The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 23, 1865, Image 2

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    ( grit baba,
THURSDAY. NOV. 21 ) 1865.
61111114.1119 SUPPORT lUNDSK /MAIM& PIM
The Republican party may or it may
not, as some of its advocates claim, em
body all the decency, morality and Chris
tianity in the nation ; but there is one
virtue, which it must be freely acknowl
edged that Democrats possess in a pre.
eminent degree, via a patient forbearance
amounting to almost cowardice. Year af
ter year they contribute of their Enema
and time to the advancement and support
of the popular enterprises of the day, and
are as often betrayed, their money divert
ed fronsAts original purpose and their
Rine worse than waited. On each sepa
rate occasion fair promises have been
made, professions of purity of purpose,
and appeals to oast aside political feeling
have been resorted to; and jolt as DOOO
the object had been accomplished, and
ambers of the unsuspecting
roped in," the "cloven foot"
iplay itself. Still the patient
limits, and only waits for an
innity to reenact his part as
July oommittees appeal to his
re of that great day, Induce
tribe liberally, and then em
ttical hacks of the meanest kind,
'y and abuse his party and the
men thereof, until he gets dis
/owe never to be caught again.
get elected Presidents of agri
ieties, and instead of speaking
legitimately within the scope
.casion, deliver thernrcives of the
League haranenca, and in their
, and to the full extent of their
ties, advocate the principles of
from which they hope for fa
lon. Trustees ask him to as
erection of church edifices and
In the support of a preacher, and invoke
`to their aid that most sacred of all feel
' lags, his religions belief ; tell him that he
will here find a place where he can worship
God after his own particular form, and
that laying aside, for one day, the cares of
badmen, he will have his heart filled with
the sublime truths of the Holy Gospel ;
and then employ some howling dervish of
abolitionism to irritate and enrage him,
and drive out of his mind all ideas and
thoughts Of a sacred nature, until he wish
es, from the bottom. of his heart,
that his money had been appropri
atoll° any other purpose than the pro
motion end success of doctrines and inn
that are odious to him in every respect.
Lectures are advertised and he is called
upon to patronise them, and to hear some
Beecher. Gough or Chapin abuse him for
what he has done, and expects to do the
remainder of his life—adhere to the Dem
*vatic party and principles. Libraries are
founded and flooded with the superficial
sod turgid writings of Gail Hamilton,
Henry I. Raymond, Harriet Beecher
Stowe and kindred spirits, and all this In
the inception, under the false pretense
that nothing of a party spirit will be al
lowed:---of worse not. It is thus that the
Opposiilon have gulled bamboo:led
many of our Democratic friends, and will,
we suppose, ocmtinue to do so until they
become wise enough to understand that
any and every enterprise of which Repub
. beans are at the head, whatever may , be
its pretended object, will always beso con.
dueled as to advance the principles and
aid the success of their political organiza
tion. We hope that Democrats have by
this time discovered what dupes they have
been,and resolved to sustain no movement
hereafter which they have not the most
positive grounds for believing will not be
perverted from its ostensible purposes. If
we oust patronise partisan churches,
schools and objects - of any sort, let us
have such a; sustain oar own faith, and
,not throw our aid in favor of those whose
studied aim appears to be to misrepre
sent as. '
Tax rebel privateer Shenandoah arrived
in the Mersey river, England. on !Novem
ber 6th, and surrendered to a ,British man
of-war. Captain Waddell.thOoommander,
pretends not to have heard of the real
defeat of the South until !August, and
then to hive at once ceased hostilities.
The arrival of the Shenandoah was en
tirely unbsoked for, and appears to have
taken our English cousins by surprise; not
!unmixed with considerable disgust, as it
is feared that new complications between
the two governments may arise in cone.
queue. The general impression seems
to be that our Government will demand
the surrender of vessel, officers and crew,
which the British are willing to do in the
came. of the privateer, but not in that of
the men.
—The news by the last steamer informs
us that the officers sad crew of the vessel
have been discharged by the British Got•
eminent. The Shenandoah has been
handed over to the American Consul as
the property of our Governsient.
It rs • common thing to hear Itepubll,
auks boast that they are a majority of the
people of the Union. The statement is
false. The Republkan is a minority . or
ganization, always has bees and always
will be. In the North it dominates by a
few thousand merely. while the South Is
a unit against it. Of the whole people oI
the United States, Ste•eighths at least de•
spin its principles, scout its pretensions
and mistrust its leaders. The fact is lost
sight of by imay that Instead of being
any lona a government of the majority,
oar institutions are at present moulded,
and our laws enforced by a usurping int
Tim ue maw rumors hers and in
Canada in referent* to the suspicious and
threatening =mount dalmatian troops
toward the Canadian frontier. One rumor
is that this trouble arises from the Fenian
morentrast ; another. thakthare is mine
little troahlo about the **torn of tit* Bog
Usk deserters from Was. We ham a den
ogigh_fmn Washington, however, which
gives the conaolkig Swims that thaw
Tumors are liko rumors poessily.--ansvely
babbtaa„ with nothing in them.
Tun as, jour if at the Capitol,. that
KaPhenami. the Clerk &LAG Have of
• gesweleatatim will Imo a hirp plumd
ppiso, qm lb" door of the Homo of Bop
roustoilvol• 1 10 , 4 1 11* lasoriPtiosi, •• NO
fordpoes admitted r
ilessulairr Aguas°les !parries.
As there are still a few stupid people,
who, even at thitlate day, and with, the
light of the most profound tutplanatlane
to guide them, claim to be unable to un
derstand the position Of President John
son, we have endeavored to glean from
his expressions and acts a few indications
of his policy, which will make the entire
suldeot`perfestly clear to the dullest coin.
prehension. The dm must be "disloyal"
beyond all hope of redemption, who will
not agree after reading them;that "our
noble President" is a statesman without a
rival does the days of Washington : '
We have no right to interfere with the
sneer question in We Southern States.
None but loyal citizens in the South
shall be permitted to vote.
The South is still in the Union.
The Southern States will not be per
mitted to resume their former rights in
the Union until they abolish slavery,adopt
the anti-slavery amendment, and repudi
ate the Confederate war debt.
The people of the South mast be per•
witted to select their own aim%
If any Moen are chosen who do not
suit the Government, they wi l not be al
lowed to take their places.
Treason mast be,punished.
The President is giving pardons at the
rate of almost 200 a week.
The negro is a man and entitled to his
The negro is not • man, and units for
Jefferson Davis is kept in prison. and is
to be tried for the crime of treason.
Robert E. Lee, Joseph R. Johnson' and
Alex H. Stephens, who did more, a thou
sand bmes over,to sustain the rebel must
than Davis, are allowed freedom to go
where they please.
The South must not come "evieoersted
of its manhood."
Southern men mud come begging a
the President's feet to obtain pardon.
The President regards the Democratic
party with much friendship;
And permits. all the influeite of his ad-
ministration to be thrown against it, se
lasts his offioers from the ranks of our en
emies, and rewards its meanest revilers
with his best gifts.
From the above it will be perceived that
Er. Johnson occupies a perfectly plain
and unassailable position. Any one with
optics sharp enough to see through a
brick wall, will perceive It at a glance.
Tan Cosrmart.-41se New York World
calla attention to the hot that when Meier
General Slocum, who bad taken a leading
part in those magnificent operations
which gave us pesos and the Union ones
more, was nominated by the Democratic
party as their candidate for an of in
the State of New York, he at ones r
signed his military rank, thinking it im
proper to draw pay from the Government
as a soldier, while avowing his intention
to return to eiviLlife I while Major Gen.
Kilpatrick, who retained hi@mUltary rank
and pay during the canvass. now receives
a civil appointment at $12,000 a year in
gold, and is gasetted as a Major General
in the regular army. Kilpatrick goes out
to Chili u two "single gentlemen rolled
into one," drawing pay with his left hand
as a soldier from the Department of War,
and with his right' hand as a diplomat
from the DepartMent of State. The World
fails to allude to the fact that President
Johnson, with whom, of late, It has fallen
so desperately in love, is the person from
whom 'Kilpatrick received his appoint•
meat, and that by tendering it to him
the President placed himself upon record
as endorsing that individual's course.
There is no possible excuse for present
prices, and they can be accounted for only
upon the ground that speculators are con
trolling the markets. Aim illustration,
take domestic cotton goods. The price
of cotton is nearly one•haif lower than It
was when gold was at the highest quota
tion, and other expenses are certainly no
heavier than then ; yet consumers have
to pay nearly the old figure for their
goods. Cottonlactors, by reason of the
high prices brought about by the specula
tors, are reaping a rich harvest of profit
A Newburyport paper states that a mill at
that place declared a dividend last week
of twenty-five per mint., and that the mill
has cleared half a million dollars in tholes!
four years, &Uhl:ugh the whole concern
cost only half that - amount. There is no
reason why this should be an exceptional
cue, and the inference is, that the mills
of New England are now rolling up im
mense profits at the expense of consum
Lin week the Washington correspond
ent of the Ilibeas, with a flourish of in•
dignsAion, reported the appointment of
the daughter of the rebel Gen. Pettigrew
to a clerkship in one of the Washington
Departmeate,whi/e the widows and laugh.
tern of deceased Union °Soars were de=
nied snob positions. It took but one day
to expose this yarn, for the fact is, that
the rebel Gen. Pettigrew bedew daughter,
but the lady appointed is the daughter of
James L. Pettigrew. of South Carolina,
who remained true to the - Union until the
day of his death. It is of this sort of news
that nearly all the sensation despatches
are Made up now.a-days.
Ms. Barans, who was mums' for Wirt:,
says he was Galled upon the night before
the execution, by several persons, as was
also Father Boyle, who conununigated in
formatics rtrporting to come from a mans
bar of the Cabinet, to the effect that if
Wirtz would,ackaiwledge that Jeff. Davis
was connected with the atrocities at An.
&mourn* his sentence would be corn
muted. On being informed - o(this,
Wirts Said, "Yr. Dark , had no ommilac;
Lion with MO as to what was dose at An•
dersonyine, and if I knew be had, I would
not became a traitor against him or any
one else, to rare my lite."
Soma Csitouns- has concluded that to
reamer her Amer position in the linfon
it is . hidispnwable to ratify lb* constitu
tional ensendruentabolishingalavety. The
amendment peened 'both homes last week
with but Hide opposition. South Caroli
na having thus led . the way, Yissintippi,
North Carolina and other States will pro.
hbly soon folio*, and thus iho required
somber ofs7 Slates nay iteSeourid Wks
the boginning of the new year.
large owebere of WINUM lave been ap
pointed. postmistresses la the Booth, on
aanuat - et the 'Maar of ladled spa
who amid take the reqntred oath.
Mies At the lieelt:
The eteagier Eimonah oollbied with the
Weldon/R, in the Savannah rivet, recent-
L and sunk, with a cargo valued at $250,-
Karlin Gleam, a marobant of Nub
"Ma was found murdered in his store.
on Saturday last. The money drawer was
A meeting was held at Cooper Institute.
New York. on Monday evening. on behalf
of the suffering- le of the South. Ad•
dresses were •by Provislonal (}ewer•
for Parsons, of Alabama, Henry Ward
Beecher, Generals Meads and Fiske, and
others. •
The 'learner Greyhound, from Boston
fbr Hobbs, was lost on Monday night of
last week. Her passengers and crew were
Hon. Preston Zing, Collector of the
Port of New York. committed suicide on
Monday night of last week. His health
had been failleg for some time, and it
was thought he suffered from softening of
the brain.
The Common Council of Washington
has resolved in favor of submitting negro
=Sage to the vote of the people in that
city, should a negro suffrage bill be intro
duced in Congress. •
r►n explosion occurred at the London
Gas Company's works, near London, Eng
land, on the 31st ult. Six persona were
killed, and forty to filly wounded.
In Brooklyn, N. Y., on Monday, a Ger
man woman was found dead of starvation.
her husband dying and their four small
children in a deplorable condition.
Major General Augur has issurd an or
der forbidding the whipping of negro
criminals, in accordance with the laws of
Virginia. within his department.
Mr. Tynes church. In New York, was
horsed last week. The loss is estimated
at $30,000.
Geo. John A. Logan has been appointed
Minister to the Republic of Mexico.
The rebel ram Mirrimac, sunk in
Hampton Roads, has been partially rais
The personal property of Henry A. Wise
has been libelled for confiscation.
A fire at Portland, Me.. last week, de
stroyed $lOO,OOO worth of property.
A Virginia correspondent of the Wall
ington Naiad inia/Rwiscsr says Messrs.
Curtis, Chandler, Ridgway, Barbour, Da
vis and Hodge, elected to Congress from
that State, will take the test oath without
The guard of soldiers who have been
stationed around the Whits House for the
last two years, were. last week, by order of
the President, remoted.
The ex-rebel Gen. Joseph E. Johnson,
has arrived in New York on private busi•
near. He is aoooirianied by his wife. •
The President has pardoned Robert Ty
ler, son of ex-President Tyler, and es As
sistant rebel Treasurer:
A disgraceful fight occurred in Jersey
Silty between Na. 3 Hose and No. 3 En
gine Companies, in which bricks,, paving
stone and wrenches were freelylmod,and
a number of the combatants injured, two
of them dangerously.
The Grand Jury of the District of Co.
lambic have found true bills against War
Department detective Bsker,charged with
false Imprisonment of Joseph R. Cobb and
robbery of Mn. Cobb.
The new SUNI4III2IOII bridge over the
Ohio river, at. noinnati, will have a span
of 1.857 feet, 540 feet longer than that of
the Kenai bridge in Wale..
It is stated that the President hu sus.
tained General Pa. In the case of Yr.
Overton. of Tennessee, and has tele
graphed tlov. Brownlow to return the psi
Gov. Batons, of Alabama, left Wash
ington for his home last week, taking
with him two htuuired pardons for Ala
All the Southern States, ezoiipt Tens,
have held State Conventions. All have
abolished slavery. Four of them. North
Carolina,,Mississi pi, Alabama and Flori
da, have declared their secession ordinan
ces milt. •Two of them—South Carolina
and Georgia—merely repealed those ordi•
A train ran . ofrthe track of the Cetaden
& Amboy railroad, at Newark. N. J.. last
week. Fan , parsons were killed and sev
eral -others ured. The disaster ma
caused by the negligence of a switchman.
A train on the Chicago & Rock Island
railroad was thrown from the track by the
misplacement of a switch, on Monday
night of last week. Two can were smash
ed and sever* persons severely injured.
Many of Alm Congressmen now in
Washington, it is reported, have agreed
to urge the temporary removal of Congress
to Philadelphia. in view of the filth of
Washington and the proepectli of cholera
next spring:
From the middle of October to Nov. 16
there were IT railroad accidents, of which
8 were Millstone. In the same period. out
of 14 fatalities to inland steamers, but 4
were collisions. Thirteen boiler explo.ions
of various characters took plao6, of which
four were to steamboats, and three to
locomotives. There were 41 ship and
steamboat disasters and 14 railroad " acci
dents" during October.
In a single parish of James' 1,500 nem
gem have been executed for taking part
in the revolt.
The overland mail route to Utah costa
$385.000 per annum, while its postal re
oeipts are 13,200.
The New Orleans 'ion predicts that
unless the French evacuate Mexico before
Christmas, there-will be armed interven
Lion by the United States.
General Howard has returned to Wash
ington from his Southern tour. He re
porta in favor of retaining the military in
the Southern States.
The steamer Capitol, from Shreveport
for New Orleans, with one hundred and
eighty bales of cotton, was sunk recently.
The *Mon will be saved.
General Canby, at New Orleans, has is
sued an' order reminding army onions
who have occupied abandoned residences,
that they are responsible fbe the Waiter*
and other property therein.
The Legislature of Mississippi has mem
oriaßsed the President for the withdrawal
of the U. S. troops. The Mississippi House
has voted what negro testimony in the
The commandants of the Philadelphia,
Boston and Portsmouth navy yards have
teoeived orders from the Secrete.) , of the
Navy to reduce the number of workmen
in those establishment*. It is also de
signed to discharge. on the Ist of Decem
ber. about 2,500 of the workmen In the
Brooklyn navy yard . Then are nearly
sii thotutind employed there at the prep
Gut time.
Charles J. Roberts, an Beglish counter
ftlilter. was arrested on Tuesday last, in
ilii,oldyn, and 50,000 in spurious fifty Net
stamps, st of a most' dangerous character,
with an excellent Plata from
4 40
-wh be designed to realm ;100,000, and
the ' d epict for Europe. It is said that
;20 of Roberts' counterfeits are al.
• 7 in circulation.
we the Ist of- January last, 169,911
i grants have arrived at New York--a
AA; falling. off as compared with the
stag period last year.
tad. m ser onp ia t n e Newark . N. .1 , or r d a i ll.
st the Lehman dismal:4l4er 1:
the degree.
nerd Levaphrest says that on the Ist
of A „Mb, the Confederates had un
der - but two hundred and fifty thou
staid ttien, While the Federals had In ao.
tnal t ifikni • ninety-eight - wawa
Ca prlionere of war. We bad
cm willies' of can In Mar hot, and
.now, have about ' olio Itupsdrod . sod fifty
The GoiernmentorObill Oisptays con-
Niderably Wire :Igoe inTreiristing there j
than was last year, ex
by Peru. They are pushirig with
the . utmost energy the construction of
telegreph Ease and roads into the Interi
or. au& in order to facilitate blockade
running,- they have diclared 36 sea oust
towns ports of the Republic. 2.:is the
Spaniard. have only seven vessels, it is,
of course, impossible for them to make
the blockade efficient, and blockade-run.
mint g wilt soon be in a high state of pros
perity. But the Chilies, will not merely
act t on the defensive. They have already
issued letters of marque, and several per.
eons have already lett the country to avid)
themselves of these lettere. The Govern
ment hu already sent a special envoy to
the Government at Washiogton. Every
where in Central and South 'America the
warmest sympithy is manifested -for.the
cause of Chili.
Colonel Harvey Waterson, delegated
some time ago to visit the Southern States
fbr the purpose of ascertaining their con
dition. political and otherwise, hasjust ,
returned, and laid before the President
his observations. He visited all the im
portant points in the Southern States and
talked freely with the people. He found
them, eeerylihere, manifesting an earnest
and honest _desire to adapt themselves to
the new condition of things. He says that
tery rebellious State will not only abol•
h slavery, but adopt the constiiutional
On Thursday night of last week, Gen.
James P. Brownlow and Col. Ed. May
nerd, while on their way to Franklin,
Tennessee. in a buggy, were attacked at
Hollow Tree Gap by highwaymen-. One
of the pa'ty slued the reins of the hors*,
while the other two presented' their pis
tols and demanded their valuables. Gen.
Brownlow handed them over $504 in mo
ney and a fine gold watch, and they took
from. Col. Maynard a pistol, which they.
afterwards returned to him, he. fortu
nately not having any money on his per
son. The robbers were dressed in Union
uniform. The same party, it is supposed,
robbed a cotton planter on the same
night of $2,000.
The Florida convention has annulled
the secession ordinance of that State,
abolished slavery, decreed the reception
of negro testimony in the courts, repudia
ted the rebel war debt, and adjourned.
In Boston, on S►turday, a boarding•
house keeper was found murdered in his
bed. In the vicinity of the same city, on
Sunday, the body of a murdered man was
discovered, entirely stripped of its cloth
President Johnson has rescinded the
order of Major General Thomas shutting
up the Episcopal churches of Alabama,
until such time as they could repent and
become ready. like good Christians, to
prey for , the President of the United
Gen. Pieroe continues dangerously sick
with chronic diarrho3s, tending to uloera-
Con. Doctors Morrill, of Concord; and
Kimball, of Lowell, attend him.. The
latter thinks the symptoms are more fa;
A dispute between two companies of
soldiers, in the barracks adjacent to the
White House Washington, on f3aturday
night, resulte d In a fight , which
several shots were fired. The disturbance
was queAled without bloodshed by a de
tachment of Hanoock's corps, and the
captains of the companies were arrested ;
At St. Helena Wand, recently, a negro
attempted to shoot Rev. G. H. Eaton, Su
perintendent of Freedmen, and was in
stantly killed by several of his own color.
Gen. Robert E. Lee recently forwarded
a request to the War Department for per
mission to retain a few old United State;
pieces of artillery, at Lexington, Va., for
the instruction of his military school in
gunnery practice. Secretary Stanton,
however, promptly sent an officer to con
vey the guns to Richmond.
The Louisville Journal says that :" the
Hon. John Bell, of Tennessee, is about to
write a Letter to the President of the Uni
led States, which will doubtless attract
much attention. Mr. Bell's position and
motives have been misunderstood, and
consequently misrepresented.
In the Newark railroad disaster invest
gation the jury brought in a verdict against
the switchman of guilty of manslaughter
in the second degree. Btil was accepted
in the sum of $2,000. The rest step will
be an indictment by the District Attorney.
Let at have prompt legal proceedings in
every case, end railroad accidents will
soon cease beintof daily occurrence.
The man Fuller, who used the name of
Senator Harlan to obtain a large amount
of money belonging to the National Re
publican Committee,and who has been in
the Old Capitol' for several months; hu
been released without trial and allowed to
go where he pleases.
One thousand condemned cannon in
the navy yards at Washington. New York,
Philad e lphia. Boston and Portsmouth,
will shortly be sold as old iron.
The Fenian Brotherhood have rented a
live story building in New York to as
their coopers and executive
departnients. -
Four men and w woman were murdered
in Nashville on Wednesday night.
Five Liberal merals were !really cap.
timed and shot by the Imperialists in
Wade Hampton has addressed the peo
ple of South Carolina, urging them to sup.
port the present policy of President John
Geo. DaYill, ex rebel Attorney General,
Lae been sent to Fort Lafayette.
Item of Leesi Interest.
The weather during the last week was na
tumidly mid for _ this season of the year,
seaming more tike May thaa , the middle of.
November. Friday was as warm as missy
days is summer, sad people threw open their
doors and windows almost as freely as they
would is July. The most inveterate grumbler
esasot oemplain of the season thus far.—
We repeat oar suggestion of last weak in ref
erence to the minty money. The compara
tively email amount of it in circulation sow,
sad the certainty that it will all be redeemed
within the eeming.year, should enure for it
the thorough amides°e of the public. If oar
banks would °meat to receive it on deposit
the same as ether currency, as it seems to ne
they might now do, with little inconvenienee
to themselves, the business portion of the
semmunity would be relieved of great source
of embarrantseat.-:--The engineer .af the
Vales sad Titunille railroad informs us that
the work will most certainly be completa4, a
'easiest amount lavieg.bsen subscribed for
that purpose. It will be of the sorrow page,
sad cars loaded with passengirs cad freight
will ran Weigh from this oily to Titusville
wiliest dingo. The cilium of Weetteld,
N. Y., having beta disappointed in securing
the towline of the Cross-Cut route at that
pets; have revolved to build a line fee them.
-soiree, sonnecting with the Wen and Titus
ville read at Vales. The miss of $BOO,OOO
wee subscribed el that place , , for thi purpose ,
la ashen period hat week, as 'seines at
liberality sad eaterpris• which we eenusead
to the attentiea of our caplialiste.—The
Cenventioa of the Bpiseopel church, at Pitto ,
burgh, last week, sleeted Dr. 3, Barrett Ker.
het, President of Trinity College, at liirtferd,
Con., Bishop of the sew diocese et Wisbera
PesiurylVenia, with it Islay of $8,600. - 11teh
op &thee was one if the warmest suppirtore
ef the polity adopted by the late general eons
miles of the datulii.--•Busgehig is itill
Cavried OS ye moishily alias ike.Cluatillaii
cattier. If 0'044f the goodi get through
the partisightake money, and are willing to
run great risks.—The Westfidd Btpiddisaa
publishes a tame that parties interested in
the Pennsylvania Central have purchased the
charter of the Cross Cat roid from Corry to
1440t00. The Bala° Courig, says the line of
the Cross Cut road "has been Idly located
sad four hundred men are alreadi at work.—
This route, from Buffalo to Cony, will be 21
miles curer the* the propeeed route of the
Atlantic k Great Western Railway. The esti
mated feet of the road, which is forty miles
in length, is 'sBoo,ooo, of which $400,000 has
already been subscribed. It is the intention
to have the road completed on or Were the
Ist of July next.—Pithele is a hole of some
vane. It gives $200,000 worth of oil per day.
The Westfield &pub states that 4s a
company is organised and a charter secured
for the Pennsylvania portion, for la railroad
to run from Pithole to •Westfield, by way of
Union. • Thy road starts from Westfield, pass
es through Ripley, Mina and French Creek.
and from thence u directly to Pithole as pos
sible. The stoak is being rapidly taken np."
--.-The Titusville herald hays ,another
"daily paper is soon to be - started
in Pithole city. The proprietors are
Messrs. Keenan & Co. We understand the
materials include a steam power press and
other facilities appropriate to a first clue of—
fice. We are apprehensive that the daily pa
per business will be overdone in the oil
regions." We are more than "apprehensive"
—we are confident. of IL—The extracts
which we have taken the liberty to publish
On our first page from Rev. Mr. Spaulding's
sermon, we trust, will be read by all our
patrons. They present, in an argumentative
and forcible way, the relations held by the
Episcopal Church towards the Government
and political puttee, and in so doing furnish
what we believe to be the true course of roll-
glum 11111100illtiODB. If the ministers of the
Gospel, throughout the country, understood
their duty u well u Mr. Spaulding, and were
u faithful is its practice, there would be
more religions devotion than now exists, and
thousands of good citizens who absent them—
selves from church, because they do not desire
to hear political sermon., would become reg-
War •tteodante.—W6en Erie amity tries
she can beat the world. We last week recorded
two listen ces of prolific ladles in Ohio, but
they are eclipsed by a lady named Beech, re•
siding in Union Mills, who, on Wednesday,
the 15th inst., gave birth to four children at
one time. The Ohio . people may hang their
diminished hoods.—WhUe Mrs. Bonner,
wife of. Charles Bonner, 'conductor on the P.
& E. B. 8., was engaged,oa Thursday evening
of last week, in removing some articles from
a trunk, the lamp, standing on a table near
by, was overturned by the ohlhiren and set
firs t° her clothes. Losing all -present» of
mild, she rushed out doors, and the flames
sioresii rapidly. Before they were extinguished
her body was burned in the severest manner,
and she died en Friday morning at 10 o'clock,
after suffering intense agony.—A man
named Mclntyre, living about three miles out
of the city, was robbed oa Wednesday even—
ing of last week, In the following manner
"He procured a ride in s hack, driven by a
man named-Felix, who promised to show him
Farrar Hall. After getting down town the
driver expressed a wish for a drink, when
they- went into a saloon kept by Reed &
Thompson, under the Express ethic While
there Mclntyre foolishly displayed his money,
some hundred and iffy dollars. He then states
that, on going out, he again got into the hack,
under the. promise to be conducted to the
'show.' Carroll and a brother of Felix.
who were in the saloon, followed out and ea
tered the hack, which was driven outside the
city on Bth street, a mile or so. Here Mein.
tyre, who saw suspicions movements en the
part of the company, was still further alarmed
by the stopping of the hack and the statement
that 'here was the place.' He sprang froth
the seat and ran won the fields, but was
soon overtaken by the three, who took - his
pocket book and money."- He made complaint
in the morning, when Oirroll wu arrested,
but the Felix boys had fled. The former was
sent to prison in default of $l,OOO bail, and
the owners of the saloon were each held to
bail In the sum of $lOO, for selling liquor
without a license.—The man burned at the
fire at Kennedy's reieery, on Wednesday
evening of last' week, died on the following
Thursday afternoon, having endured great
suffering. His name was Chris.ian Ornsehow.
He bad frequently been warned against
going into the tank with a light, and lost his
life by disregarding the caution. The loss to
Kennedy 00., by the fire, is estimated at
$2,000—51,0 00 on the oil and $l,OOO on the
tank —The splendid block, known as the
Empire building, at the corner of State aid
Fifth sta., has been purchased by Messrs.
Baker, Ostheimer & Baker for the sum of
$85,000. As a business site it has few sups
rlors.—Messys. Burton & Sons are mak—
ing arrangements to build up an extensive An
thracite coal trade at our harbor. They hays .
already seat several cargoes to Chicago and
Buffalo, and next year expect to do a very
large business. There is no question but if
our merchants display the proper energy Erie
out soon become the (Oat coal market of the
The lectors course will open - this (Thnni
dey) evening with an address by Geo. Thomp.
eon, the English anti-slavery agitator. His
subject is "English Reforms sad Reformers.'.
—Young a plane as Pithole , is, it boasts
of over sixty hotels, good, bad and indiffer
ent, while several new Imes ire being built.
About every ether building Is a place of at
tertainment—some of one kind, and sem, of
another. —A. child of I. Rots, on Fourth
street, was badly melded on Monday morn
ing, by falling from a chair into a pail of hot
Wisconsin and Minnesota have followed
the example of Connecticut and repudia
ted negro suffrage by large majorities. In
Wisoonsin, although the Republican tick
et was elected at the recent election by
OYU ierea LEMMA majority, the amend
meat to the Constitution in favor of negro
suffrage was defeated by ten thousand. In
Minnesota a similar rebuke was adminis.
toted to the negro worshippers. In that state
the Republican ticket was elected, while
the people decided by a large majority
that the elective franchise should not be
bestowed upon negroes. In all cases
where ear negro issue has been fairly and
openly presented to the people of the
North; it has been defeated, and yet the
radicals. inert that it ihall be made a con
&eon precedent to the establishment of
full constitutional relations between the
Southern States and the General Govern.
meat. •This is Republican omaistency.
Castor's ,liana of Deadens* and litter.
woos emu ski hob, Smyth's,. lolls, Pls.
plu, Eryilpolu, Tutu, 8611 news; fluid
flood,,Roagb- Stio, Old tforme. Ulm*.
Isms the blood par, ' lbo eomploslui elver
Q op
sad Q. opium fret hoe dhow'. Poloo of
Bets it Boum $1 I of bur of Obotamil $6
01 11 4 *lb** t!IPOSr, $l2
New Advertisements
Y. W. Justlare. J. C. Bantu. A. N ALax. -
Colton Bandies, Corner ei Sba end St. tv«is itts.
2d Cane od4 Fellow's Guild , or, 6lh St.
id College Belldleg. Nos PI and St is. glair S .
Autivaui ran tan Tim END= tor. 18, 1806.
C. A. Crawford,, HOpkintoa. Delaware Co., lowa.
J. A. HaemaseNy. Pt Smith, iliebastiaa Co., Ark.
J. lituseirri 'go, Sharon, Venn Co, Ps. -
ft. 0 lict t re,
34. Xuftturea.Alesaadria.Weitt CO , Ps.
C. H. Weak Allsolteay City Pa:
W. N. Cafes. Helnoe, Sei, Co , 0.
R. W. 21114 t, « •
W. D. Pollan Ilida t _Alloa Co.. 0.
W. L. Ran,
MagerW. Hill, wash Co., 0.
0. 4 1. Surgeries. MU* Perry, Desoto Co W. Va.
W. P. Palmy, Chasabnelsarg, Treat. Co., Ps.
W. reffier. N Y “ •
P. listrell, Petsbargh, P5ll.
A. D. Late.Clre/seilis. Pletteway Co„ 0.
J. 11.11orws„ Coopwitowe, Wegsato co p o .
J. L. Binuoirr,ltle booed. Wales Co.. hut
C. Willie. Glainfile, Hartford Co.. Na.
11.0 Anderson Steebeavilleast Co., 0.
Nonow, Arab aorta" Whin Co Pa.
G. A. Teller,'Halit Harbor, bum:aster Co , Pa.
I'. Mouse. bee Co., lat.
A. A. Porter. Waite. Horgan Co.. 0.
J. A. Storey. Natrona. A liogbeey
H. W. Hall, II ettimitvllle Oo 0.0., 0 .
H. r: Kirk, Hama City. Cone Gordo Co , lowa.
X &Mal Naadolph. Portage Co., 0.
J. R. Putt:Canton. Stark Co . O.
0; A. Doboyas. Blair Co., Pa.
For tuna sad latoraietion roueenuag the College,
address, • JRNICINS.E/HTII it COW LIT.
Pittsburg, Pa.
flu T.L. Darling and Wr. W. Item are no longer
einploted by roe as @vete or otberwLse, nor am - I re
9onsible to their repr«entstlnnr or actions whatever.
To three who hare ben! duped I vo i h tour that the B ole
agency albs oelebreted Doorker k Co:. Pianos and the
Mason la 011.1111111 Cabinet Orrin, for western Peausylmi
ala., from the Lake to the Allegheny mountains, is in
my hand'. no anttsv what any other Jams may say%
and Dania, purchasing such instscuranis of any other
person than =yogi are liable to ter called upon for my
n 623 2m Wit. WILLING.
Noes need apply bat those of sound health and gond
moral character, who can read well, spell rorrectlyorrlte
legibly and who can cipher in whole numbers and free
thins, and an sot less than 13 n: r more than IS yeses of
age. Naval apprentless ar
• • AT Till
A certain number being Wetted yearly frc m among
them for those appointiones.
feiseogaisters are sniped to nob sehool shlp to
taw* tie rsdheente of oetwattoe, Wending navigation,
aad their morals are usefully eared for.
Appreatioss are
To dlesharge tbisiatias of 4•1101ta. and at tin essirstlos
of their term of asqreatleaship, which is when they ar
rive at the eye of 8!, if 'band qualified, have the miter.
sees In the appointments for warrant and petty offices.
cr Pa farther latermadon. appiv to
Commander U.S. Navy, Iris, Pa
Naval rendearans; Nrie, Pa, In Farrar Hell. over
Clemens. Canter t Burgess% smltttf.
The. Pittsburgh (.sitar, Soidirre - Rome under the
thine of Dr. Cyrus an expetieueed Anity Sorrow',
Le Isom open for the reseption of tick. wound.d , maimed
sad helping imidirnt and tailors. FIZZ nr SIFICNSIC.
Applicants will rr..eiv• a pm salt by applying to say of
the Directors. sad be admitted to the Home, presided
their discharge papers are approymi by the Surgeon
R. C. LOOlllB, Pros%
°urger PI/lI.L/Pg. Bacot
Moe. RakerweU, • C. W. Batchelor,
W. Ream* John Watt,
W. 8. Berea, John W. Ctutifeat,
Meereary, • S. L. B. Wetter/ma
pitinLl 0 SAL St.
Win be sold tatpublic vendue, to the highest bidder,
ea PIM tY. DEC. 1,1186, at the residence of the sub
scriber, la Wattaburg, the following property, to wit:
One bay borse.l black liar*, 1 doable harems, 1 two
home won, 2 light spring wagons. I pr. of bob sisigbr,
1 tight haler sleigh, 1 plough and 1 barrow. also,
qaaatity of senamod pine lambs-. Sale to commence
at 10 o'clock In the morning,
pun Lia SALE.
WM h cold at pcblie vendee. on NONDAY,, NOV. 27,
ink at 10 o'clock, a. ro., the persoaal prorrty of Simon
Schneider. dated: caseate; of 1 home, 1 cow. hay.
waves, husers.l fat hoc pigs. a lot of shickens. 2
heal itettbresad u lasoreasebarlety of household and
hitches tarlatans. Pale to to held at the saloon lately
occupied by Simon Schneider. on Nash it. near the
depot. HICNalt dCHNEILD2R.
se2ll-10 lireartor.
F A _
1.312.11.1 TY.
A Tall min be held at Tansy Hall. cm the 20th of N
umber. for the purpooe of enlarging the acupittt. ou
north street. under the care of the • tat'n of Cha•ity.
As the numher of inmates are constantly ther.a.tog,
they air miff mist great Inennrorals•es for want of room
in the building thew now occupy. Any contributions
from the citizens of Erie will be thankfully readved.
The Bakery of W. J. Bands, being the only one in
Northwesters Pesos,leant& supplied with `all the latest
haproved assehisery. and being furnished With a corps
of first elms operatives, the proprietor Is prepared to an.
Donnas hhnself ready to All all orders with which be
may be fevered, with a quality of good* nue: wiled, and
at a pries whleh will defy enmpetitlon. All the bullies.
centres of Western New York. Bastern Ohio and North
western Pennsylvania are Wu s Visited by my errata.
who an using orders for the following line of goods. at
the lowest market priemt: Butter. Briar, Water. Oyster,
Wins, Boston and 004 Cfsekers, Pilot Bread, Ginger
Snap. eta. Ky arteker. only welsh from alto 50 pounds
to the barrel—a sloe Artie* Particular attention gives
to the jobbing trade. Office and deans manufactory,
earner of Fifth and Saasafroa streets, Brie. Pa.
a016'65-17. W. J. SANDS.
ur dit_ W. icir.z.isr,
Obtslas Houses mid Stores for those want's& and ruts
Wan% Hotels aod Dwellings. with or w ithout their
furniture, (or thow giving me howelesping. Also, bays
all kisds of
Those* fishing to sell by petrels contru i t. and advance
money on any anted property intended for anresermi
side by sustba. Those baying or selling esa hoar to
their advantage, by weetrinE to Ine. it the
UNION nasrruses swam-
Eris, Ps.
The Original and Dennlne Ambrosia is prepared
by .f. Allen Reeves sad is the best hair dreador and Pre
simative our in -use. It store the hair Milos out,
Maw it to grew thick and loop and prevents It from
tan* prematurely gray. lt mileage dandriff, clan -
see, beantlitee =dividers the hit soft, s'osey old ear
ly. Ray It. try It and be convinced. Don't be put off
with a arida= article; Ask for Reeees' Ambrosi and
take no ether. For sale by Draggista and Dealers In
ParasOoods trntrymbere.
211 cents per bottle--$6 per 11-um. A dames,
62 Fulton St., New York City.
1865-60. TAIL, ,
The first Sr. Lenturse ellU be a series by the distin
guished Ristortail Latimer, Rev. John Lord, LL. D,
of Donn: oa the primal subject of "'Representative lio
mme." The entire course wilt consist of fourteen or tif.
teen lectures, as follows :
1. Nov:Mk John Lord, LL. D., subject- 0 '1W; the
Roma NW ros—lPriendahlp "
2 Nov. Mb. do do do subject— .
nfeleine, the Nediamd Woman—Lora."
Dec.6th. de do do suldect—
"Rdsabeth—Woman as a Sovereign "
L Dee. 7th, do do do subject—
" Radium de Nalatanan, the Woman of Society."
6. Der. lith, do ?o do subject—.
"Madame de BtaeL the Literary Woman."
S. Dec. 14th, Rev. 0. H. Tifton D. D., Chicago; sob
ject="The New Civilisation—Work and Worth.
T. Dee. list, Rt. Rev. Thamu N Mark, Provident*,
R. I ; sulded--"Habibr of American Life."
L Des. ITtly Johi B. Gough, Woreester,
111. Jan. 4th„ If. L. TOINSaaa• D, New Torh; abject
—"This Dynamite of Life." (Illastrated.)
10. Tao. 11th, Ralph Waldo Cannwon, Concord, Nur.:
gut— or or "Paid* Talk."
11. Jan. Dill UMW, IL D.. Baton, Rasa.; subject
—"Health and Physical Education"
It Jan. 26* Rev Ram, CUE, Quincy, Wass ; subject
-"The Jews ha fitstorl.'
Id Jas. 20th, R. P. Taylor, Chicago; subject—"Thet
and ha Clariote."
14. MM. SUN RIM Ansa C. Mimeo; Philn.; subject
— 0 Home Thrust' " •
The Ceminittse Eat ailed to e memo their worse on
the 294 November, and there is a potability of *mpg
tag a lecturer for that date. If son 6 he serrared, the
town will proceed as Indicated above, and 'hey will en
Use te arrange for an additional lecture at souse other
'Hebb ter the ewes, with asextvito um, at the
folleting raw I _ ,
Ow ticket IS 60 I rear Thiele $l3 00
Tess 060 Floe do (tall wttNj• 16 00
Three 1 Jakob. ..... 9 7/1 reek add. nabs—. aOO
=table ter elayl• lestaree. 110 mote,
llosdneee„ It will be ma, ham beta matte la the pri
°soot the Cause tickets ever them of last year, thane%
two and pallare three mean Matures will be gives la the
Loden CeibaMoo.
_or AGortitstoloy. ft* 'Mk, ft* tkotroot of the
Ea webs bind at tie book ototo et Oiaskos o
oe.orbsee tided ay be prelim,' see sets
seeenel. Watt.
s 5O 00, 1,740 aft SIG* PsATito
LID $2O, Sas
ORGAN OR 151E.1.01,
By MelidiDg jour cadets 4,
W. A. Pond
Amid Wharf, N'
- 141331
Will be iambi,
V Amu.,
Bell.. of
Halite 0 ,
Faust, by
Flowing s
Taoist, by
Herron h,
Heart's tel
Ids, by Ifs
Zhu, b 7 L
Kiss, brill
Lincoln h,
Facers,. u
Korth Ho'
hLerth 111
March ilh
Call use u
Rear mot
Beni fa 6
lope of-S1(
The attention of the Public and the
our New Scale 7 OCUTO Rosewood Put
for volume and parity of tone are tu
heretofore offered in Thor
modern improvement", French, Gar
Pedal. Iron - Frame, Orer-Strung Bur,
'truant being - Wade under the pereoo
. H. Grotrasteen, who has had a prat
stater 25 years in their manufacture, u
in swat particular.
Ramfeed the award of merit ore: alt
Whore were 62,1ulited Inatrurtienta tro
And also at the
for ere successive years, the
from both of which can bi seen at oar -
By the introduction of troprovemraL
more perfect Piano Forte, and by mind'
with a strict cash aystem, are enableJ t:
struments at a price which will pree'ca
Pluctaa—No.l, Seven Octave, round mt
plain cue Mi.
No. 2. Seven Octave, roan?
heavy monldinir $325.
No. 3. &VIII Octave, rout
• wood Louts MIT style $3541
Taus Net Cult in Current Fur,
Descriptive circulars sent free.
SMITH is sole Agent for
Beszeerns* and PltOlicertittlis growth of tl
31•1111; stops its &Mos out in Wee dam
the head clean, cool and bp11111;
used freely: contalta noth.
ling injurious;
It is reeommeaded and used by the best
4. Sold at the Dreg Storm and
No. 1.123 Broadway, Now'
I assure ail persons the &bon
that fl elaimod for It.
oe2B 2
amyl de ilk ont acr7 /gigs era NM 01
This work has no rival as a earth
authentic and reliable history o I lb
It contains reading matter equal to tY
taro volumes, splendidly illustrated
portraits of generals, battle seeueg,
Returned and disabled officers an,
Retie voting men is want of prntit,
Bud this a care chines to make twat
Clawing 8:280s1 month, which we
to applicant; for Front of the above,
sod nee ow • la. - Addl./ma
Cetus to the premises of the underit,
twv 4 og white sad black spots. } Not II
own*, is requested to come .orirsad.l o
ll* sad take her sway; otherwisa
`f liczonittig to law
With Lira Compl
lug from impurity of the bl
bm else, Pimples os the far
Rheum. PleiroJuls. Bbennia ,
the bask, etc, should not fa
of fiends ion and Sittersseri
to It In sushi:Bms and it' rani
leg bit. Price one dolls:
gists *Ter, where.
E xteuTows sOTI
Lettere testsassotsiy on the est .te of
ellne'd„ late of Mill Creek tp, Erie Co.
roated,to the undersigned; None. Is
Utase knowing themselves lobbied
make immediate payment, sni the
&phut the Mtn, wilt pleat+ p t Pee I
Sated. to F. W. Koehler, Fs 1., rbo
to collect sesd settle up tht , ,
to cot
tier al
0.0. BURL
Au° 001?
hi, certainty with which all eared
tive alarm geoerilty can b• cared t
reaset of Duidslion and Blttertwoo t
mint tamp me rscafte for sent-Idol.
or nubile. The habit V digiastieg !lc
atoppost Them preparstioin 11,11
ibis &siesta.
547 Ur( iVitira„
Witt restore the Hair to its