Gi Political Paragraphs. The first treason case, Consequent upon the late rebellion, is now being tried in the U. 8. District Court. before Judge Triggs. Thecae. Is the United States vs. John G. Gamble, who was an enrolling of ficer under the Confederate Government, In Blout county, East Tennessee. Col. 0. P. Temple counsel for the defendant, and Col. Hall is prosecutor on behalf of the United States. This is the first tree son trial since the memorable Aaron Burr John Tillman. a negro who most bru tally violated the person of Lillie Bevins, a child of five years, was tried last week, in New York. and evidence of his guilt adduced of the most revolting character. His counsel attempted no defenEe, and the Judge gave him the extreme sentence of• the law-20 years in the State Prison as hard labor., is one of the most horrible we have ever known even in thit hot-bed of crime.—tribune. Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas, made a speech in the court house of Bureau Co., 111.. in which he made the following trea sonable remark : " I would rather help tear down the Capitol than allow the Southern States to come back into the Union without letting the negro vote I" That is the kind of sitntiment that per vades the benevolent breasts of the Rad icals. Gerrit Smith, of New York, is now in Chicago for the purpose of prosecuting the proprietors of the Chicago Tribune for a libel published in that journal in June last, wherein, by implicition,be is accused of feigning insanity to escape from his re sponsibility in the John Brown raid,, arta that he purposely continued it until after Lincoln was inaugurated. An elopement from Indianapolis, which took place a couple of months ago, has borne disagreeable fruit. A young and headstrong girl, daughter of one of the " first families," despite the protests end entreaties of the parents, married a handsome but rather wit. blade. She eloped, married, returned, was reconciled, discovered an incompatibility of temper, was divorced, sad is again in the bosom of her family within the brief period of two months. Rather a rapid experience, even for this fast age, for a young Mies in her "teens." Richard Winder, John McGee and John Duncan, late of the rebel army, and who were till recently confined in the Old Cap itol in Washington, on charges of inhuman treatment of Union prisoners, have, now that the establishment is no longer to be used for a prison, been sent to the South, where they will be tried by court martial. Boys. —The Salem Repibliecus says the most approved method of raising children now a days is to let them run about the streets until a late hour—call swearing smartness, black guardiem precociousness, and every species of malicious mischief, fun. The pupils oft these n ght schools hardly ever fail to gradu ate in the penitentiary, and not a few take the higher or gallows degree. The Republican is right. A boy who is allowed by over in dulgent parents to run about at all hours of the night, will never amount to anything, and will very likely come to a bad end. A man ia Atlanta had a well nearly filled with rubbish which he wanted cleaned out. The freedmen in that country are not much fn favor of work and are difficult to hire ; but the owner of the well quickly started a. story that an iron safe belonging to the express company, and full of gold, bad been throw. into the well when the city was evacuated. In less than an hour his yard wax filled with negroes who cleaned cut hie well in almost no time.. Bat they didn't find the safe. . The- Brandon (Miss.) Republican says the prettiest girls are in Brandon. An Atlanta editor says the dearest widows are around in his neighborhood, and adds that a man with the " pewter " can get married so quick in Atlanta, that it will make his head swim. RlMlanci.—We deem it to be our duty to say to our readers, that. the most impttott re liance eau be placed in Coe's Cough Balsam. It will cure your children if croup, and your self of any cough, cold, sore throat cr pulmo aary affection. It is the cheapest and beat preparation in the market. Dyspepsia can be surely and permanently cured by Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. Thousands of Dyspeptics are sending in their testimoni als to the proprietors, saying that it has cures them. We say to those who are suffering from dyspepsia, conEtipation, sour stomach or any disorder of the stomach or bowels, give it a trial. The ladies of America, from their peculiar habits, are said to be the moat unhealthy in the world, also to suffer the most when about to become a mother. Dr. Valpau's Pills are a great blessing to all ladies, as they regulate and assist nature. Bold by all good Drug gists, deo7-Im. W A •N r IS D APPRENTICES FOR THE NAVY ! None need apply but three of sound health and god morel character, who an read well, spell correctly write legibly and who can cipher in whole numbers and frac Vona, and are not loss than 12 n(r more than 18 yeas o age. Naval apprentices are ELIGIBLE TO _APPOINTMENT'S AT TSB NAVAL ACADEMY! A certain number being selected yeariy from mane them for them appolntmen's. Sehoolmuters are assigned to each aebool ship to teach the rudiment, of education. including navigation, and their monde are carefully eared for. Apprentices are . , CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY EDUCATED To discharge the duties of seamen. and at the 4txptration of their term of apipreutieeship, which is when they ar rive at the ago of *l, found qualified, bare the prefer. moo in the appointments for warrant and petty offices. ar For farther information, apply to -i f H. Commander U .S. Navy, Eris, Pa Naval randesvons ' Brie, Pa., 'in Farrar Ballover Clemens, Caaghey itßurgess'. au• DR Y 00,0 DIS: A Imp and wen eslseted stook of FALI, AND WINTER DRY.GOODS! . JUST RECEVEIS. AT JOHN C. BEEBE'S, 601 FRENCH STREET. 00126-2 m M ANHOOD: new Last, Hew Bestowed., Jest Published a new edition of Da. Owners: We Camas= Er SAY On the retied sere (witbor medicdse) of Bflawalonazoaa, Seminal Weakness, Involuntary &sales! Lossim, In:ro la/OW Mental and Phrase' lumps/city, Impedimenta to Ilairviess, ete. ; also, Dossmutios, iirizarev and Tres, ladamed by self.tadalsemes or must extrema- Prise, in a *Wed envelope, only • rostra The celebrated acethor. in this admirable essey, elearly demonstrates, from • thirty years aucomeful praraloe, that the alarmist consequences of self-abuse may be rad- Welly cured erttlneut the do/serous use of internal need kin* or the eppl tuition of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and etfbtaal, by me we of which every enterer, no matter what his condition may Dwain himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture shoald be in the hands Of every youth and every man la the land. Bent wider seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on the rece=sia bents, or two postage stemps. Addrem the pa CHAS. J. C. HLI27S k 00., 127 Bowery, New York, mars O'fs-if Peet Offe Bon 4,156. ANY AND BEERY PERSON TROUBLED With Liver Complaint or with any disesat aria tog from ttoptuity of the blood, inch se Itch, Boils, Car t:nutlet, PimpW on the LIM or neck. Zrysipelas, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Pain In the aide or-to the back, eta, should not fail to me Catter's lixtract of Nude ton and Blttereweet. There la :nothing equal to it la such mum and it cannot be used without Logan. Ink benedt. Prim one deUar per bottle. Sold by drug. giMa everywhere. nor 2-110. EAGLE FOUNDRY, PZACH BT, ABOVIG THt ➢IIIPALO ROAD, X.RIZ.PA HENRY, BRYANT & SHERWQOD, (mown to Achoooo 4 Eitarij mozoroortrums or PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, Tur • Bnus IRON WARS, AND ALL RINDS ,OP IRON CASTINGS. 'Crory Stove mold by u resented to eve vallatietwa. ete otler. order Ststgltikoes, Sad Irons, Ste, es hand or me{.otorod to PlArra MID Purr Pawn btooppribtleake ma tars lelti always on load. A eslll and a bAr trial atm arti cles ls all wo aak. WRY, BRYANT WZBWOOD. on4WlO--tf. r=ETErigeow9!wuruguuliwP...F.pliploput AL A A. ADAMS is 00., WHOLE3/LLZ DICALMIS IN BOOTS, SHOES, AND CORNER OP STATE AND FIFTH STRUTS, ERIE, PENN'A. Erie, SapLembo 95 111661 DtV& & CARSON, Dealing in ALL KINDS OP 011001 OURS, FRUITS, VCR MARLS., AND PROVISIONS, Fifth fltreet, between State and Freud!, Erie Pa. Haringpurchaseu our stock before the late rise in prices, we feel eoaddent of being able to give SAibl• faction.,botb in pries and quality. , Gauntry' Produce of every sort bought and sold. Fanners cut always depend on receiving the highest mar ket price for their articles. DEALERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Lines of Railroad, SUPPLIED WITH PRIM, VEGITABLEP, k 0 Cilia as a Call RZIOMBIER LAY A JACKSON'S KARIM! DLPOT, rim 8 wl7-tt PRICES JIMOHCED. • THC UNION FURNITURE STORE, ICIUZ, PENN'A, Is now selling the hawed assortment of Knoirruaz, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SOFA. CANE SEAT AND OTHER CHAIRS, Geese Feathers, Manaus. Lounges, and other Turn tare, ever brought to Ws city. GIZO. W. BLURT, General Coma.'ion Furniture Dealer. West Ode near Bth. oi State ebeet. cir Call and us the Folding Bedstead. ten Us Gosrs GROCERY P4TOUN. Azro Goff bat opened bid gore at N 0.615 French S where can be found every Wag needed In the line of GROCERIES! He is happy to say that he has engaged that well known and popular man JACOB HANSON, Who will be happy to see Ma old Mesta at all times. CANNBD FaU/'IV, Suet' i i PEACHES, TOMATOES, GREEN.COBN MIA 131CANA, ETC., Always on band at corm N 0.514 heath at. SEASONING Tat POULTRY AND MEATS! I=l THYMIC, SAGE, suLatoituu, src, At aorrs, MS French St. pownzu, NtioT AND LEAD, At Wholesale or Retail, at Oct.lBtl. GOFF'S, 515-Freneh At. pIiILADELPIIIA Ella UAIL IWAU. TRI4 great Use traverses the Northern and Northwest mantles of Penns►lvanta to the city of FA'. on Lake Erie. It hu been lease l by the Peeztyfsaaia Rail road Compaey, and la operated by thew. Tr= Or radiCINGRR SR I,Pgd AT RIM Leave EsetwkrcL Kill Tres ........,..- 2 00 a. is. Er's Express Train 7 65 p. m . Warren Aeons.- 7 80 a. m Arrive Westward. Vail Train p m. Erie Express Train 333 a m Warren Aceom 1090 a. M. Passenger can run through rn the Erie Mall and Ex press trains without change both ways between Philadel phia and New York connection: Leave New York at 600 p. arrive at Erie 337 a.m. Leave Erie at 153 p. m., arrive at New York 1 15 p.m. No change of ears betwten Frie and New York. Elegant Bleeping Cars on all Alta trains For information respecting Fluttenger basineas apply at the S. E. corner 11th and Market eta, and for Frei& Wainer of the Co-npany's agent". S. B- KINGSTON, Js. sonnet 13th and Market Street', Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. W. BROWN, Agent N. C. R R , Thltimors. H. H. HrirSTIIN, Demerit Freight trent, Phila. W. (WINNER, Gen. Ticket 140. Phila.. A. L. VYLER, Glottal Superintendent, villtsaisport. • NEW HIEN. • James P. Crook, having taken In his sou, Jamas la partaar. OR the lat. day of April. 1964, soda; the Imo game of JA E' P. CROOYA SON aftiline to have a set tiniest of his old amounts. All persona knowing then: Wyes indebted to him are requasted to can and aatUs without delay. JAMES P. CROOK SON, 'WM 1% . DOUGH & PLANED LUMBER! AND a 41J1177ACTVEZ71.11 OF Window Sub, Traumas. Doers and Blinds, llionldings and Picket Fence Scroll Sawing, Matching lima Planing done to order. Shop on Peach Bt, &term 4th and 6th Ittae l lb* Pa. We respectfully call the attention of the public to out facltillas for doing work to the ban of dr le. roc/0i and on revocable tarty. Paving fitted tie, couple an 'bops, with superior ma c hinery, we tool conlidant of &talc entire eatistution. PWOrders from abroad will main prompt attention, mi2lll4—ti. JAIIL3 tr. CROON k 8011 B ANK NOTIOH. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OP MIL CAPITAL, $150,000. DIRECTORS: BELDEN . NIARVIN, JOHN W. EtAIkOMO KURT HARM, Brom TOWN. 0. WOOLS. ORANGE WOOL& President. JOHN J.tOWN, Cashier. The stall bank trill be opened for the transactien of business on DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, Went aid. of SW*lft.. between Seventh tad Motu. &Odiclory papa discounted. Money rewired on Depotla. Colleattons muds and pia:meal accosated! . 3e Jai.. promptness. Drafts. Specie and Bank (rotas boiled sad sold ♦ share 01 Public Patronage is respectto ily solicited Tit IL MORRISON & SONS Big lave to Inform the oitisina of Eris and .vlclalty that they ham removed their Moe& of ' DRY GOODS, To the Run BLOCK, to the building formerly amt. pied by Maar& HAYES & MUM, irhiro they Intend taping a lugs asiertossat, of DRESS GOODS, FANCY SILKS, GLOVES, HOISERY, &C, ttotozobte thank' to ou 0 11210011111 Sea theta past liberal patronage, vs regostbrily ailk a iontaanoo of GM imam • Kraaais ;KW mnz i MASON At HAMLIN GABISfr OH' AZ. !brig dliforsot stelos, adopted to Ilia*, sad mu, Wl* to SOO each . Thirty 41 ve gold .r ate , a edols. or other tint premiums awarded the oi trat e d Catalonia tree. Adder, MASON is Oillf Bodo'. or lIIABONSIWTHISILdisw York, 1 e 1416. RUBBERS. me 211481 C . . D XI3II7ACTUINX. AND Wl/01,111ALN DRAMA IX SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, &C., &C., /MU DILLOW STATIC BMW, 'RIZ, PA. Opposite tit* Mosta Plinth's Oleo. H miti. REMOVED.• • . The Subscriber who has occupied Nairlo* nen* ast 'bon the repot, for the past fear years, I:screamed tato the NATIONAL HOTEL, coRNIVR OF MACK AND BUFFALO STRUM Wham to will try tommosumodsts testa so easy oast*. and ma welt, uhe did is ths old stud. Hs hopes that Od Pillbaste *hi& iris so litterstfy extended Is him tbetiVerui to sal Girded to him is his sow viartars. , ol. stabling la imilidost to ascommodato sil tsamism who may lour him with ttbsis Wm:gag% sp1101164! JOHN DOM. le sIe.O.4FRE* 41 4# 44YtP Lain,Ask° Particular Notiu3 THE REAL VELPAIT FEMALE PILL. ! . [wmuimmarrimu . .] T HESE PILLS, so celebrated many years ago In Paris for the-relief of female Irregularities, and afterward so notorious fur their criminal employment in the practice of &station, are now offered for sale fur the first time in Ametica.- They have bet= kept in comparative obscurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. Velpau, Is a physician In Paris of great wealth and strict conscientious priu elples, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purposes. In overcoming Female Obstructions, Falling of the Womb, Whites, Green Sick nets, Suppression, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Discharges, they seem to be truly- omnipotent, bursting open the good-gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offered to the pub lid only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbidden to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Married ladies should never take them when there is any reason to believe themselves pregnant, fur they will be sure to produce a miscarriage. These pills are entirely safe. under all dr cumstancoa, being composed entirely of sub stances from the vegetable kingdom. Each box haft the coat of arms fur the (ity of Paris stamped on the box, with the math' " Trade Mark" in French, to counterfeit u Lich la a misdemeanor, and all persons will be dealt with according to law. AV. Full directions accompany every box. . Ladles can obtain a box sealed from the eyes of the curious, by inclosing One Dollar and six pest-oft:ion stamps to any respectable drug. gists, or to 0. O. STAPLES, General Agent for the United States, Watertc-vn, N: Y. Agents, & Elliott, Hall k Warfel, Wilkins & Booth, Liddell k pro . Carter k Carver. Erie ; Loop it Pro North Rut: Belknap k Bro., Girard ;P. McCreary, iraluiew ; Riley Potter, West Springfield. . 0 Ayer's 4j4ltatiPAßlL ram avurp's GULT maw roa rv sq.j Prom Emery Ede, a ,cell-known mere/wet of Or Ord, Maine. 4 . I have meld large ntities OrTSUP tni.LA, but never yet one bottle which Ailed of the desired effect and lull eatiathetion to those who took It. As fast se our people Icy it, they agree there hr been no medicine Like It before lu our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, tn• cam Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. Prom Rev. Robt. Stratton, Bristol, England. I only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the me dicinal virtues of our SARSAPARILLA. M daugh ter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor In her ears, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable cure until we tried your HARSAPARILS4. She been well for some months." From Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a tall-latmes and eetteis esteemed truly of Denniseille, Cape May Co.. N.J. ail y daughter has suffered for a year put with $ scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome Nothing afforded any relict until we tried your BAeurAZULLa, which soon completely cured her." From Charing P. Gage, Erg., of the widely-kamea Gage, Murray I Co_. ) manufacturers of enamelled eiyera in Nashua,.ll. had for sev eral N years a very troublesome humor in my face, which grew constantly worse tudil It disfigured my features and beanie an Intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man weld of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SARSAPARILLA. It Immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might fbr a time; but in a few weeks the new skin began to' form under the blotches, and eon tinned until my face Is as smooth as any body's. and I am without any symptoms of the disease that know of. I eeloy perfect health, and without doubt owe it to your SMISAPARILLA." Erysipelas—General Debility—Purify the From Dr. Robt. Sarin, Houston St., New York. " Da. ATER. I seldom fail to mauve Eruptions and Scrofulous Sore by the persevering use of your RA Itql.e ARI LUA and I have Est now cared an attack or .staittuutst w ith it. No alterative we potful' the SAILLIPARILLA von have sup piled to e fession u was w. E.cujet )'tom J. E. JohnstOn, Hog" Wakeman Ohto. • For twelve years, I had the yellow t bralpelas on my right arm, during which time I an the celebrated physicians I could reach, and took bun dreds of dollen worth ,of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated_. " I ovin taking your SARSAPARILLA. Took two bet. :lee, and some of your PILLS. Together they have lured me. lam now u well and sound u any body. Being In a public place, my ease Is known to every aody in this community, and excites the wonder of From Hon. Henry Monro, M. P. P., V Newcastle, mese. C. W., a leading member of the Canadian Fortier “ I have used your SARSAPARILLA In my family, for general debQity, and for purl f tag lAd blood, with very beneficial Wit t ed. " and foel confidence la It to the St. Anthony's Piro, Boss, Salt Rhona, Scald Head, Sane Ares. Prom Horny Mak, E s q., thie able editor qf the Took:Lamar.* Lkteocrat, Pennsylvania. Our only child, about three years of age, was Attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapid gpreasli until they termed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A slatted physician applied altrate of silver and other remedial, without any Apparent effect. Far Mom day. we guarded his hands, lest with than he should tear open the fes %Ting and corrupt wound which covered his whole see. Having tried th ing else we had any lope II; began your SAESSPARILLA. sad appl the. lodigl7 potash lotion. direst. owe bogies to heal when we had given the this bon*, and was Wril — wben — initiaii the aeeood. The el eyelashes, whleh had come out, grew again, and be la now as apt health and far eta miy ottmr. The whole imighborhood oiloted that the matt d/c." Fr;•j.' .rn .Jrrr? Films Dr. ninon Simi, sr.Si. Louis, Missouri. " 1 Sod year ilialieresmi.A $ more effectual remedy few the Meniedify symptoms of Syplsitte md for syphilitic dienmitbse any other we possess. rbe proreseto tillieltad to yon for some of the best medicines we Isola" ' Prue A. J. French, X D., an eminent physician of Laseressee, Mau., taco is a prominent member elf the Legislature of Massachusetts. "Dm Aran. My dear 81r I have found year SARSAPARILLA an ecembat remedri a l u rr 3 SapkUls, ioth of the primary and tecondary , and elfeo. foal hi some that were too obs to yield !4:1 other remedie . Ido not know what we can em ploy with more is certai nrequir ty of success, where a power ful alterative W." Mr. as. S. Van Lino, of Sao Bnauviet, X. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated lbw years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA relieved him. Few cases can be found more Inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bottles to cue him. Lenearrhois, Whites, Peresls - Weakness, ere rewrally produced by Internal Serra/W=B M. xralion, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this BLIMP/ 1.14. Some cues leg bowever, in aid of the StrestrAidu.s. tho skilful application of local resocelles. From the well-kwnon and widelreefebratert Dr. Jacob Morrill, of anditnati. u I have found your EimiSAPABILLA an excellent alterative In dlseues of females. Many cues of Irregull Leneorrhant, Internal Ulceration, and local , arising from the scrothlons diathesis have yield to it, and there are few that do not, when its effect is properly aided by local treatment. A lady, unsettling to aticrie the publication of her name, writes "My daughter and myself have been eared of eery debilitating Leueorrhom of long standing, by two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." aheamatiszn, Gout, Liver Complaint, Drs. , mods, Heart Disease, Neurahtla, sheu caused b_y Scrofula In the system, are rapidly utred by this EXT. EAB.9APARILLA. A ll,l l- C 'S CATIIA PILL'S ?MRCSS e 0 many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and thatihey may be depended on to do all that **rime ever dime. cue; by e . :, AYES , M. D., 4 Co.. UM• ^-121h47 • . • t , E r OR , ... I , EftLigon,- n preparation Is unequal% I an • Rejuvenator and Re nir et trutett o: lead I salon I. Tb aged should be certain to teak* the Bloke's* a houtek i I god, 111111111111 b as It Wit' tend r themyouth ful i feeling and la streng live th. sad smalls them to li over n the days t 1 their selst nit joy. It not eel, "%Miters les, but 'trust bees, and le malty an favalaible Westing especial r to thou veto have been redoes • to • undluen f nrvillty,"eltalmat, etteartana or ordi naryikkous No 'natter what the muse of the I pt. teal or any tunas organ. this superb prepasatisn will 'nova th 3 alt.ot at ones sal Oil var. 313 X CO IC. tt. 21:1 I\l' IC canon laronvicY, ograitu. 111CRILITY, NEP VOUS INCAPACITY. DISPe.P4tA DEPRRA 4 10 N, 1.0' 11 4 Or prrnig, LOlll SPIRITS. WKANNINA OP Tin i Ai 0 NS or GENERATION, 11l ECILITY. MENTAL IN LINCIE EMACIATION. ENNUI. It ha a most doll Unl. desirable and nova effect upon the nervous system, and all who are In any way prostrated by ner vous disabilities are unitedly advised to seek a cam In this mad esatibrut sad unequalled prep •ration. Persons wh ,by imprudeuee, have lost their Samsl vigor, will erci a sptedy nd rembanin am In the .13.141mr011 a. The Feeble, the 1.- nimbi. the Dispaltiog. V . . Old • hould give this vsinab • discovory a trial; It will be found to'ally diNeren 1 from all other arti cles for the sari t t i pqmceet. r Brign A—This preparation is I tvaluable to nervous wesknaseee of rllklnda, an 1 1 will • esters the wastaistrenuth with wonderful pansaneuts It is also a grand 'anis, and will give relief is Tlepep ais with the drat dom. A brief persistence In its as. will tenor .te the stomach to a degree of perfect health a d pettish Drepepola rower. One do lass per bottle, or .is bottles for lkft. Sold by Drage/its generally. Sent bvetrorem anywhere, by addressing HUTCHINGS & HILLYER, l'ropritiors, 81 Cedar Street. New 1%11k., ssow, V 3,00 A $lOll PAYED ON A PIANO FORTE! AND $ 2 , $ 7,6 AND $ 5 O OS Alt ORGAN OR MELODEON By mentling your °Dien to 0. J. WILLARD, No. 54? Breothrov, N. Y., WSOLTILLS • PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC DEALER Wm. A. Pond & C0.,.' Boardm 'a. Grsy k Co /LW» k Co.'s and other) Irst Clw PIANO FORTES: Aad Cazhart. Needham k Ces "11. Valor %sus, Melo deons, Church H IrtantilitOr, mad 8. D. & H. N. Smith's ;AMERICAN ORGANS MUSIC TICACEILBS AND DEALER 4 Win be farelobsd *lib Filmy licam. !Data patios Rock l'it-os Organs or 1161 , ,deons at Wholroula Prices. SIR OCRIC ellXf TO •$T ♦LI LISP, PUS OP POSTAOII., OT =13111:11331 Victory at lest. Bang and chorus, by William E. Brad • bury, 30 Our noble ebbe has paved away. An eulogy on ;Ls death of AAA/Kola, by S. K. Thomas, 41 , It's all up in Di tic, by Tucker, to Jeff In yettlemste. A song fur the times, by in lonely at ee he lett me, N. Keeler, 35 He, or Vey down la Benasyttacia. Hews Schmidt ......30 1 boltsted her tree to ma, H. Millard, ' 40 I hate so much to tell. J It. Them!. s 85 .• Let him rest," A tribute to the late Stephen C. nit-. ter, and embellished with has likeuese. by Henry Tacky, ' 40 • Limerick isbeautibil." Words by Berclesult,eum e. DWI Bryant, 30 Lost star of my hi - me. The last sung seri ehotus by 'teary Toeter,.... Little house under the hill, by E. G. Prue'p• V' Leers me not to dark despa:r, by A. H. Wo:nt, 35 Hind you, that, by J. H. Malian/ ton as Moonlight with Ouse, by it. Me et, .30 My Pol.; Ann, comic, fir Davis Peed, 35 My beautiful time, by J. Mahout IP, Motheee bleating by P. Widdows,.. - 35 Maggie Moore. by P. B. luau. 30 My Nagel boy. by litephen G. Fenster . Ea n vale on the we, es. Dana. by G. W. Glory, so teeter ore.. soy Save u chary, by J. R. Thommi,...Be T-11 me, Ittle twinkling star, by 0. II 0tift2,..... ..80 There's floss to ay good night to me, by J. M. Me, Ketightou 30 P‘ttzt at, all la all, or not at all. Words by Tennyson, W. B. Dempster, •50 Be Moo forevtr mini, by H. Millard.. • 35 Beawbfal dreamer, (for g.iter; by Wiener, 85 &stage! Wet of the us. by J. R. Thanes, "5 Blue-eyed Kitty May, by P. B. lasses, 30 Cadaverous Jun• s, e,,ntie, by °corpse B.wdrym, 30 I esnnot tall her mother, by I hamberlain, 30 J nave lira but for thee; by .1 Mahon, - Sao Ki.sing on the sly, by J.;A. illavier. 34 Kiss me, father, en 1 &lei by Welker, 81 Bury me In the suntiblne, by H. Mdlaid, 30 Angel child by W H. Our, ' 5 Beatalfni cloud, byl. Ara( if., 30 Striking Do. sang by Dan Bryant, D. D. INSTRUMENTAL—NEW WA.l.7Zre4. L'Ardita, by A: Arab, Bill•■ of Brooklyn, by George Willow licot Oo Delta 6 f and Talso, by tag. Melte per... ...... nasty by Th. Gates, 90 /lowing etrearolat, by elt. Wear, 75 raw', b. G.Ente William Warren, 75 Haz.est berme. by Jean Minna .oo Heart's ache, by Wlllsank H. Allen. 30 Ida. by Jeac llama, 60 Kiss, b 7 L /Ltda.', tO Kiss, brilH■ntty imaged by IC. IClttentr ao IitARCEIIC3 AND I R. Lincoln funeral m reb. SO inners' parch from Don Foot wow, by Ch. Frodel,....fn liareh Hongrotre. by H. Wollonbaupt, (0 March Ti toroph do. by Dr. ;Per. abmio, 30 Muth Hontoneyri ay. by H. Ifn) her. " 40 • VARIATI9IirI. Repantitol dreamer, by A. Lanoteeh, eo Call we not bat* 'tom the ech••lea•ebore, 60 Doer motber I've toms ho-or to die, by G. Grobe, 90 Lanigan'. ball, by A. Baumaeh, 60 Send ter itluetrat•d pr'ce Hsi gloxinia:mote todCata lege, of Reif Nude, Add ass orders to H. .1 WILLARD, Wholesale Kano Forte and Made Dealer, aoStrUtt. N 0.1547 Broadway, bow York. ASEERICATI soUTH-EAST CORNER OP TTE PARK AD STATE ST., ERIE. PA. JOHN DUNCA N. PROPRIETOR Us trivniasicia en ILLY/313 taken diary of the oboe* we'Llitiono Hotel, and re. eland it in sop* for style, reepeefolly soUelle • ahem of the peblio patroness. Terme maaonabla, and areommo datione equal to any to the city. For the convenmeof of persons from the country a good stable Las I am attached to the premises jelfttb-ti JoHN fIUNCAN. ' FURLS FUNS, FUNS. _ WHOLESALt k REUIL. CHARLES OAKFOR D & SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Ran now Grin thetr lass and splendid sssortsosst o: LADIES" FUR CAPES • COLL4Rs. MUFFS. CUFFS, GLOVES Ad , HOODS Also the &vat assortment of FANCY FUR ROBES, OAPP, MUFFLERS, AND GLOVES, ivrr Wars offered by them, all of which an ramuited to be ea repremated. SHIPPIBG FURS BOUGHT. 4a3. CEL I EVALIEW's LIFE FOU VIE liAllt Witt reatore the Hair to Ito ORIGINAL COLOR, BIMINGTIII‘II sod PRONOTI4II the growth of the wuzser Want; stops Whiling out lo Oars days; keeps UM heed dray. Cool sod-twaltht•. eau be used free 1; Contains moth tag hsjsztour; Tee BET HAIR DREOHNO EVER OFFEED TO THE PUBLIC ; It la reeommtided and avid by the best ?teaks, authori ty. Sold at the Drug Stoma, and at my onto, • Ho. 1.123 Broadway, New Yolk. I &mug all parsons the above preparation will do ali tat Is claimed for IL "nc26 2ro. SARAH A. CHEVALIRR, IL D. somwrilllNO isvicaThouy SHOULD USR. SHUT OUT Wig COLD, DUST AND WATER' PROM YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS. • WIIITKCIt'S ISIYISIBLI , MrrALIC RUBBER WEATHER STRIP Does all this—ls entirely ont of sight, In doors lied windows, and Is the best strip In nu for the following rescoos s isi, It Is mete effestasL 2.1. It costa anc third lea. 3d, It will not hinder opening sou clods, doors or whodowl. dth, It la bettor than doable win dows—does not obstruct the Hew—dws not hinder opening end eloidag the bluids—windows can be *posed so so so ventilate at nay time. This strip will stop the dent to summer whim your doob s windows are off. Ton have no benefit from your doubts libido we only in sta tor. Thlu Strip keeps out the cold in winter sat dust Sad water in summer, sod dcies sot coot one-ball the prig of doable wisdom'. This Strip is Doer offered to the Inhabitants of this city. Tows RUMS PDX FALL • 1. W. Kosims, iris, Pa , otall•tt !seat for Erie Co., Ter ROWANS . ADSUCI WA OD. PUILA DEL. ?WA * PA.—Disonose of the Clamor, aril Berea yaloco:-oorr sad WWII, troika • et. Also Lb* Drift' wsalor., oribm of Warning mad Instrodiary root ha hod rorel=or of elm s Address Or. .r. Bltlllo uoathloa, Angola No. 11, South Illath hoof, Plillo h. 1,2P41.17 imam itelaleld's Fluid . Ex't Bodes" p.:. :1 ?,„ :I.) AIL riEgßaiNse "lIIGIILY cowcn,_ - 17..A.TF.D" COMPOTTND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, positivo aadEpoeltle liezeledy Ilw Eldaerh Gravel and ilrogreleal Imams. Tits Medicine &Teta& the powers& digestion. sad excites the oh:other...s into healthy adios. by which the =tier of =lmmo& depecitkms, sad W sabstrosi so- larrx=entsa. - o redzetd,es well &pate sad tallarelaildas. sad la good for racn,rotaen and children. H REMOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, rat treedamme wiling from Emma, Uabits of blaglya. Uoa, Early ImUserotloa, &boated with tho following graptams: Indirptritlon to I:tcrtion, laea of Power, Lau of ::awry, Eillicelty of Ilreathing, WeakNorvcs, Trembling, n m.or r of Dlar.a, • Valurbulama. =mimes of Piston, Ma la tbo flack, not Trends, nada= of Um Body. Drynem of the Elkin. Entptions of the Foes, troltersal Lassitude, rapid Countenance, Iltucalaz S:fetcm. These eymptome, If allowed to go on (which this Ile& elno Invariably removea),econ rotor— FATUITY, EPILEPTIC 'FITS, *e., in one of which the patter& may expire. Who can say they are not bequeath folowed by thaw "direful " • eases, • INSAITIIT Ana CONSUMPTION? Many aro aware of the caw of their stiffering,bnt none will confess. The records et the inraric asylums and the melancholy deaths by coast:Motion bear cumin wlteeea3s the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once atoctcti by organic weakness, reqtdres the old of medicine o strengthen and invigornte CD system, villa' irrizmotO's =TACT OF, DUCTRI Inesrlably does. A trial will nvfaee the most sceptical. E Is many atections peculiar to remelts, t h e Exrusor }lrmo Is unequaled by, any other timely, end for all oomploisto tneldent to the SOX, or la the DZCWJE on MAY= OF LIFE. lir Szz ramp Tows AMR 2to Gamily should be without it. L Take to Balsam Mercury. or toroassat median for ElrDloosarit and doogorots &mica. - AND DZIP2.OWED , G2@g3E VOA r.,3 Cuzips Sccrct Disesuics. In all Olds stages Uttlo expense, Stria or no chino of eat. no !aeons's:dense, and NO EXPOSURE. M USE HELMI3OLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all attentions and dismiss of thcso organs, whether rmsrmo LV •LILS on FEILLT.Z. From whatever cause originating. and no clatter bow long standing. Disezma of those organs require the aid of dlaretio. HELTIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic. ft is certain to baro tho desired cheer la .11 diseases for atkb It Is recotratmr-drd. - • BLOOD! BLOOD! Lax.; ! ilelnibc)l4L':-; Incrinx FLUID EXTRACT SAFISAPA:ILLA, For purifying the Dloo., rre.loclng• tional diumses arialtuf frn:n tlx 1 1"o.:, and the only reliable and ei5.2,.; cure of Scrofula, Scald I'ztn.: art Swelling' of the Bones, ticeratlons of 1.,0 Tloot.t ci.Ll Legs, Blotthes, Pimples on the race, Tetttr, Lr 3 and ell seal, Eruption" of the Skin, AND ELLITTIPVING TELT: C:;I7.:P LI:S.10 V. NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that tif:lct air-al:hut a.!:c the corruption that acctuatilater, In the Of a:I • eareriee that have been m3dc to guru It out, none r -.n equal In sleet IIatiIIIDLDNI Couro.:ND SAPAXLLL.L. It cleanses and renovate:3 the the vigor of health Into the,l pnr_•3 0.2: the humors which make disease. It et:mull:to:I h..5.30.:- ftteletlettie of the body. end enpels the that and rankle in tho blood. Such a :t relied on has long been sought for, end now, for the 1.7. t Urns the public bare one on which they con der:. Owe here does not admit of,g to but the trial of a single bottle will chow to the rick t:i:t I; baaltaolittiesearng earthing they have ever tut...a. Two tableepooraful of the Extract of Sat.: patllla to pint of wate.r Is equal to the ,Ll , ;hon I Sct:'rink,and Ms bottle Is fully equal to a gallon of the Vyrup of Sam- Darn* or the decoction as usually made. 0 ECIELZBOLI) I I3 ROSE WASH, An exeslteat Lotion for diseases arising from habits of dissipation, need in connection with the Extracts and Banaparills, In inch diseases as recommended. I:vi. dews of the most responsible end reliable character trill actompany the medicines. .A ho explicit directions for 11.110, with hundreds of thOusan::: , living witnesses, end up wards of 110,00, unsolicited certificates and recommends. tory letters, many of which aro from the Ligheat sources, including eminent Physicians, Clergsmee, State men, de. The Proprietor has never resorted to their rut leation in the inviginocuct he does not do this from the fif,t that big articles rank r Stondird Preparations, and not need to be propped up by certificates. The Selma of Medicine, like the Porte Colulan, should Mind simple, pure, majestic, having Tact tot its - haat% Induction for Its pillar, sad Truth alone for ItsiCapital. z i , Extract Sarsaparilla is a Mood ruriZer U.:tract Botha is • Diuretic, and trill ect as such in elt 4 car,e3. Both are prepared on purely scientific prfnelples--43 eacuo—end aro tho most active measureo of either that VIII be made. A ready and conclusive tezt will be a com parison of their properties with thoec set tortilla the fol lowing works: See Dispensatory of the United States. See Profeawar Dawes' valuable works on tilte Practice of Physic. • Bee remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Foists, Mb. See remarks made by Dr. Esti:v.4lu Ifor.:losrxx.r., a eel°. basted rhyaltian and 3:ctnfor of tbo to-Iti College of flusiceoca, fralaisd. and published to the Tranasedons of tbe nag and Qocen•e Journal. . , Bee Medico-Chlntrglcal Ileview, published by Ba'r's s►tm, Fellow of the Doyal College of Burgeon, Bee most of the late standard work on Medicine D GOLD DT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYintual. Addnes letters fbi laformation, In =Moue, to a T.- UEILICEICILD, • Chemist. .Principai Depots— Reknbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouses Na 694 Int a A , D o WA.Y,.N. Y., Hehnbold's Medical Depot, No. 104 -SOUTH TENTH BT., PRIMA. power° of Counterfeits ASK Pox HELMBOLIPS! •caii!": l 6 v=• z 4 UgL3IIBO LIRA fIUID satitztt, LA ==ll7l THE FAIREST OF THE FAIR. Faxatza, the peculiar and important re• latices which they sustain; their peculiar organize. ticin. sad the oiricei they perform, are subject to many sufferings and allzneuts peculiar to the eel. Freedom from these contributes in nu small degree to their happiness and welfare, fur nuno can behap py who aro ill. Not only so, but no one of these va rious female complainta can long bo suffered to run on without involving the general health of the indi vidual, and ere long proaluebig permanent sickness and premature decline. Nor in it pleasant to commit a physician fur U. relief of there delbwte affections, and only upon the must urgent necessity will a true woman lb far sacrifice her greatest charm as s to do this. The sex will then thank us fur placing in their hands simple specifics wl,,h will be found eines clone in relieving and curing almost every one of those troublesome complaints peculiar to the sox. lIEUIBOLD'S • ExTuAur Of• Hundreds suffer on In bilence, and hundreds of others apply vainly to druggists and doctors, who _either merely untalize them with the hope of a cure Or apply remedies which mate them worse. I would not wish to assert anything that woujl do injustice to the afflicted, but I am .obliged to Kay that althchigh it may be produced from exceShiNV exhatidion of the powers of ' life, la laborious e mployment. unwhole. some air and food, profuse menstruation, the use of , tea and coffee, and, frequent childbirth, it is far of tener caused by direct irritation, applied to the mu cous membrane of the vagina itself. When reviewing the muses of these distressitig complaints, it is must painful to contemplate the et: tcndant evils consequent upon them. It Is but sim. ple justice to the snhjjet to enumerate a few of the many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happluess of woman in all classes of society, and which, consequently, affect, more or less directly, the welfare of the entire human fam ily. The mania that exists fur precocious education mud marriage, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to be wasted and pervert ed in the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, and especially in the unhealthy excite ment of the ball-room. Thus, with the body half clothed, and the mind Unduly excited by pleasure. perverting in midnight revel the hours designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is half accomplished. ;' In consequence of this early strain upon her sys tem, unnecessary effort Is required by the delicate votary to retain bet situation in school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil. When one excite• merit is over, another in prospective keeps the mind morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now con stant restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely for. bidding the exercise indispensable to the attainment and retention of organic health and strength ; the exposure to night air ; the sudden change of tem perature ; the complete prostration produced by ceaaive dancing must, of necessity, produce their le. gitimite effect. At last, an early marriage caps the climax of misery, and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly-regardless of the plain dictates and re monstrances of her delicate nature, becomes an un willing subject of medical treatment.. This is but a truthful picture of the experience of thousands of our young women. Long before the ability to exercise the functions of the generative organs, they require an education of their peculiar nervous system ; composed of what LI called the tissue, which is, in common with the female breasts and lips, evideutly under the control' of mental emotions and associations at an early pe riod of life ; and, as we shall 'subsequently see, these emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap theverx life of their victims ore nature has self-completed their development. For Female Weakness and Debility, Whites or leucorrhceS, Too Profuse, Exhausting, 'Too Long Continued Periods, fur Prolapsus and Bearing Down, or ltrolapsus titen.we offer the most perfect specific knovn : Ifelmbobl's Compound E.rfract of Beau. Dinctions for lase, diet, and advice accompany Ferrules in every period of life, from infancy to extrems old age, will find it o remedy to aid nature in the dscharge of its functions. Strength is the glory of manhood and woman hood. 82L3TBOLD'13 EXTRACT BUCHII Is more etreagthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iran, infinitely safer, and more plaaiaat• , • "HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRU, having reoeistil the endorsement of the most , • puranes's Ii THE UNITED STATES, is now oared to adlicted humanity as a certain cure for the following diseases and symp toms, fromwhateser cause originating : General Debility, Mental and Physics] Depression, • Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Hord. Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability. Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Bight, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, - Lou of Appetite, DTIPeTam. Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation. Palpitation of the Heart, Ana, In fact, all the eencomitahts of &Ns:wound Debilitated state of the system. Ti inowe OW genuine, cut thif out. IBiC 70Jit SEMIBOLD' IA • LIQU'II) \ ll / t yo-Ff • oku kkA; 2 , :s"" ,• • • \ l2, ,\JATAR. CUBE WARRANTED' "pa IF DIRECIIO.NB ♦RE FOLLOWED. Call Jar a Circular Diacribing all *Tymp ani:. ; rho eiriptoms cf Ca:r_trh atthir generale lippest .c at tint I try sliest. ?.Irani Sul they hive a col ttoit they hare frequnnt attan l / 2 1, sal are more sensttive V the ,hanges of tempo. taru. i 3 this condition tn• n ,, se mar he dry, or a littett discuarre, thin and awl 1....m.1.113g thick and adhesive. As the di. :se .nit, the , disohartes are inettased la qu a l ,t,te and hanged in quality ; thee are now thiei. ni.4 heavy, and ere hawked or coughed rip. The score tit.ns are olVnairv, casein: a bad breath ; the voles • thick and nasal ; the eyes are weak ; the sense of tit swell Is lessened or destroyed; destaeas Ire ,ueutis tat TIMM.. Another common and important symptom a eatarrh Is, tl•at he person is oSliged to clear his throe, in the m,rulosof a thick or slimy mucus, which 1 a fallen enwn fromthe bead during the night. Who: this takes pl%ce thvereon mar be sure that his diaeas is on Its way to th lon i•e r.ud should lose no time in arvating it. The Abort ars iut ajee a tRe naay Cafarrtipay • A single Bottle will last a Month— to be used three times a day. Testimonials : Preen /fen. Tkretas J. Turner, Ex-/11.mber of Coners,s frees Illinois. late .pecker o/ Illtaeis House of Rep serdatices rout &rued Master of 4. F. and d. N., of It State of Ii tame. FIZIPOSLY, Oct. 21,1863. OLD. H. 8E811.TE: Di. a Sta:—ln reply to your notice of the 19th inst won:d gas that t war ieverely afflicted with Catarrt r years. when 1 becaras sequatated with yon, a. n tight two bottler of •oar Liquid Catarrh Yeatetly. Ito • 1 had used o e boltiv, i wit; sensibly ins; roved, al, before the battle sax fin tthed, ww cnmpletett sit e • I tan recommend the mad:Clue to all aillicten h Catarrh Res,feetfully )oure, TEIO3. J. TURNER- DR. D. H.- SEELYE • & CO., sOLE PROPHIILTURS, Chteszo, 111 not" t 7 aborntorr Fr.epurt, Illinois' I;IiNNIttI,.MP:NTSt :ROW; Sr A P.U , T.tCONG, - Cierelaod, Oh • :11-3N ;I. PARR, Cinctonsti.oll.l 'A b. JOHNSON • Detroit. Mick 00,0 is 'xis tIiTER &CARVER, W NIPR," 1.. STRONG NIERS k FLI.IO r And rot tale hp; ALL D111.11319T3. I rowvs norm.. CORNER OF STATE ST , AND THE 'PARK, ERIE, PA..- Thii• Known Hous Has parsed itito the control of the Undersigned, who are &tenni to altars no efforta that wid tend to oak •it a pl. aitint atupping Alai* (or the traveling pub -Ic. A number of import. ot Jmproveatentstiaty already hied made, and others to be ebmpetel itt an early IA tad well render it c. e .1' the Swan hotels In the country. kap vial cars la taken to furnish the table with all the r asonsh e artis'es,serwad up lathe mos' arproy. d Iliad by a-cominottat Pt waiters. We took elarue or the hotel with the r solution to make it such as the cults, of ltd. arction regain., and feel confided:4,ot meson the approbs'ion of o guests. LOOIIIe & ft 0.14 A. r. Loos's, tt Proprietors. W. L. Rom S Merit ode BALMAAst)4. IntEfLLli n tbrutt, Coo.urnptlon, awl f 4,il ' 01 t 4 111. d Lane. For sa's by druzglits General Or•et, ClLlCAranstl, ~ b to, Arup,t „, t , reeommend nr.Striek'and's anti Lure as the rmy certcu eotery. It fa a combination of Aitntr•i, •timalants and Carl:dim:eaves, tors after all flaw n,eans ha .e Tor sale by Druggiata. Genenl dep t ., r street, Cincinnati, ()bin. DR. Strickland's Pile Itented v 4 time/mods of the worst cave of hlref tog Piles. It gives trsimr•Mat• baeoe..t cur.. Try It directly. It For sale by draggle's. G.:rubel street Cincinnati, Ohio. Dispepsia,oNe r ouancli Debility. DR. STRICKLAND'S TONie recommend throe rotle.due with r A , Indigestion, or Yerrcp~,w as Debility, to nee Suicidal:re It o preparetirn. free from Alcnt io llo , the whole NeIVOUN system; It crer.t.c ar •rid le warranted to cure Ner,zo,„ Debility. _ For sale by DrugKlatt' ErnerCy a ; p rim ., h. Dr. A. SW:Coed, 6 F„,, e , Cioetnnatt, Ohio. 1 k 0 AA For, the Handkerchief. PllllB " yt 0 7.44 Ell P ~~~ k.P.. ..4s* A Most Exquisite, Delia:a grant Perfume, Distilled frai and Beautiful Flower from takes its name. Manufactured only by PITALO NEW YOBS. BLIVRE OF c ASZ FOlt PIIALONS—TAKE 801# by Dniggica cerana:: IMPORTANTTorEI Nfro 'ski\ 4 its (((1)./LLSY The c , nibination f ingre•uest* •n t!.• w result .f long and wstensive t rut. thea opt IA lon and C.1113120t ham c,te; corta:n to come...lox al, v Mena t tilttroa, minoe:nx all el slm•!ictt, cold or t , thersiae, headache, ram IG •f tb• heart, vbitell, All n.rvou. aff,' .fa tigue, pain in the back and limos. Lc.. which arum from interruption or obtear DR. CHEESEMAN'S PEMA Race been ne,d over a quaver of a ces offered am the only este me‘rte rer,er . . _ enatruatfoa. bait Ladies muP, is ose condition of /ha./male agates o coaxal be taken tratddrut prodattag a fit SUI.T. The coacfsihma reaerred to is fFI the malt, 111/SCIRRLIGE. t.uch n tt, vr,den , ty of the me to ref t.ra to n rm.] conditioo• that area th•r*r of na'ia•e cannot tai n t 't. THEY C. 03 inaly tharrray. Dr. Cheeseman's Pill have been a etaudard remedy for c are the moat effeetn 1 , ne ever known r pecull rto F instil T all ela.ami 1 inducing with certainty periodical at: areknnern to houluinde, who vase up ''.' kat period., throughou the col:intr., to H Lion of some of the moat eminent p . p. tea. it directions, stattele s ben the, e` with each box— the Plunic $1 IRE BO; e con raining 60 '0 GO rah sent by prentpt:r, r d ‘ectur tral ation. by_ eetottting to the raVls flittr9GISTA ORNERALLY. HUTCHINGS s lIILLYER, I'n:4)2 -jet, 81 Ceder St.. New otk Sold In Erie by Carter b. Carver, V ters & Warfel„ nd Wm. Nra rlyl.l i. k Rowland.- B. & R. T:ANTRONT & Illfiumfaistaroro of Photogmh.. Inl=2l 501 BROADWAY, I. T. i. strtltlau to our main b-rtwok ,n,11! =FOALS, wear* latad .or t't ' • Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic V , ..4 or m..p,EWSOFTHEWAit, oMwhowt at groat extutoe .1 tom sg • ,er TIZO7OQIIIPUIC IllorottYLEAT Cr•-, Bull Bun, Dutch Sap, Yorktown, Pontoon Trial. Oettyabnrgh, Hanover 3::.:ts Fair Oaks, Lookout ltorins Savage Station. Cbicksho=l , Frederieksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Potersbargi , Deep Bottom, Bello Plc:. Monitors, • Chattanooga, Atlanta , Fort Morgan, Charleston, earswlx &c. Sc Florida. AMEIkIIII and Torero Ott.. tr. 1 7, An Also, Su, • " lattlbltiola Our C•talovuo•til t -1 Stamp Photographic Albums. w. dm !Int I. Itstr.!:. 0,411.,• WI tire satentlactunt.lrt:r. raw : n lag I prle• (min Set coma to $ t: •\I 't v. tallott b•lng supeno, ,Ln no , will be seat by man, IKE:. The g ruts ',LUCY! ItAftll Tt , obit, ie will find our Album' Saleable they can bat • - CARD £110T0i:R. 011, Our Crilalcrp• , Vf 0,11,1 K. C•t• IMI T. IMbiedlß .1111 Ch .It I otts ••• Belt Amerman+, Att. atet-t 100 /111-%'erset 1.0 12.. t C• • •n• Ino Rnj " TY. other n L't to ES Colonels. IS 'Soy 02. s:+, " t". 40 Antilot Irt tettaot, C. os of Waits cf AtS. bothelllej npealuctsuiss of lt. at tt • ••sot Pointing*, Statues. St Cato , Tao Mat.: :so, An ropier for One DOIVIN tree 11:11,4 sstettpl tal 81 60. rad oat ZlbArnhe.tsetti others ertiortug c,w tt Meaty-fire percent of ill. am, ino t.r {lR'73a prscot and quality of wr I STABLE. The ntac: Pui.a axed the well-known oceupied by Wm. j. to, IV and the public that he Ina cuLtl.:ne the invites their pattona,To. • • THE STIICK will' be lamely increased and icrirron, lances hay,. been cured: and Inv Mtge& in the coun pro try. Ism a te,tore!.. the establishment as to Rare want to obtain the eervicescr • I ready at all times to arc...cumulate theal, prices. &collect the Vac*. 9TFRRETI , I OLP STAN P. Fifth street, rear of the Reed Route. Erie, June a..ise.s—tf DOVV lo rune ING ready to t*nadtddoen. riti Factories and Buildings of all to materials that have stoo the te.t et t manufactured oa an entirely different IN than any other compositton rrotpt m patent. Very durable and at , los price._ n ample. ient t r e e by =a. Itt 7 .IDV Ro 0• 9 116-17 hie. 73 WO LAW