The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 01, 1866, Image 3

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    ',hen they ask to participial* la'tb.
e ,lot he coun try, they are met at the
„t on of
told, No 7001005 1 P*7 taxes, you
ktrbordeils of the Government—
trWc in ifs ieginlatinn —that
2snich 111 to affect you throne' a il
0 12 ele. (hi', just ? Is it fair No t
p e st, I sto for ttte Union ; ana f ur
..r e ng e n t he States. lam for admitting
Teposes of the nation all their repro
oho aro unmistakably • and un-
P i ': ;il l oyal. A man who acknowledges
the government , and who swears
fAge i r l ithe c o utitution mast necessarily
w/P° A al ts . estanot take that oath in
P11•1' ualrts be be loyal. Whatever test
I r u es evidence end as proof of
U A tie rs matter of detail, about
oro lo athing ; but let a num h e we „
kaly and u nquestionably loyal—let him
glesistlee to t willing to su he Constitution of
eid t 7 e rgtotes, and be pport
vCa st in its hoar et l. in it s
11 ", tot ed, and 1 am willing trust him.
ksow that some do not attach
' 72„ edan os to this point as I do, bat
; fundamental. One principle
s e through the Revolution was
l° l
is be veto louden without rep
ol t that priaeiple which
les fundamental by our fetters.
to n, it is good now. If it wee
g g for then, it is worth standing
fandainental, and should be
q g u free government lasts.
, o r, the midst of the rebellion it
p ee that the Constitution had
W es a piece of parchment and
d i ( at time of war and rebellion
.so Constitution. We know that
mu necessities under great
'unconstitutional things must
et esmrily be done' in order to
7onstitution itself. Bat if, while
v o going on, the Constitution
end Isid away; if it was viols.
' , t ruculent in order tit save the
and all may be excused and ins
ole in saving the Government you
yi the Constitution; r ow that peace
co , t hat the war is over—we want
beset of a written Constitution,
the come to take the Con
to unroll it, to re-read it, to
its provisions thoroughly. And
;reserve the Government. we must
be c on stitution. Our only safety is
o ih eet iee to and preservation of
Motion of our fathers. It is now
at mast now be read—it mast now
d and understood by the American
Ism here today, then. In making
tarts, t, vindicate the Constitution.
a s I believe, for it does seem Al
t after encroachment is pre
As far as I can, I have ever
2hments upon the Constitution.
prepared to resist them
to preserve the Constitution and
of the United States. ' [Great
It is now a time pif peace. and let
e. Let us enfofce the Constitu I
live under and according to its
Let it be published and printed
ureters, as though it were writ-
Heavens and punctuated by the
it all can read it and understand
u condi that instrument, and be
tita prorisiosa. Let us understand
4 usderatasding theca abide by
o pposers of tide Government, I
ta what quarter they Come, East
loth or South. You that are ett•
rework of breaking up the Govern
estates. The Constitution of the
ate al the principles of free Gov-.
we deeply tooted is the Amnia• a
all the powers combined -cannot
et lostromeut —that great chart of
Their attempts, though they may
reseed for a time wilt be futile.—
t at well undertake to lock up the
:hail the waves of the ocean and
within limit —they might as
to repeal the Constitution, and
it seems now to be supposed that' an
seed by a concurrent resolution,
al but when the question is vabmit.
ppalarjudgment and to the vote of the
thee men will7fad that they' might
teen Introduce it resolution to ropes]
of gravitation the attempt to keep_
from being restored is just about
le it would be resistance to the great
invitation. Oink binds all to a tom
- The peat law of political gray.
ell bring baCk these States. sad re
:in all their relations to the Fede.
rent. Cliques. and -Cabals. and
• and machinations; - North cr
met prevent this great unmans's ?
mendous applause 1 All that is
is time. Let the American people get
• d what is going on, and they will
' t their detereniasion. By way
Won- let me sa7, that I would to
whole American people could be w
here to day se you are. I wish there
• amphitheatre here capacious enough
• the whole thirty millions, and they
• ens the greet struggle going en to
the Constitution of their fathers.--
.Id soon settle the: question, if they
`ll see how things are—if they could
lied of spirit teat is manifested to
the real principles of free govern
Shea they come to• underitand who
them and who against them; who
meliorating their coaditiote. mod who
g them by preserving their gu
lf the combatant, Could stand
auk and there could be a regular
veto the respective-gladiators, in
Itthat might be made you would
the enemies of the country would be
mi the people' would sustain -its
sot the friends of constitationsl lib
l'inetchetring ]
-citizens. I have detained you
than I intended. [-Qc• on.")
vele a great struggle, and I am your
I have thought it. best to ex
Inlay. 'When I elk you. have
lothority 2" Who is there in this,
ere not toiled and Labored - 4hr ?
=II or woman, wither is public
!le, who has net always received
end my time'? Elomettmes it has
fog me for being little ego;
ire engaged in a friendly and
anion.) that that Johnson is
Aughter ] They can never
%titer.] Now I will (ell you
toy good luck. It is , ie do
sing for the people. [target
to people, somehow or other,
sagacity and good judgment
illy underrated and underes
by get ter find out and under
fee them and who is against
it by instinct, if is no other
w who is their friend;they
. they can confide. S o far.
tut lay my hand upon my bo
tub heartfelt satisfaction, that
mu in .which '1 have been
tvebeen placed in many that
as aay in which mortal nue
placed—l have never deserted
believe they will desert me.
ant applause
. 1 Whom have I
' principle have I violated?
care I swerved from ? Can
A toe put their finger upon any
IA al. the speeches that have
ant has dared to put his finger
triple I ever asserted from
rimed. Have you not heard
some time attempt to quote
The fall a martyr to his
but they can give so senti
is in contradiction to any
• The very policy that. lem
vte pursued by. me under his
I hare been appointed by
'ar position for ate' very pur
liable Providence raw fit to
this to, I trust, a better
net a principle of his in,
storstioe of the Than from
wed. Nene. Then the war
at. bat upon my predecessor
ed to do my dety. I know
mono and jealous, and speak
Rolle as having attractions for
Let me say to yen, the charms
0 13 e have. es little isfinence
try itidividua: in this eons
upon me than upon those
about it. The little that-
I not amount to much, and
feta 'what is enough to sea
little family is very small, for
attny folks by consanguin•
falsity I am akin to everybody.
tween the little that suffices
and beek, and more than
'ls for me.. The proud
of Maytag perforates
, all ' my children and
1 r reused that I eat.
[Great applancsli
In conclusion, let use ask this volt min
course here to-day--this set of upturned
faces—to mime with me, or I will go with you,
and stand around the Constbutit n of our
country. It is again enfolded The people
are invited to read lid einlitestarrd. to Nimbi
and maintain its provisions. Let as stand by
the Constitution of oar fathers, though the
beaten. themselves should fall, though tic.
tion should rage, though taunts aid jeers bey
coma, though abuse and vituperation may be
poured out in the most virulent form. I mean
to be found standing by the Constitution of
my country. Stand by the Gonstitution as
the chief ark of our safety -u the palladium
of our civil and religions liberty. Tee, let us
cling to it as a mariner clings to the lest
plaik, .IA/a the denied thctautput dose
'roue I him. Accept my thanks, my country
men, for the indulgence you have extended to
me while submitting to you extemporaneously
and. perhaps, ireoherently the remark, which
I have now made._ Let us gs away forgettfox
the pest and loosing to the Nam resolved
to endenves to restore our Goveraineat to Its
pristine purity, trusting in Him who is on
high, but who controls_ all here below, that
ere long our Union will be restored,and that
we shall have peace, not only with all, the
nations of the earth, but peace and goodwill
among all parte et the people of the United
States. I thank you for the reepectsyou tsars
manifested to me on this occasion, and if the
time shall come during the. t esiostofsay ex
istence when this country Is to be destroyed,
and this Government overturned. if you will
look out you will Sad this humble individual
who stands before you there with you en:
deavoringto avert its final destruction. •
The President retired amidst a storm of
Items or Load Interest.
The railroads of this econtry sre seeing
hard times. A few are doing well enough,
but the great majority are not.
At the fair if the yens; peep% of the M.
11. anrch, bed it Assembly Ball, EdMoto,
the 10th inst., $136 were raised.
A man in pithole got drunk ibe other night
and roatfeted $4,000 in 'greenbacks datcngst
the crowd., One chap got $4OO.
The last thing out in bonnets is said le be
a " brawn velvet dies box, with a little dead
wopideoek perched over the forehead of the
wearer, trying to peck out her right eye."
Dan -Rice has commencrd an engagement
in Philadelphia, to bat until spring. His
tour next summer will be t h rough Pennsyl
vania, and the ether Middle Stales.
The interesting events of the put couple
weeks have obliged us to give more room than
usual this week to political nulieels, and our
customary local variety is, in consequence,,
crowded out.
It fa computed fiat the commerce of the
Lakes amounts, at present; to at least tweh;e
hundred million of dollars annually, and that
two thousand vessels are employed in it. It
sends to the seaboard one hundred million
bushels of grain, two mii•ion hogs, and half
a million cif cattle, annually.
The Horticulturist says Mr. Dunham. bear
Cleveland. Ohio, pays taxes on $3,226 re
ceived last season for grapes sold at Mums
cents per sound, raised on one and a half
acres of land. The cultivation of the grape
has become one of the most prcfitable poen
pations on the Lake shore.
The great Ontroyeriy between the Penn
Sylvania Railroad Company and the Atlantis
& Great Western Riilroad, and Oweslavissii
& Readies Regrind tee decided this meet by
Justice dead,isf. the , Supreme-Court, in favor
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the injunction
priyei for. it restraii
from leasing the Catawisaa road being granted.
The " ghost " which_ made its eppearanee
lately in Philadelphia, and ent op " all
sorts of antic', has Meth discovered to be a
girl aged about tourism years. Who was tba
cause of the furanure being kloolted down,
glasses broken and all the other things that
took place. She confessed the deeds and has
been sent to the-Rouse of Refuge.
There is a class of men In this world who
always "p of at balf-coolt," and are con
sequently as dangerous as a gun, with that
peculiar eseellence. Such men are safe ene
mies and unsafe friends. Just, In proportion .
'as yon respect their honesty 7011 contemn
their judgment. If they act with yea they
injure the common cause by Indiscretion and
violence, and. before they repent ot their
isdistwetion and •iolena, Probably swum
yoil of luke•warmue+e, indeed insincerity.
We would suggest to cur frioads•ia the
country the propriety of having all their
tickets printed for the ensuing township and
borough elections. When tickets are priited,
there is no danger of running short of a
supply, as twills ease of their being written,
while the " looks of the thing" are incompar
ably better. Ws have blown of several closely
contested elections where the pertisodefeatod
owed their failure to the neglect of ntie; se
mitring a imirtetent number of tickets.
A 01111, whose name has not been amp
tabled, kn'cked down a respectable married
woman in a remote part of the - town of Psi
Leaking Contra, last week, sad subjected her
to the worst imaginable outrage.- As soon as
the fact becijne randy known, crewd as
tumbled in the streets, and justly %cent,44 at
the scoundrel; determined to hang his eq.—
Aa,we have not heard tbst they did so, tho',
it is to be presumed that the ides was alien.
We have had two fires in the city during
the present week, one on Tuesday eternises,
end the other on Wednesday morning.' The
resulted in the destruction of the Reis
Pittsburgh 'Railroad Company's dry house.
worth shout $600,' and the loss of about $9OO
worth of lumber, belonging to Mr..l. Carter,
stored .therein. The second occurred' In I
shed attached to the house of Mr. 'Hiram
Waters, (coloied,) on Third street. The dun-,
ages were eight.
We bare been requested by members of
Fire Co. No. 2 to state that the report of
their engine baring been broken badly by
running against s' post is not correct. They
say that in going over a crossing they bras,
the king-bolt, which is the whole extent of the
damage done. Company 2is use our best
fire orgenisatioss, and we are sacred that
any accident which may occur to the sighs
is tot owing to any . intention or carelessness
on the part of its members.
The President's speech has waked up our
neighbor of the Gazette to a pitch of the most
furious indignation. Its but issue bristles
in every column with scorching invective*
and damning insististiens against Mr. John
.son. We hives distinct 'recollection that in
toes past the Gazette was sesustinsed to
teach that opposition to the Administration
was treason to the Government: Woe it cease
to this, that our staid and "loyal" neighbor
is st last turned " Copperhead ? "
In the city eonnells, on Monday evening, s
communication was read frost 5 1dr. Lowry,
"asking the oily to donate the water lots
owned by her at the month of the little cas
cade to the Erie & Allegheny Railroad Cam
piny."-Whielt it the name adopted by hint , for
his railroad project to connect Erie with chi
oil region. We hare always thought Mr.
Lowry to be a modest man, and tide cool
proposition cosines as in oar toilet:: The
Councils, beings gesemes body, sod be'leg
an exalted estimate of public virtu, Rarely
manst be erne magi to doily the prastor's
naNisilag !!MIL
Wesly lifirsiedfiril mowi hi w h o o hl
frith Mr gaii4l4loviihniitiolif.
The funversetietil tarewi k ,iipea :thy neeth • t
find. Siam*. L 1 2 ,1,1001, .ha atilt %alewife('
Lie 'chianti's Unit flottlarri litseof , hot
pisehl theasehneititrof 'the 'pais 70fith0,90,..
by' Ask A/ Set'
Sooleil climatal the Apeeeth 'es:e
ses3escloa procla it"*" :il4 .
&evens ererostraseit.
the coastty sa leff. - Dsvit. ". Tat athe rani
aisle* of Nagai, Itr. tltrobhi psraits hit:‘
mar to be lea like Ithitii•V° the 4144441.4.
thle farm serellat traitor;: sittrileillzfrer;
time 8 winks '
At Um niwtownif Irtote s imi g m lho, ll7 .
riven neither . taverns nor barreolutaroale
lowed ; at • nateopmzum. the Titamille,l/oe
aid says nearly tier* fondly has initilths
of its own. Daring the mteursiin of capital;
floadsandsr the a 4 11040, of Hoa t Q'
Weer. la °etcher
.testieaverat baskets ef
ohampsEne were twin:rad by: Mina - ham of
the liallenry Rouse tiatene;f4i.tangsh 4rth*
at that pteits,•:bnt they
ere not permitted to litopmeeti. Mr. Cattier
is s temperance as in pilusiple ati Twisti
tiot, and in founding, E . lotojTfitott .
*tent• to 4 dixtooiMixotigyholil tit $111147.
his Power, the introdaetios of intozioatili
liquors in his MOO MllllllllMii. li • (7, ztc:
The Crailbrd •.Toinitai - responsible 'for
the following pithy pisrograph, - •Is will be
advissblo - fir the editor to stay any from
Pittsburg after this di!
Banucaa.--Jos.• Yonig, .ftmnsily .
editor and proprietor tit the Brie Dispatch,
hes hawed up la rittsben with the lit* of
IL D. attached' to his 11A1110. wthertiset
speedy slid etrlaineure U ettntstid with' eh*
'treatment of certala e . dlsrssp
.n 44 tinitiens
eatable smass.= -new are tits mighty fallen.
. Go►: Iltgler recently returned to Clearfield
from the Picifts suast. rfs has bbin r iont
over a year, The Clearfield Repriblioan says
that while absent ha 11 . 1611111 an *steads* tons
through California,. 'Utah and Idaho, but Is
isot - verylavorablrimpreseed with that won.
try. The Governor contracted a severs cold
on his way home, murk* been confined to
his bed slues his return. • '
There Mill be s . total - eclipse of tbemoon on
the eveeies•ef lisreh•Both. It wilt begin is
this meridian at twenty tiwilantesplattiiki
o'clock, will be at lie told attest" , Mae minutes
past tem o'clock ;
_"will begin to disappear at;
eight missies pistiMidaight, and disappear
at fourteen. Minutia Past, one o'clock •oa the
' Our °wintry renders will be interested
learning that agreat prance has takes, place
in the West ,in :Ego'' Price of bettor. 4t
eteTslutil," !It'll an mining*. "It is dull nt
29 sad 80 eents fUs lii best tab tad tell; at
Chicago the' beat twinge only *and 3O
seats, white fair itrkie 1124-sad 25 Coastal at
Milwaukee the boil . roll Is as aa22
emits." - '
The terna eleatitinaiathattelglibeeiaienitia
ty of Clumatnugon„,:r r„ last task, iesalted
generally la- s — treet -ohm* over Ivetlanv
foi "the Denioneatier.vomiihnies.; Io read Vat,
.where the party.tioe war..elm/1Y rime, (bib:
llapahllovne have Andy .
..arejerity swami
'l4O ii 1885. . , • Tie' Deamrata au* large
'tau °"di•
Home business will prereialkst. Itssisit
Namur ft4i-fri *frit dititlls
All Who wish Ufa basalt orßafilifilieiiii Rita
mellasl skill should esti to'ssikthre ow'Ttaes
d so. Wedussday sad 1111121837, March gib,
7th and Bth; st BroWitii Rota ." ' -
k 3 tomb licia eossty essusittso east . as
Thursday last lad- oilseed Isola nisi,
sod &win didsowlas
Couvatioi, with isotriotioss to supped Ora.
Geary for Govoritor. .
The last lectare - Oierse 3pieldsd a net profit
to the Yong Mene 'Christian Association of
$416. nit Wei _ticeittli Irish '11,954, 'and
the espeaditeess $1,689. •
We lauderataxid that E. P. Ilessett, Ltiq ,
will be a caadldato rfor • re alectios so.fustice
of the Pews is Alit Wall, at the 'rising
opeag ; .
Workmen home twouseaced (mantissa at
Union upon the new Tallsoad to suite fast
The Conneaut
,Reporter Tlllll=llll' 041011
lag a little gratuitous advice r•to tkat elms of
fere-handed humors who are moving West,
and exposing themselves to the hardildpe
incident to a. new +lmpair. Where perm! .
have- farms in Ibis section, and are doing
fairly os them, It advises them sot to sell for
the purpose of malting a Western adventure.
We hare bees • Induced to sir this Intielt to
our friends in lhU snd Erie coutt;ien for mil
Mama that during the last tea daYi we here
talked with ► geatlesan mks -bee recently
seen many who were famerlyrieldfenteetf this
Motion, and are now in the lifestolid Rig are
nearly ell heartily sorry they left Witt pleas
eat here, and not s Ts* of Qui will be
beck during ttut coming spring and fell if
they ham . sufEcient pee health. Men
who hire large families of %Ye aneonlY
small farms bore, may have bidueeasente to
go West, but even thee there is great fiat of
not betaking their condition: Change' of
matepct tmfrequently puniness eickness f kid
fever pd ague often costa more than Is gained
14 larger farms. But, aside from the danger
of Manure, &snare other things men should
bok at before moving_ West. Markets are
better here, ehnrch privileges, school 'dean-
Miss and comforts. and conveniences, of all
kinds, are all more adsessible than at this
West. In view of them things, let our farm
ers and cthers the contemplate a chugs .4n
this direction, atop and consider—if they are,
doing well,: if their families are healthy and.
strong. If they enjoy the ineletY of friends
and neighbors of hnsg standing.; wir say, let
shalt weigh the matter will before liraaltitig
og the oIJ associations to form new .ones
the West." , • ;
No ultoon:"—The Gentle; hie "no
to give the Preeidont's speech and vete--4
which It etylee .4 ldignisi doc6meate"= l ,*
length." W. at, pained to linie that the
pressure upon our eotemporiri4•"room" IS
so great's, to debar its readers et di, viva.
lege of reading the sentimenti of the Chief
Sanative of the nation. Some persons me
naohaeitable *sough to intimate that •if Al
Piesident isad'abused the Copperheads, of
endorsed the position of the Radian", ear
asighber would have bad no Anion*
is ~ad
i anAbundasoe of 'town" to print
LIBRIUM Bawssn.—A panel's. hesatod
gostissisa asthorfies as 'to offer s reward of
fifty dolisys to say poses who osa lad
Molted States aloe bibfor in - this Yfsidtp
who has gives }while *orioles to Ms 41i
ion of Proudest Jamas'. speech. Applies.
tioss, with poetical/lin t ing bo. addressed to
this sac*. ,:-:;
Renard of a. Observer Dissi
Oa or before the lit of April auk tile
dice of the Observe will be mesa 'to
Itoseastreles Sleek. at tts_ssrtMeet sonar
fifths Park aad Wats StrtstOPPPostis t r i rt'm
listeL) The %mew Is Ow belt is any.
sad in latest atlas op si
terronolat . .•
?be Cody: !elegise* ghat etlas tetanu s tll , I
'own ocitrageols , assault ani ripe emninittea
on the 10:b Net upon a yosnie girl nismell
lirie!t, &zed alto 'years, tieing" in that 1
berongh: • ThO irtronts of thti 4iiit,f had iota,
td qusrterly meeting, lesviogiererith n sister
ttierve ;oafs 'kid at liinnePbeingLpart sir a
'benne in which Head a. permstwwho kept
-biarders. The raseal who committed the
f e d'
a liati ilibeirtlerilistedlie3rge-tobliiiii,-
0, in thiserkwfugut the asername,rwanasled
t child t# ii ' - 'Aim' Imito,...oft.
whistrai : _ tlik : 'tlOpia'ZiKtc'7-
UVM - dhi ~.•._(*°'`...•
._ . --a .' l '!
t wit= where {lie aril wat: '. ~ • : fade .
t 1 .
e*r, took Ilik . i iidiEd upon 'iris. tip, •
a niStte . l. thq...outragf.• -4f*l whiek t. qh . ,,,
proMtati-ber a wax doll '
and ishySptlkor ai r
sine wanted, if she would not tell her parents,
4dthreionned ter with death if she 414141.
';'lie child did :net lOU till the following
7edge4e7, when ehie•atother, observing she ,.
was lame, -questioned her Mid 'Hailed the
truth In the meantime the tniscsoant bad
flied to a border town in Cliantanqiii 0147: -
1. y., where be was tracked and arrested,
wil brought before Esquire GUiftlol2 for
examinatioii, and is thire were considerable
signwortket 'populace taking his punishment
into their oWn banal, he waived examination,
aid was oOMMiltel to the _jail in'Erie lir
default of 1,500 bail, there to await trial at
tiiii neit...l i nri'of Oyer and termiiier., To'
tee ete then ii \me Mitre detest ebli, the inlf 'Mriiant;
Woe afflicted with a disgraerefal dlieestvend
transmittedlt to the' child with all its disc
• .:,
pada( alts - • le." • - .
Kepi Qovxn ltua Pecrlirt—At the
Ina of the lb% Dusty - Bible society. held la the eity of
tri", ea Ormlithietlfebrusiry.,l* the Park.
Chan& thsfollowt carers we *betel ft rr t=
Ude, _ nay Pt. lief. 0.
Prseideat.. Jam* nausea; Wrtmelsre. W. It- swam:
?men rt. J. l.feldrat Llibruian. Wu. itsadall;
luta. Her. Joeiph Tanis nu. Ja. 9. Pressler. Her.
emu P. Cale. y. J. Degweb. Wu, P. B. Hallam
J IL.AhaltU. DD. Rev. With A. Johatee,„l4 - .
D.O Hovland. ref Hismed.
paffird. D. W. 1111th, C. Deily'. D.ftmjth , W. &Weld.
Pb. commitase to whom vas referred the irste:est at
labodasieg the BM* Jobe the perblis se eels of the
coustr roads thefsilewiag name lad sastudes
Geri Word etrabalas the truth without allay. Shen
limo lafitriens Memel la its eompositioat he putty lad
limplielte et Mirka* persideeity and elegenes, it if aro
surpered Ity my karma composltism . It mar. theme
free be read am ow - studied ettboat sq Powthilite of
darter to the cavelid, and espeihdir the pauerfal sta-
Lilt Re farthseseere mod medially mum ger be
lief la end marcurrebee frith the Armies's uttsraess—
that the Bo& is eradtalite Sae destrier. for rearosfedu
carrectioes sod he lastruthes Is rightscrusams. We
alas regard childne aa men and women la inelpieuer.
lad that ladasams. nesatally. morally. and phesically
/muted la _tender yew erattere with the rrewth. and
strentthen with the attelatth. tad notate folly dodged
is adchamd His.. We anhcaltatiaels sumo ear dean
' probation and diseountenanee of the too prevalent idea
Amin ermintealv !soma as the Obeid °pluton,. that the
Mod Is betterespahle of oatapraltendlng God's tnitti if
ikept in igoomisee of it until It beer-es fully umained—
that this parable; idea er opiates% emoted to fuel
;pet rip% and 'the irrneurrest sat wireetradleted
Slum of all time. Re that limed the wtad, sFuli Be
mot be eempeteet to furnish proper food fe, Its groirth,
veorisismetit and stremth f ire that formed the car t
AMU He m- t Near I , - itssil eerier man dare to critielse •
Ithe wisdom or eareermy el God Is the reirtistioe Re hes
;made, or dasher la to Its wilaptatibity -to the
rnied which revelation was Unwed to nulatit. to
frisbee,* to besetuy f Allure*. of whatever &owls
tevtion—eues the cm* elan ertmeatreseirifireesselue
;within the ellutrell yeatti alma sawing Mt.
eats instruction, sod that religiall isstructioa de
rine its streagtlf sad ttliteeee from the Bible. Why.
then, refuse, or withhold. ,at 4a any: way Irrereit the
runt To u rMa dicertlrces the pure mists of
truth ? committee ',rad a lso Prrel AM? ling
cenection that - tai time has ems *lea it Is'
impereiraly aroteasry tor Imo aria all professing
Mulatto** sad orthodusdearatirmesnele stand rade
'sad unitedly by the Bible es ea sell alum that the
• easerresse of days. sad sassens, aselloram mad eamear.
Mee partake too mach of,the mist, sad sable and SI,IIM
into eharaeleristie to soot and sipply the wants and
demands_ at the peselet that ear city and musty mod
the satire co.operaties el lotus of iktt lathe sets
blialament at a sound, healthy and relit one morality,
M sed, Apes the lib* as the only (eradiation upon
OM rest eausely mad redly ; that "the.Chush"
sea. Imitation amid be !moored, "bra by any weans
it htdoror ebeearse Child the Gres' lbeeiter- mei Per
feet Zurnaptat. wout enueet seoOpraß
per *scree, to be pstsaed .or the Introduction of AU
Brat* lath -the petits sdboole el' the county; that the
society's agent la m•kieg d'stributthe of Bibles, in
supplying the dnititate or lee dacha; food% also eve
eider it a part of hi. duty t see the school directors in
fhb dillereat school dialirlete sad sadall'or /to billet
their' co-operation lo the I..troduction of tharDible into
every 'oboe u a reading boot, either in the opening or
clueing exercise
TATLas—DAlrrami—Cht tks SI% AW., stabs terldenee
of the brides father, AleFander partition, by the Rey.
A. T Kerehaat, Kr. W. P. Taylor. of State Wks,
to Mai Arrest* Davlasos, of North Most; pa. No
arils.{?stater llbeuUy romosbero4,l
Stazz—Hilo—On the 13th inst., at ibo residence of
the bride, by tho Rot. Thaw 'Rabbi. Kr. Oktiotios
Shook, of West Crook, to VW Yates King. or Titus
Pons—Smss=s—OD't!o Cid of /116211417, flop B.T.
O. 11. B)4* Yr. Orris N. Pan; of Shuman. N. Y.,
to Mu Mary E. Stephen, of Corn.
Wsiodnrik, of Paralystr i on on 18th last,
Kr. Aiwa% Y. Bishop, ,if. of John Bishop, aged 61
years. -
liilleztek v en the morning of thong
instant, Mrs. Mary J. Gray, aged 29 years, s month;
and 12 dye. -
firomrso9-19 Watarfo'ri tp. Nov. IS, 12•45, Archliedd
Thomism, aged M years. • ' _
Bariatrasila the 22d at Ferranry, after a lingering
Warms, John C. Siitinger, arid 2t years.
New Advertisements.' ,
C 4ll 8 L • 1 ,
111741111 SD, MID Aali. ,
Nook opal to soy is Ws (40.4 iirliii'slitto46-
- (Isarl4f)
D issom m px 04f WdsPAILT31811151111!. 1
The to pattaarshi belstsfore existing utast tbs
wee of Gabe Iv Hradska 1s tilt , 4.7 dissolssd by
Itedtetim The setze Istateisto will go Ws the hal&
et , Nir. fleurlehri .eadivedmis• mgt the hens
Mra sigritsties wad to ass* II the silty. TM
s i of the late arm wdl be Iroundts their terms 141
est*, the am thirt•daps Aar whisk time taw will
e tete the baser oda J u , tast .1 the PesaW teweettle
to Wile( -the ettentlon the palella to the &hoe*:
change. I Could respectfully nqneet coattitaanee of
the patroato heretofore bestowedortth lbs ammo**
thst It *ball be say alas to keep a fall and desirable Kuehl
of Dry Caccia at all Woes. erldeh I shall eller at the low-1
maid pekes. •
ccarl,St. P. MINIUM 4.
Grey Ilratiese3 Sank) } la Comae. flees. PM, C..,; via .Wead tioin Enos**. •
A: L. Boum. 5 No. 67, February t. m, ;
17. b. ti.lNl6 , on tootles. that Court appointed Geo. W,
Our Lea, Lao., Auditor , to dlatribete the moo'y matAtt:
oi, the writ aloe* W. attotted, as well so Noe. Mk 66, 03,
1111, ISOM, It, tti sad so of Tab. term, 1800. rat Cos. I
Ail person Istatestst Is the above plated eta' inN
bent)f notil-4 that I will attend to pa data of in,,
9lNZtosetat at la trio. Pa, otkirhotalliyttlio
.ot Marsh, A.D. 194049 &elm p m.
G =
lErt4k Mg lei DAL - - • • -• • ' !
y V WM Esibrood Celeueep Write
pTorektOt Al VT;noletfie. Noooiry; Bilnultujig c syt i i
•noqiirod• gni 'ilfloos soothes of tbeti __od; Weddle
from Oftolll vrothwaYtt, union - Allied TootUfabis i l
trilled Rear Ifidtestytt fhielredrti war& to tbd ?White
or !WWI heed Isom Vests. tech' Ratted 10
%soot am sow Id Ibeelb.
Valk fine*. Plans sad paddeattetat of' the - iroth
wtU be ready for rssedsettos at the fachfeet's oaks.
oe Ms Street, is the city of FittoNuzik, ir a. avatar
Mara sod, Mkt proyedalo will be malted at ti a .adae
gaz i a . p to 6 p. w 1 of Thursday the 3211 day of
The thworitioVrin it Alla :tom u ion 5 u peen.
sable. but arehreetors cal st soy that on a; pleatlon
the gwitwfwee Oka La Plidabargh.obtato all the Won
omatiooolooontoy to wasb!* than to eaassiatraed tiid 14
the work madorstaedlodir•
Ant farther tafafetatios &sired 611.0 bi had by appliL
lotion it pan Or by letter te the subiertber.
tastl44 WEISS; Chief Deem.
jrll irli:ta6 of isd fa pumas* of as order of Om 0
iliasda Court of Via ono% to no diant/4 o w
pro, to Wit, sad aoll at Pahtio Yeada6 Or " 6a
yonateraotar 10, tab day of Ids eh. 1660, tit 0 .
I% 0111. itbukkildrirtat eva3 motto*. bp *ft. Cloau6ataloo
liar woos of Sitorraatt sod Pootar tamot. Oat - Vamp
atto/011,0 totatra t h ee Me B0 0 4•641111r83 0 ,=
10 porabas , time* s u6ll perall6l to
„b on g go mobooo.log i forasality ovaed bt li r Schaaf.
Aram irtAea Use pa/LW to Itt4go load, Mol t :
probotio: hoar Wont, thane weft ion
of IWO, airotigmboat ID postior to Moe
Waal.' Coalotatag " Most fiff4 ise tool
lap" writer lam aed botag oravtut dbaatao o 000.
ototy song 171adollawsilarlin;
tubas*ss at alla , -610 la baud.- • I :4
610241 smilers SCIMIRMIkoIIikoLH
,ALDuisch., t .2”
Ilas renaved to • I "rtcli.:l
mum se, aria c'oocws iWQk asik"
Osoliii pe iiiitisekiw
4.4“. Wasik itispiistifi lad COM. olliludoi to
"galiv a
• , t.t • .t:i• ti-"• 4.4 •
.ftsis t rim*
ptuottfti Imre you ourithw •
.• •
itato t tre i th . e.t„ yetzirhirr oo --„, •
elopo the Wni g canal . very drateable 11!iiishbetatia4
Tin Shirs tw V P. 4 - 4e. Pstai - Itt;` 1 1 Irolto:
*round. 1 'egiN.iritlb !OW;
... . . .
.;, .2.: 1
.w• rail kft • astabas ii iitbbig Mb birlemtle
st\ t
mid llothlditnate ..,, Waimea Boll•ad a thrum AY
..110 trival gellualliumil verylonagi•., , ~ :,, „ - ,
Ow sena U + l4lll a on t sti rm t l l ir. f : 411i ,"1.•
. NgSAIA,WfIi ° , I , : :, -.:. ' • . - s.: .. •
:Oaa faICUT Lek Kew Vosittt aid
math side. Prim VAR: Alassaa. OP Tull* l I
I to ll 4 /62 4 10" ; Pft
ChulAZLet. Parser Taath_itail KEW*: Atoiit'
vie 1,11
This bet eked is het,llOPM 1,10 Pr
uss pis! 144 tasswilvues.
esiiii t ui
• • 1,1 ~ I : , - ... I ~. I - 4 ,
..ti ~.-%. , '- . •- 1
!.11. BARGAIN—Tor Wm.& 1:totIort Howe or IR f
NV* Ms. this* doe) P sad of ;r l lrsaiL l ig h 14 -11 00 4
mar, tot emzus mt. to as "at op a so as
siortaleut el Matiqt Mitt troso, groom &Fr to swift ot
moll bytes. Moan Ws proportiltot WO oloh * II le
elo;sp st PAO°, . . . .
. . •
♦Ma CITY LOT—+O* Sib Wok armor of birlbe
Plies 1;4,0°.
• MOTS I,ol' TOR ILLL—Cons intim from Me any.
la 0 resafteht, 100 wet, 10 serfs hapessed. Pries Vl/0 pre
r zL: 4 '7;7 j•
FOR SALL-100 salmi weld Mk 10 saes timpani'. 13
=Lbw fros the elty. !Ike, $2O per acre.
Ow heating iiienr, efs lades boas lb* as the 4 P. 41111.
IL-11.-.4see beim. bases, websedg-tde. - !Mama law
is Up tang of iwatt. , ,
V. eget*/ eat UlSFens ICUs hits Illabsrd OW%
to Bubo. Creek, four ulnas east of the city, oontstolau
101/ wee e( lead, `brie: Ind-elses Weis bevels rod
Una sod outhouse% lestsseeits sh d,with
Moots re sad plsab tram Thus is one SU lima
ranee Me toasty. sad sill be sold cheap.
• Farm o .ergo u sagas cons H . T. !him
fain a lBOO4 vitbla time mho of tbl abora.—,
About 70 wail luiponed: arse eau"' dosing/ b4 l m
root borastand out hones; poor orsbord sie v:
(1. et t a-49*N prodem eta% Sta.
Twinity acre, iirmlag lAA iidlo arra .f a thabr
lot. I to 43( *Wu red of the city. on TM Lb Bead—'
Nor SlllO tor ikarc—Artlfadt Oa 20 saris sagarata lido
tan on tho SO aaNd t
Ws odor for Ball s lg &JIMA/4 tea
lyystteteirg Plant Road, ten ' tollonprom thaally, cantata
hg 1113 morn, ha vily timbered with beeeit, maple and
Xesillork- - will be divided if parchame;.• wide. ds
pbig preps ty can be Doubt Amp If perellaislvtliar ,
m= thirty dsya.
• •
• istousr. roixot ioa ant—Ben= Fisafraa and
Xyttio stmts., on that ask.. Mama Um Varies, sad is
good eondWon. Pries SIAM.
WI have a samba of Teri dastaabt• print* raddesma
for sale, worth from $ 6 .0 1 9 to 11.1,000.
, Roust ItIDLOT Plltsars-410 Ildri aved
'gam wst - tasua es. some et lityrtlir .strost. .butt Ng&
'Bosse two t ry •• 1041 by 166 2184.
Ia CIIT/Ot 110i73t !OS!OSEILE. M
-Oa orale' At ast,
tirsea Ninth aid Troth street% goaas has parka.
'amine room, 'd.taieg too* "Ittellea. ttltioa ba roma
aleasta, edlar , W to aompiet•aspstr.,
attest, first door eat 0(84 House nn►, lot NI by 1810
BRICE R01:13 c-00 Preach edzikd between Third UM
Fourth streets, known as the Wilma Pease., How do
good repair. Mai b• avid al n asagela.
HOUFR AND LOIN FOR RAli 2 oei6e 6in:Asssi
&:.t.. il and Ilona:a streets. ileum to good mak,
On 'best 22 by 23 feet. OA W. grou!dmAr,it j pap vA .
rift , / 44tplettr. 11 31/ 85 41tVegr e* (.0 I . .e!
HONOR AND LOT.-fle Cleertesit street, itgIOWII IMP thy
Arm' tooporty, 101 l ott lot 801Stift* Sad Is food
*VW. •GPIILL _ • 1 'LP_ I
TOR STORES vOR SA ir E teller for ago 165 17 S
doriesofflteolhimell Shemin' etelete,milllbplet
het on Seats utrehoottle of fAteee Reobblelhop.Mar
L decidedly the bed prop fly hr sale to the city :or
sa.ebiee shop., stem,' te., fad will be sold la to to
suit the parchseets. •
,Agituan -
si g r agS k ICILPLRR,
• • -Wayne 11011Z.14410.
Eva, Luc. AND
, •
. -OP 262 PIPIP man. rartimiaas, Pm •
Who devote epode attention to &ram of time Wpm aad
• W. sod Barra% far ea aromaulatilaa Wm
tiada..hasa docadad that or et Urn . •
ghat vit It
Wednesday sad Thiu:sday, Fib. 711,114 eth.
we needay and Thursday, March 7th aad eu
Dtt l . HA ZLITT & 84R2011 . 1
Cu,. disown pf the lye ant Ear,' straighten rroesed
Reef, (Strabismdla). • Ft: tv-ATniper), Crooked
Limbs, eta. They operate oi."Hare.l.lp, TllllOTe 'Nem%
Canons and ears, and pe'forto all rhirgloal Operatics,.
Mr and yti,dlottiulo py,wl 4kont the,
laniettil (without WO aim to Zook Eke no iseasel
EV ems 444 Ira igivue *eel 04140.$12Pess
PI 6, Pa. Wife
BUREAU, Mary E. Patna:loony wits, of th•
township of North tut. and myself, bate dia.
*ANA bogroo . hthWtkw 10th of thio steals- 17 Oaf*
eossoept„ir will pay so diits of her foontrootiow attar Wes
North East, Tab. IE, 1866-Hter•
Houit Lo' IP, - SALE.
,The_sschitelhaeoll offers. for ses alwassa-aad lob ea
Lataiette stmt. (44th of Oil 11 did Deo6o ant to
the Rap Wit nimbleq church. The boom Is au:pall. imns
ISt*, noinadeSsrit 4frelast
brawll the nosoisatty outbuildings stlsobsd—ovs.
rt tlitirsismut leder. The sitastios is dry snagniss.
sat. log*ooo .drius r asitilis sad la
anatiel.ahmeats. with littastel.
foliTttr' , w " " " A5V11116 .
nA si is ae n
: •
P HO TOG R4E,H. E R 8!
I t.L carpi cir rimass.pra L .
OEM id A Lriri an: PlkitliGßAPH,l
Eieentad In the bid styli of the art..
,41,34 MMUS
WllRifiTXf"2o - Mrs sAnikic•nciv,
• Iletcroi &Mad fa ••
••, •
121 E, Mt OR . WiTIR , COLO*.
17nion Srosi'• 1.1•14; *sod Howe
dedriVelL,, ; ,
BTEAM tßifinfif• ~h'l BOILERS,
••:4 • r.. 0 P.l,"soc,..
`•• 'lnutrra soars, • :
• t a
s.l -. n
Wield" wcOt So - Olio frotitlio toot watotilLlO, we..ut
iwnria to to of thi
WI, gni icor atiolt lirgol,i4i 'aro lisiddiori oat
brilltatittaitUe4w, to irinly
. the lacressod oto
ormot Obt dial • , , •••• • s• •
w.. 1. V LIDTALL
•rd ' 9LB amis.
11111110. s_
i C .
T, A IX 0 V •
IV ..-. - er i;•: 7:
__' ' ' ' ." •
t) signalia t.l. _CMCPUR. tL V ,
1 , '_,,
The itheedbei Iteirmeetied th diet et Gnaw*
from the deetyiAtoeve - the Wee Ow Depot le the
=tilt 11 =111 44 1:14 1 # 1 T I VZ =Xs
eeetemesiet, eltthilr **refer , a t soma 0 ;
staira Par
_WI methh7 ;and
ltreess nue mouldiest Via the soot.
Be tithes an la mei el eiglidittie ea he
..1-" , :: , 2 • ; i t 1 g
vrusinis, Imam t Paton's. N.. styles 3.5, .; Goad all Wont IntraiL , .1 .11.10 V
r regrata sadiron CliallalSoali *Wow •ar Ine Boma Si Damn* Pattern. Cana Latino, Mot 011
Clint% OH NUM 1/I;.BPrls Oil taiboavr eloth.byct. dieirt.
leastb to soar s lure mot irldiolit PI as. !Naval Rau cad data. cue , rs
mid Waist% Oast Vats. Stair and Ends. MI styles Gilt
• asolflada Wladow Photos. affaad Ones English
Linllanda lurtlbadt all width,.
Se aaitaat tisias Co.. aid ors Zlepat 0111,441 Brenta Window Condom, Cut"la Boa, !Ware
Na15.T 10 . 4 4 041 4 1 .4 1 4 AL gvarOdall I* Mk U., Ms M cute. Ws, ♦ Yp!aadid assottaist ,
MAURliss lae by tio yard, ikecant, Oesigage Gm SS
Ihadions• Loa for yrtule Moder; with
- - „ , • •Wial asultliMait Paper
Titelergest elLtnee Goleta Is tble mseitetattriees that defy teapitltlon. Elegant Blenched Table
Uses% 1!(I aids, at $1.16 per yard. We 1011 IYe. them goods in all grades, from the, eotreest to the inest
Doable ilsanede. Napkin, all Myles sad plum Wee hats et Job lot of them goods at $3 per dues, all Usti,
mhket geolmideet tie sepias stgrale the market. : t
Thisksheett sad Doom% Lase. 'planed Reeimbeide Towelt Abe per dos., all Linen- Elegant Eneialmek Tow
susg, btssettabilard, „Timid., at the verVeer rim of Seemebt. Week Sheeting-Liens,
wart* =ow Uwe" Etc- Ilte. Gen ',Ladles' and Child/se% Lines Handler
at. • geed, all Ease, Ladle Handkerchief at Ige T doe.
' I
. . ,
ai DU. LaMar, /11fr, Ba ja sad ChM** . 'a C(tt sad 7661 Hogs. all prices. The beet steak is town. A good
Cates Rao it IA etr. per pale. WlataiOlopea far Ervsybakr. , .. • .
infieua - Puts. itedi ao ki tir itso, goad stock of Domeirtie Geode at leer per. We,
t a p pia. .1.0.4 by a' lkeeyAt dock of Fazaishia. Geode. Wore ail the binata.
. . •
. •
ir4 SNULNUAINT, , .. .
'DRAMs is ' ‘• ', '
AND 811'0E8,
Aim. itssorsorrits Or
, apsTom. - MADE BOOTS AND' SHOES , ,,
I Would Ulm ads soothed of rstorsdod Ids Masks t t
our Maids. sad the piddle gemailly ior tioir UMW
potrireeiebordefor sztaadoil to hi., sad hopes to bore
t tooditnotteit at ths mos. I like pleasure hi Worming
the patine Gat I •113 ssiLl Mils.
' Egairtiume 11001? AND MOO AS CHNAP,
-asst • LIMA oaussiors--
Mao toy HO•l44llthts plass, sad I us stUl ooskiag,tie
rtqaditho of Neste Nests sod Ross, hie width I.r
toy sea talthe lIIINT of WINIZINIX,oadie Or Soper
of 0. lIILLNIL.. •
10 1 1 4 4 1. ebtshisi i thaw to *so Ike
; f sal Doe prepared to sake the Maar Wort loots
eildinicattrit Nossr set tole irstpueed to Style sad
!i o,4 rkasaiddis.
: i
it - -
l vainly* keep cm band a albs Nos of the tart
sods of f midi sad Asseriess cer and Kips.
' :i,-11tooshilgottoodsd to. rarlSktf.
!fIININ . FI44OIe •
„.,, . 1. -
809. T: AND SHOE STORE - ,
.' atasaitraat„ Mod, Opposite tiro Tod 011Ioh •
N4:3411n, Boot had Mid* DallorV ii,
.taeorioa th• Public that b•
haa ailaorod las stood to Oodles* Room
as state, Arse; marl, oppodto the Post
Odes, whore ha Wattle all his older awl mamas
to din him a calls • ihahoolarrOOm 4. - , •
• ' ' ' -.- RETAINING!
SWIG eashal. wodottaii. /tad augatiotsadlag all his
hpaassaimalf,hallohnsa ha can glio aagood oatiatae
nhaaaAsio at am low prior oo shy other roam la tie
sly. gotal Atli Wairoatod. - ' apairlktti;
E llll it AILS 1111/IWIMY,
consaa. 41r PARADY, AND BUFFALO 8123113
-L.TI - E A El.;
- , - No I' Biel noose Block Yete, Ps
. ,
The shove Is lacks the supervision et Mr. S. El. GItIAWOW3. who Is well known In this vicinity.
• • . 1 ,lir . A.MACITIMIkIIIII,OIt
Haig a largo Rad estessin assotionat of Stoats at
Wholesale sad RatslL
4 • firat•e4u Coal Cook Stove, vflb or wititoot near
volr. for hard or soft 11 11114 oir wood. sad 4
maantsetare thu
Bea km y
lime Coal .coa Mann —ilia woo 4 restos—
eta bd elDat ter seal orwood.
•e aks' 011 aundiebuteg dig seebested IN► ORD
Stars farirood—vith or leant nwr►olr.
•- -''• THE HENTOR,
A Low Oven Stove for Wood., This is sa new Stove,
,beantifel design, and Dow for sale—toget.ter with
• • taro sosortnsent ef elevatod Oven Orr Cook for wood or oath and Pinkie
- and Moe Store, for wood or coal.
c. Y. Tniqii.s. D. Dauer, M. B. warmazaD
Zito. Jan. 12. 18414-4.
oonza or rta ir?RU? AND CANAL Wilt
Pala aad Amber XX wad XXX At..,
l'aiwo illitftaity mad a
[Taal Vidalia, al Lwow
Ueda& Waw Bops.
aloteset Qualities of Malt and flarlay,
embed maim' formal. by
waist ropsothib Odom The rats that they Imo
' i GABLE'S BLOCK, • '
• Wpm Om to boo issituaty lird ittiU
..„ loortotoot of , Y.
7iuryiettWy eolith sauce at thoPaktepot.,
• J. a. SUL=
wait it cr, or. mown.
WM`111:111. " ;
. •
E— R 0 91181
Oa &ate at., between Smeell'sad Eighth.
The Menton hateenteted late tirottiblift ash* idd ,
AO repose staktag to eider Sad kings( imosptiaUy es
head all Made of Teralbuti.
0141111151/ill porolmr prompt moratiork Ji!rmalmog does
• - • -m Most netts&
thormimiribors will itempeetal oftest Jon to thin 4.4
p!!,meat et their budaem They vUI lamobeitim ma
op.oondrl oa hand large mostoseet of botallie
'Clam sod Wad hold theideetrem V meithemi
met mien ilds
ties, promety, bred ear Port of tM
Roos_ A iry lutorootord .ati tonro a r i tatro rorgerro.
liam mow to Oro prime, turpl
hop 1* waft a 1 share of yablto palmma".
Ihueimors to A. H. armor.
- .
Dried sad Posloi halal and Ms,
. IpOLCINNI4I77, Bost 'WIN •
Also, Pablio Do*, bet et Mats attest,
WIC. A. MRAIITCLIID. V. r. (Hanna;
loattglief Z. IMO* RUTS
OVAlttllatillrt MALIK.
sinus aad la parriummad aiiited• firaalair mist
tbo 011114 ot/Irte meaty, *a ato Maaratdo shall
rumor to sliest pabUo toads* or oaten. at tbo Court
Hour loye r gm. Po,* 1 iNoelt- asou
MONDAY lie nth Of of DAWN aott. the oust
aativiideae4alf pert of tlte Oaaltabott
AO Mkt lhat. acetate , plea pibiW of laititt±
S, leirathih,ht UNI aroastd MS 114
tre : orataiNtelajt saw sad arre
nod Mew me
mioata ' lip meel , ae o pot
m thlges7des,Ola7l4a I
ta l a d l • e • s ri
=44O 4 UM mita* a
r alett • iti p ,
meta Witpevelm tbeiteealt Con nail let arse
=lt eget es poralMa to tio
tog BO sato mai LIN oaraliao
Wtotralos thatoato eon tar kw, betig
gluier tee* el lead Wee.. sad 111 au sup el
Timm* Itatothfra ea aalaiiittea ' afrate
sal tie lehtteptatwe ages; assail paysests. at% Is
toed ea Ow waste saut t• be paid sasuily,
imp 4 b al Olipeet bead eel I ati=tll
peamisest ee issai __bmi ens
- sassawasug? easaliaa et
irn.uak D. 'mon,
:: •• • = • , • 3 • ular 'mom
I.s*:-lliitharir. l r teethe lead bo . oold oa
tuillementemealsWidelabw: -, • kblut.
' laver tbaa rmr. Maths. Lab. Nadia al" 140
role and Thrtures. Tba larrst assartassat of
Li the town.
T. 0 W E
' • ;-
11r ROYAL •`•••= • PATENT 1
Prapszoi from a Proscription of Kir. J. Clarks, IL it,
Phyalcian Sztraordinary to as Quoin.
YL hiviiinablit medicine is unfailing In the moan( al
;toot pistil and lisnoroaa dlwuw to which Ne (wale
'constitution is 'abject. It toodaratos all imam and ro
an:nu all abstractions, and a speedy awn may be tilled
• ,
,it le peculiarly malted. It will, in a abort tlme, being. en
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, primne Dol, bean Glovernment
Stamp of Great Drib's; to m,
prevent counterfeits.
flaw Pills Arabi sot be taken by FINSIII6I 1111134111 she
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Prevassey ae they are
rere to friar a Mieurrivs, tat at say eater time bity
an We:
ju 11141.• of Nervous aad apinel Affections. Pa *a le
the Back and Llmba, Fatigue on theta exertlon,Palidta
tion'of the Heart. Ilystrtlao and Whites, theta MIA will
.Beata can when all other weans have dialed: and al
though a powerful remedy, do not eentatu Iron, calomel.
antleiong or azuthlng hurtful to the eamtitaliam.
ton diateUoat tba pamphlet amend aseh wham
which should bp mumfally mastreed.
Sole Agent for the United States end .. Citneda,
JOB MOSES, 37 9ort,la•dt St., New York.
N. 8.-01,00 and • postage stomps milord to so at
thorised agent, lOU hoer" • bottle, containing SO Plus.
Are now yet:Milne at them old Maud, American Biota
2. State street, a large and superior Mock of
Greelliefly . Provisions, W. 1114 Liquors,
Willow, Wooden, and Inoue Ilan;
rialto, Neb. to., 4110 .
Together with everything foetid in a Roam of this
kind, vklah tkey will sell as dump as any other *stab ,
ilebnient In this city fur Cash or most kinds of country
They have alao on hand one of the lamest awl levet
Loeb of Tolson° aad &wars row Woeght to tits, to
which they Write the attention of the puha&
a aloes Call aOstze ait--• Viable etayease I .
rn = thal
3wassaeoo-42 • f. t .11.,SCRIAI7DAlLi8.
The fwd hiediepti • saw aroisry Stan, ea
N 487 Blpl 01:28747
.87 L li1 NOII3N BOA7II
OF INERBArkrtai,
Whore they intend temple; • full gimpy of
yanhaelvatio.i, Meow Ware. CaltiMatiomaryiel
Tobacco and agars.
of esseytito s smugly am band la an istabllolintsat
the sort. I
• Always am hand a Stock of Pisdt Oysters dt" the But
Bawds, at market prism
• We an dodatioined to oiler oa good odaeomildi mu,
other dirket fa the atty. sod Ittoito thepa bile to so,
loolkkot that ire era give outing so
doeleo64tf Ir. WIRIER k ITATL
L. sire
j(Warn xstaufamAus,
I take pleasure to satounclat to Obi pall. that 1
have added to ley forma huilltlee a eaax,piste aett of
(Igor. IttAilliilNSltY,
inhadvirsit 'sable an to araollietate sad ail Hiatt • 1 ,, 1
0111LIPilt motalarroross. •
Eatinslutd hug atiese u to the want' stew
sem I Wee epeetal plea to premise toy store u
ealt them. / have the MCCissime tight la *hi fa
maka . the -
,BOOTtra 1 31/084.
Cho basalt of lay enatootor• sod only ask • tit :t of
then, Wattle"; say oat am to thole aapahpriesifbrl Wier
Wee made a the std way.
She Kama Boob seeds so la; It L am easy
irons the starts. one were bar some
VIII males my own and Mr. J. cowgirl; esobeua at
teatios.catobie tog akin am workmen Odell mussel be
ezeelled to timi country. Boot. and kbrma)twpatmd 'om
abort mottos. Coastantly oe toads largo rasa or
Teadaring ory thaabeio m 7 feuds sad eiarloarre for
peat pstrora4e, I hoporby Joel and honorable dealing Ale
writ • -mamma of tba ease. and esedially Witte all
tp eall rut elaralas rot sleek baton parebeeng Mae
where: saarleeeth
p. B. UONEVIing,
Inamorata; a arrazt oralipt
No. 11 Tony. floek, State Eitreei, Rd Penn's.
Ceastaatly or; hood Oars* Mesh of
15 I lUD IN o ,
po,ge. I.••tlags, 0•11Loo am. i•
• , Alit A NUL
AO of •i!d he ollks knr br
camas% (=Guar a iitniums,
- 1
soliA.Fux„ iO..
FUICUTOWS 1,011011.
Lrttni tastaimstary ea Wields
bled. late
at Butter Crook 119 Xs asurth ft Wog
Um, saileilipads oath* leions=
to all WNW to mid NW* Se Imakolasodllsts
sod efts boom dsims seahrt the sairevill i ipowic
eff,istraillheolisar g rearmast.
Win" 1 00 1 0/04:
UM," Call4llo.ll,llll*ln •
CARPErS 1-7::7
N 0 IL ,
NAsucuatuass 0 .
sets, IPA.