Brie eitlethig @bower rIZIE. PA.. SEPTEMBER 7 11a65 Tra'veler's Guide. LAKE SHORE LINE. Going Weld :;Fsgt• _ m. ........... Dty 3 5 p m Mail Ind ac•ommodation.... 00 0 a. m Esp , eu 340 a m _Toledo' Kxpresa 0.90 a. at I•,2ILADELPHIA k ERIE RAILROAD. Arrive. __Corr! Aeeommndallou 12 r 6 p. m ..... . .Throngb el Si a. m ..... . • ra• ..... Corr., Arwrauodation ... 640 p G ' ,.... Wanes A ^snmmultation 10.10 g. m ERIE' /t PrII3BIJROII RAILROAD POtAborit rxprems Accommodation._ )L enin; and Closing of the Malls. r ,b, untie. the Mail. will Mom at the ne ruAt 03 5, e, followa -,ei aal Cb cAgo 980a.m and, ltOp m ............ .. 1.00 p. n. and ';.31 p. m. Washinittoo--• 1 • 00 p. tn. aid b 8l p nt. 730 p, tilna ......... sohrd Inc all omenbetwee .9un pr in w „ . .„ Irlog ffi eees between 7,,n 1 r`o•roland 8 no p. m Pitt.burg 930 a. m (4 - ..............e.MI p tiarraburt• 8 01 p.m -.7 SO p m. wrie Reilway .% I ,...,',..'l ' c i ctueadoysl, Thursdays, and Settle. .......................... . .... 2.30 n .. f.. 113 7 13 s m to 8 p m. -Sunday, Mee ',u:31:093/a m, county Convention. cell for a County Convention, in an column, above tl e signature of Capt. :10 „ n. 0 airman of the county commit. will meet the approval of every Democrat i 4 well .selected, being a week after R e ru+limns hold their convention. and •i r r is it does, each delegate to transact tutir.ets. and return .to his home on the ily. It hasbeen thought good policy l'eral previous occasions not to nominate , v ticket, but await the action of the majority in the county, and then take :site of their mistakes by either at p independent candidates or getting up .% led Union lic:ko.; , The decided opinion of the leading men of the party i. . 0 to Ihk course May longer. It is felt the I'l'l Democratic strength, can only hp re l by % legitimate ticket. and that all .1 . ;.r arrangements have rather a tendon. , 0 our vote than to strengthen' it , n r ity organization is always the strong vbet tt preQeDIA a bold front. •If it eon koep up its organization, unyielding orr , e .• :he erroneous -measures of it. ~; i' e z e-.11-•;, awl , places its czndidite. behe the people",-- it is certain at to !•:I together its original element, and i t2tter chance of tiquiring additions :rrrobil , :y an unnecessary waste of words vi eannA avoid urging rpin our friends trN“ity of Fending their best men to t n•iti Ilan in the coming convention. At Nr. - 3 51 much as now has the Democratic • Irel moderate and 1 judicious action ce rar: cf its representatives. What is , :e i i) much talking men as Thinking :—cen of firmness. foreftight, conservative ~ In] keen, practical judgment. We are f a crisis in our political afflir• ul Jerson can predict the end. The quegins which have divided partie the rv-t eight or ten years, have to a con •r,,b'e extent passel away, arid new ones e't ken their place, or rather we should the original ones in the formation of our , Teinment have been revived. Hundreds u,snds of men,until recently acting with flocubUcan party, can find little or no with it at present, and are locking .ut to see where they can with most Cr D tcaq east their allegiance. The principh a Ikmacisey meet their endorsement, tut f.l, , rhootis of these with whom they him , r, aoting i ,have prejudiced them against the :inintian. Let us be wire and politic in . c. , nrentions, careful to select culy good coniervattve men for our candidates, and icicui is our course as individuals, and we rely. 4 with unlimited confidence, in re .cingiheir co-Operation hereafter. sz Pcsr Orrtcz.—lt is due to Postmaster rrett that we shou'd state that he has for years past been exerting himself to se— the necessary additions and alteration• the epee in this city. The chief difficulty •e-rs to its in the fact that the building is ler the control of the Treasury and not of Office .department. The officers of If we understand the case correct- p,r• williug to accede to the wants rub:ic, bat cannot get the co-. ±7111'% of the former. A year or two ago a:ee• ci . the Post Office department, in to Judge Sterrett's application, via. it,l •and examined the condition of lla expressed surprise at its 1:: . - .t,:.ezoe. and drew up a plan of im r.eez..o,t, Ir.roch from some cause or other tit ::• i favorable attention at Wash It p , :viiel for the change of the to the !ower story, and a very eca tt . l.s\e I:ter ittot . of the building in its in• :ti:%ltt.vogetr.cot. .;ize Sterrett ialorms us that be intenile c: inot Ler (Inn this month to secure the ihiprorenienis. We trust our people :ei.e:-.1 Lin a hearty Co operation in an) Ttnett to may make. A plain and earnest tLe c . oe. signed by our leading aid him materially. : , , ,w c , ==uaication appeared in LI weeks ago, sal has since FINN:Wawa .404CSin to be =Atm V OE 'lg. ti. ,:agly , '1.711 •-• „, „ :4le - that Gm 1 '; • CC. 'zie pre-eate4 at the nest County a. c Member of the ?-r e.. iiives in the Slate Lezi4 \i^ ii.• Imo is a genafrlan of ability, 1 :-. rk , /tics and polities t r r the 77 i .:10.' , 14ent spell:et% an labial - .r• 'r, ware:that a thOrangh ; • •• ; j ::r 7t. Hie course durinr his '3 :trvfe I unfil.thfed tze.e are but few indeed wtt:. t.lmlt last he has been of great and • • ) c,usitsy. His services .. ersinextly (or the po '• %al I t•2lleve that of all the attmeroup :Ives people mill And th. tl -, ti•ka a i eiec•_bn of Mr. De Camp with UM ' ~! tl' ~'l.'l1:7 Etta COCNTr. i"% l Wh ,c'nild thus heartlea.4l3 :•_r redoubtable friend merits , lt!•iy Ltd punishment. A public ecac at once be called to express ir. - of the community with the of 1 !Lltsi. , ct cf his milks Itf. rmatit:a that we have eince learned lesds es 14 believe that Col. McCreary's chance 44 retevltg the Republican nomination for tb. L e?le-sizire is better than we expressed in our ;tsi week. The Colonel's friends are v:a.tient that he will carry two-thirds of tit. . l e:e;steig in the county, and one-half of tlif t-tr i''•egates, The supporters of both Col. licCreary ald Mr. Bur do not regard Mr. LtCt.c.p's elndilacy as likely to stand in the arty of their prospects to any epent,srorti cotsideriag. ADVICIMar.S —Mr. ArlettiON Ward announces Cs farewell nights in New York, at Irving Hall, after which he will sail for England, where he is to unfold his patio rams at Egyptian Hall London. The follow. 'tug notices of the eminent lecturer appear in his adrattLement. A New York paper says: Mr Ward has, we are pleased to see, ob. tabled tot s few, firlt class notices at the hands of certain accomplished " locals" be longing tr some of the most influential organ& in the turnip growing districts. These opin ions are so entirely tree from bias, so tersely expressed, and withal so appreciative in the ..etimate conveyed , of the lecturer's ability. that we present them in defsult of any origi nil remarks upon the gifted theme: A yips. . 2n p . 11 60 p.m Is a lectUrer of about seven comic horse poier, and can easily draw fifteen feet .of water from the eyes of an average audience. From the Noah Amer mu Nom, Now harm Must he good for the cholery. We should like to see him properly applied. From t'l.. l l2ebOiren. pla, Boils at /anti. ARTRIACq WAND —This great Iro'urer celled 41 ug to day. and ordered quite- a tot of joll printing. We consider bim one of the great est lecturers in this country. • • * Although his style is different from Washington Irvine's, we cannot be blind to the fact that Mr. Irving's style is different from his. * * * Not a dry eye in the audience. 1 414ny could hove borrowed money of him on the spot. From the Itobnken Erpoundor. No family should be without him. • from the Keokak, lowa. Banner. We don't know when we have bees more so. Some idea of Ward's intentions may be ob rained by reading sn extract from Ids pro. spec:tug, which starts out thus "The festivities will be commenced by the pianist, a gentlemati who used tdboard on the same street with Mr. Gottschalk.. The man who kept the boarding house remembers it distinctly. The overture will !consist or a medtey of airs, including the lotto' ing new b Dear Sister," is there, aity Pie in the Ware?' My gentle Father,' have you any Fne Cut snout you ?' Mother, is the Bettie .e'er, and is it safe for me to Come Home froth Canada!' and (bv request of many families who h'in't heard it) , Tramp. Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marchine !". While the enraptur ed ear dricks in this sweet music. (we pay our artist nine dears a week end end him.) the eye will be enchanted by the megnificent er•en bi;z covering of the Panorama. This ereene haize cot forty cents a yard at Mr Stewart's st ire. It was bought in deference to the p-esent popularity of The Wearing of 'he Green.' We shall keep up with the times, if we spend the last dollar our friends have got !" NATAL APPRENTICEIL—Copt. Poe gives no tice that "perscns wishing to put their sone into the navy, as naval apprentices, may en— list them on board the U S. S. Michigan."— lie als'o states the following r.s the conditions on which they will be received : ApOcants for apprenticeship must produce nndouht•d and satisfactory Alden ce and writ ten testimonials rf good moral chancier; they must present them-elves on board the Michigan, accompanied by their parents or lawful guardians. at their own expense ; they must pass s physical examination by the cur geim on board; they mnst be able to read fluently, and write legibly ; they must be able to rass examination in numeration, addition, tnuliipli ;a ion and division, and also in vulgar and dPcimal fractions. No apprentice is re 'ceived without the aWorn consent of the guardian or the parent and no transportation to the ship is allowed. All communications upon this matter to the Commander most en close the postage stamps required for the correspondence. Sinn° SUFFRAGE.—The` " local" of the Lorin Ga:ette ocesennally gets off some goad things. The following is one of his latest productions "CFalk and ivory! Heels and shins! Sat:lWe dory now herbs. ! Go 'way white man ! You don't know Bow to vote rieh!-4at is so. Tom yew, yaw! —Yaw, yaw. yaw! De happiest day I ever saw ! " War's de tickets T—Feteh 'em 'straight ! I votes early—l votes late— I vote; often—l votes right— I've no ignoramna Arad hrtvidei—equal born— De Maker's image (in a horn!) De glory oh de Hain, day— De cnttud ens. from Africa! Oh. Kinkly, Minkey, stinky, oh ! If dis ain't glory, tell me so !" The Petersburg (Va.) gaily Index. referring to the numerous outrages upon little girls,the adulteries and divorce cues, that occupy so much space in the papers of the North, saps with come truth : 44 They are directly traceable to the shock— ing obaoenity in American literature, or to speak more correctly, the vast amount of Americbn literature which is shockingly ob— •eene the minds'end morals of the people of the North of A certain class—and that not the poorest—have become utterly rotten and corrupt under the blight of this poison. which is spread broad ce•t by the daily press, the periodicals, and t' e fl , od of yellow covered novels So unblashirte is this f , rno of de— pravity, that the columns of one of the most nopular familv (!) weekly rapers published in Boston. his a column devoted exclusively to advertisements which" are nothing more nor lass than assignations :" The owners of railway st'ock would do well to bear in mind that the reeentdisasters on tbe various roads are an immeose permanent irjnry to their property. A great deal of the traveling on railway is done. by idle and rich people who could do without it, if necessary ; end the fear and uneasiness which these cs 'amities occasion. keep women and timid men st home who would otherwise find means to travel. We believe the business of the coming %,441.141qt- dollars We have good authority for the statement that a prominent Republican politician of our city recently made the declaration that court mtrthls in times of peace are an outrage on free institutions, and that for his pan he tt wont t not hang %dog cmvieted by them." The tams gentleman has been free and open in denouncing the acts of Stanton, changing him with being a tt natural born tyrant," a t• dangerous man," one of the worst foes to Republican institutions, and asserting that his removal from the Cabinet is refestory for the interests of the country. Who the author of these strong but sensible erprotsions is we leave for our readers to guess, and it will probably not be hoed for them to decide. A grand pie nic will be given by the ladies if the Clersoan St. Paul's aura. in Cochrsn's woode;on Monday nest. The proceeds are to be appropriated for thelenefit of the church: Refreshments provided in Attunes. and all who attend can depend on having a "good time." Mahrs Band will furnish music for the occasion. In this country, if a woman dishonors her husband it is considered good ground for di— vorce. We weeder hew wally married couples would be living together if the seise Tee were oppliod to husbands who &how their i trim? From the Ftwuneille Mechanic. From the Sk , wbecan. Mal tie. Clwion from tL• Rahway Galan* F. A. Roe. Liens. Commander. . ninary MNtUngs. At the suygistioe of several Democrats, the hour for holding the Democratic Primary Meetings, on Saturday of next week. has been fixed at three o'clock in the afternoon for the ownahipe, and 71 o'clock in the evening for the boroughs and wards. The plan for allow ing each district to fix the hour has been at tended with considerable difficulty, and it is thought that by announcing the exact period in the call of the committee, the many Weep Trehenvioes that have heretofore occurredorill be avoided... The County Convention will meet in the Court Hance at 2 o'clock p. m. , on Monday, the 18th. Tonsvo.—Thie common vegetable, the use of which has become universal in our country, is undoubtedly the most healthy sr- Cole of diet that can be placed on the table. Its qualities are most effestive when cooked in the ordinary way, but used in whatever manner it may be, the effects are wholesome. & distinguished physician thus sums up its merits 1. That the tomato is one of the most pow- erful aperients et the liver and other organs; where calomel is indicated, it is one of the most effective and least harmful medical agents known to the profession. 2 That a chemical extract will be obtained from it that will supersede the of calomel in the cure of diseases. 8. That he has sueeesafally treated diar rh®• with this artie►e aloes. 4 That when used al an article of diet It Is almost sovereign for dyspepsia and indigee• tion. 5 That it should be constantly used for doily food. Either anokei or raw, or in the form of catsup, it is the most healthy article nor in use. The suggestion of the Dipatek in favor of a convention of the newspaper men of Western Pennsylvania meets with our warmest appro val: An Association of the sort would lead to Mailer feeling among the members of , the fraternity, and might result in material' ad. vantage. We have for some time past been oonsidering a plan to increase the advertising patronage of the State press, which, we are quite collpant, would meet the Indorsement of our brother edition, and which, if o•r -ried into effect, would certainty increase their remuneration to a large degree. In order to , succeed in it, though, we must have the co. ;'operation of the editors of, the State, and in no way could this be obtained so speedily and surely as by a convention of the sort proposed. We hope our neighbor will keep his idea be , fore the attention of the fraternity. A HINT ►OR 00It COLINCILS.—Re are inform ed by one of o•tr citizens. that in ‘passiog through the oil regions lately, he OM, across three artesian wells, throwing nt sponta neously fall streams of cold and pure water. They had the appearance of being unsuccess ful attempts to obtain oil by boring. As Erie lies on a plateau, from which there is a regu • lar rise of ground stathw trd for ten miles, it is not unreasonable to anticipate, th tit when the clay-state stratifiettion, which for ns this plateau, is pierced by the wells being bored here, a gush of pure water may take place ; unless, as we hope will be the case. a stream of oil or heavy salt water ehould occupy the tubes. It is thought by many that a judicious expendiiare by the city of Chicago in artesian welts, might have eared to that city the cost of tke great tunnel under Lake Michigan Among the prominent gentlemen who visit ed our city during the put week. was Dr. Orton, Democratic candidate for Mayor of Milwaukee Is. spring, and one of the most astire and influential residents of that pros• pernn• city. The Doctor is a gentleman of rare intelligence and geniality, and we do nod winder that his fellow Democrats of the West should regard him with so much favor. In company with his talented lady he is taking a pleasure trip to the East, and we trust when he returns he will find it convenient to /1111119 an extended stay in our city. Pxsksanr isroansrion.—The collector of Internal Revenue for this Congressional the. (riot gives notice that the 11. S. taxes have become due, and that be will attend to reeeiv ieg them at his office in -this city from the 11th to the Nth lasts. Those who neglect attending to the matter between the dates mentioned, are liable to an additional lax of ten per centum, collection to be made by dis traint. Payment can be made at . any period before the dates given. The Democracy of Vonanno county. dread ing-defeat in October, will place no candidate in the field for the Lewis!attire, and it is said will sup•ort Walter P. Johns, editor of the Oil City Register. who will be an independent candidate. hacked by the oil interest.—Dis patch of Friday. Our Neighbor is in error. Mr. Johns has declined as an independent csndidat•,%nd the Democrats of Venango are maiming a fall county ticket, with very fair prospects of sue. cote. • -- The celebrated Homestead well, at Pitbole, ceased flowing last week, and at the same time the Grant well, but a short distance off, com— menced yielding more largely. The cause of the failure in the former well, is supposed to lie in the sand bag," which is said to have been improperly arranged, but we base our suspicions on the subject. The occurrence has created a decided sensation among oil operators. The" Upper Dauphin Register and Lykens Valley Miner "is the name of a new, neat and well conducted paper, hailing from Ly— kes., Dauphin county, Pa. The publishers and editors are Messrs. Samuel B. Coles and We recognise in ti•e fellow apprentice Teregrapk office, sad 'quest for an " ex— ~.„ efligeacercommeoced li id • The publishers say it:Mai sakilletifia experiment. and that it is now a "well established businees m etes." We are heartily gratified to hear of its prosperity. It is one of our soundest, handsomest and best Democratic enthuses. Mr. Horace Waters of No. 481 Broadway, New York city, has published the following new pieces: " Were I but his eine wife," bal lad, words by Thomas Moore. and musk; by Mrs. Parkhurst ; Dizie Dordie," words and music by Wm. H. Stevens. The Gazette denies our statement hat week that it fevered the sembistion of Mr. Barr for the Legislature, saying that it stands "onesa Wilda to slum of the candidates in winless of• the action" of the Republican County Con. "elation. Tint Lancaster ligeggemer hopes "our candidates, both of whom are fine public speakers, will challenge their opponents to stump the State. Let us have an open atoms and a fall discussion of the quer tions at issue. We'll bet on the white 1111111 1 1 candidates on the stamp or else where !" There is sable. more certain to proves' bode irregularities tbaa Dr. Velponee Fe. sale pills. They will la an eases canes are tars of aniatbly elokareo. trillion% *lick ao as lady ea eajoy porfliet Yoshi Bold by sII Driggists. sa3-la Irene or Low. Inrsassr.—The rill free the Tenth street well Is being us e d t o drive the engine of Stearns & Marsh's works, s well as the engine of the well, and also as a light in the street lamp near. The light giver. Is said to be as good as the ordibari gas, and it is suggested that the gas irorks be door away with, and our citizens receive their light from the wells is the vicinity. Whether at equal antireliable yield could be obtained er. leave to those better at,quainted with the op orations of the wells than oneself to decide —The "Onion Gallery" of Means- Jones Johnson,exhibited in Farrar Rail last, week wee • decidedly pleasing entertainment. On the first night the instrument did not act in a sttisfectory manner, but on the two following evenings it worked admirably. With a little more experience, Messrs. Jones . 8t Johnsen will be able to give as good an exhibition 111 , the noted stereopticon of Mr. Fallow. Our people displayei their appreciation of hors( enterprise by attending the Gtllery in lug numbers on Friday and' Saturday evenings —Tbe 11. S. Steamer Michigan returned tr this port on Friday. after a crulae of more than ordinary extent on the uppertakes. fie• officers and men 'mostly belong to Erie, and were heartily glad to return t 3 their homes We are pleased to learn that the rumor which obtained currency, to the effect that the Michigan was not to rendezvone here are in- correct, and that she will lay up In our burbly next winter as , ttsn4l.—k new item of im portatioo has ',prang up at this harbor. Or Friday fifty-seven head of cattle were brough' across the lake, and landed ot , . our docks They were intended for the oil country, au' hare alreadyl been Bent to that section. ' I is said that cattle exist in abundance in Can a la, and that many more are being bought ur for shipment to this locality. If so, th• levers of beef owe rejoice, far the price of that article will be soon diminished.—Mr Holt, agent for the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, bas opened a branch office for the exhibition of his goods in Caughey, McCreara tit Co.'s book store. He has done this simpl3 for the convenience of patrons, his storage room remaining as before is the second story of Union black. --On Friday some eight or :ten parties were arrested for trespassing of the peninsula, carrying off timhe-, picking cranberries out of the season, &o. They werr each fined ten dollars, and three of them sent to jail in default of payment. At this rate the city , is likely to receive a profitable revenue from that source.—The revenue cutters of the lakes were alt removed a' the commence merit of the war, an) placed in service on tt-e 'sea coast. , The Government finding that evasions of the revenue laws have become ver-7 e;ommon, has been obliged to resort to messares for preventing them, and several new cutters have been built during -the last year while others are in process of constra . c. lion. The last one launched was the John Shemen, at Cleveland. Why cannot Erie pro cure the building of one of these ♦easels! —Mrs. Wm. Flint resumed her select school on rich street, on Monday last. She is a worthy and attentive teacher, richly deserving of patronsge.—Parties from other sections are largely engaged in baying up apples in this county, for sale in the East. Erie county appeark to have become o general resort rot all kinds of speculators in the provision line. The heavy purchases for the oil region and elsewhere are what keep up the prices of pro duce in our eity.—ludge Sterrett has re turned from Bedford with his health centid. erab'y benefitted, and resumed his duties in the Post Office. We are gratified to learn that he is making an endeavor to secure the much needed improvements to the office.— It will please most people to learn that a great reduction has taken place in the price - of coal, which for a year or more has been selling at a figure that weighed heavily on the pockets of containers. It is now selling here at $6 50 a ton, with a probability that it will continue at that price until fall. Last year the rates. if we remember right, were from $ll to $l2 a ton —The Edinboro Normal Institute 'opened on Thursday with an attendance of three hundred students, and every premire of a very successful term. One hundred more students are booked to at. tend, and are now rapidly coming in. The success of this institution, since it has been under the charge of Prof. Cooper. is one of the most remarkable events in the education al history of Pennsylvania.—The inereare of our population this year is rapid beyond preced , nt. Several hun teed new houses could be filled this fall. We hear almost every day of parties in search of places to rent. With the inducements for building now, we wonder that men of capital should hesitate a day to meet the demand. The seinen of speculation we trust will soon be over, when men will commence investing their means insubstan tial itepro'vemente.—Mr. C. Kolb. the hair dregter, has just finished the papering and painting of his room under Brown's Hotel, which makes it the handsomest place of the sort in the city. Mr. K. is not only a gorftl hair dresser, but a man of enterpiiee. He makes a practice of keeping everything about him in the neatest possible condition.—The Dispatek says: " A coal heaver named Joseph Kelley was accidentally drowned on Wedoes day morning at the Erie & Pittsburg railroad Company's dock. He was aiding to unload a scow, and too much having been taken from or.e aide. the scow partially tipped and water commenced to plur over the side. Before Kelley could reach a safe place the scow tip ped over, catching him between Itself and the dredge." Kelley was an unmarried man. —One of those " fashionable occurrences," noted daily in the papers, took place on the Cleveland & Erie road, on Tuesday evening of last week. -The " accommodation train ran into the rear of a freight train at Conneaut, iejuring four men, one of whom had an arm broken, throwing the engine off the track and demolhhing one or two cars."—A corres pondent advises all who want to make their fortufies (and who does not) to secure a *taxa on the plank road between Titusville and Pit. hole. All the etoek necessary ie a barrel. a few pine boards, four lemons,'and a few gallons of ed rye, and your income tax for 1865 will figure aloagiide of Gen. Reed's." We think son►e of trying it. A man -couldn't well do worse, financially speaking. this of printing a Democratic paper is a Re publican castity.—The pee in the oil region are " great on denouncing rival com. inanities. The people of Titusville will insist that. Oil City is a "one horse place." The Oil Citizens retort by saying that 'Titusville is "played ont." The Pitholians pitch into the Tarr Farmers, and the Tarr Farmers ridi cule the &laterite*, and the !needles abuse the cheery Runners, and the whole cabocdle keep up such a barking at Erie as is amusing to li s t e n to. Our worthy friends down that way would do well to remember the ancient ma=im, " Live cad let live." " There's room enough for all."—The long contemplated A i ke n, in the managentent of the Philadel phia' dt Erie raflra d has taken place. Mr. Jos. D. Potts, who missed his position as general manager MSS 1111010111 ma, has been eiwee eded by Mr. Alfred L. Tyler, who is mid to be as onfalloik,l mad apaisaind Hilt road man : We trust that under Mr. Tyler's a intro!, the road wilt be broneht up to the expeetatinas of its friends.—A. Young Men's Cori7tisn Aeseciatioa is to be organised in Franklin - Vensugo ceanty. 030 or two lim iter associations is each of the towns . of - the •Il section would be of decided advantage. We know of no batter fold anywhere for zeal ono, faithful and time heaved Christian mis sionariee.—Therikis as ancient and true Proverb: "If the best man's faults were written on his forehead, it would make him pall his hat over his eyes."--On the day of the President's funeral, says as exchenee, a bronzed and . weather.beaten soldier, anxious to obtain a better view of the nrooession, happened to step before a party cf ladies and ceetlemen. One of the gentlemen nudged him on the elbow, at the same time observing "Seattle me, sir, you are right in front rf as." Boeing handsomely in return, the *oi lier replied. "That is nothing remarkable, 'or I have been in front of yon for four years " —A. bashful printer is resorted to have re used a situation in the Gazette office, where 'males are employed, on the ground that he " never set up with a girl in his life."—Dr. Johnson used to say that a habit of looking at the best side of every event. is betterthatv a &holland platris a yam—Mrs. -Parting ton makes Strakspeire say : "Sweet are the nses - of advertisements." It'a so if Bhakepeare lidn't say it.—" Husband," said an .exas ner tted vita. "I ean't express my detestation of your conduct." " Well, deer, I'm very tad you can't," Iris the cool reply.--A eortion of land Parchasel from Mr. Ames 'Heath, lying near Corry, has been purchased 'or a cemetery, and ie to be laid coot in the noet tipproved style.—The surviving sca lier, who enlisted from Allegheny College at ‘leadvilla, have resolved to erect a monument in the college grounds to the memory of their leeeseel comrader —an exchange gam that a couple weeks ago, Mayor Fargo, of Thaffalo, Mr. Butterfield, of Utica, C. H. Lee, of Silver Creek, Dr. Streeter, of Cleveland, and Nit.. Struthers, of. Warren, took a trip, villt a view of examining the proposed route of the Buffalo and Oil Creek Cross Cut rail. road We do not learn the result of their ob servations.—An exchange advertises for a smart, industrious and reliable boy to learn the trade. When tro. is found, we trust our coti.mporary will let us know —The Crav er I Democrat ears that at the late term of the court in Meadville, Judge Derickson se• halted- from among the bystanders, three lrand Jurors, one 'of whom he appointed farce:tau. It is curious to know where " his honor" got the authority for so doing. We are astonishel that our cotemporary should ituht the fallibility of any Republican offi cial, in these days of "higher law" and " military necessity."—An impud , rit . and rascally Prus-tan (pack, calling himself Dr. Herschel. is traveling about the oil region, humbugging the people and cheating the erinters and landlord!. If he doesn't ternoi• nate his career in the penitentiary it will not he because he doesn't deserve to.—A corem• poetry gives his readers a lengthy piece of advice "on the way to stop a paper.' The •rue course is not to stop it it alt.—The Venatrzo Spectator,‘ published, at Franklin, appeared last week clothed in a complete new ires 3, and preserving 'a very tasty appear. once. It is now not only one of the beet, but one of the handsomest papers in the State. we rejoice to know that the gallant Demo. crats of Ventage county are giving the Spec tato so liberal a support as to have justified fee d effected publishers entering upon this improve ment.-1 few evenings "since ys the Fre donia A4rertiser, a men bur rioul / e-cted ao entrance into the hous e A. Ti. Graves, in 'lsqsadart. Chautauqua C , N Y.. through the wintry window. His pp rations were die covered, ant one of the men of the house, witti lamp in one hand and a loaded revolver in the other, quie'ly opened the door, but the weapon being somewhat rusty, failed to do its Linty promptly, and before he cou'd discharge it the robber skedaddled through the window head forectost.—A. singular in stance of reciaseness is mentioned by the Conneautville Record. An elderly gentleman, who has resided in Summit township, Craw ford county, about five miles from Conneaut vine, tor the pest thirty-three years, visited that town far the first time in his life on Mon day. Daring all this period he has never heretofore bean so far away from home, and it re - plead considerable persuasion to induce him to come even now. We should not ne- 1 gleot to mention that the individual is a bache'or.—lt will be well for the lovers of dancing to remember teat the Ball for the benefit of Perry -Fire Company, No. 1. in Farrar Flail, on Monday evening the 11th inst., le the last that will take place in the Hall previous to its remodeling./ After the floor is changed, no dances can be held in the Mall.—The Public schools re-opened for the fall term oa Nlondsy. Ail of them are sup. plied wth teachers, exerptiog No. 1, 'of the West Ward, for which no permanent principal has been employed. Until one has been in g iged it will remain in charge of the assistant principat. Miss Otde. The East Ward has been fortunate in retaining the services of Prof. Folgeras principal. He is admittedly one of the best teachers ever employed here, and is a greet favorite with the pupils Clark Ewing, Elq., formerly of Erie, and now of Titusville, was one of ,the delegate's to the Crawford county Democratic Convention. Oar young friend is rapidly climbing up the hill of fame (:) MORRISON ,& DINSMORE, • WitOrdigAll DlALiltt Flour,, Pork, Beef; Salt, Grain, CLOVER, TIMOTHP SEED, &e. No. 2, Wayne Block, rayorce sum &tem Fifth gad SW* SU, BRIE, PA. scsjii teat Sewing Machines! —• THE CHEAPEST ,& BEST • • BU RITECHR T GRR. 311:PIRS OR SIN _ • The esdetsigised haste; bees iated ;seat Is Vie city for the above celebrateds nerretfaa j Inas th e &Untie& of the public to th e same. 1 hey are sekscreledged to he the beet its ass sad axe the ebespest is the tiaritpt. • Saab idaridee has an the latest inipromosets. which render the. far superior to say ester nay odd rerSbUi desiring te purchase a dewing Nethdas tIU dmi it of odnottgo to eon and sprain* the. before bayin ebrebere. maples oa ethibtlisse st stem, No. 4. Araerteaa b. Block. tines tiers& *ad atteet. AVM eft:th an • F. TAGNEIL. Crawford, Christian £ lam, Marrs la GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS„ Dried and 1306101 Fruits, sAISIS h OILS, . ship cksadley. Boat Storm,. !x- 1 NO. 7 &STITT'S BLOCK. PSIS MCA, Also, Public Dock. Foot of State Etv;,te. , IMMO, rittlVA. img. ralll7l= CSALISM-C. poling 4l , SUM 11171. HUBBEL'S COLDER BITTERS. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. INVIGORATING 4 sTRIVIGTIFICICING, Pr rtifee the s stein kraut the evil Oeffecto of n.hel► come water. Will cars Dyspepsia. n 111 ears a oaltneaa. Will cars °antral Debility. Will cane 13sartlum. 'R ill car• itandactt. t lD curt Liner Cosoplaint. • tacit* sod crests • healthy agyotita Will billion% th• OTRIMI of digistion and titodesatc. ly Increase the traoperttore of the body and the forme o• circulation, sett gin fact u s placid corroborant of th• •stem, containing no poisonous dingy and is THR DRST TONIC BITTERS IN TEL WORLD. A Mr trial Ls earnestly soacited. Os% C. HUBBEL k CO., Proprietors. • I - Dodson, N. T. Central Depot, Avielleam ltspreee Building bi BUD BON NT., NEW YORK. Tor We by all Dro guts* Groove. ke. 11.” lIINNIG t HOAOL.F.Y. Ma. Wholesale sad for eel. by Ball k Wertal,Cartat k Caner tad WM 'dna 4 Both. °Wren P. B. HONECKER, litoomos TO , CARVER & HONECKER, WitoLISLIA a MAIL IblALit ri Leather, Hides, &c., No, 3 Perry Block, Slats St, Este, Pa. Constantly an LAM a large stock ca SOLI LEATHER, Atoßocco, LININGS • 1311 , 401;5U5, FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, KIPS, UPPERS AND SPIIP4, LLSTS, PEGS, LASTIJOS, GALT.OONS. MAIO, . Fru. ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMA .83 4. TOOLS, All of which they offer I for OR ricome PAY. lusurns—tr. New ;grocery! JACOB BUOI Nwould relpectfuliy an watoca to the •ol Erie dt tad amity, that the Ms clamed a a. NEW GROCERY tTORE, 9s OW West Side el Puce Sired, • Sliort Disseac• Seed of the L4ke Shwa Dort, Where h• walks", gp heads if • &nor t of GleipeMUM IROTMON3 i , WOOD .1...74D WILLOW WIPE, LODE And every thin usai,Gly kept In a taut else * or• ` LlllO, Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquors. The highest Market Prier paid Pori Produce, u owl ti d eginel ! Give me • all, if you 'deb 4 secure good bar IMAM. 1 pied/re inye,lftoe•ll,u Low 1 not ...cower, thee any other stun is the etty. mr176411. New Clothing Store. THE UNDmItSiuNED HAVE OPEN ,A. 110 111 Clntlmlg store oo - the eo er of Fourth and State streets, where they trot we o keep always on hand ae good aa at 4ortment of Cloth og as rzo he fuood In toe city, made In the bast mvo...r.ifr,,to th best ma terial, Cod to boi.Led iia to .414 d PLUS' LetIOD t, tie moat cities] co tomer. ' P.rt eulari att.otion wilt be pad to Custom Work, in II la di Or•lach we propose to exml all o her e4Abhihmenta to tie city We wall al wa2l 1 e..;a a elle II:e41 , f Cloths cer,coo , ee, v,..ti ng ., to , from wbieS costumers can select t.., the very beat advantage. Gents' Furnishing Goods,• irlf *tory description t mor stag nil elides la Unit line. The Clothing of Buys al I 51..0 be an sden.pecial tt., Gies naa call. 8.t.i6E.011.11i h IV , EIDER. GIO 14•1411IRVAS, A..IIIHT ST.S Late Cutter • !eh Y. Keel. je•Ttforf R.. S. MORRISON & SONS Bog !ears to Worm the citizens of Vie andc - ileinltY that they have moored their stock of DRY GOODS To the ESE:SE 'nom, in the building formerly emu+ pied by Messrs. HAT Ea k STPLE It, there thy intend keeping a large saaortmeat of Dress Goods, Fancy Silks, GLOVES, HOISERY, &c. Returning thanks to ow enstement for their past liberal patronage, we respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Eris, Jan. 1, 11*5. COLD! SELDEN it Co., MINIJFICIFIMG JiiiNELERS 27 Courtlandt St., New York. 100 000 WATCHES. CHAINS, GOLD Paolo, retells. Worth afar Nal a aliilloti I 0 la-a! To be so'd at One ial a; Kash witaGut ma.ard to voila. Asa mot to to paw tar natal you know whot you ars to fee irs. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES . All tI be . 0./3 far ttoe :dollar I eels 300 Gent,' gold Watches, 4.60 to $l6O 300 Ladies' goid Watches, 35 to 70 400 Gents' silver Watcher, 25 to 70 i 200 Dratuond flings, 60 to 100 3,000 Gold Ve.,t. & Neck Mains,. 15 to 30 1 i 8.000 do. 4 to 6 1 3,000 Gold Oval Bar.d Braceleti, 4to S i 4.000 Chased Geld Bracelets, sto 10 1 2.000 Chatalaioe &• guard chains, 6to 20 6,000 Solitaire & gold brooches, 4to • 10 2,000 Lava & Florintine brooches, {to 6 ; 2,000 CerA!, Opal & Em. brooches, 4to 8 ' 2,000 }lositte. Jet; Lava & Florenr j tine Ear Drops, • 4to 4,500 Coral, opal & em. E. drops, 4to ' 4,000 Cal. Diamond bresstptos, 2,50 to 1 3,000 Gold•fob & vest eaten keys, 0 .1. to 4.000 Fob & Tea ribbon slides. SQ, • 4,000 Sets sleeve buttons, etc., • t feu 3.000 Gold thimbles, pencils, eta., "‘ 4 6,000 Miniature lockets,. 5 to 4,000 Ilia lockets—magicspring, 3to : '4 000 Gold toothpicks & crosses, 2to 1 5,000 Plain gold rings, - 4to , ( ' , 5.000 Ch , red gold rings, 4 to 7,000 Stone set & signet rings 2,50 to 5 000 California diamond rings. 2 to 1 7,500 Seta ladies' jewelry—jet & gold, , 6,000 Sere ladies jewelry-cameo, t 1 pearl, etc., • 410 i 5,000 Gold pens, silver extension. 1 . holders & pencils, 6,000 G.ild pens & gold-mounted holders, , 3 to 1 5.000 Gold peas, & pen-holders, 6 to i 6.000 Silver goblets 1 cups, 5 to 1 1,000 Silver castors, 15 to 2.000 Silver fruit a cake baskets, 10 to 1,000 Dozen silver tea spoons, 10 to 1,000 Do. table spoons & forks, 11a2INsu Or DISTRIBC tION. Certilkstea sessuog •see art-ele, aad its valey are pis set is Amsted Envelopes. and all sued. Ose of thew antelopes. cos taintnt the Cent/lease or Order far S ome "rue* (aorta at les‘t owe dolly at res‘ll,) will be snit by aisli to any auldres without sward to thole, wo reesipte4 2i ennui. Tee parchenet will me abet *r - tied' it draw& sad its value, which nsay be fleet use to live Lima.* Dellasx, sail can Uses send Ono Dolls-sad reeigye the Article named, or say ether on Lb. let of the acme Tyler, and ester seeing thr ante* if it dew net give pelf-et uthitetioa, we dishy it to be lesesedi- Ludy »tamed and the =mat psis sin be eitaadast. Ey tits mods we elle stesetivue front a tailed coca of due goods, "1 the beat stake an ! Ist-st styles and of is tdaete worth. at a zesentearprice, white all Ban scheme of secaricg artHeis of the tar highest rains. In all ea...v.lre chair for forward-dog be Outlasts, pottage and doing the bizetnsse the 11011 of tweity-livo teat% whit mast be esele•ed to the gram Pits Orr tills:etre sill be rat for $1 ; sieves for $$ i th i r t y g m is ; slats ay. fir $10: one Seared Ca $l5. Parties deeing with as may derma on baths, prompt, Mares. sad the article dines will be taseediabely sent co isay addrv's by return wail • =pros Rothe vatatectina Gursatesd is sit eases• writs year Nome, Tows, toasty oat State clainly, • s ae abdrosa 251.01' a Cl. madiab-do 37 Cfnuilsodt ravet. Near Tort. • E K, Litirietrzitz AND NNOLIZAL.I DLILLta swim, TOBACCO, 1131177 AC., lifth below State Street, Entll4 PA. ftpwaio the INiisti* /Matta' Cam 18651 pram fetehlished WM. T. Clip" "noir istellthle remedies 'Prey from Polsose." "ant dangerous to the Pumas Tastily." `Bete ease oat, of *brie hole" to die." "Costa's" Rat, Roach, an, .liztor's, Is a ilarlio—es•Cfmr arts. Mee Roaches, qteri dia4 ' Red tats.lutoUtolle. to "Costar's" Bed-Bug Extirmiastor, Ls a Illard or rub, need to destroy sad also as I ni ventrr• for Bed• Bugs, " Costar's " Electric Powder for.lnsects, • Is for Maki. Muirsitees, -4 4 Mrs. ja-Rsir6 lands is Plsatar, Fork 4siiisais, te. itir Fold by all lvnlagiata and **taller* avirawhena !'i ce II! IS! nr all worthip. Cr" as that " Conan** " name la on each Boa. null* and Flak, before you bay. tr. TIVICIPLI. DIPOIP. 4'2 Duo %MAT - 1 1. Y. Cr &:44 b all ltingsiata aa4 Usalacs la Selz, Pa. INCIMARE OP RAT!—The Farser's ossitis ([ox- Nab) wefts and prove. by Sporn tbat one pale of atk wi'l have a prop-op an • &s - end.ota r o toy than &woo to three ...Ts. Now.. los. this trocoonao hind/ ea. be kept dome. rbor would eo +ram mons food than weed sustain 66 Or. human bet nit. Er SOS "C 4) Rat 111 adviwthinautt in this paper. ' RATS yam BIRM.-1111641m aims. is &boating smart birfla la a crnel man alio/mar Aida to itatanalnlit. int corgis a crocheter. We should like *Ana of oar eorempendsuts to glee ul the hen. flt el tb• lr expnientio in &tem, out these ■, We need something reedits dor, eat■, and fortbt& bating's.— Sciaanle tnpi• eta, N. r. ur Bee "Corns's" adratisestsat is this paper. 1865. "COSTAR'S" RAT TITERVIvATOR la shapes, sale tad suro—Abe tent pert of Reg Ideation untie, we ban ever aterend Seery Rat that no get tt, propnir pronnall sea:waling to duet one. will ewe it. a g .veer .1u that nu it will die. generally at alms phew ea die. tact aa menial.. Ingo when the woadkale was tatea.—. Lake .1.A0,11. Ali , A , Minor. ' Coins's" adrerhentaat In elks*. 1865. fIOrTSTRvEPER; toabiri *ittiveruirta Dead be ao inner. ,t they es. 'Correa's" Ettariemator- We hare are +t to .mar eettataetion ; and if a box cost Si. ,, leratO bare it. We bare tried pnlanea. bet thew *trete! pe•Ftne • t•Rat Costar's" arttel• knolls the ' , math net attma. Ro.op. e , Rata. and Ped.itert, qnsdner tbee 'len emit.. it it I. In treat dlabaati al/ ever the conntrrr--Pmtias. Olio, Getette . - f -r , Eoe "C 01174 1 .11" advallssonat to Ulla piper irrorcE rpiPm TER r Pt wure—Riestiv g of. i ns. "as's* Rat. Paget!, ant., be., Everninator—frn ze ram and proirbdons are dosoloved annually in than' eonntlr by voninth than would en• or tor• nl Lida Rat aLd Inret Killer."—Lamer, pit., Hera/1. Sos"CoarAks" adrartinanzani, to this papa. FA/WREN AND unrrsalCUlPEßS—ohnuld iseollset that hundmir of dnllarif worth of Drain. Procbdona. he, are annually des ro.ird b. Reba, . ute, and nth.? Inswets and rerrola—all of widen bs by a for dollars' worth of "Coma's" Nat, No eh, Ant. he., Krt. rininator„ Yr tight and :mid fr. sly. et."CO.T•lell" advertivensut in this pspen. Sold la Ert-,Pa by all Dragusts and Dr:Bl.m Keystone Stove Works ! Tibbs'ls, Shirk & Whitehesd, NA3I7TACITRIERS 0Y STOVES & HOLLOW WAIL}, Ban si lam =4 seensirs assostms , t at ft. resat Wholesale and Bead, THE IRON GAT]i Is • ezwt-closs Cott Cook Stow", with or witboat now Toll., tot illOll c cis or wood, sad is BETTER THAN THE STEWART STOVE We al - o maautietexa the WHEAT SHEAF & NEW ERA, Borg low orro Coal Cook Stores—wits wood)grates ear be used *War for coat or wood. THE FOREST OAL IL Ira ars still smaaafactaring this Weebrstod by eves Starr for wood—inda or irtuwat resorrotr THE MENTOR, law norm Store for Wd, Thia la amy Stove beautiful -es,gn , Lad coo for sale—Eogetaor with a large a , Loruoeut rf 'aerated Moe •Coolt. Pori. r Cook for wood or awed, and Parlor • and Odiea dtoroa. :or wood or oost. C. IL TIB D MUD; W. EL whursatAD Era, Jaa.lZ, 11163 —t , • READY PAY STORE ! , lIINNIG & RUSSELL, Would revert:telly losono the Your= Lug, they Imo forch.sod the STOCK OF GRocriußs or JAWS 4. BLISS. 02111111 or hes ssorrave ere. - _ Where they hiter.d to keep as good so ttwia'sed or LIMY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD it WILLOW WAA 'AND VAULTY GOODY ss is kept is Sri a. Best Brands of Erie County ' MOW. Kept coostsotly on hood. IfrARRANICD t GOOD aItrICLIC! Er The highest Market Pm* paid far ail idr de or Country Flovbsio. jar Goode delivered Gee *lamp to sap part 2; the City. . • .a. =MG. roneSTlttr.] J. 10733 11 i.. • MI BANK NOTICE • • Heystue National Bank it Eite. CAPITAL, $150,000. • DIRECTORS MORN MARVIN, JOUR t 7. saa a MD. itLDIO IaiTIN, BLITZEI TOWN, 0. NORM ORANGE NOBLE, Prestisst, ' JOE..( TOWN, Cashier. ' • The above beak lOUbe erste! for the trasseetioe of basians es ' Many, Dec. Sa o is Bitbes' Block, West side of Mate St. Misses smash sad larkta. Satisbactozp paver 4Desessted. Mosey isesieed as Deposit. Celisetitas cads and grocesis seesiuded laps Draft', Spode and Bark ;fetal boned dad sold. • Asti of Pabile Patronage to regalia/ foadtsd• 4 4o .10 fLAILTFORD 1.11811/LA NCR CO ILUCTFOILD, COMIIIOI , MIN IN! OAPOiti MED um CdtPl7..l. $1,1101,M. T. C. ULM Prat. G. IL COIL, %fey. CITY pm INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORS, COMMIE' TIMM lIICORPORAMD 6C c SPITALIPISILON WX. L BASRA, Peat GM V. LIMTIG, SRO: VISUBANCE in she above old end reli- L upw a V ie r adise " "nrsigarns:l . • ()41KLUIP'sl• .31•211[1 , 1 0 .1 MU NI pit 50.... UAL l-dr--Dizscum =SPOUTS Tall Passisma 'Rs • Pot. Maas, ra.. Boma owes Suss ay la iliac 11.1 ssy loOs tea via to Os polars Saila Al • may se Ur =hal et all lassasarr le" ST g sr• 041113.1111111014ftwaslibick 1865. HENRY R..COSTAR. 1865. 1865. 1865. 1865. 112101