The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 23, 1865, Image 1

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ICT Ift TIER " Onszang tirrunirce," gr A rE s. rurr,
-4t-I:llJitr:—Ttro DOLLARS Avp Firr CFNTS per
A.,. if p,id JO flflU2Ce ; Than. D:ILLARd if not
, , „I I It. expii,tl"l,2 of the year. Subeeribere
, irrwr ultii bn charge , l FarT CRAM So
the Square of Ten Lines one in•
; two is+ertions gi,7o ; three Meer
clonth $2,50 ; two months MI 10:
mo.tbt t,so;si l osouthssT.oo;ose year $l2 op;
et her slesrlieements in proportion. Thew rates
116;1 p. r trictis adhered to, unleashing*/ by spec ie
entree:, or st the option or the publishers. Audi.
o tter . . , itraysi, Divorces and like advertise
; Administrator's Notices 0,00; Local
o,nts a line; Marriage Notices irwsorrv
,7loo ow.* nbitusry Notices (over Ulm lines
I ~e it , at five rents per line. Original poetry, on.
:ex . enzteo at :he request of the editor, one dalLar
hoe 'All ef irertiveuents will be continued at
F or
the slic e s ort ue person advertising, until ordered
by hi, Y f reetion, unless a epee:Med period is
v.; er for their insertion.
rrosil y f t hare:S . ..3ns of the best Jobbing
010 , ; a te, and are ready to do all work in
iliac t•s ' fis, he entrusted to us, in equal style
outside of the largest cities.
AI! coa a-.:ccocattons should be addressed to
Editor and Proprietor.
Blisiness Directory.
a s J. 81, 4 1 KELM,
Rill slap practles In adjoining. Count's&
ATTOIMY AT LAir, atrari, Eris Count i t:
ern: other basinsu attanded to wi
W ST:110 F.,
ArroEzeinr AT Law, La Walker's Of-
Se,esch .trert, Elle, Pa. sag 7'62
RO,KSIILLER and Dealer in Stationary,
t per. Mararines, Newspaper., &C. Country dealers
Stat. nyder Brown's Hotel,fronting Ms Park.
Whit & 3/ 4111 FIN.
Par. con r;lock, ntar North Writ corner of the
icatre, Frte, Va. •
mill 0 BENIV ETT,
Jrwrior or rug Punic. °Mee second
Wive French Street, between Fifth end
pis WI !ASCII,
ATTOItNiaR AT LAW, Ridgway. Pa.
in Fit, Men . .- 1
n 3 elnuTonand
W. W JO:torso° touter's..
fii.l'6,s-103 W. WILBUFt.
` 4 RN.
Tr3ncs or THE PEACE, Paragon Block,
W t ,t Farrar llcll, Fair, Pa
,h, , Conveyancer and Collector.
20 Gar to b _lang, iouthacst corner of FLU and
:roots, Ene, Pa. opISTS f
CCOSiNBIRGER. at the new
hat • n hand a large aatort
(iirn:en-+ l'r •s•giong, Wood and Willow Ware,
I I.n. , rzer.. lee. to which he re
i:r e .11. el.. tt-nt,on of the public. dat'atied that
voi lurlaius as can be had in am part
0 . ..1101.ri Ft.
LI TInT Lro S &LW STABLE, on Eighth
etw .en tzt,te ‘ori rto ch. Fine Elorsea and Car
o oc r , voolt.'e terms. my2B'64-11.
11A ir...“1 . 1.12%.t .9 o f SUM= Enrinei 7 noders,
A.:-:2sltursl implermenta. Railroad Cars,
k*TOrIYST Ar Llif —Office on Ethitrgt,
Hoagie, Frie.Pa.
I , , IN DET GOODII, Gsocrraiss,
Glass, Seed, Plater, etc., col ,
,t, -t r'uh;v: Erie, Pa. Pall!.
Ity % • D sT t Es,
tst r or rRENCH AND 7TH :"TrtyX l.. , rrar-
P.Op - I4tor. H od I .ftea sad Carr ages
a 613 ;erate pricer. Sept. MI, 1455-1 y
1•JU.%1 EI & SUTOLE,
IVRociews LSD R 11 . in. Dia.inta
izd Previsions, Flour and Feed, Wood act.'
hro, Wthes,Llquors,Tol , atto,Segars.dL,Stet ,
•It to Youog's House Faretshtuu F.m , erium
Dealer in Groceries, Product*, Provislonp,
' awl stone Warr Wine*, Liquors, &c,
, t.r.r!, opposite the Postodce, Erie, Ps.
Dmreter, Office in Rosen- 4 18 is
Mod...north Fide of the Park. Erie, Pa 2f.
fiZ EPPA 1101 GAR DINT:..
I.ll.l.—DiaxcrLY ()entail's TRY PASSIXt:AIt
rimer, PA.. newly fitted up In the er.
'vie, is now open to the public. Meals el I t,
on the arrival' of all Paspencer Trains,
or dal. OAKLEY BROS., Propri
7. COLE.
Bootc DINPTII. BLAME floor Haar7aercazn
d Story of Rioderneebt's Block, Erie, Pa.
radIOCOSABLZ Timm's and
for Planer k Kayser's Patent Sewing Machines
Feet to ass- State Street between Bth and 9th SU-
L Clothes made to order in the finest style.
Lt. KU TEL, Wetterford.
Roark, Lest it. Penentivna
teCIMCIIdS'IOCII, and easeful attention riven to
'l:Art or gneßtx.•
to in.i.e by
i I,,te of to., '. S. Treasury Department and
sy'r&n,s C, n ,i.. 0 ser for Soldiers, Washiugtoo,
1 , inse , a' CAI a %. ea' with 13jr.uairs Ors It. Esq..
.:e. c 1.‘.... Warn, ' Block. Er, ' Pe, itillitarr.
ri 1 , 2 , r.1 civms col'eeted with fidelity sad din
' Eons obtelned and collected. Applicatlorts
• r• -,- a,t r at•oade I to. Hr. P. hertuT had s.r
is-s' ex,er PCIC 4i s the dotal's of the various De
6 :' , 1, f....'.cl.videut bacon reader most altisfectort
raesattag all kinds of Government claims.
ON: 4 .i"Lig3 Sr., oppoilie Crittenden H►ll
RI. Collactlaua and all other local bug
v,ainzo, Erie, Warren and Force
n, steldrd to carefully and promptly.
tetlcti—Wra. A. Galbraith, Whitman_ & Brecht
.111i,Specrer & Marvin, Me. Pa.
R. brown, Hon. 8. P.Johnson, W. D. Brown
-It Clara, Warren, P►.'
Tthrejaq openels eta ir Furniture Store,
tt!'..ldlipose or our goods EXPEEDINGLY
r. / * Ail g eal a eel, end we will endeavor to
i - Retilent Principal. Gan. W. °citation', Fsq.,
Prot of Commercial Law.
..tti,`Pled„ new 'Classqlestion of Le-
Practice, Ornamen'al and Bast•
t:ruship Conitnerettl Law. commercial Arith•
.b ,4 'rets lame, Itc., for ladles and gents. The
stla'nr rl. , ,,,eprehen4 the whole bawls of
*in:rr at-010..., and extilhlt every pouible verbs •
an , `. bo oka. lqo eipenee will Fe
• :att. oleasant, practical and
bt''o"o, " Toe City of Sehoola " Practical As
si:l be employed. Terrns—Thilli o
brit fatilltiPil . and greatest In
for. Cir
Felt, PISS/
4 ' 1 ' 35 43.1 lira acme:Wei themselves, and•
reset style qf Webb & Millit, in the Pottery bust •
@tent on the canal, between gee 'ad
111, 1eneets
" I, t t the Retrousse of the elastomers of the old
ty. custom of the public generally, promisin
atscogt euidaTar to give perfect IS' /11151CHOCI.
14-1), GEO. T. W 4.1113,
ItY O 0 01:18
A large and well *elected stook of
DE.YOV.LIENT OF Kr)T7 vest sat
forer htvieg been restored to hesith In &few &aye. liter
man•. years of mi,.nrc, IR willing to tarn hie seffortsix
fel'ow-crestures by studios (fret.) on Uhl Stadia fit a
postpaid add-eaeotl envelope, a copy of this fermis 0
ears etupin rd. Direct to •
JOID DAGSALL, Box Miran 011101,
Brooklyn, N. T.
7.HST KING islet bag to the human ',stea, tools
and female; the canies asta troattneit of diseases; the
roars mze custom\ oft he world ; has to .4Am roll, sod
• thousand things clever published before, read the re
vised and enlarged edit' na Of MIDIO.I.t. CONIIOI Sus;
boot (or curious people, and a good book tor
erety one. 400 pages. 100 illustrations. Pries $lBO.
Contents table s nit tree to •or address. Books Etly be
had at the book 'tore; or will be sent by Mali, post
paid, on receipt of the pike. Addrese,
Cm 1130 Broadway, New Fork.
OLD fiYIN "WE N10.7.—A pamphlet direct
log how to apredi'y restore alght and give. up doc
tor cu mdletne rnt by mall, frt., on recalpt of 10
es a la. .ckddreca E.. ^ .. FOOT 11 . 0 -•
Gm 1130 Broadway, New Tort.
ACIRO TO INVALIDS.—A Clergyman, while
residing In Sanas America as a miaelonary, &sear.
ered a safe and simple remedy for the Care of Nervous
Weakors., Fluty Decay, illeesses of the Urinary and
seminal Orion., and the whole twin of disorders
brought en by baneful and vicious habits. Great neat.
hers have been already cured by the noble remedy.
Prompted he a desire to benefit the oftpeted and unfor
tunet., I will send the recipe for prep udoir and using
thiA medicine, in a -sealed envelope, to any one who
nerds It, free of Cleve. Please inclose I poet-paid
envelope, addressed to yonrwelf
se74tao Station D, Bible Hon" Now York.
This Cordial has been long celebrated among Females.
fur Pe pe•nhar strengthening and soothing qnalities,
and its UPe fur • few wee s ;raviolis to sondnement is
said to ensure a sate and euler confinement, r od a
spe,dy gettint
It eau now he had co•ractly prepared according to the
original fnrcou'a—fmtn the Estracts of Partridge berry
vine. Cramp by k, Cenlophrilum. etc., etc. Those wish.
mg to ak , a an It a Preparation will find is touch better to
renyeurn this than to ender•eke es many do. to prepare it
themseirea, as tide reparation contains the fall virtues
n: the Ingredients in a concentrated and reliable form
Prl•e per bottle • two dollars. Pro ared and sold by
J. S. CARTS; Me, Pa.
LY Snag bas thoroughly proved Dull to be the beet
article known for miring CAT tftrlll. COLD IX TEN BleD
and fiILADACHM. It ham been found an excellent
In many cues of Soap Eras DIAYSZI• has been
by it and litualso hos often been greatly improved by
its nee. It is fragrant and agreeable, and glee, lIIMEDI
tTE BELIE to the dull heavy paiu caused bY diseases
or the Head. The semations after tuieg it are delightful
and invigorating. It open, and purges oat all oh
'tractions. strength.= the glands and glean • healthy
action to the parts affected.
More than thirty years of sale and WO of Dr Marshalts
Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved Its great value
for all the common diseases a' the head, and at this mo.
meot it "tends higher than ererbefors It is recommend•
ed by many of the beet physician'', and is used with great
lucerne and satisfaction eret , where. Reedit - tie Certificate
of Wholesale Druggists in 1t14:
The undersigned having for many years been acqttain
ted with Dr. Marehtlre Catarrh and Heada-he donfl e and
.n:d In our wholesale trade. cheerful]. state that we be
lieve it to-be equal. In every reaped, to the ren.mmenda•
Hone given of it for the mare of Catarrh Affections. and
that it is decidedly the best artiste we have ever known
for all common disease, of the Head.
Burr k Perry. Reed, +natio k Co., Brown, LIOO•011 &
Co., Reed. Cutler Co.. Seth W. Fowls. Wilson, reirbact
k Co., flu-ton ; Henrhaw, Edma.nds & Co., H. H Hay,
Portland. He.; Ranee at Park, A. R. At b. Sarilkittephen
Pant A Co .. lsrael Minor A Co., IfeCteison & Ratblne, A.
L. Scovill A Co., H. Ward, Close at Co., Bush at Gale,
New York.
For sale by an Druggists. Try it. sep2VE,5-1y
S TOP THAT SCR V1'011,113 :
Cartrea Extract of Dandelion and BOW Sweet,
This Ettr •ct cares all kinds of Iteh, ltrystpelu,ralt
Rheum, Tv:ter, Scald Reed, Cicero, Old clones, Roils,
Pimple •, Carbuncles, Liver and Kidney Complaints,
Rhenmstimm and all other Disease, arislog from an iilo.
pi re con , it ir n of the blood.
Saraapal ills and Pa-,lack, Cream of Tartar and 'Sul.
phor, Red Prrelpit•t and PrAestone, all f.ll to tare
this molern mongrel Itch now co prevalent throughout
the country. Rut the Extract of Dandelion and Bitter
Sweet is just the remedy for it, as it acts on the Limn,
, timulates all the secretions, upens the pore. of the
akin, and ins natur l avl ea ,y war throws out all thick,
po•slnous or Impure matter, and leaves the dr
culation free, the blood pure, th • Ain clean, the Dom.
plesine clear and the'whole system tree from linage. It
is • medicine that cannot be u•ed without benefit, and
Carter's. Yellow •intment Is unrotallel b- an , ether
Ointment in the wort I for the speedy and eff-etual mare
of the Itch and all other scaly ernptlena. Also ensue
missed to ocrofulons Suns, Ulcers. Fee-r and Sores
that are bard to beat, and of megteal eelnitey n theatre
of Piles. It only needs tete' to re approved.
Price of Rxtract, El. Of Yellow Ointment, eta. Or
taken t oerther, 111 26.
4 old by all respeetabls aulll4l
These Drops arc a ecientillully conspenandsd Said
T r rratien, and better than any pills. powders or nos•
triune Being quit , their aaLion Is di-eet awl positive,
rendeliog them a relloSle, sp edr an I certain speelflo
4or. tee cure of all ,:bdructiou nod sappreuions of ma
tidre. Their popularity is Indicated by the fact that
dyer fOl,OOl bottler are annually s and columned by
the ladies rf toteriet, every one of whom speak in
t' D strongest terms of pride of their great aserits.-
11. y are rapidly taking' the place of every "Our female
reijaely, and are cons dosed by all who know aught of
them, u the "amt. safest and most infalliblel prepara
tion in the world, fn the cure of Alt female carnelian%
the removal of all olutruct one of nature, and the pro
motion of health, rsgulmity ani stren"tb. Explicit di
rections, reticle when they may bi and, and implan
ts', when and why they shou'd not, and o uid not be
wool w 1 hoot producing etTecta contrary to nature' oho
.en law,, will le't,wrt carefully folded around each
bott'e, with the writien signature of John L. Lion,
cithout which none are /coulee.
Prepared b' Dr. .1.1.1 N L. LYON, 191 Chapel street,
,Yew Haven, Conn., who un be consulted either per
snn.llr or br lett , r, (enclosing stamp) concerning all
private diseases and female weetnessei.
Sold by Druggl its everywhere.
C. G. CLA.RK &
nop'd'•ly Gen . ] Agents for C. S. sad Canada'.
•x10'65 ly
Dtf...TALLIOT 2 ) 4 PI
lionepouti of hittily to nitrated istoicts from
Roots and Herbs of the greatest medical value. prepared
from the °rip'sl preeeriptinn of the celebrated Dr. Tal
bott, . nil used by him with remarkable man for
twenty years. An infallible remedy In all DIRS./IBMS
of the LIVER, or say derangement of the DIGEST/int
They Cur: Die:That e, Dyspepsia, Bur:role, Jaundice,
Biliousness Liver complaint.
The well-known Dr. Mott says of these Pills : " I have
nit , dt.e form xla from which your Pills are made, in
my p-actice ter over '2 years ; they have the !Mast '
feet u pea the Liv..r aol Digestive Dross of any medi
cine in the wor:d, and are the most perfect Pnrepelive
which hes ever yet been made by anybody. Thee are
cafe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure Their
penetrating properties ettruniate the vital aclivitles of
the bud?, remove the obstructions of its organs. pertly,
the b'ood, wed expel disease. Thee purge obi the - Tant .
humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate.
eluggish or disorlered organs into their natural action,
and impart a healthy tone ' , with stisnith to the whole
system. Not only do they cure the every day com
p ainte of eeerybody. but also f:rmidableind dangerous
di:wares, and being purely •evitable are free from any
ritk or harm."
They create pare blood and remora all Impurities
from the system. hence are a pesltive huts for fevers,
11.adsche, Piles lAter.ur al Diseases and Hereditary
Ifiemor.. Dose—for adul , s, one Pill In the mornin g
for children under g years, half a rill.
Price One Dollar pi. Box Trade supplied or sent by
Hall, post paid. to any part of the United States or
Canute.; on receipt of prioe. None rumble without the.
fee-simile signature of V MottTalbott, M.
V. MOTT TALRorr Co., Proprietors,
0c.V65.1y No 62 Tall in street, New York.
iNKr, & LYIIN MEWING like 111
ir The hollowing facts demonstrate that these ifs..
aikido. -OM prise the tughfiti %live/emeriti in the sewing
Machine art, •I: :
L Kash Machine Is guaranteed to give better saileface
don than any other Sewing Machine la Market. Of mow
2. They hare , taken many of the klghset renokune at
the most important exhibitions and fal to ever held in
. the United States.
S. They make this lock stitch alike on both eider-thee
saving half the thread and silk need is the miner
ridsoosams of the loop stitch and single-thread Mae
4. They are adapted to the widest rasp of heavy sad
light sewing•
rstry have no rattling wires or delicate attasir
merits to pt out of order.
6. They require no taking apart to oleos or rol, and
no Leglefte" to set needle, regulate toarionor epos
ate Machine
7. Oar Vow Balufactoring MANI ropootally
adspted to Shoe Fitting. Glove liannistring, Tailor
ing, kn. , and is not eqoailed by any liselitine ta market
Please call and .amine sad demonstrate for Amor
eel 4 or seed for Clrantar with sample of /owlet.
N. B.—Agents warded. •
FURLS at LYON. S. If. 00 . •
se2l 6m No. 633 Broadway, New York.
MI%EDI Volt MILLll.—Is constrinenee or J .,
heal'h, tsubse-I , er is Induced . to offer for sale
hie rare, itler ne npeo the south side of Girard townekit.
Erie county. one mile from the fillip of Loelkport.' n
eootslee issSeraa, l'o of whirti are improved and le •
11 , srh strata of contrition. well f.nee4L well watered. nd
hiring sent-rate orchard, moetly of graft.d trait The
b u t & w are iro 4 persons wi•hior to eurehses • tens
will llnd it of eivantsp to look it this on. Inquiet
en the oree st" GilinWltit cooper.
nr I also An for sale zs v ci s i firm of *flab tar
mile south of the above. Its hnUdta
fret, he.. and in en excellent cleat
&iamb's 144 15664 e
. . .. .
. . . . , . . .
. .- ''.:: : oia-.•: • ,T": rf 77 -.-- ,„. TT , i,
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14-.. 11 •-)--..----% • ..-
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Special Notices.
A A•' ADAM.R It ; 17 0 .
izio i ll•Smabor.3s Iles.
D im & CARSON,
- • ' Dollen is
ALL IDID3 Or 011002111.3. nui TIONTABLII.
Fifth Ptreet, between State and haw k, pie Pa.
Hurling pureleema oar steak before
the Me the is prim, vs
tea eoolldiut el being
able to ere Path
feelers, both to
Ow *ad
Country Predaee et evert sort bought and sold. Farmers
eta always dep•od on ready* thei Wind Naar
- kat pries for their &Akan.- -
roams IN -mg ADJOINING Town,
lad ea the Liam of Railroad,
Give us a GIL
EICIOABER NAT k Jaaicsorp I ARYST DR!'ol'.
IN.,' 8
paicsis EEDVCKD.
!BIZ, PiStrA,
L sow 'Meg the lint sesortment of
Geese leathers. Yttrium. Loangee. sad other Plume
-tam Stir brought to this sit,.
GI& v. nun.
General Comestee* ravaltans D 111113114
Wm side near lith o oa !hate eteeet. .
or OW sad as the folding Bedstead: sal gar
arzel3off bas *weld Ha store at No. SU rem&
where am be found every* ,dag eiteSed,ta thi ltae of '
Ho in bow to soy that b• Ms bpd that von toovoi
and pop:4am=
Who will bs tom topa his old Mods attll tines. , •
Sash as
Minya on hand at
001714 No. 616 !mai St.
1111101 Al
TUT I , 8,(811,-XABLO1X X LTC.,
Al OOPTS, 616 Frieda at.
As Wtulsob or Zstap, M
Oetile GO/T% 11l Trunk EL
§:171 . 01247 XVIIITDODT 21101ILD
Does all this—ls entirely eat et. sight. la deers sad
windows, and Is the but strip is au for the IbUoving
reams r Lt, It in ism dents I. SI.. It auto ea.-
third lose. id, It will not hinder °peals( sae sluing
doors or windows. 4th, II is bottor than doable win
dows—does net • *beim! the stow-vdas not,Wader
oposlog sad clads, the blinds—windows can baepssod
so as le retaliate at wiles. .This ettip.wal
o r the
dust is =sever when year double "dada." are . You
here no boson boa year doable 'dada we oily, whi
ter. This $ trip keep' eat the geld la 'visitor sad dad
sad wain In suateer, and don sot sod eae.halt the
pries of doub'e window". '
This Strip is sow oared to the Inhabitants ankle
elty. Tows Dam vox Sus.
Y. W. 1101ICHLER. trio, .
oettt-tt Agent tor Die Co.. Pa.
MS groat Use trammed ale Moths= sad Notknot
oosatiso of Prosaarhasta to the city of Ms, oil
Laid Mo. It haa tiara hand by tho Postargionis OA
rood Osapsag, sad is operated b thaw
men Os mamma morn at ism
- • Loan ICastward.
Mall ?rats ..... —.....—.. —.... ... 1 2i s. ne.
tee Expron "hide__ IN* ie.
Erie Mom. $141•41a..
Warren Atom— • _ ..... —.... 400
- . •
11411 T Arden Wententra.
1122 p. at.
Eris Irp rain
rose ?rata —.«.... 3
I w
S in.
Cis Amain. e..••••••••••••......••••••••••••• 441 1 1 6 IL
Warren £OOOlll6. MO a. I%
ears min threl es Ore Me Ind &If Ex•
pre. teiettliestabsigalmotk nays Wiens Mail*
platu Y and Inn.
Wositeranottsat Leans Way Tort at 100 p.m.
arrtni - st Erie $ 40.. ea. Lesre Vie at ZIG p. it, arrive
st New Tart 11 now -- - ' •
Ite Asap et an betimes We 104 New York.
Ilegint Bleeptar Owe '. ea AU Mitt trains.
Jar intarnestlosenspeatiag Ammer Midas. apply
at the IL Z. otratelll4 sad MAIM sty and fee Tenlekt
loestoese et On Coetpnafn sembh
8. B 1:1 1 / 4 1111/021, la, wane Ittk and MakiN44ltessin.
.1. W. iITIPILIA NAL 1 .
W. BROX i3 = 4 : l;iii=r4 ). l. l ., Baltialare.
IL 11. nest, MIL
11. W. 017TWIlllt. - Ges. pt. Phila.
A. L. TYLICII. Own& inpwintsupeast. 1/111,1anesport..
Gnus% of the PounoylvsaLs Collogo et Dental Su
gory. Ms la Ihigh ro Block (imir VW/ illiotro
Drug Mors)
* J1LZ711221111173
O. N.ThOOO, D. D. 8., North dovoath'otroet,
Thtl►da -
T. L. Boats haw, N. D. 8., No. 243. North Ni.
*vim wsoigau. sag ISTAII.
CHAR L - B8 0 A FORD it SO NB,
am mow *pea Moir : lath sad oplos,lsioutiymit of
L Miller 7VI
• -
. C 0771 •'
Aka dos stag omortmowl of
FANCY Fllll EOM. CAPE, 101/1140#4
limbs:Os -fib thou, of
to tor at impraft 4 • • • .
• 'amirriasirriai sovairr..,
wriest WeiLLDINAI na
ismrt is
I 4 lose taittki *wk. west Pask, l a ra ssep hiss
sises:ftse • Clisilites Atath.%
lt ttn Swam litthitiest. Tait *I plow- g
. 011ie hears-11 to Mi. I t•:s !%; ' ,
madat%sGN r MANUA C ~oßaajf
I. , tort, flikrasOtOes. sitspbsdi is milts sal ns&
mak toe 111 to lea .:.a: Tits&plbi •%a
imege, et slew init. 'Mires if Ali
tralai Ostalaress. &
She Walks no more 'loath star-lit skies,
She calls the evening mists that rise
Miasma, and the dew that lies
Is damp and cold and shocking.
She now wears boots. Five years ago
Her skirts she gathered up below;
'Twee not from dampness, bat to show
Her slippers and white stocking.
Beneath this shade we used to read .
*Nand and we both agreed
The Judge wu ,wrong—but why paned?
She's married to another
She has not pined—that form is stout
That onee this arm wu clasped about.
She hulwo girls; they're both no doubt
The image of their mother !
She said she loved not "wealth or state,"
'But most adored the "wise and great,"
And gave a look to intimate
Xhat this was my complexion ; •
'"Uer huilbandshould be eyed like Mars,"
!That's he there, letting down the bars,
In cowhide boots. No doubt her Pa's •
But 0, not her selection •
Aid yet, am I her youug love's dream,
The pensive lover that did seem
The, rightful Prince who should redeem
The promise of her fancies ?
Am I that saint dyspeptic youth
Who rang the chimes on "sooth" and "truth,
Minns that cuspidate tor th
Whose presence kills romances
0 Love, behind yon leafy screen!
Why can't all trees be svargreen
Why can't ell girls. be sweet 'lateen,
All men but one.aad•twenty ;
Why are the soars that hearts must wear
Peeper than those - yon tree may bear?
And why are lovers now se rare,
And married folk so plenty
Ertrado from a &mon Preached to the Cb*.
,yrregafion of St. Paul's Church, &ie, Pa.,
Nov. sth, 1865, 6y Bev. F. Souhtsno,
Jorir. XXII% 111.—Josao aluorsrod.
Elordros Is not of this World.
Arcadia Revisited.
Ab, here's the spat—the very tree
Where once I carved an L. sad 8.,
Symbolleal of her and no
Bound, in Love's rosy fetters;
Since then Ave weary Yeats are spent.
And yet I think we're both content
That i■ Lewes Book we never went
Beyond our simple letters.
For looking through the rustling leaves,
I see the humble oottege.eaves
Where noir Iny Rm. ao longer weaves
Her mystic maiden Melee,
But milks her tows—de sailed 'em Mae
re the bravo days when she was tains—.
But now she's dropped those phrases Sae
She borrowed from romances.
Tel here's the rime—the very tree
Where once I fell on beaded knee
And breathed my burning vows—while ski
stood by in pals pink muslin.
kissed Mr hand—but , why revamp
Old feelings now t—the gran is damp,
And what with this rheumatic cramp
To kneel now would be punting.
The Church and Politics
There are many purposes for which men
have organized efforts, which are good,,
though they fall Short of being religious.
General benevolence is good, though it be
not divine charity. Associations for the
promotion of any legitimate busineak
trade, commerce, manufactures, agricul-±
turn ? may be good and indeed necessary.
in civilized communities. Corporations of
the various sorts may come under the
same category. Many schemes of moral
reform are of excellent design and teal
dency. Especially is government good= --1
with all that contributes to its healthful.
nese and efficiency, Each as party politics;
the conflict of current policies. . •
Now, what should be therelation of the
church to God to salutary enterprise* not
immoral ; which may be highly moral but
not Christian nor even religious? Must
the church proscribe these as not coming
within its scope or its design ? Or must it
ally itself with them with a view to con•
trol them and make them contribute to
its purposes? It is evident that' it can do
neither. No one would contend ' tbat the
church, attach, should meddle with boards
of trade or secular organizstians. Not
that it should connect itself with agricul•
tore, commercial and mechanical opera.
tions and the means of their promotion.
Mud' as the design of the church has been
miscottoeived,in some sects, I doubt if ec. •
embolisml action for such ends has ever
been contemplated.
Men have formed, in the most advanced
nations, con-entions and councils of social
science with highly beneficial results. It
is certainly conceivable that the church,
a great part of whose work it is to improve
men socially, should lend its aid, by prop•
er legislation, to such good designs, and
even be repreiented at such congresses by
*committees. But I have never heard that
in any body calling itself a church, much'
a course has been desired or : thought of.
Often as the Gospel has been . confounded
with ethics or sociology by, those whose
profession it was to proclaim and set It
forward, it has riot occurred to any body
of Christians to place themselves on a lure] ,
with any such society or organisation, tar
to makelholmpliSd sokriewledgment of
equality r by working -in harmony with
them for good ends. ro a. churchman, of
course, the very idea is prePosterous.
But how should the church act in refer
ence to temperance Societies, for ills pre-
vention of the use or the sale of intent.
eating drinks? It is well known thatsome
bodies of Christians have gone ter to assn ,
oiate themselves, cvento identify there
selves, as fir as possible, with such .soide.
lies. They have practically made it dill.
gatory upon church members to be mem
bers of them, to be in sympathy with their
purposes and to govern their .actions at .
cordiogly. They have even made' it At
punishable offence to vote with a political
party opposed to State legislation fiir the
promotWn of temperance: The religious'
sects I speak of-as-.having complicated
-themselves in this way with politics, with
politics] partizanshim and with the action
of aspirants for offi'e, ire for the' most
I part small local bodies. But they have
helped to form a publics sentiment; so that,
although they have had little influence '
among churchmen, or even amortgmetn"
bars of the more conservative denomina:.
dons; such church action confessedly 'po
litical to many good men, does not seem,
strange or revolting. - . .
.-- The action of these sects has, X believe, ,
been similar in relation . to peamisoehities.
sust.ktilavery societies. possibly, also, Ad
woman'S right's Ballade., and . I know, not
what other societies of moral reform: ; -
' Mr*, intelligent and moral churchmen
bavo shnrys set their faces *pia* any
kind ew *owe of mama einckoperstion op ;
thwpert of theohnierkwititanyvolnatary
Beefily . ot a reformatoty enmantinvhow: - :
evei good andYeslierwortlri -InOobjeet.--e
Tiktvesion isobvious.; Th. church bows
a divine society, with its priseiplos and ob.
jets* all - given by. revelation.bas Its enures
*warily marked out for it. It is to preach
the gospel, administer thesilfratisenb'snd
cetebrate . Its Worsblp , for the convendoe;
'ad iimotilleation et man...thm preparing.
them to be good chinas amtpartahees oi l
,the salvation of Cbrist , ,, Itadtitlea ate eze•
vela and exclusive. It' canned go,:lAtood.
(beim It cannot delegste them.- Cannot
=u rn
allow I erildii *ifh-Othet agencies hi:
• g 'therm -Tim whole- tresponsi
ot mitiwalkilOan-
kind rests upon the - church itself. The
church of Christ, and that alone, has been
entrusted with the Gospel is the sovereign
remedy for all moral evil.' The best 'in
tartlets' of 'humanity depend' &Notate),
upon its faithfulness in administering its
trust. The • divine mods of- returning
men is by regenerating, converting, use
tifying theminctividually. *dies man*
Christian and you make hints moral man
and a good citizen. Make all men *or.
oughly Christian, and society will be Chris..
tiara, government 'will be Christian. and
the vest moral evils which men see and
deplore will inevitably pus away.
The church is itself, theretore, theionly
effectual society of moral reform. Mums*
agencies can only produce a superitoi&l,
outward reformation. The' religion of.
Christ begins with the heart. The refor;
mation it aims at is radical. it would
chance and, sanctify our whole nature.
While the chir - thy •fore can have
no connection
human origut,
work, it ia 'not h
ben may rejoice
is each man's of
will sot with th(
such must parent
way, prooleimiu
tied, es if they
IV. But what
Kingdom to civil
Lions of governy
somewhat - d i!&
at this time ey
is the relati
a iroveyninent
mental policy ?
cult question. and I cannot
Met tip" iti
_Mammon' s 0
ength. Aoc, tordi
og to the Scriptures, civil
well Ai the church is an
soverntoont as
.o titration of
Bat it is
_civil Roy'
eriment as such. Not My particularYorm
of government. The form depends upon •
hum n institutions.and oomequently mast
vary wording to times and (Armenian- -
cos. Government being necessary to the,
'protection of "life r liberty and the pursuit
of happiness ," it was instituted for those
ends, but it is left to every people to d..
tennine who shall be rulers; what, their
Powers and what the mode of perpetuat
ing their office. Hence forms of govern
ment have greatly varied in different ages
and nations.
Accordingly the church must recognize
civil government. . Indeed, it is due to,
the church that its divine °ha:octaves - id
authority are now generally atiknoWl
edged. For even philosopher' and states
men have often been willing to consider
it simply the result of voluntary associa
tion and_ human _compact. The Church
has ever taught on this subject the doe!
trine of her scriptures : That rulers bold
their owes in acoordanoe with.the Divine
will ; that they bear the sword for the
punishment of evil doers; that they tire
to-be honored in their personnd sipr
ported in their- high vocation. 'lt has
never been a question that the Church
must teach her members, the duty cf loy
alty. Being enjoined in the Scriptures it
is a part of the noble counsel of God.—
She is to shun, not to declare. Especially
she is to pray and Mach her members to
pray for all in authority, that they' may
lead quiet and peaceable lives in all rod-
llness and honesty. Every member of the:
Church, being also a member of the State,
and being -pledged &turned loyalty,• the
Church in a christian nation must be 'a,
main support to the government: It has
always been so. Never more so than in this.
conetsy and daring the lite perils through;
which oar own government him pawed.—
Churchmen have been pronailent in 'the'
cabinet-and the field.' Churchmen have;
poured - forth their trammel In lavish;
I abundance upon the altar of their coun n
try.- The Church, herself. in her Diocami4
and general ontnisibi, in the dark days of,
our peril, from the. loyal- ardor of " bell
members, went beyond her timelionoreck
customs and pledged herself-1u earnest
resolutions to the support of the trovern 4
meet and the preservation of the Union{
Besides it is a principle of. the Church be-,
cause it is revealed in the Scriptures that
1 rebellion against a lawful government, is a,
' fearful sin. The Church has ever taught
this, and the Pastoral letter of the Hon
of Bishops, while the SOuthern reboil!
was putt rig forth its greatest and: mos
successful efforts for the subversion of th
government, declared and enforced tide
ieripture and church doctrine in term;
that could not be mistaken.
The members of the Church must
members also of politicil parties. ' The
must, have their opinions as to the prppe
policy of the government..: In et ery fro
nation these differences are permledblo,
and great advantages are concelyed to
grow out of them. Bat the Church as
such can have no relation Whatever to
any political party. .She can never tat
any polities, action or legislate in favor cff
any not connected with her own work.-r -
Civil and political tytieitions,' however im
portant, cannot others se come legit'.
mutely before her. It is plainly s depart
tore from her principles to entertain
them. Never can they be a part of the
1 Gospel. Never could we sneak upon them
I with the authority of God. By legislating
upon them she would dmrade twain' into
a secular body. She wmicl bellable ball
the rtilittalrie- of 1.034 Rea. - ithr de 4 *
'ions niiglit,be rove :by fubl i opinfoh
arid by subsequent legislation., Her coo -
eels. besides, would 00 distracted by parti
san differerncel.. Dhirunticici 'might fellow
-each political party' for Ming its sect. • It
is well hnown that party' polities was a.
prime cause of the Pantile dissent • and
non-conformity . '. The sects set up in op
position to the Church of England wen
in one respect political bodies. ' - • . .
Moreover, political- legislation ,in - the
Church unfits her, for her, great, work of
Preaching the Gospel . ., It iioes this both
directly, and indirectly. It hi allowing'
lunitione to absorb her.time and thought
which are wholly foreign. to the. Gospel.
it is giving ciocuicin to bitterness. variance
sod dirtrectiop. ~,Porsueli reasons it has
been the lorFietil• custom of the Chnith
'l4, We octint#, en..esieutlal part of her
unwritten law, to keep aloof front elipo
• liticel alliances. This lawishindlie uten
sil heiclerey in their public Ministrations.
,They ate not to preach anything for which .
they have not the sure wermot ef i the
Scriptures—or not in sepordinoe with
Scriptural example. Let it never be fey-
Rotten, that the greet object of the Cheri*.
of the Scriptures, tiod.of Preaoh l olli t o t
Make men Christians—to tern thein
their sins unto Christ,' their `Siniktur,S and'
lead.thent in the way ; of, evertutlpg lire..
It wu. 1 right to • delOatire lretirely for
o re
*amis. was a sin.,- It hiriglitin '
vaned ?corruption :aid ill ' ' dome.
,f - fir 'lib s sm. : .130. of ell stns. 'Tao , arch'
.acrd bur mishit to ttli for.:
flake them. trid . , Mine lifer Been?
without which; ii 'OM Au see thit . .W.
11 2
`As to thigh:et ea W of. ilayrywlsile
1 it.was legit all tetion' fiiiiits &Mika
weipleerlY ,"' The' *surer could.
, 4 110 - 14%114 'tin - it - twithoht Jt sse "
lierielf hiliolftios, in hoetllity ta e
moment and theism's. -ALB aim _ gmi
'war to initigair -
tors. in atioordan,
their -disks.
she did. thee)
nor so Oilli
V/Hira it
dwelt 01 4111
it mit Ibi (11
with e. an COW
' ;Woad. for•the Gospel.. Hence the
eat action of the :Church. tu its general
• • , pail; wantitarginiza a fieedmenls cont.
•• Woe, under the /You& ot- Yiss6ons, fet
e re' i igions instruction anti Aura
manapated .race-1 movement` which
ght to be rigarded ai O o tie of the most
portent of this tin by all' ourphilan
thropists and 'Ter which all good men
41hetild *oak and.
I ,Anotbet part of the action of our late
general - oonvention which will ever mike
it memorable, and for which millions will
betbanktel when we we dead and' gone.
lino the consummation of the re union , of
tho church„ which the rebellion had latel
livid 'ln no way could We Church
have shown so effectually 'her loyeliy to
the government, and her intetest in the ,
perpetuit and complete re-establishment
opf its aut hority' ,in the seceded States, u
she did by allowipg het deuthern members
to return witholft - any conditions except
Obedience to herlawa, and' by a Cordial,
ties of
&thanksgiving service was mob_
teL al) the , Members of the Convention
heartily joining hi it ; and few mild have
'beta present without feeling that it was
peculiarly well pleasing to God. , Peace
spun, with all the great blessifigi peace
'brings in its train, and chief of these, the
'union of the Church of God
A .great outcarryy has been made because
the Convention did not pass loyal resolu-,
thins, as if the thought of. its loyalty be
ing suspected. could be for a moment
tertafned I Aduchi unjust reproach has
bash:directed against the Church, because
a JlPedid rceolution of thanks was not
made,for the abolition of slavery is the
cause of the war, as well as for the mute
ration of the authority of the Government
over our whole country . . In the judgment
of the Convention , leguiletion of this sort
was , illegitimate and uncalled for.. The
Conizoil of the Church was not the place
fay it. The Church
could not do it with
out disloyalty to herself and her prinoi !
pies. •Thia warn the view generally taken.
But there . was not a man In the Conven
tion who, as a citizen; putting upon them
his oeit interpretation, did 1:101' agree with
the resolutions offered end. tabled. If
they, couldhave resolved themselves into
mwfi meeting, they, would have passed
them"dpaiiimociely. ' They could have
passed resolutions ten times -troiizer by a
very large: majority. But a Church Coun
cil is not,an aggregate of somany
It oodld thank Clod _ for the return of peace
and the unity of the Church it could
not tcr farther without great evils. It did
not wish; now that the. Wit, • was over, to
establiahe bad precedent; it did not wish
tent as if Church and state were con
nested; it did not wish to commit itself to
'a statement of the cause of the war. It
was determined to be true to the Church ;
and ins lofty spirit of Christian duty to
resist 'all outside pressure. and to put com
pletely out Of view the obvious fact that
politicians would fail to understand them;
and especially those sympathizing with
the action of bodies of Christians, who
have made it impossible for their breth
ren to be in communion with them, with
out humiliation, would malign and stig
matizer them.
There was no question before the Con
veßtion of the loyalty of its members. Any
one who reads, the reaolutione.thpy aro re
proached for not passing,. can lie that
they might be.passeci unan imously by any
State political convention of any party in
the country,' each of course, holding hi•
own private opinion as to the remote and
real cause of the war. It is too ridiculout
to make the passage or defeat of such
resoltitiona a test of loyalty.
- No t a word has been said or written ex=
wept by a portion of the press, that could
fairly lead any, man, knowing anything of
the Conventioa, to doubt for a moment;
that ita . members were good and loyal citl
sena. 'No one of the protests of members
disputes it. Indeed, they all assert or inn
ply it. The protests were made , from the
fear.of injury 'to the Church in the North
from those who would not understand its
action; mid by men who held ii different
theme, of that the Church might properly
do from that nf the majority. Let it be
understood that it was the votes of the
intensely loyal and intense haters of slave
ry that prevented the pastime of these
resolutions: This was well understood in
the Convention--end it is only a.ncost un
christian unfairness or extreme mental
obliquity thit preieicts it being Understood
generally. Some may 'say and think e
mistake win' made, that a wrong theory
war fat on—thet it may be proper for a
t o
Oleic& turd! to disci:m(2nd - pus' reso
lutions n ' Meal and -01,11 questions.
But itle tone how any oaf can say,
eXoentpilicionaly.that disloyalty prompt
ed th eir-action. litany men, diergy ' and
laity, well known for their earnest royalty
and sympathy with the government die
ing the wat- and very: many 'who were:
known to be :of the maim eentiocepts in
their respective localities,. acted with ; 'the
mority. : •
• ' Zito not hellfire that 'the action of 'the
Convention will have the eviteffeirt . that
is apprehended. Church ..people, I WII S
. judged by their action 'and influen in
their own' neighborhoods,' where ' albite* it
enfold be effeetuall exerted: , Who would
say that the Chur chwee disloyal here in
Erie? and yet he vestry never passed boy.
al resolutions. _Who would 'say that the
Ctutech •was: disloyal in • Piyaborgh, in
Philadelphia, in New:fork: in Boston, in
Chicago?' In' what community in the
'NOith 'hive not Churchmen done their
'duty to the government acid country ? The
charge is manifestly absurd.. .
' Let uniben, my brethren, rejoice that
the,cohiention had. the Christian thaiiii'
view to do what Mei' threight right; in
'spite of actinide • influences. and misooh
gfption. , Let us rejoioe :that we have! a
Church that doe, not meddle with piflitice
'or otbcr'nciiiiirn nOt'beliingin_g to it. Let
cur erjoibelbet • we' hate- a Church: frilly
alive to ita.proper week, and whiehrhi wi t
ling to let,,nothing ioterfere. with , thit
work :IA .ui rejoice Out' thin Chitrili ' iff
owe tkittughOut the cionitlic-iilettid of
civil union, a healer Of teetationil bitter-
IZTlOOnenkii: And .alWhetion; i
ti am conVieted bciffy,lible. to grapple
11Y with-ginhayfield' foists' dr On
italt wiektotion, , Indio'''. tin"
_ .
.00P0 1 .*
0 01 _ , L
5,:!! ft.V. F "
, ER en'
vaddib )
The melancholy says hits" sense, the ,
nir disiVIMI"."; ;, .-. ‘,;: , s . 1 . 'as,
.0 1 NOilitili)vioo; aid tie* trofdii, jme
. • meadows brow; and 0644 " • 4
lreap'd in the hallows of the grove She
'' ; - wither!A leeveattp, del* ; .
They sdetle La:' tie' edoiying gust . 'enif to the
ielibliliiitir '''. •"" '' - - ' - '" - -!'''''n''-'--1..
The robin sod the,lsTen are Ayir , o 4 , mid fr l ont
the shrub the jij; ' • ',•, .-
.._____._ r ''
. And from the wood top l esiiiiitit,lmr 611 71 1 1 Pf•
all the gloomy day, , • ' '—' •
Where Are the !ewers, the fldriesuctletrere• s
. that latelySeprani sod etec4
In brighter light arid softer Mrs, a heentiLliti-. A
.iiitabOOd? • i• -.;
Ali l they all are in their anima; ;Um., A,
geatta race of femme.
Are tying Jo' their lowly beds , with the fair
and pod of ours:
The q4a is tilling where they Ile; bat the I t,
cold November
,11114. . • , -1 •
Cslli not from oat the gloomy wilt , the
ones meth. - -
The wind flower And the vielet,,ther, wisher }
' long ego, , •
And the wild roes and the (maids died . amid
the mummer glow; "
Bat on the hills the golden rod, ant the estata
ti the wood, •
Till fell the forest from the olear cold batmen;
'as falls the plaice en men, ' • batmen;'
And the brightness of their snails was vim A
from upland, Ode and des.
. . , . I •
• .
And now, when conies the cilia, rand daY, o
and still suck days will come; •; ' •
To exit the squirrel and. the bee fees
their winter home,
When the sound of dropping Mats . is
though all the trees are mill,
Arid twinkle in the smokey light thi
.'Of the riU, - • - :,..
The ,south.wiud searches for uk,
whose fragrance late he bore.___ _
And • sighs to fi nd them in the wood ant
:' the stream no sore
sli wrong. She was run. Jge
them. and she could. not .determine
whether she had got • the. right sleeve in:
the wrong place, or the wrong .sleeve is
the right place. - • • • •
A lover wrote to a lady who rejected
him, saying that he intended to retire "to
some secluded spot and breathe; flirsy.hia
lite in sighs." To which the, lady replied
by inquiring whether they'Witre to be, me:-
dium, or large siia: The Man hour not
since been heard from. ' '
- A squabble exists over the Smudgy law.
in St. Louis. The city authorities wanted
to close the lager beer hoagies, but the
friends of lager were too 'strong for them.
It appears that the billiard hoises and
Hebrew stores are all open on 'Sunday in
that, city.
We saw a boy the other day borrow a
stick of candy from a comrade to show
him that he could pull it out of Meteor.
He swallowed it and then twisted biniself
in various ways to extract it. but at length
informed his companion that he . had for
gotten that part of the trick.
A little Swedish girlorhilewalkingyritii
her father Ono starry night, abierbed in
the contemplation of the' skies, being
asked of:wpat she was thinking, replied
I watt tiditiaog if the' wrong tide of
Heaven:le tg o si,tigus, what must the right
side kir..
Excr4rW*Nitalure taken At
ittnrettariettoriAndtee. ve
taktiedi • -
mood, 1< ' -
Irishmen hi"ths'cr •• '• • •
take a drinVr' i :!to , art
Two or Tusx:--HoititatittatOrile,
Missouri, Mr. Lincoln's at e fis,,
and Lion ...Montgomery Blair, of
Mr. Lincoln's Poet Muter, Genera, - silt — • '
now acting with the Democratic party. b ,
three mouths from thl.s'kime, the healthy
element of the Bepablioan organiaition
will be doing the same thing. • •
"It you ever think of marrying a wid- •
Ow," said an anxious parent to an hear,
"select one whose first husband was bung; -
for that' is the only way to. • •
throwing his memory•into I;
making annoying compere' '
that won't prevent it.".excl •
old bachelor. "she'll praise ••• , 4 ,4 1 41
that hinging would be too • • •• • - . '
The Iskly clerks at Waal; .• • .-
a success, and most of them
charged. - . stell - •.L.s . alin.z.* •
An order has been issued in Lonievine
threatening all paellas — with iMprisonment.
who sell photogrepidt of J. Wilkes •Booth
or Hue. Monday::
For the special benefit of members 'of
Congress, • board has been raised• to five ,
dollar* per day by the Washington City
hotel keepers.
Prize fights between women are of daily •
occurrence in South Staffordshire, Eng
land. They strip to the waist and follow
the rules of Fiatiana
• The people of Wisconsin,• at the elec•
tion • held in that Stkte, on . Tuesday list,
decided against negro suffrage: 'Brother
Greeley will have to go . on another mis
sionary tour to that benighted region:,•t
A beggar in Waltham. HAIM, few dais
ago. expressed dissatisfaction at reoei4g
a gift of a slice of. bread plainti y
remarked; "Can't you 'give me a piece of
custard pie Timsick." •",
' The following incomes are reported
among the coal operatOrs of Sehuyllailr4-• •.Z.l
county, Pa.: Wm: H. Johns. of fit: U .
$264,512 ; Wm. Dovey, of Blythe tostor
ship, $127,558 ; George W. tinider;lolf . : l
Pottsville, $57,992; 'Francis W. llnghist, • • • c
laWyer and politician, reptitts $41,7.49., .
In Andersonville Prison .Cemetery gas
buried, , acoording to the •report ,of Lieu
tenant Hamlin, a4reater numbis of men
than all the British eoldierp•pnt together.
who perished on the bloody fields of the
Crimea, Weterloo, Salamanca, • Alboaero,
Victoria and Net► Orleans. . =. •
ant willing to split halts with my op
ponent if he bob!" upon it,,7 mud
every distinguished American lawyer; . in
a speech at the bar. '" Silit 'that, then,"
said the otoonitat, - pulling a 00114111
men from his ova head and titeeding
" )day it , please the Con _ rt e 1 .didn't•eay
bristles !",
A young lady was teld by a Married One
that she, had better procipititte herself ''off
Niagara Falls into • . basin beneath „than
to inen7: The Ilelogf lady . replied. " I
would, I thought I could-find a WAWA
at, the' bottom." .
Ond IJOcle sam'i free nigger' rigenta
in Virginia, thosther day, tried/About a
thgaisand,of them to the art., of. enting.—
He told them they should' lie Atkiired to
elect a Coin Wagoner' of 'tlieleowriehok
•too after' tbeirtatfairMtied
'of them in favorr - of its. Wi to
One long, unearthly . black
.....,. ,
~_ ,
~. • ~~,~
t,w eatt;:istot