-- ais wjEEKLir osszavtga. „„ Oneanyta Stit.lntattia," !R. o r po.pra ran Posit' °VISOR.. _Two Pou.Aas •ati Firm Cam p er r ' I n adman, ; Tanen WILL...eI/1U not ,Dram tf the ezplration of the ear. Subscribers by orr :er . will tie charged Firer Cans as ! at ie adi!itio crRTI.,IIE,:rs —Oen Square of Ten Lines one in • ; two is.ertions st,ls tiaras Imam , r wen is M; 0 ., mon th 52,504 two mouths 13 60: ti.renicuth.s4„so,llx months - -oo i°o• Year $l2 00; adreMtantents to proportion. These rates gr i e f."' atherod to, unless ehaaged by swim eoe , l act, o r at the option or the publishers. Audi sot,,,, st r ays, Divorces and like advertise -03 goo; Administrator's Notices sll,nor; L oa d 5,p,..4 csnta•line; Marriage Hattori TWlnrrr ro plea; Obituary NOtkeri (over three linos ,00 .0 sve reels per lin*. Original poetry, nu :,wt stew at the request of the editor, one dollar advertise wont/ will be ocnumwed at th,,,yeaq of the person advertising, un til ordered ~ 3 t by hi s direction, unless a specified period is yroo for their iusertion. have one of the best Jobbing tirodri""in th e s te l e , and are ready to do all work in ibs t Ate that way be entrusted to us, in equal style IS•Atilshinent outside of the largest cities. tat mmmuniestions should be' addressed to OENJ'N WHITMAN, Editor and Proprietor. 3asines. D ; ire g ICU J. Atroninff AT Liar, Rldirwitr If 'leo practice in adjoining Conntits sot H. CVTLInt. 10 ATT own' At. Law, Girard, Me Count 7, end other badness attended to with t.f..."c!B+l.tch• WONOng , ATToRYZI.AT LAT, In Wllakirell Of. steel, Et is, Pa. aux 7 orIGN. • Booasaraira and Dealer in Stational-4 ilyr, r , aroars. Nwspapers, ten ting try dealer' •ig. kw. ander Brown's Ifot aka p ar k. •Se- orseiL Eg a.: 314 HVINI AMR-WITS AND COCIBILLOIIII AN LAW. % Pe te n Bt ek, near North West earner of the ~;; ;; ge, Ene, Pa. • r oil.° SENNETT, Jritics or rim PLicrs. Offtee weond FR,• Mock, French Street, between PM and junel6-2. . ow+ ATToRVITII AT LAY, Me Pa. i t Fa, Ifcßesn. Cameron end Jeffcoat' aottatiao. C.C5.01 Y. [juiln . 6..S-I , o] w. M. wrterra. CAnniAl ' MKNo TCST:CII 0711111 PIACI, Paragon Blork, Rut of Farrar gall, Erie, Pa GI:NNP 4 WW, AilimlZY AT LAW AND JCSTICI or ?UN PIACI. oid Isim i.c-eut, Conveyancer and Collector, Gaette building, southwest corner of fifth and otreett, Erie, Pa. ap1766.$ if STORE. Jogs Cue:testaments& at the new Cat. Elite Vinare, bu n hand a lan* Yaort• :of feeeenes, Proeilaions. Wood and Willow Ware, Ltvers, Taseco, Qezare, &e , to which be re :tely edle the attention of the public...se/4W that s ofer u goal bargains as can be had to any part .e r atty. mar3oll3—le WDELL, SELIPEN 6c RIM w MiirAerratiusofStears k n mainil,Bodenk Narinr, AvieCtural Impleasets, Ballnad Clan. r e, Pa • M. A. GALISBAITII. h.rroasrt AT Law--011e•onethitreet, opposite the Coirt Ilonee, Erte,Pa. ‘ l :4, BEEBE, • DaALK• ti Dry' GooDA, Gummy; ir..rd.ar, NAHA, Gram. geed. Pluto; etc., eor ernd and Pub'ic Secure, Erie, Pe, jal7lll. D. INBORN% MISR, AID SAL* STAIIIX, 011 Eighth .4tirceo State sad Frecch. rim Horses sad Car In in on reeisoushle terms. my2B'64-Iy. Stiff ANORALE ELM% Coa..La or FRZYCR AND 71 , 11 STRIVITP, MAIL Bum. Prnriator. 8 od H rum acid Carea;ea !I on had at moderate pleas. Sept. 29,1966-1 y • CSIVIIiEtt. a: StIVOIE, 171/0418441 AND FtIITAXL pIIAIXIIS .e.az w Prortzinno. Flour and Feed, Wood Lad Flireo Lir/nor; Tobacco. Fiore. &c, State ciqt 41) .Toaair's Rouse Iniratihing rmisnriare in ror6s-0 'deTlar K ICS4L ER, Dealer in Groceries, Produce, Proeleiont, ird:ow snd stone Ware, Coes, Liquors, ke., 'Yet, opposite the Pettedly', Erie, Pa. marlVlSS—le E. MAGILL, Duval.. Office in Rosem-fga Rine}.tiorth ride of the Park. Erie, Pa. 28. :114ZEPPA HOUSE' D1111',4. !I ILL.—DOiteCTLY OPPOSITR 71111 PASSINGT.I. /it C4IAT, PA.. Being newly fitted up In the tcr•f lir, nth., Is vow npea to the pnblk. Miele w1:1 tr n the *trine of all Panel:met Troilus, •Itfal u!Ar OAKLEY BROS., Props': ter P. COLE, Law'. pan ItAironrunrua Story of Rinderaeeht's Bloat, lir* Pa. umricL, waierrerd. Ps.. Roamer Lomax. Pooramoz. teeommodatioos, sod °metal attention tires to - ort egoista lionlEp4.7o BEST PIANC IN AMERICA rade by S. DRI7CICES. & CO NG Sells nem. ITIRS W til LLDI V r M. D., Purszataii an Scra • ti jaw Beartra Block. Wilt Task, Eris, Pa., reorfort, Chrlstlan k lratlt's store. lissidsziat has Willlama, PllthStriart. Bast of Trunk. torn—lll to 104.5., and Itto Sr. s. Waal. IL y. PIC ti BSI NG, DENT/ NT. 's'e c! the Pennsylvania Collor of Dental S r- Oft In tlght's Bleak, (wins inert k Elllott's Sttr,, , ins, Pa. Ins Sums DT Pl=lB3lo/11. ?firer, D D. S., North dovonth otreet, Phtladol- n. D. 1., No. 243, North Nla tit 41dadelrb4. CEIM • tRIK dr. EWING, lc. ATTOISItTB ASO 001713.1LL0R11 AT Ley "1 011 SPRING Sr., opposite Crittenden Bell lq Pa Collntions sod all other legal but Nem'. Pulsar°, Erie, Warren and To rr6 ‘attrait‘l to ea sad j)roant p tly. zics3-1 1 rm. A. Galbraith , Whitman k Breeht , Z,Ftmorr k Navin, Erie, Pa. .4 IMO'. Etoaz, Bon. S. P.Johnanp, W. D. Brown Warren, Pa. 0 T-1 C E. Llarlisg end Mr. W. Starer are no louver Otte u &rents or otherwise, nor am I re- UAW reprewstatione or actions whatever. ' been duped r wish to say that the NO) Doarkar k Co.'a Pianos and the titulta itablett Organs for western Penner Iva tie Lae to the Allegheny mountains, tr at any other perils -way ray, ' , Mtuing each instruments of any other 132 91.111 re liable to be celled upon for my '3 Wit WILLING. ' tlier.e, loot Top, Dints Bum. attd Mumma ''' sl l, the best now made, and )1111100 k ••• ifvoz•l organs old Planes tatrn in eachanis, • 1 ' 1 42 1' . /Letitia's% Union Kills, Sri, Co., Pa. I c onnauclitr. cociastat. FACULTY: • laat Principal. Gso. W. Govoisoar Prof of Commends! Law. 411;P:c Simpli2ed. new Chselfleation of AC, Ve.;4l 811.111• SI Practice. Ornamental and Ball- Commercial Law, Commercial ArtitY 'moo terms, kr., for ladle" and gent". The 1.4 ' 11 earth - eninprebehd the what> busts of . 41 %donut., aid exhibit every possible earls. . 1 ' 11,4 4 sod closing pe books. No e: nee will be •'ntke thle I pleasant. practical sod Perna" 34 , . 4t "; "The City of Schooli." Practical se . ers CH be employed. Teams—Tultion rh, facilities and greatest Is. • flkble. tend for Cis alms. ire NIA Pori BY, 414 % 31 , 17/RRN FXOND & THIRD 8211, Ems, PVIVA. fted have , anoe.ed themaelv ander style of Webb &Ch l i a lds In tb• Pot e4, ter, heal N . 4 .,. 4 old stand, on the canal, between Beeon • ezwaa •-• patronage of the customers of the old , •• ,4 itutu sa nf tb• public esarallir. Prm°l4s. Etioit endeavor to glee perfAet ea , tafielool 4), 080. P. WSBB, JAY'S. CRILDP. Ii tINSON dr WILLIAMS, Srecrasoi• to inorrr J. Morton, PA4Cortolosion orokorits, Wbolemls dealers 'lttU sod Rttomiones Omit. Agents for N. Y. Penle's Liao of Stammers. East Publle oak, , joa4llll4y. PERI.II 01 the C. ?reentry Department end • wet roovelesineer for Soldier; Washington, chrlis Pullll4, N W (MINT lit Presbytorian Military, • -; ` elalen col'e•eted vith fidelit Rod di.- end Apt onion" t hwtti myiierieutea io the o dates o Kr. P. f the ri ► b oo. vari De , confident beam neater Met antinfacter7 '''" ol olrie all kinds of Goverment elatmlL VOLUME 36. Special Notices. Irll It BRIDAL CIIA3IIIBIL an Rua, of Warning and Instruction to venue yen—published by !Tow ard Astociation, a d sent free of oba-go In seated enpl• (Ter. Address Dr. J. SHILLIY HOUGHTON. ly. Phila.:l..lphi% Pa. DEWLITY. Seminal Weakness. ella be Owed by one who has earful himself sad him dieolo of other; and will tell you nothing , bat the . WILL A ddiwu •Ith stamp, • BOX 57, Boston, Yoga. TV YOU WANT To KNOW A LITTLE Olt 1 EVERYTHING relating to the 'human system, male and female; the amuses and treatment of diseases; the marriage customs of the world; bow to 4sarry well, and a thousand things never published before, read the re vised and enlarged .dithn of Nazioct. mow Rent; • endow; book for curious people, and a good hook tor esety one. 400 pages. 100 illnstratione. Prize $l6O. Contents table s tut free to any address. Rooks may be had at the book 'tore., or will he sent by mill, post paid, on receipt of the price. Address, E. B. YOQTg, 11. D em 1130 Broadway, New York. Yr° CONAUMPTI Wye+. The advertiser haring _IL been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, alter hal enffeed several yaws with a revere lung affectio,that dread his •ss, Con.. ameption—ls aortoos to rocks known to his fellow-sot leen the means of cure.. To all who &ere it. he will send s,eopy of the pre scription used, (free of charge ,) with the directions far preparing sod nang the same, which they will dad a sore tare f ;‘, lan] pttnn, Aetbmti aro ashlar', Colds, Coughs, /a The only object or the ;Weather in send ing ette preserlptio.. is to anent the ailiated.and spread information wh;eh he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try Ws remedy, as it will east them nothing. and mar prove a Parties wishing the peeler prloporstx, by rotas mall, will please addreu Rev. itplif ikßn t. witsow, decal:4.ly Willismsourgh, Mugs Co., N. Y. FRROUP4 OP YOUTH.—A geutlenum who tiu j suffered for years from Nervone Debility, Prema ture Deeey, sod all the effects ol youthful in&ametien, will for the sake of sulfarios humanity, send free to all who need It. tba recipe and directions foe maize the simple remedy by which be vu e ire& Sufferers wish's( to profit by the advertiser's experience, eam do so by ad &veiling JORN W. OGDEN, dec2B 6S ly. No. 13 Chambers Si, N. T. QTRAINI.4B. BUT TNUN.—fivery young bidy and 1:1 gentleman in the United %tate' can hear something luny much to their advastage by return mail, (trson( charge) be addressing the undersigned. Ttose having to re of being humbugged will oblge by not noticing e•rd. All others will please address their obedient sere. sat, TUOB. ONSPILIN, dec2Blll-Iy. 831 Broadway. N. Y. oetrft4tf. RRitifEr , ABLEIRDSLL BOK TUB The original and Genuine Alsbrosia is prepsred be J. Allen Reeves and is the best hair dressing and pre.. servative now In use. It store the hair falling out, nasal it to grow thick and long and prevent& it from turning p-ematurely gray. It era Bastes dardreff, clean. aes, beratiffee and render the it Ir soft, glassy and cur ly. Bay it, try it anl be tonvinced. Don't be put off with a spurious article. Ask for Reeves' Ambroodi and take no otber. For sate by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere. Price 23 cents per bottle—s 6 per d uses. Address, ISEEVRS' AMBROSIA DEPOT. 62 Fulton St. ,New York City. of c°.o3-3m. D3l.t 11811 A LLWI CATA RUH ISIIIIIFF.—This Snail has thoroogbly proved Itself to be the beet artiste known for curing CATANIA. COLD is MUD and HILDACHL It bee been found an excellent remedy in many cases of Rosa Iran. Dearnsas has been re-coved by it. and Elwanisa ins often been greatly improved by its nee. It is fragrant and agreeable, and give& liClittn. ttE RELIC to the doll heavy pains caused by diseases of the Head. The sensstions after usieg it are delightful and invigorating. It opens and purges out all ob structions, strengthens the glands and gives • healthy action to the parts elected. Wore than thirty years of male and use of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved its great vales for all the 0012:119011 diseases of the head, and at this n io .. meat it stands higher than weer before his recommend ad by many of the beet physicians, and is used with great imams and eatbdaction men where. Read the Cs:tides:to of Wholesale Druggists in 1t54: The undersigned having for many team been ampudn ted with Dr. If anhalre Catarrh and Heada.lee drme,and sold in our wholesale trade, cheerfull• state that we be. Cave it to be squat, in every teepee, to the rmononwectat tione given of it for the cure of Catarrh Affections, and that it is decidedly the best Ogle o we hare ever known for all common disease, of the.ilesd. Burr & Perry, Reed , Austin h Co., Brown, Lamson & Co, Reed. Cutler &Co., Seth W. Moyle, Wirloon, Felrbank k Co., Gorton ; Renshaw, Edwin& & Co., H . 11 Ray, Portland, Me.; Raines & Park, A. R. & i. Rends, Stephen Paul k Co.. Israel Minor & Co., MeCesson & Robbins, A. L. Bonin & Co., M. Ward, Close k Co., Bush & Gala, New York. For solo by all Druggists. Try it. rop2V6s-1y T YON'M PRIKILODICH. DROPS. 11 - THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR IRREGULARIT[ES. These Drops are a scientifically compounded Enid yreparatien, and better than any pills, powders or nos hakes. Balms hush . % their action is direct and pocltive, rendering them a reliable, speedy an I corrath sproifis for the cure of all obstructions and suppressions of na ture. Their popularity is indiested by the fact that over 100,000 bottler are annually weld and consumed by the ladles ,of America, every one of whom speak. in tba strongest terms of pros* of their great watts.— They are rardly taking the plase of every o th er female remedy, an are COOl dewed by all who know aught of them, as the surest, safest and most Infallible propane , Uou in the world, for the cure of all female comothines, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the pro motion o I health, regularity and strength. Jr:pitch - di. rectious, eating whim they may be rod, and explain ing when and why they should not, and c mid not he need wi hoot producing effects contrary to nature's oho ten law., will be forma carefully folded around aneh bottle, with the written signature of John L. Lyon, without which none are repulse. Prepared by Dr. JORN L. LYON, 19; Chapel street, New Raven, Conn., who can be cocurollad either per -800017 or by letter, (enclosing stamp) concerning all private diseases and female weaknesses. Sold by ‘ Druggista everywhere. 0. O. CL&RK & CO., non t-ly Gaul Agents for 11. 8. and Canadas. suing ly IL.TALBOTIP4 PALM D , . (ANTI-DYSPEPTIC.) Composed of highly Cnnceatrated IS:trade from Roots and Herbs of the greatest medical value. prepared from the enigma prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tel. belt, .nd, used by him' with remarkable seaseek for twenty !WI. 'An infallible remedy in all DISEASES of the LIVER, or say derangtsmeat of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They Curs Diarrhass, Dyspepsia, Sertfele, /swages , Dtliottenses Liver Complaint. - The well-known Dr. itott says of these Tills t " I have used the formula from which your Pills are made, is my practice for over 11 years ; they here the emit et fact upon the Liver and Digestive O n of any midi clue in the world, ind an the most perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate- the vital. activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its mina, parity the hood, and expel.disesse. Thee purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, and impart a healthy tone with stieofith to the whole system, Not only do they cure the every day com• p state of everybody, but also formidable ant dangerans diseased, and being purely v•getable are free from any risk or hero." They create pnre blood and remove all impurities from the system, hence are a positive cure for Ferias fleadaehe, Piles. • Iferenr,al Diseases and Nersdittri Humor.. Don—for adults, one Pill in the morning ; for children under II years, half a Pill. Price One Dollar per Bo: Trade supplied; or sent by Nail. post paid, to any part of the United States ar Canadas on receipt of prier. None genuine without the he stmib signature T AL BO T ? V. t bott, K. D T. OTT bCo., Proprietors, 0c5'66.1y No 62 Fulton street, N. York. FINKLB & LYON BM WING MACHINE CO. Office 511 Broadway, New Tort. I; .—After a ?Air trial. if as! prams does not regard tiro Pinkie & Lyon Bowleg Machias as superior to any matoe in market, he can return it and hare his money. It has taken many of the highest prises—ls less c plicated than any otkbr Brat clam machloe—does wider range of work without cluusging—requires no taking apart to clean or oil, and no 4 1eistse to set nee dle, regulate teas on or operate machine. r N. B.—Any Clergyman nutting us two orders for Is chives. shall moire ear for himself as a t repent. The same proposition is extended to Profossomand Teachers. We hare now completed oar New Nannfactory at a coat of some $200,000. including caw and iM eortant zurnovszeorre; and the &loot of the above pre rititin is to ovum the !mar dist. Introduction Of oar improved machine into every town of the United States with( n t lacerate g the great expense of a inverting ape* Thus proposition cannot anti in towns occupied by our o s n agents. Please send far desaiptive Catalogue, with sample, of jal rate Ltroltra LTOL T. COnK FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers hi. Farm for rale. situated in Mrs Jot Creek Sp 7)( miles from WM and one half mlie from the Station Road. Said fans contains 66 acres of land under good improveme t, with good hems ilagilk two barns sad other comfortable outbuildings. Also,. young orchard. beginning to bear, sad good waters, Paid laid is well *doted to grass and spring grans with good szhool and mill privilege. near ti). And also a valuable wood lot, containing 2liq awes, near by. with mull clearing urns tt Tar fortlvr intimates imidelruMftim undersigned on the promises der-780. ARNOLD itOßD.Att:' AtiORD CHANCbt FOR INVIISTAIRPIT. 'r ule, a eve sere lot, situated on Pennsylvania Mr enne,between'lSth and lath streets, Brandt{ oddltiOn to the city of ittie,ssal not the Xachise Shops of the P. kE. R. R. Also tyro eft, loti4 Nos. 74 and Al. comer Plumb sad Ikeda attests. The a bore lots will be KU st • bersein if applied Wawa. 'inquire of jali•Sao T. M. AtrirtaiJ DISSOLOT/Olge • ;The Ora of RAI Warner is title tley illissoleed by coil. foal eousent. The busines. will be cot:ducted by Warmer BeiVotre, who are aathmissit to again Ilaatdatleakl WV light, Tr. Nrillin..,llll Rama" 1•41,1444t0 %balms arm at 411 k Waqapr aro requeatipe to earl kassediatakr malLas. Show harass dig= plisse karat thus. - 5a1114t. WARM 130511,21 k aot.oll-ti . , . , . . - . ; . .., • ' . . . . . . . , . . . ... . .. , . • .--,_ • - _. . - . '•!. `-' - ' ...,.... ••• ci;f4ii;;,..„,;.....,.- .4: . ..• \ _ ...j. . i t, •,..._ , 1 / 4 .. .- - • Th. ~. •.' . . .. TWO DOLLARS AND A-IfALF PER YEAR, IF PAID IN ADVANCE; $3,00 IF NOT PAID UNTIL THE 'END OF. THE ,YEAR. ERIE, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 8, 1866, TUN GREAT OTILSNOTIIIIIIINO TONIC (Not s Mats, Pepustlos s ) HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS t 'rill care Debility revolting from aiky cause whatoyor, ProotraUon of the syst.ln, caused by sent* baribiblyn, orpoyuron, fame or Wawa of cm, lib. Soldiers, canon% male or forn-U, adults or youth, will and In this Bitters a pox, fordo, not dopoailuts on bid ilownrs far their alms* lot; mule= tlhot. DY3 PIIPSIA. And diem= meting Crow disoldets of the Llver tad .Dieeettve omens, it. slued by HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. - This Bitters has performed mon emu, gins better esti/fathom, has more taealniony, has more rpyoegp{e people to loon& for It than any other article In the mar.' kat. Wi dot" any one to meiotic% this assertion, sod wit' pay $1,003 to any one who will prodaet a strildrata published by us that is not youths*. ROWLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, trill ewe army cue of chronic. or Berton' debility and dismiss •a of the kidneys. Moms the following symptoms resulting from disorders of Liss digestive organs s Constipation, inward Piles, Fanner, of Blood io the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nooses. Heartburn, Die gat for Toed, Feiner or ".t ht in the Stomach, Sour Paactatioas, Sialtiag or Ilattoriag at the .Pit of the Stomach. Seloireing of the Heed. earned sad dillealt Breathing, Picturing at the Ileart, °hating or Salkeat- Saasstknis wheals a lying pasture. Disanses of Vis ioa, Dots or Webs befott the tight, Finer +lO Dan Pain to the Head. Defoliate et Perseirldion. INnonnan• of the `kin and Byes, Pain la the Side, Back, Chest. Limbs to , Sudden Flnifiu of Bea', Bernina. In the rash, Con stant Imagiainge of Rtlland great Depression ofS that thit Mars is not alehoolic, contain' no tali or wllltkoy, and cannot nuke gbankikra l / 2 bat .1s the bed tonic in the world. REAO WHO SAYA BO From an. W. D. Bel i ghtiti 4 Pai!!.oT_of Twelfth lilapfiiit Cl:Torch: PhUada. thmthinsen- I have rematly been laboring seder the &stewing effects ot intigeetioa. aceJsipanied by *pros tration of the borrow system. Numerous waved* n» reeeninumided by friends. and some of, them -hosted, bat without relief. Your Rooland's Gervoig aitge rg were recommended by permas who had :lied them, sad when isvurable ImA/on of these Bitters ladno : d me to try tt em. I moat confess that I hid an aversion to Pstast igeggigeggrom the "gummed and one" quash "Bitterer whom. only aim seems to be to palm off sweetened and dragged liquor upon the somas afty is • sly way, sad the mediae, oi which. I rm, lo to make many a con firmed drunkard Upon learaing that • ours was really 6 medlatual preparation I took it with happy el/Nei Its action, natality upon the eta rash, but open the nervous - oYetoni. was prompt sal gratlitrine. I feel that I bees derivedgreet and permanent Inmeat from the UM of a few bottles. Very reerietfully , oars. W. D. BEIG. I IILED, N 0.254 Thadaniazon /rein the Rev. B. D Pendell. iwdetaat Bditer.Christiale _ . . Chronicle, Philads. nate derlied decided benefit from the um of Hoollsod'e Grimm Bitten, and I feel Day privilege to recommeed them at a meet rateable thole to all who are raffertng from femoral debility or from dimmers arisieg from th e dersegement of the liver. Yeas truly, Z. D. TINDALL. From Err. D. Morris*. NMr of the Pa/swank Baptist - From the many respectab'e reoommendations given to Dr. El oodend'e German Blame, T oral indeed teem tied a trial. attar using oerersl bottau, 1. found titom to goodremedy ler deoility , soda molt excellent tonte the stomach. D 1111DRION. Prom Bev. Wm. flmith, formerly Neter of Our Emma town and 11a1 ( 1 1. 1) itaptiat Churvh-e. 1111.1.114 MAI In my 'anal, a number of bottle of your 1100111001 Gamma Bittors„.l bun to ny I regard theta as an eseellent medicine, ayeetalir adapted to remove, tbe dilemma the', aro recommended or. They emengtben and invigorate t h e system wbou df4,llllated, mid are use fill in disorders of the liter , loss of appetitk but 1 have fib* tee eminended them to several of my friends who have tried thee. and f•cnd them greatly beneficial In the reatoratioa be alth. Tours truly, • WM. smrili 6 / 1 Hatealason St., Plulada. BEWARE OF- COUNTEREITS. ' • See that the signature of EC. N. JACKSON" Is en the wrapper of each bade • Fhou'd yo,,r Dearest druggist not have the article .do not be pat of by any of the tstorlestiag preparatisai that nay b. Oared in Its piss, bat mut to as sad we will forward. aecurely pecked, by express. . tar Principal Oflos and Nanufeatory. No. WO Arch Street k Philadelphia, Pa. JONE 9 k EVANS. [3ustmesors to C. Y. Jackson k Proprietors. For ado by drnggiste and dealers in every town In the Unltelgtates. deer% 4y. HUBSSZI.PS GOLDEN BITTERS. A PURELY VEGETABLE 'TONIC. INVIGORATING * RM. Z2IGTEIRNING, Fortifies the slat= egziast th. Wit Meta al anwholfiiis sow vats/ Will cure Dispepeia. WM ewe weakest". WM ear* General Debility , . ) Manure Heartburn., Will cure 'Headachy. ti in rem Liver Comp List Will mite cad comae a healthy appetite. Will invigorate the orpas of digestion sad moderate inerease tha temperaturs of the body sad thra earn O' circulation, sating la het sa a general eorroborest ei spasm, emasining ao winnow drum sad Is TRY MI TONIC Hansa IN SElt WORLD. 4 ear Wsi senestly solicited. 010. 0. Hi3YiL & 00.. Prop Ba=3. Y. Central De Alai Issajlaprese Building SI BM SON ST, NEW 1:5 YOB Dem L Pat sods pot ill ists, Growls, - re MINNW k HOADLIY. ltdo. Whelesis Airmtil‘ sad tar ßoothsals by Hall 6 Wand, Qatar Carta WU. Was . „ acres. N OTICE TO mamma HAV/PIO pEcoaves roa 111L't IN arm now mituaing m Ifarbit. Lima from Edo to fir nova, ma the Philadelphia k kis zallroad„ mai wlah•og maim all kinds of -VKAINTAILINI AND COUNTRY ZRODUCI To sorry it on, hare establithod s Depot os FIFTH STREET, In the tear of the 016 Reed goon, ' BETWEEN STATE AND ;manic STREIT& Where vs will be at all firm ready to roatirs mot.. poi the HIGHEST ILL/talT MICK for aloe. An Lorin g Pram:t for solo are ref twit- Oro us salt. !squirm for Market Depot, nut Bt 7 . • 0ug10.1116841. MAT k JADZEiON. GROCERI 48 GROCERIES WHOLESALK.A,ND RETA.LIA . • • • P. SCHAAF, Would rwpodfally lakonn the public that hi lit Mosel. a Ron in NO. 2 HUGHES' BLOCK, BRIE., PA., When he Will alwaynkosp on fund • Instosarsis 34 I GROCERIES!' CROCKERY AND WOODEN WINS,_ LIQUORS,CIGARS, tit And olonithing assall7 for nalajn an ontablidisc ut .o kind. a - Tow an rosoosabin _as ow Other toss sa, • lacy ito c• .1. (1. W • L T • Ul - • LICENSED AIICTIONEIS AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT! °baba Ronan mid Atone for those vaat'ing.and rase norm. Betels sad DivelEar, wits or *Man the furniture, for those Obi tip hoatetseplr 4. - *INN bq all bads of •• - ATOM IN - TRdbE. WEECRANDIBIL ,EOUSEHOW TITENITI7III6 CARPET% noun, f/Cll7/q4 MIRRORS. MUM r el z ANDO:M: 0 00E EFFECTS. AG. . Those • litany to soil by ;Ante can' t /mg, and &drags* bony °limy naiad pmperty intuit id by aseesavved eelsbf seetton. Those baying or as flag as belet : to their advantage by spa tybecto as- Um said UNI OI TUBE . fruits trcitt i ' Erb, ea. EAGLE FOUNDRY, - • . PUGS ST. AMYX TEM sQls i'ALO ILVAD,IIIIIII,I HENRY, liILYANT (imenasat to Ash oes ai 11027 i) • lusancremsas or . PARLOR, COOK AN D OFFICE STOV E , Tim s Sawr Isom WA's, AxP ALL Enna :or mow .cAsrpres. ' 4 .'vori atom sold b as InuTaated to give .thlietioll6 Sete*, Sloitti - olosor Sid Irons, As, hs'ad Or dietaryd lo order. , • Pima AV. Plow , ri me' agistrie rasa 'dm in Ewa, ASV a' Num s= sligo.To Mold . • '_ image• 4,11 x tille n age. all vs Ilk. mil In Lovs. I ♦h, what is the matter with liarsory The cold look a pride that he won Sas slippd from his face, like a shadow, . Ile Is not himself ism more. ' /Led yet he mill tarn tram hie smiling, To Mahler—A ma 1 ad alas ! I amulet make out what's the matter— He is not the lad that he was. Sometimes be will keep is the shelter (Helene a, and be sullen alone, Like the sun when the earth ham olfeede4 Hi, pride, with a light of her own. The worth We run wild inhit flaws. The rose-Owes bare dropt tram the wall, i.e if be had gathered the down e tik' world, And eared for no rose of them all. Acd when thir gal girls of the tidily, With red chinks and milky -white brew', fie by him, he answers their 'tinting* ..;.s though he were calling his cows ' His hair is now lett in disorder. And now with wont inish pride, Sweet scented, and evenly parted, nd now. it is all on one side i lie used to be stalwart, to work with The beet of thus; now be lase got To idling —has taken to verses I To Inger zings 1 and to what not ? lie used to be late at the "meeting," Bet now, eri the aolenta bell rings, I!• Is there In his pleas, and If Esther Look down from the choir when she singe, That eight the low tame of the anthem will ran In his head. and ere break Of the dor, he wilt be oa the hill tope, Staging the Rehm awake. I cannot interpret ths meaning • Of all Ur gm', ways that ha has, Ah, what can hareems over Barney I' Us is not the lad that he was ! A Republican on Negro Suffrage. EXTRACTS FROM TAE SPEECH OF SENATOR NESMITH. OF OREGON.. In contrast with the policy advocated by the President is that known as the Radical policy, which procieds upon the hypothesis that negr, suffrage is a certain and sure rem edy for all the evils which afflict the State. I look upon the remedy us worse than the dis ease, as it imposes a lamina and permanent evil for one of a temporary character. An -attempt to dilute and Weaken the intelligence upon which the 'safety of our free institutions islounded can only be followed by disastrous results. If the inherent and superior intelligence of the white roan is incapable of directing and perpetustiog our form of government., God defend us from an appeal to African auxin. sties for the consummation of that grand re sult, The , right of suffrage impliedly carries with it the right of government by holding office, and against the lodgill tit' of such powers In the hands of the late 6 yes, I enter my solemn ,protest: I admit that' 1 is not the fault of the African, the Indian or the Asiatic, that his skin is not white, or ihat he does not ex hibit those great characteristics which quality him 'to govern the white race, and I am - net disposed to inflict punishment upon the Afri can because, while our white anceitere were contending for civil and religiotis liberty, his were the nude barbarians engaged In eating or selling those wheat the fortunes of war placed within their pcejwer upon their native deserts. God made the distinction in creating the racee tr and by an immutable law he made their commingling an impossibility. Wheri the white race predominates it governs, and in Africa and Hayti. where the negro is the dominant race, he governs, and sedulously excludes the white man from any participa tion. And while Ido not prep ive to re enact the ordinances of Providence, I am an advo cate of the maintenance of the distinction of the races, socially and politically. Notwithstanding the denunciations which have been hurled against the sentiment, I still believrthat this is st white man's govern meat, framed by white men, and fur white men; instituted by their wisdom and de fended by their valor. In saying this, Ido not mean to be understood as asserting that the cogroes. the Indiana, or any other inferior race should be excluded from the natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of hap piness ; but I do mean to say that the hardy, persevering, industrione, brave and intelli gent Anglo-Saxon race and their descendants, who brought civilization and the arta to the New World r tuad who have organised, defended and perpetuated free government here, are not to 'be overridden sad have a governess':nal policy dictated to them by any semi-barbar .ous inferiors, who have never evinced the in telligence here, nor in their own country, necessary to better their own condition ; 'who have never had inventive genius to improve upon the rudeness of the most barbarous life; who ,have never had the courage to snort' and maintain a respectable goverment any iiheire.• , A Anoint of the pen and sword combined has stricken the fetters from the limbs of the !lase, but Ins left him. in point of intelli gence, but little the superior of the brute creation 'in the inanimate lobjects by wbieh be is strrounded. The stroke of 'ethers the pen nor sword can relieve the emancipated slave ,tif hie servile knelled and lit him at once ;for the judicious exercise of suffrage. He lie as' igntrant and passive to-day ea be wambefore a drop of the white man's blood was shed to secure his emancipatios, and he will ; be no ,better to morrow. By forcibly thrusting upon him the right of suffrage, of whith he has no adequate comprehension, you either leave him the dupe of his old master, to be voted at his will, or force him into an unequal contest , with your own race, who, since anything has been known of them, have either enslaved or extemnizated every other race-with which they have coma in contact.' 1 • It seems to me unreasonable that we should be called upon at this diy to discuss a vies- lion of extending suffrage to a race who are notoriously Unfit Casseroles it intelligently and wisely, tint surprise at this foot will be.leee= sued when we consider that those. who are Most anxious to Veenre ;negro suffrage, who are moat bolster:As and ardent ht itefaver. al* precisely those Persone" who know' least about the negro, and are least qualified to judge and determine any question of polite,* Concerning him. There is no extensive see lament anywhere in the Southern Stites its favor of negro suffrage What is thought in that subject in this city of Washington win determined recently by an almost unanimous i vote of the qualified citizens' against it.' Ad : minting northward, we find. constitutionel• provisions established in moat of the Central States to preclude all legisla tive t actioa.upon the subject. Only when we arrive le the e treme North, *here this race ii seareeli , 'i hinter% as an element of population, do Ire tad•mitj sonsiderable ,sentiment in throe Of degrading, the elective franchise to the Jewsl of negro intelligence ind Cepstify. And ereh to recent s elections held in Conneitient, Wie cousin and Ilinneseta,-deolded mxioritferMire gins against the extsesion of suffrage to the ve in number of negroes :resident in, tho 'Steles. upon the Pacific coast, I"am sure A ti swim* opposed. it:P.9'llfeet* bf demo's, Mistier, Sr by Indians round in theirbonierS.. .!slid -AO Asill long. Felehitteo ? In 41101%, !I negro tufrage were submitted. at. tab boa , to a vote of the 'whole elect - Anal popillailen i the Ilditedlltatek I believe the" would del siihrst it by. s toss of lbw loom Even • 44fxoes thaineenso do sot demantl,or ask i • except where they are _ instigated or f u g u e s by white men whose - tiade is 'kneads end whesit pity's* is misehiet • It is oleo; thes, 7 u m & public% °Oslo, does not dissent from c ong ress any legislation er action whatioevor looking to negro suffrage. The cry for it is the clamor of faction and not the voice of tlie oeptr, .•:: • " •t.: • 5 .. : • t • :•, ~ - .: It is ovally deer end certain fist Oengteit 1 4er pm , Ittettitt!-lilterSeilcatxe I. titteetkes-• if tarsi' id nay 0411,1 an WNW io . t • do lo would be an usurp low, and directly opposed to the fundamental•divieton of powers between the Statei and the Federal govern ment. • . But negro outrage would not be desirable or useful, bat, on the contrary, pernicious, even if no impediment existed in public 'opin: ion or in canstitutional law. It would inevit ably degrade and corrupt elections, sad that to an extent, fearful to osntemplate. Jinn°, rat privilege is • trust as well as a right. It is, is fact, a publio duty rather than a personal. privilege • a duty of the gravest importance: and requi ring independence, intelligence and virtue in a high degree to its proper exercise.' Its strongest and most penisrent advocates are to be found among politicians who perceive the true relation bet ween -cause andreffect ; that ignorance Mut be made to count hugely et elections, sad that party organizations and public men who Would net be upheld by the intelligence of the country,i can, by its aid,, riot in plate and wield the saeptre of public power. With all the juetioe, patriotism and magus* imity which we may claim for the States now represented upon this ftierrhaorAw of them beee become convinced' ofrthe propriety of conferring the right of suffrage upon the few and comparatively intelligent negroes to be found within their borders! It the experi ment under such favorable.circumstances comes of doubtful propriety with our own States, where is the justice or propriety of oui - forcing upon other States, where the AM. can has not - had time to commenee his recov ery (rem the debating affects of the most de grading servitude T , _ The propriety of universal suffrage among our own race has long been a debatable ivies lion among the warmer friends of 'republican institutions, and while it is difficult to fix any boundaries for the intelligence which shall authorise its exercise, it is conceded by all, that there is danger in eonferritg it upon those who are ignorant of our governments and institutions. Examples are not wanting_ of the restrictions which have been imposed by States against its universality. The In dian, with all his native sagacity, and the noble attributes awarded to him by Utopian writers, has been almost Universally denied its exercise. In times of political excitement parties have been en bled to foist amendments upon State constitutions,which excluded white persons of foreign birth whose political sea laments were not in unison with thaprftres sive and transcendental theories or intolerant majorities. But, sir, admitting, for argument's sake, the propriety of conferring the right of suffrage indiscriminatelrapon everything that walks upon two feet, what right has Congress to meddle with this question within the States of the Union ?. By an appeal to arms you have reduced the citizen. of the Southern. Statue to a condition of obedience to the Constitution and lawn of the, United States. Yon and I dehled their. pretended assumption to the right to take their States out of the Union They appealed to arms as the lam resort to enforce their. pretended rights of secession. We met them openly and squarely upon' that issue, and wrung from them a verdict, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives; and thousands of millions or dollars. In this verdict they now acquieice ; and are we, in the moment of victory, to be guilty of the folly of turning around and conceding all their claims by admitting thet r ihey are no longer States of the Union, bound to o bserve its Constitution and yield obedient% to its laws. and reciprocally entitled to its protect lion and rights ? Such _action would be a surrender to the rebels, by legislation, of more than they have been able to wring from us by arms, end would be a practical ratifica tion of .their seeesiiion ordinances, and a dis. solution of the Union by act of Congress. Why should we involve ourselves inr the paradoxical absurdity of denying the rights of - secession, of fighting them for four years to enforce that denial, and when they admit their failure by the last arbitrament,. turn around and admit that they have accomplished: their purpose, and are te-day outside the Union? The rebellion having been a failure en the part of those who inaugurated it, it would seem the height of folly . en the part of those who, resisted it so successfully, to dignify it with al! the coneequences of a suc cess. If, as I believe, they have not achieved the object for which they began the war, and their insurrection hos been suppressed, it would seem that nothing has occurred to change their political relations to the Union, and they must be still States composing its integral parts. Every department of this government has so recognised them it some form or other, and I take it that they are as much States in the Union' to-day as though their citizens had never committed treason against it. The crime of treason can only be committed by individuals, and whether they are pardoned or punished for the offense, cannot affect the condition of the body poli tic of which they may happen to be mem bers. We commend the following extract from Andrew Johneen's speech - lathe United States Semite in December, 1859, on the Harper's Ferry Resolutions; to the special attention of those of our Republican cotemportiries who have been compiling the ' , record. of the Dem ocratic - party." It will furnish a most hits. resting and instructive page: Instead of there being a. conflict, an irr,e preesible conflict between slave labor and fres labor, I say, the organs: it Is clear end eon— elusive. * * Sir, I have been rain enough to think that I could satisfy a.Nortk• ern man, Stripped of hie prejudines. that the Hodthern man who his his capital invested in Ave labor is his best friMtd: ' * ".* • !* Ton talk about a slave aristocracy.' If it an aristocracy, it is an ari4ocracy of labor. What kind of aristocracy haveyou in the North ? Capital and money. Which is the most odious in its operating, en aristocracy of money or an aristocracy of labor? Which is the most unyielding? Which is the most creating? Every man has the answer in his own mind. * * 'Capital at the NOrth is the oppressor of the laboring man. There is where the oppressionis; there is where the rrepressible conflict exists. It is between the dollars and cents' of the North and the free labOr of the North; not between glare labor and free labor. • • ' BBL LOAX ASh NECIZO - 8X71140111....-AMOXS those who voted for unqualified negro suffrage lit the District of Columbia was Ben. Losti. , ,o Missouri. Appropet of /divot% the Bt. Jo,' seph (Mo) Herald has the following-item : Charlotte Loss, a colored women of about 22 Yuri; of 'age,' died in 'this city h few days ago, and was busted by the obesity of The colored Pe•Pli• This woman was formerly the property Of. Bert. Loan, who misrepresent this District in Congress. , She had tells tniiy I" long day without . 00miensstion fo bier hard beartedrand closefisted waiter; and cams she ca ii die, after a liegeritgillaess, Mr. Lean - Wowed her to be candler and as signed to her final resting place by the cos , &tendons of her poor colored friends. - Co'®. mat is duseeesmazy. 'lt is but characteristic of the maw Be scald take the poor womsafs earning for ;Mira. until the anklacdrolitios ori :dinance Unloosed her, shackles, j?ctt never Mitt Would he give to bill her. . MARMON isBIOS Lita...-TheMap of Mist Harriet lane, aims; of ex-Preildsnt Du ablaut, to Henry E. Ah111140:1 1 En , * "II - Wed at:efheitland, let Itr. r. Thichattan's reel dense, 'sear 'Ltatmitit, 'a% one o'clock P.ll en.lthursday last. The ceremony was per formal 14:ev..11. Y. ilgeltanao. (brotbpr the ei eldest() spar of. the Trig Cinfich, Oxford, spar this City, and the 'fa bride was•gived ashty by her vaterableAtebr TIM ex-rresident was in ant haelthiami me Happy as c o uld be; expeeted-M a aegaratiml from a lady to whom hewaelko gewohallim? ind whose refinements; lilettmOlisluifelliti rare discrimination, have bees such iimalitabl specie, to him in hie public, aspeoherly I his Presidential career. and. have be fella.; tot aticompanimente in his declining ym0r!...4 Mr. Abeam now the hiiiliand of thelortlter lady if the Wititerllouse, - . it a gfflailimiii I lane batons la lieltkammi 01,aboalawlky proodion.—Phae. mfr. NUMBER '37. Negro Baffrige in• Pennityfranis. We hops no Republican in Pennsylvania will profess to be sstonished when he aide the party with which he has actettpreparing .to confer the right of suffrage upon the me greet' in this State. When every Republican member of Congriges.fretm this 'hate votes to give the hordes of negroes who cluster is ti thick' masses around the site of Rutting ,the same right to vote that white . men hair had in the past s bow can any of them. zefus to advocate i.et same thing at home' We net at all surprised to find the Harrisburg Telegraph rejoicing at, the unanimity with which the Republican Congressmen from this State acted. We expect before many days elapse to see it and other Republican journals join in the effort which is even now being made to force aegro suffrage upon the people of this 'State. The Pittsburgh Commercial, one of the largest, 'mod widely circulated, able and lefluential Republican papers is the State, calls open the Legislature 'owls dna- SiCD to more in this matter at once. It says: " While the vote in the House of Repro/en. tatives conferring unlimited suffrage on the colored men in the District of. Columbia is fresh I. the mind, we take occasion to remind the particular advocates of the principle that titers are in Pennsylvania several thousand' intelligent but disfranchised images. Many, of them enlisted into the army,• fought well, and have returned home, where they are 'fie. big orderly but disfranchised eitisens—if, under this disability, they can be so called. The seal Mr. Kelley has shown:ln carrying through his bill will losg be quoted' in his favor. .his he not the influence—have not• the other Pennsylvania members who favored the bill, the .influence—to produce a move-, merit in the Legislature to enfranchise the in telligent, tax paying, returned soldier colored population of Pennsylvania ? We count con fidentially on us moving in our Legit'. lature. Let us batik up our-representatives with piompt action. The Union - majority in Centres* lave• melted out the way—let us march boldly in it." . This is plain talk. There is one thing, however, to commend about it. It is honest' talk. It speaks out the real sentiments, and boldly lays bare to the world the designs of the' leadertof.tbe Republictan.party in Penn sylvania. They ate in favor of conferring the right of 'suffrage upon the negroes here as well as elsewhere. Now that they have put themselves ix- a- pojiition where they can no lqnger deny their real sentiments we may ex pect them to act and act boldly. Nothing but a fear of defeat in the campaign of next fall will prevent the Legislature from taking the necessary steps toward striking the ward white from the Constitution of Pennsylvania. They may refuse to take the initiatory step/ during the present view, but so surely . as they Are not defeated in the coming campaign they will be emboldened tq di what they would willingly do 'now if they did not fear that they would lie repudiated by the masses. One thing at least is settled. The Repub lican party are folly committed to the doe trine of negrOsuffrage ; and they will eoofer upon them that right without restriction; nn• less the white men throughout the country rise up in their might to prevent the perpe• tration of that most infamous outrage upon their rights and their race. If the white men of Pennsylvania would save themselves from the degradation and disgrace of negro sitf— frogs and negro, equality, they must take a bold stand for their rights, and set at macs and with decision. • J. Wilkes Booth Still Living. MORICHLILD CITY, SAX. 5, 1866 EDITOR NORFOLK POST—EIR just arrived in this place from -, where I saw sad talked with J. Wilke. Booth, the cup , osed aasieein of 7onr late Preeldent. That . e would be alive after what had marred at your capital, may seem strange, but, it is true nevertheless. I saw him and B. Harris, who left with him not four weeks ago, and learned from him all the hardships that he underweet in leaving this country. He says thst no one who has the least regard for truth, will say that he was in Ford's Theatre on the 14th of April last, and wonders why no one present on that occasion did not pretend to recognise the man that shot Lincoln until they were told that it was him by Laura Keene, his bitter enemy. He did'not, however, to me deny or admit that he had done the deed ; but stated that no one could truthfully say, of their own knowledge, that it was him, He declares that Mrs. Surratt war inneeeat, and wonders how the man that wu killed in the barn looked.' He learned from the papers that he bad a heavy beard, and had sheared er eta it in suck an awkward• manner that. his (Booth's) Most intimate fringe would not recognise Booth. He thinks not. He be lieved, innocent or guilty, that. if found be would have been. sacrificed to their mad fury, and concluded to leave., which he did. And as there can, now be no harm in te)lipg, I will state what he tbld me--emittinf neinies!" Re crossed the river at Georgetown; stopped the neat day near Fairfax Court Rouse ; the next and be was taken near, Middleburg; &0., and from there near Gum Springs, where he remained two days ; and after more than three weeks traveling—mostly by night,, and suffering severely—he reached Florida, where he was detained for some time, until Harris, who wall not, mentioned in' the 'affair, and Wbo could not appear publicly,- procured : a bce which they ventured %o sea in,., p ad, pude lead safe. been was immediately taken siok, and heti been moot of the time since. - • • • Is Oetobir be was: mach better, so.much so that he teak el:aerobia iuthe open air, but rat. lapsed and was confined to his room nned about foil:. 'weeks ego. Hie constitution; in my judgment, is ruined, and I don't believe he will live long. He weds 'preparing Sas a change of climate, end if no rclapse• has taken place, is probably now in another conn lal, where he will rr eel with more of hie em people, or people from the mime country—• Edlior, I write each p9or English that , fear YOU will not be able to` , ft oft; but it is' the truth, the whole truth; and if you wish* you may publish it. ,Ishallzot t in the country Ate read is. it , yours; truly, = i. r • Wasik risinasio ), • NNW EICILAXD gianie ILL the Mending oimMittees of eat& breath of the Limp Gangrene will ahoy to: Ihn 'people. et honey lewd!, - hOw • completely , New.Englend has the management therein, and (imolai; at tie same ' time, a key' to the disunionism erhiolt riles in alt Ike proeedinge. lathe Senate, : the eix,ldeir England States have eigdt ,Ohairmanships, of the nineteen standing qotamitteeti=-or nearly one hitt. - • bliseschtt setts hive each two, aid Rinasylvaaiii 'llllll linw York have entries non: ibolloolo the sin New England BUtten have thirties Chairmanships out of•tort.v, teur=or nearly bertLird. - idiasaohnsette hie floe, liaise three; and little Rhode:lsland tyro,.while New York. hnownly titte—the, same as m use . obusetts—Peansylvenia 'fear, .and eninber of the large Weetiim &Steals* one each. - Thus ItArillle seen that Neut , Saglind i tia vow biesoh,• hii a - one Any ; control,,and,ls the other, none-third control,.eltlicmgb.anni• boring only one 'sixth of the 'Stela nautili!. leg t la tilt. matte ofqpoyuSittud ikon eizlitatee nuteatmj.4o7.3l/ 11 44 0 444411. 31,148,047 meth% up, Abe population of the thirtj..fonr . l34 otir twat aultddr the entire • ititiii;' 'Thu nkele els Usk', States emitiln: 746;461 iesaimpuletionAhea the aigtie ftle NMI- TarlhipO r pn,liFYA la ozone Of rinaillnnia• uto 1 231'r " the table of real lull Yelidulitist lingtand foots'up only $1;868,848,95 'NMI .eggrepta of $18,118,478,66.0.. ia , the tithe's ,of 1 1 1..8totoo; or ;only about one ninth' of the toted valuation of the fluion, leaving• eat the !Weaseled, These eis Btatei ere only in en eese of New York $20,510,248; of Pennall man; $447,846,947; and of Ohio, $669,950 1 . 1'843, in the value of real and personal estate. ifsataebusetti his duty 'a wainstion 0f , 1031(ti., 287,483—1e5s thattimittithL Of: • , Jot 11124111 X 6011441111 ikrusxr. lisde natal, kilo rtophetitfens, Asked, with folded hands, the Almighty's (roc% Them within the banquet hall he at; At Missing up be embn,ldr red ant. Then a alma biome him placed tholocoi, SpiLluzig fi3ib r tiiiMailieT, me iiii6LW3: Awkwardly' apes the taw*. Dross (hod , bully &Woad tbr oaks soot To the ioeq to great remorse sod area, Jett the slam sae thus. beesoebtoely ntd "Waster, they who Lulea to resimilk, Rhine wrath, La ?ameba shall rwlio:" Gentle was the iamier Sanaa cave : notsagivi “Vot,* punned Utiiiidays, "Yet deth higher twoompame biker To the WOW 'who furtive airrrig.". , . __ I I folly , '" lad Haim. "Yet we road, So the prostrate slave went Co to 044 __"that a higher seat in glory still Watt/ a man who readers gotd for 111." Mown native ttlyfroodoos, old behold U*3' /Poi/ timitipsiso at golds Let ma loner fill to laid, In aught, Nbst tit prophet of Yu Go 4 tralltitiht.• "Bitoe" Fomnioe as Bur %AST BOTTLID Buttes.—At last this:'great American thief and pleuderiog murderer has rellgeed, and is no more' en officer of the army he die. graded: Grant' has bottled him up forever, and in a few words proved the truth of our oft. exprees!d opinion of this natural thief, coward and military ass. What. be will do now is more than we know. Most likely go Co shop• lifting, grave robbing or instilting women...At heart, a traitor—by. instinct a ;thief—by education, a robber—Benjamin F. Butler has won a name for infamy, venality and incompetently second to none in the world. He was one of the peculiar, tools of !Stanton and the Republican party, and has I bsen a nightmare cn the American people for the peat Ave years.: An original secessionist, atover had; a .pstriotio motive in bin heart. ilia never deserved a position in the army— ihe never, fought a battle—he never won a li7- tory—be never lost an opportunity to steal from and plunder the defenceless—he never Imsde the, lJoion flag other then a signal to (mark the depository of stolen goods, and should have been dismissed the army long since. The greatest curse a mother could put upon a child would be to wish it the heart sad at 'tributes of Ben . Butler,' whose sun has at hawk sunk in the deepest infamy, and whose isidiraill Ile trust will , be spent in the Mose of hi, employer. Thief, robber, abolition patriot, military plunderer, woman insulter, grave yard robber, soldier murderer, egostical ass, Tel. of Republicanism, child of the devil, cock ,eyed abortion of hamity, bottled brans. docia, played out pOli ieian, dishonored va c .ersl and traitorous oit eu, farewell Thal one by one O the politteal generals and, causes of oar na ional tzobble ), —one by one the cotton Mier rig; plundering scoun drels who have strutiid their brief hour on the bloody stage, drop into lefamx. Bottled, Blunderer, Big Bethel Botcher, Braggadocio, Beo Beast Butler, farewell. Tar Tagus JOINZD.—The question of negro suffrage is slicing issue before the American' people at the present time. It has beau made so by a Republican Congress in the bill eon. tarring the right on the negroes of the pis* Aria of Columbial to be followed branotber, lalready presented in Congress, requiring all :the States of the Hilton to confer the same privilege on the African race. The action of Congress has been endorsed by every :Repub. titan paper in Vennsylvanie, end, to milk. ! assurance doubly eure, , and leave no doubt on the minds of any as to the position of the party, the State Senate, a few days ego, passed the following preamble and resolutions, every Republican member votiag for them and every Democrat against them: Waimea a bill enfranchising the colored citizens of the District of ,Columbla lately passed the lower House ef.Congreas, remov ing the earnest support from Republican mem. ,bees. therefore, be it Resolved, by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives, That we approve and commend the action of our members is their support of this measure. and our Senators are requested and hereby instructed to vote for the Same. Ruolved, That the Governor be requested to forward to each of the members and Sena tors in Congress a eopy of this preamble and resolutions. This. then, is one of the greatest issues bet fore the people of the Northam States, which must be decided at the ensuing elections for or against the white man. Those who belieta in the supremacy of the white race, will vote the Democratic ticket ; those who favor negro equality and the right of the negro rasa to control the ballot boxes, will vote the Repub. lieaa ticket. —Lancaster Intelligenesr. nouns vs. Wonninostax.—Last week the use of the Hall of the House of Representa tives was given to the negroes in which to hold &convention for the purpose of devising ways and means to secure for themselves the privilege of suffrage. Inasmuch as the Hall bad been thus used, it was natural to conclude that not the slighest objection would be made to allowing the workingmen to use it on the evening of the 25th. of this month, for the rapine of advancing 'the eight hour system and promoting the ioterest of labor generally. My. Larwill (Dem.) therefore offered a reso- Wilma that the. use .of the Hall be tendered them. Imagine, his surprise then, when a Republican member announced his intention to disaues that resolution, and its considera tion kid to lay over. Why did not the Re publican niember,then and there discuss the resolution'?, But what need of such discus sion' ? The Hall bad been thrown °nen to the `use of negroor. vrb'y - dtaciiiis the pro priety of throning it open to the use of white workingmen? Will - they not take as rod care of it aslthe negiosi took of it ; or is the cause of negro suffrage more worthy than the eight , hour system, or the prOmotion of the interests of labor generally 2—Ohio States- Pnronattoi - livarzwass.—Tho• 'following paragraph with Witte of, a similar 'character, in going the rounds of .the press : "A Unmet the late Praident .Polk i. em ploy p 4 with two Nuke; the three at five dol.. tars per , day, in Liking care of mules pur chased by a Northern speculator at the army sales near Nashville." The gat= cut is true with the following exceptions: A son of the late President Polk is not in the 'employ,of a Northern specula.— tor, he is not:taking,care of mules; 1 4,0 not , in'tsonjahotiou with two other _persons, is, fatting five dollars per day, be le not work: fig with two negrbeig, he'll not in anybody's employ, ' and finally, .:President Polk left' neither soli nor daughter. We indorse the words, .'the late Piesident•Polk.° 'That ex=; pression is . entlrely true.. The rest is a con— glomerated tionglomerstlea of feleehoed.: Nail the lie to the counter.—Sashrille' Daily Press sod Ems, Jan. 23, 1866, (Rep.). !• • -.:The well known and oft quoted. apostrophe to the Democracy which we 'give below end which we hope every school boy in the oottn try will commit - to memory. was bet uttered .Lion. Wmi Allen. of Ohio, in , 11337 Dinocsaar....A fectiment net to be stu pefied, corrupted or compromised, - It knows tao baseness;. it powers to no danger ;..it op. pregnee no weakness. Fearleita, generous and humans, it rebukes the arrogant, chopishes honor, and vympathises with th 4 hund4e. It bete nothing but what it concedes; It epecides nothing,. but What It demands: pestructive only 'of, despotism, it. is the pole, coneseVator of liberty,. labor and', property. It Is the sentlstent of.; freedom, of 'rquaCrYghte, of aqua. iblfgetiona. It Is - the law of nature 'Rereading the lair' of the land." ' • Pliielste . Judge tollanter used to give the !alibiing* order 'of ' businese in the United Stake tienste first," Reid the Judge, ga hive a pester by the eloplitin- next the Veiling of the journal; thee Wilson intro 7,thlkininser makes a• elaselesi apeeeit; thee FlitillMett gets mad, and thee the Soups adjoins." • This order hes under pins Tie* little change since Judge' Oellaener's d e ath., Pint, prayer; next reediest ke jour nal ; thee Wilson ibtroduoera bill; then Sam net makes as mauls as the ;President; then fam octr peoposee; to smetid the Constitu tion, and - then the seethe adjoures.—Chimpo _Post. . Oolonet Forney, in speaking of the un.- Tal mo iftest of n us egs m o n s Litt l er . ques t t o lou, tag: ,eet devotion to the. truth." Bat there .is no . ,4tangot. i your !tuMbiill&*.th,AtlflYa aic=l a II