The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 07, 1865, Image 2

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    scene of fearful blight and desolation.
We are told in a tone of rejoicing, by
certain distinguished gentlemen, that in
the South, the conflict of races has already
begun and that our own race will be driv
en to the wall—that is; be exterminated
And that. in the new order of things, a
negro aristocracy will be created, and
that negroes will occupy seats on the Su
preme bench, and in the halls of the Na
tional Legislature! What is this proposi
tion ?
That six millions of our own race, mein
women and children, shall be t rampled
into the earth , in or ler that an ar istocracy
of four million negroea shall be establish
ed upon their graves!
And can it be-that a policy so mon
strous in itself, so atrocious in its concep
tion—a policy equally inhuman, uncon
stitutional and unchriatian, can receive
the sanction of the enlightened citizens
of Ohio? Can it be true that the p , ople
of Ohio desire the extermination of our
countrymen at the South, nod that the
black man's home shall be built tenon the
white man's grave? Forbid it Heaven !
And in the name of our country ; in thn
name of civil liberty; in the name of all
we hold most dear on earth, I invoke the
spirits of the mighty dead— of Washing
ton and Adams, of Franklin and of Jet
ferson, of Hamilton and of Madison,
against the horrid profanation against
humanity, against the Coratitution,
against the Divine spirit of Christianity
Although I commenced my military ca
reer 'at fifteen years of age, I was taught
from my earliest youth to revere the cause
of civil liberty, and I view the continued
suspension of the writ of habeas corpus,
and the trial of citizens by military com
missions, in direct violation of the Consti
tution, and as a dangerous infringement
of the liberty of the people.
The National debt is estimated at four
thousand million dollars. and Gen. Cox
proposes the purchase of a district of coun •
try containing thirty million acres of land,
in order to create a " negro dependency."
I am wholly opposed to that or any other
scheme calculated to inc-ease the bur•
then. of the people. and am in favor o
an equitable system of taxition, and of
reducing the expenses of the Federal and
State Government to the lowest practica
ble point consistent with necessary ex
. Mum.
And now, Mr. President, should it he
the will of the people to confide the affairs
Of the State to the caTe of the Democratic
party, what is to be our policy ?
Balieving that governments are insti
tuted not for the benefit of a party, but
for the protection and common good of
the _whole people, the Democratic party
will be *equitable and jist in the adminis
trition of public affairs. Magnanimity is
good policy in peace as in war, and a party
incapable of magnanimity is unworthy of
being trusted with power. One wrong
does not justify another, and he is an un
wise politician who would demand public
vengeance for-private injuries. Our only
desire is the maintenance of constitution
al law, so that the blessings of civil liberty
may be secured for ourselves, and for our
felloW citizens of all parties. And should
the people of Ohio call me to the perform
ance of the responsible duties of the chief
magistrate, it will be my earnest study to
discharge the obligations incident to that
poaition, with strict impartiality ; and to
the full extent of WY offi •ial ability to
secure the rights of civil liberty to every
citizen of the State. Ours is a land of law
and the magistrate is not less bound to
respect its provisions than is the private
citizen, and if he violates the fundamental
law - which he is sworn to support, he
should be held to a stricter accountability
than he who assumes no such additional
We are entering upon one of the most
important political campaigns ever known
in this or any other state. Ile questior
has been asked me, wh it aro the pros
pects? Can we succeed? It has been
my fortune to see many engagements on
the battle-field, but this is the first time
in my life that I have been put at the
head of a civil column ; and though I am
not boastful, I must gay that. I never knew
the strength of. the respective forces wi th
out being able to predict victory or defeat.
And as I have studied the grcund of t hi,
contest well, I tell you that the morale
of the enemy is bad ; their strength bro
ken, and their fl •g will noon be dragging
in the dust, it you, the representatives of
the people, will do your duty. I have
spoken of the getlant men who went forth
to sacrifice life and lireh in defense of the
Constitution and the Union—but not of
the nigger—and whle they were thus
battling in the field there was another
army at home, of civilians, patriotic and
devoted to the principles of the old flag.
battling for constitutional liberty. W hat
we want is for those two armies to join
hands and hearts, and beat down the
hordes. I would say to soldiers and civil
ians, be friends ; let no petty jealousies
mar our glorious cause. Remember we
are brethren and friends, and upon us,
soldiers and citizens, rests the well bring
of this land.
Returned Soldiers
It seems but yesterday that loyal ladies
and gentleman, if we may use the exprep-
Ilion, were sending mittens, flannel shirts,
religious tracts, Abolition newspapers and
election tickets to the plor soldiers. The
mittens and flannel shirts were all right
The religious tracts; were all right, and
were very handy for the soldiers to have
at certain times. The Abolition news
papers were all right, for they were load
ed to the muzzle with denunciations
against Democrats, and their mi-sion was
to incite mobs, personal violence and hate
for all who differed in opinion with the
editors thereof. The election tickets were
all right, for they were lists of the names
of loyal cowards, who dared sot go to war,
but were willing to stay at home, get in
office, and assess taxes on the property of
the soldiers in the field to raise bounty
that their precious selves might be safe.
Of course thin. was all right, for it was
sanctioned by the great and good Lincoln,
and was the only means certain poverty
stricken laborers in this worldly vineyard
bed to obtain a living, and areas their
• families in stylish raiment, or pay for
beer, tangle•leg whiskey, or for the sup
port of shiftless editors who would die but
for the charity bestowed beggars.
It seems but yesterday all this was the
order of the day. Men wrote letters to
the dear soldiers and enclosed election
Pretty girls sold kisses for five cents
and embraces for a higher sum, all for
the poor soldier. Men and women cried
aloud, " give, or be damned !"—" Con
tribute, or be spotted !" "Endorse, or be
mobbed 1" And the poor people gave.
Now the soldiers, foot sore and weary.
come home. The men who have follow.
od the echoes of cannon down to the gates
of hell. The men who have bathed their
_feet in the blood of their comrades, as
they followed the glittering flashing sabre
up to shake hands with death. The men
who were food for powder and ball, for
sabre and bayonets, for horses' hoofs and
the tires of artillery wagons. The men
who were prayed for by hypocrites, an 1
preyed upon by army contractors, utiors t
and guerrillas of Heaven, known as army
chaplains, are now coming home. They
come foot sore and weary. They bring
•dirty looking bundles strapped to their
backs. Their clothes are travel stained,
red their eyes wander hither, and thither
In search of their once earnesefriends!
They sit on the store steps, and in alley
ways, eating crackers, cheese, raw pork,
and hard bread. roey have toyed with
death as a boy cracks a whip. They have
dared the devil, the works of hell, rebel
/km, and abolitionism, that negroes and
office holders might grew sleek and pros
perous. They Irive been to war—they
have returned, and the ones who were
once so loud in the praise of the soldiers
now pass by on the other side of the
street ! Girls give no more kisses ! Hot
coffee, sweet cake. and religious tracts are
no more It is thus Abolitionism shows
its gratitude. Dsmn such selfish hypoc
risy !—La Crosse Democrat. ,
trig 1 4) batr&cr.
AnginaLa LIMIT, —diubwr Ackaos.
Cot. W. W. 11. DAVIS, Bucks Co
COL. JNO. P. LINTON, Cambria Co.
Democratic County Convention.
The Demecratio citizens of Erie county are
requested to meet at their usual places of
bolding primary elections, on Saturday, Sep :
tember 16th, (in the townships at 3 o'cloCk
in the afternoon, and in the boroughs
and wards at 71r o'clock in the tvening,)
far the purpose of selecting delegates
to a county convention to be held in the
Court [louse, in the city of Erie, on MONDAY,
SAPTZNBER 18TH, 1865, at 2 o'clock p. m , tb
place in nomination a county ticket for the
support of the friends of the Union and
Constitution, at the October election.
The following is the representation to which
each district is entitled :
Erie; Ist district, 2; 2d, 2; 3d, 2; 4th, 2 •
East Mill Creek, 3 ; West Mill Creek, 3;
Harbor Creek, 4; North East township, 3;
North East borough, 2; ,Greenfield, 2 ; Ve
ting°, 3 ; Wolfsburg, 1; Amity. 3 ; Wayne.
3 ; concord, 3; Corry, 2 ; Union township.
3; Uuion Mills, 2; Le Beouff, 3; Waterford
township, 3; Waterford borough. 2; Greene,
Summi', 3; McKefn, 3; Mid liehoro, 1 ;
Washington, 3; Edinboro, 2; Franklin, 2;
Elk Creek, 8 ; Conneaut, 3; Albion, 2 ;
Springfield, 4 ; Girard township, 3; Girard
borough, 2; Lockport, 2; Fairview, 3. -
D. W. HUTCUINSON, Chairman.
E. CAMPHAUSEN, Secretary.
August 28, ISGS-to
Only Fifty Cents for Three Routh&
The Onszetvan will be furnished to sub
aribers desiring to receive it during the
campaign at the low rate.of Fifty Cents for
three months. These terms are considerably
lower than our usual rates, and can barely
he afforded by u 4, but we are induced to offer
them', in the hope of promoting the cause
which all Democrats believe so earnestly to
be that of their country and truth. Campaign
subscribers can commence at any date thee
see proper (the earlier the better) and will
receive Thirteen issues of the paper.
We want, if possible, to obtain five hundred
campaign subscribers It depends on our
friends whether we shall succeed. Let each
of 'our present patrons procure a copy to be
sent three mouths to soma neighbor or friend,
aid much goof may Bliss. Who wiil be first
to send us a club au3 tf
1111 N. W.11..i. %V t ILL %CIL
The Democrats of Pennsylvania have
occasion to coneritulate themselves on
the s.lection of Wm. A Wallace. of Clear
field, as Chairman of the Sate Central
Committee for the ensuing year. Mr.
Wallace is one of the most energetic and
promising young D - 21nocr Its in the Com
monwealth, a man nf unimpeachable in•
tegrity and admitted talent. po seeming all
the necessary qualifications of boldness,
tact and good judgment to make him an
r,cceptable and successful reader. :As a
State Ssnator for three years, he won an
enviable reputation, being acknowledged
as one of the foremost men of that body.
Several of his public speeches, on impor
tant political issues, developed a clearness
f intellect and thorough knowledge of po
litical history thal were remarkable in one
of his years. The young Democracy have
in Mr. 'Wallace a gallant and reliable rep
resentative. lie will bring to the duties
of his position a zealous devotion to prin
ciple, a firmness of character, and a spirit
of activity that will open up a new era in
the management of our State politics.
The printing of the Legislative docu
mend of New Jersey brings to light a car
re'pondence which refl , cts great credit on
the intrepidity and firmness of the Demo
cratic Governor of that State. It appears
that last autumn, secretary Stanton, hay
ing fortified himself with the subservient
opinion of his man Friday, MIR, of the
-:Bureau of Military Justice," demanded
of Governor Parker the surrender, for
military trial, of a person under indict
ment by a Grand Jury of New Jersey, for
the crime of murder. Stanton supported
his demand by the example of the gov
ernors of other States (all Republican, of
course.) who had yielded obedience to
similar mandates. Governor Parker told
him in respectful but firm official lan
guage, that he should do nothing of the
kind ; that the prisoner was in the legal
custody of the sheriff, subject to the ac
tion of the Ciurt, and that all concerned
must await and abide that action. With
suck governors as Mr. Parker in all the,
States, a summary end would be put to
military interference with the regular
course of justice in the State tribunals.
Tile New York Tribune thinks " while it
pleasant to be sometimes in the majority,
it is braver and better to be right." All
honest men will subscribe t, the Tribune's
sentiment in every word and letter. The
deep settled conviction that they were
" right " is what has sustained the suppor
ters of Democratic principles through the
four years of war and unexampled detrac
tion. Feeling 'that their doctrines were
those of justice and truth—that they were
based on the only correct theory of our
institutions—they took their stand firmly
and manfuily, resolved that come what
might, they would remain steadfast to
their cause. The heroic attitude of the
Democratic party, in the midst of all the
discouraging events through which it has
parsed, is one of the noblest tributes to its
To snow our readers what • class of men
now control the "regenerated " South, we
copy the following from the Nashville
.daily Dispatch :
One of our worthy State Senators was
attacked by the sidewalk of Cherry streak)
last night, and driven to a door step,
where he sat until a late hour, awaiting
the poiremee t to recover its
We trust our friends in no part of the
State will permit' themselves to be bstrsy
ed into a condition of inactivity. by the
impression that the election this fall is'ef
small consequence. So far from that being
the.caae, we regard it as one of the most
momentous campaigns that have ever
been held in Pennsylvania. Not to speak
of the great importance of the duties of
the Auditor and Surveyor General's offices,
and the need of having at their head men
of weight of character, integrity and
ity, the result of the contest this fall will
have a decided influence over the 'Guber
natorial canvass next year. If the Demo
crats carry the day now it will be taken
as an almost certain indication of success
next fall, and the unreliable element,
which always goes, with the strong side,
will hagten to array itself in the ranks of
thn Democracy. A United States Senator
is also to be elected by the next Legisla
ture, and every vote cast for Davis and
Linton will materially enhance the
chances hf having a Democratic majority
in that body. Furthermore, a Democratic
victory ! I n Pennsylihnia will strengthen
President .Johnson in his reconstruction
policy, and crush for all time to come the
mad and reckless determination of the
.Abolition leaders to place the ballot in
the ban& of the negroes.
We assure our brethren that the pros
pect is very far from being as gloomy as
ROMP appear to imagine. Everywhere in
the State the Democrats are a unit in
their party fidelity. Never was there
more harmony in our ranks than now,
more unyielding, courageous devotion to
principle, more enthusiasm for our ticket,
or more zeal to labor for its success. From
every section we hear that the Democracy
are organizing with renewed vigor, and an
almost unlimited confidence in victory.
The opposition, meanwhile, are distract
ed, led by quarrelling and unpopular
leaders, and lacking in all the elements of
strength which made them so powerful
during the war. They know that on the
home vote of the State last year they
were defeated, and remembering the large
number of soldiers who either did not
vote at all or voted against their convic
tions, they have just cause for distrust of
the result. The frantic appeals they make
to the loyalty of their followers, and the
disgraceful vituperation with which they
assail our candidates, betray the fear and
trembling with which they regard the
From this time on let the watchword
of all Democrats be " Organize and labor."
See that every township has its Democrat
ic club. Put sound Constitutional jour
nals into every man's hands. Hold local
meetings and challenge the Republicans
to discuss the issues at stake. Place first
class county tickets into the field. See
that Democratic voters are properly
wakened to the importance of the elec
tion. Visit the doubtful, and endeavor
to convince them of the truth of our prin
ciples. Have vigilance committees ap
pointed of the most faithful workers in
each district. If every man does his pro
per duty, we have no doubts of the
Ftsuea AlfE , called the Democratic par
ty of his time (1790-1808) Jacobins. James
Watson Webb, after the United States
Bank had bought him for fifty thousand
d )tlars. nicknamed the party Locofoco.—
Quit teriusster Iluitt styled them Copper
h-ads in 1861 ; and the venal Cincinnati
mniercia! displayed its ingenuity_in the
n +me Butternut. The" opposition, under
all their various aliases, have ever been
prolific in nicknames. Knowing very well
that by argument they could never over
throw the principles of D.!mocracy, they
have discarded that weapon of attack al
most entirely, and resorted mainly to bil
lingsgate. 'Shameful and odious as have
been their labors in this line during the
last four years, they are merely a sample
of the vile means to which they have re
sorted from the days of Jefferson and
Jackson down to the close of the Buchan
an' Administration. Their chief source of
success lies in misrepresentation and ca
lumny, and well they know it. No matter
how absurd a falsehood may be originated,
or how often it is refuted, they persevere
in retailing It with all the copiousness of
illustration and extravagance of rhetoric
of which they are capable. Such things
may accomplish their ol.jeel for a while.but
in the end they will return to plague their
Tue cholera, which made its appear.
ance in Bengal in 1861, is now, after no
more than four yeitra, at work on the
shores of the western Mediterranean, if,
indeed, it has not already passed the
British channel and lods - ed itself in Lon
don. In Italy it has raged with a vio
lence which rivals the story of its first via•
itation's. At Ancona, out of one thousand
six hundred and eleven cases reported
down to the 11th of August, seven hun
dred and eighty-one had died, making
nearly fifty per cent. Of its fury in South
ern Italy, the official accounts designedly
give us no adequ ate picture ; but a single
dispatch from San Severn, published in
tells a startling tale enough :
" From noon on the 9th to noon on the
10th, cases eight, deaths seven !" Rome,
Barcelona in Spain, and Marseilles in
France, are reported to have been attack
ed ; but though single cases may have oc
curred in all these places, the epidemic
had, at latest accounts, not yet assumed
alarming dimensions in any of them.
TLIE insignificant gang of extremists and
mischief•makers, who attempted recently
to disorganize the Democratic party of
Ohio, are receiving cold comfort on every
aide. We have not seen &solitary journal
from any quarter that endorses their move
ment. Their candidate for Lieut.• Go
vernor has withdrawn from the ticket, and
in his letter of declinatiOn tells the men
who nominated him that he "could not
excuse " himself were he " to permit the
use of his name, in any way, to distract
the Democratic party, and thereby con
tribute to a continuance of the destructive
and bloody rule of abolitionism."
IT appears by a tabular statement in the
New. York World, that the first three years
of the war threw back the commerce of
the United States just about 'as much as
it had been advanced by the preceding
ten years of peace. The last 'year of the
war, if its results could be fairly and fully
stated,- would show a much greater pra
portionate amount of commercial loss to
the country.
12,40p'e fables are of great antiquity, but
—sod therein consists the tesi of true ge
niva—they contain something applicable
to every age of the world add condition
of Man. Here, for instance, 'is one that
seems to have been written .expressly to
meet the ease of the present futile attempt
to metamorphose the negro into a white
man's equal :
" A certain man having bought a Black
amoor, was so simple as to think that the
color of his skin was only dirt and filth.
which he had contracted for want of due
care under his former master. This fault
he imagined might easily be removed.—
So he ordered the poor black to be put
into a tub, endwise at considerable charge
in providing ashes, soil) and sorubbing
brushes for the operation. To work they
went, rubbing and scouring the skin all
over, but to no purpose, for when they had
repeated their washings several times. and
were grown quite weary. all they gof by it
was that the wretched Blackamoor caught
cold and died."
A MELTING of the leading politicians and
business men of Richmond was held last
Week, to express in a public manner the
intentions and desires of the Southern
people with respect to the new condition
of affairs in that section. . A series of res
olutions was adopted, of which the one
below contains the pith of the whole
From. what we can judo(' by numerous
letters and copious extracts in our ex
changes, we believe it to express, candidly
and reliably, the common sentiment in
the South :
_ Resolved, That the general temper and
disposition of the Southern people, in-,
eluding our own, are to accept and acqui t
esce in the results of the late sanguinary
struggle and to resume the duties of citi•
z'nship in the Union. That the men of
chnracter and ability who have hitherto
influenced public sentiment, neither ad
vise or intend anything different from the
discharge of their duties as citizens of the
United States, and are setting an exam
ple of full and ready submission to the
authority of its Government, and counsel
a full recognition of the facts of the actual
situation, including the accepted and ir
reversible abolition of slavery.
Gam. HarintaNer and Col. Campbell, the
Republican nomineei, are said to be brave
men. S.) are Colonels Davis and Linton.
They left their ordinary pursuits to fight
the battles of the Union. , So did Colonels
Davis and Linton. They are declared to
be warm friends of their country.' So are
Colonels Davis anal Linton. Here the
parallel ends. The two former are per
sons of very ordinary talent, neither of
whom were men of mark before the war.
Colonels Davis and Linton possess ac•
knovrledged ability, as well in civil
as in military dutiO3. They both occupied
prominent stations in life previous to the
war. Gen. llartranft sold his Democracy
for promotion ; Col. Davis remained faith
ful to his principles and was kept under
the ban of the War Departnient in conse
quence. On the score of fitness for the
Auditor Generalship, there can be no
comparison whatever between the men.
Tea mis-called Republican I:Arty appro
priates to itself the title of " Union." If
by this is meant that it is the peculiar
support of the Federal Union, the name is
a misnomer, ror it is' notorious that, in
connection with its allies, the secession
ists. it: did more towards dei!troying the
Union than any other class of men. It
proclaimed the Union valueless up to
1850, declared that it vr , s not worth pre
serving, would adopt, no measure to pre
vent civil war, and pow numbers in its
ranks all the original dimunionists of the
North. If by Union" is meant a con
glomeration of all the odds and ends of
every dangerous faction that has e'er had
an existence in America, ther. the name
is right, and we admit its appropriate
ness. It is indeed a " Union "—of every
thing that is leprous, unsavory and dis
creditable in our political history:
Tux old adage " a brave man is always a
modest man "wasnever better proven than
in the case of our candidate for Auditor
General Col. Davis. In the last Doylestown
Democrat, of which he is editor, we find
the following allision to the honor con
ferred upon him by bis fellow Democrats:
It will be seen that the Convention nom
inated the editor of the Democrat for the
office of Auditor General. It was a place
we did not seek ; we were not a candidate,
and when we fdund there was a probabil
ity of our being made the candidate, we
were about as much astonished a• the man
who woke up and found himself famous
Of course we can say nothing in favor el
ourself further than we are Boats and
HONEST', and believe ourself qualified. We
are greatly indebted to the partiality of
those who placed us in nomination : and
particularly to the gentlemen of the press
who gave us a support as generous as it
was unexpected.
Dr lowa the RepubliCan State Conven
tion pronounced squarely in favor of negro
suffrage by resolving in favor of striking
the word " white" from the State Consti
tution. At this the returned, soldiers of
the party bolted, and the consequence
was the holding of a soldiers' convention
which nominated an anti-negro suffrage
ticket, as follows: For Governor, Colonel
Thomas H. Benton ; Lieutenant Govern
or, Colonel S. G. Van Anda ; Supreme
Court Judge, Colonel H. H.: Trimble ;
Superintendent of Public' Instruction,
Captain J. W. Sennett. The Democratic
State Convention has adopted this ticket,
and the Democracy and "boys in blue"
are making common cause against negro
PRESIDENT Johnson,it is said,has tendered
an invitation to John Bright to visit this
country as a guest of the nation, and has
sent one of our finest frigates, the Colora
do, to England to bring him to our shores.
If Mr. Johnson can find no better use for
our war vessels than this, he had better
put them up at auction and sell them for
the benefit of the treasury. The people
have heavy enough burdens already, with
out having them increased for ti4s sake
of feteing English Abolitionists who will
take the first opportunity to assail us when
they return, to their homes. A little plain
talking to Mr. Andrew .Johnson is badly
Tux Cleveland Leader is out with a plan
eminently characteristic of the party of
"great moral ideas." It proposes an
amendment to the Constitution prohibit
ing any discussion of our National finan
cial affairs, and punishing with severity
any unfortunate creature who suggests re
pudiation of the public debt. There's
"freedom" for you, with a vengeance.—
If our Federal financial management will
not bear discussion, it is our opinion that
something muss be very rotten about it.
ETPOCIUST." Saps th. French moralist
"is the homage which Vice pays Virtue."
Witness the Woodward., Hugheses and
W. B Reed, of Pennsylvania, heading
t h e i r State ticket with a Colonel in the
late war.—N. I'. Tribune.
And Horace Greeley, who was a disun
ionist before the war, and is charged by
gr. Dana to have remained one all thin'
the struggle, pretending to be a thorough
Union man, writing hollow denunciations
of secession, and beslabbering with praise
the noble officers and men whose fidelity
and courage crowned our efforts to sus
tain the Government with victory.
Tax Democratic conventions of Berko,
Schuylkill and Northampton counties
have declared in favor of Hon. Heisler
Clymer as the nominee for Governor in
1866. The Lehigh county convention
presented the name of Hon. John D
Stiles, member of Congress from that dis
trict. Mr. Clymer and Mr. Stiles are
both able men and consistent Democrats.
Other candidates will undoubtedly receive
the support of their respective districts.
and the contest may become so spirited
as to remit in the choice of a new man,
as in 1863. .
Taz Democrats of the North-Eastern
portion of the State have originated a new
ides in political manoeuvres. They have
been holding what they call a "three days
meeting," at the West end of Nob Hour -
tain, near Orangeville, Columbict county.
A regular camp was provided, tents and
cabins erected, and speeches made every
day. Thousands atteuded daily, drawn
there by the novelty of the thing, and it
is believed that many were " converted "
to the glorious old faith. The plan is cer
tainly not a bad one, and we hope to see
it widely followed.
Burs vs. BLACK —The Democrats of
Beaver county have made up a ticket en
titely of returned soldiers. They have
nominated a Lieut.-col. for the Legisla
ture, a Lieutenant for Treasurer, a Car-'
tain for Diitrict Attorney, a Sergeant for
Commissioner, a private fer Surveyor,
another private for Poor Director, a*Cor
poral for Auditor, and a private for Cor
oner. Bully for little Beaver. If that
ticket doesn't win the day it will be be
cause the Abolitionists down there have
negro on the brain too much to care about
the claims of the " boys in blue."
razsintisr Johnson sent a dispatch to
the Mississippi State Convention while in
session, congratulating it. on the progress
made toward reconstruction, and promia
ing to restore the , writ of habeas corpus
and to remove the troops when the State
has entirely returned to her allegiance to
the Union.
Conneautville. on
Thursdayohe 24th ult ,by Rev. B. F. IFteh
cock, Mr. Edwin Pre•oott to Mill! Dollie
Stewart, both of ERt Creek, Erie Co., Pa.
Aktatzr—Warritair.—ln Springfield, on the
17th ult:, by Rev. 0 T. Wyman, Mr. James
W. Aker'ey, of Conneaut, Pa , to Miss liar
riet Whitney,
.of Springfield.'
SMITH—MILnisf.—On the 27th ult., by Rey
G. W. Cleveland. Mr ; Lame Smith to Miss
Josephine Milner, both of this city.
Eirsressrr—Buort—On the sth inst., by
Rev. A. Dunn, Mr A. J. Sterrett. of this
city, to Mies Helen Brecht, of McKean.
BAIKER.—Ou the 23d nit at the residence of
his mother-in law, is Girard, Samuel Bar—
ker, aged 37. years.
CORBIL—In Greene township, on the 18'h
ult , Austin A. Corbin. late ra-mber of the
111th regiment Pa. Vole., aged 24 years and•
6 months.
Marta.—ln this city. on the 221 ultjaftei•
a short illness, Mr Henry Martin, aged 46
years. He was a kind husband and tender
ABBUCKLII —At Belle Valley. on the 20th ult.,
Ella M., only child of Berkley P. and Bar
bare Arbuckle, aged 5 years, 3 months and
4 days.
RYAN.—In Millcreek tp., on the sth inet , Ed
D Ryan, son of Johd W. Ryan, aged 19
yearn. -
Special Notices.
Shows stars and women in a better light."
Not so with Dr. D. H. &dye's Liq id Ca—
tarrh Remedy which needs testing. that its.
iirtnes may be appreciated. As yet it has
never failed to cure, if the directions were
reasonably followed.
~ We're not ourselves,
When nature being opprese'd commands the
To Puffer with the body."
For Catarrh or cold in the head use D. H.
Seelye's Liquid Catarrh Remedy, a pleasant
and most efficacious specific.
'There is nothiog like Dr. Veloau's French
;Pins for keeping the complexion fresh and
entirely free from pimples. The °lure of
whiCh that it regulates the .entire females rya
tem. Sold by all druggirts. Sept.7-lm.
The Cabinet Organs manufactured by
Messrs. Mason & Hamlin are becoming great
favorites in the household'. Their compact
aegis, delicacy of tone. and elegant construe
firm, make them very desirable as ornaments.
as well as attractive for their musical oNpahit.
ities. They are different in many respects
from other inttruments of this elms, and the
manufacturers hove availed themselves of the
highest skill in workmanship. and the best
materials to bring them to pesfeolion.—Bostoh
"A Subscriber,". and perhaps well wishing
friend. writes us to inquire " why we ;Over
ties patent medicines." We will here and now
answer him that we do not. Our readers are
aware that we have for years excluded every
thing of the sort, and the only seeming excep
tion that we know of is the advertisement of
Dr. J C Ayer & Co.'s remedies, which now
stands in our columns. If our friend does
not know we will inform him that these are
not "patent" or even secret medicines Their
eoinposition has been made as publicly known
as any. other scientific fact, and has moreover
bad the approval of the highest medical au
therity In the land. - But what affords us per
haps still greater confidence in their worth is
ear personal knowledge of the man who makes
them and the results that have followed from
their use ; results as familiar to our readers
and the whole community as they are to our •
It has been our privilege to know Dr. Ayer
ever mince he graduated from the Penn. Uni.
varsity in the same class wit's one of our per
actual friends. nor have we ever ceased to
watch with interest his singu ar success in
and untiring devotion to the noble profession
he has chosen. If anybody can tell us what
we can advertise of more interest to our pa—
trons than remedies that will °tire them when
they are sick, we shall cheerfully give it the
benefit of our circulation.—Tamarora [lll.]
Flour. .=10,60411.0 %milder; 22
Wheat, i'ggs 20622
0"•••••••• Mr Mackerel per bbl No1..11.0)
Aye,o g. 210,00
Oats." Whit. VIA, Ralf bbi._ _9 00
&Air,— 7561.00 fled Fish, Poicwt....looo
Iles, 1 Y% 'rail int, per vil' • 1 On
POtil ee1.......• ..... . 4006 . Sgent Oil, pip. g. .......2,6'1
Roam, ' -.1.8042 1 nn Lard nit. p.r gal .... 1.85
(hid Apples, •
SO :gra, Olt , per id 2.41 n
Butter. 2 8 ot 'etroieunt 1601
. .
I rood. bard per eord.:-.7,00
Chasm.. - 140 , 6 Wood, ooft, i• too
Palm- .264401 Port. 10.119 k." 7 - * - 35 1).3
Timothy end,. el On " Light UP
Okme I e5d,....111,01)01imp
(ARPIN %NW (1111:111.T MAUL—In par wise• of air
ord.t of t.' e Orphans Cour., for th e rrn3oty r I 1 , rt..
I .111 ewes to public este on the prom u., nu the "2.'e'
day of Itetobetr, x. D. PO, at on• n'rioeh p. m , ail bat
certain Woe or parcel at laud situate. Ititric.aud bele'
tuft', totruthio of .41 Flo , rff. c 1.4 ntr of l'rto l'ennoyl-
Tanta, bounded and described es •oil , rwe. to wit: l• • g , n
°tug ate post the soutbweet .ernor of land rf ; lir. ,t,.lb
BUM thence be raid I.nd north 3) ' 1 well frtrt. -ter,
pet ON. throes smith 89 2 wear on. b^ndred and thirty
owe and 340 perehea ; thene • h. lend of ire set • 'ex
ander, Dodo I 2 AO Ono ra.t f , rtr•on , f erchee ; e tee
by hod of tfatthia• 11.Z* t north 82 0 etet, ore bus
Bred and thirty porches to the place of betrionittrt. rho
tattling thirty four acres and forty petchre, be the stme
sante or tees.
Taxis OP 3•l.l!—One third no ennflrmatirrn i t Pee
rd batxrpra In two equal inx`elmoott th.r..fter. ••••.ri.e
by ju 'gum& bond and oiling.e on t',o rrel.l,xert ;or
rub on coodrmatton of bale, at tiie option of th• pur
chafer. JO4V,Pfi WALDRON.
eel at Adm'e of Cbtr's4 Colt, dst'd.
QTRALY rillEEP.—Came to the premises of Vie
enb•caber, to Greene Inernehap, on , he Labe Pleas
ant Road. nio.r she Lawrence ficooll 110 , 1/0. a Whit.
Rem in poor condition, wfth a p o-0 cut out of
the iv per part or Ler .iabt ear, nod a lin e in her lefi
ear. She came it. an the WI of thlet rnd !duce that
time heart • limb The right rennet to me lefty , ' to
Coint forward pro*. prof Pg." ref • rh triter sad t flf• her
•way, otherwise ahe will to dripee.d of Rev inz
September 716,1865-3 w.
Note.... L. berrbe given, ttiat the parlrer•hip be•
tepee Jaclb and Leon Rector is this de. di.-
solved. All del t• doe to the raid pattoembto are to be,•nci +hos due tr the same (14-barved by Jae,b
at the 'tore f L W. Newherrr, ..ber• the bust'
EMI will be continued by the acci JAC b Ateau..
JACOII gritArs,
Erie, Pa.,Septimber 4,1315.3 w LEON BECKER.
%SON de 11.1. , 11.1174 CABINET' 0 GAN 4
forty difforen. &fluted to .sered and recu la, for VO to $6,0 eset. 'lt rt. -tye go'd or ►il ye
m...tals, or other ore. wers'uttoi awarded the Tilt.
tratA C.tsfotrue, free. 1 11 40 4 *z It 011.1 . '
Rostnttor H ;MOT IF..ti, New York. re 7 66..7
A Ctito TO IN;v4i.i 11.4.-11Clergt man, whllr
ti rotddiog in 4 1 , 4 h imorict as a 111414 .nar3, di.ror
ford a nee aro tonnle rrtsroly (or the ewe ol .\ ACM
Wrakroonr, Fatly Decay, lliaratos of•the Uri. art and
Seminal orgtn., aol the whole Vain of „ditordero
brought on by b tr.e'al an! sickus habits. Gnat nem
brrs hare he •n ri , retdy rnro4 rothlo retnerly.
Prompted h , a &tiro to ronolit the eted an 4 anfor
tunat•,l sill fond the reciae f.r prop ring and wing
thi melietne. In a ....Ord enre'op.., t. any coo trim
nerds it, byre of CAatz• Pirate Joel ato i prat-pt d
easelope n 1 to
. ).!trarlf
Ad lofts, , T. is:llAl4,
ate7-3mo Station D, Biblr Ilnuae, ls:es Y. rk.
This Cordial has been lonr ceY meto 1 e•onri4 renrCent
for i:s pe ultar etrenehenior and p9oth,nr` goo tree
and its lISSCOE a few wee II preriotze to ero,t3uval-ut ie
szld to «Dente a estet and easier co:inclement, nd a
gett , nt up.
I eau now be had eo - r^tie Dre Dare accord( og t the
origtual tsttrtu the Pate ic's of NE.TI 'g• berry.
Title Primp b,r k. Csulopht Hum •tc_ etc. Thos• wish.
ing to u.e EU ti a Preparein.; will bptt.r to
procur• th • than to und.r.•k, as m.sri do to ••rep,re it
thrrtS•ti ES. at this p • pratluti enntn;r • •he full I' trim.•
et; the hiverlq.u•s in a concentrated and e form
Pri e per bottle, two dollars. Pre cored and sold by
au3l-tf J. S. CARTE t. Erie. Pa
This Extract cores all kinds of itch, Prycipeits. 'sit
Rhrom, Teter, srald Fiend, Ult-rrs, Old sores, Pc its,
Pimp l e , eerbunc'em, I leer and Kidney rOmpbslnt 4 .
Phenmatiarn and a'l ott•e• Diseasen arising from an tm
pore cony itic n or the blood.
Sancapatlds. and Ruetirek, ( - ream of T•rtar and Sti.
phur. Fled rrotroptittt and Prtr-ctrre, al fall to cure
this modern mongrel it-h now no pc evn.rnt throo.-11 dtt
the roontry. Pot the Fctract of Pandelion and Fitter
Sweet , P jolt the remedy Inc it. 11.1 , it 'rt. on 0 e 1,,v r,
'timu l at•s all the secretions. open. the pore. of lll
akin, and Ina !tattle. ti and covey any throwanut all t'dck.
eland. poisonous or impure metier, a 1 '.ear
ea iie 1 - -
rotation tree, t • blond fore , the skin &PRI), tie rorn•
ple•ion cloPtr and the wtole evatern'tre, fr. m M.PaAr.. It
Is a modiccine that eannnt be It corwrihnot lot-pit, and
C le Yellow dritment In tIll•fi 1,1 , /b . I. an c-'bur
Ointment In tie and 1 tor Oto opetolv , fr.l eft, tu al rut-vt
of the lt-h and all ricer Fr iv erpityians A :Ito uncor
rupted in Qr-ofulosta Sr rvo, Ulcers. ,Fesl-r a. ci 0 d FWIP4
that Sr* bard t t heat, and of nt 'gloat offloses in the cu et
or Pi ea. It note n•-datria to eat proved.
Pejo- of Extract, SI. Of Yellow °la ' ment 3.5 eta. Or
taken tncether. SI 15
cold by ail respectable Dronints. anni-tf
...The night
Nerd Advertisements
Cartel's Extract of Dtti.l.lton and 13 , ttnr Sweet,
- AND.C.IRTER . --; TE1.1.0 01NnIENT '
F IREM.CVS Bit!. AT FARRAIt 111111.1.,
rERR.Y FIR 'O , ,PA•rr 1. will hnlrl An—
nual Rall nn %toed ar, 8.0. 11th. in centzternee.ti-n rf
Com. P..rrY..o Al Zr. I vie'ery,orer the Brit'ah Beat on
Lake F.- e, yep' 1 t r 181 .
The flnaimitte• hue p'e mire annanielez th•e
have eeeir•ed the .iereieee of Tnmpkin'ot fu't Ql.O ii!P
Ba.d, and thate wt.hinz 'n hare a 'ip-lnp
eertivel pro-Pnt, etp•CtEi thtt thi. Writ be
11111D4301ef the reasen.
.irk-t+r • n tow Dt.A.nrib 1 Pit tiolk StnrP, Jnn
Furnioh•nq BtOr4. or o f soy rasen7.r of
th• Como .ny
r•nAng. to eqmmance it 6 o'clock Tt'll EL
act3l-2w By wrdor of eoiatnitte•
flf Re , etpon end Dl•barr.znent. of the r,ri• ^ern •.,
•artinnl rlkerie fnr th• Jeir ending Jane Pub
1:Rb.3111.1, re isLre 1 by 143*
Rat. In hvvi. Tr.A.ue: Jun 3 1,'854
Revived fr )m I . 4•Ne 4,
to to Sttot44 nroro Drill tiOtl,
" " 1.1414,r Faies,
tafd Ten^hers and Jsnitorm.
For 0 011 no" %co Irl for foe?,
Rn , k• for • , ..!iont I, bury Vrorn fine' ,
" Ron• for qe.t..0l Trouser,
Irr•I I.n t •
" Treaanrer's Commissions,
Total, $1.2,698
Ma.lex, 1,191
Females, 1.057
Total. :7
nal h Treasti,c'e heeds June 1, 1414,
Peceivel track times,
rain an R•thnnl Finn. V,l 5,
" R.nt nt :Rein& Houses,
1[11.111..13 , T,
.„ IntPrest
" , Tre sarrem Colnatheion,
I 3111302
Ral 1a Trmorur.eiv hatt , '..line 1, ISSI,
itrceivisd trona r-ix. 4.
'• •' schlot Lotq,
Paid on zehnel, Howie , No 4,
" Rent on Sllv , ol 'Tou•c‘.
" in Id•nt•l.Fxpnaree,
Treteureee Commi••lone,
Balance lc Trelenry,
Ai tert, June 70)3' 1 / 4 15! '
F.". Evart ..e--rt%ry.
Ertl, intu.t 31, 1.185-rpt
IleVer.! in
Ftfth atreat. bet +teen State and Frey
I Flaring purchased our stock before
the likte me in pecen. we
. fe -1 conedeiit of being
ab'e to efre
faclon, both in
price and
Country sort bought and sold. Farmers
ear: alw.ya den -od on receiving the highest mu
le: price for Us .ir articles.
And on the Lines of Raliro•d,
suprui:D FRCIT, VEGE TA 11 X?, &C
Give uh a Call
Phoebe Van Camper', by her in the Common Pleas of
next trter.d, Timothy Daniel', • Frit, cliontar,
VII. (No. 9, Foh I'e-m.11054
W. E. Van Craven. ) Suhpoone So Dr, ea,
ARM( No. 5, n• Term 'Ana
Return tt athil."•
WIIERRAS. Phoebe Van Cempen did prefer her rtql•
TV lion to the'llouorable Judzep Of the Conrt of Coro•
IDnn Plea' for the COOntr of Frio. Deering for he
eaneee therein ant forth the might be Piveroe t frm
her hitebted.Williart V. Can cemp-n. notice is her. by
given to the geld ' Whim F,. VOTI "ItODola to be tort
'emir 4115 re the Jodgea, et Fr, , e, at a Court I f rommon
Pleas, then and there to be holden for the Coo nty of L'rie.
oaths 2d Wonder in •••epte-noer. 1865, to an.wer said pe.
tition, and aidd• the judgment of .ke Court In the prem.
flee H. L. - BROWN, SherlJ.
Sh•r(B'■ (Tice, Avg. 12. 1885-4 -
Are mule by
st. DRUM= & CO.
WILLING Sells Them. aralo 65 ly
Fxiscrritz/VP4 NnTlCK.—Wurrysis I ettere Tee
tlmentary to the &tate of Kane, late or
VIII Creek tonnehip. prig enact., I'a., d-rea.ed, have
peen insists. t, to.. an'aieriser. all persons Indebted to
the said um ate are requested to make Immediate pay.
trent, and three having claps or derrands against the
estate of tb• said deceased wilt mak. known the moo,
without Clay. to ciaowur,tiT.
August 191 h, 1566.61.• Lzoontrlx.
We aro now runnier Va.t.t f , „
nova, on ttiv M 3 1 1.1.10114 & Ent r ni l r ,
to secure all kkde of
To earry It on, have estab',A. , .., g
In the rear nt
where we will be at all ,
for Ulf. game. An hwint ^ r ,
/ ire us a all In pi
Efts, Aagurt 10,150 tf •it
C OAL! COIL.• tOll
t bits Rwtehed the 1.016,1
At th• Eighth
Give us a cell. IV.
'Adis 'A. Jon..,
by her. vect friend,
Alone" Poor, ' •
TI., • Ali ti.s
George 11. Jonei. u
) .••
To Ge•rgr 11 Jones Rey I. • I
Take notleo. that In. is V, I
Court for a 41,0. C• fro, t•
are there'ore hereby •.,
day in Owober next, au/ 11.• r.
SbuilTs Office, August.
Ccnße lbJumes—R•cpo .;
I will take artier tbr‘t •
Commlnatooer bY t 1.• '
mon , m the a' ore nfia t
of bin au,nlntmnof at If n
the L 1 dAr of , ctobnr,
thozon until all Ole
aut.:4 4w d o t
voTICH, TO , f till` l'F's.l
A . Ti a •r,(17,17'11.°C o-co 0,0—•
trn. I will rorot.n in Ltv Whet!
of • 0 n-c:oet n. m an V 3 o'clock
, 111. .On of 'eptember, for tip. 1 ,
I 1 to .null Pnarniuntoni of ononlot r•s
thqnrtfo-nt. Oak. .:4.1
lir , rth nice of Pa. k.
Krio, Augpf ,. .4l, 144;5
L M !a -
HIUM, eTePil town Tin. hi • , • ,
era te , !, imriwr.mnel
hr•me air Ma'
viitiwnt z s el. 1,, •;
anu r will mike ply meat IL •
Ciff',ol9 Tn. 11Vp.
4 -r-
ylo•i• , • tre..n on it,
rter.•.ed. late r 1 unity • •
to tb.rubtcritutt 'lt ti d-br.• • •
o ntiotsd to 0111 and ray
loam. ej In.! .41' PL: . L •
dub uthtnticated; for
Et' •
Watt.' urg, .kUGTI.t
"rrtiPsTlt t TOW. , NOTII E
mor•tr Linn
on fit• , e n 1 ltiehun
C-11.1 .1. I:10 , 1C, 1 . 11 rrbr,g •-•, -
raid eaule t TII.k• int r-. •
11 , 1v1 , ¢ e aims ae•ltitt. • •-• .• • •
p , op.tle notto•ntieatt LI 1, r :••• - .•
au3l-6a• • •
A (PC'TI.E7I v4t f err
=tor. -car an th.
ti (n, vf , l b' h•rt,. , to tura(..r
Cur', (free of Char„ e). ,•..,-
F I: . full part:cul:a3. by
I ~,,' 65-2 ri
Y CO W.—ramp • •
r, - .7 rqll -, T '2t4 .ndeq •
40, t, nn Fr , d+r 13.
lib two whit•. opot.• on • ^
eh lerp. Th- n.r
1,01,4 prop.r.• - , C. 0 . 1
w lee the he th.v.ed (I 1
Watches and
1,000 000 WI )IZTII •
of at line Dui ar %.• • •
to be raid or urtul v u a t .
By A. 11. ktow.-¢ k t • : t
No 11r.ku strttett.N.• 1 •-
tar E •id ILA• follocricg
1(0 1 Geld hunting c.••
Ilea G.,ldwa•cbei, vain
Ladit.s' gold watchst,
.'"oet silver wa ches,
L te st)le rest &Alec); eva:L
- .1 I (..i..nts . diamond
4 i!ou Cal di imond ear drops:
Mini,ture rerulving pins,
.. , ,,outt Cal 11:111. , urA :Llid
gents' scarf Ins, new • , .t
2,000 aionie s ertit.lern pm-,
2 :do Go.d baud
3 000 Jet nod rnosiec bro. Oses,
2,000 Can,eo brooches,
3,111t0 Coral ear drops,
01)11 Ltdies' - watch cha
6,600 Gents' pins, .ple
4 ttlft Solitaire sleeve 1 , 11 .
3 1100 Sets studs S:
6 WO. Sleeve buttons,
10,000 Plain Si.' en e t r to.
8,000 I.4oCisthl, r 1 ell I t
13,1300 Seisladies' welr, tow s
11' 4 1 v 1
1 14
1' DO
SlO 45'1 47
1, 11 11
Iri 71
241 01
2 0 01
12, 53
i'o l 91
_,•o' 17
2,01 Sett. bo.uv:
1.11 1 0 Gold r et,s t , tcr•
6ete jet.s. t
drops, late."' •
2 000 Quid thimble•,
10 000 Gold pens, s > rt
II ) (10) o.ld I eh s, el
Total, ' $l,Ol, 03
13.1411 I)
to 1
E 4
$3.843 C 6
Mt. emote lie: of beau ti; -`
, 'Lle 11.. r Cad,
arttsl, will I e placorl m r L. - • •
cure n, 04 are h. tit hl r al. - • •
t 00. I , tl 11 0 0..00 t • "•.• 3.
alast o ; ate to I: Le-o. and "• '`'
net d-r .1/.1•10, • •
!Ire c.-rt.nda , r 1 - 311/ tt. • -
11,1 13 f r f 5; t..rktt tte $ 1 ,
$ J. We It In 1,1,1
A,ent• yrs ;ltd. 10 arlooo vr. , .1
1 , 111 23 ryLta Lr one corticcato and
loom. A H. I: vi
33 Bee‘mom st,e.
I' 9. 800,
$3 '3
'2 471 "1
$3,403 f 4
s2,`t 1(0
9::J tSS
144 t s
Ring's Vegeta°le At
min.+ I'ItEPARATi•rti LI IVr.LL
J. region as
110VOLIILL' F 11
A.T111 , .• thin Or- name nn a•-c •,' i •
torer been; c t solldate ! with 1" • • :
the pr ipr•etors ul tow Pro 1 en se
an immro exile, for toe foll,•• ••., C
Int. It restores Gras:ll,lr t
It Imp., a abeau;•:.l,
fa • 4.1 hair. '
d. It curer all flurriois s:•• s e•
4th. It ta er• , N •
All / It ill a r•chle , • •
La tree IPo you desire t • ' '
art•tict el Front Piece. 1 1 • •
restore your Gray Hair :
tresses of youth.
Gentl-men I Ito you, ! :- •
of Baldne Then use in • • '
moss which are Ca 111.113;
Jt i• not a dye I It dec.!
ert hi en It .4 not cot,i, •
chiefly of harm eel ta'
Re.torattee. Ti- it and bc
F.>i runlet' . 1 / 4 C •., l'r
N. T. Hume, L toon.)11,1-.
St rtterrescern t,
Local Age Its—hall K s• , • ,
Co ; cis-, ,
Woo I, Curry.
New Music Stott
$.,40) 93
W. S. B RO A"kr
Pn shleut
• From the tr • ••
MAN 13 - F A t' 'l'
Stetnwxy & Sotik Sew York.
Win Karam di
Undenian & Sons, New
Wok. B Breribury, New Y 0 • ,..
John B. Guiehs.C.l, New Yors
Grosentren & Co , New Yort
Geo. A. Prince &Co Bode N
Cartier*, Needham & Co .
Pries at a Large DiscOnnt be: l
facturer's Pnces.
Alio. Instruction
AU e p
- mini wishing a first nero F
00, are 'netted to call and ex. 11.11120 CZ:
fere pnrchasinq elsewhere.
Rewire Block, State street , rend! cf
"' •
• 1.
P. B.—Erary Instrument werres
NOTteE Is hereby givon th
Made to Gov. Curtin (Jr th. pirv 3 *
brio sad Bulansl Magni.
FIFTH ,;7'
F.IG'E 4 T ??,:rt
D. TICR.To‘:
Whteh th•y nc.
- ONE Di ,1
latest s:‘;