The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 01, 1866, Image 1
WISSIKtira 011Plin vents t ,tt a.Oes sssss ttriTa i o r posiTt TOR. POST PPPICIt. per wpi r nog —Two fh,ti.Aite Aso First , Croon,'" ,f luiritiiin; Titbits INILLAitiII if out it ,„ • spi ritotlPO tbe ear l : oborribm, $. 14 ,,,, a e a by Wrier wilt be chttl:go.l hr CM. ye ar )rgalVololl3,-*Pe 34fass, rr T . UM* ate 1,. ma d, i.,0); two iwertanse ttas u lna Iwo ,. tiNr; one mouth 82.50 ; two mouths la &w: wr„ Wootba 5T,09;084 ).et 81Y 00; Art vberium"i'da gampottibi. "tem eats ve ' Wetly aimed to, sole* - *Aped firajpeciwi • w rest. or et tbt option ,olEStet powwows. .6.61. wr y Ifottow• BMA Dfr°":“ - & 1 4 . 1 16 *amuse post, pp; Ado tnistrator's Nutlet. s3p° ; Lima to testes lbw; /UMW* Notkvis riam, a_ . ; ir , s ows; Obituary Nodose Omer flamingo* 7:ritotollre eats par Um; Original vetch Rs. MVO of Atoreditoof ow 64Iaz to. odorritorOosta wit/ turatiostof it i ; woo of the P" 4° ° "werthbal. Amin Goland µi 17 direetioo„ ingum , a itothate p or t e d 10 u p:MOT their wattles. st:7,, r ega,—ira bare Das of. tha toot Jobbing state, Lad are mad, As du sit work tw w ait en, be eel:rusted to Si, In equal Alta 7 0 . 4 0.bar0t eateide otitis Wont cities. . h{...” cations about& to. - oldresod ; to, t• DE XJ * 01 , W11111411.1" • Saki sad Proyriotoi. Winess i)ito,otory. J..1141K Iftli AMBIT, 47 141. W. Rtdow•, p, inu 41.0 SAICIIIIIAI C+olll3l.itt • togCUTI.ISIt. • . irrourrr .as LAW, Oirird, trio Coast .:a • thin Walston attoado4 to rN ems 0 _22 1 2-- P ----- ste W' .11T MO AT R ToIIXTI at lay. Is 1 14 111 . 1.4 OF suet y ergot Ella, P*.. wlt T and:Doti* glattatory, . y m i t ineu Newspaper% Sou Country dealer tult sunr.Brown't HotsrAtOnting tt!. ts. ,l ° l3l ' o r. gicalt it 'lt ItiriN. ATTOUTTIO 1216 Oobrasit ta.. _ wrn akek. near Nort i Wad COMIC of -.4 ware, ris. Pa. PUi LO BEN NETT, or or ifs Plum bees mot To • Mcck. Trend' Wrest; barges WM or iclP•Utt turiN dz WI UV it, LTTOICRITS At. law, Ridgway, la Elk, McKean, Cameros sad !•/aloe somat a, C.CYAPPI. [Pa3e6S-IT I 9 IC - W. WILBUR. - • cOrliAtogN , Imo' oirei 'Palsiou 81 ' N ftf Wad of hunt Hall, 1248, Pa. ti.firell 4(lol , Arrolvn AT law ArD JCSTICZ Of THII - PniCE. tv , u s jga agent, ConnirienOr nod Oollentor i , Gan' 13 nth west corner otlnftb and e j oeta, Cris. Pa spina t fite !WOKE. . - Josor rionaxassaaas: at flit, pm stye. We Tillie. LAI ' ll frond a lane usenet o fe r s t erirs, ?reelects. Teed flied Wsilow Wars .1.145a1: Tanen. Finset, ka . to vtlich. he re .M r ore the itttncen of the public, satisfied that un olist ss b.tgatrts an can be had in any nate hie i,.ast7. , . maittelles-le i • . IDDgLI,SIKLDICS & 131.13 4 ; • MLICIAMITIS of Stiiimi J Gm*, Arrieliteral inliallonk. Railroad M. A. ait.BRAM I . , • ' kmitnir AT Law.4AllAs rly oppoillto Uri CoFt ExpiAPa._ . 0 NF C. Betoll', ' Mutve u Dxt Geom, Gloom R o inn, Napa, 014u5.-.4.4101 ± !Waite etaiu 0 131'0 street and ?lathe Sci Erie. Pi. ja.171:1 LI. OSBORN It, LIMIT LID Sin BiA3tl4 oa R , term Rtate and Preach. las Items null. is to lat ea reaaelible tenns. • ily2/01147. Ina AND BALE STABILDS, or Imre& .arro Tri 'emu*. Nami. I. polar, opristtz. Good II las sadlearrtatio -• lor hodat amiarito &W.* P6l RELSICAKER. d: 19 1.1T0.1& vIOI.II.IIAVI aJblan= 1111.1a10 111 . and Proristono. Irloorsod , rood s Wood ,and Toy, 1 110 , ,,Liquoro. T 1 4. Sir". "'R S V"' ,Dost to Tooneo limos Furatalling imoortatti Pa rrat•-tt OBISTIVI KVISRMIAR. Dealer to Jarniseriet, Prodle% ?Milian% Willow and Stone Wart. Wilma, 1. 1 4 1 1011.• Shlet, nnotite the Poetofflee, Erie, ea. • . . E. nAw EL. Datum Meat In RateralOn , Blecir.norehal&of the Pa*, 6AN P se. Kl.Rlrtto dInZEPP* titWeis Dl ^ltltt• lldLL.—Drace;u Orroerrx ens norm:ix , n ,COIIY, newly lifted up In the re-et on; tdotylo, le non open io the public. llesle• on the antral o(-&U, Passenger Troilus, *ltem • or day. 0 Lin o ry BROS., Propti: tetr. CULL . Dm: trims, Rt.mnr. Dom Maim= , c 1 Story of illadoloothtlitSlook. leo, Ps. . . Ul. HUTXL, Waterford. Po.. Boasar I.assale. Panpaseros sabeasmodafleas, sod easeful ittentioa giros to comfort et gnsita; - • • • : storeirly• 1, II BEST PIANOS' - , • i • • • __IX AILZRLCA a,, , , .. ire made bj . N. DRUC3CII2. k CO. '6 Sella team. .: . . • ~ anlo 66 ly 6TITS9 WULIADIN, Dry liaaraus Asp Pv^asos • 2d dooi e WWl t lgoet,! Won Pat. art , Pa s oravford. Chest:Ulf* Ruth.. gum, 'Balm. . hati wiAlamrr P4th9ltf.t Fabot of Frond,. Lours-3 to 70A. fi!, and 2to3r. Y. ' Watt. R. Y. PlCKEltlitt,4 7 01INTIST. ' Yof the Penney hpeuthe Ceiilege ot, Distal Sul-i CS:e leWsighte Steek,leeez Viers k ter.,) Erie, Pa. 'mar= IT P121111131140.' thine, D. D. S., NortiSiaventk Arse% Philadal; etekloghlra, IV D. No. $43, Worth Ntn tli OM= ReYlB & SWUM, ATTOILIBTO AND CoVISIILLOSI AT LAW, )!I mimic' St., opposite Crittenden Ball Pa. cometions and all' other lint look 'lad. Teams% Re* Warren and Torn ailed to es totally and promptly. is—Wm. A. Galbraith, Whitman it Brecht. Ipenter it Warr* E, PA. ri ""n4Boa B. P. r Joheeon, tlir.D.Browa. Game. 4. law nos Dacsis Ram and Thirczza Fortes, the twit now made and Mallon 4 12 '1_Oltline MOON tarn leozabsaira. Union Mil* Ad* PO., Pa. ' COM.IIKIRCIAL COLLIEGg. 'A0131,1'1 , 3 - • hit U 110411.1. GEO. W. Gcriusax E iq. Pia of Commercial Law. a; PimpUdetti, tom Ciastifiesitioti of Alt t Buiiirtterrsetitio, Orsaitiostil sal But, tep. Cosnitioisl Las. (lemma-ail /Leith- I roma, to., for ladies - *rt u gent.. o Cardo romp coboad'tbe whole Nuts qf ton* sad exhlllit *very posiftelit touts ; tad eloatorbooks.• aspen will bit '8 ads • Olossant.• ptseical awl perms ;"T h. City of Sehoolo." ?netted al it arill he employed.' TiOreao—ralUoti tot. Tbt brit futilities sad posted Ls dead for iIIZI icOND & ?EMU) STS, antsatitted themishie, nadir nda, to tb• Patten%lasi aszial, between &aeon he enetoimere'oi the old bite gesiatlty, preestetar tie* ported sal id EM eation. tir,O. W . JAY N. MUM. ; dc WI L LIAMIMS Brannon W 3. yroltbly u& 'sr_ ulasio dromakaatitWko ont dnkn ' ,l l2lnnq • Cosi. Aeon Stamm. at TIM* u . Departaieat arid 13,1 10611, for Soldiers, Waaktagtob, t, Merles Nattdlat W. W. waver at tads* Chareb,Wrie. Military, cbJese pead obtaiskt sad loated. uty Ipft .a eetiol• tteadod to. It. 4. larfait Sal V. ilk 1110 ill•Mistreaderof Ur Mitsui 00 '- bat beam teseesatlelleday Ida!" of earateasestaietara.__ VOLUME 36. 'rfWRB stDAbCHAMUM,asRrgof Ware*: I 4ed lastracelou Oniggliop—publii= Hoe, aid Atioelidloo, d lout Dee of awls it opei.- Address Dr. J. extuas Hocanra i r t PO INN ly.' • • ilLUadipilt. Pt< \l' KO VOUS Dblit MTV: Sariaal Waskawat. rte,, £l l (14 aired by one who bar wad !llama sod ban., etch of, °than, an t wtli tstl plan 'thing eat UPI *Ma' Adam. with stamp, * • jalll'6ll IT. pasta% lilr r .... . 11',V YOU WA KT TO amour AA. 1 4 1 E: op' A XV RRYIIII'4O relating , to Ow Inman nab' and fainater Imam aro trtatkawit the inairiaro autoira of Um world hp • /4rsarry sad • thoratad thiap war*, put4labal blif9aa, peipt wised lad ontanird -*Atha of lhiotoaa Orsini tail; a aortal. book for various seeds, aid a coed book law am! MM. Patia. 100 Maiiiiatiess. hie, $1 U. cc,,,k a t s sots nit fro. - to lairsiitir•ak bad at the book otos% or will be mart by Sac post paid, or rooript of the palm Addsma. R. B. 1110 Broadway, Nair 'rcpt. or CONSUMPTI 9714. 44rpiti ogr l a y* swan to health 'le • ' Few wets tits eery' simple remedy, Maw heti la suffered eisiend yeti= ertlik • paves lama eittetioa, sod that dread dim ie. Cm.. Planlplloll-.41111111011111 to maim Imes to tOe Oar ..f fs ere the maul of etre. • lb tin who desire lR he' will send a Mayer the pow• eetipticia aced. (tree of. eluue46)7eitl the erectness ft• preps:44r ead *deg tlaa imam Whir i t seesmare it.r oatemption. titms rose ww. Oliaelas, fa: The eel, ed.jeet pt the edmetime la •sam4-. het the p sssrlpUes is to booed* the sathated,asd apaled. inlgtmarion *Wyk he ooa*rell to to lovenablo; sod bst blete every tamer will try h a' remedy, as it will awed th-as sethise, and may prove • lamieg. • ' • . • Pertise wisbier MS prom Otos, PRIES, hT loterllll.4 will erase addrtm ROT. VIM t„ •rmsosr, der2dlirrly wn•tmso rg h, Mogi thi:i N. T. 1 11 44)P.P4 1 F 1 4r moms Or YOUTH.-4 guttlemoy *no 101 174 ovegrett few yeits • trout Norway.' tohilly, tore May, ez4 CI the 'eats t"t_ pootbfal I will for the sob of salute= htuaeolts. sendhipti !MI 'who oewd It. the recipe and dtreetlous for metier the atm at mond, by or cab be was ono& a afoot sidilag te profit by tbe itturrtlasea ezputeoe• eau 4010 b 7 04- tudn JOE& R.. 000 doe= g 65 lir. No. 13 Cb labors Ist..W. n. T. ITiCANGIt. BUY TB 1111.—rverj oung lady nod geitiroan to the Malted %tabs ea* hear oreortbriog vary ranch to their advantage by rotors mail. (tree cL. chs'ite) br addreeeleg the undasta Dad. IR OH Inlets/ fb 11 or bring hembugged wlll otetge net nettehirthis e-vd. Ali otters will plow addreas their ehedisat gem ant. - Ts64 .l. CBAt3{Alt„ 831 Broadway. N. Y. • netil'64tt. T RCMP AMB MOM I IROK TH HA 1114 The Original and Giusatue A etWeita to p be J. 'Allen Barns and is the Met hair denstimill= setwative neer W use. It atom tits bah Waist oat. C 443141 It to ere, thick and long and preventvit from tungns pWmaturely . 'ray. It ors license daadralr, rea,beastiftee and renders the h it soft g'ossy madam. ly. Buy It, try it sad lie eentieeed. Dial be Pot off with a spurious article. Ask for Reeves' embroil!' Ind take no other. For eat* by Dranista sad Deigns Plumy Goods everywhere. - tri ce 22 cents per bottls—Pl per d sins Address. LIKKVIRS' AM NOMA, DEPOT. 6Z TultoaSt. Telt city , , 01 oi64m. irt ILI In L Val gl,g TA II u sPankr. —MD Bine has thoroughly proud Welt Ai be thi teat aridetelicowo for caring Carsaas. Cora, tri m Baas sad Elamo.tuto. It has broil Mead an exteßeat mompody to cony eases of Soso ETA" Diumoicai hashes': op i.ered bylt. and !lamina his often been goatty hinral us y - It as.fragraat and aereeable; WI stale ATE ft tLl Br to Um Mall knot pgaseaused alaigla4 et the Mead. Th• asomatione after aalagltei 04004 and lerigorating. It opium and parr" out .sit ob' atruction. streegtlhom the stases mad give • health* Whin lathe parte alhoted. . More than thirty years aria sad used ,Marsholho Catarrh and Doodads' blouff ham prorod tle groat mat! tbr art the amines dlsinies Of the bead,bileai that reel meat it gouda higher *has orarbmiore B lereiPlommere. ea by Eau or Dobai Oplioliasohn4 la seed with peat IMMOe sod datinharloi IWO the " or wholesale Drimmktd in 16 64 : • ' .• - • nod aiderohrain &Mai tor mosey yeas kw dogmata! tad with Dr. lianhalr a Catarrkaad Floadm4eAlibilcaall .old l ear wbotemabe trill.,chop:full. slate Dietsrs NT, #t to to Naas, to everyrompect,td the yorowommiala. Carotins, or it kw the sore or Catarrh Akonloaa. 414 that It to doebisdly the bolt article we have ern Anima for all anuuno• dimmed of the Rea. Burr & Palm Reed, Acetic & Co., Brown, t Co., Rao& Clan& Cle. a &dth W. roans. Wllaosi ratradak k Co w Roston • ifertalaw, Edmsauda Co., S. a By. Portland. Ms.; 'Barnes Ptah, A. R.& L. Banda, lit mph, Paul A Co., Waal 'Door A Co., SoCeotoo A Robbhaa A. L. Boomin A Co., IL Ward, Close It Ca, BsahrA *ie. Brcr..York.- /or sal* by all Druggist& Try It. L YON'S PERIODIC tf. DROPS. THE GREAT FEMALE RENEDY,FOR IRREGULARITIES. These Thom are a acioatificelly compounded Amid trituration, an better than may pills, powders or nos trums. Belo/ Null, their %Woo is direct act 1 positivi.7 rendering them a mliable, sprat, wet pests gaai{a forties - lune of all obstrustiou aIbaANIPPNINLOOSo f Ilks . • tam Their popularity la ladinted by {be feet that over 100,00.3 Dutiful am anewlat7 8114 awl by it. ladies of America, over/ n‘e -of Ili•bb tea Armee! terns of miaow of .thely vest yearita.... The 7 are rapi dly Ukiag tbi P4O O of emiry *Yee kends r.medy, an dare conieneren by aft ark.i know nest if them, aa the sweat, Witt end meet latlllthhe emulous. tion the world, for the cure of all lemale.iiioloista, the removal of all obetrucEcros of natal% Bala* pro motion o I health. ralatitr and littutith• • r 2 Plitat Al' mations, Cathie wbe tkN of be med, sat eirphais toy when and. r it tei they Mould wet, eat omtlel mot he seed el' bout ag elfectseoetrarY to natures oho en wit be felted carefully fol Awl mowed each 'bottle, with the written oiesaiure of Jets L. Lye*. 'without which bane are greulow. Prepared by Dr. /WIN L. LY1.1114 10‘ chapel street, lees Raven. Comm, who c.n be eowiulted either pew lineally or by Niter, (aseloeble stomp) www.ereteg lan private dream sod bomb woantteemil. ~/ • , .doll by Dragghte everywhere. • C. O. CLUCK k CO, " DA VI-1y • Ceti Arra for V. Laud Csambis. DR:TALUOTT 7 4 1•41.V5. (ANTI-DYSPICPTIC.) Colupontl of highly Costnettsted factreo te from Soots and Herbs of the greatest msdleel Taloa. prepared frock the artful primeription of thieeleoreted Dr. Tel, Lad, used by ilia with teinsaitebte ~seam- tar comfy yaws. An Infallible tweedy la, WV DIAS SUB .f the LIMN or tray dersogeossat of the OfagfrriTt , OMAN'S. - . They Gore Went.% Dy pbas spepelc, Bardale,;- isandleie, Billowiness Liver Comt. - I The weil..known Dr. Mott. nye of these Tills r travel wed the formula from which your Tills are suds, lel my radio* for eau 1 11 years they hues the least et that upon the Limas I ihgettiv• Organs of any 1 . . erns in the weed, sod are the most preset ve which hu ever yet beamed& by anybody. They site; safe Oaf plessent to take, bat powertal Their; penetrating piaperlies ...-elate the OW ostisitine eti the body. remove the obstructions of its Organs. D* 141 .51 the b'ood, and expel &user. Thor purge out the !halt humors which breed and row .distemper, etinabite. finggieb or disordered organs into theirnoiaral agates. mid /input a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the even , day own , p ales of everybody i bat also f rmaidabli a dawn= diseases. and being purely inegenitde are free from. ear risk or harm." They create pore blood and remove aU 4 1. m from the system, helm are I eordthre cure tor firnoludie, pike. thammal Diseases .and ileredltery humor.. Don*—for adellia one Pill ie the moncleg for children under t years, half a PM. • Pries One Dollar per Bow. Trade supplied. or neattry Wall, paid , to atti Part of the Gaited P. - or G ea receipt of prier. Wane genaine without the; fan elm4le eleuture of V. Yott Talbott, M. D. V. stow Taf.ttATT le Che.,Prirtbrit , : I No 63 Tatted Ovid, I MEI an no Icreger nor am I n• 'one whatever 'that the sale team and the ,soonfitios. is la perlo4s ma, soy. atm' of am' AM's! sllod upon for soy wir odi' F , PIK LE At LYON 10111iVIN6 MIAOW= COS Ones MI Oreedasy. New, 4rreestrrir,—After far trish fluty' mesa Mon no regerd.the Matto k Lyon thetler ilaWas os nowt tra , any amble* to ararbot. Masa aware It east haws LI MO ay. It Wu tabs many of tbobighsat complicit/4 tire any other Orst class sesgl am-41 wider nags of work wittiest "obangtor-Osttobsi tsarist soul to oboe co sal so "loom* tont die, regulate temps otopersto tosoblOw • N. B—key Ilturgraso swain as two cobra for chinos. shall moire otor for Winer as s stone, Tb sem* propsei Uwe Is sztessiod to Proilsosontaisd Towbars Ws winnow ocortOstol our Aws .31sindistra,si rostof none toekniing 171,11 Allan NMI Portant minnows:yrs; nod tier Otos! of &labors position Is to ware the toussahlas latrimkettall berwell Itisiatia• Into sew towoof Vor Cinitok fita ,witist t locuring the emit ewes, et a trseeltaltarte nos proposition isiniet Mil to Witold oongdol by oak e& a Watt • Plows mad los 4soniptin CbtalsgootOity stailsbni savior. jalfiltilf. • 'atom IsTOlf. 800. ' A UMW COMICS FOR INISIMIUIIII‘ i • _ . _ ,' • rag solo, a *vs acre lot. xi oa Vrtrnala__ _,..4 -7 4 1. 4 01 anaikbatrroen Mb aad 140 dr kids RI additida the orty of Rrio,aall Mir the Melee sweat . k IL X R... Also two laity brii• Nor. lir sod al. CORM' linsab and Buliblostrosta. The • bon lota wilt to WI at • bargain itappitod for soon. Eager**, - ' . . Jalkdt• r. ii. Aram. 1 . , . DlesotivTron: - •-t tolb' dm et Balk Weiser will be le Meter evearat. Wore. 000dseteet bit Wittior Brotherly who ore toLlerbool to r to±lyieldstiot.t , • - WX•1111146 to! NrkTIOC..4III m . es Indebted tatboisto I doo of Ml gamer are reverted to all bseitedbitell Sat • Thome lento, delis will pieseereireoest tlyna DUAL Valtata.lllolo2A TII 11 !EASON At HA RUIN IWO ilitmeirtstPlas, stapled to saved set *relit waste, for ssO te sash. Yapese geld or slivir medals, or other Prot premiums warded Sim MU— totted Ouldairees him 'lllllOll 11011 , 11. IkstemetY41(11111111MILIM, , Ts& Jar& . .. . , REA!. sratTAa 11#011. , • ; 4 7Wrositatitchigrs Malaga Mtiri sr Sligo Otissikr 4.- - Alamo iiiftilli 44 PAM a"Mk ea v l /1010/40. ira ferule .ay ssisseillis ileari, I lapin al await WIL A. Walla% Apar r- , • Special. ItotiCea.' dr • n'n z r—i'cl; Ir* tir;mf!"<:, * r< _ r t , TiO pOLLAREI ARD:A-HALT PER , Y I LF i'dlD Ift f ADYOCT; s3;bo 1.:F . .140T "'AIDA:II.ITM! TILILEND LF TillreirElik. "pRIA PA.;,THV try te . ragieriuginto *nue (Not •f SO9F4A,ND'B GERMAN BITTERS 1 r - • 1 . via airs . , Defontty avalibisiniii aliiiaaaa alliaver. %ad' Falba elite ertme esikellAs war, ant sip•sans. fares oit augur ofF k lillp. ' Pei tinge, au& Sr Ma la;adhilla ar will tad la elitism a pars Taal.. sal &pupil's a s load lismai pa, tiadi , slap's al. lanitala el& . Dl irr s ii:it • ' .. , . ,. Led Comm rosslttog Dom gnaw/ of Ow Lloo sad INgeollovorigoakito meta,: • , . ' 11100FLANb i g GERMAN BITIVLS. s• Tbla Moo 441 1.40•111.1 MA I M 13 4=, oottdoethba, ban nor* tottissoey, ate pew Isom* *mil thao •gbec *Melo Yuba imp. fat. It WI say 000 to toottudist esoettloo, sad WWl* 111.111.4 to 680'06 %WIWI!' litottiosoortliosio Pam*** 1 9 , 0 14 4, o ista=!"- HOOFLANWB GIMMARPITTEIIB,• "litl6 ' 6 everiaisi se / 9 / 4 1/04/ somas iebilltr ail =r ib* Win& apse' / stollionag astlimps !roe illoors 1/1' ass digestive WWII i Cosatif i ties, inward . Ply mows ot= i t , IFlssB #ll tv et the BalissaN Name% B 6 16.8 hi oat ; Islam or liNribt. Mks .110 Bost maths.% elskllli sv ShigltiaiLitt tat= t a g 4.1 11 , Rind% 11 , 1 •1 . 11 1grsirrips Bigot. uses Ist • i'MSINW tejv voSsa slOsrsospati.:Dtsissirattise kw: ittati irrirvis Wass 1 1 M iiiik‘ Tam Lad 1014 Nit Is *OW, DvikkovW . st Ptelhscle. •;_, T0 3 , 1111 ,1 1 1 - Se tbs Aft sad By's, Pits is Vas Ws, BMA OINK tillsifiv ; ass ; %Ms. maim a ilia•. Wein lit Os ll. Beak Mot Limittilso Of BTU sad grist Dmorasslos. aid pAsits. - - d • "Th6Su k isi. st Wig Illittsrale'set aldoebolle, "toistslas se .s or sts.lsy. sat esamot mks dmic,rdiy, but Is Was la WI vs - 010. - . I== ILIAD irso*Ts $O. rrirp savor. Ix stolid. Pe& or Baps* t s e k letle. Clastbsaa- I hate Mew Nibodair sea* the ;r i ebbe r uit *heti etheligea 11 411.101411110 gal el the servos, Vale*. eleereu era were woo bleebe A sews uf weft het, et retie Tees HeeOuldi Gerosii i xesnmem i e d. bypersers vlea_hied Wad theekeed wore* me Aloe et dame Bitters bawd lea to_ tie it ins; I mot ceetea that bad hi ewedoa to Tltt ~ Noddies bear thoOtheemed sad toe qualtallitarir whew oe_ly mats babe •; o pals elf savetaead sod 4 raped lbw.? aeon t mew ; mitt la 4: I in v... Abe tsedosay of Web; I hiki,; Is to may ay w p eot itokrdrigrara, ; Ups lonia/ that testa so redly '4 asaill/Chig praearallor I wag Itorithhow, albs& he 1 lo t w ay 4 1.94 the ate:reek, hal e* *ow aerresa Vi e wilgar==b i l i Zt 41:diktirtja • fr 1 3 11:; !taw bIIW-0.• 4 Veliir7;64 I gorihiYikixo 4 W. D. 2 1,.. Freya the lb" S. b 'roma% deatateatiateellbrlatba IDacedortrodl - Phtlide.• doelrd iale +treil the sae of 11444;d i a Govan Bitten, and litel ley)lstlrte•reeeleimaed this sea sad Womble.'alt lee; w elleatie: ; dim rowel 4140.11%•1 Rata ollaWlea; 4LE4hic 6 1 .06 tb! l . *sepses& etUte ver; Toole hrely. 1 I. s:•rassiLL. rr . • Fistaliir. D. Yes:Zo 41 41)Omaypilli Zdidist: • , " hoesth e ilium • •fropritliosi skalds Heolisors dreads INtiirs. Irditattad login alm a Via: mood After Wag lotUdib 'Mod WO kb b. 01 , plod y dot. 14114 Rpategyklllget hair kir Iwo iddid". Tr 10 11100 Ruda. ar Tordor es Abe triddrik, furd,llkUr V.. A flit Clt 'llmipg wed Wu to i 'mow et betthir ar rear IllordNierGaersad or tdisrd , tbor aasimisillsatidodiadmig itpitiado& ,l tooNfaelP! tho Arum tirry Ka moo n•Zil Ina 1111/fpritili the it .feed J6w DIA at.d , isirii l fal to diadvairr of tla Von drisirtappetils.lo. '1 fits aboadirrusadogi Ors to ,soodal. iii siV e = •Allio hr"Sitd Wm. aid Aland tty I L, triWatiri ofloosfth. T . • • , 111/IL mum NS Sti IWO& ft BEWARE., OF COUNTEREITS. An that tieX4AOF3Olr . .lO, Ad Irtsprr of treb a t i V 44 9;1. • ' Rimed yii.r Disalt the antic de set to pa amyl of , latatisithqt iptipmattoad thitg=sd a r ei d ta li a Itat "led so as .sad Aphiew .64 =my 14• az Ara • fitrassOldladolpide"- - row * ' tkieeessariti;if. Nakao k Ge..) limpnebs. The sale ay &a:gnawed &Om la arity kW* km* bi the • • - • - ' " • • • D is i s s . • , , • 414 " GOLDEN I strrEas: — A PURELY' VEGETABLE TO 10. • " INVIGORATING 71. trrilllllo, • 'Veitillas tii.i r4ai ardie sio awl% Mob gtvirelea,i seas intim • WM ern = 6 l. • MU bum NW out Goma D. -111 WM earl= -lilt • ears ars Liter _ , • _ mid i s V l : " llksatlit spotlit im‘spa zo Of PSONifia itatiletionte. anis 'body ask the Mai LOA* slag *pie $ll4 Artieo4 o l o4 4 l lg - r-TgillUlT.l9 3r id•Pnrc*,,Di MICI I ragLD. , „ • . QM. 43.:#01/4., t i cs?, ins** Pat o • .1. • • toilers IMALoi k Ais a 11.16 - 7/1! 101). AntDi~i D • riirage IneWialeAseides " We by Bal 111 . 1*114,0arew l Catvinuis WU. . _ NOivis ire ransom! ini*unaliteman WWI .11ALi • Vie are weir rural !AAA LIU fries Irle le it ease as So lklYikb •Zelefilfrasol, mid .I*.sig ,fiaxasi *kW& of IVIDUTALIBLIN 411 D ClOtrinsi PIIADI7OI. 3+a, It oa, Iwo ootablialrol Dig of or rtkva treltsit,• Ta too nor et tb, 444 lord Houk arm= STAT* AND Arica masts. W ien we will at raid, to rash, andU ,U the MGM? Luisa Yates , for tbi lupe.- Sakes Ibr irk Ars risviso-i id to givit el • ea. Isk pfelladist Dope; as o,llllllot - .• • -MAT iJAMISON. I . , s!omuss: AT - WHOLB841;Z: AND MET b . , T..- SCHAAF, .; - Irgeld rouresttskly 1611011111- at rAkak Mid - -1?"'"`". •• "• , 111 . 64 -7 1. 71 NO. .2 HUMID? 13140a1C,iiERIE,..PA.# "bus be rill thriyalkilft ea Mad slargessok : . GROOBRISS I "CaPtERY INIi",001MT W . L1114 , . WINES, 1.1,41U085, 0164118, Aid kinwiliestisilly kw Wertz in ishalifilkoost the WK. " • t ,• -• • • • ' t , 3 I w, it.116.1r r I. ."1.1e1111110111113110N1111 , titstikitir Inrs loias worn Obtatal i ant Instil bir asd hank • mid' Os' tot t tisaamflartimmaraishigaplamilmWead &Walla 0004 • - 4109 C, Ur. 1144/ra, 1111iSAS1/1112, sU , ; ,11,11131121:1211, 9.1111M5, "TOM • 4naiitsavAalkollittaiop quittgocie ACki an. Ilanastablaa to sal try rivals autstatomal 'wawa ea M 7 meal altratttYletabied as aastias. Masa beim as ailing Ala - bass wit 116,0401/ tro arra m -wanste: • • iottsupii,L . - H xr,AsovicriestrviiioloMitimeirA HENRY. BRYANTAII,I4NW*OO I W : • L *AO, , OP'OII II OA @TOY* • .-;;Tai4k Dire NA/1 1 . : :era-Amami* imam amnia. Asa•fiefs 4•14, Itireilmilialdi• 1 1 116161 ,1 1 % f iliMPla t bi ! "" M r: 26191 110 6 Ow dimoduMMW4MMAJffil 011,1111.41 _ . , :.:LIT v. -jk .... , : fe.' iil:E ,- f ;II '4 . r ' H - C I .I"49Ct 1 . 44:1;.1 . 1 `.'3: : ti: '41)1'..;.. - 7.- -,,, :1- r . . SIM: 4"^ Eltrio(*.- - • • IP • f.;•„_ . :• 4866._ ttrie Wields*stair. ERIE, - f! A ;,. *se titacy , t - nee. ' + - - - . . . t 1 I not Pittsfootg iii v i (Reptiblleati eig gao,ot Alleglieny . count says "it is OW l' bier a secret that, : t'Averaot Cagle eott: 4 3 P1s**/1 1 40 his office it ibeL'sloaa iholowevefitivoiow.lo view. of las fm; ;Initial hirdth;awd that he will receive an appointment as Illaistei to Some Mira. peso government," , . , . . i TUX gill of Tr o wbridge , of, Mdgan, whom the Itiputtlirapa,have recentlyu VlMed • • d the Rouse of fteprepentatives, mks • M thee*einsicirfof Mr, Baldwin, hit Dem noratio competitor, is in point, salt proof of. 1 4P-1 1 .9 1111 to r4fah tke leo.eti ''..c., that 'TWA" will resort for the sake of keePiclt tireniselied•Oftiorer.-BaldWin hil a di'-` cleit,MC,loritYdri the hoine yeti:. 'This. sa overoouie by the soldier's rate, whinh the thaprecee Court of Michigan (ail bat cusilltjdge, itepubllean,)inibeequintly de. Uldedwoilliegal and 'void.' Yet,,in dee inciif this decision. the Bonin Ct, PRP.' resedlatives exebided Baldwin , and gave, Ipctio akto Trowbridge. They have just ai gond a rightio turd old members, who were legaily Andrei, out of their "mita, as to admit new ones upon fraudulent re turns, and, clkuld circumstances render. It, desirable, we may yet bear of the ex pulsion of the entire Democratic delega- Wm from the halls of Congress. NANSWEICEIXTTS RICRILLIOUS. j ' The spirit which dictated iheusesage et' that ordinance of 146eSSiO13 *bleb still s(anda anieismiled on the, statute book of Stassuthusetta, is again at work, as will bell leen`from the following " The United States District Court a abort' dine since decided 'that cetta in preset:o4am in Massachusetts' should be transferred to that Court, tinder the pro ;visions of a lima-Con greet, and directing! yhlt further - .moo. .'dings in the' State' Courts should : I:le Stopped. The Butreme ,Citurt of the State it its presentsessten. at' Slem, faith up - the case and declared that thedeeilliOn of the United Stalin Veers wsi' net - lair; end ' idinnld'uolbe obeyed 1 4 • If . this: hiui „hapiiined a feir intid red, Issitiesjaritser - South; it would hive been flat rebellion." As it is, it is only judi• . • cial •itidePendende: Climate 'affects the isiontidnesi of political and lesardoettinee as much as it does fresh' meat. They "keep" on ona parallel of latitudee.and "spoil" an another. ' ' • .: Mont or, 001CTIyo Juaors.-4 Movement is,ott foot ,S 4 'FiarrLsburg to change the mode Of selecting jurors: in 't .t At .tr.x g DeMooritticeorisitleiel the Staie. :Theireubd on which Ris edveclied Is the allegation th4t In theeounties named Itipnbileins set; dem get upon the juries, ad that the opera. iloorof, the cohrts are influenced by, partleau onsideratioes. It is proposed to 'obvinte tit" by having tiro jury. oolotaissioners !Awn by the voter of the ,people; - one to be frost elmb party, who shell have entire 'Control of the selection Of jurors. We 'do' not doubt that the new .14Ystma proposed i" a good oye ; re submit that - UR to good :for Democntio amattee la also good/or Republican aetts tie& That there- hive been abusep in, the yeleetlaw - oUnries is the counties to which the bill Is applied may be the . fact; but the !tune sbuse,prevail" i n all strong counties on either fide, in a .greater oi• less degree, and the eante remedy would work well throughout the State. The time has been when in some of the •NorAreaters Rapnbillian count i es to be • Democrat vas to bear almost cartel' exclusion from the list of jurors, sad very often oases have been decided on partisan grounds. VW , tbe present system of shoos ing juries is defective,, admits of no question. and we should like to see ,ocinti plan adopted by which the mailer could be carried . entire ly hyoid. the influence of penile', if ,suolt a tbiag Is possible. ,: asoirr Jr Clivnitaxo. —Oar neighboring *k far _Cluvuland.uot to be behind Rochester. Philadelphia end other spiritual haunts, has had its ghost. It seems that the-spirit of ,7. W. Hughes; who was recently hung at that place, not being pleased at the inuantari @pct. *eat of ,hishody from, the public vault of , the cemetary and its conaignment to the clay of '" Potter'i Held?' will' not Veen' quiet sad 'hut-been disturbing his -foram , Meads. A few nights since a German buteher, who bad Jairsn greet interest in the doctor's welfare, pretitinsii the hinging, and Who-nth. fifths habit of visiting him ,in jail. watt frightemed out of a "second yearn' growlif,';' on visiting Sts stable. to find the doctor before'him dressed in the identical suit in 'which he was hung., The , members of the Jail have alto been considerably exercised at the - appeersnoe of the (lector, whd, entered the , prison' . es algak t looked as natural is itti life, talked about the eorriders,'-ani., and, i Boma *vet, entered' his volt and wrote itostry. ,As ghosts, like the alectrical mum" piton In a circuit, it may not ba long before - we hive one of the restless spirits in Buffalo:) , In-that cane it might not be out of the way, to sequrs, in *drones, the services of the Bev. Beinuel Dor borroir, of Philadelphia, who seems Witty. been very insecessfol id exercising tits siiirint lu that city.—. Courier. ;.1, • • Tim,Nsciaoss AND run Wit.aLth 'grant filsehood,'Ab generally: acted upon by the radicals in Congram that-Vie nettle" were all "loyal" in the late war, has ;Men to &M agog* a "pone weapon _before Staten:want women_ •of_the North. ;We kept pretty ersuli while.the War progrestied,we remember tic; xigt battle won 'mot battle fought by nemes. „The success of our arms was therMitlt orthe skill and coon. age of whiti`olThiers and'stddiers. - Eaten. As o. we believe; 'bad rat s • single tf,ttelt s oldi er with him ;,:fhomis hid only-, one or two regiments :a , the battli'lefronfof . Neet k rille Shirriden had'rfo Peirs;r l P l 4 ar.dGrant•rione .tp aid him meter"' ly. un . * ov um hand, it his been add thitetiery, offer °fibs rebel armies . hid nepo• servant with him ; and of the fourmi on, staves in the South, not carkeothTsonght the Federal line.. -and, daring ilte Wet, they were more than tumidly IslWfnl -to the *Wm and children :of their •sessterk- Molt of -wheat were in the rebel arsaiee.. We • know' that Ithese statements are 4p k conflict wall , the . eurrent assertions among the reabet:e, and _considered br rhea as i sionsiketts libel opork the of the "loyal bleclos,'"7 but they * true, nevertheless. . . , Ofieb great while:Wilmot gme to: the White Bows to est a fora. literosavid- Sesaorteeer gitthartrf. VP at- of lelliathiv. sad rtiereeentatlves who, tam! a lira ;laAt jemostive amok* deftheek A 3 14 019 la: vi e Agri alshivs4l"47*V 4 dt ir ": 11411t,$ft mirk* Sim Rewideet, . ,th fee fees tad twiaty.h.lll4loo that mightily sm. CMEI ; I 1 i. Eli riiEl litho Eta • 0f"r70 1 4. Ig Ifort 0 01 1,0 14 •4 9 fatt S: fl°lo o 4 4 f** 1 ;tel Air Pr"1?04A1P7P014111 web. Pie ales tat belk4i4 r. 1 ,44; - • fime to 60 lig; ' itareitorrliii; .415idt thefkit . Imo - ..;0t 6E6 link it :Im'fauf. " • " A butt backward glum Obi limy. ' • • - Etbe 4bl *of epubs tutt,t♦ r flu tit au! still i nor f e 1ur;rw .. .... ,1 f•ty iisatalk6tlat' ' • 1- ;lines ttisii,ous. neicamir '• 11,110 Omura, 1 0 7 MortrNiiii „ • And etali • klsi Wow war • - _ ramg.tbotsi••••beng.o I Imo._ • " • ...o n Bury si.o4 hal! ell 01 ' k W u,ilitiertiss bow' hi the wood T ERNE “Don't., Barry, dear t” "Mtn soft sad char, Maim, It Urined my knit to haul • l!Obillarm 4101,1 r 1 9rojtabfa irme tl • Alas, st yet tid; t • Acoordiog to the radii:34w the ballot it the , infe,l,ll§lo remedy, for Ali. ,the „aocial. political and economical evil' .to" Which the colored' nenntation'or the Muth.; ire exposed. Wilt some'of their pfnlowiphime then'tell us,why the ballot ha* been of t}t advantage. to the white-population of the South, who , always possesred. itt The Republican'Pirty ,rottstrreiattit'Of the greater part of, their own past tette& 'ings, or elm adufitTlVathke httitis not the sure ,pailadiutii: 'Windt 6 ressioo ; which they now • profess 'ICY** "IL= Have they foricitten Hinter Helper.'s•fi• icons' Impfinding Crisial sod' :ite woefu t k descriptioris of the, ,tittgradttiort_ D arid. wretchedness of the rest, mass or "the fiouth'ern whites f Do they recollect - that gig. Rtewei(inovel, was written to dePlot the wiFinnoloring of ge 4iiial-the, utterly AlOti etioditiOn'tif ;the non*vetiolding class in the t3oirth t The favor witl3 Which these 'hated boo?csitere received by the Reptiblriain putt', and' the Pent industry iiith which 14 fcittiaor Of them oils circulated as •a . polfflief 'dtiott tneof; attest the they attaohed to the rci.Ott ineulcatinzis of both. Indeed. this vela *Oat- iirginnOli'af the Republi can: Rally ciurioirtbio greater torsion of its ,existence, lt wasfn %the fine• ground not'Only_in novels kid Parniiblete; but ,csii_ttia Ritqap i in' tria l pint; and An the, pulpit. It was said and sag in'overy,l form 14 w hich , the ear oilheimaitinition could bereached, thafthinon-slarebold• int,widtes of the &nth' weie•the meanest. 'mCst delintdeit, OP - 14inwea' snd wretched free population on the" race of titer glptie • . • : T -Wed, these people all had the ballot; and, what ,is mortp,,they !ere a maprity. There were. leat,than four hundred thou sand- elareholders, ' all told and tharrer were several *Minns or non-elaveholding whitek : If .the ballot did tot Us, them ' from oppression and wretehedset•,. though they were , a nuOority of .eight or ten to one, bow wIII ICU) made to, appear thif it wauld'nrore an infalliblespectifie lithe bands of •the negroet; who -are • nority ? It will perhaps beseed that Ate poor whites, of the South "'Were too ignorant. to make a good use of . the' billet.. Bit are not 'men just turned lhose'frotn brutalis-' ing i. slayersi also" ignorant?' "Pe f rhsPa'we are sipeeted te . believe.thistkimies are so 'MO,olt More clever' and'oenibtla•'tliati ) white i teen, i that thefwill not', linty' nse heir ,polloe4 4), Vet, fieKe dad ! areas . to . ' coioriete suet:4lollly With' the prnprietot,int the 'plantations in aphitioilt log the,iotet of the poor'yihitee • We .wish the astute ;gentlemen mho swear by itr.43unkner wa n trYtorecloo, , cite this contradiction,_ Will they tell us on Witnt ground tiny, hisTP rthiVedtPe greater_ portionor their pas malice Hew can they eipect' the ballot ''to "work Such Wenders for • the'negroes: when they 'hare scr often demonstrated its uttsr-bs• efficiency in-the hencls of .thnwhitkpop ulation of the South f„lf what thilll,M" claimed diring so oistif Years' he true, ballots in the heeds of thelmetrand lanerent in only instruments for Wain them the Pnlitins PuPP O - 4.4 1 4 h0T t . , au t r ziors: There - MAY be so me 4 1 :IL In in reprelentation. -Louie Napoleon 'Bona parte is the - eiitest stickler of the for uhirarsat suffrage He elected him self Emperor of the, French Imiversal suffrage. • Ey universal suffinge he ideated EMOror of ffierjeo. ffutto 'is itottiiii 'Wawa hidepetiden&l In'th• toter. -:Aballot onlynonverta &whether men into - 1 . • 'NA teak ss. , % - -that Niue do voillrirtitr. Vinod it . '' Whjf.iiii. We not give •thilbelhit to i men ? In good sense, intelligence. vi ~ I Mot in discerning character, miij le* • to form opinions. the Masi of 'AIMS • women isrec'thof infirinio "tiV 'OW Of one yoking men; fent yet' hardlytanybodyt mental , to give the the elective fmnobisa.: :Why T. -,f*cipally for, the - ems= , that Ahoy. arre not Independent To give them - the West *gild be" irmait CaloOrierbly, to "displlesite the iota*, theiriilaslisnds, beithers,-andlatberi. It !wield, champ 4 6- 41 011 / 116 . 111 . malt, bat , merel y hays the same „effect :as to allow evey'y , male 'voile t 43 depmitntio ballot "With his tight fii&l Sicidln'ollief with his - Isit: Thelikettbern boglieivisS less intillighnt, andifOr. WWI years, will be qnice-All dependentlPA the female sex. ,If they obould. iii , admitted the suffrage,'" whciiiiM. Xiii:Wnfitrol 'Of them will'itirinalltestit'theli 'rote's:' , President. Johoscitni, *lion 'sew t 4 be to make the: ballot - 'a reel*" hi - the hands'of the, &it:Ahern whifeik beferre tit; lisgit At a preeentiie to !poseiblik; Wm* , of the negro. , It it hem - , befektforn bite no, protectip&-to a majewit7. bow esti M moats be expecte!id from In the band. or at . hirnOTitT 1 Tray, len sis,litessel.' Widi..l ells. 'what mean by ?oar tweviutNal-i AabellOo shoed the ballot. wben.ity- yogi. own shOWAlWßlningul white-WOMAN is the4onth..bas. only, Made the While Op.! idatioii,thi hilifriinients 'deadr esiii4eg-: iliktiern: 'layover; iffycsi"pletwer, yew. , Niemen I :•Eliie tit an aMnreti-*Nea Irk . . EIZEI iSssoloaCarrazr-4 91#4 1 ifl i f Il i r frau i'Moron to the Pittablisgh wet the - 7th. Ws: "Senator Go sato& to bays goal ovWto thit Deassratit gart7 oattroly.• sot atootilt saws PM OW XIV: 119100 dos ' 31 . 1 ‘ Mr" or as Seam. ti r ois. goblin/Ludt is is • MEE -1:,;1 ; • ' ....- . ... .. ' . Liz. ' "t • I 'll' , 11 V I iii ^ l', t r.l ) "..1 - ; L.: 4 1. 1 ' .•-, rV. :I , 11 . !, 1 : • • .. rvi :i ,%IVi! %atop t 9,11•41 .40016.- lOW qua, Teel; 'ilene slow togethatitere,f done, tofu, go; r:ibt Toilrot fame 1.4 mai: is** tba %ger," - A -gigues gleamed Irco bet bonny he. , ThiAt•PAPIR4 ,II O I /.01. 7 ; 14 4,f/19 0 1,# 0 '0"i her W 4 at il iiTatires4 , lairt " I klaad4 her 464 141 mod ba tsar, I kisapd bar 4nry siouth, sad sow W4,4'4410? Woe np4 kba,for kWh : • 86s add is Simry i j troy. , z Thes . ari forsi arm 160 peasallad,' lid badly fisy heart abe ridged: - bluidse Saes aid ftss .deals . aka a'sapsd as 6 We los* tnisat. is otoliroi bobiod sa; It tOnk tiara 1614 to end it; Kato, Wit preyed . what bliss woo is a Mill no Ow. toot to shad 44 Kits."'" 11114.1111 PS Pen 90(17 1 / 1 1101 BLIOU.S. Di!! ' • r." ' MED - tyIIIFIGIRWW* 'AVMSII.I • WIZ rlll3lltirrl The.Nitabmitnix• Correspondent: Of:the who ints,.krien.on ground from the 'Deli pitia crate Pie?ent 1 aeeilbn'ef"lNicries;• and Whd hart id pleb tag judge of theibirmittoi end- , 0 0ndoctlof , ; 414: ilPks COW POINAD $ll coduct, p,A tatiOnfyitctelinotni trewbio)i t he y ' Ye as *t toy -"! ' • Thelarier House' of leagiei!tustinigie. sesosti l ocipsasad . of OA( 11,101,ocesiii err rito t c:l ererytking relating to that portion Of eloirernotent'satistactOrY toltseif , is at* evdtifilitto entire ittenticintO 'the rtegroisin this Diatiiet; :Day riater y ,enbieet, beau , diseisseelitrY and itsttep lively . jisteoing tQ Ole _.delmtet. I are !Aimed Ous biportan t 'historical riot ineetineetion'witb the Wei." rt. 'Li' essen teat tharthia 'bit shooks - be understood; pr. .the publicreepteially,by- ajl -wbnin teed tO,write,a b tatty of the great4r4glo,‘,ltti tie Ore; innoewhet at vineries with the' general, An d.l ti feet,' thilieerpliellt veto! . sicurylksztoietrirribeieils;• an fewer Ilion • half; ji 4 200 , tmlicia speakers isr Goagrembelsw, 4 " e i r ,4l4li"ribt "t 1 *WO: O. the ho,4r. to prove die v a ver ts ii. and if must there " .46; 't& telt• or ober asokirea that• the i autlical Colic trilitela ere not .-good ,s‘thority, might hurt 'their lesdiegs,4 hemtant , liiitericar Tact is no,less e etartfint sisiertion that the “iegreeit 'oar battles; roa all tour • vietoriteroebnitiered the rebels, wed -the meson AO secured*. Peace whiph the white Feldisrs were uosbei. to do," In all the speeehei whlclt , have beery - delivered 'by 'hi 'esitteineturen congreer not 'one' has taken any ottier groundr or given , ,the white L ao/dies% the least Rartiole or credit, for . services during the war . Aiicercling te.their ;version 'every hattlelolets oils fought by ;whites, and eve ry viaterr woe: wee the' work of the. ea grow, If sstrapger. who -knew nothing, of the grist contest which we have gone, through" should drop' 'hi ' upon COOgreis and Mien' to fol ;the argumebte of ,these Onirerne rasp, heti:l=ld come to no; other , I ,Yli Abat ~,,the,.ordored race in 1415 CORDITY igglerlor to any other race itiThevforldbrive, valiant and capable hf leifinroplishing almost rate/tem! They old that the white race, as wittier', ate tdmpet, wor,tbless, and itunt,pable of tiepin. ipruthibg **Wiling ; also, that they were pnittdielcr exips with the enemy, and that tha neva - bid to stet, in and:fight our bib tles v or alt would have been, lost. , Tbia ie he rtdicitl smiop of this 000se,st—s,poiot whtcb they,lieveieboirecl hour after hint; teproie: Aticitilirig to their taiketitents, -Vicksburg wit ot*tared' by totgioei. 'Oat tyiburg rtitswork by, them, Riotutd sne.. Combed AD the sable warripri. ~surrend eied Ai their idninee, aud S herman Rev ered'the Coefeddriey with•the brick War.; oars; • 7.• • r • !. This must. be 'esotteding,ly -gralifYinfi to the hundreds of thousancts,of yOlunteeri froth thelierth. They whit be spec ally Catuplitteititid by this constant reitertiflon on thigh:or& Congress of the asneiticurthat $h black and not tbe white-soldiers did Aii oRr gallant, fightirl- It must also Wa lsh a consolatiOU to. the numerous 'berviir ed fentilhis to IthoW ' that" their ')htfilbsindi :d fatheis• who fell ori .the battlefield were of:no Account, and were worthless ldiers.„ Such is thb . i fact. ,if red- {roar members of Cengress ale la ta believ ed.' lleallY:' 'have they not 'tarried this Mattel a little too fart In •'the wild at !tempt to land and glorify the negro_ they. ibave, sneered, ,at the ..white , soldier: its though, hey were mere cattle. One or tWhef'the'pristeipal speakent have evets ,genstiofir as to ridicule the whole white i nce, antl.speak of it as th ough it were ibeneath Contempt.. Telksboul, prejudice against our colored population—ir this jdoes not increase that rejtitlice it wi I be beesinie' human nature ' has completely iclumged end.the :most csutmon feelings lin human, breast have been obliterated. ift max esable thole who etigage in it td !tiarrY 'their point now. but will 'Only in: 'crease the extent,thesevetity and the vets , geariceof the reaction when it comes; and, .0 will materially beaten .the day. .., ._ .. : 'Twit riILINO iw ..nts Bottstr.—The Oil • cinosa Wiseke publishes' 021.101k:wing ay. trust koca a.privats lattoriromthe e L lt-confoderate Geperal, ,4 / ong., street.' Its tone,comfog from audit a Source, axed to Esonvitiee even -the Went skeptti ad oleo disposition tow:mitt frankly sod honestly, the results of the., pm.; sod it ; shopld.ahame those) wful.:f.rFnuewteat, *erase to allow that Roth* dr thee:wintry to' isfssuasoits old nelationOvitti:tha Vrqnl i Gait. Liongitreat says . ' stiodtst IFitn4 ra°6- the North 'ati)ntill • ittoliOod - i dea& 19”ity at the South, Alsof. trelittit 04411014 Or for per staritotom: nlargt Tip do,tOistiWthem,l wig• Old Its*Actus. tsl lo 4o l 7o 2 *g4hit-is wanted ono. *video W6,ars kllorie'd to get on.some constitutional platform. r do hitZ-lattfiposei thauthere •Stt. a - thsedind Men in South who :think ditbweelb !butt InYesif on. this subjeokt 140 L ltiT 4 somodoubta whether there,are as ms,ny as that who would 'leave this Union tokli* If the* Wait' eiffersethe 'goltut or return upon terms of otkrtalityP • Tbn Washington coirfpondent.of,4l l Neini.Bvitbrd ifercurxtbus dOeritiele Gene -rat.!Gran t ae be up pearl &lithe streihrtot the ifapitai . oGeseral Greet shalt tows ins onsborse , tanigt,u4dikerelf other man,. X saw htni. on I.l' r , ttreet,pa4. tirday. The p hi, briggy &din; and lie • sit' ' tlieeliftinge ideni (stinking A cigar, or ooitser) u Mitt „ ooneern a ifssiaaasina . wera,noverr Fie- guitti.e • ji?rBol94eT, arid, doesn' t allcniony team to ;slis him pn the road if he ban • Soli '• Ttildir 6f fiVidllbgten, 'or triapnieon for - vur ownnGsmitnl Wok . to F. eppegrintlM-411u Alregt.i4l, buggy and driving his own horse r And yektien. ; oral Grant has aoinglandiiii Wier , fpught mprip won more victories,' ovtnieil i cannel:lntl of th ett ok • H ; ;Tia Lain lifan.—Tha Portant. tral Roefia j ter, (atrophies - ilti - Aistk i at dale onNTrat.,!, ow tlint7tie 'sit., of 'aleph tralit.f - baur noir bit.: MI& 1726;,z awl , who ; bad at.; ialltialj t Therefore. eko:, amazing age had onn kindred! aid forty plate" was'bOits elite before , 131shrge"Whallingtod. aatk:w iillylesis old at ilitawatiormat,,of -tita Aomori, csokeeolatton; so that ka atightoTen thefli ban Olsiittal inemptioaA rt ItilltarY eh{ iiiiiiantaief faille:2li aid senowtirtb atiNsigabaifia•wii viiitr.tworwhia-lb. Met& caiiitilation, mat form* entitwisitt74, four whes Abraham I t iastola was horn. IN know Nitwit loser tittiitin ; iiiii hi Yd yam. that of Parr. thi Engliiitana, who ip taMidleetie gain t likareelinik: Jai • Ablic.slll fts- sf ,op :at* 4 , 4 1 0. 1 •Imipqrs7PM1 1 to be oi"rtoord ertfi Matadi 'hi Detail sem tee h.. ide.math astioatotio.; • ~ «, iia:.. 5 .... t t 4 . if A! o Pt° MaNi irate taargb Wiwi; a kirtiOtitikitle ail iistainiolaw trams& filki labilbsiesimiereeVar i d imrcim .4hol4loAblaanelP. 11 )4 1 4,00 11 ait wrai. :Of AMA . Oa 11l , wht6l4 'weed' eisatiitiiir.'li *1; 1 a taiiiiit lids papeeti4Y iurriiiioy." This ' b what the dijnyik* 6 04 k Ws are' 0 7 1 M A, PilmLii Z•lig PriOtat: 1 ,dlo4#4abie, - they_ doeforsak proipirity its ra, 144141. - but outi'lleker'ftir illiamealv•a—. aerpswit probedis :what, Algal at. sae% sad formai , ,••••-„ i ' • I ' o• -', 7i .NUMBER 40, (.! Mil e Light Hi• ?VI a 42 . t, at • fat7l T */ I 1.4 Fa s tfcertir t gle iTo love, and nett, sad donator& when Inpled . gitlp,ttr Aolln.or : , And sire for Onry,oefg e , g me , Ilewowtot to eneltilie saki way, 1 Where lortiQ NBl4l4lllglAulenngw.T ;-/lnevonitho Ilea abeam. a thin through' the alitt atij.4 otillit; • ' :IPl!nsittrii.irsikdavr t • 9We)lO, ti4:l4 tksttiritaia J. • , ' l 9 l ' S IFF* . I) le the light,erl err 1.1.,44 1 , 1 .12 That lotin heads iek, ! - lad Way—Om • • _ • The Joy ct f..,1 6 . 1 sfl fTVS trribw - OXI pdt l ,tIAII , I B : 111 limerAN*7•4lll l .l4%lPl 4 k l W:i qui ! 74 4aCi l f u N i tribigiiai o Ni r t f bnis uradlipllulilidiegii*andi:...3 7 , -,LIn Li- TherAdeditio Aka OM 41 1 110 0 11fOrt 14 iyr ichi Tb. dunes Mfr. lad Mr" Atni Ilitstin'op ta iii rt o,trai trip • Aimmil4ll4llo4 enikkopvovp I mr.; f4d: P 01#49141, RikragVEßPOlt a c VA * ,MI sulfto - tbikoilis Phifidlivia ofritaar • leap. expvidAd . 4 1 0 9 14, 1 1 0aPPIPplflfIno Alimwt o ollolll4Ytor, 11941 ` o ufft s eo e r il t r , 1 1°.r-,4 j eat 6f Tut ateieci. 1 . • • . fkireficterlknr; of Ohliosbeitiiinalfto nips:lk ' itittfda •iii , o6olll64N.Noe ke4 11,1 14 ,1 4 , 1 ; plaid Likit il,Ttepgb‘l666s . 49Riti s _tatft_ 7i f mien In ihd House 6, sitiliVihuom o :wsul` - ' Odell wadi :gi p... .- . ~.t yilv? , . taisof , c..- ica.-y:1 ' ' i• blaitheedlearsge.ll - .11. ilteigaitrelycseas!) tiy.,ciainit Alitiilil l l l **l4• P! k firlig u r ; . 4 1 6 no o ining ntfrige a tl • repl lefrioilotitie W n 'but i * 13 04011 ilt;• diePpollo y i Al • ; brit iitthlitoir*eillsciltilit Miskeellfs • some r zi uivda:rtr.ii •r) W I of our tutu ~ papooses sz • v i le% iteri.ilibY , flictinalre Rio IliMeilt 0 b* ibaites esenotaieeille,clidithsiiiiiiithenvi litgles 4 kt 0 # Pf44l4[ l o4art dwil .1 0 1) i i t las , 4 Dm of; Taciagstirsi, iVfilikir, , itistitieriii iiii filereifiet ileilliagit't SI llelief delegation iittthePiiiidsii. snibtbiehrispiy:a Sy*; -t", di it„ if,. Pro ; a* , 1 0 7,,,' :WWII!' ftt 4 ) , ..1 divides but of gho orgorflf r.ll44ileelin,All - tbentsiy to the 'Periidist. •-• • • • ( I 1 Wilton oi tits 131citnraintintitsiDaring - iihet 7 idreistitritioe of Mr. U11ib04•64 I;44WIRFAto signed that W Llnepis yest,ya grernsaeit , itid - Ili picelematiooti hilt bite; • -- Biiikaiii• Art ' say the giriersidetit - 4 *lite* firilliiitirawc Clawless; sad Presided& Joiiiiceshee WSW ti control *Tor k. O'Pa 11 !PiRgien4 l *NE,.,11 The filePihin )44 0 frOor . 41,0 A 1 7- i l I , We do not•dontit,lbit meet, .6 tits a eis hay& died 'if . diiitieb, Critelli& byl soma tn. , s • ikativiAritiessinatifaiihillibli MIX:MINI uU*41,91 1 1.r4P.V0 , AIM ki r rat,lA , .. icor in the, armies of . boil or , sod Sotiti, • ,ii tbe bail iisigititistenn ti ; F 'l' ' 1 - We 1 sre'cliiting pitlittly fie' einiiii ihnennial-i *Hon from Os Itopublioss• prestAffMr. , Bllll l 7l ser's ••mien t, . Woolly - t0 t ti 4 9 40 . 114 1, 1 1. 1 1 4 t: Stales. Betistc. •In t4it iipeee lia amen ea - civil' an cfriollt i eil • rfklits`fOi i t eti here' A* 0 threitined' 0 reifiasee:".;-.:4•eitinseirillt.i.-ii 4 :-Oliond' eied..“ - itil tliet4ml7sl l lcot giniPrEl. Ine!'—unleiss,tkey,cextgrao,tedAs yet no if ~ llepotilleiri necipaper hie dwindled& kiedli;•• ' greseibl OtlintiereSP - ) De s n_libialefielilleilk opt . i before the' datitiis.:. iiiiiieirtillkollgiernfk..krii 1 4, 4 . 0 MIP;ATP:Rit4e . I(16 'Jo b • 13r: .32 a The-gbilsdelpliiii ; • g,lecc l / 4 11 (bni.), of the .f lf; ,6tli, In defendidg Wait a 'Neill front Mt 'al I l silt. Sy Shelia,' Port Thiliseepuysr ' -. • • ',-, .‘‘flit.Viii IV ago* rasp when tiaa Sepublisiiiks I mien. Xle issiiscAli an d f 'they 1110 deperted frontilli - -poli ft lais - lhey ' 1 preteedid 'io•ituniel., - iihdL liars lateen* ay.! .110Nelei'i)4 ha' ilk!bCll.4l/114714 ~t9r,4l9tf SON 1 viii 1T; iO ir r l i7i'ilgl e ly A 1 , 9 1... Ar e . 1 if it:p reel, or ?indent - 6 nio .- - 11 dep A petireA lUrifghttfroWs CitilitAio/filleginlt' I ititz3 fority grows wider every day,•lntiqumigsmigtion :To v ael li ve:stfol g i n siVrAS 4111' i r :ir lEht ql7 ust Y : pipetpipet' Me, KAI' orsedtielii, iiid bliebahre ' ' let : thieitago.'t . 1.. (- I , ,ii; i ..-- 9 ' - ...G e s 4ri a • Rita 'so 17. wad.- Atis:YearieV.,3 4 4, utusioi to thivradieols, lop p i nitt Oprlp. IF' . oigress i • -• • • - • rUltessesiioti yea' 41 &AV/64 ceiheltstiadt Wag el . the wide, laitire ere itaii light *lleac ?lon -Pbok it' !nut. ictirr OOP, Illi F e kl./RFAI tind thit • Jefirsoo Ws (moot —wick, e ' Stites' seibi °setiedhx-vritathdil idlietlfir by geatleaust Swill* Aimee- iliiii4P,Sieid Nod ilionssitta. , '' . I I WOU - APPirgplitapp#l49, I,6,ina tosek to toe old ylstform 6 tne a Ps, he Conitibitiiiii"ind - thiPinifOrdirliiiiitAlf WV 1 , e il , • 1--.::-,... :.• '.:,:i.T:iii ow ..i..1-I.t 1.,,:i ...zr an titd.time that mitt haldiNlAlak, entiients these, 'ehauld,bu i reßMyitut at of the Itcp . dbileian pert, ' kall• rth ti , • letter from Washington reveals &SW ae, 'does net usiear (real 'tke:-IPkiikideOsclpfaalt to Ilver.l3oni.l lattisiss fxcle MWW 1 1110r!r 10 1 4;i3 •To is e ,opuimieslanon i mx table Atoll lino 1111. d _ novir self 'Vicuna co *ell orbit islioinge sopa ttuo‘,.corscirou do ' Iftitssworlphinfttb !psis a .t fhpse,#;firs !ii144474 know what ethirTaetiOus. [frail t fter-sittekittielßnillid let* or anY ether . snen :thiarT, ask drAtig fklakecie amakinMagint*PPlKlPßt 1 0 4 .. n. 17 4 .41 Plias o eppose spy polio Le hr • Multhi :MAW* fig' SIMI .*ou - pleusi 11, -doom tor•bao. sioommuid.),;. ‘,L.7l' A Wurri M'sm,sDsr.—lffr. , sir in olliiiid'a - Prisdibte Mad/ kif fhiltle Masai at tke.•Thirty alafirtiongraSk.da• attic tun Paade4 nn y ciLhot itPrO; 'paring —costaros, antexpectelty keitifediirci that is larkeitesettes f timid:ma In gait ism bstialrlefiiO4:freenrati i IkiWA+l%; Resolved, : 3het the Ooniialttee on the muse be instructed id ' fifttatre of reporting s new--rale-for-the government of the .annite1t4 0 A1:140 1 .114 1 4:1410 4 .7 in each week be exclusively get apprt for the iteifeitikl &Mtge% Is ileagr i es;ite'bC tkwaim:sa:tiss , pi lifittincldesq t Ito moved 4 i .l prenous q dootion 'ot"itr: Ike isootation 'War lida mem Mut kMsJ f'" 0:77 Daring itkoasaltingklebseemeekeeeekamot I . l 4.7:hrtlivrtfit i nc . elety„.l?etwean• . koyd e Phitlifieri titter vide y isi , familiar de ithlighdaikedislaiP 1 11 400teaCanteltAskta Prem.lare,Mb t ;lever ten known in this Deanery, itan 1i etaYgl~t ttiieir Cot dkingitisigthitiTht via kalikie•W. !dal *erg tegilletrwitiktbitstori,44 l3 l4 rec h aZaw Cowes! el II 'lei Ot 4rie sini ' & 4l i) /saw kan bad miss tidal* Otaitte ) Ntatetql!.ao4 l 2krioc k rt P irarnWeiletaliniFii=e - 1 1:1414 , Cting44 - tie/14406d% wines ob.& .13esikut Its elm ~Siliskier - tribfiq a inliAllimaitiddlis (Vet) Aie -NW k 40ir fgattfile= • t hie lintnerona ,ati • tt selleieleicur iltetlnden w if is bit fietisist:4. , ll'heiB like tolaTrilrlpAtivz like th e ,w o °reed tI. • 3 itioW; and Wen iiiiean to 4thri VIM Pkii• had lakidlinokisildalkeihy.) We are. beittditt grit 1 409NI 1 C4 4 RafityPie ..!yettp , 4o.4, neti t ratrz • #erfortmtie , MlV•tbilo4 grnidist fispairdel sathie•lb4llls4o4•oo• naraSiKfl rpoit4 at 1 1 1M - 4 . 1 = jap w ldtt 7 = P , :tiliTri• b k•hir kteil • - • leileweirodi•ver theielit*M4o4o6: •4C: 09 1 1 1 .1( SP IlitibitolfrAlMMa itous4d,picks Owl wls in yo UlOE l 6ll' tie at/sip:liable r • 4144, istirhs,vr Maud assitompabizikli 4401,4,1 th , qtf I, rd v. , 1 ... , .• 1, •:-^- $1 1 3 ;1 . Ii i 161Vid iirreal a rCliVit ( Ci "IS flail g e a 'Vas 41411 0 4 1 61 by , tieWe.chspepikuon Len Ifilasati TIPAI air 3 oo4flepn P T ' r t WA liWt s ar i elth a t ralliAtlyik ;, , s, NKr 1600. Out bitted Mel mieembred is diillldelie cbusegiadirl ter.44IIIO.OO:4IAVIIW . . . eta(' flakr l i,l.. .4..,.t0 P tfttfLepe war, Y 1 • f . Oh 'face neVitt d . os bowel giros was nelargeli argirPti4 tht* %N ig V. 4 91 191•5 R#4 . " Wilt ,7 t.l AtiAtt 4 7 z r... , :tdiel lo ANairfa elf:.