=l3 IEI lir IREK Y OBN RIVBR 6. v... may.l3 t aeOrlPTATeti,firi„LiiNne;":S.c.,T4Sezzer, 071141 TS TOE POST OTTO!. , • EZIFTLOS—Taro P114•66.11Ui, Aqa Sterr , Ciorre p. at pad Losdransit ; Tunas Dou.ene if net .1 the expiration of the Jeer. tiobeerieepe ~;4 by carrier will be ebacge 1 lieu nurse 1,-'4l:tan ITPO,:IIF.NT'i:.-026 Swam.* of Ten Liam end Les pnn 1 1 ,00 ; tree Iseeett.ane $1,64 1, thee° , late* mei anorN &I,CtO 4 tyro eentithss,V3; ~,evothtsl , 6 Q i° l‘, onclehetkagt °se 7.1 1 e59,00F, a lr.rt,..easente is propoiSiso4 ,416665k,136.4 , eallsorrti to, nalero shaviesel,by egicelni at the option a :la nohltehert. Audi. two, Strept, Divorcee and tan adrartice• Adminsetrbtot'sSotleOlts4,oo,; 4os:id rev c,mts•On4l; • Mtrslilge AlstiObiTiriarrT, •6 • , .P' •ce: Crtiltbar l• N • ll4 (O re gth ,eolisse. ex t,,nt . , der crate pa , line, Origtnel poetry,- tree Q . . 1 .. n I: 0.61 request of , the editor, one deliat al,ertieecesite will .be continued wt of the pereow-adtertisaiwg, +until ordered. " bui direction, ellaleee I epeoieed portal Is' ed Too for Oi s tnior66oo, " hate one ; the, beet , JobbLeg tte State, and emreadiy 4,0 do a Itylroek fn 43e :hi: may be entroeted,trote, la trona -idyls ,e establishment oatekleottlae *reit sates... co rnwunicatioric ahouid be addirowd. itiCl4Vrt•WiiiTa2AN, . „ Pub'.l44,lool44'sopitftc44 •• Business Direibtory. at: BLA KELY, " . Arrofiirr LAW; 'EldgwAr' Will also practbein adjithdeg Bow:ties. _ ;E CIPTIBIL. • ATTUK.N XS AT LAW, Girard, Erii &utak , - A.A..' • ntber tallness =ended •to w 1 - L ud...:l•ptca• • • " • • - • w sTmo r: 13, ' . Arr Aerirr It Let, varuei of -4„,,,ts lir -Pa. • - p er 7 .62 nooaszttlailld Dealer In Stationery, revisineapNawapapeell,lke. Country dealers Brown'allotelgronting the hut. CR •at & :11.111TIN s , . I ATTORXIITB Apo COr3IBXL.I,OIIII ►r Liw. ii gon Bloek, agar Ngrth West aortier of the ~ cr, Ene , Pa. . 1111.0 IiENNKTV, , , JCZTLCLI /111.111.1 PLUM. Oak* s•cirild between Fifth sad janbISLI: & WILBUR., arra Ramie A? - Law% Ridgway, Kean Cameras iumdd'e Masao minutia,. crwis, U31:130'85-1v•1 W. W. FILIII7R. SULL, PROPRIETOR. .LuRRISON ROUSE. , wad Siazket Street—me square east of . ;:t.ltsoct. Warren. PL., Sept. 29-47. . . ;r:.T.CII or Tux PRAM, Paragon Block, , z Ry• Farrar lhU , Erie, Ps. Gettr64ll. u:or%NivooN, •T ANI.XJWITICH OP VIE t:: grut, dntorpyancer and Coll &dor, Girl? bulb:int, Sodtriw.E COTO!: Of Fifth and Er, , , Pa. kpLIY.S-t: +TORE. Joel Csasizaranxit. at the new Fai e Cif,:e,'hae n hind atarwe - aiwo - et. .Nneerxi, eronaroaa. Woad and Willow Wale, 7 ,, b‘cco, Fezarm, kc., to which here v‘'. the att•ntifto otthepablta watlallet4 that 0 .1, 7 1 , 1 rKal n a AA OUIJA had to any part lnat3/56:5-1v 0•ISOltri bireßy. AID Sault SrAist.r, OD Eighth rien'Statit and numb. Floe Romeo lad Car. ❑ rt.i50r...6111 terms— iroStSl4-13. , 1,1., S EL DEN de aids-. - m,,-reArrrniati c.lBteimktirfneng,BoilPro, 4 - latatlarni PAiltoa4 Cos, ILO(•%Et, R. r , ,, , A-Ar, f.Lx co , rA. Mrs - E. O. CUM°. TS, r T 3.. 111 a flew -and hauctsorsely Attie! up une of the beet fronting and nant iln o.nn.ylvnaia. Connaodtatim Boords,Clorar d: Table and .I/loderata ?mines ? The vitae WWI) , )llnjteri. ""rov't34-1 A. GA LIARAITIIIe A ?TOED Xi ♦T LAW--OfIDO OD a th.itz,et, prisitt the Cott rt Stfe. Pa. SUTOW, • WHOLISALX AND ItgrAn. DRAisas is m 1 Provisions, Irletn. and 'reed s Wood-and Wire, Wlues,Liquins, Tot xm. sews. b",Bute vrt :o Young's House Varnishing Emre , inm F• 11'65-':- GLE LIOTEG, Waterford: Pa. Rosser Lente. Plgoraurres. ucomrno4ationa, end oat tint attention Ft tie 44 to -.' It of guratn. 'apB'Bs-ly • lUSTI O4I ..K,EIii‘LERs Defiler in Grncorits, Produce Provisions, Wlllow•and Stone War.. Wines, Produce, reel, opposite the Postutdca, Ex)e, Pa. cosrBlls-17 • COLE, Booz,}lmmix, BLAME Boor litarnitiarr ;S., 7 of Riodernectit's Block, Erie, Pa. hl.r.r' 4 '3l ‘ZEPPA 1)(11:j1 piNs... IIA OP/OBITS TIM PASSIM:i.k.' . .JI l'A.. Fin newly Sited up in the cc $1 I/ 6psl to thcputille. Mulls WI to rr s thr unral of all raeuotlzez Reale% • le' e OAKLEY BROS , Propel lt.r. HYT M AMERICA rata.. by RUCKER & CO IZEMI 'TODD PERLFY, . . 11.1te t Trrarary Department aand for Soldiers, Walhington, meat, with IPrijamin Gra A, "' Lw• atoz..k. Erie, I's. Slilatary, c.i'e , ted with fidelity Ind dia . ”htalr,d Lad collected. aipptleatinrus I to. Mr. P. havinz had r v. detal'e of the wartime Pe •lt Le con render moat rattsfactcry an of Government claltne. 1114711.66-614 CM ang s: Ewnvu, ATTOR..IVi •NLI CoIIIIMILLOIII AT Lew 4 OC iPKIN4 Sr, opposite Crittenden flatl PL Co:le:thus sad all other levet bolsi ror'Jr•L Venlw...o. Erie Warren And iforre tr.At's!•. , ,ci-froll? aist4roziply. ur . :l4—Km A. t, albraith Whitmlir It Bread `. {.tter Ilurrio, Erie, Pe, • /itro.:Lim. P.Johnnoo,-W. MHO** :ra-r.n, Pa. FrIMTIItm 'TUBE. Furnitara Store. FASNCH BTRBBT, Lev • P•. nur geode E " XSIIkiIINGLY .46" aryls . mut we wilt etotertvor to GREgg k. HENDMCKS (0 1 , 1E1O. I I I. COLLEGE. r kC I . TY : A:ost C.so. W. OctrAniseti, Esq., , ll.orn•aereial Law. : " "t; n.. Classification' of Ae • Ornamental and Husi• ' vmmete , hl Law. Commercial Arith ',o , ladies sod ganti. The 'lN!.odtbo whale Hu& ot IL/1 1 11 , 111Vit. *very possible saris r.C..4.riOnk.. No expense will be 1••• praetieat and' porroa• • Tr ." r•ly of Sehoois " Prenatal As. •ored. Terms—Tuition 'and greatest in ii,od for Cis mien. PO'rrktitYs 31. .TWE 7 N: ECOND & THIRD ST3., F; A, 1 IiSN • hr. et ,, ,tn'ed temselves, iedei Child.. h 4r. tbe Patter, Duel r.te 0•1 the csaal, b.ttaen Sec..od t., " f`-foes.3 cf the customers of the old generally. Ytrtml'i°• e•rloave r b. give perfect sit'latiettna. (MO. F. WRBEL JAY S. CRILDR. ICE To etttsoNs ILAVINU PRODUVIL /) P. ',ALE ••1:*1-4nn:14A Mark.t Lino from Silo to lt••• °Pl4l .'phi% b Sri. railroad and viah n Eta of , g ANG 00111:4173T.pRopucg, . 1 tit, bete ett►biwhed • Depot en FIFTH Sric z , rotr 4' th4 ' old Reed norm: //irttlq MTF: AND TNEWOO 43TW5117.3, wcl6. At ci times retaj , rsocalis 'End pay EIGELiT MARKET PRICE n ee ar All LlAri. Produee ( or sale roluost.ll ,411 logo,r g • for Itarkat Depot, Tifth rltsort. 'Vat /0, laa,O-tf MAY & JACK3O/C VOLUME 36. • • V OLUME , .• ; rivo'*.rn as' itiot*_,' eidrilittliA • ;' A t Olitrosms:lT OP gam sioritsj—wimast IPBX Wet kutrialq Woo sootorsd to besithhe after OPeaglinP) maw . pars 9( S 9, ilh.Ze, foliaw—tuvotures by sibodint stroo,) on SO fool? o a pootpotd. ada.essout orvotopo: obpy of tie aculrettlawild. Dinot so -• ••••• „ JOHN IL PAGULL.SO&-163 csstltprt scoot - . lif 'YOU WANT Tll prOfetT AC1.1441 4 14 cir EVERYTIIING relcatop to the human stag; Wahl ano female; .th•-eausse case Tula*. Wet' Viill marriage oniony! of the world ; too t..eigll 111 ,ftprl, z oosiri a thonsaud (Voir Liner published be fo re , lead the es- Tiled and ostairged editturntlilolo4 Catkowsi a cations back for sarion,,peorvies tri al a licifir ~ /lively one. 400 ,p 54011.. WO IPA. 0 101- Cdritents tat:dell .nt tree to an adit , • toulan the took stover; as Ca ta'aillt'W 111111. radon receipt. of thriprlcia.• iAddreally •• , f I , I l - !. ,• . TOOT fin - . • • 1130 Eiroadna & Nor iiiii: l ATAIAJA BIL E'IItIMIVEIV.-;•Dia. Sit r . 'trite joiar V , permiselon;l - nek ton, la' tits endear atly • piper that I tidies/rd. bp isti l / 3 4fifkiLh31. 4 4; Via.l4 it thee; a recipe with inn direction Mr mik et . riling a simple TeifeteLlaltihilitlier lila tiffiaj'Ve move, in ten elavir,t istrolnk Blotches, Tan, frecitiun:aart all,impueltiis or the Mau, 11eu,T 1 041,j4 usaufte Plts„ ,_ to,re smooth and beautifni. I %r i fe.. matt ' free . 1.0 oRs handle information, thatwill easbisethasn' by bank tsdkirimith of Astantaat Bait, NI hilltop. , siv A .I(oastanlytAen thin thhty days. These' recipes are rant& 6 'UAW old Ind Jong, sod &inn(' Ire knelled' licikil ly 'flirt' them free of draw: Eller cor viartkrtharitteittfort kW/ who prbita clan, OW oliti.orst tresithy,vroseth aar, /11 applicatfona al mend b f return tuall,_ wi th out awe. - ' fteneotthfly inne r , - ' • 0 'I , 0 , .THOS. r. caupmax.,u, - Chemist and Perfumer. I , lo.,l3lBmaxtuay, bi ! lc.!r : anlo.St • I=l I lug exiss.rors-Nlo7,—icsosoeb4t4Ottri 1.,.1 leg Janw to opredey reatcas aljettand gir d up doer tdr t oi .dieffie. &it by riair, riedpConif. estitLf Address • - •ft; FOOIT,,JUIVtif•r A CARD TO C ereauzuk; ir twalding Sweat A menet riibtatObarf,' Bred an and Banal' tetabdy toe the CNA at 'Wirt • Weakm at, Fatly Decay, [Hewett- wt that. Urfaasidutfi. Seminal Organ', are whole 'Oslo of,dhlprArge brought in by btnefrit andvielcatt barns.' Oteaf utha. bars hare been already usavd 'birth* bb prompted-by a. daFittl4A peaedttbe 1 1 / 4 ted fiPlAagOlir tunatr o I will send the recipe ' for preprtior Usjpg medleitte, In tweed eavelope,.l* eue•vto nerds it. Pres 41 Caireph Please inclose a post-11.4 abvelope, addressed to yourself - • Addrers, JOSZPH T,lnhfatir 5e7.3m 5 Station P, bible House, New Yorks ,I'u SI %NON &. EIA I II.IN CABINET OPOLE : forty diff,reot style% adspt.d tR Rictv4 std magic, for fio to MO etch Thlrti:tive • gold' "Or'l4 instals, or other' Snit pm:ohms' &warn thank t ratod C dilorari Adaresi, Oil LI? r °Eton, or MASON BBOTSIBSSiBdir Tort. 1471641 TUE SUOTUEIPS UZI.II3V, OR CORDIAL FOR .CONFINRIONT This Cordial has been lone eelebrateia anion; lentri* ; for Ita peculiar etrangtbsoinr•sad sonthinig•titlefit' and its nenfor a few wee a prevlsas emerfinammit4e said to enqure a ads and sailor confinement; 10, speedirgettins up. It eau. now.be had eirrrotle Prepared secordlo tdVi4 original Pirmult—from Om Patricia if isi#ry Tic" Cramp bark, Cullophyllars. etc-, ate. , Iliortelefsh. tug to ni.e in h a Preparation will find it much better IS prom* this than tonadertris sassror darn seetwe if themselves, as this preparation contains the foil virtue... o: the ingredienia in a concentrated and reliableibite Price per bottle, two dollars. Por...ared sod .o)4 kr? r "iin3l-tf • 1. R. )IA IiSHA LP/.1 CATARRH SYSLIFF...-Zbis, D bu thoroughly. voted limit to. be tb• beat article known far curing CATAaaa. OoLli to sax /no, l i and ilmscas. It leas been fosead as assailant pettypdr i , in many eases or Boaz Em. Murano Itak beaten:eared ( by it, and Rummel baa_9(ten been grotty' 4 by r , its nee. It is fragrant and agreeabra;sa'gtveelllifitilit-' ATE RELIEr to the dull baiTy pains ceased-by elhairesil of the Head. The, sesaattons after halos LIM" 4.1411M 1 and Invigorating- It opmea.aad -purges oat all ob ' 'tractions, etrengtbtna tipa4 gives • baalLby action to the parVitreitea. • Mote Ran thirty year, of ode and nee of Dr MllTgilerll Catarrh and Headache Snuff hal prayed lti 'treat 4hdae far all thO•tormiarr ditsaamiar the head, nab itethlii! Mac went itanda higher ihmiariairiadblir ed 'by many of ihei beet "yiryaidane; I lia nanalerttS `-' Bodeen and iattaractlogaveryirfieri.-Iludile Citifffiffna of Wholeellellinggists litlBs4r • ' - andersisned hiring for niii* faint Woe 6 - Natal a ted with Dr. Ifaratiall'atitiirrli and sold In oar wholesale tisdii;eiteetintlir Kitt thai here it to be eqiial, to eeety - reapeef,4ethe iLwntciicbs lions given of it for the mire of ditoiih that it la decidedly the beet utile Wilifiviiteritiotia for all common "dlseatei of the • • Harr & Perry; Reed;Amihia Co.; Bidire; Co. Reed. Colin& ao.. Sera W. Pow% Wliaoailraltbadt. & Co, Roston ; Hesahaw i _gdorads Co., 11.:, Si, Portland.3le.• Ranaci Pees, A. B. ar, J. &oda, Siiiken Paul k & Co.; lietteron k RAM*, Wi L. Scmlll & Co., X. Ward, Close a Oalia; New Tort. - . For sale by all iyuggiata. Try it. STOP TEAT P 4 qcrrciattfa DUBS TEAT ITCIT,II.Y 0 3 11PID: -- llktettim lizti•et •t -Dandelion -awl :Bitter likeeold AND CARTER'S YELLOW ?his littraet cares 'all' k ode of itch. *rykipelai,lLlft Rhymes; Tenn, eislci freak trieem, Old Telnie„-Bellic Putirie - , Carbuncles; Liter std. &idler, Void • . Rheomatlsm.and all other Diseases ;Fiala: from sist tot-, pore condition of the bleed., f saleaoatilla Alla ' Retrainee, Cream dt Toter eiotileac Aber, Deal Precipitate and , Brimstone. , all tap. eo. toteu this modern askoogrel !tett cum so prevalent throlith,oeX the country. R. the !Gimlet of Dandelion and Bitter' Sweet IS Jed the: remedy For iti as (Vasa lifthiale#l., Stimulate' all the • seetetione, opera the . pose* osf: • 4, skin, and in, a Ware! and ee.sy 'way throws 99,1. gatli 5 ; viseni, po!sonous prim:vire matter. Sod letniemy eulaUen fare, the bloat pant, the skid elsolieL She' p losion dear and the whole( tusks tree inset *pep, 14 x 14, tuediclue that aback be Med without book, sr? Certrei Yellow lintnient - to "untrinallel 15* any anted Ointment to this world Mr the kpeeffr Lad ell•etashtlirel of the Itch and eU other ee.ly ernEtions. .Also user, passed in Scrofulous Sorer, Ulcers. Fero? end 9'd Bored . Waterer hen! to beat, and of inegteaf i reszyln the , cure ot Pm ri It only needs tee tote • Med. • , •- ! Price of F.xtract, $l. Of Yellow Ouitsseat,36 eta. Or taken together, $1 26. -old by Mt respectable Druggists. • sal-t" l',' aulo 65 ly , ciTATECIIIECNT •' . 0 Of ' Receipts sod Digburstrients or the Edo. Pew., *boot Menet fir the mu. eadilfg Yakail 5, ISM Pub- Listrod as request by law.. ' ' • • SOLED OF COSIIROL. ' • =Mtn. = Bal.lo heads ?meatier Sass 1,1884. ' - 11121 Mt Received from nitet, 11,131 21 r " " State Appropriation, eat 13 ' ll " Liquor Fiat% 13 00 ?aid Tay-bars and Jasitors,. 410163 47. " For Coal acid Wood for fail, 1,0813 )ii 0 Bonks for School Library ((roil dais), ' , 186'11 " Rabb for Moot Floasoo, 2!0 *0 " It:mile:at! E 10•0000. ' • 200 00 •". Treasurer's CommlisdonS; /2.513 ' '' • ' T OBBl l ' 811#4 =Mtn or oceowts ?AVM MUSD MI - Mato; ' 1,100 " reoalre, .1,087 • fn Trealarer's hands June 1,1864, 111 1 liteeelvel tram Taxes, I,FOL Total, - OAS 01 Paid on School Rouse No. 5, " Rent of School Henn% Innaranee, • " Intermit nn Ronal, " loeltlantal Exotnies. 4 ' Tro..sures'a CommLuton. S. gooK Total, PAW 01. WIM WARD BUILDING TURD. : Hid IgTrounror's bands alms r, MA, • f 0 iN Received from Taus, 2.178. TS " " Matt School Lots, , Imo pg., Paid oo School noon No. 4, $2, 2 00 ;Cf4 " Rent on School Houses, , ISO 00 " lold.otal Itxpensos. ' 939 f 36 0 Treason/fa Clotombodoas; • ;•I 48 Balsam La Trosuntry. . - , ~ .' • . 144.4 . '1140 ,111 Atitit, Joao 10,1!65. • .-; , • 13. S. gisirove, Secretary. • ' W.8.11110Wi1i.. , y : Elio. /Lund 31,111415.4 t • /Wildest.. FORTT4OI:9I SITILDISO LOTS The property knows am Marine Naar% bwit: _Wolk No. 20-of the Ultra 'Kris. 'altuated , baterael Tama ad Foorth,aod Cherry and PopLar nitrite% WMb "It 1 4, Auction at the Market Roam, ON, BATIJMM#X. MIPTIMifit wig! 'sale to commence at 0 o'clork, a. m. This eroiarty, mr, , . ittlee9l94l-"oste 109,Mrf slvettra t te. drerl'And'Etrlalin • :An itlba estelskfailift A WI 1111189cMil serf y_ .ti Tsang.—One-third cash on esecation of deed; Ile balance to two equal annual payments with Intasent. For farther piirticalan enquire of 8. A. DAVENPORT, 1114-2 w Or, WR. A. GALRILIIITR. .•••;-"1. . ......, I- • - • •••:',.• . . _ . __ _ _ , - ".(..lig../. Ilft.lii.P. ICII 'I I :ft • . .Ir.; Ir. - iillMisma- WNW v 67. N •.. - - -in!' as i ', I!J w• fp -t'iri,.r. .. ii:' :( •r -,7.t. ')!' - • t.- *." $ -.I ~. $. • 4 cs".., , t , ~ •4 4 '• ,i 4 .. A- .., ,1,,,, .i I , '''''., al .- • ;.:Ii- 1 4fi3 !1;t ,Tr 7 ... .1:%. I '.li .• lr' • 1; '• ":. •' !•1 I . ';! : • 11 . •'.l (P. :. i. 4 Li- a 4 ..- ` • . •• •. - . . •• • • •- •• • '•••• P : 1 • 1 •• .• ij .1 •''.' :. H -: 1 10 411 . 7 . .... , {N . .)7,' ,• ',. .• ,y ': ,: '. ' .1 . ... ••••v. - . -... 1. .3 , .1:at.Y1 4 .;. it:: : '. :: ' • , 1 la, lvil!) ill ',.. A• ' •-) . 1 - ... , ticivr......;-• '' 1 . rAl•fil!1 - ...''..---- _.- , . 1 s ~.. • , - •=1 " , .... . •:., :: :.,. • .1,-..q1 'it . II ;111 ,-, : .: I •••.f• - 1111 ".c!,T d ' rell , t • .., i It . • : . foy, .. .: : . r, ~ 1 .C7i ) . 7 1 ..._ 11,11 0 : 4 -, • - ry- •• "7 ! ' !el I, : ,i n )0 , zinn . b 't . ~.... sr 1 •. , 3•ls rt, lel "1 it • r . I ; F ii . _ .. . -‘..... ...• •. -s : dot:-- , z . i . , i 7\ :h. In x ' . ..-1 .70P. Iti g , „„ •,, ~, ~,, , . • ~t , t, , . ~:. ~. ~,... . . . • ~.„•,,,,,,-„........„--,..„.,..„,;,•,..,,,n1",..TYLT rtt 0r"..17,11.') - : . r •:,- - r. ❑lfg rit 11 f•u • f-f fkt '::' i lu'f' ......1..; • - : : ~..„11, t„..4.--..1 .- f .... . 1 A,liitLY7PEliwy , ftPiAtio liilkieeila:!! 6 bkii . "ii‘rrpiiirdltit `titt'ititi'4' Txt i it - zAA. 4- oit. T , IT Special NotitreL- 1120 Broad blow rot, Total. $12,26 NIPEIDITIILIO. Total; It7T Eli? WARD BUILIIINd rrno. tiastrn. aisavuumrrs $9,490 90 EIJIINDITIIIIIO4 : TWO! ASDI EMI MIZIMIENIMII ,; • OBSEILVEIN • INIWOIPIPICIL; Wo:4•;idleerwiattiii}viikit s rdstpAtielyt ftoi. int& iiiskityyialiViC raikirate diaattgittigtiop464 &Mt le 4fiesiatmisi k labaNderki -thirkadds• et , aka./ lEZE=M karat ladateeste Wei tiummessasipeis'stsetts w is tee rlNSatbastla.atsisnuiSsllseu IRS qui OftealksibeilSh tile OM , efleilitamit XVI lbeespid ) tidy eemmeir t7-40,1 •C' 'An" wilikfifkaV , Ousemsdod.Meilseet itats*Oß pw , 49,141 ("kWh Pk?, vfl 19T 9 / 7 , P a *, 414flArtM r iIV I ASY4 I OO O III4 I 7e - . 3 ** iMiIF4IIIFAIM4 PA? 4 7 #1 0 , lilt, IMal/s4;l'!rik k4f,s/P W - 0 4 Pic rsfMg - A , at 9u.-3•24u.• ia•w4rti rilvA Irdoirrir e ' • • •• `s.1 11 n 411 l :t i uZ tiM go rL I- ( - a * t m i • 1 4 p,,zorro v G i w -, , All Kinds seed iiiinilrawkiibr "!, ' " ' ,' ll ,seldPl lby 94o l /:11s : - • ' l ' tibda - altrt Adenomas, • Int e lirtiryi= "ll.2l4 ' • • Ail WHIN sioilbrirasilist= 1, , ,All kinds wed by =lb It kinds sled by A kis " " Id ginigrAcop.u: A Infadirined ' p : :11 1 = 1 1 .4 5:62fga t t4 ' . • Itktodif 'mediu m. • All kluda used bs tees„ -An Made used 1# isW'PA& l Yrlia4ey : 1 ,21 1 42Cdtplialta . 41 1 4; R AI I llet w L rkidgu r iPmfrltl4l*/12"44h • le y Artie J s i eeeisl y„ libiligbftw:: 1. Alllttods used by *haws of Social A t ari**. slinfiftiii; - • All Mode used_ ItitailigAng BBl / 4 , All All ki Ueda used by Ifenuers, or sellers of reel estate. ndsaidetspaildtilmelhoidurftersib, T Ipatteeteb to.cilleetS4llt bliewsmaiirtos4 v!{••• •li.toniOliArimArtgOftegt4 l lo4:viVit.lawiciss,nl O u lf D r• .If IT I M I la i r ••••,i .Nit if us, etpritokand us his 14;16 dry ve 'Da a ) riliedif th.' bill ife; ecdoctibibuiU bisiabOrtiOseirisrdsterilisthiss:7l: ' zegtit Eitiverdirrsilakkiig.L:tatiii; l 7iaanA4 on the of NUM domik.7llillilf i s t ° attlirhleiry trl gat faxieitlesimiCamt ". 4 1,FRTI4IPPPCItAletnict r i 1 / 4 40! Grano 'Township. Aligust 31. 11165410, 4. • , * 1 a • • DIIIN O9 ISTR 4 AMIUXA4 .-1110 , 1011014:-L1MIllel 4 1 14 1 1 0oRdtl 0 -4 1 00toltilifilMi= dee:ol lata 6a. or Amity townsblip. baring to, Aubsprlbey, isdsOtad to. odd wee !ORONO; lad • ,6 • 11 6= claims&Oast mad oared* ilidodAkorosoutt, duly authentitatod, for . Elinorridoi: ..-" - wattatiegatioilk - - • ii iAntfilteikk e rabediiTlift.:.:l,At47 ' am, =lnbar tion_haeing bees granted to the • • neut er:C V, tal C o la= , •t.. trb ! et : amid eas4g4=.. 41 - ' %, . • sue ` r ..t Lavin ' rrief l 4:l l ** l l4ll4/04, w, .1 1. p. i i,,' .enTrrr • rig i 9Mll,alski wnetp, oi l lVti f ar RN' ant Road. nearjhe Lampe, Apehsel bolus, $ 317 ZeNuereber. hit Par stedilles,felthterittfeardife • • .of , the arbor part of her right ear, and aho Dag Me bgi t4 14. 414% 4 '' ! mini% WI Silie ' • ,away, otherwise she will be moNtlidAb, 1 t ptsi h ma rot two ni 7' —4 ..,,i0. 41 ,91!PS patismgerito it' 4cp - 144aNaciii t - ...' A-r i lfott L ie h robe etitilt 9 ititai l #oo. tviaill.l e a4fitz:b in Xs*: ikaiibe Ea Ille aolved. all 'debt/ dee to the maid parteerehlp apple t toild. and thee ..itaa t haes tbe estoit by &ma, at tillitamera rficAllik " - ntettiLli• *Winne bethireddireat% Stihfacii - ti/ .. r t JACOB 813101 , t grje, rx, glop .. her 4,01g-tv , LEON }WI • 1. . • t. t. k r - 1 ~ ro._,:b:lf! II e s k: flitPlll %NW COURT ItIALII.—.In part o 'la *Apr be as Ogabalill OAP. Ted QV et il ' L imn to poblioatt ILO, borne .. 1 . 1 7 114, Ail tolOeberr killl.l genii illk glrit . e tra r gr e Va t titir .. a Veini - • ennui, bounded andlo au 1 : Ad aim at h pat t/is southumthamogrpf I sdyiki :Haw totiaisl lied' ittini %I s 9 tibtueintufe,Witi FP MO AN hadreatOttarrt US/ lad a-10' thrttaia: munch by MI of Utensil Am - 11 3 4111 snit tirtaome ii:befibefi; , • - . trrent4 11 t utClatan H. Colt north ”o oant.orro Wm m d' me tatpty , pi 4be Owe of bilittalD6 *ni talabst f 41 07 - , loll, ,acrlsl l o kti7 P.archek OP. Pan enotwer Jeri. • TM. co, Botai—Choo thiMi oa.somErostiOst i IbpjadtoWwd vhadaitiaw t=ri=. cooti- go ocalcoatioa ofiolvat, the ogfins of tho-poz chaser. . , WALORQN. ; Mitt Adm'r of Oulu Colt, diteL ' 404 MI JPD".. / 4 ,1 1 4.0 0 1 1 0 4 . *IA " - ' - .otrie %Amity, ' • - r, !Abuse Fear,- 7I: I' itii.Al7„ Aloe nu. ..••• • - 11- • r •i,ri!. • x° 41 ,.., • • • 7 • Mae e0i10.4 . %it Oftril fpra Clem ibd Ahhbasdinit .• -.-A amitiim* /pi , a tbiykp.btrkrietLlVl4ra 00 44,ictt , pis . l)l ` t!etopr lfu L iadaper ampgaat. • ' • BROWN, Medi* aisziffitiAllksk Anitst 134111111:.! 1.; oath yo toe %wt. titirtift Impost %NAP moo) ia4hrtitbots dated aunt fr the deals qr liirittwati#42or i neitz et Xi* OS .• Vetober, _, oe oe ; mond ecosi ttillieti/11. 4isaidn, _ .il:- - MS+ 4w! - LialltPLWlSitt. Cads. • Tv; tin dc . . • enf v : .-D ei gka'air: , ti!Llttlfl)3 or ultimata; , Tormoi vitoreasunl •- . arErnol V admr4r: : • . • • • 1 •,,:: —. f. • • - Pitt V tr " ol.oB l a , l2 trfit4 / 4 4. B.wt isithiliidWairilailiP banks thelate rim in .mimicw/ • • la ggitftigitio 1 • , c• • , • AAA". fit ' • ! :• • - " • 1 , 1 . 11 . 1 , 1 ,71 •' . 1 .", Coentry ?Wok of es* mttbbefilit Timm . „ mi4aimokiiiipftd trookribe Ali MORA iNut • k ! l •r k l.tPrA l sq I F9 0 ,••. :• i •• • • omukss' or via •AosoOnwo , Totrito; , 4 1 44.i.je• • : . 1 i STIIIII2IO Vas! Plitore irlarfaS IL% liCk. WOW= VAT Ai' 71(113024 DZPOIf. •,: .YY ,T # . • COAL I (*PAL it COAL ' '' ' ' Notr, 'MI nos ',tint to • ROT: •.: f Icia Llama tir iifeig tbd 868061 a. r: • • sViate •'• ' AE tk. 1 • • RIM •Booft .77 • . .• ALL' ztkoN:orsbrt ;err-limb oosto, • -, r :1: • ' - 'Winn illetrata';' 1. • • d ' Art4 41i I ' ,t , • •, , 1.• , 13,000 00 60 00 16 64 61 00 684 N 76 64 o t wO t twriage o illi s tw e li v ms t ' :mime sagftlissilladimf pIgraV4ZTA .7,,fizoigko t oTli r soo aedf ..1 ecf 4"1.7.r!.. low I.cs: 7 , 11 , -mina M tatitibi4 ,m i lia l eae AP GraviiMokailigioesiiiii 4 47 , It 4 1 I=, gi!A ka l i S 1 T N Eris 7 lit fr s t raii= g witubaii; sad Ora . !Waft/1011M 161 44 , 311 • rfir e 2afi v r i M i t i dg w rintiafr ie t Wilobs.oni is lialiceelbst . I+ss l KtCra. ,d 7 i liP*Ar Op 11 , 0 , 4 *4l t ti r o 1n het; ' ' 4l6 lY d • Is ~,,,,__ yi ki ,,iktringif i l)boolo7.l wolf' am 3 as In ifiailfilanoptllr e art= to tor Mut 6 IrS tr i ?stoat boot la uao—Bisto Wows Rh GM Mt l Er* Ps. Clotho; sok to to the goo* oleo. 11711147. ' l *! ;vRIR 4 . 'T." ~t • I ...1 . ..1.1107.. ,m 1 =II ,iii_A) . iliiVAs:4ll-.ArtiT417,9,9:0 . - -. StrongAM'' nnesi or 1i1d416 . . ; ' 1 ' :- ... ~. -4 , • -1,. ;;;: ; ..t1. , .. Y 1 1 ' ' . ' - •IT NILS!, V/JILLI, ~I, ,# i i , I t • , rrib, none-6' your b6h .---- rdin' eeheo` l mnitee," Yout'eweltitillaidlernyibure fat JIM; • : • i " i i!PtTe t eOptit Cupid.nal bibles' l -.. r r , Yet know poi whit nyttter,tanybe; "etent'reet it All ehitintiritil,- - :. ' ' •-: 1 Pot realms. i eamiiinelliinit, .r• -; ittlfiva ilit•Aion.9l lll. -liPilli r. „;• .. . I f _l( . .enng Liddy in weeds nn' a tai,. fr. li ii n 1 - -wisuld offer m#:4l‘ity,•:; -: ' •-- - . ]214;11 ititrTtle all • inliet .it,ennende,,,, 'p ees hor,the bieeeonfe . o',lleenty ,l Li hsigitec i ed by peepta'Troni wokedil ' Shdie ixidta oar -a pie for: the etrimie, • ' :T4 her nap tentative , belong. :;• : .; . And the.oherte et iter.,ehly little esle . . - le' liolialleage to coorrehip nfi':eeng ! . : The ihresnont o' girlbOod sTe our. 7" •:. . .I.ine‘fp blossom has. rtpened ta.freit„ ,„ die:hAr light lOre nehle!p , under 010 er,. Ei tbilLillelibere itilt: peraionlaltrines• rent It in plistant no know. Lite. delta:tad ... : •1* ••:. . • f 1 14.1‘ r tinditerlyoired .to the,leAt ;" ; •, i Ai thitsbe will *nbt 4w brakenLheerted If Enttenbi petit et jnit se !net !L •• :: :-* • Hmtin9fF ii *lvor, se !satire, - ger ;uky She - knolls sitiPe , "' * - I 14,:mhisaIDpeeplibut:aiidiker • UssflA:Ff ( Orsiliiik. tiV4:zFtaxiiefkr:, In prpof !be all'Others discards, ' But thilfridtly tiffs. idea' icre, eArried A pair these - Marital' gu.tuxte " 1:•`1 ,; -• ' ' • ,An so, none o' your boordin' Your sweet timid - Efure for me, Who ravirstblistlegfgrai r ifielieW,'` l :'• l -Nat Ito, uot.what Astor may bi; ;:; 4tOlfeo . l. si 411.aintimtatwt,c . or oare' v r i ßy r ro'n a rap— :" trirtlyit , eie p; ally al:el./Oral& • ' 1 !lutist • 'ironed* any a gap 1 - . iismarksblis Speck% of • President Toktison.. tt." ilientb:iikettle the ,Itephilieis Hanks, r• ' 'l' - , ,•• • —.....:. - .. • i • • ltut lel/owing • is'-the . full text of • the " , i'Fii ll3 _! l 4 i t,P9 o C . , 4 i t.o the. Southern Dale... pawl? On Japptlay AlAt : 1 43 i l l T . l ' i 1 ii -4 PP 4 4 Y say, in 440)% tot ititii reitar kanflbarebairtnan, • that 1 AM hegkir.gtittified • tb receive the assurance* hib Aim Crunse-..the:i. They &remora than I *id hamexpected ,und . er the cimucoc l Itaticam I.,mwit say I was unprepared to receivesin'tithitertitur 'delegation on this nixetion 1 it teas- uneepectedrlcl had- no . 1 idestit.rwia to be so large br represent _so 1 02.11,19' 594e5.,, W hen I. expceswil fat .did I my 7,lllgingbess to see at any time, s o many or l Ytid'ait i chate tedo me thiloribr to* icall lipon-tse arid' whited that:4 sitibki be imagist} .. & t ,resteivieg, any. manifeatationa 0f.,.47,1rd ..Y9tlmight, thick prom to Max , I' was tinally mptiiparect . for aiii thibg44ittif Go the'preserifdetiMnitiiitien. I am free to say it excites in reganinci. feelings =demotions-that lariguagels to tappippideipmte.to expresL,Wherril lo* bic - k r upon Any,p4Evectiotis, and recall a. iixt darniFtthorititin tin i Shorqearat adetissbnd I stoodibatilinge for prieciplee `oritickinteosaffi4ott.toppnetd endi thotight:. * .Vil l itTifoh4ir4 4iatiooor..l4 - pAsMe pruicip es t today, ,and whiclPPrinages 'I 'thinly tny 1 tiptt - you hive =ow forward= On Ahls 'oceasion • to lokiMitellt :iiildisposition to support, ,' pr a y her,.ss A. tax", said i on. many tormet,ocea l• stem; that l'entiAzin* no persona reientrnents eiEtnek.',#'thiiiiiiirike '6 day -iiiiiiirisid ' sou ot of *ant /yid Di/knits tiae,-howearer touch' he n4Y•lketre.tliffOreci 'ton ess ih principle. The stand d theabtodk .I claim- to bare, beei3 the enly,,true,ose...l remember how -1 stood.pleading with my Southerrr;breth riteetten they !food:With their hats in thill•vhstakse''tendy . :to •tarit their' - beiCks Upsth,theilnited•State4 blow7l implored tbent,to pt and. with me there. and: Main-. tarn our rights and fight our battles under thisliviii and toitstltUtiorn of 'the United : Stiales,` , l thialfnowi- ter -thought then,' sild etoiteeured taindtme thew tobsliere; gist our.trAtepositien essueder„tho law aria' uhder the Constitution of therUnion. with the institution of slavery in it; but it` that principlo mirlren issue that rep dieredlei litsititegratlint- 7 pbseibler-lif !that 13.g1e /tn. !ague , whicb ihouid prevent uai frpp.trat,irOfting to pur.c.kildreu Is coun try . aii:heclueithed . to Us . by oar fathars— I , libtioltifng elsi to do - but stark' by the govesitasent , be..4l6- smisequettees • •irhsl they seight Llllsaid thim.••vrhet: -you ill know, thit y I was ,for the institutional:if thecoun as guaranteed by the Consti-. tdtioiWb isixiveall- things I Was for the. Union -. of the States.- 4 remember the taun*:thejeers, the scowbs with which I was treated,,l rementbq , the circle that stood aroun Me, and remember the, threats end intimidations thee-were freely uttered by Wei men who opposed me, and whom I wanted to befriend and :guide by the Ugh t that "led me; but, feeling con scious in My own integrity, ithif that, I was righte I heeded not what they might say or doto;,mhp &rut was inspired. and encour , , tu,doirgy duty regstAtess,of, Aught e , end have lived to see. the realbutum T '3 s4 ttiY, precifetiont and this fatal error of those whom I Vainly essit*l.to save front' the results I could not but foresee& . Geni tlemen, we have passed -through this ro b/flintsle 1 ilay we, for IV Was e Who , are respotbible for! it'. Yes. theliouth :nieda' titmoue, and - .I. know .the nature of the them people well enough to know that When they have become convinced of wit )srrorthey frankly' aoknovriedge it, in 1114001,ii - Opsl 2 . direct inatteer ;. and 130 w.• in the ,performanc e of „brat duty„ or, in deed, in , any act • they undertake to per- . fbrm, 'they do it, heartilyand ' frankly . ;, and now that they come to. Me I titiderr stand them as saying Abet : We made. theissue, We set up the Union of the States egainit the iniiitufiori'd Slavery; setfeel voc.:a at arbiter thi3 God' of'battles; the arbitrament , was:the sword. The iss tie wtießatily eud horiorehig. tpaci, Both gi a %Indiums presented , have , .been settled. against us, and we are prep ared' to accept the'isirtre." il find On all • aids& difirepirit of.: itander.and lionotizrevailitig.. It is said by 41 t. 711 issue [VW .Pure, ihd.:Abet judgment has been given agsirtst gs ; and the decision having been ttutdeagaireit us, we feel bound in trotter to abide by the atkiilmowatii ,1/4 3, dPitifi f•ltik'ffe.llr4!dn.illg pp rsi gyed ‘ pp dishonor, stud i should. nqt frt hiimiTisted or .degraded, but ' rather t it . 'retire ennobling ennui/ties by ' otir sollail ;•aticitsre should feel that the gmw en:kaput hip .treated !us swig° eniniously.2 appl Ago Pie, goyernuieut uott. the terms it hat so maguanimOusly **red Its. Bo' feria I ''Str. teaticertiiil,'Wrsonall i y; I it& ,utwitiewenced by 4thyiluestiou, whether it. I agestailth.liorth: or, the South, the lisst, I I SWIPOt.: X ital d ' tei'Ff . 1 aid of old, V or the Constitution andUnion' ordtere i T aala. " 'ln deb* So I-"ktrerie I Opt' 1! obladisomenlyca glintlimeti Of tbethiuth , when this doctrine of secession), ,wm Wes. I!urged upon the country, and the declare . tiftwAri raliFiFigitt Ict iPrgak litk,,4l.,ScW -1 ormo , opt.i,nd digintekratf3,thp union was , 1 6id" I' atirai - ta4114, az 'I 'loven 'Wit' i stood, firmly in the(Opittidietbei:if , si nio anisely,toeiesids; egaitistp this , bosultry Ike !I monopuly.iikuVo,ll 4 4 l ", , , l e 4 4 !I B lg ni pgtAll, I l a fell :sea . Zeit: &vire g oveniouggiqui!. ... et!'; iliba.ike , i lidintkilessikkviiii nticruti..koptincitio,44' 1 1 1 41Pit gehtt i ttitre 2 tawat. ILO sip result of the decision in good faith. While I think that the rebelhon has been ar r P l i ti G1 4 /Se to 1 , 34(.1r „ • • fest -` .and subdhed, 'tiedm happy ici l t .1r Wo ittlei 6 iiiin &fig a ditty' wall lierThrdied`,'l' ant ndeonly:yOu,:bin Us' penile 'Of /the: irtnAl to kinvribAitirbilier lidteaded and 4 1 41 1 4 A 1a 1 61 .2 1 10 0 41'4 , the.. P*Ags, ,f .trt, egm4f,i, ,pot ag r inist a l f o r n PTeo.tiftiiftefiva. QfPggver e t . - ' Is " germ or fli4aa ; nod , : it .the: issuel:is ' dowsed ferpotaa' Mt, i I Shall! itill Oa fteaver • tergaitratet ;thin same efforts to dissuade j frogi,,this k 4notrine„of. nmaing tos.rtremer ; but hay let, - the same relit biiiiPpriedli• Lei the' ail:wine:4n bii - dur gyidki Let the Preiervatienrof thaVandibe ualeil Pr: 4 , titt litattes '4l eig WiaaiPaltaink,. Lai It bi our h ope o t hat the , GOVerefee L e !I, m 4 'be Ilehigtual, and' that - Abe "pancip7es of slier %verntnent,'fotin&d *either aliV onlight andjostioe,thaf bebandedtlown wittgous apOtoort,hlethittb ,t4l,.mir,.pnaterity,, Al have be e - rernarked,to i nal, f, _apt eratfffeittO'setisii'manybryou hin'e tckfay: le Manassas 4 sPIHt • It , eta- plessiede toed-. 8 e nrek : :-: I. lapotv , itte4ltAtuteee said of the that myasperities -are,e,ttacp,..an4thal. I, had vmdictlieleelinge to gra*, }!id inal I Wird& net fail - to; avail Inisrelf Of iftti ;iv partutiltialbat would fneeentlheinsel ' to great* stioh-rieopicable leatiegpsq., tuft, tleruen.4r.MY aela w il l 1 19t.-"Pfi k .nr:Ait and fOr themselik, then any, prO elisions Might noir niiike *mild hireqdilW ftslifelis. • But,- gentlenien, ' if flrliew tiyittilk , Xs F: think I do,. I knqw that I as otithe Smith. ern people* , arid I love thernend Allt. dn. all in my, power, to ,restore,thilm, to tlit stated' happfneis' ancl - proSperify Wilk they enjoyed before - the- -maea"' 4tor-i4iilt; guided men; in whom 1 limy ihad reposed their -icil 6 . 4 e4i (4 4,)ec1, ,_, than/ AlltXtif :W MHO own,unuoing.r,i; t hee. is ea:POPS : 4A can 'he l 'done on ;my . part,;on borreef prineiplek'eniilteirintiptes orate Cbrittatiii,ki, to pro Mote these ends, be asecired , ilt shad: be defier - latti P 2l .llaftraret.s9Th feiaerrthet, there is nO divan:Lan on thapcir,t, t of th<ll:-YoP er,rmpt fa teat luiredy willi the'SoiliAirit pea pfe , There reity.'-he 'skeet:l4' riblisbed' from various :cpiartere that - May , a different , liPir-kt. Do. sot jet them troettle: nor excite you, but oelie,v,;? that it, ill.. pl. WI iti,, the - eel; t objeet of 'this Cloverninen tin mike-the Union 'of These tfilitekf tat more complete acid•perfeot telatr etren,iiind. teinsintair; ition the:Goestitetionat prin eiptr, it possible, more hrzoly !hit" . it ham, ever befdre Veen. Then vih . x , canncit"wd" all Come up it, the•workinsprii*lfilrit? In-other words; let :ustiooktis:theiieonstic tale• ' , The: lsiln liacteMP 48 1 4 An i distin oided :, then ! ,,es,w ac .111 eh—as gleElliao Pr. rigbiitlei ftrp detlieniined lololloW ' It es fathers And brottere; and as'ineti vihciff their conntryi lin tine he trial anclintfti igititill'- , _WhifWntt w.a.aemalilP:alnl helft. to setila the.,9neattelp of the4III,IPSIV-• just teem accoiditig , to the ' principies of hosor and ofinsibie rtt-Theittditritinri -- - slavery isitOne;,':: The( foritmeetatiss Oahe negro bed: tn,be-changeck , and rep'!" wAe men,,mtistiecognire tti Patent a tact and; adapt- ourselves • to eirciimstaricia at the sdrrocind us, Voiceli— We aro' *tiling' tn doso.. Yesocirorfratewilltag LW- Otani). I :lieliev,e .you_ ..arp.., , I, belititewhen, jr,etax faith lb pledged'. when your 'consent has been liVen, at I , hate tilreadliiiirici-,'•Vbii halt it Will beimsdntained3 In -gaud basin= awl -everT-1 3 .1Pdgit RI ,Brillittefer fe4 let: carded, out, ' (Cries—lt wpl.l 44 $ ash or.,dealt,4 or - thh Sarah 'Or' the Iferth,the'EteVar the' Wesi,--fe to he iiestnined 'in' itielrfing' out the principles of the Orminitirtion., - ! :14:-iir not to.be deniecljbatole .liar bean grimy sufferrs on both sides. tides. (fo od men, have fallen - on both sidtil, and' mitch'isilitery,ti being endured `es the .-Itecrestry-vestiltttif. tc, -gigantic e conteit. 'Whydrest; venni* we cow! together,. and itrouncf the: nom.. ' mob altar - of our,ecingry,leal the wound! that have beets - mide ? tieepwoundiliave been lufficted... Our country alai , been scarred. all ; over.- - :Whisnrwltt: immix* 'We apprinCh r . eao4 .other, n,pori iptincipOs which ixre'rig,tit in themselvs . and which hti'prcicluetifei of itoci;:!' to' all "f ' The day _is imtdisutnt when we shalt feel, like aeftia Amill that have• hadeorodideep.and' desperste,feud,, the aarionn Invitherejit which helve corns together and compared, the e V ihfon 4 'feelings the , / tad . i it lifCti'd' upen'eseh 'other- '.' - They bat ;reed. the -In fluence of. their error and Iht.resuit t end. governed by a ,generouii spirit of zone/Jilt li ticin,theyhild - bacorcießuniallylorbring ancf-fcirgivineand rettirniiil- to 'their old habits of fraterinzit kinds:wall; and t)twitttio. better friends than ever. Then let.tmootat eider the feud that alienated us bas been settled arkdAglinste4 t9..OPLAstkteea,. iehir fmktlin,;:orict-tnal-we come togatogr lAA. bouncl'hyArnter heeds of tovp,lpapvet , ie coriAdence, }luta ev,er. ,The Iklcir cannot get alpeg with* the*nth;notT Sontit fr . ,;14 the North, f tne East from F - he ;West. nor the West frcim the East ; arid - rsay it. is our duty to do all that Iron; power lies to perpetuate' -and •niake'' itlionger'the bonds of• - •our:Uniori, seeing - that it' isibr the 00Mmell :geed •of all that , werehould lie united.,, .I feel. tbat- . -thia Unioo,. though hilt, the creation - of a century:ls Who:per petuated fcir all time, and -that It ' rlll2tidt be destroyed except by -the all:wise God. whe'createdrj.t. , . Peetlenten. al , : .lePeatti I • sincerely thank You for ; the setspec,t, may}-, tested on this'oecesiOn i and for the ex preasitins Of approbation "and norifiderith,' please accept. my 'innate 4 hank& -: • ,1 : The, Daston Cbm7tonuir444, is Act ,Eavora bly Itailiestatt*ith diers and offieerit slate the cline of war.. Oen. CoX ltsa turned: eut:badly Oltiol t h e soFildii_ P .F 45 - 0 .1 1 0 :4 1 31P9T skket In Vivra, the discharged TeterKillSurat% Thciines iind'denoutme'S taetiini; and' lied entity the bey's , le bine 'de tot fake kindly to the party ," engaged in the hstereete of God an.dih)4matOtY." W-4erAkitte.POPFAlt, indignant sokhers who 'were:Jo n3alte.e, raid upon the whtole"-DaM6Oratld 'pirtY when the war Was . elissed I • irtrabincisee when the :elections oome on. if. the Army, was so overwhelmingly ;9074" aa,thttrit . turn s from:it for ihe 'past two years have iridicated.'- The aoldierS lktuii , • *he 'their' . friende:lre. They-knew . ittrti'did not wish! to sacrifice their lives to the enforceraenD, etGagirOP?.?.filllx! :Ygifiriul;io PFP greK,and would save theni gra equalily now' that It Is ended. TheY' know Who: endaiiMed td -aecielerate' the' exobaugp et,priaoame, :that they might be sayed,fropa the horrors . of Andpopnvgle, i and theY'know; too, who racffspe(l,,lhem to thosehorrors'in oomph:Mb p With a:chil maii , ltfbr protection for tour et ffirel red Asyes whcani the: gonfraliteite,teesti tureit, It will not .be a-yea; i NCim,tltvi Ahdlitidn' press sokfiers And "Qiyilielheeds•"-tegethefeiliitteititya". Cellentrelison that , ther will . atott together. ""7 gifiggg• g r unf• • • • - 11 : : Ttao4riorr dr rile iiier.—, The SeerelarY of War, - has inored•instruetfolf." io • 'ibis econtnaisdiog Generals of thiDepartniena! of liarth.Carotituk. Virginian klatidaollans MI , Aics4.tiliPli • and 1 4 4 aPP.,;ilivici, tiREI , thegoo, =matte y Opplier,W , ,u ger' rWorgaritiiii sof oblOWltrootairhieli were donated , in ibis Northein @Win, Add , Menus waving icy their leeemOintgoe nt.,. tikWi l ia i gie zoßoitearouk ti )'nor, gaols oos, hicTud,,qtall id os e Jcp by ricinitiVaill'itother • soideed . :'4lll) order-iihnota :the musfer.ont:oft 3,ool'l%nd+. iiitinent Irilite.trooye In ItheXiefiertwtetlti u. br,ititr T A ,14,1.1 j ,Ge0,.,,tri MAWR .... 0 .. pgi. r...utt o g_yo, n ter or on:in lie' Er • •mMiirld'' `11,noo ) tie& IV ittordonfleenn bed 'etiliateduminlhe , iiill . Wbiaorder shows.- Whet ( 4144# 1 , - Jiff: &;11)t ' I.' 1 4 4= seksin., this ha is e tiro • reduce the expenses of the Government as rapid ly as possible. '' ' -NUMBER 17 - Eleme- Day/ - - on emooiluilii froni "lth gentle touch and Tenderest Care, AndAgm o t.yetre / cr• 4ptuaosu am*, Briettraili txrd!piimpt dirk- zmiling the i t e Omar. me say, ' You'll think nf, le_ again,„ eagle day . , Simi day !" •'- • . do nellilicstia3hollosAbil-bfiNme,•• • or count on years of , fadeless prime, . 11/ 0 011 °W 11114 eikellaiiedllieThr Skins ' Among these heavy, Waits -of mine ; y, laugh aihipkyy J egt 7 , ed4,llkfor, on'll thin k - of [his male some day, ISomeday ! _ ihr.olP. I! i•ri”..lo.'i - lc , „ . Somee day ! I shnliiibtfeel,-u niv, reutftft,itiede mere About my brow,— I ehiU not slight your light commands, And draw knit lonf-oratull-breiny hands ; ii shall be silent ikethQl77,-rt!' Wad you—ru , sfili not su# ilutt day; 1 ' - '" s ' e " - •' ' ' _ ome'day ! . ils ,:n !•:• '-_-. - -- ^ • . I Ji 4 o l 7b3_ , Plefig your lovisigiheede; , • Wilt OnjOrwitkikraf giciferb!Oli: , • -• ' • `When yo u Obeli wasye pv ,l'ast creirti ~ I Of Mes e tblek braiding*: long'and : Srdwn ; SOypti willetee!nmettealri eflray2 ' • MoitßAmar 04babis length Lbak AIAY • SOnte day 1 . -, Vii: : • ~ ta , . , d Sibile your tetra are falling hot pea the Itps.wbtals suitor:hot; '1 „V94,ll,taks frofu : }49Be oae ',reamed trios, And leaie the rest to silentnees— temembering tbat 1 used to say, 4 , , You'll think of dila azgith.kom44l7—;” .T:17111T 'I T r.8146'4 di iii . 4j1 . 44-WiiiiiiiiVicert who c_ie (lei in hal rthicie--'ffki"bniirtri3cl ihcitniand dollars inifqiintien months.' •vihioh •,ttain. *,SAI-MillThitl44littfts,bo44 3 , thiia map ! IMF .11rereis high trot' lying by some of these 804111 etp Ostrespoodente; esproisily those iogot e i!. the-PWIA I Qf ; 40 4 . o ar ol o4, sod'{.e ruiritar } y authorities nuAit to sup-. ats- tharis..49p4iiafeZl Pej6loipiT.• • • , A/ 1 19 1 9cOATAT-ftix,7trin.fsme.ze44o4 4iv ctission, &weep a Democrat, and a Ger man 'R*Publi6i6;:, the former rr,feried to tfrei'atabeen'tevpits." 4 "Habeat Corpus," se ?ended: ; the Republican,: talk - to -m e bOuljuilioels, corpus. ; I kriqws Ilfe a . datut - Cold Copperliead " • • ' LLit'ireiiy : etefeinsilit itnders anii thit he'eledticinkof .thojteOublidan candidates .1k491R110115i FIAPPted ion, wit/ Op an., toquzgiAd xonticrlncition . of ' Wee/Vigil:ton: Gin& "p4ticil for - regoiiii:3 • ' ' = _Brinilfr j ai t cuAa.—.The gre r 4 indignation and" rage which tioi 'negro' s uefrage nrgona niiiiiteatlii their comments: upon the late Denocriatin Mate oda vention indicate that tcProcciealingh hare doab good execution q4..5fn#4 .. or , the enemy ; . The, Molt. ipnudf Bee ei_a _feel the atrength f the aidia niiiirelip . la th'e Democratic totat . - rdltzi,(and - 'herniethe display of ill-temper. _ . . . . T64.We loudly. for retrench-, entieMoverndwit expenditure: The tielrittittFactidtv—blick• ea ' , charcoal in - - - - - - oto " ics-..asysr 4 . we went no standing pro acitAigi Itck.i:l fglare7virere. Tbe,ge4dna of he peoppr.wal be. sufficient For that. Our Ovenantrtit will be compelled to inlrci• ticb"stricf economy in ever* department t ttu3iseirvice, in order to endure:the bur et/44ml the rebellion bee .brought." - —. 1 2 Tliti 'Reitiblienna in Mercer "county, boat it menttOagor, started a . subscription ot building s monument in memory of the rase t soidieria , from that county who.had filitn,ifi, battle during the war. The tic'heme met - With"publie laicir,* an d " large stinitatita were anbseribed by citizens, ir• restaketiareptliarty differences.- None. but !Mt tt i : fty ~tigro e r i ret r b , , ev rr ue r: u;:ae permitted t.au t c o t . whiti tteethittlot a good :utia together, P they ran off with the whole amount. Thwabalititux mob :law.: :matt:maim be. V1N#1R.A.9:44 014 t.t1e*4 . 1.9A they Dave' foyree y,ar4 been offering i ,Deniocrata bblbrdedil "upori thCblielvea." At. ReOblfoin - Convention at lictiirliiiperierril 0.4 tiq Abe :1 4 20,A1u) Republican nominee 1 0 ;:,4epreaeniAliTe , ': attacked..attacked..4.. a 5pir. , 4 , ,, „rot: I,cdpileas, who b4d !9:rua grudge sgattat - and obnied Jijai all"oirer,tho r: l lr.dlinallftnanaged 'to nionnt horse and tacapei or he would have' faded roughly at the linnda of Abe ,eqraged . Dentooritiojoornal out in Knox. Co , Obithlis, abet one paper Gentral,CeOlunibus Delano. of that .locahty, .with a, sharp silob . , for Undertaking to sicciourge the gin ernmentAtris-valiaiat-son of Mars "fit, and bkbcf and,Adfed , for,q vat of the tax dne :on 41 1 4 3 4.0%! l000tne;: This- loyal I", sokr strora, to some $1,400,0f th i s rorld's Roods onli i .making:a httYe difiiience 0f.579 DOG peracreal-properti. The 'ffeiierat keeps. carriage- worthi-ha: sate: `5455 ;. a " baser Isftrkhiak..ibut coo.s3lX).;:m srouplo cit Old wa , tcltes B37 .2 s °. , , o 3o , ,at°lPEc pfoltecty,„eLi ue.l.S, tflakt PT fce, ; ;' four fags at one dollar cow it $l5; 4e., - !Ed. liekibuinahe..king.6f:.ktrgessotho. t l4' thP POPsuR t 4 tips iKO: tvlf. o 9P,o oo , *biggest strike yet =pie on either side, otihi - ktlatitid,'*is Lan aeti e bei-of the fefoinspittY, Sad-talked •by the hear ShensicLonmckeratin.idishonteity: And Repub. ii9W.PO4 r npui 4 AeialtY O ree Upon,tr•avaera' bbeause !lONA ito " or the' " fri Ita of'bis toll4 l ' , ae therVeryonaciment,-hsd• his pebhats plethoric with •thenstnien bonds, money, etc.. of his best friends,,,, We look upon this Wail street sprOut as possessing the vpity ctuslities t . 0r.1, .offipe of high edeititlern' t - --Loyalv - esgue Lodge in the country. :10 ; - . -Jai ()bail Moior:Ointemilliftargia,,sl.l2o4l, bf the rebellion and of the Mexican aqd Ta*alwarai. is, the. Demootatio eandidate 14140/101110fia ••I -•,• 9•I" 1 ' lark JAiltr4l4. : Democratic • New jersey, Major General Runyon is the .14tamooratio. nomaitied;for Governor. : • 4ilienTelrotkirletricor4eaarsl,Bloeurn is , theiAienaoerestittekadidatet,lol% 13eorolari , otalate r i,,tbs hiEtiesstaffioe vateed *to I/NLiksielvAlea-Aeraocraull home' resolyeo tosupport“thavvoldier'sstastaidests,: jp op, pogistoop. the, tlegoituffrage , candidate of the Republicans. In Pen - nsylvania,Cals—Davii toihiWß , ilketrill4l o, thaS* ll 9. l . 2 .' arer 0433,0„.4,.,cuiplidates, n o State"offleitirteti4 fillet " _ • The Hartford .717se,hso;the louosbu i silia)kotß4it At , 34.,44tipafq,413.w C9l TIRTAV9 . ..Iii, flr.. !,1434f1i t thlk,,Wri, XI WI inn ate, 111.9**•*:' trwMe,r; ~ ,4PRl*c*fslli*Lia. ai!-T* l *:'; 41 0 9•91 1 1; ow •:, ; ~ '• 1 C t I T ifll , • r0i,41 V *R. bur } ,1 thqqNeY ALkt*P 3 / 1 401-.. 03 , A.AS ritMylEllSw RM!' -.. *tkY.A.. ' pub ain ors or was' 'haranguing a mon 'in the street, and spa • har-brilhint Inas "tiler ft_ i4 t hcPS O •PYR t Il r i n atkifFLV,itil v e&ig e =4 l sefiute 'kilt th **lite& iirilikidoeplithp , . Wog Marotta 4.i11e duise sft.tis i.11 2 1 01 61 MP0 51- 15e - si. neat inquiry is respectfully put to the representative from Windham county. I;1111 EMI - 4 f 4 ‘, InCOme Lig. -for-the Citi or Xida! ArbUckle, Presley 21r -1 .„;. - ..::..13,842 . '" :. Abell, John ..,. - _, ' ' - Adams, F F •-•- . .. _ 600' • Austin. nog Itt - - . ~, 1,2e . r., Ailastrong. HN • •• • • - ._ _.... 4 6,000 : ,Atit t lrison, JB " - •-' • • -- il, Brewiter, Win` - - _- .;:„ 503 NO, Wm ', 13 _ B r eykllier, Geo F - ~......: 1.442: Brown, W 8. - ~.: f .3, Benson, Win - ' : 7 .411 Beckman, Henry .- " 1,583 1 Bebee, Joint 4.:- , -__J. , ,,, • :802: Bbyre, Geo .., • - ~ 13;236'J Btenner, .Josephs. 4 , . 1,114 i Bennett, E A • - 1,600. Brulliker,- Peter.......... • ' .6.4? :. . 3 e 45- . Banytird-, -John.. - •- - •- • ".1 :I .i96:4i Bravillier, Fred., • 11 r • 2 ; 754T .Burton, A P -, ii .1•.6011 - Berler, B 11 '''''- -1,0891 .Burgess,-J C ' 778,9401 Brown, W A 7/ ' t 0 1,002 i Booth, W A ' • l"• I.l' 1,90 GT Babbitt, E C.) ... • Bliss, John LI - " 1 , 12,01; Brander, Charles •"•!: 1 • 1,3081 Brooks, S C . ' . ..,4 .1 , , , 14Li Becker, .P .A i •, 4 ,.7.- ALIO,. Barr, M R -. . ~:i_;: , 6,886 i Baldwin. Wm A. '1 .1.:1L...‘,.... • :1:431 Boyer. J V 4t....ii 1;379: - Biker, B 1. r 1,024 i Meaner, B ..: ' ~..68J? Bates, J W t , .2: Brown. John 8 V.... "12;522i Bailey, F P I .6.588 Butterfield, _Henry „..., .....I_!.. . •- , 733 • Burton, David , ... ~...:z. ; -625 - . Burton, Andrew_ . ... .. ..,..:::..._ -708, Burgess, M H ' - • 10,127 Bennett. G A _. „ , • s.. , : 363 Bell, Wm Jr ~..•• 9,607;- 8a11,,E,t J . • _ _ . . 2,196 Caldwell, Emily . _ • • ..7... -45,095 Camp, Irvin, , . ' - 1,120 Clark, Silas , _ . 487 Casey, Johti - --• 12;187 Coclarane,,l It 3,550 Car,se,,, Alm - - -- .... - 44 . 1 500 , Colt vu, Geo - W - - ..... ' ' .39Q _ Crouch, 0 - E" • * •, „ „,, .• - D / I A" Curtis, Mary Mrs - ... 2 360 Lnllii, N- - - - 1 ~... 4,151 N Cary ,J L - • di • a 1,400 CraiT rd. - IV A - - - ...; 1, 303 .. Carver, i NT ' 1,547 Crouch, Thineas ' • ' 51389 Cheater, Walter - * - „1, 113 • Caiig4ily; Wm - M .. '1 0,796 Clark D - 8 - 4 085, Clark: N J. - 7, 132 Clark, JD - ' - * 10 155 M- - - al 182 Cole, E 999 Christie. Win --- - - Caspor, L-W. - - -- - ' ~ • L 6OO Caugfiey, All ' - 458 Crook, JP- - -- •t, 8.3 - Crook, James B - • '843 Clughey, D.V - - 217 Christlan,-E F - 1,558 ' Carter, Samuel - - 1,827 Courtright, Milton ' 67,16,5 _ Clerland, Wen L • ' ' • •_ 1,676 Clenatins; John -- - . r 1, 9, f 32 DeCamp,-G W - - - '' 15.090 . Decker, J D-.. ' 3,753' Thavedport, Wm P.- :.-. • ' 752 • Densmore, Win - • , '5,232 , Dolph, J. C 600 Dreiaigaker, Jacob ' 1,960 Degmeier, Julius - - 1,195 Douglas, Jelin W... - ' • 630 • Driven port.,.s _ A... „............_ .::. - - ' 2,032 Densmore, W 3V.... ' ' 2,130: Dolph..o A _ ..,... ----- - --:- •.- 600 Englehart, C.._ ...__,....; • 452,- . Eichenlaub, Joseph__ •-•-• ' • 1,997 •' Emer*clu. R _H..- -...-L--- ' _ 4;900 E lliott. Geo A,... ______ • • 426 E lliott, 0 L ..„_. .. "1,818 E lliott, Thad- 1,400 E nsign, D B _- __." - -531 preach, J A.. •• 3,471:• Faulkner, _Robert-.......- .., .. ... • 687 Fenster, JJ. ----- --- - • • 200 • Ftdger, A _A1...-. ' ' 17 Finn, P Qc . - ..... - 1,566 • Faulkner., Peter .....L.- -1 " • 200 - Frank , henry ' 200 fritter, E J .1- ....s. . 1 Fitch, D W._ . . ._:. 1,120 Farrar, F. F • •;.. 8,268 . Gallagher, Wm M-- ' • 912 Gunnison, C E.------ ••.. 2,724 . Grant;, Benjamin --- ------....- 950 Goff, A-zra_ . ....r. . 348 Gristel, lonic .' 1 ,,,,2, . f ....., ! ....„„ e „.. 82 Goodwiri, Tiiter ' 1,163 Gani,•l B J ' 400 Gilmore, A- P - - - . - - 1,737 - Goodwin, Bateuet E.."...-....: ....... 89:1 " Gunnison, ~E; p„..„ . . 718 . Gable, John ....;.. _ • 301 Gunniaen; Jonas • • - •- • • 1,210 Gray; AH • - . • - - - 8,650 Genshelmer, John • - , 1,086 Gaggin-, RF. • ...;.--__,....:„ -139;. Gable, - .Tacob .... 2,407, Galbraith, Wm A_ , . - ~.- . ,30A18 'Ettyttisibt -- I§t' '-'- ,; -"-- -'-• -- ' - ' 2,095 . , RaPg•WPI, - 13„_,, ~,, _.._ - 1,372 - Ilerroti,•t J . ', - - ... -- . 215 lianford,,Jatueti,, W-_,, _ . 252 Hiwo,d, Yhtl,,lT-:,.....— . ._..... - ......; 1,100 Hatitiataike, ti - 7- . .:_'. - ' 34 Ilsadtir, ,13; 1. -.. ~.. - ' - , „,., 334,,- Hearn.: J0hn........, - - 24.1 • 11,all, Piker ' . ._ . ~.... , 2 4" Hays, John Tr__ - - 1,372. Hie4y, Mathias_ 1 Ifaterstick, II B . , -- 2269 Hentioka, Peter_-..,2,322 H2wkithi; Wai . C .. -' -- 16 J01z0§02....... 3,241 JiiatiCe,".)ohn 31' .?„. 849 Jacobe, William 188 JOhnsarr.—Oirilie," . = i —•- -5,478 Jones, .H 8-• - - 381-, Jar* JAcksaflr s 1 C• Justice, Joseph Jareeki; 'Henry - =7-7". Jarecki, August' , • -•• • • ' • 675 Jnbaloo..Jos • • 5,430 3°D•e14•4812--7----.............._-„,„ .1.114 Kellogii. A. 3;158 Knoll, :Michael ''' • 182. Kenti4dy,. Robert • 3 0 4 Kellogg, 14d+ - 522 . Kelsey, El C 200 Keefer, F W 200,' . ' 4,318 Lyon, Geo 17 " • :•'1,280:' Limb, ALT: • - 1 ••••-• •• • '-„;;;., 22 424 Lncsnia, 2,554 Ltebel,'llEintraei 161,. Lytle,Bamnel ;..—.; 112 , LaveTeiti,Chasill — • ' • • ,1 0,400 Ltebel,".Adaca ; . ' . 137 Loeb,. Wm - "I 49 Lyo t r i -W • - /,249 Landon, 0 , • ' 200 Lieber, Llol R.F. . .....! Ltadeiti.w ..... i 3,591 t McKnight.S. . . murp b T, • • : 2,036 Iferrill, Lomita F r • , 8,890 • ltSoorbead,,, 15 • *92 Ifeponnell,:j• • ' r;-R:M •:c • • 248 , ' :9,921y • 2386. 8: '" . - 2,136 Midlatti, -Charles . . :6 .. •;: ' • - 4,013 Moore, XM. `,`..!•• ' 4,848 ==E ~ . • ititinig AlitUri , - rt.-J.l - r + -..r;.t.....1••0 , - - 393 MOCAWIIIYt . J i3 h l) l'.? ^ r, T-. ••ii - -- - - ---- ' , L4Q'' Q. McCarter, Sdiefh 11,94,5 McCreary, J C _,....-'..-..-- "143 r- Ual;Tittilr*..„,L'l.l.:-•fr_r - i - .lll'RlfiUit ol7o Lerriihu,_,,,.•_.... , 725 - el' . 0 : 1 * • _': • :, • 80 ,e ' gh;li:-.7.::: - ::.a -,. ..vii :• • r• 4,051 ' W e Atimasr, ,DaTid..:.4G'.1..1 -w........, ..814:. MillegtVellitfißliv,-.-,11 , : , . ..._ -4., ilet.g i resco r t, , , -... . ~ 18;51ei . urn} ll'F'fa '" ' - ' •• 2 ,B fr 1 tfetWf, eNtirler: -:.- :: . ...:::.:.ii - :6.003 ••• roma , • q.L.11.:4. - z...:•• •'-' , .:.ii.i.. • .2,5401 4 i n 010 g rk.b. i .fi,i.i......u.,...ii•0.i....:."- - . •,,.: 2.4.1 andfat girn , i ...:..- Trivi..ri.yr ..p.v. tea?, ..1 71 . '', reter......,..., ........ .. $ ' Magill, Wca ')' - -k- 7 '•• -= - .::-L , 209.: a gill, wm if , 79 (Continued on next Poge.) ISM MEI MEC 204 845 , 489' - - 4,777- ~~ ~.~..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers