he trit Wu* Obotiver ERIE, PA., DEC. 14. 1865. _ - 0- Interesting reading matter _on erery, a of this week's issue. twat:D.—Any of our subscribers baying pits of the Oasenvas of May 28th, 1865 111 confer tiding favor and be liberally re a b rded y seng them to the office. 4-2irt Ser I,:l2lllLY.—hewers. Beadle tk.Co., of ew York city, have commenced the publics )a of a new periodical entitled "Beadle'p oothly, a Magazine of To-day." It is ex. vively illustrated and contains much en ruining reading, among which we do not the a rticle on reconstruction, in the lest ri . The past vomit' of the publiehers ip !vir e enough that they will make this leeriment prosper, NOW OWNERS, ATTIATION.--As this is . goon of the year when people usually tter their leases, and a great deal of pro r y,, changes hands, we remind our r4derei t.... sts vai plete stoat of blanks for almost 0 , ?c qopi is kept for sale at the Observer ,e oat assortment of Deeds, Mortgages, riev ais for the Sale of Land Leaves, &0., ir „ t e !urpassed anywhere. , We have s n r bt and Common Leases on hand, so s:pirties can take their choice. tf. 6:vgi'S LADY'S BOOK.—The January num trcf !big favorite publication reached us ; , t reek in advance of all the other monthlies. ‘ , sor iendid copy,end gives token of inoreas xtree in the volume for 1866. We would our friends that now is the beet time ; e:mteence taking the Lady's Book. By pe eing at the first number of the year, ',whine in the volume is obtained complete, •i the disappointmint of missing • parts of ,tries, &c. is rot experienced. We will pro. tee year's subscription for any of our pat upon their remitting us two dollars and 17 cent,' DIM or lioN. MADISON Buitswm—linn I,h § ma Burnell, of Jamestown, Chautauqui y , died suddenly in the streets of :,t at seven o'clock in the evening inst. lie had been suffering from a of the kidneys of long standing, which 6:rioted his life. We have not the data for , m ighie obituary of Mr Burnell. lie was s sTer o f more than ordinary grasp and vigor sod one of the ablest and purest i t w f uern New York. Of late years he "b e n little in public life; but he com• se the enfoleace and respect of all who Der hilt, and Ilia lo3s will be deeply felt in .e elmeriunity where he lived.—Bui/k/o Cou- \IT Ilnroell was inttmately known to nearly err citizen of our county residing in the nstiLtaitern portion. He was formerly a hig, but on the organization of the Aboli ..n party joined the Democracy, and has been active laborer in its ranks ever since. For e pa.t three years, he bee visited our coun in etch successive eampaign, and delivered eenbea at various points. He was a corn ere coaster of sarcasm, and exceeded in that effect soy person we have ever heard Al , crh an ultra partisan, his frankness of Tam and fearlessness of expression gave =the general reputation of a thoroughly nes: man, and there will be many, even org his fiercest political foes, who will :erelY regret to hear of his lose. FM; roc SALE.—We call special attention the advertisements of farms for sale in . week's paper lr John Martin offers_ to sell a first elan! of fifty-two sores, in Harbor Creek ship, on easy terms Ir. Arnold Jordan wishes to dispose of his _ of fifty-six acres,in Harbor Creek town- Or Thos. Cavanagh has a splendid proper ;) !ell, situated at a convenient distance the city, and having superior improve-- upon it. ;r particulars in regard to each of these reifies, we refer to the advertisements. pile On tbis.subject, we will mention that. oaseaysa is every week becoming more more of a favorite as a medium for the ertisement of real estate and public sales ost every issue of the paper presents re el proofs of this assertion. We would remind persons in the country who have telly to sell of the advantages of notify :ve public of the same through the columns % n.w4paper. Whatever the article may it is de-tired to sell, whether it is real .te. live stock, agricultural implemen is or , ehold farnitnre, in nine oases out of ten erv.l advertisement of the same will ro e them to be disposed of at a better price n it ibso are not advertised. Prrrm; rP Srov■ Pings —This is the sea f toe year, remarks a cotemporary, that tn.!t teen's souls "—family men, we me•.n. particularly. A hundred and one things v. be attended to " immediately " or there %tilde in the household We can stand it rutting up the stoves. Pr^fanity is :ttlen4ib'e—it is disgusting—it shows il' !:11—it is evidence of a bad disposition; IMO is ever excusable for using ex t”Te .pithets :it is at the time when he ;et the confounded stovepipe to fit. We , tnn hesitation in giving our testimony :•:e person who holds at arm's length :'7llre of stovepipe, and after two dozen ^edul attempts to make a connection, ^9hling his fingers six or eight times, mtt soot all over the parlor carpet , !et y baring the whole thing fa* down : 7 .4: the contents of the centre table. I '...eng down the pet boy of the family tt l ititate with tears in her eyes and mi , ;icted on her countenance; we say tn:t t ease, if a man won't swear a blue is the most amiable chap in the as deserves to have a certificate for '!o^ril character. framed in guilt, and .:r - Ter the head of his bed during his ~ f l;oence -/1:1 nit Om REGIONS.—The Titusville -1 :tei!! this story : On Tuesday last a ~.r.to of the Baltimore Conference was horte , Jack from Pithole to Titusville. nearly reached Pleasantville, and Was -LI quietly along humming a psalm tune. I ran stepped into his path and seizing ..rte's bridle, presented a revolver at the and demanded his money. Nothing cteened, the traveler remarked that he poor Methodist preacher and had money, but would give up all be The robber made no reply, hut main ' hill threatening position, and patiently .'4i!or the conference mac to disgorge.- -" t'zinie eyed the freebooter pretty earn -.. 7. tc,l remarked with great solemnity. "i em have my money, friend, but for like, and for your own soni's sake, "sp the huPinese of highway robbery."— :: treehnoter dropped his pistol at his side voice trembling with deep emotion " You can pass on !" t ofornistion of those of our readers }Ars buginess with our Represesta W sgton, we state that Mr Soo :41 retidense in that city ia it the Avenue •tut rte= or Local At Austin's More le the pities to buy jewelry .nd fancy articles for the holiday.. Capt. A. las a large variety on hand from which to select. Beware of people who owns telling you of the faults of your friends. Be sure they will be just as ready to tell others of the faults you posses•. Bishop Clark, of Rhode Island, who has many admirers here, will deliver the next lecture of the course, on Thursday !meting. December 21st. The piece to buy dry goods cheap is at Bell At Warner's. They are receiving an enormous vook of new goods, which•were bought at a favorable period, and can therefore be sold at a great reduction from old prices. There are five theatres in the oil region, located at Meadville, Corry, Oil City, Pithole end Franklin. Two of theM have adopted the pretentious and meaningless title "Acad emy of Music." In boring the side of a mountain near Ethel field, Warren county, en exchange says, a coal bed was penetrated eleven feet thick. This is thirty miles nearer Lake Erie than so work able a bed has yet been found. - We are gratified to find that our views of President Johnson's policy are thoroughly con mend in by all the Democrats whoa we have conversed with. The Democrats of Erie coun ty know too well what real Democracy is,to be culled by a sham article, like that which An drew Johnson offers to peddle. A well known laborer named Charles Love, attempted to cross the Front street caul bridge, on Saturday night, while in a state of intoxication, and by some accident fell through. He was found dead oa Sunday morning, and a Coronor's inquest held upon the body. About $4O were in his pocket. Mr. Couldock, the eminent actor, who de lighted our people br i his fine renderiniof us_ eral popular parts, two -winters ago; is now, with his daughter, pe•forming in Corry for a limited season., We hope they will be induced to visit Erie before long. Mr. Nick, the druggist at the corner of State and Seventh streets, is expeting to re ceive some live 'Upton, from New Orleans, which he intends keeping in his store as a curiosity. Mr. N. hu at present a fine aqua rium in operation, Which being on exhibition In hie show window attract, considerable at. ten tion. Navigation on tha i lake has almost ceased, and at this port business has come nearly to a close for the season. No arrivals or depar tures of vessels have taken place for several days. The canal boats have all or nearly all stopped running. We are indebted to Messrs. J. A. Howell St Co , of Jefferson, Ohio, the publinhers,for the following piece of new music: "The Battle in the Clouds, song and chorus, inscribed to the Army of the Cumberland ; written by Wm. D ilowelle, 11. S. consul at Venice, and unl oosed by Mr. Beller." The Siamese Twins, Chang and Eag, after having been absent from "public life" for thirteen years, have commenced giving exhi. bitiono again, and are to be at Corry oa Sa turday We presume they will not neglect to visit Erie. A man named Andrew Agnew. in the em ploy of Wilson Moore. Esq., of Waterford. was driving a team from the latter plaee to qpringfield, on Tuesday of last week, and when near Mc6.an, by some accident IMP thrown under the wagon. the wheels of which passed over his chest, killing him almost in stently. He had no family, his wife having died some time ago. An accident occurred on Sunday morning "bout four o'clock, ten miles west of Sunbury. Pa., to the express train on the Philadelphia Ft Erie railroad, which left this city on Sc turday afternoon By some manner, as yet unexplained, the baggage car caught fire and was totally consumed. together with all the baggage of the passengers. The amount of loss is unknown. The mail train goiiig west. on the same road, on Saturday, came in col— lision with a freight train, near Williamsport. One man bad his leg broken, and some dam age was done to the cars. The new fifty oent counterfeits, says an sxchange, can be distinguished by the absence of the ttE " from the name of Oen. F. E qpinner. People who may have wondered what the queer looking scrawl at the bottom of the national money means, will remember hereafter that it stands for that gentleman's signature. It must be acknowledged, though, that it looks more like a chicken's tracks than a man's writing. We learn from the Pithele daily &nerd thak the Pcit Office in that tt city " was broken into on Sunday evening and three bags, containing the mail for New York, the Eastern and Northern States, and Eastern Pennsylvania, taken. The entrance was effected through one of the rooms in the new wing of the Chase House, in which is a win dow connected with the post office. The sum of $56.000 was in the mail bags, the property of three men alone, and tl.e full amount lost was probably between $75,000 and $lOO,OOO A liberal reward is offered for the detection the guilty parties " The building of the new Reed House, we are informed, will cost about $lBO.OOO. Gen. Reed, it is said, intends furnishing the build ing himself, so that no difficulty *ill be likely so be experienced in securing a landlord The rurniture, &c., is expected to cost about 3:10,000 more, making the entire costs2lo,ooo The regular teem of the court for civil busi ness (which does not mean that the parties engaged are always civil) has been in session 'luring the week. Judge DericksOn presiding A large number of persons have been in at , endance, but the cases tried have not been of oh sracter to make them interesting to the outside public. The Titusville Herald proposes .s Convention, to include representatives of the press throughout Northwestern Pennsyl vanis—say the counties of Erie, Crawford Mercer, Venango and Warren—to be held at Nfeadville, (which is the most' central point) on the 17th of January, the birthday of Ben- , jamin Franklin." We heartily endorse the suggestion of a convention, but. matters of as important personal nature would prevent us from attending on the date mentioned. Say some day in February and we will be with you. Our young lady readers may be surprised to hear that the present style of wearing the hair in nets was practised by the wild Karens. in Burmab, more than thirty years ago. In a letter which Mr. Judson wrote, thirty-four years age, he said: "On one Karen lady I counted between twelve and fifteen necklaces of all colors, sizes and materials. Three au the average. Brass belts above the ankles rings of all sorts on the lingers; bracelets on the wrists and arms; long instruments of some metal perforating the lower part of the ear by an immense aperture, and reselthlr nearly to the shoulder : fancifully constructed hogs eneloriog the hair, and miepeoded from the back part of the heed, not to speak of the-0114. meatal parts of their clothing, constituted the fashion sad the too of the fair Mareaeseee." HOMO, emrettlaire a ester 4, tonate oil men, has recently donated 8 tract of 200 a cres of laud in Mercer aunty, worth $20.000, for the purpose of establishing a, Home for Friendless Children. He intends Rooting upon it buildings worth $lOO,OOO, and capable of accommodating from four to five hundred innutos. lite. Watson. another wealthy tied philanthropic citizen of Mercer aunty, will add a contribution of $50,000 to that tarnished by Dr. Egbert. The ground for the edifies Is to be broken esrly in the spring. The control of the institution is to be under the joint auspices of the Northern Home of Philadelphia, and a board of officers to be - chosen from Western Pennsylvania. It is designed to be a great Worn institution, although open to friendleu children from all parts of the State. The enmity of Dr. Egbert and Mr. Watson cannot be too warmly praised. ?boy are among the few enormously wealthy men who know how to , make a sensi ble use of'their money. The Dispatch "charges that the charter of the Union & Titusville railroad has been sold out by pasties in this city who owned the controlling interest, to a company of specula tors who do not propose to extend the road to Erie." It gives the sum paid, and names some of the persons alleged to be concerned in the bargain and sale. We shall await far• then developments with interest. We regret to learn that Mr. W. J. Winfield has resigned the foremanship of Perry Fire company, which position he has occupied from the organization of the company, to the entire satisfaction of the members and the public. Mr. W. is a practised and vigilant fireman, who has few superiors. Under his lead Perry company has grown up to be one of our most useful and popular organisations, and his resignation will leave a vacancy which it will be found difficult to supply. Our Young fire department cannot well afford to lose men of his stamp. , Another smuggling dodge upon the Cana dian border has jut been detected. An unn anal number of coffins have been brought across the line of late for interment on the American aide. Last week the United States revenue officer insisted upon " seeing the corpse," alter the coffin was landed, against the earnest protests of the stricken relatives, when, instead of a defunct body, the coffin was found filled with costly silks. To aid and support his local press, a co temporary says, should be the aim of every true Democrat. By many faithful men it is considered a sacred duty. The Democratic press of this State has au arduous work to per form. Many scarcely manage to live,because the Democrats are lukewarm and refuse to toe the mark like honest men ; while the few that are prosperous are only madieo by unceasing labor on the part of their publishers. There is no doubt of the fact, that the fate of the Democratic party rests with rte local presses. If supported, they are given life and strength —if uocared for, they die. We appeal to all true Democrats, who have the interests of their country at heart, to strengthen their lo cal presses. The Easton Argus rays, with truth : "Without exception, the' meanest of all Dublieations leaned in this country is Harper's Weekly Pictorial, which is thrust under the eyes of every man whit travels fifty miles on a railroad train. Pretending to be a literary mar, it is filled every week with the most senseless, illiberal, unjust and untruthful at tacks on the Democratic party, resorting to pictures to help the dirty work. No Democrat ohnuld touch it. We have respect fora manly. nut spoken. honest Republican paper, but the men who, like the Harpers, sail under fairs color., are no better than common swindlers." The most arrant knave and liar we know of is that widely quoted individual, "They Say." " They Say " does more mischief than all the other trouble makers combined. "They Say" is at the bottom of almost every quarrel, of .very scandal and of almost every case of un happiness. Let each and every one of our readers beware of having anything to do with "They Say." The Sunbury Democrat says it is useless to make any more experiments in two trains try ing to pass each other on the same track. The last trial was made just above that town and proved a complete failure, both engines being smashed up. Mr, A. M. Folger, who hu been principal of the East Ward school for about three years, has resigned that position, and intends to es. tabltsh a select school for young ladies and gentlemen. Mr. F. has been pre eminerly successful as a teacher, and will unquestion ably receive, as he richly deserves, a liberal patronage. The ladies of the Presbyterian church of Waterford will bold a Fair, in Washington commencing Tuesday, Dee.. 18, and to continue two days. The proceeds are to be used in procuring a bell for the church. Hos. 0. Velum' Cucuta.—This gentleman, who now represents_ the Crawford district in Congress has recently become one of the (moue men of this part of the State. His residence is at Meadville. His extensive business transactions in the oil regions ren der his name as " familiar as household words "in all portions of the Northwest. He is one of the wealthiest men in this section. fortnns being estimated at from half a million to two million dollars. An exchange thus pithily sketches the leading incidents of his career: He was a Buckeye boy, son of Dr. Culver, of Logan—ambitious for college education, but parental finances more limited than the number of the boys prevented his graduat ing. He became a Banker, came to Mead ville, took charge of the Crawford county Bank, in 1869, • depleted acd consumptive corporation, set It upon its legs and conducted it out of the woods and placed it on a solid basis, with a large prolt to himself and his associates in Meadville. Since then he has established the Third National Bank in New York and has been largely instrumental in farniebing banking facilities at several points, in and near the Oil Regions. A gentlen.an in Meadville Informed me that Culver once remarked that if his efforts should be success ful at that place, be should take pleasure in expending every dollar he made in that city, within its bounds. The remark was forgotten by others until he bad, besides giving away $36.000 to other objects, made Allegheny College a magnificent gift of a hundred thous - tad dollars! To this finanoi&l ability and al most unequalled generosity, are added a cut 'Jested mind, fine taste, unquestionable in tegrity and a capacity for grist enterpris a. THEATIII.—The Theatre in Farrar Hall has bad good audiences each.night, though not so large as we expected from the reputation of the Buchanan'. On Friday evening the "Merchant of Venice " will be played, Mr. Buchanan taking the part of " Shylook," and on Saturday eveniug the popular performance of " Pi'an'o," with Mr. B. as " Bolls." The company will close their lesson here on Sat• urday. TEANKICIIVING •? Minn.—We learn that an enterprising lady residing at Union, re cently gave birth to an Infantile male gau ntly. The importune of securing early railioad connection with that rapidly growing town is beooming every day more apparent. It is. indeed, the oryity seensity of the than. —Manville Reedit. Ex-President Pierre -wee- baptised and confirmed in the Eptempal church, at Concord, N. II„ on Sunday last. - • -- -3fewe.of the- Weak. It is elated that the ez-Confederate See rotary of the Navy, Mallory, is soon to be tried before a civil btu's'. Daring the year ending the 30th of June last, 485.000,000 letters passed through the United States mails. at a coat to the wri ten of $13.986.350 87. The average is 20 letters for every inhabitant. Roger A. Pryor, well known as a gener- al in the rebel army. and member of the federal and rebel Congress, has retired from public life, and is now practicing law in New York, having opened an office in Nassau street. The number of rebel prisoners captured and paroled by us during the war amount ed to 329,000. The number of Union prisoners captured by the rebels during the war is stated to have been one hund. red and fifty eeven thousand. The resignations of the following named officers have been accepted by the Presi dent, to Asks effect from the dates an nexed to eieh name ; Major General John A. Dix. United States Volunteers, Nov. 30. 1865 ; itajorGeneral Benjamin F. But ler, United States Volunteers, November 30, 1865. Gen. Logan, says a Washington special, will only go as Minister to Mexico if :issue ed by the President that the policy of this Government is to be decided. Controller Clark of the Currency Bu reau has decided that ladies cannot act as directors of National banks, as the laws do not recognize them as citizens. Geo. W. Gale, who offered a reward for the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, has given bonds at Montgomery, Ala., to appear when called fnr. A German girl named Katrina Borke, died last week, at the residence of her step mother, No. 126 Meadow street, Ho boken. from the effects of Paris green; taken by her for the purpose of self de struction. She was employed in a milli need' ellen, and was charged with baying stolen $5 from her employer and dis charged. She soon after returned and begged to be taken back, but her former mistress refusing. she swallowed the poi son that caused her death. It is stated that the Illinois members urge the donation of $lOO 000 to Mrs. Lin ado, and that this amount will probably be recommended by the select committee to whom this subject was referred. - Of course. On Thursday last the Hon. F. E. Spin ner, United States Treasurer, received a letter containing $l5, from a lady who presented it, to him as her contribution toward liquidating-the war debt. Goodness gracious, what a simple-minded female she must be. The Nashville Banner contains an ac count of a party of guerrillas committing deprelations upon the residents of La vergne, Tenne see. They bold the town for an hour, but were finally dispersed by the military. Judge Johnson. of the Jefferson coun ty. Ky., Circuit Court, has declared the slave law of Kentucky null and void, in consequence of the adoption by three fourths of the States of the anti-slavery amendment to the Constitution. General .Palmer has issued a proclamation &dar ing that slavery -has ceased to exist in Kentucky. The reception of Gen. Grant at Savan nah seems to have been rather a tame af fair. Says the RepttPlean, in concluding A description of it : " Thus ended the tame event of the season—the visit of Lieut. (en. U. S. Grant to the commercial em porium of Georgia. We never remember witnessing so cold, inanimate and cheer less a reception as was tendered the 'great military hero of the age, and we were led to exclaim,." Sie transit Owlet mundi."— Tri bune. The Fenian Brotherhood have had a serious rupture. and the Cabinet and the Senators have begun a little warfare, mak ing most grave charges of dishonesty and fraud against each other. A Fenian Con gress is to be convened in New York early next month, but from present indications the movement has been so badly crippled by internal dissensions as to seriously dam age its prospects for the future. The Houston Talearaph, of the let inst., renorta the arrest, by Gen. Gregory, of M. Elmore, late a Colonel in the Confederate States army, on the charge of using dogs to catch a negro, and falsely imprisoning him. A writ of habeas corpus was serried on Gen. Gregory. who resnected it but asked an extension until January 15 to answer It. so that be might receive instruc tions from Washington in regard to the matter. Col. Elmore was released upon giving heavy bail. An inquest was held last week on the body of A. F. Keenan, a tailor, who com mitted suicide in New York. by taking a dose of laudanum. Disappointment in love and annoyance at a serious impedi ment in his speech were the causes as signed. Keenan was an Englishman and a contributor to the columns of the Siznday Mercury. A leading Congressman from New Eng land, says a Washington special. had an interview with the President on Saturday. when the latter expressed the belief that Congress and the Executive could har monize on a plan of reconstruction. The President, however, expressed his fears that, under the lead of Mr. Stevens, the House would take a polition which it could hold. New Advertisements. F !UK— !SISTERS OF CHAILIT V. A Tait will be held at Farr Hell. 60 the 20th of Ds comber, • for the Purpose oniniarging the Eloe r ib i t. on lcuriliet.eek under the ante of the *lst es of Charity As the number of inmates are coneantly increasing. they art anifwiag great ineoneenie.os for wart of room in the building they now clumpy. Any contributions from the citizens of Cris will he thankfully received. •016441. SHICRKIR, ACM= Fall nICX11:1 gaol. and Daaacw k Co •• Plano Forts, the beat now wade. and Wawa k Hanalln's eabloot Organs old Pianos taken t o exc h ange . Manna tuned. Reshlesee. Union 1111113, Zito Co., Pa. .ditel4l4 2m. AUSTIN'S JBWELBY MEI FANCY GOODS STORE Pamir= Braiding. No. 22 ?Firth Park Moo, ERIE, PA An elegant stock of Fashinrable Goode for the Rondos no• opening at the old st.tod. The largest and Aneet variety of desirable GOLD AND SILVER ARTICLES, PL tTED WARM, And Taney Goods teaseslly aver 'Tend in this city. a .arall advance. Call and see. dsel4.3m• 1. X AUSTIN. F IRST' CLAIM PARR FOR MALL andersigne6 offers for mile hi' Farm in Harbor Cur Irbp.. on the Barialo rout, 4f mires from Erie city and half a mile from Weeleyville, adjoining that of Ben Junin Chambers. It °lmbrium 60 acres of superior land, well watered, level audio 6r t rat* order. A large or. ehard of Irene., fruit le on the promises. The improve mints consist of a new twn•ato v awe Dwelling Hones, two good Barna and all the neeessary out bnlldinp. Terms of payment will be OW. Apply to 1:16V WAUGH, or II A. DAVENPORT. detl4ll3 'm. Erie City. ADMIX STEATOItiS NOTittlf. Latter r f Administration on the adobe of D•or7 Kendall due d. late of North Klit tp c oun ty. A L , bade; been vented to the undersigned: Notice le bele• by eve* b all persona bating Oahu menet the mid Wale to moment t em. duly authenticated, for settle. weak sad all indebted to the same are requested to make immediate paYniolit• J. L. BROOKINS. 8178 AN UND4LL, North Kilt, Dee 1t... SAO Adailaditrators. CITY AND COUNTY etpjawilynto. JOHN H.' MIL'. AR pi falhprnamd to west soy ,rude, sa d mina * mr . Here of lOU SO Out lots of the city, and the Trade the nehout the county. Having hero for man, Team employed so city mid noon ty irarreyor. be bows bar* to refer to all the torment and tattoo a men who bane beretofote employed him ' Particular attestlen Riven to Mapping. Mat, fipeell amps. inn bravo prepared on the 'horsed notion. All onion lott at T. A. %ekes dors, comer of Moth sad Pros& oboe& 14, Prouret l 7 attend*/ to. sgs..Decisates 11181. ~F X g r A . ,I .W ♦ With its eonatel low, font THE BROAD 017 AGE DOUBLE. TRACK ROUTE NEW TORE. PROTIORNOR. BO WON. NNW RAVEN BARTIORge. BRIOORPORT. TALI: INTER, STOCEtON. NEWPORT. And all the prtanipel T.waa and COW§ in Nair Ras land. SAVING 23 NILES IN DISTANCE I Via. Pantie*. BMW* or Salamanca to New To:k. wmotrz auwas or coAcins! Until further notice, Train's will van as Libya Leave Mantles-7 00 a. tt. Expreer Nall; 4.20 r. u. Night repress; 6.10 P. N. Ciaolanati Negras . L og y. Fliliwium...s.3l • N. Dar itspriie; 926 • . ■ Fosse Mail: 700 P x. Night !:rem; 9.21 P. Cicerinnati Rep tag LSAT, laidilibr.-5 00 I. a. Day IC:press; tg i A. V. E 2 porn Mar; 6.06 r. N. Night Nuprese; 10 40 r. a. Clucturrati gloom Arrive at *Jew York-10.20 r. x Day Vapreise; 707 A. at Monologs Wall; 12/0 •41 Night tigress; 4.11 g. Cincinnati Zsprese. 1 The 6 OA P. is. Train from BMW° will ran May, all others dolly merept Ploodays. All time lisitazday ran directly through to Mew Yo r k. 8.4, 0 sod throug h Magiand Paamagers can memo tick AI La. Nvw York. without additional ecet and have eh~io et all Rail or Soon 1 Steamers to destination. When Oevesary testae on this millway will wait ?NCI slot'st6 for Western trine and sake regular murals( time through to New Vult The bat Ventilatesd and mostLeurnrhonalseoplag Oars rd Tin WORLD are In nes on this railway. and f els nue. and eremr e ert are norqueled. Only Brood Gear geoids sifted scellebatt mono for the Imremod Rimminr Cotshae. hew Coriless. free from dororith dy trains. and smiler earn with all trains. %wan ohseksd th:someh and fare slow I sue low as bT an other rmlse- Tv' ASK TOR TrKT,Ti Vlll. ERIC RAILWAY, which' can bs obtained at al principal .tkloot Glom Sionth-west. West and worth Wart. Chime° Ofline. 64 mark Stri442.—A, D. ggilth, now Agimit; E. Fold. Vr*lcht Amt. Nan York Oillee, '4O Hmadway.—Charlee P. Craig, Heket • ear! A R. Ward height Want- Roston Meow 16 State Sbeet.--/oha 8. Dunlap. V. Z. sprang WV. R. DARR, Veal Past. eiet, New York. H:HT^HIA, Heal Poet, New York. dael4'6s. MIEWNIUM THEATRE EVERY EVENING, J. C. MT L.. The wed rennireedTreiredlan and Commedirane, Mr. M'KEAN & Mies VIRGINIA BUCHANAN The greatest llTing 1112tilte. rzi DAT !TIMM. flzc. 16, REA lIISPIAIN'S Esarrletn. Pier, or 4 ACM THE 11111,CHANi OF VENICE. abylook Vaasa Baehanan Portia Wise Virginia Buchanan To coucluda with Coe Lapsable rnedy, USED UP. Sir Chas. Coldstream Masan Buchanan Barcauku ETIS., Drc. te, TIII LAST ♦rraaaancn, PIZ ♦RHO. Rolls—.Wrenn Buchanan Mica Firgiaia Buchanan Mpg OF THE WOODS. The Jibbenainosay Bruises Buchanan Tell. Doe Mit Virginia Buchanan dcel4l-1t "[HON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE Principals P. W. Jammu. J. C. Berms. A. Y . Amts. Coinage. Collette Railding.Cktrntr Arn and Rt. Pair Sta. - c o G er . Rending. Odd Yellow's Building. ilth St. id Collage Building. Nos 24 and 24 Rt. Clair S. Aintrrum roe run Waal ISDIZO DEM 9, 1991. J. T. Patten. Rartotown, Crawford Co. Ta. J. Q. Tanana/hie. Monorarabota City, Wash. Co., Pa. J. R. Peery, Rartstown Cray/Lad Co. Pa. I. R. Filler. Flannonsbarg, W. Y. Resent n. Jamestown. Worm Co., Pa. J. R. atellon. coquettes Borough. Allsgtteny Co., Pa. B. R. Gls a. RemitiffinUs ado ; a. B. Rook, Ude 'retrain. Loyalist* Co., Pa. T. J. 061, It nethorn. eat Co . Pa D. R. Calhoun, Werth Jaekson, Yawning Co., 0. A. R King. treaty, rot. Co.. 0. N. Purdun Chill meth*. Rases CO., R. n. Res. J C. Co., 0. W. J. Gil ore Wilkiusbarg, Alleshony Co.. Pa. T P. Landis. Tarrentunt. as J. R Leolthort, Shama. Mares, Co., Pa. T. W- Onr, Tonng:town, Mahoning C0. :. 0. n D. Jonas. - go R. a. Waltere,Rhiprensburg. Comb. Co Pa. P. 0 paw.% Rbeadmar. Cambria Co., Pa. R B Maeebtotar. Allegheny Co., Pa. P. Rateer. Alliebeny City. Pa R. R. Trani. IC Tairti Id, col. Ca., O. J. R. flannelly. Weeloy„ Veneer° Co., Pa. W 0. Shttlde, Went Ind. Co Pa. J. N We.t Newton, Allan Co., 0. J. R. Poe., AA, Hardin Co 0 J. W. Ihaw, Oil City, Penang, Co.. For terms and infennation 'animating the College, address, JENICINS, SMITH k COW LRY. Pittsburg. Pa. EBTR•Y. m• to the premise of the end reigned. is Will Creek township &ant one milt south-esst from Sae' Vinare, A STEER CALF, about Ivrea months old The owner is reenettsd so some forward, prove Dropertr. pow charg es and take the same away, or it will be disposed of so. ending to law. deele 3w. GiORGE BILLING, AINNINISTRA'TOB'S NOTICB. Letters of . Adeninlit•aticn en the estate of Robert Spence, deed late of IteK•an tp., gee Co.. Pa, having been granted to the I:indent/rod; Notice's hereby given to all Indebted to raid seta's to wake bennedlate paw meat. end those having claims spinet the same will present them. duly autbpatiescod, for rettlemat McKean, Dec 14. 1E65 her! TROMAS IIeENDE. 1713=3 NSW GROCERY NTORII. IiMZ=MUI;iMi;SI EAST SIDE OF STATE 117...1111 HOUSE ,PORTS OF RAILROAD BRIDGE., Whim they Wend koppliut • toll =POT nt GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, NUT*, CROCKERY wan, Yankee Notto•s, Willow IV.we, Confectionaries Tnbat= and agars. And everything asaally oa hand In an estabdshasent of the ant. Alway■ on band a stock of Fresh Optima of the Beat Brands, at lowest market pries*. Wien determined to otter mind adamant' aany other dealers in the city. and Invite the üblie to can. confident that 1.• can the entire as n. dee la' e& -t! T. A. WEBBER Rs RJR. NEW FIRM. Juneau P. Crook, baring taken to his son, :MN la ► partner. on the let dal of April, task under the tem mime of Pilaw P. CRAM/ tt SON &Wrest* have a set Clement of hie old amounts. All parsons Inecnrine them seam indebted to him are requested to call -sad settle without delay. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER AND 1•1177/01117101.21 07 .• Windy" flub. Trauma, Doors and Blinds, Mouldings and Picket Pave% Seenll Sawing. Matching and Planing done to order. Shop on Peach St, Between 4th and 6th Sta., Kris, Pa. we respeethdly eall the attention of tho 'piano to 0111 factlitlu for dolor work to the heel of style, promptli and on revonable tonne. Baying ettyd up entlorlto soe she" with aspertor stunner), we Mel posadent of thine entire eatisfhatlan. ErOrdere from abroad will moan prompt attention mi2dlll —ht. - JANIS F. CROOK & SON. F 41111ERE' HOTEL, CORNER Of TRENCH k PUTS 81111179, ERIN M. F. WORDEN, The above Hotel having bees thorouehlp refitted, le now open to the seeommodatlon of the public. Strict attention will be eves to =hp all gusto co Portable • I tack will run regularly to all the trains. The Edinboro and wattibun stare leave this Rotel ted. A abate of the public patronage is M reepeefti so WO lly lici- . T. RDZW spop64S-tt J. 8. DUNN . NO EXCUSE FOR SCRATCHING. The certainty with which .11 kinds of Itch and erup tive dinars* generally ran be eared by natag Carter's axtraot of Dandelion and Bittwriweet and Yellow Oint ment leaves no exclave for scratching. either in private or online. The habit is dlagn-ting and may at well lw sioppsd Three preparations can be had of allreeneet: able druggists. no2-lins NE W URECERY. JACOB BOOTZ Would respoetfullv annonwe to the people of Ma any tad toasty, that he hiaa opened • NEW GROCERY STORE, 0111 the West Std. of Pisa Street, a Short Masao, South piths Like Shots Depot, Mai lin will keep on hand s large assortannt of .GROCERIES, PROTISIONR, WOOD AND WILLOW WADI, ALOUD And amyl thing mall; kept la a And elms stan MAO, WINg, sure CIDER AND LIQUOR Tb• highest Marto. PAW paid for Prodoee, IS a an It dinned. r:r Giro ins a eel. if foe vi.h to mare raid tzar isms. • 1 pinto 'spoil t° mil ae Leer, If not baerer.than any other store In lb. eity. nirlredtr. AmanicApi Houma. SOUTH WEST CORNER OT THE PARR k STATE WT., ERR, PA. JOHN DIIINCAN, PROPRIETOR. The nadarelgood basins talon &arse of tbs above will•known Hotel and matted it in engem style, speettally solicits sham of lb* path@ patennaga. ?ems reasonable, and weotialledatiotl• aqua t w o Win Use city, Er For the osswenisose_ofprsona from tie smite, •good 'tibia los been latiabs4 to Ss_ _proshrs. agel44 ol . MCIF DMICAIII. - CARPETS' -.CARPUS, CARPETS 1 English Druid; Pillut Patterns, New styles 3 ply Ingrain ; Good all Wool Inzralo, at $1.30 : Floe Dynasts and .it Cloths, Damp Carpets or the Deuttila I Datnuk Pattern, Cocoa Wettings, Floor Oil Cloths, all prices, styles and widths; Stair OU Cloth, heavy: Oil Cloth by the sheer, large enough to corer &large room without pletins, Velvet Buie and Mats. Costa and Neale Door Nate, Stair Carpets and Rodin. All styles Mit and Plain Window Shade*. Ilairaed Green !English Holiana for Shades, an width.. Willem new The nostart thing out. Co.On and owe it. !levant Gilt and Bronzed Window Cornices, Curtain !oohs. Picture Nina, Tassele,Cords, Everything in this line cap be found here. • Sp'euthd assortment Nottingham Lace by the yard. Hiss sot Daslevet for 85 canata—theapor thus Emb. hinslizt, gmb. Muslin &lacy Lace Idg. Handsome Lace for Vutianis Windows, with rods and Flatterer. The largest amortmect of Wall and Window Paper in the towa. 'He largest assortment of Linea Goods to this market it prices that defy competition. Elegant Aleached Table Linens, 13t yards wide, at $1.16 per rani. We can show these rood. in all grad-s, from th•l sou-rest to tilt finest Double Damailt. Napkins, all stoles and prices. We hare a job lot of these . goods at $3 per dczen, all Lin-n, whisk ve ...molder the main at:rata the market. • H►akahaek andganssak Linen. ppl.o 114 Flack/aback Towels at 62,60 per des all Linen. Eiezant fluetaSuek Tow sUog, bleached. by the yard, Vs wide, at the very low price of 65 tents. Irish Linens, Sheath', Linens, tibirtlng Llama, Pillow Llama, Ate— Ete. Grate. Ladles? and Children'. Linen Habdher• chiefs. 'A good, all linen, Lidice Handkerchief at 13a ►dc z. Gluts, Ladies, Masts, 8010 bud .Children's Cotten and Wool Hose. all prices. The b3st stock in town. A Root Cotton goes at 25 eta. per pair': Winter Gloves for Everybody. YANKEE NOTIONS AT WHOLESALE ! • Bleached Sheeting; Malodors. Pillow lingllns, he Alen, a good stock of Donmestto Gonda at low prices. We limp ataken. no Dow Goods, thereby snob/lag as to keep a larger stock of lax Wahl*/ Goods. Call before all the bargains re Lome and Munn 'No 7 Reed Howe Block, Erie, Pa Irjr The above is under the supervision of Mr. 8.8. GRISWOLD, whd i welt known In this rid atty. nand. • DO NOT PAY TOO HIOII DR'Y GOODEIt BELL:& WARNERS, Prints, J OSSIII BICHERLAUS, BIOOTS , AND SHOES I I take pleasure to lIIIDOIII2CiOr to the public that I hare added to iny former facilities a complete sett of SHOE MACHINERY, Which will enable me to manufacture and sell Beets and Aimee CHHAPKR THAN EIHRSTOFORE. Having had long experience u to the wants of ensto enins, I shall take special pains in preparing my *tut to suit then. I hat. the exclusive right in this city to oinks the - PLUMES PATENT BOOTS Fr. SHOES, for the benefit of;my customers, and only ask a trial of thesis, tonal/o'y any one as t& their superior comfort over thous mule in tho old way. The nurser Boot needs no breaking In; It Is as easy tram the start as one worn for some time. My etl3loll MIPLIMIENT Will motive my Orn • and 11r..7. COWER'S especial at. Mutton—combining skill an sort:ben which cannot be quelled in the country. Boots and iihoes repaired on short notice. Coinstantly on hand a large stock of LSAITH.O.R. LASTS AND FINDINGS. Toadiszing my thank" to toy frien'da and enatomere far put patronage, I hops by Jost and honorable dealing to merit a vontinuanite of the nue, and cordially Invite all to rail and enmfal MY stock before parchaaing else mbar& roarYlS4tl. PI) BPIOLEHART, . C 1, DULLER INI I BOOTS AND SHOES, Al.lO. aturrscrrams OF CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, Would take this method of returning hie thanks t his Mende and the public generally for their liberal patronage herstoforr exteso64 to him, and hopes tq hare a continuation nt the Name. I take pleasure is informing the public that I on "till selling MIXT MADE BOOTS AND SHOES AS cHEAP, Than any House in this place, and I am still nuking the beet qualithw of Gents' Roots and Shoes, for which 1 em ploy none bat the BIM of Welfiltint, ander the Super intendanee of 0. briLLICFL flaying obtained a ilqll2llo to as the PLUMER PATENT BOOTS, I am now prepared to mate the Plums? Patent Boots and Shoos in a manna not to be surpassed In Style and •orkmanshtp. «I alines hasp on hand a selection of the beat Breads of r reach and Alpert= Calf and Kips. P. B.—Repairing attended to. mr176141. Tub PLACE ro OUT YOUR kONEY BACK BOOT AND SHOE STORE, State Street, Nearly Opposite the Post Office. E. Coughlin Boot and Shoe Dealer, wispectfully atoms the Public that he uses removed his stead to the Store Blom on State street, nearly opposite the Poet 011ico, where he invites all hie old friends and customers to give Min • tail. Particular attention given to REP lIIRINGI liming weal workmen, and superintending all his Winne himself. hebelieres he an give ae good eatigao- Goa and mil at an low prices as any other penal In the tatty. Good Tito Warranted. y aprWelitt KRYSTOSE STOVE WORKS. TIBBALS, SHIRK & WHITEHEAD, - PILOPRIXTOR NAM t VACTrII42II OF ' STOVES AWD HOLLOW WARE,' Have a Urge an W d extsnaiva assortment of Stoves at holeaatt and &tail. THE IRON GATE Is a irst-olass Coal Cook Stow*, with or without reser woir, for kard or soft e al, or wood, sad Is BETTER THAN THE STEWART RIOV We al manufacture the WRIAT BHE•F ♦ND NEW ERA, Both low oven Coal Cook Stoves—vita wood cratpi— am be used either for coal or wood. THE FOREST JAK. W. a» Ain 161.111011CtUring thi. iniebratott It• OVID Store for wood—with or without resrroir THE MENTOR, A ,Loy Oren Stoll for Wood This b a new Mors, beautiful Cosign, and Dow for ease—togetaer with a large arsortment of elevated Oven Coo , Parlr.r Cook for wood or coal, and Pulot and Office Storm, for wood or coal. 0.11. TIDrIALS, D. smug, W. H. WHITEBBAD gne; Jan. 1.1„ 16811-4. VIII ALE BRZWILEX., CORNER OP PARADE AND BITYALO STREETS r ERIE CITY LAGER BREWERY, CORNER OE POPLAR AND RIDGE STREETS ERIE MALT AND BARLEY WAREHOUSES, COMB 017TH STNEZT AND CANAL BASIN. Pao sad Lobar rt sad XXX Alas TM Bast Quality midi Usual Vatistlas of I. &ger, r Pets, Badactsd ftd.ws Bo_ps, Tbs Citoteset Quint's of Malt sod Bartay, Oa band sad sad for oils by A. MG. deetNfletf. MORRISON & DIPIILMORR, wsoasa*i DiALEIa FLOUR, PORK, BEEF, SALT, GRAIN, CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, &O. NO. 2, WAYNE BLOCK,'FRENOH STREET, &tam Nh sad Rh Stresta, Ed., Pa. marralltt A NEW ASSORTMENT OF CARPETS! PATENT SPRING BALANCE CURTAIN FIXTURE ! NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS ! LINENS, LINENS, LINENS. TOWELINGS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY! 00 TO Now roclOving trots Auction, GREAT REDUCTION, De'sines, Oloakinge, CosUnp, &e., &c., Ace W&NLFACTUUZ Or WHOLESALE AND RETAIL =I II AV E. COUGIILI lI'S Just opened, W. G. GARDNER, NEW P 1 KM. 1. CILRXESII. If. 111. CACGRET CLEMENS, uAUGHEY (Cr. BURGESS, Clemens,Caughey & Co. & J. C. Burgess & Co WHOLESALE GROCERS;, CRACKERS AND CANDY GROCERIES, PORK, SALT, NAILS, ROPE; ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, &C SUGARS, COFFEE, , MOLASSES, 'FRUITS, TOBACCO, Blankets, dec7 4vr CRACKERS, ERIE CITY SFEA3I BAKERY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES I OIL VITRIOL, CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE, At the loweet Market Prices sep26'63tL THE GREAT ENGLIMH REME - - Slit JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE FILLS PROTECTED L E 1 TERS 1.31 - ROYAL d'IL:C 7 - P ATENT ! "'AZ; Prepared from a Prefieriplon of Mr. J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. bin invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous dLsea see to which the fen** constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re merlins all obstructions, and a speedy* curs may be relied TO MARRLeD LADIES it is peculiarly stilted. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regulanty. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pals should not be taken by Resales daring the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as tkey are rune to bring on Miscarriage , bat at any other tune they ere ogle. In all uses of Nervous and SPinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion,Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whiter., these Pills tsjll effect a cure when all other means hare failed: and though a powerful remedy, do not centainiron , calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York. • N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au- thorned agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills. eep2l*66—ly. H EADQUARTERS FOR tHEI4P GOODS! • HOLESALE ANT , RETAIL GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUORS. F. & M. SCIILAUDECKER. Are now receiving at their old stand, American Bloc: ,State street., a large and puperior stock of Grof.er:e2, Prosielope, W.no, Liquors, er, Wooden and Stone Ware, Fiuits, NOLL kc, sc, - Together with everyth'ica fonu4 in a Dona* of this kind, which they Will cell u cheap as any other estab liehment in this city for Cash or meat kinds of country produce. They have Liao on hand,one of the largest and duet Stocks of Tobacco and Segue ever brought to Erie, to which they invite the attention of the public. ar Call and see us—a nimble sixpence la better than a aloar shilling, consequently Cash buyers will And great bargains by calling at the GROCERY HEADQUARTERS, -AMERICAN BLOCK. STATE STREET. Jan. 2.18611-53 F. k I. SOLILAUDpitYR. • _ e TEAM .INAKEILY. ' • The Bakery of W. J. Sande, bale; the only-one in Northwestern Pennsylvania supplied with all the latest improno machinery, and being famished wits a corps of first-class operative., the proprietor 'a prepared to su asion' himself ready to fi ll all order, with which.be may be furore' with a quality of goods nnexerlled, and at a price which wig defy compet.tion. - All the business centres of Western New,York,, Eastern Ohio and North weste.n Pentsylvania are being visited by 191 agents, who aro takiii4 orders for the tollosing lice of goods, at the lowest market pr can : Butt.r. Fogs, Water, Oyster, Wine, Boston and Soda Crackers, Pilot Bread, Ginger Snapa, etc. My crackers only wet. h from 44 to 50 pounds to the barrel- a nice article Particular attention even to the j .bbing trade, Ofti:e and steam mannfactorY, corner of Filth sad gnu fans greets, Erie, Pa. an1631.5-1y IV. J. SANDS. P. B. UONECKEK, &common, To CARVER & HONECKER, I=l LEATHER, HIDES, &C . , No. 3 Perry Block, State Str.ot., Rrie, Penn's Constantly on hand a large dock of SOLE LEATHER, MOROCQO, LININGS BINDING MO: FRENCH Sr. AMERICAN CALF 810178, RIPS, UPPERS AND SPLITS, LASTS, Poga: Lastin . ga, Galloons, k ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, All of which be offers low for CABR OR PROIIPT PAY. Y.UIB•6.I—V. ENGRAVING. _ BUSINESS, WEDDING AND OTHER CARDS. Bill Beads, Cartßleat/col 011 and Other, Stoats. STAMPING, EMBOSSING, SEALS, &a., &a BY J. M: LAPBAN, PARAGON 'BUILDING, WIT PARR ROW, mallS4C • ' UM, P 4. I. O. SISROILIIB. ■. H. 11C10111111. Snecassors to and Manufacturers of FLOUR, FISH, WATER LIME, GLASS, CARBON OIL Oar Stock of TEAS, SYRUPS, SPICES, , NUTS, CIGARS, IS LARGE. Manufactured it the CANDY! Commercial Huiltiln:s, Erie, Pa. ALSO, • 7CLL