The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 28, 1865, Image 1
t ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVEk. @Fres Trtit “OttitilltiM BUILDINGS," STATI:STRINT. OPMWTIS Tilt' Pant Orrice. Dpi.Lasts •.VD Fier? CeNTS per eurnm if paid in advance ; THAL% DOLLARS if sot f ul oil lb- expiration of the year. Sobacribers ~red by carrier will be charged Fl7/1" CR.Vre additton ptER S If ENTS.—One Square of Tigq Linea one iii. f, - di n two Insertions $l,OO ; three lneer • i 1,75; one mouth $2.00 ; two months $2,75; r ,. e mouths sl,koz o, r mitlithsss.6o;one year $9 00; n t ,, er adrertisements in proportion. These ra t e , „, e strictly adhered to, unless changed by special s:,:rAct , i•r at the option of the pahliabers. Audi t° , Strata, Divorces and like advertise -0; Administratoeit Notices $3lO ; Local cents• line; Marriage Notices TirLeTT nbituary Notices (over three linen ric cents pet line.. Onginal poetry, no: „,,-en at the request of the editor, one d • ilar n s A,l advertise :mote will be continued at e of the person advertising, until ordered dtrection, unless a specified period is upon ler ita insertion. , p 3 ri ,I—We have one of the best Jobbing u the State, and ere-ready to do any work In t' at may be entrusted to as, in equal ets le „, ',Murat outside of the larr,ed cities. rrA, r,rnmunleltieoe should be addressed to Publisher and proprietor. Business Directory. , L itiE J. 131.4.1iELV, ♦Tronser AT I.ivr. iia. r. 1541 alto practice to adjoiniug Couuti.s. •toio d• CLTLEIt. T rrox_ritt AT LAW, Girard, Erie County .thrr balicen attended to wit' -Itch, W. WI 7 9 1 0,7 El' Vrro.fOrlT AT LAW, In Walker's Of E 1 ie , Pb. sae. 7 62 E.,0•11:' , i, R( , kI ,,, RLLRR Lod Dealer in Stationery ,loom, Nweimpapere, Am. Country de:4 r -;ort , under lirown'a liotel,fronting the Par rot '3l HVIN. ATTOI:NiTeI ANO COCSAILLO6B AT LAW .• 31ork, Dear North Wert corner of the •, are, ' Erie • l'a pllll.O BENNETT, Jrorlcs 07 nirt PicAce. Office sc.eon Block, k'rench Street, between Fifth an , innel6-1!. ukri% WILBUR, ITTotrOCTB .17 Law. Ridgway, P tD gPIII. Cm:len'', and .f effoninn eau ie ; • 3 , ed5-lv.) W. W. WILBUR. . PROPRIETOR, mI:RIS,t)N HOUSE. Market ' 4 treet--oLe aquAre esgt o , ~r. Warren. Pin. C II t I ricit Or TUN Psaot , PAIIIgOR Binc `it arm: Ps. Eft, 11,13 %Si ‘IIINI, , k ,,kkkr kr I ..IV AND JrBTICI: k/F THE PRA( F. enneeyaucer nod t.,r. I at corner of Ftfal and tf EW •TURF th* VOW ,t i hat n haul o.l4re* UM ,rt , ,mton4, Wood and , re, 'ezard. kr to wh c‘l hr re a •-ut on of thopubho , at *fie..l that ~ rt r am*r.‘ G 321 he bai ..u. pill rntrant;s-1. MIMI =Mil U. W.ISO I:1 F. I trc. A.D SALLR 9TAULZ, on Eighth Fuae tiorrep. and terms. 1;3)20'1A-12. DJhLL, t.L!l}: & Ut.lS`', 4.-rr axon of Stamm ''...:loßtnes,Boi', inFlettmatb, Itallrotti C arm, IDE I'ol •r, fLX CO P. Urft E. 0 Ot.itunsia, • - • a new and hsrnlgnenely fi•te.l np •• • -• the best Trochaic an,! • • , ••••a•an - ic Cnnimandi .tts Hre”ns.i' •n ! Um:erste Prices. The pudic •••••e•c'fu lyn tivated. sepqB3-1 • 'M. I. GALBRAITH. .krrOltNEY AT LAW--01BCFOD IltrPe tte Court House, grie, "S C o BEEBE, 1/NALF/t IN DIM Goons, GROCIP.INS, " !wtre, Glaam, seed, Ylaater, etc , c and Pubic Square, brie, Pa. jarh' El 4 1 1'4.11.E1T. MIUTtI WROLEFI,LX Ann K STAIL DILLLSII.9 11 and Provisions, Floor sod Feed, Wood as -r, Nines, Liquors, To' Eel), gezars, its ct to Young's House E HOTEL, l'a.. RoulCur Panpairru% ~,u mnunda'lool, and caie!Ul atteUtiOn vise :t of gutitfl. apB 65 1) • .1. 1 T1V 4 1 [)eater it fir Prro.llCf . , Provisions, Willow nod Stone Warr, Me*, Liquors, irret, opposite tL., Pm3tot.9,m, Eme, m tr 4135-1- rot,E, Dflrnrit. rtr) , ""i MA.CPACTr t:E111 ,•f flinrlorn , eslt's mock, Ert., Pe. t )1 1101.74/3 DI NI .• LI '.--llintcrLy THX .T, . A „ newly tittr.i up in the lL „.. • 10.1 t - ) . 14. a::.• al at all P4•Neizer Trains, .1 a 0 liCLtr.Y 811 , 13 , Propn t •1 t-r I'l •CM IN AMERICA =I • NIUCKER .5: CO t 11) 11..121,F• 1 TrelinTT Department and t • 1.. for St,liber,i, Wit , bitA,;taa, I tz i, .01 Elonjvnin Ors a, P.• •••• • tti • •tt. Br IS‘lit•rs, - • ••••••• , 1 with fidelity and •••• •• 1 and rol.ected. Applleat ohs •a••• . • • r, hrarta< ha-t c , • • -, ' , at a of the rartoua t • rend. r .1100. , t,erno:f ry .• - 0 , iovernment C'almot. - Mt) 11 65-6,-.1 RIE , MIN(i, • C •CNSICLLORI LT i i ,All ; o pO.ll P CrittP:ll dl aad a I nt.h.r , e{4.l 1114 and For% '•- Whitman k Brecht t' . P.Johnson, W. D.Bro-ro Itt: ?...11111E. 11.. , • Flraltara Store, 2-1 ;?:';‘;, FREVCII Sl} E?, g1i02.01 F.X 'F. F.PICGLY , .1•11 Ire %rt., ervld Lror to if . MEI (01 / 1 1.1:( i 1 i. COLLEGE. lIM f;•o. Grxx!scm, Fgq, t LI I arr. cif".;6eation of A.•- • Or, ,ttn" , l . +ll and Bltui• 1 .1 rn Ar 'II. and vo t,t. ILn I wto. •••3 T int t• 0 Ttp• p•MCn. 4,1 p r ,a• - • " 4.1- p ,Pd 13 aad grest-e. ( r Id Ire (E P•Le POTTERY, ECOND k THIRD ST3., 1.. ,, .^1% . e I therna.lvfm, under croi R in ?be n , tery Fu.d• !b- C. 11141, b-tIfIrtLI Rec oci CUltOlnerA of tf old ' OrlPratiy, pr - IrniFint ' itio pArt4ct `a ,a. 0.K.0. F. WC:BB. JAY S. C1111))4. T° PL It%(;71411AVINIll PIIODUC POP GALS fro❑ Frio to Etr 4 Erie railroad, and Irish ng IMO I'[) COUNTRY PRODUCE `"A'• & Pfont on i :FTH 'T REST, `«%r the old Reed : 11 nni01 FREXCII STREET.* 6: a 1 tt—. to receive mini Pay El' , ' Lir 11,t1t6:P.T PRICK • A: r'rn , iuto for tale af" " b eat In ry for ifarket n Fifth re HAY k JACILSO4 VOLUME 36 CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, • WINES AND LIQUORS. F. & ri. SCHLAUDECKER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of GROCERI ES, ,P RoVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, WILLOW, AND WOODEN, STONE WARE, FRUITS, NUTS, &c., &c., together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell 'as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They hive also on Land one of the largest and fined Stocks of Tobacco and Segall' eves brought to Eris, to which they invite the attention of the public: rr cad Bee na—a nimble eixpenoe V bettor thea A slow ehllling , consequently Cash buyers will find groat bar&V by calling et the Grocery Head Quarters! lIIEMEMEZ AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET Juno 2. IFCO-22 F. & Y. SCHLAIID AYR& Pleasure Excursions. PARTIES DESIRING TO HAVE SAIL •O E.curetous no the B‘y, or to visit the Peplos:a la. will Lind the on le , sigued always r-a iy to accottimo date th-in guod hosts. I hare 2 Yldita eaves It fit'ed out fo^ pie p•rtiee, in aidat on .o a onitOe. of Nor 13 , co. Fishing Tackle and Balt all the time on hand Person, de-lrinz to bare She use of any of m• boats ',II Hod me constantly on hand, at the old stand, foot of Sint act, et JAB. R. Ne.SBITT. , May It, 1,5--Sint MANHOOD; How Lost How Restored. JUST PUBIASIIED a New Edition of De. CrLVIIRWELL'a CALKS/ATI° Ea AT on the radical care (without medicine) ZILBOIA.,, or Seminal Weahneas Inv Itint•ry Semtoal Loseea, 1111.0- TI,CT, Hent tl and tvEit•-'ll I ocspaca., Impedimenta to liamage, etc. ; aL.O,Cos,caPTION, EptLayea and PIT; Induced by self-indulge, ce or sexual a:Veva/ranee. rir Price, in 'waled enre . ope, only 6 cents. The celebi ated &nth thl. adnailab e easy, clearly demoratr.tiA, tram c thirty reare auceeit.ful practice, that the alarmiut cotp.equeuces of sell abuse may he 'y cured without he d.ote-one nee of Internal mod icine r the app'bation of the knife—pointing qtit a mode of cure et once aunple, certain and effectual, by me na of which every haiTer-r, no matter what uts coI:MD - Inn may be, %Ire himadf cheap 11, ?mate •y and reicami l . Thi, Le•ture ah •ull.l 'e in the hand, of every youth and eery man is-the land. Seat at. In a pletU elavelOise, to any address, on the r.c.lpt o. Fla cents, or two pobtace stamps. Address the pnblikahcra, CHAS. J. C. KI.INE it CO., 127 Etew-ry, New York, 5-tf Poet OM.* Rn.y. MOM Corner of *tote Street and the Palk, Erie. THE ABOVE WELL Ti' OWN HOUSE has plsiel into the mutt"' of the Undereigned, won err deli twined to opoie no t trotte that wi•l teed to m.t.kv it a pl.vsavit st, , p; leg Ware for the travellrg pub •,c. A numb, rof , mpott.ot improtemeota have alms& been towle, and °therm to romp eted at WI early pe iod will render it 0..• t f the finest hotels in the country. Es;.e i •I Cat, IR taken to furozeh th- table with all the orttelea nerved up in •lie mos arproved style, and b, 1-cornmodaing teAl•etal We took charge of the Pot -I with the resolution to I, ake it such s the wants of this section rvquire, and feel confident of meeting the appo.b 0 , 13 nf our guests. LOOllB et R 0.1% A T l.oorts. Propr W. 1.. itwe. May 4 45-tt EERIE RAILWAY. anNEARILINIPIS MIME CHANGE OF HOURS, COMMENCING 'NUR 4 D 41", DEC I, 1b64. Train. will leave Danktrk at about the following howl via: Eastward Bonad—Depart. Train' o. 14 9 40 li. ta. , Train No 10 10 20 a. tn. Train No. 0 600 a. tyl. Train. No. 4 4 16 p. m. The Ace.o.m.noe.ation rune every ds• i:GAS. lIINOT. Gen'l qopl. NEW FIRM. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WAR E-R 0 ON EH On State St , between Seventh and Eighth. The Subscribrrs have entered into the Cabinet Making and FURNITURE TRADE, And propose making to order end keeping constantly on hand a.l kinds of Furniture. Orders will receive prompt attention. Repairing done on short notice. • UNDERTAKING. The subncribers will glee spedil attention to this do. pertinent of their business. They will ettanniketnre and iirep constantly no hand a large assortment of Metallic rshes end Coilins, and hold themselees in readiness to meet order; in this line, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to spare no efforts to give Batista's- Owl both in the ouality of their goods and prises, they hope to t"cure a liberal share of public patronise. MOORE & RinLET, sprll'fl-tf. Sueeenson to J. B. ROILS'S% &ulo'6; 1 b. Erie Ale Brewery, I',ORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STitEETS. Erie City Lager Brewery, CORNER OF POPLAR AND RIDGE 171313:1EM Erie Malt & Barley Warehouses. CORNER OF 7TH STREET & CANAL Pale and Amber XX and XXX A 1.., Th.. fit•at Qqalitt and 1.74ual Varieties of Lagar, Primo -:elevt. , l Favert, H , ro, Tho.'holeo.t Qua Miss of licit and Barley, On h ,nd .11 , 1 and tor sale by A. BING. dec'26ll3tr. AMERICAN HOUSE, SOUTH Wii.ST Cm:NEtt OF THE PARS k are.l2 Jr, ERIE, PA. JOHN DUNCAN, PROPRIETOR. uoderslued having taken charge of the above we i-known Hotel and refitted It to enpericr style, re spectlially solicits* shire o. the public patronage. Tams rotro.nable, and accommodations equal to any tII the city E r. For the convenience of persons from the country a good stable Imo been attached to the premisom sPoß's4-sm. • JIM*: T. Cor,W. Sewing Machinei! THE CHEAPEST &. BEST. BUY EITHER THE EXPIRE OR SINGER. The undersigned having been 'whited agent I n EA* city f•ir the &bore celebrated Machines, rupeetfall) calls the attention of the public to the woe. I hey are e'dsr oniedged to be the beat in nee and an the cheapest in the market. tech Machine has all the latent improvements, which render them far superior to as, other soy sold Persons desiring te purchase a Sewing Machin will find it of advantage to call sad ezAisibie thew Won baying elsewhere. • ample. nn eitiihition at ray atm., No IL Acomlean link, b twee° the Park end *month street. i.oVI M Om° ► mamma fiIISNTII.II‘3I ire rarrd of @non. tiwmilty, Prw• IV tuatire D-cay end the effects cf ynathfdl Indlmre tt..a, wrIP b. Irtnny to inrso.h where with the mesas of cite, tires of act/M. This remedy a enable, AO. sad Certain. Pot full pestlealsre, by return man. pins, Stidrees JOHN S o mitosri, 103'64-90 SO Hums street, Weer Task. • , THEERIE, „ ~, . B . , I HEAD QUARTERS -KOR.- Brown's Hotel, STREETS BASIN TWO DOLLARS AND A-HALF PE; • I V. V, • • LI • •ID INT .• • $ • : : Special Notices. mu Tau NICRTOVN, DISBILITIThD AND DEIPOvORNT OF Hori SKXICS.—A great sof fareiliswing been motored to health la a few days. after many loon of ming, is willing to worst Ma suffering fellow -creators, by sending (free,) on the receipt of a postpaid add-eased envelope, a copy of the forsuaa o emu smplo ed. Direct to JOHN Y. DAGNALL, Boa 183 Post 013 m, Brooklyn. N. 'Y. • TI 1 YOU WANIT Ttl II NO A LITTLE OF BVBRYTHING relating to the human oyster's , male ono female; the muses am. treetme it at dolmen; the marriage customs of the world ; hoe to -oar) well, sod allow:ad Wogs serer published betarr, read the re trisect and enlarged editha of MIDICAC Commas Bus:, a curious book for curious people, and a good book , or every one. 400 .pages, 100 lilostrationa. Petal $1 bp. Contents table s tot free to soy addreu. Books may be bad at the'book eons, or will It. real by mail, post paid, ea receipt of the prloe. Address, - E. B IOOTZ, Y. D. dm 1130 Broadway, New York. YAILIUABILE KNICIPMS.—cIean Sri : With your permission, I wish to say I. the readmit of lour paper that I will send. by return mall. to all who wish it (free; a recipe with fall directiotia for mating and tiding • simple Vegeta lo Rolm, that will eff-atually re more, in tea days, Pinsolet. elot the*, San, Freek:ire, and ail intriri.i.a of the Skin, leaving the same ecit.'clear, smooth, and beautiful. 1 will also mail iree to those having Bald Neal" or Sam Paean simple directions and information, that will enable them to basso fall growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less thou thirty days These recipes are valuable to both old and young. and as the, are nailed to all who need them free of charge they are worthy the attention of all who pries a'clear, puns :skin. ore healthy growth of huh. All applications summered hr ra turn mail, without charge. Respectfully yotirr, IHePt. P. CHAPMAN. Chemist ind Perfumer, No 831 Broadway, N. Y. atilo.Bl O LD 13 1 / 1 01 f: NKI,7.—A pamphlet direct. how to open, Triton Ora and give up doe tor 01 m dictate. &at by mail. free, on rooPipt of 10 yenta. Adams. K. D. Foors, D, Om 1130 Broadway. New York. ACant) TO 1NVA1.1131w.2-4 Clergyman, while residing in Soit , b *menet as a misel 'nary. discov ered • re's And einiole remedy for the ewe of Nervous Wealtio es, Proly hooey, fileeaa,• of the Urinary and werninal Orgtns, and the whole toil° of disorders brought iso by butefal and Ticket; bahlts. Great Liner. bees have bees already cored hr title noble remedy. Prompted be a desire to eenent the sIR cted and unfor tunate, I will send the recipe tor prep ring and Ma- tue lidos, in • sealed envelope, t., may one who nude i , , Pres of Ms.:a Please Lactose a post-p Aid envelope, and reseed to yourself Addrers, ffeeRPR T. Di IdAlq. tre7-3in• Station P, Bible Hone*, New 'York. Tti %SON & t 'II.IN cATIIVIT o.'ool forty duff rent 'lreton. adapted to .wend an.t semi• muete. for ino to so7oesch Tb rt.-eye Knld or silly, ure<tate, or other brit Inetatumi nwar , ted thew.' Mu • t rat.d dean/ors free. etidte.s, X t 4 04 ■ H•)(LI • °goo, or it AS.3N RROTHER.A. New York. re? 60.1 y Tus RELIEVE OR CORDIAL FOR CONFINEMENT This Cordial has been Inns eeleNrated among F•1211,1f4. for Pa pa. uhar strenethenine and sonthose qiaoties, and Its fie. for a few wee s previous to confinement la maid to .nsore a safe and easier confinement, •nd a spe-d7 Letting np. I• ran bow be had co - r«ltlr nnsoarvi acenrdleg to the original (nrut a—from the garnets of Partridge berry Tina craup. in 1. Csalophrlltim etc., ete. Those wish ing to a•e in h a Preparation will dud it mach better to procure tha than to onder's ke as many do. to preps,. it themselrea, as this p paratl , n enntair .be full virtue% the iagredten•■ In a inuorntrated and rell.b'e form Pri•s par bottle, two dollars. Pre ared and cold by sa3l-tf J. S. CARTER. Erre, Pa. raft. I Willi lisMl4 CAT* Rail MISUFFs— This 13 Su bee thoroitghly proved Ibsen to be the beet article 'known for caring CATAO.II COLD IN Tel Filmy and HIL&DACIIE. It has been found as excellent rethedy tauten; ewe of Sole Eris. Dear/sae has been re r heed by it and 1111•111.10 has often been greatly Improved by its use. It is fragrant andarnseable, and gives rumern- ATE KRUK to the doll heavy wane caused by dieeasee of the Heed. The sensations after natag It are delightfhl and invigorating. It' opens and purges out all oh strucUons, etrengthsne the glands end gives a healthy action to the parts affected. • More than thirty years of sale and nee of Dr 'Marshall's catarrh and Headache Snnff has proved its great value for all the common diseases o' the head, and at this mo. t itatands higher than ever before ft Is recommend ed by many of the beet physicians, end is used with great success and satisfaction ever. where. Read the Certificate of Wholesale Druffitlete In 1144: tb• aneiersiened haring for many sears bean acqualn tad with Dr. Warshalite Catarrh and Raid; be gnalf,and • oid in ~ or wholesale trade. ebeerfall• state that we be. Here it to be equal, in every respect, to the rea.mmenda• tiona eren of , t for the cure of catarrh affections, and that It Is decidedly the beat artlele we hare ever known for all common diseases of the Bead. Burr k Perry . Reed, a natio & Co., Brown, Lamson A Co.. Reed. Cutler & Co.. Seth W. Fowler. Wllsou,!Fairbank k Co., Rwttnn Henelsaw, Edmands A Co., ail H Hay, Portland. Me.; Barnes & Park, A. R. & (..lian‘Stepben Paul A Co., Israel Minor A McCesson A bblos, A. L. Swell ) & Co., Y . Wird, Mee A Co., Bush At Gale, Now York. For sale by all Druggists. Try It. sep9F ly. STOP TILIT t4CII.IITCHINCA CURE THAT ITCH. BY USING \ Carter's Extract of Dandelion sod Bitter Sweet, AND cextrEws TELLOW OINTMENT! • This Retract cure. all kind, of Itch, Rryripelas, Walt Rheum, Titer, Heald Head, Ulcers, Old Fore., Bolls, Punple Carbuncles. Liver and Kidney Complaints, Rheumatism and all other Diseases arising from an Im pure oonvition of the blood. Sarsapai Ilia and Burdock, Cream of T•rtar and Sal. Our, Red Preripltsbv and Relinstene, .1 fail ,to care this modern mongrel Itch now ro prevalent thrOnehnut the country. Rut the Extract of Dandelion inn Bitter Street is Just the remedy tot it, as it seta on the Lir.r, wtimulatre all the secretions, opens the pore■ of the skip, and in a natural and easy war throws out all thick. ,Lead, po 1 , 0013111 or impure matter, tun leaves Itos cir. eulation free, the blood pure, th- akin e'ean, the corn. plosion eller and the whole system tree from disease. It is a medicine that cannot be wed w'thnut benefit, and Carter'. Yellow • tintmeet Is unecinalle t be' am other Ointment In the world for the 'peed, and aff.etnal cure of the Itch and all other rely eruptions. Also plm , - pawed in Scrofulous Bores, Clara. Fever and O'd Bores that are hard to beat, and of metal elnescy in the cum of Niles. ft only needs tria' tot • approved. Price of Extract, SI. Of Yellow Oulthavnt,36 eta. Or taken totetber, Si •1 b. Sold by all respectable Druggists. au3l•ti ~ IC Mc Lyord MEWING M) GMINKIik FVillesrtat facts deolneattate that these Mr enigma capprime the highest caprovements in the tearing Machine 4 rt. via: 7. Machine to rgisranteed to give trotter satisfac tion than any other dm ing Machine In !lutist, or Incas, rein nd•d 2. They ban takes meow of the lilghest promlowe at the meat Imp .rteat ezhibltlone sad [Atli ever held la the Carted Stater. d. They mate the lock stitch *like on both eider—thus &setoff belt the thread tad milk need in •h• rivoling r di.-seame of the loop stitch and degletthresd Me. et.iom 4. They are adapted to The widest range of heavy and light amine. 6. Thfay have no rattling wires or del:cate attach swots to get not of order. 6 Thee require no taking avert to clean or oil. end no . 4 Lees,os" to set needle, regulate tension, or oiler ate Machine 7 Oar Yew Ilsontset trio". %whin* t espeeislly ad-ptsd to Shoo Fitting. Okra Illsontaltaring, Tailor tog, &e., and Is not scvtallsd by soy 'tiepin) In market. 'lease all sod sumacs* mod dams:write for )oar. sale, or send for Clr , alar with tamp, of sewing. N. 11.—n&ents wanted. & LYON S. W. CO , se2l Out No. 638 Broadway, Nay York. 1.11111,1 FOIL 14. 1 1111.1 L-10 cinsiquence of poor tisallt, toe sobsc I er Is (educed to offer for eats Ma Sara; Iris open the south side of Girard towoehtp. Etta county, ono mile from the rifler, of Lockport. It em tili a 135 acres, I 0 of whirh arelmoroved and In • h'sh stets of cultivation. wall f-need well watered, and having a first-rote orchard, moettr of graft d fruit, The bui d.nip are good Pinwale "tibias to ra:chase • farm will find It of airantage to leek it this ca. Inquire ma the premium et oaftitft PR COOPER. rir 1 alao offer for vale my farm of 106 sem, kf of a mi a south of thy abole. basing good buildings, ham, fruit, die . and Is an szeellilit state of saltiveti to. September It, 1865-4 s• W. J. COUPIIB. D I fig & CARSON, Dieters in ALL KINDS OF GROCcRiv, 7R0113, VZOLTABLICIS LED PIIAVLSEON3, Fifth street, between State and French, itrie Pa. . Baringpurchased our stock before • the late rise to prices, we fedi confident of being able to /ire Satis faction. both to price and qnallts. Omar" Preedaer of eVOTV antibourht and meld. Fanners can always •od oe rewiring the highest env tat prim for their articles. , - DIALYINS IN ?MC ADJOINING TOWNS, Aod on tie Liam of &karma, , BUTYL= WITH TIM?, VitHITOBLIS, he Give as a Call. RILIMInit MIT k JACKSON'S MARKE? , Timr■ Brasile aal7•K A D 11111%1EITUATIII Xl4 NOTICE.—Imps of ♦dminl.tratlon oo the ,£•tats of Nathan Rathbun. doomed, late of flail, tnoreshlp. Wise tout rtatod to the rubocribee all Isdebted to asl4 estate are he•ebb aatleed to eel! and par the saws. sad Umu hating calms as inst salt atom are botiLoito rosoirt theq duly anthwtleatot, for settlausent A. ELATIIIIIIN, Add& itsitsbazg, August 81.110116-41 w ERIE, PA., THURSDAY 'AFTERNOON, SEPT. 25, 1865 OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. We would reepserfully call the attention of the publlr to our futilities for doling Job Printing or every descrip tion. Having rapid Pressea and the latest stylesolTyp• we are prepared to do anything in,the jobbing line, In s Manner equal to any other establishment, and on tonne el reasonable as the Buffalo or e' otiose. We key, aided nearly two thousand dollars wortb of Mate rial to the onto since it hat bee..tin o ut possession. with the object of making It what we thought the communi ty needed. Hew well we bar. succeeded we leave the specimens of our Jobbing, which may oe seen to emir, part of North &Vattern Peuntylvants, to testify. Them who want tasty work are invited to gee us a call. We ean do any kind of Printing mat can Is done elsewhere, —such for instance as All kinds used ny Coal Operator., All kinds used by Coal Skippers, All kinds used by Coal Fellers, All kinds need by Merchants and Storekeepers, All kinds used by Retailers and Grocers, All Cade need by Manufacturers, A 11 kinds used by Medicine Dealers, All Mode used by auctioneers, All kinds need by Railroa t Agents, ll kinds used by ants, ft It kinds need by InSuranee Offices. All klods wed by Stock Computes, generally, All kinds used by Brokers. All kinds used by Com. and For. Menthes* Allkioda used by Esprete Men, Pllkindto used by Prointional lien, A II kis& used by Literary Societies, All kinds used by Pubilr. Officer., All kinds used by Patente An kinds used by Producers of Vey Articles, All kinds used by Mer.hautt of all Trade", All kind' used by A rehiterta, ' All Mods used by Dagnerrean Flashlight:tents, All kinds used be Artists generally, All kinds toted by Public Ezhibaora, All kinds need by Managers "(Social Assemblies. All kinds used by Political Managers, All kinds need by Travelling Ate tits, All kinds need by Farm-trii, or tellers of real eats* All kinds used by the sellers of Petsonal Proper% All kinds need II Brutes, In shark alllttudi used by all clarell. Orders by tuall,when sent by r esponsible partiers,prompt ly attended to. Agents for Shows, Coneerta,lke.. whose reeponsib lity we are net scan tinted with, mast par in advance. In cues where packages are sent out of the City by expreas,and the nerntins for whom they are intend ed have not a regular account at the office, the bill :or collection will Invariably be forwarded with them. ei NOTICE —Letters Testamentaey 330 the En ate of tans SmithAletwaled, la's of arbo- Creel' town hip. Ed. county,Ea., haring been grated t 3 th• uodereigned, on' ice le herein gi ern to all helping e'alena eg Ina' a 3ld ..tate to preeent them dale anti:mates ed. (or •ettlrment. and those indebted to the awe will make payment tmmedieete. 11. L. wlWslitT, Executor. Greene Tow• ship, A ogu at 3', 1S 36 6w3* ADtIINIATIC.ITIPIt'S NIEFICK.—L.tters of Ad rnin,str Jinn h•ting be., gra, lel to th• aul a•rtber on th• i•state of Lmh►el Lather. late of gee tif►. de Cesa d, 00 , 10 e i. b-rebr g-reo to all persons In tebbsd to said scat. t • msks Ira szedi parmont. and all persons s'ahnis at stnet malt ..tats to pr.eeat the same, proporly aothentleatrd. for iettletnont. attJl-ea• P. 1. 11. - CFCER, Adam's,. ERIE CO3l 'HULL 1.11, COLLEGE! COR. OF PARK AND PEACH STREET, BOOK-BEEPING SIVPLIFISD NEW CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS ACTUAL BUSINE33 PRACTICE COMMERCIAL LkW COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC The very liberal patronize which hu been fruited a* during , the put 118U0111. embold•m tic to atlll farther puissant claims to pablle nottee. By our NEW CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, Bonk-Keeping beennass the most exact, timatifut antlefectory of the Sciecom WHOLE BABB OF DOUBLE ENTRY ACCOUNTS., And exhibit every pouible variation on THE OPENING AND CLO3INO OF BOOKS, So that two weeks, thorengti Only of theta atom, wilt wear. more knoertellc• to the •etenee erhtcts they teach time the whole .Coarse la some Commercial Schools In the country. , DIPLOMAS AWARDED TO GRADUATES Thl, Department le so'orgsoised that we ACTUALLY BUY AND SELL GOODS Of every kind, making the tninster, payment, entry, &e., the um. u In the comrerreial transactions SPENCERIAN PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS AND ORNAMRNTAL, Far tolth Ladies and Gantlnnen. Clangs daily. SEND TOR SPECIMENS, WITH STAMP Time to complete the Coons is from 12 to 14 weeks We present the best facilities sod hold out tall greatest To the whole piedic we •xtwnd ao •amnewt Ineitstiost to call sad ozamio• oar Cocas. itatmatock. E r we sr noir orgardziog a College Band. .41:11 Aditem, with stamp, T. COOK, Resident Prnseipal A. C. SMITH, Teacher Peamainhip O. W. 01711q1.90W, 'reicher Commercial Lsv Reptionba 21,1865—U COAL 1 COAL! ! COAL l!I NOW IS TOE TINE TO BIM It MI itatahed th. Lowest Figure it wills° this. Assam. D. ttIITEITON & SONS, ♦t Ei g Str•St Yard, £,1., Mae en TWA ♦LL RINDS or SOFT AND BARD COAL. LOW63T FTGURIS. - Olin no a eall. We warrant aattabetien wxes•tt rim as , sitora 1111, & W • Pinto/um U pis 'sad toi Maar & Espmes Patent sowing m a w" -41ro but to us- Sista sno, between St& sr Astlifti o lb* Pa. Olothai made lib order la ths biewtos. Legal Notices. ERIE, PA BUSINESS PENMANSHIP BUSINESS FORMS AND USAGES TEM TEN INITIATORY CARDS Comprehtad the BUSINESS PRACTICE of the world xor SSRPASSED SY ANY initteements possible Which they offer to 1111il at ths gilt Cie itheidg ebottivti. ERIE. PA.. SEPTEMBER 28 1565. PAY OF MEMBERS, In these days of high taxes and heavy burden■ on the shoulders of the people there should be a curtailment of public expenses in every possible manner. In this reform let us begin at the head of the heap—the Legislature. This body, for some years past has been seised with an annual fit of increasing the •pay of its members, and seems to have no more conscience about voting money into their own pockets than the shoddrcontractors nave in cheating tbC government in clothing.. When we were a boy, andAhe best men in the State served in the legis lature, the pay of the members was three dollars per day, and thus-it continued for years. Then, after various changes, it watt increased to five hundred dollers the session. Two years ago, (we believe,) under Abolition rule, it was raised to seven hundred dollars, and in 186.5; without the fear of God or man before their eyes the members voted themselves a thousand dollars, for the shortest session ever held. The Committee of ways and means re. ported in favor of an increase of five hun dred dollars over the previous year, but it was reduced to three hundred, which makes the pay a thousand dollars as it now stands. • But this is not all ; for at the same time the payof the clerks in the two Houses was increased two hundred and fifty dollars. In 1847, the whole amount. appropriated to pay the legisla tive expenses was but $65 000, while in 1865 it was increased to $190,000, more than three times as much. Now, as a tax payer, we say this thing' should stop. Those who are but our pub lie servants should cease voting the pact pies' money into their pockets as though it was theirs of right. The pw of mem bers of the legislature is now greater than that bf Cmgress ten years ago. and we hare yet to learn that the public business is any better done than it was when they received but three dollars' per day. In the great State of New York the pay of members is still on!, three dollars a day. and for this her ablest men are induced to take seats in her legislative halls. The above are the sentiments of the Dsylestown Democrat, Col. Davis' paper. and we endorse them from beginning to end. The evil spoken of is-one we have often alluded to. Notwithstanding the heavy burdens of the people, and the ra pidly increasing public debt, each, year develops an additional increase in the pay of members of the Legislature. Of late that body appears to have lost all respect for the interests of the public. The re presentatives from Erie county have been among the foremost in thus recklessly voting away the peoples' money. The latter should see to it that a class of men are sent in future who will not , follow the example of their predecessors. FACTS. No Republican newspaper in the State so far as we have seen, has declared agains negro suffrage._ Most of the journals of that party have expressed themselves in favor of it. The Erie Gazette has advocated giving the privilege of voting to negroes in almost every issue for -six months past- The Republicans, in their county con ventions and meetings, have not resolved a word against making the negro the pout' ical equal of the whits+ man. Some of them have resolved openly in favor of it, and others indirectly so—as in Erie county. The Republican State Convention' did not utter a word against giving the right of suffrage to the negro ; but did say a word indirectly favoring that doctrine. No prominent Republican politician in this State has avowed himself .pposed to putting the negro upon the same platform with the white man, but .Stevens, Cameron, Kelley, Lowry and others of them are known to be in favor oT it. , The Repubr. cans in our last Legislature voted to com pel the Street Railroad Companies of Philadelphia, to carry negroes in the same cars with white men and women I On the other hand the •De'inoeyetie newspapers, the Democratic County Con' ventions and meetings, the Democratic State Convention and the Democratic members of the L•gisigture, all, are out squarely and unmistakably against this plan for equalizing the negro with the white man. These are FACTS which can not be truthfully disputed. Two Republicans. one from Maseschnsette and one living in Erie, met the other day in front of the Gazette office, when the following conversation was oierbeard between thena. Says our fellow citizen to thi klauaahizsetts man : Bow are things going politically with you''' "Oh, all for the Union with as; how is it here in your State ?" " Well, was the reply, we have many good Union men, but there are some who are growing lukewarm. I am afraid the d—l Democrats will heat ni this fall; our only chatwe is to cry Copperhead like the d—l." Some poetical genius thus puts into rhyme he prevailiag ideas on the subject of theft : A little stealintis a dangerous part, But stealing largply is a noble art, 'Tie mesa to rob a beo•roost of a hen, But stealing millions makes us gentlemen. If the " poet" had said " loyal men," in— staad of "gentlemen," in the last line, he would have mad. his rhyme as true politically as it is morally. . OBSERVER FOR THE CAMPAIGN'. Only fifty Cents ter Three Months. The Openings will be furnished to sub eribere desiring to receive it dories the campaign at the low rite of Fifty Cents ter three months. These terms are considerably lower then our usual rates, and can barely be afforded by us, but we are Judaea& to offer them, hi the hope "Of promoting the cease which all Democrats believe so earnestly to be that of their country and truth. Campaign . subscribers can commence at t any date the? see proper (the earlier the better) and :will receive Thirteen issues of the paper.: We want, if peeelbte, to obtain live hundred eampiign subscribers. It depends on our friends whether we shall succeed. . Let each of our present patroue procure a s eopy to be sent three months to some 'eighties' or Mend, sad muoh gold may follow. Who will be drat to send as a club? auti•lf The ci•Tehind Herald (Abolition) arise out: " The fact is the Demnersov . ma. ted. 'lt is pore hum - onions to:day than it bee been its fine yesse, and if tie 'Union par ty f a me, it can walk over_ liteLtitate amuse it is egregiously mistaken." NUMBER 18 The Baby. Another little wave QQnn the ee• of life, Another soul to save, Amid its toile end strife Two more little feet To walk the dusty road, Ti choose, where two ways meet, The narrow, or the broad. Twe more little bands To wort for good or 11l ; Two more little eyes, ' Another little will. Another heart to lOve, Receiving love iota ; And so the baby osme. A thing of joy and pain Income List for the County. Milt Creek, 3feKean. Gretrri, Sismmitt, Water ford, and Waterford Bortfil.qh: John Burton $242, T Brotheifon 500 Win Benson 1,140, Masi:Brecht 300. Chas C Bwri 353. Sunned E Boon 433 Ira Bar ton 200. David Nebel 77'.1 I B Benson 180. J M Bryant 145. JohniS Carter 585 E Camphausen 200 John It Cater 12S. H S Campbell 2.790 J R Callowell 51, John Cronennerger 207, Joel Dansrnors 2,733, David Dunn 329, James 'Dunn 210. R G Dunn 718, J Elliott 7,861 Robert 'Evans 130 James Evans 502. Tobias Fick ingor 18, Wm Faulkner, ?,42, John Fritts 100, E C Gibson 296 E Goodrich 467 A B Gunnison 605. LI Gingrich 685. .limes Hart 37, Win Henry 81. 4 . David H'mrod 8 325, P P Judarm 2 sop. Wm ''Judson 1 042. H Janos 13.712 .1;..1an Kilpatrick 396: Charles Knahlor 150.4 m Lgosh 112, Henry Loyer 347. Wm .W i l-Love 517 Wil son Moore 1 468 J W MerKar 300, Jlclr son MrCroarv, 565. P Morcross 180, Thomas McKee 345. J L SlcKav 461. S S McCreary 250, John McKee 221. John 0 iver 953. Lucius Pbelp , P 37. J A Parker 298. Joseph H Presley 124 E 3 Pinnov 6. Dmin Parker 220 ..I , tnie L 11-r4 $OO N W Russell 443, 11 Strong 179 S C Stan ford 1,280. Robert Smith 1:652 F.rdinand Schultz 416 Martin Strong 218 E B Sleep or 589 John Sedgwick .53, V Schultz 416. Henry Shattuck. 976..1 C Thomas 1 00.1. C Thomas 26 Fred Usher 398; Lermard Vaughn 454 Thomas 100 John Wood 2,167, S B Wagner '2OO, R C 303. J D W•y 123, arlialf.. Winans 1 290, Z L Webatsr 47. Chester West 1 264 14450 Wolf 3.5 John Young 280,=;John Zimmerly 40. J C Zink 114. Harbor Cr•ek, North East higrough and town sh:p, Greenfld 1. Venang4. Amity. • Wap 3 burg. Wayne.' tbneord il?rry, Union ifi//s township and borough and. 1, , ,80euf : Fred Ackerman $447, T Archbold jr 88 C W Archbold 317 Hiram A Baker 4 238. MF B )yd 59. G Brown; 2,900 Dgß 1• ker 835. J W Butters W Butts 430 E *Barnes 304, L W Cook 1 :398 A B Carr 368, Webster Colby 950. H S Cbureh 770. 460 H Coney 5 100, Eva Cooper t 142 Ho ratio Churchill 181, Wm Ca , s 378 James Casey 10 900 Thos C Crawford 270. F A Clark 543. L D Clark. 452, .Tae J Ebersole. 106 Joss. Ebersole 330 (l F Elliott 861. Thos M Foster 535..1 C Pom" 140 Jacob Flury 108 Lyman F-ii•kner 100, M . A Fox 462, A W Green 125, John Greer 700. Berj Grimshaw 378. Amos Heath, 29. S W 11 Harper 900. .Tames Humphry •272, G B Johnson 1167. A F Jones 2 100. John Johndislll,9o7. James S .Tohnson 1000, S H Rennicott 429.,Calvin'Lest 180 John Lanelsrath 500. A S Lnwis 505, A N Laet 1 1,62, J X Morrill 737. "Jas M-Cord 79. W Dieftit 188, C A Murdock 259 Henry Myer 200. Wm McCord 51, Wm Mc- Gaughey 378 Rev 0 S Mead 171. J Marsh 570 D W 200. W G Nantes 200, W C Oakley 500. David Purintone 390. J C Perkins 914. Wm Putnam 30, A C Rand 1 283. A D" Ru.sell 600 John Scouller 2 500 J E Stubbs 2.5.'H S South ard 12208. Ezra Sobuller 3,517. J's D Smith 525 P G Stranahan 150 W F 1 S Smith 20 889 'A H Spier, 565. 0;e1 Selk rigg 700 A B Tillotson 31. B C Town 119 Beater Town 2.339, J J Taylor 609 B T Town 670, A S Van Campen 250: Henry Wolf 493. Thos.Wilson 60. Eli W Webber 45. Jan Whitebill 588 Eugene Wright 2 476, Thos Woocis 1 097. Fain:Pieta, Girard Borough' and Township. Sarinspfekl. Clmeaut, ..•Wann, 'A"k Creek, Washington, Edinboro and Franklin. P W Andaman $341. A S Anderaon 216 R S Battles 1 500, I W Blair 200, S H Brindle 994:Joseph Brindle 200 Asa Bat tles 4 341 !Ratio Banedict 200, llifoaea Bar nett 100, W R Belknap 200 Geo Barlow 275 John S Blackman 500, James Bair 600, N Wickensdreer 1 735, Lyman B +d eer 200. P IL Brindle 166, Geo W Brindle 223, Geo Barlow 275. Goa H Cutler 1200. Leverett Cushman 72 Win C Riney. 152, D R Crooks 219, Wat'Crosa 2 000, James Cross 720 Viish Drury 424, Neymore De weren't 107. Hiram Darget 385 Jan Dunn 358 David E Day 61 John W D 500' Perry Devore 50. A Devore 2 000. A G Ely 594 Albert Eaton 183'. Abraham Eagiey . 200 Geo Ell's 200, Jlhn Eaglry 359. P C Fureeson 60 Scott Fleming 500, Wm M Gritty 288 T M Godfrey 200. John Gillen 346, G S Gulliford 100 Benjamin Griffev 60 Jahn Gulliford 400, David A Gould 147, Nathan Gould 600, Joe Genaheimer 200, A H Gould 117, I Robert Hall 407. John Huber 94 Israel Harrington 50 Engine Hathaway 283, S.rnuel Huntley 50 Wm Holliday 1 500. Harry Huntley 400 John Hay Jr 100 L S Tone' 800, Jnn K• Biel, 300 G P Kepler 400, Melvin M Kelso 600 Scott Keith°2oo S H Kellogg 156. Ransom Kidder- 200. Geo P Lather 220 `Henry McConnell 500. G H Mclntire WO, Andrew Mallory- 17. Thos McClure 200. John McClure 500 Hugh MeWillinna 500, Benj Mnrgan 236 .Tai H Nighnis 300, David O'in 203. John O'Conner 200 J Oliver 500.. N J Patterson 150. Retie , ' Potter 50 R Petit4lYet Wm S Prnurlfit 132. G Palmer 200. H Park Jr 100, Geo P Rea 560 John C Reeder 600 Isaac Reeder 100, Sarni Rea 300 J C Rockwell 200. C F rtnek well 795, Saint Reeder 340,E lied Rea 280, C M Itgied 50 •Dan Rice 5 000. Samuel Sel dom 1 072 , j If Strong 300, Abner Scott 400. B M Sherwood 2 145 John Swan 200. Andrew Sturgeon .500 DATA Sayer Jr 1 120 Henry Shultz 181. Marcus Raley 57 3 W, Silverthnrn 130, Z L Sherman 43.5 C F 'Smith 200 Samuel Sherman 100. Richard Swazi 166 S C Sturgeon Soo,Godfrev Shultz 316, It R Terry 30 Isaac Taylor 600 Luke Thayer 837 Francis Tuckey 150. Thelma. Thornton TOO.' Alex Taggart 117. E W Twitchell 500. Henry Teller 400 F C 'auk 77. L S Wright 2 000, J E Wells 400', Jas Webster Sr 675. Joneph Weldon 300. Jno Weiss 788 R Wilcox 285. H M Webeter 1,500, Townsend Webster 1 500, Joseph Ware 32, W G Whitney 640, Fred Warner 244. Forney, in ono of his recent " Occasion al" letters, declares with all the feeble forcibleness of italics, that " the Democra cy of the free States has become a pro nounced anti defiant aristocracy." Well that is news. It is the leading members of the Republican party who have made all the money by the war. Where Demo orate have made their tens, Republicans have accumulated their hundreds and tbouasnes. It follows, then, that the poor folks will become purapproud and ingo lent. while the rich and favored of fortune will remain so impressed with great moral idea as to continue meek And lowly.— This will, indeed,'be . a curious state on af fairs. . . Trip Trip ligkily over trouble, Trip lightly over wrong ; We only make grief double By dyeing on it long. Wby chirp woe's buds so tightly ? Why sigh o'er blossoms dud? Why cling to forms ussightly 1 Why not isea joys instead I Trlp,lightly overt 'arrow ' • Though all the dal bedarki The inn may shine to-marrow, And gaily eing the lark; Fair hope has not depar,ed, Though life's roves may have fled Then Dever be down brutal - But loOk for joy instead. Trip lightly over sickness. ;food not to rail at docns; We've porls to bring to sadness On this side of the tomb; While stars are nightly shining, And heaven is overheatc Encourage not repining, But look for joy instead. A Triumph of Negro Suffrage. The Cleveland Leader. the leading Re publican newspaper of -Northern Ohid, speaking of the result of the Maine elec tion. says : t "This triumph is & triumph for negro suffrage. This was the,only question in issue before the people of Maine. The Democracy acknowledged the abelition of slavery and endorsed the policy of Pres ident Johnson. The Union men made the campaign openly and fairly on the principle Mat the ballot should be granted to all freemen everywhere. Of course there were some timorous gentlemen in Maine, as well as in Ohio, who were ter rified at the idea of going before the peo ple upon the issue, and predicted all man ner of ruin to the party! What his been the result ? The people of Maine have endorsed the principle of negro suffrage, and endorsed it, too, by a majority much greater than was given to the Union party at the previous election." Should Pennsylvania be carried by ail Abolitionists this fall the victory will be claimed AR a triumph of negro suffrage; and the Cleveland Leader and other Abo lition newspapers will so exultingly an, nounce it. Are the conservative massei of this State prepared to make such a re: cord for Pennsylvania? If they are not; they must rally as one man to the sup port of the white man's ticket. Every vote cast for Ifartranft and Campbell will he very properly claimed by the Aboli tionists as a vote in favor of negro-suf 'frage and negro equality. Let every voter who is opposed to degrading his own race to the negro remembey,this. Negro Equality. Republicans are arguing in favor of negro suffrage and equality. It is urged that ea.negroes have been mvie soldiers "and have fought •for the Union," they should now be permitted to exercise the elective franchise. In answer to this po•, sition " a soldier" thus writes to the Hirtford Times : " Were this true, should there not be distinction made between those negroes who voluntarily enlists and those who were forced to don the Niue? The usual mode of enlisting (far 'ties was this: Some officer empowered to recruit would hear that there was to be a negro meeting. or a negro ball, near the 'station. After the darkies had collected,. a guard would he sent with orders to ar rest all the able bodied negroes and bring, them to headquarters. The negroei would be brought, examined, and forth with forced into the service. Or the ne groes on some plantation would be seised and treated in a similar manner. Or all the negro soldiers in the army, I do not believe that more than one fourth volun tarily entered the service. " During our firmer wars, Indians fought for us. Even at as early a day as during Phillip's War, Colonel Church was assisted to victory by Indian allies. Yet no party was ever foolish enough to de clare that Indians should be permitted. to vote, and insist that the Constitution of the United States should be Ise-amended' as to give them that right." • The lending republicans are wheeling into line rapidly against President John. son and his reconstruction policy. !The Toledo (0) Record learns that '9eneral Schenck, the other night, in that trwn, denounced with great vehemence thellis sissippi Convention, and announced that no such Convention should ever be allow. ed to restore any Southern State to the Union." After the fall elections the mal contents will he more outspoken. Already Wilson and Thad. Stevens have openly taken ground against the President, and by the time of the meeting of Congress the whole radical pack will be in full cry against him. "To MS COMPI4XICIN."—The Republi. cans of Minnesota. in State Convention, adopted a resolution in fa.or of negro suffrage. and voted down a resolution en dorsing the Administration of President Johnson. The Mionesota Republicans are only a little ahead. in doing that which the Republicans of other States will soon do. It is only a question of time. In leas than two years the Republican press will b. de -pouncing President Johnson as a traitor and his supporters as doughfaces. Mark this. Tex PURE ARTICLE —The Pennaytyania Sullivan county Republican Convention recently paßeed the following resolution : R.sered, That the Republican party was orvaniz-d to secu'e and perpetuate the principles laid down in the Declaration of Independence, and that its work it not done until equal Political privileges are extended to all Men: Tbere is negro suirraee in all its length and breadth. The above resolution ex pre sea the views a lvocated by Republican presses and orators in this State. WHAT THE RADICALS WANT.—The villa Journal says the radicals lick their chops for blood, more blood : they want imprisonment, confiscation, military gov ernment, courts martial, and wbat•ver else may further , punish the Southern people—whatever may degrade them and make them feel all the humiliation, bitter ness and anguish , possible, and for the longest period. , A LIBEILAL INTIRPRZTATION.—The New York News says the quotation used by Senator Sumner ".to keep the jewel Lib erty in the family of Freedom,' beinE in terpreted into English, means to keep the Federal Government and its enormous patronage And vast influence !n the hands of the Radicals. A pious individual of Washington, high in th e I),yal L.ague party, piously under took to rai.e $lB 000 to build a monomer t to Gen. McPherson. He suceeededin his labor of love, raised the _cub, but forgot the monument and:made tracks for parts un known. , REMOVAL: THE DRY GOODS STORK Vkioll , N AS MERRILL'S WILL RE3I6VIC THIS WHIM, TO THE NEW AND ELEGANT STORE REED• HOUSE LOOK OUT ,FOR BABOAINIII September 21, 1865-4w* 0011,1140 11111, In roils roads to Ite nailtd down adapted biFooriti, Pact•ries and Etnl!dlogs all kt , ds: eonstroettd taltrala that h•vn Motto not tost of Sitreit• 'Puna and .floLictond on an entltalv ditratent and better plea ihsw syy ntber composition roofist in lA. &are. Itr patent. ,V.tra datahle and at tom tic. arenas:li 41d. lampl•• vont free by mall. RIUDY 110( 1 1r1X2 , 00; 4 ••21 . 66.1, No. 73 Maid*. lass, New Torte U