The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 01, 1866, Image 4
A Tend LabT Brews ham PSIS% di—nOt , ion; sinew Conductor Cawley had the blessed gtrivfiege of carrying out a loving couple, litho assumed the position of " Lord Ullin'e • Daughter" and her betrothed, so affectingly described in "the Teachers' Institute ' loot Week : "Om lovely baud was stretched for aid. • AM am was matt har lover"— Only la this cue, instead of one band be- i lag "stretched for aid," it yes where the other was, anointing his inamorata. They lied evidently beta - up, or at least awake, very late the evening before. The train had Lot reached Earley till the female member of the firm was sound uleep—nothing to be wondered at, for the position she had as sumed was in every way favorable .to calm and sweet repose. The by•sittent were simply amused • but Conductor Cawley, more experi enced, iorstaw serious, if not fatal results. Approaching the sleeping maiden, he took one wrist in his hand and looking at his watch with a profestional air, after a few Momenta addressed the young man: "My dear air, do you-not See that you us killing your lady ?" " What" ezeleimed the youth, in open mouthed astonishment, " Don't you see you are killing that young lady 2-, Her pulse is only eighteen to the minute noiciand k salsas yon let go your hold around her neck. .rtiu will have her _choked to death in too minutes!" He let go. There was seine laughter among observers, but Cawley passed demurely ea.—Dubuque Tartu. A CONVIIIIINT CUSTO3I.—The author of I' Wandering. in Brittany " gave the follow• log illustration of thoughtful care for the wants of marriageable young men : " The peasantry aroma! Junius retain their old dr-uses' and customs in perfection ; the girls, erpecially, have a habit that would save much trouble were it intetduced fate more civilised Cecile'. They appear on fete days in red under petticoats, with white or yellow bor ders around them; the number of thus de notes the portion the father is willing to give this daughter; each white band, representing silver, betokens hundred francs Of rent; and ea& yellow band means gold; and stands fore thousand francs per year. Thus a young termer who sees a face that pleues him, has tnly to glance at the trimming, of her petti. *oat to learn in an instant what amount of rent tocompanies IL" Yee, yes," says a modern writer, 4 mature balances all things admirably, and has put the sexes and every individual of each on a tar. Them that have more than their share s.f one thing, commonly have less of another. Where there- Is a great strength there ain't spite be much gumption. .A handsome man in .a general way ain't much of a man. A beautiful bird seldom singe. Them that have genius have no columns sense. A fellow with one idea grows rich, while he who calls him a fool dies poor. The world is like a baked meat pie—the upper cruet is rich, dry and puffy ; the lower,oruet is heavy, doughy and underdone ; the middle is not bad generally, but the smallest part of all is that which favors the whole." ' WILT IT COSTS TO 13LAP • nano. —Time-- Yesterday morning. Scene Butcher and darkey in Fifth street market house. Buteher hired darker, who got lazy and saucy.— Dutcher told darkey to do something —he refused. Butcher drove him off. He came back—.buither slapped him. Darkey said, *-Dst'll cost you sumthid," and west off. Returned by and by with a negro and musket attached to it—seized botcher, who dropped his cleaver, put some money in his pocket and "fell into line." Freedmen's Bureau—butch er beforeit—darkey told his wrongs—Burean smiled—butcher look meat axes—didn't do no good-415 and costs. Dismissed Ike ease. Butcher likes negroes, negroes like butchers —Bums likes both.—Loeizville Democrat. Thieves have discovered a new nee for chloroform. The porkers sou Adrian, Mich., disappeared in * most unaccountable manner, and what was regarded strangest, they werel carried off without the coned of a single squeal. A geutleman, however, discovered tile depredators operating ens night, and go• ing to the pig pen he fennd•two fat hogs ly ing helpless and unconscious, having been drugged with chloroform. A fall assortment of all kinds of Attornere Justices of the Peace, Constables and Oil Blinks, kept constantly on hand and for sale at the O•saavaa office. We have just printed • new style of Marriage Certificate, to which we invite special attention. Parties dealing in oil territory will find it to their advantage to purchase their blazing sere, as they can be bought from fifty to a hundred per cent, lower than in the oil towns. Dealers supplied at wholesale prices. anl7-tf OLD PAPIRI WANTID.—We will purchase any.quantity of Papers that may be brought to no. They must be uncut and in • clean toadition. . PROPZILTY ATTINTI7III.—As this is the season of the year when people usually renew their leases, and a great deal of pro perty changes hands, we remind our readers that a complete stock of blanks for almost envoy purpose is kept for sale at the Observer °floe. Our assortment of Deeds, Mortgages, Agreements for the Sale of Land, Leases, /ko., cannel be surpassed anywhere. We have both Tight lad Common Leases on hand, so that parties can take their choice. IL TrEQB . ESTIONABLY THU BEST svoyAIN. al work Of the kind to the Todd. lIIRPILR'S NBA MOMTHLTMAGAZINZ Critical =Um of the press: It la the fammostmaguine of the day. The Inside paver hid • mon dellghthal companion, nor the million et wore enterprising friend than Harper's ltutalne.— ifftiodise Pr.leetost, (Baltimore.) The man poplar Monthly is the wont—/fses Yak Mawr, Vs must refer in terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied emoltsness of Harpoes Illaigisise—s Jeanie with &monthly simulation of 110.000 coulee—in whose pages are to be and some of the choicest light tad general reading of the day. Ti speak of this works. an evidence of the Amatierm people; and the popularity it has ie. gamed is meelbd. Zech number esentim folly 144 pages of mediae marbr ap~stely Ilbestrited with wood - eats; sad It ernahlnes - In Itself theme, month', aid the more philoeophital quarterly, blended with thirteen dm were of the Lally Seam! „It ens peat power Is the die sendustion of • love orpure litenttorw.—Taresee t. Ansmiein Ltuntitsre, Leedom. Ile verboten bound eonstftste of themselves • library of misoellaneous reading sub as ma not Waned in the mem oommaa Is say other=lestion that has come seder este notle&—ionso Soutar mons 11162.—Tne publiehers have perfected a @Mem of mailing by which they can supply the Mefga- Us, awl Weekly proamtly to those who plena to receive ti o t r porkousakatiodly from tke Dem of mtblioation. the pastnesea Rameres is 24 mote • year, which mail he gaid at the ea brebeels ptetoMet. TERAII2,-garper's llserulne, ono mar, $4 An extra copy of either the ifsguLes or Meekly will be supplied pat* br *my Mal of flee teheerftees a. 4 such in nit nmettlease: or six copies for OM' ha* numbers ma be at any Vim • eemplele set, now sompridog milansea, la meateloth Moiling, will meat by es=freight at expense of painkiller, for nu per al= by wail golitadd, Sft qoui sams' br s'aßeirrAftqsod.. IPraohlto Naar., NET rblik ' /231 kanoolinatTs ricrolum. mirroint the ?tas, The best, cheeped sad nod succeirul Pew to the tidos. • anrwalrrillLY-BPlSlDlBLYtutvraLizii laylSall aotkosof ti. 8.. a : • 44 The best *t e a i =Waled to .the tille d ßMtr. Slatie'—ffsa ono atobel aseepapar of oar country—oomplate i all the 61yeabsisas elm Emerises Torally s Weekly be anted felt hien Aght te tts U 'a joursai of ehilintioa.'"—/I T. Sweats, Peet. ' 'Thisppaappearrfhhbasthebet Illestratioas. Our fu ton h atorlaw will Panels themselves out of Her's Weekly leas attar writes. sad printers, sad p iers are tared to dust.'—ff. F. zwrititat. 'A neesedtp la oterybouebold.'—Bast es Trawl* 'it hp at ones a kale/ gentle! sad., Itlytaseel maul tst of the natiosh*—Plula Press. one bet of the clam la Amerle"--Bestaa rpsieter. Suasaerrriors 886.—The Pi bliahen have perfeeta seise of sutler by millet they ea sayyly,theya mai th ee sad w yp romptly to Th ose who p , ehr,to a min their CILL &obeli from the once of Tile tiros. aa4 ethers &lima of pittt up Clew mlll be applied with a heads-use pictorial ev. - bill aa syyllaatioa. . The posers** itaryeee Weekly is 20 anti a year, tale emit he paid at the alectiber's poet omee. i TZlYo.—Barrie's Weekly, one year. $4 00. - As extra so of of oilier the Weekly or Kealb 4 o win bar l4ll lPrs4 pets for every club of five subscribers at $4 00 sea , itt ea* esalWeasr or et copies tor 620 00. Bark ametres area 00 .. r d at say time. The ammo/ volume et =6.. ..i 5 r, la see r r th e tt e rs elL g, A s i t o l l i n ta wet g r. easy:lse' WA 0111101111. swat on receipt oi l ash al the este of slllllSper rol.:_farlykt at ezpaue of ourobao- W. .Agd2llll ," r• UARPIR it BROTELfigy. ja , ms" . . I it • Peale knee', W.,Y. 0 1TY AND count , * NURYZYINU. -3-OHN R. MILLAR IRE Legal Blanca. tempol ray itatlevaid Wall& SOT .4 Outlets of the My, sad pap lad, et tow Yoare — amplay amettraed *esti lOw leap to refer to pit tbottem, an L hirodolant oloyed btu USA ere. I mowed OA the dotted 114111eildea sada norm of - Mr SOWN remPlinflist i !os , Ises-si; PRIB , mumc REGULAR LECTURE COURSE , AT FAR * RAR HALL. 14. lob. stb, Mai Aim 11,.• Hideo:too, nth.; StaiiKft —',Hokna Thrusts 'Halts for sine* leetaris, dont& H. A. CAIrGREY, C. C. SHIRK. C. R GUNNI4ONr, • E. L PLLTON, AZRO DOFF, H. F. SHAMAN, - Lecture Cemmittee . . • nr After Thursday. the leta. the Diagraw.of the HID will be found at the cbook 'More of Ceuchiy Ye Creery A Co., where tlck 44 nay be parchacod and wale reserved. f . , osier!. 1 WILIOL SSA IA AND !LILT i 1.1,___ . : mTo H.N. gUlg ! P. A. BECKER, -. , WHOLESALE A 10) RETAIL GROCERp Itera-Eastlbtr of tits Pork ferratch pug, • (artanuriz,) Would roopoottally call tlis'attoation thdgouusuzniti ' • to Al liboelrpf • GIIPC,ERIES AND A'ROVISIONS,' ,j Which h. le 6i boas tonsil at thlo VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES; Hfe arena eat SUGARS, COFFEES, • TEAS, SYRUPS,' TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., ca not earpeared 1 the city , as he to prepared to prove to all who give h i call. Be aloe keeps constantly an band a imparter lot Of ' • PURE LIQUORS, br the wholesale bade, to which he directs the attention at the pall& , RIB motto li, "Qnlek tales, Small Pratte and a fall raufiralent for the Monsr." aprire3ll, 1400 8 A V 2 D D ON A PIANO FORTE! U 5 to tso ON A MELODEON OR ORGAN I By purchasing of Z. SMITH, OF ERIE:I. Instead Of sending orders to New York PlkNO FORTES /ND MELODEONS ihsratehed tram the folkneleg celebrated Yeaulhetezere Stelnvsy k 60119. Nov Yo*, Wei. Knobs & Co., Baltimore, Md., Woi. IL Bradbury . , Now York, arovaaterks & CO., New York, Boardman k Om, Albany, N. Y Nee. A. Primo i Co; Buffalo, N. Y, H. Spank, Elyracase, N. Y. JoiriN I Goodman, ChniNascl, 0. PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BILLOW MANUFACTURERV MOSS! Pianos tram 11$00 to $1,600. re All persons desiring a first rate Plano or Melode on are invited to ail and stamina Aar Instruments M ire pa.-ehasing elsewhere. leery Isidro:meat warranted for ties years. Uganda neat, nearly opposite UN Poet Mks, ltria, Pa. - noleYeitf. Z. MTS. 11311.0OXICY• JACOB BOOTZ Would respectfully &monis., to the people of We city sad county, that he has opened st 'NEW GROCERY BTORae;' Oa the West Side of Peach Street, a Short Distance Booth of the Lake Shore Depot, Where he grill keep cat band a large aasorterent of OBOCERJEB, ' • PROVISION'S, WOOD AND WILLOW Wittig, !LOMB AM eyerythissr chilly hap& Ii a Ind class store Luso. WINS, Win CIDER AND LIQUORS. The highest kat Price paid for Produce, is a sus if desired. tr. Ohre soi a 'earl,if you etch to Noun good bar gains. I pledge myself to yell as Lew, if not Lower, thaa any other Dm* is the city. mrl2l4tf. 1 NSW FIRM. Jame' P. Cro . ok, keying taken in hie .on James E., ea • partzfrr, on the let day of• pril 1144, ander the set same eiJAMEst P. CEO [ & abl desires to have a dement of his old amounts. .&11 persons knowing awn solves indebted to him are recneated to call and settle without deli,. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER! LID werro,,oronmag Or - Winthw Sash, Frame*. Doors and, Blinds, Mouthing aid Picket fame Scroll Sawing, )latching and Planing done to oder. Shop on Pam* St, Between 4th aid 6th Sta., Erie, Pa. reepesthelly an the attention of the public to oar feallities for doing work to the heel of sty* prompUe and on reasonable terse. Raying OW wp entirely new ahem with ',prior machinery, we Ml owableat o 0'44 entire sath&etion. I , WOrders from abroad will receiveprompt attention mr24ll4—tt. JAYES P. CROOK k SOH. W APPRENTICES FOR Win?. NAVY ! None need apply but three of Round health and fond moral character, who can read well, spell torrectly,writa legibly and who ma cipher to whoe cambers sinet bac Dons, and are not lose then 13 ncr more than IEI yezzs o age. Natal &pp:gutless are , ELIGIBLE TO APPOINTMENTS A? 111.11 NAVAL ACADEMY! A pertain:umber being 'elected yearly from among them for them appointment's. Fchoohneeten are swiped to each school ship to teach the rudhnente of education, including naeirstlos, and their minute are cartfully cared for. _Apprentices are CAREFULLY AND THOROUMILY EDUCATED To discharge the duties of manien, aad at the isqdratlon of theft term of apprenticeship, which Is when they ar me at the age of 21, if found qualified, him the prefer ence lathe appointments for warrant and petty °Sots. Eir For further information. .p4tlT ri to ,Estp.vsNit, Commander II:11., Awry, Erle,l'a Natal madames Erie In Farrar nail, over Clasoras. ChnEb 2 Y ig/hul": 110 . na9l3lL. sawma PLAIURIN . Y9e • THE CHEAPEST. /LID ttE$T,. 817 Y RITRIR UR LW= OR SINGZR.. , The art des4esd birbibeen appwinted sena b Erb city for the *how eehibrated Reatines, reerittrally calls the ;Mention al_the_public to the mar* ese as to be at best hi us end am the Lsr the mertet._ gab has all the West biprorialants. width reader theater superior to as, other now motel. Teresa. dialling to prkeeheee a Sewing /Lachine. will And It of advantage te. oil and esandue these hebrw bribe elsewhere. Peraphre ea addlliten- itney dors, /fa. 6, Americas! Block, behreen therm* mad seratti kraut. jade 66- ania, T. WA1111112.. ti AKTIPOILD HULK INNUIRANOK HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. /NOORPORATZOIIIIO. CAPIT.:L $1,046,0110. T. G. ALLTN, Prost. G. D. COFL,9 cry CITY num navaiTcm. stimimANT.. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. 7NC4)IIPOII4I9ED • C IPITAL MUM WY. LURIA, Prost. GEO. W. LIST'S, s•• • 7. rir instututee to the above old sad tellable Clomps- WM con be obtained on application to mazaktll-42. R. W. RUSSELL, Aient RKADY PAY-STOKE.. A.'MINNIa R 0 24 Ousettaky Hoc Nes that h, Us 'roar. Op eackzeßise IL/84 mom or 81* arn, imam sr& Mato litt JAM& Ao bop: 6, 4 gad avower% Ant of FAMILY f • GROCERIES- Sr. PROW/HONE. WOOD A 1 1 / 1 ,140V i/ARZ. A ialturair cools' • ad la leapt Ed& • 11510 olastmiNty•-•*•bird. BM BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, WIRR4II7IO .4 0001) 10TICLX tr , The ldifhist IlLtdist Price paid for all are, 43, Cliestry !Mao. . IT Sopiaillaihatuillospf Aar. to sap part fot tp• or. • . 41•0211641 Y trill E.. V .IV .t•• r It, -.1. t. Now la the time to Ha."... the. , Tlilit c* sled K WILEMLY TRI t'',,MlC leftist/II on slake double lam skeet mato '.... ght pap e do g columns sleet.. It contain' all Cs e I'. - • Hart editorcls published in the Daily Tribune, Cl.- these • I niere'y Joc.l interest; also Literary and Sol •,t.flo Int4lisennt: Mevi-us of the moot interertics , • important nor i Docks; the hatters from our large re of cerrorpood- Pots; the latest news received by Te aph fr. m Wash logton and all oth tr parts of the try; a ilu:um:7 dell losporttni latellipnee in th is y and elsewhere; a SybopaU•of the prow:dings of gts es and State Lotivietare4 'tun to seas nu; t'te F ,vn uric+ ...mired I by every steataer; Exclusive Report fhe Proesedinge , :f this Farmers' Club of the Amerl lnetitu'e; Tolls about Trait and other Florticulln and Agrietilunil hrfonnatkai event at to country t ideate; Stock. Fi asocial, Cattle, Dry Gonda:and Grn I Market Reports, inaktng it, both 'or mirty and e •Oi Anna', altegehr r the moat valusb'e, intereatirg aud et:toe:lye Meekly newspaper peblishe3 In the wor'd. he- fog report' of the kmerleen institute Fr.rinert.' Cl end the rations untenl.untl reports in each min' • ~ , ere richly worth a tree anbaulpthr, "" TOM. s it Vail sabre there, single copy, I searsk62 numliers.s 2 0 4411 stitscribera, clubs of 1va..... .. ..,..„....... 9,30 '- emotes, addressed to pawed ur a nibers 17.60 rwenty covito, atldresard to names subscribers. 31,00 Ten copies to cps 'Mimi ." .... .......1 4 ,00 reality ereples to one address ... 3000 An extra-copy will be it; lit t3r e club of tea. Tor slobs of twenty two extra col lee, r one copy o' the 134moloifeekly, will be lent grat.h. clubs of MY, 6Ts copies or one copy of the Daily 'bone will be sent nails fur one year. Fas, eriber. In Canada roast mad SO pentsmich in addition to pay 11. S. postage: THE NEW YORK RESII.WEEKLY Tlti DUNE is pub Lished every Tuesday-and Friday. and cantatas alt the editorial articles not merely local In ohs actor; Literary Reviews and Art C iticiarts, LeVers•roin o rlatgeveorpe ot Foreign sod Dumtettl Corresponds Mr; a carets! sod templet • Fummtry of Foreign ant Doinatlo news; Mx. elusive Reports o: the Proceedings of the Farmers! Club OW A rier.can Institute; Talks abouktf rult act" other itorthroltal al and 4 gric,lllural Informatlor; Stook, ri• rlarlelar,Catile, D ry Goods and Genera' Market Reports, which are published in the Dpi y Tribune. The resat- Weekly Tribune oho tires., in (Ile oourse of the year, TIMIS or TOUR cf the " BEST AND LATEST POPULAR NOVELS by living authors. The emit of these alone. if bsught in book form, wo ild Da from six to .1;•ht dollars. If pun. ehased ha the Freglivh fmaa which they are carefully aeLec'ed, the cost wooD.l Do three or fdor t mci that stun. Nowhere elite can 'so mach current intelli gence and permanent literary 'matt. r be bad at so cheap a rate axtu tae Fernt-Weetly T.ihune. 1hos• who be lieve in the s prineip el an] approve of the character of the Tribune can Increase its power and lenience by J tag wab their neighbors i r forming clubs to subscribe for the:gar& Weekly Edit.on. It •1.1 in that way be supplied to them at the loviest price for a bleb such a paper can be printed. TERNS. , liail subscribers, 1 ropy 1 year-104 numbers 41,00 do 2 crldes do do 'IA 0 do b copies or over, fur each copy—. 3,00 On rtc9ipt of $3O for ten rottlt4, an extra. cop, will be sent six months. On receipt of $l5 for liftown curt s, extra copy will be stint cos year. For $lOO we will seed thirks-fottr caplets and °nap - trot Daily 'I r.b the gratis.— Pubset Mere In Canada mos:. cad 10 cents in addition to prepay U A p^mtaro DAILY TRIBUNE $lO to advance. Subscriber.' Canada most send $1,21 to pre?ay U. e. postage. Terms, cash in advance. I) arts on Nov York. or font ()glee orders, payable to the order of the Ttihnne, being si'er, aro preferable to any other made of retnltterc add ers Tag :811111S.1, Tribune llu tiling, N. Y. j ill4ir• at CARSON, D 4 VlB Dtalers in ILL HIND 3 OF GROCERIES, FRUITS, VECIRTABLY3 AND PROVISIONS, Filth Ptreet, between State and Freneb, Erie Pa. Baling pnrehaeetr our stock before the late rise in 'prices, we it: 1 conedeut of being able to tire Satis faction, both in price and quality. Country Prednee of every s,ort boorlat and sold. Fanners can always depsnd on n•ceivlng the highest mar ket pries for their articles. DEALERS IN THE, ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Lines of Raikora, SUPPLIED WITH FRUIT, TEGETABLI' 2 , k 0 Give as a Cal RKILFXSER MAY k. JACKSON'3 MARKET DEPOT, IFIFTII STRZZ? BAN& NOTICE. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OF ERIE. ; - CAPITAL, $150,000. DIRECTOnB : BELDEN MARVIN, JOAN W. RAIAt.JItJ ELIGU MARVIN, BETTER TOWN, • 0. NOBLE. • ORANGE NOBLE, President. JOGS J. TOWN, Goal:air. • The above bank will be opened for the transuttort of Iratlnasa on DEC. 5, .1865, Ii HUGHES' BLOCK, West lids of Rata kit., between Seventh and Miata Satisfactory paper di=eonnted. Money received on Deposit. Collections made and proceed+ accounted. 3r .rit. promptness'. Drafts, Specie and Bank :fetes boned and sold • A share of Patella Patronage is rsarwetfallyteic.t. 310tini*ON a MUSS Erg leave to Inform the citizen( of Erie and orb:deity that the; have removed their stork of DRY GOODS, To tie RERAN BLOCH, In the building formerly occu pied by Warm HAYES A REPLEII, when they intend keeping a large assortment of DRESS GOODS, FANCY VMS, GLOVES, 110ISERY, &C. Returning thanks to oar mummers for their part liberal patronage, we mapeeffully a& a continuance of Ihp SAMS. Erie, Jan. 1,1866. A UTUOU.I ZED CAPITAL. 5300,000. CAPITAL PAID IN, $.122,000. THE I SECOND NATIONAL -BANK j 'a 11l open for bush:ten oa MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TH, 1864. In the Reeking once now occupied by the Merchant's Rank. in Brown's Hotel Building, north-east corner of State street and public Park. • Alt. L. SCOTT, Pictannar. WU. C. CURRY, Cason DIRECTORS WY. T.,2ICOTT, of Arm of J. Hearn & Co., Coal Decline 303. mioARTRR, of firer of tilde; Bliss & lleCarinf But dies. GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. 9. BROWN, Agent Buffalo k Fria Railroad. JOHN C. BIIRGEBB, of Arm of Camas, 17anghey & Burgeu, Wholesale Grows. 0. R..CRODCII, of Arm of Crouch & Bre., Flow Merl: Y. B. BABB, of Arm of Hair, Johnson & Boman, More llartatututern. • r. F. FARRAR, Gray & Farrar, Wholeuls Groom. J. OBB3IGLE.RII, Grocer. Erie, Dee. 7,1881. E x RAIL WA Y, With Its connectiocriforms THE BROAD IMAGE DOUBLE TRACE . " ROUTE vim YORE, - PROVIDENCE, BO :TON, NEW HAVEN, ' HARTFORn, NRIDOKPORT, PALL RIVER, BIOCK:ON, NEWPORT, Lad all the principal Town. and Cities In Near Zealand, SAVING 22 NILES IX DISTANCE I Via. Eiakirk, Bulla!o or Salamanca to New York, WITHOUT CULNGF. OF COACEIiS I Until further notice, Trains will inn as follows : Leave Dunkirk-7 00 s. X. Express Mail; 4.20 r. w. Night Express; 6.12 r. x. Cincinnati Elms -. !sate t4lseanee-4.8t A. Y. Day Express; 9.25 • . Expreas Mall; 700 r. Night ;apron; 9.12 r. Cincinnati Exp eu. Leave Buffalo-6 00 4. IC Ds y Czpreas; 535 A. pores Mal'; 6.05 r. x. Night Emrote; 10.40 r. W. Cincinnati Emma:- Arrive atNew Yrak-10.20 r. x Day grpneu; 705 4.1 Express Vail; 11.50 A. w Night ;was; 4.16 r. 111. Cincinnati Express. The 605 P. w. Train from Buffalo lint ran Oak: lift others dad, except Sundays. All trains of Saturday ran directly through to New York. Bestow and New England Passengers can secure tick • ate i s; New York, without addlUonal eat and hare ehoin • of all Rail or Sonni Steamers to destination. When nsamsary trains on this railway. will wait TWO HOURS for Western :reins and make regular ranting time through to New Ycrk The but Ventilated and most Lararans Bastping Cars IIISHE WORLD are in use on ties railway, and for eh. = and comfort are unequalled: Only Broad Once ellbrd ealloient room for the Impreved fißreplair Omaha. Mkt Coaches, free from duayeith day_ „trains and smoking cars with all trains. Baggage atoookod threngh and fare ales% aglow as by any other route. LW ASH TOR TICKETS VII. EwIE RAILWAY, which Pal" obtained at prise:Mad Beket Dams tionth-west, West mad s.orth Writ. t me w ° office, 64 Carl St:eet.—A. D. Smith, Ticket _Merit; E. Reid, Froi 21st Unit . Now .York Ogle, '4O Broadwar.—Charloo T. Craig, tkket a rot; A. IT. Ward fre!gbt +pent. Borden Ofiles,l4l4ltate attest.—loan ii. Dunlap, N. L agent. WM. 11.-Dkßit, en'l Paaa. Net York. dra g. RIDDL/CO6I4aTSWA New York. - O mair ti iiki k, Ig o LIFEREJUVENER. TIC. preparation la einequarei sat a-Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted o inert f netlon t. Ths aged should be certain to snake the Blokes's, • household god, InSalriO b all It Will rend •r them youth ful in Voting and In strength. mid enable them to lln over arida ills days td thtlr urlnt ue joy. It .not toll eshl Lars less, hat strengthen", and Is really an Invaluable nleming. especial yto Mote wl o have Lien redoes to • condition f servility, vette - use. miCortuns or ordi nary 'iciness No antler what the mum of fhe 1 re ten y of any human organ, this superb preparati." will nice •harfnct at ones mut for, ver. El X CA 313. 'EL El IV El • CURE.; INPorcvcr, GENERAL , DEBILITY. NCR VOW INCAPACITY, DISP,PAIA DEPREVION„ LORI; OF APPETIT?, LOW SPIRITSI, EAMNIDIS OP Tat oßa ors 0. , GENERATION , .} . ECILITIT, MENTAL. INDOLENCE EMACIATION, WM It he• • owe delightful, desirable and novsl effect upon the nervous ryetena and all alai an, la any war prostrated by mir ror!. deaullitire are earnestly &dirtied to seek a cure In thus mart excellent acid unequalled preparation. Femme wh -, by imprudence, have lost their natural vigor, will Ind a speedy I nd permanen' Curs In the 3f,. - 3310 The Feeble, the L. n Id, tbb Dispairing, the Old .hould give this valnab dueovory a trial; 1t will be found totally ?Orem: one cl other adieu for the name purperel. TI) FR3I t L ES.—Thle preparation Is Invaluable in nervous weaknesses of ell kinds, uit will restore the wasted strenxth with wonderfailpermanenee It la also a grand lonic, autialill give relief la DWprr sia with the Brat dose. A Wel persistence In its use. will refer ate the stomach to a degree of perfect health a 1 b Lnish Dv spepvia forever. - Ooe do ler per bottle, or .ix bottles for $5. Fold by Oraggiate generally. ° _ sent b v express anywhere, by addressing MOWN INGS St If I LLYE R, Proprietors, SI. Cedar Pelmet. New Ywik. erdi 00, 873,00 & $lOO SAVED ON A PIANO FORTE! AID $2O, $25 AND $5O 011 ♦af ORGAN OR MELODEON! By seod!ng year orders to 0. 3. WILL A R D, No. 647 Err &dew, N't Y., 1111101.1211L11 PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC DEALER W. A. Fond 'h Co:a. •Boudmin, Gray & Co,, Wm: Kuatte & Co.'s and otter First Class PIANO FORTES! And Carbart, Needbara & Co's *** , e ra , lor Organs, Nolo dem*, Church lisruminius, and S. D. it IL N. Smith's AMERICAN ORGANS . music TRACHaItS AND DEALER Will bo furnished 'milk Sass? Num lastruetioa Books Orgsps or Nalodeons at Wholesale Prices. ■IM XVIII° BM TO ANT ADDIM, •W OT POOT/Aall, ON DZI!IMIMMEI Victory at last. Swig and chorus, by William E. Brad• bury, 30 Or no'ole chief has owed away. Au eulogy on the death of A. Lincoln, by S. E. Thomas, .40 It's all op In Did , by Tucker, Hil Jeff in petticoats. A wag fur the time, by Tucker...llo m lonely slave be lett roe, M. Keeler, He, or sly down in Bennsyleania, Haas Schmidt ....:30 I believed her true to me. H. Millard, 40 I have vo much to telL J B. Thema% .A 5 -a• Let him rest." & tribute te the late Stephen O. Fos ter, and embel,lehrd with his likeness ; by Henry Tucker,.. ...... .....40 "Limerick is beautifal." Words teit - o - reicault, comic, Dan Bryant, 30 Lost star of my home. - The last song and chorus by • bleary Tucker, 30 Little house under the bill, by E.G. Phely, 30 Leave me not In dark despair, by A. H. Wood, 3S Mind you, that, by J. H. MGM aughton .ah Moonlight with thee, by V. Me , Cr, ' so My Poly Ann, cootie, by Davis pe ed, . 1401 d, ' 8$ My beautiful Lir:tie, by J. Mahon, :as Mother's blessing. by F. Widdowe, . 34 Maggie Mown by P. B. /macs - 30 My angel boy, by ntephen C. Foster • sa Waldo on the waves. Duet& by 0. W. Glover, so Never dream my lore can change, by J. It. Th0ma5,...30 Tell me, little twinkling star, by 0. B. Gri115,....-30 Thus', none to any good night Wm., by J. Naughton Hi Trust me all in all; or not at all: Words by Tennywn, W. B. Dempster, l 50 Be thou forever wive, by H. Millard 35 Beautiful dreamer, (for guitar' by Winner, 86 Beautiful We of the lea, by J. R. 'Thomas, 36 Irtst-eyed Kitty Mae , by P. B. Isaacs, 30 Cadaverous Jaw's, comic, by George Howdrhm, 30 I cannot call her mother, by Chamberlain, 80 Jeno:ei lives but for title, by J Mati0n,........ 30 Kirslog on the sly, by J. A. Illarder So ICUs me, father, ere I die, by Walter Bury me in the eunahlite, by H. M D!ard, Mt Angel child by W. B. Burr, 65 Beautiful cloud, by I. Amalfi, ' 30 Striking Ile. sung by Dan Bryant, D. D. Emmet,. 80 INSTRUMENTAL-NSW WALTZES. L'Ardlta. by A.Ardits, 60 Bell.. of Brooklyn,by George William Warren,....l 07.0 Datil& G , and Value, by Reg. Rottener, 33 Ritgit, by Th. Oaten, 60 flooring streamiet, by Ch. Wells, 76 rano., by George William Warren, 76 fiar•eat home. hy Jean Hanoi 60 Heart's sells, by William H. Allen, • ..... . ..... 30 Ida, by Jost Hanna ' • 60 Kim, by I. Ardito, GO Kiss, brilliantly arranged by E. ititioner,....... .... _6O NANcaiti AND QUICKSTIOI3 LAnenltifaneral n:u.rch, Funeral march from Von Sobs/Mao, by Ch. Frad01,.....60 Mirth Hoogrolso, by H. Wollrobaupt, 40 /larch Tzinophalo, by Dr. :Pemba% no *arch Montenegrins, by H. *Oar. ....... ..... ...........4,0 VARIATIONS Beautiful dreamer, by A. Eaumanh, 60 Callum not beat mom the ' , stles. 5h0re,...... 60 Dear mother rye come home to die, by G. Grab., 90 Laaigan'e toll, by A. Beasmeh, . GO Bono! Orr illustrated pr'ee list of lostrimeuts sad Cata logue of New Rosie. Address orders to O. J WILLARD. Wholesale Piano Form sad Reale Dealer, n02111.6tr. No. 647 Broadway, New York. A alialtlOAN uuues, ~ AZTEI-EA'n CORNER OF Trig PAM AND STATE IIifEENEI JOHN DIINCA N, PROPRIETOR TUN ITID111181112111) HAVING taken charge of the above mill-kuCera Hotel, and re fitted It in Dupe for style, respectfully solicits a share of the poblie patronize. Terms reaaoa•Dle, and soconuso dation' equal to any in the city. For the convenience of persona from the country • good stelae hu teen attached to the premises. jer66-ti JOU N DUNCAN. F inis, FURS, FURS. WHOLESALE* RETAIL CHARLES OAK FORD & SONS CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Mn now open their large and splendid easortntent of LADIES' FUR CAPES, COLLARS. mar's,. CUFFS &Lops, Anti ROODS. Alb the anent aneortneest of FANCY FUR ROBES, CAPS, MUFFLERS, AND GLOVES, firer before, offered by them, alf of whish an vamiatad to b. as ropromated. SHIPPII FURS BOUGHT. _ • oetNl.4m. I (SWARD ASSOCIATION, PEIIILAIDEL. PA.—Dissaaas of the Ilituary and &nu • stence—new - and reliable treatise' at. Also the DM obanaber, an,lreaar of Warning and Instrnotion, sent is •ealed envelope*, hoe of charge. Addnis Dr. J. slaw Houghton, Deward aeroon i , No. 2, South Nlsth treat, Philadelphia. Pa. jrll7sll.l/ C . DMICK, X•11177•44172ZE AID WZDLJW.I DIAL= 111 SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, &C., &C., FUME BZLOW BTATZ STILIZT, Zitlll..l l l. Oppoiltb the Dispatch ?rusting 011 es. ItItMOVSLIq The Subscriber who has occupied the Itausiou Etouse, just above the ziipot, for the past fear ma, has removed tato the NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER, OF MUCH •ND BUFFALO Where he win try to sooommodatie twice as m . and as wall, am he did In the old stand. tin hopes that the patrooage whith was so liberally extended to him there, will be or ended to him in his mew quarters. ON stabling is andielant to semommodate all taanneters who may terror hbn with their patronage. sp2OlU-U JOHN DO Ttlt. EPIOR•WIPIU• BUSINESS, WEDDING AND OTHER CARDS EM am* Certificates of 011 aa4l Othat Stock& STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, ace., Ste • BY J. X. LAPHA,X. • pAssaox BOLLinia, Iran RaileN REIN PA. 9 . s i ..4tit . A. y - et* . SAPARIL 9 TM VORLD'S GUILT 1.1312DT TOR Scrofula and Sorafialcuus Mae etr. Fives Eatery Edes, a irell-kkorna eureka of O. ford, Maine. "1 have sold large. quantities of your ARUM BILLA, inn but RCM yet one bottle wnwh of tip effect and salishetion to those ho took It. As fast's,' our people try It, they agreo b ore WI been no medicine like It before In our co nnity.l Ilrupticms, Pimples, Blotches , Pus es, tit .cers, Sores, sad all Diseases of. thtkin. Front Rev. Robi. Stratton, Bristol, En lend. " I only do my duty to you and the putt , when I adil my testimony to that you publish of the me dlenial virtues _.° if your SARSAPARILLA. My daugh ter, aged ten. had an afflicting humor in her ears eyes, and hair for years, whlth weovero oriole '-t cure until wo tried your BARSAPABILLA. Shtl been well for some months." Prom Alec Jana E. Eke a wen-bum and muds esteemed ltuig ef Denninkle, Cape May Co., N. J. My daughter has suffered for a year put with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome Nothing afforded _any relief until we tried your SARSAPARILLA, which soon completely cared her." Prow Charles P, Gage, Esq., of the friday-known Gaga, marray 4 , Co.; asemajbcharers qf auxieelkd ' rkpat fa Nashua, N. H. bad for several years • very troublesome Armor in my face, which grew constantly worse until it disligured my features and became an Intel- Aerable affiktion. I tried almost every thing a man Z.txinid of both advice and medicine, but without nu/ relief whatever, until I took your SATISAPAIIII.L... It immediately made my face worsil, as you told ins it might fora time; but In a few peeks the new akin began to limn under th 6 blokbes, and con; tinued until my face Is as smooth as any body's. and I am without any symptoms of the disease that know of. I enjoy perfect healtk,"and without a doubt owe it to your SARSAPARILLA." Eryelsielse—General Debility—Purify the Prompt.. Rob!. Swain, Houston St., Nevi York. "Da. AYER I seldom fall to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering ase of your SARSAPARILLA. and I nave just now cured an attack of Malignant Erysigets— s with It. No alterative we posseu equals the SARSAPARILLA you have sup• plied to the profession u waits to the people." Fro J. E..rohruten t Sag.. 'Wakeman, Okto. u For twelve rm I had the yellow Erysipelas on my fight arm, d uring which time I tried all the oelebratedphysklans I could 'reach, and took bun deeds of delhrn worth of medicines. ..The altrrs were no bid that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began nil= your SARSAPARILLA. Took two bot tles, and o of your Plus. Together they have cured me. lam now u well and sound as any body. Being In a public place, my case Is known to every aody in this community, and excites the wonder of Front Hon. Henry Mbar°, M. P. P.,-of Newcastle . ' C. IP, a leading oteasber of the Canadian Parlia:. • *rat. "1 have used your 13AttaAPARILLA In my family, for genial debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial re=rd feel confidence in commending it to the ". St. Anthony's Fire. Hose, Salt Mourn, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. Bros Harvey Sickkr, Mtg., the able editor of the 'Ttailluutnoet Democrat, Pennayivania. Our only Child, about three years of age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapid spread until they rotated .a loathsome and viruleu sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded' his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his 0 1 sada, lest with them be should tear open the let taring and eonapt Wound which covered his whole face. having tried t hing else Ire had any lope (maze began your SARSAPARILLA, appi the o potash lotion, tu ou direct. Bete began to heal when we had giv en the first bunko, sal was well when we had finished the second. Til3 cht:d's eyelashes, which had come out, grey egutzt, col be is now as healthy and fair as any Whiz. The whale die neighborhood predicted that the clitid must ." SiTs.ltills and Mansurial Disease. Aron im Sivas Sind, qf Bt. Louts, Alialouri• " I lhad your ELAWIAPABILLa a more effectual •remedy for thqsen n wpaptoms of Bsphilis and fors yphfto Weenie any other we possess. fhe professiob aze • to you for some of the best medkiase lie have." From A. J. French, Ff D., an eminent physician of Lawrence; .thus., who is a prominent member of the Legislature rif Massachusetts. " Ds. AYER. lir dear Sire I have found our SAIMAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis, soth of the primary and secondary type, and effec tual In some cares that, were too obs tin ate to yield X, other remedies. Ido not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of ancoess, where a power- Ail alterative Is requited." Mr. Chas. S. ran Liewof New Brunswick, .3r. J., had dreadful ulcers on Ids l egs caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, In spite or every remedy or treatment that could be aPPlied•entil.. the persevering nee of /iven's SARSAPARILLA re lieved him. Few cases can be found more Inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bottles to cure him. Iseneorrhces, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by Internal Scroptlota 1. 1 2- %ration, and are ray often mired by the alterative Mfect of this BLRIAPABILLA. Some cases require, however, In aid of the SARSAPARILLA, the skilful gmliestion of load remedies. From the welt-known and foldelyeelebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. • u I have found your SARIAPAIULLA aft excellent alterative in diseases of females. Many cases of Irregularity, Leneorrhosa, Internal tiler-ration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, whoa its of is properly aided by local treatment." lady, unwilling to allow the publication, of her' giant, Watt - "My daughter sad myself have been cured of a very debilitating Letioorrbcea of long standing, by two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." absumatism. ()out, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, ►ben caused sepoilda in the system, ire rapidly sand by We T. SkEDIMPABiLLA. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS ! )ossess so many advantages over tho other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever luta been, and that they may be depended on to do all that thee love ever done. Preporezi AYES, M. D.,1 Co., •:sawo '". • •N 1 try THIS LEIIIGII VATTLE rotvn este 73 WAILILLTITED TO 211 the moat y earful agent for the Stomach and Blood o Cattle, Swine, or Sheep, in yromoting digestioo, ohansing the system and transferring the purified animal fluid in flesh, fat, milk, bettor and strength, and estab. Itshing health and rig. V. DINOY'S r ses•wo POWDER Is the only medicine is gaily pstented'ai France. England, Switzerland, Ai Holland, and duly ed mated by their Court; id invented by Sr. Duro,, e for Agr cnl•ure at Paris, sad now maaataetuted_by C. G. Hirner, Dr. of Z, sad A., Allentown, Pa. All diereses of the Stornech, Blood, I nog' and Bow els, speedily and certainly cured. Healthy k will be brought into Vse highest state of' p-rreztion.. nd one to two tablespoonful% a week la of great value to bard working blast% breeding stock. and ets, hid Laved thousands of valuable 'horses from contsfrisca disease, as well at the barnyard as in the Army of the Potomac. THE LEHIGH WORM CONFECTIQNS • Effectually overcome all the objects which usually pre. not the expelling of Worms, are pleasaut o tate, and also one of the most agreeable purgatives for Chtidren. So eonadent la the inventor, of tie, JPV,CB/18 of hts labo dons studies, in the patholog cal compositica of this preparation, that he furnishes every graduated Phyaledin wlth a written prescription, as a new era in Materis Medic*: ~ THE UNION ROACH, RAT, MICE AND ANT ISIITERYIN.ATOR' Is a Powder for the sore ester situation of all Vermin will newer change with age or climate. and moth prefera ble to the old Phosphorous Paste, which burdens iu • short ,tisse, soaking it worthless. for directions and particulars see the mall bills is the Boxer. gightptbree Premiums drefilel to thins Prepare. toes since 18W. Dr. Nick, and Carter & Carter, Erie, Wholesale mil Retail Agnate for Cris county ; R. E. Sellers & Co. Pittsburg ; John Henderson & Bro .PlHsturA, and Bea boa Jt aro ,lPeVeland, Wholesale Jobbers. EVEIRIMODY SIIOUgD !WM . OUT TR , COLD, DUST AND WATER YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS WHITYIR . B iNVISIBLE, METALIC RUBBER WEATHER STRIP Does ail this—la entirely ant cf ingtit, In door. and windows, and: is the beat Strip in use fur the following Innikina isti*lt is more effectual. It coed one 'bird lese. •Bd, It will not titular opening aria °losing doors or windows. 4th, It Is totter than double win dows.e.dors not_ °Detract the view—does not hinder opening and plating the blinds—windows can be opened 20 uto ventilate at soy time. Ms strip will stop the duet in summer whet/your doable windows are off. Yen here no benefit from your double windo us only In win ter. Tble Strip keeps out the cold In winter and dust end Irate/ in slimmer, and does not coet one-half the price of dooble windows. Thin Strip is uow offered 'to the Inhabitants of this T 027 Rl2llll 702 PALL F. W. KORIILRR.ICrio. Pa oetl2-tt • • Agent for Erio Co., Pas B ROWN'S UOTEL. , • CORNER. OF STATE ST., AND THE PARK, ERIE, PA. . - This Well lilown House Has puma into the no of the tineeretge.ii. who sees dotersolood to "mare no efforts that eriit teed to mike It a pleasant stopping vises for the trarelic g yob- Ile. A number of Important improvements hoes alsosdy been saadr, and others to be completa3 at an early Pr. led will render It ens of the tined hotels In thi• country. Ibtpeelal ear* Ls takes to &neigh the table vitt, all the seaaonable 'erred up in the mos' app toy. tt 141 e, and by oneonsmodating waiters. W• too: clierre at the Wel *Oh rwittllaa to make it sue; rant. of this asetien require, and feel confident of T . ll l 'l[4ll', olpeoballoo of o a . its. LOOMIS & RAMS , A. T. Lomas.; - Peopristilrn, le Pam 5 . 7 • 7 ilba it ii"ii MSOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BIM Noo•Reteatioa or Inccatinence of Urlns,lrritation, In flammation, or UleeratiOn of the Bladder or Kidneys, Direases of tbo Prostate Gland, Roue In the Bladder, Caicnit•s, Gravid or Brick Dust Deposit, and all Diseases of the . tradder , Kidney's, and Dropsical Swellings. HMIBOLD'S PLUID EXTRACT BIICEIII FOR WFARNEssm ARISING, PRAM EXCESSES OR INDISCRETION. The Constitution ouch affected by Organic Weakness, rcquires the aid o medicine to strengthen and Invlgor• ate the system, which ifelmbold's Extract Bochu Lava, riably does. If no treatment be submitted to,oonsump. Lion or Insanity may ensue. 'IIELSIBOLD'S FLUID ExtRAcT strartv, In sifectiotus peculiar to females, la unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregtt- Wales, painfulness or suppression of customary enema. Ulceration or Echrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorrke, and all complainte incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, Impruden cies, or in the Decline or Change of Life. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IMPROVED ROSE W.MH Will radically exterminate from the system Entimises of the Urinary Organs ariting from 'habits of disalpaVon, at ilttle expense, little or no change in diet, and no expos. sure, completely superseding those unpleasant and dan gerous remedies, Copalba and ifercury, in curing tunes unpleasant and dangerous diseases. USE HELUBOLIYS ''' [91~t)I l :llj, :4,1 ID all came of the Briton,' Organs, whether existing in male or fennile, from whaterer cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. It is pleasant la 1.1.te and odor, Immediate in its action, and more s ! treogtheu• lag than any of the preturatiutis of Bark or iron. , Those sill' ling from Broken down or Delicate Coo- Stiillt MP. prieure the Remedy at once. The reader tutot be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above LILR . a..9e, it is sure to elect his bodily hnnith, mental powers, happiness, and that of his posterity. Oiir deal and blood are supported trout these sourer& PHYSICL4YS, PLEASE NOTICE! We make no secret of the ingredients. HELYBOLD'S FLUID E.rrRAT BUCIII.' Ls composed of Buchu, Cubebs. and Juniper Berries, selected with great care and prepared in vacuo by H. T. BIit.MBOLD, Drngglei and Chemist of sixteen years' experience to the city of Philadelphia, and which Is now prescribed by the most eminent physicians, has been admitted to use in the United States army, and is also In very general use in State Hospitals and publio ganttary institutions through. out the laud. 116.Threct lettere to HELMBOLD'S DRUG & CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway New York, -OR HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth street (below Clusstant), PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Dnigsbsta Everywhere. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT& AMC pwa BALSBOLD'S ‘"ettiSS FReive,ge cr Ladies, take Particular Notice THE REAL VELPAU FEMALE PILL • [Weitaklnza Faticn.] TII - ESE PILLS, so celebrated many Years ago in Paris for the relief of female irregularities, and afterward so notorious for their criminal employment in the practice of abottion, are now offered for sale for the first time in America. They have been kept in comparative obscurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. Velpau, is a physician in Paris of great wealth and strict conscientious prin ciple, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purposes.altg o f In the overcoming Whigs, Female Green Obstructions, Sick ness, Suppreision, Retention, or ImModerate Flow of the Monthly Discharges, they seem to be truly omnipotent, bursting open the Sood-gates from whatever cause may have stopped them; but they are offered to the pub lic only fur legitimate uses, and all agents are forbidden to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Married ladies should never take them when there itr any reason to believe themselves pregnant, for they will be sure to produce a miscarriage. These pills ate entirely safe under all cir cumstances, being composed entirely of sub ;stances from the vegetable kingdom. ' EaCh lox has the coat of arms for the City of Paris stamped on the box, with the words " Trade Mark" in French, to counterfeit which is a misdemeanor, and all persons will be dealt with according to law. mt . Full directions accompany every box. Ladies can obtain a box sealed from the eyes of the curious, by inclosing One Dollar and six post-uflice stamps to any respectable drug gists, or to 0. G. SPAPLES, General Agent for the United States, Watarte-wn, N.. Y. Agentit, Aosnac—Vien & Elliott, 'Ball & Warfel, Wilkinak Booth, Ltddell'k Bro . Carter k Carver, Erie; hoop & Bro., North East: Belknap Bro., Girard ; X eCreary, Farrier,; Riley Potter, West :Sprint aeld. GROVESTESAI & CO•t • PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, - 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The attention of the Public and the trade is invited to our New Sale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano Porte', which for retains arid purity of tone are unrivalled, by any heretofore offered in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Iron 'Frame, Over• Strung Baas, la.. and each in • strum:lent being made tinder the personal rua•ryialoa el H. Grereeteen, who has had a practicslezpatience rf owe 35 years in their mminiteture, is fully warranted in every particular. IHt " GROVESTEEN PIANO POEMS" Rec.ived the award of merit over an others at the celebrated WORLD'S PAIR libtre were exhibited instruments from the but gags of LONDON, CARTS, GERMANY, B/ILTlWORr hossox, AND NEW YORK; • And oleo at tb• AMERICAN INSTITUTE for tee rac , !esaire years. the Gat D AND SILVER MEDALS from both or which eon be seen at our wareroott. 'By the introductien of improveseeste we woke • • snore puffed Piano forte„ead by seenefactuine ii -!s with a strict wh system, are enabled to offer thre to stzusrente at a prior wkieb, will preetade all eolopetiUm. Tames—Np laio. I,Bevea O SN. ctave, round corner; Ree•wole n MIN E No. 2 Seven Octave. round corn ns, Raw e r od heavy moulding $325. No. 3. Stern Oaten, rote 4 coma, Ross , wood Loafs XIV stele E 3 E. Tema I Net Cub la Comet Toad, Deeezioldiro 'lranian sett trim auloll/Ply sift IA we agog ter OEM TWO" tor 1114 tat putty. 4 AN 1 , ~„ 11 olds, Ifoa:e npsa, Aot, ' • '', , fbrott, Cuniumptiun, e ' r tnd I,nngt '1 Tor e'en 6y ,Ir~il erne:, Cinc.on,' la the hi, ,, Jienl m-4 t,i,- _ rwommtcci nr.:-., , , k , ......,, , t, Jre its the rnll ccrtat" r. r. : {,r 1,,.i,.. •ntery. it la a ,combi- - . 1; 11 w A,,,,, 1 : 1 ttEculanto and rati It LID ~, a, 4 . i . ....., A a cure after 11112 .0:11P r ,:: r.,:,.: .1 i ~, , : `',, For sale by I,na7,zl+ '.! „ ~I,i, ',E DU. St rlck 11TV- P 1.. tt.ou.upD or'ain • •- - It_g rerl t• r qvinent cur.. Try It di, ••' For sac by driws.n. Axert, 4,1 Dispopsia, Nervousness Debslitv. STRICKLA ND's 1„ 51 . 7 L. retsmr.,De „ ',bully, to are i-tric..laroCr T• t 1; ' , reparation, frre from whole Nei Tatt,..e3 at em: t z and la werrantetN CJ/e :Str , U •••• For sale by Drugg:at, k,n• - ' rrepara , b 3 Dr. A. 't lt,eirnatt oblo. NEW P MAW ra 0 - 0 44 # 8 El - .. 7 A Most Exquisite. Delirtit;:,. grant Perfume, Distilled from t) and Beautiful Flower from v; takes its name. Manufactured only by PHA LON NEW YORK' BEWARE OF COOT ASK FOR PHALOYE—TAKE lsr) Sold linr;gi!Li IMPORTANTToFEI - -- - - -- VJES., A% -sikk, 14, .....,.. tft, 044 • t 4 i (/,' ‘4 PILLS))) The elribinntlon of result of long and extensive t rat IL•T thou' operation and cannot d. La'n t, tt catct certain in corn c.lue al, ir Hens t, walrus, remoy o; ali o. .tru cold or otherwise, hendscLe. t mn 11. •f the heart, white., all IlOrTr.P. , off, tr Calicos, fain in the back and ~ which arise from intetrupti n of e DR. CIERESEMAN'S Have been used over a quarter of a eer. offered as the only stir means el tcueni% n.enstruation, but Dices MUAL 'otar is one co:ld:time of the female t.,- ,run :3 C cannot be token without priderlor a Pf SOLT. The condition Teetered I:: ie'Phl Maimed!, MISCARRI4OE. h t! tendency of the to reit a., 4e i to n.n rmal coodition,that Seer , th r•r , - of fixture-cannot 'exist it. THEI CAN,VT Loney thkr way. Dr. Cheeseman's Pills hue been a standard remedy or are the most eiTrein• I one ever known hrf. peculiar to F males T • all- cla•scs ' uere e loduclog with certainty periothea' are known to honsands, who lisle us knt period., throtighon the roar tr . , tion of some cf the most eminent I),3tcy tea. Expll it directions, statirg when thy with each box—the PRICE 31 PEN BOX, ,r cOn!eirsing 60 oGO Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, Aed vation. by_ is mi ffi ng • o the prop. too:, DRIMOISTS GNF.P.AI.I,I". HUTCHINGS S.'. HILLYF.R, Prr 81 Cedar St.., New Sold in Erie by Carter t. Carver, Vier. k Warfel, end Wm. Nick. Sold in C •rry t Rowland. Z. & H. T. ANTHONY & Ilfanufactusers of Photographic iongptis•La MID META, 501 BROADWAY,, N. Y. In &Milan to our to bu'luess of 'URI ALS, me an by...tin/Vara Ix icy o • Stereoscopes and Stereozeop:e 004Init1 at groat eaptw lc.l f.r- ITIOTOOLAPIIIC HISTOZT Or TILL .lICAT Brill Bun, Dutch Gap, Ydrktown, Pontoon 'rraix Gettysburgh, Hanover ince Fair Oaks, Lookout Mont Savage Station, Chicl:thr. i Fredericksbnrgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Biehmemi, - Peterstargt4 Deep Bottom, Belle Plain. Monitors. . Chattanooga , Fort Morgan, Atlanta. Charleston, • Mobil 2, Florida. Strawbe• &c. am Amy saAld Tareire Mr. L.,1•1 ry, &a, as p, Rev:lelox e , pot "i • exhibition Oct Citalitt4 Win St 14 1,1. , L.: Elamp. Photographic Albums. We WWI the tint to lotrod - •r Ir•• rrocootanaro l mrunee goon, t. l. log b. rice from 50 cent& to #5 • • \ Imam of bologinsporlor to D•tutv orl 3 , • Thai will to e•ul by era.l, tlltk., r - ' lar /MI •LIIII3II MAPS Pm , af.'=" , !" The Trade will find our A.11:1' Saleable they can b, CARD Pnoto Rl PR' On, CAWIIII , 2O new tallosen ovvr F,"' . nabfocto (to wit{th Allt.on• dix•• <•nr •t. ' 4 aril Armoric= A 10•0•:t 103 Y.j-ll.n► 1.0 Llout-C ,` • l• 130 ttoother",3,,, ' 311Col000la, ,Nart. 05.ces. Artitts. In/ Stara Inc:1,1115g Palntlep, ildetnee. de. Cate. , An order foe One lAsen Ps-aer• filled OM receipt of 41 'HI. fled rent „ - rhoterrephers and others r•Ser'^r. no/twenty-d•e percent of .os Ur Ths prks mud qnsl.l7 sf s LIVERY STABLE. Purchases - 1 the erell-t noon ample(' by Wm. J. St• ! sett. and the pahlk that he slit tl• invitee their patr oue e. THE SToCK Will he largely increased and ances have been procured. and s cne Horses In the country.. lam the establishment as t' pre Wu , want to obtain the serviet 5 ~r s ready at all Mies to ace mmnda'e prices. &collect lb. p , ace, , STERRETT'S OLD Fifth street, rear of the Recd fleose ~ Ztle, June 8; ISO —di , =9 PHILADSLPDIA. 101-00FITYl: • Tn 1.0;1.1,0, to he tt , ii• Fattorten Rod Mt!Mint , n. al LI, material* that Ii ve 1;40 nanufacturad on an antittl• ' ban any nth. r eninpn‘ition mon r.: I ' a ant. ve t , durable and at Ina race. mplaa Hot tree by mail. REalli O •Wie4,7 NO. 73 NattiOo , psntx 'P : 4 I= El MEE I it $ ; For the Handkerchief. Of thee ere heel.. Immenee ess,—•.% VIEWS OF THE WALE,