grit elfetitim Observer. R I g..PA., OCTOBER 26, 1865. csll attention to the stitertisament of Goff, wbo has purchased the ater* g, Sterrett, ea Freseh street. the goods . is one of the largest Is the, td be is determined to sell am low all the Etoa's Slow.;:—The aiiiertisement of glee's show "speaks for itself." Ev e ", hereabouts knows Dui so well. that r to mention that be is doming is soffi— t° wa re hint • crowded house. Tee Dan or his show in this community 1y I waste of words. . corrrr .—Th . e pipple of Titusville sad of ore still agitatin g the question of a et i to be firmed from puts of Crew— scaress sal Venango.—Ez. pe ople of Titarrille," j u d g i ng from lit , of their efforts heretofore; will 'imitate" for malty yean to come, l acomplish the object of their de. 1 100 Wry is going. the round of piper! , to the effect that Gottschalk, sad his agent, helped two girls, in scene. seminary !mat San Franole• Wipe from their bedroom windows e ight, west with them into the oily, !pent preersl hours in their company ; their emcee was discovered. and they iismissed the school. The World is en• t 3 etete positively - that the whole thing diaioue fsbriestiou, and that the an ill be dealt with in the mut summary ;scertvi —ln order to do justice to q l rgin, of the aolnooner, Plover, we are .itei to state that the Irma referred to 9 advertisement heeded "Fan on the ' published in last week's paper, did to to Erie on board that vessel. The assures us that he neither employs gull be allow such persons on his yahoo we known the real nature of the tieement it would not have appeared columns. The person who left it im• !upon UI by stating that it was merely %del se ajoke, which was well understood the bet, and net designed to out odious :Lions scion any one. Bzo Ctsstac—One friend Weigle. igletown, will trims to own up beat on 'binge question On Frick,' we were gr. Philip Coz, who farms one 1.1141's lots on 9th et., between Suss llChtstau., with two mammoth heads, which measures 5 feet 2 inches round, sighs 24i lbs., and the other measures 1 innh round, and weighs 2Z lbs. They ttantsths, without mistake, and wonld yet a winter's supply for s smell fem. qiio3 writing the above, that light col size of Hr. Weigle's cabbage the solid head only, whereas 'lr. ettnprised heado leaves and trunk.— ljastitia rnat coelnm." Let justice be (on the cabbage question) though the !se should fall." tTOI WALLAOII.....The TO suction of Hon. Wallace to the State Senate, from familiarly known as the Clearfield, / Clarion district, will be a general )(congratulation to Democrats throigh State. Mr. Wallace has already servpd in the Senate, and, whatever may 'pinions of other!, we have ever eon— Sim the ablest man on the Demooratie that body. His speeches have i clear— expression, and develop a thorough Lance with political history, which iim as one of the first men intellectu• Pennsylvania. As the counties which •esents, with the exception of Clarion, ached to our Congressional district, the ill be looked npon-S with interest by all q attention to our local politics, and it below : ' Wallace, D. Irvine, R. 210 277 2,101 1,297 1,976 1,130 ce's majority, on Orrias.—Tlte friends of the Os- . will be gratified to learn that we have ine,of the finest jobbing offices in the containing material for doing any kind A. When we took the establishment, ibbing patronage was very limited, bet A oat with the determination to make its lities in thiq respect equal to any in the t, and although It Is not yet by any means Tre expect to make ir, we can say, with charge of egotism, that in its present ion it is surpassed by few. Within the )ur years we have expended five ibno toilers on this department of our bull- Id it is now in a condition that richly is for the cost and trouble. We take in announcing that we 'have eecnred :es of Mr. W. A. Bean, late foreman brute office, to superintend this de— it of oar business. He le 'admittedly the finest printers in the country, and, txperienced hands, we expect before 'ear to double the jobbing patronage Ice. Let all who want tasty job re as a call. ms is WAsass Co.—The following are ;nes of some of the best known persons 1 county : Thomas Struthers $40.660; Dalrymple $4,400; B. M. Biddle $637; Brost $2,625; W. D. Brown $690 ; E. lie /1,127 ; C. B. Curtis $4,200 ; E. 1; J. H. Eddy $1;000; Chapin Hall John H. Hull $1,887; G. A. Irvine Jogs Johnson $2,807 ; L. L. Lowry : J. A. Neill $6,210 ; G. W. Scofield L. b. Wetmore $5,000; Chu. C. Wet '3,367. The Economitee, at Tidionte, 41,557 per month on oil, or over year. "loeil" of the Dispakh "Per Painted" inswing in Friday's Josue. It may or tot be intended as a joke : • *body tried herd to get up a railroad on the P. & E. road day before yea A rumor was industriously circulated es, but for what reason no one knows, rather more than usual number of had been caused on that read from ,lee or something else. Of coarse no ',Ted an aocident could take plus on is of travel, so the rumor gained no lee a or Lim—Ticknor & Field', Hostas, the fourth number of their Companion the people, entitled Lyrics of Lib, • Browning. It Is finely illustrated, aced on elegant tinted piper. Primo 50 The next is to be " Humorous Poems," Holmes. Armee readers will tied the Empire Rochester Posit Cutters, advertised by W. Plena* Co., to be all they are Mrs' All in need of each artistes should their store awl 'mains the stock. It UR COIIIITT Al • GIMPS 0101/1111611110101. .well !mown to many of our readers that fir tiltnialker st yearsqessettittiation " thecultivation has been pat o • grips in the aeigliherheed of North Bast. The phtlary•grali culture to i4b sowntyo4, friw•*loo,, 'Ala, /old hi? ! MO. called to the value of the sett ask operate . Wm. shone, (Si this purpose, sons (Wen ty:flye years age, by the tialft of a slagis "toile( Upon the Judd Fula. • Cintiistiltieg 4/pike/eats on the subjecksie lag jilts liodtued , at, bit has lived 'Wind his la.': ben rewarded by the moat gratifying sucoess. The 'culture of /be grape has now seas to be one oithe largest and asst prolitable Interests le the vicinity of the town where he resides. A company, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, has been established to ear / ry it on upon an exteasive scale. Naar thousand pounds of the fruit are annually sent to the city nutikets, and the North lost grape le ilbtalaing a reputation ourpieniti by . ntine ptoduoed in the country. At reettet exhibition in that tows, samples of grapes were , .presented, which are stated to have be.. the Aetna,_ for the quantity exhibited. e'er shown la the Union. A meeting of grape growers from a auttber of States, was held at North Nast, on the 10th lust:. at which some facts of importaaes were incited. Dr. Grant, of lowa, N. T., the gnat grape cultnriet, expreastd his surprise at the astonishing yield of the grape here and the trifling east of its production. The vine seems to grow hers almost without cultivation. He was surprised et the results. The soil here seemed to be inexhaustible—frets see to ten feet' in depth. It was a natural soil for the vine: Everybody should plant, for no snob immediate result followed the cultivation Of any other crop. Of the planting of this great, district there was no revelation. Pleat sure, plant well, and the greatest success cannot fail to crown the effort." Mr. Griffeth stated that he desired to show 'what "could be done at North East. flu Mend Speacsr here had a little vineyard of just 140 equine rods, or seven eighths of an acre, sow An years, old from the cuttings, which had yielded him last year $BOO. .This - year be had sold from it $6OO worth of grapes, and he and his Mends estimated that there were from $6OO to $6OO worth still left hanging 'on the vines. He knew. of no other crop which would produce such profits." He referred to the company, above slhzded to, which, be said, "was form ed-one-year ago, with a capital of $lOO,OOO. all paid is and invested in lands, viaes and buildings. Jahn E. Mettler, before mentioned, is largely Interested in she eompiny, sad in tends rattling here, being Indsr engagement to give his penonal attention to the vlitoyord for the next Ave years. The company have 78 sores already plants 4 chiefly with Catawba., Isebellas, Diana.. °sends, Israelis& and Jones." In regard to his awn experiments, he said, " that ennead a half acres gave $1,200 worth per year, for twelve years is mansion, erre one Pear, when the vise. .wsre Injured bj frost. All this without stimulant of any. kind, and 'thinks it will continue a handled pion in the Inn way,and instanced the vine yard planted by Elder La Hatt, in Portland, forty-two Airs ago, which produced a large crop the present year. He regarded the South share of Late Erie as the best in the country for grape. ; its loose, porous sell in viting moisture up sad rests down, he having found the roots twelve feet below the surface: Oe the best variety of grape to be grown in our soil,' Mr. G. spoke in favor of the lona and Israelis." A number of other gentlemen spoke, all concurring is what Mr.:Grifeth said, aid predieting that the' Lake Shoe. country would yet become the greet grape and wine yielding part of the Halos. These statements will be read with laterett by our agricultural subseribers, especiall y those who reside along the Lake Shore. Tbe facts stated are worthy the attentive could eration of all. Ovvicsias OP TIM Dov.=-The following aim the officers eeleoted to lot upon the ocoation of the dedication of Cpl. Rice's monument lo memory of the fallen soldier' from Erie Coun ty. Gov. Curtin has sent s letter promising to be present to deliver the oration : President, Gen. Alfred B. bieCalmont, Of Penang° county. 118 76 537 40 2.898 /,966 UM Erie County—Wm J Tab:with, Esq. Col SohJai:decker. Hon John Greer, Philip - 0.• born. E.q, Hen Wm Crone. Hon M D.Lowry, Hon Jame' Miles, G H Cutler, Esq. 8 11 Woodruff. Esq, David Olin, Eng, Henry Mc- Connell. Eq. • Crawford Ce.—Hon David Derriekson, Win Powers, Esq, Raj Vincent Phelps Warren Co.—Hon Glenni W Scold& Hen J P Johcaor, —Hint, Esq. Memo Co.—Joseph McClure, Eiq, John Peakard, Esq. W H Shenkly. Esq. Vona:ago Co.—Hon Arnold Plainer, Col James Kerr. Ashtabula Co., o—Bon J Sherman, Cap Chapman. C L Phelps, Editor Girard Dales -" B F liE Lync. Editor Erie Dispatch ; Beal, Whitman; Editor Erie Observer ; R Lyle White, Editor Meadville Republican ; Wm Rupert, Editor Conneautville Courier ; J P Reg. Editor Cat. amine Reporter. Marshals—Gel H L Buowsr, and Stet. ♦ WITIII.-A soldier boy, who bat returned from the war, and determined to settle down on a farm, get married. and bs, some a respectable citizen, sends no a pe . Wi• sal advertisement for a wife. As he has for- gotten to enclose theurino" to pay for it, we cannot insert the advertisement in fall. but will oblige him so far as to publish the tendons be desires : I want to know if she can milk, And make my breed and butter ; And go to meeting withont silk. To make a show and splutter. I'd like to know if it would hurt _ Her blade to take up stitches, • Or sew a button on my Ald o Or make a pair of breetahae. We feir the rigor boy" . will, 'Mill to rentals a dieeoaaolste bachelor sea . tuna le Denioerste. not be dsliPplaimiti Or btibnidet4d by the ofthi late Remosbor that "Ina crushed to siva fill rise again." Oar cuss say seam bigoloso at present, but it is "stale , In the sad to bs triumphant. Home (keels/ "ever wrote a tamer sentence Asa whoa he said : Orbits it is Osumi to be sometimes in the atsjority, it I; braver sad hetter to bs right." Oro lists was a liepubUoaa, bait - Ide sou Georg* trot•s 'Damming. outset rthialt." said the foam "if MI Gage far this straege freak, anima We from having bees kkksi ha s horse thee be was bor. I have on.. thought, seer lime flat this, that he was't Wieder, noted feg his di/ man see of soilage point, bait le A slit way:— “Pity - but tie - whole fa 11447 hadn't beet ticked by the same boo r . Vsareilicieetad by the IMPlittelt At:447 that a cordial imitates is extended to all the solctieri Of the SU, 111th and 146th regi sseetei, to We'd the dediatioweereoteuite of the otarov moamasat:nrpihrt t rite desired that those who have retained their uniforms she wear them en the eseasion. AU soldieri will report to Capt. rperuilt_", Lieut. Beam" 61z$ VIOL PII.IISIDIStEII : 1110Z1ITAZ/11111 : oisairyia'a itresr VerpeselrTO. Pim% ll6 tar it the (Wooer's Wassi:held -it 'lir a", ea the hOtas`of pm. tiOlraea titled to; the taaroad rAokieot aeir the papers et ..t4tt tic= at.itta tratai oa male, eiNthe regoletetalharedeOltillde. 114 ideerdtit to elders tree thi 11401114114* et the Western AleisioLr 'Mama testified' that It to s'ousess-pme* es the road I. &Mato - Ms duk said. W digestion at OW est allaallaS afi#- tosto,oogar thi- Wealth **gm Gm la; stmotod to toot i!N Pkilkagnoll-rfte.4ll# ealii, As** - had *Ail We t reamed the follegriat sordid:, .. We. the Coroner's Jury', Ompia' , make latent Ili the - body et WalterA. DAP- We, of Tine 0..; Pc, deeesmid, do make sad smastitate u sue verdies,' s • • ' ••• That thrdeeeased, Waite* AL Dibble; 141 Of Tiega Co.. 'Pe.„ came UAW dadal. nue. queens et lejuiee. reeeived‘ iassosellicipu twesa the Mail week sad Zile Szpiese, which ecearmod at belle. unlit) Philadelphia &Isis: R. 11., Oct. 81, 1865; ase_lisidthat Was.' A. traldwin, the iluperlateadent of ihi Meer .1 era Divisioa of the P. lk B. Bud, is directly: responsible' - tee the iseeident, 'he having or dered the Mall. train 'from Ifarrea t. ter !hie, wltamit faiths proper plrovisdeitifisr Cie trains passing, eaah outer OAS ,P44 4 _; and that P.' Pin le7,llm = eigineew. irreelpitel hie is, a laaaar deDrilk..4l l a4l: ll ~ *a—POLIO thi company , by apprise - Wig oftaation. round a daagerotup earn,withonthaviig his ea gles under porte _elated, as if expeotteg danger;" and we do dad the President sad, Dir s itore of .the Peatartuais - Ca4 , ' Lessees of the Erie. alursepooMb in view of their genesisl had saiaausuaa sf the reed; In retaining inumpetaat o[ilcials _; and we request that prope mempares *s. tibia to hold thee* parties criminally respoisible for the death of the deceased. • The same verdict wa readier! in the ease of Mr. You& who died subsequently, from njurierreosired in the cans soil lent. TIDIOUTU OIL SWIM --Fear sad a•half years agolidlouto was thautiatro of slime ttoa for oil speculators. Posits . 1. 4104 of it muck am they do of l‘ithole sow. oil production soon gar, ent, (With the ,sieeptinp of the Dessesite weilmitiebt ins anerwassod to yield ben Aka Ind .day it ersostruk - 4) was proltable isdicatless ware discovered is other loaiiitiw, lb. foriOns isobars natio .bo tits conclusion that the 011 Dorado of expectations lay in another"directing sad Tiditinto was left about deserted, williiiltr osti of idle derricks 'loading as asoautoonts is nun's Ickloaros; industry oedipus& for gala. The star of Tidionts le ontismoro,liiirovor, is the aec.efisut s A - Ilowinforoll has rocontli mesa streak astir there, widob Is said to be produolug . 800 barrels' daily. flasilerones hare ales bon obtalaed, ems et whisk flitr sedum require pooping, sad the abandeowl Tidionts roglon agate being looked upon with intent,, The tido gof spec elatiew is setting that way rapidly, and thlicuto is likely HOU to manse her eld-tam. haPolitaaee. Verily, thisix a world of ups and downs, and lidients hat had its share of them A Borram` alt taliebted la Mr. D. bf.. diapieeir;` Jr.; for i - eopy of the Daily Zto Nofai, for whit& he. will, pimmo aocept our thinks. That ;mord.% if ear citizens who hero bees /idiom& by Rs pabilosa eleotieneeriag 'slap-trap to believe the Southern people s set of half barbarians.' would he snob surpriiedut thisvpmw , liae, of the Ouf4fia.''lt is icannstatlr lirge 0141, eonteiiiing tea columns oit 'Wiper., or foliy; is ail, sad bean ow-spikes:tam If prosperity snob se we Whs . 's,. Th4113;44046 stabiles twentrelght columns of. sdrertidbinnii, In Terrine type—an amount of patronage in that line which, we 'eaten the seeetilos, paperofsay party publtafilid in s city of tb gams else is the North ever iitthilbl.t."ll% Wok it worth while to flaglolll tide like these, if for no other purpose than to eorreot lbw MOWN= impression' that- have been made os the &ideal:easy of oar 'Ultimo re lailre to the to the eaterpriai sad latelligasoe !WO* !claws portion eft oar eommuma -pow* •,Bazaten klmertutW,e are mailed Iv leers dit itimi:iriating *aim mitaipits. hai been projcoted,ehich promises to be maseessful. A considerable portion of the stock has been taken, and there will be no !siltioalty in get gag the bateau. Wm. B. Brown, Esq., le the toadies man in the movement, and his business talent sad enterprise is sufficient guarantee that the meows will not be per:; milted to ion. That lire is mti of the but points in the country for menstisetariag rations is admitted by all, and if we ease get an enterprise of this sort established on a large male, it will soon be felieTediry abut The dail7 IWEgraph is the teas of a sew piper et dAt .00,11:110T "Web our good ilekisg sad _purees heeded M 4 siof win, is the editor.. We look upon the upliti sent ass duaidedlyffiuky ose, bat a. ,bivebig B. knows his ova business best, we shell sot presume to girl. bias say advice en lassab4. jest. Tk4. 'sigma is.bod••••:ilidey sad enterprising-4 perfeet roles et:its edito*— sad ought to mooted whether it does erwot! The naplestant reftiter *M4 realpd of the iseeissity of_ltoving .thelo deers aid windows tightin s ieditit to us' to Pr fiat the Bold, stow and rain fres attiring. Whit loell.Woothor Strio osetres.lido sllloditairs sad should be applied to evot7 house to the ovistep.„ hir.l4l/. 14ehlew if Aka spat tor this costal Uttls artiste, and all peruse trou bled with loose doors or windows should sp.- ply to bha witlierat JI7IIOIIIIFT Notes.—ls reply to s question from Coltutor Douglas. the Ocesialooloser of Tutorial Behest* boa divided Alt. ja4tiss6t. or what us lure papally tam u "tight" notes, arm salad to bi'suljoiti to stoup duty both as promissory iota aid arresissato."-re they stlltharefsret 1 i requiresins's& sta sip is arblittos Ittho raw siesust, **Mon I of the sots." Oho Ifutdroit 'toward "will 1* Paid by Messrs. C. 0. Clark B Co., for a maga , they int owe email, soli% crony. whoiqpin relieve eassuptiri eaudi quiet so their Cough Ulu. Lot all immure toot diet coop Dyepopsis Curs will oortalaty can the um* WSW 4 4.19 0 0 a i 1 tf# 4 . 4, 4 1 h will atop Wu' INF silting iioloba you take it, oat to a lent . ossollilmt . . JAL& for all 4,111.3f,",q1P.1.!.‘141,31 fit ay e *IA W 1.., wist sr* youjoalitioo?" said. sue lidoudjuksiMg itaMier7 ; my hater imp demi on the L000f000ri! “Aud uritut la your Mien r"mhatifliukt tbi other. a.Protootaat father woo a Prot. *Aug.?' - "XS wb are you a baohilor 1" said *4 SW; alliummoo my tabor. mu sr °. tothigad itl doirt, haler umo/10 your MS* - • "(%- " . "lii. tomoldOitill billow:4 4100 0.4 01114 , 5 , tad With Ltess Clospialsl • se say &seal arid., bon is tame Si* at It. laid', osifiltbfally use MEW* listrsot at Diadit.• Hos sad Illtiosaeol, sad Asa tratitial Ist that they law sot voodoo, awn am 'the worth at Aide away. PM. IMO OMT, a bottla-44 M bad of a reoptadable Drug gists. fiLeersteg etedy smut be yes ' 'Tens seer 'stalled tree eke to en." Leers sew Mit Dr. D. L eedys'e'Lltridd Catarrh 1114bedy wit' penman,. Come Is Us moist bra. En POSITIVELY 111,811181 :11.7 • -"1 " vr r Alrlia, SE EXIII MED lIPER A . MONSTER_ 5 CENTE : , ;POIEKVAVELII - 00 Dimar4id wilt iMnitend Notts! on tin 114111! A ••_1 •" , t , •. 1 7 1 41)43 t• o_ l l 9 :91 14 X," NA` *it r• 11 AT VATERPOItu, Ilra6ds AT ERIE , Tuesday, October 31, at iga44171,: ilk rI: r., k.l 1 AT GIRARD; Wadaaiday. Nov; 14, at 16 i. at. and? p. m. ::,;• 11101111/11.11 laaagardisa at etrard, abaft Nov asbar lA, at I P. N. , • it • if •"•-- • 40' leA ft r ,•STILL-LIVESI-7 AU repoyta to tko oo4foryabiettlituolbtr o *VII AIN!". *Mau $lllll poem hi Pima his +soliwi b t 074. Y D S REMEMBER THE ! DANaI cm lIAIIMOTH l. . sioor.. i F iniculhalun.AnziaApii:l •, BE ,k,__ , iW A -ZerCE 'takes peculiar ustlsilsetinu la so ft ie the eitatitherieest to the'paldic, B that be has succeeded. by Cuter siteolkpetwrereaee, sod the exercise of persistent termisatigkip Nadas Mud: at the h urea establishment wialcb, while Its saript muustspecisaties offer : _ . i ral llPearce of Nevor•lirsithic Alwitesosnostt ' sued Matortalinsmeats , tree from all the objectionable charactinistice which mirk anhinelgeets nf insieshien! Mule. IL bag been hie object for zenskte•axesplidi Oda and he now cones before walk newborn be Ives all be le, or hops, to be—pcillened to . Flee the lernizanet the entertainment le cetera is at an 1 _ : t ! USING, MORAL, INSTRUCTIVE, ELEVATING AND RUINING, whit& sil - iipp*Jai+ to the niently enunal Instincts of ewe asters, hut which WOOLlthollit to the INISLIZMIAIr Qtrianurs, &middle It lawns, innocent enjoyment mod mirth, heads to indiction, and wens to the tieWl N I VONDEPag - OF Cnenet TlODre' . hornet to with more enlarged taw 011ie power, dissigs, pods= and istetk. st GREAT RULER OF nil 1531111101111, ; Its. Rica also feelsleasers In Wag alit to 111 7 that be Ito loolor Moto atlbto sibik,aa A 4111112 lk Lois& that etstsoor Is worth sow el all le watt doing well:while he dlled this poa ion —no Meier one othotog—h• endisevared to'per form his whoie duty and NMI the lamest expectations of Ma petrcem. nestles; with an ITNP a'Rio Tmwr.arlD 1317C0E158, and assite, Irs Ow ameba et bla peculiar kilosyncracy, • reputation sound to sane, and .USING BUMS Or LIMITER ROUND TEE WORLD. ;ow. ' , WU It Is eir tlsß th• PurPoloi to be lugubrious o r eselsslvaly didactic, Ns bear, birtstrooirai s Dessripteis am& Moral littstarire r , to 'AA t b• his aim to AIX= anus is moms, and to .3[N,qllpiwierirrroctlcztir DIZELTNI.• •, lihne b. gives added" for WNW, sod Arrsitbst TOOD 11171=1203V: .81 - IMMENSE MENAGERIE Closigesee bt COO IC fbe Lemigekse tai* Nest Ineteseistfaiiikandinntl respect{ THE MOST RARE AND 'CURIOUS ZOOLOGICAL COLONY Eturpen,umnpriaing spaids . nrus Olken #rsenhind's fey mountains. ' • Sroatlndia's coral strand. Where Able's sunny fountains, Roll down the golden sand ; From many an ancient "leer - Fran many a palmy Naar- Hays been gathered to perfect this giant col. bottom. among which will be &mod the ta..w. list, which embrace" moms of the 7.i.roi.ival adbr deern.4l to ha lb. correct cat., sallblttiisli to and African Elephants, Arthian Cade. Eenetal Leopard, Royal Brazilian Tl;rr, C.ipe • felon and Lion es, Amason, Elect& Tiger, I•ser Rentsma7lMPot s ir , - ir i yy ".' Grimily- se".l Ilece Pay, Clmamon bear of it. !amen:l,lcm., and Ant Raba{ l ea, and WWI* Zahn et Aphe ID:ekes.. 'A BAUM" New Rolland Kiengarese.Prrur:an Alpaca of the Andes, Santa le Elena. 01:••-• fr. TI the Sandwich Isles, Xtbramka White Comma. Past and I Hedgehog, OPposums, /misfit. °tate, Madaproar Rabbits. lc., ecmaprising birds of rare and gorgeous phloem Jpper Deep" will be foe d specineensilf tits felimstal Colegtmel Tartitles : xs blies* SWAM Mar Airs, islawdat IS/r4ae - African. __,Cmi l4 l ,ontga and neer Phaseouts, Chinese and magma n!aaardle,lCat ah 7p Guinea Haw; Whtts and Grey Trop,W4l Cockatoos, Penedlest Birds. wrote, Aliatic and 'African rentob sad Percquets. Also„ a great 7 tri Rau Riede or gorgeous plumage. Attached to this Grand Ilapoltion are . 11114:01ILY MIAMIAN ,CAXIIII 4 III - - SCHOOL OP EDUCATIED' ANIMALS P. B.MONEOKER, H 0 B. a *Mai MIMI CI Lee, s Hideo; *di g , a Paa7,2laol. - Cliala Mk . • Ih. emideally bid Yip slot it 101 A MVOs, MOlOOOO, Luau + ~ I . - 414: 1711111 AID ifftlfe, LAM. Mt USTI:NEM lINILLINMS• A:114 - 1 41 / a ASSORTMENT OF . RROFMARRIMF TOW" - All old wf ear Iffy M - ,Q& 111 a 011-•1 1 1101111/11 1 - "Al. 1 .!. 1 'P , ^ ROM • (Dan Rma, . tpntctratj . • the Neat Intelligent; Meet Deane Mot Aeetne. ottehedi sand Learned the send has me noticed, and the development of their ran quelliks, nadir iideame of their kind and patient instructor is eakalatei to =fits theinobiset feet f adiakatkal wonder and earimity. Yoresscet NNW than denteped opactsaara Drat, anti= aunt the • ' I:7 /ZED C7ATTIa n OF INDIA. I Ane r lir. Xs= boot Ilindocetaa, and the Ant which have nee Dena peneittatt to the land *bens the_r_o s held in inch hie' tlniplatkm by an coon, and e am s i d FmTEOTIS OF WOBILIMP. Shato besaUhil. ant docile enatena an of har and-maims formation, differing in many nnpeete bons all ether lartiltisa Ica, They are nanir httenimmt. Another rare anthem of the is Dodos loathe will be beet NM %bowl ACCHI Boon iiadd vareetrany await tillikipmelitet Aft^ isotomatr i Am inr , MOW STOW sks was sieuthapi amm o . awl now. aim , st fis Las 411111.0.4 , ingspkl. vallibilpes - headat go. • wow set 1 /0 ,111 0 11 6 VOW MI WILLOW IFAM Loos Jail mit*. sisaikpii* ale lime r si.maim tsar OM fir - limpiham owe Wile as .i a3 Z4 v6 r yes *Mt* mous viii 1S am : l ed r , ipq M W a r Me way say .ea Moro tit Ik ei t 1131114"Lai111 .0 1111111111ilitall0 2011, "PIP aggiblat • • ; `' . • •- - Itill =I Eitatiitg UV ME wit lrAi. , mail, the sta m ps of Tartar s . i moat earianan and the taa tio dne a d . thr public b ig reettoa. A HEED; TALATDir BEM, Exannib q ft rare a a daztrula n ly beaatifaL THE WED HORSE littrib* WWI, woodarfal perforatmeal bass elicited the approbation oft boassiata beautlitd Wand in vananpl a nadtba Imaity, of fat bloalk IXQU/SITILIMIXIMIT at tat braving! INTZLLIGIZIOZZ Wm WA bi- anima obny sly at tc t iara liba, bat tams mu Istaandininf ant Inflation of Ala atanneet anta k and a w aits Serrary yid" with elki irsaa t ate dakt 084 - = af nkat. z rar iN Qu r T RAINED HORSE biaidWatabaal,.griidefietP UGLAS as 4 tbe mast_ __ L iar remarkat4s, pinfir UCATED,IARE REBECCA! 'o3ll2Pbulb,d denies. !limy iressi sarssossis PriZ AND BANNZY, ow Minim a t tics wog* Peke Wet, • 11411,111 Se Mosul of Ss Aides! lingfte : at a tr4=t ll , each as =her rms...o a a lUDs. WAR- iILTJTIPALAX MA 110. a visa dort6sa belixe the giant etrktes 'er the tow complete end will be Intro. alone /esti aware 611 of tenethsr, _sad, haat*, "Borneo and ka& meoree—which startle sod supdar—learlag as In re Indirret or by Oreibther and Seers poteat sway easaterated; It le saneleat to .y .that Wry do bps; thattralleptelem 1 11111.1er -WILD ANIMALII— r have boa ..k.tred, aid who kr um ezignin it complete etrt mo lloa and ptt ties Illtattlemeilfeetem. lbws wine tamale ametimet - luassinlAs attractim el PICII las esteem Ise& so tb• roach ors.% sad bas of admix** as Aillisrs, inolsorlo yrs. dd, la e 6. - a• mum A. IL, Wiefasil er lamaMf Baiallat tbe 1 1 1 2 11,* pima tios. • azkinr —ass $Ol7l MIEN Arist T Z.. 11; --;:., .. : ft mama ei lopioseata a air sod improved fiat" iflO 0111114AilollY 01 1PialAlt 1 •1 111001 *" Taltestter la oak Its alms* .lotilotlity, es opaatow, ' manage* Moot Sofflodollt. NOW. ose. 8 „ . tattle( o'T Moto or MO flPtoll_toon. Oillifoof Web Of • et N *row+ try Moat *a lattotqualot.O.: tlar-klimplza V.. 4 Cour ti c s derided memos ovorsoaoallast Mr lora Coltor. -11.-Orok , tr.. Teat at Mk' New York State tdr la latt. fro ogre Mos to tie pablio 'pith fall soollisoaa OM hif will=oadalltettau lOod Patton : No. I. $ 21 : 11 ot 1.- VICi; No. O. M. 4 Used *dilate tie !raft; - • rug Ropkvitit PREMIUM,CUTTING CO r me Coigne pigiouro soltiog the attootioa' of deem WO Nil or Coig to ne Sous. the leprovod itoolt a O; twilrood Cotter, stowelalso comblalas itresgtb, • sal QtlUt7la to pi at s deans that nowt eo 101,1*7 sos it ant apt •It dm jtowork With the p edema sad roopiditb cattlai Corm Met% ether wet or t istakaytal sUe ao bay or straw. Thom Is so caw* =cit . lt is self feeding, eattiag boa dvo-eghtbs lia Mho wtheaminc dealer to apieultator iarais owe nod Cutts:: "Ws consider it the mod' perfect 0 nsig4;aad air thus to oar Meade with the toned &wire It Alai always taksa tbo drotpresslaos at Cat Camay iatts , sad dowirowill goads stilts hood eon Cotters of Hardie. Moro Noa, Improved, !lir& Zolfo 7 laoh throe! Pfo. hapeoired, rises kadta, 9 inch thrust. $l5. • direptat tetla trod,. J. A. LAWSON'S IDIPROVED REVERT FLUE HOT AIR FURNACE. P. P. STEWART'B LARGE OVEN Ala TWIT 0001UNG STOVI. this ephadid shire needs no praise at iner haada. Whet Asa ul bee seed. It bait .nrown into aniratial km. Seca of reeenasandition are enreesed in the following lat. ?be peeeltar position at the it, elduabor, by weft Ma sae diber be 110e4wo oat tate the room of esellned Item. me haw know hew to apptisiste ed. Thit iso 1 . 11 ander perfect control. sad any. jesoperf Mat desirable eaa be obtained. It lams either-wood, anthracite or binaninose coal 41h. A /as easy be kept with satire safety daring for sad breakfast and dieser prepared nest day with ire adi dad. ith. Ass take. it is unrivalled. An o' the Above a:titles fir male at wbottrale or rel 111311Z6 k. CO., Corner of State End Sloth 80L. *Mrs Abe will always M food • general anortmot of Getiaterisisity mid to a dart clan liardwast aad Have rust*. lag atom Eliekl9-6wl "AU' GREAT MEGtIIIII 1111112 DY, SIB JAMES CLARKE'S • Celebrated Female Pine. 110120111 D . T E R 8 • ' . .fr o sh•- ‘ 'BY ROYAL •ok - -1%4, PATENT I - pared/Ms is J‘ssenfattini ef Sir J. Claris, X. Thivisissa .ftfratrillum . 7 aLk Want.. • ids lanawbielmodkdoe le autailimg laths ran of all "final Weal wad daagasoas dismiss to which the faansle inmstitatlas 'ablest. It moderates all engem and in slatrualions, and a speedy cue nay be railed • ' NISRNIND CALIDING to psaWty salted. It will, Ina short time, bring on I. meathly pato& with regularity. !Mb Willa, prim One Dollar, Wass Ike Government Rug 'ot • Gzist Britain, to prersat 'conatarlaita. • " OPI. nat. Poitraliasid .at Ile trim by Ifirmafas daring Lie 7111121 MONTHS glimpses**, they ars sirtte ll*l re. iffismirriairs, bat at tar ease time May ere sils. la all moo of Narrow and Spinal Ailloatlant, Mao la the Daek and Llmlo,,Patim o a alliditazartiOn,Palplta- Son if tha Newt, ajitmies sad nits, them Ma will allot weans when all other as hive ,and al. theaggle a powered remedy. do notaastals ins, salornel, Mammy esanythtathurtthl to thaionstitaliser. Pall dlreatlons to the pamphlet mind wash reins. Wadi slashd be esmeally premovit.' SOLD NT ALL DIIVSOISTS. Bohr Arai far.**I:WWII/Jam sad Ossads, JOB NOSED, l 7 Gorthiadt St., Now Toil: • if: 11:-.4,1,00 mil postage stanipseacksed to aay sist thsripd twat, will lame a bottle, esatslain id PGIa. asp.Ul6-Iy., • -NAST:FORD' PIES 111IIILATOS 00 zwerireash; ("07P. INICOSPORITZDISUI 'CIPPItaIL $1,000.11011, T.C. ALLTir. hest , ' • o. N. c0n., .v7 atnr lISMIANC3 COXPAXT - HARTINPR COMUCTIOVT. (SOIIIO9RATZD iwt, Canna. woo wm. L HAIM Prost 'ozo. w. Lon; Ws. ME • tiisiniAnz is the acne olden& Yell te : a tt a_4 ooaraiso as to obtaine dlt.V.ll Di smt ORLL. glottos to 11111 *rat NEW BOOT AND SHOE WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL. MBE ITNDtEISIONED REFSPECTFUL- Et tattiest - twit Moodie lad 'pull* Ilia thei hive opened the slim butane. ea the out tide of the Dteaload, Nat door to Kr. Jetta Ileelefe dtfredo Awe, etterethef etettlert Rale the -beie emetW steak a the trade wat•of New Yerk. eeleeled trod four 41!. oral tosastsetoriori sod bought at • Alit D - WILL BI SOLD •AOCOILDIYOLY Special tavitatloa dire. TO 'TEE :LAZiX.Ep f 1111koatliotr batronage, beldam etoald be blockaded. NOONAN k BV/11(31. BANK NOTICE • • • , Ye ie Nadeial Bank et Wei "CAPITAL; $150,000. MD" lIAll.Oso AMU *Mum, TO , • : .41, 1 w , •-• •" • )1 be eplatemr trallimett/6 11141huf lark, woo atitefilbsti as utwowleiriatil amt , liatishatra mom disosoated. . . ; ; tosposlt. Coast* sad monis aspirated: .ittg V1114116111110 7 !.4.1 ° i.;slos ; ; . ' • IDearii. Spode sad Bask bouslit sad sold `A tars el Padidirsti 4 . - 11111111111. & 11101NOtli, " naitdaassa !Aiwa sad li ti kw Plasm k4 r iataa losing Itaidnass ma w•-. e • laita Warm itk Nal elk itta i Ikt Si' P. ' Otertksa awls to ti Oa laid idyls. a Trall4f. , , . wins 1107 XL, Wirford. Nodedlleimaldiel% 4 1111 =0 11101 kitreotis .10essumbrt et - n, „ weatad by On adebotad P. P.ISI I IIWART; Sol'la Wet se of *MAU Woe . r sew Fames la Wilted to the public la. Oa era meat belief that it oar on 011Irts in use: Th Calmly COlealadoma, alter Madidllg kits= • Aids, samalisionly sdopiPd this for tit* Cool Swot. as the OM Is., ..sen. !to melte saydpsty stated es fellows t , sot (leg by dead so site Impede tie trait ' ' ' ' 'Milo put to redrett:ies4klag ordeLla doe Wastes tins, its artdirlisv leglir‘ont la M. " "* •-- • • " has the beet radiating mem of Ray Puraseetweabretted. lid rlq*lrea the ,r • 1 sealltjoatrolbs• sad eau be mescal . bb *lse 7Pead milatied is sic. 4 MOWN otter !try Uttlaeoperlarea • s'agle lamination ofil satilly say pima of Its treat separlarlty. W, W. PIM, 'ft Co .h dm. cad essoldae It t erased fat a pamb'ot. rluCis No. l ls--; 1"; $O. i. t•-• rot RIM= ASTIZACITII 01 , itytnalool 011111 L. . 2"Xe Finest • Hall, Perk" or &dog .Rooot Sine ever hooded. wee shakes up, alira,vi barn* th aly, Isparlbatly tip% 41U b• .leaped 14 a At taming on pat% and ix eoreptita round.. *I the vas • 4elta toe gre be beet la It all the Tear tour No; 1, S—: N 0.2, 1.-IXO. 114=4. STORE. Redacted Pe‘kuhl DIRECTORS: sonuu Pniamt. /OEN L TOWN. . • .1 P. P. stswmirs 9VAB,BTOVE- airldhlit a RI% Deakas is • GROCERIES AND FROVISIONS• , Dried end fleeted Stags, h OILS, Ship Chandlea. lost Stores, dap, C:3.. NO. t 11844471 ewer. Pill lOW. • 411. 0 "..rablic Dock, Foot of State Street, MISSPA. WS. A. CRAMMED. R. T. 1111RI1T1::; IasIWIS-tf J. SYRON MIL . . . REMOVAL. GROC.RELSI3i GROCERIES: MHZ Subscriber has removed his stock of Oressaisifrom the stead above the Lots se Depot to the room id the kick block on Inge oh 4.1. earner of Fourth, Om be will bs happy U.N. rLd Meads sad esitiaras aad &dr ordeal for road. 6.1. stook or GtOolliel Is law sod 'Willi sal o wed st the lowan rotas atailosatititi tie Mind in Be WWI all La and of , oarthlaii fa WHIM P. kis Use to U wa • V 111111uolo Moro. PIANO FORTIS AB NILODIOki . , , . Irmo the lellovlag adelesiel MANTIFACTURRUS . liteisway & Boae.New Tort. WE. Labs & Co., Baltimore, ILL Umlauts* it Boas, Now Tint. , Wm. B. Bradbury. Now York. . John B. Dothan". Nest Tort. • Grandson it Co . Non Tort. Geo..e.. nines & Co.. Sigalth K. Y. ' - I Carlort. Needhaas It C 0,,. NevrTcrik.. hives as Largo Discount below• &darer's Priem . - PIANOS FROM $250 TO sl6oa. • Also. Instreettoa Books and nod All persons wish* a first rate Mae larlis lih t i tllist . s 11.• on, are bolted to sail sod araialas our teetresseetz re - tare pentbselneetaswittea, Itesshi giol State stmt. nearly Jni,tioeitte• the 011ee. =MANG 1 ~ Er' P. L—llvery Insentient spiroustell bellystsr .se • iseptie t Keystone Stove Works Tilimb, Shirk it Whitehead, . KLIVILOTIRIIII 91 STOVES 'dc HOLLOW Wet it 4 Han a lugs sad szissiv• assortssit of litc tr. Wiliatitaid esti Bated. TBs B 0 zr,GA,T, X Irololow OW Cook MomTHY or vithosi! I s voir. for hard or oort fool,, or wood BETTER THAN Tax STEWART STINE. WIMP MBA? it 32W Sots kw evis Cosi Omsk saws—mittii IPOOdgest vas to used 'tibia ist soil es wood, • THZ POIVBISTOAZ. . wo ate still sisashishtrisi this (lilac:WM loo: tao Stow fee tres4.attli at witaset amithir TEE X.IINTOB. L. Owe 8$••• fr Died. Thla b a irre Store boa:MI beim tad we be salek—bistaar *ma a brae rnas *Wei Om ape Patine Cbiole far we d Ner seal, ari Aube sad Olke Ilbeek f wed ae aoaL O.Y. =RAW, D. et V. IL 1114191DIrJ MIN Jac n. WHOLESALE AND BETAI . , P. IMLAY, . - Wahl ropeeteelke tablet the "WM thee be hia apawni a Shin la 1 No. 2 Hughes' 'look, Es so. Whin 10.1;1110mi amp ea beall illmpsanr• r MOCKERY AND WOODEN WARM. anima Ll4lOOllll, CIGIARS. /sad avfnibiali paral37 kw sale Is as asisiMilissc as .6 Ms bind. Cr Teem aisolosallis as ow saw hem • 4 414 V Mt"' ioolrlbl6l la roue essay to les aalle4 ilawa, adapted to Ream. Iltatartea and Salldbsp of all blade: MOSallids4 40: Rated* Ur! have OW the bat Of Ms* you* ie.' usaalhatarai ea as authaly 41/amst and MOW ' lige Swam, Mbar altis ameodglaamla am Ilsairva punt. Vow ambit Gab at lavEries. Obvalan '11,4 Om Nal bee by aball. SLAW 11100M11 W. . . WNW= to" ikte. 'Vista 7 IMO. Z. scorn •-• IN 6 atROPP&TO., 4116411 1 EU= A110e,ff, 1 7,,u9.v5,8 Ml=Mal 130100114 , 4 I 114 tr.• “:3752, 4011 Argo* Airless, i: " • lelbiA,'"vt =4'4 abotr We .h. witaideetate the ! GBOCCIMIS A? 3 ~.•w---- 11111 111