The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 15, 1866, Image 1
1:811; t)iISERVER. fa g "veuirra aruanic 1)7n,517/i !NS 1.037 O r tc ,. 400/10..;—Tw 0.. o 9T.A101 AND FIITT Cora per if paii lo sarance ; Tont* DoLLAne it not vn ~„ t o ft. eirirstton of ttn• yrar. Ratocribers • -i mr7. , . I Firm' Pntrß 1. F, no,re of Ten one in " . e „ jo erti in 1 V.,'75-; thre.• fel , 10 .1 " 1 1 , 1 4 , 5 0 two months 13 so. m .,,t) i .54,54.. , ;,:; MO,,th,t7.op:orie year $12.00: t aortiremm es to pr4ortlon. These rates or suit o r szbrnel to, unless che,nge4 by special 40 t ,sst the , stokoption of the pulabhere. And! - r". W :es, Divoices and Mt assets,- torl • " 131°Aoo ; Adlnlstrator's Notices 33,00 ; Locia , 440 , f ee cents line; Karrlase frottoesywitereT 100eus ekes °Wharf Noldelie (orei three lines mi tes) Itre cents per line. Chit* " Ito .; 115. . v ow st tbel t recuest of the editor, out dollar All s awertlsementa oontin'tred at mo o of the person adrertlainir, until ordered his direeiloo , unless_ a speeded pOriod Is ter. thel r ineertlOri. ` tea _tTc bare one of tits beet lobiolris {t the State, and are may to to iIl - wort Is 7.32, the at i be entrusted to us, in serial style utsbll!hrnent outside of the Wiest tcmva eznations should be addressed to BENJ'N Editor and Business Directory. crt1.1371. , irrbissr AT LAW, Gtraid. Tee Coiraty, ,isop La d °the! bumbler, atteaded to wink uldAP ita. • • wrllitOtK , Avoloirr ! Ist Watkies'Of irats gin 4, Frio, ra.. sturt,t2 OS INN, ewes and Dealer In Stationary, Npaper*.lka. °aviary dealiira a' 4 7 4 an,...•Sotel,fronting the Park. - ArroKNITP £ COVNI44OIOI LA", Rica, near North Weit — earotar of the, 4.Erie,ro. 0.0 BENNETT, /rimes or Tin PLUM. 01los wooiod Sbuk, Frroch Street, botireen Fifth sod Sonoll-2. & W 11.604 irroltslSTll AT LAW, Ridgway, Pa. Maw; Co es-mer*" sad .7effemen aestatift. i tg r;. r l auv - 11 - . 1 - W: 3911.8 UR. c ylPnlrS Iry roc or est Pram, Pumas Block, is;Kti•of /arm Ho, RA*, ?a, If. 01 . NNI`itiN, AnT,n.lnr ♦r LAW &N SCBTICS 0/ TUE PLACZ. Ilia ^:011:., Conveyancer and Collonton. i•lin 7, c.vthveat corner ot Fifth and File, N. apl3'66•t MO L, Jon enonlyeinain. at the new .bas • n band a taro Limon "sn,. Proisinng, Wood and Willow Ware, the-cn, :=ezais, 4he , to *bleb he re- Ge t-ration of the public. mt!mHed that c ic,i bargains as can be had in any part ,tea. mar 30•66—19 'ELL. SELDItni te,T7l rrc Tans of 8 tmaz-iturinal,Rollara, „!, Arr i n otar.-.1 ut7lezavuts, Railroad Ciaza, .S.U,RILAITH. . , .Aw--CHlNadorit 81.111tr•st, IFrit- Cwart N o use, E r i e , p, F. BEEBE, Dra.tra to DIST GOODS, GEOCIntin t Ned. Glen, Seed. Plaater, etc., er % o d Pat!tc Sorare, Erie, Pa. 1117 tf. I ~,~ Wiry Lyn Saar Seas; ou Ei LSlate and Fresab. Firs Uorses and - G 'ar• resinnable terms. say2B•64-Iy. D SALE STA BLEW, n or PUN ott Ant lye Insarrs. Dux. roprlrtor. Good II von sad Carriage' tacklerste prices. Srpt.lll, Mo. titer In Grantees, Praise*, Prowl:lona, Val anJ 'Stone Were, Mao, Liquors, an, ..corponita the Postoalee, Erie, ' • martlls-1y N. MAGILL, Dirriar„. Weil is Bled, worth et the Park, Eel ., Pa. • XIX IPS 31 ISPPA lIOUSII DI 11 NI: ILL.—DIRECTLY °PYGMY'S TIM PASIIIIIIRpEIt gill 011 T, Pa, lielpg newly fitted up in the ¢art r • tylt, la now mopes to the pnbile. Meats watt t.e al the arrival of all Paraenzer Trains. eitto NEAT. 011./CLIKY DSOS,. t.rr. •L Iit;TEL, Waterford. Fn. Boar?Lague. Annum'''. , troyoroo4atlons, sod eatefol attention gives to Jot of guests. - .i4e65-ty• . . BEST PIANOS ni ANYRICA rude by • S. DRUCKER & CO. 1G Ma Them TITJ WIIII.LDIN, M. D., Pars Dots. aim Borate's 2d floor lassoes flock, West Park. Erie, Pa., wford, Christian k Ruth's Store. Residence James Williams:. ialtliStraht. East of Fteoeit. boars--8 to 10 A.m., and 2t03 P. 11. • Oetti. , ll."Y. PICK EMINU,,LPENTI:%T. :14, of tlfis Pennellvaniz Colloge of Dental Sur (;fice in Wright's Rica. (over Viers & ELllott's .1)30 Pe. - • REFEILIVICIS ar 11221181110. T. Pluto, D. D. 9., North clri.ath itroet,lottot- Btrektogbaro, D. e., Nit. 24 North KW th "ta.deiphis. OULU MING. tflftlS d: EWING, Arrogant's Aim norantaost AT LA. (PI 3PRP fl dry ommite Crittenden ria Coned:km' end - all etkar, legal but Altigrd. Tentnart. Erie, Manse and Porn tided to ea Wally and preen fly. A. Galbraith. Wititroan i Brecht leer k Barrio; trim Pa. Aim non. B. Paohnson,, W. D. Brom. ,tazt. Warm, Pa. nERCIAL COLLEGE. FACULTY: . Principal. ONO. W. Gcsmsos Esq, of. or Comrsierelal Law. Simplilled,' new Manilla&tloa of de train-is Practice, Ornacattatal sad Baal , p. Commercial Law. Commercial Alitli terals, tee., for ladies sod goats. Tho comprollead this whoe . basis of led est every possible •aria ctaed closing boots. No expense will be ke this a rileasant, practical sod perms m. "tie tidy of Schools." _Practical As sn •Ili be employed. Ternip—Taltion rh• '.oat f-ilities aad greatestt in .:e14,1, for Cir:alars. _ ISLE ivrrett AL 217117F.P.N SECOND & Tap]) STA., F. 8111., rEr3I.A. tsrz veoebtle,i themeelvee, under rte o!'.: ebb G Made, In the Pottery buel read, Cll the eats!, between See en .;ttroe,•,» tht4 customers of the old .gtin of tho nntlie generally, proEolgliag tx+.avor to give pert et (AM. F. WR.BD, JAY S. CHILDS. ) N SG W, iirecrwors to flo•rg.. J. Morten, Wheirszle ifesiers itf.Hiiwcionca Coul.• ducts for N. Y. cf Steamers. End Public Doato Jac.414.1y., FERIA r, al tin C. S. Tresucary Department and ozni..ioaPr for Soldiers, W 011 00 94, Cain Again', Farrar Vali finilding, Karal and Civil claims t!el'ty and d:arateb. l'euatotup obtained irJrnntiona by sail prompt!, at t er' ; ', /e4 ink hvi expsrienca la the nrlova Der , arleteritt, [elan toadel o ' hi Itillatatry aid In prosscnting all kinds nov3o:l}l.-t1 11 . 11 FOR MALE, t .letaillasinou sitee ea te are o eel fliblh ' , treats, Eut Sta aide. are df Tery relloaable tams, if applied for WII. A. GALBRAITII„ Agent. C. OINK. M. D., 'readers Ida pcor-faiooslinstialn aiad cidaify. Vino susd reed/coo No. It balance, of Episcopal absinth.' ; . BLUR 13optitlinrwatu t's gloat. Zs' Ita • 4Trotirrt win_mwr-," • in adjoittiog Mitatiel• to nt Jamul Crewlez • 4ntr, hinpit ge., to hereby AtemeCetepsyst et :he tame win p t Miametd. • • JZO . WLIY; :, a.. a~~. titi VOLUME 36 Special Notices. Wit ft WU DAL (111.%,1111414 as Essiyof Warottig sad Instruction to Torun Illi.o—tiabilibed by Clow ard A uoelation. a •d sent free of clam* to Rooted amt. ores. Address Dr. J. SHILLIN HOUGHTON. j• 11.61.11. rbibidtlphlit, Pa. ATnuroola fliliillll.ll . lf, Seminal Wiakaess. eta,. re* be owed br one who' tau eund himself and him diode of others, awl lad you nothing bet the firma.. AddAddnea salt atunp, . nox 57, Sodlan, Wm. Ti' YOU WANT To &No w A LlVrlelt OF KV 61t1rTtil KG relating to the blues& eystem. male and female;, the canine and treatment of disstasa; the itstrrisge =Mum of the world ; how to *arty well, slut 'a thousand things never published before, read the re -wised sod enlarged es:little of Mammal. Osuon lism. ,a euriont book for cartons people, and a good book for every one. 400 pacos. 100 Plustrations: Pries At 30. Contents table s ant free to any address. Books may be had at the book Eton's, or will be seat by mall, post path, on reonipt of the price. Addrvete, E. B. rooT.°4 w.D, eta 1130 Broadway, Now Tait. 1110 CON etIVIIPTI 1 4 . Tho adrertieer haring I been restored to health in a few weeks by & elm simple rernedy,aiter kart g antlered aereral years loth stverro tuna affeftlan, and that d mad dim. • se, Con. Onnaption—is anxiono to make known to hla fellow -Gaf fe, era the tome of sore. • To all who-Aware It , be will send a copy of the pro scription need, (free of charge.) with the dimetiona trr P re r aia rend chlug the same, which they will Sod • mire eine f C_mmtoptioo. Aatbe s% Broseltitta. Colds. Coogb.4 Tlie only oliect or the advertiser to send ing the preacrlptloe Is to benefit the afilleted.and round meormation wbash Le conceives to be loysimible; sad he hopes every softer will try his reused/. as ft will 'Ott them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties willing the preseeption,mtxx, by return mall, will please address Rey. RDW.Rn A. WILSON, dee2r66-1/ llamsourgb, Rings Co,. N. T. XLLDICII PLUMY, nRJIOII.B OY YOUTH. -. 4 dentin:no .ho has 1J suffered Coe years trim% Nervous Dobility. Prema ture Dim, and al the alTocts of Joatfifnl indiscretion, will tor the sake of waffarinc }tumult/. and free to all wit* need it. the recipe and directions for mainly the stacileawnadv by which he was mired. Sufferers wishing, to omit by the adrertlati's experlencP Cll2 do so by ad. :owl R. OGORN, d. 63 ly. No. 13.Chainberrs St., N. Y. ST""R. BUT TRUIC.- 7 Every vonng lady and gentis•sari iu the United , tates can hear soniatlung veil ranch to their advantage by rata= mail„ (free or charge) br,addresaing the and-reigned. Trawl baring fe• re of beinghumbugged will obligo by not noticing this c•sd. All otl,ers trill please address their obedient serv ant, VIPS. T. CHAPMAN. dee:B'6s4y. 831 Broadway. N. Y. oeteeitf. 17\ IL. :MA CATA j.l Snug has thoroughly proved itself to he the best article knotrn for Miring CATAIVOS, COLD IN TEC Rasa and Ilitanamra. It has been found an excellent remedy In many eases of Soar( NYC& DISYNIrJar has boon re - rioted by it. and lix.tuutp has often been greatly' improved b.T use.lts lt is fragrant and sererable, and gires ATE RRLIE le to the doll hear" pet na etinsed by disesaea of the Read. The sensations after tieing it are delightful and inrigorriting• It opens amd puma out all ob striae:in:lA. streagth.ns the glands and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. Mote than thirty years of sale and use of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Deadache Snuff has proved Ha great rale* for all the common dleeaeee of the head, and at this mo ment It stands idehor than ever ie.flre It It rev:mime:A nd by many of the beet I hyslatans, and la used with rrest tr.:CCM and eat isfaetiOn eye' , where. Read the CertLtitate of Wholesale Druggists in 1R54 : The uedersizned having for many wove heed &equals ted with Dr. fAirsliell's Catarrh and Headovhe :tondos/A told in our wholesale trade, cheerfull.- state that we tee Here it to be equal, in *spry respect, to the neon:mends. Hone ren it for the cure of Catarrh A ffectona. mid that IS decidedly the best artiee we hire seer known for al common diseases of the Head. Barr & Perry. Reed, Austin & Co., Brown, Lamson k Co., Reed. Cutler k Co.. Seth W. Towle, Wilson; Fahhank k Co., Roston ; Mamba', Eataaude k Co., H. H , Hey, Portland. Hs.; nernes As Part, A. B. k L. flands,fitephen Paul k Co., Israel Minor & Co., ReCesson k Robbins, A. L. Sccndilk Co., H. Ward, Close & Co., Bosh AgHale, ,Yew Ye*. • Por 1.1 . 48 by all ;hugest& 'fry It. sep2ll4-Iy. VOWS PICIUODICAL -DROPS. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR ii i i IR EGULARITIES. . These'prope a scientifically eomponaded field ;reparation, arid tter than any pills. powders or nos. tram.. Beirut 1 i, their action is direct ant positive, rendering them reliable, eprede-ant eertain Ere* for the cure of al obetructions and el ppressiosa of eta. tun. Their po Dimity is indicated by the feet that e i ti orerlol,ooo hut es are annually ~11 acid consumed 'by the ladle, of A dick, every one of whom speak in tLe strongest t sof pine of their great enerits.-+ They are npidi taking the pleat of every other female remedy. wed are eons dered be all who know aught of them, as the surest, West and mod infallible prepare. don in the world, for tbe - enre of all female Oomelaints, the removal of all obetruet:ons of nature, and the pro. mctlon of health, regalaetty and strength. lispUcit di rections, s'atlog when they may be u.ed, and explain * when and by they phould not, and c •uld not be awed wi bout producing effect , ' contrary to nature's cho sen lain, will .te found carefully failed around each bottle, with the written signature of John L. Lyon, without which :lone are genuine. Prepared by. Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 19S Chapel street, New Diaren. Conn, who cut be consulted either per. sonalir or be latter, (enclosing 'tamp) concerning all private diseases and female weaknesses. Sold by Drags-Mr everywhere. CAIM lir CO„ Enill 1-ly Cull Agents for tr. L S. 1411 Cana da'. I, atlo'6s ly TALROTtri4 ( SPE Cempoted of Mealy ANTI-DT Concentrated PTlC.) R.:tracts from Roots *ad Herbs of the areatset raoiicat ostno , prepared from the origael prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tel.. bet, nd used by him with remarkable steno's for twenty years. Au iniallible remedy in all DI861811:11 of the LIFER, or say derangement of the DIOBSTIVE ORGANS. • - They Coro Dlarrhees, Dysfop Scrotal% :Liundlne 111Hominess Liver Complaint. Thb well-known Dr. Mott says of them Pills t " I have used the fonnala from which your Yale are twit', la practice for over 12 years ; thgy htre the finest of feet upon the Liver an/ Digestive Organs of any wadi. eineln the Weed, ext 4 are the most perfect Purgative which hue ever yet been made by anybody. Thew are este and pleasant to take but powerful to sun Thetr panetrating propertinCatimialats the vital anthills. of the body. remove the abstractions of itai crone. verity the tecad, and expelolissase. They Duro oat the foul humors which breed and grow disteniper, stimulate vingglett or disordered Organs Into their natural action, and impart a healthy tams with strength do the whole system. Not only do they core the, every day tom p 'Onto of everybody, but ilio formidable Lad dangerous die-aces, and being purely 7egetable are free from any nit or harm." They create pare blood and remove all impurities from the system, hartee area positive core for Fevers, Headache, Piles. 'terminal Diseases and Hereditary Bunion. Does—for adults, one Pill to the morning ; for children under 8 years, half s Price One Dolly p'r Bog. Trade supplied. or rant by Mill. post paid, to any part of the Baited States or Carutdas en receipt of pr: r. Non. eannitas without the tas-eimile sly _nature of V. lint: Talbott.; D. /LOTT TALBOTT is Co., Proprietors, • ne.YB5-ly No 82 Fulton street, New York. F INKI,I3 du IL.YON 8% EI Wl No MACENIC CO. Ofsce 511 Broadway, NPar York. firAAAllTtr.—Aftor o fillr trial. tf any Denims does not regard th• Finkle k Lyen , Sewlog Machine as superior to any machine in market, ha can return it And have his money. It has taken many or the highest prime—ts less ne in !Wetted than any other Bret Maar macbta•—does a wider range of wore without clianging—reqatres no taking apart to clean or oil, and no °lessons" to set nee dle. regulate, tens on or operate machine. . N. 11.—kny Clew ono rending us two orders for Ma chires, shall receive ens for hinualf as • resent, The same proposition is extended to Prof:tun:sant Teachers. , Te herr-now ecrapleted nur New Manufactory at • co=t of some $200,000 including sritw PATEITS sod int roan& IMPP.OrIIge-Vre: and the object of the above pro • neitiro is to se.nre the imne: date introduction of our Improved manilla.i late every town of the United States witheat loearriogthe great expellee of a traveling neut. This proposAion eanaot avail in towns oocapied by our oe n scente. Nemo rend or descriptive Catalogue, with samples or eel inr. jai B'sstf. LUCIUS LYON, Seep. T COOK milts al %SUN dic 11.% MUM C.I.I3IMET ORGAN I forty different style% adapted to /send sad twenlar anal; tarp° to 11800 wadi. Fifty -one gold or elver medals, or other dna precalinna awarded thew. Mee totted Catalornes tree. addreaa, MASON k nAmtrx, Soafoa.or MASON BROTIIERS. New York. .lalll6. r j DWAUD Iet'4OCSATI ON. PUILADEL. 1 -L PIMA, PA.—Diseases of the Urinary sod i3exos :4 , stems--new an 4 reliable treat:ront. Also the Beds Chamber, an Easy of Ward'? and Inetroetioo, sent in 'toted enrellpre, free of ch* e. I Address Dr. .1. tintighton, !toward Aisor:4 on* No. 2, Booth Ninth treet, Philadelphia. Po. - 1y2015.1y r UOALDINU • ti • FASHIONABLE TA I LOB, ritsNca sr., OVER CROUCH'S YLOUR STORR, Where he NW's all hta Meads to eall sad me him. Callum Work, Bepildng mt; Cuttlog ittouidod to promptly. Clew:dog &nolo the beat manner, Tabs: 6-I,y • C A•U. D , M. - M4GILL'I3 8 T irreri n„ mire= 3D Asp des. Stock *lntl to an ix the elf:y o ga 0014 Si NOD. rate. miry • R MOV•L F GROCERIES T-- GROCERIES 1! 1 The subscriber has removvd 13(a Mott of Grow:riot from .the stead above the Labe Doper to the room is the brick 14°4 on State Oriel, saran of. 7 0 ,,rth. when be will be bappy to 40. Meads est. eirtesters sot su tbeir orders ter pots Sie oxemeire blow ; attoi wk really selected sod •olletei at, the lowest rates toast/tent with the original seat. He huller an is seed of arrithtor hr hitithei to Ore . - P. SPIINZUKIL I " " .•,'T • r • t • E -- • .1 111 T. ; • TWO DOLLARS AND A.UALF PER I'EiNT - .0 r PIID IN . ADVANi Tot"' DA ID UNTIL TEIR. END OF TEO. Y IL: .• • .. Liu tamoved to EWE, TH OAS DAS AFT E RNOON,' WA rite GUILT PTIIIINUTtpIIUNG MIMIC Wlliikey 6 . 13141.1 . 04a 5 ) 11042FLAND'S 'GERMAN BITTERS t. win so" - , • Dotards' 'realtiog (oot obi "Axis 'Wear. IN:eattot . ' ties of the ',sum; towed by osoolo.bbortletipo; tropotam, Won teatime. otoomp WI. 114416e* 4=• or tamale, totbato or youth. will flu to two it ma orb 'Moir, not dopeadebt as bad Itqlsoil far pelt i• ?anemia sad. • D TO P11?-11TAi ' And dean semltlairttesresedes et ibe Urea: mid Dißettlimetilnk Gel wont 110 0 5FLAND'8 0.141145' mt. Bitty, Ms Ism Coyest sun , ssees, Ova batter latistsetisa, ban aeon laitimies. Ala MN nislaetalphs prop's. toirowsla forit Lisa, say stberiattisla si Z t taa aria to We irty say <mato oontralliet van sa t inn lay SIAS* ta say ass ithfi predaai !WOW, pabikhod by as WWl' Del 1011111111.4 HOGIPLAND'S ,GERMAN VIII ears away IMO adult:At ar aervourdildilta sad 'dhow* at as kidneys. Chem% falliffalag mapiaina malting from disorders of the A m ou r " °roma • Conettpallon. %want Plies • ?titian' of 'Blood to thei Ilea, ',Wait, of tho Stomach: Naomi, Elorthara, Ob. Shat for Foot, Fiancee or wolohl, to the Stomach. Soot, ¬ations. Staking or Pottering_ at the Pit of th e Stomach, Silmioth 11 it. of the •44 - Sorriod aud f dlltealt Broartitno, Plattortaaat the Hula. Mothers, Illittleost• Soaselloaa whoa Ina Wee Roston% . Dawes of Vto Loa. Dot; er Webs before the fight, hmor eat Pon Pate he the need. Detetonet PerotetVOlniewi of the Fhte bee. Its: ee. Pala' Lb•Blds. B Bliestvliegbas frodiladdati Mal/ma at Best, Saralattta nab. Owl stint has i guans. of soil midmost Ihm realm ofdplietto. azargons, that thlailittorsts sot slottoollo, eootatoi no rem or wittsboy, sad cahoot make droakiolo. bat hi the bud tool* to th• world. REID wilt tATI SO. • • • - Prom Be,. W, a. Balghted Pamtor of Twelfth liptlst Chard'. Pellada. _ Gentleuson—/ hare reeently tore Abode" suede, the &stressing effects of Ludianstiosocoostreeind b a pm*, tratloo of the nervous system.'. Numerate were recommended by Meads. and some of them Mated, tat without relit Your /loodaturs -German Aitless were recommended-by persons who bad :lied them, and whose favorable rneAlon of these Bitters induced me to 'try them. I mast 'confess that t had an aversion I* Patent Medicines from the "thousand sad one" quell "Bitters" whose only Wm BOOM to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the commesitrin_a sty way, sad the tondo:mywhioh. I hist, f• to mate mall • acs. firmed drosluard. Upon laming thatteurs was really a medicinal preparation I tack it with happy effect., Its - action, not only upon the stomach , betatron the nervous system. ems prompt and "ratifying. I feel that I hare derived groat and permanent bonen from the IMO of 14 fee bottles. Very respectfully yours. A. D. sktg,fellrD; No. ffati Thaelmmaxon St. Froza thie Se•. Z. D Peadall, Assytaat Moe Chriartlaa Mr=a= I have derived decided beetefttfrom the 'muffle°lisod's Derecao Ihttam, and It tt my privilege to meormbead them at •moet valuable tonic, to all who ars /mffering from general debility or from &mama arising from the derangement-ef the Deer. YeariValy, X. D. Pr...VDILL.' . From Rev. D. Muer*. Pastor of thelPassartok r aptly! Church. Milled& From the :Ow respectable reaommeadettoita giret bo Dr. if °Acute Dermas liatter• watiirelesed twe than s trial. Aftu using several bottles. I feud them Lobe • good remedy far deoility, ands most szesliett tout. for the stomach. . • D. Mitltai6ll:. , From Bey. Wm. 8131 ith. formerly Pastor. of the irinate , town end Mi lytlla (.1, I) Itaptist Ohntehes. Revise used In my samDy t amebae of bottles et yea Heolted's German Wlten.l lien to say sped them es an steeliest meditlas, specially adapted to moors the &seams they are remmtmended"or.'lltey mrengthiti and !selvage the systems wheat deldlltatsd,eadarsese• tat in disorders of the line, NM of afrititC te. 1 14111 also reanemanded them to • snood of m • friends. whe bays UM them, and feted th e m fleMtlY to the reetonitkin of health. Tours' wx., suns, we 81., Thila4. , , • BAWARE OF COMMREITB. 'l' flee that the signature of "C:tE.faCtilObt• *sieve' snap* °teach bsitte.'s • - Should yo nearest druggist set her - thlk 4B l lolo de not to put off by any et the intoxicating.. tbstmay be offered to its glom limped tre win forward. meouretryseked. ley *sprees.' , l , 7 1 tr. Principal Odlos and If anoledory, No. tit heat iiireetiflabstanadiaa. _ • '.loltel &IMAM& • faseessecue to O. M. Jeans i C10.,1 erciptiOus • - Poe We by &anis* sad dotter, to grimy tows tag* United States. HVBBBEL•b GOLDEN BITTERS; A PURELY VEGETABLE TOMO. timoonarme 4 . anzsGT6>attire, Forties' the system against Ow evil dhoti oi nimble* ' . doss War. Will me Dpipepoin, • :Will coo Weaknenk. . Will owe Gerken] Will can Eleauiburn. . W ill ours Besditabo. Will ears Lim Complaint. Will mite mod crests healthy appetite. Will tiorigonte the organs etd4iktion and modierati: ly Increase the tetoperstur• *IQ* body and the forte o• circulation" actin in toots. around ootroberunt GNI, system, oontsininn no poisonous drugs, sail is ' TEI TOMO BlTlili9 i» THI WOILD. - • A tile Ii lid muddily modelled. PIO.. C. HCBBNL . • Op.; Proprieftr4 ' • ' Tholeon, ff. T. Central Depot. And loan armies Baildian 'hi Mb BOX on, NIKW TORN. . Tor sale by all Drs' &Btu Groom ks. by kHOADDINT,. WholoWlibadninits, J i ro an by Ball ilk Wattg,thrturib Prat idlod WO. Ids' at Booth. «urea. NoTies To Psuesselzoillavine retorrOVll rOl'ea t ta: We an maw nubs , a Zulu% Use tram Ids to. air m aze all tbe Philade of lphia & lisle railroad. sad' wiil4.ift Phi VEGISABLIS AND COTTNTNI"PRODUGIt To gun , It on, base ertabliatiod pi D,pot on FITTII STBSZT, • In the rear of tha old Nod Rata, BETWEEN. STATE AND FRENCH STHilli. wherere we will be at all time' ready to receive mad payl, EMI= ithuccr 11111:3 for the same. Alrhartaie Produce for male aeo revisit:l ett. to giro us a all. Inquire Tar Kukla Depot, S a0g10,188.11 . MAY a JACMSON. GIIIIMECH.111S: GROCEILIIIS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P. SCIIAAF,. Wealth reepeetfally inform the patille that , he 6:s ovaari, a Stens is NO. , 2 HUGHES' BLOCK, ERIE, P. Insist. 'Malmo ice 4 ea Amid a largesapple GROCERIES) CROCKERY AND WOODEN WAR WINES, LIQUORS, "CIGARS, '!:, And tits anitithiairmsaakr for aals r / stalblistine! kind. . . • - • . cir Terre as rosisinsaie so any cabst ti•ie • . dw - 4. • +••• LLsair ' G ,w • , -LICZESILD arovossa . AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGi Obtains ffosios lad Atom forth - Du iraidtar,kod atom,. Hebb' sad thoielltorith or •liYeit funottooo.lok Qom strami sp,ioloptagid Alamo all Wads of =FA Ilt - Taklnt; linerfAXl)lst, 11,C011210 • ltfUlttritt, CIARPITst, errortit; - norms,'imutoscs, 'NvEtnv Alni ci I • 11.111tOTIL IA • ;. ; • " • Theo to .ail *iiirsiir &stmt. sad r matey as any ookrialogootololoodot We by swede& Th om bailor ~•/ .Itoof 41iFtim. 4.p!v_itaili c tiAl T a • ti oft edingtf: :ex T.. ..T. - - ! Etei . lllll,lo7l4lllllG'. :', ' ' "! I , 11 - • lIILINFOT, *soli rigs Iltsll7ALo4ollll, max' . • „.13RYA.141 1 . ..411111itit :Issomans to4dipolesh • • PAIIIOI4COO it AND OFFICE alp • . - Vat Swart' Isoit Wash . ' pip ALL aimsSOP MON'i7AIMII*. at; 'Oita atm add Ittpoirgenialid • jOi . • solluntre rumor. roarlinimi it "oda , CrAllsoaliWl - . Cr , • , it l a BIRK & BURGESS,- *"ii 4i "cciii#7to'fiok.iitft. ial - dshisai fa an PLAIN AND' Tour CINDY t WROLISAIS -AND RETAIL. '3° RANGES, tilitOltrlTlWW., keg WHOLE:B4LN AND•RNTATL. j ti It. E . " No x zi,1347'," W•li 0 E-8 L 1 I - 2 1 1 a 411 i " Ai 1 WHO L*l3 -B: PINE CIGAItE3., 'AND ToBAOOI-,,_ Taxan:ol(ll7*Na Agsab toe tie ! - • EXCELSIOR FIRE' WORKS,' ALL 900DISII.OUR Lliii BOtFIESI3; )40SS A.NIYELM.CAN:DYI - Ttte Cbeepes 1. and Kest Plereastr COUGH ESNOY IN -THE N Till' I It will do all that La elalmad for it, AID IWM FAILS PO CIA A trp. 'ViDIIIIII, i A i, 0 . 4 i. 1. . 4;yy A dki',l,c3lo3, :COUGHS AITD. OMEN ~.a,y~,~+..u . . MILD kriara WEC'Attrr iwurcriP.acr:raTa, ossr IiENER ttrndzsir, l [ ,'4 reanittr' F tS '8 . 114 , 11, • - .'t • • AUOTDZIX LID VONMUSID* 00/ 4 , • • G B Ali 0 .1 , 0 N N • - ltooolli'lltro4 4 • • A largo lot of Hoesoloild (Ali& of *gni inoWlTOdUmir • somAaraapsout MAIL The abqva ItMetts,s, ; PARLOR, • brltotO )10olt, BEDROOM &AMR= SliklatllNlM •• • • Zhu* '- 'T AU. Knn:e OT 912PICTWO, 4/11. Qunt. a., • Thai Is • tanokisuo holiookows to St t= Vaasa, at nay 10* times: We NO at Polito mod Salo.. Aim:Rojo trio waists WILDNISDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Puttee nosillog say_oLthe Moss goodstrill plows iiift awl exults* them. The highest pries paid lot all ktads of housobuld reeds, *MIT la mho, FUR iIdPERTY.• WHETS-. Man! • : . Prainsittrillipiedail pith mei fee UT , 81 "tliMr• . ts 7 • . ZIEGLER .4 -4131arifp , • 111 - BOLINAM DRUG. "purr a eLA89:III4111111, • SO. iniremetihttaboornins, - ' , • t4 61 : ' , 1 44 ' 0;; VII &MON and battaw,ackvaireAlaaallir, *lkon 410,3i1d • - I ikit j akjAr-Cf 004 11 - " I .ffnozgraut mow -r.turr' .urt • 11 .: 2141 Ata*typOi.... ".., rd._ „ =I ' ' • S T A, pi II A: IL X' 1c• "-., .• • If r h MN*: t of cos bossoglSl 11r WI JAMS Ulm sfry. I •74, d i tspoand l ip i r atr, agent; would port terpostfallk 7 -"miry Wiese rss ihslssdfosijillAYl aseetftie oho keep all sky goods huh sod otos t o Asa, 1151 F . stigi for floods' arm:Ws. tillagSflWs, aai j•• 114911 b*adil an !"7 W gam. Jalt. • • • Idol Biti2wt 11r4i9pAcAiLs. MIMI( TO 'IOW TEM :LONDON qtrotritimr Rolm (Caw THE EDlNBURGH.strottws.swide TEC WILITIMMTEItYaw (Radial.) Sp E MORTII-AR S ITIER WO=W. arm MAT • BL4CSWOOD BURGR KaGAZDII, IT to • • . malts les UAL • ' • •-• rev sepals et . the peiittriell fur sity tire of Ms . .. vip . Par urths• et the _Boehm— 06.1 " Vocal her of the 00, 'r& tor itleelgiootta %pane • ' 4Co ' 0. , Ter Iltaelbroeduad esi'Revtew • TOO '1 " Too Itooktrood sad oar iNG of um Swag MJ 1 ; _ i.,r •Liwkwis =ad &of ttki itorrim...lll W • 4 /or Aloolitr pod and tho four Roolos. .111 Or, ~• . , ?hi !stared of Mini pirinctraala to lakoricaa Aiding is rather latcreamod than dtgittalatrat aboarttrinarboy osatatn oa *sr istanioliverao r aad though IllonletSaw swot prifsakrn= t tap natitereloa ir t: liar ignat "I LIU mid talP llo 4 Ilitd lot advastelle ,thapeopte at titts araat!y.aloyary re" 34 sad party. • . . intenuetrusi." „ Nov ouseribent to any 'tire at Ai' aboi• pericitieo4 es v4ll,l4 , 4stlesdl to nears nab say ass ef 13W mut zerftwafitotlll6C. petto Now., um lo be 44W a ssW ibr eatiilytto evasive ow two. .at Oho Ihwoilwolol%Rfr • M‘ . : , • , , " t isi tk imagies Wig: 1 Abet) time sa l„ol==itti-ziattrtott ahum.a.volgazfr.: Alfa Immolles: Ole frit: .4.160.4414 sytar llooosadcwir. Roo low. kfigira ill a i r lai Stit a -get - alba- wit ost i r liMs rf • r •I.4IIIIII3I44IIOIIASCOVIAIiim 0 9f r: !f: .L: .. 111 .' 111 1, w 7r . firrlrit • 410 11 1 11 1141.614: I" balks hi j ; • ,• : •• . •,„ /Me 2- JAUED:P 4 S 0111 /43 XFi Yrstita, Pas* sites " fitip Chs".lllfts. •Post etoi** o .;` I - r 30. 7 szAreps'BlAOlS,`Piltli ROW ,c Pock f.441 1, 14 4 **N0ner.-- • 7.10 . 1 , 3 1.111.311,:I- r: VAL A. CIMAIIIMP. e. irPtilditt4r, J. =Wm s3,® Mil E El ~._.. 481 STATE STSEET. ii~il - 4 A. '7 sitars EN3 817138011,1111 Mil PAID UNTIL TRE.IiND OF THE Y IY 15,. 1866. -Over. the it /Ter, - -..- , - ~ : 11, iitiiiiii ihey hetes tO no— . r:iiit fib.. wideisriailace • ti thiiki:r4a.; • : • gisearaf Soli how* Mimi stir„- r , • A ' :.: • - l A t 01,11, 104 0, dP 6 . 1 •31 4 , ib Aks Maio. vas ' fliberfa„ase wiltriagiets of etas" gold, ' I 'Am eyeith Na le i mab if beirlistr cif hies; lisem i ned hilts Itwillittiniasi 1 ;ha Ste lab michig bia tn. iiiptiortaire ::. r iw• taw ' net the "firbill iebo soot Was hen— . .. The stai of Ain elti inieeld net nee • Shortie ' sh 4a Iliis . ' i=; '' -• •••' •: • IXi Iboiliisomitaiis watt* nelhentso I'. .: I rpoi r uge-stmitas Sorimit' 1 • 1 4 6 14 , 441 1 4 , 1 1 1-41*,)** lOU, . . .11ntroeu,surigr!,M. is thelia q l• tale 7 - i oirniOuraii - 1 I ere *weld. ' . , S sreasedAbilssr hippie Inn /bight buds. ' - 'And Santini* estend tba Phnlitlnstinla ' ' ' 'w•triAohed it gUdeboas the ellyes sende r . , . ' Ailb all our sunshine grew,siussply dark. ,We how she is mak on lb& flatten either' . ' Mere all the huhiered ind isSeis bog ' . Peer the neer, the myldlo river, • ' /spelnidhash idol is venlig for 1111. L t . For ;soh letup% Atom *me quiet shone. ' 1 'lrrto iialig 4,l th Aft. banana celdand pals; • ' Ire bear a dfp of th (Mies dara,' , ••• • . ' : • And cola o ghee ot the inesTiall= • . . Aad, WS: User pasepeesellitonlmsurindies Meet; y, noes the minus egd orege , minbre/ '•• IN say 'sot au*, thi vellipoit, - ,- That Addle ikon oar vines theatre May. ',Ye oils how that thehr bash ow nem ' ' .. MAT nelltfltith OW We steassess; i Yit soinwinwe.ll;isi, ea the name sham I • the* sunk aodiseiresy OM unit Semee. - . , I sit and thiii, Shea the 'liiiiiiinisigeid s '4lr Ihutitag river;iad bill. asd Mori; ' I. hen oils ini Ohl bly the wastes sold; And list for the touadAtbspoptmaa's 4;441 I Shall hear toe hat m it pis; the strand; i I shall pan from'stelt *MIAs hennas in* • Toth* bitter Mem of he spirit hid; • . . • ' '„L shall /now the loved' who have tom before— ,' I indjoyfilly sweet will the fiseausi !•2 - ' ~_ Whirl:itwit, Han. tie *sante river,- ... - litre Angel of Deal shell een7 1 ". • !Litter Iron Tlddy .rarztaotarat Ourrinut, - inn. 12, 1864,, ' lliartura learnt: Vire ibeezt.titinkii far janto time Piteht that I'd writhe a lett!'till r yes; and be ether-411in yerself -OatA nate things Whir , bin. higipertia-wid. ene\tat fly ; but ladatte .1. wan. fairful..that I mlitht be frightenin the ehuperatatione azid wake minded, so that dirti the onoyud free dare till' inarry-,' whither - they wunthed to or not; Audi wade thinkin,,-too, that nobody. wad belays the truth if I did till at, fur among _all the 'pare throes thit pee err hear% *boo t si-the Kent time, its•that:nth I'mathinkia isitheatranget 1 thing Mail,,. Howscuniver,, ita,nok, yerailf, Idibure, that'll - be after thiokin that I don't - tells the troth whin I'M nyin that rieslll be Hein in `a ''. hantid" house,. and that-1. - Yawl the anther wid me a r t two. ey e s , that. 41 what's you . call 'him " iwearalt kno ether thing bat's ghoeht, and I warrafjafther tillin jet all shioe it 'legible*, Intel wens ihiakin it: aright, beer one bluets eararely,,•sad-I'd , be loan a dale of money, whin mailif be not there till makes the papel swain till kayo the this* a sierit,; : iad sot lie' ether; tulle *sly' bedrsbolti Lk: Bat sines yerallf and pater printhere have sans one of the, 'aahn kinds of bastes 'la Art., Vat thinkle the iet It is that's now !Whom* trusly, , and "he'd 'Naha leitema- i psny, too, far lie nal liertgentilieas that the: ,st ether beam wid Ida prieluce. and thiabis till distal , . us,-too; ? by !mini likes it female ; but divil the woman is it, far it- Yates a boatel f ot - -rildslaity that, ha elitavelease *id Lite eery ' first thne be called on, pnii,,,Alankin.lill.him ellf till - frithin me whin sound aslaye iabid; Bit'divil•the bit wane i selape - ebin l'hurd a great noise at lin dower aboot - miditight. sad lee I, , who-, is it. that's 4,We; distitorbis ms pus at 'this lets hour ? em,l, its inesilf,so, It Li, that'yes knew will enough vihtal wane *young glued in the Meld: tnenthry, Yes- the ghoebt, ansi,lo , an Mektimt I gee" a idereke oar me lied likes- yid,* bathe sad I slier .. , • audit witishlry planer in me life's time; ant divilthe hand or tilt &old I beafther movie, while 1 lab round sad taw yid me two eyes the eratiner 'koala, wid her long, alitaarrues stretched out readhy till imbrue and rime melall deth, while her fut wan. tappin a clog dime', oaths gni,' and her teeth wasedateeria in her betty bead,,,forao Bell bad she oiler, and evil the bit o' hair, ircipt what wane tied' up in her 61 wither fill," and that wane not hair si 'sit'. bat wins en mild black lattockin fall- of • Potell • Pallilie.• which the candler dhropped while I, frithined her away by bay. lie mane?! niurther I! louder Mtn my baste was , irde - hued till porno beton this, $l, as aeon ski ektopped ,ma ;mane* Ivry ir% was _quiet, and no ghoaht did I see `shoot me,' and - yes 1, till meallf, les I, Be fetal,. **Cies tits tannage this' be the weber thedivil, aria 11, the oak, girrot Biddy et was after tersathertme 4ipmcry her before Ab I' left - Irettni raid three lorid. raps IL,watia i thit I hiiitd wider niabid,'btit diva tire'les titer 'ennebt mail! see, 'tilLs - saialt or tea at. 4 1 toFWardei , 14kIll .4 1 1 *-MOPM•iii4 l ,an; li ghtei oip, and ivry 'dower and windy 1a it wide Lepel; sid - tittliYitiilr Oa Ilse - agthrbut t.% asleatfieet.ef ei gierel abtaidlemlibbfer , 1 iitinst , Tralt OF* , * WM la math "mesa., and„it was-.plats; enoug h that meeilt tread sear a : ' Yilitiper lit each 'ohne - twa eare:eaytit;' Tid- - ; - dyi , nte datlint, l' labs jets fent - algid; tab t ;X , tOliglitt X ,•tend, : mol t: wait etamme.,thsti made lily bare, shtand upright on me had,! 'the cratlierAlitiPpefred, 'and all 'vie quiet! again txrdpc ir leaf that yea Iduilthi sad Unit-, 'tide: till .4 tla Oat pt bitioad wee Ake' A* heavy ' itilf tea up, wid the laim toads that good etddi ,Tit. Ts rick tilt In heisted; bdt as ,good is I yelled' tiketiter, E, -the brinier cried . 4 lTiddY,"; sad ie-eaa nothing stall that , l could beer Or see !Aber-that, furanhour, whli I,thishurd somethin a/ the int id. me bid; minable '' like lira t aid; 'MA sr tits ' sale !time trait hives - .that seined till come from: a libhttiif pubs! , vodka nndher me pillar, and epringia up . in bid, I- saw - t h e -aelea ♦ ll of a Rhos& pass before 1790 two eyes, • and wid another earstehe lab tilt iii,de - before she 'areappiared, - brit the terrible donna had coarsely died away till thud Another 'tithe saint earth, mad shoes peso :Aloe,: 1 I from- a fairful Ipokin ow), erlut , wane , etirin st:,_tais - , lei Win "irie: like 'net, ' 'nadir:. tbrer itiot :oft omelet ' , enema a blade rya could In e, and diril thayord ctumetk Ishpaire tail a thottestul-aom cats begs* ,tilt 150 , 4 under- meitift, whalt vans . 14 Meal trier I T :id: " MIA!" Mit I screamed Yid ill the lunge I hiul in'ttylhtomaeh, whioh Woke tite,, the neighbors, veld' 'await !vitas to bib deter, _omit; " !t le; . t hat's the meths { wid yet; Tiddy!'''' add *eye I, 1, Ili Mull? tinier mu}. the:edited kilt by a sheiks," and 'I Maths& all .11 3 , .tritle •a- 'fait, seer* It was that wp ,tasid,.but civil the wither whatmaniveread , we find'exciptlatiertilakkybothel, - which' 7l - imietfitd— hi' s "short • time. Bat 'Makin: ti inseilf:that ,lbete, ethrange , frakte that-I tie. witness* malt bare been a thrick or .ill ow tie, I becalm grainy lolled, bad 'aes d l i il i , 'the giitiesien priaistr;••• l Blhow me tits m :thim athruek Billy • Pante/eon, it yes. , 401'11 show yeti broth of a tatty that's. eat to -,be -frititined at thi ``host *id that *lathed me till marry her:" , • - - i • .'-Tani O'llariewir. i •Om Prubbakii oafs, font, udqd dusk!! smii te t hAve Amide dm "aim ahait• si tiniliglith - traalar; WildMak*'ltl s ! I:naiads* ilisaintimaimitea of a Mak , • bale St "kWh At din Oast thidlO*ol 4 . POdieg t. t. l O RePi flit IoWIN "gad; agrithsl l 7, " Quank k cask ft* ' Mauna 'ghat IN signify .I* , sat-repttni" ilgaillantly r 01 ,11. PhOsivtia atei &Tr TM , " Mks Wagtail/tan sOrsalyalidsatoof 14 , - .bloat Goat/ states, aa,aa ladleitleal of a 'Whig itiel *faith! to Radical Orals!, ate at dm prataiant , bombers. of 06 if , a gala: • ,t 1 have *trivia adasaitagsly, acastio t f atiaaaa‘ alOk iII,PY P 911 09 to 1 190 40 1 1,b *my; aateproviat a alitaratioa,bell IlaPir a rtiiikar..lisat soli tiWissaVelash: I a Wow aside my Alma, ladl:ilistahrik li b. Ins to the bah 0 c 'MTh4 Qucotations team the Irribuneo •The Joe'rdil ot l s Ceonacrre reproduces the'fol whijr.ope o' fioni fire 'frribues fbr two i• . as: , drat, to shoirthe dhthoaeoCand par. , purposes of thou who aim advise their Niers .ICi keep op old partilicies end re ' Is fit" old anieftlio, sow to prevent method .1 ppert rot tho •IPradeleie; aid' nevoid. be. ;:„' • tboy Aesop& illaierstioaa, of the Preolq , yr. uepertiono , that thew/ radical mss are ; . munaila Of' the, tialan;mcd it !reel) to re . elkaliero it'Ulieir eatseleg remora : i Whou-mie who' doelarod -that :-Lincoln's "glom provoked and justified leoeteion head , I _, .• :too, deka you to eiga a political cell, 9. a't do'nt--ftitemo, mirth 8,1866. •-" _. IWe halm emietilmt them for is imam. The ' to secede may bo,a reOlutionary one, 4 . e it exists nevertheleee.—Trannu, Nov. 9, When oneilitto deflated the war for the Union eldest and proclaimed on the streets that. the reb el, were fighting for the defence of their rights and their homes, asks you to unite with hint in an &royal of political sen timent and .parpose, don't dolt 1-21ihwas, larch 0, 3866. If the cotton Stites unitedly and 'gauntly. Valk to withdraw peaceflilly from the Union, we AMA they Should and wield be allowed to, do so. , Any ntipapt to comp,' them by forte to remain would be contrary to the grin alpha essaelaied in the immoral Declaration of Indspendeuot ocultrary to the fundamental ideas an - which h uman liberty is based.—Trt bow. . 26, 3060, When obi Who trantetto eons' traitor, to. desist from Wag on In flag; solaing the lirtnamo, ato.. • . 41 &as you to unite. with him In a political movement, don't do itt—Dibuse, 'Peb. 28, 1866. Whenever. it shall brooms. clear that the great body of the Southern people lasi. be come :conoineirelf alienated from the Union, and anxious to escape from it, we will do our ;best 'to forward' their iviews.— Tribune, P 4. 29, 1861. • ' When one who steadfastly. Insisted through• out oar great straggle that the rebels were I shrive victorious—tha our aims made no progress— 11 * —that the' Union wild only be restored y first giving it up as lost' and then 'saltine the iiotors to let ue ereep In at the hack door of their triumphant qoafedereey, snow ttkigeb you teraympathise end fraternise with him in deMouncing as !rafters and disunionisti the foremost chem. pions of ~ !Marty end Union, now and for ever. one and inseparable,' don't (is hi—Tri bune. dared 8, 1866. ' • - If three months more '6f earnest fighting shall not serve to make a serious impression on the rebehp r 4f the end of thit - term shall find 'us no farther, advanced than its begin-: niug—if some malignant fate ,has decreed that- the. blood 'sad treasure, of the Cation shall ever be entiandered in ,fruitless efforts, it us bow to our destiny. and make the best attalaable peace.—reibtats, Jos, 20, 1862. Moons - latency. Daring the last month Fred. Donglaes• stopped at a hotel in -Maine, but was refused admittance te'llhe dinner table by the propel etor en aesount of Ids complesioa, which the boardere tank *minion tp, and-intrimed the landlord that they would not *madam:end to lit at. the same table with a black man. ' This was is Maim. Let us' see *hat oo altered In, Alabama in theatme-month.- At litirreson, is that Anna, oompany ef 'novo troops' is stationed, under command of a.C•Pa nuctinan. The. negro., having become tired of Government food took it into their heads that they would secure board where a better quality teal to be obtained. Application was accordingly • made in writing to the proprie. tors Olin sating house in the town, and they promptly refused to accommodate the negroes with NCO. The sequel is shown in the fol. liwiisg aided letter : RZiLDQVA*IIIII4I U. 7011411110 • Eirtrenneew, Aut., Jas. 24, 1866. Mauro. Aker.* Qs.: Hewing not complied with the commanica• lion sent to you this evening from these head: quartiers,-your establishment is hereby closed and put under guard until further orders, or until ample apology is made at these head. quarters for the insult offered to tho govern. leant of _for United States by you disregard. lag the right. of one of her braes defenders: Many. Humus, Capt. 40th U. 8. C. L, Conid'g. This shows the inoensittenoy of the whole African programme. In New England public opinion excludes a negro from a hotel table where white people are eating ; while in Ala& hams, in spite of public °pulpit, a landlord must 'caber test a Dew at theism, table with hie White guest. or hiVe his house closed Let ni wo longer talk abbot Austrian and Russian' tyranny. Martin Hurtnian negro Janaiza4es are. reconstructing " the South with W ”oteanes. Outrages upon Negroes. 'lleW that the war to the knife his been cla. blared apCtithe Vresiderit and his penny; we may etyma to no' the radial 'papers filled with boon eteriet of outnigil .upon 'the is 'green to" create prejudice-against the Smith. There hie. been la good marry Muth ,seeennts already ast:allent, the greatest 'amber of whioh have been related. The Cincinnati leamiaerviat, a Republioan paper, thcur glades ,toeeriahr Of the Kentucky stamp:. • • The Joint Committee appointed by the Gen erniAsseditly,of Kentucky to investigate the tanth - ef the statements sande. by-Oen. Fisk in this oily relative to- the treatment of. feIIIKILID negro soldiers of tii, United ,StatasaOsy iq the vicinity Lexington have made thiir re :pert,. which' has been printed in pamphlet -form, : ,,General Fisk stated is effect, that he lied seen thirteen discharged colored soldier!, in `fnil,dight of Henry Clay's mouument,"with their bodice lacerated, their backe-bleeding frees the cruel lash, Their -heads oat to the sdalp,and one or two of them with-thoicayes Frit out, &c. The committee went into a pa tient. Inrestigetion, and verb 'citia'ale to find the.srifartamacs• thirteen, :orto'list anybody mho did !es them in the plight they presented thtimselves to Genexat Fiat. They, thereupon concluded that the general - didn't eel them, lied that: be laboibed =under-att illusion. -In. deed" theyi de not :hesitate to ally that General Ficklras guilt; of moat false sacillanderons charges 1, . ' Ihittthel committee did 'fad 'that an actinic kid beet atmunitted upon $ negro, and lyre it is is the language of Iowa( the witcressis A w e s kicked is the.stern by a man dressed', roundabout, with his breeches etiffedriSis bests '• - • • , 1 411:00mPle.elei. we Amoy; will, soak .0 WNW defies cone whoa sifted ,to the bot Sred , Douglals, in a eourersatioa is Wash. lagton; Jost after Ms intandow,with the Pres, idont, is reported to bare remarked : 44 The Priiildetit' charges at with 'hoitill to the •poor *burl of whites at Ike homey Dotard Mahe* sitios isith th em against its, for hi beings to their mks. Ilium up a earl' among the beldame) , of Wayland,. while - be is only a low bred tailor; and It is sets urpridair,. thireare, that I Sulam stet !Poor„TrlsPu .Buoh la.thchoisht of htiblosuCto whlob. Mit pet ;Alfa Bag: WO -philitifitophrhoo beet educated: '• propelety_of theq u i:f ?rank John. 'ittoungYl bahathe oOttly !hooked, by the istertage, near that ' list week, of Jobs Leaders, • well to d. farmer sada whits mas s with knagro won= named Abasibm. Hy.. Landers was formerly s chisel of re. hut his for - lasey , 'yetrs'been a violent' Abolitionist. Ho has prbbably wed with awe beauty thas most qt his Aboillios brethren, eriChas priotieally depsonstretep his thilth by his work: ' hhwthenoitetneni pre, veils -in the mehrhhaihood regard to the, sertime l l. _sad' Landers wad sehtehridi wlif !Really 'lad that it it nedeminer four don to vatnerterthe reilditiii leder Wave ikewhis from Wm to My sinti my afar tis#2l awe ! 4 Lioniiiiirikaibofil kir *mu, -; , alit itas tie ielttlyi tlaaQ That !Aids Lei tlrgin tone. I know it Mart* Iter=ttleagb she lcoic. la thief nl withotoottrf ' flu 14 cralplspLats het bk.; L'et Wit la Li.t El My aunt! gat pour deluded &apt ! f 7 - . 1 . ‘ net hu h lilac's!! lope" ~%-,;;;• 'by vat ahb tftth th at triatelti-I 14 '''" • t L such a opriarlita 1 27 ? nos rie /ay 4r glataa!4loll4l. And ougy alter: ads ee wsll tt • - When through ► donlaeoin Y knir . Shejestinakee oat to 'seal t rim father...sminimm brit, ^ - This erring Up ita amilee— Toend he would make the gale girl tltikla a hamtrad NUJ. Me seal bee to a stylish oehoeli - 'Wash' her thirteenth Jae,, Mid with heri ai the mass regnhat, nes townie and a iijoeno , 'They zay cant wind • bosrd,l Ira he liti stra , ght sad telt They laeed her sp. they "Weather deco, To sake tam Ugght saditegt; • . - They Pinched heeled, they 'Spied her hay, Theisen/rod t up ilth plat ' ' ram mortal entered rare In peashee lbs her sin. Bo •tta ay nedolous sort Mee dote, Ify grandalre brought her begat (P 7 dayUght, lest some rab:d youth %fight follow on the tretk;) I "Ait t" wad my grandsint, iutba shook Borne powder la his pen, 'What ermid this Mealy erestare de ' Ageimet • August* pawl lo Ain! nor chariot, not: barontbe, Ner bandit nonleade, Tate from the trinnbt4 Atberea ants His all anompllaheil Mai Fa ler haw happy had it bon; • Lad BOUMn had apatad Tons one sad, in/OMM lin 'Oa ny sanutosl Lisa..' • Slue the speech of Mr. Job&Son, Mr.. For•• ney has been in recept of aaveral kitten dl rsoted.Jolin W. Forney, D. D. . • A.ootemporary estimates that fifty million • ' dollars $ year will be saved to the tax payers by the veto of the Negro Bureau Dill. • That, , of itself, is enough to be thankful for, isn't Daring. the rebellion, when the Eiecutive assumed illegal powers, John W. :Forney (D. D.) gave utterance to en expression which .at. once became famous. "The President," esigi this place hunting toady, " the - the State." Dun isfeliciumus. • • • • . • There was a good deal •ssitt at onetime about, the eloquent, argument against slavery of Stimner's " vacant chair " in the Senate. There are twenty-two argiiments.of the same. kind just at this time on behalf of a reunited ' Union. • •It - woman in Pennsylvania ha's Petitioacti!.' for a divorce " because she and,her,.linibind; . do not agree on . politics "' She la for Andy. Senator Pomeroy; of Kimmel, in a, - recent!" speech, taterecrthe following , 4 loyal " senti.:; meat: "I wo tdd rather "hely tear =down the capital than allow the Southern Stales to came,,. back Info' the 'Eldon without letting the negro c vote ! " That •is the kind of sentiment that ' pervades the benevolent,breaata of the Bath- ; oats. The Johnson offlowholders, since the "con• veriaiion," aro getting ready Li , a "right about face " on the negro auffrage *question. trnessi are the heads decorated with - offtoial crowns: TIIILLEI [revs CRAISOIIB.-41.111 : btlt i 'short time since when it wae declared tiesison to - take issue with the President. By. mani of ; it is new held to be• trauma not, to take iesne with him- : A ftwillnal pater says ; "Ismaili ye on ideas." , Whatseanty ling the eonla or these Radicals omit - hive had who bare been fed ems 411,1 e idea for. the last thirty ~yease. The Judiciary Committee of t_lif HOCioeliere before them a bill ettbmltted eltif t 3nB; providing that no redoeal of any- oßleer 'of ' government shall 'be made by the PXtedilliSiw. withdat the coueerit .of the 4enata, provided tbat bed, In the first imitanoe imaftrated.t)te appointment. Tba °gait of each a - bail:teed. as explanation. • • .. , . "As to integrity, Deuglakhissival, said of hint : 'Lincoln lAthe hoaestest man I ever knew, l " . • ,- - „ ' The above - is an }}:tract from Baserdit's ora tion on Lincoln. .1t Weld pesee the historian, to give arty authentic evidence that Hr. Doug las ever made the above remark. • We have no doubt it. is erroneously credited to him. Lin coln was never considered politically honest • until he was nominated for Preeident,,and it suited party demagoguee to give him that' de - egnativa.—Viseitutati Ettptirer. - . Do the Republican clergy still think there was- to special, providence' in Andrew Jahn; son's sadden elevation to-the Presidency? Harms Doae .— lt is said that when the dogs of Norfolk end Portsmouth, Va., heard of, Butter's resignation they held a. glorilliation` Meeting to commemorate the auspicious eittiit. There has not been so much•bciw-weningthere at say time &ice the, nat.. • • •. , ootemporary rays thethreetts of thaßsA T lola in Congress ate no 'moreslangstous to thiMesinistration than their rsattntbotati of pauiotista warn; to the rebels diribg the war. The: would like to annihilate; all ; wks oppose them, but they hero not the 'FOurage to do any lighting.. • • Forney says " the faithful Iniiet abandon all aapirstione far place.r. 'Diet be Intend t o abandon his Vitae It don't grand well for him to advido 'his political* ifrienda to rend gulch the flesh. poti • while'he ItitePt Ifs- own stuint4in . the-trough.. . . • . • A iiitmonnolr.disPaiciinPorts tC.Tecent, hoary fire at Hilton. Head, whereby great ,quantities of Government - property ' were oopsuited:.= -.lfrehasge._.. Big fires, which consume large quantified, of liorerame;.Cp,reperty, sometimes Douai up a groat - amount or villainy. They haye 'been very frequetst Matte the 'close of the•Wer.....= ; PAilc• A r eirst.l4.) : • MOSS TD TII tHAN..,CAII I OA2IIII2I.--There is a caricature in. private .eiroulation yrbiett the Riehniond '!tons thinks 'worthy a.wider It prevents Mr. Johnson standing oa the tlnveli. old of the •Qouetitation;, his expression. and _attitude, denoting extreme anxiety and per— plexity. ' In the foregrouzid are two figures, a big Boy and a little•one, repreeentlng tespo— the North sod the:Bouth.. - :Titer large urchin !slitlgo rourly pounding the aznallitr one. who is el:retching his bends imploringly to. - swardeitr. 'Johnson and the Certustitniton, dlid struggling• violently to set tn:ittuni:••. Me. Johnson looks not thy struggle, and olitires: • wg anybody ever sea the like! „I sent that-boy ont anybody bring his little brotherin out of-the cold, and see—the child wants to come beeti.ind the ivies' wtiti- let ! Ile is actually holding him.outothere end ifitOlf• lag him in the mud and ettew-1- : ?, , • A - greater truth Tea nserreuttered than the following trout the !ping:field AntooOknow:— !i The men who put 4Qini 44,,zet1,140n. do qot join in the'cleinand foribe (Wire Punishment of tbe,rettels;.if there is a general trtui niter won a battle ; a soldier who invaritthlvdtulked when fighting was to •be done; a camp fol. lower who 'was ever On Itead•lo plunder towns: & civilian who leseldwaywieedy to , pour oott,the blood and mouep.-of everybody else to save the aation=theee are the men who'sre' now *eget. to `ktok Aitti prostrate toe and:s3eatigiateAda:ealtsalklest..4liose see the men who are otintdutoalp se&hittg *forth . * , .tempts to ar ousees old hatred' and pm pop. Ulu heart tro tengeteee.". - " • A eerrespondest °fibs ICIt 4 iftleiblip Ns* s p ers ai s that the Radblehr Neill the Roble aestiessats of the lamented Uwe°le, With inane* toward none _with . charity for MI," U.,' led also the newerthe kind and salable ft is not long lines John W. Foray, pp ntteiiihol• to the now celebrated saying that 4. the: Prelidearts thio State." sorbs* Stale " neat' prosonecea, ;Ahoy • - "!dead duck." Yoram .prinounos4 4 , w•at of coolidenoq la the'Prisideht Co lbsittste. If Forpey viola ibt ieleirtelaNnitrdeted 'of tressoti by Zia ova hoisted 'retort hinted! 'hi • gibed duck" lad Moe ids ,pokiiiesliisssk sry. Political ParagespluL "Abram asawfaairs as II at at mos foretala paws Vb. talaxies of war, , • Mid ghw!lkigreat Ipa ' A triwayambasas." =!!