The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 25, 1866, Image 3

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    tgrit ititchig Observer.
- -
°wryer ace now sup , llcd with a sett an.
, s all the blot.ks use by attorneys, J us
r,h;,„. we, constables and oil men. Tbey are
ja pod psper and In an &troths* style, and
found equal, If not superior, to any published.-
ny far Nair sad Mortgage' Le 71i !Mats per dozen
ar 10 cants apiece for single espies; for all other
gluts, 43 ruts a dozen sheets or 6 cants for
non As sU our tdaraluir with the esoeptioi of
My l es, are printed on sheets of nallbrm
;a do Oriarieg a °I PP/7 from abroad can figure lbO
want of their Mil. AWL
st ye Cora •rtzersor.—.We invite often
tb the advertisement of Ms popular
i e i D e. • It bee stood a teat of over twenty
yesri _grown of age in the service of the
bud with steadily increasing pope.
y. Thefgreet merit of this medicine is,
It it recommended for nothing but what
ill setselly do. We have seen it tried in
timber of eases, and in every instance
t he directions were followed it effected
For throat affections it has no loupe•
etdhay en equal.
too —On Friday of last week,
106fisdar, the female poisoner, whets.
of crime ire the most shocking that
fro occurred in the Western part of the
ifsf executed in the jail yard at Pius.
b. Previous to her death, she made
ofession of -her guilt, and a profes.
of religion. The execution is described
i s WO rceoe• " The wretched woman
difienee of about three feet, owing to
airtight ix adjusting the rope connected
t h e upright under the trap. Her fall
sot sudden, her neck was dislocated, and
T p slowly strangled to death. Her con ,
B I sod writhings for several moments
f nest agonizing to behold. The knot,
hid slipped, and the circulation of tke
co the right side of the neck wu totally
;Tel. Her death wan literally shard one "
Observer of next week will contain a
I wort of the horrid scene, together with
ittch of the women's life and an account
Ler fecdieh crimes.
piibt a Ir. broke out in Titusville, which
el the deetraction of a building and sev
gables. It had been scarcely extinguished
eno , her occurred in the heart of the
intruing a number of business estab
,meen, and entailing a 101111 of $40,000 or
. 000. The manner in whioh these tires
he cut lel to the impression that they
re cowl by inter diaries , and four smi
te ehrectele *ere arrested, on two or
eof when the evidences of guilt are so
:rely fastened as to leave no doubt. The
p',e, excited and horrified at the events of
• night, etre for objecting them to Lynch
immediately, but cooler
_counsels pre'
Fled, and they were looked op to await far
r lareetigation A vigilance committee of
rt, hat boa wait ted, who are baeked up
eIJ the respectable citizens, and whcse
ty it . is to adopt measures far relieving the
..try of the desperate characters with
on i 4 is cursed. They 'hold their sessions
secret, and have been authorized by the
teas to pursue any course that seems na
ry to obtain the remedy needed.
. 8. 9 Mtoustattx.—Thelluffelo Courier
s his vessel has been undergoing extra
main at that city. The ship had been
'vie of twenty years in coostant service,
although the bull is of Iron, her decks
woodwork had become so badly decayed
t the was unseaworthy. She has bees re
el throughout with new spars, new decks,
'se and waterways, and is as good now as
du she was launched. The new work is
:tally solid and substantial, though ex
..ely modest and plain. Messrs. Mason
Bidwell, the oontraotors, have done them
ex credit in this work, and it is believed
,there is not a private ship in the country
ieh eould have been repaired so economic
.as this for the gleveriment. We under
..(l that she is now about complete, and
' be ready for a twenty years' cruise next
'ng. Durinc the time that these repairs
bees goivg on, the routine of duty has
systematically carried on by officers and
3. Although great inconveniences have
incurred by her crew, their presence
facilitated the work. Hitherto, in our
rente Bold winters ? she has not been ten-
e, as her hull is of iron. Steam has now
n introduced, and every apartment from,
berth deck to the cabin, is fitted with
on coils. and she is comfortable without
Sinuous use of stoves. The cost of the
bu been about $30,000 " The Cour
tin that the Michigan grwill now be a
math ship-of-war, and not as heretofore"
reel as old hulk,' good_fer stowing away
?Wes officers and men."
tut EITATI. - The Crawford Democrat
there are indications that the ener-
prices o f rroperty, which have prevailed
•Itt place for a few years, are coming down;
for the good of community, we are glad
lee days ago a house and lot were
lit $3,000, which could , not have been
:4litt.r lees than four or five thousand six
or one year ago. One month ago a
;:ettatt vottid not.have taken $lO,OOO for
)!tte of 'residence—a very desirable one.
••-olott he ii waiting for some one to offer
457.6.)0 RCM ganther gentleman paid
for the place where he resides.. He
tqtaled probably a thousand dollars
I ::;•reatents, and would now cell for
The Democrat does not look upon
'Witt as discouraging ; they are simply
zieuion, in its opinion, tbst prices here
.irt.iitte been inflated, add are returning
''stir Proper average.
'fuse Cninase.,Mesere. W. S. Brown
rte Noble, we understand, hare par
I the interest of Scott k Rankin, in the
of commission business, at our harbor.
1. 3!n •ill resign the superintendency of
rie 8t Piltehurgh R. R , and is to be loc
i, by Mr. John J. Lawrence, now holding
e position on the Middle Dishion of
& E. Road. Messrs Boon & item
disposed of their interests at our harbor
as A. Van Rooter and others, who de
tarrying on 5 tery lugs business.
t 'a ere his tenth annual hop for hie pupils
Il iPttrons, at Farrar Hall, on Friday even
htt. 26th, the last of the season. Mehl's
bind is engaged for the occasion. Friends,
1 patrons are respectfully invited to attend.
IrD W. Flutchisson, United States Claim
at, Girard, Penna. Pension, Back Pay,
boar, and all other claims against the Gov,
ow attended to with promptness. Charges
74,1ah1e. Applications by mail attended to
tams as If made in person. (jllB 6m.)
madame I?emorees magazine, for January
~ is printed in new typo. and presents au
ltayed appearance in every reaped. It
tntains full sited patterns of ladies dresses.
t Nee of goad music—.. Me Grand Indian
from Mayerbeer's L'Afrioae." with
7 it ifQ l Plata, &a. This is the standard
imiti oellesestae of the country.
Items of Local Interest.
A column of interesting rending matter
will ho round on. the fourth page. ,
ro 'at Buffalo, on Friday, destroled
erty valued at over $300,000.
Mr. Vincent, post master at Waterford, has
been removed, and Mr. A. W. Tracy, a !sol
dier, appointed in his place.
A correspondent of the Harrisburg Tele
graph suggests H. C. Johnson, of Meadville,
Speaker of the Hous• in 1884, as the Repnb
Heart candidate for Governor.
According to the census of 1865, the ad
'Wain, county of•Chautauqua,l4. Y., has a
population of 68,628—an homage in tan years
of 5,148.
Mr. Buchoonee Defence of his Admioiatre•
tion (Fries $2,56,) and the Democratic Al
manac (price 25 cents,) furnished to say one
sending the amount to this effiee.
A policeman abet a counterfeiter dead, *he
attempted to escape, at Philole, en Sunday.
For a lively place commend as to Pithole. It
must be the Paradise of local reporters.
We have seen fine acrobatic feats in our
day, but the most wonderful was that per
formed by Mr. Scofield when he leaped tram
being an extremely conservative Republican
into a full fledged negro suffrage radical.
The following are among the rules posted
up in the hotel of one of the petroleum towns :
N• talking with the chambermaid." "tare
as high as at any other helm." " Not re
sponeible for boots left in the hall." ""No
sardines admitted."
• fair for the benefit of the Universalist
pociety_ will be held in Ferrer Hall on the
evening of February Bth. ! The anneal fbits
of this denomination 'have universally been
well attended and very pleasant, and the one
proposed wilLandoubtedly be no exception to
the rule.
Mr. C. G. Griffey, formerly of the Girard
Union, has purchased an interest in the Con
neaut Reporter, and is to be one of the editors
of the raper—a position we suspect he has
quietly filled for some time past. We con—
gratulate Mr. G. upon his return to the
Mr. Scofield professes to have an intense
admiration for the doctrines of the Declara—
tion. Will he have the goodness to inform os
how he reconciles his proposed policy towards
the South with that clause of the instrument
which declares that all government derives
its legality from the consent of the governed ?
We congratulate our friends at Union on,
the probability of the early completion of the
road from that place to Titusville. Parties
connected with the railroad assure us that it
is certainly to be built, and that the work will
soon; commence. Its completion will un
donlitedly be of much advantage to the into
rests of the people of that town.
The citizens of Titusville have set the ball
in motion for, the estalliehment of a new
county. Meetings are being held, delegates
to Harrisburg appointed, and the subject
thoroughly brought to the attention of the
people interested. The activity displayed
glees strong ground for belief that the
measure will succeed, willies there should
be some constitutional hindrance, of which
we are not now aware.
The room of Lake Erie Lodge of Masons,
at Girard, is being handsomely refitted, at an
expe‘nse of $4OO. The walls are being fres
coed by Mr. Chevalier, of this city, whose
well earned reputation as a skillful painter is
the best guarantee of the manner in which
the work will be performed.
The revival in the Baptist Church eon—
Onus*, and has been attended with wonderful
success. Up to Tnieday evening fifty-six
persons had prof seed religion, of whom
"nearly the whole have been baptised. The
baptismal ceremonies take plus each Sunday
forenoon in the Chureb, a piles being ar
ranged in the floor of the iinlpit for that pur
On Saturday, Messrs. John Stone and
Michael Shoemaker came Into the city with
a two horse team. In crossing the railroad
near the depot the animals became fright
ened, and ran divert street at a fearful rate
The wagon struck against a lamp post; was
deal! 1 to pieces, and the men thrown out.
Both of them were severely hart, and, in the
case of one, it was feared the injuries would
result fatally.
A row of wooden buildings, on Third street,
•ear the depot, in Dunkirk, was destroyed by
fire on Wednesday night. The firs originated
in a German Emigrant House, through the
careless ex 'mune of octal oil. Four bodice
bare been taken from the ruins burned be
yend identification. They are supposed to
be emigrants. One man was .restmed from
the flames, but se badly burned that Ms re
covery is doubtful.
The concert for the benefit of Prof.llller,
in Farrar Hall, on Wednesday evening, was
very linely conducted, and gave general satis
faction. The seleotioos were of the best
'clue, and they were performed with w skill
not often exhibited. Eris has en unusually
large amount of musical talent, and not the
least part of it is possessed by the German
portion of our populatioa.
Our farmer friends will beer in mind that,
according to a decision of the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue, all persons who kill any
eattle, calves, swine or Omen, to sell, are re—
quired to pay a tax, on the same at the fel
lowing rates: Cattle, over three menthe, 40
cents . ; under three months, 5 cents ; swine,
10 cents; sheep, 5 cents. In ease of evasion,
'Action 102 of the Revenue Law attaches a
penalty of *lO per head, for any cattle,
calves, swine or sheep, se elsaghtered and
The Cleveland Herald, of Saturday, lays
"the train over the C. & T. Road brought a
woman to this city yesterday, who wu trans
ferred to the Lace Shore Read, with instruc
tions •to leave her at Erie There seemed to
be something mysterious about the affair
when she arrived here, as no one could ; tell
who she wu, where she wu from or whither
bound. She was carried on a cot, oneuled
beneath blankets, by railroad men, from one
train to the other. We learn this morning
that she leas started frrm Chicago, by some
of the city authorities, for Erie, where, It
was . supposed, her friends lived. She is a
cripple, and wu being supported by one of
the benevolent societies of the former city.
No one in Erie appeared to know anything
about her, and the probability is, she will be
returned to Chicago." •
.The Warren Nail (Radical,) is responsible
for the following fiendishly "disloyal " para
graph :
As VIESIILTHY Roust.—A short time ago
there were. some statements made in regard to
the unhealthiness of the White Bosse at
Washington. In one respect there can be bo
doubt of the feet._ It it an,unhealthy house
for the National Tratairy, would be an
interesting item to know how much the con—
cern has cost from its first crooner' to the
present .time. Wifkut five years there bat
been expended on this resident,* $67,688,
which there who bare seen it will agree is
nearly if not (pate as mush as the Vette is
worth To be sure much of this has been
laid out in furniture and filings, but a large
amount has been expended in repairs:An
appropriation of $BO,OOO is now required.
'Whoever taker the contracts mast make s
pod thing out of it.
L 4 the .people , rune= ,or that Akan! W.
soolhod,_lop! 'ai - ,sitsi9its - (so *red) 6f this
district in Congrese - ;ioted‘ Fs favor of negro
soffrage,la., the
_District ef Columbia, after,
the white people - of the commuiiiii &natty'
interested had by a nearly unanimous rots,
announced their .hostility to such a measure.,
Lel it be remembered that in so doing he via-,
laird the cardinal theory of our institutions,
that each section is entitled to the right of
local self government, and that .tilt other
favorite idea of our people that the voice of
the majority should control. Let. it be rem
membered that Mr. gaoled hanover and over
again, in days riot long put, mowed his op
position to negro suffrage, saying the blsoki
were not tit for the privileges of citizenship;
and declaring that to grant then the unlit
would "be an abiurdity such as the worldnesei
before heard of." Let it be remembered that
this sauie unscrupulous trio:Aster intudi bet
coming a candidate for re—election, and boast.
that he can be returned to Congress es Often,
as he wishes, in spite of what Erie *runty
may ears or do.
The Philadelphia Ledger wishes to Impress
upon the people ofthat city the fact that their
railroad policy hat lost them the friendship of
Western Peunsylvanta, and thinks the only
way-to correct the matter is for the Pennsyl
vania Company to thoroughly identify Welt
with the prosperity of this part of the State.
We are heartily gratified to know that one at
least of the Philadelphia papers has diseov
ered that there is a Western portion of the
Commonwealth, and that it has Interests
worth attending to. If that city had pur
sued a proper course ten years ego, she might
now be enjoying the beeefite of the trade of
this section almost without a rival. -
Rev. Mr. Laurie will deliver the closing
lecture of his series 'pen Bell, in the Uni
versalist Church, on . Sabbath evening next.
We had the pleasure of listening to' his leo
tore last Sabbath, and although it did not
correspond with the views we have been edu
cated to believe upon the subject, we freely
hear testimony to its ability end earnestness.
Mr. Laurie is a deep thinker, as well as im•
presslva'speaker, and he gives to every topic
which be dismisses, a freshness and attractive
ness which renders his addresses peculiarly
interesting. •
When the adroit political gymnast who
misrepresents this District in Congress wu
roiling Democrats in his electioneering
speeches, and bindly declaring that to op
pose the Administration was treason to the
Goverment, he little expected the chalice he
desired to first's to the lips of Democrats
would so sous be pressed to his own. The
boot is on the other leg now, and we are
anxious to see how the tricky Booleld will
wriggle out of it. He and his radical die
union friends are the As ones who fail to
sustaiathe Administration, and according to
their former assertions, must all be rank
The following ere thi aftpliostione that wilt
be aside to the next court for Ibienee to Fell
liquor: Hotel—Henry Hitt, Fasblngtro Tp.;
B. N. Fuller, North Batt; M. H. Fos, Corry;
Oakley & Bro., Corry: A.- ReiT , inson,. Edit
boro ; A. Martin, Girard Jas. Harrigan,
Corry ; 'Jas. Kelley, West 'Ward, Erie ;- E. B.
Hoyt, West' Ward ; P. Hume, Harbor erect ;
8. W. d; -A. B. 'Linen, Corry ; J. G. Hunt
ingdon, Corry ; Wilson & Merriam, Corry.
Grocers —John. Fox. Cony ; W. T. Boyd,
Uolon ; P. A. thinker, /East Ward; Joharoa
& Brevlllier, Eut Ward.
The dullest season of the year it at hand,
and business of all kinds is dormant. The
stagnation of trade in the oil regions has ta
inted our city to• vs
From nsiderable
prevent prespe , we anticipate that
business will hardly revive until the opening
of navigation. A largely increased trade is
expeeted,at our harbor next season.
The schooner Bonnie loon, seised by the
United States authorities at this pert, for
alleged violation - of the Revenue Laws, has
been released by the 'action of the Court at
Pittsburgh. Col. Bradt conducted' the case
on the part of the owners of the -vessel, and
the legal okin displayed by him is warmly
complimented by the Pittsburgh papers.
The Corry Telegraph says Mr. Robert
Tompkins, late of the Watertown (Wis.) Re
pp6licsn, has arrangements for com•
mencing the publication of a new paper in
Corry, to be anti•Densoorstio in politics. Our
impression is that the newspaper business is
overdone in this section, but if any parties
are wiling to risk their time and money in
further undertakings, we are willing that_
they should have a fair chance.
The colored exhibition in Pamir Hall real
ized $160,60 of which $47,50 were required
to meet expenses, leaving a net profit of
$lOB. Of this, $9B were presented to Mr.
Ham Waters, for when benefit Om ooneert
was given, who—the colored donors ay—"as
soon as his surprise and enaction would perr
mit, responded in as sicquent speech."
A proniinent statesman once said it was the
hardest thing in the world for a public wan
to keep a consistent record. To pollticlani
like Mr. Scofield, the matter is easy enongh.
Their tergiversations are so netoriene, that
they need only persevere in being consistently
inconsistent to preserve their reputations Com
B. W. Lacy, Esq., formerly a prominent
Democratic lawyer in Warren. has eommenteed
the practice of his profession in:Philadelphia.
The many friends of Mr. Lacy, in our county,
will be pleased to learn that, through Tome
successful operations in oil territory, he has
become a man of considerable wealth.
The business of the McHenry , Rouse, at
Meadville, the Republican states, last• year
amounted to twe hundred and fourteen dm
sand dollars, with only fifty six rooms. The
dinners alone amounted to forty three thou:
sand dollars, and the lunch room at the depot
toot in sixteen thousand.
In Chicago they era using a gas msautat
-tared from crude petroleum, eihdah is giving
much eatiefaction. The Post says the light is
fully four times greater than that of the coal
gas, and it can be made at a Tory much lope
wt. •
The Patent Weather
,Strip, of willeh P. W.
Koehler, Esq., bait the agency, is one of the
beet thiogs if the sort ever introduced. It
will save double its east in dootors' bills and
fuel, and should be applied to awry house in
the - Country.
Mr. flooaeld thinks with suffrage the as
groesimay in oottreeof time bottoms Olmsted
to a level with -- h imself. We sincerely
trust that whatever may befall the Meek race.
they will never suffeesuch a *amity, es that,
.. Mr, A. C., Schnell, formerly, of this oily,
who, for corns time past, bas been engaged in
the• furniture 'rids at Warrec, has dimmed
of his Mutinies there, and taken up his abothi
in other parts.
The amount of $70,82 was solleetedia Park
Church, on Sunday moving, for tbe,henitit
of the city poor. Let
,every oeogrigation
imitate this laudable movement. a
Crawford county bee 851 eestmon cahoots,
62 %este tetchy., 487Ttena15,•7,68 male, sad
7,004 female eisholare.
Tea Catty R. R. Paorityr.:=Onr readers
are generally farilliar 'with the tic!, that the
Atlantio.h Great, Weiler" R R. Co. have fur
soreptiese been Beekbits new rots ty: ;which
to extend their line from the 'seaboard to the
WO3l. ' Tkey have at length bit upOtt a Alin,
the essiiitiattetibires of which aro thus stated
by a coteeiperary : •
"There is to be a oontitinous narrow gauge
line from the cities of flew York and Philadel
phia, to •Claveland, Cincinnati and Da3tor,
and other points to or with which the Atlant:c
d Great Western Railway Company may have
access or connection.' From Cleveland three
is - already a narrow gauge, in addition to the
wide, ost the Mahoning Railroad, and from
Dayton to Franklin narrow gauge rails will
be laid inside the Wilb:gange to isthe case
on the Idshoning Railroad. From Franklin
the new line is to be built tirough Venango,
Clarion, Jefferson, Clearfield, Centre, Union
and Ntretkumberland counties, to the Western
end of the Catawisea Railroad at Milton,
under the charters of the Northern Central
and the Lewisburg, Centre and 13prnoe Creek
Railroads will also be narrow gauge. Thence
the route will be over the Catawissa Railway
to Tamaqua, down the little Echuylkill, (now
oontrolled by the Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad.) and over the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad to Philadelphia. The New
York line will leave the Reading Read at or
near Port Clinton by a branch to be built by
that Company to Topton on the Basil's. road,
thence over the latter read to Allentown, and
to Easton _-•by an extension of the East Pa.
road. From Easton it will proceed to N. V.
by the Morris and Essex Railroad; which is
to be extended from Hackettstown, (Its pres
ent terminus,) to Easton.
"The line from Franklin le Milton is to be
built under the direction and control of the
A. &0. W. Co., which, in fact, owns it. The
Catawissa Railway and the Morris and Essex
are !sued for nine hundred and ninety nine
year', the Cleveland, Mahoning, NeW Lisbon
and Oil Creek Railroads for ninety nine years,
and the agreement with the Philadelphia and
Reading and East Pa. Railroads is' also to
continue for ninety nine years. The unfit
lobed links in the narrow gauge line from
New York and Philadelphia to Cleveland and
Dayton are to be commenced in six months
from the date of the contract. and to be com
pleted by- theist of November, 18d9. The
29th „claim iethe agreement states that it
-baba t(be *fleet of the agreetnint to furnish
MAI" murk facilities for freight
and peseenuers to and from Philadelphia and
New York, East and West, It b-hereby agreed
by and between the Atlantia& Great Western
Railway Company, and Philadelphia and
Reading Railway Co.. that whenever the
&Gagne of Philadelphia and the citizens of
Pennsylvania shall together provide and fur
nish one half the sum of money necessary to
build and equip a satisfactory line of steamers
to run between the ports of Philadelphia and
England, then and in such event the said At
'antis and Great Western Railway Company
and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Co. will each furnish one-half of the remain
ing sum therefor.'-"
The Peen'a !It.' R. Co., for reasons beet
known to themielves, are vigoronely opposing
this scheme, and have taken the question of
its, validity' to the Supreme_ Court, where a
decision will soon be given. Whatever may
be the result, volumene hesitation in ea; iog
that the sympathies of a vast majority of the
public are with the - A. & 6. W. Co in the
easiest. A new route between the Nast end
thp West is imperatively needed, and the en
terprise heretofora displayed by the latter
company gives assurance that it could be
placed in no better hands than theirs.
News of the Week.
The Queen of England has more Catholics
under her lemperal sway than the Pope, and
mere iduiselmea than the Sultan.
Judge Field, of the Supreme Court, st Wash •
ingtoa, ?Gamily received a letter from Cali
fornia, which enclosed an infernal machine.
When exploded it was found to contain eight
large sluts.
A political tight, in which sixty portions
took part, has occurred at Richmond, Ey.
One man was killed, two mortally wounded
and seven seriously injured.
Hon. John Bell. of Tenn., is writing a , Ee
ries of letters on national politics, which ap
pear in the Louisville Journal. He is very
severe upon the Northern Disunionist'.
It is understood that General Butler's reply
to General Grant is nearly finished, and will
soon appear with the Imprint of a New York
publishing house. It is said to contain some
sharp hits.
A party of 400 fillibusters recently crossed
the Rio Ortmdti 'from Texas, and captured
Bagdad. in Mexico, with its In perial garri
son of 150 men. The French war vessels in
the harbor fired on the fillibusters, and it wee
reported that 1,300 Imperialists had left Mat.
amoral to attack them.
Brigadier General
. Bing, eomtqandant of
the post of Augusta, Ga., while riding near
the oil, aeoompaaied by his wife and . Baug h.
ter, lady and gentleman, was stopped by
highwaymen and the party well, robbed of
three horses.
Brigham Young, backed by all his people,
is urging the admission of Utah into the
trnicin as a State The Territorial Committee
have the matter under consideration.
. •
Gen. Sheridan, says a Washington special,
has been instructed to pars stop to the law:
!ensues/ now so prevalent along the Texan
By order of the War Department, aIV per
lobs, 'both -Government employees snd citi
zens, who were at any time in the rebel ser
vice, have been b mished from Fortress Mon
roe and its vicinity. This is owing to the
at tempt alleged to have been made lately to
rescue Jefferson Davis.
Governor Stone. (Rep.) of lows, was in
augurated on the 11th inst. The Governor in
his message advocates negro suffrage, and
opposes the admission of the . South without
" guarantees "
..The homestead of Henry Clay . , consisting of
three hundred and twenty five acres, had been
"archaised by the Regent of the University of
Kentucky for $90,000.
General Grant expresses the opinion that
the necessities of maintaining a large military
force in the South no longer exists, and while
he desires to keep there an army sufficient to
quell all outbreaks that may occur, he believes
that a Material reduction can be made with
A number of women In" Mississippi have
formed themselves into a 4. Ladies' Southern
Aid Aseociation," a breach of which In to b.
established is each of the late rebel &Rif 9. to
raise a fond that will place the wife and chil
dren of Jiff. Davis above the possibility of
want of dependence.
It appears- from an official 'statement that
the total number of men who have received
zespeetively> $4OO, or $BOO, or $lOO bounty
during the war wu 1.780.840, amounting in
the aggregate to nearly $801,600.000: The
total enlistments during be wat were 2.461,-
000 men, of whom upward of 731,000 re
ceived no bounty. •
• A correspondent of the New York Times
cenfradiota the report, that President John
sores brother died from the refusal of rebel
rurgeons to attend him. Re says that there
wan as physloian st•Velasco when Ar. John
sea wu wounded, and that the people shewfd
him every mark of respect.
Washington telegram says : The threat
snag demonstration made on Senator Wade,
of Ohio, on Wednesday night, was by _a man •
well known to anothei Senator. and. upon
whom be nailed a short time after leaving Mi.
Wade; but not in the way of meanie. The
offender Is from Massachusetts, and his here.,
terore"been'ln tremble, both hen and
.where.' What a fine 'Chance it would have
given for the Abolitlealets tb treat, if hi had
been from the South.
Lord Clarendon has terminated his corr.W
nendencei with Minister Adams , ' upon thi
Shenandoah denredttions and. indemnity
question. He declares - that oared 'Tee
eel depkrted during the witr from a British
'flirt to , cruise against the commerce of the
United States, and throughout all the difficul
ties of the civil war In the United States the
British Government have steadily and honest
ly discharged all the duties incumbent on
titenc,ne a neutral power. and have never' e.
ivistod from the obligations imposed on them
by latarastloaal law.
The Meeon (Go.) Joannl mentions i item
her of negro outrages in that vicinity. 411g4
Wiibur. found mend nevem; .In soldiet
clothes- on Sunday slaughtering his hogs!i
Ile followed them to camp, but was tired
upon and driven of. The same night Utiles
negroes (miscalled ooldiers)vrent to the Louse
cf Scary Champion, where they ravished a .
young lady and destroyed all the beds and
furniture. They threatened to till Champion,
but he hal prudently concealed himself. They
then vent to Milton Massey's, and attempted
an outrage upon his wife, but she snetweded
In eluding them. Attempts at inch outrages
are frequent in that vicinity since the repo
regiment his heed. stationed there, and or
dinary outrages and dealings ere of daily
The Raleigh (N C.) Standard says that a
few days ago a squad of negro treiiptivisited
.Beaufert, and fur the disorder Created were
arrested by the pollee end takes to -port
Macon. The negro - troops at the fort threat
ened and disarmed the police. and 140 threat
coed to torn the gone upon the town. The
same ' , soldiers" Went to the hones of a white
citizen, not far from the fort. and while the
man and hie wife were held they ravished the
daughter—s girl of fifteen years. 'Another
squad wept to another house and attempted
the same Crime on s'ohild of ten years. Sour
of the villains will be identified.
The Secretary of the Treasury transmits to
the Howie a report stating that the entire de
crease of our mercantile marine during the
war is ascertained by diligent Inquiry not to
exceed 901,466 tons; whereof 800,808 tone
were transferred to foreign flag., 1'041,101,168
tons were destroyed by pirates of the'anglo
rebel sort. Thin Is less than one-fifth of the
whole tonnage of the United States. The
Secretnry expresses a decided' opinion scaled
allowing the reissue of registers to American.
vessels which, during the war, were sold In
order to escape the risks of capture.
The impression prevails to some extent
that nearly oi quite all the distiaguished
personages who were active rebels have been
pardoned. It is stated by the Washington lie
publican that nearly 1,200 applieetions are
now upon the President's table, most of which
have been there for several months. Seven
hundred of them fall under the $20,000
clause. The remainder are classified as fel,
lows: Members of rebel congress, 86; ex.
United States army officers, 182 ; rebel gene
rals, 127; prominent rebel civil officers, 82;
ex officers of the United States navy, 116.
Antall() MONTRLY.—The Atiantie for Feb.
roars, Ticknor & Fields, Publishers, Hasten,
has been received. The contents and eton•
tributors ere as follows: English Opinion
on. the American War, by. W. M. 1149Iiiii;
Two Pctures. by J. G. Whittier; The Freed
man's Etory, I, by William Parkes; The Or
igin of the Gypsies, by G. W. Hosmer ; Pima,
sages from Hawthorne's Note Books, 11, by
the late Nathaniel Hawthorne; Court Cards,
by Charles James Sprague: A Landscape
Pointer, by Henry James, Jr. ; Riviera di
Poneate, by James yreeman Clarke; 'Dr
John's, XII, by Donald .0. Mitchell; The
Chimney Corner for 1866, 11, by Mrs. H. B.
Bowe ; Three Mouths Among the Recoa
etruc:ionists, by Sidney Andrews, ("Dixon,"
of the Boston Advertiser;) Reviews and Lit
erary Notices..
Gonst's Lent's BOom.—The February num
ber is one of•the most -magnificent Issue of
this popular monthly. In addition to the
usual splendid steel plates, it contains the
fellowing engravings •A superb color fashion
plate. A picture in tints, "Drifting with the
Tide." An original 'design of a stinting pic
ture. A winter walking nit. Walking eos
turn() for a
_young lady. Evening dress and
robe dress, origin al .designs . Four designs
for fashionable dresses. Two designs
for ppere hoods:' Four fashitisableeloak pat
terns. Crochet aid embroidery patterns. Six
new styles of bonnets. Dresses for boys and
girls. 'Aprons and sleeves. Book martian.
Braided shoe bag. Pear shaped pin cushion.
Garden mitten. Knitted muff, eto., ete.—
The price of the Deck is $3 per year, bat we
will procure it. for any subscriber to the Ob
server for $2,60.
OLD aLtAILD.—This lionibly publication
commences the year mach enlarged, and with
an unusually able list of eentributers It is
devoted to the support of the old time princi
ples of the Government, but while its articles
are chiefly of a political nature, ii does not
whol'y ignore matters of a lighter tort In
the February number' will be commenced an
original romance of-the war, entitled " Ber.
the Seeley, the heroine of the Old Dominion,"
bye distinguished Southern writer: The Jan
uary copy contains a splendid steel aiming
of General Lee.
Ladies who are suffering from certain com
plaints known only to females, should at Duce
get Dr. Velpau's Female Pills. • They produce
a most charming effect Sold by all druggist&
• jal
Pinar. :...•.4.811,60613. 6 h '
Wheat; 2,00062 X
Corti, 15480
Rye, 1,0
Oats, ' 60
Barley, 100
Inas, . ' 2,60
Potitoes, 85
Reams . ....1,60432,00
!Mewl Apples, 3,00
Batter, 35640
Lard ^4322
Cheese, Iva°,
Mime 25%28!
Tlmo , h7 Seed,. 500 '
CloTer Seed, P 67 6,00
N E W F111.2!It
A zee (Li has aissetated with himself in tht
G RY BEr 13' I N S 8
Of Nn th Sprinstleld; Pa., and hopes Dr tecressed
ties for dant hipkwas. Si) harem finnan of the -
patronage already given by the
Ma shall =eke it a speciality to
WttL evarything they mod is the Eatable Lbw The
public cur &paid on the
F IgBLi ciimoi PAS* WOO MALI.
The undersigned oilers ler soh d. Psrm 1118a:bet
Cre k tp., on the Balblo road, 4)f mime from trio eltj,
and halts miloltom WintlerMlo, adjoining that of Ben.
jainin Chamber'. It contain. to acres of superior laud.
well watered, level and In es I tat, order. A large or'
chard of grafted fruit !eon the priunililla 'h. lialro"'
menti consist of a new temente awe INrelteif Bhp
two good limns and at the seelliary eat balidlno.h-
Teri= of payment will be sun. Apply to
' er 9: A. DAVENPORT, "•
dec141.5 m. lite
F AItDI labkl L
The anderatgaed . elm for Este Ida imitable Para to
Harbor Creek rp on the Lake Road, about 9 miles from
Erie. and 2 adleatreil Harbor Creek station. It contains
81.icrea oTFtrat clue bad, about 9¢ of wklsk are ateared
seethe Wants welt timbered. The Improemeents sou
ohat alio good name Helier; two good rem. sem;
sad all the parasztri ostbdUps. An eiteTtent or.
Chain!! ta on the premises. A atmun et water , ruse
througb the Farm. Terms a meta will be Neg. 'Kuhr
of .Tosefdi McCarter, Lrie,Pa.. or of
JOSEPH MoCAHTEIt. ass.' , - -
jest 41n• ' "Os the preniume
Mintll.lBoN de DllllBlllDila.
- ..• .•
• • " ni
CLOVER, TlltOrla SEED, ka. -
1(08. 501 AND 504, FRENCH STREET,
- Betinel lithAn4 Stresta;ll/4 Fa
ha v ol4 l ,7=V7 , 4 l =lo . 6fr iskti t ,
bred for sold on wry roamosablo tiross„ if wil i
er for
Tnutr• of
ocaribl. WS. A. GAMUT% Agoit.
forty Minot otTloo. adiptod to mond sod secalar
logeo.lor IMO to MO each. Mb-me gold or dim.
numies, or paw Ord Drouguismi
lek FloirdodASolo: Mu=
tr i ted Catel how Adar NABOLO 111AELE4
B as t o yorlialON lIMMMIN Nov Yid: • -
Thou Wen,. ' 20
Eirtra. 40
Mackerel per bbl No 1..11,00
1 10,00
White TEA, Bair bb1...9,00
Cod Fun. per cot 9,40
lamp Oil, par gal. 1,00
19 On Oil, per gal -—SAO
Lard Oil. per gal- gal._. ..
Ten Oil, gal 2 40
Petroleum per
Wood. bard, per cord .. -T.OO
W0044:64" 00
Pork. lees% heavy.. :31.00
515 FUN= 87. US. P 4
Jilt owed. ,
tnillib Drones; Mort Pattern, Wow stria 3 ply ingrain find all Wool laTralo. at Ei,.90 v : Pus
Dnintseurd roll Clotho, Deep Oaroato of I , to Bawl Del Deana Palma Cons VALUns, Floor Oil
oaks. al glow. dying and widtta; stair (DI Cloth. tuary: Oil Cloth b y the sheet. Large
mega to earn a largo room without pining. Velvet Ran and Nana cases
and UAW* Door Dana Star Damns and Bode, AU stela Gilt
- and !Isla Window 310edn, Boland Gran Due ilk
liollandolor anodes. all width.
Milert new
The seabot Wag out. Cone and lee It. Ithieet Wised Brossld lined°. Condon, c ur t a i n g oo ks, m um
Nally Iheeele,Cords, Any to. trecrthke la We Use as be fogad here. • SiVeatUd aelortmeat
Kettinglimi fame by tb. yard. Ittolgtot Mersa for 1111 insta—eboarn than gob. Yalta. gob. Woelln also. Lies
lids iiabdiotin Lao, tor VIRMA" Wisdom; with rode and natant. The largest &mamma of
wan and Window Papor In the town,
Ths largest assartmeat of Llama Goods is this market at prime that defy competition. Llama Bleached Tele
Llama 1.5( yards wide, at VA per yard. We ma show them goods la all grad my from the sparsest to the Blast
Doable Damask. Napkins, all styles mad prices. Ws hare a job lot of this. goods at 83 per doses, all Liam,
whtsbwecaasHartbmatpiasaltralathe market.
Ilasktatalt asd Duo's& Lbws. aprondid Raeksbask To cols at $2,60 pot dos, an lawns. Elegant Iluakestek Tow
ells& Wombs& I L oz;a ystd, ! C's wide, at aloft"' row price of 55 eats. Lions, *Moeda; Wass.
Math* Pillow lama; Ms.. Cie- Geste: Ladies' sad Canasta's Laws Sandlot
.= lola. • good, all lloas, Haadkezeklef at dos.
• , •
Grata, Ladles, YlllOlll4 Bojo and Chlldietes Cott)* aid Wool Ron*. all rises. Mt best stock in town. A good
I Cotton ROM at 26 eta. per pets'. Wiater Mane for Everybody.
keeled Ware, Pillow Mulles, ks Also, a wood stook ot Noodle Goodall. low prime. We
6616 66 Dew cook il k alloy almanac to to Imp a larva stock at Vanishing GOods. C6ll beton all the bftrzslai
an take'''.
No 7 Heed Hoses Ski*,Me, Pe.
Or The above is ander the supervision 0( Kr. t. H.6ffiawOLD, ark is Inn titans in eds visialty.
C iNuLicaauts,
Would take tlde method of literate( his Masks
i te= soil the patine "moony kir their liberal
hatetoftnir Wielded to him, and hopes to hare
a nentianation d the same. I take pleasttro to tahmennt
the pabile that I calling
any Hones In thleplase, and I am still maiden the
best qualities of Gents" Boob sod Shoes, for which I - ein•
ploy now but the SST of Weßillitioutaer thelinpie.
(*tandem* of 0." MUM
Satins obtained a license to ue the
I ant saw prmparod t. maim Uss Plainertest Soots
and Shoes la a manner not to be in Style sad
Workmanship. .
Er I alines hasp Ols band a esleation of the best
Brandi Mr e rim& and amerlemaCallimd gips.
P. B.—limpairiss attended to.. , ynr17144/.
54)0T, A.N.D eao:z STORE,
State Street, Nearly Opposite tha Poet Osas.
I. Co hltn, Boot and Shoe Dealsr.
lahmta the Palate that he
nas removed his stood to tbeStaro loos
ea State stmt. nearly a te the Post
Ono% where kolintion aUppella his old Mond' sad eastotoore
to Sin him a Atli. Particular attention even to
glaitie illegal* workmen, aad aaperiateniling all his
badneesihtmalf, he believes ha can Site ae rood s&tWhO
tbs WI at as low prim as any other perms le the
atty. good Pits Warranted. • aprelett,
Save Lep and extesslye aseortaisat of Stoves at
holesale and alma
Is • lest-class Cosa Cook Store. with or without reser
rob, for hard Or so ft trail, or .sea, sad Is
We al o utasefeetere the
Both to MOIR Ooel Cook Ittowes—wito wood grate.—
oui be used linker ter coal or wood.
its are stRI sisaufsetartsg this eeibtorstoi tow ores
atom for vood—witi•or eithest reeserols.
4. Low Oren Ston for Wood This is a now Stove,
boauldfal doalirs, u 4 sow for sala—torstar wink
• largo desortarast ef olwrated Ora Cool
Parlor Cook for wood or cad, sad Parlor ,
. dad 0566 Storms, for wood or coal.
Ins. Jae. U. till—ti.
Pale aad Ascher XX and XXX Ales,
Th. Bait Quality and Meal Varieties of Lager,
Trine Selected Meese Hope,
711 e Choicest Quiltiss ot Watt aad Parley,
Oa Med rad sad los Ws by
Wasl4 rasposthilly $a
ileibh= the pullet that thq bs
ed• ,
11.12VILli . lIITH AHD. lOU Emma,- OH HUM
IMA. tbq 'stead •• Imp •aasba el tly Cu band • DM
- asiodesel
WI. raipsettally aidleit • gen thoPabilemst.
rompl.H. MILD
-11441%Y R. w. mood% .
N iw FIRM.
W. A E— R 0 0 id 131
. Oa Mate Bt., Wawa &math aad MAMA.
labiabon bare Wind tato tbs o w.tYakial..d
Aad praposo main to radar ad braplag aomtaatly
bead a" biadp al Parattam.
:Mart TUI Ombra prompt &Mottos. Mpartas dlorm
am idiot BMWs.
Moo abrarilion will sin olpoolal Samara to W. ito
grt atir balsa. Tbaritill mundlidaro sad
eadiai i ra hal I larpi asoattsaa of Natalia
Cam sad sae bola ttaaridar is mama to
moot anion la 11., promptly, tiras a u Fr it of tho
waste?. Dotonaisi4 to Irate a• aforto ta
an boa Is as wisagolflateff: Frau, asp
irapo to Nara a lamoi,
Saiariatt „ Istarasso Os J. ILlt!Tar;
Paragon Banding, No; SO Zaftig Park Mu%
III!, Pt.
All Oblast sleet `` of raildoesbis Goads for tie BOUM
now *pal at tbo old Aida. The lu
asset variety of dosiroblo rid dad
GOLD MED OtLYU datlteLifl. Man VAZIS.
And Fancy Cleo& geonslly ern aim! Is MIA ells, et
peal minim Call sad as..
N ., 0 Z, .1 .O a .
_ .
She et tieaeatio — onale lemma Geopmay
or Phil fy metes bees. Usieferred fres tearehig
itio to flees. Midis hated% ell roma to
w* ise vishiatie be t eared la add Canner will sell
ea WhUldlo is Geate. at the ash... W el the Coos.
Crime: UN ewe et (troeteed.ehrietioa &Rath, Sete,
jeklas, Gee. Afoot' Americas Lib Immo Oa
CiLtWl i fikillo CUTS & OHRIMPIAN,:
' Nam fa
Deisd sad Sealed hulls. Mkt sad Of.,
• ' Skip Cheadle/ft Boat Ilteass, is.,
Ilse, Plane Doak, foot Stitt atm;
Intl. Pk.
:NIL A. ca
41 mitraw - N. =IMF
Sidril •' I. Mei r. -
• s.
TUB GREAT ENGLISH 11.101101 f.
Ir ROYAL •'//:i
40' ; 4 PATENT I
Prepared from • Pneerlp•los of sir. J. Clarks, IL D,
Phydelaa Extraordinary to the Quin.
lii invaluable smelleine Is unfailing In tba cum of, al
those painful and 'Ungava' amuses to which the Isulais
constitution Is subject. It motletatts all imam and te
mores all obstnactimay sad • speedy mars may be rated
suited. It will. In • short Usk'fie kin on
rho monthly period with regularity.
Each Witte, pia One Dollar, been the Government
Stamp of Gnat Britain, to prevent coasterbite.
nem Pills Assad we be tam by blemoies arias , as
IHR37 VIRILE A/OISTRS of Prepusam r Ors sr
ears to bring on Jiliscarrisirs, bat s 4 aqt ether time they
ars Ws.
In oil mos of Kerma and Spinal Silectioaa, Palos In
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on elightexertion,Paipita
title of the React, lesteries and Whites, thaw Fills will
ebbe a sure when all other means hare failed: and al
though a powerful remedy. do not contain WOO calomel.
optimally or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full direction@ to the pamphlet around sash potluck,
'bleb should be carefully preserved.
A. 111113.
Sole Agent for the United States and
JOB 2104121, 27 Cortland' St. . Dior
N. 11.—51,00 and S postage sten:4o enclosed to any am
tbosiaedbgent, rlll insure a bottle, containing 60 rills.
Au sow receiving et their old stand, American Blocs
Mate sirset, a large and seperior stock at
Groceriscc Provisions, Wale, Liquors,
!Mow, Woods,. sad Stone Ware,
Fl nits. N ote. he, &a „
Together with everything found in a House of this
kind, which Ulu will mil sa cheap as any other estab
lishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country
They hays also On band one of the largest and hart
Stacie of Tobacco sad Segue ever brought, to Me, to
which they invite the attention of the utak.• Call and see as—a nimble Ileums Is better the
• aUw 'Meg,ing ooassqu the atly Cash buyers will Bad gnat
Merges by call at
June 1.110-62 , f. & I[. SCIRL ATM AIM .
I 3^11073
Its nntlanivied ban open i • new Gram !tom cua
" 37 "" Of f it2 . I24 B DUD H G7, B2 11°A1
Alm they intend keeplng a hilt rankly at
name Notio.a, Willow Ware, Onifectionariu g
Tobacco and agars.
And oyorytidag nasally aa hand in an oitildlattimat
et the sort.
Always on bead a stoek M Frlish Oysters of Softest
Rao* M lor,st market prices.
Wo a» datoradood to otter am good edetereests ea aey
other deeleri to the sty, sad Invite the ppahile to eel 4,
eenadeet that we out glee entire a tlaetietioa
dee1441641 P. A. lifltßarit a UM
I tab plasm, to azooanaiso to the public that I
kart addsd to sty former faollt"tios a couplets matt of
HUI& will suable um to osuullhotars sod wU Boats , isul
Shoos °
Having had loogosporisoeo sa to the wilds of mud
mom I dall take opoeisl pains in prowls( say @toes u.
suit than.. I have the szclosios right ia this ell) lo
make So
for the bonen of my customers. and only mat UV. of
thou, to eetliry aay one as to their tope** combat imor
those =ado in the old way.
The Plumer Boot needs no braWng in; it is so way
treat the start u one worn for some eats.
WM melee my arm and Kra. COMB% ersecial at
biction—amnblolne BIM -ae workmen 'bk.!' cannot Si
exaellad In the country. Boots and Show remand on
short notice. Constantly on hands large ■taek et
Tendartig toy thankt to toy Mends and enstonters for
past patronage, I hope by Jost and bonorable dealing to
mutt • *antinomies of the mne, and cordially twits all
to tan and sentalne say dock Wan*We.
witoizausi • arran. SILL= 111
No. $ Pm Block, Mats Street, fez* Pena's.
Constantly on band • large stook of
Fags, Laitines, Galician'. ille
AU of .hMb he oberbrir be
oaB6 OR PROM?? - P•T.
1111, P•.
r&ill MOWS Plfrnele.
tiro tootaabootarytho utile of Jolla Cranky.
died, Lb o 1 Harbor Crook tp., trio Nasty. hoofs(
born grastott to the oodorsirstal; Who 4 boreby gives
to all toarbtod to said seats to sake tamest" pay..
soot, and Woo haying olabos look tbo lam TM
promot Moo, daly sotboatioatod. fbr kattliaioat.
111011ARD HM,lnanSiorilko.
. NNW:Crook, De 5.21,11111401