The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 28, 1865, Image 2

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    Items of All Sorts•
A mule in the United States serrioe is
now called a " brevet horse." We have
known some'essles in the service whose
brevet did not raise them tothe dignity of
a horse.
A lady in New York used kerosene in
her stove to boil her water. She is now in
Heaven.-81. Louis Democrat.
Then there must be a great many .fools
there.—Louisville Journal.
A coirespondent of the Carson, Nev.,
Appeal exults over the Republican ticket
in Storey county, as follows: "Our Legis
lative ticket is unexceptionable. There is
not one of them who has been accused of
crime or indicted by a grand jury of the
A United States Revenue officer the
other day reosived the following " float :"
"To Mr. Adams. I hey bin Sallie chesnuts
by the kwart to sum of the nabors and the
boys ses, I shet be proaekuted it - 1 dont
bev a likens or get my chesnuts stamped
onto. How much hey I got to pay for eel.
lin a fu cheenuts."
Some years ago a native of this , city,
now residing in Boston, met there a man
intoxicated and in want. The man said
he had been led away, and was desirous of
assistance. He was taken in, and, when
sober, money was furnished him to return
to his home in New York. Recently that
man, ever afterward sober and respect
able, died rich, and, recollecting the
kindness shown him by one who had
acted the part of the good Samaritan, be-
queathed him thirty thousand dollars.
Newburypor t Herald.
A Jackson, Mississippi, paper makes a
proposition to raise a fund of half a mil
lion dollars, by the contributions exclu
sively of soldiers who served in the rebel
army, to purchase Jeff•. Davis a residence
in some foreign country—after he is par-
doned and liberated. Each private soldier
is to give a dollar, and those who were
commissioned officers will be allowed to
contribute at their discretion.
A man applied to Dr. Jackson, the c.l
- chemist of Boston. with a box of
specimens: 'Can you tell me what this is,
sir ?' 'Certainly 1 can, sir ; that is iron
pyrites ': 'What, sir ?' in a voice of thun
der. 'lron pyrites.' "'lron pyrites ! and
What is that?' That's what it is,' said
the chemist, putting a lot on the shovel
over the coals, where it disappeared ;
'dross: . 'And what is iron pyrites worth ?'
'Nothing' ! Why, there's a wo
man who owns a 'hill full of that in our
town and I've married her.'
Lam Cotramo Josh Billings tenders
all whom it may concern the following
excellent advice : Don't court for 'sunny,
nor buty, nor relashuns ; those things are
just about like the kerosine ile refining
biztiness—liable to git out of repair and
bust at enny minnit. Court her fora wife
or mother; court her as yn would court a
farm for the mile and the perfecshun of
the title ; court her as she warnt a fule
and yn anuther ; court her in the kitchen
over the wash tub, and at the planner ;
.ours her in this wa, yung sprout, and if
vu don't git a good wife the.fault won't be
In the courting.
A. western farmer who wished to invest
the accumulations of his industry in 11.
securities, went to Jay Cooke's office to
procure the treasury notes. The clerk in
quired In what denomination be would
have them. Having never beard the word
used, esoept to distinguish the religious
sects, he, after a little deliberation, re
plied ' Well, you may give me part in
- Old School Presbyterian, to please the old
lady; but give me the heft on't in Free
will Baptist.'
A New Yorker, who bad buried five
successive wives, in five different grave
yards, and was courting an intended No.
6, resolved one day to make a 'collection'
of his former spouses and bury them all
in one place. Having put the five coffins
into one wagon, he drove for the cemetery,
and unfortunately passed the house where
his intended resided and caught her eye.
He bowed politely, but it was too much
for the young lady, who vowed that after
that she wouldn't have him any how, and
she didn't.
breakfast was given by a substantial farm
er, blessed with five daughters, the eldest
being a bride, when a neighbor, a young
farmer, who was honored with an invita-
tion. thinking, no doubt, that he must say
something smart and complimen,tary on
the occasion, addressing the bridegroom,
said : ' Well, you hive got the pick of
the batch !' The countenances of the four
unmarried ones, as may be imagined,were
There is a law, passed by.the English
Parliament in 1770, against obtaining hus
bands under false pretenses, which, if in
vogue in this country now, would serious
ly conflict with the fashions It enact's:
That women of whatever Age. rank, pro
fession or degree, who shall, at er sits act,
impose upon or seduce and betray into
matrimony any of his majesty's subjects,
by virtue of scents, paints," cosmetic wash
es, artificial teeth, false hair, ivory stays,
bolstered hips or high heeled shoes, shall
incur the penalty of the law now in force."
ty is only an idea in nine oases out of ten.
Some men with ten thousand dollars a
year suffer more for want of means than I
others with three hundred. The reason is
the richer man has artificial wants. His
income is ten thousand, and he suffers
enough from being dunned for unpaid
debts to kill a sensitive man. A man who
earns a dollar a day, and does not run in
debt, 'is the happier of the two. Very
few people who have never been rich. will
believe this, but it is as true as God's
word. There are thousands and thousands
with princely incomes who never know a
moment's peace, becaure they live above
their means. There is really more happi
ness in the world among working people
than among those who are called rich.
FATLL FOOLINO.—The Princeton (Ind.)
Clarion has the following : 'We understand
that at Hazleton, a short time since, a sol- -
dies's wife having received a package of
$l5O in money from her husband, bad a
call in the night front a man who uncero
moniously appeared in her sleeping room
and demanded her money. Fortunately
she had provided herself with a weapon
in the shape of a rolling pin, and as the
demand was made threw her money on
the floor, and - as he stooped to pick it up,
she dealt him a blow with her weapon on
the neck. She then ran to the nearest
neighbor for assistance. The min was not
at home, but the lady kindly volunteered
and went with her, when, lo and behold,
the unfortunate man was the latter lady's
husband ! The blow he received proved
to be fatal.
MI RIM= or Goma TO Law.—Two
New Hampshire farmers, of the
_,ttwn of
Bow, had a disagreement, two years ago,
about settlement of accounts, and went
to law in a police court. The'filaintiff
claimed the sum of $7 11, and the defend
ant claimed i balance of $l5 50. Judg
ment was rendered for the plaintiff, but
the defendant appealed to the Supreme
C o urt, where, about four weeks ago, the
mute was decided. Forty witnesses were
examined, and . two eminent ex-Judges of
the Supreme Court were employed as
oounael. After a six days' trial, a verdict
of $3 27 was rendered for the plaintiff.—
The oasts on the suit were over $l,OOO. One
item of the case was a charge against the
plaintiff for the use of a pair of oxen, and
the defendant has entered an action foe
damage' to the cattle while used by the
plaintiff. What Only, stupid fellow.
and what a plea stnt neighborhood they.
must make.
Tam papers announce the birth of Major
General George B. McClellan, Jr., at Drell.
den, Europe, on the 15th of November.—
May he inherit the virtue, patriotism and
ability of his illustrious father.
6rit 0 bsertier.
THURSDAY. DEC. 28. 1865.
cr nit t•ASNITAL COLLZCTIOWS of the amounts
des this Ogles will be mede-asscr before the let days ft/
hi, a id „yormsrp in each and every year. Bills for job
wank and advertising will be colleens' every .1z months;
subscription accounts will be colbsetel yearly. Persons
who fail to stake settlements as above, meat espied to
tyre their bills sent to than!.
rrAltollll[ol7ll Casursicivicars no notice will be
taken of. Whatever le intended for insertion mast be
autheaticated by the iv= and address of the writer
not seeemasily far publication, but u a guarantee of
food faith.
Coinsnszcarion containing Won:igloo of an
interesting Locel or General nth:re are solicited. We
will send • copy of the paper, razz to any person who
will furnish us a semi monthly Correspondence from any
locality m this section.
Eir For Tams of gaticiiption and Advertising no
Stet page.
CoNauss has passed the bill g:vinp
$2,5,000 to Mary Lincoln, widow of the
late President.
'Pas Message of President Johnson, in
another column, we can commend with
the utmost heartiness. It is a substantia'
indication of his determination to stand
by the policy of reconstruction advoested
by Democrats, whether the radioale
like or dislike it. If he remains true to
these principles we shall be willing to
overlook much in his course that has not
been satisfactory, and give to him the full
weed of credit to which he is entitled.
The Democratic State Convention for
1866. will meet at Harrisburg on the 4th
of March next, for the nomination of a
candidate for Governor. The gentlemen
most prominently mentioned are Heiater
Clymer, of Barks, G. W. Cue, of Alleghe
ny, and Ass Packer, of Carbon. Wm. A.
Galbraith, Esq., of this city, would receive
a strong support if he would consent to
become a candidate, but he positively de
clines the use of his name in connection
with that or any other official position. or
the Democratic State Senators, it is assert
ed that nearly two-thirds are in favor of
Clymer, and a very large proportion, if
not a decided majority of the members of
the House, are said to be in harmony with
the Senate. With this influence constant
ly manufacturing sentiment in the politi
cal centre of the State, and prepared to
operate on the Convention which must
meet in the midst of it, the friends of Cly
mer hope to compass his nomination.
The time for holding the Republican
Convention has not been fixed, but the
date will probably be after the close of the
Legislature. The leading candidates are
Gen. John W. Geary, of Cumberland ;
Paper Gen. Moorhead, of Allegheny ;
Little John Cessna, of Bedford ; and Col.
F. Jordan, of Bedford, with the chances
apparently in favor of Moorhead. -
SZNATOR SIIXNZR attempted to dam
age Gen. Grant's report on the condi
tion of affairs in the South, by producing
in the Senate, isn't week, a scrap book full
of newspaper extrscts and private letters
tending to demonstiato that the South
were disregarding the rights of the freed
men, and were still full of the spirit of re
bellion. It took him nearly two hours to
read it, and notwithbtanding it was inter
spersed with scholastic platitudes, it fell
with a dead weight on the Senate and its
crowded galleries. Senator Cowan replied
in a half hour's spee'ch, with brilliant ef
fect, completely enlisting the sympathy of
the audience, as was attested by their ap
plause at hie well rounded periods.
The radicals, following Sumnerand Ste
vens, are growing bolder in their denun
ciations of the leading officers of the Gov
ernment. In a communication written by
the Boston correspondent of' the Spring
field Republican, the report of General
Grant and the message of the President.
which we publish to-day, are denounced
without stint. We are told that " justice
is outraged and God defied" by the Presi
dent and the Lieutenant General; that
such a condition of affairs is not to con
tinue, no matter how many Lieutenant
Generals think well of it ; that the report
is identical in spirit " with the detestable
White man's impudence which now per
vades everything which emanates from
this Administration," and that the
chances are that "an insurrection,• of
blacks will be put down by a Copperhead
[ President."
Sows kind hearted Republican friend
sends us a half . sheet of the Tribune, con
taining what purports to be a review of
Mr. Buchanan's book, with the injunction
that we should " read" it. We had seen
the 7iibtour's article before, but to please
our well meaning friend we have carefully
re read it, and our first impression of its
unfairness and lack of anything of a crit
cal nature are doubly confirmed. The re
viewer, if by that dignified name be is en
titled to be called, makes no attempt eith
er to refute Mr. Buchanan's facts, or de
bati!l his arguments, and merely indulges
in a rehash of the time-worn charges and
slanders which the latter, so completely
"nails to the wall." We should be happy
to read a fair and argumentative review of
the ex-President's book, from the Repub
lican stand-point, but our hopes of ever
obtaining that pleasure are very few in
deed—knowing as well as we do the char
acteristics of the writers and speakers of
that faction.
Tan War of the American Revolution
closed about eighty-three years ago; and
it. is announced that, of all the many
thousands that once figured as Revolt&
tionary soldiers on the pension rolls of
the Government, barely two remain : Wil
liam Hutchins, of Penobscot, Maine, and
Samuel Cook, of Clarendon, Orleans Co.,
New York. Several have died within the
last year; and it may be that 1866 will
witness the closing of the books. We
trust the Government will promptly an
nounce the fact by a proclamation or
military general order, and that the death
of the lart Revolutionary soldier will be
fitly and generally commemorated.
Gov. Cumin, who is now in Cubs, the
' Harrisburg papers say, will not return be.
fore the middle of January. As the Le
gislature is required by law to meet on
Tuesday, the 2d, some difference of opin
ion prevails as to the proper course to pur
sue in the Governor's absence. The Har
risburg 2e/egraph suggests that it' adjourn
over to await the Governor's return. The
ides is refreshing in these times of heavy
taxes and high prices.
In the Senate, on Tuesday of last week.
Mr. Doolittle (Rep) presented a bill to
authorise the President to suspend the
Freedmen's Bursau and withdraw the
troops from any State ito longer in rebel
lion, which was refereed to the committee
on military affairs. Mr. Trumbull gave
notice of a bill to enlarge the powers of
the Freedmen's Bureau so as to secure
freedom and rights of person and properly
to every person in the United States. In
the House Mr. Farnsworth, of 111., offered
a resolution to inquire into the loyalty of
Mr. Benj. G. Harris, of Maryland,and re
port what action the House should take,
which was passed by 127 to 21. Mr. Wash
burn reported shill to extinguish railway
monopolies.which vas passed. Mr.Wileon,
from the committee on the Judiciary, re
mitted a joint resolution for an amend
ment to the Constitution prohibiting the
payment of the rebel debt, which was
adopted by 149 to 11.
In the Senate, on Thursday, a bill was
reported to add certain cour.tiee to the
State of West Virginia. Mr. Morrill re
ported a bill to regUlate the elective fran
chise in the District of Columbia with re
striation to those able to read the Consti
tution in English. The bill to maintaiu
the freedom of the people of the rebel
lious States by abolishing all distinction of
coler,was called up by Mr. Wilson and was
debated at length by Mr. Sumner, who re
iterated. the remark that the Message
of the President, was an attempt to white
wash the unhappy condition of the rebel
lious States. Mr. Saulsbury (Dem.) of
Delaware, and Mr. Cowan (Rep.) of Pa ,
replied, defending Mr. Johnson. A con
ference report in favor of the adjourn
ment of both, Houses from Thursday, 21st
inst., to Friday, Jan. 5, was agreed to. In .
the House an Arkansas certificate of elec
tion was presented and referred to the
Reconstruction Committee. Mr. Stevens
introduced a bill to double the pensions of
sufferers by the late war, to pay damages
by rebel invaaion,and enforce confiscation,
to provide a fund for these purposer,which
was referred to Committee of the Whole,
and a reconsiders' ion moved. The petition
of Judge Weymouth, who received the
negro vote of that State, to be admitted as
a delegate from the Territory of Louisiana,
was referred to the Reconstruction Com
mittee. Mr. Lawrence of Pa.,offered 'series
of resolutions demanding a speedy trial of
Jeff.Davis,his punishment if convicted,to•
getber with that of other chief conspirators
and the trial by military tribunal of all ac
complices in the assassiniition of the Pres
ident or the starving of Union prisoners.
These were laid on the table and ordered
to be printed. Mr. Stevens offered a res. ,
elution, which was passed, directing Gen.
Howard to inform the House whether any
lands assigned to freedmen* had been re
stored to rebel owners, and by whose au
thority, and under what pretense.
In the Senate, on Friday, the President
was requested to state on what charges
Jeff. Davis is confined. Mr. Sumner pre
sented petitions from the colored citizens
of Tennessee asking that that State may
be kept out till their rights are recogniz:d;
and from white citizens of the District of
Columbia for the extension of suffrage to
the blacks. Mr. Howard presented the
petition of 3 740 colored citizens of South
Carolina asking for their political rights.
Mr. Lane offered a resolutior of inquiry
into the expediency of a partial abolition
of the franking privilege, which was
adopted. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill
to enforce the constitutional amendment
by'abolishing State laws founded on color,
which was referred to the Judiciary Com
mittee:. Mr. Stewart (Rep) of Nevada,
made a speech in defense of the President
against Mr.Surnner's attack. A resolu
tion by Hubbard, re-affirming the
Monroe Doctrine, was referred to the com
mittee on foreign affairs. Mr. Conkling
asked leave to offer a resolution of inqui
ry concerning the confinement of Jeff.
Davis and other rebels, but Mr. Johnson
otjected. The committee on post offices
was d,igected to inquire whether a tele
graph system, under the management of
the %vestment, sim.lar to the postal sys
tem cannot be established.. Mr. Voorhees
(Dem.) offered resolutions endorsing the
President and his -reconstruction policy,
which was postponed to January 9. Mr.
Smith offered a resolution to admit James
M. Johnsen), of Arkansas, to the floor of
the House, but ol t jection was made and
the resolution was withdrawn: The House
went into. Committee of the i Wbole, and
Mr. Fincke (Dem.) and Mr. Raymond
(Rep.) spoke on reconstruction, both sus
taining the President's views that the
States were never legally out °lithe Union,
and are entitled to all their former rights
under the Constitution.
We fully agree with the Lancaster In
&lngmar that the great agency
,of the
Democratic party and its chief lever of
power has been an unfettered newspaper
press. ,By means of this it has moulded
public opinion, educated the minds of the
masses, impressed upon the people a con
viction of the correctness of its politic I
principles and secured their triumph.
That agency is as potent to-day as ever it
was in the past. During a reign of terror
when Democratic newspapers were sup
pressed by the rude hand of arbitrary
power, and denied circulation through the
mails ; when irresponsible mobs gutted
Democratic newspaper offices and threat
ened personal violence to editors, the
Democratic press still spoke out boldly,
freely and fearlessly. Abuses of power,
usurpations of authority, violations of the
Constitution anti the laws, unwise cr in
judicious public measures were all con
demned u they deserved to be. The
Democratic press refused to be monied,
and gave forth no uncertain sound.
Daring the war the burthens imposed
upon the editors of Democratic country
newspapers were greater than at any
former period. Mats rials were exhorbi
tantlY high, while the ordinary re.ources
of profit were constantly being contracted.
A spirit of persecution and proscription
prevailed extensively.. Republican mer
chants and business men withdrew their
advertising patronage ; in come Instances
the use of the mails was denied, and in
very many postmasters were found ready
to delay the transmission and the delivery
of papers.
Has our party press been austalned as
it should have been ? We put the clues.
Lion to the Democracy of Pennsylvania.
Hai the local pram of the State met with
that liberal patronage and full and gen
erous support which it has deserved? .In
this respect the Democracy do not do
their whole duty. The local Democratic
press is entirely dependent upon theindi
vidual members of the party' fur support.
and its maintenance is a positive obliga
tion which rests proportionately upon
each individual Democrat. If he believes
that the best interests of tho country will
be subserved by permanent triumph of
the great principles of the Democratic 1
party, be is in duty bound to sustain the
agency by which, more than by all other..
combined, the triumph of those principles
is to be assured, Yet many, through want
of thought on the part of Democrats, and
through their failure to recognize their
duty, are not supported as they should be.
It is time there was a complete reforin in
this matter. Democrats must support
their county papers with greater liberality
than they have heretofore done.
In looking over our country exchanges
we find them all doing battle most gal-
lantly for the cause of the right. They
are doing Work which can be done byoo
other agency. In every county in the
State the local political -contests are mat
ters of decided importance. If these are
well managed, a full vote, which will tell
powerfu'ly on the result in the State, is
secured. In this important work the
moat efficient agent is the local press
This must be sustained liberally. Let this
great lever of power 'be everywhere
strengthened. Any man calling himself
a Democrat ought to be ashamed to admit
that be does not take his county paper,
and labor actively to promote its prosperity
and efficiedcy.
/MINT. ,
President Johnson, in compliance with
a request from the Senate, asking him to
furnish them with information as to the
progress of the work of reconstruction;
last week Bent in the following mdssage,
which will prove eminently satisfactory to
the•country, however the radical Majority
of that body may regard it:
To the Senate of the United States :
In reply to the resolution adopted by
the Senate on the 12th, I have the honor
to state that the rebellion waged by a por
tion of the people against the properly
constituted authorities of the Government
of the United States has been suppressed:
that the United States are in possession (1
every State in which the insurrection ex
isted, and that as far a• could be. done,
the courts of the United States have been
restored, p at offices. re-established and
steps taken to put into effective operation
the revenue laws of the country.
As the result of the measures instituted
by the Executive, with a view of inducing
a resumption of the functions of the State,
comprehended in the inquiry of the Sen
ate: the people in North Carolina, South
Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana. Arkansas and Tennessee have
recelnized their respective State Govern
ments. and are yielding obedience to the
laws and Government of the United States
with more willingness and greater prompt
itude than under the circumstances could
reasonably have been anticipated. The
proposed amendment to the Constitution
providing for the abolition of slavery for•
ever within the limits of the country has
been ratified by each one of those States,
with the exception of Mississippi, f r om
which no official
,infOrmation has been
received ; and nearly all of the meas
ures have been adopted, or are now peetd
tug, to confer upon freedmen the privil
eges which are essential to their comfort,
protection and security.
In Florida and Texas , the peiiple are
making commendable progress in restor
ing their State Governments, and no
doubt is entertained that they will at an
early period be in a condition to resume
all of their practical relations with the
Federal Government. In that nortion of
the Union lately in rebellion the aspect of
affairl is more promising than, in view of
all the circumstances, could well have
heen expected. The people throughout
the entire South evince an audible desire
to renew their allegiance to the Govern
ment, and to repair the devastations of
war by a prompt and cheerfal return to
peaceful pursuits. An abiding faith is en
tertained that their actions will - conform
to their professions, and that in acknowl
edging the supremacy of the Constitution
and the laws of the United States, their
loyalty will be unreservedly given to the
Government whose leniency they cannot
fail to appreciate, and whore fostering care
will soon restore tbem to a condition of
prosperity. It is true that in some of the
States the demoralizing *flews of the war
are to be seen in occasional disorders, but
these are local in character, not frequent
in occurrence and are rapidly disappear
ing as the authority of civil government
is extended and sustained.
Perplexing'questions were naturally to
be expected from the greet and sudden
change in the relations between the two
races. but system., are gradually develop
ing themselves under which the freedman
will receive the protection to which he is
justly entitled, and by means of his labor
make himself a, useful and independent
member of the community in which he
basilisk home.
F,rom all the information in my possea.
sicm, and from that which I have recently
derived from the most reliable authority,
I am induced to cherish the belief that
sectional animosity i= surely and rapidly
merging itself into a spirit of -nationality,
and that representatioU. connected with
a properly adjusted system of taxation.
will result in a harmonious restoration of
the relation of the States to the National
Union. '
The report of Carl Schurz is herewith
transmitted u requested by the Senate
No reports from the Hon. John Covode
have been received by the President.
The attention of the Senate is invited
to the accompanying report of Lieutenant
General Grant, who recently male a tour
of inspection through several of the States
whale Inhabitants participated in the re•
Wallington, Dec. 18, 1865.
MADI Fenotra.--Col. W.' W. IT.' Davis,
our gallant and talented candidate for Au.
ditor General in the late election, has at
length been made famous for all coming
time. llear his own account of the
time when said the manner how. lie
Mr. Joseph &meet, of Erwinos, has
done us the honor to call boat, which
floats on ' the placid bosom of the Dela
ware QM!. W. W. IL Davis. Two of his
bests have borne that name. The first one
was lost in the great storm in the summer
of 18115 and sitfce then it has been re
placed by a new boat. It runs from fr•
winos, and is engaged in general trade,
We have no doubt that it will clo. a thriv.
ing business. The next best thing to liv•
ing in history is to have one's name per
petuated on the stern of a canal boat.
The following, from the New York
7Vibuste, is too good to be lost:
If no other reavon existed for the par
don of Davis, thii would do: If be. is
hanged whom can the " loyal " orgmu
abuse? When Wirs was living; he was a
most fruitful subject. If Davis goes, their
ease will be distressing. iWe would re
commend—u an emersenCy victim—the
Cur of Basis, or the King of Abyssinia.
By all means let us hive the King eer♦ed
Sorrows CoNostssar.N.—Senator Hahn
admits the improbability of any Southern
members getting into Congress. Tennes
see seems to form an exception, however.
and her delegation. iV is believed, will be
admitted by common consent.—.K. Y. Tri
The point of this paragraph is quite sp•
parent. According to the Constitution
the President must virtually be an inhab
itant of one of the states of the Union—
and Mr. Johnson would occupy a vety
awkward position as President from a
State not in the Union. Therefore "Ten
nessee is to form an exception," and her
"delegation is to- be admitted by corn •
mon content "—to avoid the troublesome
question relative to the feasibility of per
mitting a f feigner to hold the position of
Tax President has, withdrawn' his Prc.
visional Governors from the States of Ala
bama, South Carolina, North Carolina,
Georgia and Mississippi, and turned over
the reins of goiernment there to the offi
cers elected by the people. By so doing
he fully recognizes them as States If the
Union, and admits that they* are entitled
to all the rights guaranteed by the Cpnsti
tution. The only States in which Provi•
sional Governments are retained are Tex
as and Florida, and they will in all iirolyi
bility soon be given into the control of Ex
ecutives of their own choice.
Rimes Tilt GOVERNMINT Explore Es—
. is the advice tbiust upon members
o! Congress from all parts of the country,
and should be heeded. The people were
comparatively indifferent as to the amount
when enormotifl appropriations were voted
to carry on the war, but profligate expen
diture will never be encouraged, at least
until the burden of national indebtedness
and consequent taxation is lightened.
Economy in the administration of the
government is a vital necessity, and will
be insisted upon by the popular voice.
CONGIMS has adjourned nominally to
the sth, but really to the 9th of January.
This will be good news to those who hon
estly wish to enjoy the holidays. It would
mar all our festivities were this debating
school of angry and bigoted partizans to
remain in session. There can be nothing
in common between the season which was
signalized by the birth of the Prince of
Peace and the proceedings of a body
which is seeking to provoke and perpet•
nate malignant passions,anger, and strife.
itir The holidays are close at hand and
our dealers are preparing to meet the wants
of the season. The largest and best'skick of
goods for this trade will be found at Better &
Burgess"confeCtionary establishment; Erie,
Pa They manufacture and keep everything
in the candy line,as well as a general assort
ment. of Notions, Toys, &c.
Everybody knows them by the reputation
of their popular Cough Candy—Moss and
Elm. It proves itself the hest article of the
kind ever introduced. The immense quanti•
ties they ship every day is proof that the
public appreciate a good article. They are
prepared to fill orders for it in any qtrintity.
Everybody who tries it says it is just tbc
thing. ( novl.l' tls. f)
HOLIDAY GOODS -Our readers ottrehasing
goods for holiday presents should bear in
mind that Webber & Uhr, on State street,
near the Union depot, hare on hand one of
the best assortments in that line ever brought
to the city. Their stock embraces China, Tin,
Wooden and Sugar Toys, Candies of all kinds.
Dol!s, Bays' Sleds, and in short, any and
everything calculated to pissed the five ones.
These articles they are selling at prices as
low as they can be bcught in New York city.
A New VoLuss.—Tbe Illustrated Phre.
nological Journal commences its •13d Volume
with present January number—which con
tains Bann Climate. John Marshall, Sir
Mathew Hale. John Bright, flat-headed 'ln
diaas, eto., With Poitraits. The Two Paths—
Portraits. Character in Shaking Hands,
Illustrated, Influence of Mind on Body, Love
and Lovers, Fore-seeing and Foreknowing,
Ghosts and Prophets. Heads end flats, Dress
and !Mtwara, Engineering as a pursuit, New
York City, with engraved Virw,. Advice to a
Student, The Wolf std the Lamb, The Lion
nod the Mouse, The Ass and his Driver, The
Dog in the Manger, eto.; with upwards of 3')
Illustrations A Pictorial double number,
20 cents, or a year for s2.* A capital Nov
Year's Present Address ?stems. Fowler &
Wells, 389 Broadwai, New York.
The I. tlnutio Monthly for January has the
following articles : Passages from Hawthorne's
Diary, by Nathaniel Hawthorne ; Castles in
the Air, by''W. C. Bryant; Beauty and the
Beast, by Bayard Taylor; The .Wilderners,
by J. T. Trowbridge ; The Belle of Lynn,' by
H. W. Longfellow; The High Tide of Decem
ber, by the author of "Life in the Iron Mills ;"
Lucy's Lettere, by Aline M. Brewster; Doc
tor Johns, by Donald G. Mitchell ; Wind the
Clock, by ll'. Rich ; The Kingdom Coming,
by Gail ; The Chimney Corner for
186 G, by Harriet Beecher Stowe; Griffith
Gaunt H.,; by Charles grade; Reviews and
Litirary Notices.
Medical Notices.
aggravating of 01l complaints—a disease from
which more people suffer and die than almost
any other—has at last found its master. t'oe's
Dypspepsia Cure controls and completely
cures it in its worst singes; tiO one who
suffers from dyspepsia, tick-headaeho, Pour
ing and rising of the food, 1 , 11 , ..u1t1 bo without
it Whilst in all (rises of litrilealtbi, stubborn
coughs, sore throat and all bronchial offec
lion+, g'oe's Cough Da'sam is the cheapert and
be't. Thirie two articles ore'deservedly very
popular with the masses.
The Diptheria and Scarlet Fever is crening
quite an alarm in our neighborhood, and I
went a bottle of Carter's Extract of Smart
Weed, to be ready for it, if it shoald make its
apresranee among my children, as I hear it
highly tectommentled in fuck cares among my
neigkbors=come of.them nay they are never
never without it in their houses. Such wero
the remarks of a per on at our counter 3 es
terdiy, ea he called for a bottle of this most
valuable Extract. Let ethers Purcise the
same prudence and be prepared with ench
means as exeeriesce has shown to be the most
sate and rel•able.
Go to yOur banquet then, but ueo delight,
So as to rise etill with an appetit e.
Apretite is usually capric;ous from other
causes. one of 'bleb is Ca.arrh. Use Dr. D.
Seelye's Liquid entire!' Remedy, which
will rem,ore the cause, and effect a permanent
We are assured thot Diphtheria, Q , tinsy,
and ail forme of Sore Throat are very premp , iy
relieved by the timely end free use of Carter's
Compourd Extract of Smort Weed, Tina-' in
eueh oa•eo is alto of mutt importance: a n d
we would ode's:. pirs)l3B win sea liible to
attacks of Thro , .t nilo , t p•oeib themgelres
with a bottle of
,this active and popular medi
If you wont in 'top !hit scritohinz, just
*Mike UFO of Carter's Yellow O'Utmcnt. which
will eootbs•and quiet your irritated akin and
permit your hands to tett from the unorolits.
blelatiOr_of serettiting. It costa but 85 mutts
JONES—tYTIL—In this city, on the 25th in.t.,
by Rev. G. A. Lynn, D D., 31r. Daniel
Jonas. of Poughlicepsi., N. Y., to Mims Mat
tie S. Lytle. No cards.
Mooag—Sinvetn-On Tuet-Itty, the Gilt iota.,
by Rev. 11. I'. J4elcson. at the rrni,ience of
Iho !Tide's father, MrMem 13. Mooteto
Miss Mary J. Smith, both of Waterford,
Erie county; Pa.
lkintsß—LAtotooN—On the linh inea , by the
Rev. J. Vance, Mr. Chnrles Miner : : of Nilll
Creek, to Miss Naomi A. 1.3n00n, of
!Demi—Taos'As—ln Union Mille. on the
:Nth inst.. by the Rev. J. F. Real, Mr.
Frank S. linteh..of iVayne, to Miss Mary
Ann Thoinqs, of Union Mills, Pa.
PAP RON'S Arcu—On the morning of the
20'h inst., at the residence of the bride's
tither; by the Rev. ti F. Cain, Mr. M. B.
Parsons to Miss Kittle E. Hatch, all of this
VAN CAMP—NAECON—In Otrard, on the 19th
inet., nt the residence of the hride'v father,
by the Rev. W. Hollister, Mr. 0 D. Van
Cnmp to Miss Lavin% B. Karon, bath of
• Girard, Pa.
GonrenT—Wanstati— In Girard, on the 19th
in-t., at the M E. Parsonage, by Rev. W.
/inlli.ter, Mr. 0-ear M. Godfrey to Miss
Ellen Wellman. both of Girard.
BACKPNSTOSE-Vms-AL Amboy, Ohio, on
the 12th inst., by the Rey. J Robinson,. Mr.
Edward Backeitetnge, of Girard, Pa, to
Miss Julia Vieta. of Amboy.
MyKre —eni.4o—On the 2.oth by Rev.
Mr Will. Mr. Alexander MeKetrand SUDS
Maria A. Core. all of MilL Creek township,
Erie county, Pa. _
Fettle—Crtertm—.it Hinsdale, N. Y.. on the
Elth inet , by rtev. ft. Cherrymon; Mr Jr.
eeph W. Frilo4, of Watteburgh, Pa , to 741i5e
Elizabeth M. Chapin, of the former place.
No cards.
HtYs—BALDwIN—In Amity, on the 24tir inst.,
nt the residence of the brides father, by
Rey Wm. II Culler, Mr. Sa•t•uel R. !Ives
awl Miss E"en F. B•ildwin, all of Amity.
MeLELLAN- 7 -CLAPPEIt—On the 25th inst., at
Wel:s Corners, by Robert Nesbitt, Egg., Mr.
Sllucia C. McLel an. of Washington. to Mibe
El za Ann Clapper, of Franklin coun.y, Pa.
WATkINS—CLAIIKII the 14th inst., at the
residence of the bride, by the ROV. J. Peate,
11'.• Hiram Watkins, Jr., of Wyoming, N.
Y.. to Niles Amy Clark, of Warren, Ohio,
formerly from Corry, Pa.
CAR6-llninkanln Corry. on the 25th inst.,
•by Elder 11u-h. Mr. H.C. Case and Mies
Susan A. Hubbard, of French Creek, Chau-
tauqua county, N. Y.
ScoLL-00' the 15th . inst., after a-short ill
rapes, Merrill Sea, of Concord Station,
Erie county, Pa.
BAKER—On the 22d inet , Frank Everett,
eon of John 0 and Mari A. Baker, aged 3
'years, 7 months and 7 days.
SreitarrT—On the 221 inA., at. his residence,
in NleKean township, David Sterrett, in the
77th year of his age.
GutawoLo—ln city, on the 15th inst ,
of typhoid fever. William S. Griswold, aged
35 years and 2 mouths.
RunsEn—ln Venanfro, Crawford county, on
the Ilth inst, of idB imrnation of the bowels,
Ge^rze Franklin. youngort son of John W.
and Sus to Rohner, agtd 2 years, 6 months
and 17 days.
New Adirertisements.
rhere trill b. a meeting of the.crockho!dera of Vvii iris
Co. A vicni urod goe'etr, at the offlc. tf the - Secretary of
the ocietr ( . . , !ri• Co. Tram. °Me , Court floe red for the
e'e-tion of officer• f,r the onaurnetear, on wefint.'a.T.
Jill. 10, IFO9 , at 10 o'cloctr a. Ail r•ranna intereted
t . a 'n.-fare tlo 4, e*.ty nr. r.aooctfullr reonea'ed
to wren , !, as the melt-r of geltine !be '''ztat. Fair here
hr. ugh!. 1 efore t• e Society for final arrangement
at lIHt t triv.. By order
ire-S. E P. FIIILBERT, See y.
Auction Raturlav hrornicent.ont 8 &On - Ir.'', Fl!soy
& N blander:cis. a wrest rinsotite of lionsshold Forni
lure, !t e as Rsall•u4, ire,iwte 1•, in' les, t'ai;ets s.rersi
Stores with Pipe Fn-then rare, an ,ereellec•
H , rse. a tan 1 orin c, 1 srtt l!cabte I :nrness, 8 setts
islet o len• 1e ii•rrers. 1 Graeber Wagon snd other
useful propert , , (weather perchtting.l
a. cr. Fl.l.qrr.
AleaB It. ..tu7ti 'neer k Cotil ilneiness et, Erie
C° r !'Oll.. FOAL .
N. 3i . WU I'I'I.EI C 0
' Are Fell cg the test (1131 ty of
D& Tare? .1n any psrt ct tha cky
And will mak• ¢reat•r twlnctlon by Quantity or Car
I old We 1 -,are now on hand a
Of all grades
Our Void n-ly nerds a t-lal to convince no• on. of tta
imp-1 r quality °dice corner Peovh and 12t.13 :.treta,
Et 4 e, rm. W. H. WHITLEY,
♦LL KUthR OF MITRES, 1803/ •
Execrated in the beat atyleof the art
Fletnree iQniehed !n
rnion tetween Bniwo's Hotel k Reed Howie
• Principals ;
College Corrpr P-nn and St., Clair Sta.
'2d Coltrie Bedding, field Fellow's Building. sth St.
34 CollNe Building. Nos. 23 and '2i Bt. Clair S .
I". J. Posers, ft:milt:3,d, Trumbull Co., O.
.1 httstaryh, Pa.
F. Ringley sewicirlry, dllegheny
C B. Arroitorny, Jeff. Co.. 0.
W. K. Wi.well i'diuborn. Erie C P.
J Her lottsvillo, .1/lee:tray Co. Pe.
14 B. Bmwoßeld, rtillotown, Farrtte Co.,
T Netion, Mods, dlt'egheny Co., Pa.
H. flarper, Tarentum,
J. H. C rter, h,eltnont co., 01
J Edrar, Steubenville Jeff. Co., O.
1. W Pell, Valle, Gr,•ce, I Lin C W Va.
n, Johnstown. Cambria Co., Fa.
W. C. Forsythe Clay Bride, ott ernitly Co ,0.
W. 4gue, Sewickley. Allegheny Co., Pa.
For ter RA and information concerning the College
address, JENKINIS, 8111TH k cat*. LEY.
Patalmry, Pa.
To CON'arIIPTI The advertiser having
tesn TYPO, re.l to healfh in a few weeks bra very
simple remedy, atter bavt c suffered seeeral years with
a severe Inn.: affittion, and th‘• dro‘d also se, Con.
inception—is ansmuv to make known to his fellow -ant.
fe•era the means of care. C.
To all whg de-'r• it, be will Benda copy of, the pre
scription need, (tree of charge.) with the directions for
prep ulna and the same, which the. will find a
mare care f C w•umptio 1, itvtbm‘, Itronahltie, Colds,
Co :she, d.c. The only obj.tet of the advertiser in een,t-
Ina the rreseriptio , Is to benefit the afflicted and spread
,nror t maten wh'eh he eon^eiVia to he invalnahle: and he
hop's evert Intrel er will try h P remedy, 111 it will cost
them nothirvz, and firtni; rove a hle■rlog.
Parties wishirg the psic‘n, rat it, hr ratnrn
;delve addr. es pe.. F.tity,tßn %. wit Qtiv,
dee:l6.s ly. Wit isuismirgh, Kings Co , N. Y.
Fitlit gentleman who has
W IN O N' 1 10rTIL—A
pulT.r.dl C r )rare Itnta Nor Ton• Deb,lttr , Frema
tut. Dreoy, a , d a 1 the •IT4eta of youthful 1nA..eret,,,,,.
will ror the take of POT.• lac himirtt,,. Rand fn.e to all
w.o wed it the foclpe a, d dirret , ona ro clak•nc . the
s.entle ?cork' by• beh he,w •re 1. Sotion‘rs wish,og
to kr( fit by the adterttaren expreer , c , o, can to by ad.
dion , eng J 0 ,0: ft. IFN.
dee:B 65 ly. o. 15 Chautt , ers St., N. Y.
OTILANGE. TibrN.—rrery ounz I•de and
Fe,tle•aan In the Iluited •tatet can hear t'tre'htn c
ewy ;Atoll to their aft , anfiqo by retort, a+a•l- (free or
eharget„be add rew4ne the anderalttad. Treaty hating
!iota belt , g hair hu yr( d at'l Wig* by clot policing this
e.rd. All otten 'lll please address their eSed;ent strtt
art, 1110 • F. CRAP'MAN.
Ar••;S r'S S'll Weide, N y
F FOIL !,-; L I3*
The 11 n 'attempt' &Tore his Frees PIT 1.11 1 0. tnte.l 141
Ilsr r ('trek In. IN trtnn 14• le and nen hor tn o.
I 0 ,, IF 'tillt , llßoa4. Saki !dm onlialto 6 ,1 nol
laud under wand improve' e t, with ro.lYr‘rne hnes..
sw iltarna aria o'ber nem?' Theis °nand Winer Alen, a
lung arrhard, be/teatime In bear, and gn-,1 water. Bald
and is well ad.otrd h rau and spline grains with gro d
d mill 010.1111. near ht. And alan a valuable
Wood lot. cootatidoor 28 , 4 semi. near by. altb small
IVO rine upon 0: For furtivr infirm &lion in.tuire of the
indent:net" Itilttiaproadoss
dsonwil. , ARNOLD JORDAN,
Bax ic
K &BU it u k 4,.1
YLlC►lG?pti M n►
OF ALL 'itilNo2
We mike now but pun Confections % „4,1
pastarial glad coloring matter. o z? r. 41
of Boer Goodi hi !arr., trittnicilit
all tL• saleable variettes
100 different ■tiles of
Tor the Holldly 541,011
Svion vAltigry or
Wide Expreerty fer the
Octr Stott in tlijs Ilae brs se, atd seer,
ally for tSe
MOSS & Elm
We Lie paying part:
All Goode io this line ni
we are
Moss- & Elm
Loading arttelem
Lead Pencils,
i Erasing Gar.),
Tobacco Boxes, Cipr Tubes, 'Cocabi, ..,
Gun Caps,
Mai bier,
Hair Oil,
Taney Sups
Jewtharph Mouth OrprA
AND NO'flo&'3,
Moss & Elm Ca
w bave a icchl
In Large or Small Qate-tle
lira bare a la•Qe assortment. of Geaa. V•
to supply dialers prompt es: 0 1
Ds found suited to the sitsts ( 4 ' 4
Retailer, sad of First Clio
Moss & Elm Ca
Tin lump POP:LAR 'core
In the II Arke-
Sold by all Druggieti; and Retailed
Di KS,