The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 30, 1865, Image 2

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    (grit hstrber.
THURSDAY, NOV. 80, 1865.
llitill-AIfIII3AL COLLIN:MONS of the scooaste
due this Mee will be made ea or baba the IN dews of
J* aid Jermr, to soh sad 'my year. BUN ter job
look aid Monett's will be °allotted way cis mouths:
IsMailtillos womb will be collected yearly. Perms ,
who hill to make setllemeate as above, arut upset t
have their Ilk seat to that'.
eir A3ol=ollll OCIOII7IIIC MOWS De sake will be
balsa of. Whafaver Is leteadod fbr tawattoa least be
Satiestiested by the scale sad address of the writer.
Pot oesemicrfly ter patolliation,bat all It ilitarcatre of
good filth.
ar OcomannoArrers coablateg talbrmaticre of as
Istereettes Lees' or General oaten are tollelted. Ti
will mead a copy of the paper cm to say parson who
will Wash me a mast monthly Conespoadenat from say
locality is this Mottos.
Vir Tor Terms of Sateeriptlea mid Advertising see
eat Pee.
On our first page will be found the pros
pectus of the New York 'Work; the best
paper in New York, and one that has no
superior in any country. As a news jour
mai we think it far excels the Herald, while
in point of editorial ability it is admitted
ly at the head of the metropolitan press.
Differing widely from its vials in some
particulars, we gladly bear witness to its
independence of spirit and the unahrink
ing fidelity with which' it has defended
Democratic principles through the put
four_years of war and terror— To those of
our friends wanting a New York paper we
recommend the World.
Congress will meet on Monday next, the
4th of December, and as no difficulty is
anticipated in the organization of the
House, the Message of the President and
the Department reports will probably be
Pent in on that day or the following one.
The usual competition for the offices of
Speaker and Clerk is not expected, and
Messrs. Colfax and McPherson will pro
bably be reelected without much opposi
tion. The important question of the session
will be the reorganization of the Union,
and we fear, from all the informatiiss we
can glean upon the subject, that none but
the most radical partizan measures are
likely to be adopted. The -Republican
Congressmen already at Washington, it is
stated, "are almost a unit in opinion on
the question of admitting the representa
tives from the Southern States. It is well
known that Mr. McPherson, the Clerk,
will not voluntarily place them on the
roll, and while -it is competent for any
member to move that they be so placed
upon it, the present temper and feeling
of the Republican members indicate that
anystich motion would be overwhelmingly
lost. Nor, so far as can be ascertained at
present, is there the slightest probability
of the immediate repeal or modification
of the test oath enacted by the last Con
gress. Men of the dominant party who
one month ago were in favor of admitting
'all duly elected members that can take
the test oath from the Southern States,
and excluding the balance, are now in
clined to favor the plan of keeping all out
until the whole matter has been referred
to a joint committee of both houses and
some general plan agreed upon. Tennes
see will probably, by common consent, be
an exception to any nil. 'that may be
adopted. If the Southern States are ex
cluded, as we now believe certain, the
next House will consist of only one hun
dred and eighty-four members. Of these
one hundred and forty-three are Repub
licans and forty-one Democrats.
Tin statement published by most of the
papers, to the effect that Mr. Vallandig
ham had recently to flee for his life from
Eaton Ohio, is pronounced by the Cin
cinnati Enquirer untrue, with one excep
tion. "The real facts," it says, "are simply
that Mr. V. went on Monday night to Ea
ton to argue a case in Court, and did argue
it on Tuesday, remaining in the town all
day, and at the hotel until some time after
dark. He went directly to the depot, and
the train being behind time, remained at
or near the depot for an hour, when, after
he was upon the care, some cowardly suf
films threw stones. The train remained
a quarter of an hour afterward at the de
pot, but nothing farther occurred except
loud talk and threats outside."
A Harrisburg correspondent of the Chem
bersburg Itepaitory mentions the following
,as the gubernatorial candidates spoken of
on the part of the Republicans: General
Morehead of Allegheny ; Colonel Jordan,
of Bedford ; Gen. Geary and John Covode.
of Westmoreland ; W. W. Ketchum, of
Ltmerne ; Thos. M. Howe and John P.
Penny, of Allegheny ; Lemuel Todd and
Mayor Meru:haat of Philadelphia ; Gen.
Hartranft and Gen. Hancock of Mont
gomery ; Galas/us A. Grow, of Susquehan
na; Senator Lowry, of Brie ; George V.
Lawrenoe, of Washington; John Cessna,
of Bedford, and others.
Ex-Pose F►CPO W1.111110111. -•-Said Gen.
Jeff. Thompson. a few days Irina,. "The
only persons in the South who wish to do
any More fighting are those who didn't do
any when they had a chance." The ease
is the same in the North. The most
bloodthirsty men since the war are those
who. dnrmg the contest could not have
been bribed for any amount of money to
go into the army. It is the tome guard
that calls for executions and persecutions.
for the maintainanoe of martial law and
for continuing a condition of war after
this proclamation of peace.
In an editorial article condemning the
. abolitionhits as "the disunion party," the
New York 21siss of Nov. 18, 1865, makes
the dlsedosare :
"It was in pursuance of this policy that
Mr. Chase, in the first Cabinet meeting
held after the attack on Fort Sumter, op
railing any troops or making an
y and it was also in pursuance of the
sanie,polioy that the 'Alum took ground
in favor of secession."
ems le the candidate of the Sum
ner or the controlling wins of the Repub.
Baena for the Presidency and the ?rause
/I their iesdhl ortikw.
WNW the Pennsylvania election cam.
psliptlwas going on, Gen. Hartranft was
attending' to his personal interests in this
Mate, but, since the elaistion. he. to.s gone
to his milikuy command in Kentucky,
When Gen. Slocum accepted the Demo.
erotic nomination in New York, he hn.
media* resigned hie oomegaskigt in the
Amp ,
The Democratic party have always
maintained that the mere exertion of
military force indispensable as that be
came—would never sailed to restore the
Union. Certain it is, in ,the light of
events, that war has not sufficed to restore
the Union ; and the main question`of de•
bate, eight months - after its close, is,
whether restoration is yet practicable.
Could there be a more conclusive demon
stration that war alone could not actom
plish the purpose for which the late war
was undertaken ? The mere military
success of the war is not—and never was
—the point in question. not has been
complete and overwhelming; but - to pros
trate resistance was not the ultimate object
of the war, only a means. Is that object
attained? If so, why is Congress about to
organise with a third of the States ex
cluded from their representation? Wby
does our army, in time of peace, number
two hundred thousand men, scattered
through the South, keeping watch and
ward? Why is tie whole country bend
ing eagerly toward Washington, listening
for what the President is about to say on
the great topic of restoration ? Why is
every heart among us filled--with misgiv
ing ?—men on one side fearing that the
President will favor the restoration of
unsubdued and incorrigible enemies; and
on the other, that his "healing and con
ciliatory policy " (whatever that may be)
will be baffled by a recalcitrant Congress?
The Union, as yet, is not. restored :
practically the whole country admits that
the Democratic party were right in main
taining that war alone could never restore
it. We have paid this* appalling price for
goods which, when sent to our door, we
reject as if reeking with the fumes of a
. pest-house. What have we-got to show
for our enormous expt nditure? A Union
restored and cotfidence re-establhhed ?
No 1 The Union remains to be restored
by statesmanship and moderation ; which,
as the Democratic party always contend
ed, might have prevented its dissolution.
What, then, have we got, as yd, as the
fruit of our mighty efforts? Count the
graves, and see Reckon up the cripples,
end behold Go into the markets ; ask
the price, of food, fuel, raiment—and
learn I Consider our debt of three thous
and millions ; add to it twice as much
more for production arrested and property
destroyed, and tell us what this enormous
sacrifice was for. What have we got to
show for it ?'
If we are to believe the statements of
the Republicans, we have got an Ireland,
a Poland 1 We have merely extended our
dominion over a people not fit to be ad
mitted into our councils. We are guar
anteeing republican government (that is
what they call it !) by excluding States
from representation. So far from having
restored the Union, the " Union party"
(Union party I) contend that the restora
tion of the Union is the very worst thing
that could happen, as yes.
Against this doctrine the Democratic
party, trusting that they have President
Johnson with them, protest. They believe
there has been no moment since the out
break of the late bloody and fratricidal
war when the restoration of the Union
was not desirable. After the firing on
Sumter, war, was indeed inevitable; but
we have been compelled to use the max:-
mum of force because we exerted the
minimum of statesmanship. The war
was so managed as to keep the South
united and resolute so long as they had
any resources, making • the acquisition as
expensive, and the country when reacquir
ed as worthless, as ary conceivable method
could have made tbem. That, however,
is past, and cannot be helped. Bat is
there any necessity for continuing the spirit
of the old method, and making the gov
ernment of the country we have reac
quired as unrepublican and expensive,
and the restotation of the Union as late
and long-deferred, as by any kind of
management is possible ? * * *
If the Radicals are to be believed, the
war is not only a failure in respect to the
restoration of the Union, but even in res
pect to what they
. most glory in—the
abolition of slavery. ~ The Union, they
say, cannot yet be restored, because
slavery is, as yet, abolished only in name,
not in fact. They contend that, till the
freedman has the elective franchise, he is
as much a slave as ever; that reunion; is
not to be thought of until the negro ii a
Toter. But no Radical can be crazy
enough to deny that the measure is ques
tion tends, above any other that could be
thought of, to dissatisfy and exasperate
the white population of the South. What
ever else may' be said of it, it is not a
measure of conciliation. To insist upon
it is the most certain means to embitter
and alienate the white population of the'
South, and obstruct the restoration of the
Union. Among all the eccentricities of
politics, the absurdest ever witnessed is a
so called " Union party" whose watchword
is, that the Union shall not be restored.—
The Republican correspondent of the
Cincinnati Cbsonercia/,.writing from Wash
ington. trusts "the next Congress wades
something to settle the question whether
the government under which we live is a
Republic of which Andrew Johnson is
President, with Edwin Stanton, to use the
language of a distinguished military chief
tain, 'a d—d clerk,' or whether it *really
an absolute monarchy, under the reign of
Edwin I. Pope's couplet about forms of
government, may be well enough for phi
losophy, but it won't do foractual practice
after all. If Elwin is really King, by al l
means let him have the 4X01112 end the
name. As to the authority, there is no
need of change in that, for what he exer
cises :now is limitless, and , what has no
limit can't be extonded--ao the anathema.
ticians say, and they're right. But ft Ed
win is not actually Bing, theri it would
pay to inquire by what authority he mini-
Led and sent to prison a• reporter of a
Washington paper, within a week, for
publishing a harmless item of Stews ; aid
by what authority he dente* the use . of the
telegraph wires to the boadmrion of loyal
newspapers in the South,while be permits
Ramblers, speculators and. prostitutes 'to
use them ad gitita.
"If he has a right to say that. snob *ad
wash matter shall ' not go to New Or•
leans papers by telegraph, hasn't be a
right - to say It Shall not go by 'tisane:end
therefore a • 'right to interdict the trans.
mission of Northern papers through• ilia
mails to the South, and the that matter id
stop the maiiientirely? Wheredoes pow
er leave off and usurpation begin with ihe
autocrat of the War Department? Or can
there be such a thing as usurpation by him?
Is it 'loyal' to ask the question ? Think of
'a d—d clerk' of the President having a
mounted guard in front of his palace day
and night to prevent carriages driving past
and raising a dust to permeate his high
ness' chambers, and perchance reach the
royal nostrils 1 ands guard of honor at the
hall door! The reader may be incredulous
bat it is the actual faot..that for months
put no public or private conveyance has
been allowed to drive past the residence
of Edwin 1., and the preventing power has
been a couple of United States cavalry
soldiers. Mist a glorious occupation for
the volunteer army—keeping the dust out
of Mr. Stanton's window curtains I Who
wouldn't rash to arms for such a glorious
purpose? Who'd hesitate? None but an
arrant copperhead. Happy Elwin in the
possession of a dust guard; but thrice hap
py guard in sda a post of honor 1" Ac
cording to this representation, made by a
correspondent who has no sympathy for
the Democratic party, the condition of af
fairs at Washington is humiliating, even
beyond what we had been led to believe.
Of what avail is it, though, to attack the
servant while the muter is applauded ?
The man responsible shave all others for
the'crimes against decency and law daily
perpetrated by this tyrant Stanton, ii Pres
ident Johnson, who retains him in his
place, and sustains him in his acts, in de
fiance of the wishes of nine out of ten of
the patriotic tritium of the country.
'When Mr. Lincoln foretold at the com
mencement of the war, that at its close
the same old questions would-revive in
importance, ho was sensible, and the event
proves his foresight. But the men of the
so-called Republican party are not content
with this view. They insist that the new
era shall be an era of new questions, new
doctrines, new ideas. It is proposed by
them not to discuss the old questions of po
litical economy, not to examine the future
and guide the coarse of the nation by the
lights of put experience. bat to plunge at
once and permanently into a new form of
national existence, unparalleled in our
own history, and which has been ruinous
to the interests of liberty in other nations
where the experiment has been tried. The
plan is to govern one part of the- country
by the votes of another part ; to refuse
local self-government, in local matters,
to several millions of the population of
the r oountry, and exercise the functions of
government over them by the votes of
another section. It is not worth while to
discuss a proposition like this. When pre
sented in its naked simplicity to any think
ing American, he rejects it 'at once. But
the men who propose it will deny that
their plan amounts to any such thing.--;-
They will deceive the people who are ac
customed to believe and follow them.—
Hence it seems not at all improbable
that a large portion will go crasy on this
aboard plan. and will vote in solid mere to
convert the Union and the Government
of the United States into • permanent
military despotism.
It is a curious part of the history of De
mocracy that the men who are most ardent
defenders of and disclaimers for the doc
trine of self-government are often the
most radical tyrants when they obtain
power. It would be utterly impossible to
day to conaince some men in the North
that the war has not given them a moral
and political right to govern the South in
everything. and being possessed with the
idea that the result of the war has been
the subjection of thr South to the North
(and not the subjection of rebellion to
government) they are anxious to preserve
and enjoy the reaping benefits of con•
There are four million Roman Catholic,
in the United States. In 1803 there were
only 1 province, 1 diocese, 2 bishops, 68
priests, 89 churches andl ecclesiastical in
stitutions. In 1830 there were 1 province,
11 dioceses, 10 bishops, 332 priests, 230
churches and 9 institutions: In 1840 there
were 1 province, 16 dioceses, 17 bishops,
482 priests, '454 churches, 358 stations and
chapels and 13 institution;. In 1850 there
were 3 provinces, 27 dioceses, 27 bishops,
1 081 priests, 1,073 churches, 505 stations
and chapels, and 29 institutions. In 1861.
there were 7 provinces. 48 dioceses, 3 vi
aerates, 45 bishops, 2,317 priests, 2,517
churches, 1,278 stations and chapels and
49 institutions.
Besides these the Catholics have 102 or
phan asylums, where they educate some
7,000 orphans, and have over 100 benevo
lent and charitable societies and 29 hospi
tals They have also 97 library institu
tions for young men ; 212 female acade
mies, and 303 free schools for 27,940 males
and 327 schools for 29 671 females. These
facts and figures show an extraordinary
growth, and are plainly indicatiie of the
vast amount of zeal and labor devoted to
that church.
Brim AT TUB Wlllll. /10170 -SOOlO of
our witty cotemporaries hare " got the
joke"-on Col. McClure in connection with
the following paragraph in his letter de•
scribing the hones conversation he had
with the President:
" Soon the door opened and a genteel la
dy emerged from the President's room
with a large official envelope clutched
nervously in her hand, and a benignity of
etnottettancs that told lure plainly than words
that another citizen had been born again to the
The question' now is, -was the "genteel
lady n spoken of the mother of the new
born infant. or merely the mi'l-wife in at
tendanoe I If the former, was not her re
covery unusually speedy ; and 0 the lat
ter, where did our friend, the Colonel, ac-'
quire hie familiarity with that etas of 4-
maleathat ben able to tell them by a
glazes i• ' •
Tim rrawas thus ins* its teeth and
elevates its nose st ibe President for his
tnimerous pardoni: _ _ . _
pas me • filled with
glories about per pardon brokerage La awash.
ingtoa. All this Re predioted lb nee months
NFL The systesyste m and out of vice
nothing bat vice can come.
The Tribune lain Avec of general am.
nesty to the Southern peoplemithout dis
Tin State Control Committee, at He see
AO /Mt week I* the 4th or ibzeig. as
the day for boldly! tia nazi Damara&
etatikkaittiori ' •
The Harrisburg Patriot publishes Qom
plate returns of the late State election,
from which we learn that the aggregate
vote, home and soldiers', was as follows:
ArDiTOZ 0u9264. 0n1y59919 MURIA&
&Ana; It., TAM Mamboll. R.. 1191 . 303
Dula, D., MAO Llatos, D, 2111.112
Ilartmat's 22,416 oisg6mari gni. 111,691
The total soldiers' vote was 10,581, of
which 9,249 were cut for Philadelphia
alone, and the small remainder distribcited
throughout the State, no returns being
received in some counties, and very few
votes out for others. , As an instance the
entire soldiers' vote for Erie county was
but 2, and in several counties only 1 was
received. When the monstrous Given
frauds in the Philadelphia election case
are taken into consideration, it must be
agreed that the large soldiers' vote re
turned for that city has rather &suspicious
look. The total vote of the State was
454,147—a falling off of 118,558 compared
with that of 1864. when the combined vote
of McClellan and Lincoln was 572,707.
Savant) ox Dom.—The following re
markable Statement appears in New
York letter to the Macon (Ga.) Telegraph.
It has been going the rounds of the press
for some weeks without contradiction :
"Since I have introduced Mr. Seward's
name, I will refer to a conversation he had
a few devotion. with Thurlow Weed—Jef
ferson Davis being the subject. Weed
said Mr. Davis should be hanged, and ez•
pressed himself quite warmly on the sub
ject. Mr.• Seward then• propounded the
query, 'Why should you Barg him ?' to
which Weed replied. 'I would hang him
for treason.' Mr. Seward responded in
his energetic way, 'We cannot bang him
without first convicting him, and I think
no impartial jury would do that' Weed
said, 'His guilt is already established, and
his conviction should not be difficult :' but
Mr. Seward maintained that no jury could
be formed to convict him, and added, in a
significant way. 'And even if we Should
hang him it would be no great moral les
son to the world' Gentlemen whia were
present during the conversation infa4 from
it that Mr. Davis! life is safe at least."
GOOD Paorrssions or SOUTH CANDLiNA..--•
Gov. Perry, of South Carolina, concludes
his message to the Legislature with these
good words :
' . l would urge you, gentlemen, to look
only to the future in your legislation. and
forget, so far as you can, the put. There
is much to hope for and live for yet in
South Carolina. • • We hare no polit
ical divisions. South Carolina presented a
unit after her sot of secession, and she is
now united as one man in returning to the
Union, and will be as true and loyal to
her plighted taith as any State north of
Mason and Dixon's line. In this respect
there is no difference between former se
cessionist: and old Union men. They all
have equilly at. heart the peace, honor,
glory and prosperity of the American re
public. And I earnestly pray that all our
legislation and deliberations may tend to
this great purpose,uuder the guidiusoe and
protection of Almighty God."
PRACTICE vs. - -Paonamost.—The Cleveland
PL iadatter states that one day last weak a
Justice of the Pear" of a certain brand,
on Superior street, summoned a negro as
'juryman, to sit on some important case
with white men. The white jurors, some
of whom actually voted for the negro suf
frage candidate, Cur., refused outright to
take their seats with him. After a couple •
of hours spent in quibbling;, regnestings
and refusals, the redoubtable Justice dis•
charged the negro and took a white man
in his place.
Tux notorious Fred. Douglas ielivered
himself of a Speech to a crowd of black
and white abolitionists at B »ton the other
day, in which he spoke of the President
in the most violent and insulting style.
"We abhor, very properly," he said, "Jef
ferson-Davis and Both, but a deeper and
more dreadful execration will settle upon
that man's name if he shall sacrifice us,
as his policy now pvidently aims to do."
;WZNDILL PHILLIPS says : " The Repub
lican party does not exist. There is a spec
tre walking over the country in its shroud,
but there is no such party."
Paurostiv Jonssos has abolished the
Detective Bureau of the War Deportment.
Now let him make clean work of it 'And
abolish the Secretary.
News of the Week.
The President has approved the death
sentence of two citizens of Georgia, named
Christopher C. Reese and John M. Brown,
who were convicted by a court-martial of
the murder of a negro woman named
Nellie West in Talisferro county, in that
State. The executions are to take place
on the first Friday in January. In what
clause of ,the Federal Constitution a court
martial obtains the authority to try any
person for mimes against State laws, or
the President to take official action on the
subject, we are not informed.
Almost every negro arrested and. taken
before the City Recorder at New Orleans
is found to be possessed of some weapon.
, Heebner was on Friday banged in the
jail yard of Buffalo for the murder of a
soldier named Henning last September.
He 'toted the bravado to the last, and died
protesting his innocence of the murder.
The official majority for Marcus L.
Ward, Republican, for Governor of New
Jersey, is 2,789.
A Cuban named Jose Garcia Otero, pro
prietor of a theatre in Havana, was mur
dered and robbed of $lO,OOO in Central
Park, New York, on Wednesday night.
Governor Humphreys, of Miuissippi,
having requested the removal of the na
tional troops, the President has informed
him that they will be withdrawn when it
appears that order can be maintained
without them. The President also urges
Mississippi to adopt measures to secure to
the freedmen their constitutional rights
—whatever that may mean.
A New Bedford paper gives a lilt of
forty. six American whaling 'mike's, with
ten thousand two hundred and fitty.two
barrels of oil. destroyed by rebel pirates
during the late war. The value of the
vessels is estimated at one million one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars and
the value of the oil at half a million dol
The President, In a recent interview
with Speaker Colfax, is said to have de
clared himself extremely anxious for an
early settlement of the Southern Auer
dons, but that his action would be gov
erned by events. In plain words, he will
go with_the strong side.
The Fiepubikan majority in Pennsylva
nia at the recent electien,for Auditor (hn
eral,ia officially stated at 22,660. The total
vote for Auditor General was 454.140, a
falling off from the vote at the last Preai
deatiat of 118,562.
An official order has been lamed in Ss.
'kneel' cautioning white cbi•dren against
maltreating colored children. What nazi?
President Johnson has rescinded the
order of Maj. Gen. Thomas shutting up
the Episcopal ohurchsa of Alabama. in
that he has dome right.
The Armed %mime are .'bormulttiog
all sorts of .robberies and outrages is the
yitiatily of IShrevappre, Ls. .
Vie Meanie Niigar . s lied Post Boy col •
lided in the issipp, near Helena, Ar
kaosas, on ill • night of the 240 inst. The
Niagara suck n 20 feet of water, and 100
of her deck • gars, mostly colored
soldiers, were • ,wned.
Thogiu J. Carver, a debuiltiog treasury
agent, at Mobile, has been eentenoed by a
court martial to a floe of $9,000 sad one
year's imprisonment with hard labor.
Pellicer and Gonzalez, who -- murdered
Senor Atm, Brooklyn, have been Ar
rested. Pelticer confessed to the murder.
The stolen money has been recovered.
A disturbance occurred recently among
the negroes at Mariana, Florida, and a
company of regulars had to be sent there
to preserve order.
The hearing in the oil frauds, at Pitho le,
Pa., took place on Wednesday. The mat•
ter was referred to Washington for a final
Referring to The severe Hinges of - ex.
President Pierce, the Concord Patriot says
his friends will be happy to hear that it
has now been checked, and his condition
is rapidly improving.
• government agent in Mississippi, who
collected $BOOOO has accounted for only
Frauds amounting to over $lOO,OOO have
been discovered in the Quartermaster's
Department at Louisville, Ky.
The number of pardons granted by the
President is about 8,000.
received the December number of The Old
Guard, which elms the third volume of this
magazine. The publishers announce that it
will be enlarged with the January number to
sixty-four pages, and that an increased
amount of Literary and Family reading will
be added. The Prospectus announces, so
among ths patrons and contributors o f the
Old Guard for 1866, Hon. Charles O'Connor,
ez-Governor Seymour, of Connecticut. ex-
Governor Dana, of Maine, Dr. J. H. Van Eerie,
Dr. Thomas Dunn English, Hon. James W.
Wall, George Fitzhugh and Hon. Roger A.
Pryor, of Virginia, Henry Clay Dean, of lowa,
and other distinguished writers. A Jesters.
of the new volume will be a series of steel
plate portraits, with sketches of all the most
prominent Confederate Generals, commencing
with General Lee, in the January number, to
be followed by Stonewall Jackson, J. E. John-
ston, Beauregard, A. P. Hill, Wade Hampton
and others. The terms are to be $3 00 per
'year, single subscription; two copies for $5 ;
five copies for $l2 ; ten copies for $2O, and
an extra copy to all who will get up a 'club of
twenty. -
Bousgly—tirarrs—Ai McKean, Erie county,
Pa., on the 26th inst., by Rev. N. H. Jones,
Mr. Oliver S. Honshey, of.Dallas' ' Luzerne
county,' Ps., to Miss Sarah E. White, of
McKean, Erie county, Pa.
SnLvsuAtt;-ficsnots.—On the 28th inst., et
tke bride's residenoe. in this city, by •Hev.
Gee. F. can, Mr. John R. Saßaman and
Miss Rose J. Sanborn.
lintia—MtraPnv—ln Lockport. November
15, by the Rev. W. Hollister, Mr. James L.
Miller and Miss Adelaide A. Murphy, both
of Girard township.
WILLIMIIII—MCMAX—On the -- 19th inst.. by
the Rev. J. W. Wilson. Mi. Patrick Wil-.
liams to - Miss Annie Malian, both of Corry,
Erie county, Ps.
011A1D-Bdrzoms—ln Corry, on the 24th nit.,
by the Rev. 0. W. Staples, Mr. T. M.
Heard, of Corry, to Miss M. V. Strong, of
Niles, Mich.
Wessrst—Sentutc.x—At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 14th inst., by Rev.
W. F. Bainbridge. Mr. W. 0. Webster, of
Westfield, and Miss . C. A. Sherman, of
Erie, Ps.
Bszcwr—CLAnz—On the Md inst., by Rev.
Jos. H. Pressley, M. W. Brecht, of Erie,
to Mils L. A. Clark, of Mill Creek.
Bsows—ln Conneaut, Pa., on the 18th Inn.,
Hiram L. Brown, aged 81 years and 4
BOMAN-At. the residence of her parent; in
Conneaut township, on the 29th ult., of
consumption, Josephine,dsughter of Charles
and Emily Bowman, aged 22 years.
Winery—ln Fairview. on the 29th tat., of
bronchitis, Mary Jane, wife of Wm. B.
Wentz, and daughter of Joseph aad Mag
dalena Gensheimer, of Fairview, aged 22
yesrs, S months and 14 days.
TORMISNO—In Springfield, on the 12th last.,
Mr. William Townsend, aged 82 years.
Rtrassiz.—On Tuesday• morning, the 28th
inst., William Curry Russell, eldest child of
Robert W. and Lizzie C. Russell, aged 2
Lutnei.—ln Brooklyn, N. Y., on the 21st
inst , of brain fever, James P. Linihan,
aged 31 years and 1 month.
New Advertisement&
Fog 5 • L
The Brick Hone with lot, now occupied by Mrs. Batt,
on Baffearres street. between Sixth sod &tenth streets,
Is for We.= Poesendon ens April let. •o ply to
sor-ber.‘ J. ROSS TROYPSON.
Letting of admioistntion me the estate of Polly thol -
lay. deed. late a' Lottomatf tp, trio ematy, Pa. bettor
Moo granted to the andersigoed; notice is heed, gimes
to all tadebtod to mid Wets to auks immediate w
owed. sod all having claim against Ike sum mill pm.
mat them ditty a.tkentloste.l tar settlessoot
Leilose, Nov. Mk '644lwm
W A N T ic r n
Sow, lint Clan
Inquire or
not.o4v. J. ROSS TRONPSON.
Prinelpab :
P. T. Jambs. •J. C. Sans. A. N . uQ. Calmar .
Censer ems sea at. Clair ate.
aa w a l :%l 1 31 12 tag. Odd POWs Batidtoo. ate St.
ad Cellar Batldlag. X 05.12 mad 23 It. Clair
Amami& rag min in= ammo 'nor. 11. IVA.
P. L. prick, Plashlar. Belataat Co., 0.
D. Pangtunan, Red Bast Purace, Armstrong Co.
H. B. Ham New Pidisdelphbi. Tom Co 0.
C. Kamm. Cilatow,Basualt Co.. Pa.
J. N. Elms, Osss, Vassar Co .11. -
H. M. Donjon, Washingtoo_ . Wash. Co.„ Pa.
A. L. Samers. Ca yahoo Ma. Smolt Co., 0.
J. C. Tallerten, Mt. Jackass, Lawman Co., Pa.
A. T. Irwin. Arroyo, Ilk Co. Pa.
C. L. Cotton, Indianapolis, Barba Co., Ind.
I. L. Mrs/. Crolotos. Gummy Co.. 0.
T. S. Na uowsil. Mt. Parser. hana. Co, Pa:
H. Hoek Niasay, Omit» Co., Pa.
J. H . , • MI • I
T. 8 Prow, Meadrills, Crawford Co . Tim
A. W. Gordo.
J. H. Webber, Concrete, Tarn. Ca., 0.
J. Z. Warmer. a "
0. M. Caliere. Llgoster, intro co., Ps- '
.1 R. &se Itridroart, Del.O.
J. R. soon tt. .
Admits, Athens Co w , 0.
N. e. Waddle, Lia Glom Ohio Os, R. Vo.
41. W.llll -Wrogbi, Biocide( Valley. Crania: dCo Pa.
X. W. Barren., • •
R.IL Sipes, Mato Llet, Montreux 00-143.
J. T. Clitton. Tuba wra.araat Co, Wis.
S. D. Haway, Blair Cis, Fa.
0. S. Carty, lUdersvills. Ws*. Co., Ps.
Far bras and la formation roseiraras thoCellsoo.
'adders, JMNICIVS, SMITH & 'ems um.
Pittsburg, Pa.
VIII 111.1111.W•lr.
Oa sad attor MONDAY, NO7TXIII2 TO% INS,
tram vill ism UAW sod Dastlit it about Lela.
/soots' boars I
'Praia 2, Day tames hos Bat .14. OD los.
Teals 4„ Night la tram Daakhk„....A 10 p. s.
Tay ip ft., tree De ant 5,....! 01s. a.
'has L Claeiaesti fa. ftrometillsl4.....l4 * p.*.
1701 4 Night 11 / 4 00 . 1 has 1610110....4 06 p. is.
Takla 12. Oil Creek is. bos Daub bk... 40 a. a.
Tisfasl2 4•4 21 rail Idly. AU obeys dilly 4444p4
sails B
BARR, H. /111 DD
Pisa a LIt. gm
Frit Y PRIM Nw Tint.
WLGIL rt, ork.
s wa•ir cow.
Como to no woolen of the oadoorlood, • itaW icy
bar* wblts oat black got; oboist $ Jim ono. The
miser to roweled to moo toned. Nom prowl% pay
t Mr aeon otborotoo ho trill dk•
=i Ga tato f
eitsrikag law.
os1•41/. Roux vrien.
The very Mend patronage whit& boo been ranted
dating the past reason, emboldens as to still farther
preaanar *Woo to yatrao notice. By our
Book•lapin become the most mad, beautiful and
satisfactory of the Menem.
Comprehend the
And exhibit orrery possible variation on
So that two make .tkoroegh randy of then alone wilt
mare more knowledge in the IMISIMI which they teach
than the whole Come la some Commercial Fehoote in
the country.
This Dips Timid Ii so organised that we
Of mn Mad. soaking the tramd r, pIITIMIDI4 1111077, kr,
the nun as to the ool=i4rdat transactions
For b,th Lungs sod Gadlmmo. Chases daily
Time to complst• the Course IA from 12 to 14 vista.
We present the best fettlltlee and hold out the greatut
Inducements possible.
To the shot* pablks In extend an carnet invitation
to all and examine oar Course of Instruction.
cr We an sow ergealsiog a College Baia. 421
Address, with dami c
T. COOK. Resident Pnneipal.
A. C. SWITS, Teacher Penmanship.
4. W. GUNPIT3ON. Teacher Commercial Law
November SO, 11165-11
VS to 00
By partisans. of _
Ire'ead of weadulg orders to New York.
lfirraudird from the following celebrated Xanufaaturera
Steloway k Sons. New Tort,
Wm. East* k Co, Baltimore, Md.,
Wm. B. Bradbury, New Yort,
Orcresteon & Co., Now York,
Ileardnan A Gray, Albany, N. Y..
Geo. A. Pridee k Co, Buffalo, N. Y.,
' EL Span, Syracuse, Pl 7 Y
Jewett it Goodman, Cl., eland, 0.
Pianos lzoto!$100 to $1,600.
Er Alt persons deli:int a first rate Piano sr Nelodw.
on are invited t 3 call end Gamine oar Instruments be..
fore pu:ehaabag elsewhere .:
Every Instrument warranted for fin purr.
No. 426 State Streit, nearly opposite the Poet °Mee,
Erie. Pa.
nor/0'65U% Z. MOTH.
BELDEN tr. , C4:O„.
27 couramarpr BT., 111/ YORK.
± Pens, Panetta. kn., ke., worth over Ha , t • /1111loa
Dollars ! To be sold at One Dollar Each without retard
to veins. And not to be paid to until you know what
you are to receive.
All to bo •Ad for 02114 Dols:. each.
WO Geste Gold Waiebaa. ........ to $1:0
300 Ladise Gold Watches,. - 35 to 10
430 Oir tits' *Dyer * ate 030.2. 35 to 10
103 Dbmood Trines, ...-
60 to 11:)1
spa Gold Vett rad Neck Chains,. . 15 to 30
3,000 •- .. 4to 6
3,000 Gold Oval Band Erseelets, • 4to :4
4,009 Chased Gold lizscelste. sto 10
2,000 Chats/sin* and Guard Chain 5,....... 6to 20
6,000 Solitaire and Gold itroovirfs. 4to 10
2,000 Lava and Tiorintise Brooches.-- .. 4to 6
3,000 Coral, Opsl and Rm. Brooches, 4to 8
2,000 Mosaic, Jet. Lava and Flor. It Drops, 4to 8
4.503 Coral, Opal Sr cm. Bar Drops, 4to , 6,
4,000 Cal. Diamond Breastpins. '' 50 to 10i
3,000 Gold Fob and Test Wat h Keys, 250 to 6
4,00) Feb sod Vest Ribbon Slide., 3to 10
4401 Mitt 3 etre Buttons. de. 4to 8
AIM Gole Thimbles. Penes, kr... 4 to 7
6,4 E Miniature Lockets, 6to 8
4, Ma. Lostets—magic epring,..... ..... 3to 21
Gold Toothpicks and Crosses, 2to 8
6,000 Plaits Gold Moo.. 4to 11
5.000 Chased Gold kings, .. ~.......„ 4to 11
7,000 atone But and Signet ..... 2,50 to 10
5 001 Cell:Grob' Diamond Binds 2to 10
7.500 Setts Ladles' Jewelry—jet & gold sto 15
6,000 Betts Dadles' Jewelry—matoo. 4to 16
5,000 Gold Fens, silver ex holders alit:env. 4to 0
6 000 Gold Pew Mad gold mounted Hollers,. 3to 11
5 001 Gold Tens and Pea llold-n, 6to 10
&PO Silver Goblets sod Cup 5,.............. sto 10
1,000 Sloes Casio' a. ..... 15 to 50
2000 SUM Fruit and Cabe 80aket5.«......... 10 to • 60
1.000 Doom Sliver Tea Spoons 15 to 20
1,303 Dos Table 3p was sod Forks.... ...... 10 to 20
Certificates. naming melt article, and its value, me
placed In Sealed Envelopes, and well sifted. One of
thaw ovrrvlones„ containing the Certificate or twill
some Article, (worth at least one dollar at rettil,)
be sent by mail to any address without regard to choice,
on receipt of 21 cents. The purchmer will em what Ar
lisle it draws, and its value, which may be from One to
The nandred Ibltan, and ten then mud One Dollarand
receive the Artkle named, or Any other on the Ist of
the mime value, and after ineibg the 'allele, 11 it does
net give perfect satisfaction, we desire it to be Immedi
ately returned and the amount paid will be refunded
By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of
One goods, of the beat make and latest styles and of in•
trimie worth, st *nominal price, while haves chance
of securing artieles of the very highest value.
In all caws we charge for forwarding the Certificate:
postage and doing the business. the sum of Twenty•five
Cents, which mast be enclosed in the order. Fire CIF
will be sent for $1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for SS
sittplive for $10; one hundred for Sit.
Parties dealing with w may depend on haeinc prompt
ifiCarna,and the artiste draws will be homedfatal} sent
to any address by total% mall or exprfts:
/balm aattehictlon imam:teed in all rasps.
Wrlhe your suatek, town , county and State plainly and
sildnes, SELDEN k CO.
N0v3015 2 St C3nrtianit St. New York.
A DINTS WANTID— 81111 a Day Easy. Made
Br eolling tigraelngs. Card Photographs sad
Ittiiimory. Our dtatbnary Pickets *stall all others
Wadi Packet contains paper, envelopes, Follett. pets,
and Jewelry worth • dollar at retail. Prim eve
SA mem. Ws .411 mud save. 100 Ittatioo•rr
aad • Ether Watch for .117. we also pabllah
staid magrovlege and Portraits, lithogra.)l prints, ks ,
very eopular and saleable. Will send aline assortment
'of 100 'or $l5 that will malls* $5O, or • $lO lot that will
realise $3O or om. Will seed a sample lot for $3 that
will sell tar $l5. Oseil damn fOr Catalogue, Terms, Ac.
110311318 k CO., 311 Beekman Et., N.Y.
MANHOMANHOOD: Hew Last, Hew Watered.
Published a uw *dittos of
Da. CuusterzWs Cztosurso Es- w•
us ea the radical au (without •
seedkise) of Erustsroaraou, or
11amisal ifeeksar. lavoluatary Seminal Looses. hirer
rum Nista' mad Threat Incapacity, laudireses
to Marriage, eta; also, Courorrlas. Imam sad
iftra, Leased by seilLiaduliehos or wrist estrus
Cr Pries fa • armed earolopeo„ only 4 rata.
Tbe esiebrated gather. in this adalsabie essay, cloudy
dommitisels, *Dui s thirty years auseeedul pmethoe,
that the alatatier podeutesees of selfsame maybe rad.
holly rued vithefut the dasyweaa us Ottawas,' med
ic/se or the ape n ts of the ife—eols=a node
et saw at owe retain sad ollostaal, se as of
widish every so mattes what his • may
all, eq eau blassolf duple. griratoly sad reilicalty.
or Th is futile should be la the' hands of over 7
youth sad awry tau la the land.
float ander sag, to • data arrelope, to lay addroak On
the =trust; or two postagestawoe. Address
the CH4B. J. O. KLINE at ,
Bowery, New Tort,
Piet Oar Boa 4.115.
D it if• d 0 0 D :
♦ tarp awl well esllsted stook of
of do world.
YoUl; NEW?! minor Ap.sourrio,,,
11365-56, RRIE, P6\?;•A
. The first fire Le:tures will be
rushed Shitorical Lecturer, Dar.
mr Conn.. Oa the general subect uf ' li.,
'm. The satire course j eowdat 0 ' 7 "^.
test le lectures, as follow& : oar'"m,,,it
I. Nov.
Reiman s' ros 2911 t,
—Triendaidp lotus Lard,
LL. D , tab
N "
2 Nov. 30th. do •do d r ,
°fielder, the &dismal Woman-Aote.“
3. Dee. 6th, do do d o
"rottstoth—Woman as a Sovereign " ftkvs,
4. Des. 7th. do do do
il de Kaintenon, the WOMU
e.LO of S ot t il . Z94t.
5. Des. th, do
de SteeL the Literary Wntr,u,...
6. Dee 14th, Rev.l). H. Titfaiiv, U D c hi . 4
jest—" The New Civilization—Work and W ort j,,P: nt
7. Dee. 2114 Rt. Rev. Thomas
N. I • subject—.llabita of American
S. Dee. 22tb, John B. Gough, Woree.t•r, 4, ,
eat —"Reba."
G. Jan.4th. C. L. Youmans. R. D, New York; nk.
—"The Din=les of Life." (Illustratk )
10. Jan. llth. Ralph Waldo Ets
sabiret—"Rosonrom," or wrablo in CoCosmrl 1 Is•
11. .1.5.18 th. Dia Lewis, W D., Boeton, Rio •
—.Pasha sod Phyla! gdaeatioa " ~r 4t
12. Jan. 25th, Rev Henry Gate, Qniney, N u ,
—one hint In Illatm."
13. Jut. 30th, 11. T. Taylor, Ch leer;
esti her Chariot/L."
14. Fob. 5tb,11144 Anna S. Diekeitso", Phila.;
Hem* Thrash' "
The Committee intended to e unmet:ea their 0w,.„
the 23d Soressiwr, and there le • protability,o(e. .
WE • lecturer for that date. if none be s eezw y
optima will proceed as indicated above, and 'hey To ll
&s a vors° arraur for as additioial lecture at eorsZ t
Tickets fur the eserree, with 1111131.T1D stenko
followins rates :
Oce Tieket $3 141 Your Tickets .. . ...
Two Tkirets ...... 50 Flee .11 Nor aettee) .
Three '1 Ickes 976 Eleh ltd I. Tinker__ I I
Ttaketa for single lectaree, 40 rents.
No adearior, It will be seen, bee been nude in 14..
nes of the Course tieketa neer theme rl tut year,
two sod pethaee three more leetareirwi'd to rim ,3
. ,
Lecture Cerz:ty i
Er Altai Thursday. the 16th. the DALytta
Hall will be found at the book store of Cattihr,
Crean? k Co., whom tickets nay be purchued io l im
rorervod. tolt.
The attention of the Paldle and the 5 ity,t i o.y
Oes New SW. 7 Octave Rosewood Piece F-r .1 4
for volume and parity of tone are ccr:ss
heretofore offered In this market. They testa:. I ‘,
modern improvements, French, G-sid Ac. ,•
Pedal, Iron Frame, Over• Strung AZ! tv4
atrument being made under the per•ot..:
Mr. J . H Growastrow, who has had a rracticti•r i nt„.
of over 85 years in their mannbetve,,s liztvjA
to lveripertieular.
&merited the award or merit or. r a il ' o tL, r3 a t t y
wr)::Lrrg yein
Whore were et h.h:tel mAtrtanesti frp.= the best !Mien
And also at Vas
for Ste rucceasive years, the
from both of which can be seen at our warrroon
Hy the introduction of improvements yr r•h•,
more rerf•ct Piano Forte,•nd by miumnfletcr,c,.,
with • strict cash system, are enabled to Orr
struntenta at a pries which will prec'nde al; e9tp,
Patcas—No.l, Seven Octave, round eornem,R,, i
plain ease 000.
No. IL Seven Octave. round eetzeraltss... l
— heavy moulding $25.
No. 3. Stint Octave, round e:.rten,
mood Louis XIV style $350.
Tzsms : Net Cash In Current Funds.
Descriptive circulars sent free.
Z. SMITH sole Agent fur these Piano' r lata
vicinity. "
Obtain/LBW:UMW and- Stores for those wittiatiV.F.
Rtorse, Hotels and Dwellings, with or otttor.:sl
furniture, for those giving up ho atekeepi:g.
all kinds of
PICTURES, MIRRORS. 111.7.41 C. AND t. - 7:);
Those siabing to sell by private tontract.Westt
money on any useful property intended :or trlvn
We by auction. Those buying or selling cia art
their advantage by applying to ant, a• the
Erg, h
With Liver Complaint or with • ny CPI!!
tog fllllO impurity of the blood, such es, Itch. Bp.a:
bilk clew, Pimples ON the face or neck, ErTliq
RlOOOlO. SCIVIIII&. Ebennsatisro:Pain 'n the 12,
the back, etc , should not /111 to use Carlere Era
of Dende ion and iiittersweet. Then Is coth.t c
to It is such cams and it cannot be used w....h0z.:=.
tog benent. Pries one dollar per bottle.
data everywhere.
Lettere testamentary on the est ,te
dee'd, late of Mill Creek tp_,C-. . htru
granted to the undersigned; 'Notice it hsr.ty ra ,
those knoirteg themselves indebted t, chi s
make Immediate payment, and thou , him; of
agaio.t tits same wilt p`sas• pr lent
tested. to F. W, Ktrehlt.r. FN., ho btrt!, izzr
to collect and settle up tbs. ace ln ntt of gay! btrut
■a9 64 6r
A rer will be held at Farrar Hall. on 0:.•• 2,..*:. ,
eamber, for the purpnee of enlarging the ller'a
Fr.oeh •Veet, under the care el the -lg.. r' . , rs`
.els the numettr of Inmates are constant:y I:n`ta
they are ouff,Hag great Inconzenlence f.,r ewe..
to the building they now occupy. Any ez.....-.
from the citizens of Erie will be ttuulkfully r.ctm , i
N T E D:
None need apply brit three of enntd
moral character, who can read.well. opoN
le t ikar and who can cipher in who:. Durt..“..r.
ton; and are not leas than 13 n r re Thar. liyo
ago. Naval apprentices are
• certain pulite% being ee:ee:ed yewly bran
them for theme appointmen e
Fehoolmasters are surgeod to oath seht , . o .
tulteh the rudiment' of edneston, :sanding 1:111.t1
and their moral sr eerefolly eased for.
To discharge the cluti-$ of re amen. and at th, e rtss
of their t , r 13 of wag:need:lip, which la
rite at the age of tlof found Rnalaled, hare th,ye
*nee In app atments for warrant and pa:l'y ids
E ir For farther information, apply to
Cotainsader U.S. Na", fs.S
NaTr.l rondesvous, Erie, Pa, in Furor Eid
Clemens, Caughey it Buries?.
We are now rannior a Market Line .I:retn, Ent u
nor*, on the Philedelphia k Erie reilros!, et: •r+l
secure all kinds of
To cari7 it on, hays eatabliahad a Depot co
In the rear of the old Bee! Acto.
Whore re will beat, all timer teaiy to rlce.te
rer tb. dame. All tuning Prodarr for pale
ad to givens a call. Inquire tar Varies NI
a0g10,136.54! Y J Aii=o
wmall reneeth:l7 lainruhtho i tblie the to latal
Mien be will aliraym imp on hand r
thAndnd. everylltiag usually lbr nla in as
e ki
'Tina y manonablo u any °the t1t0;
This Well .115 town if
Hat paned into the (motto' of the
WPI Coif:W—
vire on dotelotiood to spats no efforts Olt
make Its pleasant *flopping °late for the tnireloifra
lie. A number et ittlproTeraer..3C4.!*7
been made, and otheis to be eon' ootooi it an 61:1
VW render it ens of the fittest hotels in the On;
Ilaptoeitl ewe t,taken to furnish the Ist".. • t : s j..
nostonable alto's!". storied tip in the to 0.• ult"!_,to
and by ereennsodeting niters. We took , k7;eo
hotel with the reselition to mate it such to _.•
of this lefties metre, and feed runt's at /ft a l
Approbaties of oar goat,.' LOOkllS proiier4o _..,di s4
Ai T. Locate, /
W. L. Boas, g
A. R. CAr(3 , lrl,
C. C. 89 1RK.
AZP.O Gopy,