=EMI ...PT.' TEN Saved* "woo Ewer, Amltbswthpoin an.is t bat never desir An ed elnut hist as ..- been:Eiltilkeke. Imam, Pir per% Bort" I only do I add mz=nionl dicing r - Ur, aged ten, 1 eyes, snd hair eure:enta" been well fOr From Hrs. esteemed oivq(Dennteru/e. Cape May Co., N. J. ims sempd fora ymecast with ar , sm, *hie* Ina earl tobistiledonta:l AAV_ . ilercingmi tgr ,aa =tlsN' Alief o = te r lirkA 21% AtAl4l4flllawft exPu_. • vitmu Skims Marin Ga pe r iml6-qf • Gags; Jihrresg 4 ou,ssitsumotwont :• • • -•- • • r. I - had for several years a wry 'ir , iliitieSoine humor in my fms. wideltAlmr.smedially mons until it Wad m teatarea and become an intal evade aw .4iiiesti thing a man could of Whim Moat any Salty bilfiara;', - JC P. i:,424riaicaiiil4., r..esieadires Lent. *ember Vika tlasaihigia u I have neellyonr BA.6IAPAIILLIA ill OIL fer mug nstp,• ,for psi n - v dsobeneficial an results, and - eel fidence la it le the aillicial.„ : - Bt. Anthony's Piro, Bose, Salt Ilhentra, • Scald Read, Bare ryas. - Prow Harvey Siatkr, Esq., a e able editor of At' • Tinikkussiock Democrat, : 14 Our anly ehild s about than years of age. via attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapiell., , / spread until they formed a loathsome and virnleist sore, which covered his face, and actually. .blinded his eyes for some days. A skilfulsb sistisn'applied nitrate of silver and other remedies ,wtho any apparent effect. Foe fifteen days we guarded his nand*, lest with. them be should tear • tering and corroptvoipod ahiell area the few, 'covered his whole Ace. Having tried thingelse we had any no iS p F 3 ' Inns Year fisitaap e gam,a„ . ap the o potash lotion= direct, sato been to heal when' we had ven Haase. beta* aad his salerastire_had the se i& The ehEd's %%Wilkes, which had come out, grewuad stpowas, healthy and fair OA anym 4301iiiltibOrtm.t. that 133sM1s and ileraurisi Maim , s,_ .Fnws /kr. Koran Soot, ce St. Louis, ittuettri. .. I tintLyzi r • more. effectual remedy tliir symptoms 'of Sawkitte and tbr disease any other we possum, The itutelitatl to you tbr some of IN) beat imbues." Fran A. J. illiusdk if. L.., on eminent ystekoa of. Lawrence, lfaill4/01.4 bra Inalseilr 9/ Pi Legislature% Massodussetlk._. “Da. Atirt.,4llrilear Ws ; I brie found Loot SnitearmuLLA- elieolllet aition nkrymutsi both of the u, ‘ ,.. 4. , Mel 'an am. 7vigla fik : _ ... . w z n imp too. what we to. yield u eas- AIP' 41 't, 'N \ N. . 7 0 4 ; hit •, ; - . ~ In ~, abuse :of rime! . `-,- • . - w • more .2etudfy at • - _ - ' " ltdi• -• WU GNP penwretifor . ; 14 -, .:;i0. ,• - )1 ~ rellinnal him. Fewoms - ""r:' - ' , . • • .*. invetelate ent clistreess cure hlm aimpthan 1 Oa' "' ilereial *oft potti to . ' , P-7 - Lanoorrhces, Whites. reanal. Wnaknenn, .lerja t ei!elralitM i t= m lhe ?Vet oethls BAR alsztta. Some oases requite, Dow es e - o l or sr atZ4=ittAlati44 l hit Ulna Frfna A l* aiTlCsa* ed Dr. 4 . I have found Your Sattadslik944 as excellent ftecetll= r i c t . it I I i nt,i rio t,,, ,fg t r % Araby hetathe affieais have yie to wad there's/a t oe 4 016c lelte. when t es ta la pee•pbrly lady L .enwillay, to 'idiom - diepublicenion of Aer • name. writes. - .• " • - daughter and myself Live been wed, 9.1" very debilitating Leucorrhces of long standing, by two bottles of yam SaIMAPAZILLA." Sheinnation, ei.larianplaint. Drs. •DOWN. 31eattNetitalita. .a/$® amp!' _soliwki fat Obi Imes, ate rut* -21Ftd,kt • " " AYER'S • CATIARTIC 2 :TILta• . : x l ssess atf i titutity advantages' over the 'otkr purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are sotterpallykniztwn,thatiteueed not dd-lisan'tio 'iuna• stia vablie their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever 'las been, laiithalliirrayt,:depended on to do all tblittilatihre - ever &tie. Preppy la by - .11,.14.112,14" X P., 4 Co., Lower ' es.-- • -slPkil* 8X E'- 4iitilar a RA CHANGWOF xo 411 ,TEt 51 1 5 70 THOIi4TI _InCL 4.;1144,. • . . Trains wlll lean Dunkirk apkboat tbsfoUckiriadbours w: „: • Eastward &and—Depart' . Train N 0.14 • 9'40 a. a . Train No 10 10 20 a. en: Train No. • . e op s. es. Train N0.{..:. If Aar aetoimatidathis tug vverder enswamiar. '4OO , , , le - VW :7 Ili M . • --' -, A • 9.‘ rnsrrvarjarrt infpltliTYlNll . w:i. R. z - it, cr,o at Su'. Go IWO 138., batmen &moth and Eighth. Ito Deboorfbortfoviientatodinto tho'Coldnot Itaidogia . d FURNITURE . TRADE, ..• „T -an! propotilEtnd iirgrillini ~ imiltflAit. , - AA , d &Mb& oflPnraltlai_ . . ." - V Orden will 11101 the prompt attention. Berating doss on lailfiAtttios. . UNDEBTAKINSt e , _ ThinniStttrlikkilAtigitditOilii do: ipsytiesi of dr Thai nunntsetna• and loop ootiotoatlj cm Maks lajip moottont of Metallic Came and Connig isi -big thlooloilver is medlars to tinise F , mot orders In flits pas, ptly, from any part of Us; to. Mitts togltoatiok*- 111= Abe t) theWiptexli sad prime, tioy li rP s . I°n z/14 .• ‘.... turn .eg bil l t ri t M er 4... 00 k aidlrell-tf. - - -7 , Saelidniser to 3. EL 9:111.7f. Boma iFormoursatnlfneilAliz a MOT - ERlit; - 1 1 A. ' j °nig' iitrigtd --"' "?t,' Th. andestv44 th• above 11.11411.11. Va illa iralii= "Ar t -* e . of patronage. erns and "901=1940.944 Aturito um la lb* . eonqtry "a=. llllbs" ' ' n; . ma 1. 1 DARTIVI/1134444:kg 011*VX SAIL. me Rwienione ma tie Rey, who visit the Pesten ha, will lad the Nu cleas pew& to ammo* date UkaWia ielta awed, Ittedloat =genus wiles. to watios to wassaboa of t Row BOOlh Tioido.Awill Nitta Ms Ana ow olisy booms of tautly tagrAt of etotoutroof,_ - JAS uki . Z. N 'Nay It, INA—Awito E AGLE FOUNDRY 1 , - ' 444- 114 1 idtiklitid'ali iris; Pa . . Henry IliyizitWitarwood (itaaammars How j 3 )100010Aafear; 1, PARLOR, COOL iILNDOPFIOE- STOVES!, 'rug 4 4%; Ams AlLaJiiinreqnrkiikhr . Zvery titinalloittilreistriatiatid Kiittla,lir ark total. et Init. ataatarod to ardor. Playa mari Posilitfatara.olliimear ante vac 034 aillq alvaratai bawl. A call and a fair trial al our silk' slat la all we mat --BilNl3itsBl4.llr9ol). is • , , ••ilusz*,itiiiiieivriaii;-I,IIIILAIDEL. IP Ites-#Dislimis eitluLifyisary kW Sklar nes Ilifinisbiplassitic Olt . * ballot Moor C atil rui l i Edi 11 .3.Ai im ieatibr - la 3. Bound= rih jr/3•61.1y 1 • . . 1-:. e , , ,,. ~ --••4:" , i i.... „IS, 1 - :.•' : - --,". -... ~75- . 1 . 1 . •• •• (i.l:. . i: 1`; rsui .. •• • •I!•• • ifiAr , I Cii) - t il l • - ' ': 1 • I ... 1 .1 ' joul 1 - ' I. co ::: py . ,,,,,„, c „ ! ti:w.-: .. , . . 0 . 0 . : . . t• I V 1 • !1.3 f.- , I A r ... 5 1itc..5., . Fs a P. 44 n' fti 1 iv . 1 .-t iti A.• / 2 ; 0 ;a g t;t l 0 M Di • ih le S 1: 1 4 1 : Atk , , Ladies, take Psithaill - srotkit THE REAL VELPAtirEITALE•PILL.; ,'T'HESE- PILLIN 00 celebrated Aany 11 `years' ago in Foliate, the relief Of female ! irregularities, any}: afterward so their-aiminetFeloiirent inAlha- 151441 =i 'Abortion; pre tiOrolfared. for solo. furl/oiled, _ time in They have been ail tiUn comparative Obscuft trom 'the Sot. e originator, Dr. Yelps.); is a physician in 'of great wealth and etrict 'conscientious prin- ; pipits, and has withheld thaw from gametal / 'nee, lest they should be employed for nolaiefill purposes. In overcoming Female Obetructiorm, . -Falling:of the Womb, Whites ' nose, on, Retention, or. Imniodoseti Flow of the Monthly Discharges, they - seen) to be truly omnipotent, bursting _open tie . flood-gator from whatever cause_ may have , stopped them ; but they are offered to the pub: lic only for legitimate uses, and all aw:dean forbidden to sell them when it is undmtoOd that the object is unlawful. Married ladles should never take them when there is any reason ', to believe themselves pregnant. „for ple i a4 be sure to pi-Oduce tirloosniage.;'' • pills are entirely late Wes all, ei; cumstanas, being. compoeed entirely. af , rob , stances from the vegetable kingdom. • Each box has the coat of arms for the 4 of Pig* &tamped .on the . box, ; with the. " Trade Mark ' in French, to eorrntralMt eh is a misdemeanor., and all :pinions will be dealt with according to ; , 4 Full directions, accompany eve box. Lidice camobtoin ibex 'tailed how Of the cliribirs,,b7bachailrig9pe Delbre wit= post-offa,-e stangefto - stfres {abldrag gists, or to 004 - , metal 'Agent for the United!tat e es k , Uinta, - • Minna -114n Jb *Viott i Hall tk W • WINN k Booth, 1,.14 Cell k Biro Ceder 4 Cerror , Brio ,* Wee Bedi . worth Kast: 'etTimer titm.,Oirsrat P. lie Merin/ ; Met Potter, Wed Borhailloid, • THE Ikupg „ ?OWDfI pcindad v nt domain the eel; afrdieibtar. tin 4. wadlly. ad -4 ij their ,rirta,, 4190 Mi t g for tit e g Zi oisTir of the mpala Cone* bare at Paris, and nor oranallietured by 0.9.113nreg pa; al Z, mad A AlleeltowbrPia, • • All aware, of the Otair abok,B_ ellr. speedily and airlift:ly eared. Healthy Ito A" WU, be bran Mirth tile highest mats of patsetioit, wolfolio to two iblarjioonfab a week, la of great value to hard working Ursa, tweediag stook, as Cola, and - Wired tioloalobtatwoltall4 blow St. Y Yellin thelantyard as II Uri . ".1! Irnit LIMAN! 11111116111101111111111M021111 tilediteni outcome ill the objeeta whisk No Tent the z plumate° teas] .Low ~ riou 410•Betietlecuelmem ea of thu pewpazation, Met he tarnishes wen wtth 'mitten pteeetipttee, u s stilw • .- Tue moo goActLitkrou4st.Ar,AN2, axtpwrioni4 • a"Piarder taitb•itiaanittiataatlon at ,eat wilt new ellompirairtEll ngio or &mate. and mask pritkin Hi to thiold noaptioraaa Put., whleb _ itre t ttrileft.,far aindOilla vs gliZ se • Ma Avattlatt none aineoledd. Dr. Nick sad Castor dr tarigny Ratan A grata for We ;wain ; R. S. Sacs 111 Oa. Pittsburg ; John Handoreoa &giro ,Pathdaui, aad Row ton Rm. (eroland, Wholank Jobbing. D. W. RIITOHINSON, o'l*(4 States Chi* Aiet :, - - GIRARD; PENNA.,• PEN i_o N.S , RAVI P A,T4 BOUNTV, had ap otha Clams Wm*se. Cassamsat alluded' to with isomptaoss. cliAsitieir ti /bat std tits ham vit. aide hi puma. Isso. city' an/ Dount7 • I .0_1447: •-• JOHN IL 11EILLAZ-•.1 Bhll Or b=t o triitopl rt bathos* awe The issiitelbri • 4 .ii turairdirtin i o ** Imo` Xtlgt no, or Ofrnakstireia etrOls. af° NM, Jui• A l iloiglines anigarlimiso - 44 „,, ; .-^_:.”- + r .M J 7 - • REDDIA S S I AIt,IIII6I4 . 1 7 h.... us , ~,, .4.1 % g , ! 4.1 i ,1 14 -•,,, :7 1 , 4,. : - ' Oiw all other Irian preparsti6as. • oft .1 t is t IzI isslawrot tagiNa ituia BAi4J I T :11. f249P 1 1* 1932* Mifiaffiliii*l4;EA/44 551 4 :116 REDDTIIFNA ffial u t is REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! ill ' c : II : Zti. l / 21.. . my , B. REDDINf~~ ~ila&r Q~~g~,~,etf~ne, Mb , DING'S R I c REt,DIN YR I • • ••- 114 DIN '4-- • • -LW • • REDD] REDDING'S 11.8 y ATi t $ - • dlit . 4 4i5itirtV : RERDPill'a RUBSL& SALVED REMiIiTG'S RUSSIA 'Si LVE! ROl:mars • -- ':~rF: 01{11/ 414t131 ir Lan 1 rrM t l ll i l .M4 in ± R FI , DD/WS aussu &A LVE 1 • • • MIS FROST lomat 'Arra BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVBI RCD:Duial * A " Is Oran* thii 'tow sat mormisl mitts: or *lark- Cu 1 1 4 =tatos#1. 112 /ts SOWEOticathasiiti with t • 'linty prsselussi la a reply • .Tbe MislissiSsaaltarithsesighouttbs Woo s ars 'midmost la Its praise. Ths wore Its virtuseliftim ary atbsi Saw* Shshisoosaty.Shd• It hi reir amid& Jistisisf basishald DSc . silty—. Wig b • - • • tEDDatti i B.l4l464 SALVEI • -- Is prompt in action, mama pals at oncaltalk Maw the most an looking e xid e athuomitims.a. Irk °Manilla Win baps toV i et illi r PuL sabtje lonahmine praettkit *so NT i i i=6 l .l l l ,l o`, thalami lazatte kin ediallens 'fitad Wit sink to rho no men. o Bra. - • Tor SaleitqFrea= p ?hr. 01 Windiest, W. Y,W. Foll4llk CO,_No. Ihnleattk beat. llkakani and NI 111 Draggilla nadr.onntry dtalkeepess. ager 64-13. - - T T ?I - :ki • QtrEsTIONS3 • lf r • ;••• 1 QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS* That Col:uenk Eve* ()iLe t,o DAN o'er WAN oft "• - ' ' ' 1 gyo youosla booms We J- • • . ~, D alitn MI ktatiOtir &Mae bildllt l ' bit Unapt /ma MI taps Y . ".• tli=" 6,B, P ia- . P e tqbou lll l l ll l 4 l 4oo6* _ Anjou latalilot iiiiii&tet ' ' l '''' '''' '''' _„,_ An you taaiddidlodUi ouilsill lir' NM nein 1 -- - - • iatal2be 1122g1rALtr ali 1 i t - ' • '''''''. Hattnilk alkAndb t.!-717,, in 1 i! Ddyet in I y, ...,•.,,..t :•••• v b, Do you wadi soft hair f Devoe:lMA yield* forkuodt Do sada yoult..._ livx__doon y Doyou ou .wilea (11Nrawooftl-, ' ' - -- - Do you woad it for your ehDdreu ? brilaZyMga irami k r4 rP tl iqr lamiliotLrof D 9 /PA Past talaaorlit I • .t , : , R?7 oll Wit ' Or 70 1 11.*#101! +-Re YoUVIat OR stadat :•:•.^.. De / 9 1M44,14011.1i110d0 t , • , ... • - Do you we •Go ma WARM dm) sylliel ) P4ll_ . I I Zattelfgri.rdlit t ...• I 6 ; alasousua pV: a ilrp-71= mf krl 66.ll 7 4lst the r- t . ; big sideti -slth tad Warm Tit* 1' VDU . • TEL -•(":17_ir POR ' TO *toi t hi iA rA i - t i l u t •• - ' ' IO Q it' IRED -TO MC. • It ge. Die" Alr i v rTi S. 3 11 - ea, N. Y., Goma 4 2_ •- t • au) lot - nnallgElipil' ki,olll‘ AMAIN/low It la Arm* . fFiliritifi..l WnBLEB , 44 3NitLB6N% - • --7,111M1.4,* ''' " 4, ' :-4',1 - ,: 1 t ~tt . • ..., _ . • H MUNI JANAgntal i a 1 katVsektskesili.. i4 .l ;ililiOiiilACllll 1 1 ...i caw Ea l eim i ziativiialsol tun* FidiMilrifik " i ikirrifiliiiiViam I - UAL' TRANI • •• • 71-. 1 . :::: - rliT 7 - :lII' 0,1" : ia z i th is iNmuipsitti 411.bbe. Ind mes bee% adia4 IMIlWrIb• 111 4 Lt t`+ •. , . : VP 41 1 4 1111011.11110 1 Ea t ~ •,. 1 ..1,, It a.rr': , .... .• 7 ...I ..Q naimartn ,- ritz 4 atmilkeiiil ati' • , ..., ~... :•. • •-: ~, , L 1.1. /II fl LI ...a • ...,i-, ',. i b = " 1 11 1 1 0100 •lALL4lll,fiamiu m , Go rainsmitlitialta dhlailemindlo CM .V Zvi 9 WallaitAiirie 'viz ~r .. - : .. 7. Ittige , . 111 , 1m611 . 1 . 1 , 1 . vii;l442. Ha.t l es ~ elly eitakdehed the palier* e QUESTIONS, -..s T", TEM' RAM, qat't A. a • r Mill dial IE3EIII I= I,r,fifila3C ii;i NEW FIRM ir *.! L;4l. ;;;'; • ;,, OAIIGUT a RUfGISSI ~.:11,4:1 7 , INEE I,', 1" 1 : 4 i.... . • 1 4 •.! A cuilAun3ll:Ll 1610111E0N --W het/IWO° eltOgett jhet ., 6ji tvaeketwoand -.1 , 11 ! T A 41 -7r -r..1 !A. . 1 ROM :IZB. r - FLOUR, ~• ; • d H, SALT, WATER LIME, =Ei ----' '-, ___ ---.... Lr - ----!' _,__4ii:„•.lATtriiiip. ditto.* 'mu 4FES;....i' ,r.agrOltS, 6 4 I et. Or ..,. : ~,, --, ,1' ' - - ” ..1 * 7="' I' -.. ' T ' ' 004 V - . .r., torpigs. • - , X . OZASSA 1 ICIAACC°. riq . ' -too 1 o'Rik C lam" , r .P 11 4 . t trr al ." l 4 141,1 : Sligo r 1 . - 1/"•)11 II if "7 - r - , _ 108 - ,CA,NOri, . ''. • --, ookr 3 * OD / 414 Cit - 01 1 One inniiiipeuiUSTlC SOZt. al 4 UE aolrOtt. `• - ' ll4a PLACE; TO GET - ItsZlAir Mac • "-.. •• B. COUG . • - 1,01107 r :AN° -- E t t l - `lltitirliiifil, ?Al* l i fr e ifte the. ram th• Pablla that be , rgr==‘,traPar• Mae, whop ho Unitas hia 7 old !Hands sod mistommosi to gin him • call. Phaticalar attention gins to REPAIRING! snot eamoill ireitiamk ami im miMmaithm batlaimA it bit Isitttitettett ties sod mallet 1; 11111111?1,11,,,rita to al.! ~s,~. vv_.ry ,-..;--- .ffitostar4". • . 7 , , , , - i• , .., • 'CI 't :•''. .....„ Q . 1 . , . 1. 1 , ,_ . , •' . - { ( 'i - ) 1 !I, ; I . ` ': -;' 1 Ili': 4 I ! • . • i ii ..,.., hl r , impopii. •• . 'llklidk . • - . -- ged'idiettlilietlie itiohnme al hataibtdd god, Wait h to it willyereda themyouth-, tel it itellog aad In stress*. mod seahl• dimakto heel aver stale the days ti t tbelr mist se Joy. It lest slily, ' etbi luster, bst it bodsosodds ?lab dials sable elittimpepetitLy to Sees wbo have, . to • e. eoadltios, r arrvillly, , ordl• Miry sletatat. Ito Oat , tpa l• dipr blimp 9prie. MU do a ye i a er , th4..m.e" *Warm and toll . . I ._ ! .. .7 I A CITRIP emerpediV iti Nilt- .TOUS INCAPACITT. ISPF.Pate E LOSS I, .07 orrai. mow: 4 TAN i. ,vrassra, or 11 AL r INDOLENCE. EMACIATION: ENNUI. • most . deaglitial. , •llsiirle tad Maw! sleet ; Eta rmaiwas 1 1 arasokaad all whew* tatty - - ,,, A . try ear 'ems dies eelbillitrattamatly ad r -- `,,,: 1, , we la • this tease atalliatime tam - rerS9ll/, 1/1-N./1 , Slava, 1' al Vigo; liii 1114 444 4 - arrhemegasa r • _ .33 =agar etssi-e;,... - 7 , now noble r L tin tairaid. the ; e Old .afield glee tbli With* datoved a will be Mai totally ellimist free* aU other arts the • Ism • • . • • • 'TO IMITIZLICIL—TbIs pmears — lloi i loialtatle is a arms itatamses of ell kinds, milt will meters the woreetitV a rtti 'readmit! mrrammenae. • • _ II 6 - hatie.ead allies* valid Is Disler MI Ail AIM A Urfa pendetanee la Its me oda to • downs of lading Meth • o . r are. toptitreio/ Sold bydir r 'f L errder - 1 aid 'Milarti ' , _ IMII e ~ .__? INEZ= IEI Iffi w serxw lir 4 CfraAr IIIMEN! I • t' . , . aIPSOZNIZPINARICIABI , ...no eflopteSos .I. iheud. &situ geelieniiiPPew •;• os Sleet rosy shiest.. l'itsssila 1 thoy hue owl fintillisy ism bs stlise; sal are =ors sessitlve ts• tlm dome Mtsimehae. I. this oesdillos tao ' mese swim 411. or_ s. slight illiehieite, th= I, stistiesell Utak NA eill.des. ! the die iltdihilismlis to • essolly* - Ise sew Wel i satibiley..4Blll ere ' I ss — tWillTrisa Th. foss 1.04.witu0rtg......tr0i1th....,rik.; Ississrii sr vastly tabs) -.Assert iss 4 =_. smokes et 'that he perm le el to dist kW ibis & is a tishit sr eftworwesea. will& Law VI owo r ai doshic.the We& . Wiles Ude Pat a. oltili that his Vases i so pa i likrilaltil leo se lime is e.. • . v.l - •--, • • ! ..' • girdi cilse • r ail waif Chhwelk mop South say. 51' 17 4 :Area ifialaiii aI - u''s rive rho. Timm J: "wir titi• - limier e .. MOM Ort A i • 861 " 41, .' ..-,-..: ~ li.• .1. timitimer Cia..lll. ili& ilil. D. 144311:LTZ : . sotav ol u o i M.TrA vs*, A.. GO EFeZfrot"irp=" 6 :latua Rowdy. he had dlatiAr laud 11,11111011Milnad. lid pi V: lid - Wad I gi e rag Walsh .WI I 3,% . .."/J, 1 a 7,- ,L 1 vi. , ) T.Flo .441411M1tl art :J. J s ' 801.2 • . • moo '•• MONO • Ob • VairrO‘46.4a.a4.:l7.tre ism IS tufts k °Am u W. EO N L. l2llO/10. 6 ILLIO_ Apihr leas kr ALL =MEM • S. , vbs.' 1- v- ,;..." , CIGARS, 1$ LANCE: -At the leveed Neese MON, Cosmerstil 111411500", Pa. Nal '~:~~ SE ?"' .‘r ,E-• I -I " M I 4 Va rri n B ; I IWII*II3IIV,Or , . a 4',EVA; stp,;Bll k 41, .4100: 1 134344 -7 * " RETALA IF TAM tieVBABURS intsndittudap:bm &j i tirtgrA4MP,AirkuMotiMr.ArWali 5:77 '-eiwit 'Levin Mart; • ' ' mob 1414 maims WepsoftFtiosim% 11•0" tA , bfleafiliDirsaselmastiftisst . cl c. , attai 14101414 11417411:14oVarigq MIMI& •lUMIIO wouiri l / 4 11‘ to il lZg lito ol7 l th... to ~vie. 'mos **go ow AZ=Mira= aiwipayt RAI airay Mlfltiß+Mlo't sroktiar ow. •Ny 1, t isas t..t , POW 411.141.11 Min 1 ; WM tooth* s own sad Ar i , - 00triBli 4.0014 14- !updAm; it hi= b • llootrubd_ Wet on 11111011 t difie.iktalatio elite/ I MM Afirt l/.PO/0/116lic Ahideillmiwiattaiddelpfdise 10 tritt4wowsolls armigrara . to M 1 !if e't Ltd , tmiti. i l e tpli!, t " -In vivre W'ff'Fl ' -.4 !;'' -•L a 0 t.S : VINE 1111: ; .010-34-444ixt • kr . 1 , 210 :2: . ; 42't Intl? f •••• , .. 2 EIEJMAVTD I EEEN jh *inky Stilts ittieef,shrse. S ipetifpi IN 4 4 1i • s ti ,:'^‘ t••••.;. • Cc- 2 . vi t 6 . E . .E . 1 I • ; Lrcf."l , •J• . !lr. ; !•... • •'; ...It .1., WOOPENj : . • k d r IL:el _ won jit,t. 54'171A . 1.) 6.13 Will Rd t“: 2, •i '••• r.; witterrerTl: fog s '‘fonnit notuse dill '" idd ltiey *lll 1611 is Sheip it+rssrstlhssrnitaitilishiinisit tkis.i* thr 'OWL °most kinds ofreouttrylpiodiir, o tr .L. _llo/tkillf losnstaniciissot tistissons_ "Z TAW t IficTinfiitiM,==,ft dipSeopot 17.^ t 11ar:114 , r.gt 3, „4rosery. ALA& 4 4 111114411117 larmiteorsuts, - siositi tOrthator. n Arse 2016.1111 'a; k.llllllUhltilktilW 1 , •.•= , 07:1 ! ,, .:.'...ia .V1)iii.1,1.1...Te1l 301 :1•' , 17 1.10-IPr ‘e l ftql.l. ALP* ilia O: :Dealg3r ine Gobi& gboesd 1;1'4 44- 10 .***NUIMIXPROIIIN, isv L q 41IIIITaltitAlig 110011CAND MOW WaULIA In s bia tbee t he .t 1 El/ Maeda eed the pebLIII etteetle4l •WS twine te Itikee ftpuaties 01•Yei st rtg .1 I. ;lomat! to Weir the ifi pa ll* that I ..m me. QOTP I. • +.-1 -.117 7. , • 1 DY *ADZ BA %MAP. • - 48fid.44, 1 ilia, air raistiicaliiirtb best queen!' as 4% liooti sat sikportpflatica ploy sear hut the =STU WORIMMaadw tie &per. hituidasas of 0. 1023:13e -50014#60#94' 0001*MINPithe n :;1 ~,:..nwitToVsptteMors. lut otiw i lo=„ i to footboo s =ftt A*. otkil ages o sot' t 'tor fiend stews iopep on Rana oelocuou of the Os t offluoishiodlittpt.;• •• 41 !rifl a g,P,V . 4j • r, ztz,/Thia s‘ CIOICERY STORE ffik,l.4 A..' t rrpi... * Aa r swim Cridri Ti 1.411 arOUILKUTD/131 O p414110.1D BRIDGE, P , 11111111 i they WIWI Itoitilb i ta Atilonj w if Of - 41 11 1 1 W#411111441P. ii i 6 i intionip f • • •• • E••• • 1.. 1.., rinignink s - VIROOKIBIEV WA 11t44 . • r: :c rY 4 nwujAnir2r-91"ciairs hiaitile rigaismemumighmikTa t "1 1 411 0 , ' J • •; j• • 114 51411b11.111104 ofiraesnol liksemite other ammo la U R atty. sod Ipirito=l ? tM -oblidlottbit Woos flottlitbooi ; 1. A a ,IMIBM -Authorized- Capital $500,1300-. CiPECAL_P•II:I/44_5200,000. • - 1 j Tex Immo- Batiopitt to* 71,7• Ps. • A iikiaiit infeefelabi4' c ite, 1884. ' fir ilisilkokrigr SMlN•oribeidisd•S Sir thi •••10tei Dui, la Um* ?VW. Bull4plp saftb-mbit P,i!liK of SU% tacit ad pulls Tark. IL 4: icon neisizinc-*.v. cr. oinurr, Oasifaa e ' •• .* Trlrtwillatrtati3 . : • • " BCOPT.ViikIIOII.I. Awn 3A %, Coal Daiwa. 'TN I ° C '9 l l l Nt f dlt c f- 3144 . : 1* . aidideraPi. Ceol Malta. IC S. Wlf t'saffato lalftti, E. E.. agnsixT s Let • dtrz aftLanoss..„-Casgkey • 8.11:01110131,N, r s so W th a I I • VSITZ . Yet. *r• 944 f Ara iarn o 4l lPcm Ira Pief'S% &ono 4.761 1 111111.4.• • telSpgiblisishi we: J. DRISEITAKKR, Dee. TOOK • COQ , n , ' t Dangraving, .; RUSINESSi WEDDING AIsI)4WIIER 4.0 41 .'tze ed.! a r:t• CA 8 . mu troubi, Eei lloai i of oil lid :i4t. f o ri fi rrilv d ors . . _ lationfoingi:,2llaboiestzig, =Beals, - Ste. 111Y , 11.' t LAPHAIIIt r : ' - !Aria& , iag, west Fart Itgw,:. , 1 1 11R1 5 44- t' r ' - •re cz th. NEW , FURNITURE , HORE. f!:1 1 of 'IC, 11,n1"E_pP alel"t I''s flip " -7.,11 r d% - • FURNITURB - WARE4tOOII4 eAsiLfft§qttacit,i . ' c , Mime eta Otili fireiti,uon.l3tiitit; inhavisrmaim • ! WPM : IXIMPUL mow' IsfrattfPl,lll rit thtPubile pat. . RIBLET ; 51 . • ALAIN allgainia. „.: . • .4, .•• , M C . v). l, *sal to i;; ' l ‘ 1 - e - Voir ft 143 tur (Mc Vint'llVkipiiii4l4 N.' 7. Sammetei Nets, rilllibbottli Together with 1101 SW ss , • • rt D Z;I Y 1 1. - : ---1 ; r-Cr.;OuID4S. 1 t• O 3 4 W i xalet4t ,israofuo.,:isidtoo•o/1 4, Allpsevocitmlii 81. 1 7 dam -; • If , ' J ...1•.1.1141W41104 ;), 11 ! ~.,Ag.Piw*:wi"qSPFowk vel42 tIOiI4 I 9 I 4 2 4I4ARAUIVA .14! . : PiClOrePeifttßier; Grali; „AMENS.VAirjirga r f RlMAtikt. n'. ; ' ash; ir ziWiliffia4ll4.ki gar, I ,4.ropugolidersurr i -e •.• •,dik 4141 1, • I.e444,Pfit. • it ; •ewl, • . 1.e.. . f 1,. r • aa: a .4. g.ule VIP •$....• 1) .‘• , • • ii,,r., i•:. : N.' 7- :':. • 8 %1 1. • HAW OTe..lsablefliSl i i.. M i •_.( ' T i tc V-, • t • f t ' f '... milliTlK • r-- Mel " . ''' • t." poi .4, 1. All" . me tkt ..• . ei . . . , , • . • 'pp *•`:' h ut'''. • • ,4 1 1 $ . ban ~..._ . 'Pe : di I. li Tal • s ' ! •Pf I hityi . le i tm idas us:,: the ripd spoissuesei withott tho 7- 1 ,1. Mr r....Q °nAtini4 ost a • • : • Aosta atcp t akl e r4 u 1 um: riot Mile* every Serer ttwirwogibiasiderr . - Nregin y riMtg4ig ' '• f the =Leis m matt . eat j cilli r ritti m a i co. • m & m em Nort'lrestk, • temiNlll-tf • Peet lleattill. .Mat • 5 ! 7. • ‘.l , • •: • • „ prays :431-ENUIATM '. IIIVARATIONL .I,lllt •,1 • "* . ‘eFlittt ocuiparim s_lo6lo::;Er_tirttrPT: 144EMKIP B r i ! d r , . 41h. .IMsiliftir. l s l 4ls,! , 9,94 sag Depsifif MedAstitti wire;tace the Palms ft' beak* sad szeltiiititidxtirbetitS ittOteenbl i ACNOiltireddi el" "elkaregr-11 diVeItiOSF•JDA 411 mato* ar unggagva aro reduced „az as vita and talilll. liikOciitornet, l smers Ind edible. . •-r•I •• • '••. • ; ••• • . !- L tHELINBOLD'S , EXTRACT BUCHU, -9111111shisses.ns itc*Bacosto. Rahlts of DllSi flatly attended with the intlowlei bit 164112131/ toZ xarUon . 01 rewer_ , Loma 1!..-ry. • Diesenit, of nreateseg.. Weaklier*" •• liesaldthz, Home of Disease. :Wailing:oh • • . • Disztess of Whim,. Pain 12 ale Bach, , Vet Melds, ' IrluAtiatof the Body. emise( thsSidn; / Mtapidoeiret the Filee. ,•.1141terasti t esidtode., "unto:Liam. • • gutetilai Eysteni. • Tease sper.tostet;lf ellesod le re on (whiebildi KM. daspgrartiblinewir.).soon follOv • FATUITY. EPILEP TIC he, istiof which the patient may entre. "Whitt 'esit try they iiriCsot freenentltfollowid• by those ' , Walla di& 1111" A' vseairiri.A.lD.contrionoarr - • • s alma *film moot thatrnthotuihbat Moe wlll cont at. The records 44 tbo Ins= asylums sad the thetuneboTy deaths by aonstortptlim beir undo vitae:to to 'the truth ash* imperil r• ' , - ; Tbo Consitntioa, once effected b 7 le weakness. recgdree Utinid of medicine to itrenigtbefe and ismigatate thanistens;Walch tilLtatalrs Errawroi , wpm lowaliOirdets.• Attledwill penance thensOiSseeiSkifil. illr EMI= IiMEIMI L, • , ^ : , /peamoy-ollootiotti pociglerF to romo;sa.llpt.2llXMOlt =impaled by my other rimodi. pod (MU MeMad& Moiiidr..4olll69' d 1111111:11iTIMQ111MdfcliktnImarie0 ei , r4771 .z.ts r •:1-sL , s7r i • !t,..w L 1,14 ;r'" tril,lr 991414M.ifireliki.tirurtpleastit Inidialklll42 itgd /lista.° diseases. 1 4 s y • EXIIAGT T . ntagßaaw4',Driaciatiwaop 0::•• • calat Diseasis ,iiiEdEtraikaird " tipardetutlaeinoagq . ot tratieridamiA saerSCl 1132M117112. - • ' - J ArAt7H-ELMBOIM'S A - CT 'BUCH'U Far all amnions and diseases ottbase orgue.etaabir "'" ISISTING D . Scats of swum • - ‘ll l3ll mbift.res woe arialatiall.aa 4 aataatter bow Stag .atnadtag e . 13 4 aeasea of thesit arms regatta ttia aidat• ltfirede. • • ' ' • REMOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU • • i7s Oh Great 'Diuretic: And it vette* to bar, UR awre* oeut la alleamieu tar arftlelf ft 4 tecatomeaded. JOCK -1 ILL .! • !!.7C. 11&001:01 BLOOM. BLOOD: . . - i 7- • - sissur 003CCIRILLTIMC011tP017111) - • FLUID EXTRKC.T-SARS-APANILL - A, Ter tillttfliiir a Stood, ietroovltif all clinics eonstttte 4131141141111e0pee irides (maul sn Lw.pzro stafeloliho Blood; Gad the oftlyrellahle a.n,l . cCe casual knows setzed 4 ter the Imre or Strobl,, Btald llEad, Oslo Rbeture, P:sirts Sad fie el ts* iforoasi Ulcerations of the Throat sod Lep, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tatter, Erysipelas, and allacay Eruptions of the ' • ' rt. to* NOT A FEW' - -; of the'VOlst dtiorderi that Millet mankind arise freMlthe caertipUonlhataccamnlettwin thaTaeod. 9f all the C 43. !Oveliell that byre been made to purge out, nono can equal rn e ff ect titemeoth's Como CYD Errnacim or Lai. ILIPAZILLA, It cleanses tied ivairnites the Elood,testills ',the 'sive betteslth trite ,the:systota. end patgee. oat the tremors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy fanttiona of the body t and 9:pela the alsordereth; • t grew and rankle in the blood.' Bach n remedy that co lad be rolled on la long been sought for, and now, far tit o erg Cline the hubffe have one on which they caw depend. Our spacebars does not admit of certtheates to thew lta err but the Mil of MOW° bottle will sbo* to tho sick th. ti It hail !trainees surpassing anything they have liver taken. Two tablespoonafal of the Extract of Sarsaparilla add ed to phtt otwatar le equal tia the Lisbon Diet Drink. and one bottle la tally equal toe gallon of the Syrup of 4111111• way'. OT the decoction as meetly Made. , - Extalitql..ws _ app. trAtti, 4,4 4 mii. Az Lotion. fof._ &semis ertaing..lizronahabits of used hz eanneetion vcitla the IratrActa But bil 14 ' inatieb:dlseasei tis recommended: Mi- Ancseof a most r •Uponsitile' Mid keliablo derider crib seeimnpanf the med!dlnes. 'Elio etAbeti directions for vim, eelas'lstedrists if leiter/weds living iriusesses; mitt up. wards of MAXI unsolicited certificates. tad teeterunends, tory Illiters, Imlay of *1 are IrtaiiitioitithettEltates, belittling eminent IlizysklatzuClergymen,Stateneen, &c. 421.1lrefrisaor has never, renorlcii in Aber publication In the tzeznipapere;.he does not do this from the race that his artitiiii rank as Standardlieliarstlems, Mid do not nee/ tOttaillaWidtrith/ccriiitc4Lesi -: • • . , 2 . • i 3 3 1 04 1011 Ca 4g . liedlninerilice tho Doric Column, should stand simple, pare, Majestic, hazing rant for its beat; Istiagoa sr no Piligri artd 'Mitt' alone for its Capital. ••• .•• - • „ . ExtreCtildirsapasilis t ist et,FlQodParbles ;my Extract Bache Is a tlittrette L and will act cs Each la all caeca. Both are prepared on partly sacatitio principles—ft eticuo—and aro the most active measures of either that can be mai: 'Avtitdi and eonclattve test will be a corm Twist* of tbitt , piwpettlee with Usti* let north la the tbli towing works t , • , 800 Dispetuatbrx,ef the United &Mei. ' • i ti ke rt°l4llsl Dz l67 i-S Taltlebie works on the butte od 1 Sim reamots nideby dto kelibrstod Dr. Pirriliot Bee rantarts ado byDf. Ern Ant McDowaaoicelei heated Pprdetas and Member'of the Boyd College et "lam. Maid, add 'pine:led la the Trinsactims al PolOiSotasappe*V_Jeqsaal • 7 A il:it Be. If.a&w.%trar. • .ical Review, publlahed,by qietoral ot fiarretita: • 11011111101110111014/lite steadied iron, cin 11.4311 m. • 1. 1 I . r.' . t ' li , . .., .!,, c ; ---, -IT •,,,. ' ' 1 • . - ) 11 • Itl :,-•• • / -." • 2 . ,':•;' f' • , ~ - I I / •':Y 7 • ' , : sotittwt .11114111MiSTIIINESIMIIRIL " arizeonisiiaft, la madam. to ; • 2...numnisoup i • 4 - • • • -•-• Chemist: `• T r 1 r - - • ;' iltrisseipai Depots -11almtekntl Drat and Ihatalca! Waralanise. "4:44: stakiiintif kr.le - . • • • • • • O. " 4 1 1 /53 • 1„ . • NelmbottP.Likdidal Depot, =firei,lo4.lllol7llt TWITIVIIT4•PIERILL. c . !aware , Counterfeits-- 7plF"ria n t' "tatilltßOLD'el r - . 14.61: Vo r tai r o ! ..ti; r.ll , Vrl !• • ell!' V^ ire St P,*. .1 7 • W • largo suoittoonroTaabN 44 comi! Denim, DoDo, Doll Made, Goma ea Amusoseato kr_ 01=sase e reds IlLantiilabirsig Re sue= , 1 1_ r i ft. STRICKLAND'S X, aot•ou RALBAwit-srangat Colds, H 0,1111•1 1 011; 4thma, Throat, consumption, auk a:I atlNttlt _ and LAC rr. _ Ity ro , ommend Dr.Staicht. as the only certain moody 'atm. It la a. combination of At ntinnlanta aneCarartnative* led atlllr CI other ream ha . of 'strut. by Armando', Ocamnit greet, Cincinnati. MK TIR, Si:LA.l*nd% Pile R em , _Li • fhoneidge of the Tont Caro •• Ws Mb., It emir. lemediat• mho sunset Cure. frif dlrsetTy. It LI lot tele 1t ate. General dal And Cineinzwitl.9lalo. Dispepsia, Neryouene t Debility. • .• STRICKLAND'S To' 'ioeasia*ad thoreiraltsainyatu rlr Pgaguari r , pr, Nettout t Debt/IV:lb prapssattop i bed Aram 4Jeabolis Liq. the whole Nervous system; It creates sal le sransittairto tars Nerness. Debility. For Ws by Drailltseilerslly, it t Claeloa Prep areail, (' byObis. 110/. '• BUteh 1 lead. 0 mat' NOW Firm. . , , TAlkqsr. pRooK, having ft,/ I ' sou; Jaamer.4 died pletaer, on ti tltO4( soda: We Us pima J AU , Umbel to LAM a settleatant of bis old ,1 heinig hi dated to I to cal k 4 0 4 ! ttl ? w q ll° ? t JAMES-'.:CROOK V:. a m aw RCKIGHANDPLARED • : • LID ILISCP/071:RXIS Or Window Saih, Framez, Boon am "r 5 11OULDLNGA AND, PICY67 FENI Swell flawing, Matching DWil TO ainp on Peuh it., between 4,1 BttlE PA. wi vispeettally call the atimtian of facilitiesjor dcin, • c•ilt in tlie t•tm of and on tevointblatettat• Saving Eit t l, amps, with sisprnon maeliinex,, ae tial giving entire satusfutint. Or r Ofitets front at.ittad •Ul melte )4%, zek)46l- .. -1./. • .1/3eLS r.cpx r RIE, COUNTY ,•14[17Mil 1,4 A.NCE coYPiatT. Incorporated - at 1859—CAarter.1 rraperty laaireall• awataa, s," way Term Dot reeaedlng Policies baud apon toe depoett of I'7 al on the_payment of the, noaal bloc wit hoot t h e liability of a Promlnm via ontiltigstlas. .0•• snit only a~ut•it this Company. lb. Caliyari from Eat, mini is • elf t Aim tan' '•ites. , • . DIRECTORS. Wm. B. Hays, Jas. C. Mantua, O. Tibbtla, •nhas. leCreary, Wm.T.E Inderneebt, J. Zimmerly Gems* A Elliot, IfilajilClll ORR% J. la. Jae tloe, 9/7/CEltp. , flAa. C. MAMMALS, iregt VlL.Y.Rumaiszcin,Tras, 08108, in /loam Gtuution B McCru.7 C>zes Ede; Pa. Web Jaw pl. 1880. WHO44AI , E & RGERT&II, v. P. A. BECH-Eli, WHOLESALE AND REV tiarte!ATrf Chr"erq t a l i '• ll ` p. (2a.rip 7 pz,) Would . mipestftlly call the athentio: • .3 P ' • rtathifilaize Stock of -GROCERIES 4.15130 PI, - W . 4ish he it dolma' to , VAR . e.byVirST PW•SIBLI His assort:int bf 9130A`RS, " len r. otitassed In the dty, as he u give title ► call. Fie alto keep ronetantly on hand ' PUKE LIQUO sor the wholesale trade, to which he of the public rfts motto ta, "Quick Salea. Small Pro ibrusAient fur the Money.^. FARMERS' Hi Con of French and Fifth ' The above liotel.baving been tlorri now open to the aeoo mesodation of the Strict attention will be Attu 'to - .fortable. • iliek will inn revtlarly t o all'the The Edinboro, and Wattsburg A share of the public petrowe :#ll4l-te 1 ewiiig each TILE CHEAPEST & /WY EITHER THE _ anima. Tb • 'an drrslgned baring been appot city- ter the above celebrated Muhl, calla Me attention of the public to the, h ey axe aokoonlekeegsa be the bell the 1 Impest in the market. Ys. tit Machine has all the latest imt rands: Ulm far superior to any other Pm cam desiring tr purchase a Seri Bad it of adtantage to sail and east buying- •laewhere. beix aloe es exhibition it my store, Block., between the Park ind tieventh jan26•116. ~lEirie Ale Br 'IENEIt OF PARADE AND BTHEETS. • Erie- City Lager CQ&NER OF s P T O R P E T AND 'Brie Malt L Barley CORNER VP' 71'11 STREET BASIN. raid itid , likine 2I and X ON The iknt Quakily asnl ring Venetia" Prime Selected taster!' lI^DC The Choked ill:L*l4les of Melt and Cult' , On hand and and foi . n.le by desACUM • Brown's Hotel, Corner of 'Mita Street nag Of , rE•AIiOtE WELL ENOS has pasted into the eonttol of 4 ,, / woo are determined tbSparo no r iforti: an " it 11,1 1 eoloonl atOpplos plan : tor 11 n t A.namlier of importect beeihroldclualt others tot" soutpaaPd &A •t W4eli arteheiof the elm t s >. l . klpacial 'taro la taken to turnip!' th. aptictinkisimid up In tb,soV. and bfa,commodating waiters II DUI wittethe Nsitatics tow ake3iefl,7/• of Ws section require , and feel co lor appeal:gallon atone guests. A. T. Loomis, / L. Rom &Ueda sacral ea pm la% (lido. 0; ZOFFEES,. • FEAS, _SY,BLTPS, TO WORDEN dr DUNN, P IMEI , 4.