The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 19, 1865, Image 3

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    c brie ifortig eb,sertier.
E1:1 E, PA., OCTOBER 19, 1865
Legal Blanks.
s oortment of all kinds of Allan eye
ce w of the Pelee, Constables and Oil
kept c onstantly on hand and for sale
005 wwcwa office. We have jot printed
w style of Niarriage Certificate, to Which
titte special attention. Parties dealing
.a territory will find it to their advantage
trehaie their Wanes acre, as they can be
ht fro m fifty to a hundred per cent. lower
;t1 the oil towns. Dealers supplied at
e follow i n g narties have htd their papers
ed to ibis office, after becoming Indebted
1 1 the r ndant set opposite their names.
sums t h e y hare forgotten to pay, and
le this mean . ; of reminding theta that
t hey Se lee within • Anti period, they
se e the pleas ire of seeing their names
illek lig. which we are preparing for
o est e the Talk :
Eseish. Kane, $3.62
,b/i., Cherry Hill, 2,60
Roberts, Northville, 2.80 .
Gill tiottliEtqt , 2.80
t . if 11. Beck, Williamsport, 7.00
eel Bliss. Eri,, 3)00
erry. SYricu'(', 1.90
FfeiPki. Co. ~,_,, 8,00
E Devitt ..S: C rails, 3,00
iiiirksll. city, 1,62
ev &fele& 3 00
{tel. North East, 2.50
. , Ferris, Corry, 2,50
MONUMCNT. — From all that
aleire. the occasion of the !dedication
a! Rice'g Nbnumeat ,in memory of the
'lei gabbers, at Girard, on the let of
=bee, will be one of the most notable
u ever obserrel in Erie county. A
ler of" prominent civil officers, politi
c and military officers will be present,
r the auto lance of people from Erie and
icing counties. we confidently lien,
lerge beyond precedent. The
aurnity will he out in full force. Prep
tag are now being made for the different
trapanies of our city to attend, and the
e hers genetlll,y regard 'the movement with
r The noble conduct, of Colonel
e meets with such spontaneous approba
, on the plat of our citizens, that every one
can has determined to be present at the
cation, ag a testimonial of their respect
his (hustler as a patriot and generous
rui can.
Nei Comm zees st Correa e.—Our readers
not nil be aware that we hive now in ex
•ce, and in successful operation in Erie,
ommercial College equal to any in the
er cities. under the control of Mr. T.
teic'ier of large experience, and
oughls adopted for his work. This gen
to ctme here some months ago, an entire
..get, and in spite of the most active corn
ice, and numerous obstacles, has done
iy what cony men would have been
toted to do in fire times the period. His
:1 sow numbers some forty permanent
is, arid promises to attain a reputation
Ito any. We had the pleasure of a visit
.e college room, in Arbnekle's block, on,
day evening. and were bath pleased
surprised by its commodious and tasteful.
ince, and convenience of access. Some
drzen pupils were busily engaged in
'tidies, and the progress some of them
node is surprising. The establishment
ook's Commercial College obviates the
.sity of sending our young men abioad
loge!, to obtain a business education,
from this time forward it should be the
of our citizens to advance its interests,
enable it to take its rank with the most
essful schools of its class. Mr. Cook
roes much credit for the skill and energy
he has displayed in building up so
rout a school in so brief a period.
►pt. T. M. Austin left for Richmond,
on Tuesday last, to exhume the remains
►jor Lewis H. Nagbel, 83d P. V., who
u the battle of Gaine's Mill. Va., June
t, 1862, and forward them to the Major's
at New Albany, Indians. This, be
o!ent set is the joint work of the survi
of tho regiment, and other patriotic
>no, and reflects much credit on all con
,et particularly Captain Austin, who led
he matter and kindly;solunteered to carry
their intentions. This gallant and
ente I offt:er was once a citizen of Erie,
d much esteemed for his intelligence,
oty sod 33C1 ►1 qualities. He did Uot join
recirneot when organised at this, place.
' afterwards on the lines. He however
toe a great favorite both with the officers
' men, not only of his own regiment, but
rs His early death was much regretted.
msy not bti zgenerally known that a
is nearly completed to the oil wells
The A. & G. W. It. W. have ex
:heir branch up the Allegheny to the .
ui or Pithore creek, and from there a
!snag roa 1 has been laid down to Pit.
t tit!. Meantime, the Pennsylvalia 11
CI, ire al4l surveying a road from the
il of Pith)le creek to Irvine, In Wisc . -
tivi. Thuq it will be seen, that, while
leo?1, of Erie are talking about building
'•s:rovi to the oil country, other coto
u4u %re going ahead in securieg the
elf el seeking after . . Row lohg will it
11 :2ou business men wake up to their
observe that the noisy and rowdy
.uri of young men, who have been in
ofclusteriug about several prominent
tonere, and making night hideous
thtir oaths, songs and yells, have sud•
Idigippeiret Whether this Is to be at
tel to the cool weather, the action of
c!, or the ridicule of the papers, we
14 tot, but let the cause be what It may,
eitizeni will rejoice over the fact.
e cut think of nothing more shameful then
$ (1 t young m 112 spending the timsl that
' 24 t to be , Lintei to reeling or honotable
eiw rcilyrn .at, idly lounging abouti the
lets, carousing to a late hour of night 4 and
Mein himself by conduct that would put
bltuh the most degraded inhabitants of
e e2w- un:ivilized country on the globe s : , •
Plouver.—The daily production of
it la the Warren, Venango, and Crawford
ties it estimt . ed by the Titusville Herald
be is fAlowe : H MoClintook Farm 250
' U, Blood Farm 850, Tarr Farm 750,
Coraplanter, sad Olapp 850,
e unen, not including wells on tipper Cher—
Zoe, :2;0, J NloClint )ok, not Including
Run 250, Steele and Rynd 250, Story
Rgbert 490, Week McClintock 850, Mo
thmay sod vicinity 300, all abov eon Creek,
nettling Bull itnn 305, Bennehoft Run 750,
Cle t7 Ran 1,;00, Allegheny river, Tidionte
"f7,s9ter Nand 750, Pithole 5,500, Preach
laiiinger Creek, and other places 800, total,
14W barrels,
Mr. Chase's Pleasure Trip on Lake Erie.
Our city readers will remember that on the
occasion of Oiler Justice Chase's recent visit
1.. Erie we took occisiou to make some quo
ries relative to the . probable manner ii which
the expentes at the trip were to be ptid, and
secompanied them with a suggestion as to
the propriety of our highest judicial officer
travelling in Ike manner we supposed him to
be. It now tarns out that our suspicions
were correct. Uncle Bain has been called
upon to foot thi bill, and a is right smart
streak" of greenbacks it required, too. Let
our friends read the following bons the Buffa
lo Csurier, and then tell as what they think
of Mr. Chase's qualifications for the place be
"On or about the 24th day of September, a
vegetal known as the "Commodore Perry,"
built, in this city for the government under
the direction of Capt. Whitaker; but which
has not been accepted by the government
as we are infornied, left Buffalo for Cleve
land and Detroit, having on board Chief ins
tic Chase, Gen. P. Z. Spinner, of the Treasu
re Department and four ladies. and other in
vited guests. The arrival or this festive p
ty in Cleveland and Detroit was dulyehroni
oled by the press, together with the marvel.
ous speed of the boat. In our innocence, we
supposed this trip was given by Capt. Whit
aker or by the builders of the craft for the
sake of impressing upon the mind of the
Chief Justice and a prominent official coupe°
ted with the Treasury Department the superi
ority of the "Commodore Perry " over ordi
nary steam OTaf S. and convincing these gen
tlemen that the officer in charge who had re
ported spinet the vessel was deplorably ig
norant, or inexcusably prejudiced. For this
object: a few hundred dollars judiciously ex
pended in whirs and other mollifying refresh
meats might prove a good investment.
"We are, therefore surprised to learn, as we
do, that the bills fur the expenses of this
lake voyage, amounting to some Two Thou.
!gun DOLLARS. were presented to Charles D
Norton, Collector of this port, for payment.
Mr. Norton, at first "couldn't see it." Ha
was not aware that Uncle Sam provided
steamers and wines and whisky and edibles
for government officials, on a pleasure jaunt,
and telegraphed to- Washington for instrue
Lions. He was shortly informed of his error
and directed to pay the bills, and return them
as vouchers to the Treasury Department.—
Oar Collector complied. of mina, but he is
hardly couvinded that this is exactly a legiti
mate use of the people's money. It does not
occur to him why he should pay ten per cent,
of his income, in common with other eiti•
tens, to enable the Chief Justice to luxuriate
on champagne cocktails on LAG Erie. He is
aware that Stanton and Seward are 'allowed
the tree of government yachts, and that See.
retary Welles and his Mends sometimes in
dulge themselves in maritime recreation ; but
he wag not aware that the Chief Justice was
allowed the same privilege. We should 881
pact to hear that the Revenue officers at this
port will shortly 'fail themselves of this
method of having " session" at the public
expense, were it net for the ;tepid honesty
of the Collector."
The Rom or DISMITIM To Vora.—The
question of the legality of the act of Congress; '
which diefrenohises persons who failed to re.
port at the Provost, Mishaps summons, on
the occasion of the tail draft, was brought up
before Judge l Thompson, formerly of this city;
and now O - mh , usber of the Saprems' Court, in
Philadelphia, just preceding the election.
The Judge unhesitatingly gave an opinion
agreeing with the view soprani by the Obser
ver twe weeks ago, viz : that Congress has no
power to interfere with state Teen. As tha
Judge has many warm friends here, Republi-
cans as well as Democrats, we copy his opinion.
I have been asked to-day my opinion as to
the right of what is called non ?sporting
drafted men to vote. The qualifications re
quired by our State constitution are the on•
ly ones that judges of election are tolook to.
Congress cannot add to them nor diminish
them. In that instrument no 118*am:hiss.
men for any such case is found, and no
judge of an election will bejast , fied in exclud
ing from the right to vote any persons being
otherwise qualified and not excluded by the
very terms of the Constitution. It would be
absurd to expect an election board to stop
the progress of the polls to try a feat like that
of an illegal draft and failure to report.
They have no jurisdiction of any such ques.
Lion, the-e being no disfranchisement arising
in the Constitution for any snob cause.
Notwithstanding the plain duty of eleotioq
officers on this subject, we lens that an
ent votes were refused in thin city, regard
len of the state laws. and the oaths taken by
the Judges on entering upon their duties.—
We understood that the Mends of one of the
parties disfranchised have resolved to se
cure the arrest of the election officers who re
jected his vote, and take the question before
&MINH Marrsas.--Meurs. Sterner &
Baker, who havejost opened a wholesale and
resit tobsees store in the room corner of
State and 4th streets, are men of experience.
enterprise and accommodating spirit. They
keep the WM stock in their tine in the city.—
We advise all our readers owning houses to
refer to the advertisement of Witter's weather
strip. It seems to us the best invention for
its purpose ever inte4dctoed here. No build
ing should be without it. Mrs. Curtis
advertises that she has received her fall and
winter stook of millinery goods. The
firm of Stearns & Marsh, of the Presqu'-
isle Iron work., has been dissolved. Messrs.
J. B. Clark and Chas. Metcalf purchasing
Capt. Marsh's interest. The new firm title
will be Stearns, Clark & Co.-5. Rob
inson & Co., French st., have disposed of
their grocery: stook to Mesas. O. J. Engle
hart and A. Keelb, who will continue the
business at the old stand.—D. N. Patterson,
of Wattaburg, wants three or four journey
men shoemakers.
The floor of the kitchen attached to Brown's
Hotel, took fire on Sunday morning about 6
o'clock, and eta not disoevered until it bad
burned through to Justice's clothing store
beneath. By prompt exertions the Are was
extinguished. without much damage other
than the soiling of Mr. Justice's goads. It
wits fortunate indeed that the fire was die—
covered before it had attained more progress.
A high wind was blowing, and if the tames
hal ones got any considerqle headway, thiy
could 'scarcely have been prevented frei t %a
sweeping the entire block.
A chap who has probably been
obliged to leave Browa's Hotel because ha
didn't pay his board, sends us the following.
It is evidently intended to be sarcastic:
Itir. Editor :—I cannot agree with the Diu•
patch in thinkiag the burning of Brown's
Hotel would have been so much of a calamity
to the city. It weald at least have done one
good thing; cleared eat the bed-bags. I
don't know, IA it seems to me the moral and
physical benefits attending snob a result
would far counterbalance the It:anoint lessee
that might attend it.
• Yours, Ft. not Yoga.
Oh, the bolt<d beartOd wstotek I Rs algid
to be awls serve as a Outakbettaaid for At
balance of ill life.
1 •
Mr. Chas.. Weigle, of Weighs44llll, ku
raised a cabbage head is .lls gittlea,
sumeier,whieh weighs 121 lbs.. lad iiiihelittie
3 feet, 2 [aches aroma the thlekolli put. He
has .also a tomsto vice inemturieg - 12 bet
000Asislas 11 tombs, stjaii4ol,
Mr. W. 'claims that they are 1 4 Mg Wags " in
the 'opted* line, and, though es are rather
poorly posted on the etbbage mad tomato
question we should judge so tee. It say
person ass best Asst, let us have the Arose.
Conespandiat of the 0 boner
A Card.
Coln. Erie C 0... Pa. Oot. 18, '65.
Editor of Observer : DearSi;.—l noticed in.
your lest issue an article with regard to
placing in the centre of Girard Park, by Dan
Rios, *monument dedicated to the memory
of the Soldiers from Erie Co.. who ssorilloed
their lives in the late struggle to maintain
the ptesevation of the Union. It contains
an &Haslet Which does great isjustioe to Mr.
Webster, an old citizen of this County. From
a long personal acquaintance with. Mr. Web.
star for the put fifteen years, I know thers'e
not a man inlisie Co. who is more loyal to
the perservation of the Union, or one who is
more ready and willing to pay a Siting tribute
I. our departed Soldiers than James Webster,
and any who represent him as a man other—
wise do him great injustice, and while he
would cheerfully see a hundred monuments
erected to the honor of ostY noble Soldiers, who
died to maintain thin, the greatest; noblest
and freest of G4verntemite, he but exercises
the right of a citizen with regard to his choice
sto where the said Monument should be
placed tik the town he lives.' Having lived
in Girar for fifteen years. mybelf, I know
..that from the diminutive size of the park, any
monument would be a nniaanoe placed in the
center. I think no unprejudiced man would
say that a monument in the center of the
park would be anything but a nuisance.
Very respeofully yours, Ww. 0. 0A7.1.111t.
A FIAILIML Justr.—Ws learn that oi Sat
urday afternoon the 23d inst , as the Express
train going east passed the Panama Station,
• lady passenger was observed to get up and
go oat on the platform. She descended one
step, when a gentlemen standing there wired
her what "she was going to do 1" She re
plied that she wished "to get off at Panama
and as the train did not stop, she was going
to jump off," and before he could reach her
made &Junin while the train was moving at
the rate of 35 miles an hour ! When picked
up it was found that the back portion of her
head was very_ much bruised, her shoulder
and arm broken, and she was in an uncon
scious state. At latest accounts the lady
was still living. We hive been unable to
learn her name. It is a wonder she was not
killed outright. When will people learn to be
prudent on railroad trains !—Clautaggeo Dem
Mr "J. D. 10 writes : "Please put this
in some vacant 'corner. You are doubtless
very glad to get something to help fill up "
Not by any &sang, friend B. We always have
an abundance of matter to l•fill up" with, and
our ehief trouble lies in the difficulty of
finding room for one tenth that we desire to
publish. We are not one of the tort of editors
who beliese in inserting every and anything
for the mere sake of “filling up." • •
A party of
.esoarsionists from the
lower portion of the State. numbering about
forty persons, including a number of ladies,
reached Lie city on Monday 'at 6 p. m., and
stopped at Bemis's hotel. A ball was given
in their honor during the evening, which was
largely attended, and passed ol! in a pleas
sat ma nner. The party left for their homes
on Tuesday morning at eight, by way of the
Philadelphia road.
Clearfield county gives the Democrat
io.Btate ticket 900 majority ; Democratic
gain, 60. Wallace, Democrat, is re-elected
to the . Senate. Elk county gives the Demo •
antic State ticket 400 majority, a Democrat
to gain of 100.
Tat Tatagen . furtishes as the following in
desisting item of information in its dispatches
from Washington :
Du r.—The military guard that keeps watch
in front of the residence of thi Secretary of
War on X 'teat, permits no army trains or
wagons to pass the door, on account of the
dust they raise. These are all turned into
the next street, where the dust settles on
other houses.
A Fun Orratt.—We do not pretend that
Carter's Extract of Smert Weed and Nerve
Pill, will cure every ill that befalls humani
ty for we know that it is the lot of man to
sicken, to suffer and to die : but knowing as
we do how certainly these medicines afford
relief in pain, quiet the trenibling nerves and
cut short disease, we have instreto ted our
Agents to refund the money to any honest
person who. having bought a bottle and box
of these Medicines and used them fairly, and
will then say that they have not received
more than the worth of their money. Who
will not give them a trial with this guarantee?
ANY ♦ao EVIDLY, PIIIISDX troubled with Liv
er complaint er with any disease arising from
impurity of the blood, such as Iteb, Boils,
Carbuncles, Pimples on the face or neck,
Brieipelu, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Rheuma
tism, Pain in the side or in the back, etc ,
should not fail le nee Carter's Extract of
Dandelion and Bitter Sweet. .
There is nothing equal to it in snob eases
and it meant be need without imparting ben
efit. Price one dollar s bottle. Bold by
druggists everywhere.
A Fuson Surriv of Coe's Cough Balsam—
the great remedy for coughs, colds, whoop—
iag cough, croup, and all lung complaints—is
received and for sale at our drug stores.
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, the only remedy
ever di covered that will surely an perma—
nently enre dyspeptic, indigestion, tick.fead.
ache, and curb's dyspeptics to eat hearty
food without fear of distress, can be obtained
at all drug stores.
"Raman praise is sweet,"
But so many thousand • persons hive been
permanently cured of CATADVII by the use of
that to bear this Invaluable Medicine praised
is no longer a novelty. For sale by all Drug
OLAZIER.—MOSHER.—In this ally, 'Oct,
12th, by Rev. E. A. Johnson, Mr. James
H. Glazier, of Fairview. and Miss Muy E.
Mosher of Milloreek township.
PUTNAM—NORTHRUP —At the residence of
the bride, near Union, Erie County, Penn
sylvania. October 11th. by Rev. James F.
Reed, Mies Ltrucsa C. PIIVIAX to Mr. CHas•
LIS A. NOITtiILOP, of Centerville, Crawford
county, Pennsylvania.
tember, 1865, by Rev. J. F. Reed, D. D.
Lieutenant Robert I. Troup, of Cues, N..
Y., cud Miss Boma C. Honeywell, of
Mills, Brie County, Ps.
CLUTE—BROOKINB.—At the Methodist
Chart* is North East, by Bar. A. J. Men.
chant, Chutes A. elute and Miss Mary M.
Brookins, all of Northeast.
[Oar friend Charley deserves to be con—
gratulated. He Is as sound matrimonially as
he le politically. Having picked tut one of
the prettiest and best girls in North East, he
ought to be as happy as a lark for the balance
of his life.] • •
licilElDE.—At Albion, on the 12th inst.,
Mn. Mary Jess Mcßride, aged 85 years,
wife of J. D. Mcßride, of Albion.
BAKIIIt-10 this oily, on Os 15th inst; James
H. Baker, aged 25 yesA.
IlL&Y—In Gregofield, Sept. 28th, at she reel.
demos of her eon•in-law, Luther Jones,
Hrs. Mathes* May, wife dl.'. May, de•
ceased, formerly of ilarborereek, aged 66
years and 11 months.
JONES—I. Greenfield, Sept.. 91b, Addle May,
eel 3 year!. Also, Sept. 26th, Clayton
UMW, aged 10 months, only children of
Luther sad Annie P:Jones.
alMereek, on the 9th int
Charlie J. soa of John end Emma Knob
Meoh, apd 1 year and 1 month.
MalPfNEY.—In Yonogiville, on the 28th
sij.. of fmr.•lrrioe lb:Money, son ofJoha
NoMow, stied 22 yeses.
OIVFOII.D.-11a Waterford, Pa . October Bth,
of Typhoid fair, James Word, aged 86
hIoCILACHISN.—At Cincinnati, Ohio, Bohm
:: day; Oet.`l4th, Merles It. MoOrsoken, of
this city.—Oa the Sth instant, 301.
Malin, irldoir of Charles Mellen, aged 68
tartlet" the "'aim aplast the evil elketa of suirbels
/orate water.
Will care Depappsia.
Will ewe Weakness.
WM ewe Genera Debility.
Wilms Hosstbern.
Will sue Headache. •
it ill sans LiTer Complaiat.
Will excite and neat* a heath., a ppetite.
WM invigorate the organs of digestion and incetstais.
ly Increase the lakaperature of the body and the form o'
eircalatien, actin is hat an • gene -al corsobosant of ti'
system. coatalaing no poisonotti drugs; and is
• 1111: trial i• earnestly solicited.
GEO. C. 1113BBIL Et CO., Proprietors,
Hudson, N.Y.
Control Depot, Assollean Express Building NI ROD
BON BT., NSW yowl.
Tor We by on Orogen% Otooors, &-
Er MU.
NINNIG k ROM:ILLY. Eris, Wholsoolo
and fOr male by Bail h Warhol, Carter k Carrot' an A d Wil
kins It Booth.
Leather, Hides, &c.,
No. 3 Peru' Block, Stabs Et.., Erie, Pa.
Constantly on band a large stook of
All of which they offer low for
CAME OK Plilifilpy PAY.
New Grocery!
ACOB BOOTZ would respectfully an•
nounea to the people of Vie cit . und county, that
hip has °pecked •
Oa Oa West Side •f Peasi Street, IS Shore Waxes SisitA
•f eke Lake Shore Dspee,
Where he will keep ou hands sr • lessor t of
And every Wag usually kept Ina first du' ore
Wine, sweet Cider and Liquors.
nu highest Markel Price paid for Prodaoe, las OUM
If dewed.
Eir Gin me • call, if you wi.ll b lomre good tar
gams. 1 Fiats myself to oeU u Lew,f not ewer, than
any other Mora In On city. ' mrl2o4tE
New Clothing Store.
A, lot Clothing store on the corner of Fourth and
State 'beets, when they propose to keep alSrays on
hand is good an a 4ortment of Clothing as can he found
to the city, made le the but manner from the test ma
terial, led to finlabed ail to eflotd satisfaction to the
most critical cuitomer. P.aticular attention will be
paid to Custom Work, In which branch we propose to
excel all other establishments in the city. We will al•
ways keep a fine stock of Ciotti', Camimeree, Vestings,
Ise , from which customers can select to the very beat
Gents' Furaishing Goode,
or mq description, compnelog all erticlet In that line.
The Clothing of Boys will also be mtde rapreialitt. Glee
as a call, BaSSE&M AN & 8
Ow. Bann' stur, A:Aim. W. 8, as% toxic.
Late Cutter with M. Koch. e 276541
Beg libel to inform tie citisens of iris and vietnitp
that May haveremored !Dar stook of
To the Man BLOC; in thetualding formerly omm
ided by Maim HAYCS &RULER, where they
Intend keeping a large aseortment of
DreasGiocula, Fancy Bilks,
Bete:rains thanks to bar carman for their put
liberal patronage, we respectfully ask a continuants of
the same. Kr* Jan. JOU&
SELDEN & co.,
27 Courtlandt St., Iv ow York.
.1. PODS, Pencils, Iv 4 &c., worth 4Ter Hal! a MUI101:1
Dalian! To be sold at One Dollar Each without retard
to value. And not to be paid to until you know what
you are to rec Aire.
All to be Sold for Doe Dolls? nett.
800 Gents' gold Watches, %50 to $l5O
800 Ladies' gold Watches, 36 to . 70
400 Gents' silver Watches, 85 to 70
200 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100
8,000 Gold Vest & Neck Ottainto, lb to 80
3,000 do. 4 to 6
8,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 4to 8
4,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6to 10
2,000 Chatelaine & guard chains, 6to 20
6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to 10
2,000 Lava & Florintine brooches, 4to 6
2,000 Coral, Opal & Em. brooches, 4to 8
2,000 Dlosiao, Jet, Lava & Floret',
tine Ear Drops, 4to 8
4,500 Coral, opal & em. E. drops, 4to 6
4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,60 to 10
8,000 Gold fob & vest watch keys, •" to • 8
4,000 Fob & vest ribbon slides, -8 to 10
4,000 Sets sleeve buttons, eta., 8 to - -8
8,000 {told thimbles, pencils, Alta., 4to 7
6,000 Miniature lockets, 6to 8
4,000 Mia lockets—magic spring, Bto 20
4.000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to 8
6,000 Plain gold tinge, 4to 11
5,000 Chtsed gold rings, 4to 11
7,000 'Stone set & signet rings 2,60 to 10
5.000 California diamond rings, 2to 10
7,600 Bets ladies' jewelry—jet &
gold, sto 15
6,000 Sete ladies jewelry-cameo,
pearl, etc , 4to 15
6,000 Gold pens, silver extension.
holders & pencils, 4to 10
6,000 Gold pens & gold-mutated.
holders, Bto 8
6.000 Gold pens, & pen .holders, 6to 10
5,000 Silver goblets & cups, 6to 50
1,000 Silver castors, 16 to 60
2,060 Silver fruit & cake baskets, 10 to 60
1,000 Dozen silver tea spoons; 10 to 20
1,000 Do. table spoons & forks,
Cartillestra, namiog etch article, and Its value, are
placed In Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed. One of
these envelopes, containing the Certificate or Order Tor
some Article, (worth at Dan oat dollar at retail,) will
be snit by mail to any address without regard to choice,
on receipt of cents. The purchaser will see what At
tica' It draws. and its vain, which may be from One to
rive fludred Dollars, and can then send One Dollarand
nulls the Article named, or any other on the Ist of
the same value, arid after seeing thi' article, If it does
net give perfect satisfaction, we desire it to be immedi
ately returned and the amount paid will be refunded.
ily this mode we give solutions from a varied stock of
Ins goods, of the best make and latest styles and of in.
Waste. worth, et a nominal price,while all have sebum
of securing urban of the very lahiret value.
I n all m i . s we charge for forwarding the Certificate,
postage and deft the bualuev. the sum of Twenty-five
Coats, which mast be enclosed in the order. Plus Cer
tificates will be sent for $1 ; eleven for 62; thi r ty f or ;
slaty five for $10; one hundred for $l6.
Parties dentist with us may depend on having prompt
returns, sad the sepals drawn will be immediately mat
to say address by :stern mall or express. -
Ratite sutisidedion Guaranteed in all cam.
Writs you: Name, Town, County and State plainly,
and address BELDEN SOO.,
learei•em 2 Courtlandt emit, New York.
Fifth below State Street,
Opposite tM Dligatt& hiating 0611.
.llt veers established hi N. Y. City!
"(loly larauw. maordloa kaova."
"I , Tme trim Folmar." •
.floi dangerous to the Macau laially."
'Bats man oat of Mgr holes to dl.. 7'
"Costaes" Rat, Roach, *c, •ms's,
L. pasts—flood for Aida,
Nies, lossehrs, awls sot ,1
Red o; ko ,to , to., to. (
" Costar's .1
Bed-Eni Exterminator,
Is liquid or Ira 4, used te
destroy, sad thou a ve
rmin* for Bed-Buss, ase.
Costar's''! Electric Powder for hew*.
Is foe Meas. Afusirsitoes,
Masi, Bel-Buis, Jusette as
Plaxts, Finds, /sisals, Ite.
rir Eobi bylll Dr:nista and itetnlttra ••,•ywbote.
lar !I I Bzw•an !I ! of all worthless Intltalloos.
Er es that "Comm's" namely On earl Bon, Ll•tt •
and Fltak, Wore you bay.
rr PeirotrAL DIM!. 442 BISOLDVAY. N. T.
or sold by all•Dragglata and Dealers La Erie. I a.
INCRE ASE OP RAT:4.—Mo reerser's Oftesse (fan
Rib) asserts and provea , by norm that ono palr!sa al
wi•l hare a projeny an 4 deevedaataeo kwo tbatit'S •
la three any. Now. n..leu this Imams& faintly can se
kept down. they would women mon food than wade
sustain OS 000 human bent&
rir See 0 Conan a" adverttnnmart in MU paper. •
R (TS term Binft.—Wiststrer *nom In sb.oQns
matt birds Is a crust man : whoever skis le sztortautst
log vats is a bentitetor. wv should Ilk. mga a egg
sormpondants to give us ttisibeneet of Mar 'smiles."
In driving out three pests. We need souratbing tral4mt
dogs, eats, and traps for this busthst—Seittiiik k 4tlt
cat, N. P.
Eir see " cesemee " adrerthenent In this pica
and sure—ths moat pert ct Rag Mutton Ineet'ag
bare ever attended. Every Rat that can get It, properly
precarNl according to directtone, will est It, and net
one that este it will die. generally at goine.alsoe Y vita
tint as vossiblejer,m where the mediae* WU taken. -
Lake Shore, Mich , Mirror.'
s,. " Coe rAies" adrertiaunent In thla pager,.
HOUSEKEEPER , ' troubled with vermin need be no sr
topper, .r they tine COSTAR'S" Exterminator. We hien
wed it to our Fatizfaction ; arid if • box cod H. we
weti , 4 have it. We have tri-ti poleocs, but thee eattle"
er t. in !! tut .• Costar's" article kszoakii the tweak ont
o r Ete Roach. e, Ants, Mad Bed-Bragio, gni bet
tt as •rit :en writ. it. It hi in great demand alt caret the
enont.r —Mtertaa, Ohio, Gaulle
Mike "CoarAa'a" advertisement In thtepty.l
A VOMS PROM MR PAR WEST.—Speaking of' '
Taa•a" Rat, Roach, Ant.„ ike4 Mxtarcalnator.. 'now
grain and provisions are destroyed annually lu ritual
tonnty by vermin than would pay for tors of this .tat
and Insvet Killer."—Loweaster, Wis., Hrrafri.
See"CoSTAß'a"adrertLameni in this paper.
FARniti AND HOUSRICERPIRS—shouId recolire
that hundreds of dollars' worth of Ards. Pantiles.
km , are annually destroyed by R► Mies. : at , reed
other insects and vermin—all of which can be pruv:sted
by a few dollars• worth of a Coarsen" RADA , co, Ani
tec, Ezt,rminstor, be ught and used freely.
Nee "Coosa's" adterUsement in tide paw..
Bold In Erie. Pa , by all DroggLeta and Dealerr.
Keystone Stove Works !,
Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead,
Lis orecruzias or •
ELT, a WV assottonnt of 8t Ira t
Wholesale and Rata
a first- elan Coal Cbok Store, rith or without m
Toir, for hard or iitift o al. or wood. sad.,
We al - 4) manufacture the
Bola low oleo Coal Cook Stores —wita irowl it
csa be used either (or coal or wood.
Ws are still manufacturing this oe:einsiod los r3u
Stove for woodreith or Intent meorroll
Go Oyes Stowe for frold. This la•a new eters
beautiful +esign, and now for sale—toget.ser Litt
a lama ataortanent of elevated Oren float
Pan^r Cook for wood or cash-and Parke' '
and 01110 e Stoves. for rood or opal.
Ens, Jan. 12. 1266—t0.
Now Music Store.
• •
111 1-111, /,1 1 1',,
PIANO FORTES AND 1111400101S 1
From the toll Owing odebraial
Steinway & Sons, New York.
Wm. Baatur & Co., B shim° re, Yd.
Lindeman & Sons, New York.
Wm. B. Bradbury, New York.
John B. Denham, New York. •
Orcrrzeteen &Co New York.
Geo. A. Prince & Co., Buffalo. N. V.
Carhart, Needham & Co.„ New York.
Pricsl at a Large Discount below Nap.
facturer's Prices.
PIANOS FROM $250 TO $1600:
Also, Instruction Books and Sheet Nagle,
All persona wishing • Brat rata,Plawo Poe% car Met..ste
on, are Wetted to Gall sad examine Owe !utrumßita
(ere purchasinealaawhers.
M Itaisila Block, State street, nasty Dread
•te the
ee. Bllll.l.
Eir P.B.—Every Initrornent wraated twelve
may/1111. u
Keystone National Bank of Rile'
CAPITAL, $150,000L
0. N 0131.4.
ORANGE NOBLE, President.
The above balk will be opened for the tsnassalkvas
business on
Monday, Deem Sth, ilitimme Block,
West side of State St, between Beneath and Manta.
Satisfactory paper &mated.
Money received on Deposit.
Collections made and proceeds aceennted. 'se Ate
Watts, Specie and Hank Note. bought and sold •
A share of Public Patronage I. nergeotially
Woad rsepiettaly Worm the Faille Otani, b.. lt »so
• Mars l•
No. 2 Hughes' Moak, tide
Mao lie will aims Imp iiii hand • kir iv*, a'
the Ili
ad. entything aseelly foe Isle is edehitaitek
Er Tom as macula* ea as, saw to s
al • *or lit
1885 4
ul'uselloot at mmesioti s wow sad improved lose ksib Chimes Box. (natty mortar to say fuer kolio
Peed Cutter la us. Ito osesatio, olereheity, a...rictus; oelf-heolles adjestolft throat sad helm. some It est,
oho lieltv. maths MI kl.. of food equity well, Meru' %oath of est, misted by hood or berm power, all
tulitilo Wild Callow the dis`ded proforma over every other four kill. Qatar. It took the
rum et et the New Yoill St a te fair Is IMO. We aim them to the public with fall eoslldesee thst they
alve satin istisfaatios.
- " se m i " 86 ° 4 3 2 5; No. 3, $3O; No. 3. $36. A liberal dlsoosst to the trade.
Wi takspl, ammo In WU* the attoatton of detests and
all who soil of aae Caking Waist, to the Inipewrat Roches
ter rood deter, a machine sotabiatag Strength, The Reny
mad Utility la PO or at a &gnu that It mast Vast!
L e a st
it first dghtlts work with the gr eat
rat elm sad rapidity. cutting Cora Stalki‘either wet or dry,
with equal alas as hie or straw, filters is so chance for
clogging ilia melt feed Log, cutting front Ire-00th' to oas
• '
Wain laigth.
An extenstee defier in aertcalturel intplemenb awe of
ear Feed Cutter I'Ve consider it the woos perfect Cuter
deuce._ oder them to ariands silth the West coal. ,
It be • always tak Ors! presehtm at Mate sod
Cellular retry and deservedly stands stab heed of .0 Peed
flatters of Melts.
Prime No 1, hemmed, Single Keith, i lash threat, 211;
2, Improved. shish knife, 9 leek thrat,. SIC liberel
dleconot to the trek.
: t
This splendid stove mode l no praise at war Ueda. Wherever It
him been Died, It has grow tato mamma favor. Some et its •
points or recommendation are expremed In the following i
Ist. The peesliar position or the Are dumber. by tuck the
hest ean either he thr.we oat Into the room, or confined to
Steve. (Tim ladies koow how to aplfreeiate this.)
rd. The Are fa soder correct control„ and any tempest
beat esirable CAM be obtained.
Ad t barns 'Maw woo 4 aethreeit• or binuninons song.
41:h. • Ate may be kept ,with satire 'safety daring the e
and breakfast sad dinner prepared nest day with no addle
Ath. As a lake. it Is neuralled.
Or All o 'the above artlelon for sale at wholesale or net
W. W. num k co., C.w.o.'? of State and Math Sta..
where also will always !mud a general aleortaseat of
astlele until, mold to a ttnrt clam Hardware and Bean Par
Wit Merl. (estAll-11w3
Celebrated emale Pills.
EY ROYAL " 11 •`• 1 4 A s " PATENT
pored/ram • Piaui we if Sir J. liokq AW. D.,
Pkowiefan llkirsediserp So the Qum. t
his invaluable rowilciat j Es anfelllng la the ouzo •" 11
howl palatal and dengue diassaws tor "" " /.6141 ""
constituting is suidect. , It Iwo- ..""
mores all obstruetinny ti a r la °POO CON 13311 7 be Mild
* pseallarly suited. It Ilia a shotthoe, bring oa
he monthly period with r4alarity:
Yea butt s, price One Dollar, bows the Goverszosot
Stamp of Gnat Britain, to pmest couaterldts..
(Atm ON.
rain Pia. sioufd are 14 takes by /reaehs arts" tie
MST no= moirris d pre s ume', wl WY dm
ears to ism at ay rater time air
ore eel/s.
la all saes of Nerwoue and Spinal Albstiort, Pens h*
the Beck and Limbs. Fatigue tin slightszertion,Paiptiar
tion of the NOM, Bystertos and Whites, these Pali will
abet a cure whoa all other mans hare Ugh lad al.
though a powerful 1 einsdi, do aoteestals boa, saloinal,
eathnony or anything hurtful to the seentitediow:
Tall directions is thetplilet around sash package,
which should be careful jammed.
Bole Agent for the United Miss and Canada,
JOB N 0515,127 Cortlandt Bt., New York.
N. 11,41,00 and a postage stumps enclosed to Gavle
%imbed agent, will lame a bottle, eoatalalag 10 L.
T. C. ALLYN, ?rsd. • a. Y. COIL, sie,
43.321912421 W, copirtscriour.
1110011POR4TED 2347. dmr.a. mem
WI. 11.1141.1114 Prost. GICO. W. 1.121211, lees.
TNBURANCE in the above old and roll
able Companir isa ItoiaWeird taltostios to
..tee . R. R. Arad.
LT furors their Mode isit lie ratite that they
have Dosed Ms alai* aulaW, 6111 tbi wt deb of the
Damaanot, out doss ;to , sir. Job* • imbed thy goods
owe, where they offer fir Rale the Sot sweerW thwir
the trade west, of New TM*. selested koa for &f
-orest maooaotazYs of bought at. , . ,
• -
Reduced Primes,
apecial Doi Ora
Without their Staff buslasuaceould be blockaded.
NOONAN k 1117810 N.,
rest lesnucwatio Ii News sad Northred
om L elet of Plossyhtsis to tits- eity of Mr* -ea
abs &is. It bas boa bossed by las Ptossisy&ssela &&
rood Mips% sod is opinitod by them
Lain RastvarL
Ka'hBlB I ......... ...... . 146 a. is.
1181 tarns Inds .............. .......... —286 p. m.
Zits Lamm .—110 a...
Warren news—.
Westward. 4 00 p. a
Wall 11110%in•
ii iii Wxy — risi; i liali:. - : 7 -----
Be i• Lamm .........:.
.......-----....... 8 42 p. a.
Warns dada: ~. ..!.... ....... ' 10 20 a. a.
r an nl7 ti.sousb on lbe'!sto &all as 4 Ex.
pr i e = rnir wittio a t etFoseslsti ways Minn MUM
a and Ira • • I • • - ' t •
Ns. York aossattlai t Leave Nov Tort at I 00 p. a.
anise a 1111s10 0. OW: 1 , 00, 1 1 14 1 •1 12 . 4 1 h 10 ; 0 1T110
at, ItiaTark 11 soon. I
Na of an tetanal* mad Now Yak.
" Ilspal Can is all Wild baba.
- Ibe baskass 13 ,
st Ss& Lassaaddlra=kat irlielli strotad tat Ttwt
latiaamsOtis Chminaars
.& IMIIITON, O II4 aas i g r eli tt2 mad Barb* Stmts.
llidlada 'I : - •
J. W. t i ros. Ilia. '.. ,
J. W. t W. C. B. 11. Balthaors.
1 / 41 ; Gsaral_rftlit?Ws.
Jig *lootlPT:ll4*.rtM die. Ewa
Ritattrasaitspoteat. lillUsiasport.
Invented try the debuted P. P. ST/MART; met is brick or of portable form.
This pew Furnace Is oared to the public la the confident belief that It e tr-
CMait others in ass. The County Cdmrniadoreen, alter exesialag • num -
blade, itninalsously adopted this tot the Court Howie, as the but they
had seen. Its merits may be briefly stated es follows
It amis sot dog by dust and ashes. so as to Impede the draft.
It car be put in serfeet working order in lire inisates time, no ntattv haw
;loss It has been In mss.
It hue the best radiating surface of any Furnace constructed. Lea regethes the
heat fuel.
It is easily eostrotted, and can be managed by those most unskilled su
'matters, after my Uttle'esperlenee.
A single ezaminetlon wlll satisfy any person of Its peat sapertortty. • -
CO at W. W. PIERCE k Co.'s store, and entaLne It, or send ton a punph 'et.
Pawns t No I,E,—; No. 11„ s—; No. 8, s—.
The iliest Hall, Ardor or Sitting Room ,Stove ever Invented
It smr choker up, always barns ter sly, Is perfectly tipt, ma be elitantal hy II
simple tarsier cribs rats, wad is complete la all respects. Hy the us of as •
thneite weal are as to kept Is it all the year round.
Parcae I No. 1, s—; No. 1, No. 83—•
*e would respectfully call the •Wines of the rails
to our facilities ter doing Job Printing of miry descrier
tkw, myn a n ot Preens and the latest styles of Typo.
v. or, propsva to do anything lalthe Jobbing line, in a
imp ai r pima taw other oitithiteluneal, and oa town
u the Bithalo or Clereisad tams. Ito
w i n l oad sear►) two thosarad dollar, worth of mato.
Ad te the otos sines it has two in oar ptemeesion, with
lb• 4 Oct of making it what Re thought the 0111.2216 t.
ty needed. Hew well III• haw. meowed In l imn th. nons of our jobbing. which may be as. la twerp.,
pet .1 MI erth Wasters Pennaylramo.. Mw e dgy. T hom
She want tasty w.rk are Invited to giro ao w.
ran do say Wad of Frieling that ran to dial Mon here.
..-sealt for instance as
All Wads used by Coal Operators,
, AU kindrased by Cori Ski
All kinds seed by cost mon%
All lairds used by Merchants and Stomehserwa,
• AU kinds used by Retailers and Goners,
All binds used by Ifasufactunors.
AU kinds used by Medicare Dealer%
All kinds used by Auctioneers,
All kinds used by Railroad Agents,
nit Mods used by seeks,
All Wads used by losaname 0111;ss.
Ali Mods and try Stock Companies. generally,
LIl kinds used by Braises. • ,
All kinds used by Con. and For. Merehant%
Alibied" used by Irpress lies,
AU kinds need by Professional Yen,
A kis& limed by. Literary Soctetle4.
All kinds used by Public Oaccers,
All kinds tried by Patentees,
AD kinds used by Producers of New Artists%
AU kinds used by Merchants of all Trades.
All kinds Mud by Arehiteds,
An Wads used by Disrusersan Ihrtablieheseats.
All kinds used by Artists generally.
All kinds used by Public Exhibitors,
All kinds mod by Managers damsel Aassehlisa.
. All kinds used by Political Manson.
all kinds used by Travelling Ages* ,
All kinds used by Tamers, or sellers of oral ans.".
All kinds used by the seller. of Per 'anal Proputv.
AU kinds used by Renters.
In alert all kinds need by all els.s.
Orals:1bl mall,when mmlby responsible paztlee,prom
ly attended to.. Agents for Show% Cowart% to., whose
morns% llty we are oat acquainted with, melt pay he
&dream In Hem where packages are Hat out of the
I cily 4 exprsss,and the persons for whom they are Mead
ad have nobs. regular account at the odes, the kill kw
sollectioa will 111Y113144 be forwarded with them.
C r itOVESTEEN & co.,
The ittestioo of the Public and the trade is Invited to
oar New Seale 7 °eters Itoeswoed Pismo Perts whisk
for Tame sod purity of tone us arivalled. by soy
heretofore offered this sessiket. They esedelo all the
desk hoptavemeate, Two* Grand Asthma, nary
Pedal„ Iron Trane,,Over-litzung Baas, ka. sad sash Is
strusosor being =de ands/ this persoosl toorrvivlos of
Nr.l. H. Grovesnmes, who bu had smelted erperleoco
of over VI years to their rosnitisetore, is faUy warranted
la ever? particular.
Itaceired the award of merit over au 0u..... .1 ch.
o•r•m!Rryrrr , rrTrF - r l =l
AAA also at the
fet Ave sneeeedve years. the
ben tooth ot slice ass la saas at oar raincoat
By th• Introduction of tozprovomoato sea mike a
aoro pothet Mao Yosto, aid by assabilobbring """
with Wit t nab option, aro onabiod to oar to
otrameato at a win wSMh will peels& ail tompatitio a.
Maio—No. 1. Oofavo, round aotoors. No* • vi vJ
plain NO 22,t2.
No. 2. Soros Octavo. roaadoorotimitooo • d
No. S. Setts °ebb*, round moors, RPM*
wood Louie style $222.
?sus Net Cash la Current nada
Deassipttse cinders seat tees.
Crawford, Christian th Beth,
Degas la
Dried and Sealed !reit.,
Ship Chandlery, Boat Stores, to-,
n 0.7 ss4rrr3 aLocr, !AIM irg,
Also, Palle Dock, Foot of State Etreel,
sass, IMMVA.
JadrllS-11 J. STROM MIL
Suksgiler has removed his 'stock
, Jeri
g s r ib Mls. /Jl7lll
_ gilleon oamirimrsvrion ti
PVoShiss. Rol of limo&
lissei-4 Is 30 AUX. lad 11% r.
ato. J. arcovb
W. W. PIERCE & 110.,
Wholesale sad Mail dialers is
Cbrner of State and Nixtit &fait,
Bill, PA.,
Destro to call snootier, to the tbllowlog
ia their itodt :
ar.I9IANT. ?mun e us A.