Jolaa C. Bieoliiiiiiidet); -- , , A correspondent of the Cincinirati Eli Orr?, writing from Toronto, Canada, gives the following information concerning see eral confederate officers : " I met here General John C. Breckenridge, General McCausland, Colonel Harry Gilmore, Maj. John Gastleman, Captain Hinde nd others who had been officers in the con federacy. General Breckenridge looks and is in perfect health. It mu repro_ aerated during the war that his hair had turned from jet, black to silvery white.— That was a mistake. A few gray hairs ate perceptible ;about the locks, that is all. He is keeping house in en humble, retired way. lie is much respected by the citi zens, and is invited to twoorthree parties a week at the residences of the first fami• lies. He is a great walker, walking from six to ten miles a day while the weather permits such exercise. He is a hard stu dent, reading a great deal. I could not but think that it is a great misfortune that a gentleman of his culture and intellect. should •be lad to his country. = Aii the gentlemen here from the confederate army conduct themselves with great pro"- priety, and are treated with respect and attention by the citlzenr." MARILIAGI EXTRAORDINARY. —On Sunday an extraordinary marriage took place at the Union Methoditt. Epiloopal Church, Rev. Mr. (Jarrow, Fourth street above Arch. Mr. Rein, a German by birth, and a celebrated tamer of horses by profession, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Hanna J. Duke, the lowa giantess. The bridegroom served with distinction in the Union army. He is rattier below the middle stature of mankind a.. r.t..• ....A astarmolf turn— ing the beam at one hundred and forty pounds. Tne bride weighs five hundred and eighty five pounds avoirdupois. She has been exhibited at Judge Ingalls' museum, on Market street near Ninth, for some time past. Mr. I{4llo, on visiting the establishment, fell violently in love with the fag giantess, proposed marriage, and " of course she said yes.' Last evening, at eight o'clock, the carriage drew up before the museum, and the twain, soon to be made one, entered therein and pro. ceeded to the church. The bridal party con sisted of the Siamese twins—Chang and Eng —and other celebrities of the .auseum. Upon entering the church the visitors were the most " observed of all observers." They were united in the matrimonial bond in ac cording* with the plain usage of the Metho dist persuasion, after which they retired. AG event was extraordinary because of the remarkable fact of the' difference in the size of the parties. It was regarded with a great deal of interest. The bride did not falter or tremble upon being led to the altar.—Philo. Press. An laatnlST op SRN WAIL—The New Fork Freeman's Journal gives the following la. stenos of distress, which WAS communicated to the editor, the evening before Christmas, by a lady residing in Philadelphia. la the note she mentioned that a lady had just placed in her hands a braid of beautiful brown silken hair. Its history was this: It was out from the head of one of the noblest as well as most elegant women of the South—in days past 84 was a resident of a Southern city, pro verbial, in put times, for its hospitality. She was not only elegant among the wealthy, she was, assiduously, a dispenser of benefits to all the needy she knew of. Our Lord has given ber the reward He keeps for His special friends. He has sent her the Cronin bear for Him. Having sacrificed everything else eke bad, to keep her children fruit the cold and from hunger—she, at last, out off her beautiful hair, and sent it North Seat it to the conqueror! Sent it to "shack " to buy for a few dellars,,for a woman to wear l ' The lady who parted with her own hair, thus, is looking with horror at the cold months that are coming on her little ones. Be her hair ever so beautiful, it will not keep those little oaes - long from the cold, nor from hunger. ' ONI WAY TO TELL.—A traveller called lately at night fell at a farmer's house in Alabama ; the owner being from home, and the mother and daughter being alone, they refused to lodge the wayfarer. -"How far, then," said he, it to a house where a preacher can get lodging ? " "011,t if you are a preacher," said the lady, " you Om stop Mere " Accordingly be dismennt ed, deposited his saddle-bags is the house, and led his horse to the stable. Mean while, the mother and daughter were de bating the point as to what kind of a preacher he was. • " He cannot be a Pres byterian," said one. "for he is not dressed well enough.", "He is not a Methodhit," said the other. " for his coat is not the right cut for a Methodist." . " If I could find his hymn book," said the daughter, " I.could soon tell what kind of &manlier he is." And with that she thrust her band into the saddlebags, and pelliag out a flask of liquor, she exclaimed :-- " Ls! mother, he's a hard-shell Baptist !" - Nays". OUT or rat UNioN.—From the commencement of the war to its close neither the Presidentof the United States nor Congress ever recognized the Southern or Confederate States as Out of the Union. On the contrary, the war was declared for the preservation of the -Union. If at as claimed, the Union is preserved and the States hold their positions tis formerly. Upon this showing . no men who advocates forcible change, or 'who demands or claims authority over the South as conquered territory, can be emit— sidered in any other light than a traitor to the Union. If the President and Con gress had recognized the Southern Con federacy as an independent government; and had waged war ter conquest, then the result would have been as the lunatics de sire it, and the government would hive had the undoubted right to rule as a con quering nation. A fisartcasnia COAT.—Many years sinee, an old German citizen elf Pendleton cozin ty, Va., when about to lead his foie "froir" to the Hymenial altar, purchased a broid cloth °oat in which he was married. His wife presented him with many children, among whom were eight sons, every are of whom were married in the same coat in which their father married their moth er. The youngest of the eight sons had seven sons, every one of whom were mtir• vied in the same wedding cost, and after the youngest son of the seven, or the youngest grandson of the original owner of the coat, had led his blushing:hrido, to the alter in his venerable grandtather's f as hio na ble wedding coat, he bold it for be sum of $lO. What has, become of he coat since it was sold we have net advised, but suppose that some on is keeping it for the purpose of getting married in it. As there seems to be a culler matrimonial virtue in this reins k able cost, old bachelors would, doubt! as, give a high price for it. A Lose Loos ASSAD. A cotemporery turns hie sleep' to the future • and through the misty distance of two hundred year. ores and describes the following : Scene—HoOse of a citizen in New York. Time—A. D. 20514 A tillegropk menage his been sent to a Ser vant. whe presents himself at the window in a balloon. Muter —,, John, go to South America, and tell Mr. Johnson I shall' b. happy to have him sup with me this Eve. sing.' In Ave minutes John returns., JOhn 1 —.. Mr. Johnson says he will come. 11 Is obliged WIN to the North Pole for a mom nt, and will call here as he comes back." as. tor—!' Very well; John. Now you may weed up th e . machine for setting the table, and tel. egraph to my wife that Mr. Johnson will be here presently. After that, John, you, 1p sy dust out my balloon. I will have an appoint. meat in Lendoe at 12 o'clock." John dishp , _ peers to execute these orders. "while his neass ter stops .down to the, West Indies to sit a fresh orange. ,• , , The Vicksburg Herald is of opinion 'bib Senator Wilson must be a humorist of a mire s o rt, when he cracks the great jest of .de. mending an amendment to the Constitution; prohibiting traffic in confederate, moony * end this at a time when in Texas_ and - other Southern States, where sore Mine are mum.' they stuff with cc nfederste not*s as a metier of economy. ;If this is an offeeee, a l e the Herald suggests that , the Senator & assess entice to his amendment probibi Ike sale-or putobalo of alattrofies so 'dreis"„oirjlesosdltiduttikuliTrgy, Ait• other *Ming, and is tepertilbillin Mid (Rep.) as saying: - "Those flukes of Southern sentiment, bitter editorials and toning beads, an net imrpri*ing when we think of the scourge Oat has swept ever them—that • proud spirit firs been obliged to confess defeat at the hands of men they despised—that their property has been swept, sway—their sons stain — whenduced from alluenoe to beggary. I think of this, the wonder is that they are as temperate as they are. Considering their fearful defect and humiliated position, I think they have behaved welL It may not be fashionable, bitt /honor then for thsfaling they Oyu " yourw awes CHUM AMMOCIATION, 1511549; urc, ?LIMA. REGULAR LECTURE COURSE AT FAR. BAR HALL. 12. Jae. 25th, Rev Ilen:7 Oafs, Oahu% *ANL; subialt .:,.r" . 15, JOirs to Maim . .--.,• - , • -: , 'IL Jaati,Soth, 11. R.Zi3l4r, ( 1 11 10 411 0 ; ladeat — "Th o4 and he Chariots." 14. Fa. sth, NW Alma L. Dloksaron, Phila.; satiast --ft Hoot Thrusts " Tbdosts for mimes Isstans, 40 Ciatil• A. R. moan% c. c. c. II auwasow. Z. L. PRLTON, ASRO Gorr. i H. F. BRAMAN, Leelaie Caismittee., After A Thursday. Übe 180,, the Diagram of the sill he famed at the book *tare of Choigliey Ife• Crazy it Co., when tickets may be pare:hand sod nets reserved. aelatt ! • watoLsiuma AND RETAIL EIRDOILEY ATOM, P. A. BE -C K E R, MUIAZALN AND - RETAIL 01100 k$ Nert&East draw ij Lim Pori + - French amt. (mamma Would rospostAdly call the attention of this sowusaallt to Kahane Stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which Us Is dassinrus to on it the • PLAY LOWkI? POCBIBLI PRIM. • m..erortaerat of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, FISH, &C 4; Is not serpossed to tbs etty, as Ito seprepared to prove to all who giro his - Ns she how eoestuatly Oa had imputior iota . PURE LIQUORS, ler the thy whbl i oloysl a hada. to yid& be dfreste diteatkOm of pa His motto fa, "task Eiska. ilasU hells sad a fan tulvibleat for tho loam" WITSIALI $lOO S • V•S D ON A PIANO FORTE! Isi w iso ON A MELODEON OR ORGAN 1 X, patehaviag at Z. SMITH, OF -1311,1.3; Instead of sending orders to Nets York. FIAJ/0 tORUS AND NILODZONS hinumbel fres Oa tellerelag eigobralud Masalhatinsro I Xll & Sow Nov bib, Ric Maga & Co., Dalt/mem Kd.. Ws. Illtesibm. Wier Yee% G.roves!ses G., Nov Teti, laud... k Gran ADray. X. T. Cleo. I. Priam k , Bead% N. ti Jewett* Ocedivan, Cleveland, 0 PRIORS AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BEAR 'um unatuaut , Pawn r Mao,. tram two to $l,OO air All gators Aortas • Mat role rims Sr Notodr on ore lovltod to call sod .amino oar lostroomats Ito.. fors pa;eibmbog olmwhore. Ivszy Instrument inmate! for Ivs yean. No. 4168b1." Stmt. staz ly omens UN Past 01110. Eris. Ps. • noBolstf. Z. SMITH. N II lir 6111.0011111 Y. ', JACOB BOOTZ Wattld soopsettaliv annooono to Ito poplin of /tie oily aad ootakr, that to boo named * , NEW GROCERY STORE, ; Oa the West 81de of Peach Street, a Bbott DMus* South of the Late Shots Depot, Ito win keep ms band a large eamortssall of GR 0 C RIE 8 ; PROVISIONS, WOOD AND WILLOW WANT, IPLODI And grrarythlag sassily kept to a Arat alma store Ai" • WIKR„ BWirt CTLNIII AND LIQUOR& The highest Market PIUS poll for Produce. Ur us Itaearsd. Cr' Give sae •earl, if yes ilia to muse treed Mr. mum 1,,.5. wpWtosoU as Lim unit Lower, tiro as- other stare fa the silty. serlrettL N 11 W FARR. JIMINI P. Crook ► hosing takes is by roe, Jona a• • portoor.on tbo Wiley at Aprili,lll“, vdst Ore inn mow 44.11.11 ZS P. CROAKi MOM AdrAtoo to him a sot tlosaest of Ida old 0000 ants. £ll perms toowlag them• calm badibtod to Ws aro roquoted to all rall lOUs without delay.. • , JAMES P. CROOK do SON, 1111•13113 11 . ROU/3 & _PL &NED LIIMBITLI , A.ND 114,1111117AOTOWS . 01 emit. 7111:111.11. Doses sad Bliads. Itssldlags sad Pi at Moss &WI dairift. Matthias , sad Rasing doss to se.. Shop on Noah St, batman 4th sad iti 156 a, h Vs bRo roopoottally tiootloattoo pa flolltito &tot work ta the bud al ► otpls.: pom to p* oat and on reasonable tame: Having Clod ay totOttt Iwo *Me ,ttb Itatithitth •.11..1•4•06,24 • striaoaths ea We. . • Orders boa abroad trill motto piespitalootien ms2llll-11. JAMS P. CROOK J< pox. W ANIFILD: • • APPRENTICES FOR TIM NAVir Nan mod apply bat than of moved limaltb mad mobil Enrol diameter, who mi road wall, spell sonvotlyorrite loglbly aad who cai olmhsele abide suntan aad tem Voss, sad are sot Ins thou 13 aor mon Una 13 Matto See *and appnetins are . ELIGIBLE TO • APPOINTMENTS = NAVAL ACADEMY! ,41,40rteinsaisbet beteg ideated j'astly from swag Ms for lima aggaiatiseatt. , etavolossatata an aiolittiat to mak te tomb Le the radians*, of education iiidadlos atiititaNw, mad their meals we iisisfitlty Wait for. Agagoatlaer sae, - NAIMPtILLT AND `I2OIOVIHILT 1500011) . , TO illoaaro itiallatfee of oriamo. eadattbo taytivitlea al Salt tars at antwatiasalip. avliekia whim they sr see at the age of ft, if band quili, Dave ea= manta tale asbasats for vaersat mad potty. 'Cr h rtisr Safonialioo, apply to . . N. STIVIIMI, ,Comaaviaor U.S. Navy, Ms, flia Naval reaclervasa, Its Po e to Arm HaZ g or CasseakCsaglioy itavgeof. • SSWINO , 4•1•11mIlm•P, THE CHEAPEST •ND BEST. s;,,T ~.:'!-I • Tbs .milah•orol Urns ben und sout to Ithe MO he tis stem selebested .1„ nomettally dalth he atintles le the_publls to thermals ta Ilans on anserlod•M to ts Its best Is v aihrld is th• mirth. - las all Ur Mani bspetreamstri,, whet Vain vbr seperne to say Mimosa mkt POISON lesitse to pashas* • lerassi IllsObles elll OM 11 ef strum* Is sell sal anans Miss babes 11=elahrbers. • ::, - . , leo 011 eaniiiii• st wity Ilkile. 1a5.1. - Anettesa, Block betties *taut red llovitth s hoat. _• , hull 1114 no - . It: saliva. Hai* ,, lass AII_IHEILINCE fn. 11A11701D. CON INCORPORAIOLD MO. VAPPP.IL $1,080,110L !.O. 41.1.T11,1kn0t.0. IL OWL; f Hy slits HISIVIZ i Z a, , • 1101701111, 4,011131110MC0T. • INGOKPORATZD JUT. L A prrAz Immo wm.s. BAZU, hest Gait W. LIDITZ2, Seep EM:Migl 2 111111111 - PARIILT Pwar 8 ![N he tbse to is la eerine.ianne. ' $ YIN YORK WURLY TRIBUN2 Is pentad oa Imp doable median "beet making delsEpanes nisi" eolaares sad.. II mestelas all the hspartaid idltorten Wetland Whip Daily Trines. creep• thee* looroty Weal lateresti also Winery sad esiendie latellicsaes: Renews of the meet latenstiag Ind tmperteat sew Books; the Lettersfeesear large corps of fr &mopped este; the latest sew, resolved by Telersph, Wide - II sad all other rests of the country • pelesmi n alt Import‘st betel lance la this city sod eteewheml sEy of the preesediass of Poops eh sad Mate istesbenued eke is seesee; Pre FOrskil :wired br otoosswr; KTAILSITS Saporta of •he Promadiami. of the Club el, the Amnia= institute: Tells alma troll sad other fintlealtatal sad deceits mi talbrmstloa "mest'ai to soastry reddest': Stock, Fi Nadal.both Pry Gooda sad Bowel Barked Reports, aiding for eselety sad a , naplstanoss i edtogeth.r dee meet valusteo, Intorseting and Instroetbro Boat, Nowapapor pabllthol In the world. Tbs toll reports of the nmeriera lastitate Mune& CIO mid Um runes evied.arel reports la nob leaml er are richly vodka yea's- satecrlpties. =RILL Gail sable lbws, du& copy Iyear-83 numbers-3 2.011 hall gebeextbers, elele•of llee.. 9.00 Tea sepia , addrassed eanmeor salegribers. . 17,60 Tirenily emu ti addremeid to IMMO of setseribers. MAO Tat sepias to one adirem DIA Sweaty *Wes to os address dig extra set, be seat lea sae% club of tea. I % dabs et Went& two extra Gooies t et one seer o' the 114nahlfeekly, will be pent gratis. Tor glebe d y, It. "orb* or one alley of the Daily Tribune rill be seat is for ow, year. link •oribers In Cast& mut seed assib sash la addition to pal R. 9 . Paiitsie• an W rNS YORK 81111.WESILLY TRIbUPK Is pub MLA every Tuesday and !ridgy, and °estates elf tb• lidlterial artistes not merely load is she aster; Literary itorlore sad Aft 0 theism, LeVerefrom e...r10t is corps of foreign and Dalmatia Carnaponde.ds; a careful and somplat • rummy, of Foreign gal Demuth new In. chides Reports of the Proceedings of the Tamers' Club of the luterlcui lestitute`, Talks about Trull and ether fl ortieelts, el and Aviculture leformatkos • 'Moak ri iiiinda;Oittly Des Goods sad General Nadel Reports which ars published In the Daly Trillium. The eeml- Weetly Tribune alto gives, la the mums of the year, Mtn or soya ct the by liring authors. Tbe cost of these ales& if bought in book form, woold be from ids to eight dollars. If ru ralised to the Regal& Mageslues from which they are earetslly salec•ed, the east would be three or tour tem nuotiaos sta. auta tso salmi Garr okat intelli gens' and permanent literary matt.r be had at so chew, a man ails the vessi-Weekly Tabours. Thos. who be- Ilm in the pritisip'es and approre of the eheracter At the Tribune can iserease Its power sad inductee by join ing with their neighboas le looming elate to tabour*. for the demi' Weekly irolition. It sl.l in that way Le supplied to than at the lowest price for which such a papa can be plated. TERM. Han eabsuribery. 1 ropyl year mambas $B,OO do • miss do , do %CAI de 6 copies or ova, for arch eapy..... 6,00 0 Oa »allot of PO for to rept.% an Ostia copy • WW be mat its mouths. ea receipt of $4l for lama apples, as extra copy will be seat one year. Far $lOO me nut semi Wit-tour eepW, aad one eopir Daily Tribal)* grata— eaboulbers la Caaada mast read 40 oasts Is addition to IM pre • pay U• ILT Ta $lO is &drams. Subscribers la Csaadaraust send $1,29 to prepay U. S. postage. Terms, eadas advance. D alts as New Tort, or Yost Ones orders. payable to the order of tbe Tribune. Wimp seer, are preferable to an ether arille of remlttasist. Address THE TILIEUNIc Tribune Bulldinze, N. T. DAVIS 410 CARSON, ALL KINDS OP OBOOIRINS, TRUTT'S, ViONTABLINI AND PROVISIONS, Fifth Pullet, between State and rpm* Tale Pa. Haring perchased oar dock before the late rime is prier, we feel ooaddent of twin( able to give Petit faction, both In price and quality. fiesztrf Predate Orrery aortbousht end eel& Tamen - sea elleve 6s , d bet ries .for Wir est ress alr iviag the highest ear- DILLZIN IN THE ADJOINING Town, 2WIZIBIX MAY k JACKSONV KARW DIEPO?, BANK PIOTIOX. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OP MIL CAPITAL, $150,000. DIRECTORS: 111:LDIN 11.1111 TIN, ' • JODM w. stnaaculls. 11. WU RAMO" - BCISTIft TOWS, 0. NOBLI. ORANG. NOBLE, President. JO= J. TOWN; Nader. The shove beak win be epeess for the tramway. et lonslaess es DEC. 5, 1865; IN HUGHES' BLOCK, Walt side of State bt., between Seventh sad ?Wa flatiefectery paper anointed. Ofriy received on Deposit. Collations made sad mends seemated. promptness. Drafts, Sped! and lank Notes beget and ookl a same of Palle Patronage Is rrepeetfally salter, H. Spam flyiseasi, a. I. 113 S. MORRISON ik SONS AL. Sep ban to issue Ow dittoes. of sea sad ;Oddly that they hays reatowed their sloth of DRY GOODS, To the MSS BLOC; la the building fonasety otos pied by Sum HMS k SULTS, when they Mind kUplad a Lip tabortuat of D RESS VMS' F ANCY SILKS, GLOVES, HOD3ERY. &C. Itetualag thanks to ear eastowers ton that? put Must patreaspo, we respeetfally ask a stittaume of nk• sue.. Zits, Jaa.l, INS AUTILOBLZSD CAPITAL SAINI,IIOII. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK BEST A!►D LATZST POPULAR !V9VXLS j.i1.3, Dwain In And en tba Lino of Railroad, !g114 1 •1 4.1m4704 +ti+Mi 17.1 WrousaGX rim Stassi 1:5X1 CAPITAL. PAID IN, $.1T3,900, 111110 pm for boatmen eck MONDAY, DICULUB Lffil, 1811. te the lashing Ate noir eentpled ly the Merchant's leak, In Brown' Hotel ItsMtn, earth.east Gomez of etas street aad palls Peat. 1 MA. BOOM PIIMUDIOIN WX. C. 01111117, Curry DIUCTOIta : WK. L. 800?? of Ina of J. Hears k Co, Coal Dealers JO& IleChltrill i g i ASOI of gables, Mos k Iheartar 'dam OHO: J. HORTON, Cool Dealer. H. S. /MOWN, ar g t ois ßaltala 6 leo Rallrood. IM JOHN C. R ' One of C'eawaa, Casehq wholesale Grollent. O. R. 01017011,0 t Ilas u arreaah k Bre, note WWI. N. D. DAM. or ern of Barr. Johns.. a amass, Stove liuuelashwera P. P. !M=alt, Ora, k haw; Thokaale Groan. J. DRZEOhItI, Grocer. Was, Des. 7, UN. E ft I I: it• • 1 L W •• RW Ita seaasetises. bum TER satiAD amuse Doting nucc sours NIW TO= reovtoucm so grow, nw nAns i BANUORII. BRIDO . wiUOl/11 ro FALLrr, NIT" OCVON lad ail Os pdadpil and CAW fa Now Zasbad, RATura SS MILANI LE DISTANCE I ra. Demi" Bubb .r 8. '.-.—. to Now To* . wirtioirt moot or COMM VW father modes. ?relea will ma se balm Leave Dultirl6-7 00 A. a. Express Mall; 4.24 r. R. St a reprees; GAOL s. Cladanatt Riper. Liam usawra.4.lrl ax. Day o.lstrams:• . ' - ClSwam NO R ; ap ma 100 P. lg. Night Xrpraes; 0.14 r. netaeati Lamm stile: 0.00 Are a. W. ply ..trinsier, 8.35 11. Zs. Mert LO6 r. Matt IMprese; 1046 r. s. Repreu. Antes atifew York-10.10 P. at Day Ulmer; 700 A. N. 'Rearms Nall; ILO A. x Night Smarms; 4.16 P. at. Disclaimed Repreaa The 6ed r. s.Trate trees BM/ale will rtit Dail& all *there idly =mat thallaya. AU trains et Wanly ma greatly through is New Yark. ; Notes mad Oen Itarlaad Paneeneam mum tisk. Ma la. New Tort.' 'finest , addle sal met amt have abate , al W Rall or Saud Stenenere to dertisatiem Whoa ssassary babe, ea Ws rallway will wait TWO 110131111 is Waters balm aid sake swabs rannlai Nam thseogh to New Year- The Ni Ventilated sad most LawienelNeeplaiCare INea MR WORLD am la siesta this ralluay, bed for dr m &ad Roads aSbrd arualled. Daly - imam pep eaamant lkden e t uneq room for the bereaved Site Omahas. Mae Celeltee, tree from day= arid amok& can stilt all tram bra alas_y sae low es any 7 MuddlT4 VIA. ERIS RAILWAY, Zeta t al prhadrel ticket s Routh-greet sad North Want. - A Chi t; me* aid 64 CM*Areal Streat—A. 1). OWL, flake! gen l. ht . Heel York Mo. '4O ffroadway.-4Nealea P. ChM& Alrhat a. at; A. N. Ward. freight wet. - Seaton 011ee,14 Rata Straef..—Jab L Dclailp. N. IL KARL Neal Pus. qt r N. Yark. Gaal Ihral, New Terk. .00 LIFE-REJUVENATOR. MF2E=EMMiI neared should be Bert l 0 to maks the Blobs** o boaseloold god, lass= b as It will roadie Wmyouth f, sad In strength . and enable Qom to lin OM Mae the days of Wit offal 611 Joy. It Da sal, *obi tarots% bat strengthens, and Is realty Y fovoloablo olvosing. ovoidal yto Moos wt , o has boa Woo to • condition I servility. volt Oen; wds'ortatio or °rill- Davy sioltosos. No mottos what Um, eau* of ill* po• too y of say boom orris. this superb rroparati.or wlll son the Otte% of nose sod for, nor. 331COZE1t 111 mr 3B Mitzi INCAPACITY, OVIRRAL NRW-. VOUS INCAPACITY, INAPaPAIA DRPIUDRION, LOPS OP APPETITE, LOW SPIRITS, _WICAINIC4II 01: ORGANS Or GEMINATION, IN RCILITY, INDOLVICIL ItItACIATION, SPINOL It hoe " a meet &HOU W. desirable and . novel elket upon the nervous rysters, and all sato ars la any way prostrated by-ner vous lissolUtiss are earnestly advlse to seek a ogre is this most szeellent and asequall•Wpropuntitua Pomona sti by bnpradescs, lost Um& nabnal vigor, wUI end • wordy nil primulas' ante in th• 3310 iN.Z• 31.41 p The Feeble, the languid, lb. Dispelling. lbs Old should give this maw* • ftwrgew a trial: it will he found totally &Oren:from ail other articles for the same purposes. TO TOO t GEM..—This pmpanatiow is invaluable le nervous leukaemia of ellkinds, as It will fulmar wasted strength with wonderful peemaaenre It is also a grand it:111%mAII give relief la Diaper di with the dust dose. A brief persistent* In its ear will moor .te the stomach to • degree of perfect Watt d b mash Dyspepsia forever. One do lar per bottle, or Utz bottles for $l. Bold by Druggists generally. Sent b yezprem wither% by addremdrig HUTCHINGS & HILLYER, Proprietors, SI Ueda, Mime. New $5O ,••• m o w eg NOP SAVED • ON A PIANO FORTE! Ass 00, SU A= 011 • ORGAN OR MELODEON! By ambits your Intim to 0: J. WILLARD, No. SR Eterodwoy, N. Y., PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC DEALER PIANO PO/TM! Lad PARA., Nmodkam k Cole vn Parlor aw leas. Melo 4sons, Church Harmon lam, EL D. k B. N. Smith'. AMERICAN. ORGANS IMMO TNACHARS AND DIALZNA win be tarnished with Sim Um; laatreetioa Beebe Plwo.Wholl Orgass iale or Prie. Xslodooao at • .. • • • la I Vistory at last. Bose and Omens, by Willis'. M. Brad bury, 110 Oar &obi* shier bus pined away. An Wary on the death of A. Listeola, by B. L. Th0ma5,........... 40 Its all up In Dixie, by Tucker, go Jet in petticoats. A bag for the these, by Taska....Bo em lonely since ha lett 01, N. Beeler.. .1...... .....0 He, or ray dare la Benagyireels. lianigegasgs7 go I believed her true te ma. 1. Mi11ard,......2 0 I have SO 1131IICh to tell. J R. Thomas, U k Let hiss rest: A tribute to the late Stephen Co ;foe ter, and embatillshad with his likeases, by Healy Tucker, .40 6 Limerick is beautiful." Words by Boreicault,oonsie. Dan Bryan lo t, Lost star army bass. The last song and chores by Hoary Tucker,' .110 Little house ander the bill, by Z. O. Pgeir, 10 Leave me sot In dark sisioar, by A. H. W00d,.........85 Mind you, that, by J. H. Mcli aught:sr. 8.1 Moonlight with that by B. Me ; er. .80 My Poll Asa, amid, by Davis itied,......... si My beautiful Uuis by J. Mahe% .BA Moodnc P. Middy.; Maggie by Y. B. luau ' m ap My angel boy, by Paphos C. Foster Music on the warm. Dnett. by G. W. Olov ..AO Never dream my love cat change, by:. 8. ilhames,....3e Tell me, ;Ittle twhaling star, by 0. IL Aria.,:..- —llO Tham's saute say good night to sse e .by J. i. Me- Naughten...— 20 Trust me all la all, or am at all. Words by Tanya's. W. R. Dempeter..... . Be than forever mine, by 11 — . Millard, .7/ ileautifal dreamer, (forlitar; by Wisner, -SA BaattUfal Lie of the errs. J. L limns. 10 Blne-erad tidy Mar, by .B. Imam, _... 30 Cadammas Jose*, comic, by George lewdly in, .20 lawns! call her mother, by Chamberlain.-- ..... BO Jean:a liees bat for Ova by .1. Mahon, .B 0 Missing on the sly, by J. s. Mazda 30 Elm me, father, ere I di*. by Walker,3o Bury sae la the sunshine, by H. Mdbrd, .30 Angel child by W. H. Burr, Ai flusatiful cloud, by L Ara*. I ....AO Striking ile s sung by Dan Bryant, D. D. Zatmet, AO INISTRITMENTAL—NSW WALTZES. L'Ardits by A. Ardits, go Beth's J Suably., by George William Warrea,....l 00 Data O , sad Valu e by Lag. Bettaner, ... so Yana. by Th. Oaten,— 30 Flowlog stesemlet, by Ch. Wells, • 7a Faust, by George William Warm.. 711 }lsrael. home, oy Jess Manes,. .6e Heart's ache, r a lilllasi H. Allen, .. go IBias, da, by Jeac AO by L Ardits, go Else, brilliantly arranged by IL Kittener,....— ..... AO XARCU AND QUICTSTEI3. Uwela Amaral =rah' SO Foam] earth from Dos Bakeiat . aa, bT C11.1101,1,—.60 March flosaralaa. by IL Wallathaapt..- GO Marsh bileyobak, by Dr. :Perabsaa r . .30 Moatassyrise, by R. liayher,.. ...... VARIATIONS. Beaatihl dreamer. by A. Baum* 00 Call me sot look from the 'arks. Dear mother Pre soma Imam to dh,, by G. Grob*, 00 U111012'2 ban. by A. Baum* .00 Bart far illustrated pr'ce Rat of laidrameata aad Cata logue of New Nuts. Adel. en or to 0. J: WILLARD, Wkolowele Mao Torte sad Rule Dealer. • a03r560. No. 647 Broadway, New Tart. ABIICILIVAII MINS, soUTII-11•117 COIN= Or TiE •Axo nan L=2o JOHN DUNCA N. PROPRIETOR • TIN 17NDIIIIIIIMID SIAM(' 1, taken charge of the above weil.teerwe Motel. sad n etted it la asps tor styley mepertfaUg solicits • wham of the public pstriaap.Terme emmeastda. sad amomao. &Woe equal to mg hi the Mtg. Tor the egateniebee of peneme from the eolatry good stable has bans attached to the preehea Jeffl&U JOIIN puxamt. F V"' 1 U"' "RS. ' WHOLESALI *WAIL. CH ARL pIOAKFORD t SONS. CONTINZNTAL WYML, PIIII4.DILTRIA, Sin now open lb* likrie and oplitadl4 imortmeat of LADIES' FUR RI PR' COLLARS. MEW% CUM Garza ani3 ROOM Also the anon moortiorat of FANCY FUR ROBES, CAPE, MUFFLERS, AND GLOM% tur Wan °Mond by then. all of vldelo ar. ronnitood' to br am nponsted. oetlLae SHIPPIJIM It7Bd Bowls? logrrA.115‘00111:5111Z5 ra dnryw IR. `firomo—orry sad Imitable trostisout. Alm Hot Malabar, an How ot Wanda; sad DierW/4 Is islott oasulppos, Deo of charm pi ami Dr. J. Stilltn Houghton, !inward Aatolgofion, NEL 2, 1111111101 ' lb% book Phtlaclotohlo. Pa. borecir • co D C p - • unman= att ixotasus ssa tl SWABS, TOBACCO, SNUFF. &C., runt Maw OMR SWUM DMZ, PA. - . • GDPalea ta• Nereid' Pelmets efts: ROTltla 112.11110111 D. • i - I no Ilabooribor Idle his ototopiod taw MINSIOS Boom hot Now was trivet. tee Um sot roar :aim hot moved bite the . . . . • NATIONAL HOTEL.. Qum or meg AND Strlf/PAW l filtlllll, Maas he till try to sosomoodoto tides so soy arot so welt, of he did la .tae old dead. Be Ise that Ow instsosso 'AAA less so lases* 41. btu Ulmer will be ar Mad to illa IS lAN sisir = ,,,, ins essiutos senstsst to suessessst• all who tea, Ism Ids with tboirp: J • ini-11 , . ANEW 1110, Via E NGRAVING. BUSINESS. WEDDING ' AND MEZIE 0•11)11. ' Bill Weak Cacti/lota a 011 Otis. gala"' - STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, *a.; IT J. II; L•P11•11, PLRSOI I &DIJG WIT PASX. Miry 141111114 f : DI% A •: 84 APAR T''' inta.vosues awe saws vas Basesls and Sorofbloos Dissues. Prone Newry Edes. fo W0U41.011117/1 111110rdktlig Of OS. rd, Maine. - . hare mold large quantidea of your SmessrA. niu.s t but never yet one bottle which Med of the desired effect and tell asti try allietion to those who took it. As tut as our people lt, they agree al been no medicine llto it before in our u nitycommu" Jliroptinos, Pimples, Blotches. Pustules. tn. ooro. Sorel, and all Dismiss of the Skim Prow Res Robe. itraton, th em e Regiusei. gg I only do . sly duly to yene and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publh&of the ma diciest runs of 13Auserant My daugh ter, aged ten. had an affilMing humor In her earth eyes, and bair fersemit, wide\ we were enable , K curs =ltd. we hied yotir SSASArsiaLLA. She I. been well RS some months." Ohio Mi. Jam E. Nee, s welatiesete sad wade esteemedkW re qfDanisetie, Cape Nag c0.N.4 s aL ua datightm has entered for a yes, put with a whet* was very troubiesoins Nothing agr in = ll :l.337 relief until we tried our liallarAlllZAl WOO Ina compkddy cured C 0., r." r , Prow Werke P. e, Eia., qf addelehboome Gage, Moray it C enaupetwers of eriamelled Iliodams. N. IL r i r e ll /be several ban a 'very troublesome Woo, in my Ate, which grew easetantly worse mat it distigured my features and been= an intol erable Medea I hied almost every thing a man onald el both advice and needleine, bat without any relief whatever, until I took your SsaursititAA. It immediately made my fax worse, as you told ate foratt might Moe; but Ins few week, the new skin began to term under the blotches, and con tinned mit my OK* Is as smooth as any body's, and I am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. I enjoy peeled health, and without a doubt owe it to your LuisAPARILLA" Jillryslpelas— General Dtollity—Puritr the Prom Dr. Rob. Seals. Houton St., Nero Tor*. “ Dn. Am. I seldom fall to remove Bre/Wont and &Widow Some by the use oryour lissatriatur lad I have st now aired an eftth of Naomi A t relcus h It. No alterative we pendia equals &SISSAPARIILA yOu liar. sap. plied to the prolimake u well as to the people." Proile4l. Z. Johaa, Req., Wakesearsidilo. " Tar twelve y l o* had the yellow pass oam a eektvitt arm, during which time I all the 'ldiyidelans I could meets, and took hen thole of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors derided that my arm mast be amp toted. I begun your SARSAPARILLA. Toot two bot. sad of your Pau. Together they have clued me. ' now as well and sound u any body. &Mg ta a place, my ease Is known to evay body to , sad suites the waxier of ill." L Prom Has Dow, Memo, M. P. P., of Ihrereadle, C. ff., a /*Why meaber of the Canadian Portia. mast. “ have sued year fIuisAPAULLA la my family, fier general debility, and for purl/king the blood, a=togliswelletel results, and Seel waft= la is to the alllktscL" Bt. Anthony's Piro, Bose, Balt Rheum, Scold Need. Sore Eyes. item Harvey Metier, Esq., the obis editor teat Teethannock Dessocrat, Pennsylvania. is Our only child, about three years ef age, was attested by pimples on his forehead. They midi,' spread until they termed a loathsome virulent owe, which covered his dim and actuall and y blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physklan applied nitrate of silver sat other rmetr, without any apparent cleat. For. Mew days we guarded his hands, lest with them be **WE tear open the whole and compt MOM which covered his whole dace. Havtng tried thingelse we had any Sage frw r i tem potas h BARSAPRJEA, and ap plying the o lotion.:sir direct. see to heal wheel we had la the diet bottlA nod wee well when we bad abed the seeond. dery erissbes, which bad come out, gm and be inuow as healthy and fair try other whole naighborhood pslalichA the thud mot die." ~~ --~ ~-- Noss Dr. Mess BEA VA Zweig, iniwurt " I gad yaw Saiiietremi.a a more effectual rensedy It r‘ isAbeeemina nn eyseptems of Sypttlis end tbr any other we possess. The see di rnadt to rut tbr same of the best isestithael we Press A. J. Pesci,N D., an eminent pkye eian of Lawrence, Mom, into is a prmithed smember of the Lgrislattus o Mauacknaette. Dit. AYES. My dear Sirs I have !band your SARBATAIt=I all excellent remed i aSapasils, Soth of the primary and secondary md effeo: teal lit some - ewes that were too to yield *A other remedies. Ido not know'what we can em with moth =emcees, where a power 11l alterative b Mr. Chao. S. ran Idea. of Nets Brunarick, N. J., had dreadful ulcers on his ft. e, clewed by the abase of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be appliW until the use of AM's Elsessreatul relieved thr ft r e d ulir lPew cases an Ise/aced more inveterate and distressing than this, and It took wenl dozen bottles to care him. Lenoorrhant, Indigo, Female Weakness, • s=erallf produced by Internal Serefidoess 171- sad are vary often eared by ths alterative Week of this El bid azaavaniu.a. Some eases requ bo p mlo r loon reini of the Bnties. a.naarazu.t4, the Wdlful From Use wen knobs end wideiy•odebreted Dr. • Jacee Norval, of Ciudiusatt ult. have *mud your Banaapaana.a MI excellent alterative In diseases of females. Sony cases of lompilse Lencontices. Internal Uleeradon, and de ' t o arising from the scrofulous diathesis have yie it, and there are . few that do not, when its died Is properly sided by local treatment." kr* ell/ to' allow the paw:aim of Air . name. writes es Illy daughter mid myself have been cured of I very debilitating Lem:or:ham of long danding, by two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." Rheumatism, Goat, -Liver Complaint, Dye: peps* Heart Disease. Neuralgia, Akin caused by Ser In the system, ire rapklly =red by Oh =r.ffeaaaraaua.a.' CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is insintabled equal to the best it ever has been, andianbeis7 may be depended on to do all that*, awe ever done. y t 7. C. Y l:t pc, % M. D., lb Co, Le b 311 7. 11 . 11 . • T u. LEMUR VATTLIE POWDER pateritird in Imam, land, Switzerland, A Eta land, and duly ad emitted by their Court; bowed with Prise-uledels, sad (Dratted by Yr. Bust% Prollessor of the Imported Coils • for Agriculture at Pad 4 sad now maaafactared by , C. G. Eimer, Dr. of Z, sad A., Allentown, Pa. AU Manses of the Stomach, Blood, Lungs and Bow ala, speedily and certainly cued. ti lathy sto. k will be brought into t's• highest state of perfection. and one to two toblespeonfals a week is of great value to hard working heroes, breeding stock, and Colts, and saved thoueanda of valuable horses from coatasiaas dhows as wsU at the barn-yard as in the Army of the Potomac. . t , • THE LEHIGH WORM CONFECTIONS 1111betently mums all tha *mite Ida& usually pre. Tent the impelling of Worms, are pleasant to tab, and ab ese of the swot agreable purgatives for Children. BO maddest Is the Inventor, of th, menu of his lobo does Undies; In the patholog ai eoositlcitt of thls preparation, that he funialme *vary vsduanid Physician irlth a written prescription, u a new era In /Uteri' THE UNION ROACH, RAT, MICE AND ANT EXTERMINATOR Is a Pewder for the sure eater nination of all Vermin will serer change with age or climate, and mush prefera ble to the old. Pliosphorou Paste, which hardens lu • short illmoro males At worthless. Tor directions and 'particalars see the small bills in the BOUIL Righty-three Premiums Awarded to these Prepare. ties' sines Da Mk, and Carter a, cum. zruk Wholesale sag Retail Agents for Erie county ; R. it'. Reline k Ce. Pittsburg; John Henderson k Bre , Pittsburg, aad RIM . tea k Bra, C'eselasd„ Wholesale Jobbers. JeUrSto43 gOMWTULNQ ZVEIWYBODY snomn van. iMur OUT ?WI: COLD, DUST AND NAM IRON YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS. WUITIZZ'S INYISIDLK, MZTALIC RUBBER WEATHER EITRIP Does oil this—la entirely out of sight. in doors and istadewe.and is the beet strip in axe for the following reseou t tat, It la more effectual. 11, It costa oea. third tera. id, It will not Under opening sat ekwing doers sr windows. 4th. It Is better thso double win. dmnr;..lksee lioAntruet the ette•—,bap not hinder 'plan aid el the blinds—windows ono ba opened ea,aa to ventilate a say time . Ills strip will step Oa duets mow whoa year doable windows are et Yes have no losellt from your double wtodo vs only In win* ter. This Strip keeps out the cold La winter aid dust -mod water to mama; and dos not eat ooe.half the prig et doable triinkows. • Thin Strip is not oared to the Inhabitants of this dly. Sown Bleu/ Poi PAWL P. W. KOIhBLEB. Erie, Pa., • setl*lt Aviator Zrie Co, Pa. Trewirs ©Drat.. • 5 WIER OF STATE BT., AND THB PARE, BRIE, PA. This Well Known 'Matte Bar passed taco the esittol of the Undersigned. whe we determined to spare no What' that will teed to wake it a pleasant stopping Diane for the travellemi ilw - nwaherstanportest impremommtte hare less imsk.allit others to be onspleted at an eariy — p7ol Inn remise Itlllllll of the hest iota la the etmUy. thipsetel men is bane to famish the table with gessoaahle antleimb served up Lathe inert meited able, and by amitentaellain welWe. We took ' of the betel .4th taw remiation to make seek aa cants ankle masa mom sad het eialidosi of a r i g A i ll goom m tv i r poets. 'LOOM isopeishout WA. Item Blood. AYER'S L Wellunar. To an the most powerful agent for the Stomach and Blood o Cattle, Swine, or Sheep, la inonoting Manton, cleansing the system aad tranderring the purified animal Bald la Bak fat, milk , butter and strength, and 'stab. Baking health and vhp.t. DIITOY'S case AND Yu 3. PO WDZB =1 -terT'BOLD'S FLUID EITRACT HOW Non• Retention or Incontinence of Crane, Initialer', In- Danrms non, or [Deers tka of the Bladder or K Diseases of the /habits Oland, &ode in the Bladder, Galculrr, Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit, and all DIMON OC the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical SwaLlinp. : 3rMMn3IM. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHII FOR WEAKNESSES AMINO TM! lICIDISIS 01 DfDISCRZTIOL !be Comitatuake once affected by Ovate Weekstesi, requires the aid of medicine to streogthea cal britior• ate tho ayakm, which rmtract Bathe tuw rlably does; IC no treatment be submitted to,Ckai Ike or Insanity may etume. HELMBOLD'S I jel!m In affection peculiar to hanks, in unnuakd by any other ;mention, as In Monona Retentien, Irmo• panfulness or suppression of customary nacos. Dons, likeration or Pcirrhous state of the Uterus, Lea:or/hal, and all complaints Incident to the sear, whether arising from habite of dissipation, Igtprodes• clot, or In the Decline or gimp of Ids. HELMBOLD'B FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IMPROVED ROSE WASH, Will radically exterminate from the system Lamm of the Urinary proms arising from habits of dissipatke,ss little expense, little or no chin= in diet, sad no expos. tare, completely superseding those =pleasant sad dan gerous remedies, Copaiba and Mercury, is =ring those =pleasant end dangerous discuses. USE nELIEBOLD'S F ii'/ : t+l.l:+l all caries of the Urinary Organs, whether existing to male or female, from whatever 'cause originating, sad ao matter of bow long standing, 1t tepee in taste and odor, iihmediate in its actkin, and more strengthen. Indian any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Thaw sutferiag front Broken-down or Deli ate 03n stitutionS, procure the Remedy at once. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above disease, it Is awe to Mad his bodily 1i611.11, mental powers, happiann, and that of his posterity. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. PHYSICIANS, PLEASE NOTICE! We make DO secret of the Ingredients. HELJIBOLDI MILD EXTRACT BCC= is composed of Dacha, °Metes, and Juniper Berries, selected with great rare and prepared in vacuo by H. T. RELYBOLD, Druggist . and Chemist of sixteen years' experience In the city of Philadelphia, and which is now prescribed. by the mat eminent physician; has been admitual th,use in the United States army, and Is also In very general use In State Hospitals and public Sanitary Institetkuut through. out the lead. A Most Exquisite. ,Del grant Perfume, Distilled t, and Beautiful Plower fro m takes its name. Manufactured only by PHILO' NEW YORK. HELTIBOLD'S BEWARE OF is.Dlrect letters to '• DRUG & CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway New York, ... , OR- HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth street (below Medusa), PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Druggists ElverrPrhere. BRWAIIS OF COUNZSCRFEITS. • , .11K zurzraozzYs OS FR% 0 *4ir, 4 . 1 4 kt e IP Ladies, take Particular Notice TES REAL VELPAII FEMALE PILL. [WAzaamizo acs.] rrHESS PILLS, so celebrated many L years ago in Paris for the relief of female irregularities, and afterward so notorious fax their criminal employment in the practice of sbortice, are now offered for sale for the first time in' America. They have been kept in tomrative obscurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. Velpau, is a physician in Pads of great wealth and strict conscientious prin ciples, and has withheld them - In general use, lest they should be employed unlawful =LIn overcoming Female 0 of the Womb, Whites, Green Sick ens, Suppression, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Discharges, they, seem to be truly omnipotent, bunting open the floodgates from whatever cause may have stopped them; but they are - offered to the pub lic only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbidden to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Married ladies should never take them when there is any reason to believe themselves pregnant, for they will be sure to produce a miscarriage. ' These pills are entirely safe under all cir •curastances, being composed entirely of sub stances from the vegetable kingdom. Each box has the coat of arms for the City Of Paris stamped on the box, with the words " Trade Mark" in French, to counterfeit which Is a misdemeanor, and all persons will be dealt with according to law. IMF Full directions accompany every box. Ladies con obtain a box sealed from the eyes of the curious, by Inclosing One Ddllar and six post-office stamps to any respectable drug. glen, or to 0. G. 13TAPLES, General Agent for the United States, WaterteNen, N. Y. Ara* Aosrre.—Piers & Rlllett, Rail h Warfel, Whim Death. Liddell k Bro om Carter it Career, Erie; Leap & Bro., North Beat: %Ilona k Bro., Girard ; P. lieDrear7, Poky*.; hilly Potter. West Elpringeold. GROVEMMEN & CfIN PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, OE BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The attention of the PebHo and the trade le invited to our New Scale V Octave Rosewood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled, by any heretofore offered in Ibis market. They cantata all the Modern hoprovementa, French, Grand Action Harp Pedal, hew Frame, Over•Strsug name, no* and eich is • strumenr bola; made under the personal supervision of Ne. J. H. Grevestees, The ban had a meting armies es of over la years la their maanlactare, is tally Intrusted In ems particular. IRE NGROVESTEEN PIANO FORTIS" littirodo mull of Wet over ill others at the tiolebeittd WORLIYII PAIR. arbors am 'WSW Isettasseate has the best maker. of LONDON, PARIS, WINANS% PAD SALTIXORi kwro N AND NNW TONE; Aad also at tho AMMAN U 1871117211 for Ave sessetudve yeerk tbe • GoLD AND BIIIR 1111MIALB be. both of width eaa be seat at ear eisetem. lity the tattedaeLtes of Itaprounuto toe MUM II • sore palest Pluto Porta sad by ueasessktiag lasso tit* • striae ask mhos, are enabled to Wier these fa sintlesale ass pries erbisi will pumielle all esaspetttloa. puma— Sem Octave, maul waste. Zeuvoul Nraau* SIIIXI, l a llevea Odom feud ,losee ood r ig Lllnoa t i v i t rot WI forma Star weed Loafs 111 style S&L Timms I Not Os& la Own% loads. *Wan esat few 01111114 If 1141 =10 Me Arid ks boo lista l In MU ma taaNy. DRCOI au lIA 1.F4 arstran4, l ~,1 STR [UK LA NIrs'R ELL coid s . Ifousen•ii. Aptbn , , t /0, 1. , Thr o at, Consumption, awl a:I kil.ti'l, snd La ago. ' or WO by druggists %ej pm, imt .s, 'Omit., Cincinnsti, i lito. hit .11C.ti Wt. hri• recommend Dr. Str.ek!esi's tbe only certain bar Atery. It Is eombllatlqa ttrizl. Almtilluats and Carmlmairpß, tr.! z: after all o th er means be fa.. 1.1 For sal. bj I)ruggista. General t, Cincinnati (thlo. DR. Stricklaaa',P,i, 1i,_: 143 tb... 4 .da of the.. not cum tog Piles It gees irom.drst. .scot can. fry it directs. It is *a Yoe sale by drusgis's General dep,t, street 'Cincinnati, Ohio. Dispopsia, Ne r v °lisp e l Debility, DR. STR IC LA D's Ti n y, recommend thr.,• ecffeouy !activation, or More, Aer,oriceei Debility, to nee Strickland's Toro preparation. free from Alcoh o l,- the whole Nervous system; it c.erdm. and Is warranted to cure :ie.', 1 ,„, Debility. For sale be Druggists g.c.rtLy,,. 8. ?repine by Dr. A. Stricslar.d, t Eu Ciocinsati, NEW For the Handkercbid, PHILO :0: V VF , / - Iffl `mo d ) ASK FOE PHALONI—TAKE Sold by Ltragritta r IMPORTANTro ,40 t\is 4 (((PILLS9 The combination of Ingrelier.'s result of long and extensive Tract:a. r their operation and C. 113120; d.n larD eats; certain tetmectice all beet Hens tinstirns CII otetrz.'m cold or otherwise, headache, pale th , if the heart, whites, all neryi.tio th fatigue, Pats in the back and I rzhe, „ which arms from Intereupti; c du:: a DR. CHESSEMANI PEXALB Have been used •orer a quarter c!% attar,. offered as the only site means 01 nsenas n.enatenation, but Ladies mos, bear In is ens cosi:ties of the fewair tykes Is swami As takes sthioat prrstaaos, a 1 BULT. The cambium reserred to u the resair, MISCARRIAGE. ouch t tendency of the to restore ter to a n rmal condition, that even the ITT of nature cannot result it. THEY CA! in soy th.r way. Dr. Cheeseman's have been a standard remedy for over are the most effectn d one ever knows! penult..? to F males T all chnees they Inducing with certainty periodical IV. areknown to 'honsands, who care sa bat period', througbon the country, I tion of some of the most eminent pl.! kn. YipUdt dueetionsoltating wbeo thee with each box—the Pittez $1 lex Box, Cl een taming 50 'co 60 PHIL Pills sent by mall, promptly, s.d wore ration. by_ remitting to the prop !atom DRUSGISTS HUTCHINGS & lIILLTER, Prof 81 Cedir St., New Y Sold in Ma by Carter a Cireer, Viers a Warfel, tad Wm. Nita. Sold m C ,rry by Ro:l►nd. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO, ITiorsfacitureri of Photographic I=ll 601 BROADWAY, I. Y tet wilefltlea Le oar mem tre.aems of PlloTreel riaLllLB, we we kewi.pertare ter tLe Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic or cum ..are we me F nee assne=wt. ' VIEWS OFT WA& °Nand st groat err.w ea d forwlsg .IL raorootArtuo =MT Or Till (MAT rr. Da Ban, Dutch Gip, Yorktown, Pontoon tts eartriburet, Hanover Ji Fair Oaks, lookoot in, Sane Station, Chiclubon* Prodoriokiburgh, City Point Tatresa, mamma Richmond, Potash/0 , Deep Bottom, 'Bello ?lois, `Monitors, i Cluttatoogo, Fort Morgan, Atlanta Charleston, Mobilo, Florida. Strarber Ammo awl ton* Cltta and L Ravol • Iss OUCidalcca still I* wal K &, Photographic Albtaa M. ww, the dna b Intr-rdt. 001111.3% taannfactar• lumens* t tails pelts from 110 mats to tut. Or , ALE Wlw of being e•peri..r in bow , •rd 7147 will tw rat lity C u r;13111 ALITIS IAOS TO Ta• will MIA our Al Saleable they cgs CA111) PHOTOGLITH: 00 Wilma tow mamas or. no athisel• (t e w aldi lion are cont.nnally Afaakuia. Ac. et.: &bent 100 Alaj-Liana 10J 1..i.t4.7.1'4 CSC Natoli 100 iltie ISO other 05.2, 11 , Pro ITS Ceioavha :a N St avy airs, Lrican. k 40 Alibi. ;ON Cvples of Wart. of Isclaltag arproiadloas of as man nl Palatiava Saatoma lc Cata , ,q-aat nut Aa oder kw Ow Dam riaara from co fillat a rootipt of $1.60, wad Iwo flutaornAmes Ind oda. marina' 07. twenty-An per cent. of do sza wet wirrhopdoss sai quality 1 au rola, LIVERY STABLE. TU. , um tiassd Um well-known Li econpled by Wm. J. StatratLdmirm OW' nid tb• ;Otto that be will continue di 13 "4. 1 Mar Po& gasses- THE .STUCK Will be larrly hemmed and =pro "e" aim* Mewe tocomod. and 10610 Rona is the coantg. lem d. twain' satahlashmeat as to gin magi want to obtain the ...trades of a good Imady at all timor to asootomodam doh pion. Recollect the pleas, grERRRTI'd OLD STOD. • Ptft street,roar of the Reed Hoare trio, June 8, 11166—tt la rani nadrto be nsiled dowa, Hee sod Buildings of. I lisat loaterisla that have stood the tut of toaselhaturwi ea se antinply ditfi h ea say other OothpOettion roof at eat. Very desalt' and a t' ft plea mkt free hp mall. lodreirly