The Crie aftettig Oboertrer. ERIE, PA.,• OCTOBER 5, BO Opening and Closing of the Malls. ÜBTU. "f,rther notice. the Mails will aims at the Erie Port 021CMS as follows : ci,eeland and Chicago it 50 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Been. ......... 100 p. sc. and 7.3.3 p. tn. Sew York and Washington...J.oo p. m. sad 5 61 p. m. Cincinnati 7 30 p. m Eastern War. Emptying all ofiless between - Frie and BalTalo tO3 p. m. Wast•re War, Y*Prariall nit (diem batsman Erie and filtvaland 8 nO p r . to Fitt/bars. Erie and Pittaburg .1.,,9.30 a. in. E4lnso.o and War f1e11n05......... ............8.00 9 m Philadelphia and Ilarrtaburt ' sOi p.m Philadelphia and Rtis Railway.... 7.30 p. m. Wattecar( on Inesdaya, Thursdays, and Satur days 0 .80 n. to nil... here fmna TlO a m. tl Bp. m. Sunday, Offlor open from 7.30 to li 30 a. m. Legal Blanks. A full assortment of all kinds of Attitnt ey's Justices of the Pesce, Constables 111 i Oil Blanks, kept constantly on la nd and 'for sale at the ()assays's o ffi ce. Weave just printed a new style of Marriage Certificate, to which we i n vite special attention. Parties dealing +3, oil territory will find it to their advantage to rarchsee their blanks nere, as they can be Lc uglit from fifty to a hundred per cent. lower on in the oil towns. Dealers supplied at wholesale prices. aul7—tf s ti r SrsEr. Psa.---We write this paragraph 'with one of Caughey, McCreary & Co.'s Fal— con pens, a new thing in the steel pen line, which i= meeting with great success. It ID ores• with a steadiness and smoothness which we have never seen surpassed, and wt think it fully equal to any gold pen. We often hesr persons complain that they find it Neresible to get a good steel pen. To all such we recommend a trial of those gold by ge.srs. C., McC. 8; Co end if they suit their tsete as well as they doOiii‘we are satisfied they will use no other. SHERIDAN Housx.—Ose of the very neatest places erected in the vicinity of,, the new depot,' where so ma•.iy improvements have been made of late, i 3 the Hotel rind saloon upeacd out by Mr. Felix McCann, on Peach .tr•et. three doors nlrth of the railroa I track. Mr. \I feels qaite proud of it, and 'well he mv ,.. The bat—room is one of the handsomest in the city, while the roams are arranged and furni,hed in a style that does credit to all cfinnect2d with the house. Fora small hotel, the SheridAu House has few superiors, and we e xpecl to see the enterprising proprietor overina with customers. He deserves all that he may receive. Tne Philaielphii, railroad bide far, if it continues /9 it has been doing of late, to get sn u :enviable reputation for accidents. We hal sctreely eniihel writing an account of the deplorable affair on - Bundiy, when we were called upon to rooord anothar.iThe mail train from the East was standing on the main track at Irvine, about five o'clock on Thesday afternoon, when the fast line came along and ran into it. Two men had limbs broken, a locomotive was ruined, a number of cars badly damaged, and fresh occasion given for. the enemies of the road to disparage it. Tilt. public shnu'd not 'be, satisfied with anything less thama full investigation of all these oc, =tutees, do I tac punishment of the parties rseponsible for them. Erte seems to be an unturtinate phee foe shows. At least a half dozen have given their expiring gasps in this city within the two years just put, and we are now called upon to add the Stereopticon which exhibited here last week, to the list. The parties owning it hsd made a recent purchase of Ihe concern in Cleveland, expecting to get rich instanter Alas for human calculations, in a abort period they found themselves poorer than when the:• began. After exhibiting here the whOle cf last week, to houses averaging from fifty to a hundred, they found themselves unable to meet their liabilities, and obliged t• suspend payment. Leaving their goods at the mercy of disco solate hall proprietors, hotel keep era, putlishers and bi 1 posters, the owners have returned home to recuperate their purses, and take a fresh start. We regret very much the unfortunate result of their en - terprise, for they gave a really good enter tainmenl, and we can only account for their want of patronage 'on the ground that the people have grown tired of Stereopticons, an do not care about investing their shinplasters in shows of that sort. The Philadelphia railroad on Monday "shut down" on receiving any more freight for the Oil Creek road from this city, after haying previously refused to take any from the Lralts shore line for the same source. Whatditil culty is at the bottom of this movement— whether the old quarrel between the officers of the two companies has been revived, or tho Oil Creek road is unable to carry the freight iotended far it—we are unable to say. Bit of one thing we are (*lain —that it will caur.e an amount of inconvenience, unpleasant feel. is; and loss to the merchants of Erie, equal ins if not surpassing the memorable " block. ale" of last winter. The orders from the oil coantry just now are unusually larv, zany thousands of dollars worth of goods have been contracted for at good figures, nod every branch of trade must suffer: We are nut prepared to say where the blame lies, but be it where it may, we trust the delay will not be permitted to last long. It is provoking beyond measure to have the immense inter Ito of all this section of the State suffering these periodical embarrassments, p ticularly at time like the preOent, when th re would t;Tett• to he no excuse for them. What Erie needs and must have, if we ex- Peet to preserve our trade in the oil country. it s direct line to that locality, under the con tr3l of men who have an interest in the wel fare of our city, and would manage the road so as to promote the same. Why daisy any boger in talking over the necessity and pro baVe alrantages of such a road? Let our meta of capital and influence take off their costs and go at the work in earnest, with a determination to have the road in operation before the Ist of April next, if such a thing is possible. Surprising as it may appear, two men in the town of Girard have opposed the erection of Dan Rice's beautiful monument to th• fat. leasoldiers of Erie county, in the public square of that place. Their names are James Webster and Homer Hart, and both belong to the Republican side in politics. Whether their course proceeds from personal or polite teal enmity to Col. Moe, or from a belief that our deceased soldiers are not worthy of a monument, or be the motive what it may, all pvriotie citizens must regard it with ih tonishatent and disgust. _ S 74 DRINO AFFRAY AT EDINBORO.—About 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Jacob Tanner, blacksmith. and Erastus Stafford, a farmer, ROI into a difficulty. at Robinson's Hotel, Elinbnro, which ended by Tanner stabbing Stafford in the abdomen with a large knife, initictin K a severe and probably fatal wound. Both parties were intoxicated, and have long been bitter enemies. Tanner gave himself up rs of ;the law, and is now in jail. State and County Tickets. Tha tiolets fyr• th: election next Tuesday have been printed and distributed tothe vari ous to w ibit.s. Bs' owls a list of tha parties to wh .in (hay have beim direc'ed, ohs will furnish all wilting for them with a :apply. With every lot of tiols.e.s hag boau enclosed it bill etntin7 the a-nount ea:h district is chug ed on our books, Which we trust our friends will see collected. If the Democratic party bad a majority in the county, and the Onexivsz enjoyed at 'unitive afield patronage, we Should gle ily print the tickets free of Aerie, but under the ciraumit tucas, t hink no one will desire or expect it : Wayne, ()orry and Concord—Amos heath. La Beont'--Joseph Waldron. Union bo ro. and tp.--Ntoses Smiley. Waterford boro. and tp.—Bobert 'Leslie. Summit - 4v:tits - ha Graham North Hi.9t trim and tp A.. Tabor. Harbor Creek Wm. Saltzman. MoKepm stud iii idfebora—•T. D. MAUI. Greene—H. L. Pinney. Edinboro and Washing( 30—Dr. J. C. RH stn. Greenfield—Chls. Morgan. Franklin and Elk Cree's—D. M. Wood. Albion and Conneaut --Capt. A. Pomeroy. Girard boro. and tp. rend Springfield—Capt. D. W. Hutchinson. Lockport—J. C. Cruffassn. Wattsburg, Amity anti Vettongo—L. Rob limn. Fairview—M. Oney. Mill Creek—F. W. Koehler The Republicans held a mass meeting at Corry hat week, which, in consideration of the fact that Warm designed to be the great gathering of the campaign for this section of the State, we are informed, was a ludicrous failure. The immense turn-out of people from Erie, Crawford and Warren, counties expected by. the managers, dwindled down to a few hundred straggling Republicahs from the vicinity of the town, and aside from the immediate place of meeting, a stranger would not have noticed that any proceedings out side of the usual cowls of events wore in progress. There is no disguising the fact that the people of both sides in politics take but little interest in the election this year, and so think the Democratic leaders have acted wisely in rafrpining fr.= any attempt to.get up large meetings and an reeking campaign. Bach efforts cost a great deal of Mow, and the poor success which has attended the Re publicans, proves that it would have been a neeless expenditure. The pupils of St. Joseph's Academy gave another entertainment,_in the school building, on Thursday evening of last wzek, which was largely attended, many of our beat cla ms being present. Everything passed off in a delightful manner, and oonsiderins tht age of the scholars, the brief time they to prepare for their parts, and the want of proper stage facilities, the exhibition was a remarkable success. Some of the young ladies performed their characters in a manner that would have done credit to persona of more experienca in such performances. After hav ing witnessed the entertainment, we can im • agine no excuse for the fretful communica tion published in a city aotemporary, some time ago, and are free to express our belief that the author must have been actuated by spiteful and discreditable motives. Couay.—The following causes are set down for trial at the Court commencing on the last Monday of the present month : Chapman vs. Chapman, (Issue,) Admrs. of Williams vs. MoNair,—Oldfield vs. : Stevens and wife, Dunn and wife vs. Pickett, Wilkinson and wife vs Pickett. Pickett vs. Wilkinson, Fiokineer et al vs Thornton. Hess vs. Little, Fian & Stearns vs. Hall, Use Rnmsey vs. Blystono & Flaugh, Johnson vs. Shattuck and wife, Acheson & Henry vs. Bawdy. Thomas vs. Greeley. Jenne va. Hay, Hazleton TS. Gregory. Erie County vs. Evans, Tanner vs. Oil Creek raitroad Co , Wright et al vs. Dun ham et al, Admrs. of Railing vs. Melhorn et al, Pomeroy vs. Morrison et al, Webster et al vs Webster. Minor vs. Lasalle, Frances vs. Robinson, Young vs. Nailer & Warren, Rea vs. Keith et al, Landphere vs. Zinn, Haybar— ger vs. Jarecki, Same vs. Jareciti. The late editor of the Gazette, in last week's issue, made a butts and charaoteristic assault on Col. Davis, charging him with being a "vile and offensive oopperhead." Consider ing that Col. Davis was one of the first to enter the service, that he fought gallantly for-four years, retaining the devotion of his men and receiving the praise of his superior of f oere, that he lost an arm in the struggle, and still bears in hit body a rebel bullet, one would' think be hal given enongh proof of patriot ism to shield him from the attacks of stay at home editors at leant It really appears as tf nothing could be too base for the defunct Gazette .writer—not even the unspeakable shame of impugning the '•loyalty" of maimed and gallant soldiers. The polities of our neighboring county of Warren_ are in en interesting condition. The Republicans nominated Col. Harrison Allen for the Legislature, and the Democrats Joseph A. Neill. Subsequently Mr. Nell declined, and Gen. Roy Stone was brought out as an independent candidate, receiving the support of the Democrats and dissatisfied Republicans. Alien is quite unpopular with many persons of his party, and the prospects of his defeat look quite encouraging. The Warren Mail, Republican organ of the county, appeals in pathetic tones to its followers not to bolt the regular nomination, but it looks much as if they w mid fail to heed its advice. It is a noticeable fact mat in the proceed ings of the late Democratic State Convention. there was nothing reminding the people of the South o f their duty towards the Republio. —Meadville Journal. A very grave crime indeed. Suppose the people of Erie county, or a portion of them, would - get together in convention, and pass resolutions "reminding" those at Crawford "of their duty towards" the State; what would the Journal think of it? We judge it would be apt to tell them to mind their - own business. IN 5717C17 07 Cvatostriss.—Barnutn. the great showman, is i• anxious search for a Republican office-holder who has given up his place to a returned soldier, to supply the place of one of his rarest and moat wonderful, curiosities destroyed by the late fire. Some body deceived bim when he was Induced to believe that there 1119 one in this county.— Er. We regret to say that in his efforts In this locality he has met with similar success. His agent informs us that, aftor searching the county all over, he has given up the attempt as a fruitless task. He is now looking for a Republican leader, who will arguel since Andy Johnson's inauguration, that the Adminis tration is the government." MOSS AND ELM CANDY. —The ropularity of the Mose and Elm Cough candy, manufactured by Bener & Burgess, of this city, must be come more general. Wherever it has been : introduced it has met with wonderful success It is pleasant and effective as a remedy for cough!, hoarseness and throat diseases. While strong cough mixtures products nausean ind !Oaken the patient, the Moss and Elm Candy soothes and relieves without say of the un• pleasant effects from the use of set:tong mix ture. It rarely fails to relieve if taken in time and persevered in. Phyaicians reoem• mend it, and in many cases prescribe it. As a soothing expectorant it has no equal. • Iwo or LOCAL Intause.—The Warren Mail say' some of the SeriWean.. of that county object to voting for ,Col. Allen, be cause he his not been long enough in their party. In reply to their compleiets, the Mail seeks to appease them, by eayieg the Colonel hie sated with the Republicans " two years before this." And it might add, that, like all renegades, he has done more dirty work in thine two years, than a half dozeh natural born Abolitionists would do in five times two. —The Springteld Reptsbliean'quitis naively states that, the eennterfeit twenty.five eent Shattersl mammy la eirculation may be dis tinguished from the genuine by the superior ity of itsexeoution.—•-e-The Abolition candi• date for Legislature in Warren county is so unpopular, that the people of all parties have resolved to combine together for the purpose of stoning him to (political) death.—We re• gest very much to learn that J. Dennis Jame!, Esq , once 'an active and influential Deice critic politician in Warren county, is zealous ly supporting- the Republican nominee for Legislature. Whether Mr. J. means to have it understood, by this policy, that he intends voting with the Republicans in future Is more than we can at present say. We find it diffi cult to believe that a man who, up to a com paratively late period has been so bitter a hater of abolitionism, could now deliberately join himself with the enemies of his lifetime. Come, come, Mr. hale., you're too good a fellow to throw yourself away in that manner. —Some enterprising editor out West, states upon what he claims to be good authority, that Col. Dan Rice has been kissed by ever one thousand children and three hundred old ladles during the past four months in the States of Michigan, Wises and Ohio. We don't believe a word of it. The Colonel is a man of taste, cultivation and refinement, and would be sure to confine ihis kissing to the pretty girls, If he did anything at all in that line.—The office of Provost Marshal for chi.e i tairict has been abolished, and CoL Campbell has retired to the shades of private life, We owe him no grudge, but sincerely tram he may never be called from his retire ment to occupy a like station. The fixtures belonging to the establishment were sold at auction in Ridgeway.--At present about five thousand dollars per day 11 the &lenge daily tax paid at Pithole alone to aka treelarnMent , on the oil produced there ; or th 0 annual rum of one million, eight hundred slid twenty five thousand dollars. The Tity , rili e herald thinks, and we ag r with it that thit unjust, cPPreesve:lzrbtlal:nl barrel. Larger d:ve;opieotlaid penditileas of money v; ould be made, were the tax reduced, and the Government would re ceive a greater combined, and perpetual revenue.—Many of our neighboring places are perfecting arrangements for the erection of monuments to the memory of their soldiers who fell in the war. We have not heard of any move being made toward the accomplish meat of such en enterprise in Erie city, though we doubt not if taken in hand by the right men it would succeed. • If we appreciate the sacrifices made for us, we should give some outward evidence that those whe died for Os are remembered.--The Record is the name of a new daily paper just established at Pithole—(think of a daily in a town not four months old l) It is small, but neat in appear ince, and looks as if it was well patronized. We run little risk in making the prediction that, If properly conducted, it will prove a successful venture for the publishers.—Mr. S. D. Clark, of the firm of Clark & Metcalf, bankers, and Mr. Booth, lately with Mr. Merrill, have formed a copartnership to carry on the dry goods trade in the room in Rosin sweig's block lately vacated by the latter gentleman.— The stories, widely circulated, of an extraordidary amount of sickness at Pithole, are denied by the people of that place, an/ the papers of the oil region. One of the latter asserts that in the four months of the town's existence but seven deaths hive occurred, and of these three were children. If such be the facts, Pithole is the very re verse of unhealthy.—The Titusville Herald speaks of Senator Lowry's speech at Corry aa "eloquent and impressive." The Herald Is a circa±tia joker.—Harper's Weekly for last week gives portraits of the rival candidates in New York, Gen. Slocum, Democrat, and Gen. Bariow, Republican. It was, perhaps, unintentional on the part cf the publishers, but we are quite sure if they had deliberately gone to work to issue a Campaign document in favor of Gen. Slocum, they could have prepared no better one than these portraits. —According to the Articles of War, it is death to stop a cannon•ball.—The sidewalk at Brown's Hotel has been repaired, but no more than was an actual necessity. The three or four " man-traps," have been filled up. and that is all. The entire pavement In this vicinity is shamefully uneven, and the work of improvement should not stop until it is at least put in a respectable condition.--Some unknown and cowardly villains, on Thurs lay night of last week, damaged the new iron fence of B. F. Sloan, Esq , on Fifth street, to a considerable extent. By means of a long wooden pry, they uprooted one of the large granite foundation stones, and after having split it into several pieces, tore the fence from is sockets, and twisted one panel of it out of shops. The man or men who could do such an act, whether in mischief or malice, mast be .a scoundrel of the most despi. cable sort. —The editor of the Warren Mail. who has been twice a member of the Stale Assembly, makes this doleful confession : "We knew by experience that a seat in the Legislature is no personal advantage." Bro ther Cowan will find few indeed to contra diet his opinion. Why any man, and espe cially an editor, wise enjoys anything like a fair Income, should want to go to Harrisburg, has always been one of the unaccountable things in life to us. The Meadville Journal is reminded by the proceedings of the Dem °critic State and county conventions, of the " story of the old darkey walking the streets with a small eats on his shoulder, who shout ed indignantly to the boys who laughed at him ; " Shut up, dab; I'ee a funeral." We fear that when the returns come in our " loy al" brother will hardly be so comically in alined. There will be a "funeral," but not of the sort meant by that paper. The Journal editor will be oats of the mourners.—The Baptist church is *undergoing thorough and much needed remodeling. The building has bees much enlarged, a convenient Sabbath school room attached, the entrance lowered, oupalo removed, and a tasty tower is being erected at the southeast corner. The interior is also being elegantly frescoed by Mr. Gar ribaldi, the eminent Buffalo artist. When the contemplated inprovements are finished, the church will se one of the neatest in the' city.—Ex-Mayor King is at the bead of a company who are erecting water-works ,to supply Pithole city. Mr. King is largely interested in territory in that vicinity.— Mr. Ju., C. Reid, one of our moot extensively known citizens, died at his residence in this city, on the night of the 30th tilt., aged 47 years.—The pickpockets have again- been at work in our city. On Saturday afternoon, they relieved Mr. G. B. Keene, the tailor, of puree containing $BO,_A plum tree, in the garden of Mr. Jan. P. Crook, lo in bleem l for the second time thia ,. yew, and a snow— ball shrub likewise.—Mr.' k kyle Whittn• formerly of thi3 city, has started a tinily paper in...Meadville. It is called the Rrpt;blieati, and is neat looking and well conducted. It promises to be independent in poli:icr, but we judge its independence, like most papers malting pretensions of that sort, ;rill all be on one side.---The entry looks for the *minty Fair are at ihl9 County Treasurer's office in the Court House, where all having anything to exhibit should apply. We have strong hopes that the Fair will be a worn. Our people should have local pride enough to sustain one Fair in the county annually.__ The new time table on tbe'Philadelphia road went into operation on Monday, and two through trains to that city will be run eseh day. The feat 'line starts from hero at 2:05 in the afternoon, and the mail at 1:25 in the night. A relis.ble table of the departure and arrival of the 'various trains on the roads cen• tering it this point will ba found at the head of oar local columns.--The freight train coming west on the Philadelphia road ran against an obstruction near Garland, on Sun day, by which the fireman and ooncluotor were kilbrd. and the engineer slightly injured. —The Presbyterian Synod in session here last week had the good sense not to pass any politics.l resolutions. After the many foolish partisan exhibitions displayed by religious gatherings within the last four years, such an instance to say the least, decidedly en couraging.—Persons from Warren assure us that, the, election of Gen. Roy Stone to the Legislature, over Col. Allen, the regular Re publican nominee. is looked upon as a oar Witty by the politicians of that county.— Querist " is informed that we are not in the habit of walks; upon others to do our writing, or to act as:financial ,• backers" for us. No other person than the responsible editor and publisher of the paper has any share, either direct. or indirect, in the ownership of the office, and no outside party directs, or attempts to direct, our . course, or prepares any of our editorials. We are aware that, as " Queriet suggests, certain Republican politicians are in the habit of reporting differently, with what (Weed, we cannot imagine, but he baa oar authority for telling any of them, when he hears the statement reiterated, that they are uttering ialaohoods. It is one of the pen alties of being a young man that if he does anything worthy of notice, the credit of It is I always given to some imaginary persons of -ever age and presumed greater abilities.— `e, Chas. E. Hurd, late of Belton, has 4 , 4 0 place of Mr. Grahain as local editor taken . tin Dapateh. That paper mom of the de mends him to • , W.s readers "a gentleman of 4,stio finish." We• welcome ability and soh 'al circle of our city, and him to the editor. h the members of the trust his relations wit. 'o may always be of profession and the pub'. The equinootial the most pleasant nature.— 'edgy, and for same upon us in earnest on Mt. ' v i ta var i e t y several dive we have had an exqut. after this of rainy, windy and chilly weather. . a as will fellow the delightful season knot ' , lndian Summer," after which. aa the aim nice say. "look out " for winter in all his fierceness.—The accident on the Philadel phia read. last Sunday, was caused by a large stone, left on the outer track by same children who were playing. A sharp curve occurs in the road at the place of accident, and Liao ob. struction was not noticed in time to stop the engine.—Edward Constable, a son of Mr. John Constable, the carpenter, who has been attending the Edinboro Normal-School, while gathering chestnuts, attempted to swing from tine tree to another, fell, and broke both his legs.—The Dispatch repels the charge that Capt. Roe is antagonistic to the interests of Erie, and says he has " volunteered to do all in his power to assist in the establisbmett of a naval depot" here. ) We shall be glad to know that our neighblr is correct, but truth compels us to say that its information differs from ours. The Folding Beistelds and Spring Beds manufactured by Mr. Ellsey, at the Union Furniture store, aro the most convenient things in that line we have seen for a long period. Mr. E. has the exclusive right for their sale in our city. - lit is preparing spec- imens of eaoh for the county Fair, and we predict that they will be pronounced by all who see them, the ne plus ultra of improve— ments in the sleeping line. Consry FAIL—The stockholders of the Erie County Agricultural Society are request sd to 0%1l at the Secretary's office and procure their tickets to the coming Fair. Tickets of admission may be procured • at any time of J. C. Spencer, Esq. Price 20 cents, or six tick• etc for one dollar. Exhibitors can procure tickets (allowing them to go out and in) for fifty cents. This includes both Fair days. Capt. John Graham, late of the 831 regi ment, has data up o salosti, on Fifth street, which is at once tha mist convenient, elegant and inviting in the city. The upper rooms are to be used as a dining apartment, where persons wishing a good meal, or a delicious plate of oysters, can at all times be provided. We recommend the Captain to the favorable consideration of our citizens. We would not have the Observer destroyed for any consideration. It is the most useful paper in Erie. and the Union men of the county could not well d) without it.—Gasette. We regret that we cannot return our neigh bor's compliments. The Gazette, from the time it passed into the deceased editor's control, could neither be said to be " useful " or orna mental. it was the most complete illustration of nothing ever devised. It is said our big Senator was very profuse in his eulogiums of Judge Kelly at the Corry fizzle, the other day. How is this? his he not been doing "as Simon says," that he should thus be omplimenting the worst enemy of the great Kiekapoo chief. Verily he must be trying to dance in both cotillions t the same time. lookout, Nit.. Senator, " Simon says thumbs up." Q. " The Democrats of Venango county appear to have good prospects of electing their sheriff. —Crawford Journal. Tee, and you may add, the entire ticket.. The Journal should advise Its-party friends here to withdraw their tioket from the contest. They need advice.— Venango Spectator. Good for Venango. We hope our friend of the Spectator may not be disappointed. Fon Sias—A Cooking Stove, bat little used Enquire at, tbie office. MORRISON & DINSMORE, wUOLIBALI DIALIIB IX Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, Grain, CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, dx. No: 2, Wayne Blook, PUNCH STREZT, Estrus Fifa our Biza Sts, RIM, PA. 015913 if OUVIPIU Irt, In rolls ready to be nalltd down, adapted to Room, Factories and Buildings. of all kinds constructed of :nate:UN that hare 'tool the test of Mien years, and maletictured on en entirely different and totter plan !!many other composition rooting in use. Secured by peed. Very durable and et low price. Circulars sad seensilee seat free by mail. READY NOOIING 00, rsl'oB I) No. 73 Milan Lane, Now Took. OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. We would respectfully call the attention of ttis public to our fwilltlei for doing Job Printing of ' , rosy deserip- Om • Baring rapid Cremes dud the latest styles of Type. we are prepared t 6 cis siy thing wollll,inbbing line, in manner equal toe,,, Aber estabttstunent, and on Let ins as reasonable as tl,O t k ct Clerslan I 0114. r We 'Mitt a idad nearly = t thourand dollars eoita 61 mate riel to the office all:101. 0. WWI toasts' is or the object of snaking it what no ttataght the CCOmuni ty needed. Flew well we bey.. minded we leave specimens a est Jobb/etc, wlrleii rove oe seen in emir/ part of North Waiters Pennsylvania. to tesiity. These who want tasty week rue invited to jive us a mill. •We can do any kind of Prim:toe that caw - to dose elairwheres, —such for butsees as AU kinds seed by Coal Demeter; AU Mads said by Coal it:kiwis, AU kinds used by Coal Sellers, AU Weds used by Sarcheete and Barabeepere s , AU kinds used by Retailers and Grooms, All kinds used by Manufacturer". Alt kiede used by Medlars, Dealers, All Mods used by Auctioneers, Ail kinds used by Railroad Agents. . All kinds used by yanks, illkinds used by fasaraues Mem. All kinds wed by Stook Companksk - flemal i n kinds need by Brokers, All kind. used by Cow. and For. Iferehlats, MI kinds used by Wilma. Ilia, • 11l kind" used by Pretessional Sea. - A Ukinds used by Literary Societies, All kinds used by Pablie Odors, AU kinds used by Patentees, AA kinds used by Producer' of New Articles, An kinds used by Ifershante of all Tram, All kinds used by Architects. All kinds used by Daguenean lstabliedusenbib All kinds used by Artists generally, All kinds used by Public lithibltors, All kinds used by laassfors of Soma AsseMblielt All kinds used by Political Managers, All kinds used by Travelling Agents. All kiads used by Farmers, or sellers of real estate, All kinds used by the sellers of Pillions! Property, All kinds used by Renters. In short, all lauds used by all elamm. Orders by =Aldan seat by responsible puiles„prompt ly attended to. Agents for Shows, Oeseerta,ke., whose reevoisib lity we are net sastuviated with, must pay la advance. In cams when packager ate sent out of the city by expressaud the persons for whom they are intend ed hire not a regular account at the odic*, the bill for collectiow will invariably be forwarded with them. THE GREAT ENGLISH. RICHERT. - SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. IIOTECTED F i LET T E tIY ROYAL I6 .- Jr „lb, : PATENT ! pared/rim e'Pressrigtiew qf Sir .1. Clarks, it. 11, Plysiciss Sztraerdiascry is tis Outs. bla icrwiluable nwsdielne is unfailing in the cure of all hose painful and deepen as discuss to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates an excess sad re- MOM lel obstructions, and • speedy CUM may ta relied on TO MARRIED LADIES tle peculiarly suited. It will, in a "'tont/me, tong on he monthly period with regularity.' Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bean the Goa e minent Stamp of Great - Brltain, to prevent countered' j„ CAUTION. 71ese Pale shoaid on be pekes by ranee , , i wis i r as 17R8T .THREE AfONTHS of Pregnant v , as they an errs So briar ca Anacerriags, bed as eery a u, time they ors ails. • In all eases of Ner►oni and Spinal A traction; Paine In the Back and Limb., Fatigue on flight exartion,Talpita tion of the Sart, Hysterics and Whi bey those pub' will effect a cure when all other 113,51111 y AVID failed: and al though • powerful moody, do not.- centaintroe.telomal, antimony or anything hurtful to tot he constitution. Tull direction' In the pamphlet around each package, which ihould be carefully premer► , ^d. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Bole Agent for Om United States and Canada, - JOB MOBS, Ti Cortllndt St., New Yost. N. 13.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any ass -1 aorised agent, will insure a bottle, cotitabitag to PUIA. sap2C6l-Iy. HARTFORD MIRE INSURAIOR 00 t in.tIITWORD, CONNZCILMT. /NC RPORATXDIO). CA PIT.: L =1,000,000. T.O. War, Prost. 0. IL COIL, Sod: CITY FIRE INSURANCE COXPANY HARTFORD, CONNSCTICUT. ftWORPORITED /847. C. APITIL W4BO `NX. K. RAKER, Prost. GEO. W. LISTKR. 'ONCE in the above old and reli %wawa Gm caltr 90. i. A sm. et. • isareb23-4 EAT SALE CR. or Watches al. ld Jewelry. ,000,000 WORTH I TO 3. of at One Dollar each, without rep to to raid !or until you know whatyo BA. B. Bowen Co, (Arent fur the 1 No. 38 Beetkataa street, New York:k„ Cr Reed the following list of Articles to b. ONX DOLLAR ZACH 100 Gold hunting cue watches, 100 Gold watches, various styles, 200 Ladies' gold watches, 500 Silver watches, 6,000 Late style vest & neck chains, 6to 20 5,500 dents' Cal. diamond pins, sto 20 4,000 Cal. diamond ear drops, • 6 to -10 3,000 ldiniature,revolving pins, - 5 'to 10 2,000 Cal. diamond and enamelled - gents' scarf pins, new styles, 6to 10 2,000 Masonic & emblem pins, 8 to 10 2,500 Gold band bracelets, 3 to 20 8,000 Jet and main° brooches, 3 to 10 2,000 Cameo brooches, sto 20 8,000 Coral ear drops, ' 4to 6 2,000 Ladies' watch chains; Bto 16 6,000 Gents' pine, splendid assail, 2to 10 4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttons, 8 to -10 8,000 Seta studs & sleeve buttons. Bto 10 6,000 Sleeve buttons, plain & eng., 2to 8 10,000 Plain Sr. engraved rings, 2,60 to 10 8,000 Lockets, richly engraved, 2to 10 16,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new t latest styles, 6to 12 6,000 Handsome seal rings, 3 to . 8 2,000 Sets bosom studs ' 2,50 to 6 1,000 Gold pens & gold holders, 15 'to 25 2,000 Sets jet & gold pins & ear drops, latest styles, 6to 10 2,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, &o.„ 4to 6 10.000 Gold pens, & silver cases, sto 8 10,000. Geld pens, ebony holders, 4to 6 This entire ilstof beautiful and Tabula' reeds will be sold for One Dollar easb. Certillestse °eon like above artless will be placed in envelopes and sealed. Them envelopes are sent by =II, as ordered, wl.tboat inward to choice. On the receipt of the worthiest ► you will see what ‘aa are to have, and then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the artio:e or no 4:. Tire certificates eau be ordered for $t ; eterrou for $2; thirty for SG : iftty•five fur $l6; and goo hundred - for $l6. We will wad a go& Corti/62W orr receipt of 16 wale. Agent* wm.terl. to whom we Whir kreelal tams ; mind 25 Nuts fur one certificate sad oar duals: with terns. A. H. ROWV 4 Vir Co., 88 Bookona Street, iftos York. P 0. Ho:, 270. t i0a,y2104-tt NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFUL, LT Worm their Mende and the public that they have opened the above business on the east aide of the Diamond, next door to Yr . John Babies dry goods store, where they offer for Bale the beat assorted stock a the trade west of Now York, selected from four &f =unlit:tortes and bought at Reduced Prices. AND WILL BY SOLD ACCORDINGLY. Braid uaritation given TO THE LADIES. Without their patronage, tininess would be blockaded. NOONAN lc BUSICY. may ' Sitting and Sumer Goods ! MRS. IL H. HALL Would reepecthtlly call 'Unitas to her LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Jost received from New York, embrathig Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Ike., Together with some Dit7 GOODB-1 - , - Whisk eh* will 'ell CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAY. Jig' Particular atteatiou mild to blsachiag, ode* Store ow hub at, 7 loon shoes the Depot, Erie, Pa. egeardett. Crawford, Christian £ Bath, Dealers ts GROCERIES AND PROVISION% Dried and Sealed Pratte. PAINTS s OILS, ship Chandlery. Boat Stores, ft-, Ca, so. 7 MUM'S BLOCK, PACE .acw. Also, Public Dock, Foot of State Str et, ULM PINPPA. A. CILLII7ORD. a P. IsellMl64t i. BYRON WM. • - •HUBBOI.,'S , GOLDEN BITTE R A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. mvesoitAreio et sTIUSNEM36IIIIIO, F.etitles the signs against the evil Obeli of nirohelei some nat.! • ACM cat p 'dyspepsia. • Will once Wishner. • Vitt care General Debility. enralleartbarn. • • • W Ul owe Beerdsebe. Bill ewe Lira Catoplaist. WM exalts and meatss healthy appetite. Will invigorate the organs ofd lemeon sod lbeaglialt• ly inarseas the temporatnre of this body and anthem re • drnation, Win la fact as a general oorrobareat el Lk , system, mintedalag so poisonous digs, sad is TIM BIM SONIC /INTL R 3 IN THI WORLD. A fair trial U earneatly OBI: IfORBEI It CO., Prepliet•VS. Andean, N. Y. BT., Centre' Ih,_k Y __Lassilissa Ideprees, Banding di NM - BON NNW OBS. Ter sale tar all Dreirsists, Groom, Br. k fIOntILNY, grim, Wholesale Agenti, and for sale by MDR Warfel, Carter dr Carrie and Rana di Booth. • attired. P. B. HONECKER, srocIUOR TO . CAVTER & HONECKER, • ILITAIL SIM= IX Leather, aides, &c., Parry Block. Alt4tA St, It* Pa. Constantly on baud Tarp !teak of BOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, IZtiThia B MP/DINGS, FRENCH k AMERICAN CALF SKINS, KIPS, UPPERS AND aims. LASTS, PEGS, LASTIIGS; :GALLOONS. Ika. :Lao, A you. ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, AU of which they odor low for ()ASK OIL ruomeT PAY. Ifaylr6s—tf. TAILCOB BOOTZ would respectfully an t, twined to the people of Eris ell.. • ikad minty, that bolas opened a NEW GROCERY STORE, en eke shit Side of Peach Strut, & Saari Dialoged Soma of tae Lake &Wu Depot, 'Where he will hasp on handig art•moor tat PROVISION, WOOD AND WILLOW WARS. lAtUll And a nsrythlag usually kept in • ant aim' ors • 130, ' Nine, Sweet Cider and Liquors., , , The highest Marled Price paid for Predate, is Oda If domed. rir Olre um a adi, it you 'E4 t' secure geed bar. ones. 1 'Ledo to:unto mell at 1,60 'not bower, than aur other stone In th e ritr• torl2ll4tL New Clothing THE UNDERSIGNED • EN OP ND &Clothing Store on the corner of Yous.'h an d i Stets stseets, where they yrocose to keep • 9z d hand as good sm &module:at of Clothing as can be touts in the city, made in the but manner from 01 1 : 04 _ a " terial, and so finished as to afro , d sattsincilon most.' critical customer. Ps/beater attesatlon vt l PO paid to Custom Work, in which branch we propows too excel all other cstabliahmente fie,the city. We will a- wa y s keep a be e stock of Cloth; CsAlimerells Yeitini"e ke , from which customers tan aeleet to the very but advantage. Gents' Parniabiug Goods, Of every description, eomiiralng t Il snider in titian:le. The Clothing of Bogs will alto be Pear a spehislitt. Olen nsa call. HASSE RYAN & Ono. BABSZILXAZ, AS.II/LRIF W. Iknakunitt. Late Cutter • ith Rost,. je2214-tf R. S. MORRISON. & SONS Beg Wave to inform the demos of Elio Ltd ,violaikr that they have removed their stook of TO tie RLKSE BLOCK, in the building formerly Gan- yleel by Keens. HAYES k KEPLER, when they Dress Goods, Fancy Silks, BE DISPOSED -ard to Value, sot • aro to negro. ''ostafsettironJ GLOVES, HOISERY, &c, 1 mold for Returning thanks to our customers for their peat Liberal patens's.% crs respectfully ask • continuance of $l. • 7b 60 $2O to 36 =2 SE.' DEN Co, mint . 4. k en ;USG if 27 Corr, tlandt Elt.. livav? YOrk: 100,000 WA--n. 'HES, CITAINS, GOLD -W orth Gm 14.0 I • lialion Pens Pencils. kri • •bo s 11, Sway withinr Dollirsl'To sotd at Os. • to until you kno wrs"Lra to vane. And not to be yen nro to noire. SPLENDID LIST 01 ARTzugs: All to be Sold for One Dollar alb. .800 Gents' gold Watches, '450 to $l5O ZOO Ladies' gold Watches, 35 . t0 70 400 Gents' silver Watches, 35 to 70 '2OO Diamond Rings, 60 to 100 8,000 Gold Vest& eck-Chains, 15 to 80 8,000 do. 4to 6 8,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 4to 8 4,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6to 10 2,000 Chatelaine 41 guard chains, oto 20 6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to 10 2,000 Lava & Florintine brooches, 4to 6 2,000 Coral, Opal & Em. brooches, 4to 8 2,600 lib:Watt, Jet, Lova & Florenr tine Ear Drop., 4 to 4,500 Coral, opal & em. E. drops, 4to 4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,50 16 3,000 Gold fob & vest watch keys, , 4 to 4,000 Fob & vest ribbon slides, 3to 4,000 Sets sleeve buttons, etc., 3 to 8,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, etc., 4to 6,000 "Miniature lockets, 5 to 4,000 Mia lockets-magic spring, Bto 4,000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2 to. 6,000 Plain gold neg., 4 to 6,000 Chnsed gold rings, 4 to 7,000 Stone set & signet rings 2,50 to 5.000 California diamond rings, 2to 7,500 Sets ladies' jewelry-jet & gold, 6,000 Sets ladies jewelry-cameo, pearl, etc., 5,000 Gold pens, silver extension holders & pencils, 6,000 Gold pens & gold-mounted . holders, 1,8 to 5,000 Gold pens, & pen.holders; A 6 to 5,000 Silver goblets eciaps, 5 to 1,000 Silver castors, 15 to 2,000 Silver fruit & cake baskets, 110 to 1,000 Dosen silver tea spoons,llo to 1,000 Do. table spoons & fors, i laNfißit OY DISTRIBUruni. • eat:ideates, naming each article, and its value, are placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed. One of thesintriveloper t. containlng the Cathie:to or Order for some article, (worth at least one dollar at retail,) will be salt by mail to any addrem without regard to choice, on meant of di cents. The purchaser will see what Ar ticle It draws, and its value, which may be from One to Ptre Hundred Dollars, and can then send One Dollanurd receive the Article named, or, any other on the 1 at of the same value, surd after'seeing thi article, If it does real give perfect satisfaction, we desire it to bs immedi- Molly returnsd and the amount paid will be refunded. By this mode we give teleettlua from • varied stock of due goods, of the best make and latest styles and of in tt iota worth, at &nominal price, while all have a chance of menring articles of the very highest verais. In all wee we charge for forwarding-the Caliente, postage and doing the business. the sum of Twenty-five Nnts,whichaesst ix - enclosed to the rake. - Five Cer tificates will be sent fer $1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for SS sizty-live for $10; bee bandaid for $l6. Pates emitter with vex mayolioond on having prompt mores, and the article drawn will be immediately seat to say admit rotors mall or taproot. Fatten sat an Gnarantrai in all mom. Writs you Name, Tdwn, Coast, sad State alalaly, sad address SELDIN di CO.. sairairdes 37 Coluttandt strsst, Wry York. . C. DECK, ICLIWACMII3 AJID WHOLWL3 DIAZIR 17 SWABS, TOBACCO, SNUPY £O., Fifth below State Street, ERIE, PA, Opposite the Dispatch PriatlaiOles. New:7Grocery! GROCElilisa. DRY COODS Intend keeping • forge ►uortmeut of KA% has 1,1806. COLD! 186 g. yik;rs 40 - m. 0.& is N. T. City." COs I" iotimbl. rtnaoitoo Mows." "Fret from Folmar:" “not &amens to the Hum= Tially: * agatemow oat of their holm to die.' " Costar'i " 003., gra% Is a puto—aled for lam, Mica, Rucku s Bieck sad Sod Ado,* te, kr— "Costar's" Bed-Bag Exterminator, Is • Sr:od or iraab, Clad to destroy, and oleo as $ pro. Irootro br Bed•Bup, is "Costar's" Electric Powder for In sects: le for Maw Moradatts, raw, Bei-Bsgs, hoed, Am Phu* Fords, tarsals, se.,. Eold by all Druggist' nod Retailers evaire 111 Brwezit lof all worthless intitatioi.e. kr - gee JAL "Conran's' sane is on each Be ). .Bott/O you bas. end Flag: befor* Pirscurra. Drum, BROLDWAT. N.Y. cr. Bold by all Druggists rut psalm . 15. INCRZaII Or RAT3,--Tbe Farmer's Gaulle (1s& Usk) asserts and proves by gores that one palr eta will have a progeny and deseendents no ley the., (1111,141 to three tem. Now, u4lesethis in:mouse tamt , r waw no kept down, they would consume more food than would mutate 65000 human beings. stt " Cotma's " advertisement in thls RATS 'erne BlRDS.—Whoever engages is eh me. ZUtile to serail man: whoever aide la extermf. r i sis Is • bosafeator., We should HO some of egweesposikets to give ea thiPienelit of their or is driving out Woe page. We seed somatbi dor. este. and traps Gig Aids letelaase—Salsa ca?! . . - - SW • Roltgiit's aer'setimaaat la 1885 ..• • uCEISTAR•S '• RAT linlitiklArATOß V A and Imre—the moat perf.ct RAT • Ideation. have ever attended. Every Rat that can gei , prerared according' to direct'one, will eat It, .ma that eats it will die, generally at some ph tent as possible frcm where the medicine was Leis SAcre, Mi A , Mirror. rjr See " COB rAa's advertisement, • • - BOTL3RECREPV.R3 troubled with verattn net longer it they re. Co ST me a" E :tercet Deed ft to our mitisfaction ; and it a box cos' woo 4t. tried poison; but Um a' . ee,gshiag " Costar's" &Mies knoaks the !scat, ren k e, Woe. Roach. s, Ants, and Bed-Bugs, sgs. of viral it. It is In great demand all oval tha'" Mail" alio burials eODnt"• 'WAWA . adveitill 4 WoUt V 414.4". rrst. i; 5 - • 4VOICE raov TEC FAB WES:. —B4I "C ~.„__it,"eli tmeis • • EM, Rout, Amt., he., Remo— ""'', grain and provisions me destroyed annual,: . 41 =un county by vervain than would pay for tors of testa 4 .114 and Insect Riller."—Leammtar, Irss., Mica See Corns's" &drilla/moot la ULU pap. r. FARIIIIII3 AND 1101781CRERPIR4—shetal :iesateit that kaadrsda of dollars' worth of Grain. P. frini3aa. he, are anattally destroyed by - Rats, Mice. . ,sty s ad other bawls and rersolo—all of Which on be 1 forir-101 by few dollarti worth'of Corrmes" Hat, Be ea. /kat. Zotersainator, bored and used fre•ly. Se*" Cortaro" advartiassnent in this paps:. Bold in Eris, Pa, by all Draggista and Dealer-. • PrAiii•Ess Keystone Stove Works; Tibbals, Shirk & WhiteheAdt MANII/AOSTIRZINS OP STOVES & 40LLOVV W ABA Him a large and extensive aaaortraent or St: Tau: Wholes* and Retail. THE . IRION GAT. Is a Arstolaas Coal Cook Stern with or withc drain. rair, for bard-or loft a -, al, or wood. an Ica BETTER THAN THE STEWART ETC/1M - w itgAT SREA.I7 PEW EBA, San low 'Ten 1,:,:d Cook Storrs—wita wood gratis • yam be‘seaci eltisr for noel orip);I: THE FOREST OAK. W 4 $Ol/ still manufacturing this ceatusta4 film for wood—lath or wit.coutracarr.4. ro ZEFTO B. "Nas :Mow fry Wood. This lo a rum •Sbsysi • d64tgy4 slui cow for ral•—toptaar witti Nwartoopt cf. 4oraard Onn Cods, •vls qrsitd or coal, sad F s cr. , wood or coal. CC% N. H. Mill =Lao. A ino G. beautlfu. • lure , Puler c os. and See 0.11. 9111,1,11.3 O, D. Snit, Jan. 19, 1996-1 a New Music - - tL jes-ash. PIANO FORTES AND IBLODEONS. Trona the following ealsteated MAN- UFACTUSEICS • Steinway & Boos, New York. Wm. tube if Co., Baltimore, NIL Lindeman & Sona, New York. Wm. B. Bradbury, New York. John B. Dunham, New Ybek. Groveateen &Co New York. God. A. Prince & Co, Balk* N. Y. Ca:hart. Needham & Co.. New York. Prices at a Large D*opat below Kea. faatarer's Prices. • PIANOS FROM 1250 TO $l6 . Also, Instruetkm teakwood Ow Mar i i All pampa wishing a Aret Mb Neat Poeta ofr i keledge on, are invited to eel ar ensa4la Mir /antra nilOn tore parchaeing elsewhere. Ogles Bend's /Aka, Mate Olnletp nesi=Serb A M. . • " P. B.—Every Lumunelat ler flvf: nisyrws.let 6to 16 4 to ' 15 4to 10 BANK, N0T2431 Keystone .Nadenal Bank of rafb CAPITAL, 8150,000. • DIRECTORS • EINLDEN xawirni, Joni W. an NOMA, gLURI MARVIN. BIM= TOWN , 0. NOBLY.. MUMS NOUN Pradtkot. JOHN J. TOWN, ailuir. - The above beak will be opened for Mee traciesticeea bushier es Monday, Dec. 6th, Ii Beglies' Meek Wert side of State St., between SorsaUr aad Mesta. Battsfeetor7 Mar d l .count l4 Money mitred on Depoett, Collactfong midi ing premeds mounted, ag WILII promptness. Drat* Spade aag Bank Notes knot led molt ♦ share of Potato Patronage Is retplethal7 acollattot GBOCKRIESI A2' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P. SCHA.II.I II , • Rada reepeettaLly Worm" Store the petals thithe hillogesed • Ls No. 2 Hughes' Blook,' Erie. Where he will thrive keep ea head • Limp mid) 06 CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARg, WINKS, LIQUORS, MOAK:4, And enerything wally for isle In on setahhalseent.i the kind. , ci er lino as mood& as us Obit tees 144.1..ea1! 1885. El BEN BEE HENRY R. COSI 1865. 1865. 18t5. 1865. we 11.0 tninuffoglare the z GRO=MLIS I , lo r= U 0