The rudllsy He took the paper, and I watched, And sw him peep within; And tb• drat line ks reed, his face Was 41 upon the grin. Be read the next; the grin grew brad, ♦ad shot from *es to ear; Be read the third; a chuckling Doke. I now began to hear. The fcituth; ha broke Leto • mu: The fifth; Ws ratat•band split; The sixth; he bent dm buttottstiff, ♦nd tumbled In a tit. Ten deye and edglita with eleeples3 sye, I watched that wretched man ; • And since I term dared to be As hinny al I can. Political Paragraphs. • The radicals threaten to keep Colorado, which claims admission into the Union as the thirty-seventh State—outside the door because her people refuse to give the ne gro the right of suffrage. • Wuo is ntsrattinnuTl-,-There is a gen eral desire to know who is the President of the United States. Is it Andrew John son, of Tennessee.' or Thad. Stevens, of Pennsylvania? To whom Cabinet dots Secretary Stanton belong? To that of Pres ident Johnson,or to that of President Ste vens? Does Congress consider Johnson or Stevens the President? ' That is the ques tion. An unmistakable symp'om of returning reason among the people- was - manifested in the House galleries last week, when Mr. Brooks told Thad. Stevens that he pre ferred the women of his own race to vote rither than negrops. He was greeted with hearty applause which the speaker vain ly endeavored to suppress. It should not have been so objectionable to the honor able presiding officer after what has been witnessed in the House during the present session, and especially as it was the first time in several years that anything favor ing the white race had been applauded from the mixed audiences of abolitionists and negroes who generally throng the galleries of both Houses. Gen. Baker, Stanton's vile tool of all work during the rebellion, who was re cently dismissed by order of the President, is on trial at Washington for falseimpris °natant, extortion, assault and robbery in the case of a lady. A despatch from Chi cago to the Cincinnati Gazette says that A. M. Wells, formerly Secretary of Baker, was arrested 'on Saturday for stielinA a valuable overcoat, with a conaillerabla amount of money in nne of the pockets, from a man named Bomett, recently an officer in the navy. The villains of the War Department will all be brought to justice some day or ether. It is only a question of time. Justice is slow but sure. Tug DIMIINCI.-At the last session of our Legislature, Senator Bigham convinc ed himself that the office of Surveyor General should be abolished, and intro duced a bill to that effect. We notice among the proceedings at Harrisburg this session, that this same Senator Bigham, takes back all he then uttered, add has introduced a bill to increase salaries, and give to the Surveyor General $2,400 a year, instead of Sl 500 now paid. The reason for the change of position is that the Surveyor General elect is a Republi can, and of course he couldn't think of abolishing it during his term. A lithographer in New York has pub lished an illustration of Gen. Grant's ref erence to Gen. Butler in his report. The picture is entitled " The Bottled Imp— Lowell Bitters, bottled by Gen. Grant, -B. F. 8.. 1865, 13. S. G." Ia a glass bottle tightly corked, (Gen. Grant having his band on - •the stopper), is seen the burly figure of Butler, en grande costume mili taire. holding in his hand a bag labelled "Gold," while on the outside of the bottle are seen sundry such legends as "Dutch Gap," ' Powder Boat," "Back Door of Richmond," and a big key wherewith to unlock the door aforesaid. The affair is very provocative of mirth. Joax Czar:A.—This remarkable person• age, who was a candidate in the Democrat ic State Convention three years ago for Governor, and who boasted for months previous that he had so far obtained 'the advantage over all other candidates as to make his nomination certain, was the Chairman of the Republicanthati•Corn mittee laat,year, is now eagerly at work seeking a 'nomination from the Republi can State Convention, which meets on the 7th of March next. As he left the Demo cratic party because he saw that political knavery was no passport to the office to which he aspired, we are ate loss to know into whose hands he will fall should he fail to receive a nomination at the hands `atlas Republican Convention. If knavery and wire pulling is to be the test of fitress for the office, John will distance air his competitors. It is related that Senator Sumner called on President Johnson a few days since, and among other grounds for the appre hensions with which he was oppressed, re ferred to the fact that in the South they continue to denounce the Union. The President is reported to- have replied " And as for denouncing the Union, I am ,very sorry to say that's true to a great ex tent in the South, but you know that they've been doing it in Massachusetts, too l" It should never be forgotten. that the original disunion demagogues were Maisechusetts men. As long ago as 1811, Mr. Quincy, a Representative from that State, openly advocated in Congress the doctrine of secession, and for more than half a century before the Southern Stp tea asserted their independence, Masaschti setts contained as many rebels as South Carolina or Mississippi. The N. Y. Tribune having been worsted in an argument by the Evening Pon,prophe sies that th'e Post is preparing to be swal.: lowed by 'Tammany Hall. 'TO which the Post rejoins thnt "unless wiser, juster and more liberal counsels prevail at Washing ton, there will soon be no Republican par ty to hold to: If the Union, for which we have spent so much money and poured out so much .blood, be not fully restored before the close of the present session Of Congress, thepeoPle--_ivhose icetincte dis cern only grand general resulta l -will sweep the party that has the power out of sight. The Union, in all its length and breadth, they will have, and political dif ferences they will adjust afterwards ; and each impracticable schemes as Sumner's and Steven's and others will only succeed in separating the dominant party from the popular sympathy, both North and South." , r Aft INTINIMCW Wan 7E2 number of leafing Pennsylvanituis; eluding seven members of Congress, had a cordial interview with.' the • President,' last week, which lasted two hours, and :et which the prominent political questions in Congress were discussed. The Washing - ton oorresperident, of the N. Y. Port isys the President reiterated his opinion that Congress should 'admit the rebellious States to-representation. He thought the passage of the negno suffrage bill' was un timely, but did not intimate any purpose to veto it. Upon! leaving, a member of the delegation remarked that they were determined to hold to the. President, and he replied that it-was hie purpose to hold on to them. • We are glad to sec.some signs of return. izig reason among Republican editors. The New York Times makes the following ad mission: 'The true policy is' to expedite rather than delay the readmission of the South , ern Representatives and Senators. It la neither right nor safe for 44 Part of the country to legislate for another part of the bountry, without wing it an - • .. , - 6 . 1;714 ;o- • . .- a.; ' -.. „ ,. a . 1 '" jue in BEST 'BRANDS. OF ,E1:11E CO. FLOUR, ' sympathise with u nrd U 581440.. u the WARRAIATED a 000 D IRT10Lli: man. •At present they took the souls% - Eir The Idsleet market rneb'su4 for all kir e Ol . intellect, and Inspiration of woman, andnws ituitsew• .1 1 treated them as you, treat an acorn, by siziesis dallier"' frao of castle to mu' part o o ; o rafting it in a fhwer-pot sad provealini Cat _ i doeSllll4l trili Calsrs4 l 41 , 1 1 1 ft !9, r4° ises-ae, gam ?ZNN'A. REGULAR LECTURE COURSE AT FAR.' EAR HALL. Id. Feb. ilth r Yisi Sass Z. Giacomo% Phila.; outdid — 0 Home Thrust." ' Tickets for single leataras, 10 H. assts. A. Catollllor, . . C. X GUNNISON; 1 X. L. PILTON, .. , -AZRO GOFF, .. • , H. P. SEAMAN, , Lecture Committee. EfaigAttar Thorfday. the 16th, the Diatoms of tItW ti be found at the book store of Cangltey Mn Ckeary k Co.. whore tickats may be purchased aud mots: refereed. , ~ . sant , WGOLESALR AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE. P. A. B ECK ER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Bortk-Past Caner el tad Park 4 Preach West, (anzarazaa,) on of tha acmsuanaltr We l ildr !gf ethl ß to e f u l the at =e - EatocEßnts - AND 'PROVISIONS, Mach bolo &dna to moll at tho MIT LOlrisT POSSIBLI PRIM Ms assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, • FISH, &C., Is not rairpasod la tiro city, 'w is ho prepared to proyo to all who eve him • will. ' Be also keeps constantly on hand a taped°, lot of PURE LIQUORS, Ibr the wholesale bads, to which ha &toots the attention of the patella • Ma motto Is, "Quick Sales, Smell Profits and a full Equivalent for the Money." aprll'63tf. $lOO SAVED ON A PIANO FORTE! • $5 to so ON A MIMODEON OR ORGAN 1 Byparebasingll Z. SMITH, OF ERIIS, Instead of sending orders to New York. PIANO FORMS AND NELODZOSS Furnished tree the folio Id ag Web:lW auinhmotaters Stelaway & Sow. New YOrk, Woe. Logo & Co., 'Baltimore, ifd., Wm. B. Bradbury. Nor Totki Gronotoon k Co., Now Turk, licaridataz k Gray. ktbssi; Y Ow. A. Trines & Co , Bulky p, N.Y, FICSOing. Synesups, N. Y Jewett k Goodman, Clevelead, 0 PRICE AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW lILANUPAOTIIRERS' PRICES! Plums from WO to $1,600 ler .U 1 person. to sal an d desiring s Bra rate Plano or liolodio• co aro invited o:amino mu Imam:meats bo th., pa:ehaaing elasswhers. 'Crory Iseteament warranted for Ore yearn - ec P hate Street, nearly opposite the Post caw, Ibis. a. n080 . 65tt. L SIMS. N IIIIIIC asaousz. JACOB BOOTZ Would respeetfull► annonae to the people of Erie city tad county, that baba* opined a , _ NEW GROCERY STORE-, On the West Side of Perth Street, a Short DLstalkoe South of the late Shore Depot, Wharf he will keep on Maid • large assortment of GROCERI,ES, PROVISIONS, WOOD AND "ILIA)* •waus, rtora And everything tinally kept In a ant else' store ALIO, WINE. SWEET CIDER AND LIQUORS. The highest Market Price paid for Produce ta oua does:red. cr. Give me a will, if you wl.h to swam good bat nuns. I plates coyeelfto Heil as Low, if not Lower, than soy other store in the city. mrl2.64tf. NEW FIRM. _- James P. Croot, having tuken in his eon, James E., as a partner, on the lit dav of April, 1964, coder the arm mune ofJANIZe P. CROHK dt ON Moires to ►ate east thrust of ►fl oklaseourr a. AU persona lustreriAg them selves indebted to kin are requested to mil sad settle, without delay. . JAMES P. CROOK & SON, ROUGH Sr. PLANER LUMBER! • ' Asp 'ar.scio4o4naltwii or Wiz4rw Sash, Pause& J)oora and Blinds, Mouldings lad Picket Paten Scroll Sawing. Matching and Planing done to order. • Shop on Peach st, Ratitisen 4th and sth Btie. fide, Pa. We retpectihily eall the attention ottbs pahlin to ow (actillits for doing wo,k in the heel of stets. promptly and on reasonable terms. Baying lined tip cabals awn shops. with superior =maims), we fail confidant o giving eatk• aaharastion. •IN'Ordses from abroad will rewire prompt attsntion 10r23114-,-11. .TAMS P. CROOK & 80N. • W A N .11 D . APPRENTICES FOR THE NAVY 1 None need apply but thole of sound health sod gond moral character, who can read well, !pelt eorrectlywiit• legibly and who can cipher is' whole' wohtberif.atidArac Hone, mid are not leas than 13 n..r more than 18 ?En o age. Naval apprentiocenme ELIGIBLE TO ' APPOINTMENTS At Iry • NAVAL'A.C.ADBMYI.. A certain number being selected ,yearly hem among them for there appointmeo Schoorre are urged to each school -ahlp to teach the rudiment, of education, including navigation, and their morals are carefoHy cared tor. Apprentices are CAREIDLtY 'AND THOROiffitlitY EDI:ATED To discharge the deifies of seamen. and it the ikration of their terd of apprenticeship, which is whew tWry rive at the age of 21, if bend qualified, have the prefer. mice inthe appouttmesta fat warrant and petty Wawa . cr. For further infermatiou, %only to N. 81111114 Commaadar 11.8. Navy, Erie, Fe Naval rendsevoss, Nee, Pc, In Farrar Hall, over Clemens, Quiets', & Bargees'. ' ad-Bd. SEWING BLICIIINDS• THE' CHEArEST AND. BEST BOY TITHER THE mess OR SINGER. Ohs ass&rs'aid having Dean Aprpotated seat la fate eft! for the Om 'celebrated Rachlbee rsercUuUr galls the attentloa of the pi:IWO - tattle eanse. They are acknowledged to De .thst beet la we sad me tlie gimped la the market. Each Moldse has all the West insproireatento, abash reader there far =perky to any other wow sold • Tereeag deelltisg to psychass a Sesta; klechlne uiU End It of advantage to call and examine thee@ before toying elnewbere. . Samples pa aridloltioa ej. my stem NW. linriess Block, Dotage's the Park sod !Seventh street. Janie &Dim „ T. WASHES. k arriiPosa man laavanang . a/Lamar. CONNICTICITT, INCORPORITZD 1810. .911 1 17'41. $1,000,000. T. C. ALLYN, Pia& ' G.M. COIL, 9 es', CLTY. EIRE LNSURA.NCIE io P&N Y, CONNECTICUT. INGORPORITZD EMT. . • . CIPIT4L.O.OOO WE. E. RAW, hest OEO. W. LESTER" &WT. " lanzaaee is the *bola *ld sad reliable Gaga ales au beehtalsed on application to ' . • it. W. REGIBILLL. Agra READY PAY STORE. It 'I i ti Would Nogoettally‘ Worm tlit i tutdia that Do hs aro= or oiocpugs "OF .T4lll . ZS I BLISS. 001t:1121i of 8y 'Alien?* MI. Moro he Wood. Ulmer so good as aostrlastot of 01106Elitg i S - St PROVISIONS, •;: • WOOD Ii WMXOW 71Tt i tt li rt 14 7, I eCIdDS X.s eloastritty on bawl. , Ir it s IMISLIMIA -L ai eikte NAM lititAD ' . , .. , peat line Iwamoto the Mutton art Nortiwoot eimattes of Pesosylveais to the eft" of ' Me, op tete Mlle. It has loser teemed tif th• Amasiosopie Ma ned Otioqfrogh sad to operated. by them , TM OP PASIIMI= AT ISM Uwe lUD train ... 2 00 a. is 6r;e Elmo Tula.— Warren A500m...... 166 p. is 17T1,1"ii;:i;a1r -- ----- 7 3°l. E. -Vail Train ' 5715p.w. Ern rinses Trate.... ........ ...., 337 a ro.' W 11117111•000114 . -..........- • 1020 s. at. p= care ran through on the Erie Kell gad ti without Usageboth ways between littledol plils wed lbw , • New_Yort enniection I Lem New York at 6 00 p. so. vein at Erie 337 a. re. Lure Brie at 165 p. or., arrive Ne*Yort 1 16 p. al. r. No donee of are between Itrie and New York. Sleeting Sleeping Can on All night Fates. Nor Intonuatiou roipeoUng •Perwenvrr butane uPply et the 51. E. writer Illth end Market eta i and Whaled "undone of the Ctimpenta Nrenb, _ N. 11 KINGSTON, Ja., eernorlSth and Raba litnetr. Af 3..111. THOLDB, Rein a l". BROWN, Arid N. 0. It IL, Ihitimore. - H.R. RANNTON, Gement Freight Ann, Thila. K. .W. atIPINEtt. tau. Tient est. Phila. .4. L. 1 TLC R. 4 vterti Nuperintudent. Wllliernaport FALL AND WI NTE,II GOODS.; MhS. 8: W. HALL' Would rtspectially all attention to her LARGE STOCK HT GOODS Jolt received from New YOrk, embracing • BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, &0., &e., Together with some 1 11 R Y O p O D i ? • Which she will sell CHEAP FOR * CASH, OR READY-PAY. - Vir Partin/sr Waldo& paid to bleaching. eoloris g and preening.- Store o• Peach St.. I .40011 above the Depot. Pa areool4tE AMILLICAN HOUSE. SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE PARS k STATE ST, ERIE, PA. JOHN D'INCAN, PROPRIETOR. , 'KO 'undersigned having take* ehargi the . Mare well-known Hotel and refitted It In superior style, rer speetfully solicits a share of the public patronage. Tel= reasonable, and . seloommtalations Kul to say Ix the cit For the convenience of persona from the country • good stable has been attached to the premises. sfipe'64-Em. JOHN DUNCAN. C ITY AND COUNTY PUBVICYINII. JOHN MILLAn 13 fully prepared to reset any grade, and re-mark col nen of In lota and Out-lots of the city, and the Tract. thrnughont the county. Having been for many years employed melte and wry ty ittrveyer, he be !etre to refento all the fartneman , begin. a men who balm benutofore employed him Particular attention Oise to Stepping, Plana, Spiral cations. Oil Yapsrepared on the rhorest notle All grim left at I' . A., Docket's store corner of Stull; and Vrack6 itnisO6 promptly attended .to. Dreember 1114. DMUS ds CARSON. Dinlen in ALL KINDS OF GROCCIUMI, FRUITS, VEGETABLES ANC/ PROVISIONS, Fifth Street, between State and French, Erie Pa. Having purehaseu nor stock before the late rise to prices, We fed confident of being able to give Patti -1141100, both in ' price and • quality. Country Freda°, of every port boned and sold. Farmers off eitays depend on reeeittag the highest 'mar ket price for their articles. inALICR.9 IN , TEM ADJOINING TOWNS. • And an the Una of Ratko d, SUPPLIED WITH TRIM, YEAETABLIE 2 , RO Mrs as a Call REILIMBER MAT k JACKSON'S MARKET DKPOT, Tim 8 MEI BANK NOME. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OF ERIE. CAPITAL, $150,000. DlitEurona : BILDEN MARTIN, JOHN W. Eli] km, guau MARVIN, - HESTER TOWN, 0. NOBLE. ORANGE NOBLE, Preddent. ' JOHN J. TOWN, Guiltier. The IMO,* bank will be opened for the tranuactkm of business on . DEC. 5, 1855; IN littOllKS' BLOCK, West side of State tit., between inantb lad Ligeta Satisfactory paper diem:Mel • Money received on Deposit. Colluttona made and proceed+ accounted: If .At • promptness. Drafts, Specie and Bank Notes bought and sold . A-54re of hallo Patronage is respectfully aclic.b., .11,TO. M. MORRISON & SONS Beg leave to inform the animas of Erie aad oligalty that they Lan removed thole eta* of DRY GOODS, To the RUSK BLOCS, to the banding formerl7 hreeets:llll73 is MI AS, erlsere.they Intend keeping a large amortmaat of DRESS GOObS, FANCY SILKS, GLOVES, HOISERY, &C. Beta/slog thanks to - our common for their pad Mena. patronage, we reepeettelly auk • eonUnnanee el Um game A. UTUOIIIZED • CAPITA. .$ 1 0 410 1 00 .• carrra, PAID IN, $.1)30000. THE EIECONH N I ATIOH i iL K open for badness oa MONDAY, DECRIIBBE 11TH, 1864. to do ElanldnA , aloe low maga by_ the lielsbaat's Bank, In Brown • Hotel SIMS*, mnb.pmed earner of State Wu* antral:WlWl.- WY., L. SCOTT, P?tismalt. .17)1. C. CIIRSTiCasms D1R741018 W. L. soOTZ, ref km 012. Been C* Cost Deans JOS. NeCARTT.B., of Om of Sadao, Bliss k IfaCerier Bailers . , mrogivs, coal Dealer. W. B. BROWN, t BllRaio k Writ &Woad. JOHN C. BUB.G of Arm of ITeasres, Csagbey se;' Wholesale Grows. O.IC. CROUCH, of Srla of Crouch k Bra, Tim Yds. JUL LULL if Ins at Wart Jakasea k liesmaa, Mon Nerafsetarsm. T. T. FARRAR, One k Tarry, Wholesale Bream J. DRYBl4l4X2l4lkoent: • ( • Erie, Dec. ?. 1864. E r 81 it M.AII.I,WAY, .1, Wl lt itae°l3ll 4 l rFis THIC BROAD WAGE DOUBLR TRACE ROM wHW YOU, PROVIONI4OI, bo ON, New mins HARTFORD BRIIMIKPORT TALL MIN , 810SCRCON, Neirwer, - Asa w t/A Tfrffl atd -Ot it Y 2 4.11 P0 4114 , r BAYING 22 - Na.La IN DISTANCZ t(4 ,141111.1t,' BMW "Sr ealsismesis New!' Tani," WITHOUT MAMIE 97 COACIDI2II ...... • , 1;11411 fardtar tru ly will ma as bllon : Lam Daaklrk.-7 00 A. It. giprs MD; 0.20 N. Mot "sprier fair. tr. Cladarratt Capra - Lasso t tlalitaitoll-LO x. Day ripreal; 11.111 • . - 11:syntaaarr, x. Night Uprises; 9.13 P. It. Clachniati ama. Lists liaealo-4 00 A. x. Day Twain. In A. N. Xx• mlfar; bide. X. Dight, Kapias9 ; l?.49 ". aau 11X • AMY* tallow Yoe 10.20 rat Day lisps..; TOkc Express Mal JIM presa. .t. Meta Up:au; 1 116 t. a. Illa !Ewe pp p.-Traiti Nis Bar& wlll atut alma daily Amyl &Maya. All trains at Saturday tar directly Abram* to Wentratis . .1 Dodos sod how ragtime Ptameaters eta leelli,riek • 4tt ta. Kw • Teak. Italtheat addliloaal toot amid has chalet at all Rail or Soaaillteszaan to dastlaatles. - Wits swan" tuba at Ude rathrhy will wilt HOWLS for Welter* tralaa aad Nuke nom, . w , wN thew thdramegle toKw York. Tie bait Vattllatad aid aisiiilepaattealar 1111;• IN THI WOELD'ara la she ot: r e. nom lied aoudad ariiixaqualkd. Chay Ikeerdistard sallatjoat room far the Daaitbaa. Palo' ,I , olaboi. Ara frota sad malted' cars XIS all tistaiS, rriaraeltaes Wow VIA. by atiy-=rastal. ADZ nnt =MN VIII RAILWAY. ein bit obtained at Isl prlaalpal tiedrat Sago pectb-ratratasd Nadi' Vast. CidolV as, Ca* IStreat.—X: D. ilidth,:2lakat A r o; Itald.7reiiht /pat. Max York WILe% '4O Baxidarity , -00 . 4101 Oak uckiet t • I rpostox 111 Mao ihsho L lt. „ rm e. . BASKTork. mow Tolk. SIDDLI, Sein t Nye iN itoK o ?ritr it LIFE-REJUVENATOR. ffM;M=;== aged should be Mesta to Inds the gilokmele a household god, Inseam h as It will rend r thets youth f .1 to foellne and In sturnsth. and enable them to Use emir again the days of their mist ne joy. It not Sall edit until @Months's; and Is really an laralnable blessing. eep.ctal jto Qom who ban been reduce to g condition f arrtllltr , sell Abase, nals'ortno• or ordi- nary sickness No linear *hat the sans* of the i p.. ten 1 of any human °ma& this superb preps:l)l4.i will more Lhe effect stony - *Edisto ver. 13 X CO S.M. 3ZI CURES imrorsvcr, GENERAL DEBILTIT. NER VOUS INCAPACITY DISP.c.PSIA DEPRESSION, LOPS. OF APPETITE, LOW SPIRITS, wcAvicsa or fax oitamvs or GENERATION, lit scturrilylNTAL INDOLENCE. EMACIATION, ENNUI. It hat a most delightful. desirable and novel effect arm the nervous 'yawn, and all who are to any way prostrated by ner vous amenities are earnestly advised to sash a ears In this most ineallittat and anequalloi premustkin. • Persona wh by imdenae, have lost their mhos! vigor, vigor, will Sod a epeedy pru permanea ears In the"0313.46. The Teeti/e, the L,.nruld, the' Dispairloi, the Old should give this valuta e discovery a trial: It wW be found totally different from all other articles for the MOO pre Ti) N I MEO.—ThIe preparation Islay/liable is nerve:um wesknecuies of ell Made, ult willvestore the wasted strength with wonderful It is also a rand tonie,snd It give relief la Diaper Ma with the first dam. A brief persistence in its OOP will rearm the stomach in a degree of , perfect health • d Mulch Dyspepsia former. One do lar per bottle, or Li: betties for VI Sold by Druggists generally. • Sent by anima. anywhere, by addruniag HUTCH [NOS i§ H I LLYER, Proprietors, • hill Cedar Street, New T.erk. KA 00, MAO & ele• NAY ON A PIANO FORTE! AND $2O. $25 Asa 140 os ORGAN OR MELODEON! Br sending ordm to 'O. - J. WILLARD, No. 647 BresAway. N.Y., wzoiataia PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC DEALER 1 W. A. Pond k Ws, Boardwa. Grey k C o Knobs 6 Co.'s sad other First Clasp PIANO FORTES! • •. AadCarbart, Needham k Co's vow Parlor Organs, Nato &tons, Church Harmonising, Ind" S. D. li t Smith's - AMERICAN ORGANS MUSIC FLACIURS AND DEALERS Will be faralahed with Sal= lasdrasiksa g o ok s Orsaos or It siodeoss at Wholesale Prises. NTT NOSTO UT? TO LIT ADTRITS, VW 07 TOOTAO3, OP 1302271 . os PIICIL. Viatary at last. Soo; and ebonui, by IplUasi Z. Baud. bury, Our sale ebbe, bail pseud any. La estop es tbe ao death of A. Lbasolo,_by 8. Z. Th0z05e........- in al up in gHde, by Tucker 10 Jeff In potties:onto. A. soon a the Mon, by letJter.-.10 em lonely 14 Lai. he lett eie,N. .... .3/i Hs, or ea'y down in BonasPrania. Haas tieb50idt,......30 I beliwrsd her true to me, H:111illard, thus so mach to t.ll. J s• Let his nat." A tribute to this Into erephiss Ire Ter 'areas tar. 'areasand embel.ished with his liksaws% by Henry s Listensk emitted.- Words bi - liTtr - eicitiliXini — c.. Pao - 30 Lost star easy home. The bat sadgoa chorus by Hoary Tatter . . .... .. ...... ..... ...... .10 WU. ham unitsain - bill. by _pri,..-....... 30 Lean ma slot la dark &Goo r. by A. B. W00d.....„..36 Mind you. that, by J. H. IlleNangbton Moonlight with thus, by it. Mk er My Poi by Ana comic, by Darla Ned, My beautiful thus, by J. Mehoa, as M.ggt ilother'idblardnby D. g. by F. Widdoera,..-- - ...... ...--311 p zoom r. tiasa.. itk KT loge boy, by fltephen C. Yoriter.....„ .i...—... 311 Merle on the wares. Duet. by 0. W. tilevir, SO Menu dream my love an ebony, by J. B. Thouna, Tell aso. Usti. tot /skiing star „byO. EL 0ri1a,... ..3111 Mare's nose to any good night to me, by J. H. Me- Naughton, al Tout me all In all. or not at all. Words by Tennyson, W. ft- - Dempster, - Words by Be Dina foram mine. by H. Millard. as Beautiful dreamer. (for, guitar; yWlllsofi. as Beautiful ido of tbri an, i f. Thom• as Slags bd Kitty May, by by P. B. L R. -- lama, , 33 Catlavelroluilonra, wade. by Bearmiloodryin, 30 1 swot caliber anther, by Chaste/kip. 30 Jeis* thee but for the, by J. Mahon„..a. 30 Yining on the sly, by J. A. !larder 30 . ON no. fatlirr.ero I din, by Waller; SO Bury m. in this euriehino. by H. M Ward,- ...... ..-.1111 achild angel by W. B. 8urr,..., ... . . _ . -- -- 30 Ibbibtllal aloud, by — l. mac* Sirltlng Us. sun by Du Brybat, D. D. ' INBTRUNIZAITAL-1131/ WALTZSI. I:Abitibi ! by .11 : 116...• _ 00 lie/Ls of &rya. by George Weirea.....l 00 Dulls 43 an d Valais. by Kn. 5ettener........ 4 30 Faust, by Th. *atm .1 30 flowing etraaalet, W by Ch. Wells, 76 nos% by Gerais Wl= Warren, T 6 home, ay Jean Manus • 64 Heart's ache, by. W album Ma, by hew SO L'Ar. Kiss, brllliaatll Ltaeohr Amaral a raseralwerah.fra Marohiloovals larch Ti l t oloph. Barth Neater Boastlfel dreams. —4O Call me cot bask ta . Dear mother Pre home to Grohs. '9O Ludgate, ball. by A: Eaaroach, 40 flood far illustrated pica Hat .f lastrawasa . la aid WO- Logue of New Waldo. Add,ess crams to W. I WILL AID Wholesale Plano Torts and Basic Dealer. • learhatf. No. 667 Broadway. hew York. AIIIIIIIIIOAN tWUTEI-PAST COSNitit OF TIM !AB[ AND STA= ST, ERIN. PA. JOHN D U IkIC AN. PROPRIETO4. iranainiaminzaruto - taken charge ofTits the above wolLkoolro Bole, AM To. Mot it is so lor rogiostfelly obliofta It altars of AU polite Tom. reo oo stibla. sod rufogorAo &twos Kiwi to my in ik• For the orarosiodoo of proms boo tbo towatry good stable b bolo attsebod to tba'premista j0r164/ JOON DUNCAN: Iris, Jam. I,lN$. FORS, FUILe t rims. WBOLIDIALV i mut. CHARLES OAIEFORD it SONS, CONTININTA.L BOTtL i , PriILADZLZEiII, EfilTh notr ors t Stl lop and splendid assortnant et LAMAS" FUR CAPIR. CIOLLARS. MUFFS. • 011Fild Arlo HOODS. • Mao Ms dant assortment of FANCY. FUR ROBES, . CAPE, MUFFLERS, AND GlLOirtff, • her Wore offered by them.• all of elleit ere resersalsd to e,• es represented. lIIIIPPLAG 'Ms ,BOUGEIZ ocUt4co. ' , I OWARD AdanCIATIOIII. PIELLADEIso L P , li.-Dissomo of tbo Infamy sod &ma vsuouta-korw and fellable traits:alt. Alma ale aria a limier. as Samar of Wanda; sad lastmotioa. mat .1a ' a.u ** 3 . 4 =l/2 1 ==. 444r0a0 Dr. Marna oN NO. S. South Matti iiiii r rlffaaolpida Pa. 1,1111111.1 y W. ; 1111.111VPLOMIZ AID 1,104462„11 Dl/114111 BEGiItS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, 40., AC., VITTII BRUM STAIII NM; 11111, PA. filliimeti the Dirpseth Peiatlag 0111ke. surnoven. A LL ed thi Ma The itaboarthar who Mamba Hoare, jot above the Cart, Es the peat bar ran, b.. raworut late tb. • 14ATIONAti HOTEL, " coauu or MOB AND 14/11.10 OTltnys, When Ale CU try to sesounsedate hike au seamy l ead as won, as ha Is AM atm& B. Ito gu e IND yalronair which war so MaraltY rit tOrre;10111 be wooded to AMA Is his asw ittAbilssf Ii inSeirst, to worremist• worldirs Pio ver ard" tisk Wrongs. . togs 11011.0. tt ' EnoritAvtivo. BUSINESS, WEDDING AND OTHER CARD'S. Ihals. Certllleates 0/ OP tad 6thia STAMPLNO, EMBOBBINO, SEALS, &a, &c. ST: J-• Ja•Pil•M• •, I ?ALUM 11011DLINI; an raiz Da'!,, *Mit RA• i S A ,-A-Yer g s OAPARILIAP' WORLD'S GRUM IttlI2DT 70111 Bcroful and Baroftdons Diseases. Nos Ewan Eder, a welt-known merchant of Osk ford, Maine. "I have Bold largo quantities of your SAILIAPA RILLA t but never yet one bottle which failed of the desired etleet and full astisfactkm tritium who took it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there been no medicine Like It before in our community." Drwptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, 171. oars, Bores, and all Diseases of the Skici. Free Rev. Robe. Stsvdlon; Bristol, England. " I only do my duty to you and the public, when add my testimony to thitt you publlsb of the me. &dual vhWs of your SARSAPARILLA. My &ugh. ter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor ha her ears,' eyes, sad hair for dean , which we were meld!' "A cure until we triedyour SARSAPARILLA. She been well for some months." Prow Mrs. Jana E. Rice, a Wen-knows era intic;t esteemed lady q f Deanterlile, Cape May Co., N.J. S. My daughter has =tiered for a year put with k serofulou eruption, which was very troublesome Nothing afibrded _any relief until we tried your autsArAitlLLk,whkh soon completely cured her." Ayr* Cka_Wes Gage, En., of the widely-known Gage, Murray Co„ manufbdurers ce eacasselkd treis Naziism, N. IL ad for several yens a very troublesome b ailor in, my fsoe, which grew constantly worse until it dliftured my futures and became an Intel arable enle. I fried almost every thing a man wad of bosh' advice and medicine, but without any relief whatem, until I took your SARSAPARILtA. lauseslistely made my face,worse, as you told me itml6t fora time but in a' lbw weeks the new skin bmisa to term ander the blotches, and con tinned until my face is as smooth as any body's, and I am without any symptoms of the disease that know of. I enjoy peeitet health, and without a loabt owe It to your SARSAPARILLA." Brysdpelai General Debility—putty the • Blood. Frost Dr. Ro6t Stavin, Houston St., New York. :aind Dß. ATER. ScrofWass s l or lejtom u l e ill to rern Teri o n v g e u f e ru o rtions our &massAnit„La and I Livjust now cured an attack of Malignant Etipekis wi th it. No altenitivo we pones* equals SARSAPARILLA you havo sup plied to the profession u well as to the people." Prom J. IL Johnston, Esq., Wakeman. Ohio. "For twelve yart4 had the yellow Erysipelas On my sight arm, d uri ng which ume I tried aii the vlebnited physkdans I could leach, and took bun deeds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords beam visible, and the doetors deckled that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your SARSAPARILLA. Toot two hot tles, and softn of your Plu.s. Together they have mred me. lam now as well and sound as any body. Being in a place, my ease is known to ever 3odJ y In this coMmunity, and excites the wonder or From MS. Raney Your°, At. P. P., of Newcastle, C. W., q Leading member of the Canadian /:arlia meat "I have usetlyour SARSAPARILLA In my family, !by general deolitty, and for purifying the blood, with •ery beneficial results, and feel confidence in commendlag it to the allikted." St. Anthony's Mrs. Bose, Salt Ithetun, Scald Read, Bore *ea. From Harter Maier, Esq., ale att. editor of 111.1 Tunthannock Democrat, Peripylrania. "Our only Child, about three years of age, was attacked by _pimples on his forehead. They rapldi • spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded !t i t: ri l l :a for some days. A skilful physician applied of silver sad other remedies , without nny .spparent abet. For Mom day. we guarded his hands, lest with them he should tear open the les kiting and eatrapt wowed which covered his whole 6ce. Having tried thing else we had any tope fiv oi tz began your SARSAPARILLA, and spiil the o potash lotion, as you direct. sore began to heal when wo h ad given the Spat bottle, and was well when we had finished the smut The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew fin, mid he *now as healthy and fair am thatany 0 , be The whole neighborhood predicted the Ghia arra die.* Mat&clod Vial Dims& Press Dr. illreen Mord, qf St. Louis, Missouri. 1 and VOW SAINS•PM=LA • more effectual nmedy for fide assardiry symptoms of Syphille tnd for matllltio diSellailiblie any other we pease's. The profbaeloa ate WOW to you lbr some of the beat medleisee have." Aram A. J. 13enalk, if. D., an eminent hysician of Laartses, Noss.. who is a prominent member of 'the Legtskiters of,/Massachusetts. Massachusetts. " Da. Anilt. My dear Sir t I have foundyour SARSAPARILLA an excellent remcdEr ite Solaris, ‘30121 of the primary mid secondary , and effec. Mal in swag cues that were too ob to yield lo other remedies. Ido not know what we can em ploy with more eertaint of success, where a power -1111-alissativs Is re Yr. CMS. 8. Vas Line, el 'New Brunswick, X. J., had dreadful ulcers oa his legs, tensed by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for yens, in spite of every needy or treatment that meld be applied, until the persevering use of Asia's SARSAPARILLA relieved him. Few eases an be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozes bottles to core him. , wrz toorr Lett bees, Whites, Female ,Weamess, are rally produced by Internal SeraAglow Ul. ly and are very o cured by the alterative erect fMb BMISAPARI . Some caws reqtdre, bower in aid of the 8 ANIMA. ;be skillta Ippticanbn or local . Noes Ma well-knowns teidely-celebreed Dr. Jacob Morrill, of CYncixnati. "I have (guild your BAIIMAPAIiII.LA an excellent alterative In dhows of female'. Many cases of ty, Leueonteea, Internal Ulceration, and bare gal e mi t s t ing , itudfrogietie ate scro f t4ota tt L i dia d t i lf : e l! wben its eget is properly aided by local treatment. 3 4 4 kid', unwilling to allot° the publication of her name, implies , "My daughter abd myself have been cured of 11 1. eery debilitating Lencorritces of long standing., by two bottles of your SARILAPAZILLA." alusniestisin, Gook-Liver Complaint, Dye. pepsin, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, .vben caused bi Scrojetla In the system, are rapidly mred by this T. :.SAPABILL.A. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS oossess so many advantages over the' other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is malmitained equal to the best it ever has been, tux, thottbey may be depended on to do all that they:httve ever done. PrTar" tIF t . AYER, M. D., & Co., Cave • • - .7-ru TIM LEELIGIU CATTLE POWDER bats, and noir nianksitture dyQ. G. Buser, Dr. of Z, end A. Allentown. Pa. AU diseeuies of the Stomach, Blood, Lungs and Bow els, speedily and certainly cored. Healthy stock will he brought Into the highest state of perfection. and on, to two tab:mpg:adds a week is of great t sine to hatd welting heroes, breettlng stock, and Col,a, and saved theme's& of valuable horses from contagious disease, am well at the bern-yard as in the Army of the Potomac. THE LEHIGH WORM CONFECTIONS allbetnally overcome all the objects which usually pre vent the expelling of Worms, are piewent io tale, and ohm one of the most sweable purgatives for Children. IMo aoultillent Is the inventor, of MI so Bess of his labo flows studies, in the patholog cal composition of this I.I=OB. that be furnishes every graduated Phjainian a at i written prescription, as a new era In Materis Medics. THE UNION ROACH, RAT, MICE AND ANT EXTERMINATOR Ts a Powder for the sure ester ablation of allTermiti will never chance with ace or climate. and mush prefera ble to the old Phoephorona Paste, whisk hardens to • short Shae r rnabing it worthless. For directions an! particulars see the small bills In the Boxes. ltAchty-three Premiums Awards! to these Prepare. irons since 1866. • Dr. Witty and Carter k Carter, Erie Wholesale amt 3114itsli Agents for Erie county ; R. E. Sellers & Co Pittsburg ; John Henderson k Bro , Pittsburg, and Ben too k Bro., C'ereland, Wholesale Jobbers. je29'' 64-1 y SOMETHING EVERYBODY SHOULD ESN. aIII' OUT ?RS COLD, DUST AND WATER TROY YOUR DOOR 3 AND WINDOWS WIIITICIteS INVISIBLE, METALIC RUBBER WEATHER STRIP Does al this—is entirely out of sight, in doors sod windows, and In the best strip in as for the following mucus: Let, It In more eff.rdnal. :21, It costs one third lee& Sd, It will not hinder opening coo closing dooni or windows. 4th, It is better than double win dows—tines not obetnAct the view—does not hinder opening and closing the blinds—windows can ba opened OD u to ventilate at any time. this strip will stop the dent to summit when your dotib:e windows Cr. off. Ton kimono benefit Croseyour double wind° we only in vio las. This Strip beepsout the cold in winter and dust sad water is summer, and dots not cost one-ball the pries of doob'e window.. Thin Strip is now °Mired to thffinbabltants of this any. Town thorn sou Sams. P. W. KOEHLER. Erie, Pa, octl2-tf Agent for Erie Co., Pa. BROWN'S WRNER OF STATE ST., AND THE PARE, ERIE, PA. This Weld Kiloton Houle Thu passed tato the Oat ol of the Undantlimell, wk• arstiatemaineel to spars no efforts that will tend to Milks HA pleasant stopping oleos for the traveling pub- We., • number or Importast imProteamts have algal sadluand Mims to tie comp's% at an early pet ill raidertt ow of the finest hotels In the country. Essisela eats is taken to furnish the table unth all the alesonahle artisans, seried up In the moss approved ety la, emit by amionnanotiating W. book charge of the Iptel with, Was reaolinion to make it such es the saute eitkis section restane, andleel entlldsot of meet lug the priebitlea Ot•av pieta. LOORIS k •HW V, Vs La A• T. Lows. t Proprietliaytfors. $ 11010 ['TRACT BUM Non•Retentlon Cr Incontinence of thriligb'ritsititti, In tlammatfon, or Ulocratioh or the Ithitder , or Kidneys, Thseasee'st the Prostate Gland, Rene In the LUadder, Calculcs, Gravel or Brick Dust. Depoeit, and all Diseases tithe Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHIT The Censtitutien Once affected by Organic' Weakness, requires &heald of medicine to strengthen and invigor ate the system, Which Ilelmbold's Extract Bucim inva. risibly does, If no treatment be submitted to,Qcsusump - %kin or Insanity may ensue. In affections peculiar to females, is tutTualed. by any other preparation, as In Chlorusis or Retention, Wert hiti tics, painfulness or suppression of customary evacua. Uwe, Ulceration or Swamis state of the Uterus, Leupontice, and all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dim ipatioN itoprudeno cies, or in the Decline or (Mango of Life. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU A . ND IMPROVED ROSE Will radically exterminate from the system DiSeases of the Urinary Organs, arming from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change In diet, and no expos. sure, coteplntely superseding those unple+a.vt and dan gerous remedies, Copaiba and Mercury, In curing thus* unpleasant and dangerous diseases. - In all caste of the Urinary Organs, whether existing it male or female, from whaterjr cause originating, and no matter of how longstanillag. It Is pleasant in taste and odor, immediate in Its action. and more strengthen ing than any of the preparations of:Bark or Iron. Those suttiring from Broken-down or Delicate Cm stittitions, proeore the Itemsly at once, The reader mast bu aware that however slight may 6e the attack of the above decease, it is sure to affect his bodily h,alth: mental p , wers, happiness, and that his posterity. Our flesh and blood we supported from these ISOUrCeII. PHYSICIANS, PLEASE NOTICE! We make no secret of the ;ngredients„ lIELMBOLDA FLUID EA - TRACT BUCIIU Is composed of Buchu, Qibebs, and Juniper 'limes, selected with great Care . and prepared in race° by IL I'. lIELYBOLD, Braggiat and Chemist of sixteen years' experience in the city of Philadelphia, and which is now prescribed by the most criiinent physicians, has been admitted to use in the United States army, and is also in very general use to State Hospitals and public &uutary Institutions through. nut the land. - 13. Direct *ltem to DRUG £ CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth street (below Chelan:ol),. Sold by Druggists Threfiwhere. REMiItE 01' COVNTERFE/TS. ...11EIC FOR 11ELYBOLD'S - 00 ' S FR44) t.N.•• 4;kl c ab O . mrno Y, • • --44‘ Ladies,itake Particular Natio IKE ILEAL)VELPAU FEXALF, PILL _ ' [WAIUtANTED FICENCII /11 WAZUWITZD TO la the moat powerful agent for the Stomach and Blood o Cattle, Swine, or Sheey„ in pry:noting digestion; cleansing the system and transferring the purified sonnet fluid in flesh, fat. milk, butter and strength, and *stab. Wiling health and vigil. DtYOY'S con Mu r. • POWDER • Is the only mediaine lu t ally pite % ted to Prance, Hollanndi d,witasrl and&Oar ad misted hytheir Courts, id invented by Br. Dwroy, lire for Agriculture at riviEsE PILLS, eo celebrated many .1. years ago in Paris for the relief of female irregularities, and afterward so notorious f o r their criminal employment in the practice el abortion, are pow offered for sale for the time time in America. They have been kept in comparative obscurity ffom the fact that the originator, Dr. Velpau, Is a physician in Paris of great wealth and strict conscientious prin. ciples, and has V, ithlicla them fr,m goneml use, lest they should be employed for unlawful In overcoming Female Obstructions, E i lliriTof the Womb, Whites, Green Sick tress, Suppression, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Dit.charges, they seem to be truly ouraipotent, bursting open the good-gates from '‘‘ 'later er cause may have s t o pp e d them ; but they are offered to the pub lic only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbidden ter sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Married ladies should never take them when there is any . reason to believe themselves pregnant, for they will be sure to produce a ini.earriage. These pills arc entirely safe oiler dr cumstances, being composed entirely o f su b stances from the vegetable kingdom. Each tie% has the coat of arms for the City of Paris stamped on the box, pith the words " Trade Mark' in French, to counterfeit which is a misdemeanor, and all persons %ill be dealt with according to law. FR I: Full directions accompany every box. Ladies can obtain a box sealed from the eyes Of the curious, by inelosing One Dollar and six post-office stamps to any respectable drug gists, or to 0. U. STAPLES, General Agent for the United States, Watcrtc-vn, N. Y. Agents, Al3ZsllL—Wkri k Elliott, Rail & Warfel: Wilkins & Booth, Liddell & Bro . Carter . Career, Eris; Loop di Bro., North Eut: Belknap &Brr.. Girard ; P. Llc Creary, Fairview; Mee Potter, West Spring deld. GBOVICSTRIRN 15c co., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, She attention of the PuAlio and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are noriralled, by any heretofore offered in this market. They rout/await the modern improvements. French, Grand Action, 'tarp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-Strung Rase, to., and each in • strumeut being made uud'r the personal alp rvislou Mr. J. R. Grovesteen, who has had apractieal experience of over ZS years in their manufacture, is fully warranted In elm particular. Received the award of merit over all others at the calibrated Where were eallibited lustrumenks from the best makers of LONDON, PARIS, GERMANY, BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA, , BOSTON, AND NEW YORK; And also at the - . AMERICAN INSTITUTE far Eve armorial,* years. tie GOI D AND SILVER MEDALS from both of which can be seen at our wareroom. By the Lutrodn:tlon of Improvements we make . maw perfect Piano Torte. nod by masufact tang I •••• with a strict cash Piptem, are enabled to offer tbr In strumenta at • price which will pree'ude all compet,'lwa Ploasa—Nol, Seven Octave, round co/Iners; Ras'-Tres' plain ease $3OO. No. Seven Octave round Colla!r% balmy moulding. $L . 2.5. No. S. Scion Octave, road carter+. Res' woad Louis EIV style $0 Ilk Timis r Not rash to etuvent Funds. Dosoripites eirsilbar mat fres. Z. SMITE Is solo Aged, for them Piano for Ms /ad • • any. EEL BOLD'S HELMI3QLD'S FOR WEAKNESSES ARISING FROM LICIISfIES OR INDISCRETION. FLEILKBOLD'S , - FLUID EXTRACT EUCHU ItELMBOLD'S USE HELMBOLD'S ~il~lups. *:N4; 7 cThi•-fs(i :1.1 HELMBOLD'S --, 594 Broadway New York. ..., 0 R - PHILADELPHIA. 1199 BROADWAY, NEW YORK IEIE !.GROVESTEEX PIANO FORTES" WORLD'S TAIR. col CH %I Is warrantn! olds, Hnarseo•m, rhrost, Conanraptioo, and &Antu,4ti 41 For rh , e hy drn 74 1, 6 nen•ne Met, Camino tii, hin. ALL tilt. M . . ll c•il ttiel s r.^orarartd Anti I u,P ea the poly eerlain retneth •ntery. IC to a ennlbi en! uto timuluntn nnii rainatiree, ace au cre after n'l oib rt er n tree:. hn , e For mile by Druy,vetl. General,.lnt % t Went, Clreinnatl DR. Si rick land',. Pik. Itet thowands of th” r orsl caul lug Mira It g rex ic,ra.dAte ~., , i,e, Imminent rare. fry It liceetly. It I. ea, For asDe by drugr:a.e. General e... r ,, t , street Cincinnati, ohio. r _Dispepsia, Nervou one's Debility. P R. STRICKLAN D'S TONIr mt ,,,,„,,,,, i th ,, , , vze.i.u g arlal .(.11, I Igeatlon, • r:r MAT , pin. tier 10,,,,, rrittmity. to ore claieLlar,i'm Lai-. It , preparation, free trona a1c01,,,1, 1,,,, t , r5; the whole Nervous iqatP - o; it c•••.n. a r , and la warranted to cure :ti,0.c, it „,,,, m Debility.. . _ For aala by Draggihta grorally . ats, 14 Prepare[ •bt Dr. A. Strickland; 6 East Cincinnati, Ohio. NEW P For the HandkerebieL PHILO nt =r IM A Most Exquisite. Delicate, grant Perfume, Distilled from and Beautiful Plower from takes its name. Manufactured only by PHA LO NEW YORE BEWARE OF C ASK FOR FRALONS—TAKE NO by Drugizt, ce,Tl27. IMPORTANT 7 F * e . (<( PILLSI The c,rebination of logreuients rn these PC , result of lung and extensive i ractee. Ttey • their operation and cannot do Lam to tr cato; certain in correcting ail Mean t•natirne, remorlng all ohstruclioes, cold or otherwise. headache, pain In thee:' , of al* heart, whites, all nerenus aff,ctiLi fa tigne, pain in the b,ck and 1,r0b., fee, d , which arise from interropti.m of mtwe D. CHEESENAIi'S FEMALE Have been used,over a qaarter of a ceotia7, offered aa the only este means of reties-Mr menstruation. bat Ladies man i'bear in CAD is axe conddion of tie fatale mane la re cannot be fakeer artfliont predrceng a PEC JILT. Tie condottes ►euned to to PRI Ilia resat, MISCARRIAGE. Such is th. tendency of the medicate to restore 'IL, a to s n 'rmal condition, that even the repro: of natu-e cannot leftist It. THEY CAN:if many Itur war. Dr. Cheeseman's hare been a standard remedy (r over are the most effeetu 1 h•ne ever known peculiNr to F. males '1 111 cla,ites they. indueit4 with certainty periodical rep , . are known to •honsands, who 1:111% e um 1 thtt bat perin&.. throughon the conotrt, tion of some of the molt eminent phyeici• Kapll-itchrections,atating when they ihcalt with each box—the Pax]; fl rim sox, or 6 bot eon 'airing 50 n6O PIM. Plll4 sent by matt, promptly, sod recant f tattoo. by nmittiog to the proptietort. DRUCGISTA GgNF.IIALI.Y. BUTCIIINGS tt. HILLIER, Prop 81 Cedar St., New yo, Sold In Erie by Carter & Carver, Tiers & E & Warfel,rndWm.Ntak. Sold in C ‘rry by & Rowland. Z.l If. T. ANTHONY I Cu., ifaztafactorers of Photographic =I 1501 BROADWAY, N. Y. h oldUlos to oar cola balloon of P11070,41e TERIMS, Iwo oxy hadqurtm for he follartilie,: Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Vi Of ihooo we kayo ma Immense um:lnmost, lull VIEWS OP TICE WEE, °Waned at vest aspiall• .ad formic" • etc; IMOSOGILLPILLO lIIDTO=r Or TRI OiLT Bull . Run, ,- Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Train:. Gettysburgh, Hanover nineties Pair Oaks, Lookout liountm, Savage Station, Chickahominy, Predericksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville„ Richmond, Petenburgk, Deep Bottem 4 Bello Plain, Monitors. Chattanooga, Fortlforgan, Atlanta. Charleston, Mobile, Florida. Strawberry Han &c. Arnerieree sad Torsica Clara and Leadrepee, tly, es, Le. Also, Seralying Sterrwepes, 1,..r artiblUm Oar Catalocas 11l be sent to say sidrelel Stamp. Photographic Albrims We were Ow ant so Introduce awe lotn the ca'- tad ere rasardsctere Immense quantities lo reel prke hors SO mete to po. Oar ALB GIL, tun._ lOU,. of bring superior In bazar, sad dersh,...te u we' Tbry win beams by seal, Ma,. mallet of The MFINIS ALAMOS ies.Da ating.,jo_, e will find our Albums cow Saleable they can bay. CARD fIiOTOGRAPII.9. Oar Cetsrope now entlonrall over Plea eshierts (to match oddhlosee are coat/odor. y Omit Americans...3m, Ole Isbell blej-terso (Na Lesst-Cols WS:awe; IDIt Bnc 2:..0 ether 091rtre, I:, C.,. 05 Navy Oaken, 111 Aethr , 44 Artiste. 111:, Stec., s, Ns...tat Anoo Co y ofWnrts of larbatling reptralsrtheos of the most relah-erel _1;1 Peelings, Stator. ere Catzloruil rent co An order for Ohm (Pte.,. now. ham oar fetehlet nilw ea receipt of $1 00, sad suet by cotl, die Ph etocrophers and others ontertnc ;;ede • W ile • ny -ere per coal el We am le.nt •111 prices sod quality of our cwde