The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 26, 1865, Image 1

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ERIE WEEKLY 080EItirk11:-.
vuo a rue a °minims Bumming; frrareAtiszr,
Orrostri ens Post O,IIOK.
rasournoN—rwo DOLLLII/1 AND Prete Caere pet,
tea = if psid to adrenal, ; Tam Douais It not
paid ont'l the esplzailon of the year. . Sobeeribros
, err ed py tenter will be charge] Ti!!? OF* a'
youth addition
DrEttIISMKPITEL—Ora Square °Clio Lines see in
eeettaa 1.,00 ; too temeetiona SiAO: throe Meer
ttette $1,75 ; one month 42,00 ; tiro maths sklta
three mouth" A 5OOll/ manna ss, l sor*yrAi oon
et h er a deertiontenta in proportion.. .124 - Antos
T in d, airtetly adhered to, unless chingi# by ogisehal .
entree% or at the option of the pnblisitsie..,
wet s e tieas, Sham Divorcee end liloe ;Stroller
meet, szoo ; Adminiitrator's Notiassslol;.Lbeed
settee , rtv callus Ho.; Marriage N'otiosoloriirra •
rtrs antra floes; Obituary Notices (over three lines
to West) Ore rents per line. • Orienti poorly.. we .
to ~t t ttan at the request of the editor, ono War
per line ail adrortlaamoto win _W. continued at
the m oo of the pane= advertising, until ordered
eat by tita direction, online at spooilled period I.
tirt eed upon for Its Insertion.
• 3 pitgiTaitl.—We have one of the beet Jobbing
nom the State, and US ready to der nay -wart Is
tett go that way be entreated tons, la equal styli
to sef tltstashnont ontaide of the largos sw e e t
erlll otouttuoteations should be addrereed to
.Pnbsisher and Proprietor.
Badness Directory.
&tail. J. BLAKELY,
AreoursT AT Law, itldeuy
also prsetice In adjoining Counties.
trrourr Lnw i tlirart,this County,
e y end other beutisallef attended to with
na.,,-/ LAC Ziepstch.
ATToiLTET AT La Warbles Of
• zerenth Atre.t. Erie, PA. sac VC
floocsuLit and DesUr la Stationery.
Kidr.ra, Noiripspore lac *maw draws
Stara under Broineo Bohr Unit the park,
ATTORyrril AND Oormisubss £T LA..
aro, Panda Block, GOIX North Wait corsor of Um
Nitre, Erie, Pa.
Jvcrice or este Plum Ofilesapeond
:r Wayne 13 kA, Death Street, between 711th and
ArroRSIMI Alf LW", Rictinki,
:•Vie in Elk, Ham, Clozseron lad Jrerson count*.
r, NAM. [1i.n30 . 65-Iy e ) W . W.
atter ot Setond aad Varket Streat—one swam east of
v. rxthiLrae Warren. Pa. Sept. 20-17.
riPlie I'M EN,
!colas or TU Naza r Passim Sloek,
t tedi tt ; Wert of Farm Ban, VA*, Ps
80. G Ps r, '
Stresses' se LAW LID Jerrie" PIA 01.
urt him astral, Conveyancer' and Collector.
re le Nse'teltmllting, watttolostllinear bf 711th and
greets, Erie. Ps. *DIMS t,
Jour Cannitrancas: it the new
'tore. Title Pillagr, hu hands lame smolt
,t of G r eeeriea Peirialone, Wood and WtllloerWare 4
~,, Liquors, tnbseeo, Stralt, itt . to' which he re
'ltallT tilt, the attenthen olthapeeblierallitlatled that
a offer u geo4 Itergaine u catkin had in any part
rie onntr. ' niar3ols6-1T
. ,
LiVIST ASO S&Ls 3TABLN Ott Eigittb
i, bettnon State and Truett: rap 11,4041 tad Cius
to let on reuonable tents. , ' 1 :16308“11-17.
XvitrArrerzusaliStam tog Wiic)&xlers.
Gsaricf, Ay:clitoral implemania; BAilivui Can,
TDB 1101:1S1:,
RIDGWAY, EIJI CO, Pa. Mira Z. 0. Mentors,
•cleter Thia le a new and- teth, Snail .up
,is the amidst of one of the blilliTeeating and Rant.
arm is Penoarleanla. Goeemodlona Roonss,Cle, n
, &Geed Table sad Moderate -Prkes. The pubtle
• norpectfullyrolldted.' - • eep'64l-1y!
Hoolp Liir—ollapostet4stnist.
,7 oipoiite Couit o wls. Zele,Ps, •
er c. newsis,
• , Hardy's*, Ns Ol a s s, S•ed. Meal Ott, 0 " .
.f Sixth street awl Publid Soiri,pie; jalTtl
Wieumis are au. Dusimi
• e 4 and Provittcrea, Timm tad .7ted, wood tad
►Wu% Widis ,Edirtiort, Tot sies,Segarkius,Stata
cext to Tonnes Holum Tortlstdrat C=l , nrium
Gut noTAIL, wasicrtird., Ps
litoaare Luaus, Roomorroo.
• ecoommodattoo; sod Dais{ Wootton olvoi to
=fort of guests. sp6l4-Iyo
iuseyrum lins4l.ltlt a - '
Dealer in °ranee', Prodigal, Protiabaa.
Wllbw and Stoali'Ware. Upon, £c..
rt street, appetite the Poetefitee, Nrio, Pa.
ft.oc Br,i ii. BLANC Sol Itawihratrujual
:d story of Rtnd,inechti Block, Bfle,
tKI.Ey 9 M 4Zr/ 0 1% ' 1100811 011411%.
cra3.T, r... Being newly amid up In the it-et at
ig now open to thil pdbila. Ifindalci I to
on the arrival . of all 'Pans'aerrt !Palos,
GARLICT 8111931,Troim%;Vvr
Aremsdo •-• • ' - • .
S. DRUCKKB, it 00.
LING Seal nifty. • - = IOU •ly
A 1.418 or the Tretienry Deputseet 'tad
arlrs Ceatigheiamer for Soldierly Waehingte 0,
..• Ggreig: ( - gala Afoot, with Dieljeghlw °Mat. tvi..
r [Av. alook. Pa. y,
.xi Cinl dais* aelentei with fidelity apd 4ta•
?either obtalsest sad collected. Andlotattoos
prual?t'y attended tV. lar.. P. having heti OPT•
.i erperreneeis t b details of • the various De
SO oldest beau nudes moat satiate:defy
)riimtatig 10 kinds of °overuse:A.loam
- . auwiro&-eiti
arroams Aura Oaorsair.oas LAIV
113 OV ePßltia Sr., opposite Crittaadat Hall
PA. Collections and all Mbar ltria bad
a c•rivorl, 'mango, Sri% Warroa, ha b
tat Weeded to ca refully and Pron. 3 Pui•
.a..—Wan. A. Galbreith , Wellman & Bnlht
ei:lll,2peacer & Marvin, Erie, Pa.
. 1 IL amen:, Bop. 8. P.Jelissois, W.D. Sawn
it Clark, Warren, Pa.
T. hinjast opened I Dew Turiants Stops,
diaposi of oar goods ZXCEEDINGLY
4 4: i ll &Ls I W &lid WI will .nd.svor to
Ile commEacier. COLLEGE.
4t- Retiru Principal. Ow. W. atrirsziost. Req.,
Prof. of Commercial Law.
wqtag new Classification of At
tccal dintin-u Practice, Onuunental and Brod.
?ecinthip Commercial Lao. commercial Arith,
but lama, he., for Isaias sad pots. The
lxny Cards comprehend the erhol• but. of
lu're account', and exhibit every postible ratio.
.r."Projor and closing books. No expense will be
nate this a pleasant, practical and parnur
The City of Sehoole." Practical A.
.:"uthers will be employed. Sertse—Taition
" l' he bed reentues and graatast ia•
-et's posilh:e. Send for Cir_alars.
nf t CANAL, Et ?WM t. ROOM) k THIRD std.
Lets, Pewee.
Itil mittad hive aaseetated themelves. in
lull tad Kyle of Webb k Childs, In the Pettey lad
e tag old 'toed, ea the ended, ttetw»c 8•8'441
r IN Rept'
•Belolt the patronage of the mime= of the old
vt tit eutele of the publio elesang l 7. F mn i g ia' t
tie admoat madam. to ere perfoet seiefoe.ten.
co.O T. 1110311
/I JAY 8. cHILDft.
irt R. no* ?main; a Whoitot Lino fee= to !t°-
.0$ the
WPads ofhtlailelplalvAlt logirehdo and rah 41(
11 1'7 It ea, have Wall/Iliad • Depot on
tozr of the old Rood Room,
6 4 ►e ba ►t ►1 thou ready to reeSI V. 1 0 Par
t. t4 wao• All Karla [ Prod aro tor Ws are
- *IN to a eon. logolre for Yorks% Dow% irifth
At -r
tolwo 36.
fro WIN Natllt()os,, MRS I I,lltaletsD AN
DEAPOVDENT OP ll`ol'll ttltlita.;-4 great
tem haring Item restored to heattlifite 0111, Wt. ,
markt years of ettlexy. I. Ellis, to sisin lb sailed
telloir-erestoree by sending ttreoa ea the reeetpe of
postpaid addomed earopigea at. copy et the
ewe maple-eel. Direct to
JOHN Y. DACIFIALI i Box In Poet Mak 1
•• Broottrek,
I. eV KRYTHINO Matta/ to the human gets*, male
and female; the muses and bottom% of dteasefig ol
marriage muttons' of the world hoe to ankOT lon. 11 4
a thousand things carer pabilahed before. rood Mt zo:
stood and enlanoall efltha of MUM& OSUMI *NM,
a enrion• book for curious, people, and • good book for
setts one. 400 pare, 100 Dbutratiors. Peke , DI 10.
Contests table • oat toe to my address. Beaks ow be
bed et the beak Oates, or will to seat by dollo
paid, en receipt of the pries. Address,
• Z. 71. DOOM D. D_,
1130 Brood's/. NM Tad"'
VAUJABLB lI R Plit3—.l*.as Sri: liit year
persnlesion,l wish to say te the remise& olf.TWaf
papa tbst I will send. by 'darn mail, to all Who what
it Om; a recipe with full directioos for =gift and
aging a simple Per Balk that mill alfeennaly re
move, mtea day; Pimples. Eilotelam, Tan, Jrxeplassa r Mad
all imonri , t , i of the atm, leaving the lame soft, clear
smooth, and beevatifel. I will also mall has to ,
ba g if i liald Heads or Bare twee simple dimities , u i Al
in time, that will amble thin to have a fall p
of mutant Hair, Whieloars, or a Unnetwthe, leas
ihanabirty days. 'Nisei - recipes' aro valastio to both
'old and young. and *slimy, are smiled to all who mad
them hoe of charge, they are worthy the ittinatlosief Nl
who prise a desr, poziatia. 4st a Intsititygrowthof hair.
All appliaatione as owned by rebus mysil, without
charge. Reepectfully yearn
Chemist and Per f u me r, No. 11111 Braadny , N.T.
&•10.4t . _
OLO tlYeg MAPS tga*.—A paapidit dray,
tog how to spootily radon taghtgog gin up goo
tor 0/ m diem.. Ikat by mail, the, on ile•iPi of /a
Swot& hams - - 11L.' B. 100114
1130 Broader, Now York.
ACARD TO INTAI.IDS.—A Clergyass, while
'sodding in SeethAssertes as a nimeloassy, disco's.
tied a safe and Aussie resaidy for the Can of Nemec
Weakens, Tarty Deasy, flisesen of the Defeat* and
dentinal Orgies, and the whole train of disesdere
brought ett by banefal and elelans habits. Great aim.
•ben lave bests 'already cared by this noble lardy.
Prompted by &desire to benefit the sad Bator
taints, M"inna the melee for sweparing 'and 'using
this medidee, in a sealed. eankise• -di PAY 10 111 • 1110
needs it, Tres of Cis," Phan inclose a poet-paid
envelope, addressed toAddren, LortioU. • • -
/030 ff T. !DYAD,
eit4coll Station D, Diblallorse, - Xems Y.
- • .
This Cordial has been lone celebrated among Peonlee.
for its wailer dtrengthening and actotirle
and its p ee for a few woe ■ previous to ent is
wad te'eneure a rate sad seder aoanasarsat,'.tai a
speedy getting op.
It can now be had corr•etly prepared 'wording ttsilje ,
original forerela.6frees the Estrada of Partridge berry
vine, Crimp be.k , Caolopb Ram, stc. etc. Those wink
ing to nee in.b s Prspara ri will nod ie math bintet is
rare title than as to andertaka many do. to Prepare it
m e eelres,as this pzeparation contains the fall vista's
GI the iovediers.J is a 'coarerntrated and nrilabbeferat
Price per bottle, two dollars. Prepared and sold by
att3l-tf 1. a. CARTER; Resell;
Snail hea thoroughly proved Itself to be the belt
artiele known for curing Carszaz. Colo to! - mu ITIALD
and Elssoatms. It hu been found an eseDent'rntiedy.
In many eases otfleawanmk-Diurwese hu been remold
by it. and H LAZING by often been gristly 14nrcaeettii
its nee. It Is ffisprant And altruable, and ere. LIMA:D
ATE RDLIE , to the dill heave peluestobed by Watiose
of the Head. The sensations otter tottu.lisrea
and lorlgorsting. It opens and poen oat au strustiou, etreagthoneihe glands and &be • beelthy
action to the parts elbeted. • -
More than thirty yaws of maimed Dc,iissehntre
for a ll ca the co h end rim mmon ase
amuse of the b Song hall prove ead d i,And m ts Out it& sto. vales
wont It etasde higher than* enr before .n moeumead
ea by many of the heat physlidans, stadia Reedloft/went
=MOM and satisfaction ornorywherp. Dead as OlprOpite
of 'Wholesale Demises to laid:
The undersigned Wine ler assay tease bon aqui'
bad with Dr. •Marehall'a Wank end fleedwite daulf,AS
'alit In our wholesale trifle, ebeerfall• state that we be.
Here it to be equal, In every respect, to the tuosomenda:
linen given of It fer the care ef Cetera* Alloodloin; sad
that it hi decidedly the best artiste we hammer known
for alteconeon &seem of the Hard.
Bunt Parry, Rood; Amnia it CD.. Brim, Lainse;n k
Co., Bred. Collar k Co.,BothM/f.Toorla Wagon. Masa
k CD, Bolton t Bentlaw. iklinands k 044 B. Ban,
Portland, 1144, Barite k Partr,„A. B. k U. Panda Stokes
Paul kCo Tared' Minor k Co.; Ye:keen k kotddia A.
t Boorttl Co, IL Ward, Claw 00.4 Illak , ear,
Now York.
. ,
Pqr Gila by allAnigiipts. .Tr IL
S TOP THAT scavrcuuset
, curve THAT licit, It 4 iraitra •
Carter's ,Ixirset et bandelloa sad Bitter tweet,
This Retract MAW all binds or Lab, limelpstait,Falt
Rheum, Tatter, Scald Bead, Blows. Old Bona, Bell*
Pimple., Carbonates, Liver and Kidney CompWats.
Rheumatism add - all other Diseases misfile from sh im
pure eoneition of the blood. r, 1: -
Blamed Snoteek c erealli retTestar med Si.
phew, Precipitate and Modena, sit fatt to etre
this ieeteen no egnel -Itch _tease p •_reeoerePthrourhoat
the totetry."ant the bttnet e/-DsS Sd► sad Bitter
Sweet is Jura the meaty lot it, as it eats os the Lim.;
gilmulates all the secretions, opens the pores of the ,
skin, and in a surtsta sod errs 7 enthorr
viscid. poisonous or harm atettier v an leaves the elm
culation hoe, the blood pure.** skit &eta, tba eom.
*silos slow and the wheiniestem fro, heat Came. II
is a medical that eansot - be wet w ith out boned , ' end
'Cate?. Yellow •tntzniat In, phriguallai br.sar ether
Ointment in the world for tko speedy and sieetulll taro
of tbe Itch sad all other set hratlona. Also nnetr•
passel In Scrofulous Sores, Matz ever and ma Bored
that a hard to beat, and of ma - " Oleic, tha amt.
el Piles. it only needs trial to approved.
. Priest of Stitnet.V. Of Yellow Oistment, rs rte. Or
taken together. 11l • 21..
sold by all respeetalehl Ihrwalehil• : &Mktg
D it. TA LBOT1" sT PI LLB.
Composed of highly ,Coeteatrated ltstasets freii
Roots and Rothe of the greatest medical value. prows&
from the ruigualpresaiption the ollestlid Dr.
nd need by him with reaserimble seams f*
twenty years. An Infallible remedy is all DISSAIM
of the Ll Vift, of asy deraageeneat of Die DIOCSTIT
They Cars Diuvhcet, Dylpsysis, Sersfala, Imitates
Biliousness Liver Comeleint.
The well-known Dr. Kett nye of ties. Pills r " I hive
used the form* from wttiela your gtlls art made, La •
my pretitioe I,r orer ;"they him the Onself
feet arra the 1.1y , r gni Ghostly* Organ' of any Medi.
eine in tlosmerid, and Are the moat whet Purgative
which has Me yet been made by asybody. They are
safe and pleasant to take, but powerful. to Theft
psoetratiog properties stimulate the OW aeMiltlse of.
the body. re me re theAbstruisti ons at its organs.-parity.
the ifood, and cape! direst:. _ They IMO oat the feel'
humors which breed and rote , Ala=
slassish or disordered organs into their natural
and impart a healthy ton* with stasogth to the whole
system: Not only do they 'rare the *my day cola
yr ants *everybody, bat also fgrasidablis sad dangerous
Airiness. and being purely vrgeb,iblis are free from say
risk or Om" -
They eresfeynre blood sad town all inspOritiep
from the mutton, lines its a smiths can for Perils,
Firadaehe Piles, tfereurial • fts* and Bereditiry
Um**. Don—foss satire, one Pill in the morning ;
for *Urea seder 8 year; half a fill.
Price One Dollar rr Box Trade supplied Sr sent by
post paid. to soy prt of the ffnibd States or
Canada on moist of sees. Nona genuisserithont qt.
feresitalla sisaature of V. Mott Talbott, N. D.
ocriglly Noel Taltcat stralt;l",Tork.
& Utrewsir&lffe DlACrelin 1
the 11)110w/sit facie .demonstista tbat that 116-
Finee omprise the highest improvements ts the sewing
tfaelase - art, vin • - - - -
1. Each *Mau tt guaranteed to give better "Misfit&
flan Mtn any othlratirawhip Nubia. ft Niabit; bigamy
refund. 4
S. They have tabs mint of the laiglimr risooms at
elm most important exhibitions 104 fisiri mos bold IM
the UMW! States. -
S. They mate the leek stitch aliko both atabo-41m
saving half the thread and sand 1* the rarelise•
ridgeomme of the loop 'tit& sad minglirthroad Sam
Woes. . •
.They are adapted to abs IMAM nap at low aid
light swim. - - • -
b. They have ne rattling with or &La& attach- ,
'sesta to get out of order.
O. They minim so taking mart to alms or oil, sad
so e , Looms 'to sit needle, repalatetassioa, or °paw
at* Ifseldso
T. Oar - New bhurafsebuisg llaelitse is ' - esposislii
adapted te fibm ritttsp, More Nansfaitattee -Tailor
and 11 not maallod by asp Nraebiss tirstet.
Pleats camel examine sad demosateste gar you ,
011, or mad for Clrealar with ism* of iming.
N. B.—Avesta wasted. „ •
111111 LR & LYON S. N. CO
WO des - Pro. $ &roadway, Vow Y.
F 143 1 • 'OK -0o ease of per
. Wrath, too salsorloir irr nisei , * Is War for , solo
Is Tana, Wu Ipso the soutlsotts *tabard township,
Ede want,. ono arlto from no dike of Lookpart. It
soots's. 136 Lau. 110 of srhielran isaroral arid' iss
high Moto or aulthstios, *in tbeied. gal Rte., awl
haviai a Itst•nds orehatt softly of yaftei &alt.
balllass or. rood Penni orbiting to parches' afar*
will end ft Mainstay tillook at Ulm oars. la i lidr t •
on the prsial los of 41110111111 COOP
Er I abio We or, - heat of 1/111 i 1500.14 44 a
mile moth of Ca above, having good 0a114115414 foff,
fruit, Se.. and fa as 50e541 , 14 state of nlentiba.
!opt/mbar 14, 111116-40 V.J. C 001111.1:•
A asommemi eared of Sorrow NUM I Pro
taatareSkaay and the effects dinatheat
W ,rltbtsboror fomllolmtboso mitt ,tlio
sari, (Pouf ehaii) roooftplor and
Tor fall ptYwLs e by Mon millalomos
11 widow
111,1111, •IS MOM *X" Wm Two
.•-:•!: .`tt .
_ •
Special Notices.
~..' i,,..'ti..1,17
J 1
" , '?
i' • 1 , .. t. t / .
`f;-1 :7f " 1 ' ,), 1 ‘ 4
1) c:r :1
T . '. • 1 , tv. , 9!: It -,
ifti r iii k3' .6 tit!
, ....: 14 7 -,t.,',, . i.' :I.' -8 'As:X..
•11 , .21
- that itp:*fivil 111600 11 .'
tbil'qtdet r itirseii . ohitobifs,• •
• - &elk pllloiilF - yer sett; 'r •‘" '
if _See the.fersumflittcohitioett i -•,;•-,
1 ,.: • Kl* ll,l 4h 1 1 1 1 4.1 4 4 W. At Pige,13 , 41,
t .
All in.qulpt, nursery eluunber,s,,
WIN the Auelty shidoirsees4‘ '
Ilea the vetoes et - dsi obildrea— - -
Is the iteidpv sad the' aianntain
' Catml7 allow the "winter' itire;'
Amid apron: tho itllathelnk
Gleat.the steimll6l4'is eliverihen. - ' •
In. the 'tinge oed the darks.ese--.
Derheeia growiiitrtill Isere
Listen t& the little 'When •
Preying God their seals-te keep:
we dla".r-es, pray ills.
And the mother's bead 'drop low
One from out her hld to steeping '
Diiirtsanestlt die wfatar's reocy
.”Take oar soals"--sid past the sasseastol
Vas a sk l / 4 •41,0 01 11Ita 4 1 t; •
Likithe trailing at his garments
lAlking orertiore in 'er!dte.
eoule,tiat stead expectant' • • . •'T
Lliditides at chalets@ of life,
Hearing, faraway, the anirmar, , ;
"Ofthe tenet '
We; wbolight beetaith' time, beistre, ,‘;
lifeetheg mike of fawnew,tifert,
Fled a deeper, broader meaning
Ip pour. eltaple,raver,prayer.
When ',one souls !elan grad fills standard,
Which to-day you watch front far,
Whenyour deed. shell shape the conflict
In this universal war,
Pray to IlliWthigod of battles, • •
t Itkosi street eYe esti neier sleep; •
In the Warring with' temptation,, i _
• Fires and trueloor acul4 to keep. 1
'Wheri the oci rehit adds, :4 slowly •
Clears the mole from oat tie ad*,
When far dews , t be purple•distanos .
• 411 the nolll. of bittle dies ;
Whin the Test night' e soletan shadows
;Settle down SD yen led ate ' • '• '
Maythe love that. Offinirfaileth."
Teas our sentLaternally.""
Man* ilia Admit leadand Nara]
All Amerisans are, familiar , with this!
sinbriquef of' General Andrew JaCitiOn;
yel , retf few Iliac' lie* it was earned by
ithere'd here: happen to be 'able to hi
farm your readers. ' I
An 1861 I was. intimatelyacquaintedi
with Col. John Alien. 'United Ststeitagent•
of the Chickasaw Indians, reqirling'in Pnt-i
tete° ; and . With hie brother, Captibt . Wm.l
Men, then'a merchant in that town: • I
learned from Captain Ailen,that i
his.father was a t near neighbor and Alevat-i
ed, friend of General Jackson. and that he,
indlils`hrother John served as 1011er' In
his ihltiort., In alibis catnpaigni, witrcimp•
ed at the Mile fire, and zoooled - with - himi
during the Creek wet: ...They were eer-1
Whay greatfavorites, with. him f and.hei
rewycled them for their friend ship
Rising them hiciatire appoitmente in the!
Chfciraior nation 'while heinttiPresiderthi
In eenverstation'ivith Captain - Allen about ,
General.Jeoltson, entree 0001111i00, I faked'
him how hel aticitOrat4 thet..niute4 s 9l 4
IrKhery f" give. his reply, as vrey
can remember; in his own words : .
alhiring the tatinPalga which inclndid
the battle of Emuckfeer Creek, the =army
was mooing rapidly , to surprise the: Indi
.aus, sad we were +without tents. 3st.th4
month of . March, a
fell on us. titingled'with" sieet.wthit
'ed seiieral dip: The Generid eiepte:
ed;tothe •witalhor; was ettifininglie4
verelyloillro bad cold and sorrrthrost.—
Akaight we biro:mocked .in s, inodsly hou r
.tom. while •it ,was pouring ' down rain,
which froze as' Wien: 14.iirother" ;cal
and I, Aiding that he was wiwell;heciatia l i
uneasy. about hict, - although be did co
complain, and laid down upon 'the blankt ,
ed,by the camp fire with hia sold hors.. fime
inn him wet to the skin. atretched in the
mud ind.witei his suffering Condition;
we deteralinedlo try and Wake hint more
oomforEable.• • • • i
We lent down a stout Atiokorr tree,- in
which Aesop we* rifaup. sad. P 6410 th e
bark, froze AL4411 Wile goboo.:AuKteoforks
and s,,p r ole.lalci down a'floor of hark Ind
dead lesreb. end roofefif.'and cleied One
iide, **rather ode end of the'struntnre,
wollast . the wind with bark, end left the
other open. ' We then dried dWir bilickats.
and made hip a papetin.the tent webeil
constrected. We woke no the,pldGerq
al, L and With Seine dififettlfY"petsli '
Mitts to iiraltr- ht. • , •With hiirsidillerfer
est; sirepood. in,bur dram blaaketa r ati r l
his :feet iii) Shells... be slept . snugly ,en .
54 :4and u. Ir. all -08b 1 ; !ell cased 04,Pluka
'"The ueitt• M log an old man from
hesieiglatieiliei4 time into einip with a
NI 44 widsky. !with• which, afterianbihin -
tout* freely hinuelf, he,ipsre us all , '
tone as, fir as ,the liquor . wois4 so. • :xf ,
seeed. to be,.alcindbearteci, - rrial 'an
paiSioticiold ibllpw .; a sort 'a *Orittleged i
ohatieter' In 'his eon:atty. ':'White Stagger-
log abet own the ' exalt) 'flick fall of
fau set Whiaky, he blundered/ swop our I
little hiekeff bark tent, yrbioh inuxeiste
If arrested Neattention.After eyeing it
fora momentlhe exClitiniet: "Whit sort
of an ouilandidi Indiali "Elsie is thii,
'Wed pee It a kink 'whiets tumbled do**
1 th e que•eloohiel structure; and complete
ly , buried Ph. old .hip •in .bark.,As he
struggled - out of the ruins, and cicike
fiercely around ' for ilia author of the' tit •
chief; the old fejpeii "'ebcc4rnised him'. iii '
exclaimed : "Hallo Old 'Hickory:4 ,f . Dillow
out of your back r est& join us in a drink!'.
"Thera was isonsatbing.- eciiindicrous in , '
the whole *rent
,itt, respect kr his pre, ..
Poet:lend ran k =pia eotreetrein one met:
rimiest. .11e eery•guod . hulPorgalY 'lOiP : '
.us in laugbing.ah.the mishap. ,e,s,lie pose
up, and - shook , the ,hark -from Usu., lie
looked so tough andeterewe all me blip ,
a •viei 'Marais !feel old • liichoq.". -T4is
was, tile . gess time • be: ever, heard: !Was'
verde; sithiohwereentswardi .boated 11 ,
the millions of hit tioultryinetrwhenaver
heappeiredaisong them. '•.' , -, -
I WM only add that 'Captain Atillain,,
'Allen . of ' Paildstar-Ceuntt, •I'enweiciee,,
'Alb Media 1 , 01;lotoe;' . i0 18$7, was dui
tinikisua fir, connigie, integrity; and
strict ierick, • lad the abOin, msy he re!
Larded pg a_ tr 4 atfooqiit Of the origin of,,
lit re nioknioio oof gelliefai ,440,1r7fok
son. , .- •
.ToOto Cojahaporso nisi:
4 114 ouzo or_lolo, .useliSoilrjr;9tii oil'
our large „,„, o!r, atreAld t i 1 1 37 t
erea l iag g , limy Lounge 40%1 1 09, l°,rfiAlt
their. snoritior an 4 13P1P40 _tee mei
during • the' *21021400e:' and /OWIIIIIIO iii
frivolous 4icoupouierof their 'he
Other wit to peas eway,their eteakolo- t ..
Whet* orkore , of itribrippioru:tor Shim,
selves sod •othess Ate titer *OM: Nilo!
oostipt thee; when veil duties sod olgii
restionsibilities shalt be thoughtlesely;st
sumesdl'; Thy/ roe Skilledifi nothing:l6de
dia111,77-ost, therdispise - Slieut,.havei no
Viite: of itidospy oaf taste f* the =444
st diet be as siiiicand • mOthers ?
Aleis lot Aht 411,•*( 11 Mid *BINA( Odd
oleo for'. theuifelvoi 1, `WhO aiO Wood& if
dproostici uutispplossi doterilthrrythf
follow-f" . .„
v roliraigo; , sstili* : 1 4 '**- 11 i b a l
the part of rWs , hiullo rttell • 1111611110 .
111414 of lots year it had outplotoly roe to
.; '4 'fi
•.1 I 1
.. • ~.. j , . 4, !
..,. " . „ s
i ! (4:t
i tria h. *r 4tl
-- "ki - - ;• c '-. .1 ( 1
. 1 :0 1 4
t • - 1 .111.. r,,
• ,
' T
- "r ! t - Jab,
a ,t.p. Ltaleatif
Ste 1114414bilir
'its 6Ritisig t+ I
, F , • a , : illy : .'2 ,fadiaii
lotions*. 0 L.
aLMWZ, ihvoughfers.q.
,„„.1 Amp Atf. e
Nscuto,--o wa du : you Icon and
Chinaman - no ac min account
tall." 17: Jr I tap:))
-do .'.btisdnest.4 ;=',A.tneiiiban
consatplong may'to' gat fel,: .'many
' , tions.'f • •-• , • . :
Nzalto-=".019 wn7.9. PY.
`right ',fiuffrage 7 -you
~n 42,
bruddir."' "
right of Wring. higtg Urn
kireata'Zpirits. "' Thin colintry.: mr. hunting
lintmcidt: pale -'fulefulsping , thunder - and
h iNnin , And fite - Itniter•And-drilf4 P 00?
lian swa „lint the Great Spirit looks
"on.' Viii"
- NeCi.o:lL*Palefisee'lioacconnt iiinettlef
Judgersayllat niker superior' witti-down
Soul,. and • gnu& he tame ; t
Cautzes—"Xfowinach. moat* ,you, got"
You work COW ?"
- Natias—"qatCh dis nigger For 113100 W.
'Yoh; sitivir,4lolollld-intidar'deritri
tebtuni‘nf 'de govatfineht , - ysth,
weir* f-yah, yah, labOit peak' yonChiria
asaMiwitlisinet to' Tnti '4017. , Yra
you _China
. irsen. „and Nuns. , b*ong
to the 'ferior race, and dese whi,t,ei men no
'cntilit 611. YOUltist wait till'PradD6rig
is:xle President den you Min 'whtis'
4 feribr race." 0 • ;- ( - 1 ; •
tribe : riglo for the Pak
flipe 14,0pancty of the great ,cblef,Zopa,
we have m uch farm little elgo to
taooVhi l e go to ace the great Fit4erliti•
coin, nietto vote. -light" - •
Cnitnem—"Me tee great - Mandarin
.kroorican• roan its the -great empire -of se
ion ;he aay. ;Ruch flue
,thing ;.rae come
to 4mericaland ;
,mel ‘ ike Armories jac4;
China - man no vete ; 'mb sea African man
tote 4 ;. he no - Mandarin ;' Amerietin' 'Mite
come to hie conn try r 'Wan man fight for
Meth* land he no;vate." '7, . :
• • 'NloPtot—"Y,ah ;Yai2 l ..YPII. Oleg .kne»
.uotrin tall, don.' t :you i7;ee 11l Declaration
rodependinCe tion 4 t . mean you folk', it
n 1 dik giiverned; you
see 4eivad we tiptieve don't - give 'out -sent,
ltbtoccie•tiug; mama; Suanowtold me xiat
biivitoff."-• • . . . - , ,
. ~•
Ivnt~x—~~lfxh ! fight pale. fouse...--
Ugh I u h tu g _l'' (wit h a war whoop).
Cat—"Ne` 'ciaiisent, tie ateil
.r •-c, f: 7
Nsono"Yairt ysh ljyab You go
lorub VOA no !MUDS , Vaunt
Important 'lzirentatis.
Partetya.tinveniesi in
,C China,,l7o, B.
, The alender was reform:keit by Julini
t'aizzir.2s B.
"Fladdies'n'anie kin fciiirth
..Horseshoes made of iron were first pod
1. P. 381... • •a, - .
§orrup4 . l were owe cenpat .
triter. • - •
Diatenfactirer of silks bronglit front In
dia ts Bumps A- D. 6451. '
TS'enianst,mado from quills 645
Stoneuddiam and r,laymintrodtmedikk.
England A. D. 674,„ :
The frenriebtAritittaitirl'brotighf
'Europe by Saracens A.15D:991. •—• • '
Paper. o 4 Cotton .sop invented towards
the elm of the 10th,oentury.„ ,
Paiver)nade of linewin iaoo. ,
The - fifst rritulat bank yrsa: established'
it Vinice . llsT; •
Lisei 1263;
• Spectactlee invented 1280; • , rf".
The firt, of weaving introduced into Eng.;
404, 1330. •• t
liidaice! ;r tes as now,. use .
13g0. -. ' • •
6dnpowderifiiented at the eity * of
lenge; 1320.
, • Ownnon Brat used at the slip otAlgiess,
11(544 1370.
Pistars'i,n - uee' 1554:'
Printing bitTnih2ceci 'into England . lb!
1471.-81 •: • :‘•
: •Paat,effteas - established iQ Wilms Inc
1464 4 0 ,, 7,-E9glaude 1 5 4 41in ~Gannasy
ots — e'co intivaii44 into Fremi:s rri
ieOr. 1560 f -
Petitten first - intteillueetl: Ike Iteletid:
and•England,•lss6. . -
/ I _ , Cirotakition: of the bleed disooTeretl by
The lirst newspaper jonbllshea'in ,
iii" ; 'first In Venial 163trorr!t,
-in PrnivienTl63r: -- ". "- ta"'r • I
l' , Coffeeintoduced Intolingbanlin 16414
,Tes introduced into Esigiando:
F t ngi‘tp,hovanytd,hy.thst .Vancitis
of Worcester in 55 . ,
Fite Enginea itivented; 16637 , • 1
,Turnpikes Brat' isiade 'in ;England In
ilayonataftinvonted in 8ay0nn0. , 1670
,flrst,brought . 44 use
• at ifte,hattle of71: 1 ;14,
till 1693.
Stereotype piinting invented 1725:
`"-Air ballnotie and 'terostation inranteit
Franeerl7B2.• I. • ' -
: 1/w:fit-A nii,-onnied in, England
otsze qacts, 1785. ,
UOtt9ll L g!l2,lll7,,Elte !,3_l-noysip.•in .1795.
idutherzi tam&
The followirtstimftommemeet, of :a atm
didata. waa fouud ,poated. ow • tree by, t,ll
rotitislyie t . and brought, the i editor,of
NisiissifiPr",l2.l" giro it 4 rid .
IfOtterpdbilestion . 1 • • -• • •
4, AuriulasSarertlynsPaAllow me; throela
this medium,. to ietrodhee myself is yea
quaiu,tapce as a ctiyiAlate for Ameaso
of.l i fixeis of . MO! If. yap on
shouldfiit : lSCV in illative as* wli?" 4
Man of , my kigatiti6 filfilifeef ebbed. Ey
peloir; my_amovertiaLthir : --: The Yetkriu
- , /fay: /864, deprived, roo.olmyvieftilwillt
therefore vpiltiggl i altbipicm tagst.,,stgep
its fight to a levCwa r m'
Agato, abohid anY'Ob6 - 41113 kg,- * * A
uotlivie print&l Wittilithr
reply that My locket-book - jarmalcirbom
for it week- at the rustle of gimes
eud r .prould p eye r 4 1 4rvige. ;
" "I ,would like very Muhli* to ball
deaf *DM: and talk •to them tabe tostabif
but; to Wed this, my lathy aohota
-have to:almp, and frith- Way breed Aga
ndor these ou•Orrutanees . 1
hope Li
be excusable. • " • i -
-"*Wlth 'high rivarda;' I kilifeitiritOlftir
' • , • ' g.l3.lfinissiv
` ,. .Tire Weigh L. C.) . :tae suentiin e l
the following little =We*" en 00410 - •
* the '41,040 that sly a few, dap .
..... idall CrimPlaill — "My ,i'ouf?S 0 4
!gaud, Si you read ?" - • ,„- - •
Cotititibirra="Yee. - sali . .* i ' • L . f l.
Army Ohaplain="Glad to_ beer IC' 8
I give you temple f" ~ 2,- . • ..1...:_.. i
, Contraband !--!. ".Fiertia,..: inset, . if - Yt ill
please. " . ... • . ..-- 1'
4rtui ' ''Ve i t' :,Chaplitin— "gond.
1 .epee. would you' efirkeer t ' " . 1 : 1'-
Oottaband -- ''''elli'' fnellus;"*:,: o r i l l
Chews. I'll tike &paper bf.terbaeker....
sod,, the 999 111 bA1 3 4 aktiOrCh•Pkthigitk
q s •P,lP te .r s e l it t e 4 fT 4 : l° P;vreg , .....l, j -
Poo: Garibaldi is reduced to needles its
owa breeches.
• -I
' lll `'41:1(1 .!1.....1:7,11Av , 14, .
ti.) qt.:i -ilil J..::::_1i..1, ,. .. ;it tf., f 1 n 9 ,- ..
[ X
... ". , i ; • :.?...l• - - ,- ,. 04 - *4- /4...4tt'f•17 .••
.., . -f, .',l' I
•, i '' - ' ' •, ••
f ,I 3q., ~,
,i i 11 ~..•• , it
, 11, ' I. f• 1 I . 1 ... 't ,
. i , tv iv,. : i ,• i .., ••
.:.... di • .i. ",f1 if
* ...L L „.....i• •0+ c t '., .•. •—••
o p c . 4RE R.? teit4o4s,7,Faiiirloya
- r , '7;7: •lrrs.. .t,
- I. ••• . .• . ••• •
Nor* -4 1 11 1 .1.Aboulkw• Ty. I
• ; 'llliet;frk-ortrwas,-infellO4; l -•-• ~' :, f
,0 :-Aod toe VV. • ' 7 ", ' 4 .
- tai leer tiralfeer deiao,
!4" - Tholocheftisei9lololle I
; :•'!:.1151 (),
/ , 'Ne relit weilkeire ivy deelkeir c v: .-.,!"/ 411
tagy Irsa
..f Bat tatitta.;:Year * dean
.01111111 tkeireas: r it
AcrCit.iv, ;
.:1514 ,see *RADA new,finY derlinifs
„„ 1 - 104...k500d0 erll-feeswill; Vet • •• •
4014 1 /4/404 Pekt 41 nano
- I . Tog vicikkir.plwilii. Wtor A- . I !
1 4.
Q f t:. •
•4nd QU;;IIIPOit
AD d Ott GOO if the yea,* couueglO7 eye!. 1
thflglent atzb J, oriasw.
, ..•.
• de*,' ' •
And we feel sok kgem_that ohs ' -
Wheneeei t WeY• -
, • A God of theist - 004 dorllog, ,„
Of the sight of deitk *Olaf ;"
' The kote - tb it leas till2e,_goott erlfe;
Is the plerlitit lath to Him . : • -" •
7401 4 4 *** 111 :,
piper Arai the:following,
aticount of the wheribottOi Of the hiding
officers Of the rebel:anti-4i - ' ;;-"
GrairaiLosing iria.Jatohsoniknew,With
the intent to` go for iliew-Oritians end Ml
gig* inereandld punting. ; • P
•Chieral airliner lad taken up -hits ismis• •
Mince. In. New °skier, mind goon into,
business with General Bregg.. , • . ;
Geouteal 'Joe Johnsen
°five the appointment of President ofnne
of the principal railmd atompanist .
ham or Cteorgia. • • • •
• Osumi, Hardee was the recipient in,
Mobile, the other day, of a handsome;
roatpligtent, in the shape of a dinner, isn-;
deredlim biSeteral, of thel3•l pd 8 ire.
nifioartnn duty ' at • that . post.: , „
„Geis end Lungttreet, witn - itiri'vei•in Woo
MO'S few' days arty* been - pardoned'
by the President. •
Gelfireir Lee' has iinteredintkirt bit an..
;President of Washington:pont*,
Jubsl Early is an applioant fOr pardon.
c•ltenevial Forrest is reported to he mina
gint a saw-mill iotneihere in theinterior
ref Mississippi. , • ; . •
General &emelt, who °misruled- a
corps ip Hoofs Army. miesittpe going to!
* A n Ikleans , to practice • kg"
•Qeg. Magruder iareportedart he In ger
natty with his family. ; ,;•• , • ;
General John G. Walker is in England
!--fin it is reported.. , •
, Xirhy Stith. at last cu t er. was at Xis
tansas in bad health.; '.• • •• • '
GenerO 14ndman ii printiiipeaw
The Nen Orleans Tiolytnte says. ;
"Wp catch &apse . now and then; on
the street.. of several other, anew* whp'
had the rank of .Briaii),'er, or *Or es"-,
nisi in the late Gonfolerate arms, who sr!
hard at - work noir at one. or anothar
branch of business. The majority of, them
are oldOfthe:cdiy : or residents , oithr the
State?' ,
Out Publifi =en:
Jefferson died oomParithsly poor.' Ina
deed, iVConsress had not pup:hated his
JibrikrY•Awd given for it fire times its 'at ..
tie/ he. would With , hare keg:
the wolf from his door.
. Madispomivect mooey, and was comp:*.
ati l soly l t... To his foTtnue,:how-,
ever, or ratisea: that ,of wide*. Congress
purgthaied Ays taionsorilit, laws, sal&
Paid s 3o ; 9o V.for them. • : •
James Monroe'', tlie sixth a * , m it oil
the trotted States,.: died ill NSW 'Tor*. so
poor-time hit remain" resting ;
place throes . theohaiity . oVitiCot bS
friends.. They remain - io i'esiriteteiy ht
&hoot street ; nel ... Mothioient'inarks
the spot where they rrpose.
lo his Quiney-Admessitft soesietlso,looo.!
the *suit of indeistry,. prudence-and us ,
baritone/4 He was Irma of method and;
so or ik r o;.#l, ; :: f• I
• Malkin! Vai Daiwa died • fiery - rich.—
Throughoni lie politics& life De studious.
17 lookeitfor Ms own interisS. ',. ISlsi tiOt
believed that he ever spent thirty shillings
in ;polities:, 'His .party shook lintr,hnehj
sad he caught the bird.; - , . :, .; •• 4,' , 7 i
Daniel Webeter , squandered awe nail=
lions in his : -life-time. the• prodnet of hia
lb:assail:lC*l.Bnd. politiaelsepeenlatione; bet
disdillaving his property•tebir children.
and hutiebts to bialciende.- ,TM fanner,
*Ulm. Ism -tluut. PA , OPOTAII.isftesi
4*de - 111250M ' :_
...„... ;.
, L , , , • , 1
Hery. Clay iefi ii.ital iiinatione es.
llite. ; It probably •e1ace0.44100,000,
He whit* Arilaedit eleneAkri sad e • iervil
,Pulouily firmest man. • ~,• ~ ' ~.
,ianien IC. Polk left' 5t0:A4,59:00(1
*APO et which he. Wed . fejeg./de iced-'
titiney of kir you". •,_ ,•, • . ~. •
John Tyler left 40AM. 14,f4; `lB
reiinbPd• the Presideticthe Itrai..bniskrtipt.
Q :ortse , hi. hitstsuidsC,hli met , 'lO
.WA pareitta xioh.witly: ' ' " ,
- Zan)triror left $150 4 01j0; -- . .-
Id'ill Filmore' is a *eel y ~, Add
keeps - hut innney,ln,a iitro4 . tyvill
'pit' be lquepderca iitiP, 4 9 41 4 0 4!°. '• n Pl
Asquandefed in riot: , . .
-- Itc-Pmulent Pierce sitietVanniii,SP,*l
born hii:fetin 'of Servioe. '" '
• 0 . : ~. ,: ; . . •• - .... c. ~ 1.
: r. e' - 74M41.1:
rftinds me hf Otitis almumt
lie gitiiiketo '
c, , e I ra p QUO
n'tow a thite: (inn datin tram , .
ellfog 10416,4 t theahllni ta4bn of 'tl
`frinn4,l6 t ee 4 grand review 'deli the
'City It t i The rbooinmndfitit'Penefal
had 'nine' tanking ahikge - r, 'Oat
•beatOn' 1: 04 44 that,. t. of Thd
ttotit*li, wined . % like to btk ferfewed;
Vilna the"lnk& struck 'up, the ffinteral
rttnillittqft,me;galloping `down` hi tont at
486d ,, It*ti when justlee he was
ilaitagthatte-bf the line some fellow
theitinliffitnewins , the ahmeter Of the
animal aitetedt "modThoold hone,
; tidal td: .when Adding the *ord.
gone Ito a ;“hah."..: tend;' as a mailer o f
ennte•Ashohhir hie:rider• Vie4ik
L i n d haws him; ipiesd•eatielaihinnom
the.gresm Dfaciphne mallthMatand it,
and there was a roar of humbler Slant eni
Pn•of, the line to the miter, includlnx
I t(I
irOrel hundred apeataktreci I * think I
,rcer tat, so Med maltAn lanky lifgi
litinUtPeAl GP, , • bAS IWO*, 0114 far
.IF few wow* 14.iesrAi•lia,
take the,lo4o,42finm giallop OW/Mk
Alp *pawl, sod, !4T.ect feted. solid
wealtJt for the itatoo qf th btu tor '
11001/1111m,,b0t1 fo!tht 114±..
. 61 4 V 4 ,04 Wif t fl * akiiiSkOOY
Taonaaa.,- , You arelviaglo, baNta v4o*
trbableseal well! aurionesplesaurem o f .
'war insotirorthi asinacialuittus trot 14
trouble. You cannot radials pridalittOi
'lt, ' - , T91! - ANPS4. eßb4ll, set
. •
012Lisi• VIM*: • o*-.
b EMIL t you are og to
rt twi
74 1/440 . ‘,
I s ti g
e nseitil im e flibre
t e t , ,
Your sufferings will be only C
thew., li ttle spoke in a whole &Hof moil
- --"--.------ ---•-•- ----- -
..:iiLl 9.A.;,11 , .c.1*.t." ' .'9 .f .1/1 .- iTt.:44:14.$
~; 4.....,..nitii jJ1 , %!,:y1:•47, i , :.I ~I) ni 4{f :4ll;`(r. ku i.. , ,
4 ./..1 2: lel , niii7l.4i i•/ li ,Tikilt. 4. l , , . - ; . ..•; ; I: fii
jr a
' ''',; } 1 ,Til
~ i: J.-q.t . : 4 I.sritrti.; ~ .11
~, y 1. , ti e ;0
,' - ... ~. ,A, • 1 . 1 -!• di 'l.l .Y,
t 't, ta:ne Ztt.l
^ S : ~'iJ:~ ~.~ . .. Y
s 'llt`e4o4iniitet.kking,i'texi is Us be:
idi ors its+*orb Wald - to' brigt#44
about thiLlfee&orlikra, 140 4 uoidispob
#,lntwoognieritio A.Puldie'
'pt-11 lien. and _women, same=
filltifieniid the' book of law,
,tuid after
tiirtiOr to the 'Deity, to', Which
-the people waid watisen." reed thetas, o
God•distmeily. gave the etmae.and. mused
017•11 3 : 1 .4er1um. 1 the rei4ilk Prmul
t e of 'Ws (45Tyeaza B. C. the
Oitricrehillelll&4l-fo' public wasemblies
either prophesies- Or moral instruction lot
the people;fand,itwy not tustil the re
thre Of the Jewe peon:Cam' pabyltizilan
' they bad almost
liwthisliingwaseiwybioti the Peetiteeth
KU written, that it Woutoiteoeoptry to
gP o r nn y . whlli t il , 4 4 4 p eati ec er y = w ast re l
sam "Inn allyigilowe44, _tatter times
:f4ote.x . y,Al.).the, of .14oses. was read
!? tb 44 7, I *BNITI every Sellettit thy. To
title bsbz& enr.l4Y;oe thifOrtned,, and in
the. Wynargge,,. one. Elialiblitit da - y, reed a
towage from the prophet '. Isaiah,' th eta
closing the book,returned it to the priest,
_sad preached isom'the text. • . .
.IttOcurkwr Omenslni.--Some persons
pride 4hensielvea on &Frig blunt,' or, tfa
Ow WI it; rhosset ;" 'but very blunt
let•Opiedol lititlesend to others.and get lit
,pa tbetasalvesh, „The..flcripturep
recommend geirdinesi and 'kindness.
There it imothing this world of onis
belt so -Mean. as w iindiative nod Malls.
Un‘it i loilitilut:- Yet any pretended
•Chrisk Vat . * this ! oust, and dee* e
themselves with the idea that they Are
rebuking sin. Christians ahotild bike heed
of getting load of the work et"rebuking."
'Bud" "spiritual ocutstabies"„ do a „Feat
'deal of mischief with Out„ intending t .
'they ark in the ebureh west inv.! 'witty
teid sireasilepeimfm is id sbeiely, or what
.a tell.tuat is,in.selstiot; and approziniate
.ray closely, to that mass whiols.the.apor
tle terms " busy - bodies in other men
matters." Such Chilstlins come in time
id 'ire tegistded- its bdimincee-in rode*,
constantly*: to. be. avoided , and the little
good,they may do is tbrqwn away: 'Our
manner must be tender and winning.
'The nail of reproof," says an old writer,
"must be - well-oiled in kindness before it
; is diren ; -•-;• • • ,
:. 'Kates • Gambia, the , ditifebter- of the
sheriff of Plll4lB 114 Chie!. , ' Wis.:. on Fri
.4lsy4ght,„ taking- sdrsattelin of tits tem
perary absence Qr . :her, parent's, releiwsd
the 'ma n named • Sutlierimid, who had
hien ibrbn Weeks confinid in-thejsil tor
stealing oxen; slaps& with' him. sod car
riid with her her mother's shoes and:a
portion of her other clothing.
(lain" barbers render asogor a, lutiiren
to bearded Men. ,
FribilionveS tie people of the Singh to sup
"pottotiv Pitaddent with all their bout and
their soul.-Atlanta (Gs.) intaligeseer.
Jtsn Theariou tells the editor of the Louis
ville Journal that the only persona in the
South who wish to Missy more fighting are ,
those "...lei didn't db say whon , they had a
The polite of New Orleans reporfriitat there
are' it' the prevent time, in . that oily, it least
twenty eolored women and glee -who lire by
lleratiOnsnees, where there was one at any
tint, pre►ioas,to the vex.
Boinehody made i hit the other day, when
he said that in 1776 we went to war on &c
-oolant of the stamp act and got' the nigger ;
and that' In 1861 we went to bar about the
;nigger and got the stamp act: - . ,
Gioia' Aimee Towileum the author and
spacial "correspondent, milrleake lie (kW as
I leeterar,thie,,winter, probably beginning tn.
Cleveland, Ohio, before the Library Auricle-
Ma.' let tie have him in Erie.
:N . o4lin is Boston' are two - bable"
eon& • and•'is haif gears of
.age, - and one of,
ninm both small for their -years and evident.—
Iy infantile in mind. Theiroirenoe was steal-1
fig 'else, grapes, and - thei are committed
fot atin.pernest of ens sad *Ode.'"This in'
pions, model Boston!
The Madison (Indiana) Courier.esys it has'
liettrd Yontig ladles singing,' "Whir will eara
for mother now!" while their ald mothers
were, wearing, themselves pat is the kitchen
irter tboi (atoll; washing.
Twa *woman or s Tannins 'Passed
s;l4Rasb 4 ,Mr. John Happy, 01 Illeahrillei
- gives * following httmewmus deteerip)
lIQB of his journey ; after perdon : • -
- Bela a personal Intl:l4l4i with ilitsChief
Magistrate, and asked him fors swill pardon,;
itha had any more lett: LehlefiMagistrate.
.finlegita _know what poeitioktielti : lo,he,
re a array. The answer was falitt,_sonte-:
trim hesitating, and thaky—r said 4
to.tlear teremeter." Chief litgittrate AMMO
- and timed :bin Mad. to entsumei7 seardonie
4 9dy ancient wad, venerable friend: bli'siiitt yid 'think that your department
of the rebellion endangered the Melon erase;
pimp lawman, is overdose in iteelf.m:
Ajiaw mwlsd cluPle west to Slaw& on o
elait, and the gentleman, in order to nonvione
,his dear thiChe was se breve se gallant, re;
adja; to ge down into the "care of the winds.'
:Sky Of sourer, :shies*, bat finding that lie
was determined, affeetioctetely rprialAtd bin
to leave his pocket 4k lid watch behind.
A men who wanted to I,i'm hopkasked
friendircHitlii'dlif th e itniatid'e - bge. 5.13
his teeth," weii.theliPly.? The ant, d a y lb
Man went to , i horse dealer, who showed It
vaplendid animal: The horse ba - nter.opene
viose glance, antbr
Idi bee!. 'doh% ant b
,lehad coup
tithe teeth:
• '''A jroittii: OW die night , ante iboine fro
vairrob, tritthig 'and 'albeit i'peat Ts*
'about Stittiota*ltt - nir sii kiPiriridnit' •
bat! oiled" whit -Was Al' tooth+ It '.. siThi;
oesoboO;ibriire Vita tlrbiltotifoitri spit!,
aist I dole vMU to; Ixtr P* 'froid: nett Moo
1 , 11 il• r".
, • toirtio EC Trintz Op Titti:Nforili Ketot.
'us, liii tber eftbui greet derfauttii. iti lie ' '
YovIN-bi iffiela• to
,bive • 4.14 to'bilfiteed
tore el" , idlf fVoillit bay* :drift booltbrittt b
tiostissoiti; Asa , yea - woe: tiopsid fa iiiit .
trutbrdial itottont.". , &Loh bribe list &said°
itzt coed loatiolors. A . lifetboo - efitottoit .
ref }il l , ampler torten.. its roviird ;' isti-ses. 1
weed be gives:fp speolnatear.: yach t in
:.4ast tnng met—thisterthis. 1 .
I: , Wkoit'Profoisor Rakers trail 'itivirtithbo to •
' tbncoty bean court be sitdcl.boro **asp,
London - la the Atom & ot , ;bin. :Wallis
about the Assist s halt donor; sad while t a
totting itunewritiag dots the testiscor
Weed to the beiteh.eslisailL "perhava 1
Ibett't :It mosUestloitt of ttutt E kii4 etwasey ;
I .4hs Jildhit ,replied 14141 71 '-'14 , 110P4 a e
4 40•4 1,11 • 111 1 , Diazues , 4ukT:tiOcasot an
0. 1 .9, 4 4- 4 - ' •
'lt Si
~F'-1C: .7
• ; ..„.4-• A- •
• _,••.•
N [4.
or at
sitsir ours lately distinguished in the Con
federal* tuirsice - stelow falai is that city.
alhirelkeithlia Ike
. .
• 0 •
• ; • vials - Wl' legifffit.
rek' Uprose cempaa i i iiw
sUissiOdrOassr dem
• C00M14 , 01.41/in..11111
AIX limo sio.,-,cslookliwba, low 0 1 0•44 0
teal Al"c r rei "SU & 11 Z —
Josef) t lieraist ba •er &IV
Val* 104 ball 'tsp.' as/ sight " Yid
, asotbari,fprealike sattiriossidgormakt 00 "
..141, 1 Mcit t;i 11 0 , *14 1 . 1 . 1
.e. Pi4Mt 4 44 8 .1?1"
ilfrpo WA , or .0 1 / I ,Dinge•-44010, 1 0 1 0
grays bare' only Of preadoia . ;,..4l
wirriitellfeeat ere; Vie lie, MN; •
Ida alistasikitlii~ibt , atbi nui l ds Zst *MAL as.
,4 1 esuirmaitign. tits , bk. .ststa
no wholtad to w o rk for ' a . ones
*bite free;" add 4ovr thdy -
have to work." K. aasS sew it he "Sail ilea,
sassa," - odd Paps '4 serer used yen
work say:P." 6 l4e* illestifitteviild I;
so workbag sawlV 44 WesitistgUistl l'aj ha,
be; Ilk los . djikets
And ack rotted over tad per, *ft 1 1 / 1 01,4111,111.11
thirlait at shirr tura; 'Thai sum! Bei wi—
thin; but -pbysioakitsartias is Mar. sad
au gig mist *mai ASSIL—.9r-
Afie;r o2.ll4 g 44 1. us **lli f9O l /If
ti•ooSidt ''' • • • • •
misevisettit lead ialsidahffilaon-
This* *44 .spat • Ml* Jodp #q a tl 1
faegine a Felipe of ivory or pearl, with p
ref anvil , ' or appals . 01" edtroill'inflt •
- lailiatelea perks* II nave! elide fees a lye
-""eiglar•l - -Foolnali a / a .cthelai•ef Seek
ing yostroolfsto for tho night la ( this tilde 41
Tess, trookidlti 'easy - 14'11m - Owl* sighs' ots
easetner /siteand betide,' for do' ',Nei - pia
. sake but te• whey m awls!? is WOW dr*,
and fail to snd.eati your best Alotbee, •, - I
klieg. robber entered a bl* IMMO $
Washington theother,night,,where three men
were'sleeplzir; went to a' pooket - Of Oiiir of
them, sewed , Airit-knife, salt witilf it at
spun, the Hake. ef, other, t and Ainitremell
Therefrom a number. otpapere i .sad Melt, gore
lialioeket.boOlt,`giold irateVand Brie o~tir.
ant, end escaped inboard; sod 'of scone; ft
,The mom • who, ossapied . the
room, hot only slept, spindly that t
tithing all the next day appeared to Vs mbit
tering from the Weald of an overdose efetti
or obtorofnit. • . : • a • •
A short time. after the death of Amami
,Tachson, Senator Corwin and • ,friend
'were' riding together. in a stage-coach ii
te-eenversaticit- eatioirning the nevi cf the
HerlediadS, and, after speaking of the Gem
al's indomitable pantomime*. Corwin's
Mend asted him “if he thought the General
tins in Heaven." 'est - don't know, " said Toni,
his marked countenande relapsinat the eon
oeption of the joke, : don't know,i.but,
'the general made up tie mind to, jra to heav
en, h-1 could not lerevent WM." •
' Neime•brBt. Lank wheilian 'sipposed tb
be deed, woes bails coffin ibiriogitkelmennel
ceremony end let the Temetts l l fettia;t:
men to ehrlekinn id the - 7 -
Moving, hie ri , ."
the come*
could it
A. • A A . 6 .11 & 0
CORNIM er 'l3l . 4ili 4ND arts trtlt . NITS,
trio, Elspiesober 21 111116..,
D tytis & CASSON,
I:Nak:n to
ALL moo or GROCIVIZEd, rims, iiosrlorie
Fink etzed, tint ris etas sat tiimm#,Azia ri
' /lariat p won'
• . - lib to prima. ye
fool atableat of Wag
abb to lira Satin ' •
" to•ko but '
Gantry Produce of Amery port botiebt mid ssld. fang it ill
can always dopand on recalslai tba hlfbast .
- • lost pow for wqr weak&
• 'pumas at - rus LAIOIItSI Town._
, 444 . an tho ;Jaw of jalkoast. • ,
Gh• ai Cla.l
IMXIMBILII KAT k JAC/801111' slim wit
• - S!11 Lt.
I ,1 {4 t 1
plu . asa i 1 00iA.
L now selling the lined amottimest of •
• : ••.• AlpirsagralllMMCANT, 80IPA
Litrintli! CRAM
- - • P ' a t .
i ,
nesmg no•
w n m n Lw is m ssa dA r o t t • b
•CUL r. t
atorel Cacmbeias
Furattnro Dealer,
Wan Mo. war Ittb. on Wits *..t.
Cr CAll and roo.ths7oldlng in(lfisaL. rob• An
F uss,trtille4'l47lo.
• . 7/ .• • 11 1111/0304411211A1L.
qopirmarraullolllL;PEllLADZlMlllil i p
Stn wow opal" their : large mod apledidsiaartmort i all
Also fie tau* asectiesitist c ; • •
iND oidrnal,
In:Word them by Wir t. ill et vide are taziiiit4
tq reas nwermsted. ; • • • : •
loetllk4a, •
X 064 "
64* to as vary arts patois) . if . weir -
volt se liaatiltalChata; •
satbaotia flat iiilaro of thii aygraat. •
U outdo, reading matter opal to throe laigo
too voims, vie; alma IMP
Fortroato lataa mow. ortnia44lopork
'Sam atal rnlioad our.
la nit at poolltailio r
10 ta liligl a i niaa Do as to satla Irak*:
=tor roa aim% nod
r t =
11110111•01, W d tit,,
rpris no it 09. niaoolBl4l%.
_ I • %
:,_ar,lllol4‘l,llo4%plea tr u i i ii i iiint
crisalli a lks=pregralftz
Milks laWiiillMum, Ilithetrest is* d home.
Oar Was-4 to Weal. 111114 Sill ST. al
171717$ ;