The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 07, 1865, Image 1

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Tax "'ting 11.r/LVVXON" EITA.TS STASZT,
1 . 0,0 Tr VIE t"nsT OFX:Cg.
—Taro 170 u taw••la Fara T C.NT, per
,r pall an advance ; TithllC DOLLARD if cot
;• I the ptratied of the year. Subscribers
, , •. , will 1.. e ellarael FIYTT CIM'S
Squ're of Ten 1.1u,s one in
.o. , too i ht. trt' ,111 $1.70: three Ines:-
$3 ,0 "re rionrh $:1,50 ; ton months $8,00:
A:0;W months s7,oo:one year gig 00:
2,!v.rti,meitx io proportion. Thew, m u m
t. : •idored to, unless ehangeit by " m i x '
~ptiou of the publishers. Audi.
Str,si, Divorces and llke advertise
inistratinea NOSICHI $3,00 ; Local
hoe; lfariageNoticrmslr
; „,„, obituary Notices (over three lines
ext,r.ti Ere cents per line. Original poetry, an
rtittio at tba pwritrat.Of • the editor, one d.llar
tit adre:tiae nenta will be continued at
e of the person advertising, until ordered
by t. d Inv :ton, unless a welded period is
r , r I,r their insertion. t.
—We live one of the best Jobbing
c,-be cod ore ready to do all work in
„ entrusted to as, In equal style
outside of the largest ems,.
-,..0ne should tie addressed to
Editor and Proprietor.
_ -
Business Directory.
• .1 lib 04.1:1 , Y,
•gla ATToRTAT AT LAW. Ridgwav
,„ 11 ,, , ,• ; .,pr1ati , e is adjoining Counties.
01:6E tI. ITTLEIt.
A TTO RA TT AT LAW, G inrd, Erie County,
r business attended, to with
tiliT11 11 ; 1 !"..
trr A? LAW, in Walker's Of
r axle 7'62
.:Nftic.; ,,,
and Desler in Stationery,
•;,.....pipPrs, Ito. Country dealers
:a u'g ilotel,fronting the Park.
rs "
( TR ,S; )1 VOL
u'.•k urar North Writ corner of the
r,T:CN II Tux PEiCI. Office second
w,, -7, • Strk et, betweeb Fifth and
triN A: WCLIII :C.
:7T ,, ,11 - S AT LAW. Ridgway. Pt.
.r.,ron and Jefferson eortettiefl.
,s i.,•65-Iv•] W. W. WILBUR.
lAll'l l
orris[ nee', Paragon Bloek,
3 Te•: • r EriP. Pa.
sr, r .Yrsrics OF Till PICACII.
Convoyancer and Collector.
s • corner of Feth and
apITC.S t
1 . .-
t{ %TOIL I,
T . pc rVINIMBIIItGra, at 11e new
hxi • n hand a larto
~,n• W 1.041 and Willow Ware.
• , • ezArq. kc tc, which he re
..f the public. Fat'aSed that
a+ can to bad In any part
, . r
, - . • r 1
111.15 1 w,
T - tr:Bolliteara Snalnetatotlrra t
r.;, A; - . 17,1 -.-mplCrultonts. Railrossi Car%
NI. 4. 1.1;,11::'.1Tti.
,TT law—Offlesoaetlastrset,
. ouse.
e. irr:EuE,
i‘ R rs Day GOODS, Giacsiusa,
Gl.o,B,Strd. Platter, etc.,
Erie. Pa_
till t'.ll .t: tiILES,
.• . r , rsev - ii AND 7TLISTRIITS, FILM.
; G 01 H tor and Carr sp.'
prices. bept.1.1,.1.16.5-ly
Eoitt 4Fil
0r,t..n.1. Floor and Fermi, Wood and
q - • • Tol a:co, Sevin, Stair
-•" r` , .. r.: - ‘ house Furnishing Ecironnrn
m r765-tf
i•ri •
I'VA'l.4 . in ,:r , eenes, Produce ' Provisiot 3,
1 . ; ,n.l Stone Wane, Aloes, Liquors,
•—:,^Fp ~ .te the Po tutee, 'Erie, Pa.
E. t 1 de" :..-
OClef in P.:melt- , if .1.
iLeci.north side of the Fmk. Erie. Pa.. 2e.
k..1 • :4 31 ►'I.EPP.% 1191LISK 1H NI: 1.
11.1..—Itl)cst•TLT (IPPOSITE TUE PAser-lato.ll
. Pe•ng rewly fitted up in the tt
IR env c‘peu 1.) tIIP publie. Weals :le
arrind of all Pwucazar T' Inn, t itti •
41 0 Prowl vie
Benz Brame. Built Bnoe ItArgrAcrr
t0:7,0t Ricdernechee Block, Erie, Pe.
E tity'rEl., Waterford. l'a..
CCOIIO Ida'iona, and c...veltil attention riven to
fort of grars:a , apfia-1j•
made by.
.; Tbera.
AID CC G • vib
",alt.'s Block, IVeAt Para, Erie, Pit.,
4”,r•F:lan 207 P. Ka oll'eilc.
,•.11:14, Filltrcltrect. Eva of Fieucli.
.t- -• t 10 A. Y. , and 2toZr. Y.
•i• ". n,ylvania Celine r f Dvntel Soy
, w'r El:ezic, (over Vivre t. Elliott's
AZ , T."•NCE Er ria■iaafoN
, N'orth .3eventla street,
czn, n, D. a 7 No. 213, North Nia lb
.1. • Tre•mr• Department and
r• • for Soldier, Waithiogtoo,
•,•11 k 2', Etitojamin Groat, EA',
•• Erte, Pa. Military,
enl'eeted with fidelity sod dis•
- • 4 'min. fleeted. Applications
,-•r a• -, 1 ,1 tn. Mr. P. hulls,: hat •o
-o ,•• II the decal's of the various fie
• •- • • ....• it he redder most attisfaett ry
kinis of (loser:moat claims.
u ,.,
4•1 . ,;•./.T4 am orssaLcoes LT I.• 11
Sr., oprozi . e Crittenden 1411
and WI other I ezil bt:el
Warren and FOTr.
:•!, • promP ' 1 3%
4. GCbr.ith Whitatu at Brecht
ter,t Mania, Erie, Pa.
.P n F. P. Johnson, W. D. Brown
ar-en, Pa.
U 'l' I
7.111 r. W. 91,en.r are no lonur
e fl: or otherwise, nor am I sO
- or actions salstersr.
•-‘••• ••••:1 &toed I vr,sh balmy that the sole
'• • ••••t, Pourk.r dr. Co.'s Pianos widths
• n-t orpos tor wetter's Penzsylr*
Allsensuy nrantalae, is in
at am other Ferran may ray, instruttenta of any other
%-e Its'Ae to co caked upon for toy
F CL'I. T Y :
l':11C pa . . Goo. W. GUraiscor
Commercial Law. •
int, new Clairaidcation of Ae
. "vartice, Ornamental and Busi•
Law. Comtnerelsl AWL
te, t , r ladies and gent*. Ihe
, nnprehend the whole basis of
evh.Sit every poalible •aria•
At*. No expynav will be
' lt practical and per...a
-" 7 - e city of Schovls '• Practical al
. b.. employed. Ter 6111—Tnition
ftmlities and greatest in
.): lend for CtrAilars.
s~:.,' .
.•,~, ~.
1%L." V7.=‘: I:10ND k.TOIRD stn.,
F P1C3311.
' *4.0-hoe! themselves, ander
• &Cliilds. in the YntterT Lust
0, ! thtt cuil, between i5eC..10
of the cuitomere of the old
• :tie public generally, pratinhine
•. e,:raror to give perfect 'viewing!.
01[0. F. WKBli.
""l'T J SanJa„ the °Or one la
supple I with all the la'ast
Lnd being furnished with • crypt .et tpe proprietor 'sprepared to LEI.
to Ell all orders with wlrch he
s, L a ~ualit• of geed* Linea- , and
?—* • 'et r-mp-t too. Allah .
\*.• rr York, FALatere Ohio sod Nfirth•
„ wag visited by ros arcitte.
1. • ti f i- the 'elle el eg line of goods, at
P Bettor Surer. Water. Ort ter.
1• Is era-Jkars, Pilot Brest, Gloger
~tl , - eratier only weigh from 44 to 50 pounds
ritesmee. Particular attentiongives
trtn. °See wad farm Taarldadati.
oil la: einem§ strata, '
wr IS • %IMAM
am hallos bees restored to health la atm days. altar
many yearibralasty. L villlag to assist his ----
hilow-erestores by surd* (area) ea the tea
postpaid addlassd envelops, a cops of Om fiersais •
oars ansplo , ed. Direst to
JOHN N. ILLONALL„ Box 110 Post oti oklyn. N.T.. T_
SVERrfidING relating to the human system, male
and female; the einses and trestmest of drosses; Ma
marriage custom* of the world ; hoe to -sorry well, and
a thousand things never published before, read the re
vised sod enlarged editi In of Yuma% amigos saw,
a eurioni book (or curious people, and a good book tor
every one. 400 pages. 100 ltlastratloss. PAW gl 60
Contents table a Intim/ to any address. Books `may be
had at the book 'tore; or will be sent by mall, post
paid, on receipt of the price. Address,
S. B. rocrrr., Y. D,
1130 Broadway, New Tort.
ULID BYRN ntre Nit W.—A pamphlet Moot-
LI how to speed 4 restore sight and giro up doc
tor ni .m Ldlcime. et at by mail, frt., on rseelpt of 10
ants. Addreea L. S. BOOM N. D..
ern 1130 Broadway. New Yost.
ACARO TO LIDt4.-11 Clergyman, while
residing in South America as a missionary, &sixty.
ered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Morrow
Weeknee., Bally Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and
Seminal Organ., and the whole train of disorders
brought en by baneful and vieloni habits. Great mum
bete have, been already cored by this noble remedy.
Prompted. hr a desire to benefit the afflicted and alder ,
tonal., t will send the recipe for peepning tad using
thi. medicine, in a sealed envelope, to way our wbo
needs it, Tres of Chugs. Plea.. ismiose a post-paid
envelope, addressed to yourself
Address, JOSEPH T.
se7-3me Station D, Bible House, New York.
Thie Cordial has been lone• celebrated among Annala.
for its peculiar strengthening and soothing qualitlea,
and its use for a few wee ■ previona to eendnement La
said to ensure a oafs mut easier ecnlinement, cad a
specdr gettiti4 op.
It can now be had - correctly prepared according to the
original f , crui'a—tram the Extracts of Partridge berry
vine. Cramp balk, Caulophylium. eta, etc. Those wish
ing to ace au -h a Preparation will and It much better to
procure this than to undertake as meny do. to prepare it
themselves, as this pteparation contains the full virtues
o. the iogtedteot■ to a concentrated and reliable forst
Pri:e per bottle, two dollars. Prenared and sold by
au3l-11 J.S. CARTER, Erse. Pa.
TN R. M t RMfIA LL 9 I4 CATARRH 11131DFF.,—This
Slllg has thoroughly proved itself to be the but
artiste known for caring C , COLD 111 TOO BRAD
and HDADACLIZ. It WY been friend an excellent remedy
In many cum of Solt ETC& Dea►ana has been remand
by it, and Rxastito has often been greatly improved by
its use . It is flagrant and agreeably/. and gives IMMEDI
ATE RELIE to the doll beery pains caused by diseases
o' the livid The sensations attar =lag it are dehghtfol
and invigorating. It opsni and parrs out all ob
structions. strengthvna the glands and gives a healthy
action to the parts affected.
Mors than tUrty yearn ample and use of Dv Limber'
Catarrh and Headache Snail ham proved He great value
for all the common diseases ot the head, and at this mo
ment it stands higher than ever before It Is reconunend-
ed by many of the best physician', and is need with great
success and satisfaction every where. Read the CertlAgate
of Wholesale Druggists in ISM:
The undersigned having for many yea, been aequain
tad with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headerhe aunt; sad
.old in , ur wholesale trade, cheerfull• slate that we be
lieve it to be equal, iu every respect, to the rsieomineteda.
tions given of it for the cure of Catarrh Affections, and
that it is decidedly the beat article we have ever biome
for all common diseases of the Head.
Burr & Perry, Reed, *natio & Co.. Brown, Limon &
Co.. Reed. Cutler is Co., Seth W. Fowls, W llaoa, Tabbaak
k Co., Banton ; Hinshaw, ltdmands Co., H. H. Bay,
Portland. Me.; names Puk, A. R.& U. Rand; [nephew
Paul k Co., Israel Minor it no, MeCeseoo is Robbins, A.
& Co., M. Ward, Close is Co., Bush is Gale,
New York.
For sale by all Druggists. Try it. sep2ll4-Iy.
CArtor'rtExtroct of Dandelion sod BOW Bw*t,
?hit Ettr ict cures all kinds of Itch, ltrytip•las„ Salt
Rheuin, Toler, Scald Head, Ulcer', Old Sores, Boils,
Carbuncles, Liver and Kidney Complaints.
ffbenmatisca and all other Diseases arising from an im
part: concitk n of the blood.
Sarsspaillle and Hardoek, Cream et Tartar and Sal.
phor. Red Precipitate and Brimstone, all fail to mut
this modern mongrel Itch now so prevalent throstehoet
the country. Rut the Extract of Dandelion and Bitter
Sweet is just the remedy tot it, as it acts on the Liver,
Stimulates all the secretions, opens the pone of the
skin, and in a natural and easy way throwsout all thkk.
stead, po'sloons or impure matter, and leaves the cir
culation free, the blood pare, the skin &sun, the com
plexion clear'sod the whole system free from Mew*. It
is a medicine that cannot be u. 64 without beton+, and
Carter's Yellow •,inintent is unecrallel b- any ether
Ointment in the world for the opeedy and effectual cure
of the 11th and all other PC.if eruptions. Also unsur
passed in Scrofulous Sores,Oleers. Fever and Old Sores
UMW* hard in beat, and of magical elltatey in the en e
of Ptles. it only needs trial to to approved.
Pr.c. of Extract, $l. Of Yellow Ointment, 95 eta. Or
taken together, $1 25.
Sold by ail remprotable Druggists. an3l-4
.11 _
sun 65 ly
These Drops are a scientifically compounded bed
v'parati.n, and better than any pills, powders or ace.
trums. Drink lionii, th&r action to direct awl positive,
rendering them a reltaNle, speedy an i certain sp-dfic
for the care of all °lntimations and sappressions et na
ture. Their popularity is foliated by the lack that
over l&J,POO bottle' , are annually veld and co:rammed by
the ladies rf America. every one of whom speak in
t a str.rogest terms of wits, of their great merits.—
Th.ey are rapidly taking the place of !TOT/ other female
remedy, at d are eons deed be all eh° know aught of
them, a. the sunlit. safest and moat infallible prepara
tion in thy world, (Jr the cure of all female conytlalats,
the removal of all obttruet ons of nature, and the pro
motton of health. rfgulivity and strength. Explicit di
rection., orating when they may bp II -id, and o:plain
ts% •when and why they strtu'd not, sod c old not be
used cri boat producing elects contrary to nature's cho
rea lawe, all he found carefully folded around each
bott'e, with the written Mostar, of John L. Lion,
without which Done are genuine.
Prepared hr Dr. .1 FIN L. LYON. 191 Chapel street,
New Raven, Coon., who can be consulted either per
sonalir or be letter.(enclosing stamp) conekrning all
private &masa and female weakness. I.
Said by Druggitts everywhere.
6. CL kltiC k
n-9'd - -iy ;met Agents for DI. d. &ad Candace
D R.
Compel* t of highly. Concentrated extracts from
Roots sal herbs of:the greatest medical value. prepared
from the oriole prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tal
-nd used bys him with remarkable soften for
twenty rears. An infallible remedy in all DIRICASift
of the LITRES, or aay derangement of the DIGLITIVZ
They Cur, Diarrhoea, Drepaptlti fierifolk, Jamaica .
Bilioutneal Liter Complaint.
The well-known Dr Mott says of these Pills : "I have
mud the formals from which your Pills are »ads. is
my praltic• f,r over 1 2 ream ; they have the anastof
feet upp s the Lien. aei D 'festive Organs of may melt.
eine in the wor:d, and are the most perfect Partitive
which has ever vet been made by anybody. TM , are
earl and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure Their
pauetratiog properties stimulate the vital activities of
the body. rianors the obstrnetiocui of Its orgasa< partly
the b ood, and expel disease. Thee purge out the lost
humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate
eiffirsish or dumrdered orans into their seared adio
and impart a healthy tone g with ettesstti ts the whole
system. Not only d a they mare the *very day ems•
p &iota ••f everybody, but iCso brenidableasd misna me
disew s, and being purely vegetable are flys f
rick or harm."
They ereaoe pure blood and remove all haparities
from the system, hentear• • rm:tlyfr Curs for Venn.
Headache. Mies tfernr al Diseases and Hereditary
Humor*. Doss—for adults. ono Pill-la the morals'
fur children under S years, half a Pill.
Price ooe Dollar per Box Trade supplied or seat by
Nail. post paid. to any part of the Untied Statio or
Camaro , on receipt of prier. Mow fanzine without the
fat-simile ihruatare of V. Unit Talbott, U.. D.
V. NOW TAL , BOTT le Co., Prophets's.
oeS6S-ly No 62 Talton street, New Tort.
INKLE w in gYON teIIWING MA43ltriliM.
I: The follo farts demonstrate that thews Ma
chines ,oronrise the highest improvements In the setting
Machine %rt, els :
1. garb Machine is gavanteed to glee letter oaths:sc.
tic n than soy other Sewing Machine In Mutat, or money
2. They hare taken many of the highest residuum at
the most Important elhibitloas and Wm ever held Is
the Vatted Stater.
3. They mate the lock stitch silks on both sidni—thits
saving half the thread and seed in the raveling.
edit...warns of the loop stitch and eiogle•thread Ka
4. They are adapted to the widest nage of heavy and
light sewing.
They ban no rattling wires or Wiest* attaeir
meats to get out of order.
no takleg apart
6. They mere elms or owl. mad
no " Leselos "to set regnlat to s oiler
ate Marline
7. Our New MannihenTilig Mantilla la especial,
adspied to Shoe Tittlag, Olive Idaanihstnrisg. %por
ing. , and Is sot equalled by any Yachts* ta market.
Please and examine sad deatesetrate for year•
ear. or send for Cirmiar with sample of mewing.
N. B.—Agents wooled.
FIXITY. at LYON IL 11.00.
es2l 6m No. big Broadway. New Tort.
1' can Ft"
orlirtall and Oenstin• Alebrosta Is prepared
by .1. AUm Seems sad Is the best bar dressing and pre.
wilts non In use. It stole the half f.ltlag oat.
cans,. It to free. this* and long and }meals I Ireni
turning , p-etnatareks rms. It erstleSes deadest dens.
re% testate.. and renders the lute , "oft, easy aid Car
ty. Bet it, try it and be convinced, Don't be pat of
with a 'purloins article. Lk fbr Rayne Asked' aad
take no other. for sale by Mantas and maks. be
Taney Geode ~Taber&
hire 21 coda per botthe—S 6 per dim. Addrsse.
02 laltoallt., Nor Tort CUT.
••• • .
ort • • • •
log Z'Ab
• -
.• -
" •
. .c.or 4. 0. 1)1 7.„'t t •
r * •
. 4 '
t 0 •11 •
,1 , ,
YE - R
Special Notices.
tria.September IS NM. E
D tvis & CARSON,
Degas is
TIM ?trait, Utmost State sad Irrsub. gee Pi.
Eirriag purchased mkt stock before
• the late Mee In prier, we
Owl sealideet ef ant
able to give Bette
bottoq both in
pia and
OnLatry Prialama arm sect tomtit and sol.ll.47sne far.
saa always &peed oa rsedviu Use big
• at prise for thelz artlalas.
Asd es the Uses of Railased,,
BtrITLIED WITH TWIT, V19M111.10, /Kt
Is non milling the largest assortmant of
Gesso Feathers, Watrasses. Lounges, aid other !oral
tars, star brought to Ulm city.
Graeral Comahalos Paraiba* Doak,
• West aide agar Bth, oa Stabs sadist.
or Call sad no the folding Bedstead. es
azro Sod ham opened his store at No. NI Prude Gt.
wheat can be fogad everything seeded in the Has of
He it ham to may that he hu angagod that wall knows
and poyaLer man
Who will be hippy to is. hls old Maeda at all Wass
•Tar cat bind at
• GOMM N 0.615 Imam*
At 00771, MI Pruett Bt.
pow Dam,
1100? AND LIAR. .
At Wholesale or Retail, at
Oet.llltl. GOIPTS, 616 ironed St.
Does all this—is entlwrly oat of sight, is doors and
visit:mil, sad is the best strip to we for the following
reasons lot, It is more effeetaaL Si. It carts ose
third less. Ilk It will sot Wailer opining and closing
deem ceSladows. 4th. It is better than doable wia
down—itose sot obstruct SU view--does sot Wader
emming sad closing the blinds—itiadows cos ha ripped
so as to Testilats at say thse. This strip will stop the
dui Is 111123.0111/ whey your doutes windows am off. Tea
Mosso tosedt free your double wised° wa only la win
ter. This Pimp keep oat the mild Is visitor sad dut
red Tats la seamier, sod does sot met esmhalf the
price of double windows.
This Strip is sow oared to that inhabitants of this
city. Tows Marrs nos lux.
1. r. KOSIILT.II. Sate, Pa.
octl.l-tt ' agent for Erie Co., Pa.
gnat Iles bums' Re Northers sad Northwest
soomatirs at rosoiyisoolo to Om eitY a rotk to
Lie DI.. It has bon lamed by the Pesasylsaisfa ism
road Chisipsay, sod is operated by %on.
tae er rumen tact n As ows.
Lose, ZsatwarL
Mall rats.? ... ........................ $ a• a. ag.
Zeta farm; tr7[; 1 65 p. m.
Rama Meam.. —....--.........- 7 310 a. ma
Wail Tres ISO p. a.
37 a. la.
Warren neat— 10 10 a. ab,
p=iears ran Awing* ea th7e Zee aa4
oi r without daft, both ways Wiese! Pk Nadal
pkia sad ,Use.
New Yortimeaasetioa t Leary New York at 0 00 p. a.
arrtre at Eris II .17 a. ar.. Lea,* Erie at 1 113 p. m., ante*
at New Yort 1 IA p.m
No asap of we between Erie sad New York.
Meru, Sleeplag Clara ea all sight testae.
For brforisailes respeothet Paratener butanes ask,
at Use 8. Z. wow 11th and Nark et ats. t sat kw /Mild
beetaers Cl the Companies agent'.
8. B 1:11100STON. Ja.. sorrow lath wad Market Streets,
W. BIOWN. Areal N. C. ELL, BaUlatore.
H. S. RouThlni Genera Freida at, Phil..
K. IS. GOINNZIt. Goa. iiekst Agt.
A. &TIME'S. Gee•roldarlarthtillasai. WillimassiPlt
Ft 111" /VIM VVK.
tltir• ma op. theft Imp sad spLoadklassortaast
Also Ski Ilamt assartarst et
lnrbi[or• catered by thou, an of obi& are vaulated
to be ma resented.
SNIPPING 111113 10(10117.
HUI resters Hs Rah to he
• • sod Pawn= tie midi .1 Lb. vx.unestr
Luz; stops ltah/lOg out la am dm; bre ps
Übe hod dean. cod sad Maltby; an
and sielmans
Pt la reemmesia ad mai by tie Met maga sansei-
XLllea Me Dreg Mem& amt at my 6S ilk
1.121 lime May. New Tort.
I man all paramai Da above propandia I. all
flat Is Wilma Dr IL
torte Mime% debi t sbovtod to owed sad moat
mods, Net* to Weiviel. Thirtpen goad or lire
=Maio. et oast Int possisso swords. non. Ws.
kited thiolootoo_ foe. Aline% 116110 W HAIM)
Illestanor WON 1111012/111sies Tat. eirti.l7
Gin so • Cali.
TIP?• 8
Zllle, Piltra,
Such u
Writtan far tha Obaerrer.)
A gong.
A lady there/Ived in a viltigh leer; •
/ beauty she was I •
For wilier so fair, with sookrily 14*W
Tittt werl4 kjki DeireiJlol,llt .
Oh ! sha v.. the barest and best Of her se;
With eyes so brilliant and blue—
so handsome a fees, and such exquisite
And heart so cheerful and true.
This lady I loved with a passionate love—
But never married were we ;
And the reason is plain—though it clauses me
TAis lady never loved me : G.
Me Trfuspitarft UNhates ilhisellf trim Me
DWl's awry...
Historical Facts Connected with the Eve
of the Rebellion.
FaND TILII aovsantiwr
We have already seen that Convese,
throughout the entire session, refused to
adopt any measures of compromise to pre
vent civil war, or to retain first the Cotton
or afterwards the Border States within
the Union. Failing to do this, and whilst
witnessing the secession of one after an
other of the Cotton States, and the with
drawal of their Senators and Representa
tires, and the formation of their Confed
eracy, it was the imperative duty of Con
gress to ftrniah the , President or his
successor the means of repelling force by
force should this become necessary to
preserve the Union. They, nevertheless,
refused to perform this duty with as much
pertinacity as they had manifested in re
pudiating all measures of compromise.
1. At the meeting of Congress a Federal
Judiciary had ;ceased to exist in South
Carolina. The-district judge, the district
attorney and the United States Marshal
had res geed their offices. These minis.
tent of justice had all deserted their_ posts
before the act of secession. and the laws
of the United States could no longer be
enforced through their agency. We have
already seen that the President, in his
message, called the attention of Congress
to this subject, but no attempt was made
in either Houle to provide a remedy for
the evil.
2. Congress positively refused to pass a
law conferring on the President authority
to call forth the militia or accept the serv
ices of volunteers to suppress insurrection
which might occur in any State against
the Government of the United States. It
may appear strange that this power had
not long since been vested in the Execu
tive. The act of Feb. 28, 1795, (1 Stat. at
Large, p 424,) the only law applicable to
the subject, provides alone f'or ,
forth the militia to suppress insurrections
against State governments, without mak
ing any similar previsijon for suppressing
insurrections againstahe government of
the United States. If anything were re
quired beyond a mere inspection of the
act to render this clear, it may be found
in the opinion of Attorney General Black,
of the 20th November, 1860. Indeed, it
is a plain easus em asus. This palpable
omission, which ought to have been in
stantly supplied, was suffered to continue
until after the end of Mr. Buebanan's ad
ministration, when on the 29th July, 1861,
Congress conferred this necessary power
on the President. (12 U. S. Stat. at Large,
p. 281.) The framers of the act of 1795
either did not anticipate tin insurrection
within any State azainst the Federal gov
ernment, or if they did. they purposely
abstained from providing for it. Even in
regard to insurrections against State gov
ernment, so jealous were they of any in
terference on the part .of the Federal goy
eminent with the rights of the States, that
they withheld from Congress the power to
protect any S:ate "against domestic vier
lence," except "on the application of the
Legislature, or of the Executive (when the
Legislature cannot be convened)." Under
the act of 1795, therefore, the President
is precluded from acting even upon his
own personal and absolute knowledge of
the existence of such an insurrection.—
Before he can call forth the militia for its
suppression, he must first be applied to
for this purpose by the appropriate State
authorities, in the manner prescribed by
the Constitution. It was 'the duty of Con
gress, immediately after their meeting, to
supply this defect in our laws and to con
fer an' absolute authority on the President
to call forth the militia and accept the
services of volunteers to suppress insur
rections against the United States, when
ever or wherever they might occur. This
was a precautionary measure which, hide
pendently of existing dangers, ought long
since to have formed a part of our perma
nent legislation. But no attempt was
ever made in Congress to adopt it until
after the President's special message of
the Bth January, 1861, and then the at
tempt entirely failed. Meanwhile the as
pect of public affairs had become more
and more threatening. Mr. Crittendea's
amendment had been defeated before the
Committee of Thirteen, on the last day of
December ; and it was also highly Fob
able that his proposition before the Senate
to refer it to a vote of the people of the
States would share the same fate. South
Carolina and Florida had already seceded,
and other Cotton States had called con
ventions for the purpose of seceding. Nay,
more, several of them had already seised
the forts, magazines and arsenals within
their limits. Still all this failed to produce
any effect upon Congress. It was at this
crisis the President sent _his special mes
sage t o comress (Bth January, 1861), by
which he endeavored to impress them with
the necessity for immediate action. lie
concealed nothing from them. While still
clinging to the tailing hope that they
might.yet provide for a peaceful adjust.
ment of our difficulties, and strongly rec
ommending this course, he says: "Sven
now the danger is upon us. In several of
the States which have not yet seceded the
forts, arsenals and magazines of the Uni
ted States have been seised. This is by
far the most serious step which has been
taken since the commencement of the
troubles. * * * . The seizure of this
property, from all appearances,.has been
p u rely aggressive, and not in resistance to
any attempt to coerce a State or Stater to
remain in the Union." if. also stated the
well knows fact that our small array was
oe.the remote frontiers, and was searcety
sufficient to guard the inhabitants spit . tit
Indian incursions, and consequently ear
forts were without suffkient garrisons.
Under these circumstances he appoda
to Congress in the following languace S—
tatut the dangerous and hostile attitude
of the States toward each other has 'al
ready far transcended and cast in the
shede the ordinary executive dutiestial
reedy provided for by law, and bag 'as
sumed such vast nroportions as to plkoe
: the, rubject entirely above and beyded
Etecitive control. The fact :cannot ' L be
disguised that . we stein the' *Met ar
great revolution. In an its Marinas best.
Inge. therefore, I ocansend the .question
to Congress, es the only. human tribunal,
under Providence, ysissemingthepoiser to
meet the existiog entergenoy. To them
exaltdrely,,Utoop the; power is deebire
'wirer hittlkirkei dm , employment of
the ConStitution;
the power to remove grievances which
might lead to war, and to secure peace and
union to this distracted country. On them
and on them alone rests thnresponsibil
Congress might. had they thought pro
per, have regarded the forcible seizure of
these forts and other property, including
that of the branch mint at New Orleans,
with all the treasure it contained, as the
commencement of an aggressive war. Be
yond question the Cotton States had ,now
committed acts of open hostility against
the Federal government. They had al
ways contended that secession was a peace
tut constitutional remedy, and that Cou
pes' had no power to'make war against a
sovereign State for the purpose of coercing
her to remain in the Union. They Could
no longer shelter themselves under , this
plea. They hid by their violent action
entirely changed the position they had
assumed ; and instead of peacefully await-
ing the decision of Congress on the tree
lion of coercion, they had themselves be
come the be-
Co and assailants. This
question had, therefore. passed away. No
person has ever doubted the right or the
duty of Congress to pass laws enabling the
President to defend the Union against
armed rebellion. Congress. however, still
shrunk from the responsibility of peering
any such taw. This might have been com
mendable had it proceeded from a sincere
desire not to interpose obstacles to a com
promise intended to prevent the ettlision
of fraternal blood and restore the'Union.
Still, in any event, the time had arrived
when it was their duty to make, at the
least, contingent provisions for the prose
cution of the war, should this be renciered
inevitable. This had become the more
necessary as Congress would `soon expire
and the new Congress could not be con
vened for a considerable peried after the
old one had ceased to exist, because a large
portion of the representatives bad not
then been elected. These reasons, how
ever, produced no effect.
The President's special message (Con.
Globe, 316) was referred, two days after its
date, (January 10), by the House of Rep
resentatives, to a special committee, of
which Mr. Howard, of Michigan, was
chairman. Nothing was heard from this
committee for the space of twenty days.
They then, on January 30, through Mr.
John. &Reynolds, of New York, one of
its members, reported a bill (Con. Globe,
p. 645, bills of H. IL., No. 699) enabling
the President to•call forth th militia or
to accept the services of vo l unteers for
the purpose of protecting the orts, maga
zines, arsenals and other property of the
United States, and to "recover possession"
of k itch of these as "bas been or may her&•
after be unlawfully seised or taken posses
sion of by any combination of persons
whatsoever." Had this bill become a law,
it would hive become the duty of the
President at once to raise a 'Volunteer or
militia force to recapture the. forts which
had been already seized. But Congress
was not prepared to assume such respon
sibility. Mr. Reynolds accorciiogly with
drew his bill from the consideration of the
House on the very
. day it waireported.—
On his own motion it was recommitted,
and thus killed as soon as it saw the light.
It was never heard of more.
Then, after another Pause 'of nineteen
days,and only a fortnight before the close
of the session, the Committee on Military
Affairs, through Mr. Stanton. of Ohio,
their chairman, on February 18, reported
another bill (Con. Globe, p. 1.001, bill
1,003, H. on the subject, but of amore
limited character than that' which had
been withdrawn. It is remarkable that it
contained no provision touching the re
covery of the forts and other property
which bad been already seised by the de
linquent States. It did•no more than ro.
vide that the powers already by
the President, under the act of 1795, to
employ the militia in suppressing insur
rection against a State Governmen kabbala
be "extended t' the ease of insurrection
against the authority of the United States,"
with the additional authority to "accept
the services of such volunteers as may of
their services for the puma*, men
tioned." Thus all hostile action for the
recovery of the forts already seised was.
excluded from the bill. It is difficult to
conceive what reasonable objection could
be made to this bill, except .that it did
not go far enough and embrace the forts
already seised ; and more especially, as
when it was reported the Confederate Con
gress had already been ten days in session
at Montgomery, Alabama. and had adopt
ed a provisional constitution. Notwith
standing all this, the House refused to sot
upon it. The bill was discussed on several
occasions until Tuesday, February 26. Oa
that day a motion was made by Mr,. Cor
win,•of Ohio, to weapons its consideration
until Thursday, February 28. (Con. Globe.
.1,232) Mr. Stanton, the reporter of the
bill, resisted this motion, stating that such
a postponement would be fatal to It. ' "It
will," said lie, "be impossible after that to
have it passod by the Senate" (before
March 4) He therefore demanded the
ayes and noes, and, notwithstanding his
warning, Mr. Corwin's motion prevailed
by a vote of 100 to 74, and thus the bill
was defeated. •
It may be proper to observe thatrMr.
Corwin. whose motion killed' the bill, was
a confidential friend of the Ptesident elect,
then present in Washington, and was soon
thereafter appointed Minister to Mexico.
so APPROPIIIATIONS riceposan 701 Tin
DIFIXII.I Or Tall GOTIII/111114317.
But even had Congress passed this bill,
it would ' have proved, wholly inefficient
for want of an appropriation to carry it
into effect. The treasury was empty; but
bad it been full the President could not
have' drawn from it any. even the most
trifling: sum. without a previous appro
priation by law. The union of the purse
with the sword, in the hands of the exec
utive. is wholly inconsistent with the ides
of a free government . The power of the
legislative branch to withhold money
from the executive, and thus restrain him
from dangerous prqjects of his own. is a
necessary safeguard of liberty. " This
exiles in every government pretending to
be free. Hence our Constitution bait de
clued that " no- mosey shall be drawn .
from the treasury bat ia oonsequesoe of
appropriations made by law." It is there
fore apparent - .that even if this bill bad
become a law, it could not have been car.
vied into effect by the President without
a direct Vial.tiOU of the Constitution.
Notwithstanding. :these- insuperable who
stacks. no member of either House.
throughout the entire session. ever even
proposed to raise or appropriate • angle
dollar for the defers. of the gimitnrseat
against armed rebellion.
_Coss not
only refused to grant the Praidwt 'the
authority and force primary to sags
press insurrection against the United
States, bet the Sankt.. by refusing to con
firm his nomination of a collector of the'
customs for the port of Charleston. effect
ually tied his hands and.senchnid it
possible for him to collect the revenue
in th a t port. In his ininel message he
had expressed the opiniotibat " the same
insuperable • obAssies bus not Bo in . th e
way of executing the [existaagi laws for
collection of °customs on thefsesbeird
South Carolina as had been interposed to
preventthe administration of justice
under the' federal authority within the
interior of that State." At all events, he
had determined to make the effort with
jar force tindethis canainagtt...lle.'
frus that this might scoompllihed
without collision ; but if resisted, then
the force necessary to attain the object
must be applied. Accordingly, while in
forming Congress "that the revenue still
continues to be collected as heretofore at
the custom-house in Charleston," he says
that "should the collector unfortunately
resign, a successor may be appointed to
perform this duty."
The collector (William F,Colcoct) con
tinned faithfully to perform his- duties
until some days after the State bad se
ceded, when at the end of December he
resigned. The President, immediately
afterward, on the 2d January, nominated
to the Senate, as his successor, Mr. Peter
Mclntire, of Pennsylvania, a gentleman
well gust irked for the office. The selec
tion could not have been made from
South Carolina, because no citizen of thit
State would have accepted the appoint
meta. The Senate, throughout their
entire session never acted upon the Domi
nation of Mr. Mclntire: and without a
collector of customs duly appointed, it
was rendered. impossible for the Presi
dent, under any law in existence, to col
lect the revenue. •
But even if the i3enate had confirmed
Mr. Molntire's nomination, it is ex
tremely doubtful whether the President
could lawfully hail collected the revenue
against the _forcible; resistance of the State,
unless Congress had conferred additional
powers upon him. For this purpose. Mr.
Bingham, of Ohio, on the 3d of January,
1861, (Con. Globe, p. 236.,bi11s H. IL, No.
910,) the day after Mr. Mclntire's nomi
nation to the Senate, reported a bill from
the Judiciary Committee further to pro
wide for the collection of duties on im
ports, This bill embniced substantially
the same p rovisions , long since expired,
contained in the act of 2d March, 1833,
commonly called " the Force bill," to
enable General Jackson to collect the
revenue outside, of Charleston, " either
upon land or on board any vessel." Mr.
Bingham's bill was permitted to slumber
on the files of the House until the .2d of
/Larch, the last day but one before Con
gress expired (H. Journal, p. 465), when
he moved for a suspension of the rules, to
enable the house to take it up and con
sider it, but his motion proved unsuc
cessful, Indeed, the motion was not
made until so late an hour of the session
that even if it bad prevailed, the bill could
not have passed both Houses before the
final adjournment. Thus the President
was left without any law which a collec
tor could have carried into effect, bad
such an officer existed. Mr. Bingham's
bill shared the fate of all other legislative
measures, of whatever character, intended
either to prevent or to confront the ex
isting danger. From the persistent re.
fusel to pass any, act enabling either the
outgoing or the incoming Administration
to meet the contingency of civil war, it
may fair'y be inferred that the friends of
Mr. Lincoln, in and out of Congress, be
lieved he would be able to settle the ex
isting difficulties with the Cotton States
in a peaceful manner, and that he might
be embarrassed by any legislation con
templating the- necessity of a resort to
hostile measures.
7017 ND IT
The- Thirty-sixth Congress expired on
the 3d of Marcia . 1861, leaving the law'
just as they found it. They made no
provision whatever for the suppression of
threatened rebellion, but deliberately re
fused to grant either men or. money„for
this purpose. It was this violation of
duty which compelled President Lincoln
to issue a proclamation convening the
new Congress, in special session, imme
diately after the attack on Fort Sumter.
Urgent and dangerous emergencies may
have arisen, or may hereafter arise in the
history of our country, rendering delay
disastrous, such as the bombardment of
Fort Sumter by.the Confederate Govern
ment. which would for the moment justify
the President in violating the Constitu
tion, by raising a military force without
the authority of law, but this only during
a recess of Congress. Such extreme cases
are a law unto themselves. They must
rest upon the principle that it is a lesser
evil to usurp, until_Congress can be as
sembled, a power withheld from the Ex
ecutive, than to suffer the Union to be
endangered, either by traitors at home or
enemies from Abroad. In all such cases,
however, it is the President's , duty to
present to Congress, immediately after
their next meeting, the causes which im
pelled him thus to act, and ask for their
approbation; just, as on a like occasion,
a British Minister would ask Parliament
for a bill of indemnity. It would be diffi
cult, however, to conceive of an emergency
so extreme as to justify or even excuse a
President for thus transcending his con
stipations' powers whilst Congress, to
whom he could make an immediate ap
peal, was in
_session. Certainly no such
cue existed during the administration of
the - late President. On the contrary, not
only was Congress actually in session, but
bills were long pending before it for ex
tending his authecity in calling forth the
militia, for enabling him to.accept the
vertices of volunteers, and for the em
ployment of the navy, if necessary. out
side of ports of entry for the collection of
the revenue. all of which were eventually
rejected. Under these circumstances, had
the President attempted, of his own mere
will, to exercise these high powers, whilst
Congress were at the very time deliber
ating whethei to grant them to him or
not, he would have made himself justly
liable fo impeachment. This would have
been for the Beepeutive to set at defiance
both the Constitution and the legislative
branch of the Government. •
GOMM'. LADY'S Booc.—The number of this
favorite monthly -for December is, in our
opinion, one of the best ever issued.. Its con
tents are as follows : The Christmas Tree. a
lite engraving; Title-Mu, eenahaing of dye
tableau, equal to Ara pictures ; Double Ex
tension Fashisimplster, colored, contains five
figures; A Winter Beene, a specimen of the
art of printing is tints ; Out in the Cold, a
inest - seasonable eagraviag; A Robe Drees;
The Mozart Wrap ; The Palmdale Palatal ;
The Ri c h e lieu sack; The Raphael Paletet;
The Pauline Jacket, frost sad back view;
Crochet pelotas, front and back view • Tea
gsbreidery Warns; Imhat'i Croch et
with *lsom; Cloak trims's.% the swell
desire' ; A Skate Bag, two illustrations of
it; Uaderelseves to Crochet; Ornamental
Corks for Bottlm; Goatlasuka's Shirt Front;
Sonents.. Bead dciesedi, Sleeves, Borders in
Turkish . labreiderY,, sad variocur others
irlish Ire - have not space to enumerate.
Marks Batiand. Miss Mary W. Janvrin, Miss
B. Aanle Frost, and others, contribute to this
'weer , did repeat fir doing good. and
shall sot now," therefore advise all *filleted
with Catarrh sr Cold is the Heed. to as. Dr.
10: L Sselyis Lgsil Want Remedy, a we
sad permasat , an.
`ISLE. 1 1 :1.4 PICO.. 7. 1866.
t , -
-Tit LOOM-lbeekassigka
sdla Arsic . k.- 7 The 2004 .2154, a journal
tibial; ii t‘endn:Utttlil itendard.asabority
on iit r7 - Lpptee, In tisk couotry 4 presettht •
W i l#W. the-11 1 /4eo Ar4ol4°- lee
and **how* •P*4 l ! eau*,
which. correspond so exactly with Ofs..
that we cannot avoid the tenspinfl9ll:so
present them to Oar readers. Antb4sopassa
`try. where the Df itock ledtarera are
as yet almost unknown, they frill probably
.not oammandmitch attention ( bat bernin
the eity,, where the cla,g...harai? ikianAllar
.00orleople,.they will be read'inlilkin-
Ural, and elicit ganglia approval %';'• •
"A DM or Ilesu.—lf Charles Dickens
should write as freely of our country to
day as be once did in a volume of 'Notes,'
he would hardly fail to let his quisaing
glass fall plump upon that development of
modern and American genius known. as
the popular lecturer. Not that Dickens
and Thackeray, and unnumbered other
English wits and writers have committed
no oratorical sins of their own, for there is
British ear for public reading and speak
ing as distinctive as the American. But
there is no type of personage in other
!wide like the • full-winded ormolu de
claimer of our lyceums and literary moo
defines. He is in and of himself a natu
ral atad national outgrowth of a great deal
of liberty, enthusiasm and self-confidence,
and so is the true Brother Jonathan: That
the species should have outlived a denude
of years is truly remarkable. That the
people should have any desire for his vac
nities atihis stage of intellectual progress
is even wonderful. Yet there are not only
evidences of his vitality, but, also of the
admiration of the uneducated masses for
his unmitigated splurges. * • •
It is often the ease that a lecture asso
ciation in a country town pays to lectur
ers during the winter enough money to
procure a' andsome and valuable library.
And we suspect that if the lecture-going
people of any city or village should meas
ure the amount of really useful knowl
edge dispensed in a course of the most
popular lectures, they would find that
they have had almost nothing at all, but
verily a diet of husks., Old ideas are re
vamped. Old discourses are burnished up
for new. The very cheapest and most use
leseiteTary work is palmed off in return
for an exhorbitant fee. Ls fact, ,it is ora
torical quackery, and an impdsition upon
the public. The two hours exliended up
on such unprofitable displays' re not to be
compared with two hours spent with a
studied volume. The people would soon
give them the go-by if they understood
how wishy-washy, stale and unprofitable
is the matter doled out, with. jokes and
gyrations, by these avaricious &Irmo.
Very great is th e
\ mistake of any one
who supposes that oratory is all dead, and
that we have no speakers left but the worn
out lyceum spouters. These go up and
down through the land. disgusting refined
and scholarly men. They weaken their
own powera, as men, and do but little, if
any good. They exact preposterous prloes
and calculate to make from four to six
thoinand dollars from a production which
they could not sell to any leading review
or journal for a-sum exceeding fifty dol
lars. They play the charlatan in every
sense of the word, and leave an unjust
idea of American scholarship. They do
no honor to themselves or to literature.—
It may be that the lyceum system of this
country hse done good in its day. But
with the present intelligence of the pee-,
ple, we think the day for:good has — passed.
Oratory is a queen that will never be silent
in the republic; - unleas perchance she falls
Into the hands of mountebanks. Her
voice is grand at the bar'of justice, in the,
hill's of legislation and in the arena of
public dispute. But if tampered with too
far she may hold her voice silent through
all convulsions of , states and peoples. We"
would have her strong to help on the right
and mighty towards building up • digni
fied refined people. Let her not be sold
out to the traveling declaimers, whose as
piration is their pockets, whose ideas are
trumped up for a sensation,hut keep her
in her imperial place at the footstool of
justice, and by the side of the graces."
sir The holidays are close at hoed - sad
our dealers are preparing to meet the warts
of the season. The largest and best stook of
goods for this trade will be found at Better &
Burgess' confectionary establishment, Erie,
Pa. They mlnufacture and keep everything
in the candy line's well as a general swat.
meet of Notions, Tom &o.
Everybody knows them by the reputation
of their popular Cough Candy—Moss sad
Elm. It proves itself the best article of the
kind ever introducei. The izamenseAnand
ties they ship every day is proof that the
public appreciate a good article. They are
prepared to MI orders for it in any quantity.
Everybody who tries it says it is just the
thing. (novl4''
Tax ATLAntIC vol Dzcsmniz.-The; De
cember number of this magazine is proseptly
en hand. The contents are: Griffith Groat,
or Jealousy, by Charles Reads ;.The Patting
of Hector and Andromache, by W. C. Bryant;
William Blackirood, by John Neal ; The
Chimney Corner, XI, by Mn... H. B. Stare;
The Forge, II; King Jana the First by Gail
'Wanton ; The Sleeper, by Bayard Taylor ;
Dr. Johns, bj Donald G. Mitchell ; Books far
our Children, by Samuel Osgood ; Dias Ti De,
by C. C. Core ; Mode of CatehingJelly Flakes,
by A. Agessis 1-Adelaide Anne Proctor, by
Charles Dickens; Beyond, by J. T. Trove.
bridge; Clemency and Common Sena*, by
Charles 13noiner ; Reviews and Literary
Tits PgassoLoolosz. Jamas/ for Denim.
ber=completei Vol. 42d—contains articles on
Lord Poloctiroton;fispoleon 111., Waskiagteng
Cesar, Hon. , .D. ,S.' Dickizear, Blind - ' Toml
with Portrait's, Characters and Biographies.
Also. 46 Work for Women'," a new History of
Cirilisatios ; Destiny of America ; Beauty,
Vigor, sad Development ; Symmetry of Char—
acter; Phrenology in. the Pulpit; Animal
Types of Human Pkvlognomy ; Gymnastics
for Ides, Women. sad Children; inelodiag
Etheology,Thysioloa, Phrenology, sad Psy
cology—only 20 cents. or s2•ynr• New
'Annie begin/ with January No . 'Address,
Fowler & Wells, 889 Broadway, New York.
Tux 'Tout' Faunae.--Telli your friends
W h a t cob , . Cough Balms her done for you ;
if it bas cured your child of a reeking sough,
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say it is the elegant and best couglk remedy
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For dyspepsia, indigestion, pan la the
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Dyspepsia Cure.