The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 30, 1865, Image 1

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I, TPA '. QIIIIVIVT.2 BCILDING2I," Sztra grimier
Orrosirs: Tug roar 017101. -
,prioN—rtwo DoLLAits AN - 1. Fsiqr f:5117., per
plia Itilfalied ; Ulan !JOLLA not
1 e xpit:ttiOU or the ycar. Sobecribere
t.: ttfier will bo charg , .l Firtr Ciarta a
it, ed.:dint ,
liF.llF.l'aS.—One Square of Ten Linea one In
na 1..00 ; two taeortions $1,70 ; three lunar
f7,oo; an. tuneith $2,60 ; two fteontlue $8,60:
, De rios4,so:BlT moo ths s7,oo,;eue y e ar p 2 .0 0;
safertigeBo,4 in proportion, Thew nboj
be strictly slhersed to, UAW ebling.ll by andel
r t, or at the option of the publishers.
\uuce,, Stre)e, Divorces and Übe advertise.
aro; Administrator'. NoUceisB,oo Local
,„ v ote% line; Marriage NoticerrinarrT
. obituary HoUrara foyer titre e
11,2•11. . •
. tent) Lee cr It. pet Hue. Original poetry. au:
vraten'do request of the editor, one dellar
All a dvertisements will be continued at
vor s of the person advertising, until ordered
Iv hi, direCtiOn, unless a Presided period i s
trotter their insertion.
ISTISG hare one of the best Jobbing
, c thy state, and are ready to do aU work In
lips tha t • ,,y be eetrueted to us, in equal style
outside of tbe largest ethos.
tt c:,=mcn,estlorts should be addressed to
Editor and Proprietor.
ThrßirleSS Directory.
a Jaatlit{l.ii,
/Malin £T LAIN Itidony
Fs till!! &leo przetlea in adjoining Counties.
•Gjll. CUTLEK.
Arrnierir AT LAI!, Girard, Erie Counti,
eters and ether barineee attended to with
rnd ‘Lrpatch.
LAW, 111 Willikeel Of
yea th street, Elie, Pa. acts Ve2
1300iSRLtICR sad Deer in Stationery,
lfrodoes, Kvwspapers, ke. Country dealers
a, cult: Brown's liotel,fronting the Park.
immix salmi}
c sa
?ova :11oek, near North West corner of the
;are, Erie, Pa.
Jrwrtas or raw Fuor. Office seeond
,Tre French_ Street, between Fifth and
1770:NITS AT LAW, Ridgway,
Oinseron sraNrefrerann conotiet..
tiv,. [J3n7QIS-Ir . ] W. W. WILBUR.
~NPUtP 4 BN ,
rrsrlrc OP THB PB/011, Paragon Block,
eg WO: Farrar Hall, Eric, Pa
Vi•GriNP4WV. '
"11 . 1 cm ‘zent, Conveyancer and Collector.
vnthweat corner of Filth and
t.,Ene,Ps. • •p13'65 t
~, Ea. I%litz., bre n 'hand a large aasiort
grnri.n.q. Pr r Bone, Wond and Willow Ware,
T.hieen: .kc , to which he ro
c,"o the atlent;on of the public. ratieded that
. !'e• 01 ).11 . 461113 a; eau be had to any part
MANTIUCTTRER B of Steam Enrinea t ßollers,
'ef, Agricv.llcall ima , )lr.ignta. RAllroad Can,
A. (:41,111LAITII.
rr•)EXXT Ar LA Ir- - Offiall on eth street,
,nit, the court ROISFe, Erie, Pa.
DiALXR 13 DAT GOODS, Gammen;
vard.og, vey.K, Waco!, Seed, Fluter, etc., cer
dmt art. Square, Erie, Ca. jal7 ti
0 , 1) .O.E .4TAHLES,
? r"1 , 10 Or. G and H ,rses and ilitrOsses
hi2l ) !erste prices. 5ept.211,1,186-1y
ISeotBeata LID Raven. DIALIIII is
od Prorisioni. Flour and Feed, Wood and
, , Ltquora, Tottuo.Segme.&o.,State
to Yonne' Haase Furnishing Emporium
in r76s—tl
Dealer In Groceries, Prodftee Provisions,
,1101' and Stone Ware, Wines. Liquors, &c.,
eppgite the Poatutlice, Erie, Pa.
' Norm?, Ogles In Roma
k. ocirth ride of the Park. Eris. Pa. 2e.
T, . Remit newly fitted op in the cc:ef n.
npla ti the public. Weal. ci I le
arriral of all Paßreoger Trains,
. of BA adernecht's Erte. PA.
tiuTEL, Waterford. Pa..
moodations, and cayetul attention gives to
t of gueata apd•tib-lr •
F. 11,1 Them.
FS LLDIN, tl. D.,
dssr Roalty'a Block, west Park. Erie, Pa,
Cheatian k ,4 tore. Res Wane.
IP•Il•amr, Filthßticat. East of Preucb. It) ♦. 2., and 2 to 3 r. x.
of th• r+nn.y frulta College of Dental par
.. Wre.o: , ,Dleck. (over-Piers k Eillott't,
struatcs er puunesioN.
rr, D. D. S, North seventh street, Phtladel-
n. D. S., No. 243, North Nip th
o! the C. S. Treatury Department' and
'A Cl/1'314 , 1102er for 501d:15174 Washington,
Clare tgent, with Benjamin Breit. Eel..
r r, s . Wayne , Block, Erie ' Pa. Military,
'AA claims collected with and die.
Aoes obtained and collected. Applications
arse le 1 to. Mr. P. having had Nev.
~lp.r,ea la the details of the rarions De
'4:le.r.ell,ot he con render most estlalactcry
.;:oz all kinds of Government claims.
It dz. Ewmp, -
4 ?lPia sr., opposite Crittenden Ball
C , dlettions and all other legal bast
T t )?1 Venal ZO, Erie, Warren and Porra
ea -*fully and promptly.
t—irn. - e Galbraith, Whitman & Brecht
h4aur k Merritt, Erie, Ps.
Prnrn, Hon. S. P.Johnson, W. D. Brown
C.ark, War:en, Fa.
I' I C it .
si: 4 .*Sfr. W. Sherer ore no tons r
'' , UIZ.Z . .fI or otherwise, nor am I le
't,n.i.;rettetations or actions whatever.
duped I wish toter Meath* voile
e* , Ductek.r & Ca.'s Pianos and the
Orraos for western Peoosylt a
•Litetitb• Allegheny 19111/11.11011. II in
I MVIA. • at any other.perion may say,
Instruments of any other
nisei are haWe to GO oalled upon for my
'4ll Prim , . nal. GRO. W. GOMIS/MN Esq.,
Pro! of C , .. mrn ercial I aw.
,;t; 9, mp!isel, new Claut9oetion of Aee
Reqn••!, Practice, Ornamental and
.•qm•rrial law, ronitoerefal Arne
• • term.,•tte , for Idles and gents. The
t. C.r.:11 coal probnotl the whole Miele of
. ‘4 - 4-,te, tn.! exhiva every reelable valise , .'tt Led elocaz books. No expenee walls
.e+ "th" 4 D 4. teant, practical and perms
•••••t. "The ear of Sehools " Proefiell Al
. tet 101 l be employed. TertorTnitime
~••• 7:1 •!)• 0. faeilltien sod gresteet toe
!Italie. gent: for Cir Wars.
II ISLE PorrEirv,
Ai A 4 t..1 . 771.P,Nt • ECOND k THIRD ST A,
Fete, PITNA.
"'rul tbemsAlvaii,aoder
•ityle of iTeth Ai Childs. in the Pottery bad•
t gin on It i canal, b.t►Nu Zeenid
tto yitrnitz• o f the customers of the old
."r 4 r. of the ptt'3lle goe•rally, progotaleet
ttlieavor to give milted gagsfaelists.
7 of v. I Seeds, bete: the oldf eta to
Pe terylreella sepp , ied with all the late,'
'[Meer,, 414 being faraisbed with a corp.
/pilau.... the oroprfetor prepared toao
-Ifra,,l to fill all orders with which he
2'4•1e1, with s quality of Roods warceelled. and
1 ell fete eqehostitioa. AU the badnees
i tem New York, Eastern Ohio sad North.
shads are beta, visited by Ellf
• r enters fir the following Use of goods, at
ourk.t natter, Basse t Water.
• wel eoSs crashaes, Ptlet Brod. IVZi
111 Quiet, only welsh frogo 44 to 60 Poaads
eke artle'e. Particular attenUoa stria
t trade. (Mee and dam moufaiitgo7.
`lt sad &magma atrigota, Irio, Pa.
1. DE:WI-.:DENT OF ,i,vf Sii.X.M.—Agreat sal
firer having been restored to health In a row asp,. after
mane yearn of roinery, is stilling tossyst his saffering
feLow-oreatures by spending ((re.) on the reoeipt of •
postpaid addeessed c o p, of th e forma& o
ours tmpin ed. Direct to
JO UN DAGSTA'.!,, Box 183 Post Offfas,
vgrirriirca misting to the human system, male
and female; the causes cut. o: diseases; the
marries° customs of the wort I ; ho • to ..carry well, and
• thousand things never published before, read the re
vised and enlarged editbn of Itsotoa. , . Cusiox 81331,
a curious kiJolt for curleue people, sod a good book .for
evety one. 403 pages, 100 tlinstrat'one. Price $1 b 0
Contents table s sot We to one a ldremi. Books may be
had at the book stoma, or will be sent by mitt, poet
paid, on receipt of the price. Address,
F. B. FOOTE, M.D.,
6c2 • 1130 Broadway, New York.
cod) EYEN mAr pamphlet direct
k„, tog how to spredry restore eight anti give up doc
tor of imdlolne. errit by mil), free, on receipt 01 10
dots. .tddrem N. it. FOOTS, it Do
8m 1100 Broadway, New York.
ACXItI3 TO INVALIDN.—A. Clergyman, while
reading In South America SR a miasionary, discov
ered a see and simple remedy for the Caps of Nerrona
Wealtnell.,'Parly Decay, Mamma of the Ilrfrusiy and
Iteminal, Organs, and the whole t-ain of disorders
brought en by baneful and vicious habits. , Great nem
berm have been alreisdy cured by this noble remedy.
Prompted by a desire to benefit the sill eted and unfor
tunate, I will rend the recipe for preplring and using
this medicine, in a sealed envelope, t r any one who
needs it, Free of 'Ckarce. Please Inclose a pcstvald
envelope, addressed to yourself
A ddrera, • 303F.P1i T. INMAN,
Witi-3od* station D, Bible House, New York.
This Cordial has been inn r celebrated among Females.
for Pe pemliar strengthening and soothing qualities,
and its use (Jr a few wee s previous to confinement 14
cold to , a safe and easier confinement, ind •
spe,tly gettint up.
I! eau now be had co r•rtle oroparei according to the
original f , ,rmtea—from the Estr.mts of Partridge berry
vine, Cramp balk, Ceulophyllum. to., etc. Those Irish.
tug to u•e sa h a Prepara•,on will fled it much better to
procure thu than to undertake as many prepare it
themselves, as this preparation contail a the full virtues
the ingtedien's in a concentrated and reliable form
Pills per bottle.two dollars. Pre- ared and told by
an3l-tf J. S. CARTER, Erie, Pa.
DR. M LL 9 S UATA HRH eifilitlFF.—Thts
Snag has thoroughly proved itself to be the best
article known for curing CATARRH. COLD IN TUE HLAD
and flicaDeCtle. It ham been found an excellent remedy
in many eases of Soalt ETNA. Daarssas has been re LoVed
by it. and licAinxo h-s often been greatly -Improved by
its nee. It is fragrant and agreeable, and gives IllmEnt
.lTE: RgLIE to the dull heave pins caused by diseases
or the Head. The sensations after using R are delightful
and invigorating. It ripens nod purees out all ob
structiona, itrengiluvs tLe g:auds and gives a healthy
action to the parts affected.
More than thirty years of sale and use of Dr Marshall's
Catarrh and Headache Snail has proved its great value
(or all the comtnnn diseeeeso. the head, sod at this mo
ment It stands higher than ever before - It is recommend
ed by many of the beat physicians, and Is used with great
success and satisfaction creek n. here. Read the Certificate
of Wholesale Druggists in ISI4 :
The undersigned having for many ICNI. It teen aequaln
tad with Dr. Slarahall's C.darth and livtda•he 2nu..f, and
•old in no? wholesale trade, cheerful)e state that we be-
Have it to be eqlat, In every rospeet, to the re',,mmenda•
tlons given of It for the rare of Catarrh Affections, and
that it is decidedly the bed rrtic:e we have ever known
for all econrnon diseases of the Head.
1 Burr k Perry, Reed, Anstto k Co.,- Brown, Lamson k
Co.. Reed. Cutler k Co.. Seth W. Fowls, Wilsnv , Falrhank
fe Co., tto-ton ; Renshaw. Edmauds & Co., H. H Hay,
Portland, Me.; ltarneA k Park, A. R k Sands, Stspben
Paul k Co.,lerael Minor k Co., MeCeAxon fr. Ronlna, k.
L. Seovill di Co., H. Ward, Close 4; Co , Hoak k Gale,
New York.
For sale by all Druggists. Trr it. sop2l'f 5-1 y
Carter's Extract of Dandelion sod Bitter Sweet,
This Extr let cures all kinds of Itch, Erysipelas. Felt
Rheum, Tester, Scald Bell, Ulcers, Old Sores, Boils,
Pimple•, Carbuncles, Liver and ghiney Complaints,
Rheumatism and all other Diseases arising from an im
pure condition of the blood.
Sarsapatilla and Burdock, Cream of 'Feder and Sol.
otter, Red Precipitst- and Brimstone. all fill to core
this modern mongrel Itch now (0 prevalent throorhent
the country. But the Extract of Dandelion avd Bitter
Sweet is just the reme ly tot it. as it acts on the l.iv r,
Stimulates all the secretions, open* the pores of the
akin, and In a natural aid ea•y way throws oat all thick,
viscid, po'irmous or impure matter, and leaves the cir
culation free, the blood pure, thm skirt clean, the com
plexion clear and the whole system free fmm Mime. It
is a medicine that cannot be n•ed w'thnnt benefit, and
Carter's Yellow • tintment fe nneqoalle I b-• an, ether
Ointment in the world for the speedy and effectual cure
of the Itch and all other ?city eruptions. Also anew
paned in Scrofulous Sores. Ulcers, lever and O'd Bores
that are hard to beat, and of magical efficacy in the cn •
of Piles. It only needs trial to s.e approved.
Pries of Extract, $l. Of Yellow Ointment, 35 eta. Or
taken together, $1 25.
'old by all respectable Druggists. an3l-t!
T 1 , 01 4 4 , .4 PHILIODIC DICOP.S.
anlo 65 ly
These. Mope ar szinitilnilly comoonnisd fluid
ir-paratleo, and bette- any p powders or nos-
trums. Rein; their altino is direct an! primitive,
rendeilrg them a reliahle, - smell , an ' certain specific
for the cure of all ob.truc!ions and sappressions of na
ture. Their. popularity is In li-ato 1 by the fact that
over 10,000 bottler are anon illy ;I'll nal nominated by
the ladies of America, every one of whom neat in
t e strangest terms of olive of their great merits.—
they are npidly takinz the place of every otter female
remeiy, and are row dered by ell who know angbt of
them, at the rarest, safest and most Infallible moan
tion in the world, fix the ewe of all i.-nale nom.laints,
the removal of all obitru:t one of nature, And the pro
mot'on of health, ngs'aeity all streinth. di
rections, ration when they may b n ed, in I ozonizi
ng when and why they should not, and c aid not be
aced wi bout producing carets contrary to nature's cho
sen laws, will he fonit , l carefilly lolled araand eaeh
boa's., with the written signature of John L. Lyon,
a ithout which none are geonine.
Prepared by Dr. J9dti L. LYJN, 191 Chapel 'tree,
New haven, Conn, who can be consultel either per
sonslir or be lett§r, (roc:Going stamp) concerning all
private diseases rod' male meatuses, s.
Sold by Druggists everywhere.
C. G. CLARK. te CO,
no9V-ly Gera Agents for U. S. Canadal.
DR. TA LaoTe4 I.LS. •
Cumpo+ed of Melly Cox intratel Extracts from
Route col. ['Laths of the ;greatest medical value. prepare I
from the origami preeeription of the ce:elrated Dr. Tal
bott, nd wed by bim with reamkable IInCB/111 fcr
twenty years. An infallible remedy in all . DISE AIM
of the Li I,ER, or any derangemout of the DIGESTIVE
a0v30 . 06-tf
They Curs Blare.ST I, Dvipv ail, gestalt, JAI:IMMO
Billowne.s Liver Complaint.
The were-known Dr. Mott rips e.f thees Pills : "1 hare
need the formals from which your Pitts are made, to
my prattles f a over t 2 years ; they hive the finest .1
feat upon the [ c ivet. and D.getire Organs of any medi.
tirl. in the word, and are the meet perfect Purotive
which has ever yet been made by anybody. They are
safe and ploe•sot to take, bat powerful to cure Their
penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of
the bddy, remove the obltracti , ns o' Ito organs. purify
the b ood, and expel dleees:. The• purge not the foul
hom , re which breed and grow distemper, atimule:•
eltoreish or dotor.Tered organs into their natural action,
and impart a healthy tone with it: ength to the whole
system. Not only du they cure the every day com•
paints • f everybody. but also f ,roeidable and dangerous
&seam a, and being purely r•getable are fret from any
!irk or harm."
They create pure blood and remove all imPurltita
from the system, hence are a roaltive core for Fever!,
Headache, Piles. Verzur at Ws use and Hereditary
Ilumou. PO4E—for adnl , e. one I'lll in the mornin g
for children under 8 yearn. half a rm.
Price Ona Dollar p tier Trade supplied or sent by
Hail, post paid. to any part' of the Unitod States or
ClailUit on 1r •esp t of price. None genu i n e w ith o ut th e
fac.simile 'lgnitor , of V. Mott Talbot, Y. D.
V. MOTT TALDOPP e. Co„ Proprietors,
0c5'65.1y No 62 Fulton Erect. New York.
414 LYON f4R1V10444
.1' The following facia dernmatrat that these Mr
chines .. .oneprise the higbest Iu ro sate to the soviet;
Maelitne krt, via t
1. Each Machine is g uranteed to giro better astisfae-•
tic n than any other ;Awing Machine la Market s or money
refund d.
• 2. They have taken mane of the highest retain/us at
the most important •shibiti one and fairs • sem held to
the ItnitedStates.
a They =sloths lock stitch alike on both aides—thus
eating bait the thread sod silk Awed In the raveling
edge-exams of the loop 'Mole and single-thread Ma.
chines. •
4. They are adapted to the willed range of hoary aid
light sewing. '
6. They have no rattling wire& or dieitoute attach
meats to get entof order.
6. They relnire no taking apart. to clean or oil, and.
no " Lamour" to euet penile, regulate tension, or or" •
ate Machine
Oar New Manufactaring Machine is espetglally
adopted to Shoe Fitting. Mere lfaeafaetarleg,
fog, he., and is not equalled by any Machine in mArket.
Please call and examine and demonstrate for your•
eelf, or send for Circular with simile of sewing.
N. B.—agents wanted.
ee4l fim )79. 639 Broadway, New York.
The Original and Genuine Ambrosia ficrprPars3
by J. Allen Reevra and ie the best hair drepeiligimd pre.
emotive how In nee. It stops the hair felling ont,
abases it to grow thick and long and present/ it from
Mining pi•smatarely fray. It essitssess daiideiff, clam.
ses,beantifies and renders the soft. glossy atd cur—
ly. Buy it, try tt and be ifelgelneedi Dots% :be, put of
with a spurious &Miele. Ask for Reeves' Ambrosts and
take no other. For male bz , prnotste and Dealers its
Fancy Goods rrerywheri.. • i ,• r
Pries 23 ants per bails-36 per &son. Address,
CS TnitoaBt., New York off. , -•
~_ . .
. . • - • : . ; -', ~ ' - :1.• r ... : • :::• o:if- -
.2 .
-- -‘ • . ' " • -
. .
z. it i
.. ,
Special Notices.
ERIE, PA, TRU 11:§DA.T" A FTEICROtiIt*OVINIIER - :30; 18611. i
Frio, PeptembeT2B 1885. 5e211.321
Dealers in
Fifth Street, between State bad Frond!, Erie N.
Having pi:mei:used oar stock before
the late ripe in prime, we
beg confident of being
able to ere Seth,
&agony both in
price end
Country Psedeee of ever, mortboarbt aad sold. Tatman
eta always depend on receiving the lathed mar
ket prIM for Ulric /attain. . -
And on the Linos of Railroad,
Give us a Call
Fxsta 8
Is now selling the largest assortment of
Geese Feather, Matraasei, Lounge', and other Fund
tare, ever brought to thIN city.
Geneial Constubston rlsrniturs Delany
West side near Bth, on State 'beet.
Er Call and see the Folding Bedstead. se2B Ilso
Azro Gott has opened hie store at No 515 Franeh
where cen be (wand 'emit:deg 'Seeded le the lbw of
Het, tinny to say that he his engaged that well knows
and popular man
Who will 61 hippy to moo WA old friend, at all times.
Such as
T.lllk BEANS. ETC.,
Allraj-s on hatid at
GOFF'S, N 0.515 Preach Bt.
At GOYIM, 515 Trench St
8110 T AND LEAD. •
At Wholesale or Botall, at
GOFFB, 616 French Bt.
3 a T
Dose all this—is entirely out of sight, In doors and
windows, and is the bat strip in nee for the following
reasons: Ist, It is mare effectual. Id, It ants one
third less. Bd, It will not hinter opening and closing
doors or windAws. 4th, It is Dotter than doable win
dows—does not obstruct the view—dues not hinder
opening end closing the blinds—windows can NI opened
so as to ventilate at any time. This strip will stop the
dust in summer when your doable windows are or. Yon
have an benefit from your double windows only In win
ter. This Strip keeps out the cold in winter and dust
and water In summer, and does not goat one-half the
pries of double windows.
This Strip is cow offered to the inhabitants atilt'
city. Tows Morro roe Rare.
F. W. KOEHLER. Krill. •
octl2•tf Agent for Erie Co.. Pa.
TRI3 greatline traverses the Northern and Northwest
counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on
Mks Erie. It has been leased by the Ponuterasia Jima
read Coispeay, and is operated by them.
TIM Or PABOILTOTO. TllOlll At ears.
Lea Eastward.
Rail Train ....... 25 a. xs.
Erte Express Train 906 p. to.
Eris Atecona. 8 tO a. n
Waimea' Aecom. 400 p.
Arrive Westward.
Wail 'rain 523p.m.
Erie Eipresa Train 3 3S a na.
Ede Aewm. 642p.m.
Warren Acoom.. 1010 a. in.
Passenger cars ran through on the Erie Mail awl Ex.
press trains without change both ways Lateen' Philadel
phia and Erie.
New York eonnectitaa t Mare New York at 't 00 p.m.
arrive at Erie 340 a. s¢. • Lome Erie at 246 p. m., arrive
at New York VI noon.
No change of ears between Eris and New York.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on all night mien.
For information respecting_ Pa/imam bushman apply
at the S. E. coiner Ilth and Market eta, aid for Freight
braineas or ibe rkteopany's agents.
S. E. EINGISTO2I, is. corner 13th and Market Stain,
Philadelphia. •
W. DR' WM. Agent N. G. E R„,1141111nore.
R. A . finiNTON, General Freigh t Asset , n&
X. W. GUINNER.. Gen:Ticket gt.
A. L. TYLER, amorist daperinteannt. WillienstkPnt
MVO now open their large and splendid, aseoetteeirt of
o FF Lo S• s
• .4RII Rodin.
Also the .en-st seeoltmeint of
Btu before offered by them, all of which aro 'minutia
to be u represented.
Witt tutor* the Bair to Its
°MEDIAL cow&
Ilriwicrtasee aed PROXOTIS tiro growth the mummer
itaz; steps Oa &Mot Oat la three dim keeps -
theltead thee. cool. sad healthy; Asa
-„ bared freely; modal*. moth- ,
• . likluenthgl ' •
VIE BUT Han mania writs .
It la reeeausealed iiaitieed by the beet Medial aatlPAk
t 7.80
at the •Drgg ilterew.and at my
No. LIU BroaderaylNew York.
I awns &II persons the Mann pripststkep will d o an.
that Is claimed for It.
oc' Paw &LRAM J.:131111VALISB„ IL D
OWN as naviLiue away OWSANS
tort', difoloot otites. adapted to swot s.4 mot
mad; for ssO to $6 OO sash. Thirty4Te at• *Mr
medas, orAbsp, toot impolitical awarded Alige
'bated Cable/sem free. Address, MASON b FLI
Baotou, or ILU/ON Yott.)l.l,l'
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':4I7 ANC: ^ : , • 1 7AI 1 44 110 . TP - LiDITNTIL THE END OF THE YEAS.' , . _
After four years of civil war forced upon
the people of the United States by the vi-
olence of sectional parties, we now enter
upon a new era of unity and of progress.
North and South. a cordial co operatior of
all honest men is needed to repair the
waste of war, to establish our Peace
through the triumph of sound conatitu
tional principles in the administration of
the government, and our Unity by guard
ing all that makes Union desirable.
- The great Democratic party. whose his
tory in the past is the history of Private
prosperity, of territorial extension and of
public order in America, stands now, as it
has ever stood. the party of the Nation,
superior to all sectional passions in its loy
alty to the rights of co-equal States and to
the liberties of the individual- citizen.—
Once more its voice will be heard, once
more its adherents will be rpllied to its
time honored standards ju et and
town of the Northern and* *
To the principles of this great Demo
cratic party of the Nation, the World has
borne firm witness throughout the ordeal
of civil war. It will now be devoted to
the not less arduous task of applying those
principles to the solution of the many and
weightrquestions—financial, social. polit
ical,—which come upon us with the re
turn of peace. Faithful to the real inter
ests of all sections, it will be enslaved by
the prejudices and blinded by the prepos-.
sessions of none.
That the principles of American De
mocracy should thus be uttered, with no
weak. or uncertain voice, here in the great
win:Tont:lu centre of American enter
prise and commerce, is a matter of such
importance to ever, citizen u must rec
ommend the World to the co-operation
and support of good men in all sections of
the Union.
Whatever okill cap devise or enterprise
aceompllsh will contribute to make the
World what it is our resolve that it shall
continue to be—the best .Newspaper of the
Competent correspon den fa 'at every , com.
mercial and political centre of both hem
ionheres, wh o are always instructed to make
the freest and promptest use of the tele
graph.will keep our readers fully informed
of the doings and progress of mankind in
all pails of the globe.
Th e 'daily World affords & complete oom
pendium of, and commentary upon, the
news of every fair.
The semiweekly World is a large quarto
sheet, same size as daily, containing - all
the news, correspondence, editorials, com
mercial and market news, cattle market
and provision reports, and a fresh and en
tertaining miscellany , of literature. Pub•
lished Tuesday and Friday. i
The weekly World, a large quarto sheet,
same size as daily, has now the largest cir
culation of any weekly journal. published
save one. Its extraordinary success since
its union with the. New York Argus has
justified the most liberal expenditures,
which will make it unrivaled in interest
and value to farmers. Published Wednes
1. Its Market reports embrace the New
York. Albany. Brighton and Cambridge
Live Stock markets ; the New York Coun
try Produce and General Produce Mar
kets ; special and valuable. Hop . Intelli
gence ; a department of Agricultural
Reading ; all together composing an un
rivalled handbook of current information
for the Farmer, Live Stock or Produce
Dealer, the Country Merchant, etc.
2 Its Reading for the Family Circle
embraces the freshest and best Stories,
Poetry,-Religious Reading. ete.
3. Its Digest of Ile News is not, like
most city weeklies, a mere waste-basket of
the daily : only matters of interest and
importance are chosen from the daily,
while the mass of its efintents are prepar
ed especially for the Weekly.
In every post-office district there should
be found some active, public-spirited Dem
ocrat who will confer a benefit upon us,
his neikihbors and the close by making &
determined effort to form a club of four,
ten, twenty or fifty for the weekly
World, at our greatly reduced rates.
One Copy, one year, by 00
1 copy one year $ 400
4 copies one year 10 00
10 copies one year 20 00
i copy one year $ 2 00
4 copies one year 7 00
10 conies one year 15 00
20 copies one year, to one address. 25 00
50 copies one year, to one address. 50 00
An extra copy of the weekly edition
furnished to clubs of twenty or more.
For clubs of fifty the semi-weekly, and
for clubs of one hundred the daily, will be
sent to the getter up of a club.
Additions may be made to clubs at any
time daring the year at the regular club
Changes from club lists can only
. be
made by request of the person receiving
the club packers. All such requests must
name tt.e edition. post-office and State fo
which it has previously been sent, and in
close twenty-five cents to pay for changing
to separate address.
Orders for any editions of the, World
may be sent by mail, and should inclose
post-office money order or bank draft fir
amount (less the discount.) We have no
authorized traveling agents. Money sent
by mail will be at the risk of the senders.
Orders and letters should be addressed
no3o-It* 35 Park Row, N. Y.
Love and Buainesa.
A rather laughable - transaction took
place &week or two ago, in the town of
De Witt, Clinton county, • Michigan, in
which love and businesa are so intermixed
that it requires an adept to -distinguish
between the two. A milk safe peddler
called at a house to sell a safe. The we
man informed him that she was a widow,
and would much rather have a man. The
peddler-informed her that if she would
take.a : safe he would send.her a,mau. She
took. it, and the pecidler...waut on his way
rejoicing, and soon found a nem Whom
he ascertained had no bosom companion,
And directed hita to the _widest. going
en, he called at a house to - 444 safe. and,
iias informed that the man Wits eNtiowes,
and irouldlirefer a wife. told Wit it
be - ,wottld lake a' safe 's would'
ireet ' hi*
,:!where •; he '
womart.:,-He took the etre . isOrthe'ped
dler ditedted .- him to !the
-When, he, reached het- he was about an
hour tee late,Lthe first havirqgjeut 'secttred
the; prise.- The kind-hearted.weenen, heir•
ever, sent him& .a second widow; whoa
he secured,:and both loving 'unpin, •were,
married that afternoon. • I . -
Aecono, a great lairtail befUg asked
why he • begot' , thea Indy frit Easear
answered" thaV•ledeed he begiut it late,.
WV he could therefore• Ittauttar-illo gar
ghe Ode WA% Obstatr.'
EltlE, PA, NOV. 80,1865.
Tu■ Wa! so SPOIL outs.—One of the spi.
elect and most: readable of our exchanges
sayathat if soy parent wishes to know_how
to spoil their daughter, it can acquaint them
with a system which 'has been proved by the_
experiencesof hundreds to be certain and
efficacious.. At the request of k o sensible
mother, we publish the receipts In fall, and,
although we may not be a competent judge
on the subject, we desire to add our testimony
to the effectiveness of the plan, as exhibited
io the instances that have come under our
observation :
• 1. Be always telling her from earliest
childhood, what a beautiful creature she Is.
It is a capital way of-inflating the vanity of*
little girl to be constantly exclaiming, 'Bow
pretty I" Children understand sub; flattery
even when in the nurse's arms, and the evil
Maus to the climate: inks earliest farina
-One. ; .
2. Begin as soon u she can toddle to dress
her out in fashionable clothes and rich dres—
ses. Pat a hoop upon her at one., with all
the artificial adornment of flounces and feath
ers and flowers and curls. Fondness for dress
will thus become a prominent' characteristic,
and will usurp the whole attention of the
yohng mortal, and be a long step towards
spoiling her.
A. Let her visit so much that she finds no
happiness at home, and therefore will not ba,
apt to stay there end learn home duties.—
It is a capt Lai thing for a spoiled daughter
to spend all her happiness in visiting and
change of place and associates. She will
thus grow as MOUu as modern fashionable
parents delight that their daughters should
4. Be carefill that her education gives her
a smattering of ell the aceomplislunents,
without the slightest knowledge of the things
really useful in life. If her mind and time
are °coupled in modern accomplishments,
there will be no thought of the necessity sad
virtue or being of some real use to somebody
pervading her heart., and she will soon be
ready• as a spoiled daughter.
6. As a consequence, keep her in profound
ignorance of all the useful arts of housekeep
ing, impressing upon her mind that it is vul
gar to do anything for yourself, or to learn
how anything is done in the house. A spoiled
daughter should never be taught the myste
ries of the kitchen ; such things a lady always
leaves to the servants. It would be "vulgar'
for her to know how to broil steak or make
bread. As a mistress of a house, it is her
duty to sit on a sofa all day, la the midst of
a pyramid of silks and flounces, reading the
last new novel, while her mother and the
domestics are performing the labor of the
6. To complete the happiness of your
spoiled daughter, marry her to a moustached
youth with soft hands,.who knows u little
how to earn money as she does to sue it.
Here happiness will then be inished for a
AN EDITOZ Som.—Brother politir
cal editor of the Dispatch, 'who now and the*
does a little is the reporter's liae,talls a capital
story upon himself, with stonaidexable , gusto,
in conneetion*with the dedication ceremonies
at Girard. Being almost an entire stranger
in the place, and having some acquaintance
with Colonel Rios, he naturellyAireoted his_
course to that gentliman's residence.' At the
door he met a rather elderly, plain, and no
ways distinguished looking man, whom he
took for an attendant on the occasion. Tak
ing out his card,- in that modest manner for
which editors are noticeable, he presented It
to the supposed usher, with the request
that it be banded to Col. Bice. The elderly
individual read it, with apparent curiosity,
glanced at , the waiting editor with an odd
sort of an expression, and making one of the
blandest of bows, disappeared to give it to
the owner of the house, who soon presented
himself at the door. Judge of the editor's
feelings, when, upon being escorted to the
parlor, he found the aforesaid bearer of his
card snugly reposing on a sofa, sad' was in.
troduced to hilts as the Governor of l!sansyl
Out Mirrusr. Fuun..—T. B. Peterson &
Brothers, Philadelphia, will publish from ad—
vance sheets on November 11th, "Our Mutual
Friend," Charles Dickens' new novel, com—
plete and unabridged, with all the illus‘rations
to match their previous editions of this pop
ular author's writings. We predict for " Our
Mutual Friend "-a very generous reception,
uit is one of Me best books.
Medical Notices. .
Are Easos COIIIIIIOTID. Most prseti-
tioners and medicine makers, in preparing
pulmonary medicine, nse ingredients which
must be prescribed " not , oftener than three
or four times per day ;" the proper treatment
in such cases is to employ a medicine that le
safe to use every fifteen' minutes—the direc—
tions for cough medicines should be " litils
and often." It is the throat, notrthe stomach,
that requires treatment,..this is the scent of
the success of Ooe's Cough Balsam. "Take
it, little and oftea." In a very' short time It
has become immensely popular.
sooner have We messur'd with much
101 l ,
Our crooked path, in hopes to pin our trek
But it betrays us to a new affliction."
- Dr. D.- IL Beelye's Liquid Catarrh Remedy,
need regnierly even for a abort time, will u
nto" in smoothing the rough passages in Mir,
by effecting s permanentturo of Catarrh.
People don't like to any publicly that they
hale been cured of the itch, trusrthelesi they
do daily tell us privately that 'sushi' the fact.
end that after haying tried.,purpose all
the usual medicines,, snob assulphur and,
cream of tartar,• sarsaparilla, bdrdock, red
precipitate, etc., they were etfootually relieved
by using Cuter's Ursa of Dandelion ,and
Bittersweet, and Ifellow Ointment. It can be
had of any respectable druggist. Prig* of
bottle. of liktraot one dollar, of Ointment
thirty-five cents.
Taa ?soma's Camost,,, There is probably
no one medicine thatlias eared more' p!Poplo
of bard °Olds, esuitis; Wows' "d' " 1 " 14 '
difficulties than Coen' Cos h - , tßaillast, "Mitt
la mew of ass.alv sad- 4)4)4 40 111 is
remarkable for ita speedy, !Fe. - Drs.
PiPPIA Ctrag.=Litiere is me mall say ire's
havinie the dyspepsia; &tit itsarbiny demist.
iitrittad.biyoud Mir of centradiegon *at Cop's
Dyspepsia Cure will certainly cure it. Con
stipation, the most prollibmwasset ill health',
ib sagely cared by.lbs Cara. Bleb headache,
erimps, pains, or Cold, 3a• .sither Blob,
ballets, lasiantltyleld ter 111 pow.
Bseinuist What dal Tow
ocjmeckere Alter?" inquired Mos Baum
Draper , et 'a bachelor friend;' who lied*
her a call when' the ntat of the fatally bad
.gone out.
" Lome tarborro• w some stuttehas,olla
nieekly replied. . ••' :•
"Matches I That's likely aitoi - ;
Why don't you snakes match! I knt4
whatyou came foe .exclikilned: Abk
liebted „as sbe#outail geoid' hank=
'aloe %Otis corner ' you anise (a kils'ain
lad ',hag ine'ldrOost tn. tduath4 , baat
•.'t unless you are the et i rowt ol uid
the Lord knows you are."
'aM= :
. I .; ONLY A YgAR.
aaW him coming up the path,
And spring to the door with glad surprise ;
Re tonpbelther hand with polished ease,
Aud leo): of pain went into'her eyes.
A looklof psis went into her eyes, •
But study smile iris on her floe;
rs fris t rly, unless seeming tones,
Ha, lied of city life and ways.
Shift, hint going down the path, •
His Useless words were in her ears—
She hig her fine in her homely heads,
Ander eyes were blind with bitter tears
How to Keep Him Home.
"Oqt again to-night !" said Mrs. Hayes
fretfully es her husband rose from the tit.
ble and 'donned his great
" Yes, .I .have an engagement with
Moore; shall be in early ; leave a light in
the library; Good night." - And with' a
careless nod, William Hayes left the room.
"Always the way," murmured Lizzie
Hayes, sinking back upon a sof i ; "out
every night. I don't believe he cares one
bit abeatiste now, and yet we have been
married but two years. No man could
have a more orderly house I am sure; and
I never go anywhere; I am not a bit ex
travagant. Oh, dear, why is it so? I was
not rich, he did not marry me for money,
and he must have loved' the then ; why
does he treat me with such neglect?".—
And with her mind-tilled with such fretful
questions, Lizzie Hayes fell asleep on the
Let me print her picture as she lay
there. Bhe was a blonde, with a small,
graceful. figure and a very pretty face. The
hair which showed by its rich. waves a
tendency to curl, was brushed smoothly,
and gathered in a knot at the back. "It
was mach a bother to curl it," she said.—
Her cheek was pale, and her whole face
wore a discontented expression. Her dress
was attest chintz wrapper, but she wore
neither collar nor sleeves. " What's the
use dressing up just for William V'
Lizzie slept soundly for two hours, and
then awoke suddenly. She sat up, glanced
at the clock, and sighed drearily at the
long interval still to be spent alone before
The library was just over the room in
whioh she sat, and down the furnace flue,
through the register, a voice came to the
young wife's ears ; it was her husband's :
" Well, Moore. what is a man to do l I
was disappointed, and I must have pleas
ure somewhere. Who could have fancied
that Lizzie Jarvis, "so perfectly sprightly
and loving, could change to the fretful
dowdy she now is Who wants to stay at
home and hear, his. wife whining all the
evening about her troublesome servants,
and'headaches and all sorts of' bothers ?
She hag &It got that knack of drawling,
that; upon my life, I do not believe she
could speak a pleasant word "
Little sat as if stunned. Was this true ?
She looked in the glass. If not exactly a
dowdy,her costume was not fit for an even •
ing at home, with only William to si
mire. Bhe rose and slowly went to her
room], with bitter and sorrowful thoughts,
and is nraz resolution to win back her
husband, and then, his love regained,
keep it.
Tale next morning William came into
the breakfast room with his usual careless
manse:, but a bright smile came on his
lips 143 he saw Lizzie. A pretty chintz
wrapper, with a neat collar and sleeves of
snowy linen, and a wreath of soft, full
curie, , had really metamorphised her,
while the blush his admiring glance called
up to her cheek did not detract from her
beauty. At first William thought there
mus be a guest, but glancing around, be
found they were alone.
" Come. William, your coffee will be
stone cold," said Lizzie in a cheery, pleas
ant voice. • •
Not one fretful ! speech, not one corn-
Oust fell upon William's ears during the
meal. The newspaper, his usual solace at
that hour, lay untouched, se Lizzie chat
led gaily Oa every pleasant subject she
thought of, warming by his gratified inter
est and cordial manner.
" You will be at home fer dinner 2" she
said:as he went out. •
" ban't today, Lizzie ; I have business
out Of town; but I will be home early to
tea.; Have something substantial, • for I
don't expect to dine.. Goad-bye." _
Aid the smiling look, warm kiss and
liiely whistle were a marked contrast to
his lounging, careless gait the previous
"I am in the right path," said Lizzie,
in a low whisper; "oh what a fool I
have been for two years ! A fretful- dow
dy!, William, you shall never say that
Tea tithe came, and William came with
it; a little figure, in a tasty silk dress,
smooth Curls and oh ! such a lovely blush
and smile, stood ready to welcome him as
became in ; and tea-time passed as the
monainglmeal had. done. After tea there
was no movement,' as usual, towards the
bat rack. William stood up beside the
the table lingering, chatting, until Lizzie
also arose.
" What are you making. Liizie?"
"A pair of slippers. Do you not re
member how much you admired the pair
I made for you ever so long ago ?"
"I remember ; black velvet with flow
ers on .them. I used to put my feet on the
fender and dream of blue 'eyes and light
curls, and wished the time would move
fastertci the day when I could bring home
my ,bonnie wee wife to make music ill my
Male's face:saddened for a moment, as
she thought of the last two years and how
little music she had made for his loving
heart, gradually weaning it from its alle
giance, and then said: " I wonder if you
love musio as you did then 7" • - ; •
"Of course I do. I have often dropped_
in Miss Smith's for nothing else than to
heir the musk."
• " I can play and sing better than Miss
Bmith,".sailikizaie,,balf pouting.
"1110 you always say , you are out of;prao
tine! when 1 'Rh you.' -
"I had the piano tuned this morning.
?jai,' onri it iind we will hear how 'it
sounde . .
VCVliliam obeyed her joyfully ; and toss.
lug aside her sewing, Lizzie took the pi.
E,tool. She had a very meet 'voice,
n t:but moat ' musical ; atitsbe
.„ •
&very fair Performer on the plane. ,
, '" Ballads, Lisete,.; no."
_. ~, , •
• "Oh: yes; I loon you ; dislike Operatic
musfo in the Parlor.* -
The mantle obicik struck eleven. -
' ', ", ROM 1 flthonght it Wasinit nine.. I
'ought- ti:kitpololpso i ,Limi*as , l used to do,
fersteling long ; and can tiely say, as
I did then, 'that the 'time 'hu u passa So
- pleiumtitly•letenot belleveit id so late' • '.), po l ing gentleman Ws*.pOingarieolii/.
- ',Vile plane** slossdaiingesrostk_tost a ttention W. P 1 .3'41 11 4 /4 1 4 Y, Sod one der a- -
gp fettle illyct. ready, little girl alr iit five . ' years old ' s l ip fri in '--,
to 11 0 up stags;, htiglancentl3gois i h e saw..
and bettide edirersation with' bits e' t HT
his tittle wife ism' the firieldaist; her bands can alwayitall;!' laid she, frwhiiirlese are '
tharied, hiee. 'heed bent 'and — large • tt 4 ,
_lll ooptlng to our house." " You. eus." he.
fittliult o fross lest Strisi.:3llll war bales her - replied, "and how doyou:Le/lit t" "Why,
hien ,instant, 7 •,, . .. ....„. , • ..L. wnen yen seagoing :fie , be ber‘ilater-bnivT
"Lizzie, darling, ar e y on illl,, 7, 111 , 1 ,,t , _,0' gins to sizigantget good • and she tient •,
the matter ?" me cake and everything ?want ; .and diet_
"Ole,‘•Williani, , l-have' been , intob a bed s ings so adeetly- r when I speeklolier ohs
*le 1,1 head you , tell lifri. lloare;:last , Bmilerrepleifeantly. - r *kw yterwbut i r : L c,.
evening, t,luit,/ hacldisappointed you, but stiy herezalktbelivhile , ;.therekirigelililiaro s i: ;.r
; I will try to make- y our home lament, ru- " 1 0 046 * 1k5 .. I .. kitlitipn ma c ,
.: • , alw ee , .. 7 ,
deed I will, if , you will 'fares ned love so w ltip a ga i s mis a ' Jr . T --
i nc tio J . 'L.. , 1 , i • ( „ i:11,1 Z A . • ;S.-. h. Ai iiiCoi t !`r . 'lC:ip7g:' 1 .1:? '
,•LAir riinateib, Lissisiyintaiinnifit inetrof z itest.....en t i fi f,o a
Mw ii ptxtloa4v. ,iiip, , ,t odi ~.,_ R. ' he; and taking hie' hat bezprre..
As s Mlo IIY G own sou s left laid re ed no more.
A ott.
. . ,
~. . 2
she " I have w on hits Will
Better thass that.. tiara learned to ke/p.,. .„
i I
THE ntAcKnzup t -
Once upoti,a Midnight dreary, while I pon
dared weak and Weary, • •
O'er the war of the Rebellion, familia> atm ,
that were before—
While, I eat absorbed: la - thirsting—brandy " <
000ktaIle slowly drinking, ' ' • •
Suddenly I saw a blinking; one•eyed dr:rear •-•
'my '
Saws one-eyed winking, Idkuldwit •-•
. amber &ark ‘4 l . 4l 4 4 tt'Z' 4" •11 11 *. . ;,,
.'' ‘ p44l
didlieg• there; netwetitegmos
Alt! I barer shall forget it, in glanola .
round I met it,
And I serer shall regret it that I looked
ward that door ;
For I saw a monstrous Agar% like e
only bigger,
And there stood a big buck nigger, with his
back against my door—
Stood a powerfal big buck nigger, with his
back against my. door— .
Leaning there, and nothing more. •
Straight In the fire-place spying, where my
ham and eggs were, frying„ -
I beheld the poker-lying, near the hearth up •
on (he floor— • -
Then with the most detiiminedilgor, Straight
I hari'd it at the nigger, - -.• . • -
But so quick was that gig nigger, that it miss•
ed and struck the Som. : —
Missed the nigger's held comptetely, and fell
hardline on the - floor--
Struck his heel, and.nothing more.. •
Beat into the - Are place looking, where - my
-ham and eggs were cooking,
Shaking, quaking—as no mortal ever shook-or
quiked before—
I then heard this ugly sinner mutter bat these
words— ,, Some dinner I"
'Tires the only wovd,...he'd epoken, 'twits the
only word; I'miture.,
- When I picked up pluck and answered, 8, I
shall feed youmevermore.'B
This I said, and nothing more.
Then his impudence beginning, and kis gums
exposed in grinning,
With a smile by no means winning; did_he
• . • view me in the door,
And coolly said, " Your treat, man—l'll ne'er
go into the street, man,
Till I get something to eat, man, ne'er leave •
your door ;
never quit your chamber, though you beat
me till I roar, ,
Never leave' you—nevermore
Then towards the fireplace nutraltiag, where
my coffee was a parching, •
Boldly stalked the,eanoy . nigger, boldly 'stalked
across the floor • .- •
Never made the s lightest bow, air...thea L
knew ther'd be a row,. sir,
For I made a solemn vow, sir, that he should
go back to the door ;
Then I kicked-him from my chamber, and he
went back to the door,
Leaned against it—nothing more.
Then this blackbird for awhile, Ar,lly did
cause me to smile, sir,
Though a ravinous. rabid, hungry Ica his
dusky visage bore ;
!i Though," said I, thou art & Freedman,
thou halt sous so much to seed, tuau,
That I'll give a little feed, man, as`yeu••lsem
to be so poet.,
erovided you will work for, me half an hour ,
or more."
Quoth the nigger, 1, Nevermore !"
Multi marveled this ungainly nigger should
refuse so plainly
To do a little job, 'twonld take half an hour
or more ;-
For we cannot help agreeing, that no living
human being,
Should refine to labor, seeing that he was so
blasted poor— •
Should refuse to earn a dinner he saw cooking
from the doOr.
Though he ate tine "evermore."
There I eat engaged in musing, what he meant
by thus refusing,
Then I began abusing this big nigger at my
door ;
"Sure," said I, " you must be crazy to be so ,
cursed lazy—
To be so awful lazy u to want to work no
Will you ever word far wages—tell me, I im—
plore ?"
Quoth the nigger, " Nevermore !"
"Nigger," said I, "horrid demon—nigger
still, if slave or freeman—
Think again before you answer this one ones •
lion, I implore ;
Have you yet no sense of feeling—do you
mean to lire by stealing,
Or by working and fair dealing—tell me, tell
me. I implore;
On your honor, as a nigger, will you labor as
before ?"
Quoth the nigger, "Nevermore !"
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so
fatly spoken,
"Doubtlen," said I, 4, this big nigger would
eat enough for four,
When on some spacious rice plantation, he
would tout eat All creation—
Never made a calculation-of how much eash it
'cost, I'm sure,
For hie master bought the victuals in the good
old days of yore,
Now he'll feed you "Nsveratere!"
"Nigger," said I, "thing of evil, quit my
room, go to the devil,
Or if you say you'll work, I'll bring your sup
per to the d6or ;
Tell me truly, I conjure you, for the feet time
I implore ?"
Quoth the nigger, " Nevermore !"
"Be that word our sign of parting ; nigger,
'man," I cried, upstarting,
"Get thee back to where thou camyst from—
let me see your face no . more ;
Join the army—go to Texas—never oome back
here to vez us—
Ne'er again return to:ver us—never let us see
you more ;
Take your gaze from off my meat, and tako
your carcass from my door !"
Quoth the nigger, " Nevermore !"
And the nigger still is standing in my entry
on the landing, '
A pretty burlypictnre with his back against
the door,
And.his eyes are ever spying at the ham as it
is frying,
And my poker still is lying near my hand up.
on the floor,
But my victuals to the " fly-trap " of that
nigger .hy my door,
Shall be lifted—" Nevermore 1"
A Tnacidasa Romexce.t--hapter
stood beside the altar, with a wreath of or
ange buds upon her - head—upon her back
the richest kind of duds. Her loverstood
beside her with white kid gloves and cane,
—the last first seventeen. The paison'S
job was over.' every one had kissed the
bride and wished the young :folks happi: •
teas. and ,danced, and laugbeti, and cued.-
The last kiss had been given, the last word
had been ft ai4,:and the' happy pair had
simmered dawn and sought the bridal bed:
Chapter H..-She stood beside the.watils
tub, with her red the suck, and.
at her slip shod feet -theso-/ay
_a pile- of
dirty duds. Her husband stood besideler •-•
—the crostett man. alive-,..the last -was
twenty,-nine years old, • the' firet.was ties.. ,
ty-five. The hiaii wash was over, the
clothes hung out to dry, and Tom . had'
stuck his augers; the dirty baby's 4qPit, - . •
Tom had , beetti !pinked • rind his. supper .•
made upon Istrastof bread, and tken the
bride - and bride -groom went grumbHatoff