I rriE Arcady Obottur. ni I:ENZITARY :22 • Railroad Mallen". .overal TrekOs for giving in Erie irEn-rtl.on with the oil re• being selife'y discussed by press r:e tab ogler raillonds are rapidly ~oir co mpletion, which RlO,OllOl exert a most marked and fator upon our trade and commerce, ~r , c,, for some reason to obtain but little pt of these, the Jamestown & Frank.. r9 l l, extends from the Erie & Pitts— i:roga to Franklin, and connects goo , nil Creek & Pithole railroad, ors will be sent through without free Erie to the very centre of oildom, ,e2ger s will be carried to Pithole in h 3 .0 !. This road will be completed, et a by the month of June next. tte , De l route is the Warren & Irvine connecting with the Nils it Irvine, extends down the Val klle;beny to Oil city. The work being pushed forward with tvliend rapidity. It will be in f:limte by April or May next, s eltu pieted its whole length by tr py e gusto will be uniform with }t p9iie t,lphta S: Erie, - am:twill give rest from Erie to Tidioute, West 7 ,, iss -ta. President and Pithole, jeint.l.? points on the Allegheny. i 1 nr liffiett't to exaggerate the• , e ! : tbe.e new lines to the growing c f cur city. Heretofore, although on the very edge and threshold ri ream, Erie hes, from the enperior fie;l`,ties enjoyed by Cleveland and t'eri compelled to see the rich itth with equal facilities,, would in t hoe rtritstea hit herwards, carried tioie mere remote but more accessl• we have had, ostensibly, a line of t..) Oil Creek by the Philadelphia Sr. I),i Creek railroads, but we might i 4 well hare had none. Nobody needs of the intolerable and utterly delays, exact ions and imposi !.,re I 11 the public, from the inexpli— wperating mismanagement and 'al:fferenee of the imbeciles and incom tcntofore and until within a few chlrze orrailrovi matters on this rart;cularly at Corry, the point of r. All this will now very 8005, by the ;cf these new lines, be changed, and a porin of the trade heretofore to rievelAnd and Pittsburgh, will be is this direction. Cleveland to Oil Creek by the Atlantic t Western is 14 miles. Erie to Oil Creek, by the Erie & Pitts. and Franklin & Jamestown, Reno, Oil and Pithole railroads, is 93 miles, n ace in faster of Erie of 51 miles. l'itt;burgh to Oil Creek, by the Erie burgh, j4me3town St Franklin, Ste , is dithrenee in favor of Erie of 91 slance from Buff do to Pithule by the s nre, Cross Cut & Oil Creek railroada, hoe should ever be opened.) will he les. Difference in favor of Erie 97 nst all the disadvantages and obstacles which we have heretofore labored, and but the mere drippings of this trade. 11 grown rapidly in population and s with the grcwth of population and •I in the oil region. What will our .1 be with the opening of three new t of trade; and still more what would wed here in the way of rapid growth e have a direct line of railroad between .v 4) i thatregio 1 ? 'tree road • only needed now to se same , which cannot possibly be by any of the rival points named. at the map will satisfy any one of is what is wanted, and in our jude • we are not likely to get an indepen. sd beginning here, the next best thing to construct the road from Union to ale and Pitholel By this means, and section with the thiladelphis& Erie, a line would be had which would en— s to reach Ulm points in , the !holiest 'e ti©e and with the fewest miles of all= note from Union to Titusville has been ;iiiy surveyed, and found to be remark Ivorible in every respect. The distance re io Pith°le by this route will be only 'n, taking the diffirenee in favor of irßaffalo 74 miles; in favor of Erie sre:cal 81 miles ; and in favor of Erie ,:lturgb 61 miles. !far hal been made by responsible con to do the entire work of grading, furnishing the ties from Union' (Cie for the'sum of $B,OOO per mile. terti subscription has already been :a the stock of this road at. Union and !if remainder 'of the amount required' :::e enbecribed here, and after the full lode up—nof before—let there be an , f manager", by the stockholder?, Clrirethe work through to comple the very earliest possible noineat.— z!n‘iness men eee to it that there be delay in securing the coin - -mt ef this—to Erie—immensely im— ;rack; and while congratulating our t:.l the cheering certainty of very ht.t.ithe two new rputes referred to in r•tteinetit of this , article, let us net l'iefar greater advantages to be re .l7::e direct route, by which the great teeming with populational:id wealth, tilr:zght to our very doors. lllt. Coevrsrrom.—The Lake Erie A . totistiou held its second meeting at :Cr, on Thursday, the 15th inst , and antis considerable amount of business rtn,e to the interests of the craft in of the country. Some twenty z;re members were in attendance, 'Pined the 'association by letter. 1 ::Itty now numbers forty -four rim ttpre.enting nearly all the papers in •1-Itstero Pennsylvania, Western New t=i a few is North-eastern Ohio, an 1 : ' l //ettly believed the' before the elate tit yetr every editor and publisher living lied within a scope of a hundred miles tt the lake shore will have become the organization. Its objects ;t:ty to Promote the business interests -0,