841tSAYees APAILILIANA m Imuts amt man los - &mauls thricl darotalons Disown. 1W Awn, Zdai, Tergires .wriest If As fbrd, disbar. I bars sold large quantities off To itnever yet one bottle wich soled of the Mast and MI satialietlOS 10 thosiiwlto took it. La fast a' ourpeopletry it, they agree th ere hai Dm no medicine people before la our community. , Blotches, Pustalim. oars, Soma, and all Diseases of the • Proms Rev. Row. Strait" Bristol, Estlt hin " only do my duty to you mut Bri t t, pain / add my testimony to that you publisn of the me didnal shines Jour yanr BAZILLTAJULLA. Df &Nl*. ter, aged tea, had an aillictlus; humor in her mob eyes, sad hair sears, which wa was =de, pare until we tried your ailtaaraillia.a. She a. been well for some months. lives M. Jane E. Rice, a wriAtiasna eaudauscis titans:led rs lady qf Dens/grille. Cope May Co.. Noi: " danghta , has mitered for a year put with a saom>ons eraptionothkh was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until we tried SASSarAitim.a, which soon conaplatellyoued her." IkyeLea Marks P. Gage, Esq., S. fe Ote wideiy-liscem Gaye, Murray 4. Co.. ounsulticiurcrs qienasselkd is Nashua, N. b ri ad for several years a very troublesome humor in my fee, which grew enistautly worse until it diared my ihitores and became an intol erable tried almost every 'Wog a man could of both advice l sad medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I •took your Sairsaranits.a. Is Jossiedlately muds way Ike won.. sa yen told nue niliiregur time s*a weft the new aldmto Ono wader ass blotches, and corr tinned until my tees is - as smooth as any body's. and I am without any sysishima of the discos that I buoy of. I espywheaith, and without a . V e. doubt owe It to your Be satuA." Errdpelaa —General Debility-Purify the Blood. F 1 lie Dr. Rob/. Sachs, Rosales Si., Nee Tent “ Da. TIM. I seldom fall to ream and Sores by the persevering ne l Zirr BASSAPARI LA, and I kalrelust 0011 eared an mint of Malipmed with It. No attentive we panels equals the SLIMAPARILLA you have sap. plied to the profession as well as to the people." Prom J. E. Jokstdostatig. t Witkeisal v t. e to. is Par twelve Tam I LW the yellow as on xrm, durtmr wttleh nnin I the I could reechoed took hun dreds of = w orth of medielnes. The ulcers were so had that the cords Demme visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be seipmdmd. I began taking your hutaimmuLLL. Took two hots ties, and some of your Pu.r.m. Together they have cured me. lam sow as well and sound as any body. Being In a public place, my ease is known to every body to this community , and excites the wonder of all." .From Hon. Henry Monro, M P. P., of Nesomaris, C. W., a /coding seember of the Canadian Parikk meat. " I have used your SARSAPARILLA In ma t t= for general deteliity, and for ps with very beneficial results, and I Montldence ip oote , n•Wing It to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Ithetims Scald Read, Bore Eyes. Frost Haney Slater ' Esq., Ale able editor qf the Tunkkannock Democrat, Pounrytrania. " Our only Child, about three years of age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapid spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent pore, which covered his fate, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful hysielan applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them he should tear open the fes tering and corrupt yawl which covered his whole face. Saving tried ka m r thing else we had any hope froF began your fiAturarnaitta, and sppl the potash lotion.= direct. sore began to beat when we had wen the Arst butt* and was when we had the mood. The chr.d'o eyelashes,which had come out, grew spin and lie Is now as healthy and fair as the OW OW. The whole neighborhood predicted tied mot the: gliValis and Konarial .Disesse. Prom Dr. MOS fflosit, qf M. Louis, Missouri. s. I Ind jaw 881181PANULA s more effectual remedy Was seefisidiffy symptoms of Syphilis sad for sipbtlkindigieusetZmn any other we possess, The pro essfolt lis lll/0 hodeldwd* to you for some Of the beat inedidadi e: .Prois d. J. .14-esch Y. D., an vaunt hysiciars of Lavoreace, Masc.'s:6o is a master cif Ms Ler/Idaho's grdlaandasseas. • • Da. AIWA. Ply dear Sir f I have !band your SwitaarzatmLit szt emellent remedfi a br ie Sypkilis, moth of the primary and aexedary and effoo. and In some eases that were too obs to yield other remedies. Ido not know what we can em tatty wft.h moterativeis re cortaaty at same's, where a power ful - al required." Xr. Mis. S. ran Ldeta, Yes Breasedek, Y. J., had dreadful uleers on his le gs, canal by the abuse of mercury, or , insretrial disease, which grew more and more aggravated fte years, in 9.4 of every remedy or treatment th at could be welled until the persevering use of Area's SAmtArzszikl relieved him. Few eases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen oottles to ewe him. Lertioneiticea, Whites, Female Weakness, y produced by internal Scrofulous UT and ire very often cared by the alterative elf — e - crO7this SARSAPARILLA. SOMe Mies requhe, however, in aid of the SARSAPIALLLA, the Ma= 4)0111130n of local remedies. From the weil-known and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. " I have found you , SABSAPAISILLA an excellent. alterative in diseases of females. Many Mlles of Leuconiee,s, Internal Ulceration, and locafdebility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis * have yieldcedd to it, and there are few that do not. when its e ff ect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling So allow the publican= of her name, writer, " My dmighter and myself have been cured of a very debilitating Lestarrrteea of long standing, by two bottles of your ElAitasrAsua..A. Rheumatism. Gout, Liver Complaint, DYs pepaik Heart, Disease, Neuralgia, ben caused by Scr• in the system , are rapidly =rag by th is hats . Usaarartm.e. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS oossess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is nudatakned equal to the.best it ever ails been, sod that they may be depended on to do all that thetr lama ever done. c„L r 7 7-4 • , ERIE RAILWAY. an It RPM ;te4A4i. (`(RANGE OF HOURS, COMMENCING THURAD kY, DSO. 1, 1664. Trrt will lam Dunkirk &Mont thotolloiringbonis vin: Eastward Bound—Depart. Train No. 14 9 40 a. no. Train No 10 10 20 a to. Train N 0.6 • 6 00 a. ca. =M=110l==1:1 D RD/ 1! ff .,Z1 1 1:4 CHAS Ginel Reign • NE W - FIR M. miuirrtras AID UNDERTAXINII WAR E-R O OM St Oa State St, between Seventh and Eighth. ' The enbseribers hue entered into the Cabinet Making and rURVITURE TRADE, And propose seeking to order and keeping °cortical' , an hand all kinds or Furniture. Orders will receive prompt attention. Eamdring dons on short notice. UNDBRTAKING. The subscribe!' will give special attention to this de. tr:lrnt of their barium. They will manufmture and onsta on hand a large assortment of Metallic Came and C ons. and hold themselves in readiness to meet order' in this Hue, promptly, from any pan of the emostry. Determined to spare no efforts to give satisho. than both in the quality of their goods an‘prices, they bops to secure a liberal share of pablie patronage - 11001 tit I! MELO, spiral-a Me osessore to J. H. Emelt AMERICAN NOUSE, sorsa wsisr CORKER or mg TASK 4 vrArs ER lE, -PA. JOHN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. usaem haring taken charge the above vell-keown tel R & ad relined it to superior idyl% re- Knelt* a share of the public petronsge. Terme e and seeommodshoos equal to Kr to the ft. tr . Per the eeneeolesee of Freon from the eoltntri good stable km been &filched to the practises. JOHN DUNCAN. -1r ~c r Y -► r r :, PARTIES DESIRING TO HAVE SAIL. two rll6lllllolllloa Um Bay. or to visit the Pinball le, will and the undersigned always ready to aceonnoo dot* than with good boata. IWe Taohta .sorer), Wad out for pleasure partite, la additkon to a Dunbar of Bev Bost& Mang Todd!' and Daft all the Wow on Mad Porsons dearth/ to have the use of any of rny brute will and no reaataatly on hand er at the old stand, foot ,of State sent . , JAIL D. Num= lay 11, 15e6 , 41:10 ' EAGLE F0133 1 1 1 .EY /Nog St, oboes thi /*fob Roa4 Irk la. Henry; Bryant & Sherwood,- . osmium to Alamos • Ftrar7,) . xosoros or PARLOR, COOS AND OFFICE 5T0V.123, Tut a BM? WM Wsza, AND ALL MAWS 0, IRON 04177513 is Every' Stord sold by an worraatad to giro sstlad►atian. LAW Sloglrsbooi, ISM irons, *a, at band or mum. afooterod to orb/. Mot sat PLiw Pans of ortortor tooks and dirs -11114 alwais o• band. A roll soda fair trio) atm &M -otu to all to sok. HURT, BIM= 116112111100 D. torMrl3—tf. of I WARD motettion. PIEULDRL. FR lA, v ci ie %a Orton" £I4 A Sued storso—now and retts'lls treats . * di ALe Om Bridal Clamber, In Maar el Witristag and Distrietkna, mat fa sealed onvelopeo, fne of chary Adams Dr. J. Stillln tozi:M a l osi brward Assoclaties, No. 2 . 15011th i 00435. Distb phbi,, Ta. 1, 3 1.2: to 11111 N 0 (0 =fib: t a 1 4 '3 =l* al so as f 61 "" 1,4 a . , vs al ri g H el 5-4ln tq 'vs p- i os; S F 104,4; ~~~ Ladies, take Partials, Natio THE 'MAL VELPATEEKALLPILL [WAsaArria Fassal.) THESE PILLS, so' adlebratod many years op in Paris for theiellef of *male irregularities, and afteriard so notorious (eV their criminal employment in the practice'ol abortion, are now o—Oro& for sale for the first time in America. ilAsey have been kent i ;,in comparative obscurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. Velpau, is a physician in Paris of great wealth and strict conscientious prin ciples, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful Dumosce. In overcoming Female Obsteretions, Falling of the Womb, Whites, Green Sick nese, Suppression, Detention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Discharges, they seem to be truly omnipotent, bursting open the flood-gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offered to the pub. lic only for legitimate taqs, and all agents are forbidden to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Married ladles should never take them when there is any reason to believe themselves pregnant, for they wila be sure to produce a miscarriage. These pills are entirely safe under all cir cumstances, being composed entirely of sub stances from the vegetable kingdom. Each box flea the coat of arms for the City of Paris stamped on the box, with the words " Trade Mark" in French, to counterfeit which Is a misdemeanor, and all persona win be dealt with according .to law. _ pie - Full directions accompany every box. Ladies as obtain aboi sealed from the eyes of the curious, by inclosing One Dollar and iii post-otlice stamps to any respectable drug gists, or to 0. ti. S'IAPLES, General Agent for the United States, Watertrvn, N. Y. Agent & Elliott, Rail & Warfel, WUkiDs Booth. Lid,ell k Ilro . Carter & Cerra% Ells; Loop ar Bro, North gest : Rattier Bro.. Girard ;P. McCreary, reirvie. ; Riley Potter , Writ Springdelda THE LEHIGH CATTLE POWDER Is Waszarrico ro sr no moot powerful afoot for the Stomach SW Blood of Cattle. Sarlssa or Stomp, ls promotion dlgrottoo, elm:trios Ms ryottro and blindirrriefr tiro parttfed luotakol fitdri to firoh, fat, Roth', toollbs and strength, awl *gab whlag hearth and sltur. " t gill! patented in imam land, witzerbmd; Rot and, sad duly ad mitted by their Comte, honored with iirizemedalA, and Wasted by W. Lusvoy, Professor of the Imental Calico) for Agriculture at Paris, and now maaitaattarad by C. O. Hisser, Dr. of Z, and A., Atlantan, Pa. All diet.wrce 04 the Stowe* Blot Limps end Bow, es, speedily and certainly oared. smith/ Math will be brought into Me blibost state of perbietioe, and ono to two tablospooefuls s week, is of great galas tabard working berms, breeding stock. aid Colot, sal saved thousands of valuable horses from olionnlisleo dines" 611 well at the barnyard as in the Army of the Potomac. TISK LEHIGH WORIDI cerxviconows itlecktudly oversees ell the objects which ens* pre vent the expelling of Wesel'. ere *mat 'is tete, sad also one of the most issreable purgatives for Chibintn. So ooaddont Is the Inventor, of thr seeress of his labo rious studies, In the patholog eat orieeposithes of this PrePselition. that he thraldom amp graduated rii i = with • written prescription, se - • new ere in Vella& TUC UNION ROACH. WIT . . MIDI, MW AMP EXTERMINATOR is a Powder for the rats ortorzlisatioo of all Venal% mtW snotasap with age or Oiztobt.olArVikr.hirli No So 04 oid Posa Pogo. Wadi oototatilis Ebert time, inatis bto cg p I ho t worthless. IPO o lliredhuiVassi particulars we the recall bills In the Sousa Zighty-three Pronto= Awarded to Mom Plows. turas since Me. Dr. Nick, sod Carter k Carver, Iris, Wholesale lad Retail Agents for lerle county ; R. S. Mos Si Cir. Pit:Wort.: John Roadeoson k Bre , , Pittsburg, and Roo • ton kilo., 0 Vrelacid, Wholesale Jobbers. • • jet 611.1, D. W. ZUTCTECINBON, - United States Claim Agli GIRARD, PENNA., PENIIIONSp.BACK PAY* - BOUNTY, lad all other Clar vi arot Nattortirtuotot Wooded 0111RG116 1111 1 / 1 80IUBL1. • a rdraatt . oa b 7 *Waded to tits moo as It Livery Stable. THE UNDERSIGNE.D HAVING TIM Maim the trolt-lulown Livery :stead, Weldon oeetipted by Wm. J. stersatt, desires to tatuotAbatiesda ALI the public that he will coetlene the button, US Wails theit phhhttekt, THE idiom Win be 1007 Ocreened sad, lessolad—..R ~Dater: mane have tern soared. mid Poise of Ns beat Limy Rose is the country. lam doterusined to Be conduct the eatabbahmarat as to give astlatadlon. .11mee .be sant to obtain thieseltem or &good tear will end se ready at an times to apeman:Mats them, at seascossal• peicee. Racoliret tha plum, firmuurrris OLD emu*, Am Om" rear of the Read nmeoe. Erie, Juni% 11161--O TUGS. LiPirifOlf. • AMERICAN HOUSE, ' Illoutkirest Comer, pf tM iltek aM mats Pot, ERIE, PA. JOHN DUFWAN. PROPRIETOR. H UNDERSIGNED HAVING TA, t re auppflks /him ihapeuraliveliol.l4 l 6. it su for MON talPectfolly solicits a share of tho public pakeeate. News taloombis, sad assoismo. dation' equal to say is ttis atty. /or the eoarenlases of person fromti i apairtey 0 soca stable boa bra attastunt te the prealses. elrell-tf • • - • JOS N D1:11117AS. City and County Surveying. JOHN L =TAR - Ta &Sy 1 - tapatoi to .-wt .ay pee" sad ninth dot. mg al la tat. sadest:late of Sot/V. 14 0 than* aghost the county: fa at hemformaf77ratrsleflortit melte sattaitta. iftuveyor, b• begs leave to Ma to all the Onion sad hula* • taro who hoe* haratatara mak,* iff ek Paetlealar atteatlatt et, t ea ti esa . ione - prepaegd tot the aborted aotta l Plias letil Wirer Cloaaster Greeley vim orlitaea street, betotoo fr eves th sad Eighth stole* IttoM, All aid mhos lett at V. A. attaboe's elote. comae .1 Walk aad /teach itnettromplis 415001.1 • hue If, Ikftisits littioda Salve 1 sti FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE REDDING'S RUSSIA SAVE REDDTSG'S RUMIA ULTZ! MIMS ,WCFILVS. atinutps , .ltUfiliailBALTitt out= SCALDS. fq,DDING'S RUSSIA SALVSI quo mons REDDING'S RUSSIA SKINS! - • n. 'CURES C" , REDDII636 Atrsiiiateffitt . MISES CUAPPID HINDS REDDING'S •RUSSIA f 44% LVE r• Cl) r REDDING'S RUSSIA 'SALVE! CUM OLD EOM M REDPPWS RIISS4 sALVEI cv/FsiatiFiLas, REDDING'S' RUSSIA SALVE I clump CUZCO& „ azioriws RUSSIA SALirEI " CURIO SALT PSCIIIL ci g Itti)DING'S RUSSIA SALVE! crux miug. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CUM mum, REDDING'S: RIISSiA SALVE!. CUM MTIMS. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! CUM PLUM Er I REDDING'S RUSSIA SiLVEI REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE I REDDING'S BIISSIA SALVE! REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! Ia whelp free from soy dieraortal matter or osr particles. awl in ror WM win ito application Waders with-the emmam th at, arkp be preannowl ly • a mutat pholothei; "alieSsa Shialththadiebentthe oa s amenantemem hi itsprolemlhe Morons virtues beerane* biome thogiestor Is the danand, cod it la now food& mod ea ladiomaola melds of household nebemitp—' Wag need al by Ha and poor. • Is prompt In action, removeeps/a at Orme, mot memos the mast espy looking swell's,. and lollaisonstion4 Irby ,eagle,—than alfortilac relief and a oomplehi can 'The lands of Moo Ws Mire has been Wore the pains_ L eoaela►i,* proof that It is no • 'satck• pre ars tion, pat forth to ham a Ictiaaaa periled sad tbaa wink to tan no nom OP OaIV 23 Cook 881. VII " Tor We 7. P. DE118310.12. No. EN Nototalro_ 21- Y; B. W. TOWLE k CO., No. Trull:nit Inns; Pork% 'mad by all Druggists ;la Coantn 8t milksops/2. artgro4-4. • QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, That Concern Every One • ors you bald Does your hair fall alit Has your hair become this? • Does it feel harsh, and dry, aad Gimeish le it tamales ray behno to time ? Ars you troubled with itchier, israhrg seamtlas ef smip Are you troubled with Dinars! t Are you troubled with whatla oiled Scrotal* ire Salt Rheum? Hare you had the !gigolo; and lost soar heir ? Have you had the and Instil? Hari you lad the rem, and hot it ? Ham you lost your by say steams ? Do you wish lumariant hair? Do you wish soft end lustrous hair? Do you wish may bait reetoned t Do you wishyoarmidslors &my? Do you wish them historld in color ? Do you wait it fee year ehildnis ? De you mutt it fat yourself, for tither or mother, fir brother, deter or triad r .ra Do you want to make a present t Do you west I perfume for your taw - De 'wiliest I harvasw article t Do you want a pure ankle Dorm oasts double dhitilled arils ? Do you waist a oleansiag mikes 1 , Doomzra i nt the beat preparation out fir -dressing, sham protsatiag, neari tb• odor, sad render lasoft, y and hutreas the H uman Hate t if so, we warmat • DICIVOIPS Marie aad M• POWDZS ts tbsoaly neAieiaew DISTILL,Rp 401.'914ATIVIL, TOMOINNIIALLE PIMPA D'AND'B ATION"UP11114011, ANT R - NUB. COMPOUNDED AND OFFEILID - THE .PUBLIC. , ' . _ • , • • : Satleitedele goirsoteed, or the sioliet 1011 / 1 4 . 11 * , It ears bat SI ORgta lOW% ore bottles fee le sold by Iheogglite sad pastors eeerrobero.• •: - ,e. ttiLUtit. & C 64 rior.' 4lol . B. BUN= it 00.; W. Y Gummi Airtir.lorai READ.. MS IDVERTHEIREET • OUT IT OUT And Show It to Your Mends. WHEELER Sri. WILSON'S BMW MACKOM Asap! uittolatheßis3TWAlMNsever nos Into Is. eountee. , That unrivaled moors net nay iatWoessntry. lint al over the World. boa mobil by Ike titesiest repair )Iralso4 new bum. • -FOR SEVERAL YEAlie " • . , nejlaA teksa th• lad of an other Valise. b* aka. Qui bete lap smiasata lave beau Wed....ry Ta. An/ ohnititia awitapidity Qat the . - • And It vini the admiration 4 ALL. Ws osinnettiona to otitabsynovoriotystiroodo.tran the Wawa :nuns to the Indoksot slot& - InrrindOrtho adotorstad Nock to vinidt to lanpoilblo to dEor_ tont. Mao. No. ado. writ& tho toll* Oki notAW=ool4lll 1.111?. Die Ott ntr.PARATIOX. *TITO .11 MIA - 6 1 .1241614 /111.A111 7 TOOII 9 RIADQUAL,Ir.„ . TM aid* toy sr Ws- lftkut tarn*. or testing It : they will gather and tun:bar aro ea tho won or.. Anon 44 1 0 1 044 • - • OMB- AND 'SPX _mu TOMMY • Tbr &wad ler thaw edsteabt Naahlnea. alede ' re lona been located la Irk, lap bean aistaalsdalas. Ulm de Ind peat Masa* le Vitae oat OMI. MAIO . 4w s Alfl atoll tan ill % "*"4l , OW %Ml= tr " := ape atm:ally mai sad aad ear sannateoder !kink? eindestlng the Ileatame lot N. /Imo 1101.811 vete jpraidgeli 'rho 1101110111 to , lift • • Tee 111 _ 1 The sWIDt_ 1 • Paris. lli itielisiew ' 111111TVIII me& nt ainaet ererrnesta and (bilitad Thal as grarntated three ream lift as i b la eanstnation. Tao ran yam lie = f ew. are aimed . - i nr.wir w mmu n gs. • /Dal and me 11anaPa deadallad. 104 adadiee apse. mod ler NNW* et Volt and a Ii by man. k " jy gaS•i -traise ine ardd.4s. IK . KMI4 - Wart PazajildeWa. • • .painti ng• -• DICORQI. Anil N 8 . BISPEOTTCIL. :=1). I* so Maas _ad lbr yam that la o Ko i 6Aodio.Jr,ool V*, sal VIA iVatilra spoad tbio synth Wad lig. sporooptiatketida Tram* his' 40401111ite 40mcctio nessielmiers Ibrall 44#4110111% la* Palette Glidlar; 01.04, 0 taa aad Nis &am. annulus gins t rjaiW r a g = e rir ipattassaa attlia eassoluilti Eta tally addible& dm arimelimiy , =ME . Over an Other laaa nag fropiasnasa. QUM FLU! WOUNDS CURSS 1101? DITTO! PARTS CURLS ALL CUTANROUS MMUS AND BAI7PTIONS GENIERALLY. kEDDINCOI§ RUSSIA SALVE Pill i V QUESTIONS, to Answer CLARK'S FOR • THE SIR; IMPROVED lAMBI AU Ii MISTACIZS OVIA 111 1. mean, V. 11. rummy. NEW FIRM. CLUINS, (RUGBY & , BUNISSI, iiretehtmaglbey Fe. asm,lll, Ilarpsete, Whoiesile Grocers t &mien and Candy • FLOURS PORK, SALT, WATRRLIME„ - }AILS, GLASS, ROPE, - CARBON OIL, Ja.74 into, SUGARS, - TEAS, - • OOFFRZ, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, SPICKS, FRUITS, NUTS. ~K~j.t::j.tF :.y • •~ EMI' CITY STIAM BAKERY I CANDY! - COMMON AND FANCY CANDID OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA &OLIN!, • THE PLACE.. TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, • B. COUGHLIN'S BOOT & SHOE STORE Slate Street. Nearly Opposite the Post tl/ea. B. Oreagitlis, Boot sod Shoe Dealer. - reqweirsily Wilma* the Pattie that be his removed his stand to the Store Room on State strut, nearly *media the Poet Mrs whore ye artes all his old Woods end enotossew to give hiro • L Partiosiss oittentiosirtran to .REPAIRING!' WM*/ Weal warlones, sad seperistendlas all his badness himeolf, he believes he can gin as good sathho- Bon and sell at VI low prices as say other passe to the city. Good Pits Warranted. aprollatt. v itoKfxv/v t LIFEREJUVENOR .Tldepswpwatlon ls sasquiloi as • Ilejusinstor and lestater of wasted a: tasrt f nation% nu aged akould be steals to soak, the Waitress • lausebold god, Law b u it will rend -r tb.us youth• fel to feeling and to strength. sad suable th em to Ihe seer again the days of their eclat no Joy. it not only azid luaus, but drug' bees, and h seally an fa Tainabli oleastog, especial y to thou ,Go hue been reduce • ouditles .1 senility, adf-atataN.atteartuao or ordi nary elalsonse. bra trotter what the alum ef the I po ten:y of say human crpti, this enbarbpteparati,n will sore the PEP et at oats and +car. x co - mitt-11ZZ cintis timr ! ' PODS 4 INCAPACITY. OCIPEPSIA DEPRESSION. . 1,0111 OP APPATITN, LO olf SMITS. WICANDIENI Or TAN' ORGANS OP GEMINATION, 111 MLITT, NINTAL INOOLANCII. EMACIATION. ENNUI. It has a most datighttlit. destrehth and novel dist epos the wean systenr,„aad ail an are la eski may proetented• aor• eons diradlithst are earnestly adybef to weir a ewe GI this most asoolleat and turequalled preparation. Persons oh by laterudeeoe, have lost- their astwat vigor, ern) Sot e r ppssssdf ad permanon ewe In the cm 011,e) The neetlibi,, the neuK the Diritairici tie A►d should give this 'veinal) • disetwory a trial; it Will be lined Wally aline* r. from all other %Akin by the Tlin c ftli LEE—this preparation this valuable Is nervous weekneesee of ell kinds, as lt will ill!tOrli the ranted With woadettai . . It is alas strand rouirksad err= la Mem BIS with the Arst does. A brief pertiatenot -in Its ass trpi reaerv.te the stomach N e degree of whet health • d !neigh Dyspepsia forever., . • • Druggists ,their de bur per bottle, or -Aix- beti4es for Sold by, geaerelly. Pest Ave:Drees euyerteur, by lisbirertedvrig : HUTCHINGS 8.-114,LLYgit, Proprietors, NI, Cellar !Wrest. New N.elt. 'I • • D~¢a~g - CliJitH WARIILIQTXto DIUCTIONS POLLOFED. • larasilior a Cfnmlar Describing all Sijarp 7 kais. , • •EU apaptotes et Cktkit as tkrt Winn , " Weer +.;* at tot tory eltight. Pettus Is i We a ord.% flat *oleo Creqwrot atto‘gts, eel are store eraeltitt the Metres of twocestato. 41t tblecoettlicol tie *MI aqt b"friv Ow a *Wit tiliebarae, tit} ant *Oil beaomlag Wet ind &noel vs. All the frig tfeesatfeeehmgle, the' 411'0u:fee are teersehed to siorstil7 kilt hosed gloat, 1 they U. thud been: ay& soevkiel or ootigked sp. Theeeere. Uwe meotegel oaehig kbed- wreath ; the vole* •• thick sett east ; res. the eyes are weak ; Thy 4silos br tct o, dgarilid; drastic birOinctlyteho Aipetbort emote sad Loper Piot visetoe d , I t er a te, thaiv i emt r o=l m to c elzr e lk i lltri t t: Ihnee desk heaths lied doting Ike ;4kt Mies late takes pee *onion may be can that hWieeer to ow its way to tklea-geaad should lose `no fame to arreattai 7>ta ~iaas~aitt~Jtse's tie saes/. adirit How au. A. enVe Bottle - will list a Month— • to Do used three times a der. , . *. i r•otintOnlais T...., •• - —. /Pais /ha names J. Willa; loather frltessii4SlVl from Bliarits. 1/14 fif My* =gains o , sot Weld /sofa of AL Atli! : iii . ; .014 lewd' I‘,. • . ~...L ;* '.,_ burd 2 : 40 1 1 t• I !*! giq DR D. H. OULU: ' Dun am s-4is sesstitss yois. notleisitrtholltsli tale* s roald .4111 that 1 sno issisosay salmi *Ms' br yan. - Wm. r booms salssaiuted with fret, a.. 0 bigh,t tens Weal o_t sou UpslSCssusveritgigWV sere Sad lust ss bottle , flirsa plastely Illar irsr Ws,* the %WS Ind Isitilsollt Ina 0010 Pletsti COM. t on woosmiscuie ~ r ty4l 140 4. 0 1 1 ... with Mu& ., - - - • • et .. ;1 alageriPt t "' - -P ISM. 1. 1 " • DR. D. EIIiRLYS • & :CO Odor% Nolo: : air callow, Priwpsit, Ilibmsti. 0 • • - • • eill&VILIL• ;Akers a Ammo " AWINTW • &rasa& op • . so Detroit,a -le 11014 $ MO IT MCI 41 MM. W. NICK, L. WIWON 'lin a swam • Ad lee ado B ALL DRIANKIMI. Saaoonors to } aad 11;authieturehr at • YlB/1. Osr ittosk .ot TOBA.CCO, 1• LARGE. ORAOKERS litambetued st Us. - At Lk& loved Market Prises. Commereila IttOldlap, rd., 1%. 072xirotom.s S. EICHENLAU.B I * ° '= Np. it. r •• - ' NAMACTURII 011^ - : • 80-OTS-AND.SHOE.B! t .:.; Trim - PLI I fAbICIRE'Iri ottilOtinefrig to 7 t;2401114 tboTt saile4toriartirioor beanies Rube . th ritt of. • • : •,, , • • icabletse td cusatielitri and isg Boots and *loos • -CBEAPIZB TITAN BEitATOFORT. . . staiftrikad ospoiiiosi lei to thvionto Of esite: 1 piai:4 o U proopAlocoty stock to "odt Seco. r bite ttio'u.loi tAla etty to took. •• a - ^ • Willll3lll PATENT- BOON ilk 8110/15. tor to en.at aft, eastomaus. met only ask theiKieulticey as 7 out ot to tholaupaioirooodbet one, tiros inolo. co tboold Iraq— „ The Mum Beet aide ooWeak*, T It la as . 118 7, • troorliik Outs coursows lowioathor . . My • , ;Poi*PAC ASP/XMAS? . Rtll Wsciarii my own sad Mr: COTIT.RI oommial. Untion—eombiolog v orknao annot be Wfoolka la the, ecootiliz. 1404 Awl ..Sbotshrgrod pol abort 'notice. ponalantly lion lite o%ek of trermitit! test's ANi , iormuNes; =EMI =Mil % Of tr4ll cwt srastalau. two sit pattonitite, op• by j ast sad orabi• dealing to nod • •••116••••• et saiwklag aseiliatly barite an -Ai call asta =Was a7_ eat% llama parcaaataf abr. *bon. - toar6 64tf. HEAD 9,Fwi,L,RTES aIIEAP 0,00-PS! Whcdeaala, and Retail 0100ERY AID , 1910 VISION STORE, ' WINES AND LIQIIOB9. F. & -SCHL.ILUDECHER, are now receiringat their old stand, Anten atal Mtn*, Slate Area, a line and giVeriar dock, of - 'GROCERIES, • - pßovmatiS, WINES, • - • ,• LIQUORS, BILLOW, • WOODEN, • . z., MARE, - • • FRUITS, NUTS,Ats., tftAber with every thing found in a House of this *lnd, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They Dan also on band aso -of the largest bud Bout Stooks of Tobseoo sad &gory MT brought to /MN to lad* tloy brie tea allattlas of est soablis. pr Cell mid oto oisabloa It blitire than low 614111L e Don h. olottly Cub ?norm gal lad post Grote ir ' Quirtersl AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET. law 2.1660-62 P. It L 2CRI ATIFD4reB CHUBB. c. ENCELHART Dealer in' Boots & Shoes! • ALgO, - NANDINIOTORER or. CUSTOM ISDE BOOTS AND (HOBS ipprotrLD . take . 11315' . inethod of return- Ty tug his thanks t) hL fend* sad the publle peraerslip krr their liberal patronage heretolorr estoariert to bias. sad bops, to hare a eaatheestant •st the same. take pleasure to Worm the public that I ..m still YiLDT MAD! BOOTY AND 8E1033 AS 1:111W', - If .44 s Call/ duper, Thaa say Soma In Ws Oros. one 1 onostill sooklng the beetlonlities of Ciente Boots erd hoes,for 'ila I on in ploy ent m dant* of 0. Mloos bot tbe lig LLER. •41 of WORKAISW,. under the Saw • Ifarteir obbsitest a Leona to sae the ' Plumer Patent List, lam now stmarad to make tba Mawr Patent Boots and noes be a mama sot to tr ampaionl la atirlavaa Workneassab. Jar I &low fle. beep on band a *election of Lb' bed Brandi of r mach end A,rtaa Calf and Lips. F. 8.-1111/6lng atteaded to. - anittlitt P. 41.. JOU Cu. NEW GROCERY STORE. --- The andashised been opervd • sew Groom Store, on the EAST SiDE•OPITATE ST, hi ROUSE . METE OF lIAILJOILD RAIDOE, Where they Israstt lorepleg a fall sap* of • PROVINIONS. NUTS, CIOCILEILY WARE ' • NA PS:1110N1C, . VC/Seist)W WAUE, cbrarseritormuss, • reasam Ar. cies ss, Sadeestythissiessally th • e o Moeda an; eatabliune, or mat m We us determined to offer ma rood . adelsessests assay' other dealers to the atty, sad Invite the sahibs to call, oesadset dolt we an the tire setistection. eatlrlett. V. A. A REIHNIt li UM ittithcinzeil capital 5500,009. corrAL-xero IN, $200,000. TIM SECOND NATIONAL WM open for !miner* on Monday ,December 12th, 1864. MO noOkisx raw towoocupiod by tho Mereirsot.s Bask is Itrown • Bute BM eortb-eut corms' of Mato 'toot tad &bile Pork.' till L SCOTT, Tumour. Wn. C. MAR; Cassias 7:4XIVECT.g . .R. tiII.NCOTT, at firm o! ,T.HOrra Co.; Cosi Deal•rs. JOB: 1•011. ot • Ors at ‘t•-stdos, Hlls e 311 Carter dors. ORO.'J. NORTON , COSI De. 21,2; W.d. BROWN, Agent BUM, t: IrAe JOHN C. .12IIRASS8„ , of Oros rd Coomout. Csalthoy IF BillTeBll.Wir , Ptsais Gropers. 0. Z. CRol7da. of ens of Or.oach Bra, - Flo* We& M. R, 41114, of basal Efts; Jolllo'3l* samosa, Storm - • - ltattetatonaro. r ?ARRA% Ws, 4 rin , r. W haistlie aroeFs. J. DRRSOTARER; Grocer. Arks Dos 1441: • • • . - - Zngraving. BITSINRia, WEDDING AND OTHER CAROLS. Bill Heads., Pertitloatea of Oil . and ;•• , • , ortirotosTootta. Embaaaing, dro., BY J. - M. LAPHAM, Beihtteg, West Park ROW, ERIE, PA. NEW . FURNITURE STORE. 0 imiCir - • I at CO•ft - Weald nonmattally intorni the patine pat they hare opened rntriralnlE WARk-ROOM, GABLE'S:MAME, Between Bth tad 9th Streets, on . State, Whet* doii fitood to loop aiolotkatty tto tuna a tall SEW in WELL SELECTED. rEsSmas. crws•roopeottoUy oolidt • ahoioxf _titoPotite Itom ,;_ r 1" r • , r°° - , • •Sprlng wig 'Spinier • 6•41416' I NEW tooptottaltrooll ottlitioo to boor LARGE STOCK Ol' (FOODS; Just nestred tro;u kw. Ttlt,iigproidair Soritieta. - Hata; Itibbiluta &a • et Together with sore " D 0.0 '0 D' 1 Ben ' : CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAT: di Pertleslst ittestble,Pela tilfteaditi isoMalf -ny*aeetaf -. Ste ." 1 01, r 349 7 i above %to Doot. Ks* IPt , ints.3olBte. MORRISON & DINS:W - :0R -; • 'vefaiyisctiar zneemmie 70 0 PCIO4 Beet San % Grain, ~ 1- atovAn; ittrorirriseitzt, ; 11 * .14 ___,worne 1110 k.. - PitaNtwrilltErt. fawn Afik..AndilisaClui, • km; P.J. 1 1 ° 140 .W - • . .. f , • , • 1 ,NANI - 100D4, &IF &stirs& JJUST PUBLISHED a 'Nei, ' Edirciti 'Of w.Teit.ocniroginiaik coslowna Amer t‘ths m ewNwil lai nwi Vx . tii2)l4. of smaii iteiM r WMVW•Tal 4 4witi'..framWtTO ; awo, qwwwwwWee. Nettaim. wad Pim eale‘b4lipee. °casual ehfesemalgoe, la • WOW eavoldoe, only 11 web', r " the. te alkedwirable 4014,aleirt7 how a Aid:dr yews weetardalictemise, %r&larks,. 0,14W19,4 111 4 or.IW Oaf. *iflll. wwi• hit ly eared Acorl pro •eehf Wiese wed, WNW orthesiotUlmffe--Jootatrbk i t law% eareAlwateietsiftiwthell elroiewl; Om's, of, which •Tery ITIWOj op matter what hie aeantsa a eiN eAr• ehisto.)kfithtf yradlea4, ar eldiftiettre AWN hett. tied MI6 Ittr Weefj liMikiiiihr7floto Viorluplo • &nit alder MIA Mt a plain itneelowww . 44 l . w . o the eta/Algi eats, or two postaii kiampe. Addrosal the pa c. KUNZ A CO., 1.27 Bowery, New York,. AweSoll4l. Pod ON Boa 4y. MRS. • 11. Us: HALL HEIXEBOLD'S GIENCTINE PREPARATIONS. "11101113' COnirsrrainn e wow= 'FLUID EXTRACT BUCRU, 'A ionittve soil roman AANAI ibr Mows Or Übe Eldisersi Orsvei Dlogdost IHrsl.llfts. Pis Mandan Inctesets : lie pavers ot dlgotaos.asdl Scicites the o.bcorbitts Into bcoltb, actlinkb7 nrbStA tba ratter ottnUnno:ms ettxxitloso, sod all onnatnnO go. "its ton ref aced. esn•ttilan rift end talttdisdeea ,igui ILI aid' Car tun, rotas cad ctilttrts, . • . . . HELM:ft:AD/S. EXTRACT BUCHU, 'ha vastness arida; (rims 'Excesses, Halts of Dissapir don; take Yettliefetion, Wended with the lbileirtai Atventosesi.' . ! t 'lliiihrpoallon to Exertion.. Liss of Power. . Loss of =omen '' • DiElenliy rthetilldes. Venh.Eerves. . • - Trecablinm horror of Disease. Waken/mess, Dizenitisof Vision.. Palm 13 the Melt. hot Mud; ' Flashin.hof the Dody. . Dunces of the 61.1. n. Zrepilo33 of theniall Universal Latitude. Pallid Countenance. Illaeular Eystem. Mae spaptoms. if alloled to go on (which this Midi. dee levatiably removei), soon fellow— • -' • TATtrrry, Eptiznic Fits, Lc.. . • It ono of sada Um patient may expire. rho 'ea IS, they ern not frequently foUou - ed by those "direful dia. eases." • ISSANTIT AIM COIOII3I2PTIOW Many aro aware of the cameo of theirsederlar o but was ,ln confess. The record of the Insano say - Immo and the melancholy death, by - cement:ay:lon bear ample altessa to thcrtrath of tae c.aaertfers., 'rho Constitution,-once erected by omazde weilamms. teettrca the old of median° to strezOken and Invigorate the p yam, rhich ItMEMOLD'S EXTRACT Or 1317C1117 Ismaiabli door A teal attl eomtnes Osumi seeptiOiL la many affections permit'sto Females, the Dram Is narenalsd by any other remedy, sal tor Ni emplaants Incident to the sex. or In the . DECU3 OE ausGE 07 1.173. gr• Sze Sncrross Anon. sir No Family obiitad be without It. ~~ Take= Balisin.litareigy.or aroleassat cadet= Oar ispleassat sad dlialltra.l/1 • EXiitaCT Bileiiii - 11U1172CYUEID MAE WrAtTl Cure■ S3eret Diseases to all their davit lit 6 =perm, little or no clam* oe Cot. no isconvonitnc 6, cad NO EXPOSURE. - TTSE HELIVIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCH . .O For all alteettexis and Manses of these orgies. whether • IiXISTINcI Lv •ALAI,p. rEILALE. Froti whatever cause orienatlng, and no matter how bug standlre. Dbesies or lbw> wpm require CM aid of • dtareUc. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU Is the ,Great Diuretic. Ltd nil certain to hzTo tho desired Whet la all Casino for whirl' It 13 recommmded. Br. mom! ! rielmb old's 003CIMIREATED coxecrosn FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Tor poslfitag the Blood, removing all chronic constltu• Waal diseases guisliai from am Vaprire etae of tLe ilaA the only syllable and eZicctu.:ll:zo•Nti rem.:e'Y fvi.• Cars of Scrofula, Scald Bead, Salt Maim., 1'41:1. - s wad B,OIIUIVI Of the Bones, rlccratioas of the Throat tad Legs, Blotebes,Bimploa on the Tace,Settor,Eryeipolas, tad eit seen Eraptlosis of the Etta, lari) szAtrris •rim•G TUE coarmrszos. NOT A FEW Of the Inset dtaordeis that eflict mankind mist' from the corruption that accrunntates In the Mood. Of zll the dis coveries that have been made to pV.T go it out , none can equal to effect Ilzinnorm's Costror:rn Ex - rmsev or S.lZ suwitu.a. It destinies and renovates the Mead, Instils the vigor of health into the system, and purge 3 out the tremors which make disease. it sttmalatcs the healthy husctions of Ike body, sad expels the disorders that grow and rankle In the blood. Bach a remedy that coula ha relied oil has long been sought for, and now, for the Last Mae the piano hare ono on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certiticatesto show its effects, bet the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it butts rinses surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tableepoonsfel okthe Extract of Bataan s rula added to oPIoS of Inter Is eon4to the Lisbon Diet Drink, sad. one beet/els fatty tonal toe gallon of the Syrup of Sara pug* or *bedewed= u usually made. • . I 0 ;I ZELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, As excellent Lotion.for diseases arising fuom habits of dthdpatioa, used In Connection with tbo Extracts Denim and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. Evi dence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for sae, faith hundreds of ,)usa ruLg llyttg witnesses, and up. wards of SOON unsolicited certificates and recommends. tory letters, mazy of which are from the highest sources, Including eminent Physicians, Cleromen,Statesmen, The Proprietor ben never resorted to their publication in the newspapers ; be does not do this iron the fact that hL articles rink as Standard Preparations, end do not need to be propped up by cc rd teases. The Educe of Medicine, Ilke the Doric Column, should And elltrple,pore, fulesUc, having Fact for Its bads, loduouou for it. pillar, end Truth alone for Its Capital. -L My Extract esnsparilla Is a blood ratter ; niy Entrant Moan Is a Diuretic. and will act es such In ell pm. Both are preps:ea on purely scientific princliges-48 supto—stad ars tha:rocat active naessires of either that Pa be made. Arcady and conclude° test will be a eon parison of their proper.les with those sot forth in the krulas warkt• - Bei 'Dbpaisatary of the tatted States Sae rittissar Dawhts' valuable works cal tie Practice of rlarde• ' Sea :limas tibia by the celebrated Dr. Damao, Phila. - Sea renierke trade by Dr. Emmaus . 'lan met, e cele brated Payed= and Ittember of the Royal College of • bargewsaa, lathes& and published in the Tratusctione of • Elm end Queen's Joarzg. I TAeit Medlco-Ctdrergicid review, publlMed D 7 Barg 7Marote,Fellow of the royal College of Surgoona. .1114 most of the late standard works on Dledielos. D Sa bBY 4113. DRUGGISTs Mann= AMOK merttoetasesson. Is maim% 10 a T. MitalnitOLD, Chemist. krincilwa Dqx,el-- .11e7mbAft Drug and Cheinkal Warehouse, A 94, BROADWAY, N. 01 TO Hehtbald's Medical_ Dl* No.-104 13013TEMENTEE W'- Beware of Clitaitetfeits: :41iltron HELMBO '' TARS crimricitit . -1. ll=ll NvalaaliainTAßlNG f _ • kliure Impertinent of Rabb% rilnodi, coatis, Dolls, Don Heads, OSIDOS SEA seroulmmta for ratty, Porte Mossaiss l'ortsisorhlrep sqlll-114. SWUM 11=91.119 DR STRICKLAND'S 1.1:•11,,F. col GB it ( Ad d i . rroariworso, Astfon., Throat. Cousatiptios, nod ail ittT.etwct ct and Lungs. For are h i drurgiets General ~ I sfreet, Ctniau?.l.l. ' tr.ii 111" u 40 , r•rommend Dr. 5trfrk, , ,,,, , ,•, lane ae the only certain !raze', Lr Lint! eatery. it la • enrabloati,4l Itimaigglg ggejeirso!natiseP. ate i. • kyr g ere alter all.ottaer news bar e For rale by Drupatati. G , nera! dealt. Cttattnuati, (*in. DLL5...1,6.w. IL•tr.r.rl T throtuantlo of lin r °mt. lag Moil It ghte 1 , 11:1•4 ailment. am. Try it dirrttly. It IA Viru, Tor ell. by drtili". Gsrt"r 'trod Chationali, Ohio. - Dispepaut* , Nervo Bn e ga Debilat. DR. STR ICK LA N IFS ToNIP recommend Up... auer:irr -1 , IndigesUon, Or 4) , AD•pala., SY ~ .11l111L," Debiiity. to tar rtticalaod'a 7.41 . It , preparation. free from Alen Loin. 11, 14 , the *bole yrereous easteor; it c , ,:rs a and is warranted to cure Yor sale by Druggists gr•cf•rany, c j.... Prewar by Dr. A. Strickland. 8 Lai; ' Cisclunati, Obin. A Nefw Firm, JA ISE:: P. CROOK, hating tal.p, „ion, Jame, C., as s t ., • le Igtl4, lender the Inn catu•pf J A i kaire% to halve a settlement of LIP 0 epos knowing themte.see todei !to, to 't=p• to WI and settle withont#lay. JAMES . P. CROOK & MIALIEM -ROUGH AND PLANED ASD It . ! .. VP I VITh!”. OP Window %ash, Frames, Boon and stouit,rvGi A\l) l'1150:7 NC" Sara Sawing, Matching 'ct; IYIN ro Shop en Peatla Ist., bet* ten ith and EttlE, We respectfully et Ith, ctew•ou ut the faelllV.e• :or ea. a„,. 1,, A , • 1. 4 ;1 , an d on Mt I .1.• pr shape, with evT•ror Mac.L L•r:, s• eatirr rat,sfaeu..u., :ram itrutd /111 , :a . JAL Li• ERIE COUNTY MUT C AI. ANCE COMPANY. • incDrporated in 1659—Char:cr Property Insured &loam*. e.es, 11 any Tenor mot inrosekedleg Fut pollutes iesu.d upon Env uvun the payment of the URCILI o.rt , L'e• without the liability of a I without litiotien. One colt against this Company. - Thu iron fiat, aael ig a safe hawse ms: DIRECTORS Wm. B. Hays. ' JAN. C. Iler-oall. C. lf...Tibbais, D. R. rt.m.lry, Atu.l.itihtleruteht,.l. Georg* A Elliot, Benkunin is J. M. ilastioe, O I RS JAS. C. MARMAL.L, rz - ea: ius As , 3 Wx. 1. RIVAK.I Lc*, Offies, in limn. Gumbo: 4i 4 kn.:1.44 Uhmapaids, Etit , „ Pa. . Erie, Jaws le. 1300. W 110 LESA LE & RETAIL GROCERY P. A. BECXER, WUOLESALE AND RETAIL liorti-EAst Comer el Lie Park ¢ (aa>:arst or, t Would revectially WI the ellen:tot to his hole Stork o' , GROCERIES AND 'Which he is desirous to erti VXJL LOWEST PONSIBL:, Hie usertmeet of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS. _ TuBACO la not surnamed in the city, Ls he is Fret all who give law a cal!. Bs errs keeps coot fantls on Ltal 1 PIT It E LIQU 0 roe the wholesale trade, to vLiza t e 11. r; of the public, Hit motto in, "Quic"k Sake, Small Pr Xacivalent for the Morley." FARMERS' ROL Cor. of French and Filth ' WORDEN at DUNN, P The &bore lintel twring Ilea thrn u. now o pen to the len , comodation et th. pa tint attention will be ,iTen to =Lk. fortable A stack .111 ellii tegniter'y 144,1 tl , : mu The Edinboro and 0, atts'ier' : 5u 4 .... ~..*. , A there of the' rattlie riorottp• 1, m.r. , '" . 0 r 44 , X. r. ir 0 sva'a; tf ' i i r,r- Sewing mach' THE - CHEAPEST & BUY EITHER TUE • SINGER. The nnd.rsigted having been city for the above cel•brat4i Itarbtio , calla the attention CC the pnbllc to tis 1 hey are acknowledged to be tie Its: the cheapest in the waike.t. Facts itachloe has all the lateit rr; render them farimpettor to soy o , he remota desiring tr. poretwa a et• , =i find it of admotago to call and baying els+whotv. :ample. , on inhibition at ay st Dlnzlt. tween the Park sod t-erenti lan= 65 , Cabo Erie Ale Br 'XIRNER OF PARADE AND STItEET. - - Erie Lily Lager I CORNER OF POPLAR AND - 4 STREETS. Erie Malt & Barley alt CORNER OP 7TH STREET BASIN. Pale and Amber IX Ind XXX tea The Beat Quality aL,tl Prime Selected Fastern , The Choiceat gun, I 01'6 Oi X Yt Z.Cd On hand and and for sale by dreW<X. GROCERIES! GB' AT WHOLESALE AND 35: P. SCH.AAF , Would reapeethi ly Interm t•• li tq:.; • Store it, NO. 2 Hughes' mock. There he will always keep en bar= GEOCERIF S, CROCKERY AND Wooll wiNtl9. Liqvinvs And eeerythiog •,r It the kind. or- Term as reMonsble Y PY • `:,. The, h