E WEEKLY OBSERVER. j TUX " 0115LXVYSI Bry..111N011," BrerEPIT.EZT, oprosirg TI Poem Orriciz. DaLLAJUS AND FUT! Curia per pant In adranca ; iURZC DOLLARS if not ofthe expiration of the - ear. Subscribers by curter will be chargel FITZT C• 3111 • eliii:l o a. I;rMENTS.—OIke Square of Ten Lines one In ; ten inselliona PAO ; three loser ; one month $1,00; two mouths $7,75; ~,thes3,ho; six months $5,60; one year $9 00; .arertlsernente in proportion. These rates I tr,rt ., y adhered to, unless &angst by special or at the option of the 'publisher,. Audi- Not..ed, Strays, Divorces and like advertise sl:;oo ; ek.dnf oistratoea Notices $3,00; Local cents& Imo; /ferriage Notices trerzwer rf, s rises; Obituary Notices (otos three ut",„ tin;) fire cents per isr - irr. Original poetry; no rntten at the ,request of the editor, one d altar ne All A dvertisements will be • continued at d of the person advertising, until ordered his direction, unless a sporilied - period upon for its iosertinn. TIN,;,—We have one of the best Jobbing :n the State, and ere ready to do any worlc lint that city be entrusted to as, in equal style eptsb:l.hm.nt outside of the largest cities. tonomunlcations should be addressed to DENJ'N Pub'isher and Propiistor. Business Directory. J. BLAKELY, ArraMlT A? LAM, Ridgway r , Rill alba practice in adjoining Counties. JE H. I'UTL TTOKNIT AT LAT. Girard, Erie County, eCttrozo end other htUlillefil, Sttelided to with , licrairh• • WETMORE, ATTOE7ZT AT LAW, in 'value. O. „ n th er. , t, Erie, Aug 7TS ENS/ WV. BOOLULLXII and Dealer In Stationery, gtozioes, Newspapers, &c. Country dealers Store under Brown'n notol,fronting the Park. & ATTORWATS AND COIIIMLORII AT LAIr. enn Block, or.as North West corner of the t, Erie, Pa. LO BENNETT, Anretas es me PLC,. Mee seem! e. Block, French Street, between /Mend jnnelb-3. N 4.7 1111 LBUlt, ATTGAWITS At LAW. Ridgirsy. Elk, McKean, Cameron and Jefferson ountlkk;„. c. (jAnWAIS-111.) W. W. WILBUR. 5U1.1„ PROPRIETOR. MORRISON HOUSE. i..Nnd sad Market Strut—ono square east of „hoe. Warren. Pa. Sept. 2S-17. her: on or nrs Puna, Paragon Block, ea Wait of Farrar Ball, Erni, Pa. W.(3 . '01 .1 914 Arns•XT AT LAW AND JtterlCE o 1 THII PEACE. 41 , n Conveyancer and Collector. Coe' t.• b.:Cdtrvg, iluthweit corner of run and Ene, Pa. • aplra6-tf lEM Jona Canitiormaza. at the new FE:le Vi has • n hand a large mart. 6 e o, l rA. PrOTIIIOIIII. Wood and Willow Ware, 1.2 •TF, haern, Serer*. &a ,to which he re. !r e i:.. the atention of the public. iiiittafied that ,!„, L ., good Lapin' as can be had in any part , city. mar3ols-1v I.i rany AID P ALI STAHL!, on Eighth 4tr•m 4 .tnt, awl French. Fine Hareem and Car , !,ton rrmonable terms. nay2Bl4-I.y. ;1,1„ %ELDEN dc acismr, SU V:: I...MI:MIAS of Steam Engines,liott i l A gricul trust implementa, Railroad C RID(OCIS, ELI Co, PA. Yea E. 0. CL.lllolreft, :or "Pop is a new and handsomely fitted up 7 the tu..:o. of one of the beet fronting and Hutt , m Yen 14.1-/esnia, Con:impalas Roocos,Clesn T. and floderate Priem The pablie .1 re4pectfully 'whetted. sep'o34-I,* . A.,GALBRAITIi. ATTORXIT A? LA?--0/5011 on eth drop; ;pent, the Colin HOUle, Erie. Pa. C. BEEBE. Diarss ix Du' GOODIN Gammas, , Bird.*le, Nall; Maui, Seed, Plater, ete., car. 'Lel street and Public Square, Erie, Pg. jallll. Wioure.a.s AND Rawl. Daumus it and Proyieonn, Flour and Feed, Wood and fare, Wines ,Liquon, Tot a mo, Serer& &a, State :ext to Young', HMSO Ifuratahing Cm non am m Yeitto-tt EIOTEL, Waterford. Pa.. Rogan? LlMlR.Paoranreol ceommodationa, and careful attention Rivea to ort of guests. ap6ls-1y• .STLAN KIRSALER, Dealer in Groceries, Produce, Provisions, ilow and Stone Wart, Wines, Liquors, It, opposite the PostoiEee, Erie, Pa. msrS'os-I,y_, COLE, Boor Brxrzr,,, Mawr Boor V.AwirsacTrazit 9tory of Rioderarcht's Mork, Kr* Pa. ,KIM 4 1114ZEPPA ROUISIC DIM fa. LL.—DIRICTLT OPPOSITZ THZ P.k631.1“;Ch Ux Pa.. Being newly tined up in the tr. - tri 11r, ,o now open to the goblin,. Meals ,tet the attire] of all Passenger Trains, eirt.o , hr OAKLEY BROS., Propri. te•« BET PI.ViCS IN AMZRICA rude by S. DRITCICKR b CO. Item. TODD L c' th. U. S. Treasury Department and , :r.s.sCoLi=loioner for tioldiers, Ws4hingtpn, Acen•" with Benjamin Greet. Neg.. rrer Thlr, W 3,210 Block, Ens, Pa. ch:r, cZected with fidelity and die nbt•lnetl and eolleeted. ApplicaUone r at:ere:el to. Mr. P. having had a.r -tA'.lf,ehel,.. is the details of the irarions tie , a:x,ferkc,stlent he csn render most sathilsator7 •oir , :a;tog an etude of Government claims. maylrf4-603 711818. tit EWING, Arrottrire AND Coonall.Loall AT LAW CI O sPRINn Sr, opposite Crittenden Hall Cnlbrittms and all otter legal bait turford. Vera!) no, Erie, Warren and Torii , i.t'ended to ea tefully and proinptly. tracts—Wts. A. Galbraith. W Litman & Bread If arvin; Erie, Pa. R. lir , tru. lion. 8. P.Johnson, W. D.Brown 'l , k Clark, Marren, PA. - FtItNIT('RE !4TORE. R e jat or, tied a new Turalt lire Store, 413 RILL Et 7 ILDING, FRENCH angst, tt , d Apt.. or our goods EXCEEDINGLY p•a'+ s*• am a WI, and we will endeavor to tiELVAN k SIGN DRICKI. CUMMERCIAL COLLKUB. FACCLTY: )) c-Refibtt p t i. Geo. W. GMGioN. Esq.. Prot of Commercial Law.. SlClrii.d, new Classification of At- Prartice. Ornamental and Bust tattsh,p Commercial Law. retnnlercial Arita- Le. 3 tares kr., for Indite and genta. The , Icetr Car is comprehend the' whole Nate Of and exhibit every possible verb". r,:vro:c clang bock,. No espense will be a a rle stint, practical and pores ar..at.ro, "Tbe City of Schools." Practical as :: Tpathert Will Le employed. Terms—Toitlen .! the best feellitles lad greatest in head for Cirmlan. GIVVEC. E 1 . 41.13, POTTERY, ERTIVEPIi EECOND & WIRD WS., FRIII, PWIFSA elienigned b‘vm usaoelife& theoeselosa, trader eel little or Webb & Childs, In the Pottery bail the °LI stand, on the venal; between goocOd Ortete the pst-nne,-a of the customers of the Old th. entbm ibe patella generally prolate'', eudeeror to glee perfect F. If Ka% '4ll' ago. F JAY S. mum icE TO PILOPIS HAVINU rsooluct TOR BALI A ' IN now ritanhaq a &a:kat Lio_, from Edo to Ito 1, ea the Philadelphia & FM* nimbi; ta. h all hada of v EGETIBLIS AND CODNTXT noreuct 4, T7 it ea, have established • Depot on FirrEt STRI - 1?, la the rear of the old Reed Rem, BETWEEN ETATE AND 7711XCH STREITS, ►e Till be at et that; ready to motive awl $y EIGHF,ST MARgE? Plict Eat the tame. All having Prods.' he We an ireq_uset le C d•° at ant!. Inquire for Yarkst Depot, Fifth Carnet. lA % Aihramt 10, ukukt KAY A JACKSON. VOLUME 36. 1011RAMDKIKIli'st P11.168.-I'hey impel the pol l) pun ted h thrusers ltfe. livery time a sink per ion is by this o r stable remsdr, he has less 111• listed humors and more life and vim as soy one an press by taking' a single dom . Persons we spare ha its pin Sash and strength while wine them. aver, time we rent a few days or wrens from this purption,we look. new Maids from our food, which repaes she upwind EMU that the pine have caused to be evacuated. Each time we repeat thin .[geese we expel (artful, quantities of impurities, which are again replaced by fields lees and less impure, so that le a short time. by tioittnnia, thin treatment, we bring back the whole man of fluids or humors to that state of parity which constitutes health. for Eirandretb's Pills only take away humors which are unsound. Sold by all rsepeotable dealers In mediates,. AC %HD TO THR AUFYRRINCI, r 4IO • YOU WISH To RR OURSD? If so, swallow two - or three hogsheads of uLluchu," "Tonle Bitters," °Sam. ..Nerrous Antidotes," &a., Re., Sc., and after Ana ars satisfied with the result, then try one hoe .at OLD DOCTOR abed AN'S ENGLISH EPSCIPIG PILLS —and be restored to health and vire_ la lees .than thirty days. They are palely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary to their effects or} the brake*. down and shattered eonati:atiOn. Old and young Can take them with adrantsce. DR. RUC! &NI Icsousti dPECIFIC.PILLS cure In less than SO days, the went eves of No. - rennin's.; impotency, Premature Naar, seminal Weakness. Insanity, and all Urloary. Beznal, and Nerroas inactions. no matter from whit cause pro. dseed. Price, One Dollar per box. Pent, postpaid, by mall, on receipt of an order. Address, JAS. S. BUTLY.R. No 42T Broadway, N. Y, General Agent. P. B.—A box sent to any address on receipt of which is One Dollar—pot free.- A dsser'ptbre C ircular seat on applicatton. ly 19-2 m T O TUE NERVOUS, DEBILITMED AND DESPOVDENT OP BOTH SP.X6S.—A great sal fuer haring been restorato health in a few days, after mane years of misery, Is willing to assist his sneering fellow.creattosi by sending (fres.) on the reeelpt of a postpaid add•essed envelope, a copy of the forstais o oars emplo^eKl. Direct to JOHN Y. DAGNALL, Box 11311 Post Ofilos, Brooklyn, N. Y. I =l= r‘It...TOBIAS , VENETIAN HOWSE LINE. 113611t.—1n pint bottles - . prim 60 cents. 640 Mato St. Hartford, Coon. Dr. TORUS—Dear sir: I have been to the livery loud nue for the lut twenty years, and durinirthat time have need all the various liniments and letiotui of the d• f, but never have found an aril. le equal to your Ven etian Horse Liniment. I have fairly tented ft on any horses in distemper. sprains, eats. calks, swelling ofthe viands, CC., ti Also for rhenmatiso3 on myself. and bare always found it an invaluable remedy. Itespectfailv y, U. LITCHFIELD. • °old by all druzgists.ours °mei, 56 Cortlandt Street,' New York. WU/UMBRA: WHIPIRBILS Dv you wart Whiskery or Moustaches ? Our Grecian Compound will fore. them to grow on the smoothest face or chin. or hair on bald heads, in six webs. Pries 2100. Rent by mail everywhere, Gloomy seated, on recekt of pries. Addreen, WARNE': & CO.. Box 138. Brooklyn, N. oatr64tL Tax URI DA IL. 11,111. 1 1,18Ett.—A Note of warning and advice to those snfferiug with Seminal Weak ness, General Debility, or Premature Decay, born what ere-cause produced., Read, ponder, and reflectt Be wise tn Soot tree to any odilloolt, for the berodltbf the &Meted i+r+•.Mint.ma mall, Address .tAlifts 8. BITLICR 429 Broadway. Nair York. TO CONSIMIIPTIYES.-3afferers with Consump tion, Asthma, Hronchitia, or any augurs of the Throat or Lanett, will be cheerfully furuished, without charge, with the remedy by the are of which the Re+. Edward A. Unison, of Willfsrosburgh. New York, wits comp j e t e i f r ..tored to health, atter haring suffered set *nil years with that dread disease, Consumption. To Consumptive eufferer*, this remedy is worthy of an im mediate trtai. it will coot nothing.. and insy be the means of their perfect restoration: Those desiring the rme wilt plesse - addres* Bev. ICdetrd A. 185 South Seoond street, Willstoe'3urg, Kings County, New York. ati3tts-St AItIOP.T 1 11POIsTANT DISCOVERY!—IN. TERRSTING Aossrs, FARWIER3 AND Lt- DlV.—We are making • mingle machine which com bines the best and cheapest portable Wine and Cider Press, the dryad. Clothes Wringer, and the most power./ Earl Lifting -het in the worst. It is the only press adapt} ed to mating Apple Champaign, which is sow regarded es one out the most important dismissible of the age. A good agsrit wanted lo every county, to whom we wilt held out such inducements as to insure $1,060 before Christmas., The ant one making applicationfrom any enmity shall have the eachisive agency. Full particu lars, terms, An., by Circular. .Address BALL, RIED & CO., _ au3'6s-Ito No. 56 Liberty street, N. Y.' RA?iDRICTIPM PILL!!—The Weak, the Con. sumptive, Rhenniatir, Costive, Bil Lions and Delicate, after some days' use, will find renewed strength and lift pervade every organ of I heir framer. Peery dose makes the Wood purer. The nerves eons. menu in the arteries and terminate in the veins. These pills, as a first effect, act upon the arterial blood. im• creasing the circulation, by which impurities are &Ow. Bed in the veins, and they throw off such collections into the bowels, which organs, by the (mew derived from Brandreth's Pills, expel them from the system. When first used. the Pills may ovasion griping, and eves make the patient feel worse. This is an excellent atm and shows the disease will soon be cured. No great (sod is often achieved without some trouble in its attainment and this role applies to the recovery of health. Bold by all respect ae dealers trixesdielnes. leVed•tt vr•TIIIIVIONIA1 .-1.41 DIM AND GUM LIME N: 1(yon wish t , marry you can do In by addreuing me. I will wad yon. without money and without prier', valuable infonnatien. that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, irrespective of age wealth' or beauty. This information will cost you nothing and If you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All let ters strictly confidential. The desired intimation sent Or return mail, and no rewari asked. Please enclose postage or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, SAAtII B LAMBERT, mallir664es Greanpaint, Kirgs'eo, New York. ' TF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLIC OP 1 EVERYTHING nHatiox to the human system, malls and female; the estutes• area treatment of" distribee; Um' marriage enstoma of the world ; how to Joarry well, and a thousand things never published before, read the rtr.• wised and enlarged edition of Metneat. Como* Emma, a curious book for curious people, and a good book tar *my one. 400 pacer. 100 Illustrations. Prim- dt 61. Contents table a tat free to suy addrees. Books may bb had at the book stores, or will be sent by nisi], post paid, on reatript of the pries. Adding, R. B IvooTr„ U. D am 1130 Broadway, New York. ' ant° 65 ly v.VA ft LE ItliClPHS.—Dxsa Sic : With your pftrmirfinn, 'MI to my to the leaders of your piper that I will send. by return mail, to all who Irish it (free; • recipe with full direetioos for maklogy and ming a simple Vegeta`le Balm, that will effectually:* more, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Preekles, and all imourielra of the Skin, Wilting the statue soft, Pleat, smooth, and beautiful. I will also mail free to those harms Bald Heads or Rare Faces simple directions and Information, that will enable them to have atoll growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or • Moustache, in lets than thirty days. These recipes are valuable to both old and young, and as they ale mailed to all who need , them free of eh rge. !be) are worthy the attentkeibridl who prise& clear, pare train. ors healthy growth of !mar. All applicatums no steered bJ return mail, withpdt charge. Respectfully court, TIIO 4 . P. CITAPMAN. Chemist and Perfumer, No 831 Broadway, , AL T. anlo.Bt I= TNIPORMATION PRIM !Te Ner wens sßil A gentleman cured of Nervous Debility: li. competency, Premature Decay, and Youthful Error.sie. Mated by a define to bench% others, will be happy to uralab to all who need It (free of churl the reel and directions for making the ample remedy need- in his cue. Wrenn wiabing to profit by the advertiser's bad experience, and poised a cure and valuable remedy, can do so by addresviar him at ones at his plant of bed. dem. The moire and fell information—of vital impor. tance—will be cheerfully sant by return mail. Address, JOHN N. OODNN. ' • No al Nassau Mery York.' T.S.—Nervous flullerers of both mew wilt end the nformation luvaloahle. apllllls am' irou wtsa si CORSO f—DIL CHAN'S It NGLkill INVECTIPtO PILLS esti, le the thee IP days, the worst coon of NKFIVOUAINIES 4 ,Iorpa• Omar. Premature Deck?. Sentinel Weakness,- lotanity; and Urinary, Sexual and Nervous AttecUon; no anaL , tar from whit coma produced. Pries ono dollar per bok. &at, prat paid, by nail, on'reesipt of an order. troo We will pared a cure In moat asses. Address JAY= S. 111711,22, 1 Geneiii Agent, 42? Broadway, ►Nrierart.! WX6II-14e. rift VOlkir1O4S10:18 fin EXPERI KNCE OT A le ASTMS INTALIIi. Published for the benefit and as • Milieu is pocig mon.and other", who nth; from I.IIIITOINI =tam - Decay of Manhood, ha, supplying it' the wee time tbe weans of mielt=w. Dieu wMe has cured hliasolll 4 ret oaderring coosidershle.quadory, By 'aerostat post-paid addressed ineelepasingle eolliet may Ifir of these thor, NATUANIth MAT/AMIN - Tn08.644.Y. Brooklyn. filings lio,ffr,T.! 11118BLIUM—Tboas wishing o flasteot r of V ems Moe moustache, or h-euttful head of glob? hots, will please read the corker Taos. r, LONA ;MUN I ; to another par! of Wu paper. 1044asj (ILO' SIMS *AO* PIET7i—A puiptilet &AA.' t. how rto opoolEy rotor. sight sad Ow wilco tor co soolioloo. AIM by suld. frti_oo YbD ot 10 cents. Addtom L r 001 7 4,11. D., Om 1120 Bromivsy,Noiefork, GAUD TfUNTALID9.-1 , Clsramen, .11. rightist to &mei America as a mlesionaly, dinich• 'red • safe sad simple melody for the Care of librrelis Willikefef, Natty' Desay, , theases of the trrisesy-alid climates% or Amid the whole train of disorders brought lie by basafel and 'ideas habits.. Great nem bete have hems already aired be this nettle Mud,. Prorlilted by a hieireto basset Ike adihresd and unto:- twists, I will mad the recipe for preprint gad tuft this medicine, In a foaled gavel°oe, to sy ese who needs it, Pee uf App. Plasm melon. • pat-paid envelope, eeldressed to yearesil.`• Adirere, MAIM T. INMAN, 107•3111!. • Station D, Bible House, New Tork.• MRS WI 41401 1 .1 ei HAM LIN 'UMW crmat., i , forty dittoosa striae. adapt"! lir sone sod wake ono* fat IMO to 01$00 look. Itartl k r iollt .po tilOor 24 4,1 14 or guiigatirm tritt prondd to r = iat ; tbooN gi g t ' WWI Clattl boo. A im . 11 , biotoi,or 11,.111111111,111owKAM tr Tott, oorOS.ly . . . . --•---HEi . . , .. _ ::, r .. :.: E q Cr : L,- r 17 .t 1 E-. r, , Special Notices. MEMO TWO DOLLARS AND A-HALF PER YEAR, IP'PAID OBSERVER JOB OPRICE. We weed respectrully sail the ►Megaton of the pub:k to our Williams for doing. lob Printing of ems dascrip tins. Baring rapid Presses sad the Wert marks el Tn. we we prepared to do aulthlag la:the Jobbing llse, i, s rumor equal toasty atter estaldlabsasat, sat ow tams as reasonable se the Butrako or Clershuld anon. We bars aided *early two thousand dotter. worth of mate rial to the owes since It has bus la o or pcesuesios, with the object of waking it what're thought the poostaal; ty audecle Hew well we !tar succeeded we leave the specimens of our jobbLig, which may oe seen is eney part of North Waders Psoosylvaata, to tea*. Mere who treat testy tort are Invited to give us a cal. We can dean,/ bled°, Printing that on le dose skink*" —such for indiums u All kinds 111.004 by coat Operators, All %lads useedly Coal Shippers, . All !lads used by Coal Salines, , Ail kinds maid by Manduuda sad Storskaapare„ All kinds used by Retailers and Groan; Ail kinds aimed by IfareafietsitarA, • All Mobilised by Yadkin. Doable, All kind, used by A uctlosnete All kinds used by Rallroal Agents, A II 1111:1111 used by 065 km, s Inds& used by laelluastee Moak All kinds used by Stott Companies. gonaniky, A II kinds used by Brokers, All !lode used by Co.. sad Tor. Masatuults, All kindle used by Uproar Yea,- - ll kin& used by Pro kadowill 11 kinds used by Lltararl i a= m iathes, 3 II !lade weed by Peddle All kinds weed by Patautoss, All lands used by Prodeteen *threw Articles, All Mesa resod by Merchants of "all Trades, Attila& aced by Atehiteets, All Melds used by fiagarreasa Tatabilabseants„ 401 kinds used by Artists generally. All kinds usediby Palate txhitrlterta, All blade asselby Smitten dental Asemibliss. • All kinds used by Politioal-Yasagars, - All kinds used by Travailing Agents, All kinds used by Tamers, or asthma of real ashes. All kindle used by the Where of Ansonia ?repartee • All hinds used 4 Renters. In short. all kinds used by all eisefte. Orders by nealloehan sent by responsible partleagorsurept. ly attended to. Agents tor Ithows,Concertedta.. whose responsiblity wears net sausaintead with, most pay la advance. la cease when pawls ars. mat out of the slty by svpraskand the pawns for whoa thsy are latead od have not a regular amount at the Wars, the bill for collectioa will Lorsriably be forwarded with then. Legal Notices. .Y.ICCIPPOILII NUT/C.8.-.Letters Testamentary E on the Fatale of James Smitb, deseamed, late el Garbo,. Creek township, Erie county, Pa., having been granted - Vs the undersigned, nodet is hereby given to all having etahns ag.tast said Fatah" to present them. dear autheetteved, for settlemencand those Indebted to the same will make payment immedlatety. Pi. L. PINNEY, imitator. Greene Township, Aired 34,11411 D3I NISTRATIII - NOT I 0 E.—tattoo, - Adudoi.trstion on the Estate or Nothats Rathbun, deceased. late of amity townsblp; barbs been granted to the subscriber, all ladsbted to mai estate an barely nodded is tali sod pay lb. same, aad those having dams agoinsi sal.l state are ROUES to moat thins, duly autbentleated,C. Sittig - f E r l7l4 IC .IL L RATEI llllNOldaez Wolfsburg. August al, 1865-0 w A WHIMS, RATCHIVI4 NOTlME.—Lettses of Ad• niirdstr tios hewing bee* granted to the submit*" an the Estate of Michael Esther, lite of Erie elty, _de• oeuesd, notice is hereby. gives loan person" indebted to said estate to siske-temedieie Vomit, aab all ;wpm baring claim aersinst said estate to present the same, properly authenticated, for settlement. ect3l-dwo P. A. BEELER, Adger. STRAY 15111111Po—Carne to the pramtsea -of the lJ anbeeriber, in Greene township, on the Lake nese ant Road, seer the Liorrenat *boo! bonne,. Whit* ewe, tether in poor earadltisnowith a pirral eat ant of. the ur per part of her tight Oar, and a hose la, her left era. She tame late lz the fell of_ 1884. and *ace that time baa got a lamb the right owner la reatieeted to come forward. prole property. peyote: wee and taint her sway, otherwise ate will be dieyweed of *wording_ to JOSEPH LAVRRY. September .7th,1865-310 DIeISOLVTION OP COPARTNERSHIP.-- Notice Ii hereby glees. that the pattaerible •Ibe• trees Jacob Mama and Leen Becher la Vita day die 'plead. All debts date to that said pastoersalp we to be paid, and thee dos from tha row thaeharral by Jacob Strati', at tbs 'tote elf. W. Tierberter, when the bad arm will he combined by the Bald Jaelb Stmts. • - JCOB. Writal:lll. Mt, Pti..gaptember 4,1835.3 w L EON STILIT Cl/W.—Came to the pronteu of the sub scriber. 214. miles gist of the etty, on' the oftwfrilo road, en Friday night, the lath Inst.* lame Red Cow; with two white spots on bee back end the same on her shoulder,. The °Wm , ' Is requested- te'ecrow (award, prove property, ray charges sad tido her away; ether. wise ibe will be disposed of secordlag.to law, au'24.3t. :ORA IfOttit.' • rixEctrraixtei NOTlCE.—Wheiusa Lettere Tes. EJ tamstaarr to the Estate el Irnst Schmidt, late of Mill Croak-township. Leis mower, Pa m daeasowdOeiewa been giantei to the aUhecribar. SR persons indebted td the said estate are requested to make hawsdiate gotY4 went, and those hating dame or &wands agalairt , the estate of the said deceased will make known the sum, without delay, to CAJLOLINI SCHMIDT August 10th, HIM Iv ltuenetek CIRPEII,II4 , COURT BALII.-15 pars:nue of On order of the Orphans Court. for the county of brie. I vlll expos* to public sate on the prsilees, on the list day of October, A. D. 14411. et one o p. raj all •thrit certain piece or pared or land situate. tying no Wag in the township of is Soria, coo at/ Of Erie. scats, %sanded end desindbed se foliose, lb% : slog et s peat the southwest maser of inside/ itliesbeeh Buys, thence by laid land north 30• _weft *Spi r it 4 pare" thence south fin west ono bemired sada' one end 1-15- percher; Melees be hinted Iflebsehtte ander, north 10 liCrista., seat fortr•ono persists; these by land of Matthias H. Colt north 19* soar, one. hail dyed and thirty Porretiseto the place of bairinntag. bleri talniog thirty-four acme and forty perches, be theeolunt =ors or less. „ „ . Tease oe sts—One third on soadrmstian aY se% sed Weasels two equal Databank thereafter. seentred by p a v an e wed sad estop oa She pelpeeisall'eri each os.sostirsistlon of eats, at the option at the purl chaser. JOSEPEF WALT/RCM. pet at Adler of CheriesColtodetfd. Lydia IL Joie; lln the Coart Of 'Common ?teas, by b.r nut friend, of Itrivaomaty, - alOO3O P9ol' No. 17,.ingost•Term„11/15. • vs. Sablcena Alla, Babposaa,bl George IL Imais. Moroi. • j Botarmed non est inveatna. 21s George H. loass...Respendent I.' • • Take mation; that Lytle M. Jose' bee petitlomed the Court for a divorce from lb* bonds of saatrimonv, you are therefore berebr notified to appear on the last low day In October air% and missal.' the enarptainant. • ' . /Merin OM*, Au fast 1856. Tio Gerry' W. Jrasi—Retpositst : Yon ertil tabs gotta that the nedimdyned, aOstated Commissioner by: tbe Court to take and report - teeth. moan In the above 'Wad cam. will Ennui the donee of ble appointment, at its °Moe, in tbe eity'ot Erb. on lb* 7d darn( October, 1861, at 10 ce4ork - a ss.. and eon. Unita until all the testimony shall bamteken lobes. an 24.4, L CAYITAUSEN, Comer, D ♦ Vitt d OAR ON; Milers In ALL EINDIOF GROCNBIN 3 o-ratarao.TgarrAl l43 AND tROTISIONS. TIM Strout, Wooing Ststoi sad frail,. VelOPs; Hiring purAiiital our itock before • the Tata Awl fa vices; vs • 1164essidettotbeint • • able .14.givit Etatia., faatiothbotialn • prier and • quality. • Country Produce at snort portbenchi ind ae d. Farmers can shove arm* osi readvteg time higheit lost lot pries toe gobstides.. : : DICALVIS IN I'IIi''AZJOTNtNG `PONNEr, . - 4a4 est, to of . - enema wnlf vium, VlSlnlitr; !O. , „ Give sa a Call. , 1111111111911 r iur A - ,1018 , 01 , 05 .111111 re 'BllBol', Fir?' 8 ; IMIEI 0 0 1 10 09A.1.4i'l • ' Bow is rue 5per . .743: U bat Aischeit the Lowest 1 1 7.sua ocill go this Sosocol• B.lllllllPg ISO" - At tiva atrial Ravi is' A 7.14 ;NO Of 10# ASV, OA,* COAL, - tharaftatatell •• • r;#7 43 .t*o lo * Oita as a ea- Wlramat ate.. , aarall-tf • AOiIIerUNIEM sa e d t mel abeee Ifenese . l 1 l'elo. mitten Nosy. he ts el yeathea 4, • . . yin b• Itsm to Welsh others with the Vas..(/** gear's). Ildavilolly4114.0011Sr • - 1 01 3 4 1116 - • - . rwtal/4 " 1.111 -N iir ° 214 jerilinbe • Whom ekes% New Tuck. ERIE, - PA., TI-lURST: build • - • • A men is,_F l 4' when he ; hal a silluir than when his I Johnson. Johnson was rig*. pl The solemn d 4 Ligt Tory numb The miner ino Johnson was rig) Wisdom in wo: her, There Isn't one in Of hie own eV mar. knew it is the greirti44nteliiit4lll . l;tl Bat who among tkititelellife 4 1 7" . self,) lintas lelift• itirbf Retarbillg haugri *4lt i As etpriag shelf? What beef—not • - 1 : • Monet Greek mei& .iJee:lyd~ile t. They're' little 7a 10):: The- isok• Of for snout - Is modern, boiled, and served upon • piste. Or if, as fond ambition may command, Some home-Msdep terse the happy matron show him, What mortal spouse but from her dainty baud Would scour sees pudding than a poem ? Young lady—deep in love with Tom or Har ry-- 'Tis said to tell you snob a tale u this ; Bat here's the moral of it : Don't ye marry; _.• Or, marrying take your lover as he is— A very man—with something of the brute, (Unless he prove a sentimental noddy) With passions stronrr,rand appetite to boot-- A thirsty soul within a hungry body A very mw—not one of nature's clonal— With human feelings, whether saint or sin• Der; Endowed, perhaps, with genius from the gods, But apt to take his temper from his dinner. A Working Man's Elpeeoh. At a recent meeting of the 'Working men of Detroit, Mr. Haziness addressed the meeting as follows : In my remarks today I shall notice but a single feature in our recent national legislation, and that only because it is the one that touch's. most directly the inter ests of the class of meu of whom I speak; but I would that what I say upon this point could reach the ear of every son of toil in this country—the artisan in his . 'shop - and the farmer at his- plotigh ; the' laborer on the land and the boatman on 'the waters. Before the war you were accustomed to see each citizen pay annually into the public treasury a sum proportionate to the amount of his possessions. Whether he east in little or much, 'it was 4s PrePord'ec to his financial ability. Capital was the basis of taxation. Now the cue is reversed.— You see some men of wealth whose' in comes are as great or greater - than before. paying no' tax at all, while the man of smaller • means pays twice or- thrice the sum that was formerly required of him. What wrought this mighty change As I have said upon another occasion, in reference to this subject, the Govern ment, in the hour of peril, had need of ,money. Money it must have to carry on the war, or else yield to the power of trea son. It called upon capital for relief.— , Capital said to the Government : " will doan you money if you will give me priv ilege; I will fill your coffers with gold, if you will take the public burden from my shoulders and lay it upon the shoulders of labor. 1 In brief, I will grant-you relief to 'the uttermost farthing, but you must grant me exem,ction from taxation.': In an evil hour the Government yielded to the hard and traitorous-demand. It told capital to put its thousands.of.millions into United States bonds, and that when-so invested, those - -thousands- of millions should not only draw large interest, but should_ also 'be-entirely exempt from taxation. It was done. Capital triumphed, and for the -first time in the history of the nation, placed its heel upon the labor of the citi zen. BY this exemption- of United States bonds from taxation, a great principle of Jostles and political• economy is violated —the principle that capital and not labor is the true basis of taxation. But why not tax tabor as well as- capital ? Because Is bor bottle produeer and capital is the thing 1 produeed ; because labor h the ' creator, I arid• capitalls the-thing created. Labor is the fontiblin that supplies' the public reit ,ervoit-;-the root from which it borne the golden fruit of wealth. • When you tax labor, you cripple the producing power; you; make _the creator the slave of the thing created; you choke the fountain bead ; you lay -the axe at the root of na• tional industry. But when •you'tax capi tal you-only take a portion of that which remainsafter all the wants. of, the community are supplied, and. no one can possibly, be thereby distressed, nor is the producing power of the country. lessened to any degree. What:the Gevernment demands by its revenue tetra is, not labor nor men, but money, sitgply ntoney ; and I ask 'here to day, in the name of the millions of Amer ican laborers, that muscle shall not be coined into money, that labor shall not be made to pay the debt which capital justly owes. When .the Government requires I men fur the public defence it takes them according to population ; now, • when it reqUires.money for the payment: Of the publisi debt, let it be taken according. to value. Do not take the dollar for the man, nor- the man for , the. dollar ; but take the .man from among meat, and the dollar from athong dollars. • , So far as concerns the late civil ,War, la bor.hns fully cancelled its' obligation...— Mile* the blast of war Was-blawb i ' labor shouldered-the musket - and facedthe-foe in the field• true tb freedom' and , true to the Staiti:' (but capital 'sat in gown and slippers at home, till tempted forth by the bait tire good contract: Labor went-into the of the battle, Without's thought of profit or reward ; capital stood - at' safe distanCe, smelling the battle afainifintak ,ing merchandise of the blocid - of ?Mil' ma* Libor fought and looked only 'at 'the tag ; capital "speculated," end looked tml o :y at its ownglit_terykg sod—**xithoti. that sit men of lime, capital , bare tielpigazoesiortby,M,,this, : thing.,nor thief, every„laboripit • matt hai ~performed *very duty-of a goodeitilen; but L do:af firm aid the history ofthepost four years will idstain me, 'that the laboring men 'hie* as* class. not mil:borne the brunt of battle, but have suffered- a large poi. tied td the • yeomanry' , sacrifice* bidden' -to the war;._ Labor • has wrought in -the flaldl now let capital perm theezebequow; The men of labor , ask riathine hut •an equal divisionof the. burdens 4;tf the war. Theynwr willing io abed their : l;lo9d if the inapitalistrwill pay-himwtoney.“- Lets spoi strat the weight , be cast • is-each that the balance of justice may hang.true. 'Wm it not, eitiollgir that-the laboring man should endure the hardships)tind dangers 'otitis campaign 7. or, mate be;. whenAke Wakes bane meaty; mid wodnded e lind the Ventaindei of his natisralLlitetnertgßed for tttre .parffent , et the way debt - The faith* of Ihititratittienii.Wbn'tills his own lands, finds the burden of tazai, Mil ^ • T~« `. ~~ ice., ria#:*;:‘A,T l *Ni -,4tertoo.o &if Bihar that the poor hold them as well as the rich. Be not deceived by soft' words is regard to this matter. A. fewiffies and hun dreds are in the hands of men and women of labor, but the thousands and millions are in the bands of opulence, and luxury —the hands that never wield the iruitrtt ment of toil. I do not claim that the bondholder shall not have his interest; he is entitled to that by every rule of justice; but I do claim that he should pay taxes according to the amount of his possessions, as other men are compelled-to - do. What need of this distinction of class in a government which claims to be—and which is, when truly administered—founded on the great principles, of human equality? What is the bondholder more than another man, that be should enjoy this pe culiar exemption•! He has given noth ing to his country; 'he has not, ssorificx4 a shilling for its defence; he has simply loaned out his capital, and taken the best security in the world that he shall 'receive his own again with usury. Away with this infamy It belies all our free institutions ; it degrades the .noble class of men whose toil has made, this country the envy of, the world, and whose valor has defended it upon a thousand :glorious fields. No argument can add force to the sim ple unvarnishedstatement of the charac ter and bearing of this exemption. The law tarries with it its own dark commen tary ; he that runneth may read its jus tice ; but the men to whom I more espe cially speak to•day . .would not have par doned me, nor indeed. could I heiris 'excused myself, if I had failed to allude, to a subject ,of so• much vital interest' to them and to all of their class. [Washington Clorstspen4ance of H.Y.Nm A Shameful Imposition Exposed. Some months ago, a considerable time' indeed before the end the war. a negro; man called Tom Griffin orTont Richards, living near Jonesboro in Tennessee, had .both his feet crushed by being run over; by the railroad cars. That place was ati the time in possession of the Confederate! troops. It was feared • that he Would -die! of bit injuries, and no -doubt he wocildi have died, had it not been for ,the skilV and kindness of Dr. the . post surgeon. I knew a white man. himself an eminent physician, to die in conse-1 quenee of a similar injury to one foot on-! ly, and although every effort was made by; his professional brethren to 'save his life.t In the case of this negro, Di. Williams! said he would save his life, and he did so. , He administered ohlorbform and am putated both feet at the ankle, and the! negro got well. He is now being used by , the same wicked and unscruptgous, per-, sons who have been so industriously en- ! gaged in fostering a spirit of 'hatred• against the Southern people to serve their own purpiles. H. has been sent to Wash, ington, where he appears under thft pom-1 pons name of Richard Thomas Griffin and! acme"! Dr. Williams and Capt. Gannon Of the Confederate army, with having cut off his: eet in order to prevent .him • from caping and going over to the Yankees. The, haters of,the South prepared a' highly colored statement of she ddlia— narrated' by' • the ungrateful wretch, and! published in the (Amide headed "Honk- 0 ble Inhumanity of-a Rebel Surgeon,P the! article of course, having for its object the! encouragement of this spirit of. hatred! toward the Southern people.' Mr. Benjl-; min E Green. a :well kricilizi and highlyi respected citizen of Tennessee, now in. thisl city, has published a card which brands! the negroe's tale as nmost shameful false-, hood. "OWNS BACK TO Massa."---A little bul, let-eyed ; quick-witted oontraband, black- , er than the ace of spades, found his way; into the Provost Marshal's office 'yestet day; and den:landed a pass. Before ob .talning it, however, be delivered himself of his views on the- subject of freedom, much tn the satisfaction of himself and , those around him. He was bit 'nine years of age, and belonged. to Dr.' Smith, in Lexington. He spoke about as 'follows: drLook a bath, gentlemen. I don't Aike de' way I'ae.been treated by de citizens of this• place; in fact I thought dey knowed how to treat a nigger better den dey &Pei. Wiiy' de white folks put on too much style for, dis chile; an de Dimas thinks dey'a better dan de white folks, so I ;tans a -poor chance 'mong em- bat). Dey don't suit me. I'ee .gwine , house to. mans. -Pee gwine straight der; kase he's a white man all obey ems. knOws how to treat. folks, black. and white, -no style 'bout him. I'en sk young nine, but I'se got Duff• sense to' know. dates ain't made fo' no free Digs. an' IF maiwaii lid to see me as lls him, de Lor' knows Pee_ Gim me'de pass." He gof the pass and left for home. —Lquisti/k Dapxrat• Dssocas46l—Look- to your children. The •reidy . pens' d a " th oussed writers are ismyinfcuung.falschood luta their minds,: -oonoerning late eyeais Ind -their:causes., -Mt• the cbannelii of our.. literature: are' filled with their:• perversions,- prejudice) I and malignity: If we expect to-preserte I a fret government, we- Must• watch -the itillaenoes that are brought: to' bear- ih •formincthe min& of theloung.' • Bariish from your louses everything' g irt itavoils oftheMootrines of fedbftliln s, or' 6 fond lieMi' for destiotism.:".Drive'dittAlkpitH datiltistorlics of th 6 mai., by Tory 'elltiori' *firms.' if you' cannot like' the better oonmer of - tititthirtfiri Illictlebythe 'side of Midi:. The Wosl, lr theigetaliiid! the pulpiti'lre at juisithT doing' Wa W, Ork; diedootribatirairtbblottih• tictiskin- try *Mr therkms tot strompgararkincints.' admiration of military and coutelPil)kilf civil power; anti-the-propriety of blend ing thuriirand Stab in • geMeral Wattles of refonnu- Take hoed lhat-oneobildreti, and thrimgh•thena the,oounlrTs.artll4 PO litioaty drugged to death . -7priho asel. ' , 0128 of the wonders of thi. eire and of the Stantonisn . system is the ," loyalty oeth " reiinired "of presehers 'of the Pi* pel idWisourf. Nothing' Litt the *the dor shoddvAbelidoe-Rertabitein-Nligger-• mange, tigersta4r.la Viet! State. Rif ll~t~3lti ~~':hsi T!~f Wheal tinted O'er - &faded, witherid ressi'll It breathed of the pact-:.of mammas? is, In the garden whet* it grew ; • . And Seely I wept o'er my withered dower, And my heart-lore withered too. . Gamma Evert.—L. returried soldier in Philadelphia oowhided his former captain for tying him up by the thumbs while in the army la not the negro is•man and a brother t —N. Y. Independent. He may be your brother or half-brother —he is no relation of ours. Louisville Journal. The only two soldiers out of eight nom inees constituting the Repulioan ticket of Clinton county, viz : Brown for Assembly. and Quigley for Auditor, have; declined the doubtful honors. - • David Cunningham, a negro, and one of the original John Brown. raiders, died at Rochester one day last week. He wear buried in the Potter's Field; near that city,' unhonared and urr-bung!' The. Loyal Leaguers ought to erect a moon 'Bunt over his remains. COL. Sr WHOM' a DMIOCILATIC EDITOZ.—It is roportedlhat Col. A. D. Straight, whose, escape from Libby Prison. gave hini a na-i tionnl reputation, is about to become the; editor of the Indianapolis Sentinel: the l State orgin of the Deniderate of Indiana., Tun Kw, OPINBIL—The Honorable Jac.. Young Brown, who was arrested by the , military authorities for attempting to vote' in Hendersonville, Kentucky, intends to prosecute the authors of his arrest before a civil Court. Two negro men. being convicted by s military 'Court of being guerrillas and , committing a rape upon a white woman. , near Columbus, my., on the 11th of last March. were hung at' ten o'clock on Mon day last, at Paducah; Five. thousand per-1 sons were present. • The Albany, lournza (Rep.) says "so long as the Sontherc people address themselves' to the, work of re-establishing their politi. cal and social institutions within eonstitu, tional'and legal limits„they should be le6 alone:" The New Bedford Standard is losing faith! in the Pnwideet ; it does not relieh thei appohattneat of Mr. Odell. a McClellan; Democrat,tt tam to be Naval OBlcer at Nee% York, and intimetes that Mr. John = Aon'ilftitttre policy indleates a betrayal of the RePnbliovn party. Doc Platt io a conversation, with a Beni tleman at, West Liberty, _Ohio, ten days after the murder of lir.: Lincoln, prow nounoed "the assauintgion a God acrd."— Platt ion candidate for the Legislature in Logan oounty, and is en the stump in fa 4 tor of negrp suffrage.. - Lovat,.;—Ket4ihnm, Sen 6 Co.. who re cently failed in New Yoe;( -through thel forgeries of one of the fhuClto the amount of 64.000,000. were WO Tight bower" of -the Union League in New York, and-were the espeoial Pets of Secretary Chase. They! have been "supporting the GovetnnientP. eallphilas X. Kily. the Deceocreti: • Ehtprnme Jtufge:.wgs thief o lellan'e stiff when wst exalimandin a the' army, of thel[Tnitedi States': Judge 'Rev is as ablhliwyei• ; waS 'foe several years Judge of the Superior (knitt or Cincinnati. The Republican Convention in Dauphin oohntT. where the Abolitionists have 1,000 majority, have only n°03161'041 one aoldier for office, toter, civilians, and he *as with: drawnfrbin the 'Convention at one times afteriisrds `brought; add rideninatedi bfe votii:of• 37 t 0.33.: It is' estimated that , the expenses of taking care of the freedmen by the Government. amounts to hot less' thin eighty thousand dollars a day, with a prob.; ability of ita largely overrunning that No 'one except Abraham Lincoln Was ever 10 bitterly anti brutally 'based by the Democratie oratOrs and journslists as was Andrew, Johnson up to the.day_of his -ac cession" to the Presidency..4hitadeOlaiti • And no one was ever so bitterly and . brutally 'buled by Abolition orators and journalists as Andrew Johnson before he ,was electdVice President.--.BostoriPost. A juvenile evening paper • n od' Philadel phia, of intensely 'loyal.','. proclivities, says of- the New Jersey Democratic plat; form : prineipla eonsir€ o extradi frovs.t4d .Cbutitutink and declaratums of what : ought not to be done In cert.* coati? japgicker-i It is a Copperhead„utteranowsimon pure, and•of the meet virdlent stamp. How ws Loss --Runrecnerr.--By refusing to adopt this-it'llittendebt Compromise", of 1860-1. It • .Ifould. have, coat neithei nit:9l97lnm ; blood, 0,14 . v; little ink, alittte pweuncke i little sacrifice :Or party . -& `form and partiien bittipninss,tohave ept kto • ' ' 'Wow Wallet - oot Itteneogo.- - E? tour reull 0-horrible ink9 l g , shedOig rivers .0044kotiOci , *sorifiattig uf Hess; ,by,letering a tix:at SMONIOOO - 04 Aka . mu. l o4nEdi clAt'af 44000.1;90.004. • An association heidodi by;Willisiii Jen Bryant~ one of the editos-,-01 ., the N.. Swaisi Peg, a strenuous Re ptt paper. aid other leaditig IteplWeaos of liewlforkoityithashecarotgamed: $ a. - .ears freottadoolid,.daelitioo et,ed~ riff; They destateAbst , ollr:prnteellettvielthei proliocor is•tbe'roli/aylithenntitoomollow will our Abolition friends here. who sce oucit , idestitnprotectianialkmew a p l an kp, 1r , _ • A Itepoblicas ezeititiormiya that Tme r 'Cif DraparAstreollectottitqNsiOlYerir re ' -slitett oii hundred ; Ithetowitit 'dollase' 3 in -le the °thee- , ..No , wirlder. the. my. of 9 copiber- USW" hie been so loud from ' 14tthe ifov -erntifentfotliCeittiolders. - • ' Mitt'Mtn; 'aurae it: Weibiegtatris threurd with; orders ironed Northers Air atiowistwforg Dem %Wen. ffi farmer at !tapbowirille,-Ohio;ula sera e io a, requisi fork onetWearetreegroes..lhit lie If ettlierri Morthii`• Mei *td pnblioaa tiallegiquDerlifr healikWirigis wUI keep up under mush a policy ? ;16. , .r:'(/ ..tr:,l,i--- z ~~, t- ME • ATROXII, l littailit ' ire*' 111•Ine. .toms- t , cbs tom, , ' • y *whirr 414 with int-b9,1111,6H0 lioNdtsoo9. 'll4, , *.tite twos' k id Ti4 i *,WM 141 .-,* 11 " "ra by! r hurt, nipsdiag sae *►r -it tWi Pitiesl Items. Srarroxiso.—On thissafht, of the 15th Jasti,)oartelpbadant of 41a0 New . Y 4 , inip litir;reotliie(k irilln4 OM Crpi a cin oiler Ott the sit. many of Wer.Atolplaced in *nen ad joiniogitud of. Di9k Taylor. No one has seen hitirosone koeir hieuitme; hi. crime, 'or the length -of tiaiobo -taimi'vuser- i oersted I z His food lemuned - segniarly in • and none have Overwhelm in bithenor ,trandlihmtplia7--ThrixtwortiNtriramp ,teriouremapd, noityweagationa ;are indttitted may 'gel hie connections. , Tomogreola are be. c0Mi4r.00 01 9.3 0 7 1 es to -*no nos tt ezr ,. : dolt. lt lernireid tit at lbieffilliteriona `Stranger " is , Iteeteeed otz 4ireterime ; nor tbat itlelleinetr*Vas4 PricltiMitnenta: of.lav4. nor that, there is. again st. him. any. indictinerit ; but simply" . prisoned uptinthe'ordei ot - tbe Secretary of War t • • • The Springfield liepit6Seam rats -" the. Duthoevicy mast find a , mods live- issue than State Itt i ;lc But its,4 political . friend, the,New port Harald., seems to think differently. hat piper thinhithat isine a very vital one. Ituayi " • '" The doctrine of State 'Rights izdeem-- ed+ a 'great heresy wherviketaosiar-in the way . of the will of some -4telf ; but let them 100 back end ask tharniejves.what would' h ve become of "us - it thertbeciry . :' that the ieraimentatifsiefifaott tdayt- Winos.. i policy Ott , 'llieNisveirtl Stiltes i i l had adopted twenty or forty Team isoi-,- Thins slavery ruled and -Whati„inst as much ;right to impose, tliftir.:VelVs .9 1 1 other Ptitee.,,, If there hit MOW 9 . o4 i te• Rights' tlamr• We •shoulVallAtinvt '' thwe:heldizielbet Ws , hat :00_ 0,)k.A04'..i i. . Attaiiiiipkiboitioigst, iii• th e mime of a dissuisioll e ml i eti for omarn4tion Of _. _ •• ho. , . enWink - 4" tl=rei l i'• 4.-',4 44 1 :--. . thesoldier. " Did , yeti liot,i l continued the Abolitionist, !. go ki the wad. , to liber ate slaves?" ." No—l Went to save the Union ; and we wanted to let the ninon " alone, where they were well enough!' The discussion grew warmer, and in a minute or two about a dozen soldiers had been drawer' together by the dispute. They began to get-angry at -being-assimilated With negroes.. and made to appear,against the truth andlbeir will, to have been en gaged in a great abolition - crusade, in stead of a holy and patriotic i war tor the 1 preservation of the national unity. The • Abolitionist had - soon to make - himself " scarce" to preserve his saintly' body from harm. - i "Glatt SEE Iv."—ln a letter .of ex- President Baohattanie,- which- we pub lished a few weeks since, he- speaks of Abraham Lincoln "as our kind-bearted and distinguished President." If Mr. Buchanan ha d been torn from . his home and immured in a filthy, vermin-infested hostile, if be had been foreed.to eat - the dry bread, fat bacon and slop called bean .broth—breathe through the grated win dower of his noisome prison house—Sleep "on the bare floor amid the filth, robbed of the savings of years of toil. and.turned out eventually without knowing the cause of his arrest, or without explanation -as to why the outrage was committed, as was ourself and hundreds of ' , others, "by order of A. Lincoln." perhaps he would have spoken of that individual, in another way.—/kllefonte (Pa.) Waiehmzn. " LINCOLN KILLED ABOVE TUE RICHT Tiuz."—The Allen county (Ohio) Demivrat makes the following quotation tmm a speech of the Rev. ,Itfr. Mutely. a Loyal Leaguer, at Lima, the day of the assassi mation " I had noticed by the papers for a week prior to theassassinatitin; that Hr. Lincoln was adopting and pursuing a policy that. would .eventually bring those scoundrels down South back, and give them the right of suffrage. and wben, I heard of the assassination. I just thought to myself that God .in His inscrutable Providence, had taken him (Lincoln) off just abf:Mt the right time." A Ittasocar RiDACAL.—Daniel Andreas, postmaiter at Glencoe, Mo— who lately • committed suicide,•left a confession which has jast, been found. He says he Murder edn returned Californian eight years ago and robbed him of $lO.OOO. He had also murdered two of his own children, and - contemplated the murder of his wife. Also that he has robbed the mails ever since he has been postmaster. This is.about a fair specimen of the vile creatures through whom Gov. Fletcher of Missouri, and his radical friends, retain power and outrage law and common de cency in that State., • THSTRIMIDINT . S Conasz.---The Hartford notes : publishes the following extract from a private letter from Washington which, It says; comes from such a source that we are not permitted to doubt the correct ness of the writer's information : " I am assured that the President will speedily give us his general platform of principles ; that he' will "adhere •to his a nti-negra.auffaage plan; that he will tea • a the.babeas corpus to all Statea havittg 114 organized government, thereby putting an end to the military tribunals,•&e., and that he will reorganise his Cabinet.'4 The Abolition State Convention assails the Democracy for opposing a protective tariff: Why did it not assail: President Johnson for the same offence ? He is a radical free trader. So is his Secretary of the Treasury. Judge 'McCulloch. So are Preston Sing and Odell, the recently ap pointed officers of the• customs at New York. What, pray. is the politics of. Wil , liam C. Bryant. of the New York Evening Fog, the President of the'National Free 'Trade league ; of Goodwin.'of Fields, and 'otherleaders of this movement. If _there are free traders in our ranks, the radicals, on exaniination, will find their own party is tarred by, the same stick. There are seven Major Generals, each with a numerous and expensive staff', in charge of. the couple thousand troops which are. scattered ,over, New Jersey, New York and the New England States. Esch of them draws about seven thousand dollars, so that the expense of maintain ing these " warrlorr" and their staffa, on the peace footing, is scarcely less than . two hundred tholisand dollars a year. This is pleasant (!) news for the taxpayers, especially when it is added that the only bnsitiess they have to jierform is to drink, pray billiards; flirt with the • ladies, and generally to'enjoy a " good time." -• &ruck sir A ! I Mosu. TDIA."—The Fay ette county. (Indiana) _Beard, a Republi can-paw says : • "It is the opinion of many earnest Pa triots,; Who here always acted" with the - party of freedom and 'progress, and have been and are ardent. supporters of the Republican .administration of , national af fairs, that: the Republican party of lowa is fast Modeling as corrupt as hell, and deserves to be damned." .• This is rough as the party is said to be . Corrupt, but true al _it is rough. Mom "GIATITUDI" 10Z TUZ SOLDIZTUL= At ThantingdOn. _on Saturday last. lays the - Eraretiburr Patriot, the Repablitans held their, ,delegite , setts of del egates were•in.lhe. field—one - set - called the Swoops delegated and the other at nonneed to "stipport Soldiers for all surd thkini maybe candidates tot". °The "Swoope" delegiateg i rebeived in and 108 "Vitas; and'ike soldiers delegates . - 41 and ,48totes—e majority of sem i * totes against the soldiers 1" . In reply. to,the political boasting' of the New York Trawls, about the downfall of the Democracy, the New York 'World proves.thet; though out of the 233 elect*. rel.votee General McClellan received.only 21, it is nevertheless true; as every person must atlmit,who will attend to the figures, that if, of the 4,034,780 citizens who voted in - the Presidential election; the small number isfl 32.513 had changed, Sided. Gen oral McClellan would W.Va. been also- Setteral of the Republi can county i Al . con ' have broken oken up inrows, owing to the negro suffrage question, Mid iitqislellb tickets have been nominated.