'Cairo Goon is not great cm 'amities lbat embitter ezisfeace; it is the otty vexations, lb.. mall jealousies, the dit'e cli,..appoiatmeni a, !be. minor miseries, thal make - the heart henry an,L. The temper scur.— poil't let them. Augeris a, cure waste or ei *laity; it, is always foolish and always ills graceful, except in some rare cases, when it is kindled by seeing wrong done to soother; and even, that noble rage seldom mends the water Matrilge i* invery p lar itistittitiou at ihr A uth, and papers hold out glowing induce ments to men maritally di.tpesed owl paper informs us that the prettiest stria are to be found in Brsn.lon, Miss And an-Wants, ed iter says the dearest, sweetest, most enchant ing widows are to be found in that neiehbor hood, who will accept a propcsition with as mock quickness as nti o!d solker would an toodrioir,or a Brigadier General the addition of another ear. Mr. O'Flaherty utviertook to tell how many there were at the party: " The two entraps w•s one, mcse'f was two, Mike Finn was three. • nd—and—who the dicil was four! Let me pee, (counting his fingers); the two Crogins as one, Mike Finn was two, toeself was three —and—belled, there was four of us but St. Patrick couldn't tell the name of the other. Sow, it's moself that has it. Mike Finn was cite, the two Crogaus was two, 'omit was three—and—and—by me sow), 1 think there was but three of us after all !" CoxtcAL.—The way into which wards are Often divided, when set to music, sometimes pro Lees rather a ludicrous effect. A stranger was once surprised on hearing a congregation, mostly of women. crying out: ' 4 C/ter a nun! O for a man! 0 for a man-don in the skies!" While on another occasion a choir sang to il.e beet of their abigly— “We'll catch the flee! We'll catch the See! We'll catch the fleet-ting hours !” IMPORTANT HINTS TO PABLIITP.—PeI► parents realize bow much their children may ‘ e taught at home, by devoting a few moments to tbtir instruction every day. Let the parent make the experiment of his son of ten years old for a riogle week. and only during the hours which are not spent in school. Let him make a ..omponion of his child, convene with him familiarly, put to him questions, answer in quiries, communicate facts, the result of his reading or observation, awaken his curiosity, explain difficulties, the meaning of things, and all this in an easy, playful manner, without rimming to impose a task, and he himself will he astonished at the progress which will be made. ALWAYS TELL Tail TIMM—The ground work of our manly choracteris veracity, or the foundation of every wordeaid. How common is it to hear parents say—•• I have faith in my child 83' long as ho speaks the truth.. He may have many (mille, but I know he will not deceive.. I t uild on that confi dence." They are right. It is a lawful and inst ground to bu Id upon. So long as the truth remains in the child there is something to depend upon ; but when truth is gone all is lost, miles.) the child is speedily won back to veracity. Children, did you ever tell a lie? If so you are in imminent danger.— Return at °tee, little reader, and enter the stronghold of truth, and from it you may never depart again. Tir sow TAT.—An exchange eontsine the following : A merchant in tide city had a hired girl, who be was paying three collars i week to do work about the-house, while his wife spent her time mostly on the street. He thought the girl a needless extravagance, and by design was by his wife eanhhoze morning hieing the pretty servant girl in the pantry. The girl was that day discharged by his wife, who could not stand ouch treatment, and she determined to have no more girls, and the extravagance was stopped. The ruse was too good to keep—the story wit, out—the wife heard of it, and day before yesterday (Sunday) was caught by her husband kissing one or his olerks, end, to make the matter worse, last night hired a bleak girl to do her homes work! The husband told us of this affair this morning, and say, ices no use warring against a woman. Ths following tripartite contract was signed by an aggrieved husband, his wife, and the destroyer of his peace, at Cincinnati, a few Jaye ago: CMCINNATI, OHIO, CO. or HAMILTON, JANIIAZY 23, A. D. 180. j I, John Fly, before Almighty God, and by these presents, do relinquish all claims to my wife that was (Fanny Fly,) for the sum of five hundred dollars. Ido further promise that I will raver molest or seek to gain possession of said Fanny Fly during my natural life; that I will never employ others to molest or seek to regain her, and that I relinquish all claim, title or possession I ever had in said Fanny Fly. I subscribe to this of my own free will, and am of sane mind. (Signed,) Attest—F.o,mila R—, FRANK •R-. Naval TOO LAM -It is never too late to do right; as, for instance, a gentleman began to study grammar after he had Written for the press ten years. It is never too late to get married ; Naomi, the daughter of Enoch, took her first husband at five hundred and eighty It is never too late to drop any habit; James, the novelist, wrote sixty-nine volumes before be could shake off his 'solitary horseman.' It is lever too late to be a 'wide awake' charac ter ; an old gentleman who has ceased to read the Daily Evening Blunderbuss, has entirely recovered from the sleepiness that used to *filet bim. ' It is sometimes too late to ' pop the question ;' a mon once did so to la 'charming vidder,' just after she had reached home from burying her first husband : You are too late,' was the reply, the deacon spoke to me at the grave !' The New - York correspondent of the Spring - geld Republican has the following description of the young men of that city who attend balls: Pale, bald, with poor physiques, frivolous diuipated, inane, one yard of tape to three of cotton, written over their faces, they Pre the weakest specimens of humanity *b. one can see in any quarter of the globe. I know of no more disheartening sight 6 hati to oontem plate three of them in a AIL "The =scut Noe world is made ur of two clams," said a clever youtig lawrtr, very much disgusted at, - being duertwe for a "dancing man," "those with braise and those with heels, and I and that the latter hare the inside Melt with the ladies." "The feminine world is made up of two classes," replied a lady, "those with braise and these with pretty faces, and I find the latter are favorites with the men ! ". " Yoii are right, and so sal I," continued the lawyer. " What do you suppose the next generation will be ? " " Apes ! " answered the These two individual, went home in a very happy frame of mind. To Yount Mau.—ln what way do you spend your leisure evenings ? In idleness—in frivol pus amusements, or in company of those who 'will corrupt your morale ? Remember if yen would prepare yetinelf f.r future usefulness you must devote every spare moment to study. Pint be industrous to your several employ ments during the hours of businev, never complain that. it is your lot to work, count it an hoaor,, go about with cheerfulness and alacrity, it will be a habit, and bv becoming se will be a pleuure and delight. • ?date it your business to promote the Intereet of your em ployer; by taking wire of his, you will learn Lo take me of your own. Remember it le one of the besetting sins of young men of this extraysgont and indolent ago to seek easy and lacy employments;" the result is that many of them tarn out worthier' , vaga bonds. Avoid the whirlpool as you would a plague spot; banish from your bosom the dengerons desire to dd without work. Labor is hontleable—distifiel ; 'it is the parent of heslth,land happiness; look upon it, as an in valuable blearing. and sever a burden and a aurae. Shun _idleness and sloth, pursue some honest calling, and be not ashamed to be useful. As we have often stated and repeated, thi s i s a white man's government It was won originally by 'the valor of white men; it was' formed IT tho wisdom of white men, and for white men, as shown upon the face of the Constitution itself. It has been administered for three quarters of a century by whri t to men ; in our late conflict with rebellion it was saved by white men; and, we may add, it wilt be controlled by them In future, if controlled at all. On this platform let President Johnson firm ly stand, and the /Mori= people, de. spite the contest now going. on td Cot, pees, wiil triumphantly sustain Lewisville Joulnuil. F MK COM tiettemb coLLffunt cOtt. 01? PARK AND PEACII SITE ET BOOS-HCEPING 131111PLIVICD. NSW CLACRIFICATiON OF ACCOUNTS • • ACTUAL BU9INRi9 PRACTICE. 1111:00: 4 R I. t W. euII.IISRCIAI. ARITIISIIO BU3INIa3 TORUS VIC U3AOKS The eery liberal putron sae 'shish has been israoled during the pest sessoo. etutaidens us to sUll Curt press our claims to p JAW netace. Dy our NEW CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, Etook•Keeplug becomes the most exact, beautiful au; mtlefeetory of the ?aSeams. TB TeX INITIATORY CARDS Comptebt ad the WHOLE DAM Ott DOUEILX Kamm ACCOUNTS Ant exhibit eve r 7 south's variation on TUN OThiNINO AN!' CLOSING Ott BOOKS, So that •wo 'melts thoroegh study of there alone will %bear. more ituotritdre in the science which they teach thin the who7e Course in sow.. Cctcrotatial Schools In the country. DIPLOMAS AWARDED TO GRADUXTES lIUSINt PRACTICIL This Department I■ so organised that we • ACTUALLY BUY AND SELL GOODS 01 every kiwi, making the transfer, payment, entry, lie the same las In the commercial transactions BPENCERIAN PENMANSHIP, D'USINRSB AND ORNAMENTAL NOT SURPASSED BY AVY. For both Wilts and Clnalemen. ClaUs,• daily BKND FHB SPHCIIIIINS, WITH ST &M P. Time to complete the Course is Item 12 to 14 iress Spipiessiet the best facilities acid hold out this presto+ tuduosumuits possible. . To the whole public ire extend an earnest Inettatto to salt and examine oar Course of login Won. • Er WI are now organising a College Baod. Alts Address, with stamp. T. COOK, Resident Principal. A. C. 'tuna. Timeher Penmanvitip. - G. W. GU INISON, Timber Commercial Law November ae,l : • • tf G UT T . 2 -5 .• B.T.N !MTN 70 MECHANIC: 4 , LiNtFACIIIRCELS , - 18661 'Heel I .1866 TLe be t paper In the Hefted States for Hechanle. Inventors and aufaetsuers is the Seier.tide Aroortea It le be largest In sis., and hu by far the ad 'ast cute lattot of any other I arr ut Its ohms la this countre.— It is published weekly. Each number contains al..ton page., with numerous illnEretions. The cumber* for a )ear malts two yolarn aof 116 pages each. Hal , . con tains a full somnt of all 'he I roccipal inventions and dircov rise of Um day. AI-o. va ruble Illustrated a- U• elm n con Tools and Machinery used in Worlsnor a, Man ufactories. Stems d 11•-haniell Fngineering, Woolen, Cotton, Chemical, P. trolavon and all other manufactur tog and producing Intere4a. Alto, Firearms, War Im plements, Ordnance, War Vessel,. Railway Kezhlne , y, 11.etr e, Chern'a.l and Valbematical Apparatca, Wood and !amber Machinery, Hydraulics, Oil and Water Pumps, Water Wheel, e ' c ; Homehold, Horticultural 'and Farm lmplemener—this lstt.r department beteg very full and of great value to Ferusels and Gardeners. Artie es embraeleg every eecartment of Popular:tailrace which everybody eau understand and which ev.ty one likes to read. Also. reports I Pc'entille Podolia' et Dame and abrcipl; Patent Lan Declecees, erim s e u p.l n m. prod'. eel Beee,pt., etc. It also malaise an officiallist of all the atent Claliwt, • special Imitate of sleet isle, to In, enters sod owners of Pateots, Th. Publishers also art am SPIV.' for proenritig Pat ants fir Now Inventions. A New Volume of the ecieutlffe American commenced January L TERNS.- 43 peryear: $l,llO for sit months. Ten cop • les one year $26. Canada subscriptions, 25 Dents antra. Specimen copies snit free Address. MUNN k CO., No. d 7 Park Row, New Yotk City. hbl•it• WLIOLICSALIC AND RETAIL IiKUOMILY ISTOUX,. P. A. BECRER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, )fora -Lug Comer a/ tAit Park Prexck (ctetAralrx,) • World berptetfully call Lb. attention of Uri ecoorealty to Waltrip Stock of GitOCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which ha la desiroas to sell it tha PERM LOWEST POSSUMS PRICES • His assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, . SYRUPS, ' TOBACCOS, FIRE!, &C., At not entpasard In the city, is he ta prepared to prove to who ;ire him a call. Hs also keeps eonatantli no hand a etpertor lot al PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale trade, to which haillreele the attention of the public. Rte mritto te.."latek Sahel, Small Pro Alta and • fall 7.othalant for the Yowl' aprlll3tt, NEW UILOCEItY. JOux FL: Would respectfullr announAe to the people of Me city tad %may, that he bar opened s NEW GROCERY STORE, On the Wept Side of Pea-h Street, II Short Distance Booth of the 1 eke Shore Depot. Where he will keep on hand a large assortment of PROTISIO2 , WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, !LOUR And errerythiag mall, kept ha &Ent class itANI • L3O, WINE, SWEET CIDER AND LIQUOR& The highest Market Price paid for Premium. to OSP if desired. Q Gin me a U. if yon Irish to imam fro. o4 lar tuna. I *gigs myself to sell as Lew. If not sewer, Mao lid other store the city. mrLT64II. szwltio autaiiriar. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST pit Y EITHER TUE !MIRE OR SINGER The undersigned having teen appointed agent In Erie efts for the ,abon tel•lnnted Vachimm, respecthllg mills the attention of the public to the 1113111. They are acknowledged to be the beet In wite and are the cheapest in the market, Each Machine has all the latest lin promments„ whisk render them far superior to any other now sold Persona desiring to purchase a Sewing Yagbine will End it of advantage to call and .:amine these Wore buying elsewhere. Samples on exhibition at my atom No. 6, American Block, between theParit end eleventh street. Jen 26 66-6 mo P. WAGNER. STATE NORMAL ' WCIROUL. She Spins Tam will open WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1866, fltadents vtahlair to constmerii?er LATIN OR GREEK, Should b.eu with the Bring Tern. Instruction u en el In all th. Common Branehu, BOOK HEEPING, lIUSIO AND TEACHDIG or Pe lvania. The moat popular School in North• Western nnsy For *mars sddrea the Principal, J A. coons& lantiteow. r4inbirre„ Os, Pa AUSTIN'S JEWELRY FANCY GOODS STORE ram= Building. No. IN North Park Plats, An elegant 'took of FaehlorableGoode for the Honda” now opening at the old gen& The Wired and finest varlet, admirable GOLD AND &VD& ARTICLED. PLATIID WARM And Fumy Goods praszally aver oared la this city. al =all &drums. Call and asa. 41•0144•0. FIRST CLASS FARR FOR. SAL& the urederslgmel offers for rate hie Vann In Rubor Cre k ts., on the Baallo fowl, 4 mikes from Brie oily and halt& mils from adlolning that of Bea Jamin Chambers. It cootefos 60 sorry of superior land, wall watered, betel end In 6r t rate order. • WIPP or. shard of gritted fruit IA oaths prerauses. the tot_prore. meats consist of a new two-eto y mos Dwelling House, two good Barns and all the semesitry out belidimh— Tame of payment will he WT. Apply to TERM - CAlf tRAIICIO, or is A. DAVLBPORT, • Iris City. MORRISON dr DINSIffORE. 44014'65 'm FLOUR, PORK, BEEF, SALT, GRAIN, CLOVER, IDIOM' SEED, &C. . NOEL ,601 AND 603, FRENCH ,EITREST, Betwesis ith sad SW Streets, Eris, Pa. mityeStif ERIE, PA. of the world JACOB BOOTZ GROCERIES, LIE ERIE, Pa T. 11 AUSTIN UOLULLI DIALIIII:11 puiLliout.PailAL & l‘kla 14114 Mewl iix traelereee the Northers mad North. Pet tomato.* of Penneyleant* to the city of Me, on take Ittie. It him bees lowed by the Pvtlerittrode Rail rem voservic And le .innitrd by them. ems or reetuutroot eeture IT 11,1 Leave Eithtward. Wall Train - 200 a. se Er's Ezpreas Trate • 3 Ai p. ai Warm ..teoom 7 30 a. us Anise Westward. . 1101 Trate ...4 . . a ' V p ai. Erie ExpreseTnilts :In a la. • Uarorp ttava2. Kr /A • a Parma seer curs tun thlouslt hu the Et te iletl tut! F.s. prams tulna without change both whys tethroen Philada'. “bla as 4 En.. yea Yort conneetlin s Lowe Neer York a 000 p ns. min at Brie a. m . Leave Erie at 1 p m-, anise t Now York 1 16 p.ita. No change of earl Warms Fria and l'irer York. Ilegant Steeping Can on all n'ght Vet,. For informationrespecting Pawner brietneee apply 0, the 8. IL eornerllth and llartet de w and for height ',meta at the Compute agents. 0.00 KINIISTOII, Js. earner tZth and KRIM Straitly Phi ladelphia. W. BILINOLDS, On*. W. BROWN; agent N. O. ft S., ittltlnkor.. R. R. linrieetri. anent !Protest Aftnl, Phila. W. CUISINE% Gen. ?Pent Art. Phila.., A 1.1 YLEII, ' rinserintAndent 'YPOinisport. FALL 'AND WINTNIK GOODS. . - MRS. S. H. HALL Weal respectftely call it...entice to•her . LARGE STOCK OP GOODS Suit received from New York, embracing BONNETS, RATS, RIBBONS, &0., &cr., legetbur with mime DR Y GOODS? WhiCh she will sell CHEAP FOR CASH, Ott RICADY-TAT. Eir Particular attention paid to bleaching, allot+ II ad preesine. .Store on Pork St.. doors &Sore the Divot. trt Pa aoraireetf. • AIHRHIO. I OI HOUSE.. SOUTH WEST coR no or THE PAGE t STATE ET, ARM PA. JOHN D'INCAN. PROPRIETOR. The unanalysed hams , tuft charge of the abort weil-knoiru Hotel and refitted Jt h superior style, r spectfally solicits a share of the roadie patronage— Tone masonablia, and aocosomodatloas algal to any In the city. Mr Tor the courealence aeymdusdrom the country • good stable has been attscbsd to the premises sepgll4-6m. JOHN DUNCAN. CITY AND COUNTY 1111111VEYINti. JOHN H. MILLAR IS hilly prepared to re-set any trade. and .ri.mart cm unit to lota and Oat luta uktha ,lty, and the Tract, the nshont the bounty. Having been for many years employed melte and won ty •nrveyot, be bete leave to Mar to all the farmer' an angina aa. en who are beretorre employed btm • I artleplae 'Attalla !been to Mapploc. {Una, Spiel titian*. CU Vapa pawed on the ahoy eat cotta . All Grim left at V. A. Vacate's atom COriler of diet. and Vetoed streets.promptly attended rto. Erie. December 14. 11166. D 4171 8 & CARSON, , Denten In ►LL IMID3 OF 0 ROOERIRS, FRUITS, voRTARLAs ♦YD PROVISION t, Fifth °trait, between State and Frencb, Erie Pa. Sewing pi:treble/0o our stack before the late• fire In pricer, we fe-I confident of Ming lib', to giro Setts feeiton. both in , price and quality. Country Droduco of evory ortbouehtmndsold. Fanners Can always depend on receiving the highest mar ket pastor thvir articled. DrALICR3 IN TUC ADJOINING TOWNS. Lad en tin Lin.. or &inroad. ' SUPPLIED WITH TRUTT, irrisermnr, ao Give to a, Call RENUMBER MAT k JACKSON'S MARKET DEPOT, Plrarai _Brass? MUM BAP4fi NOTICIC. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK • OP CH/E.. CAPITAL, SOO,OCO. DIRECTORS: ti111.1)Eli MARVIN, JOON W. flak/tWi - dI.IIIU MARVIN, . BIDSTHE TOWN, 0. NOBI.C. ORANGE NOBLE, President. JOHN .1. TOWN, orwhLer. The above bank will be opened for the trancnelien at beldam on DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, West sick of State St, between Seventh Sad !tgwt.a flathdaistory paper dLcounted. Money received on Depoalt. • Colleettone nude and proceed, accounted: re—At proomptuese• Drafts, Spools and Bank :totes bongbt sad sold A.share of Public Patronage Is respectfully sollcae D M. moustsom tIONS Beg I wo t o toforag the citizens of Ertl! sal ,vittini.y that they hue tomcod their stock of DRY GOODS; T o obe RIMS BLOCK. la the handing formerly oar.- pied by Keens. It ATVS lET.PLYS, where they Wand keeping a large assortrat of D itiss GOODS, F AN?Y ILKS, " . GLOVES, HOISERY, &C. Retaraing thanks to oar customers tar their put liberal patronage, we reepectially ask a eoatlaaaace of the sus& Erie, Jaa.),1144. AU11101LI11"D CAPITAL $309,000. CAPITAL PAID IN, $.1Y3,01*. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK Will open tot buslacu MONDAY, DRCRIIRIR In the Ranking aloe now oecapted by the Merchant'. Beak, In Brown's Hotel Building. north-cart corner of State street lad public Put. EL L. SCOTT,l'Aisiput. WY. C. CURRY, Camas DIRECTORS WY. 1.. SCOTT, of firm'of J. Hearn k CO, Coal Dealers JOS. IfeCARTYR, o al dif drus of Leiden, Bliss k IleCartee Bns. CEO. J. MORTON. Coal Dealer. W. S. BROWN. Agent Buffalo k Fria Railroad. - JOHN C. BUROIM,, of arm of C Cantle, & Bellow, Wholesale Groom 0. R. CROUCH. of dna of Cranob k Bro., Flour NW& M. R. BARR, of Eno of Burr, Johnson k Seam% stun Ilanafasturero. P. F. FARRAR, Ora & Farrar, Witoluolo Groom. J. DRESIGAKED, Dilotor. RAN Dos. I. 111011.; • NYW P/Mal. Janus T. Crook; laying taken in Mawn, James L.. as a ruiner, es the let &tot/torn, 111% Radar the a= Hams ofjANZA cgoosa sox dodges to bats a set Omni of his old seenanta. AU p oems kno ,.. b .._ ummi . selves indebted to him are requited to e a u - ija. m an s without delay. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, ► IIALZIII IN ROUGU'&.PLANED LUMBER 47D It ASTIMOTIMMII OW Win low Sash, Frames, Doors and Bllnda, Iliouldinvi sad Picket fence Syron Sawing, Matching and Planing done to airier. Shop on Peach St, Betwesn lith -and 6th Sts, Etta, Pa. We respeettally nil the Westin, of the potrlie toms facilities for clothe work ta the beet of promptil and on rerwonatrle terms. Bating fitted ny entirely now shops, with sepertor snaehiner), we MI eordident • gi 'stirs satiettethrs. OrOrd Own abroad will receive prompt sit/ ratios JA ILLS P. CROOK rs BOX. READY PAY STORE. A. MINNIG Weald Jeopeett6U7 inform the Public that he ban rareheeol the JIM= OPGROOSRIES OF J.13(6.1 4. RLIBF„ 00NOTE 01 BTO AID ITATI STII When be intotda to keep so good la assottmoat of !MOLY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. WOOD ♦ WILLOW WARE, AND VARIETY GOODE as la kept is Zeta. Kepi eoaataatly ea bard. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, W4RI6IIIIICD I GOOD lIRTICLA! Thohferert aroltot Prue pal/ for on kr& at QoastrJ holaaa. Er Goo& delivered boo oloharp to isky jade( tie etty. 6411,46-41 gm N. •73,WY ea 9100 MAVI'D ON A PIANO PORTE! XXX 11:5 .0.1. !I ' d) , x IX • ORO AN. Oft . Al E.EOD EU N! . By seud:ur your orerri to U. J.=WILLIARD, Wm. A . Pend & Col., flostdm•n4 Grsy k Co',, Wm Raabe & Ca.'m and oiler, Fiat Clam PIANO FOlttEgt • And Carhart, New:Masa ..t Co's 'O4 radar Organs, ktsto deans, Church Itirninolooss, and . 8. D. k H. N. 810th's AMERICAN ORGANS MUSIC TZACIIaIt4 AND DCALSI4 I Will be turstsbed Irlth Facer Kt No. laatruction Botts Hz coo Omens or ticiodeon. at W holt ode Prides. Win OHMIC Lair TO APT summit; Pill OTPLEtaOII, 01 Ilineirt As ' , kV& t 1 Victory all WI. Kong and churns.hy William IL Braid. 30` bury:, Our noble Walther pled away. L tai eulogy on Ihe death of 4.1.1ac010, by n li• ThYstsn. 41 Weal, upla Dl til ,by Tucker, I NO, j e lly in recital:eds. A song bur the tna It, by Tockez...to eat lonely el cc be left me H. liteler, , as He, or yay down to kleaspylvaidt. Haas Schmidt 3 4 I belleyrd her true to mar. H. Willard, 40 I have 'Wallach to P•11..1 K. ?beano— :In a Lee his not.' A tribute to the hie ,t4phcn C. roo ter, anti 1 tope Lain d with Da4 like.,ea". by Henry Tue10•r,......... ........... • 40 a ta m ..y,aa is beautiful." ti ord4 by dorcleault, comic. . Dab Bryant, .10 Lost Air of my hr nis. The laid. rungs an I alumna by Flom Tim . vr,.„,.... %ZS Little bons , tindertt... bid. by L.U. rbrot....—.. a. Leave Menet to dark deer r, by IA. H. lA urld, St triad you, that. by .1. 111. IlieNsugLton 35 linenlight wi , b th.l , , by T. tie et Sly Pot y Ann, ramie, by Davis New, ate wy beautiful Esau,, by .1. Nab og, lautbees Li:canoe by F Wi•idowv, , 31 um& ib.oye, by r. B. Isaacs .., 34 ty noel boy. by .tapbto e. Foster *6 ihalo oa tha.m.a. Multi, by U.; W. 41lever SO Newer drum nay kw , can ebborr, by J It. Thonzia,...&a Tl' 123 f, ittls tab/1064 sum. by 4 ) . . U. arlbe,.... —BO Tbgnee non, be s*y good bight to' -me , , by J. H. He- Naughton ...,..1. . SO 'racist me all td all, or not at all. Words by Tatinyaua, 6o , . W. R. Dempster, ii. Hine forev.r who, by 11. Btl'artl as Ileautail dr ...mar, (furs dtar; by Wlal.er, SS Brautiful 1..11.. , 1 the tea, by J. R. Thomu a ll'isreyrri Ktity Xla .b. I'. 4. laaaca, - .. • 30 l'adar•ruu• Jun d.critnic, by - Ci arra B *dry co, SO I @about call bar mother. by 4 hliddkrisid, . ' 30 J az> Brno but for tb ... by J Maur., , PO K 1.41. goo b/w sly, by I. 4. II ard.t. , • - Su Hiram, lath r ere I a a, by Walker; .- Si Oury me to the .tii..hiae, by H. U Uud, 30 .tagel child by W. H. Bur, 16. Beaublul cloud, b ~,, I. Aral 1., •,,- 30 dt.ltleg Ha ruin by Plan Bryant, D. B. Eauttat,.. 60 INSTRUMENTAL-NEW sV.►i.tZ a•dits. by A Ar.'i'>•,: e 0 Nell a of iroolgiyek. by George Wil.tim WArr.b,....-1 Al Pailta and Yalu; by Sag. ....... —3O Faust. by Th. Onto, • • 30 nosing it,. role, by Cb. Well., -,,, T. Yaw, by George William WA/MI; 76 Ilar.est bnme, ny Jean Manna ' • .6o Heart's mho, by William H. Allen, • - 80 Ida, by Jest Menu_ 60 Elsa, by L Ardltra ' 4 CO tins, brilliant 7 arranged by E. ItHrepor, " 60 MAGCIII39 AND Gill[Wrgll3. Llnoln Ytneral march. igl Ynnend rare. from Ilan retAGJAN er (.1. Frade1,..,,:343 March 11. , ngrolse by H. Wollenbaupt, 60 Mareh r harpla-.le, by Gr. 7erabcoa r .... 30 March llonteneyrige. by H 310) lot, 40 • - ',ABUT' I tr., jell atone'sl dre-iner, by A. Banos ... Kt Call me not bads mom the erh es 'bore, 60 .y Ile motber rye coma barns d: by G. Grob., 90 Liwiran'i ball, by A. Baumact,. .. 1 60 —.— . • , Feat fey Elostiaty4 Pear Mat of Instrument. and Cata logue of Nei Mamie. Add el* °rants to 0. .1 WILLARD, Wholesale Plano Porte sod Naito Dealer. no=sstr. • No 447 1 •adaar, Near York COO .8 A V It ON 'A PIANO FORTE! 424 to SW I ON A - MIi.LODEON . O ' R ORGAN 1 . 1 By purclaslog of Z. SMITii ; OF E~il E, lustogol of Froodfirg orders to New York. PIANO FORTES AND 111:ELnDZONS Futtuebed from the fallowing ee'elareted lleutfastureri Steinway & Sone. New Torlr. • , i Wm. Kaaba ii -Co., Baltimor e, Yd.. W. B. Bradbury, N : • Omuta/ma Co., N lN.rk, Boardman k Gra;. Albany, N. T.. Ike. A. Priced A Co , Buffalo, N. 7, Jewett & Geode:um. Cleveland, 0 PRICES AT A iLAR E , DISCOUNT BELOW MANUFACTURRS' PRICES! Pianos tram We to 11,600 cr. AU persona dearing • Ent rate Plano Sr Melode on are Invited to roll and esiunbai par Inatzuntenta be fore pumhaalog @Lomb's.. Zvery Instrument wanzated fat eve yaw No. 4!6 State Street, nearly opPoeita tho Post 0111ve, Erik F. soacrebet. Z. SMITH. AM:MEAN ' • suLITH-EAST CORNER (it' TRic rARK AND STATE ST., ERIE, NA. JOHN DUNCA N. PROPRIETOR. • Tint 171111137101111) LIMO . . taken charge of the ape well-known Hotel, and re• fitted It in Reps br style, respeelfally eolielte a dare of the public patronize. Termsreirionable, and accommo dations equal to any to the edtji, For the contenietice of pence* front the country a good stable has been attached to the prem!sea JeffiSS-ti • - JOHN DUNCAN. FURS, FURS, FURS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. CH ARLES OAKFORD &SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, 1111fLADC.,PRIA, Hen now open their largo and isplendld assortment of LADIES' FUR (.APES. CULLARg. - C FFS, • i,GLOVES, 41YU HOODS. Alio the du at alsortmout of FANCY FUR ROBES, CAp2, MUFFLERS, AND GLOY4 ' Am befoul cdrered by th.m, all or, whirl are warranted to b. u represented. SHIPPURI FURS' LIGII7 . °Mit lam. I °WARD ASSOC' ATION. TII /LA DEL' L PULL. TA.—Olsosoos of !OA U. isiary and Soca s Sital&•..ll•lf toad imitable treat roil 3t. Also tho Brld , :hamber, aoCooor of Warniag lostroietioo not lo ' 4 + 184 •avolojolo. hos of charge- 4ddrosiv Dr. J. Skillin Huughtou novarl Aiatielauove, INo. 2, Routh Ninth treat PhllLielphiL P.. v 2013 ly D 0 - K ■ LIIIITACTITUA AND WROLISALI DIALII IX SEG ARS, TOBACCO; SNUFF, X., &C., PIFTII 11,FLOW STATE STREET, 11.8.111,, , °Hosea* the Dispatch Shiite' Beim LIVBKT -STABLE. • She undersigned hatiag Para ased the troll-linoini Livery Iliad, heretofore ocenpleatby Wm. J. Stilton. digits( to !atom hie Woad, mid the pitile that he wtll oontlutie the berlooea, aid Unitas their pat: oaage. THE STOCK ' wm be largely Inermard sod improved—aitr (maw- Roam have boom proomod, sad "coma of tbo beat Livery iloneito the eoustry. I am dkerrairmi, to ao caadoet the gatablubtorat as to ghro tatbdastloa. 'Mom a ha smut to °Mats tho'retvlopo of a pod taw will ea I mo ready at ell times to accommodate Wm. at reumablo prima. Racolltet the plus" 111.8RILMS OLD STAND, Fifth stmt. tsar of the Reed Holm. hie, Jana 11, 11165—tf • MOS. LENNON. E,OOMILNLI lA, In rollitvady to Unlined down, eiapted to liatma paetertes and thaldluee of all Mode contended n• ate/tele thet hero steal thew a of an o ace oto.atnnot on so ontbols aner M d ro oid sa taryenta.t, L W' Ilia, nem t ootopoidtion road la ant . 114 be 111114: Vary datable and at: „atrial Liu p ma lea t f roe by natl. TO M RIAD AWNING 00. No. iklos Lam Nom Tsb A3rer's .4SAYABILIP Fry= Emery ///to treykrown trierdant of Ox ford, Maier. "1 have sold large quantities of your SARA %PA RILIA, but never yet one bottle which failed of the desired effect and full satisfaction to those who took it. As fast as our people try it s tbey agree there ha, been no tuedreine like it beforeiu our tanmuuity.' Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, 171- oars, Bares, and all Diseases of the Skin. Fro* Rev. Bob& Stratton, Bristol, England. "1 only do my duty to yon and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the me dicinal virtues of your-SmotArAtuLLA. 31y daugh ter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor in tier ear? , eyes, and hair for years, which we were unablr " tiro until wo tried your aw4.lritutt.i. sho - been well for some months." From Mrs. Jane' E. Itiee, a well-knmen mil morn esteemed iadyof Denning/le. Cape May Co., N.J. " My daughter has suffered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very, troublesome Nothing etiolated any relict Until „we tried your SALsAraniLLA, which soon completely cured her." 71 oss Charles P. Gage, Eaq., of the widely-known Gage, Murray it Co., manufacturers of enamelled I=is Nashua, N. 11. 1 for several years a very troublesome Attnaor in my face, which grew constantly worse until It disfigured m,y _teatimes and became an intol erable aMicUOll. I tried almost every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any veiled whatever, until I took your SARSAPARILLA. It Immediately node my &cc worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin began to form wider the blotches, and eon tinned until my fkee is as smooth as any body'''. and I am without any symptoms of the disease Clint I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a lonbt owe It to your 28.1113APAIIILLA." Etrysipelas—General Debility—Purify the Frost Dr. Root. &nein, Houston St., gay York. " Dn. AYER. I seldom hill to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SARSAPARILLA. and I have just now cured an attack of Afar/sant EiTsipelas with it. No alterative we possess equals the SARSAPARILLA you have 'lap is/$(4 to the profession as well as to the people." Noss E. Johnston, Esq.. Wakeman, Ohio. For twelve years - I had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all the elebrated physicians I could reach, and took hen /reds of dollars worth of medicines. Tile ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, end the doctors derided that my arm must be amputated. I aegan taking your SARSAPARILLA. Took two toot. ties, and some of your Pru.a. Together they have mred me. .1 am now as well and sound as any body. Being to a public place, my mum is known to every Body la this community, and excites the wonder of Fross Ifon...lllenry Munro, 3E. P. P., of Nesreasae, C. W., a Waling member of the CS:madian Portia tient. 4 61 hare used your SAILSAPATULLA In my family, for gelleild debility, and for pirifYing the blood, with very be to Vii." t o results, and feel confidence in amunendlng It the snaleti St. .&tliony's Fire, Rose, Salt Stlicum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. Frost ITarrey, Staler, Esq., the able editor of the Tankkatutock Donocrat, Nam/canto. "Our only child, about three years of age, was snacked by pimples on his forehead. They midi • Spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered hi, flue, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician apphed nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days we ;guarded his lands . , lest with them be should Margot' the fee kiln and corrupt waled which cove his whole race. Having tried fo rling else we had any to fix:lax began your SARNAPARILLA, sad appl tee potash lotion, asyfon direct. am began to heal when we had yell the first henk, and was 'nil when we had fl shed the second. he childl'a eyelashes, which had come out, grey: aga in , mut ho is now as healthy and fair as that the mil _n The whole neighborhood predicted most dr." From Draftee Soot, Qf St. Louis, Missouri. " I find year SA/VSLPIZILLa a more effectual *remedy for the keessediery symptoms of , Syphiliz Ind for sphillieltaillareellinte any °ux we possess. rim pro elision ule trUlibbled to you for some of the best medicines We hare." Prom 4.4 French, M. D., an eminent physician of Laerrenes, Mass., who fa a prominent member of the Legislature of M".- tarsus. "DR. AYER. My dear flirt I have !band your SARSAPARILLA en excellent remedy for Syphilis, loth of the primary and secondary ty - ' and effisi tual in some cases that were too obs tin ate to yield xiother remedies... I do not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, where a power. flu alterative le requited." Mr. Chap. Si Van Lim, of New Brunswick, N.. 1., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or tairecwrlkti disease, which grew more and more wgravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that conk' be applied, until the persevering use of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. relieved him. Few casescan be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bottles to cure him. ,)ossess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that WC need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and OM they may be depended on to do all tivltNeY ,eve ever done. Prom - re:l , Ct. AYER, kt. D., & Co., • " I ' v T au LEHIGH CATTLE Pl)WU lLtt H. Carl, Spann. 14'. T. /I'4', L STJALRATTXD TO El il e n on j• orrerful agent . „„ee•:_,••%. for the tHornash and / ,•-•- .'-s\ „, 1,....),. Blood o Cattle, swine, , 4•'" s 'e t l• d o i r ge S s h t A : e o p u: i c u lva r ns m i n eg eti th ng e 7 , \'',.\ system and tranaferring 11 ... ilk /ft the purified animal fluid rN J 'k.. -r %, k, tleah, fat, milk, butter •*, - and strength, and Nandi' ) tiilt-'' 4 ‘' 'fishing health acilvigi.s. • - —2 ...: l' :I - ' . ... 1 ::f -;.,. : PIP:OE'S , .-'`. •..- !•0?-....' t ' :. .% A . ti CD /I 11 I. .4,4„ . : , .",.., t. ... 2, \ *.:-';' - y' ! ' ro Tf" DEn ' \... , ,A . - :-.,. ; t,.. la the Only medicineli. -,,.C . i. , .. 1 ..... -..jy . gaily patented is France .".- l'ilflNE . CHE.pII- 2 ,_ England, Switzerland, A Holland, and duly' ad ALLENTOWN ' ''" mitted tir their Courts, honored with Prize.mielals, and invente , i by Mr. Havel, Profeesor of the Imperial slolle ..f. for Agricuimrs a• hies, and now manufactured by C. ili i tlirner, Dr. of Z, and A., Allentown, Pa. • All diseases of the itomach. Blood. lunge and Bow de. speedity and certainly cared. HI i;thy b.,. k ivil• be brotteit Into Vie highest state of perfuctioa, and on to two tableToonfols a week in 01 grist %aide t.) hard working horses, breeding stock, and Coke r and par...! thoessods of valuable horses from contagions disease me well at the barnyard as In the Army of the Potomac • THE LEIIIGH vrottm CONFECTIONS Effettnally overcome all the °hints which usually pre vent the expelling of Worms, arc pli%*%aut .0 tIIP, and also one of the most agr-eable purgatir , a for Children So confident Is the inventor, of th i seacees of Ws lobo eons studlra, to the patholog cal elninmition of this pisparation. that he furnish.' every graduated I hys'elati with a written prescription, as a new era to Materis Modica. EXTERMINATOR !a a Powder for the Kure eater nination of all Vermin will °veer charge with age orclimate. and mush prefera ble to the old Phosphorous Paste; Which hardetos t . • short time, milling it worthless. For directions and particulars see the small Fills to the Boxes. Eight, -thre•lrremiu ns Awards I to these Prepay • Doom sines 1851 Dr. Nick, an•d Carter k Career, Erie, Wholesale at p: Retail Agents for Erie county ; R. K. Seders k Co. Pittsburg ; John Henderson k Ciro , Wittahurg, and lieu ton k tiro ,C'eveland, Wholesale Jobbers. ' jeatS)iy SOMETBIBO EVERYBODY SHAWL') U4E. SOOT OUT VI.: C.)LD, DU3T AND WATER - FROSI YOUR DOOM AND WItIDOWS. WIIITEER * S ISIETALIC Tna •on.na nEtAT !maw not Scrofula and Scrofhlaus Diseases. Blood. Sy - is end Vial Disease. Leuoorrluas, Whites, Female Weakness, um generally produced by internal &WU/Ws ill xrazon, =a are very oft= cared by %be •Iterstive Sect of this SARSAYARILLA. Some cases requ _fre, .Mweren, la aid, of the SMISAPABILLA, thji Wcithe. mplication of local reutedles. From Use veil-him» end tridely-celebrated Dr Jam!' Morrill, of Cincinnati, " I hare found your , SAItSAPARTLLA an excellent alterative in diseases of females. , Many cases of lrrrgularity, Lencorrhata, Internal Ulceration, and local debility arising from the scrofulous diathesis have yielded 'to It, and there are few that do not, when its abet is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, slaw:Wing to allow Use publication of her name, writes " MY daughter and myself have been awed of a ,rery debilitating Leucorrbeett of long standing, by two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." aheumatiem, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, • Own mused Scro_fuk; In the system, artfrapklly wed by this .15. - 7. CT. SARSAPARILLA. AYER'S , CATHARTIC PILLS THE UNION ROACH, RAT, MICE AND.AN-T RUBBER ITEATHER STRIP Does all this—is enliaoly out of ' sight, in doors and windows, and la the beet strip in ore for the following mime: let, It In more eLf-ctnel. V. It coats out— third less. 3d, It will not lain ter opening 11.102 closing doors or windows. . To 3. Sel en Vetaro, rot ni eosr.rr., Mese wool Louis XL e ' atoio Titus: Net 4 . 61 h in Current Foodo. T s eseriptire circulars tent f ee. Pu1 , 11;;.1, Z. • 'NITtt is note Agent for VII. S. , Plano for brie >ml vialtv. ' riAILTFOIIII FILM 1 NSURA NCH CO., n 4 Rirditl l ,tONNECtlCUr. INCORPORATED 1810. CAPiT4L , 8 1 ,000,0° 0 - T. C. ALLYN, Prost. 6.11. COIL, S rc•l CITY FIRE INSURANCE GIOMPAN Y. HARTFORD, CO`SECTICIT7. INCORPORATED /847. G 4 PETAL. $260,000 WE. E. SAYER. Prot. CEO. W. Li3Tl.K.Fwby. lasursace le the store old and ale Compa nies ass baabtataod ca applltittaa to ausigllV-AL 11. W. RU ILL, Agent. NEW For .the p 4 , -. . ' .., , , s; 7. • •+,,, P 4., .! - 4 i - - -- :; v ;'- A . ' r w qi N . - . r '0.4, , tom 1 ,,. • ... ,-.„ , ~ " • . ' -..- AC:. 1 I 1' 14' ,:„.:..... ",, '',',:, t -ir ( ..aii c - ..; . - ;.P . '-6...: 6 1. - " .......,I - ..„ 4: ' : ,7.7 ' • . ...- , 1 - •••_ ,•r ,4 ~.• •, 0 4., , „-. 3 .1., f• , ~ ,r34. tr --;- , , 7,4 •:".` 4 3 A-4 , .., ......„,t..,_‘..„-- - A Host grant Perfume, and Beautiful r/OWC: frT" takes ,its name. tan&'.[c .1 BEWARE CF 00):1 ;mit oaS ESI W W , , „ • 1.7 t• Ladies, take Partin_' E a TAE REAL VELPAIi LwAiut.,:cl JL l • r. and att. ra;.• t ! their 'al,: a: ab t p 'lln y i• rd . 41( clt %IV .:n4l :41 ( and Ire , %%1111'0 11 their' fr lc , t they 4=10,1'411 , e employed ; Durp, , ,,;.. ii ( r Fc:3l,. I. railing of the , Woinl.. Whit, nom, Suppres•slun, Itetentku Flow of the Monthly Va to be truly finaiip.,t,:ir, 1•:: iiud.g.teu fr , en stnli„~l il . ; I•ut tl; y lie wily fur legitimate f..r1.11.: , tt to soli tilt r •••;:s. that the object is un!OI r bli(q1111 net ur tare t'. IL 7. 0 . re:11 40 1i to berlll . l3 ri'• 1 - they 'will be sure to p- , T 1 et pint. Ere cune,t.titt ett, 14.. int.; ••• btanees frt.to the t••;:•-t . • I.e.it. ha, IL. of '• Tta.„1....31 , trk • : r . • : IS 3 IliiiAll•MC3ll. l7 . with •: : „ Lt ;i..!,t , • , of tlio t., fOr the .! S: - : i 4 Pn., Ynttrr IMPORTANTro GEES. iiv• c f<( PILLS T 1 e c •rniAtlatiou r f 1:,4, talti t. 1121 E tlit.ir ❑ n❑ CM4111=1!1181 MIMI = •f tL, Leo-.' =I = DR. CEMESEItIAN'S PL':' Ilare be,n used over oaerrtiag , h, • -: ru+truitti m. Lut cue 1.1.01 cannot be token intLcu; Tr .'L, SULT. 'lite tend:trent re.ser•nl oli the result, .111. , ('.11111.4(! 3 it: nt the c_t o r, t-• r t'• to. o Txual c,.o,l,tz^n, V. N 7,: of rm'n C 3 .11 2 ,•: in a , y th.r way. Dr. Ch eeseman's byre tern t'ar,l,re.rk..,' • are the tro.t etft•eta I • ad. etc; .UE pecult •r to F tla:c? 7 .1.. taductrg. with ctra•rtt . -a' r a:- known to hou , ar.C.i, nun Lt, e knt ,thort the fin of so=e rnotternuarct Fer:i ft d.rect' letter. the; with each tot—the n.c:sl iER Box, it 30 I, co 11.1, I:) , mail, prcraptly, a• d e, :.;ton, by 'a tlle, prop I. (11.'.• VP .\f,l V. ILLYER, Fr r , l Cedar S ,- Od is r.l-^ br k Ca—, A Warfel, f nd W IM. N I l. Itewl‘t,tl Z & H. T. AFTRONY Iltaanfaotnrers of Photop.l7.:. 501 BROADWAY,' S. 1. ladltiera La 91? aura t_. mete ef I TTRIAI—S, we to, Le..lll,t•ter• : • t_•' • • Stereoscopes and Stere)acapc Of Coon we tqLs • an trr-,••• se • VIEWS Or THE Via. Obtained at great .:peer a, .1 f rr. ii TTIOTOGRAPILIC IIIaTOLT or THE ~::C LT Ball Run, . Dutch Cs; Yorktown, ' - Por.t.sor Gettysbargh, Har.ovel Fair Oaks, Lookort Savage Station, Ch:clih.. Fridencksburgh, City Po:ht. Fairfax, Nashville , Richmond, Foto:bug! , Deep Bottom, Bello Pills. Monitors, Chat Lltc:is Atlants. Fort Morgan, Charleston, Florida, GM /Maims anti Tereca Clans- ri t fiArnl•,,z • tialurm U. Catkin . . wt;l tv St, L. at Strap. Photographic gib - We Inn th. fast to tritr , gl utigil we onageofutoro• ", Lug rrtrs fro= 51 Latta. of becrrapener W_ •:r s- I They wall be 'rut by etr. , l, • ALftrigi ymg, g: ( 13." 'The Trade will find our ~1 . Saleable they cArti) rtion , Our Catalo,g„ ntrgt •rgb-ares ••" ar.b.lok ta (to whirs tarot A -. tlldr,ll3M.ar, .'rt I • g ME= OMNI =MBE ENAIME 1313221 BEM BM ra7r,113, Statuv. colt: f lino I.—zro r. t..• 1111.1 oa, roco:pt of $1 +.l. . - mold C t , 1 . . utoTh 1. ulluvl.s) ezipleql Matador the for • • . N.ITiI)N.% tt i" t. ~ I.°IIXETt • Oi ft 0 - 10.1 , 11.r:11 Ity tog., And ur lot ti " gy p the I atr,tvx,;,.. nhith w ,„ ,••s tt eqe, ;Till IC ex t. , .10 , 1tng is ntilleitut t ot, il‘or 1,1:11 u.th t 1 .,•1r I - tt ~ •-~-'t' N G. It .t V 1 :\ . BUSINES,S, W1:1)1)1Ni1 AY' S • 1 , rt• - •.*. - C STA Ml' 0.6, 1:,; ,, it 1' .1 q • l• r 421 1 :66- EvAGON ITEST !AI =I