The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 21, 1865, Image 4
- - Vona . • tomr...", Nam rggs'i• REGULAR LEC RA.R HALLTURE COURSE AT FAR- The first dye Lectures will be a series by the &slim , gushed Instorteel Lecturer, Her. John Lord, LL. D, of Cone. ow the general subject of "Rearm atolls* We men." The satire course wilt consist of four:sem or lif. teen lacturse, as follows : 1. Nov. 28th, John Lord, LL. D., subject—" Paula, the Roma Ilairow—TriandshlP " 2 Nov. 30th. do do do subject— " Helot" the Nedireval Woman—Lore." 3. Dec. 6th. • do do - do subJeot— "R uabeth—Woeaan as a Sovereign." D oii .m, Idodo do subject— " Madame de bfalatenon, the Woman of Rociaty." 5. Dill Bth, do 'o do subject "Madame de SteeL the Literszy.Woralo." 6. Dee. loth, Rev. 0. H. Mans, D. D., Chicago; sub' Jeet—'•The New Civilisation—Work and Worth." T. D. 21st, Rt. Rev. Thomas 11 Clark, Providence, R. 1 ; sildsot—wHablte of Amerieen S. Des. 2Ttb, John R. Gough, Wormier, Nue.; /US.. jest —"Habit" 9. Jan.4lth, R. L. Youmans. N. D., New York; subject —.The Dynamics of Life." strated.) 10. Jan. 11th, Ralph Waldo Itmerion, Concord, lige".; subjeet—"Reeourees," or "Table Talk." 11. Jan. 18th, Die Leyte K. Pf,„tiostooo, Mass.; subject —"Health and .Phyabost lidereatloa " -- 12. Jan. 25th, ROT Henry Giles, Quincy, Naas.; subjert —"The Jews in liwese T . 13 Jai. 30th, R. T. T r aylor, Chimp; subject—"Thol led her Chariots." 14. rob. btb,lee Anna L Moteamr., Phila.; subject Home Throats" The Committee intended to esmmenee their mono on the 234 November, and there is a probability of enpag • tag a lectorer for that date. If none be seemed, the mune wiU pro'xed al indicated above, and 'hey vill en deavor to arrange for an additional leetare at some other time. Tickets fur the clans, with I.IIIIIIVED SNATI, at the following rates : One Ticket $3 501 Four Tickets— . —..513 00 Two Tickets 6 5n Five do OW laptise). 15 00 Three Tickets 9 75 s:veh ad& Ticket—. 300 Tieketa for single lentil, ea, id coat', No advance, it will be sees. has been made is the pri ese of the Coarse tickets over those of lad year. thong% two and perhaps three more lectures will be given 3n the sour'.. re After Thursday. the 16th, the Dta;r►m of the Hell will be food at the book store of Cangliey Mc Cre►ry k Co., •here.tickete way be purchased and seats reserved. nollitf. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE. P. A. BECKER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, llirradeast arusr si as Par/ 4. ?reach Strut, (ozzarsiDa) Would respectfully nail the satiation of ths coessannity to his lam Stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he is &dross! tossist the YZIVE LOW/ST POSEIBfOr. PRICES. His sakirtasoat of SUGARS,- COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, FISH, AC., Is sot surpassed In the city, es he is prepared to prove to all wbo ries kiwi a mil. Be also keens constantly oa hand a anierlor lot of PURE lIQUORS, far the wholesale bads, to which he dlseefs tha case tios of the public. His motto te. 'laakk Sal m, Small Pratt and a fell lootraleat for the Money." $lOO SATED ON" A PIANO FORTE! i 25 to S5O ON A MELODEON OR ORGAN 1 liy pluebutog of Z . :SMITH, OF ERIE, lostesd of seeding orders to New York. ,PUNO FORTES AND MELODEONS Rualaud tress the following celebrated lianahatariers Ett,laway & Sons. New York, Wm. nabs A Co., raltimore, Yd., Wm. B. Bradbury, Bow York, Grovostoon k Co., Now Turk, Boardman k Gray s Albany, N. T.. Geo. I. Primes & Co , Buffalo, N.Y d` Jewett k Goodman. Clow thud. 0 PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT MeLqW WANUFACTURERV PRICES! Pianos from *3)O to WOO re All persmn dir+lriot a Ent rate Piano sr Ilelode. on ars Invited t I call and (mambas our r instramenta be forspamtualag elawjaers &mew Instrument warranted for des yura. No. 426 Stela Stsset i , nesslj opposite the Poit °Mee, Erie, Pa. ooBo'66te W A N T . E D APPRENTICES FOR THE NAVY ! None need apply but tio me of sound health and good moral ;character, who can read well, spell rorreetly,write legibly and wbo can cipher in whole members and frac Ilona, aed ars not less then 13 n.r more than 18 ye o age. Naval appraotiraa ars ELIGIBLE TO APPOINTMENTS ♦T TIM NAVAL ACADEMY! A ecrtain number Wog selected yearly from among them for these appointmen's: . Schoolmaster' ars assigned to each school ship to teach the rudiments of education, Including navigation, and their morals are carefully cared for. ..Apprentice are CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY EDUCATED To discharge the duties of 'sautes. and at the expiration of thelriterra of &Forel:ale:Gehl', which is whoa they sir the at the ago of 21, tf fonud qualified, bar • the prefer. ease to the sproutznents for warrant and potty Miens: rjr For further Laformadon, applY to H. STICVIII4II, commander U.S. Navy, Brie, Fs Nuys] ,gendssrolui, Erie, Pa., in Farrar MU, over Clemens; Caugbsy & Burgess'. noS3tf. ' D R Y GOODS: A lame and well selected stook of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS! 3V3? MOVED, AT JOHN C. BEEBE'S, 601 FRENCH STREET. oct26-2m M ANHOOD: Haw Lost, Bow Restored. Tad Pahlbaled a. new edition of Courentrata's Ctsumuumwo ••• MAY ea the rsdkat own (without " mediator) of 8P13113/MILIUIDIA, or Seminal Weeknees. Involuntary Seeeloal Lamm, Ina*. mos. lentil and Phrultal Inwericity, IseWliamte to Yardage. eta. ; also, Camettritalt, ILinsrar and lattaced by solaiachilimmo or must sitters. gum. glir Pries, Is a ssided envelope. cad 6 sofa The celebrated Who:. in this may, clearly demonstrates, tram a thirty years sweessehtl practice, that the alarmism cosommences seltsboat may be rad ically eared witheat the du roes we of istersal med icine or the agylleatice of thepalette:p a t • mode of rue at sage simple, certain and effectual, by ma ne whleh every ealterar, no matter what his eon/aims may lo .. ears ears hhnsolf cheaply. private) and radically. This Lecture should bo 1v thi heads of every youth and every man la the land. Bent seder neat, is a plaits eavelape, to any addresa, on the =l: Eve gigg orals, or treportag•AaMEL Addnmo the p CRAW. J. C. CO, US Dewy. New York uter3irr6-tf Past ORea Dew 4,1416. ANY AND It VERY PERSON TRO LIBLFD With Urer Complaint or with Sky disarm mist ing from Impurity of the blood, snob as itch, Sell., Car buncles, Pimples on the face or neck. Irysipelas, Snit Rhos" Sorohiht, Rbetuustiwas, Aga to tie aide or la the trek, etc, akould not fall to use Carter's Ratract of Nadi lon aad BlttenwMt. There is notblas equal to it to such awn and it cannot be used without impart, lagts tmowilt- Pries one dollar per bottle. Sold by drug gis intrywhare. uor2-3m. EAGLE FOUNDRY, PRAM BT, ABOVZ TS! ITIMALO ROAD, RRIZ,PA HENRY, BRYANT A• SHERWOOD, Onoosoooni to Aottosoa & 8 .r1,) itiunrprortiuma 01 . PARLOR, COOB AND OFFICE EMOTES, _ . Tur t Sans Isom Wass, AND ALL KIM ;OP' 130 N CASTING& Ever: Storo cold 4 u warranted to give sattafactigo. ofis oalas noghillisoo„ Sad bow , isa, oa YAM or ea*. etorod to order. !Lows saw rum Peace al sapwier Mae sad dun, billty always on band. A eatl sad • fat trial agar arta slim la all we ask.' BLUM DitY•X? k SIZISSWOOD. steN6ll—St. =!===l - -- It : 1, • ••-• m . WHOLESALE DFALEEts BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS. CORNER OF STATE AND FIFTH sTREcrs, ERIE, PENN'A. • trio, S•ptambarSS 111654 M 2/ 1m D vi. az CARSON, DsLlor In ALL RINDS Or OROCERIC3, MTN, VD3RTARLICA AND PROVISIONS, ♦. EL CACGRET, C. C.:811IRK, C. E GUNNISON, E. L FELTON, ♦ZRO DOFF, IL A. SEAMAN, Lecture Committee pownzu, REM? ANL/ LEAD, At Wholesale or Retail, at Oct.littt. DOFFS, 515 Trench Et. pIIILADELPUIA d: EMS DAIL ROAD. tiii great MIS traTirllBll the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylrenia to the city of Free on Lake SNe. It has been Issued by the Paearyhiesia Bsil rea{ Company, and le aperstorl Ly them. OF FARMUMICY TRUMP a? sin. Leans F,sstearil. 11. Saw`, Syracuse, N. T Passenger can MD through , D the Brie Mail LA 14 press trains without change both ways between Philade' phis and Erie. ?Jew York connection: Liner New York At 6 00 p. to. entre at Erie 3 37 am. Leave Erie at 155 p. m, arrive at New York 1 1.5 p.m. No climes of can between vrie and New York. Z. 8111TI7 Elegant Sleeping Cars on all nght trains For information respecting l'amengar Mreinegs apply at the S. E. corner 11th and Market sta., and for Fraigk t Minium ot the Company's agents, S. B. ICIMOSTON, Si., corner Ilth and Market Street', Philadelphia. , J. W. mirsoLos, Erie. BROW Agent E. C. R P.., Beltimore. H. H. General Freight Agent, Phila. W. GUNNER, Gen. Tinkat_Agt. Phila. A. L. I YLE ft, rignsral enperiutemlent. WilliamsporL NEW FIRM. James P, Crook, Itsr;ng tsken in hie son, James uYa putoer, on the let day of April, 1864, under the Stin name ofJAIIIE4 P. CROolt t R , IS; degree to hen • set tlement of his old aceonote. Al! perilous knowhi t th em seivu indebted to hiss see riertested to salt sed ssttli erittiont delay. ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER: /SD YAYII/ICTQRUUS Or VVifinbw Sash, Frames, Doors and Blinds, Mouldings sad Picket noses. Serolt Sawing. Matching and Planing done to order. Shop on Peach St, Between 4th and 6th Stirs, Erie, Pa. We respectfully all the attention of the public to out facilities for doing work In the beet of style. promp , i. aid on reasonable terms. Paving ettvd op entirel. see shops, with superior machiner j . we Peel conedent f giving entire asthVastioa. Or Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention JAMES P. CROOKA 80N. B ANK NOTION. KEYSTONE NATIONAL .BANK OF Mfg:. • CAPITAL, $150,000. DIRECTORS:, SZLHEN )(ARVIN, JOHN W. Hal 1 i/ IILIIIO MARVIN, HILSTFJI TOWN. 0. NOBLE. ORANGE NOBLl=dent. JOHN J. TOWN, The above bank will be opened for the twin/mufti,' of business on - DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, West side of State 81,, between Serinith and Satisfactory paper dieeounted. Honey received on Depo!it. Collections snails and proceed, accounted. ,e AI promptness. Drafts, Specie and Dank rotes bought and sold • gars of Public Annuaire la nom dully ferHaae R. R. MORRISON SONS Beg leave to inform the citizens of Erie and _vicinity that they have removed their stock of DRY GOODS, To the ULU BLOCK, in the baUdlng Wooly occu pied by Moon. RATES & MAPLZII, when thy, hand keeping a lop essortmeat of FANCY SiPL9; DRESS GOODS, • GLOVES, HOISERY, &C. Waren( thanks to oar cooomen for their pot Mend patemo4e, we reopeettally e a euntlameace et the new Brio, Jan. I, WA, Plt !MASON LIAM LIN CABINET ORGAII rty different styles. adapted to oared se d wetly tide, 10? SOD 10 esek. - pinny re Veld: era! sedate, or other Vet nrianinma awarded them . 11l trated Clataloenes tree. Addises,ilABON a SAIL Boston, or ItaAos liffeTataildiew York. oorlal Fifth Pttiet. between State and Freud., Erie Pa. nosing purchases' onr stock before the late rise in prices, we !pet confident of being able to give Sittig faction, both to price and qaality. Country Produce of every sort bourbt and sold. Farmen can always depend on receiving the highest mar ket pries for their articles. DEALERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS. And on the Lines or Railroad, SUPPLIED WITH FRUIT, VEGETABLES, /IX Give as a Call. BILICKKBER NAY t JACKSON'S MARXICT DEPOT, liars STIILIIF ITIEM pUICES REDUCED. TELT UNION FURNITURE STORE, ERIE, PENN'A, Is now selling the largest assortment of FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SOF 4, CANE BELT AND OTHER CHAIRS, Geese Feathery. istrasses, Lounges, and other Furni ture, ever brought to this city. GC°. W. ELLSEY, General COM111.10.1:1 Furniture Dialer, West side near Stb, o■ State sheet. cr. Call and see the Folding Bedstead. re2B 3m GOFF'S GROCELLY arro siloff has opened his ewe at No. 515 French St. where can be found everytlang eroded to th I Hoe of GROCE R I E S! He is happy to say that be has engaged that well knows and lopoltr man • JACOB HANSON, ' Who will be happy to tee his old friends stall times. CANNSO Each as . . PEACHES, TOMATOES, GREEN CORN, LIRA DEANA, ETC., Always on hand at aoFrs, E 0.1515 French St. BEAI4OIIIINII3 rot • POULTRY AND MEATS! !VCR AS THYME, SAGE, MARIGRUar, At GOFF'S, 515 French St _ .., Vali Train 2 00 a. m. Er e Express Train 1 65 p. m Warren Ancem. T 60 a. m Arrive Westward. Vail Train 6:9p In. Erie ExpreesTraln 3 37 a in Warren aceom.. 1090 a. m. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, EZZ:3 • - 1 %.41S Ce N e 4/1 Ladies, take Particular Naito TILE REAL VELPAU FEMALE PILL DrAmur , = nasal.] rpnESE PILLS, 80 celebrated, many 1 years ago in Paris for the relief of female irregularities, and afterward so not6rious for their criminal employment in the practice of ab oi tl o n, are now offered for sale for the first time in America. They have been kept in comparative obscurity from the fact that the stiginator, Dr. Velpau, is a physician in Paris of greitt wealth and strict conscientious prin ciples, and has withheld them frotn general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful plirposes. In ovefeentiiirPirgilSObstructions, Falling of the Womb, Whites, Green Sick ness, Suppression, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Discharges, they seem to be truly ornuipotent, bursting open the flood-gates from whatever cause may have stopped them rtint they are (gored to the pub lic only ,for legitimate us. s, and _all agents are forbidden ta . :sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Married ladies should never take them A% I,on there is any reason to believe theniselveu pregnant, for they will be sure to produce a ini ! carria.f...e. These pills are entirely safe under all cir cumstances, being composed entirely of sub stances from the vegetable kingdom. - Each box has the coat of anus fur the City of Paris stamped on the box, with tie words " Trade Mark" in French, to counterfeit which is a misdemeanor, and all persons will be dealt with according to law. AV" Full directions accompany every box. Ladies can obt.kin a box seab: , (l from the eyes of the curious, by One Dollar lead six post-ollice stamps to tiny re:pi:et:Able itlrlg gists, or to 0. U. STAPLF.S, General Ageflt for the United States, Watertc-rn, H. Y. =. Agents, • Ai:Amt.—Viers & fillfott, Rail h Warfel, Wilkins & Booth, Liddell & Bro . Carter & C Xtie C Loop k Bro., North That: Relknap& Brn., Girard ; P. McCreary, Fairstins ; Riley Potter. West Sprinzffeld. SIRS A.yer's , k . i .APARIL ?as WORLD'S GM? wan= no Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases. Fro* Emery Edes, a well-known mere ant of Oat ford, Maine. 4 . I have sold large quantities of your SARSAPA MLA, but never yet one bottle which fa il ed of the desired effect and fall satisfaction to those who took It. As fast as our people try it, they agree there ha. been no medicine like it before in our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, 171, cers,.Sores, and ail Diseases of the Skin. From Re,,. Bold. Stratton, Bristol, England. " I only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the me. shrine! virtues of S our SARSAPARILLA. My laug h. ter, aged ten, ha d an afflicting humor in her earl, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable cure until we tried your SARSAPARLLI.A. She been well for some twine's." From Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a well-known and muck etteenurl lodge Dennisrllle, Cape May Co., 11. J. " My daughter has suffered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your SARSAPARILLA, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of, the toiddrknoten Gage, Murray 4. Co, manufacturers of enamelled . papers in Nashua, N. FL "I had for several years a very troublesome humor in. my face, which grew constantly worse until It disfigured my features and became an intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man "mild of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SARSAPARILLA. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might fora time; but In a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and con tinned until my face is as smooth as.arty body's, and I am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. I enjoy perfect health, _rd without a ioubt owe It to your SARSAPARILLA; Erysipelas—General Debility.L-Parify the Blood. From Dr. Robt. Satan, ITouston St., New York " Da. AYER, I seldom fall to remove Eruptions and Sem/Woos Sores by the perseverinig use of your SARSAPARILLA, and I nave just now cared an attack of Malignant Erysipe/as with it. No alterative we pusses. equals the SALISAPAILILLA you have sup. oiled to the profession as well as to the people." From J. F,. Johnston. Rh! Wakeman, Ohio. " For twelve years, I -hag the ye n..• on my arm, during which time I tried all the oelebrated physicians I could reach, and took hun dreds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the , eords became visible, and dm doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. often taking your SARSAPARILLA. Took two hot :les, and some of your PILLS. Together they have *red me. lam now as well and sound as any body. Sting in a public, place, my case is known to every cod; in this community, and excites the wonder of Won Hon. Henry Afonro, M. P. P., of,Neteeastle, C. IP., a leading member of the Canadian Parlia ment. have need your SARSAPAMT.T.A In my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial reaulta.aail feel confidence in commending It to the pfilirt. +r St. Anthony's Fire. Rose ' Salt Mears, Scald Heed, Sore Eyes. From Harvey Sickler, the able editor of the Tunkhannork Democrat, Pennßylrania. "Our only child, about three years of age, was &hacked by pimples on his forehead. They raphil • spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent ore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied aitrate of silver and other remedies, without any Ipparent died. For - fifteen days we guarded his lands, lest with them he should tear open the les :vring and corrupt wound which covered his whole !lee. Having tried 04 7 thing else we bad any tope from we began g' your SARSAPARILLA, lnd apPlkar the .of potash lotion, as direct. wee began to heal when we had yea the first battle, and was well when we hadfinished the second. The ebild'a acpalandsea, which bad come out, grew sgain and he Is now as healthy and fair na any otht.z... The whole neighborhood predicted that the chllsl mast dle." 8ni4115 mi .111,9fturial Disease. - .Prom Dr. Mr= Moat, qf St. Louis,:ifissouri. " I find mar, aIat9APARILLA a more effectual Nemedy .for the sotewlizy wyroptotna of Syphilis and for syphilito &scan than any other we possess. fhe profession are tadittedto you for some of the Wet mcclicinei we bins." From A. J. French...M. D., an eminent Pkvzietan of • Laence, Ma., sae is a prominent member of . the urs9f Massaehaseiis. "Da. AYER. My dear Sir: I have found your I MISAPARILLA C.X.CeliCat remedy for Bppaiiis. Mai of the primary and secondary tyw, and effee - tuai in some cases that were too olasite to yield XI other remedies. Ido not know what we can eta ploy with more certainty of success, where a power. hit alterative is required." Mr. Pos. 8. Yon Lime, of Next .nrsdisaiek, bad dreadfhl lacers on his fete, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more . and more aggravated for years, In spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering , use of ATER% SARIAPARILLA relieved him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen settles to cure him. lienoorrhces, Whites, Female Weakness, tro generally reduced by internal BeroJWota Di eeration, andi are very often cured by the alterative tifeet of this SansaPantu.s. Some eases mune, however, in aid of the SAILSAPARII.4.I, the Wdlful application of local remedies. Front thc, seell-known and alictlyteNorated Dr, Jacob Morrill, of Cincanctli. "I hare found your SAR&APARILLA_III excellent alterative In diseases of females. Mazy cases of Irregularity, Leueorrhirn, Internal Ulceration, and load debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis have yielded to It, and there are few that do not, when its effect Is properly aided by local treatment." lady, unwitting (o allow the publication of her wane, writes Ify daughter and myself have been eared of a very debilitating Leucorrluna of long standing, by two bottles of your SARBAPARILLA." - • • ilheamatlarn, Gant, Liver Gerapisint, 'Dys. peps* Heart Disease, N vhen caused b &refit/a in the system, are rapidly mred by this L.'rr. tiAnsAPAntl-LA, • AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS ;assess so many advantages over the other. purgatives in the market,' and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever guts been, andthst tbey may be depended on to do ail that tkaplpre ever done GoyPrepeirea by ,31., AYEA Tx, 4 Co.. & " slo C DECK, 11A21177ACITIL1 AID Vac la MALI /MALTZ DI SEGARS, TOBACCO,. SNUFF, &C., &C., TUTU BELOW SEITZ STEEN?, ERIE, ?L. Opposite the Lihipeteh Prietii4 °Sea, H UTML RISMOVSD. The Subreriber who hag occupied the Mansion Rome; just above not Ebpot, for, the put tour years, ha. set:moven into the - • NATIONAL HOTEL, cctßxra • OP AND BUFFALO STRIIIITR, Where he will try to aecommodate twice se easy nub, and as 1,144 Si tie did to the old *stand. He hopes that th• Terence which was to liberalfy extended to him Uwe. Will be _ereaded to him Is his hew quutere,' 'file pitahlimr Is ingalnt to accommodate ail teenertereirho may favor him with their patronage. WM-4 . JOHN BOYLE. Vt ItMEd oomawnaru EVEM TIMMY kIIIHULD USW. SHUT our trp: 130411. DUST AND WATER rams , YOUR HOWLS AND WINDOWS. . • 6 ; WITITICIeff rNVISIBLZ, MILTALIC ,PLUBBER• WEATHER STRIP Due all entirely oat of sight, is doers as d wisdoms, antis the beat strip in use for the following reasoner la, It is more effectual. ill, It costs ou t bird lees. 3d, It will not hinder opals: sod eke/4g dents or windows. is better ass double win dows- due sot chanted the visw—dero • pot binder epee-lug sod 411011D41 the blisilsirludows cad ba opeted so es to mutilate' soy time. Tide strip Will atop tbe tut is mover oboe your dub:* windows Weer. Tim haws so benefit from yourilonble 'ludo yeasty litsdn• ter. * 4ll ls beeps eat the raid In, winter sno dolt' and 'wain I. lienlib*P , and does not eostiro•helt the pries of &lab's wiediews. Thli Strip la wow offered to the Inhabitants of tiVe city. Tows RIGETI POI PALL • • F. W. KOEHLER. Saimaa. -1 oetl2-it Agent for Erie Co.; Ps. f lOWANS/ ASSOC' %WON.' r eili‘a AM. rUl.t• PA. , .- 0 161 , mee at the Urlaity pod 47ezgal i•litims—cow and teltli• trait's* . 41 , 10,1L1K hidal Member, att - pears' arstair wolf tiutirmillioi, "sent' fit auk* wieislooss. MVO/sham. frz War Houlton, Bro -wait Aisocisios, No. 2 • gouta 21111,14 tn4Pldladilphia. Pe. jr2+313.17 i xtox!EN: t LIFE-REMENANI. ?Ws preparation Is astquallial as a Ralarsaatcrr sat Restorer eif wasted on I wart f "'sellout • The aged Should to orrtatel to oaks the Stokrene • bonc•Fold god, imam% h u It will rend r thrrnyouth ,Jl In Poling and In ihvoirtb. ind enable them to Ilre ors? agslm Ibo days i f their Twist an Joy. It eat isle *NM laza toy bat steno:thins, and Is mil, an invaluable rercial ],to thou who bars Men reduce. t• a condition f s4,llity, nerortupe• or coil. nary rictus, Ito matter what Ilea cause •d the I pt. ten tor any human organ, this superb preparstl.• movrttleff tet at onto sot I ira.gsr. 13 X CO 3Er. 2\7 XIS runs'kir° riNcir, GMNEVAI. DEBILITY. N. TOMS INCAPACITY , lIIAPF.PSTA DEPRESSION, LOSS of APPEMTE, LOlti SPIRITS. MMAMMIth't or TVS OROANA Or GRNERATION, IV MLITT. 1111,NTAI. INDOLENCE. EMACIATION. MNSCI. It has • most delightfOl, deslrable and novel effect upow the nervous ;latent, and all who are to any way penetrated by nor , tons alsaollities are earnestly advised to seek a cure to thts most excellent and unequalled preparation. I ereona wh by Imprudence, have lost their natural clear, will end a speedy nd remnant mere In the 313, 1 ce.lx.s• am. 0. The Foible. the I. ti Enid. the Dbipairing the Old •hould give this ?slush e disnovory a trial: it will to found tn'ally different from all other articles for the same purer rel. TO. FUJI t LBS.—This preparaUon into valuable Lo nervous Weaknesses of ell lands. as It will meters the wasted streurth with wonderful permaeenee . It also a grand lou.e.and'arili ea. relief le Eispep via with the first doe... A brief peraistenes In Its ow will tenor ate the stomach La a degree of perfect health d b rnlah Dyspepsia forever. " One do ler per bottle, qr .fx betUea for lb. Bold by Drugglsti generally. Bent b 'express anywhere by addressing lIIITCIIIIiGB Si, II ILLYER, Proprietors, St Cednr Street. New Y.rk. 42 v. OD, 073,410 & $lO SAVED ) • ON A PIANO FORTE! MU , $2O, $25 LID PO as Is ORGAN OR MELODEON es sonatas lour ordon to O. J. WILLARD; No. 617 Brc adtroy, N. 11`110 444444 PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC DEALER Ws- A. Pond & Co.'s, Etnerdm,n. Gray A: Co 4 , Rot Kpabe k Co.•s and other First Chula PIANO FORTES! Aid Carhart, Needham & C s "es rivlor enacts, Yee &lone, Church El trm, ultimo, and $. D. h 11. N. Smith's AMERICAN ORGANS MUSIC TIC ADDLIt.i AND D/SALga..l WM be furniith is ed .o :lt o h ro etr .„ T i ltC4.ll:::.l: l o:lo/11 Docks Who!, salii Prices. ItZW 31111111 C at.' ? TO AST aaraxas, PRIX er rositaar, cm =I Yletory at last. Scut an I chortle, by William t. Brad bony, 30 Oar envie chielhee passed away. An eulogy on the death of .A. Lincoln. by a. E. Tbotnaa. 40 It's all up In Dist., by Tucker 10 Jeff in , petticoats. A song for the buns, by Tucker...lo Cm lodely {i' se he lett ore, IL Keeler, 34 He, or say down its Bennsylrahla. Hens : chmidt. 31 1 believed her true to tee. U. Willard, 40 I have co much to tell. .1 R. Thomal, E 5 4 " Lot him teat." it tribute I. the late Stephen C. Tas ter, and 4rabellehtil with h:e 4 likeeetv, by Henry ?nave, .. s • 40 w Limerick it beautiful" Words byilicrcicanit, cozen Dan Bryant, . - ....y 1:0 Lost star of nay hems. The last tong and chot ti. by Henry ?seer, 30 Little hoes. under the bill, by K. U. Mir ' ... Sh Leave Dia not in dealt dente r, by A. It Wo od, 34 Wind you, that, by J. ii. licN sugLtua as Moonlight with thee, by V. liver - 3O My rol.y Ann, comic, by Milli Piped, • 33 My beautiful Little, by J. Mahon, .......... ....-...3. Mother's Westing. by V. Wid&we, 33 Maggie Moore, by P. R. lessee ... - 30 My angel boy. by qtephen C. rosier .33 %Ingle on the ea, es. Duett, by G. W. Glover, 30 Waver dream my love can change, by J. R. Thocatug, Tell me. title twinkling sta. by U. H. Grua.... e-.. 011 1 hervifnone to say good blight to me, by .1. H Ite- I% aughton, a, 'Tout me all la all, or not At all.. Words by Tennyson, W. R. Dempster, 50 R. thou foreevr /13104/, by H. Millard, 35 'Beautiful dreamer, (for g4i , ar; by W1nuer,...... 35 Beautiful bale of the sea, by J. R. Thomas, ' 113 ti:tte-eyed Kitty Ma', by 1". ii. Isaacs, 311 radar. roue Jon a, comic, by G-orse II ,wdryin, gu I cannot rill bar anther; by ( hamberlain. , 30 J-'one it,., but for th se, by J Mahon, ft KW ing On the sly, by J..'.. Murder 8' Kiss me, father, ere I die, by Walker, 3 , Bury me in the el:m*l4l'o.6y H. M altd, 30 Angel child by W B. Bur, ' A Beautiful - cloud, by I. A rat 1.7 - "'"'" - 30 Striking De. snag Dynan Bryant, D. D. Emniet - „.......31 IIiSTRIIIIICNTAL—NEW WALTZES. L'Arilto. by •.Ardlts, ..... CO 8011-. of Brooklyn, by George Wiltla'm WAI ft5,.....l Oki Dallis. GI ',and Taloa. by Log. Kettwarr 3) Furst, by Tb. Pesten so Plowing oinnaolot, by cb. Well. 76 Facts , , by Groi ge Villitate Wares°, 75 home, oy Joao Mien.... ae Heart's ache, by it lllwn U. Allen, Ida, by Jr..t Hann ....... 60 Kiss, bi L /adds, MICI ==r /Ml= == Mi=l )IARCIIIi3 AND Qt . iCESTEI S. Lincoln fasters] in /eh. facers! warch from Don Set ma'am, by Ch. Vrad01,....b0 March Hnngrolae. by H. WnDenhaupt, • FO March T , bmph.D., by Dr. :Perqabnag, 80 /larch Mantanayriae. by H. 314)24er. 40 V.MILATI INS Berintkal drawler, by A. /sumach, ew3 Call me out back from the orb les- shore, ao Dais mother I've come home to tl.e, by O. Grob*, 90 Leahrea's ball, by A. tteurnaelt, .. 60 -Send far illnatrat,d pie• list of Instruments and Coda lops nt New Music. Add ess indent to J WILLARD, Wholanais Piano Forte and Iloilo Dialer, a02765ti. No 547 Etroadoiy, !‘ ow York A' "CAN/UOU eXt isoUTR-EAST CORNER Or ?qr. rARK A D STATE ST., ERIE, PA. JOHN DUNG A. N. PROPRIETOR Tnt rartmisi !Izmir) ArAVIMI taken charge of the above ve:l.known Rotel, and re. fitted it to gape for style, respectfully meddle a alines of the public patronno. Terms reasonable, said 11101)GRUZIO. dations equal to any In the city. For the convenleses of persons from the country a rood stable to teen attached to the prelates.. JeB'66-14 JOU hf DUNCAN. FUR!, WHOLIESALI" h RETAIL. • / CH ARLES OAK FO.R D do SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, POMADE .PHIA; Haw now open their tarp and splendid ssoornsent of LAMES' FUR PIPES. i . COLLIES. - MUFFS 6;17.9 oteorta, AND ROODS Also Use finest anottmost of FANCY FUR ROBES, CAPP, MUFFLERS, AND (MOTES. . grotberoire Ohmd by them, all of which are .vented to be as *lmmolated. SHIPPISU FURS ROUGRZ oetlB.4ro. CIiSVALIEWS LIVE FOR THE 11/lit Will milers the Hate to 14 f RIGINAL COLOR, 811.1307111131 sea Paoltowca the growth of lb* Witilnti't 114.12; steps Its tat to three da3v; keeps the heed draw, cool wad hwalthet mut be *god ( mil; eontalas =Lb-. tog injnriono; Tus BEST twit DRS IEING EVER OFFEED TO TB PUBLIC"; It is meommeaded and ued by the best medical ao thoil• tr. Bold at the Drng Stores, and at my office, N 0.1.114 Broadway, New Talk. ' I ware all persons the above preparation will de all that la claimed for It. 64320 2m. BAR IR A. CHEVALICR, IL D. ! " :• kilelabsid's . Bathos" aswagowt,s =LiiL. PREPARATIONS. “faciat.T cwcn , TUMTED” cxueoulat FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU; A positive end Bridge Itosiegy the dhow* et tge Ellisele, Gravid saii brogelest liseUltge. 'his Medicine Inctsuce the posets os dkellennsield excites tbe otcorhczts into benithy salt*, ity Vida the ditticr of et-le.:macs &positions, and an aasatuad beats sco redsced;cs hAt upsts sad sad Is good Cor mo. Veto= sad children. H HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, for weakness miring from incenses, Habits of DWI& eon, Eiritinoelierethie6 attended with the Miming Symptom: Indtposittes to Exertion, Lau of Power. Loa of Inernory, ' Ditienity of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Storror.ot Dlmase, Water:me:a. Dimness of Vision, Pain fn the Thick. ' Ilot Ramis. . fleshing of tho Body. Dryness of the =ln, Ercptkras of Mersa., trnfeersal Lars trade, PaMd COCWIMISOII. laiscular Sotto. Theso symptoms, If allowed to go err ( ' which thts Bon slam barnriably removes), rocs _PATITITY. EPILEPTIC FITS. de. ce to of which tho patient may expire. Who can $l7 they are not frequently followed by those "direful die. erees." • INSANITY AND col:sum:kw:it' Many are aware of the rinse of thefriadering, be t noes confees. The records of the lathes asaitcons sad the sectincholy deaths by consuaaption bear ample whom to the truth of the assertion. The Constitatton, once affeetett by orissla yashmac. makes the 414 of suallelas to at:eV:ha sad laabrarste the system, which lILLICBOLD'S =IMAM OF =CI= tourtably does. .& trial will coavtneetbostost sotytted. tal lawny affections pampas to Tanaka, the Esszaar Du= ts stargosahol by any othcr remedy, and tor all complaints Incldhat to the set, or in the DECLINE OB MAME OP WE. cr. 13ZX 81,172`01111 Amor; No Family should be without it. L Take DO 114111aza.MereW7. or nap:mane mulleins be Enigssesst and danneronstilseasei. fiELI4I3OLD'S EXTRACT BUCiiii o©q wea.arri Cusco .Secrot .Diactasos In 111 their Mager Iltdo oxpense,llttle or no dung, of Est, oo to norrerolioec c NO =POW= Ml ; . ITSE-HELIVIBOLD'S EXTRACT BU.CHU For en affections and diseases of there organs. whether EXISTING IN - 4.1L.T. 011.1131 ALE. - Tr ova ultstaver ear.seorizinstiAg. and no matter haw icmg standing. Memos of these organs require the aid of a , diuretic. ' - HELEBOLIYS EXTRACT . BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And it b ceraisk to kayo tho dostra effect Is ell Omuta to:arida It Is recomm.ctdcd. , B: BLOODS BLOOD! 11LCOD! 3:47elmbdpitiN4 MILT cO.I:=CIZAIAt. Cual.c,UVW FLUID EXTRACT. SARSAPARILLA, For Purififizig the Mood,removiug sil lebreele Cluaveltik, florina diseases taking f...da,Z:l pacc eato of the thood, and the only reliable I=l c7.z.c1u.21 lz.ow:i remedy for the Care of Scrota*, Scull Dead, Fzlt Clitum;.Palsts and Swellings of the Bones. tlecreiloi.s of ti.o 'avant and Legs. Slotcbee„ Pimples on the Face, Tetter, tritipelss, sad en seareraptions of the Skin. .111131 D RBAITTIPTING Tny. coatPx..mvy:v. NOT " 'A F 1 • Of the wont disorders that aftllat t:ittlland a: Le from the eorraptlon that leOnalulates In the tlood. Of all the die. eOTII2IOII thither* knit nude Cu purge It out, ooze eau entud in effect IlEr.mnox.o's Cont.. CND E_ - : or fi4e. 11.12.111TUJ1. It cleanses and reno+ate3 the Mood, lattnli the Tiger of health Into the system, nod purges out the humors whlch,make disease. It telinal.a....s the healthy fanetlons of thetody, and expels the filter:len that ;;rot: and Tstalein lb* blood. Such a remedy , That could be relied enlists long been sought for. awl now, for the first time the public have one on which the; van dtpind. Cur space here does not admit ofeertiflentee to ebou-Its cal," LI. but theists] of *auk/bottle lei II show to the sick that it has its vtrtnes inurrassing anything they have ever titan. Two tablespoon:folar the Extract of SarsaparMa added feo splat at Tali? Is equal to the Lisbon I)tet Mint, and one bottle is folly equal to a gal/On of the ElroP glr Eeree• pens, or the decoction as venally made. , ICIIIatBOLD'S BOSEE WASH., 'An exurient Lotion for diseases arising from habits of dissipation, used In connection with the Extracts Puebla and Such di.eases as recommended. Evi dence of the moat responsible end reliable character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for ase.tettli Austdrede of thousands living witnesscsonad up- wards of SW unsolicited =Wien: cs end temuunands tory ietters, many of which aro from the highest sources, Including =Meta Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, Lc. The Proprietor hu never resorted to their publication in the ninnspeperai to does not do lids from the fact that his articles rank Oa Standard Preparations, and do not need lobs propped lip by eertittemes. The Science of Medicine, like the Doric Column, should Stand, simple, pure, majesUe, haring Tara for Its basis, Induction for tts pillar, end Truth alone for its Capital - .117 Extract flaraapultla ta s Llooh Parities% saj r.itrac Duall to a Morelia, aM wfl act as suds la all cases. • Both are praparod,an panty ackatllla priaaplca—fa estero—tad ant tho in oat settte nesiures of either that eaU be Made. Xready and eonelnstve test Neill bo a tam ps:bon of thole propoeUes with those let tatth In the fol. lowlnß warla See Dtspensatary of the 'United States. Be. Protoner Etrystra'.valostde works on the Practice of Physic. , flee remarks made by\ he telebtatedtt.Peryste, Mills. sae roularkroasele by Dr. Ennuis IfcDowirts, a tele. butted Physician sad Nettaber of the /loyal CoUete of knew% freland, and published In the Transactions of the Wag and (Ineen's Journal. Bee Medial DetteW. yablbtted, by ROW , Times, Fellow of the 'loyal Celiac.° of Surgeons. See most of the late standard wbrki oa bte4lclne. D saw BY ALL Datreamts IMENTWEIMIC Add= Idiom for I aforouttoa s Is cooldosso, so 31. T. UPLIMBOLD, Chemist. Rtiscipai betiiobk-- Hatold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, • NO: .61041 BROADWAY, W. Y.,- Whet*ldte Medical Depot,. - Ida 104 - SOUTIC TEN'rEt B?, PEIT.46 Beware of Comiterfeits" ASK FOR . HELM:BOLD'it - MARE - 2 11 10 - OTECICR 1 UELiIiIOLD?S 'FLUID ZITUOT BAIIS/2ditELLA TIiE FAIREST or THE PAIR issaavos, owing to the peculiar and important 143. /AWLS Ull`y .. JAI, their I..• org.toit.a ton, and the oftvei th ; perform. are nobject Maur sufferings end ailments weattzr to the sou. Vivetlcati from emarM to nu 1t . c:111 ILO War ilnimluc..4 py who are tll. Not °lily so, but no one of these rr eons female complanna can long bo suffered to run on without involving Lilo general health of the teal 'Waal, and ere long producing penoru.•ut eiebness and premature decline. Nor ie ft pletwit to t;onsult a physician:ft:ream relief of these delicate asfections, end only upon the mold, urgent necessity wale trio woman so tar saCridco her greatest chum as to do this. The sex will then thank na forplacing in their hands simple epee-ilea which will be tumid eniCa- CiOttli In relieving Mut curing almost every one of those troublesome.complaints peculiar to the eel. 130 L .WS XXTRACi' d}? 111,1CHU Ilandreds pager on in silence, and hundreds of others apply vainly to druggifte and doctors, who' Sather merely tantalize them with the hope of a cure or apply remedies which make them wore. I would not wish to assert anything that would do injustice to the afflicted, but I am obliged to say that although it may be produced from excesfi%e on of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwhole some air and food, profuse menstruation, the use of - tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, It is far eV' tenet caused by direct irritation. applied to the am nous membrane of the vagina itself. When reviewing the causes of these distressing complaints, it is roost painful to contemplate the at finidant evils consequent upon them. It is but dm pp justice to the subject to enumerate a few of the Many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman in all classes of society, and which, consequently, affect, more or less directly, the welfare of the entire human fam ily. The minis that exists fur precocious education and marriagel, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to bo wasted and pervert ed in the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, and especially in the unhealthy excite- ment of the ball-room. Thus, with the ,body half clothed, and the mind unduly excited by pleasure. perverting in midnight revel the hours designed by nature for sleep and rest. the work of destruction is half accomplished. In consequence of this early strain upon her sys tem, unnecessary effort is required by the delicate votary to retain her situation in school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil. When one excite... menus over, another in prospective keeps the mind,' morbidly sensitive to impression, while the now Dan= . stint restraint of fashionable drain, absolutely for bidding the exercise indispensable to the attainment and retention of organic health and strength ; the exposure to night air ; the sudden change of tem perature.; the complete prostration produced by ex cessive dancing must, of necessity, produce their le (inmate effect. At last, an early marriage caps the climax of misery. and the unfortunate one, hitherto so utterly rsgardiste of the plain dictate' and re monstrance' of her delicate nature, becomes an un- Willing subject of medical treatment. This is but a truthful picture of the experience of thousands of oar young women. Long before the ability to exercise the functions of the generative organs, they require an education Or their peculiar nervous system; composed of what is called the tissue, which is, in common with the female breasts and lips, evidently under the .control of mental emotions and associations at an early pe riod of life ; and, as we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when. excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life of their victims ere nature has self-completed their development. , For Female Weakness and Debility, Whites or Leucorrhma, Too 'Profuse, ralinUstang. Too Long Continued Period*, for Prolapses and Bearing Down. or Prolapsus llteri,ire offer the most perfect specific; known ; Compoun4 Extract Buchu. Directions for use, diet, and adtice accompany. Females in every period of life, from• infancy to extreme old age, will find its remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its functions. Strength la the glory of manhood and woman hood. NELIEBOLD'A =TRACT Btralll Is more strengthening thin any of the preparations of Berk or Iron, Infinitely safer, and more plesaante HUMBOLDT EXTRACT BUCHU, having received the endorsement of the moat PEOMINMiT PIIYHICLLID3 THE UNIT ED BUM, is ai , " offered to afflicted humanity as a certain cure for the following disclaims and symp toms, from whatever cause originating : General Debility, Mantal and Physical Depression, Imbecility. Determination of Biood to the R. Confused Ideas, _ ' Hysteria, General Irritability. Itealleagnem w;id, illeepleasnesa at Night, • Abeam* of Muscular Effichmc7, Loss of Appetite+. 31=rt. it Pli ita. DliOrgliaZlOOn ar Pira7. l . at • cieneestion. ihi ffion of the Heart. asa. La: concotoitaats of a Nervosa NA Debflititea data of UM spasm lb Jure de perefees, cea 048 ed. Aar POE HILNEOLDT. - prayEt ' g -AtARPO BEi_,vv,i7m,' ter CURB WARRANTED "lie IP DI:EMOTIONS JAZ FOLLOWED. mar Call for a Circular Describing all Symp tom. Etyitaxicotoirmisis the symptoms t Catarrh sa they generally appeal at first very slight. Parsons Sal they have a col J. that thee have frequ3ut attssks, wad are more Betralthry th the changes of temp-rata:o4 in this condi , ion to. sue may be dry, or a alight discharge, thin and acrt afterward' becoming thick and adhesive. As the di. tee becomesechennic, the discharge' are inn:eased quantity and t.anked in quality ; they are ia,,w third sod heavy. and are hawked or cmghed'up. Thayer:* Untie are otensi ye, causing a bad breath ; the voice • thick and nasal ; the *ye" 'lir" weak; the "ease of tt, smalls lessened or destroyed; deafness Ire .nontir take ,lace. Another common and Important symptom o Wards Is. that he person is obliged to clear hi. thron In the munaingof a thick or slimy mucus, which I a• fallen down fromthe head during the night. Why; this takes plies thperean may be cure that htid+seaw is on Its way to th Inn ga and illon!d low no time in arresting it. .• The abuse are eat 4 fee a tie waxy Catarrh symp was. A. single Bottle will last a Month— to be used three times a day., Testimonials : Primo Mu. Thaw J. 7lrrier, Ex-Ablaber of Cenffre. , Jr.. Jal4 Speaker of Ithnuts Mug of Reprr anialim and Upend Mader of 4. F. all 4. ill, of . Slats qf Illizotio. razzroar, Oct 21,1883. init. A, E. SEELYE: D a / 3 Siat—ln reply to your notice of the 18th teat . would way that I els a•eetely Afflicted with Catarrh r years, when I became acquainted with you, a. c neht two bottle' of your Liquid Catarrh Remedy be • • 1 bad noel oo• bottle, I wee awusibly ito„roved, befrore the a.- cond bottle was nniehed, wool completel% CMEM;iMiiiiMai Resieettially yourv. T 1 . 1,33. J. TURNER DR. D. H. • SEELYE & CO., bola Paorairroas, Chicago, 111 , 1tols a -Laboratory at Freeport, Illinois itiENIERAL Al"ttitiTS :RONO & AFttinTriONO, Cleveland, Oh :11IN ). PARR, • elnelonatl,Oh 3011/1.802i, Detroit, Mick. SOLD II 8.8111 BY tifflLAt CARVER, W hICK, L. STRONG VIERS & ELLTO r. And roi ice 117 ALL DRCOGISTS. ==E CONE OF STATE ST., AND, THE PARK, ERIE, PA. This Well Kiown Hotue " Sas puse.i into the eootiol of the Undersigned, who are determleed to spare no efforts that wl,l lead to stake It a pleasant stopping DIM* for the traveling pub ic. A :lumber of ,mporte et improvements ha's alleady le en made, and others to be aornpleted at an early pe lod will render it era of the beast hotels In the Lountry. bimodal ate is taken to furnish the table with all the scone's artistes. served op in the melt' approved styl e, at d by smommodstmg waiters. We took charge or the 'lntel with the eqatutkon to make It each u the cants at this section require. and led colt/dent of meetly g the m potation of our gnats. LOOMIS k /WAS, . • . T. Loom; t • Proprietors. R. L. Rosh S • ilaytt -a c For . the HandkereJ HALO , 0 0 M 14 9 E:l3 MI A Most Exquisite. Della;::, ant Perfume, Distilled fro-- d 'Beautiful Flower from kes its name. nufactured only by Pll A L NEW YOEIL ARE OF COU ASK FOR PIIALON'S—TAKE Sold by 1bv7;:1.t.? IMPORTANTTOFEN - -- .. e .--AOESE 4 I, I t, * s y. - litee o ((4,:# (ii t ; vPILLs)) The C - llllll'nneion of your. ..4.1 , 111.11 t t f long at.: eat. to.IN letr r.p r t • sett r••nn ,, t . • kte: certain In cur:, d.,re - Con t 1.1111. n., rt EV, I' • )1(.1 or other , " ise. 14-atist ne. nr 1..•, ' the whitto, A I m,t Ulm... cab In the h•ek ard ,•••• Well /floe (rout Interrupt. n CHEESEMAN'S ELNAI - been used Oct, Cr : fered as the only • -- enatruation hut Lado • true: t• ••• r one ronadtom , f" the fr,cle r • anyf he taken w:flivat rt- ULT. The eundaron .5 e recta:, ndenet of the rne , ' to ret• r. ". 11 co'. , 0,111.1t e‘• na'u e ra-..tot ieo,t t. Tll , l' l It tL.r way. Dr. Cheeseman's Fs e been etandard r. Lne i (.., r r the must elfee..o .1 to• e‘er LT, . Ii r t.. F male T all ~• ucieg , with cer'alnts peel° i acorn to hne.wads, who la, perica, tbiol3l.loti the con utr or scare t f the tioFt emicent ; Kxpli - Itthrectionp,rtatir,g trLon with each Los.—the It et $1 t } COU 'Jilting 50 o . 7 0 I'l 1,. ?lit j•nt by mail, pren " vatinn. bp rrmlttio; aUr ;, ~ , DRIr..;GISTOIikiN Kit k I L. lIIITCIIIYOS II I LI, IF!:, Pr S 1 C t ;„, r , 1 gold In Er!. fir C:-I, & Warfel, rnl Wm. N.—. - •': 4 k Rowltutt. E. & H. T. ANTTION i k CO. 14112facturors of Photo'gre*:.c,'Xi 501 BROADWAY, I,Y In *Aline, Ie e, I 64 I Stereoscopes•and Ut we.... Las, ^ -. 1. , VIEWS OF THE W. Obtain. I st " 1.001•(M.1t•PlIzi Lln LuIIT v) Ball Bun, Tntc I uan Yorktown, Pontoon tins Gettysburgh, Hanover J:r.2: l Fair Oaks, tooliolt Savage Station, Chicahont:7 , Fredericksburgh, City Punt Fairfax, Richmond, Po*risb, , re , Beep Bottom, Belie Far:. Monitors. Fort Norgan, z Atlanta: Charlestoa, Florida. Str..lvl):- . .7 S; Atm...lran and Frre'rb CT. , • • ry, J.. I:.e‘ • gab !mt., Our . 2444ap, Photograpllic Alb:::r.' w.,ttatt t. • w.. bun,actare I , • Int In prk. enyrn tatlon l.e.ngllp.r.. L • • MT .111 by I", t Et. ' • tgrll'ir 1,1.11 The Trade will iin3 our Saleable they caa b-Y Oar Ofttaltr•- n. 4 • • inkert. 4to Liwch r.• neat Itr,•• , as.r, leU 4.111..tee15. V:lCulort•la, Artirt4. Ea e s c , ,• • T . t 1 Including cr , ,ln , • rf 1, • •. • '•' Printrn,s, et• Ccm • „le An ord.. 6r Orme Damen PI, - filleml on re.mrt $1 I c Phatell'emeacim and other. oeste ••' ' cfnalr terr•cti tiv• cent • t.c urn. t:nces n 3441.1117 o-r " r i lVE111" STABLE Purchased the well-known I occupied by Wn. J. Ft, ret:. •''•• • • ' al and the public that he wul coat,• a. th. • invites their pattoul,:e. T 111: STt,''N Will Le largely inert r.• sum have been proeun l. an nurse' In the country. I gT__, the establishment as t, gg!l want to obtain the xerriot •0: • really at all time to ace .r.rn •, prints. &collect the Owe. STFRRETI , c 01,l) Fifth etre. t, tear of the II•• :••• • . File, lune 8. 1865—t1• ooFiNta rwla reln'T to Fen ii • n • Factorleo and I II Iln,r of al 14 , tolteriala that ir,re sto.. manuflctur.,l OR an ,n than any other comp r""'”g1 4 ! patent. Per, durahlo ant at ampb•K sant free by milli\ -' 11}1" /41'64 ly No. 7,1 Malan Lan+, CAl =MI =I