The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 16, 1865, Image 1

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    - -
i t-,icz to vim "Osszenti Elincnssaa,'SrArs Sun=
01T0.11111.711X Pour OIIICX.
0 t)'n GA94 A• P Firri I'oY7a twit
; r. 1.1 in : Tr, :• ; 0., t.ut
1 11;r...3:p itallOY a Ow :, e..r. :+4.l'...erltwre -::i 4.. ...L..1t;., I k SYS r C..... , •
~.., ...... ;:.:o4
A pc ,:PII4'IICS T S.-- 'la- Sqtrar of Ten lines co in
~theu }',oo; two lerarliede 11,74 ; three r.
1 1.
boas s‘, o o : ow' inmitb $1,50 ; two menthe ,14/'
th ,„ cr , th e -84,60;mi' mon tits s7,oo;one year E 00;
„ 4 1,,r a dvertises:ante in proportioa. Them '
stli be et - Icily adhered t , feu changed by spade
~,,.,,,t, , r -.t th e op!In he pu'Atebers. Audi
~,,, 1., , ,,;;,,1, Strase, D. rtes jll a d like wlvertise
wn,, 12. 0 ; A‘efaistrstof a Notieee $3,4'0; Loosi
Nd:;..,..4 Try e.nts a line; Marriage Notices rwerry-
Fl , , w oe a piece; obituary Mottoes (over three lines
~,,;,,;.) fire rents per line. Original poetry, 0n
,,,,, wri:tro at the request of the editor,, one d.)Lr
,r; , All advertieestents will be continued at
kb..tpea • of the person advertising, until Ordered
~,; by lee threction, imbue • specified period is
nr „,,l n oon for their Insertion.
es IRISTIST-IPe have one of the bolt Jobbing
osas ,;; th , state, and are ready to do all work in
t ark: that reel . be entrusted to toy in equal style
0 ii , „,;,,b!lithrO , llt ootalde of the largest cures.
ET .1,1 e..reruun'estions shonld be salt - mewl to
Editor end Pre
Business Directory.
e 111,11iELY,
Xl' al also prattles In adjoining COMIII
urn, tr...
A ITORNXT AT Lair, alard, See b.
Co;:retinz.i ant othor bnelniuts attended to
era dipatch.
IV. sl' ATT,,n 3E.
nar an LAY, in Walkets
'4ereuth etiwt. isle. Pa. anc "
RooKsztons Lad Desler in Station
?ape?. UsgulLeF, Newspapers. &e. Country de
etore , ea,l.r Brown's Ilotr4froatiag the
'NCCII J.: 31%1 , 11'1N.
~ Per.gon Siock, near North West cornier of
7qatyr, f rie, Pa.
11111.0 lIENNETT,
creath Strati, between VII
;n Sldi.aa, Cinnernn and Jefferinn eounq
y 0.; : Ped.s-1v•) W. W. WII.PUR.
rAill'il I .4 nNs
tr,lcr OP' TER Pillol, P3.lll4toiff
z 2.1 Trst Firm. HO, Eric, Pa
lirri,ll 4() Nt
ant' I ZU4lt, Conniancer and Linn.
t; 0 0, ■loth. rat corner of FOIL
strerti , Ere. Pa. an1.3%15
mad. by
Ate of the S. Treiury Department
ale C4111i.,1511e !Of tioldises, Vulgar
ze•al Ciao tzer• ' with 114ojeuels Ore K/
It FAIN% BI,cC. Eno, Pa. Malta
!,:ttll c&l'ected with fidehtl and
nefom ehtemed and collects& Appellee',
• IptLy ettemde f to. Yr. P. beets( had
txneae. 111 the detai ■ of the redone
exn renter moat emtiefect
:atm( Y:ola of Government drams.
arynters ♦ID CuT/ITILLOR9 AT I
SPrtIM , / Sr., opposite) Crittenden
'a. Col:ertione and ►II other legal 1
ifo Ve.aawro, Erie, Warren and Fo
t 2 Ivt t, ea-stun" , and proen)n.r.
u.-14"o. A. Galbraith Whitman & Bre
k Marvin, Erie, Pa.
P 4 ^.11. Hon. 8. P.Jnhneon, W. B.Era
Warren, P..
I tut opened e tier Furniture Store,
titi;nFo of oa• goals TX ( Mii:DINGI.
'lope ue a telt, sad we will eadeavnr
& '
etwt it, COLLEGE.
Pn 'Jr', pat. oco. W. 6CFiiso r,
Pro! of Commercial tar.
two Classification of Practice. Ornameteal and St
p Coma:rein! Law. oomtnetaisi Art
tam., r..r ladles and gents 1
Car .ownd Ow w:lwe hyds
cr.ei pnasible r
.'es No erpen.e
th,. a wo.rant. practical and rt
" .e City of Schools " Practical
"' emp:nred. Ternta..—Tus!
• rh• ~ o+t tv•iiitioa and greatest
h'e• fiend for Cie mate.
ISj• Purr Emir,
tlel . bar• iouto,ia.ed themseiree, an
, ttle of wrbh r r:bilia la Ile Pottery Di
it4nl, oo the etaal, bAreea flee
Ptho nage of the customer" of tho
leen of the ptiStie generally. Puoallh,
).t ez lotror to give perfect ea el
I / Atte &LA well ewlsetei stoek of
- - -
, -. •- : • - • -
DE"trOVIIENT 1 010 out
(*ref having been restored t in a few days. after
retnr years of I'.; to arsuit his suffering
fel'ow - ereatoresbravo , ".irrr ..,) on' the orre,ipt of
pustridd cop) of the/omits o
cure tmplo crl Plr>^t
JOLIN , Dee IF4 Postpaid!,
Brooklyn, N. V,
. - - irnr , •
• - • • it't flitr , ‘ : 1
y Intl I AN1 4 1 .; t).% 0 P
P.CF.ItYretPZ.; TA:Vt• the brunom cystem, mile
end fem•le; the c n er u. t ''ltElelt 01 duAree; thy
cl-mate eostorna of rri • 40 and
• tbousmod thins neimr fr , ltehed real Ihrl re—
Tined and crthre..4l .dithn of Ittom• Coltaost
• eurioni b,ok for curi-mq p.opie. and a vod boo , or
*rely 000. plßef. 10 1 1111.91r4 07113. Price $1 50
Contrntal•Yelf , nt frAl to -,for address: Bnokt may
bad at the, boob. riorpa, r rrnt by null, not
p lid, on recnpt tae ‘dlre•xt
BY h. , . ?I." ' puuphlot direct.
LT lio-r to •pt edf y c .• .re leg it sof gire up doc
tor of t' , nt by free, on ree.ipt of 10
Addrtaut 7 FOOTE, J. D..
Bra . U Ilrotd,ray. New Cork.
MI) "r4b INVA I.lp 4 .—A Clereyman, while
mading in :,!ort.h AIDtTle %A ft Ictihsi 'nary, direov
errd a see .n I sinar.le rero , ..'Y for the cult. of Nervous
Weak:), a' t ratty Decor , l'i•esol-a of the Urinary and
°e ntoal org in% an I t',. Thole tato 9t diaordere
brongt.t en by b to-4,a , bait& • ikrent num
b.r. have bets a , Teldy cordd hr thin noble remelt.
Yr.unpt.d by a dedre to the aril eted and nnfor
tunat% I will vend tto recipe for prop ring and using
thi- meaicinr . Ina •.iird envelop% t. Loy one woo
1., eves of Cl6 , rge Please inclose a post-paid
eureope, addrePa.,l to yonraelf
Irere, JosF.Pri T. IV MAR,
Station 111, tibia House, ties! York.
rjiiig 110T111.:ICN Hitt IEY,
This Cordiai tau bens tint ea's' , rated among Fealties.
for I's pe ni•ar at-e0z. ,, e.,1ng: and soothint qualities,
and VP use for a feet 11e+ a previous to coniinemint Is
slid to onsore a sale and easier confinement, . nd a
ispe , dy vain.: op.
1* can now he Lad co r-ette nro7are I according , to the
f umiva—friut the ilstries of Partridg• berry
nine. Cramp !rub, Ctulopheilum tic eir. Those wish
(nit to u"" an h PrePanitto , w.. 11 find it much better to
procure th a than to uniter'ske as .11 , tti7 do, to orepate it
th,roscives, p .paratlon enotaira the fall virtues
the 'lived en's in a enneentra'ed and relbbie form
Prt ao per bottle. two do lava, Pr?-sresl and toad by -
nabl-t1 J.:. CARTE 3, I:MN ha-
:111 ILLPCAT %lilt!' PANUFF.—Thu
1/ iR has thorougidr proved Welt to be the beet
article known fir curing tlATAlltitl, COL!) IN Vie HEAD
and lIILADACIig. It bay been found an excellent remedy
in many capt-e of SOKX F:TEIe. Da AncEsx Lan been ro need
by it. and Rattler° br• often been greatly improved by
ita nee. it fragrant and agreeable, and glees itINEDI
tTE ItELIE to the dill heavy pint clused hr n 0.,,
o' the thud. The Seneattons alter usieg it are dettghtful
and Invigorating. It opens and purgea out all oh
structione. el rength, re the and give. a healthy
ectton to the parte afiecte
Morelltan thirtv,yeare ~ f •'e ‘,.1 use tDr Sfersbalra
Calera; and ile,dache > u g el To proved Ile great value
for all the ennatoon dieel• - •. !Le bead, and at this
meht ,t stands higher thah el. , 'berme It to re.ommenti
ed by many of the be•t ;h, • ht, and sa used cleat
success and rati,f,eti , n PT r fiend the Certineate
of Wholesale Druggista f.e I .4;
The on,terei; nett having fir many reafa " . &cousin
tod with Dr. Marshall's r . h sod ti, a d, h e
,e nut y ,an d
.old In one wholesale trade. ch. vfull , state that we b>-
Here it to be eloal, In ever: ro..t, to the re - ..wneende•
ticoal given of It for the rule ~1 'Vat rh Affections. mad
that it le d.eidedly the be..t -.Cc'. we have ever known
for all common dl eases o f •1,-
o band a large awl,
,od and Willow Wi
, to . to which be
publie..atlafied t
can hi had in ■n• ,
atm Srmnag, on El,
Fine !Jones and
my 26'6114;
Barr A; Perry, Reed, 4u , i :N; Brnwn, I:narm
Co, Cutler ',Co. yowle. Wilson, Fairhat k
co„ ; Velma Ada h Co., 11 Fl Her,
Portland, name, A: 1 e s•ll:ldo.St,ph4 ri
Paul h Co. Imrael Minor k , Ve,CeaPon k
Senriii h. Co., B. I,Vard„ •.,/ 3 Co, Bash ,11; „Gale,
New York. - ,
FOT l'Ale Alept"l4s-Iy.
COKE VT L'Aiml •
Carter's Exlrset of Dv. Don and Bitter Street,
AND dlrasr...4 Y rw. , ),/- OINSISENr
Tbit Extr at ,area ail k; . ; nt Iteb, Wryriptlar, "alt
lbenm, Tv tor, Scald I. llooro, Old Serea,
Ftmple •, Carbuneee, I.i•oe 1 Mewl , Oompleinte.
Ilboomn'inra and al ntho- f l l4,ses satiiing from an krt.
pa re tan; lit. n 1.
trareepv Ile and Flu - d , o'v, cream of T•rtar and Rol
poor. fir4l rteriiiit•t /m.l r o Once, a'l frii Inure
this onVern rn•ngrel It •h n t, m p;ora'ent thonnth .o:
the country, kilt th, Fir •• of OambiliCia and Ritter
gyrret in jute tho,ronle n;; .• •;.; It 'tete on the I.l• r,
, tinateith a all tla. ..p.llll the pore. of 'the
1 14,u, and In A ,tar ;1 a v War thr)iir. oat a:I thit
vivo d, pl•a , none ate irnir.r • t• , r, an I learem the rir
en'a,;onAree, tt• Nor ere. he ok;n e'etn, the earn
too ;let ele.r nod the )rya fri m dlretee. It
{P, $11110 , 11 , 11:10 that Manlll4lt N. ne ri•, an d
,t n t m e„t ;.;;;;q talle 1 't an .they
Olntmtat in the world to: the vp.edr and e' Onal cure
of the Itch and all wher , r eruptions. Ai., uncut ,
reseed in t , e-efolona Sere., h'evor and Ohl Soros
bit A, hart t ; heat, end of ol gle4l etneeet in th 3
of PI lee. It only neode tri e arprnved.
Ih:r.• or Extrarr,lll. Ut uh. 'or Otateamt, 3.5 eta. Or
taken t eeether. $1 75.
•otl by •.1 rea,woheb'e an3l-tf
r VC: 4 II'A plots.
These p•ops are a Pei •IA! • Mi . e0 , 131041:1411 fluid
: r p.raVon, and better th to 411 , f pqßdlril or nos.
trams Elone th- r •don is ea ect an i positive,
rer.delir•g them a retie , !d9 no certain ercille
for t%e cure of all obit rue and 'oppressions of CR
tnre. Their popularity i lo heated by tbp fact that
over 101,00) hrttlee a-e awl t .1' poi , onsnmed by
t:e ladies of a-irrici. 0-err of whom et.eak In
t t strongest terms a p. 1 ire of their great remits.—
They are rapidly takinz the tato& of every other female
r, rue ly, and are cone &rid t, ho know aught of
them, an the eurpigt. e tree. n o • , 1 •nl4 infallible prepara
tion In the world, fir the cu -a. of ill lima!e cona•lairee,
the removal of ail obit/ n t ono of natam µad the vv.
moVon of health, ragular, rvi I etrenzt`i. ;explicit di
rectiona, rat;ne whno s• rite bs n ed, and explain
ing when and why they rh ii ant, all c std not be:
used wi bout producing e 'erts -ont:arr to petunia oho
'en laws, wi'l Le (inn let i;if lolled lulu]] each
bott'e„ with the writ•en e`cro'nee of John 11. filch,
attloll3 ly
without which tone a-c g Pu...n.
Prepared b., Dr. J 141 I, I, It, of, 19: Chapel strte`,
VeTir Haven ' Coon., w-bo c n b• consulted either per
or blear, (enc *Pimp) comrning nil
pyi..t• diseases and tenni« ,c•....cesi 5,
Sold by Druggliti ovary wh
n Ara --ly
fc TALWITC I 4;.•,;( I 7':
(A1144461ire!" , 1C1 "
of hi elly Co,c•ntrated Itz'racta frrm
Roota and Rams of the greats:it m.dical value prepare I
frrrn the orgleal preenription of the stile irate,' Dr. Tal
bott, . nil need by him with tome:lEole encomia tir
twenty years. An Infallible renal, in all Dl33aftVli
of the LI ITER, or say derangement of the DIGidTIVE
'fine curs Dierento%, act :fah, Istttilati,
Ditto lane , * Liver emote:tit.
The we I-known Dr :Lott ova of thee, Pills : "I have
twat'', form ila from whinh year Ville are -raNde, in
my pra:ties fir over IT here the dwelt of
fe:t upo i t'i t Lir r ant D.rdetire Dziane or any m e li•
eine in the Wor.d e and are the most perfect Purgative
which hide ever yet been made by anybody. The- are
Fab and pieletot to tate, bat pouf:dal to cure Taelr
penetrating properties atlmulate the vital activities of
the b•id7. memo., the rthatritelione oh Its organ.. partly
the b rod, and expel 41seane. The' pnrge out the fool
bum - .rs which brood and grow• distemper, stimulate
ain4gteti or disor 'ered organs Into their ovum' action,
end Impart a healVdy toot with •stterctlt 11 the whole
oyetem. Not role dt they cure the every day com•
p sluts • f everybody. bat al,n f , r - r.ll4hio end Min.:Noun
as-sem and being purely rir,tablo are fret boat any
rick or berm."
They craa'e pare blood and traleve all impurities
fr.,no the system, helve ur3 a trinities tare :for Fevers,
11. a.:ache, Piles Iler:tir al DI and leirrelit try
Humor , . Poem.—for adnli's. one Pill in the morning
for children under I yearn, half a rm.
Price One Helier Tr? ROI Trade supplied or emit by
Vail. poet paid, t any part of the United Stites or
Cooed.. en receipt eyrie.. 'zero genuine without tb.
clenetur• of V Motrralbott, 'IL D.
V. MOIT TAGRorr t Co., Propri«tnr.,
.'o 62 Falt+o Ereet, Neff Yak.
The lollowloo Leots.l3timonstne l l that -these 3:a
rbiter*, Offirt•Ne the lugheet letyrore oat. lif•he sewing
Ifachtne krt. Ca:
I. Fsch etaeline le gsameteed to Mee betternatiefse
auo then any other Sew:ng Machine in Market, or mow
;. They have taken tamer of the laighest - renanme at
the moat Imp-ttata eahtbalons and faits weer held to
tt.e United stater.
They rweitsthe lock stitch ilk. no both stdes-4hue
.dog halt the thread sod silk u sal to Ma morello r
4dreseami of tie loop stash and single-threai
4. They are altpted b the widest range of hears. and
light mortar. -
b. They have no rattling alma or delicate attach
scrota to get out of order. .
They require on taking &port to Glean or sul, wd
no (sue toe" to sot nee lie, revelete tension, or co,,er
ale Kt.:bine
7 Our Nee Itaottruchring kfechtes is especially
a4.pted to A'ane rating. Glove tianntssturing, Tailor
ing. Pic.. and is nut ay:allot by any Machine in market.
Please rail and event's* sad demenetrate for l our
fel', or iced for Cireniar with sample of sewlog.
N. 13.—Ageots wanted.
FiNittr, is LYON S. IL CO,
No. oteawey,Xistr e york.
iKM 'FOR: 4a1.11.-14 ennsslueues of poor
heal•ti, t sobseri - er is indoeid to offer for sal*
17a Vim, Wit Open the *NOS elle of Girard towoabip.
E ; ennoty. nue tulle from The, rlflaga of toodrport. It
ent , tair • 135 scree, I'o of tellrti SIVC tqi,,roved and" 11 e
.tate of el:allocation. well (-need. w4ll wet red, and
haring a Bret-rate Grated; Wok,' of zraft-d fruit. The
loot d.rg. are co- d Pera , ol to pa . 014.110 a fires
v i!I tot It of a:vantage to look it this oz. Intrytty
111. vnvlnt on or - ••• 61120'1 8 S COOP*R.
rar I also of for sale my form of 108 sere+, jof a
tulle south of the store. hiving good buildings, Icausg„
fruit, Ise.. and to an excellent stale of enltivotion: -
Fermata" 14,1106-4, 0 .W. J. COOPZIL
24 1 r,-
ri lu
_Special Yotjces.
, 9 F00T?... D,
Brnailmy, Xew York
CL IRK . 1 / 4 . CI..
Ve for V. .9.lad Canadai
tlpL i f .2 4l ,
A A. ADA "1„..,4 C .
tint.l3lALT. DXAX.ER.S
— 7 —
Ea4k; PX.Z.O.PA' '
Erte, Teptember 28 1865. ts264m
• Dealers In
Fifth ‘*treat, between State and French, Erie Pa
Tnlrebiseu (me. stock before
the Ilte riot. In pees, we
to •1 contldeut of noting
nb'e to je, Sat's
fae'len. ' , nth In
pried and' • -
Trtllty. '
Country Preckee crrev eortbonfht and 801 l Fa-mere
0112 alw tys depend on receiving the Lie, et mar
ket riee far their articles.
dnd on the or Railroad,
Give ne a Cill. -
. . -
Fir?* Brass?
1■ now selling the Inmost assortment of
Cress Yeatbereo-Vitraarea. Lounges, and other Furul
ture, ever brought to this city.
General Comml•elon ruzniturs Dealer,
West side near Bth, on btats
nil' Call and us the folding Bedstead. awn 3us
Go Frs GROCERY' Poroftß.
Av.° Goff bed opened bid store at too 615 French St.,
where eau be bound are ry t Aug reeied In Litt flue of
lie is hinny tl us, •that he Ilse corned that well knosre
and polo's:rad:a
'who win t• happy to , i•ehb.ctld Wen at an times
Snell as
Alvan on Land at
GOFF'S. N 0.616 French St.
THYMT, SAOS, lutunault - , ETC.,
At GOFF'S, MS French St.
At Wholesale orltebil, at
0ei.1511. Goma, 515 Ileac& St.
Does all this—is entirely ant of ii ht, in door, and
windows, ►udts the best strip in Une Cur the following
mouse t lit. It it mere 'file:nil. 21, it edits one•
third less, ad, It will not Ito ler opening sari closing
dolts or windows. 4th. It Is better than doable win
down—does not obitratti the view—d )es not binder
opening , and clods: Ills blinds—windows eve ha opened
2o es to ventilate St soy time. This strip:will atop the
dust in summer whoa your doabie Windows are Oft Yon
bare no benefit from your double windows only in win
ter. This ' , trip Iv.eps out the cold in• winter and dust
end wat-r In stunner, and dies not cost one-ball the
pries of dcabie wlistiosh.. •
This Strip it vow ofr,red to the inhabitants of this
city. Tows liners Yon Pace.
• octl2-tf Agent for Erie Co., Pa.
TAIt great line traverses the Northern and Northwest
nontittes of, Pransylvanlis to the eity of Erie. on
Late Erie. It has been leased by the Psaasykinsia Rail
road coapsey. and is operated by them.
Leave Eastward.
Wall Train • 1 25 s. m.
Reis Exprm Vet'
Erii Aceom. .......
Mares Accom. 1 03 p. m
Arrive Weemard.
WI , Train —".
Erie Express Trals • 3 81 a in
Ar..-ocre. 6 41 p.m.
Passenger ears run:through an Ada Eels Mail sal - Fa.
press trains sr Montt change both ways ietween Philadel
phia an 4
Weir York connections Ll%ve Vee Yore a , 7eo p
arrlse at Ride a Us. sa. Less* Erie at 9eb p. m.. arrive
at New•Yort 32 noon. • •
leo chaise of cats between Fide sad New York.
-Jileetsat illespdag CUB ea all sight trains.
For iallientstion respasting il'awaspor haziness apply
at the S. E. iseinerllth and Racket eta" sad for J'retglt
basinase of the , nompsay's agents.
• la warm. Ja. corner:3th and /Laziest Strestr,
Philadelphia. • •- • .
W. nal ti; Steal M. 0. tS R., Rtltinier..
R. R. WON/4N. Ream! Freight Agent, Phila.
W. GII/ 'OM R. Chia. Ticket Act. Phila.
A L. TYLIC R. Wiliest quperintendent.
"I — Nlt.ll. Y. PIOKRRUM. DRitiTler.
r . .
Cruluate orthel'enneylaants College Of Dental Fare
gni. DRee In- Wrlgh,g• Rio* (neer Piers 4 sitter.,
orar !t tor. ,) Erie,'Pa:
r. Itieree,.o. D. S., North leregth street, PhDade!.
Sarkiaetties, fl. D. Et., Nil. 242, Nortit Nis ti
greet, titilsdArhla.
. •
- E1(71{" FORS PUSS.
- . COSTIVEDITAG -HOTEL, 1111.11DIL Alllit. -
II nose open their Isms sal splendid salortinent ce
• ,
. - ' murrs.
.. . to rts
, _. - 41 W ROOM
• Also tho as it assortmont of - -
twee becmil on'tiott by Wm, all ot, 4111411 ars sartseited
to nipmsested. .. •
VIIPP111111: runs sorrosT.
, . ,
.• , • • • Hamm, Ant PorciPoi
+mewl 14 legtr.krattre Sleek; Wert Park. rale, Pi..
over eriort.rd, Chesnut k tore. Restfostr
at /OS Slid Of rlO37Gb. •
mew toral-11 to 12 A.,11,,604 4 to 3 P. 4.
ort WOW •
man ntMnx Ac $ MAX GAVOT? OPOAN
L fortrolterriet serler:idapted to' lifted dad iairoh
1ii116.1 , r $45 to $1,14 "oath T hirti-are old Or Mtn
ambit", or other lira prrailstos warded tbe4 llla
"sated Caliloo's_ fro.
fir, 11001 11 fikllt4s
Boston. or wax swam mow York. sessail
.ERIE, PA, tlitilt.‘itl.iti ; AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER to. 1m50.,-
We will hot forget Ike, 0!d Ireland. now
That the day-star illunaines.aby,borders;
Amdtho sigh of eubmis3ion expires in a vow
To be free as thy girdle of wateeij
The leaves of the Shamrock are flourishing
here, •
And we honor the lieraps who bore them.
Viler° .Sheridan, bfultigan , Coebrai sad
•• Mitegber, ••:
Like pillars of fire, went beforelhem.
The roar of the Lion is hnaril in rio night,
he drinks from the depths of the fotin—
teine ;
Batt the Ertzles are pluming their pinions fur
On the orses of Coltimbi - eg mnuntains ;
They will fall on the Lion with clines of steel,
,When the war cry Is raised by their broth
erg ;
They will strike, nod the power of the tyrtnt
- tha l reol
'heath the pangs he has meted to ethers :1
Fort not the time wheathe spirit of Mocre,
Like a trople breeze, moved is thy bowers,
And *armed every garden and glen et thy
Till it blossomed with liberty's flowers!
But languish not now fc.r the summer of eong—
Lo I .the Autumn-wind over elite rages,
The fields are all ready. the reapers are strong,
And they rush to the harvest of ages!
Oh, Erb; ! thy golden hair mingles wi;h gray,
And thy hlue eyes are swimming in sorrow;
But the millions who mock at thy Visions to•
Will view thee in yonder to-morrow;
Thou shaft rise from the anguis now rending
thy breast.
And hurl bvk the scoffer with scorning,
Thy night shall be lit by the Stare of the
• West.
Till it breaks into Freeloat's fill morning!
.'Yost ars miit ikon. t u. , 3111 , 1 sooner die
than nt tr 4v a ralr, cmntry girl.'
'Bit. Fred supp.vis her intelligent,
mural, full of oature°4 psetry, tender
beprted, graceful. un.psiled by admira
tion. n guileleig. simple, loving oreqture.'
'Oh,' said Frei, laughing, 'n cb• - •ice col
lection of virtue ani Cmntry
lm:aties are alAriyx, coo'. awl so are
cnuntry c)ms. N.I. I tell you. if she was
ss liAnd4runo as as ;asp'. with the best
Berse in the world, still, if unskilled in
music and literature, with no slut above
churns and knitting needles, I would not
merry ber for a fortune.'
.11a! ha!' lambed Helen Irving, but it
was a very pianissimo laugh. way down in
the corner of her heart. Hidden by the
trunk of a large tree, she sat reading with
in a few font of the egotist.
• In another mament the young man
came in Lizlit. FrA's hca wla crimson,
anil he whisnarei in risible trepidation :
1)) von think she heard me ?'
No,' reji)intwi the other halt audibly,
File shows no ressnlment, she hag not
even 'oolced up from ber biok, you aro
safe . ; she could n•t have hi.ard you; but
whit an angel she is'
• Ycs. Ife!en Mt; an angel as far as out
ward heouty might merit the encomium.
She sat ball reclining on a rustio seat,
striving to smooth out the dimples on her
cheeks as she laid her book aside and be
gan to mine ri,'Eni4ied wreath of wild
"Jeanine Fn one white arm, the ;marled
white oak tree a back ground, flowers
strewn around her, peeping from ho.-
white dress. she sat quite at her ease np•
prrently uncon eiou-4 that two hanthorne
young gentlemen were ro very near her.
Approaching with a low bow, upon
which his mirror had set the seal of fault
grnce, Frederick Line took the I ber
ty of risking it the yeurg lady would in
form him where Mr. frvirg lived.
With no innccent smile the beauty
looked up.
Mr. Irving. the only one in the village,
is my father,. enid she,rising in a charming
and graceful •manner. The Lugo house
en high ground. bin hidden by trees and
thick shrubbery; that's whore we live.- I
believe it was an academy once, that's a
err; of relect school, isn't- it?' with the
meg:natural simplicity, turning to Fred:
Efe replied another very graceful
bow. -
'Tell your father/ raid he, 'that I Anil
do myrelf the honor to call tipon biro to
morrow. He will remember me, Frederick
Lane, atyour ser
'Yes. sir, I will tell him for you,' re
plied Helen, tucking her sleeves arotist.d
her pretty arm. and milking a rather ftii-
Mal courtesy. Then catching no her book
And gathering 'the scattered flowers she
hurried home.
'Von-. father, mother. aunt and sis,' ex
clainied the merry girl-hoinoding intolho
room where the family were at supper,
'so sure as you and-I live, that Mr. Lane,
you talk so =oh about, is in the village.
Ile-will 0111 hero tomorrow—the first spe
cimen of a city been. (as of couraelhe
will.): all sentiment, refinement, faultless
in kids and spotless iu dickey, important
and self assured as 'one of that kind can
pp:milily be Promi , e ma all of you that
you'll not lisp one word about musie, read
ing and writing in my presence. because I
have a plan. - Father will not, T know, but
if you. sis. will keep quiet and ask no
questions, 1 will give you that workbox
you have coveted so long.'
'Helen. you are not vita respt43tful,'
said her father.
Forgivp me, dear father! and her arms
were arimnd his neck. "'I al ,*rays mean,
lemtll am thoughtless. There, all is
richtlnorr,' she added, kissing him loving
ly on the temple.
Tome, sis, what say you 7'
on that condition, - be as.etill
as a miens° ; but what's your reasons?'
,A. 131 that's my own, said Eislen, dano
indoUt ofte room. .•
* * * *, * •
llelont at an open window; through
which rose bushes thrust' their 'blushing
budg, making both a sweet shade aid fra•
grance. The canary overhead burst forth
every moment in weld snateh..s of glorious
musle. Helen %vs , at work on long; .blue
stockings, neitdy finished, and her fingers
flew like snowbirds. •
r .•! . .; •• 1, A- 4 TII§D,
;CrseN #.• . -
• - t•A• Aff.: rt. 4 , 1 . . ' l,z r
".• •• • ;W:"*.
• - •:441 - •L , • ;" -
-- • • • to-,
, Anierica and Ireland.
You knit most, nimiribly. Are you
fond or it?
'Yes quite; I like it better than anything
eke—that is I mean, I mean that I can
'And do you read much V Fred's glan
ces had travelled from the. corners of his
,eyes over . every table, shelf and corner in
starch of - acme books or paper,. But
nrt a page, nor a leaf, yellow or rare, re
paid his search.
'O, yea,' said Helen, with a satisfied
air. . •
'What books. Ormit roe to ask,' •
'I raid the Bihle a good desle aho aid
-dis did all ?' • ,
'All, of course not : and what do, we not the History, poetry; elo
quence. 'omit:me—the most thrilling pa:
rhos—blushing and recollecting herself,
she added.. with s manner, ns childish as
tieltire had' been 'dignified, ..'es, tor
the citherbneki, let tile see , rye qnt in
mylilirnry-there's the printer, (conqting
on her fingers) seoond class Reader:ft
Citi4oa, Nursery,T4los. Fotiry Stories.
Alto Elements of something. Bi
ography of some persons or . other, Moth
I' B S • ET "
„:1 •
or's br-agazine and King Willlsoz
Thsre, isn't that a good essortmont P' •
. Fred smiled. . . ,
'Perhaps I don't know asmuch as those
rah? have went to school more„', she added,
,f• disappointed at the, mute roljoinder,
'but in malting bread, and churutog hue
ter,And keeping house, I'm not to be out
The young man felt more in pity than
in love. but his visits did not always so rej
suit. Tie began to feel a magnetic attrae
whiel hn nasinly attributed to 13e1•
I)E , ufty ; but the truth is. her sweet
artlemlnq of character, engaging manner
and disposition, quite won the city-bred,
aristocratic Fred Lane. There was a fresh.
ness about eiervtbing she said or did. She
rprolexeci as well as delighted him.
Often as he was wondering how some ,
homely expression would. be received in
good• • society, some beautiful' sentiroent
would suddenly' drop like s pearl from her
lips, more remarkable for originality than
fo• brilliancy..
I should fall into the snare.' thought
he. .1 can educate her: it will be worth
trvir e.'
. •
It was useless .to combat his passions
so at loat he fell at Helen's feet, figurative
ly spe‘king, and confesied his love for
'I care not, Helen, only be mine,' 'was
his invariable answer to her exclamations
of unworthiness, how she woald appear in
They were married, bad returned from
their wedding tour, and yet at the expi
ration of their honeymoon, Fred was more
in love than ever. At a grand entertain•
rnent, given by the relatives of the •bride.
groom, lielen looked,more beautiful. Her
liusblnd did not insist that she should de
olrt from simplicity ; and.indeed.witheta
j mei.; or laces. with• that fresh white robe,
shn' le Bash of blue and ornaments of fair
moas rose, she was by far the most lovely
creature in the room.
Aq she entered the'great aslant, blazing
tlith lioht. her' heart failed her.
'Simll I love him as detrly' she asked
herself. 'if I find th at he is ashamed of
me ? I' 'cannot ,bear the thought ; but
should he overcome all conventional no
firms. then I have a husband to be hon
ored: and then shall he be proud of his
How she watohed him as he presented
her to one and another.
Siinp'e,' whispered 'a 'magnificent girl,
resplendent with diamonds. as she curled
her lips and passed by. The observation
escaped neither Helen nor her ,husband.
Shn locked at him. He smiled It lover's
smite and only drew her more olosely to
hi' aide . Many in that brilliant gathering
pitied poor Fred and wondered why he
had martyred himself on the shrine of ig
norant rusticity.
But he! oh joy ! he seemed only to love
her the more ; as she clung to his arm
so timidly, his noble face expressed the
pride he truly felt; he looked as if he
would have swept back the scorners with
one motion of his band, had they
ventnred one wave too high on the shore
of hi 4 pride. HA seemed to excuse every
lonkr. ever word not in strict conforMity
to et , qtzette ; and Helen's heart beat high
end tears came to her eyes when she felt
hoe , noble a hesrt she had won.
The young bride stood near her hus-
band, talking in a low tone, when a new
comer appeared. She was a beautiful,
slightly formed-creature with haughty tea.;
tares. 111 concealed scorn lurked in the
brilliant eves whenever she' glanced tow
ard Helen. Once she held sway over the
heart of Fred, and hearing whom he had
married. she fancied her hour had come.
fng I'
'1).) you suppose she knows anyth'
whispered a low voice near her.
"fifslen'a eyes sparkled,' her fair
flashed indignantly. She turned to
husbino. He was gone,speaking at a
diptsnee with a friend.
'DI you play, Hrs. Doe?' ihei . as
Thri-o was a mocking tone in her
'A little,' answered Helen, her ch , '
'And sing?'
'A little.' was the half reply.
'Them do us a favor,' exclaimed
S) looking askance at her com
'Come; I myself will lead you to
dark I whose masterly touch I Ins nt
ly 'ma^ the half-spoken word arrested; the
cold ear.and haughty head were turned
in listening surprise. Such melody I. Such
cnrrect intonation I Such. breadth, depth
and vigorous touch ! Who is she? She
plays like an angel ! ,
Awl' again hark I voice rolls—a flood
of cleir, powerful and' passing
sweet ; 'astonishment • piano many a fair
cheek a deep scarlet. There is a silence
unbrnkon, and the silyer strains 'floats
up. •
"Aye! care I not far coed neglect,
Thoncth fo.tro unbidden start,
And ..o.)ra It but a bitter word.
Stye when it breaks the heart.
If one he true, •
If one be true.
The world rosy °steles, be; • • ,
Since I may only keep thy love,
Awl tell my grief to thee.",
'Glat:ions voice.' said . Prod to his friend,
who. vv;th the rest,.fida paused to &ten. ,
'WII3 can she—' •
Thfl words were widienly arrested on,
his lips. She turned from, axe piano, sad
the unknown Was his wife!
'I congratulate ,you, Fred,' said the
young rain at hi? aide • .but .he '
spoke to
marble. The 0. - .lor ha d his cheek. He
walked stow)) , toward her.
• It' he was speechless withemasement oo
Was not she. A rich bloom mantled hay
'chFelc, triumph made her eyes sparkle , as
they never did before i they dashed like
diamonds. A crowd gathered to oompli
meat her. In a graceful acknowledgment
she blended wit and humor. •• . •.
Ifqw well she talks ; who would have
thought it 1 He has found a treasure,' was
whispered all around 'the room.
Meanwhile Fibaderick Line had stood
like ono enchanted, while his little rustic
wife quoted boOks with perfect abandon.
admired this one, condemned-, that.
sedate looking itudent !oat hiciatielf in a
Litin quotation ; , Helen smilingly finished
it, and she received a look eloq,ueno with
thanks. 830
_motis, repartee, language
rich in fancy and imagery, fell from her
beautiful lips,, as
_if they bad received
. a
touch from some fairy hand.' '
Still Fred walked by her side like one
in a dream, pressed his hand, over his be.
wildered eyes to be, sire ~ of his senses,
when be saw her bending,' a breathing
vision of loveliness over the harp. het fail
arm leaning on its golden strings, heard
again that rielt voids; now plaintivewith
some tender memory,rise and fall in sweet
and sorro*ful Cadence. . .
. .
Well am' . said he. *ben alone, 'rwbat
dee* this mean ? I foe! like'one &Wakened'
from a dream! '
'Only a country girl,' slid Helen skim
ly ;Alarm Ming into tier busbandis arm s;
she exclaimed, •foreire me ; tarn th is ItV
tle rustic you would sooner die than wed.'
Are you earn now that •you unirried user
'Sorry.wty glorious wife. But. Helen,
you could not deceive. - Did I not '-under.. -
stand yon had never--r-` , • • •
"BN.n at an , aoadenst.'-• ibis - broke in ;
'never' took: a • niudot leasoni%belief :waif
'taught to sing—aq eery true t and yet I'
tun all you see here to-night. myself• my
own teacher; with labor and dilionoe
hope I am worthy to be the wife of one so
goal and exaltetai I MA - icy hugbani td
'Reader..wouldn't you and I like to be
there' just 'now and hear her story ; the
laughing between smiles, her pretty foci
all dimples as she tells . how she banished
the piano, books, 'harp, portfolio, music,
all into .an empty room by themselves,
and.locked the door, leavirg them to the
seclusion and dust, while the young coma•
try girl, without any deep laid scheme,
succeeded' in convincing ; tile) well bred
city gentleman that be could marry a
charming rustic, even if tier fiogers were
more familiar with the chqrn and knitting
needles than the piano aq harp.
After the Election.
When the blttlee fought and,
Grin and bear it.
Count not over what it cost—
Grin and bear it.
Think of those who by ynu stood ;
That you did the best you could ; •
Were the laurel wan you'd wear it—
Grin and bear it.
Though your money bet. is gone—,
431r:n and bear it.
And yotir pile looks quite foriorn—
• Grin and beer h
While your foe may count his gains;
Yet your hoisor still remlins.
If you -bet you osunot ewe it •
Grin and bear it
What though all your foes may jeer—
Grin'and bear IL
.Though you're deafened with - their cheer—
io a
sot you
u G f ri a n and bear it,
Working manfully and well,
And with pride you out compare it—
Grin and bear it.
When your old ohum turn aside— •
Grin and inar iL
Drifting onward with the tide—
Grin.and bear It.
Firdit ebbe and then it Bowe,
And the wind le ill that blowy.
Neer a good to those who dare It—
Grin'ard bear it
Items of All Sorts.
Patch says, 'To marry two wives is B'ga
my; to marry twenty is Brighamy.
The last invention of India rubber, in
Paris, is "a false bast for females-Lbust
and neck." • .
Poultry is very high in 11.rtford- I.twes
liaLaugh'in paid SU for a single chicken
he had—stolen.
In the Gallery of the Canvont Jean
ite:st Lisbon, there is e picture of Adam
in Paradise. dressed in ilium breeches,
with silver buckles', and Eve in a striped
The Missouri Denocrat say:a that General
Sherman recently appeared at a Fenian
ball in St. Louii, wearing the; badge of the
order on his breast, 'and was accompanied
by F. P. Blair, who made a speech: '
The following epitaph May be seen in
the cemetery of a parish in the environs
of Finis: "Hare lies Madam N—, wife
of M. N— master. blacksmith. The
railing around this tomb was manufac
tured by her husband." •
kcorrespoodnit. sneakinz of General
Sherman. says . hit pictures are like him.
if his whiskers only were a Little redd. r
and a greater hostility to tha war depart
ment thrown into the expression of his
Harper's Afigszine for, September, has
an illustrated poem commencing—
"Sweet is the voice that calls
From babbling waterfalls."
No joke is intendel, however.
Major Welles, of Gan. Ord's staff, and a
ROl2 of Secretary Wallet, wa; arr.stel at
Detroit:on the Bth lust , for an alleced as
sault and battery unOn the,"ladies" con•
neoted with a traveling opera company.
The Mobile Tribune says the entire sec
tion of country between Atlanta and Chat
tanooga, Georgia, is still a mass of ruins,
and th it the people who once lived there
in happiness. are now wandering , about
homeless and almost, hopeless.
The AntiStalrery Stawicsrl says that,
Col. Halpine (Miles O'Reilly) editor of the
New York Citizen, is the author of "The
Flaunting Lie," the poem published in
the New York Tribune some years since.
A wedding was lately interrupted in
Colchester, England. by the' levity of the
groom. All went well antil the clergyman
required the bridegroom to repeat after
him, the words, 'I. take -, to
be my wedded wife, * * * •for better,
for worse,' 1" ” when be altered the form
ula to take her for better, but not for
worse.' The minister closed the book and
quitted the - ebbircb.
A poor woman named Barlow has given
birth in London to a child with two heads.
The babe,five weeks old,is a deep affliction
.to its parents' family ; having been born
with &second head attached to the first in
such a manner that the smallest twist or
sudden movement would cause immedi
ate death. The poor-mother is unable to
lay it down without fear and finable to
dregs it without tho assistance of another
Mrs. Lacinds. LIAM, of Sprinzfield,Maxi.,
died at the bieskfaat table: Sha was the
lost of a fimily of eight children, seven
of whom died suddenly id their chairs,
the eighth being found dead ht bei.
A dashing young .bachelor lately ap
peared in Central Park with two hand
some ponies, whose tails were done up to
look like a lady's waterfall, and cooped
up with ainall Halt nets. The re3emhlance
was oapitat; mad the team created a great
A venerable lady in herhindredth year.
lost her daughter, whii attained the good
Old age of eighty. 'fine -ither's grief
was great; and to, alrimai who came O.
condole with her , she remarked; " 0:1 -
dear! I trim, I should nerer bo able lo
raise that child !" •
A priest was called upon to pray over
the barren fields of bis parishioners
He passed from one enclosure to another,
until he came to a most unpro - mising case.
Re surveyed the sterile sores in despair,
'Ahl' said he. 'brethren—uo use pray
here—this needs manure.' -
Never apologise fOr What yea set, before
your friends. If it is bad taste for a host
to praise the dine er;eti hie table, it is still
snore inconsistent and ridiculous for him
so make excuses for It. It is taken for
granted, fie a mattei, of course, that you
give the very best at, 'your command and,
within your means. , .
The Chianti papers have.* sad story to
tell of a . girl who. after having been Be.
duced.was charged with having robbed the
man who ruined her; Wbentrrrested
area temporarily :confined in an- upper
story of „lone,of the city hotels. Leaping
from the, nindow to, the ground she sus•
tabled bilging which will undoubtedly
more fatal ,1 , •
A pail of ladies from Newptirt, Pa.,
went out a few dare 'ince to gather whor
tiebe'rries: One of theta Oisood her little
child - on 'a fiat atone , near wherethe was
picking - the berries: ' Shortly after,' a dog ;
which acconipasiied 'the party, set tip e
lend barking; and smelling at the edge of
the stone. • The child.' was taken sway
and the stone turned 'over.' when' , s
rattlesnake was found under it. Thsi dog
attacked the snake, was bitten twice and
died shortly after.
N - UMBEIt 26.
4%, yptutg bury -WilliamsteSrght Cia t k*o
won s pr4klatt winter,its the haldsoatt"t
lady present :it a:Cog:vie °arc:galore( ,
fair, was marged [heather-day. The malt
of people to Fee,lbe intere.stinCeeleraony
Performed .17..4 very gu.a.t, and twkor
thrCer-licriaritemo - Its appoitile4 — tinte.
the b: i rcot was complete:) , blinked up.—
Upon .openin 'Mtn chtstelf;-the crowd
rushed in % climbitlf over;thet, 1441} _Aft. the
?PM; dnain 'al,. windows. to tktgreat
inidiy of 'the'cushionii r VsOite. •
The happy isourdsr andYibe'elergyttign
otatiOgPd to. Wit infida.-.lnlL-Eatist sof eh.,
insii ed. gucsle I 'lrinerowde4 44 1 14
Mr. Greet y reit kn gins Lo his
friends, is very fond of ,a flry4apke,ost.
inott any:1;111;0e., - end in - 11 IS foYe•qf kat
does not even spare what' la dilk4ll3%i'di
vine -institution ; matrimony. lixteg
men•went to him net long duos icy . ..advice.
and informed the journalist that he bad
thought seriously of settling in gorth
°lints, where it appeared to him . theits was
a good opening for youthful energy and
enterprise. •Don't do it.' saki ; fionicA.
emphatioally,"don't do it, my friend, I
went there ^nee too* often, indeed; 'I
went thstre. Take my adyice:young man.
and keep nut of North Carolicia.'—N.
Cor. tin, Ga:rUe.
The following jutwaiiity occurred at, one .
of the watering Places some yelps „ago,
before hairy muzzrel were so* cowmen as
they are now. Mn.i G--;—• was- siding
at, dinner with her tittle bey of four dr fife
years old when a hewhiskered. foreigner
carne in and took his seat at the opposite
side of the table. The child stored at him
it good while with artonishment, tilt the
mystery was solved, when soddenly, inn
rather too loud a voice. 'he cried- nut Jet ,
+he mother,
.lits t ma l he has gott mouth;
I raw him put a tater in
A Cincinnati piper, in speaking, 'of ttao
overthrow, or the reh44 - tit A•lante, shy*
that just hetoro the Federal troops entered
the town, an Indiana oampany, lament
worn nut with march, zero straggling
along with very little regard . to order:— =• •
Hewing no to- his men the ea-plain :
shouted, ,
'Clo -, e up, close not If the (me.
my were to fire when - ruere straggling
along that way, they couldn't hit a cussed -
one of you!" And the boys closed up in:.
One of the merry wives - of Blooming
ton. Indiana. played a practical joke- on
her husband, by 'haying their babe,
sweet little infant of .alx:montha, done up
in a basket and left on. the, door
steps, with a note informing .. . •
was the Lther,of child so * -7
port it. The indignant
roundly that:it was not hiS;" * - ‘7
saw the joke when he found the c*40.0.4w3
empty. lie has concluded to cultivate ''';:,449P -.
the acquaintance of his faMily hereafter.
-At!: fire in 817 COY: Itichigto,in
a hotel was destroyed, is !pother - in her •
fright ran down stairs,forgetting her baby.
which she left asleep in •the bed. - When
she thought of her child the flames were
in possession of-the building, and-she was
only restrained by force from attempting
to mit taller death to• sa*e her child:—
After the fire, in removing some beddine
that had been thr'wa nut. of the third
story window, the baby was f-mod safe and
asleep, having been rolled. up in the bed
diegand thrown out.•
. . .
A cruel parent in Quebec locked up his
undutiful daughter, because she wanted to
marry a young lawyer. The young Man,
however, thoueh poor in purse was fertilo
in resources. and sued on:. a writ of h ftbeß 4
corpus for his beloved. Al she was of fig •
to decide for'herself, the couple were mar.
'led and went on their way. It seems
there is morn regetect paid to the writ of
habeas corpus in 'Queen Victories' do.
mains than in our boasted land cf liberty.
A Yankee who hai gone down South to
raise cotton writes to a ; friend •in the
North as follows: " One of the g'reatest
vexations we have is the ca:e of our bands.
They are free or course: and receive stated
wages, but freedom to them seems to con
sist in sunning themselves onicellar doors,
and sleening under the south side of a
barn. They have a peculiar passion for
poultry, a ,, cl !alto as lovinelv to a hen•
roost as a baby to sweet mirk."
A droll story . is related of an honest of t
farmer, who, in attempting to driFe homf.
a hull, got Fwidenlv hoisted over jilencte:
Recovering himself. he saw the atilt:hal a
the other Fide of the rails, tawing the pi , .
with his head end neck, and pawing the
ground. The znorl old man looked stead-
UN' at him a moment and exclaimed :
'awn your apologies, you
,noein/ titand
thPre, yo.i 'tarnal critter, bowfin' and seta'•
pin'—voo did it a purpose,dant your curly
pictur !'
soundings have at last become something
like reliable The result is that the ocean,
so far as vet explored, is not above half as
deep as it was supp . wd to be. The great
est known Month in• the North Atlantic
is about 25,000 feet ; or nearly five miles—
not much lesi than the loftiset r pountain
on the clo'le. It is supposed, however, to
he much 'dePpor than this between the
Itshamas and the Grand Bulk of New
Foundland. but the soundings on which
that supposition is founded,are n ot rialto
satisfactory,. 4`
A Philadelphia merchant sent a cargo
of goods to Constantindple. After* the
snperincargo had seen the bilea and born;
safely landed.. he inquired . where tiler
should b 3 stored. 'Leave them .here.
won't rain-to-night,' was the reply. ..13ut •
r dare net L-tre them so expleed,,sorne
of the goods may be stolen.' said the au
s rrcargo; The Matioutrnetian atterchlint
laughed as he replied, 'D met, be alarmed.
my friend there isn't a Christian within a
hundred miles of us.' •
STRANGEtt3 T o clargyrn‘n called
on a noor riarisltioner, whom he found
bitterly lamenting the loss of an only son,
a boy about five years of age. In the hope
of consoling the afflicted woman, ho re
marked that 'one Po young could not have
committed any "grierons sin, and that no
doubt the chili had Rona !to Heaven."
'Air, sir,' said thetainanle hearied creitura,
but Tommy %Val so shy, and they are a: t
strangers there?
Sox. Lairts Cass..—This gentleman stiq
lives at the ripe age of 84 pears. • It,
sides ot, J ., :fforson street. DAtrbir In
handsome modern built dwellin* while
h;s oldest son occupies .the old ;family
honr.stead two squirei distant. 'Thong,
afflicted. with • the feebleness and forge'
fulocf.a naturally incident to his patriarei •
al age, he Maintains better health and
more actiire spirit than could reasonably
bo supposed to belong to his time'of life.
, An Irishman stepped into the pest Office
in Vivre, and enquired for a let
ter from tha 'ould , tOunthry,' igirlitg his
name. The letter was produced: 'Read
her. Fars This obliging postmaster
read her. 'Road her,ag.ain," said he. and
the postmaster read hes again.. 'How,
much on her?' TontY-ftvel cents! '''lteep
her,' says Pat, 'she's none or mine.' •
School telchi
funny (=awes
from recitqtiol
a# original aq
homdig t
readers who I
type. We may
at home diggii
Sheffield, one
hi had emelol
your Apill ?' Oh
0120 010 y er forp,l
do ?"Th
man; and /en/
" Always, bi
Bald Mrs. Sill
about inyestil
I,y,- •, ate raw . 1
ihe wormy ,
but with' the 1
difference—w 4
when theft!