%XXIX CONGRESS. TRH IgNATE CALITOR Elk . MISSOURI. Term Exp. Term Exn *J A McDougall 1867 B Gratz Brown 1867 John Commas, 1869 J B Henderson 1869 CONIMOTI CUT. SILVADA. L S Foster 1667 Jas W Nye 1867 James Dixon 1869 Win \1 Stewart 1660 DiLAWASS. NEW nawirsursca *0 Reed Biddle 1869 Daniel Clark 1 867 *W Santsbnry 1871 Aaron 11 Crsgin 1871 ILLINOIS. • rirleW MANY. L Trrimball 1867 *Wm Wright 1869 Rickard Yates 1871 *J P Stockton 1871 unwire. 111/W TORY. Henry 8 Lane 11567 Ira Hattie 1867 lir A Hendricks 1869 Edwin D Morgan 1889 lOWA. OHIO. -- - 1867 John Sherman 1867 Jas W Grimes 1871 Benj F Wade 1869 Kassa,. OREOON. 9 C Pomeroy' 1867 'Alas W Nesmith 1867 Jae H Lane - 1871 (I H Williams 1871 NANTLTICT. *Garret Davis 1867 Elgar Cowan 1867 *James Guthrie 1871 *0 It Bunkolew 1869 RHODE lILAND. Lot M Morrill 1869 Wm SpragJe 1869 W P Fessenden 1871 I 1 it Anthony 1871 WIMISACHILTSISTS. vicamorr. Charles Sumner 1£369 Jaoob Co!lamer 1867 Henry WiNon 1871 Solomon Foot 1869 MAITLAND. 'Agfa rinoiaila JA J Creswell 1867 P U Van Winkle 1869 MR Johnson 1869 W T Willey 1871 NIIOIIIOOII. RISCONSiN. Zech Chandler 1869 Timothy 0 Howe 1867 J &I Howard 1871 Jas R'lloolittle 186'J MINNESOTA.. Alex Ramsay 1869 Daniel 8 Norton 1871 Republicans, 38 ; Democrats (*), 11 TO DU ADMITTZD tansassus. Term Exp. *E Baxter *D T Patters= 180 *Wm D Snow *J 8 Fowler 1871 vuscasia. utestestrrt. J C Underwood 1867 *Wm L Sharkey 1867 Joseph B:gar 1871 'J L Alcorn 1871 LOUISIANA. SOUTU CAROLINA. *R K Cutler J L Manning 18 , 17 *Chu Smith *Benj F Perry 1871 ditgATISAS. Term Ezp lin ili OT SIPSZBENTATIVI,II California —Donald C M'Ruer, William Rigby, John Bidwell. Onneetieut.—Henry C Deming, S L Warn er, August Brandagee, John H. Hubbard. Pe/aware —*John A Nicholson. . Illinois —John Wentworth, John F Farns worth, Elihu B Washburne, Aaron C Harding, Ebon C Ingersoll, Burton C Cook, H P 11 Bramwell, Shelby M Cullom, *Lewis Si floss, *Anthony Thornton, *Samuel S Marshall, Jehti Baker, A J Kuykendall, S W Moulton. iam C C Kerr, Ralph Hill,/ H Farquhar. George W Julian, Ebenezer Dumont, *1) W Voorhees (C.). Clod lore S Orth, Schuyler Colfax, Joseph D De frees, T N Stillwell. New Jersey —John F Starr, William A Newell, *Charles Sitgreares, *Antfrew J. Rogers, ' , Ed V R Wright. New York —*Stephen Tabor. *Tennis G. Bergen, Junes Humphrey, *.Vergau Jones, *Nelsen Taylor, Henry J,Raystiond, *John W Chattier, *James Brooks (r.), William A. Darling. *William Rodfori. *Charles H John H Ketchum., *Edwin N Hubbell, *Charles Goodyear, John A Griswold, Robert S Hale, Calsin T Ifulhard, James 4 Marvin, benne Hubbard, , Addison II Latlin, Ros cot Gonkling / Sydney T Holmes, Thomas T. I.).ivia, Theo Ii Pomeroy, Daniel Morri-, Giles W - Ifotchkies, , Hamilton Ward, Roswell Ilart, Burt Van Horn, *Jag M Humphrey, Henry Van Aerriam. F Wi aon, Hiram Price. Wm A Allison, Jasish B Grinnell, John A Kasson, A W Hubbard • Kansa/.—Sidney Clark& Kentucky. —*L 8 Trimble, *R C Ritter, *Henry Griller, *Aaron Herding., L II Rotts— reed, Green Clay Smith. * t 3 S Shanklin, Wm II Randall, &Irene' Nl'Keis ' Maine.—John Lynch, Sidney Perham, Jae (3 Mane, John IT Rice, Frederick A. Pike. Ilaryland.—*Hirein M'Cullougb, J L Thom to, Jr, Charles E Phelps, Ftancis Thomas, *Berj 0 Harris HaAaachwetts.—The. D Eliot, Oakes Ames. Alexander H Rice. Simnel Hooper. John B Alley, Nathaniel P Banks, Geo S Boutwell, John D Baldwin, Wm II Washburae, Henry 1, DitWt9. Itirhigan.—Fernando C Beaman. Charles Upson, John W Lorin-air, Thoms4 ,W Ferry, R E Trowbridge. John F DriggA • Minrirsota —Willintu Windom, Ignatius Don nelly. Mitiotai —*Jolla Hogan. Henry T flow, Thomas E Noell, J,hn R Kelso, Joseph W R T Van Horn. Beni Imin F L Jan, John F Benjamin, flea IV Anderson. Nevada —Delos It Ashley. New Hampshire —Gilman 3larzton, Edward H Rollins, Jae W Patterson. Ohio.—Bruj Eggleston, It B Hayti, Robt C Schenck, Win Lawrence, *Frank C La Blond, B. NV Clerk, Semi Shellabarger, Jae R Hubbell, P Buckland, des M Henry S Bandy, *Wm E Finck, Columbus Delano, Marlin Wel kor,T A rinnts, John A Bin;lharn, Epbrlim Eckley, Rufus P Spaulding, James A Gar field. Oregon —J H D Henderson. Penney/rania —*Str. uel J Randall, Charles O'Neill, Leonard Myers, Wm D Kelley,ll RU! , — eel Thayer, *l3 Markham Boyer, Jchn 31 Broomall, •S E Ancona, Thaddeus Stevens, *Myer Stroutte,'Philip Johnson, •Charles Den , ninon, Ulysses Mercur, George F Miller, •A Glossbrenner, W H Koontz. (C) A A Barker, Stephen F Wilson, Glenni W Scofield. Carlton V Culver, 'J L Dawson, (C) Jae K Moorhead, Thos 'Williams, Geo V Lawrence. Rode /e/and.—Thomas A Jenks, Nathan F Dixon. Verniont.—F 3 Woodbridge, Justin 3 Mor rill. Parole Baxter. Writ lirginta.—Cheat D Ilubbard, George R Latham, Killian V Whaley. Witcoroin.—llnibert E Paine, Ithamar C Sloan, Ammo% Cobb, *Chas 0 Eldridge, Philo tug Sawyer, Walter D M'lndoe. Republicans, 144 ; Democrats (*) 40. (ii) seats contested: TO BE ADMITTED Tennessee. Nathaniel G Taylor, Horace Maynard, Wm II Btokes, •Edward Cooper, •Wm B Campbell, *1)11 Thomas, I R Haw kins, •John W Leftwich. Arkansas —•--Byers, •Lorenzo Gibson,•) li Johnson. - 6 41 E Runolde. "R A Pinson 0 1a 0 T Harrison, °A M West, •E G Pcyton. Virginia.—'Wm H B Curtis,Luciun H Chan titer, .11, „Johnson Barbour, *Hobert Ridgway °Beverly A Davie, 'Alex H H Stuart, •Rober Y Conrad, *Danlll Hoge. Louisiana. —*Louie St Martin, 'Jacob Bar ker, °Robert C Wickliffe, *John E King,prub •John 8 Young, prob. ABUSTED.—Geerge Kramer, of Header son township, this county, was arrested a few days ago for passieg counterfeit greenbacks. This is the same George Kra. mar, who about a year ago was so intensely loyal as to desire and waist in the arrest of a number of Democrats in this and Clear. field counties for disloyalty. No amount of labor was too great for him if by it he succeeded in having a Democrat torn from his home and family and incarcerated in some filthy prison. But things have changed, and if this " loyal " knave gets his desert, be will have an opportunity of learning to be honest at the expense of the State.--•Brookville (Jefferson county) Her ,ald. The late Grant jam at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, was the biggest thing of the kind. It was toadying on a heavy scale. The General has, for the past six months, been the red.- pietatot any quantity of small demonstrations, but We one was a clincher. All the wealth and all the morals were out in full feather; for inasmuch as fifteen hundred select were ticketed in. and fifteen hundred more stole ht without tickets, it is wife to say the arsem blage was "promiscuous, very." Ae a sped men brick of the taste of a portion of the sov ereignty white being "introduced," w e g i ve the following; " General, this is my eldest son, Wnt. kfason—Willle, tell Gen. Grant the prayer you say for him every night." OYU. lie attempts to de so, but is jerked on sud• denly by a heathenish committee mon.) "Move along, move along, say your prayers Another Lim." =:n A . i. ADA.M.N & CO., WHOLE3ALB; DEALERS IN BOOTS, ,' SROES,. • AND RUBBERS. CORNER OF STATE AND FIF,TiI STREETi i , ERIE, PENN'A. Erie, Eepiember: 29 18651 6.411-3za D.VILIS a: CARSON,- Osalirt to KIND 3 OF ONOCSRI63, F 110179, FRORTMILY3 AND FROVI3ION4, Fifth Ptreet, bitraan State and Freud,. Erie Pa. Having purehaseu our stock before the late rise in prices, we feel coolideet of being able tortes Falls faction, both in price and quality. Country rfOated of ever! end bought and sold. Farmers e►o always depend on receiving the highest mar ket pries for their srtieles. DEALERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Lines of Renrood, supputp WITH VRLIT, VEGETAIILV, &C REMEMBER. MAY k JACKSON'S VARA= DEPOT, FI7 T II ST AZET IMIOM piticEs It , MUCHA. THE UNION FURNITURE STORE, ERIE, PENN'A, Is now selling the largest assortment of FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, 111:111EAUS, SOFA, CANE SEAT AND 0:n1E:a CHAIRS, Geese Feathers, Sfatrasses, Lounges, and other Furni ture, ere: bruitzht, to this city. GZO. W. ELLSEY, General Conniatision Furniture Dealer, Writ aide near RS, 05 State atre..t. eV,' Calf an I see the Fa:diny Lled,teal. WS am G OFI attack:llv I.T.HLR'. tern CZoti Lae opened hie AU,Le at go. 515 eneh St. where can be Lund every tLlng; nee.led in the line of GROCERIES: He is haw, to gay that he lira engned that welt:low. and yopular man • JACOB HANSON, Who will In heppy to tee old friends at all times CANNED FRUITS, Ew a II PEACHES, TOMA.TOE3, GREEN CORN, I,llla BE.INS, ETC., Always on hand at S BASO:ViNG FOR POULTRY AND ME TS ! inTRE, SAGE, MARIORUI, FTC., pOWDEU, 01107 As.l) Le 14.1:), At Who'olle or P.etall, itt 0ct.1511. GOFF't3, 513 I , reach St. pumtnELPltiA P la? E RALL 'WAD. TTII 4 swat nos traverses 15, Yortbern and Northwest , ott atles penturisallis to the etty of Erie. OD tahk.. F.rte. It ha. besn .tt Paslutylwasia Rail •oet Company, and is eptrated by them. TiYis OP rAlleuertipm 111•1715 AT IRIS. Leave Eastward. Trs'e 200 a. m. Er'e Exprpag Train 155 p. m Warren Ateara 7 30 a. to Arrive %%Ewan.... 11aq Train :10 p. wt. Erie Express Train 3 37 a to• Warzeo i ccom 10 "..11 a m l'as4.tuvr cars run tbrourb Au the Erie Mail sot Ea preaa traiue without champ both .sys t oilmen Philadel phia And Frr•. yew l'grk Annoection Ina. Nei York at 600 p.m. arriro at P.riA :1:17 a. m. Lorre Yrie at I 55p. sn, arrire st Sow York 115 p.m. ebmiger of can , . botwtep I rie art! rtis York. Elarsnt Sleeping Car* on all n ght twain* For mformation respecting l'serenraer business apply st the F. E. cotter 11th sod .s.darket :la., and for Freight hardness of the Company's rarest*, 5.13 KINIOSTON, Jas, sorter lzth std kfrultet Street', Ph I I adelphlai. S. W. RV:Vt.:OI.II3, W. 11RIWN, At...at W. C. R R.. Rath:tom ' 11. A. fletierral Vrelght Agstt, Phila. .6. W. tWINSER.. Geo. Tilk•t A. L. I YLE.II, P; • vo-a , eup&ritrWadeat, Willicaugport. R EADY PAY STORE. • 31INNIG & RUSSELL, Would respectfully inform the Public that they have rurchspei ths srocr OF OROCERIE'S OF J4MES 4. Loss. Cou.alta or ben ;SU walk Where they intend to keep as good an assortsaeut of FAMILY GROCERIEB & PIWVISIONS, WOOD .4 WILLOW WARE, AND TARIISTY GOOD' as is kept in Fri e. Kept constsutly on hand. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, WARRAYRED A GOOD ARTICLE; jar' The highest Sarkst Pr.ce paid for all Urea n , Country Produce. irir Goods delivered tree of chair to any part 3. the City. •. lil Nlti. Cusar3T66tt.J J. RUSSF 8 A14,11i NOT/CM. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OF 'mit, CAPITAL, $150,000. DIRECTORS : sr.t.nEx MARTIN, JOUN W. EiAlAttleJ eLlfiLf MARVIN, BE,TSit TOWN, O. NOBLE. ORANOI NOBLE, Pretident. JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. The above, leant will be opened for the transactien of business on DEC. 5, 1863, IN lIUG LIES' BLOCK, West of State St., between Seventh and I•agota. Satisfactory paper discounted. Money received on Deposit. Colleettoaa Dada and proceed+ accounted )r .;it prowpta ea. Orates, Specie and Bank Notes bought and sold A 'bare of Public Patronage is respee.tolly e:drits . TOP .11012111 SON at SONS Xt. Beg leave to Inform the attune of Erie and .ricimily Oat they have removed their JiOCl of • DRY GOODS, • TO I/9 REESE BLOCK, in the building formerly occu pied by News. HAYES & KAPLts, whore they intend keeping a Lane atsortment of DR S GOODS, FANCY SILKS, GLOVES, HOISERY, &C. Returning thanks to Cu amazon's?' for their past liberal pet:waste. we respectfully ask a continuanes No moos. Yr* 70.a.1091111. Tllll MASON & HAMLIN CADIVET oRGAN forty different styles, adopted to garcatt and av a st music, for ISO to $8.30 each 'nutty' yi gold Or alive =adv.'s, or other first premiums awarded throw. Mt tratad Cstslogoes free. Address, LOWY H AMU" Bostoa, or /WON BROTfillikNoir Turk. eel '664y Give us a Call GoFF'S, N 0.515 French St =NM At is OFFS, 513 Freud. St ItIOS FREive* 1 ke 4 4 Ladies, take Partieralar Notice THE SEAL VELPAU FEMALE PILL. [Wmuntirt= Farrar.] rpUESE riLLs, 60 celebrated many L years ago in Paris for the relief of ,female irregularities, and afterward so notorious fur their criminal employment in the practice of Oration, are now offered for sale fur the tlr,t time in America. They have been kept , in comparative obscurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. Yelpaat, is a physician in Paris of great wealth and strict conscientious prin ciples, and has withheld them from genera/ use, lest they should be employed for unlawful Furpooes. In overcoming Female Obstructions, alling of the Womb, Whites, Green Sick ness, Suppression, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Discharges, they seem to be truly omnipotent, bursting open the flood-gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are ofteTed to the pub lic only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbidden to fell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Married Indies should never take them when there is any reason to believe themselves pregnant, for they will be sure to produce a miscaniage. These pills are entirely safe under ell cir cumstances, being composed entirely of ,ub stances from the vegetable kingdom. Each box has the coat of arm, for the City of Paris stamped on the box, with the wards " Trade Mark' in French, to c.,unterfeit c hick is a misdemeanor, and all persons will be dealt with according to law. ;W . " Full directions accompany every box. Ladies eau obtain n box se.ied from the eyes of the curious, by inelosing Oue Dollar and six post-oftlee stamps to aey respectable drug gists, or to 0. O. STAPLES, General Agent for the United States, Waterte - rm N. Y. Agents, Aotare.—Vima k !Mtn% Aall k Weer), Wllkloa k Booth, Liddell & taro. Carter & C•rrer, Erie; Loop k Em , North East : Relkotp k Bro„ Girar I ; McCreary, Fairview; Riley Potter, West Soria !Seta. ATer' SARSAPAR ILl'Pfr Ins vonta's curt arirar Pas Scrofula and Scroftdous Diseases. From 'Emery Edes, a well-known merchant of Ps ford, Maine. I have sold large quantities of your SAILSAPA 'ULLA, but never yet one bottle which failed of the desired effect and full satisfaction to those who took it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there ha. been no medicine like it before in our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, 171. can, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. Frees Rev. Bat. Stratton, Bristol, England. I only do my duty to you and the public, when add my testimony to that you publish of the me dicinal virtues of your SA 113APARILLA. My daugh. ter, aged ten. had an afflicting humor In her earls, eyes, and hair for years, which we were tinablr cure until we tried your SARSAPARILLA. IRIS been well for some months." From Mrs. Jane E. nice, n well-known and mutt esteemed lady of Dennisrille, Cape May Co., N.J. " My (laughter has ,uttered for a year past with • scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome liothing *frontal any relief until we tried your SARSAPARILLA, which soon completely cured her." ProniCharles P. Cage, Esq., of the widely-known Cage, Murray kt Co., inn atylicturers of enamelled papers in 2krashua, "I bad for several years a very troublesome tumor in my raze, which grew constantly worse until It disfigured my features and became an intol erable affliction. I tried almost, every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any ;diet whatever, until I took your SARSAPARILLA. It Immediately made my face worse, as you told me fora time; but In a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and con tinned until my Thai is as smooth as any body's, Ind I am without any symptoms of the disease that know of. I enjoy perfect hoelth, and without a loubt owe It to your SAlleArault.t.a." Erysipelas— General Debility—Pure/ the Blood. Prom Dr. Itobt. &nein, Mutton St., Yew Fork. " nit. Area. I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use or your SA tt4.II•AItILLA, and I have just eo'v cured an Att.ttelt Of Malignant Erysipelas wt al Ho liarativa possess equals the SARSAPARILLA yOtt have sup. Plied to the profession as well as to the people." li•om J. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio. t , For twelve yeas, I had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which tune I tried all the Aebrated physicians I could ?each, and took bun dreds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords becalm visible, and tilt , doctors decided that my arm must, be amputated. I oegau taking your SARSAPARILLA. Took two bot- Jes, and some of your Mt-S. Together they have mred me. I am now as well and sound as any body. Belugin A public place, my case is known to every xatvin thin community, and excites the wonder of From lion. Autry Monro, M. P. P., of Newcastle, C. W., a kmling member of the Canadian Parlia ment. t. I have used your SARS kI•ARILLA in my hardly, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with, very beneficial results, and reel eonadeooe In c ommending it to the aitlicted." Bt. Anthony's Fire, Rose, _Balt Rheum, Scald Head , Bare Eyes. From ITarrey Sickler, Req.,lhe able etlilor'of Tankhannock Democrat, Penuslarania. "Our only child, about three years of age, was 'Hacked by pimples on his forehead. 'They rapid) • ipread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sure, which covered his face, and actually blinded Ms eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied aitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his lands, lest with them ho should tear open the fes wring and corrupt wetuld which covered his whole 'lice. Having tried 4 7 0 thing else we had any cope from iit ri c e began g your SA RR.% PA !ULLA, 4nd appl the lo of potash lotion, as you direct. he sore began to heal when we had given the first butne, and was well when we had finished the second. The chfid'a eyelashes, which had come out, grew !gat!, and is now as healthy and fair Is any oft.L. The wh he ole neighborhood predicted that the ehr.i.. must Ale." livi:Alie raid Itenvorial Disease Fross Le. Mr= &OA of St • Louis. Missouri. ,gem / end woe 84.11aAPaliffma a mom effectual edy for tbe sooeseffitly symptoms of Syphilis Ind for syphfiltre disease win any other we possess. fbe profeSslor. axe Indebted to you for some of the Dent medicines we bare." Front 11-ench, M. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass,, who is a prominent member of the Legislature of Massachusetts. De.. AYER. Hy dear Sir: I have found your 3ARSAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis, sotti of the primary and secondary type, and effeo• Mal In some cases that were too obsuoato to yield .o other remedies. Ido not know what we can em• ploy with more certainty of success, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Choi. S. ran Liew, of New llrunswiek, N. had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years„ in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA relieved him. Few cases can be found more Inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen %Atka to cure him. Leueorshces, Whites, Female Weakness, tre generally produced by Internal Seroftaous vetalon,aud are very often cured by the alterative sect of this SARSAPAUIL/..1. Some eases rerytkire, aowever, in aid of the SAMAPAItILLA, the skilful tppllcation of local remedies. From the treil-knoteri and wbkly-relebroted Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. 11 I have found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent alterative to diseases of females, Many emotes of Irregularity, Leueorrhoca, Internal Ulceration, and lora/ debility, arising from the scrofulous diatheals have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when Its effect Is properly aided by local treatment." lady, unwilling to allow the publicatios of her name, writes o " My daughter and myself have been cured of a very debilitating Leueorrheca of long standing, by two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." aheumatiam, Gout, Liver`Complaint, DTs. .. pope's, Heart Disease, 'Neuralgia" 'then causedbir &Irk in the system s are rapidly :um/ by this XT. ARSAPARILL4. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS ~.-,ogge'ss so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market,-and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintaked equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all thath ev h we ever done. cowPrerma lry ATER, M. D., & CO, l , , • ^:11v, Kuria(Mil= ASD 'W dOLI Sill I*ALll l] SEGARS . , TOBACCO, SNUFF, 4iC., &C., Fine .BELOW EiTATE ERIE, PA. Oppoidts the Dispatch Printing Herat, unmovam The Subscriber irbo bale occupied the Metudoe Pour% Jest above the Depot s far the peat tour year% hal tercoved Let r the NATIONAL. HOTEL, CORNER OY PEACFI AND 111:4YALO RTREETA, Whore Ito will try to accommodate ',Me allasany VINO, sad se welt, air he lid is the old at+ nd. Ha hope. that lb. paitakagge which fru 60 libera.ty ettootiod to tam there, will I. wooded to hmto h s nog quarters Ms /tabling La sufßettat to acet•motodata a I teamsters Who shay favor Ws with PMr patroaap. apFli-tt JORO SOTLIL io,oK o ftelyE LIFE-REJUVENATOR. Th.s preparation 1t tutequall•l ea a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted o: I sort f muttons. The aged Should be certain to make the tionedwrid god, Welton h as it will m 1,14 thentjonth- N 1 In feeling sad in attiength. and enable them to lire over again ibis days if their Milli re joy. ft not olly *Ai hire tere,bat strengthens, sad family as invaluable Orating, especial y to that. wLo hsee been reduce. to condition f servility, aelf.stinse, utle'ortune. or ordi nary eicknen No matter what theicanso of the I pw ten .y of any human organ, this superb preparati.a will 033,0 the eine: et oirte &111 ht . ) Ter. 23 X Ck NEVI. JO /V CURE-- DsrorcmcY, oßstßikt. ORRILITY, NEE VOUS INCAPACITY. OL'lre PSIA REPRES4IOIi, LOAS OF APPETITE, LOA , WI EITS,WEARPIERS OE Telt' ORGANA N' OP GENERATIO, 111 lICEILITY, MENTAL. INDOLENCE, via hel ATM% ENlan. I 1 ban .16 moot delightful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous rystetn, and aft who an in any-wayprostrated by ner vous disabilities are earnestly advised. to seek a cure in this most escallent and unequaled preparation. Persons 'eh by imprudence, hate lost their ristniai vigor, will Linda speedy_ red perineum • este in the 13 4 .111. 41 15. i• elaa. cp . The Feebla, the L. neuid, the Dispiriting e Old • horrid give Ms valuab e discovery • trial; it will be found to `ally nifferen: from alt other articiar for the mane prirpr set. TO FEM I.llM:—This preparation is isvalusble lo nerrous weaknewes of ell kinds, as it WIII restore the wasted streosth with wonderful puma/rears It is also a grand tonle,and will giro relief it L'lspep sia with the first dose. A brief persistence Or its mar will renovvte the *Womb tr a degree of perfect health • d b snish D epepvia forerer. Orr, do tar per r bottle, or i tx bottle* fop Bold by Druggists generally. ent by express anywhere, by addressing ' HUTCHIIJOB & Hit.tvett, Proprietors, St Cedar eiireet. New le.als. glirji 410, 873,00 dt 8100 NAVEL) ON A PIANO FORTE! LID $2O, $25 AJD $5O 01 ' ORGAN OR MELODEON! B,T sending )our ordero to O. J. WILLARD, No. 511 Btradoity, N. Y., woottes.tt PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC DEALER WOl. A. Pond .t Co.'., Ma:drama. Gray i CO Kr i ate & Co.'s and otter Fire Mir PIANO FORTES! tad Catbart, Needham `'es ra•lot Trig, Palo & oak 11 Churea stumatacar, a B. D. k ti. N. Smith's AMERICAN ORGANS MUSIC TBACIIoNSAND DBILEBi Will be tarnished IV lib Surrr sto. insbuction 80. Ica Ha _es Orgeos or Melodeons at • W sale Prices. PEW MUSIC I Ecr To aXV AMAMI, VIM Or PCISTAGI, 0% Victory at Wt. S •ng and chorus, by William N. Brad bury, 30 Our n0...1e chief has passed ass,. nb Ory On ills des•h of A, Lincoln, by S. M. ..... 4) It's an up in Dial-, by Tacker,.... Jeff In petilcoats. A tong for the tunes, by Incker—.lo .'m lonely si ce he lett c,e M. Iteeler, 3.1 He, or Tay down In Benasylvanta. Haas Schmidt 3^ I believed her true to me. H. Millard, 40 I have so touch to tell. .1 R. Thomas " Let bins rest." A tribute to the lets Stephen C. ros ter, and .mbel:iahed with hie Meow, by Henry Tuclo.r.4o "iAmerick is beautiful," Words by Mr relcault, et to c Dan eryant, ZO Loot War of my hems. The tut tong and choln• by l I eery Tc C . ..'7,--... 84 Little house under the hill, by E. G. Pbe:1i.,.... ..... 30 Lear* me not in dark deans. r, by A. tit Wood.. ..... ..35 Mind you, that, by J. H. MeN angl. ton Se Moonlight with thee, by It. Me er 30 M 3 Pol y Ant, corniebv Davie Peed, 35 My beautiful were, by .1. Mahon, - li. McAbee. b.esiong by I Wldu..we,. 35 Maggie Moore, by Y.-B. Waco .. ....,; „ ............ 37 My angel boy, by Rtepb, a G. Foster . 3.5 ui tic on the ova's ta. Poett. by G. W. Glover. 30 Never dream my love can charge, by J. It. Tb0aa10.....3. Tell me, Ills twinkllog star. by 0. H. 0 r 1500.- B As t. ~ •/,' there's nose to say good night to me , by J. c. Nsuratori ' tO T tat to, all in all, or no, at all. W olds by I",na) it a, W. R. ()tweeter, .. en fte thou forty r mine, by H. Millard. - 35 - Beautiful dreamer, (for g .frars, by Winvey, ..ah Beautiful tale °fibs tea, by J. It- Thema* . •ib B:ue-eytd Kitty Da,. bv P. it. hears, ......... .....30 eatt.eeroua Jon a, comic, by Georye Boirdey.o, 3'; I cannot (.611 her tir.ther, by t hamberlain. 3U J btiv' .lirta but for th se, by J )4 abro, NU Ki.steg on the sly, by I. A. Murder. 33 Kim me, 801 - Litre Idle, by Wellier, 8 Bury um in the otii.hioe, by 1.1. At 'laid, 30 Angel child ty Wlf ti Bur-, '4 Beautiful cloud, by I: Aria ie. CO Staking 11... sung by Dan Bryant. D. D. Emmet,. ..... .50 INBTALLIIIRNTAL--NR,W f.7Ze,q. • L'Ardlta. by A /Ltdltr, LO Belt•a of tirooklyn, by George Wthien3 Ws: rea,....1 OJ Ifla , and Valle, by ELI. Kettener,.... ......... an Facie, by Th. °eaten, • Flowing stresualst, by Ch. Wetly, Taus., by Grotto William Warren, tiar.eu bows. Jean Name . . .. . Heart's sat, by ti aliam Li. Alleb, al Ida, by -tear lianas 60 Riss, br L Aidas,_ CO ..... Kiss, brilliant', arranga4 by 1.. Rattner, 60 SlAltalti AND . 41 . 1CiLSTIOS Line .1n (anon) in reh Funeral march from Don ° el nstlar, by CIL Frade),....10 Much liongrolso. by H. Wolleobsupt, 10 March 1'11 , A:1411.1P, by Dr. 7ti-104P:1•1,, 30 Niarcb Hon tenerrl s, by H. Ha) be:, .. 40 VARIATI .)68. ft.thotitill dreAthar, by A. t autirteh,_ 66 Celt hie not ha ...6 troth the ech les• 'bore ao Pea mother I've come htrud to h.e,b, G. Grub-, Oh Lahigatee_ball, by A. nechach, lth Fowl for Must' at,