The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 22, 1866, Image 1
;;e. IRs) RoafazW.CtO'S BLOM, CortAx IsTALTIC . AND WI PARR. • 4pri0g....1V01101.1.4.1t9 .IS'D itrty• Orris per ,„, paid serance - ; rflitElf DOLL/X .8 if tot the expiration et the year. Subseriberof ' r&rnor will be charge Prrrr Cwors a ovrr- . .er in si :ilia , crlsrunnst.7Oue Square of Ten Linen one in - ••.,a 0)1 tiei'verti`"" $476 4 three inner ,,, i , 00; owe swath $3,50; two months $3 Or • m. ,,,n,,5i,5•1;eis triouths s7,oorone year $l2 00; re „. ,a,,,,iieernents it proportion. These rates n i , , ' r i:,. „awed to, unless changed by special tem option: of the publishers. Audi./ e e r a , , sotiop. st r ap, .Dlvorces and like adrerthed . .., j AN; Administrator's Notices S3,CO;, Loma': 1 ,,, res ee ate i line; Marriage Notieesewarree:. owl p i e .; Obituary Notices (over three lilies eat) Vs mute per line. Original poetry, ad. 4 , 43 ,t me request of the editor, one defier ow i n a drefifiements will be confirmed at siou , of the peonfidndliinge' until ordered , 14, &re tie% unless a specified period is water tbfir insertion. - itn o,-..tre 'have One of the boat. Jobbing 0 sthe Mate, and ~ ,, ,i , s t ea sy be to abed to ne, in equal style, ot . t amment op de of the largest cities; a wermuleitions should take addreareed to - . BEI9-2$ WHITMAN , . \ Editor aid Proprietor. - 00 „,.......•••••••.......... B u siness ,Directory. -., ... A 0. C rro VTLERA? " i orr L AY, Gins!, Erie Coutity, a ether basin:so attended to with rpgth. , . d - s tnottE, In asst A. 7.. LAW, in Walker's Of• ,tul ,,, tree t, Ertl). Ps. r &QC 7'!: mit6Nl wasen. - {u and Deflarin Stationery; .44:13,,Nawspapers, &e. Country dealers, 3r , ander prove , RotAtr9ptlng the, Park; MARVIN. ' . - Artofortvi Cotreacttosus AT LAW. Mock, near North West corner or the • i • 1 .0 BENNETT, • I ANTI! or Me PRAM'. Mace mond French-Street, yetereen Fifth and innels-2. g 4 W11,1 1 1:1 1 4 epos:rims sat lax. Ridgway, Pa. Cameron d Jefferson eon n Ejle6RY6s-109 an W. W. WILBUR. , . 3111ilt 7 t 4 iNi . Ir/110110111111P1.4.014 Par,gon Block s it Writ of FiLltlit Hia4 &sky Pa. cietff'64tt. • , If. GUNN tsmr, MOTT IT raw AND AMMON OP 71311 PRICE. t ufo . mcent, Con teysocer and csileator. •iathtsztlatag, southwest earner of Ififth and i ,vio.Pn. • 5p13151 100. 30113 CRC:MUSLIMS% it the new Itee Mee, bas n band a large assort 3,.enea ProTiaions. Wood and Wlllow War e , . 1 3% Tobaceo, Sews, , hich be re attYnti on of the publitNatislad,ttat g er hargaini Ili can be bad in any part - 1511. mai3013.5-1, • I,I„SiSL DEN 41c , • ylrcrirrraaaect 3 Enirtnott,Boilem 4 , Arta], tdal irapleztapta, Railroad Cu; ' _ A, GMLBILAITII. AnOILVI7 AT Lair - , olnee 011 ettlatrliet, Co art Eoaceq EliC.Pis lig, Du.ttp. boons) Greocrzaraig, 5 21 , Site, GLlas, Seed, ?hurter, etc., car zw.,engt,,C Pestle Square, Erie, Pa, jariti. D. 014.3010 E, fqXll; ET S&LS STAMM, On Eighth eeP.ste and French. Vine Horses and Car l: Meltable terms. y, - my28454-Iy. AND NILE STABLES ? :outset FRP..SCII aao DPI( sTairrs. RAJA er, Propriiteit tiled Emits and Carriages it It 190Srrate pries& Sept. 45,146 - . .1 littAs Groceries, Predsoe, Provisions, .I;if and stone Ware. Wilma, Litilloilt4 Ara, n,k nomte the Pootoio, Erie, Pa - - • 1:641115-11 21.1411 LL, Demeter, °thee in Rosee- , re • . let:north side of the NAG Erie. Pa. 2d. .fret :114ZEPPA - nousti r OPPOSIgn THE Piing/A:3R , pc PA, Being rienclr fitted up In the IC "it 31 /Otis row "pen to the public. Realm to .3 tie arrival of all Pasteuirer Treas. fut.4l3 crux 0/ RGRY BROS., Propn Orr. LE HOTEL, Waterford. In. ' Boum , Lsastx. Paopataroa 4a.ounlodatione, ood earetni attention zireo to —art of sesta., • ap6'66-1y IIEhT PIANCIS ' ' IN AMERICA rude by ;S. DRUCKER .t.. 00 Sells Them. ATM WIIILLDIN,IL D., rIITIIICIAS AIM Ettl7oa . 2(1 floor tiestty's Block, Wei Park. Erie, Pa, erfncl, ChrLstlan k Rath'e gtore. fteeideaef amen Wllllary, FlithStreet, East of Freneb. boure--8 to 10 el, and 2to 3'P. x. 15tf. U. Y. PICKERING, DENTIe_.T. • te of the Pennsylvania College of .Dental Par- ME* in Wright'e Block. (over Vlere & ELllott's Art) Erie, Ps. rarnxxot DT PRIINIBBION. .Pltrer, D i D. S., North a - otenth otreetjblladel- BtritieghtM, D. D. 8., No. 24.3, North . NW th kolidelphts. HIE it; SWING, ATTORXIMI 131:0 VOIMBILLORS AT LAT ON SPERM Sr., opposite Crittenden Hall ' -Pt. Collections and all other legal but Crieford, Vane:leo, Erie, .Warren and Pori% ittendcd to carefully sod promptly. .•ccs—Win.•A. MOM% , Whitman & Brecht SB,Emann a Ramie, Erie, Pa.. it Bum; Ron. 8. P.../sdirisort, W. D. Drown e Clerk. Warren, Pa. 4 COMMEUCii 1. COLLEGE. , ft. • . • FACULTY: I-Rtti,l4l7l Principal. Ge 0.17. GUNNISON Esq., Prof. of Commercial Law. Oiroplided, new Olassideation of .Ac& BasinnuProctlim, Ornamental and 13usi• muldp. Commercial Law. Commercial /Stith - Ca rd, /lc, for ladles' and gents. The comprehend tbe whole basis of IT4I amoatit, and exhibit every possible earls "liersod closing books. No expense will he ra eats this a olessant, practical snd perms -time:, " The -City of Schools." Practical As fteles will be empioyed. Terina , •lTnitlim ittl•stv be; razilitirs - land greatest ' , lnge's. Fiend for Circulars. • E 19LE POT.TTR,Y, • - _. BETC7IPN RECOKD & TEfIRD sT3 Pass. . 1 74 Vet hem ssrustiterl themselves, under . .P. 14 of lVebb.t. Childs • in the Pottery bun stsud, on the canal, bvtlesen Sec n Urru •ae wrong...our the customers of the old Pur.lin ot-ibe public generally. promising 'fit cliesror to give perf.ct sa•lsfsetinn. y - 44E0. F. JAY a. cntl.,D4 WIL/J.13114, SCOCFABOI,INtI Ifflrton, a 1 131013 Merebrurts, Who!easie dealers : „ Ballmineus , Agents - for N. Y. of Steamers. Flat Public Dr.ek, jar:4' r. 0. Treiyary Department and misricaer far Noldially Wash in gton' Chisi Agen'i, Farrar Hall Rialidiag, itiell4'7, , Nasal and Ciril claims if,lelityeed dispatch. Pension.s obtained tat by mail promptly attended tat bad saverai years' esperiente in Itea mom Departments, feels Confident' he 1441m.y aid ta proseenting all kinds xoT3o'Bs-‘f ,e1"8 FOIL SILE. mill henget/des on State Stfewts /ad flghth : - Ireetar t Eset side. are nF 7. 1 7 reasonable perms, If applied fur Mg l ALBRAITB, Agent, C ' IV ANS. D., . Ttadats hie priltersionst eenteea to the 'de 'tar. Ciao and residence No. ho rest of Ethreopolehtreh. • rtl4l7t Root Iburencruazi, Ikecht's Ithik, Eris, Pa. . tRELY, •rmit irsetiee I '4OTICE. m the estate of Jamiaerowley ,tP • Elle county. PA, haying /—.cam: gee; notice if hereby Risen fad tit i ns! make immadiate payment 41118 the 1131110 will present t1C1t4.3. for riettlement. la CILIEL CROWLZlVikeedoi. 18C641 a Ir. vqL LIME 36. ,e- Special. Notice 1 antis, l ICI DAL tiliAdlitititota FAsty of "igaritsg -1 and 00.rue:inn tq,loing kien—publi htsl by Bow. - ard Asrociation,a d sea tlr, of chargo in sealed easel. Addren c Dr. .l. hEILLINIIO (WON. . ja.W6B-Iy. Pbllll.lphia, . IikjeUVOUP.I JIMBILITY. semitutt irosticsiwts. 1.1 can be cured . by ono who hits cop d himself and hon droie nrothere, awl will WI yen n4thing ytittbe truth. Aildrem with stamp, - , }511155-1:. BOX 67. Boston* Tl+' V 01l 'WANT -. Vii it. NOW A LITTLE-?# 1 BVRRYTIIING relating to the human system, nude 400 female; the canoes are tfeatutout of disalses: the, marriage outgoing of the world ; box to .carry well, ind a thousand things never published before, read the re— site(' and enlarged edition of IdentOLL Connalf Sge" a curlew. book form:Haus people, and a good book for every one. 1400 pages. 100 illusgratrotts. Price $t GO. Contents to le a int tree to any address. Bookk may be had at the book itorea, or will be sent by mail, post paid, on reoeipt orthe price. Addiegg, . , X.-. FOOTS, M.D., , B I dm i 1130 Broadway, New York. 1 CONSUMPTI V IrS. -r- r The advertiser ihaving ' been reetoreJ to ileaith In a &W . weeks ht A ' Er r eimple remedy, alter lanai te• antlered seems! ion?* with a severe tun; alfeetioti, and that dread dine ,se, Cod_ qrmption—iiao mons to make known to hie follow-ent-: . feArs the melee of cure. o sU who de 're it, he will send a cony of 'the pre &Option tieed, (free of charge,) with the directions for Prllllifing end uving the Sarno, which they will Bad a ware tam ftr C maw - option, asthin BronchtYs. Coldn,l Coiighs, &c. The only object of the advertiser in send-:, to the tweeeripthet is to benefit the aillicted.and spreal Information *bleb. he con:Arcs to be fora%ablet and hei; hepea evert nutlet eV will try-lia remedy, as it will coat :tarn nothlnc, and may prove a atoning. Parties whit - the preeer - ' EtaKfS ar auff‘ring homicitr, and tree,t; 1 . 1 who need it, the recipe, and dire-atom' for mac simple remedy by whiCh he was cared. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adrertisei:e experience, can do so by ad eratew JOHN R. OGDEN. dealt* ly. • No. 18 Chambers St" N. Y. QTRAIVOIL BUT TRUE. , -Every young lady and gentirean In the United can hear sornettatig Tel.' much to their advantage by return mail, (free of etverge) br addressing the undersigned. nose haring rein of . being humbugged will oblige by not noticing fhb' e-rd. All ?tilers ,sllll please address,thelr obedient 1017.. ant, THOR. F. CU AIIIAN, dee2B'6s -Iy. 831 Broadway: N. Y. t " - - 31111.:411ALLN CATAII4III r3:llliFF.—Thie 13 Snuff ban thoroughly proied itself to be -the beet article known for Miring CATARRH. Coco to ?ill EiIIAD and tiAADAOBII. -It bee been found an excellent remedy. In runny melee of Roan Eves. DRAiranse has been re roved by it. and Ream s° has often been greatly imprbved by its nee. It la fragrant and agreeable, and gives RZLIEf' to the dull heavg.pains caused by diseases t the Head. The sensations after using it are dolfghtfttl and faitigoratieg. It epelas and 'purrs out all oh 'tractions. strengthens the glands and givee a healthy eaten to the parts affected. More-than thirty years of awls and use of Dr Marginal i a Catarrh and Headache Snuff ban proved Its great value .for all the common diseases of the head, and at this mo ment It Stands higher than ever before It iarenmnmend ed by many of the beat physician% and is rased with great success and wittsfaction everywhere: Read the Certificate of Wholcaale Druggittstin The undersigned having for many years been sconahr ted 'frith Dr. IletahnilleCeterrli ssid livadeebe douff, and mold in our wholesale trarie„ctmelfull. state that we be lieve it to be equal, in every respect, to the regommenda tions given of , t for the rare of Catarrh Affections. and that it is decidedly the best article-we have ever known for all common dieeeeeen/ the He: d. Burr & Perry, Reed; auntie & Co., Brown, Lamson & Co., Reed. Cutler k Co. ‘ Setb W. Fowls. Wilson, Fairbank N Co., Rocton ; flerohlux, Edmvade & Co., 11. R- Nay, Portland. Me.; Rarnee & Park, A. B. & it:Naafis, Stepben Paul & Co.,lsrael Goer Ss Co., MeCerson k Robbins, A. L. eov l ll do Co., .41. Ward, Clove & Co., Bush & Gale, Ne York. , or sale by all Druggists. - Try it. . sep2l'6s-Iy. Lvores rEettopictr, paws. "THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR These Drone are a selelatiffeelly conitounded fluid reparation, and better than any pills. powders or Doi. trams. Being liquit, their action. is direct au l' positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy an i certain arcitic for the cure of all obetrrictions and auppoontions of na• ture. Their popularity is indleated by the feet that over 103,000 bottles are annually solkand coosamed by the ladies . of America', every one of whom speak An the strongest terms of viv, of their great rewrite.— They are rapidly - tat - 10 the 'place of every other female remedy, and are eonaldered by all who, know aught of them, as the surest. eateet and most infallible propels. tion in the world, for the cure of all female comslidnl a, the removal•of all obstinct ens of nature, and the pro motion of health, regularity and strengtEr' Explicit di rections, stating when they may ho wed, and explain lag when and why they should not, and c old not be used aid:tont producing eiTecte contrary to naturen ti t °. yen later, will be found carefully folded around each bottle, with the written signature of John L. ',Lyon, without which none are genuine. ' Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 111 a Chapel street, New Haven, Coon., who can be consulted either per sonally or by letter, (enclosing etamr.) concerning all private diseases and 'female weaknesses. ...dold by Drugglits everywhere. • C. Oa CLA PS & CO., riartlf-ly Gen, Agents for U. S. sMd Canada,. Att.lols 1 i TILL TAILgtITV 4 PILLS. , , . . - 11 (ANTI-DT SPEPTIC,). ' Composel of highly Concentrated Egracts from Roots and fferhe of the greatest medical vatiMprepsrelt from the origeal prescription of the celeiraWd Dr. Tal bott, :ad used by him with remarkable success for twenty vestal, An infallible remedy in all DIS ga 81M of t be.LIT RR, or soy derangement of the DIGRIT/VR ORGANS • r Ther Curs ifier`rhot I, Dyripepsi.., Scrifula, Jaundice. Bilioasnos Liver Complaint,. 1, - The well-known Dr. Mott eive of these Pills : 'II have used the lonia!' from which your Pills are 'made, in tay praitlea over 12 years ; th ly have the finest of feat upon the Myer and Digestive Organs of any midi. Mire in the 'fond, and are the most perfect Purgative which has ever yet been by anybody.. :Me • are safe and pleasant to take. but' powerful to cure 'their penetrating properties stimulate the vitaractivities of the body, remora the abstractions of its organs. partly the Wood, and expel disease. Then pliarge out the (cll humors ;which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish r dutorilered organs into their natural action, and imp t a healthy tone with etzertgth ta the whole sy s tem. %Not only do they cure the every day corn. p Lint; everybody, bat Jaen f ',addable and dangerous disease and being pirely vegetable are free from ant. risk or harm." , .OLLEX IWING They create pore blood and remote all impurities .frbm the system, hence area posltlre c ettre for Fevers, Headache, Piles. Mercurial Messes and Herein try Duman.. D,oso—for adalta, one Pill ix t the morning ; ; for children under' 8 year*, half a Pill. • . Price One 1)ellar per Box. Trade supplied; or sent by poet paid, to any part of the Vnitki States or Oanadiu on receipt of price. None gea r- nine without the tec-eimfle signature of V. Mott Talbott; If. D. • V. MOTT rALScITT k 00., Proprietors, 0e5'45-ly N 0.64 Paltoo street, New Yolk. IifINKLk ct: VON,SITIVING 31.1(MINS Sllicels3l Smoderay, New Yel l s. Orasatriiier--Aftr a fair krial.if any person Awl not regard tits Finkle b; Lynn Sewing Iltchinsas superior ,tuaor macblois in market, he can return it and live hie Money. It Ilan taken Mani of the highest prises—is leas c ,, ropliclted than any other firstetas. , machine -- d oes wider rarge, of wars without thanging—zrognires no takingAmarr to clean' or oil, and no •le , nions" to;set nee dle. regulate tens on oroperste mathino. N. IL—Any Ciergrman reading us two orders for Its chines. 'hall receive was for rrimeelf as a 'resent.' The same pro pos,tiOn is extended t:r I t rofeaa t rat sad Teaebere- We have now completed our Now Manufactory at a cost Of antla .$20 1 ,0C0, incinding New rATANTB and , nortAnt IMPR.Oiltwe.s?,; sod the coject of thee bore pro • poeltion is to lie •ure theimmtdiste intertineticnint our improved machine into every town of the United States • 'without itlCUrring the great expense .. .lf a traveling agent. Thur propositiOn cansot grail in tow=s occupied by our o n agents. Plesee send for descr i ptive Catalogue, with samples of E 13.111117.. I I'. COOK . int 8116tt riltio 3i OWN At [l.l l l LIN CM:M.7U OPOAN t forty different styles, advted to escred tort recnLyi marl; for $5O to $6OO etch Fifty-one gokf or ether nj•Qals, or other &rat premiums awarded them. Mee- , trated Cataineaes tree. addrers. 1 1 / I SON Boston, or ILISDN fIROTFIERS. New York. jall'46, r I °WARD .504.401:1tT10N.• - PIIILADEL. EillA, L'A.--TlisAssnivot the Urinary and.§exas S•siews—new and trestwe . Also the !Beds Chamber.aa Emir of Warning nod inatroetion. sent in 'caked envolopei, free of charge. 11.1dreas Dr. .J Skill in tbnitliton;,, Finwarl A.simmistioo, No. 2, oath Mato treet,Phifacielphis. Ya. il2ff'6S.l.r ti OALDI. 14, 1.1 • -.- . FA.SHiON4 7 BLE •TA I L.O R, • Fru removed - ' FRENCH ST., OVRR OROUvall FLOUR PTOAE, • Were' tovlevites all his friends to sell and see Mtn. Custom Work, Baptising and Cutting attended to promptly Gleaning d• ne in th e beat manner. Febttrad-ly • C 111. GILLT LIVERY STABLE, SLATS ffij, amnia! 3D AID tin. Stack equal to, sof in the elti, And prim u mode , 241.111. (mart•ti) AT Law, Magyar, adJoiniag Chanties. 11 , 51 OyA Is GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! ! The subscriber -has -rennortehts ,stack of Grocertee from the Amid above the Lake S hy , . Depth , . to the room -in - the - brick block , on State 'tryst, corner of Fo irth, wbere be will behappy to jt ,,, fib m a l an t cotton:oriel:id All•their Orden for goods. Ms etock (Arose:tee tut tstge„and carefully selected smi egad at the lowest rates conshitent with %hearten/II coat. Re Invites all-ba need of anything lzi hie One to gin iums all. - L scR3flGif7SR. , Mi=:= • • 7 .E I . , • - 1 ' - I • * ( " . a • - • • • . - h. • • - I * • " - . . - I 111: • ~„ - • 1.• IRIEGIILA RIT I ES. Lucrure. LYON, St! 4.91•- ••••••••••••••••• 11#0.1)01,LAR$ AND A-HALF PER YEAR, Ix PALO' IN . AD 4 ,VAIICE; $3,00 IF . NOT PAW UNTIL spiE END 4.1F"4.111! YEAR SDAY -. AFTONO6N . ,,IIARcH 22,\ 1866. GUEAT sTRUNUTUREVINO ToNip (NOt iithrtskei riepr444 HOOF,LANY4 .GERMAN-BITTERS will aura Dobiltty.irroltlng from any ellitillik . vbstereic Proodrstion' of Vie oroWn x cau , ord by sew bardahipr, irpcurareo r fryers or d owl of camp ittr : Soldlyra. *Threw, and* or remae, 4olto or moth tad in this Baton ra pots Tonle, not epondent on b d.liwasto tar tbeir'ainomit mt rat woos " •,- . 9 , SPEPSIA' s Atid diseases resulting time disorders of the Unr Mid • Direattre organs, are oared by , , HGGPLAND'E GERMAN BITTERS: . . . . Thra Bitteci has tartan:ad more curet;Ores better ratistactlow, has more teatimooy. Xis more reepeeteme people to vntteh,for it Clan any other artieleitt the niar kat. We defy any one to contrAlet tbis• 'nation. and will pay $l,OOO to any an who will predate a cortlficale knhl4hed by us that in not asocial. 1160FLAND'9 GERMAN BITTERS, cure every cue of ehrouto or naming debility azuS disgasos of the kidceyi. , Olwerre the following topttnnit rtialting from disorders of the digestive °roans ConattiAtien, inward Pile. Frtlinen of Blood to tbio Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Humes, Heartburn, DI4- guilt l o ooti, INlnbas or weight In the Stomach, Sour ti notations, sinking •or fluttering at the -Pit of the Storoseb, Setituning of the Head, lifurnedand difficult Brearblngf, Flattving at the H rart,Chatag or f3l2B . oOffte Sensations when in • lying posture,- Dimness of Vie. ion. DMA or %Vete b.fore the sight, Fever Dull Pala in the,'lleted. DefieffDer of Per•OffitfOO, "TfiIOODrOP of the skin and tree, Pain in the Side. Bank, Chest, Limbs, -ans Budcign•Flushre of Her, Darning in the Flesh, COO. BMA Imaginings of Helfand great Depression ofSpirite. 'Brerinee;tbst thle Hitters!. noielehnelle, contains no. Igna or whliksy,and•cannot make drunkard telt le the best tonte in the world. • - flk&D WHO SAYS SO From Der. W. D. Relefed, Pastor of 'Twelfth Raptlet • Church. Phil*. Gentlemen—l hers neatly been laboring seder the Bestrew ing effects of Indigettion, accompanied by a pros, tratimi of the termite system. Numerous rerakiles were recommended by friends. and gums of, them tested, bet without toast Your Roodand's Gwen- Bitters Were rata mended by persona who had :tied them, and whose favorable 'nation of then .11Itters induced me to try teem. I mast =afar' Rut Ebsd au aversion to Patent Medicines from the t.thouiand aud one" quack 4 11ittlier 'whose only ahn !learns to be to palm off aweetned and dragged hurtor upon the commTaity.te a sly way, and the tesdencr of which, Igen, in to make a m ", a con firmed drunkard. Upon learning that • oars was really a medicinal preparatton,l teok-it with happy affect. Its action, not only upon the stomach, but noon the nervous eystem., was prompt and gratifying: I feel that I have .derived great awl permanent benefit froni the use of a few battier. Pere reswictfuly yours. W. D. SIM /RIM, No. 244 Thaciarnacon , From the Bee. D Pendell, Ambient SditorChrkthut - - Chronicle, Phi Las; /have derived decided benefit from the auto, Hoollaad's Dorman Bitten, and I feel it my prtrilege to 'recommend them as a most Valuable tonic to all wbo ate el:UW[lv 4rom eiseral debility or from diseases arising from the derangement of the liver. Yours truly, From Firr. 3): Mint*. reetxr of tha resoillutik Zeiatilt Olmreb,"Pbilada. From tb many reirpeetab!e recommendations alien to Dr. Hoed/Lad' 'a German B I teem, I ose Mdueedlo glee them After s ing several bottle*, I found them to be's ;Mod re,miY tar detail!. sad a moat excellent tondo for *be atatach. . P. HUMBS. From Rev: , Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of the Videed - teem sod tftilNlle ( 'f ) . .12aptist Churches. Hartag used in my family a number of bottles ei your Hoottend'a German "Sitters, 1 have to say I regard them as an excellent, mealeine, ,apr Malty adapted to remove the 'el*vies they are recommended:Cr. They strengthen and l&rfgerate the 'stein' debilitated, end are lute tat in4teerdereof the live!, I= of appetite, he. I • ere also rtentended them to several of my friends. she hare tried thee, and (trend them greatly bensfletal in tact reale "titan cf health. loon truly, ..W.11.841111, Q6s nuteblason Sty ?Wads: BEWARE OF COUNTEREITS. See that the bigusbare of "C. 11..tiplaoli" .14 ea the wrapper,ofeach bottle • Should yo clearest droved do l t have the' 'Attie do, not be. pdt off by soy of 'the Intotticating,Preperatle* that may be tfiered io its piste, but lead to as sad 3,6 rtrorard. securely pitched, by *Area. 'l 6 Cr Pritenst &Doe sod Manufactory, No. 631 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pe. 4014%.,111RVAN5. Vocceitore to C. N. Action , & Co., j Proprietors. Par the by dragiti#s and dealers In every town in this United States. . &bra f r 0 B B 11 . 8,L • 8 HOLDEN BITTERS. A I'OELY.,YEGETABLE TONIC. • - iNVItiOnATING k B"B.NCITE'IIIFLNigh Fortifies the system aggasi the eTil ants ig nnthele DOM. watt:. Will care Drapepei. • cane W call:nom . • Will mire General Debility. Will cure Heartburn. Will cure Headache. • , • It ill care Liras complaint: - Will excite and treat* • healthy appetite. ,• invigorate the organs Of digestion and modetate• ly increase the tenmeratstre of the body and the force o circulation, acting in fact as a gettersl oorroborant of tir system, containing no poisonous &twill and is THE - 864T TONIOrBITTERS Di THE WORLD. ' A fair 'Olaf!. earnestly so:ielted. . GEO. O. IarIIDEL & 00., Proprietors, Beldame. NI Y. ( Central Depot, &m elan Express Wading SS MIA SON St. N ICIUTOR For sale by et Dru nista, Groom, kn. .113 r Erie, Wholesale Agents,. and for sale by Hall k Wartel,Carter & Curer ma WU. kineA Booth. - oetlE6l , .* • NOTICE TO PICILSOOO LEAVING PROOOtOs Yoi SALE We are now rooming a Market Una from kris to Ma oars, on the Phlladelphla & f§rte railroad, and Idaho/ . Mesire all kh:ds of VEOZTABLIN - AND• cOIIKTBIt PENN:JCS To awry it' on, have establietked a Depot on FIFTII ETkEET, Zn tho rear .of thit old . 11843 ISETWiEIi STATE ISI FRENCH • suing. . . ...__ Where we will be at all times ready ,- -•- re • . pas the. • - - HIGHEST'IIARICSI • :ICS , flr the gime. 'AlLbering Produce for sale are request ed to 'areas 'Cud!. Logan for Market Depot, Filth St. aug10,18554f MAY & JACRSON.'• • • : GROCZUIifiI : AT WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL P. ' SC lIAAF Would 'moat:Oily inform thop pnblie th;f, he hze overee. • Store in , NO; 2 HUGRES' BLOCK; "ERIE, PA., Where he will always keep pa hand *largest:43;li ? . 'GROCERIES ! CROCKERY' AND WOODEN IV ARE, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, And everything ninially for raisin as eatabllenm ,t the Mad. • • eir Terme la reasons* aa toy othercite • , • arx. lam. W.*.131 1 E LIMY= AUCT/OKKEII . . AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT! Obtains Houses and Storm for thoreirantiagoind rani elope; Hotels and Dialling; with or Mee furniture, for those giving up bousekee* . Also, Int y 'lollrinds of •' „ - STOCK IN TRAM SIVROILUIDIn. 1101182.20LD . ' rawrcrss,Ciaesm 8T ns, 1 1• PICTIMISS, Esßons„ MUSIO, IN . ND otritoot - MIMI% dto 4 lo. ' • Those • lath'g to sell by private aontraet, sad 'draws gooney on any .asatal property Wended bar ustrieerred sale by suction. Those baying or, selling can hsiz to their advantage brapPbrtat to me at the - . lINIOdI filliNT/0111' baltrdatt . - EAGLE *OUNDUT. • , • PEACH S?, Apra Tar L.... mragutopuzi, Nark PA HENRY, "BR ANT & stuntw6OD, (saeosisora to Adman* firaii,) • 111014,PA1111Wil OF • PABLOB,COOX AND OFFICE STOVES,' - TuiAt Sam lio WAR*, . -AND ALL EMS :or MD claim:Ng& gran Stan sold by as Itanntad gtei .t 4lloa. fiaWd.Bldsh•aln Sad Inca, la.„ inland at vas. dietuW to • _ puma Pw runs ol iu terlolWililib Claw Wily slain oeVaba• A nil a fartrbl aeon artt-! sin la att mak. NS2/ars MOUNT ZILISWOOD: anSIFIS-4f. . . - . . _ " 1 : .. ' . • . . , .. • . • . • . • • , t .. . . a . . . - . . . . . . . , - 1.311•1,—,091111111.3112i1111,../.1Mersx.eke,.....amaar........ SZE= QRANGES, LEM9M I I,-KUTS, &C., EXCELSIOR FIE ,WORIC.B MOSS. AND ELM CANDY The dampen and Most Plewasit E. D.IFISNDALL CO-lIGHS AND IRRITATIONS • And pm itatif MILD & PLEASANT EXPECTORANT . F 4ou SALE, AT TIVII AUCTION AND a*ltztos BTOR • 0, SiO Franck stnet.. _ A lama lot of Souseoold Goods of army olfhwf +nor or elowitid hand. The &maw Ist maracas -5- • PARIonr, Mum, ROOM, BM ROOM & EITCHZEIKISSITTIDIA Ptorus of all Sisals, • ALL KINDS OW CARPETING, OIL CLOTS, Thls tea rats *holm foi 'honsehlopssa is IE4 that houses at a very low twits. WasellatPoblioend esiratep Salo. Auctions twice a week,-,pTh , n ' L WSDNISDAYS AND SATIINDAYS. . Portia wafts any of the aboriltoolla Will plum all • d ausnans them . Thep Irlibestig so gold for all Muds of household goods. Neither In cash of Ai iak *alit ,- 1 1 lime 14111t1LTY warr%zatuo. Preferred by all practical Inter. It., and Poll wil - .hare no other. Yannfeetnrid only by ' . V -- ZLEGvER do siCrlr, ._ • ,___c witousALN DRUO, "PAIN:! t a r JEILA,SrDLALM. 14 • - 1y • No. UT brorib • Third,S t. Pills. 4. 1416. .._ t: rll.ll LIBERVir TILTS 1. 4 *114 win do MUM sod bate: wotkat sem costAloul way Gam. Try It • Naioxifutuilod olahr ZIEGLifS , • BMITH, • • • inior.ssAtzsDatio; PavEr 4- 014 4 8 81 : 0 1 41 " A/ R. 3 , N 0.13? North ?hint St*t, Flail • febi'63 iTa. • - TS-AM BAJLE,RY•-: -. . . . 'ltaring thoroughly established ms goods In tide see-, Von of country, 1 lows. disposed with my traveling agents. and scold most responfoily refer. esy retaii. cosustry patrons to tatleadhigjsbbing houses of lbs ettg wbo keep in my goods fresh and nlos In stock. - - ,tir Zak folio& Cockers. (lingo Snips, Its., sod ' • isethat soy bodubi ars on ion, pick's% 1 , Wt. J. BANDS. - , . lea. ' " • use. stasis itanutunom ski.. Burnsu ruatopums. PREMilat TO NEW • BUIISORTBERILE: . -T175 LONDON. QUABTICILY 1111VIBW,(Coa.) THE .EDIXSURGH Eg171.5W. (Whig. T 55: WZITYINSTBIL aginvir. TR ltORTII•BRITISIT R55717W - (free Church.) BLACKWOOD'S ZDINBURORMIIGAZI.NS, (Tarp) itszvau 11111WErii austrpsoltrollOis op PURE CON'F • • Asa dole» 4 1 la sines et/ • PLAIN AND FANCir CANDY wiuntsiu, AND RETAIL. "I ALE ANp B WHOL YANKEE •N wnoLtis TOYS OT, ALZ -WHULE!s FINE CRIARS • AND TO FREER OYSTER Agents for the ALi;fooobs - IN OUR mile 4E14E1;4, B 1 RGESB4 431' ?ATE STREET . , COttGEI REMEDY I N -r•E 0 0 lit rill do all thsf L thins attar Lt. • • 1 • AID lire's vani . To 11 " • . , . , CLEAI.,THE 'miners THROAT AFEGVI43I;IB, ALLAY SIANSFACISISS 01411, st BIIIiGESB' s ;, LRIA . P 4 Imre= . . . . rust eat 1880. •- - . ' Toi any one of the Reviews $4 00 pet an it= ( For any two or the Revlon. ... : . ..... 12 7 00 CO. . .." , for say three of the Rerietrt.... «....:10 00 - 6 * for all four of theßeatewe For Black woofs- Bogeotne...--.,-;•• 4 0 0 t For BloOkwood and 040 Retires • I PO ' Tot Blackwood and any two of the 114.10 00 " • Y.r I:Rockwood !nd 3 of the tterlewa.. 18 00 " Por Blooleroed and the four Beviewr..23oo• : "l• • ?Watered or aloes pottoOtotto to A'ailialinr Agee i Ii Whorl this diminished sty the ante lip *sr contain on Mir tale civil war, and thoilph *th l i s ej. tinged with the, may still, eon-tide deg t great ability aid the different ststalvelets b Jess whisk they are written, b red m issi studied wi th oa . mane by the people of this eon at evert oreldead party; 1111ALTII TO slaw ' , New sabseribeta to say tiro bt the thou pedeasele tor lithe will be entitled to resolve gratia imp a t us 'tour reviews for Ma. New sub/deftest , all a" o f ake perindlesla tor ISM, will lie entitled to t man fog y et the tour Eaviswa tor !SM. : Subsaibera tag shoo obtain beet rir ague se the Mi. towing relawsd ratty_vitt BUMATOO4 tram aeI 4 AANN4 1061, to Dthenthitr, nee feet, at, thesatelajtiesi Igt• North mem sane R T . un * g e Dm. last, 18044 theiltelin It. Edlehett .Isamd.the monis Stu from April, 1814, to twowaleir 4 ism tujarti, wet the Landon Qattletir for the , AT Milk IS US Ws at it 50year r eath Meet Ravi •Aw. ; row co r pot remake alto the tresSeviswith &F DA at $4 00 a wit s or it J twiny owe. LICONOD Bs* tr ao,naitibur, Of) ' - A Waist Nroltott• • CUM 1/01WoliVIP L dk . : ; mem. , - z• ... . - Di glen hi 1 .- • , _ iinocsittEs rat p;sovisioNo - Dried stig . B . e Awl Fruits. Nate OM 04 ' I i . • . Blatt Creanlen. Best Stara' ire . I , - NO. 1 ,13 Ek 11 1" 8 "BLOCX>PARK.•i i . s • mach roue )0algo 5 )0 et etg• wild. - 1 , ' ,nail", PA. - . - . •'. .Inr. taraWitam -•-• Poirmi J. BYRON 1117/11 I Snow Thy Rearello-mentbers . She woell whkhhatfrttosetfine; And Dream MAUS *St ions Via COO* Aehright as those ttnit , _me; , • And then some milletny • from memory' ,withered dower% 'Lonelier o'er my ti Mend dog of holler bear". day that died on )under height • all Ate again to-stotmw— But when_the heart soil down Sn nllthte, It dads no mein from sorrow. • , The frown of Sight, the antie of daw4 Win sandy gtoorefor gild the 'Lle,li ways ilight,whea thou art gone, ereiday when thou art nigh. Thou may% not feeithat there loved :te man no more mar love theo=- ; Rant the vows of men MIMS pored Vlio es theolende abnro. thm; 'g i ft dawn the lihriai tit. of year; . My *or& win rim with zointerine rife, Like grate-stones wet with maims teem, Whieb cannot mil the dead to Urn. DEO NS, , ili EMI XIN EMI lOU S: PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICANS AND .' . - PussIRENT JuIINSON. The most egilidrrassing thing to tie Bir-- peblican pasty, fri the present auger of at fairs,is the necessity of encountering eleo lien!,The position of Alias party is one' of - virulent antagonism to the President; and their embarrassment results from the President's being so popular .that . .they. dare net mike an open :declaration of 'hostility during the pendency of tit` elec tion.. Free and frequent elections are the life of reptihlican institutions ; - bat the . partycallingthemselveillepublicanswould find it for their advantage it norriore elec tions were to be held; which would insure them that monopoly of offices which they now hold.",..Xtit,happilyrit -does not 40- vend' on tliiiii. will whether the practiee of elections 8411 be continued. •' - . The chief.: of the issues . now . presented is the'questibri,which has, arisen between - Commis and the President ,on 'the gins. tion'of restoring the Upiori.. i Congress I. of opinion that the Union ought net:to be restored, st least not Yet ; the President Waists that it might& Since elections Must be held,' thp . Republicans exert alt their addreis and !confuse this main issue, and prevent the . people from per miring hoer broad and irreconcilable iii' the difference -between' them end - the President. ' . ,'l . • . • .. They are; in a very different position from what they were when our New York • eleotido took plac_ ,e,list fall: - 7hen they: , could eridersethe Presidept without form- • ally retiouncingjheir owh princitilitskand making a public: surrender to his policy: BUt since the Presid'entlkannual message; veto and anniversary ineeoh, thisis asp hinter possible.- in - the -present posture of affairs; a "simple endorsethent of the President would be a disc* "lion., And yet they feel constrained Logo :through the hollow form iff a seeming ap proval, in order to avoid' shch a total rout in the elections as would destroy. their party: - But beige - obliged, .st • the !RIBA time, to prevent th& feintheing taken for • a retreat, they annul theirS praises in -the vary breath by which they titter them.— This is more . conspicuo u sly the case in Pennsylvania than it i, r in - :Connecticut. We will copy, the princ pakreeolves of. the Penrisylvsnut •platforns: .7, - . . Reatilved; That, filled with admiration at 1 the patriotic devotion 'end fearless .criur-' age with whirl Andrew Johnson resisted and denounced the efforts if-the rebels to overthrow the with:nal governictent,.Penn-" sylvan is rejoiced - to ex press flee erdire eon &fence In his character Sad principles; and appreciation of his no le conduct, by I I bestowing her auffragkuth* him for .the I second position in honor and dignity in I the country. - His bold ttild outspoken denunciations ot the c rime of treason. his firm demands, for the :punishment of the guilty offenders, end his expression! of thorough s ympathy' with the friends of the . Union, secured for him the 141133e11i attachment of her people, - .erbc.o. remem bering - hie. great services and' sacrifices, while tridtors and their.syMpathisers alike denounced his patriotic sction,-iippeal to, 'him to stand firmly by theeide end repose upon 'the silpporr• of • the loyal masses whose votes foogied the foundation of his promotion, and who pledged to hie - their ' support In all =sawed by which treason shall he atlgmatice4, loyalty recognis&ii . and the freedom. stability -and unity of the nation seoured: - • -r ---- - . -• . • ~ - 7 1'hisIitiorThg - of simmin'gsioniOiltionbrh a , real tresignment. - Wilde attempting to! delude-the simple by an ..appeszancia ,of Praise, it is an artfully ,00nstrgeted argu ment to prove that 'President. johnson is a renegade. who entered og,h course in which •he • did not'. persevere, and made promises he has failed to fulfil.: - The Con , vention is careful to *aloe him °nit for the - thinks he' did 'previous to'beginning the great. Work of ~ reconstruction, on "Which his-fame wilt rest if sneeeisful, snit' by which it will be blasted it it fails. The resolution is careful to convey the impli- ' cation- that consistency ,ilith his put re- . 4.40 M reqtiires Mr., Johnsen 'to renounce, hi s present-policy:. • It aceuriatim of in-; cipient apostasy in the eppeed it boa the , 'insolence to address hint "to stand ,firmly" a by, the party that elected him. , ThiMon- I Tenth= is earefulto fling into his f the fict that - he owes his position to Be 'Ali . can votes, ruAnifobin: • a lecture, a the 1 same time, as told:lithe must do re ceive . turthei Sephiblican support. This resolution. puts Its tick arm around ,resi dentAke johnson'e seek and Us him roth er,. while with its right it .ts a d gger, igiderhis fifth rib. • • . - - ! '-- Resolved, That' the work -,Of 4estraing the late insurrectionary' States ;,to. their proper rebatins to the Union' necessarily devolies upon .the' law making poweroind that, until each actin:el - shall be taken, rio State lately in inicarreotinn is entitled to, representation in either 'brerich of COn gems. "Thst; as -preliminary to snob a re. turn, it is the right, of Congress to inves• Algot° for itself the condition of the leg ' . 105 illation of these States ; •to inquire r Specting their lordly, and prescribe eh 7 if terms of iestorithin ; and thit to y this necessary constitutional power is to deny and imperil ohisof the earest rights ' belonging, to our 4titireientativis form 'Of government; WO that- we' cordially 'tip , Iprove of the action-pUtheljnion repro sontatives in Congress from . , Pennsylvania et •thit subject. --, :. .1 . .- .•,..... .. -, - I This resolution touches , the sparrow , of • the controversy , between, President ./ohn -Imti troa-Congress, and. by .deciding: with dritpiratic confidence: that Congress le. en flieb" right, it, of course, decides that-in:4 'Prdentis entirely . wrong: , ! - -',-.: !Jtaebrilf; That ;no man . who liio volun- k twillengaged in the literehellion z or has held,Offieii, under the , rebel organisation.. shoold be allowed to sit in therm:greet. or the. reign. and ~t hat the law-known:as the. test Oath should not be repealed, but An n ul-I enforced against_SU clanieite . forged!. g.figongtells• '". ! - • 'lshii it thrust - ?iilVlthe President -for . h t .ii ni. rep& -..,tadleatiiiiin recent INDIVAT. sad o:* Allite,he Idkltel-oath to roPPOO.Oi6 Caunt. , ACC() 1 r' -'l'-' iT tiiRD a. • cuax. I knolii,t4 ha!! remeziaben *re , • ia Wits pain and plarans. And of mine awn pea trek tattme, ° IM MO and driest inwatars.t - i - 'Tin px; aua,ralstarMy am, And vtowita imaek'otgloss tiMm. I, And thins to &WWI irowitile,bmac 4: . truilmd with iteekilldatpair.• I aansatiman math* Weak 10,01i1030r. , ) ''' II ~iii/o."ltiL .:~ Resolved. • That in this s erials of public affeits;fil of grateful recollections of hid marvelous add memorable sturricea_on-the' field of battle, w 0 turn to the _example of Unfaltering and - tincomProniistng loyalty of Lieutenant-General Grant with a eon& deuce not the less 'significant and tin- - shaken beostuto at no petiod of our great. struggle hike his pront[Pame_heen estiOni &tad whir. daubtfulkpatriotism, or usod f k for sinister piltpagelllit the enemies our com Mon country. 1. '.• • This Compliment- to General Grant is obviously introduced as a vehicle for the fling at the President With which it •is rounded oft Muni' it la said - by -- tbetie nialignants - that General Grant's name . has" ',never been *Waisted with a doubt " ful patriotism. or used for sinister poses," the iauendol is clear that the same cannot be said of 'a certain other high functionary. Besides - there lurki ilk . this resolve a belf.forte4 intention to coddle General Grant as a candidate for the _ Presidency. r 'lf the • ejections go ;against thent. the Republicans are loolc log about for a conservative candidate to run against Mr. 'Johnson. If they _can not defeat his policy. they hope to crush its author; "which,"as the desPairing -devils 'are made to say In Paradise Lost. ." if net victory, ii-yet revinge."—N. .Y. SENATOR - COWAN. • Thallope:l;llmin coniention read Sena tor Cowan out-of their party in the fol , 'lowing resolution : • "liesolt)a, That the Hen. Edgar Cowan, Eenator from Pennsylvania,. by - his course in the Senate of the United States, -has disappointed.the lopes and forfeited the con,fidence of those to whom be owes his place, and that_ he is hereby -most ear nestly requested to resign." • „ - ..,This shaft • does •riot ' hit Mr. Cowan' alone. It passes •through him to lodge in the body of President• Johnson. The head and front of Mr. Cowan'S offending is that be has supportedthe President. Solidi tuts the name of Andrew Johnson for that of Edgar Cowan, and the language of the resolution fits the one precisely as well as the other. If Mr. Cowan "has disap; pointed the hopes and forfeited the con fidence of those to whom be owes • his plice," it is for approving the same things which' Mr. Johnson has d one; and, by all fair rules of judging, the ring -leader in a bad course is more censurable than his sewmplices and followsrs. If the Miser offender is "most earnestly requested to resign," the greater,• by parity of Fea9n. lug. ought to resign also. Mr. Cowan is. a man of too strong tieul 'es and too robust and self reliant a char se •-r to feel his equaniMity much die: turbed. by this denunciation, leveled equallylat him and the -President.- lie is a represenfatiee, not of the Thed. Stevens cabal4but of the - State of Pennsylvania; The people of the State approve and will , indorse' his course. - ` , 411 the friends of Senatot Cowan—and he has : multitudes of friends among the Pennsylvania Repub . . licans—will, of course; vote ageinst a ' ticket -standing on a platform in. which he is so immeasurably deinounceci . v. , And it is fcir.President Johnson to detOmire whether he Will be an indifferent; epecti tor of a cofitest in which one party as sails his policy and attempts to brush to friends.—,Ereltage. K - • Dacus* nr Wilms:sets. Pmts.— Lek. week 'there was a sharp decline in ; whole sale, prices in New York, outstripping anything since the present, downward movement commenced—to be followed, it is hoped, by a - corresponding decline in he prices of retail , goods. Says the New York. !'Standard domestic mariu factures in'the. dry goods market receded in price about' twenty per cent., end the average reduction in imported goods was probably not less than twenty-five per cent.,Bran at these reduced rates, sales Were ery Meagre, and it is quite probable that the decline will continue during the present; week. In other branches,sof trade there his also been a material 'reduction in prices,. although the per centagof de cline has not been so .uniform as in-the • It is, evident that pri are .now rapidly gravitating 'toward real valugs The • abnormal condition of trade that was occasioned by the war is giving way, to a 'peace basis' in matters of !mines!. and snore steady and uniform prices will be the result!' •- . Tei Goon' OLD Tim as."—Many years ago t~hhere resided in the county of Warren„Penn. invents, a wealthy gentleman by the name of Reyes Irish by birth,, but unite to this country when A lad, and was eStonsivelY engaged in thp bitnbariag business. lie walk somewhat jrreligiout; rarely, if over, goad ing church, and considerably addicted to pre: faulty;' yet a man of' great nitural!isbilities. sod possessid of many redeeming qualities. Toward' the tattle , part of his life be beasire rheuinstlit ; and at last, fir several years, was -Wholly csitiftned to the house.- While still able to, hobble about Stith ( a cane, he discovered one Sunday, during the time of high lister, 'that. his boom' bad broken and 'his saw-lop were going'ever the dim.= Methodist services were In progress at the school house, 'and he mistrusted such of his sawyers 'as were not loafing ori,,sho Misers steps wire in attendadoe' st church'. As the school house was nearer , than the tavern: : : the old gentleman bustled himself is that ilirection. • tireathless with hostelietrpshed up to the 'Open door, in, full View of i the Andience, who Were filled lrith astonishment to see him at meeting,-.The ititaiter %topped ,iii the midst of his eersuon, ' and , the old gentleman sung out.r-i',! George Taber !" " Here!" said Taber. ",Tyro Mar.; tint." "" Here: " paid Tom; and so On tilt he had called over the names ta,f half a' dbien of his bands. "Good gracious l" °Charmed he, "yoti he:tend sof logs koingto the doge! " There was a general st&pede among the men, women and children, and the .exerciies ,for that day closedwit' bout benedietion,'—ifinpers' Monthly. ' I L , 4 ,Poos Par:sumer l—lhat notorious scold, Anna Dickinson, hai been pouring out the vials of her , vituperation upon the President at .'is Radical gathering in Chicago. ,As a specimen of-her ability to 111111 foul 'language, in, which there is neither sense.noiresson, take the bellowing : ' - , . •' And r e w Jobpslin is no less an outgrowth of American slavery, a system bego en in eppp ala and ortml by harms, abus s and It crimes `unrigmbered. -Naught sere ach 'a system emild _have produced it man .eispable of standing on tlo; give of a dead President aad shakinglands with his arsassins-I,a,man With jadgment ea perverted:with instincts . 110 wrong;with heart tea - eril that he could have given to the world such .1 - speetacl&,:. The !world would have been horrified had Bilotti, the assassin, 'escaped death, lately returned to Wiulingtai, and there been met and wet corned by President Johnson. ire, Booth was but 'the hand that !truck the blow, the brill' • and 'hear of which was composed of *Vary' intelligent rebel and' traitor of 'the Beath with whim the President is shifting hands'mailtate sisprtai lane.) . The Stories from time to time. pablielted In . the thw,York rribstes and papers of lie ilk to the effect that the ffntohmkne•Bureau bill read,to, the President by Senator Trumbull in OM, presinite .ef General 0..0. Howard, and received . the liecritive .sp.proval before Its passage, are pure fabrications and devoid of ea truth. The Washington Gotten:Soso:lent of the New York Hera:die authorised to silty that the billess.nsiver read by . Senator Trumbull t o the President at all, and that he never tip shrived the presence of General 0. 0.• Howard or any one else. Such t babbles are Sadly' prkhild ( 'NUIVIB,ER 43. I -- The - Xingn sr sm. There - Ird a ?owl MAN you may think vet= at rangb. But camettrno err o .sr a little dtrangq; Apdif bi (tot, avf beta told. lie was oa , :w a mei 'a utagowadekimoUt. Ilse boa woo Ma ldeat tly;ta vas Von, Flis twout)t r at.od crws 'twist is oast and Lis ado, At/thane:et he tate it with Ids vadera - An in talking he 'Ala &if soloourt of noise. , He'd an ;um on eat; to use when lie'd PAO. Bs verervorked bard When he pies_ at)ikeist . ' aro lege be fiad go to mate him ' But Nqtat.Vas roost strange at each enb were his feet. But lull forts eay, hs could VIII at Mg " /ad whin he wiawalktog, he never good, stilt; if /op bad bat use Idal.ysied laugh till yon burst, Pot on, etas or Yother would always go Ant. Ailotheir strange thhigrass'oi I did inset s Was whin he wu hungry Malawi did esti Hp drink When he orsa dry, 'and their!" you'd no Wbairwrr lardraStk always wink Qum his -errata lithlswhttualtal fellow bid s tint toaross.• - It ai couldn't got over, he stayed where be was: ' And though he ne'er went offtns dry pound. 130 great was bla latek that is never riallrtorrar• • kttathor strange thing shoot him tell;. That whoa ha was Wok, ht ir=isalways unwell. EN pre a deep Witt, then aped his mootti wide, sorishow or'other this odd fellow died. •. • , Maths reason bodied and the alum of Ida &lath, Was stanplyi poor sonl, for wintol more breath: And now he Uhdt la theoold earth to inoiLlilar. • ' If he bad lited4 day longer lied harm beep a day older. Political Paragraphs. ' Prentice says of a negro equality editor . .• "who smelt a rat," that if he did, and the= rat smelt him; the poor rat had the worst or it. - { . ''' ' - ' '. • Forney went Spying around • the White ! . Rem some dila ago, and found Presioeet, • , ,ionai Johnson closeted with Mr. Coyle, one of the •: editor's of the Net • Intelligence.. ,' H is yin- - diative attack up n the President is truppoied It.t f i tolbe owing to failure to induce the Pres- ideal to " 'shuffle ff this mortal Coyle.", ~ ' ' The editor of e Louisville /owned,. who has lately return d from Washingtou,:indites , the following paragraph. _ have no doubt of; its correctness. The 'Journal. says : "No matter; dear reader, what you see in the pa- ' pers, Jff. Davis ' won't have a military trial,. ,and he won't be convicted. 244 if he wire: - covieted, he would be pardoned. ' Though no cad player, we 'speak by the Asrd.' '._,' , l'he Lancieter Intelligencer condensee the nr eqnslity question into a it.lebell, say-:" in : "Nor man who is not prepared to ad- , _ mit .the negro bathe ballot; box, to the jury bolx, to office and to entire eeolal and' voila l . cM equality, San consistently, vole the Repub. , li4tt ticket in any coming election - . 'No one, can any - longer , deny that 1 the- Republican patty is folly committed ttinegro ettutlity." . We learn that' the aid veteran and patriot, -,..-- Gen. Scott, unhesitatingly endorses all.that 211 Went Johnson uttered in his speech on the' ') ult. , The staunch old soldier expressei th ' hope that ' he will yet see the North and So th more firinly bound together than ever, an, 'that to effect this President Johnson Las adbpted the only true and proper cowee.—Y. Y. Herald. ; The Capitol, the principal "Republican " o'rean of Wisconsin, wet' "We have been doting four years, and bare expended un- Icounted blood and treasure to free the liniba '. , cfltbe black man - from bonds." When Demo • errata newspapers made inch Statements mobs were organised and sent upon them. Scores if printing offices were destroyed' and bun : . dreds of mer thrust into dungeons for swying no more than that. , • A curious incident *named a firw ,days since in one of the restaurant* its - Philedel. rough, but shrewd looking country man seated himself at a table, and having. ineßected the bill of fare called for a,pleiso of "Forney.". The waster, who was a black of more tbati ordinary intelligence, disappeared grinning, and returned in a .moMertt.with slice of cold lack. e • The followiseindicafea the delicate and laroblike feelings of adicafiam - towards the- President : It is , asserted that Coyl the ;liter of the- Nationiti littellieericer, is the ai ent's Organ . . It would .he a good thing it the -Piet:ldea& would "shuffle off this mor I Coyk.).'—Day.; ton .7ournol. , In both senses, Mr. Tournal,—Carsduskyßeg- inter. • . - Rum. Ocvned SS " AGAIN, —A leltr from a traveling correspondent - of one of tie most"' radical papers in the country, sari: a Here :I am at borne again. after a pilgrimage:id six' :thousand miles, having girdled the htte.cota. federacy in a trip undisturbed by accide nt-oi4 irudeness." :Certainly this islar from inifics. link Inch a stale of society 'at the South- as 'Senator littmuei "would falsely represent by, the garbage which hi gathers up and empties out from his filthy scrap book. —Louisville" 'Courier. . • We congratulate the Democracy upon the selection.' of General John W. Geary aa the Republican candidate for Governor. Re wa'S our, first choice for the Republican nomina tion. 'Wei are.aiwnye in favor of' " life lonw Democrats:" Besides, there are so many' materials oniecord to make an interesting account of the heio!s life and adventures,' that the campaign will be comparatively, easy .11114 ii• The N. Y. nne's (Rep".) says: "The age of bandies and guillotines ha's poised, but • 'there is a disposition •in vOongressits WSW. ated os that which caused 'France to Weep tears of ,blood. The majority of the:House. of Representatives has invested a eommirtne of• fifteen with powers which, under the-grid: made of a Jecolvis chairman,, heeovnitig odious as any triumvirate !eda(' by despot-.' ism." , .; - „ The Cincinnati Commercial 'denies Stites naughty *to Ilipeaker_ Colfax because he ;voted in favor of mvarsinteeliig the 'loan for' the Mexican republic to the extent of $50.000,000. It nays " That' there ',should he a member of Congress foolish enough to offer inch - -* _resolution is bad bnough;, and that 'sixty sour memberr wanted to reoldis them, and the; Speaker gave his casting vnte for the'reeep:, tion of the stupidity, is too bad.. We wad d 9 well to -pay onr„own debts before we saw some thi3Bo of Mexico." . 8. 8. Cox, in 'hii recept speech at the Week: . ington veto ratification 'meeting. dine tersely stated' the : piesent political issues :1 4, The - conflict now 'is between Bureaueorateft, and Democracy; between the rump and the Executive; between s fliste existence and State - de:striation ; - ,b,etweee 'the Constitution and anarchy; between liberty ordered by law; and , liberty disordered by radicalism ; betivent union and disunion ;,between . perpepal peace and incessant tgitation." , The Washington correspondent -of the 'PH-. ens relates that the confidence of Speaker. Colfax that. . President: would ti4ga. Alto freedmen's bill was solptplibit, that he wa— gered a box of cigars with a prominent mem ber froin 'Connecticut, asserting at the. tine that he bad conversed with the President, and bad been madel'aware of his views. Wedace. day )norninethe. otiars Were found on the desk of the meMber indorsed, "From a inotint:. of misplaced confidence.", • • • • John W. Forney, D. D., was-recently waited on And serenaded by an assemblage of colored 'men. Be responded * a speech, from which we extract as follow*: "When the rebellion aloud I-was not one err those wholelieved that the Union :party of this country would, ' Make the civil enfranchisement of Manumitted militant part of their policy. "In other Wage I did not believe that we were Among enough to take grunt ip favor of what is popularly' called untversaltuffnage. Buti am R ow h ero to say that I was mistaken. I dideot camp.. head the full logic-and duty,of the cue ; and now, Withodt turning tack - upon the past,. t avow myself in favor of the trial of that peat - experiment which, the statesman , weuld be to coward to postpone, and the philanthropist unworthy of his name if he did not meat it half way. ' -' 1- • Pollard. of the Dichmend Ixaniner, recent trip Nortb, mays 14 .W0 encountered Whrd Beecher on a railroadtrain in Width he was on hie way to Newburgh, N. P.,- there to deliver a lecture.. A change seems to have come aver the spirit of his dream.' -In Coe. venting with us he "mowed himself an uncut. promising peace man. Blood' enough,- be 4hanght,:bed now been spilt, and he was fop mercy, forgiveness And forbearance: Need+ witted that leis fornier violent views had be,. come moditad, and be now cordially endorses the Union policy pikt i be President. He alluded to the case of lifeDsvis, and expressed the hope ,that be wonldibo tried, if at all, by, a eiviltribunal, and if coatioted,, nardonisd.—• He contended ,that the power of Mr Davis was forever gone, and- that no good could, all from Die exisottion." , , I