The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 18, 1866, Image 1

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    w ar, W LEK LY OBSERVER.
••1)3«F o'l4 BrILIII.118, " STATIC STAN'S?,
Ws t••••••IF Tak i r..r Orrios.
.):!!•,!"1"-- TVO DOl.lOO l Asa Firm DrSr9 rPT
„.cr u ; altnnoe ; Dat.fros if n,t
u;•1 (Intl of tto 'year. Sabscribers
r :;„.1 etri,er will be cluage.l Firrs Gists a
in. square of Ten Lines one In.
; two .e erii.ons $1,^,0; three inner:
on . $2,50 ; two months $01,64;
rt• - telthas7,oo;one year $1200;
,th,r s! ,.,„,,i.e t nenta to proportion. These rates
:her:: to, unless c.b.awip; gpeciral .
op' iee or the pubitshent. Audi.
strtys, Divorces and like r..ivertlee
-41: A I , lliniatrator's Notices $3,00; Local
l'%•° cents , : line; ilarriage Notices rwitrinr
rTeeo; Obltuary f.overtbree Bete
Ere rent+ pet !ine. Original poetry, till.
r•que , t of the editor, one dellaz
101 a !ve-ti..e -tents will be eoptinaed itt
advertising, until ordered
t, L'. ~dint, unless a specified period le
'or their insertion.
r4isti s,; —We _bare one of the best Jobbing
rY cd are ready to do all work In
NatruFtea to on, In etas] style
itYn ..t °Amide of the largest eines.
c shoal.] be addressed to
Fidttor sod Proprietor.
.... mt rememisammalimeolleeelleemminesinexi
Business Directory.
+. ATTORTIT RI clime
ieo practice in adjoining Conntier
-••• A rr vZ• AT Lew, nittszd,Erio County,
• Y
bekneas attended to Atilh
iniTm u E,
{r.r.P.TPCT AT LATT, In Wilke?* Of.
cwt. lit Pa. • auB 7'82
- r
e'.og 11:1.1.1a and Delfor in Stationary,
Noy/Taper., &e. Country dealers
r.12.0r Lrown's liotel,fronting the Park.
uLti 31110104
COV jou'
Artor.:ll.Ts Jon) NBILAT LAW.
star Sorth Wert corner of tho
pl1i! , 0 FIF.NNETT.
JriTICS or THI PEACH. Offtee second
Rock, irecell Street, between nth a.nd
tune 16-2.
SIN A: .WI Oil' R.
kTrwo. ina AT LAW. Ridgway, Pa.
Ccneron and Jerson counties.
ti,11.rd..5-10] W. ffe
or ram Pram, Paragon Blank,
Gras of Fic - rsr Elsa, Klil/. Pa
rit,trr Cr Lw AND Jrniell OP ?HE 'PWAcr.
Con ,, yancer and Collector,
tin anlthieat corner of Fifth and
p1.3'65 t
, hal n hand a taro aaaort
•;drcvnok. Wood sad Willow Ware.,
Sezarg, &.0 , to which he re
, rir,l's 11.:: , : ltina of thepubitc, &Vaned that
M can be had in any pert
ma r30'65-1
iiiSrPACTCRIRB StO am Zagines,ll3tlsat,
implements, Ballrozid Ctrs,
♦r LAir—Offieeon Othatrett,
th.Cc,r: litglEC, Erie, Ps.
I'. LIP Eng.
r, fiv,:gtre, Glue, Seed. Planter; 04, car-
Square, Prie, Pa. iariti•
ra-•_ •••,•.• Fro::ch. Fine irorree and Car
111 . iND STABLES,
iTC.T.? God H rue sod Carrinqes
hz 3:er.te prices. 5ept.22,1465-1y
Prorkinnig Floor and vekt, "Wood and
WlnPF,,l.,:quors, Tot s.llo, Swam Stcto
1 - "an;'• liorußß Furninttintr,
rn r7'6s—tf
.T 1 %NJ KirSSLEft,
Pol'er in Grace , 'lee, Pro4lee, Prost' r,
I :'t.nro, Wnre, Wines, Llquors. &c.,
ip,lite the l'onteace, F.e.e, P.
Ilwrrisr, (Mee In Roten.
orth Atde, rit the Park, Erie, Pa- _3.
,EV:P4 11►ZKPP.\ liOVSK DI \I :A.
IT, PA.. 'Being Levity fittPd op In the m.rl t
'yle, in now Open to the public. Medlin Ft I tr
the nrrival of all i's.Aftuu,tor Tnkluq,
.play piKLEY aliOS.,rropri
BIY4TR, r24/TB Boon MANrrecrukira
tory of Rinderurebt's Mock, Erie, Pa.
111/'1'.111., 'Waterford, Pa-
ROTIZR7 Loot.tic. Ploptuotrox,
enottnodo•lona, mod careful otteotion aim; to
fort of goes :E4 apti'•
- .ir by
c,l} a Tbem.
T 1 WM LLDIN, M. U.,
! 9olr tre Bloat. Wed Para. Erie. Ps..
rhestlan k guth's gtore. Boaleenot
nee W.Mams, rilthStreet. Eaat of Fterich.
~ re-9 to 10 A.N., and 2to3P. N.
e•ethe Pennsylvania College of Dental Sor
el', Wright's Bleck, (over Viers
Ene, fa.
etrsaeNC• ar PIRMISION.
, 1. D. S , North I.eventh street, Phlladel-
B:-4 , t7han, 13. D. '3., No. 243, Vorth Nio th
S 0'; VI 3r., opposite Crittenden Hall
P 1 Cnllortious and all other legal haft
I•r,an¢n, Erie, Warren and Porrc
t. and promptly.
Gilbraith , Whitman & Breeht
9 ^D , rr .': Marvin, Erie, Pa.
Con. S. P.Jobnaon, W:D.Orowa
W.2.rr ,, n, Pa.
T I t E.
:1 . 144 ltr. W. Eherer are no longer
szents or othorwise, nor am I se
••t• I,.2r,..entatioes or actions whatever
duped I wish today that the s,'e
•,• ,t 1 ru ick4r & Co.'s Pianos tine the
nr,r/as los western Petwer Iva
I th• Alirgheuy ,un'ains, is in
w et say other person may say,
such instruments of any other
are liable to be estled upon for my
• '
44,1 I;
i‘or 1 1XcKREL BROIL and Darcy= t
tto. brit now PM>, and Maroc
Vtallog ten in PlClsltioe.
? , ..1....c.;.-I.lnlon Hilly Erie Co., Pa.
n. W. Grmscs Esq.,
Tr of r'mn-n•reial i •w.
-• I nnw ClarsiC:ration of A'-
" r
vtl:P. Ornamental aal Baal-
for 11.11 es anf Beata la ,
" - otrive t r•tl tf,r , 'late , tart, nr
'7: tol. ` nt ev. ry postible ntiz
c'A; n b *. :41 c trio ay . wlll tc
t ••ntnt, p•ar • jeal aid
•.. 4 cl: ,•• " Practielil Al
. 1— , mp'otr , t. Tor—s—Tnttf ,
t, • toi`..itt.g and greatest
r% . 1 . ' 7 " - r: 7 ": ECOND k TAIRD STA.;
' '41.1 A •
ia•ei tbenuelves, tinder
wo' S iil a In the Potters bud
on the canal, brtween 50L312
o! tt a ene'rner; of the old
of the publt generally', prmialelot
to glee per!-et rclefietlea,
GzO. F. WSF3B.
• won on Stats Streit.
hth %rteti, Ea.t S:d4 are or
r: tlrmr, if applied cc?
k.c: A I.ltßAlrif, Aaent
r, g,t.ate of Gri
tp Er Cfinnt•,
• I 1.q2141.1t N, - ,•,r0 in
" e:rarrn rnin.t tto
fr'T n•lre
:1;• ta: 0 0,1 to the itar:}* are rev:mated to
— " 4 "."t4 wiyatent.
Ell? Del. 11, 1 - - J.L. Bitonxixs,
>•Cir• Admialstlatorm.
DRAPOvDENT 11 9 a11 4 1 5RX 2 .4.-4,11 Vela: of
terer ttt,n restored to health in arm after
mizaw p•ara of minty, is willing to culla his *lasting
follotr-orefttur , ub, aerdint ort t h e nog,. IP• •,,r•
cubtpaid curelope, 4 copy of thejorise. 0
Vtre OtoplO'Od. Ditlat tO
JOHN /4 DIONALI,4Oi 181 Post OS*,
Brooklyn. N. 1.•
- •
()L 0 ftYIN 3A re faICW.—A paospidat direst- -
tog how to aprodFy motors sight sod (Iva up dos
tor o 4 ra +Bohm. drat by roan, (rte, oa barelpt of 111
until. Maraca F.. B. FOOTS, D.,
dui " 11 00 Broadway, Ng, Sort..
, . .
131 1111 AL CH.% A illat, as R u a, o f w asi d ar
Tand Inattnettnn tm Young 11.0 —pubtiabeeb,_ Him ,
and Annelidan, a d sent fneevf &wire In imadadMß* .
np,s. Address Dr. J.: 11111,1 N uormiT"
iiiroi ly. l'hils&lphia, N.
. ,
ivy StyarMN DEB, LITY. &nitwit W ea kne s s,'
n ba eared by one oho hal - enrsd Wesel aad amp
&oda or *them :ma tall-yoa &taking bat tbe truth':
A ddr•F/ • Ith ataolp,
.1..114157y. - • BOX 57, Boston, Yam •
--- - _
w x
ow - ir ig lerL
1 - 174Ft_ YTHING ridding to the Inman ayeteat, male
eun4 ' , meek: - the ulnae* •*ro • treatnieht of disease; the
marriage customs of the world ; hoe to
. 4 ,irry well. era{
a thousand things never published bekre, read amine.
vised pdterauged edithadt 4:katkovr thiMia;,
a curiou. b,ok for curious people, and a gad book tar
every one. 4020 pates; 100 llinatrationa. Prieto $1 SOL
Contents table e •nt free to any address. Rooks may ba
had :at thirbook @bum:or will be seat bg atall.Poit
paid, on receipt of the price. Address,
• IC. B. FOOTS, M. D.,
dm "• 114 liroada ay, New TOlt.
- .
To comkumPTl V FS. The advertiser having,
been. restore , : to health in a few week* by every
llMple remedy, alter havilg suffered several yearn with
a severe hang affeettan, and that draul dise na, Con.
sa.iption- e .is anxious to Fiske knows to his fellosr.iseU
lucre the leans arum- .
To lilt who it, he will send a copy of the pie.
sertption ae 1 , rte or charm) with the directions for
pr.,' 'rine mil 1,, , rr0g , the mane, which they wtli dad s
sure cure f Asthtot, Bronchitis, 0014
Cts,ghs, teo.'..ffe only ohjeet or the advertises in semi-_
lug the preseriptioete to !emelt the atnicted.and spread
Information which he conceive', to biluvenahle; sad he.
hnp--3 eserr watteter will try kir remedy, as it will coat nothing, awl may prove a Wonting.
Pattie', wishing the preser:ptien,ratz, by Peters ask
will pi. 0,0 Indr--as Iter. tnw WILSOY„
dee:B*6s-Iy. Wllltamsourgh, Rings Co., N. T.
TNR. M titi4HAELN DATA REM 14:11UPP.,—Th1I
11 SllCiff has thoroughly proved Keel( to be tbe best
article known for curing C , Corn IN TEN HUD
and linanacer. It has been found an excellent remedy
in many canes of Sonic Era's. D Nannies hu been niatrved
by it. and Heaton° hue often been greatly improved
Its nee. It Is frarrant and agreeable, and glees IMMO/.
RELIE • to the dell heavy pains caused by &emu
the FI, ad The sensations atter using it are deifebtral
and invigorating. It opens and parrs ont ob
structione. strength. ns the gland" and ere* • healthy
arlloCi to the parts affected.
',lore than thirty yearn of sale and use of Dr Merettalre
Catarrh and Headache Snot( ha* proved its vast rain.
for all the common 411Reases or the head, and at MY too.
meat it stands higher than ever before It le recommend•
ed by many of the best physiele Zll, and is used with Mat
Emcees and satisfattion evers where. Read the Oertikete
of Wholesale Druggist* to ltd 4:
The nodeiraiqued having for many years been 'equals
ted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and lieada•heihmeand
sojd in -cur wholi-nals trade, cheerfully state that ye be.
neve it to be equal, in every respect, to the ramesamenda
liens given of •t for the rare of Catarrh affeettoma and
t!,at It is decidedly the beat artlee we have our k n o wu
fov all CAMICISOI3 diseases of the Read.
Burr & Perry, Reed, Amain & Co., Brown, 'Limon &
Reed. Cutler tk Co., Seth W. Foyle. Witsoo, Patrtmk
Co.„Ro-tou ; Henahav, Edrrtaude k Co, li. R. 8..,
Porttand, He.; Rare & Park, A. B. & Lt. fisndS.Sttapbsa
Pan] k Co., Teazel Sftoor k en., NeCenon & Robbins. A.
L. Swell! t Co, U. Ward, Close k Co, Bush it Oa*
`:an York.
Far rate byall Drtggists. Try tt, " stip'2l•6s-ty.
quires tremertate attention and should b. ebee.kreL
O allowed to conking", irritation of the- loop, a peon av
ner.t throat Affection or an noontide lung dimension Often
th. result. Brown's Bronchial Troches having. &oat
irtiaence nn the parts, give Immediate relief For bran
aslherta, catarrh, coneamption and throat dieruee
Troches are us.d .Ith always good enecess. eingersaad
Public Speakerß will find Troches us ful in cleaving the
voice when taken becon sinning or s-eeking, and ream
the threat niter an uausaal exertion of tke Tocaforeaaa.
The Trochee are re^o3lM7ended and reseribed by pbyai
eane en' bare hal testimonials from eminent maw
throughout the country. iteirg an article or tro t s r ow%
and havino proved heir efft-rtcy by a tent nf many years,
fo, oh year nncle them in Lew localities in various parte
of the +-old, and the Troebea are universally pro.
Donne.. d h-tto- then any °thee, salon rbtaln only
" aroacbin Trochee," and do not take lay of
the worthless imitet,ne that may be offered. Sold in the United States, and in f .reign corm•
tries at 35 cents nester. jai t lea.
m v
These Mop; arc s sclantlbmily compounded Bald
r>paratinn, and better than any gills, powders or nos.
trims. Beta; liquii, their aatton Is direct as i positive.
rendetirg them a tellable, apiedv In.! certain ap•eids
tlie cure of all obattnetions and sappresslons of as.
tare. Their popularity Is indicated by Ufa ~ fict that
over 101,000 bottles are anon ally 211,1 sad co - awned. by
the lathes ot America'. every one of whom ■psaa 4a
t' a stroogost terms of . Flare of their great merlin,—
They are rapidly taking the plane of every other female
comedy, sr d ere eons dared by ell who Ivooarsopbt hy
them, as the slut*. safest and most prepara
tion in the world, for the ewe of all female oftesalaltits,
the remora( of MI obstruct acts of nature, and the pre
mot•on of health, regularity and strength. Crplfelt di
rections, ratios when they Easy be uved, and explain•
lag when and why they shenid not. and a veld notle
used wi heat producing-enacts amitetry to nature's , oho- •
:ma taws, will he (onset carefully folded around mob
bottle. with the. written signature at-John L. Wes,
itbout which mongers genuine. , •
Prepared br•Dr. JOHN LYON, 19t Chapel street,
New Haven,Conn,, who can be consulted either per
eartelir.-Or by letter, (enclosing stamp) eellelesanill aU
private diseases and female traumas/a, - •
Sold by Druggists every where.
C. G. CL ARK It CO.,
nl9'6 -1y Gen'l Agents for U. S. Cid Quads&
an 1073 ly
Cotoposel of bichly Concentrated - Extracts -from
Roots acid Fferbs of the grectest medical "aloeprepared
from the original prescription of the este'srated Dr. Tal
bott, ..nd used by him with _remittable aaaeeae for
twenty Team An totailible remedy to all DISEASES
of the LIVER, or ady 4°meg:intent of the DIGESTIVE
They Cars Dlsrrleces, Dyspepsia, See orals, Jaundice,
Biltousnese Ltver Complaint.
The wed-known Dr lfott says of these Pilts r "I have
need the tomtits from whole your Pitts are made, in
my rattle, fir over 1 1 yea-s ; thyhave the finest at
feet npoe the Liver and O•gestive Organs of any medi
cine in the ward, and are the most perfect Purgative
which has ever vet been made by anybody.. They are
rafa and pleasant to take, bat powerful to cure Their
penetrating properties rtlmulate the vital activities of
the body, rernoge the obstructions of Da organs, parity
the hood, and evpel disease. They purge out the foal
humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate
slogrish or disordered organs into their oilers! action,
and impart a healthy tone with strength to the whole
vetern. Not only de they cure the every day eonse
p elute , sf everybody, but 0150 f sad dangerstre
diseasse, end being purely vegetable are free from any
rirk or harm."
CLARY 11/1313
. .
They create pure blood and remote all impurities
fr , m the syetem, hence are a nnsitire cure for Fevers.
11.-.lftehe. Tiles iferconal Menages and Reredit try
Minim , . Doer—for adults, one Pill in the matting ;
fur children under 8 yenre, half a Pill.
Price One Dollar per 9or Trade Reapplied. or sent by
poet paid. to any part of the United States or
Cnnadas on receipt of price. Wane genuine without the
Nu-simile signature of V. Slott Talbott, Y.
V. tfOTT TALBOTT 4 Co., Proprietors.
0e5'66-ly No 62 Feltnu emit. New Tort.
trit WII.II Ca
RIS EVR.I 9 )1311111.001tA FOUL tHit 1141115 G
The original and Genuine A nbrovle is a prepared
be J. Allen Reeve. and le the best hair drought( and,pree
s,•reatlvel2olr In use. It store the hair 41111'8.'0st % .
nausea It to grow thick sad long , vat prrrehts It from
u rnln p-vraatnrely gray. It erallestee dandriff, dean
see, beautifies and renders the ki .1r soft, glosay ear
ly. Boy it. try it and be boredom& Don't be plat off
with.. spurious article. Ask fbr Reeves' Ambeosk sea
take no other. For ails by Dray/late and Deena to
Fence Gaols everywhere.
Vries la mate per bottle—Beyer I us. Addrese„
82 Fulton/K. ,Newr York Cit 7.
DRORS OF YOUTIL—A gentleums who Ina
, sutPred fd years from Nervosa Dablitty, Prema
ture Decay, andel the eft.ets of youthful laMeenetime,
wilt for the fake of uffnlng husualty, dad .bee to al
who nerd It. the recipe std direettcw* for **Wu the
simple remedy by which 'wog:rode Seeded wlehln
to per tb t the dlreetlasee undated*, as dos) by ed.
diesel:lf JOHN A. OGOItN,
dee2B 65 ly. jio.lB Chialbein at„ N. Y.
T ca
. .
THINGS,. BUT THCB.—ltreary 'mantled, sad
gentleaan in the United *tabu ems haw somettitig
rely 'awl to their advantage by retorts mil , Mee at
&argil bf addresifig the nadimdgeed. I n tonehaliat
to , not beivayttnakbeeted will oblige by net satiating this
mrd. Allptbete will pleas* admen their beediest MM.
ant, • " MON. T. CHAPLIN,
declffai•ly. ' • • 81G1 Detadersy. N. T.
• ,Elsooossoss to Ps - rgo J. 1101401,
140 its stui Cominfistoa Ilsreibutts" Wholeo& doston
in Anthmi iia and aititinillntl4 coal.- Amite for W. T.
k -4 4 Ponp4's LkLa Stumm. Pant Paths Dock
r *, To. , , , j504115.1y.
AG HINTS WANTICIII— $lO a Day lair Madre
.Ry - E , eavcoap., Cud Photographs sod
Oor Stationery Packet,* er:ell all ahem •
rub PActo contains paper, tarie:opva ii roma. Pecs.
'km, ant Jewel worth a dol'ar at lets . Moe ouly
r 0 rant.; tcp wilt rand agent‘ 100 Station. rr
andsWdieh for $l7. W• Oen putellali=
steel rogeritere and PortraTta, Ilthornali.ttrizalOglle
ve+y - alvelir and saletbit; mid a too oosartasaa
of 100 •op SIS will halls, $50:4, a 00 lat'llost rill
realise $3O or over. Will send a ample lot for $5 that
will 801 l for OAS. sand stamp for Catalogaa, Taraa,_&&
HOMERS is 00., al &skim N. Y.
. -
t" • E
TWO I,KfL,LA*B 1 I , **A►P.4U TEAR, 4', PAID
.Airirock; 01,004
. 74:011' ?Aro 4ncrup rtga, Ebilvolf TH*
ER!K AFtt,lo•3oll't
yOtrrile AR 'OWN AllitsoV/Attlxv,
ups-ak UM MO%
hir.lllets•zzameawietes, Kw; 011414 A
—"Sunk sod
12 . ha. 23111,14 x. Henry Wks, Wash Koss oddest
0 1%, iM is Filkdovs;*
It Jaw aft. Sl w. thing"; gelli#4—“Thes
sad Me Cksidots.“
It ha. ma, Inn iaa6 L Willman Mk.; mbiset
?WNW* dos* hetint, dbassak - _
416 H. CAVOM. •
Q. =KW
r. MU I It.
' Lostsso Ossialtbe•
PP' Mks Thssokr. Mk tbs. Dllookos se es
Asa sill is hood at Os •book stms at
Crow, k wbars kabob maw be sub
mom& ' solett.
- •
.2111;'D1114 * 00..• •
• 27 oouitimarr as. :oar,
1 00,000 .WATZt3,_CHAINEV: GOLD
.1 Pis, Nod's, ito s 7 moth clic Haw woks
• Dollvi 1 'to Do ootO's Out hotter
tritiolot (IWO
to vile.. Mt to • )sill for only.. know what
yeasty tasoodolo: . <. • • • -
APLINDID LOT or Alalatio.
An tie Wit he Ohe Daher eh*
soo Quat Geld Wat0ba5...................454 7 * Sad
300 Wise Gold 1r55be5..........—... 1 .1 is We
410 ihide 421,0 * status. .... *I to 70
.3G old mod Xis*. . ........... IN 14 IN
5, VON IN( 2;471 ... ;1444 ..". 4 ..... ..... is to is
s.OOO. 4ls 4
4100 isbtegral Ind da55015t5.......-- 4ta -I
11.000 Chosod .13414. Ila 10
1.0100 Clots*** sisa i Goard 1 . ...... sts s
2,400 UM** sal Gold "oodles._ ... .--4 to 10
4100 Lass , astilovisitsolbroosissa..... • 4to I
2,12011 1:1 0ps3 soli Sao. Brossisss. .4to 0
4.000 1 J ot. Lova sad 110r. , 41 Drop. '4 to $
4.504104 134.110 s Oro*. ...... .. 4to 4
-3.003 Ca. as, —....154 to 10
000 Gold Web sad T 8 LM1LZt55........2.10 to 4
4 00033t* wild Vast taboo Slblos. ... sto 10
1,000.15141 lives 9oltoss,eo, - 4to I
0 000 Goad Tom. Plod* 05.... 4to 7
4,000 Xislabuo Losiats..... ........ 'lto I
6 .000 ll* Los ots— .alo s ;ids . E.. 3to 10
/5.020 Gold Taothsises sad Cr0w5,—........ 2to 4
lAN Chasid OW
8000 Plato Gold lli_.--........... 4to 11
I. _ —. •
...... 4to 11.
.1.000 etass Sot AN *pot item -- 2.50 to 10
.7.000 Coll
_ors* Plevaaed ltlap— . .... 2to le
0400 llottolasilof Jarstry- 7 ,1* A * gear - Its 18
5.400 2•131 Loft's' Jewelip.ousso, posekko. 4to 18
1000 Gold Pas, saw sic behluskiisaile._ . 4to le
I.ootGaid „hersed gad asosotod II•13114.. 4to 4
2 002 Gad Foss sad l'os H01da5,.......... 0 * 10
1,64 Illlosi Goblets asd Cor e ... sto 50
1.000 Woes Costa's. - .....„ 15 to 50
2 000 311 vet holt sad Cabs 1105t5tC....... 10 to 10
1.000 Dassilltlvas Tea 11ip5ar5„:............ 243 s SO
5,000 Do ff s
:psi* Ipso* sad Tosts•—.—... lilt° $0
OS DialliUll7llolf,
CortisostO; anodes sash astir* sad its odaq an
plead is Soled Zsrelopag. sad well nixed. Olga d OW saltless; goateistn - aothirtilesto egg Order for
some ardagga froth at host ma dello at allellizt
to .at by lean to say addzare grittiest jamb to
cot amyl of fls oats. The random Ind/WI fiat hr.
dole It Om, sad its Way whidl oaf bottom Oas to
lire Esadrod Dollary sad an dm soyttlieeDellarsad
nragirotho Astleloloand, or IV °Um as the 1 106 of
the Woe, sad sitar souttlen 'Ask. if
ost rho al~ satiglhottoa. leo dining it to le wads.
Illa l 7- notarised sod the .*asst paid le: yeesded
11; this node we Ova estootioas Iron a twirl shot of
Ilas rood% of the hot woks sad latest *las sad al la.
biaift worth. at sawdust while Al/ love it abeam
seeariagartiglos of the vgro 'shah
pols all ono wo shove for forwardiag the GOMIS*
stsiso sad doing ths inudaisseAbs sus of Twenardeo
Mots. whist% oast to asslood ihs elder. Tire Car-
CM:isles willho soot for $1 ; oleos be $3 ; tidily far $1;
al:tides for $10; ass boadrod l.r M.
Pasta &snag with **WV dellewd ssiskitat
Alma sad the art des** win be hoesedlsterr at
sop Wrens Writer* gadl or oxbow
Satire satidistigo googaiOwl tositroos.
Writs year asloo, tows, musty saitillats stalely sad
ddrya, _ MD= t CO.
ST C noilsodt at. New Tort
aortir6ll la
2111,414.a5t Omar 4 sika NA 4. hoot aro4,
Would noportfally eall the attention of tits osoorodtp
to Warr Stock of
Vidal Ito Is Odom to on st ttio
Ill! LOWEST Polllltlll PItICLI.
oloottotat at
917 GARS,
COPMS vaips,
• FISH, ikia,
lo mot oariosesi la the *y e so be is reopen& to poop to
41 trlto gtto Ma it sill.
lh obip jes•pir litailiney es hold a instil": IN if
lkor The wham% bob, to AM be dines the stladbmi
of the WALL
Ms motifs L. liOnlak Mai, bean hilts as& a fal)
leashaiest Ibr Go Namar." orrlnar.
$lOO S A - V Is.
Sil SO
Illyisrabadai et
lastmed of imstilor mem to New Tort.
husialied tree tie honeying °debated •
Btelaway it Zoos. NAM"
Rai. Nubs t Co. foltison. NJ.,
. Ina N. swiebety. Now Tat,
Grovootois b Cs, Now York.
flooodsow t Alan Allosy, N. T..
Goo. A. Mai & Co, Wash N. T.
N. Sprolk !moos. N. T.
horn k %Whoa; Clovolsod g 0.
%moo troy PCNI to Si"
tWe or Moido•
botromobt tw•
Are will tbe best 'malty et
Winondlawpod dells dlr.
And via Maks ireiber Medias by Quality ext OR?
Lea. WitilsWirmr es Isad
. •
Ot polo.
Out OW Gal/ omit idol to Gootioto Goo Gf IM
slimier owl'''. Ora Gomm roue sod ERA stow%
1-b* Ps. W. X. wsmss.
dodflitt. 4 - IL .1. ULTIMA".
NZ W 41110(1111Z,.' •
. ,
Venda imeelfidlysmaseisfr is the pee* si dt,
Istareakh Ors Me spoof a
spt:olio - cur
onthorsor Shut Pisa abs., a Eked Mime
• - of ilottLaboilier•Depes„
1,111 bug boad a*o ofeldallot of
norm" Woo urn wU.WW WAX; 'laps
aid ow, 1)IAW 1 . 111 7 loPt la a asst di" " 6 -
SW* Cnln AO . LWOW. •
.Pfd N
waive nes silk If yens Ifia Loewe vat boo.
gum I *WI IWI* Me at liswi Ito* =re
ea: Wagers Is Se dis.
tarot. 11 1 4 4 1FrIa!?,UW
1100FLAND's - GERAWI t
~.. , . •
Debility resulthog Doe any cam, wbstesey, prostration
et the syrtm, owned by were liszablps, orpotores,
Seem se aliimais at pimp la. lialien, attlson; solo
M bin* adette_or yea*, *W bat to Ws kitten arm
Toole, sot defendant on Ind Name 4or their shwa mi.
tecoloas effect. .
• '
- -
And &mu swatting from dlsimbra of the Lim is 4
• Dlreath• moat, an quad toy •
Thin Bitten ham Tarrorined mind me; 'direr War
anibtantiond ban wore tistimony." has moroZtabl•
N pato to roach for it than sal o th er in oar-
Itrat: Wow bit, any ono to eontraltat ttda ss a, and
DabliWd sl,ooo to any ono vie wilt prod
bywa.lhatianot genaina. aeowswlllosto
"Mears mrae, cam of obrooli ati Moimai &balky and
*biro al Ur fridosys. Obowre Ms follsortataymptomo
mooltiog from dioor4o m of tho dipoilto moos
Ooadtpatto — a, laird PM; Mare at Itoodhe thi
Deed. &shifty of Ur Ilteareh, Warror Ileartaera, Dr
yer tea Nod, talons Dr Weillit la the Btarigh..Door
Dia/tetra; alarms or Pta derive at tho rti +sr fhb
StosMb, Soistalog, of the Dead. gamed sad algal
Drearbias. Plrrttriaa fifths Heart. Owl harot .9afforat
tag lierta alma to a Wag pedlr. Drew. at Inv'
hos. Dote or Wire before right, Firer awl Don Pala
la the Mad. Dadra at Per!pho l t;:elkolox i of
tir I.lths aid !Yea. Pro tho Mk Chat. to.
Witsds* ?hulas of Mat, Murat ia rook Cam
eatalags of STU sad great Dip ruin
Saints,, Usat tits bitters Is not alehoolls, oontaisai
a• ova or etialtay, and eassaat oaks druskarsis, bat is
tbs hot tanks la tie world.
Prato llov. W. D. Do Pos jar or Twain ti Old
Gesitsuiew- I have resently been laboring seder tits
datraring effreta of indigestion aco spaded bp s proe
eof the .snow system. N umerous remnemerene
ramsaresoded by hinds and some of them tested, bat
without rolls& Your HoollendS Gamut Bitters were
recommended by parson who had :Tied them, and whom
favorable sieution of thaw Bitters induced me to try
teem. I aura esn that I had an *Teraina to Waist
Medicines from the "thousand sod soar alma "Bitters'
whose only aim seems to be, to Palm o ff sweenesedessd
drafted Woos upon the abeam sity to a aly erspg'snit
tai L is b oa of lomat, I has, la to main' mast a Soul'
Breed d Upon leaming that 1 oen was nary
a medicinal preparation I tools it with happy a ff ac a., 4 I ts
Milos, sot only upon the stemach , but seen the nervous
moss. was prbeapt and sratifying. ' I feel that I hare
doeived greet and pensmsest lament front the we of a
few pewee. Vary respectfully I outs.
W. D. 11120 'PIED, No. 254 Thaekaneasou
/roan the UT. 12. D Isndail, Anilatjap mur al mimes
Chronicle, Phil/4a '
I hue derived decided Lanett hank the nee of it:adore
&masa lilting, and Ideal limy priviiere to rocermeed
than sea meet valuable toeie to ell wbo are rairieg
from ratersl debility or from asepses arising from the
6eranitecoent atbe User.
Tours Italy, -
hem Peer. D. lifitrrig, tauter of the Newlin% Ilaptlet
unpleb, naiads.
Prom the 'May respectable recommeadatioca jeleur to
Dr. ilarlantri Dome enters, I um Waned to glee them
trial. After Rafts mural bottle; I found them lobe a
goad , rimed far deolllty..arida moat szoillect toed* for
. .
Prom Ray . Wm. Smith. formerly Pastor of the Visaed
town and if Rhino (N. f) Baptist Murata.
Raelag mato my ramfly a number of bottoms of your
Roodenes Roman Bitters. I here to say I reserd.thenz
so an expellent medicine, specially , adapted to - amore
the diseases tbo9re meomeended *eir. They olrenothon
and tuts system when debllitated, eat tare use
feel to &sorban the Unr r lees of ospetlte. Ica. t hare
also rewnemeaded them to several Of my *bonds. who
hats tried thew, and found them psatly hems &dal in the.
restorstiott of health. ' ToariViay,
WK. 1311111. 966 Ratokinson ilt., Naiads,
Bee that the siguatare of M. JACKSON' le ea the
wrapper of each blotto
Shoatd yoor nearest druggist sot hare the article do
aot be pet elf by say of the Intoxicating preparation,
that may be offered to Its plass, but seed to es sad we
will forward. eseurely peeked, by *tweak
Street, -
ar Philade Priaelpal
Iptda, ftit - sad Maoauderyollo. MS Arch
Jortr; kvors. -
taneeessors to C. M. Aeksoa & Co.,jProprietors.
Tor sale by druggist" and auks in every toett to the
Ualted States. , &end
/se na M*o4= spinet the evil Ants el 'umbels
Win core Dpospiti.
Will ewe - Weakness.
WW an swami twig.
wm cnin Eforribtus.
Will airs Beadatabe.
ISM etre Liles , Consplelat. •
WW melte lad waste • healthy amine.
levirrate the organs of Qies•Uis ge• ntoilersle•
Ar Wrenn the terperatere of the bodj and the tome o'
dumlatlen, acting in lhot u a general oorroborant der
metes. aseleftalag no potionons drugs, mid Ls
• fhb trial Is earnestly eolleltad.
IMO. 0. HVBBLI. a 00., Trop d rtotow
spo, ,
Oostrol Boot, r tear Uprose Nalidlas Ai BM
T M I N NIQ or sby_oll Mauls* Groove, ito. •
BOADLNT. Csio , Wholesale Aro*
as3r. tab by Bali k Cada B Corm aM NII•
btu booth. •
Ws an now nutniiqg a Narkot Lino front Erie to Ro
novo, on the Philadelphia a Ede nava, and
wan on 111018 ot ,
. g
To sorry It on, ban totabliohod a Depot on
to Warr of the old Rood Homo,
Mari sir wi ll boat a ll flafainady to amain and pa
far the sum All having Produeo for este as request.
od to ere ass eat. Inquire for Marina Depot,
Mk St.
ouglo,ll6S.ff ISAY & JACKSON.
GROCIILIBM 08.001 R/ !
Ifeeld riefeettelly Worm the pehiWthet he bee epoura .
Store UR •
Ma! he will slweSe keel es land lair saggiL
eneythiag smelly for male ha in iftlitalillrf
the Med.
er Tana es remaelde Si ear ether true i 3
oppodie lac het Oils%
Y & CO
G. w XL IC „
LIMBED Authoirimil z• •
Obtains Holum* and litotes for thou wao ilk nit
'Mom. Dotal"? slid Thretit, vitt er *Mont thes
hosituts. au thaw "Wag so Alm; Ins 7
ali kOmir of , -
Theo si;litat to uII bj pante 1:0 - 1; eiei.edvaisee'
mi l e g y es say sethil pr•perly hsteifed. feetisres,,rred
dam by suttee. These bob." ort-sellbt -tea: bear tip
thelr sitriatembieetlab)±iN-0 the -
FIII/11T17111111 . 01,
EAsitx frotipiDET;
tILV* ,130911 r pernucion, ros i n
=Nat, • bitYiNT
4noMmors .14)./LaWaii Aiwa
Attimuirtrma OP
COOrAND,OII I 'fq 879NriB,
Tar a,Suzir /unit WAN',
awn egsti meAs b w waniustAi to: stiCesabeAkss,
jaga lkaft "" l " l, I!gtiARAM4
`l l / 4 4114 4,4%40 &WM 4iiit
lift dump se bad. A ten sad • Oar trial damp milk
lAN io es ask. 10IW3ST, INCTANT r INIRWOOD!
' ems
!. r 410.7,,, • 4
- +9 ) • re
L i
4ANUAAY kB, L 866,
W“l4 lottb*Bettor fir II
if we. sand / 112 kLY/itAlf Md. Nor • -
A ad lareisLhalle fields sal &a/ ;
U writ la Jaamas. haw* a urea
'aerial better theita, nag sad stern
- /time, tutati(atditifad p
Weald leera to hate a aillibher
0 1 1 - 1 0.“ terildN • :
Tao wig ifial4 beitlishorn •
seta dealt lasia4tiietertitliidei
' .And Morels Asia kid tisibee frsionsii;
irLetrfaitist bidets)* *Unit
link this waddle fl re seWerrioll '
Irma stared tqp Greta all airefeHse.' '
Autos braised hamelahearte meld pm it,
, ttoretwesildoalse•. - :.. - '
Wolk! enee •
- The totter for U. •
it more ,;,;iii44,44 the pfai4diits,
- /lad dower spell it la rehemair • s
U Big*/ elleath its/mita
"fill good became more nnirarsal;
4 g. 4 S II ItIVN
Had him blind men to &dm it
-•' ltral‘d • • •
• ;hi rittlithe•A
. ?ha said wield ha thebothis lie it: '•
L ave ale! tw 101 Y 94--
,io6 . t.ingisini tit mit!.
Wheal* had tower rpibd strinp
To tiolatii Eel; Idndlifallnp;
I( oleo, whoa irking bats down *WO f•
Would strike torother and'rootoro it—
Illgtitinado IHght -
In mini SOO.,
Tho World waild b• the better fir ft
The Washington correspond/014f
cinnati Commercial is As BepulliM•, Os*
of the Disunion Badical stripe. De
issue of that paper he thus espitaly.p•rodies
the forthcoming report of the aigrette •.re=•
co istruction" committee:
Wasnatcrros, Jaz,1865.- ,
" To the lloisorabte &sate mid House of Rem—
eentatioes :
"Your committee, appointed to visit the
Steles lately in rebellion, and investigate and
report upon their condit ion as to loyalty and.
fitness 'for readmission into the' WOW, have
performed the dwy.serigned to them, and beg
kits to make the following report : ' . :
.' siNsturally,- - the fret place visited by your
committee was Richmond, Ira., the capital of
the late confederaoy. Our eomiag had bee:
heialded in • the newapappeers there, And the
demonstration at the _tepee. on,onr
arrival may be takeues, is =MIK ill'fi, in
dicative of the popular seatimentia thitsity.
We found • large outoostree of althea' of
Africa* dement awaiting us, and, els -we., dut-,
embarked. from the ears, they hailed ni'vritit
shouts of welcome, -mingled with 'This way
to the Spottswood House,' Here's yer.bula
for the Centinantel,"Rere's her cab for say .
put. of the city,' !Baggage to, the hotel,
gents,' he. It was grated to 'the haute of
loyal men to . be thus ,weloomed in a city se
lately the headquarters of rebellion, whitest
;Hes same time we began to feel convinced al:
- ready that the only truly loyal people of the
Reath were pt the colored race. We could. ,
not decline the hospitalities so; generously.
tendered us, and aciaordingly we selected two
cirrisges from the large number placed at our
1 disposal. We were drieet to 4h• Spettare.4:
by our ha/pit/able friends, - who charged us-.
Aim dollars spites, and hilt , su dollar ewe for,
tasgage. After so waehhieidness.from . the'
colored raes,..we were unprepared for 'the
hush; treatment we' subsequently received
from the white oligarchs at Richmond. The
proprietors gad no rooms in the fifth story,
back, saying•to die clerk, as we havebesis in
formed by a faithful African who blacked our
boots stn quarter a pair„ that they were, good:
enough for Yankee radicals. The same spirit
'of disloyal hate was manifested to , us is the
dining room, , where, in responie to ear n 4.•
posted calls for codfielt and prunpkie pis, we
were served with nothing but bacon and hot
cakes. We asked' why this was done; and
were told by a loyal waiter, to whom we had
just given a postal half dollar, that Mr.
Spottswood said that he didn't keep a hotel
for the accommodation of Yankees, sad,
therefore, .persistently excluded codfish tad
pumpkin pies from the bill of fare. Your
committee do not deem it necessary to dwell
upon this evidenpeof smouldering disloyalty,
nor .to compare it with the' hastily formed
opinion of General Grant respecting Southern'
sentiment. Our object was ter .get - beaseth
the surface of things in the Son* to find the
true character of the social itubstratna. • We'
remained in Richmond a few days, to stidy
.the character of the. people- NO* all heeds
we found evidences of digital:Lima MI *wink
of color, except in a freedman's missy, where,
the blacks received the.' whiles wan Meat
footing with themselves.; We alp* noticed a.
disloyal disposition to speak. of .Stonewall
Jackson and General Lee in4irmiof praise
and conimendation, while ascend 'Butter's
name was only nientloried In contemptuous'
connection with silver spoons, and occasional..:
ly a little plate Ware, and he himself seemed,
to be better knotrn as the Bottle hip of /ler
-muds Hundred. than fumy Otherway.' ' '
' , Our next visit was Atlanta, its. Rani
we had a long coneultation with' t treasury
agent, who had ample means Of liformadion.
on the subject of Georgia loyalty. Be gave
it as his *pinion that to admit the Seathenr
States to representation at this time, would. he
highly injudicious. He did not believe that
there was a white native of the State loyal
enough to take his plaits, and inserted Shit
to remove him and others similarly *Rusted,.
would be not only-dangerous to the collatty,,
but would aim be the height of ingratitude; le'
men who risked character and mutation-ter
the patriotic cause of cotton and ten sr twelve
thousand dollars a year. Your committee
-concurred entirely In his opinion. ,
t' While in Atlanta your committee -heard
many expressions of _sentiment which ',go' to
show bow far General Graskite mistaken la
his late report; On one megaton especlaily
'we heard what convinced as that the 14va' of
seceelion still burned in the Southern bosom:
The case was that, of a yobng matiftvra:Mes-.
sachnietts, of peer but holiest weals, who
bad tome to 'the 'South is shit copeck, of a
freedman's sehMi teacher. -Re bad easeiill7
made the acquaintance of a Southern lady of
two score - gad-ten. whose htieband had fallen
under the rebel Sag,- luring her a yid's* ' of
tumdsome visite. The yonatgeatienten; de
sirens of matrimony and plantations, pressed
hissuit, sad was progeessingi as ha theught
most favorably.' when one evening the, Widow
told hits at a tote parr; fails pmemsti g a
large Mitotic r of people, ',dust she'd rather be
buried plies - than -marry a Yakima' - The
triot school teacher no longer plles the,rud if
chastisement over refractory freeditei. The
star of hishlipirlit gone, aid he, bas gone
i back to Bosieft'ior Wreck; Olds former lett,:
• 1 ' Your tionizeittesseo, went teldontgent•=
cry, Atii... where;. sant Ittobitead j , tha oolorK
°Moog Booked pi 0gitit.a 1 ;,444 10 4 11 0 4 tr
other for tha , caaVag or, 9..Alstrikafp•
paid theta Hay con ; a carpet eialt.from-the
depot, 'led they. were isigui4aittle' 1# Illorit' .
4 snout rati ono, of .140.V1preelatas i dm' I
T oms
Currency 'from us. 'lorthli sit
, rid of
dieloyalty met us On merylefin ACY 1
osi k
MiellOtiery had been' hisialletfikitska he+
fore' our al rlial; . for atitnitik r 16 la ' me
' 0 him Brown ' s Body ' did tIF Jeff.
Basis :ote s• Boni' Apple' . 1 11/eirAW:- halal
SANS idales. A hop tot jtibt Oka *ow*
for le batik to Whisk *MUM only
Wetted; tad IA tehMinhe freedwitea-
oladtd oilaidouat *hole*: ' Vbi-
vas ea isdipurticer reestiag if dei
st wish* - scod.aighta were AMNIA ' , 4.
•repelitionetballi aid bap...aolari WI!
white in their,eborsatestialoo4t9, 2
inmirreoileas and 1107110 sebefflons, • •
Gods thousand tha“ in thnti.dnAgni. '4ll
Ai Idoasionsory. on at Atlanti", met a -
en 7 twat whoLwas , opp p o sed( ter b ~, . lei :
40** 0101rogibil-M i ,t lll . '
1 .
cp s In t o * ,Ff.
' a nia, bici4 lb! VI a • . law
a tiad Bala lYilorlili d WI , 1
last Provisional Governor. and a wads who
Would de far a lot tittudat adept, to Cason.
r, ~.0:~i ~'i'~~
~ .i. ,
^ • ' ".: •
,! •:: ' :., 7 ' -7 ; r.•
:O •
- - •I
v L !: r
4, :-c -•-•" .
i . -.::1::: ' : ... ..
, _
E . 1 ,- X1 .41*
A Capital Burlesque. ,
' A b. . • - . <--- 1
ove all thin/ he,hogedCongreesmeuld net
. ~ .., . ,
Bitten 'to the I i‘pocritieitl 'pries of•Alattaren
loyalty; Ile wooed lie that there !tier:tto
inialtysiA,thet•Ste•te. *teen' in Ms office , and
said it would be bilge :injustice to isupereesde
him Mlle had lidded the making Lore luau.•
dred.thensiod doltaiii. I, ' '"" • -
-__ ." lice, mat Impeded - to eittleleteo 4.„. d -
Sere we bid .n tong iuttrittee It!th a ()Tiber*
'gentleman Whom totality to be in avery way
relialde.; • Re had Wipelidid'tehlis tionntry's
ea 11..; im , she:earky. dye of the war;ithd had
ken _y. sr is itie devotion La the otiose
ever ibtee, . *nisei at intervals when General
Grant lite ordetkasittlere in the rear. , Since
tire esimatien sof afitted!hottility he les been
down.Senth 0 elell•ntinfeekOcinhe demt , , ilk the ,
way,of buying Southern lend!.Re bas found
!the- peiple oflafith . Ctiollis en rebellious at
Inset 'Motif refuse tweett thetrratititiens" for
tireAr Nita as -Kr • in! Federal : tuireaey;
lie ooneirioed nee that, on enged forott_onght to
be tent Is dliailsiten for many years t{{ donie t
and that he ought to be appointedinttlori at
be! itnehod l muelknsmintooe MI the bantam..
He fotind In this hot- oteneeseion. d era
af itriebillron,'s•detidettnitiferinoe or 'gray'
4 41 t
ildirliani,:Whiele atone ' WWII :to the
tattoo) peationstr, loamy otorbiele.7enzoosti.
%!Alkt 44 - eTtiuuT 2
_Pribet., It ilt,i l Tdreit 4.1
stia, ' asp ' the ar 'oleo i pa sortitanned were
haughfratei Ifni fti - dii; . snit Tadao leicileolst
thateL . :<. 1., P. ?..: 7 1V.,',17 .!•••"- •,' , • r i
f ;
P.Your.,spotsmittet sist
where they toned disia alty,nianifest(n6 Ants
Na met an agent
of llt• Prestisien'a Burette, who gave it as his
opialpn *Age war iraa poly boll' oviir, and
that: . nultnie_ the powers, of_ the Bureau were
eitlirged No' ad to give him grontrol of all the
ittottai'frol4 Banana, ths'eleileits emblem of
sulisiatioltarliberty Woild mot teat nimblest
ed very lopg.. Xt. bs4 not been invited' to 4
single tea party; thonghhe had lived in.Bay
anniiklitita year; while rettarned oinfeilerates
Irmo eserdially , greeted by brothers; sisters,
Inothlst . out sweethearts.. He himself had
been on Aritimate terms with a youSg lady
wherepregeated iisinyihodsand bales of co
te:43W. of late. •lina armed rebel bad come
tiontwindla of tbe.f. B. had been discarded
in favor of him who had raised hie parricidal
band'agalfist the old Brig. ' Here was refer
mew, for terrines rendened to the rebel cause,
and there ire many sunk cases wiebile ;year
esminlttee- regret to find 9iivirral esinS liar
oiaitted entirely. • t-'"
41 Your sonimittos de 'wit - damn it neeessary
to so iattefustbar partbesarn - to show that the
iplrit Which. animated the rii:tsillszi still "ilia
In the &nth, and'tbit, the time his not came
for Aber readmission of- the Boutlisni Butt es to
the Union. . -, I"TILILDDIOVI & CO."
C r everto, with-tat hie edeeestiat the bar.
before the, popish', a st diln Comma, regarded
his life as a failure., Wo wele.ridiog together
one 'sunny morning in the summer
'Whin be halted, and remarked of a ,speech
made , the evening Neon: "It was wiry
good. indeed, but in bad style. -Never snake
people laugh. I see that you anitivate that.
It is• easy and eapthiating, bat death in the
Ingram to the_ speaker:" , 1 Why, Dir. Cor
win,,, you are the last man living I *Spatted
snob an opinion from." Certahily,;, because
Yea have not lived se long as I have. Do you
hear, soy young friend. that the world has
eentemet for the man who entertains hit One
must be solemn—solemn aeon ass—nwver say
haything that Is not uttered with dui greaten
gravity, to ens respect. The world looks up
to the teacher and down upon the clown.—
Yet, in nine eases oat of ten, the clown is the
better fellow of the taro."
Nicely Canght.
&young gent is discovered =rounded by
flrleads; who are jesting with kL regarding
his attention. ton certain young lady.
Yong Gent- 4, Soya, ra, tell you how ails.
You see Learn nothing for the girl—it is the
old man's pocket book I am alter."
"Chorus:al Friends- 6, Ha I - Ha! "
EitoOnd 13esse ; s parlor-11w l I P. B1:
Young lady seated. Young gent rises to de
pirt, ; healtatea,sislfbaabful, and then slowly
renarke :
• si Kies liitilda. - Atnettie me, but you must
be aware thaf '-airdawituint shits. my stun.
tionr, can aot have imam without, an object."
Young Lady—" Alt,ffee, I have hi:sad, and
•sball be only too happy tsgrant what you de
sire. ,(Witlme from the• table a paper parcel,
satolding ,dieplays aline, old (sub- ,-
1.144 'aid empty p c pooket-beoh.)—
Mk I-have bemalnfortned,"la that ° ,,objeot.—
Pens% me to pseudo' IS ts you; and Abougrat
taints you that yea Will .in the future riatila ne
emialloa to renew than visite and atSen-
Eloitt" - '
:• Tait, Davis,*tospr,„!-Pr t whO le
pastor, of an Orthodox ,ehtuth, had bees for :
1011 i. Vine isuloyel 'thelbrwardoess•le a
lay broths:L.4o tispsig'P wtssersr an oppor-
Amity was offered, te• the itelttest nalusia°
of these whose remarks had greater ten
dency to IPlcation. Tigeitad been Carried ,
ito 'fir that the piitii4Weisevier he stated
that?as itoomportamlty would-slow. be effered
;or asy-bnithec le alike* Aszbortation,” bad '
iawaYs i secret. dread, of, the loquailose matis6
bee. - Obi one hum pre-
Owed agritif,•Mbelateenkharangus with as
IMMO' Ot fligotrnarsy , lo( had boom berry
log on with, the great, adversity., "My
friends i s‘taid he, ' , the devil and I have been
toy More • than , tweatytoiaeles ; be
told me not. •to speak to•itight„. bet I defer-
Mined i would; be mid same of the rest . could
'sped better than L14'0.1311 felt that [Mold
sot liseprilleat ; he one whispered that I
spoke too eftaa. and that nobody wanted to
hear ; !Pe; but not to be put down that
wily, an d note I hive* gained the victory, 1.•
must tell you all that is' is my 'heart." - TLes
latowedthe •tidionslarangue aforesaid.. As
Aug . were comi n g entof Out sesslen•roosi, Am.
good pastor, ,ioolined his head so, that, hit
mouth approsohed"the ear of the militant
member, and whispered,'"Brothor, tint*
tieciinetwat ttitt P? • • , • • •
iloastfiti titans 01 .11tisillICI LADS Oil' vas
Eva or ilea B11113014—A" heart rending , ace,
404 eostamal al Mosphis, , Teas., last *llO l l,
which resnisad 41 the s t lakoft inta?ediste death
of a Miss 3. Disunan, .d Port Gibson, :Miss.
Miss Deities cause to the city several days
'agto; - and was to Mans home on Motility, :to
.*Paif ProParailoien).fin her approaching mar
dap with ' arner, of Port. Gibson,. to
whose he had a sapged. for sons • time.
fika ksdp ed hoe, bridal tronsissa, -mad
Vailinklily con asplating the event so soon
IC atsiesplio. Is anspany with two young
ladies of the city—Miss Capers and, Miss
Welhocr.thillthdted the mills, of 2dsjor War
*W.; :11)( insPeCtien • of the ,premises' was seg.
'to - fib r : t rimly tWeent was eiVi . .... ,
rptecitching to veirtheloachisery she vas
drai% between woitheels and mangled in a
- .1a mitts - ''?'101/ ignited bats 1%
* times. .- . -- • ik: .• M• •.. ...
~:. - ' i
*Pasnomm i l . stases ' raitza.:-4 Wasll
- aimorp : dist 'of
,ti Itostott paper, fn
itltidlag It.. . '.blid feriotiovt it the Wilts
Roos. au Ha earls day says,' u that U low
Illti Johnnie' led rvisidas reaasCos; aid he
'Wrist bitaadt *ay Veil. Ilia bra didedarii.
.r vit4 ti
altirt,' •Patirtsos mid -111rej Stio vet.'
owned: t itie aplaadauattbide ' tat.
Everybody Is pmt thistle thatr - liot
-47014 1 104 1 (1 1 R•Ph CliktAtAk
armful emeit prom
bloat of oar himolabld palled upon
them one dikyliii4 Tat talibiteer
OIL/L*4r, told plc. priirpatta with . kfra. Pat.
tersea,r Ultra - site • TemOkea Saba
. . ..
~ ltrbii ttii"vi ol iiliiii'iof tee;
galbareithad :Mat pat :ow obi %warn V*
e l is ol e .4 "woos pieria for *abort plant'
y waa nobly said, and setups a
. ~L.ov 4v .----, -;--- - r - , c., wz.• i • '
Cblirliii4- 60 -Didlibetabilder pat widatuia'
you when you was married, hiarprin :4, Miry
-44 A stamp; Charlie t What for, pray "
okseuo-64,11111y, matches, abet legal !Moat
a posy mop, you Myr!"
"1- - ;
BE 34
Elo!mnp NAIL
,164:lido's is Visr i b;'
Borneo, JAN. 5, 1866.
better itnewans Charles
'Cartitigtori, "Was hung in this oily to-day for
thfikettlerttrPolieentilreeorge Dili.
On the night. etthe 9th of January he was
in company with two nten.nained Given, and
Skidmore, whom he. had known at Seneca
Falls. Both were much older than he. On
that night he,.with Givens and probably Skid
more, robbed a house in the outakirlb of the
city. They thee weal to a Dutch dance for
anumernent after their labors. But when the
dente as ever U4TODS did not feel satisfied
with the nigkt:e work, and propoatd that they
akoatkilreak into the house of-a Mrs. Cooley,
09. (Mk ,s t,- Carringtoa objected to this.,
as he-was well kw'wn in thelvieinity, but wee
?grounded to watoh outside while his
Oompanions did the work inside. Thus fer .
his statement and the evidence do not mate
rially differ. Be. States further that he hid
in in alley instead of keeping watch, and that
while' there he saw two policemen getting
-OW the tenets, heard a shot fired, saw ode of
than' sad, being very much frightened,
ran bows. Wbere he wag arrested that night.
The evidence on this point was substantially
thief Polieeinan Metier was standing with
Dill, lbs murdered mu, not far from the house
of Mrs. Cooley. They heard an outcry from
that direction, and._went there at once. A
woman told them from a window of the house
that•there bad been robbers there, led at the
um. moment 'Metier saw-a man standing. in
the alley which ran by. the house. Re put
his hand on the fence to jump over, when the
man fired's - pistol. The ball struck Dill, who
was behind Metier,• in the temple, near the
right. eye. Metier caught him as he fell, but
be never spoke afterwards. „Metier laid his
companion on the ground, - and, with others
whetted reached the spot, pursued the tour-•
darer. They followed his tracks in the snow
to a house on Ellicott street, where some of
Carrieeton's friends resided, and in a room up
stairs forted Carrington himself, changing his
elothes: Sue boots, which he bad just taken
off, fitted the track ha the snow exactly, and
In his pocket I/14 a tingle barrelled pistol,
unloaded. He was taken to jail at once.—
Givens and Skidmore were soon after arrested
on the charge' of robbery, and oa suspicion of
complleity In the znerder,'were tried, found
guilty of the robbery, and
: sentenced to &ate
Prison.. Givens for nineteen years said eight
month., and Skidmore for nine years and
eight menthe.
: Carriagton was tried betties the Superior
Court of Buffalo, his trial commencing on the
28th of January and lasting until the 7th of
February. The jury could not agree' on this
'first trial.. After various legal intricacies,
his case was sent to the Court of Oyer and
Terminer. Oa the 9th of June his second
trial was commenced, and on the 18th of the
same month the jury brought in a verdict of
On the 23d of June lasche, with Givens
and two others, beelui *jail; 'add succeeded in
escaping into- the country, but were recap
tued the next day, having been found score
led ins barn about sixteen vanes out • of the
eity. ,
_Pace his last sentence, strenuous efforts
have been made for a commutation of his
sentence, or :an entire pardon. Carrington
had high hopes of iuterferenise in hie behalf
until yesterday,' wheel a anal telegram was
received from his cow ad, who were in - Albany,
that the Governor would net commute his
sentence. This was made knowa to him by
the jailor. He was 'somewhat overcome by
hearing it, but said, "I am prepared to die
and meet my Maker;" and then added, " I
did not tire the shot."
Carrington's behavior was certainly excel
lent. He was not talkative, but answered
freely all the ' questions that were_put to him.
While being ; arrayed for the scaffold he pre
served entire nomposure. His innocence he
unwfveringly asserted- A glass of brandy
was. brought to him. He hesitated to drink
it, but finally did so, drinking the health of
the few who were in the room, and .reiterating
kis innocence:
He was then conducted to. the scaffold,—
alter a prayer 4 M r . Knowles, be addressed
the' spectators. He was evidently somewhat
affeeted by the liquor he drank (he hid taken
a - second glass at his own request;) . and his
remarks were* quite rambling.. He had a
Bible in his hand, and several times declared
in the most solemn luanner, before his Maker,
that he did not fire the fatal shot. But be
did not attempt to give any elucidation of
the matter. Another man he said ehould be
in his place, probably alluding to Givens.—
He said that he never felt easier is hie life,
sad that he died in the hope-of salvation.
Women of 11l fame, he said with some incon—
sistenoy,' bad been hie ruin, and would ruin
any man. He spoke about fifteen minutes,
but his remarks were mainly reiterations of
the preceding. A smile was constantly on
his face.
-At tea minutes to twelve o'clock be ceased
speaking. The cord was then tightened
around his neck, and fastened to the beam
above, the black cap was drawn over his face,
and he stepped upon the fatal drop. His
Bible was at that time in his hand.. He turned
half around to hand it to some one, saying;
s , Wait a minute ;" but the eigual was given,
and the cord was cut, and the drop fell. But
some one had caught the Bible from his hand,
so the last earthly act of Charles Carrington
was gitipt the Word of God to s fellow
being. . .
,l'here was rely little struggling . The neck
'Wei broken by 'the felt, and after the body
:been hanging twenty minutes the heart
ceased to, beat. Hie corpse was -then cut
down and.delivered to his friends for burial.
PoMidi/I ,Peregrai)hie.
memorial to .Congress asking the im
picohmeat of.fresident pTohnsan,- the Balti
more-Ambits s4i; has been quietly put in
circulation throughout: the country. It was
first drawn up, it is said, in New iinghicd,
and eopies bare been sent to Tennessee and
elsewhere for signatures.
Goiernor Anderson, (Rep.) of Ohio, it op
posed" to the Monroe doctrine. He says, also.
that %I'll , waa na part of the Intention or ex
=act that ttia,Ohlo volunteers, who en-
Kilo fight the , wee for the Union, were to
be detained as police guards to . oversae poitt,
iont reforms" in the South, whether as to
whiten or blackt,,el.lll less to be learAted to
the Rio Grande in order to menace or Assault
sent New York
to -proc4re the
the forger and
. acotindrel only
fering by thous
ands, theierwould 'hive been co sympathy
for him onlielart of these "prominent "
',Ehnen, , `~
ThiGoiernor of Wisconsin—s Repdblien
-rays that the national debt is •," one of the
greatest evils indicted upon the cmpttry by
an liar." Mr. 3.'gook, 'another Repablican,
.ssfs that s " national debt •is a national
wooing." It only rentals& for some other
Repnblicin , to pronounce the debt , both a
tdessing and .an evil, and average Republi
canism will_be fairly represented. •
Gave Us. Rano= —This is a time above
all others when we 'want economy, and that of
• the Mole iigid hind, in all public expendi
tures. 'Beery dollar , saved Is that mubh re
;liateed from the shoulders of the tax payers.
Ti* Pongress does cot seem to think of this.
'They are " dispoising of theiublic mogey as
r-theugh there• was nd bottom to the national
The Chicago Tribune days-that Congress
has, Neither Independence, vigor, nor qtatea
nninhlp; bioanse it dose not take the radical
emit: It ergnel that justice, demote •the
cotepletstsavention of the PretidanOt policy.
And yet the 'Republica* gained the fall elec
tions by pretending to endorse the Prealdent.
The Springfield Republican, alludincto the
new gag law which the radical zrajority, bare
impels ron the•Flonse, says that " ittoittntire
itgppreasionz of free debativhas' sot 'Wm at
tempted in Congress einAkthe ! daya l erhan the
slave oligarchy had their own way, and their
example is no mere worthy of imitation, la
this snakier than say other." •
:dictory to the
proposes an
the coniaidera.
w• boldly large'
?be gtiaran
) York and
azolina and
proposee that
r 'hall become
whole Union.
dy provisional
(or all the rest