the conseiriendes of not these @Ares being
p(rinitledlo run here and vote? Whet would'
be the plate of fosling wiliqh it would be c.a).
entitled lo give fist to between them and rho
white citizen.,, whose privileges - would thus
be trenched on ? - The inevitable result would
be that the blacks must go to the wall, as tho
weaker party; end thus would bring-about a
ohndition of things fruitful of evils, similar to
that which, exists in the Southern Staleer
where parties *bold be divided, net according
to 'political views, of any of , the great Taipei.
plea of gpveniment, but solely and exclusively
with reference to color." , ' -•, .
Mr. Merrell pursued the same line of
argument. and of thotight through the pro
longed and able debate. Ile made the eloping
argument in favor of the amendment proposed
by Mr. Martio, , to insert' the herd “while,"
sod upon the test vote his name will bo found
among the ayes. there being 77 in its favor
and 45 against it, as will appear by reference
'to the debates of the convention, vol. X , page
106. ,
I do not ,know, sir, that Mr. Meredith has
;hanged in opinion on this question from that
day to this. .1 can only say that no man eau
add strength to the argument, he then made.
I commend it' to the dispassionate judgment'
of those Senators who have always, professed
to entertain se great confidence in his opin
loots, legal, political and moral. I trust it
will enable them to understand the reasons
which actuated. him as a Pennsylvanian and a
patriot in the convention of 1838, and if they
agree with him.that itwould be prejudiciatto
Qur highest interests tp permit the sparse
negro• pdpulation of this Commonwealth to
enjoy the elective franchise, they 'will not
inetrnot our Senators to, force it upon a people
where the blacks Will aurely control the elec
tions. Let them observe the golden rule—
obo-unto others as you would, have others do
unto you."
• Atiothei• diatinguiated member of that con
vention, one renowned for his ability as .a
'Judge; and otte who added all the graces of a
high literary culture, to his eharazter . as a
man, Was the late Judge Hopkiisen, of Phila.'
.dalphie; he who wrota one of one national
hymns—"llaittolumbia;" he, too, has left
on,reeord the reasons•why he voted with,. Mr.
Meredith, in favor of inserting the word
"white"-in our Constitution. If polsailde,he
stated his .views in stronger sad more em
phatic !utterances than did Mr.'llleredith.
By reference. to Vol.. X., pages 94.95 of the ,
convention, it will appear that
"Mr. Hopkinson remiuded the Convention
that hie argument had b/selllod now is that
in the actual relations now lasisting between
the white and black populations of this Coin- •
fixonivialth—which is not likely to be changed,
for r t obody hero, even the most zealous advo. •
dites for equality, has propos!d, or anticipa
ted or desired any' such change—it will he
unwise, it will be dangerawi tons and to them
to them to political rights on an equal
ity with ourselves; and what is the difficulty?
What the objection'? It is here—that while
you exclude them,you actually do, and as
yon mean to con t.t . (1,0 do, from arty apprach
to - a social equality, you • cannot'. wisely qr
safety I caufer upon them political rights. Has
any attempt been made to nuet this view
. ef ,
the ease . ? to answer this. orgy:neat ? He had
heard none " ' , •
And Ito day, have heard none. I have not
'heard the Senator. from Bradford, (Mr. Lan
don). certainly rl have not heard the Senator •
from Indiana, (Mr.• White), say that white he
would grant them political riglits he Would
raise them to his (tal social level. They ; have
not been.hold 'and daring' enough to do that;
they have• not dared eo grossly to insult -en'
instinct -which is felt by every man. Bet if
you do the one, you must do the other as- au -
inevitable , consequence. Meredith said so ;
Hopkinson Said so ' every- maxi of judgment
and of foresight w ho has argued upon'th)s
question says, that if 'yen grant' them the ••
political privilege you must grant them seals!.
equality. Because, sir, if you give them the
right to •vote, y o u give , thein the eight to be'
voted for ; and if you give themthe right to
be voted fof. you .put theta in p‘sition here,
in position therei-and, in position all ever thl
Conimen wealth—in'your ;wry boxes and upon
your judicial bench., Ara - 'Senators prepared
for that? Will they take the consequences of
pOsition of that kind ? I refer thionler my:
autherity thaethis must be the consequence
to two gentlemen—tine still living; the other
dead—rag highty honored as' any two men
whose names have ever graced the simile of
Now, thati have not misquoted Judge Hop
kinson, I will read further from his remarks :
"Has any g term on this floor, the hold
eat and warmest. advocate for negro - equality
and suffrage, gone so for as to say—to insin-;
nate, that be in willing to extend to the blacks'
his social' equality and riehts ; te receive him
in his family orat his table, on the amine foot.
ing and terms with his white friends and ac
quaintaneta ;• allow there to marry with kis
children, male or female? Will he allow them '
to marry his daughter ?" (Applause.] •
The fiptiakrx.. There must be better order
in the Senate.
Mr. Clymer. "Will be alio* then to marry
his ehildren, male and female V' Not .a ward.
of the ;kind.' Yet I tell you, Mr. Speaker, that =.
every Senator ' who rates for this doctrine
avownthat he ie waiting for its practical no- !
complement in: _Southern States and in
Northern States artni herb in this good old
'home of ours': I lay to every such man if you
dolt yeti must 00100 to'that. Are you ready.?
Now w eir, I am nut say preju-,
dices against this race.'' LA* ak, intend to .
stand Bore as their opponent r in.the attitude,
of en oppiesior. I will give he negro all the
natural rights to which he i entitled 4, 11.41.
protect him in fife, liberty. propertyand rep
utation ; but, so help; me God ! he shalt never,
-with iny . eolfsent, help me and mine.,rule this
State ; . And I do not believe the people else
where will err.: come up,to the fanatical idea
to which they must come if "they grant him.
political rights, said that is, that the negro is .
their social equal. Yen cannot do that, with ,
out elevating him to our standard, or degrad
ing 'us ;to bia level, ",Are. you prepareti.for
that?' I ask the Senatprfrom Bradford and
the Senator from Ind iana--I ask - „,... tors. •
here to lookin ther face the full conset'w noes
of their. T O telo. day and say whether they,are
•pr:paied for the oonsettnetices of,, soy such.
doctrine as that. - . -
• ' Judge. Ho phi n aon further . says : , . . -
'"flow,then. would his Poiitical power be ,
need ertainly, to extend itslotluence :. cor-t .
tainly to avenge the- affront which reeets.him
at the front door of ;every, hetet° where ha,
might present himself. ,If he vote., he will.
expect and demand to be voted for; he wilt
elsim i therriglat, and who can gainsay it; to a •
coniPetition ;for 'every office in the Cornmeal
&wealth, excoutive;.legialative and judicial;
and; altheuglia4ir Own strength, amounting
to twelve or fttten::thionsantl. votes , utay not
; !of itself be able to -ohttett - such plasma :ler .
them; yet, in ihenentliettif parties. ao,equally
balanced as they sometimes are, and the:oak"
less eagerness erten Itli.spliyed for victory, •
their votes Maybe more than-sufficient to turn.
the Vista, and they nifty be obtained by Com
promises ear hatgaine.viitn,them
,that, will
bring into yourhalls of legislation, open your..
judicial Jrencheit, pod' into every .place and.
appointment in the CemnidaWealtb,mea Whom
yon will not receive at yonraables or in your t
houses as friends or acquaintances. :,Will, not
this be a state of 'things? What. must
it laid to '.'. Can it possibly exist without, very,'
Clarions conaeqUencesto , hoth partial ? ;
.Let na
pause onthe-threabald:.` :• • : .- • - •,•
Atilt so I'say to toy. fried, the Senator front "
Britaforti; and to the Senitoe from Indiana,
'end to every "Let us pause oil •
the, threshold" • This proposition before no'.
its avowed to be "a mere entering wedge;" but
as -surely 'as history will ever repeat itself
under' like 'circumstances, ,so surely will this
train of. evils, set forth , in 'letters of living . -
light by the man who wrote the song of our
land, come upon ua. Those evils will follow
as etrely ae night follows day, ' and light fol-
I have said, Mr. • glealtor, That this is
political neen wawa/ rig t. I have endeavored
to show it by the action of our State on this
'question. I might illustrate the fact by et,
action,of ovary State in the Union. I could
show it by'referenoeto the provision in the Constitution of .the Coifed States which de:
scribes the qualifipationst of votartl for mem,
, ere of Congress: , Bat, sir, it is nnnecessuy:
These are political truths with which every