The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 07, 1865, Image 1

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N—Tai DOLLAPS AVD Farr Cr:TV/per
.L.I In advance ; Tunha DoLLA¢e If not
at :on If the sear. ` , nhocrihers
,r - .er Trill be chvgcl Firer Crara a
7-; —Oa , Snare or Ten Lince one in
trr. ir.Fert, ^•r ti,". , ); three irrer
~• nth bJ ; tFn rnonthe $2,75
.t,•:..:;'11:0, )e:tr 900
Tbene re. Les
trl , t•Es thani,•uti Up .perial
•pitthn p 1,2 ithers. Audi
• :Intl 11 1 / 4 P 11,:rtrIblig
Ft 1 pie; Sf etrriav Noticer.TwErre
hittiar Notices (over three lines
• It. ' , VI hue. Ornin,l poetry, un.
relly..t of the editor, ono u.,!lttr
• Ove:t ue lent. will 1 , / continued itt
• ~e p anti] ordered
1111:<!.19 a ITCL,&•d period
.:- rditin
e nue of the tent J-hltuK
I are r. ady to do any word in
Ili) Le eotroitft.d to uq, to Must stlle
', , n• tit outside 01 the largett daleti
oat ,01 .rhould De ad Ireesed to
1.1:::"J r N WHITMAN,
l'ub'isher 001 Noprietori
Isiness Directory.
;‘l,. A-to p:AcClet 1U idjoirllfig Countits
• •.i.•.•.er Lem', Frie County,
- aner.ded to .ith
I .)
',ITt , ENET .117 Law, Walker's O.
aril , 7
-,..s , ut.t.ra and Dueler in St. tinnory,
N•rwgparxr+, kc. Countr, rirCera
r ritown's itotal,fronting the Park.
SILLMIV Kanytar.
Sc 314 IiVIN•
AT roicxxse *YO Corlf,Rl.L.o , lli I.Ayr.
on Block, near North Weat cortp.r of, the
Ice ?ICS OP ry PIACX. OBiee NCO.l7d
lo,k, Prtneh Street. between Fifth and
,• WI I,IlUlt,
l Tina NETS AT Ltw, Rilgtva•, Pa
„Nt t` .moron and .retTorsrtn etpmele
it.135-1 1 .•] W. W. WILFICit.
. .1 aro! If rltet Street—out. =quaio rant al
, WexrPo, Sept. 22.--17.
S ; v!:\~
, or VII PICACE, PriragOa Block.
• ”t Farrar Hbtl, Eric,
LT 7 kW AND JrBTirg OF 211E1'...1C1.:.
•eui, ...oni• - uya• cur and Collo, tor.
• . • In,.r, e,uti.vrat corner of Flf.h and
i. - apl3'”s tf
.TOIIN CV:)NKNBEFV:IR at the new
\ 11,e. ha. n hand A /ArZe 11.6
rt.lollB, Wand and Willow re,
Seam - P., t•i v. lac , . he re-
• ' , t:• nt:on of the pubht o•at,fled that
•. ; Oa; otos .L C4U Gtl hat In , o • p.trt
Sn\nfiU t,5-17
v. STAncr, 011 t :ir.litti
41 /Me ilorAPpllll2 , 'am
tkrtag• -
-i f:N
- .
: Pk. Mrx 1:. 0 (t vsp)-13,
„„, r ,j n no
~ i f the bast Truuting I:tit.t.
. ..11041 ~,
AT ia-1.14"--OP,,e1OLI
at 'lt IN Car Goons.4zlo,3xPly.s.
G • ,
a r‘31,1,
AVD 11....?11;,:/*/1.R1-4 1:1
r 'Crlf
ito,,z , :r 1..., le. PIVPAILT It.
)t,. Ste. , to
ti E J 1.)•
flea et Pr; 111 CO, Prt.Tirlo 3,
":4411e V. tnr.. , *4Lire, Li.r.ror4, ;•rr
i ii 441.44 ,
' k=l:inv, a tiv.• 1•• k•
, rah a tt,ful head as.
•re r• p• , he e tla of Ttip9. F. 1N;
sr: or t: :•51
'E. / 1. SIP. I%—A duct
. 4! Pig it a id gore up
n: by mail, fit e, • 4.: 10
1.7. 1 , 0 i) 11
• 11:0 Hruathkay, Nete i 4,:k.
B 110016 'TA . r/.... n ItZll.
Block, Et le, Pa.
the C 3. itel4ar7.llepartnl:nt and.
.1.11,1,.11.: (at tiol..ltent, %:‘.llll , ton,
train Grt
n. Et e, PR. 31 ii•
timg col Prteti wtth fidtlity and
• - and enliectel. AN-int - alone
! to. Hr. Y. nsrtn: h•vt
- •in ts., .Irtat II of the Ter.otia
can teller mo it. a ‘tie:taGr)
' a., kintla at Governranat clattv•.
i I: WING,
7 u •• NTS A.ND C,CSIIT.LLORS •T 1./111
. : •i• Sr, ol ;owe lnbtnd.n
'.• d WI other leol I L•S
leo En.. War Ten and Yarn.
• • • • •n, 1. and prmrply
• - .r. k G .IbrAttla « hitc/ata k : r•-•eut.
- • o , Pa.
• • , t r.joLD.,n, R. D.l:ruwn
RI I IN l• To Nee •oos Soifer
`••• ,r , ••1 of tier:on^, in•
1I• ••• , and Youthful Error, cc.
. • • •-•• •. • , ••t others. wrll be hmi, , • to
•• (fie, or cbirg• - •) the ripe
•• - • • z 2.031,1 t, ron,lv lc
- • zt, pot by tb•• a lvettl4.-rN
- • ... , try and vnitiv. , . b.xemAr,
. • at 4113,e at bi. phrrr r ßirr
' • - ' 1 , 1 brbv.'lnn-41 . vital Impor•
•t o• by return 1311 I
.I , t‘iN 13. otmr,s.
6 , 3 t, New Vo•
i.f ka.Ps will rind the
• •p13:45 £{3l
''v (Sin tKIDt—DIL
eareslu. kM
• s re f tilinin r a blip• -
•rn lastWeiatairsi, lismusaty,
5ra4.4.-Alkttias, no mt.
•t. prtas mss +2. - airVer
is r.cetat fbc„Prlre. Oria Dos
,A Odom. ' •
t:27 trnificir No" 'in*.
, f+ EXPktitt
Ni.ltVl , ::S IS 1' 11.115.
' • Aar: rts a c.Autinn to yJaug
• f:orn Ntr•cul/f• De 1,00.;, Pre
1, te.. enpt i inZ xt Lh
• • r yutzkery. 11j tr.c!o. lug
• ecopt••11 r•l:is L. hue,
9LII r., K , I;JP Y.
, tf, COLLIA:C.
i 1.7 V
t; • 0. W. Fag.,
1 Ls'
• L^o• chvgif,:ation of At
l'r Oraato , Busi•
, otolnerciat Arth
11•1 , 14 awl zentg. The
um,,•0t,0,1 ~e of
, nrl . ‘11i. , ,t 0 el). po,ib:e •rtrtio.
c. r,41,, , •1;* .. r ~,,..n.•..,1 I e
•n t . p—tc: CAI hn.l p - T,AI,•
•.t . ' , el,. 3" Practieo A t..•
'• • • I.lp 01 ,0 ..1 Terrls—luitl• t.l
• •• 0. C. ditt.q. and greatest in.
' vt,l for Cr, ulae.
1 1 1 1. Isl.!: I'OTTER
77.'EFN ECOND k VIM!) ST3.,
!v, Pt 3A
rlitlAs la the l'o•ters wt.
tlit. canal, 15. twlen Sec,oti
' f.n•rt of th. customers of lb. old
!t.v pub;r.
..t.asortn give p.•r6'ct ra lilhe•i')D.
r.Etl. F. W I :HI3.
JAYA CH11,04,
‘I% .r o•utlit
er.d c 01. t . s•t.. for
, ^tfi^ or C t•Pft of d ni4konn•at
ho Laude of r.iorme In
- to t pll thn day they we , e totturAte
L'•. the u.e of ihfa remedy
.r. vmkage. Mailed to ane addreaa on
m at, onler.t9 ,
JAILS BUTLER, 422 Broadway. N. Y.
st_ .80) Ageta for the United Staten
7 OLIIME 37. 1;lxcal
Special Notices.
73 It I. rvi3::ISTEV. • l'lLl...l.—Tbey expel the pol
l-) sons which tbre•tea I fe. L -cry time a nick per
sou is par.ted by this vegetable r•Midr, he has less vi•
dated hcmora And inure life and rigor, as any One ein
prove b 5 L'Alcif a t ' e Itea. i•erauus of spare hatits
tieqb 33d stmagth whsle utint., them. Evert time
we rest a few days or wrote from th,epurgation.we make
ti , w [huh /ram o•tr fool, which replica the unsound
o.uesthlt till p• 114 Ittro caused t • be evacuated. Each
time we repeat thi. p•ureli we et eel further quantities
a . ;ain replace! by fluldaleu and
le4s impure, au th it is short ti au, by continuing this
treatment, we-bring b the whale mars of fluids or
I umureta that Eate or purity which constitut.a hen
liraudrotile oulr take away humors winch are
gold by all rep•ctab'e dealers In in, liclnea.
‘51411 tto, ct-rtga ? If so, swallow two or
to, hog , ,ead+ of "3,lchu," "Tonic Bitters," "z'arsa,
partite," "Norvoua Antidot.a," e. and after
you .re ~.ati.n,d with the rt..ttlt. then try one box of
01.1) D')CTOII 1:11.7C.1 • N'S ENGLI 4 Fi :PECIFIC
—and be reNtorel to health and vigor in less than
dare. Thy are pc,:c:y vegetable pleasant to
t tko, and salutary in on the broken
eoAn trd .that.ered onns.W.ution. (I'd and young env
rh.-m 'with advantage. DR. rtt:Clf XVGl.frlfi
F . 11.L4 cure in leas than 30 day*, the worst
t. tee of In'n - v , .nisn. as. lm;.o•co:y, Preto - Aura Decay,
c rosin fossnitc, end . WI Urinary, Selnal,
Nervous ..ireetion= no matter from what elute pro•
d I c-d. Priee, Ouo Deily per ton. ' , out, postpaid, by
on receipt of so order. Address,
JAS. A. Bu
No 4 Broadway, N. Y., G.neral Agent.
P. S.—A ton <*ot to nor a Idresa on receipt of price—
which in Una Deifar—post free. A ptive Circular
bent ou applicttion. jy 19,1 m
j 11E4POVDENT OF BOTH SEXI , 7.3.—A great and
tartar baviog been restored to beaith In a few days, after
roanryears of misery, h willing to strut bLs aufferlig
fellow 7 prNstures by sending (free) ou the receipt of a
postpaid add.essed envelope, a copy of the /uremia o
eu , e - tr.apto -ed. Direct to •
JOHN St DAGNA LL, Box IFS Post Office '
Brooklyn, N.V.
1 J tnent.—ln pint bottle., pact 5) cents.
Itr.l . olllAS—Dear elr : I have been in the livery buil
t:tens for the hat twenty yearn, and daring that time
have used all the Vitrol:ls liniments end lotion■ of the
d ty, but never bare fonnd an article equal to your Yen•
etian Herne Liniment. I have fairly tented ft on my
horses In distemper, sprains, cuts. calks, e.relling of the
C., 15 also for rhea metinna on myself, and hare
always found it as tovalusbie remedy.
Respeetfolly ones, LITCIVeIF.LD.
Sold by all druggints. °Mee, 5d Cortlaadt Street,
Sea York.
D, you use: Whiskers or Moustaches 2 Our
Grenan Compound will force them to grow on the
smoothest race or chin. or hair on bald hesds, in six
l'e.ce $lOO :rent by melt everywhere, cloge:y
fmao- 1 , on rentA of price.
Address. %V titl , ll.l" .S. C•t., Brix 138. Brooklyn, N. ir
muff IfIU DAL Cif Note of warning
aid vco tbose sulr-r!ii; with Seminal Weak.
nelq, General iity, or i'reca%turn Decay, Rona what•
ere natio. ir.,duced. Egad, ponder, and reflect f De
wlLe in /OW.
gent t:ec to any addresa, for the benefit of the sfil cted
- •rn med. AddraAa
• co,P4ulivr:vE.4.—'4u.r.ror. with Catmint!,
t:•ttt, A .t , l.trt, Ttroneht . :ot, nr any thieue of the
at or I.un:e,w,ll he ate, rfull, turttiatted, without
rern...iy hs th. tire of whitth the tier.
hd+•ri y. Wt•.7.s,n, ar µ•tt:ianto ttroh Nee Yot's, was
cotu,leto'v r,tore 1 to heilth, a 4 ter h sing eiffer,l (rt . -
«rxl tears nith that t:n ad nuteate, ConNutur To
ocent r ire infTo - er.. thy, rerze , ly le worthy of an Ira-
AI It will e. 0.1 nothie,!. and matt ha the
o • it re.t. Thos. r‘e6itit7g the
• ro. Vi ail he, Itee. th; itjj
• zt.:01:11 at Cot, Wir. a 1.•„11,..:, Kluge County, \rev
York. a. 13 tts :It
1 , 11'0%7%15T DISCO* LICY
r - V ItEiTING Ti F %Ent AriD I. '-
ate catkin.; s s.cgle taith•uo reLich e an
bin" tiv. best And c'.elpyst rorrALly Witte and Later
"rt,•, t e I.770:11e, rin.; , -r, and tLe tat,: power.
ful IMlC}i. 13 Ur, worl 1. It .e I.e on'y wen adept
yl t mat m 0 Ard.P . • 111111;11101, W 3 1 ,33 it now relprlird
11 P or: the an irmoor:ent itortovytirs of .b. age. A
g oI ag•ut reatte I in every whom Ire aril
as .1 e , ut such tral-,cra atm an au 113 1 1.71 . 0 bef,re
,t th• War one making applcati.a from any
• r.. 11 Lary the etc4,lre ageory, nil partie4-
1 ar, terr;. , A• 1
REED rt CO.,
So. f.,:r l,rizrty street, N. Y.
I )It Oil/It . ..TIPS PILLS —The \Veit, the Con
j.) fottnriv•, itheumat to, I' , ire. 1301vras Delit%te,
r • la, aI) le U.-, WI tine, renewal audle
very hie ' , rely iirran of 'heir frame,.
re-e the h ruler The servos entn.
men, I°C Arterlea andleem,late in the veins These
tells, a• n first effect, not upon the artelitt blood, hi
, liking rireu'athn, he which imJurittes are depor
,i, t•ley ti row s Q ru:h collection,
1,t , , the 1.0W . W.P, whieh orgrnr, by the energy del (reel
tr ,in randretil'a Pit r, expel them (loin the a;iaten.
I'll la tuned, the may or -ari .0 griping, aud even
mil, the, pltient feel Thls is 140 excellent
ell'IWI the dke it* evil Ponta be cured. No pr• it gird
nfien rchiere , l n lthoct .3mo trouble to Its attainment
and h
rile applior tr the moor, ry of health. y i eld by
nit •1 e deal qv in me (Leine.. jesi'fb tf
‘11[1:110NIAI .-I.AIIIE- 1 A \lt fit:N Lk11.. , :i
131 I f yon wish t u:.:;) ynu can d, so by addrersing
me I nt l od. wt hodt n,ney and without price,
talushle t..torrnatl. rt. 243: u.ll enahle you to marry
bapt ily and speedily, irtespee•ire of age wealth ur
beauty. 7 bi. luforai.vioc N:11 c,it you Jothlug and if
ton wash to Marry, I will cheerfully a—eat you. All let
ter, strictly couti..!enthl. The dew( I.f - tradition st4l
retu:o mall, and no reward a•Sted. encl'ae
postage ur starnpesl ens elope, /mum-erg to yourself'.
4.1•11 e. a, S t'e til a LAStal RT.
.ftreeni .int, iii to Co., Now Ywils. •
IFyou WAIT Pt) IKON' A of
Ec VG, relating to the human system, n ate
an , . (smile; the c.a. - m.l and teatrnent of diteices; the
marr.aze cn,to.n3 Vas wort] ;hev to .nirry well, and
a thousand things no, et. pu'Alshei be!Ore, read the re
•lssd and (..nisr4ed odttlpt of MEorraL COMO,' Poet,
a clCo io blot for euri,ul pe0.,f,,, and a g led book for
erely one. 411 pagos, lee laustrat'otte. Price $t
Cnntt ate tahls 'at free to any addreie. Books may be
Led tat the book stores, or aul be lent by mail, poet
paid, on reestpt of the price. Addreal,
"low Lost! How Restored.
JUST PUBLISHED a New Edition of
radical cure (wltnuut medicine) o zPgalllT,4l.F.llo[A, or
-• m,usl Weasness, lnvolunt.ry eaminal Los Pee, biro-
TE.Nct, itecttl and I%,rsinal ine‘paetty, Impedimenta to
SLsrna.ce, .40 . ; atso,Cossrstretol, $911.11.9119 and FITS,
ln , lonrd by e , :lf-induleence or rexgal extravagance.
Puce, in alp:ilea envelope, only 6 Dents.
Ylet-eoleMated author, Issl,l4adialserni -1 11111a y, clearly
desnositteglik betas a 7415111 !Telasalki priatic,
math. awl** eacamtasuaat nen-alsalst sney I.e
oared wish Z i Vii re tt roam Y 1 or m
lebse at the apati =anodeof aur
lb e••-• a warp ohipipoirtaia abatt me toot
• - ray
lar."lltiat.*: kda _ - 40.•
war' ANA. . • -!•J
as .. l it • - linyadereak •
. ' - tamps. Address
the pubithers., , An. J. C• KLINE & CO.,
127 Berny, ti.rft York,
m‘r:;o' Pout ings
Reeves' Ambrosi-4,
1011 THE IleIR.
and wonderful Hair Restorative still retains its
preeelents in fashionable drat'. and is enperoedlng all
other prep:rat oils, not only In this country but also 10
Europe and south America. Thousands of bottles are
annually vak.l to ths Court circles of farts, London,
Peter butt and Madrid and the rale in Cuba is enur
mous. REF ;Eh' alinflOSlA. is composed al an oily ci
tart from herbs of won..erful virtar, and le by.hly eze , i
bed a ith a variety of exquisto pesfimes. It eaeotually
pretenia the lair fllluic out, and causes It to grow rap
idly, thick and long. it snakes the hair curl and gives
ft a glossy op, eanance. No toilet is complete without
it. Price 75 rent, per hrge bottle.
Sold by druggists atid dealers in fancy goals in all
part• of the cid iced world. Wholesale by all wholesale
druggists in every city, an at
II 11 051.4 hgpoT,
N 0.62 Fatten Street, l•f. Y.
10ENCII, 1 - 11cFP,RD3 & CO., Philadelphts, Gonthal
gezt.s fur l'eors)lrants. mr2-151m.
ITA LIU IS LE ILKUIPE.S.—IIs.aa Stu: With soar
ierm,ssiou, I wish to say to the readers of Jour
p.per that 1 will lend, hr ret ten mail. to all who wish
it I free; a recipe with tu'l directions for mating and
u-ing a simple Vegeta In Halos. that. will effectuallr re •
mono, in ten .lass, rimules. iliotches, Tan, Frecit;es, and
au inseuri.ts (.1 the Simi, le owin4 the same soft, clear,
s.nooth, and beautiful. t will also mill free to those
hstrlng Stahl {tends or Bare Faces r and
information, that will nigh:o them to have a full-growth
of I,usurtant Ifair, Whisters or a .n le.s
then tidily <ll3 These recipes are valuable to both
01l and young. and so Uri ate eastl-od to all who need
them f,ee of charge they are worthy the a:tin:Monet all
who ris• a clear, pure natty. or • heathy growth of title.
All •ppliestmos Answered b. , r.turn mail, without
charge. Respectfully? our
o llo 4 f F. CllkPlt or.
Chernitt and rerrumer, No 831 Broad's'', X. Y.
• 51117.ttIPPA 111111%tt Di Cr..-
1111 A Mr.—DIRECTLY ..rroartc te• Peaseittah , lit
rot, Coatt, YA.. Being nevi, fitted Hp In the tr.'mt
proved etyle, to so a epee to the public. Mail" et.t te
near on the antral of all l'eseenter ?retest *ph%
lighter deb • OAKLEY 11103., Prole: Wu.
640 Main St. Ihrtford, Cox g
429 Broadway, New York
F.. R 1.00T7., D.,
11.10 New York
We would respectfully cal/ the Attention of t pub is
to our t icilities for doing fob Printing of every descrip
tion. Having rapid Phases and the latest styles of Type
we are prepared to do anything inlthekibbing line, In a
manner equal tansy other establishment, awl on terms
IS reisouablo as the Staab or Cleveland °lams. Wis
hove a lded nearly two thonanni dollars worth ul 'pate
nt/1 to the once Coca It has been in a cr possessloe, with
the object of melting it what we tbaaght the communi
ty needed. Flow well we bar: sueeeedell ee leave the
specimens of our jobbing, which may ca teen in story
port of s,. rth Westetti Pennsylvania, to testify. There
who went tasty work err Invited to give as a cell. We
can do any kind of Printing that an Is done elsewhere,
—such for instance as
All kinds urea uy coot (new°, 1 ,.
kiwis wet?! by Coal ShlpyerS„ .
All kinds wed by Coal
Ali triode used by Merchants and Storekeepers,
All kinite need by Retailers and G roton ,
A Inds used by Manufacturers, .
A Il kinds seed by Medicine Dealers,
All kinds used Ly Auctioneer;
Alt Linda used by Rattroat Agents,
II kiwis used by, ants,
I; kinds used by leaurance Ofticess
,A 'I Lin 1r used by S'oct Companies, generally,
A Li kin !a need by Brokers.
All kinds need by COM and For. Merchants.
All kinds used by Express Men,
I 1 Eta& used by SratatasionaCbten.
• II kinds used by Literary Societies. .•
01 kinds used by Public Oiliness,
All !Ands used by Patentees,
All Mule used by Producers of New Articles,
All kinds used by Merchants of all Trades,
All kinds used by Architects.
All kinds used by Datramman Establishment',
All kinds used by Artists generally, •
All kinds used by Public 11C,shibltors,
All binds used by Managers of Social Assemblies.
All Muds used by Political Managers,
All kinds used by Trundling Agents,
All kinds need by Farmers, or sellers of real
All kinds used by the selling of Pascual Property,
All kinds used by Renters.
In short. all kinds used by all claret. '
Orders by niall,w hem seat by I espousal's psalles,procupt
ly attended to. Agents (or Shows, Conearts,ha, whose
reeponrib lity we are net scqutinted with, must pay In
advance. In cages where packages are sent out of the
city by express,and the aersons for whom they Sr. intend
ed hate not a regular account at the calks. the bill for
collation will invariably be forwarded with them.
Important Announcement.
eiREAT SALE of 'Watches. Chains, Dia
-1 NA - mood Mop, Sta. One I[U= Dollars' worth to
be disposed of at One Dollar Each 1 Witbbut regard to
Valde ! Not to be pald fur until von know whit yon are
to receive ! .Splendid L:at of Articles!, All to be sold
for One Dollar n &ch.
E.oh.. -
250 Gen's' Gold Bunting-case Watit:ei WI to 8180
260 L.. 41.03 Gold and Enamelled hunting case
11 - atches3l to 70
.... .
500 Gents' hontinc-clee Silver Watches 85 to 70
2.. Dimond Ring. 60 to 100
6, 000 God Vest aad Neck Chila s. 4to 80
3 . Go l d Oral Band Bracelets. 4to 8
6'• Gold and Jet Bracelet* 6to 10
2 " Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains.. 4to 20
7 . Solitaire and Gold Broochee 4to 10
4 " Coral, Opal, and Emerald Brooches.— 4to 8
3 " Gold, Cameo, and Pearl Ear Drops 4to 8
6 o 1r0 i a.,,,, )0,, Lara,k Flentlne fox drops. 4to 8
7,5' Coral, Opel, and Emerald . 4to 6
4 " California Diamond Eiteaat pine ...... —l,6') to 10
3 " Gold Fob and Vest Watch keys 260 to 8
4 " Fob and Vest !Ribbon slides Sto 10
5 " sets Solitaire Sleeve-buttons, St ids, kc. 3to 8
3 " Gold Thimbles, Pencils, Le 4to 6
10" Moisture Lockets 2,60 to 10
Monitors Lockets, Nagle spring 1.4 1 1 .1 11 20
Gold Topthplekm, Crones, ko 8
Plato Gold Maga 4to 10
Chased Gold kings 4to 11
Stone Set ani signet Rings 2,60 to 10
CAlliontia It annond }Gov-- ..... .--. 2to 10
sets La Iles' Jew.dry—Jot and Gold—. sto 16
arta LadleoJearelej—Cameo,Pearl,Opal
3 44
6 a•
0 .
9 at
6 "
and other stones . ....... ~..,. 4to .15
a . 14,:d Nos, Stl'2, •ztsnslon holders and ,
Pencils 4to 10
Gold Yens and "011 tooaoted Eloiders... oto 10
4 " Go'd 1",,s and G .1d extension 16 to 26
"6 " Lidice GUI and let Duddy§ sto 15
Lath,' Gilt aod Jet Haft Dare et Balls._ sto 10
- Silver G Watt and Drinking Cups sto 50
Sliver Castors lb to 60
Silver Fruit,rard. and Cake Ballets.— 20 to 60
.1 doun Siver Tea Spoons ,per (1. 11 to 21
tlzacri Tao.c zpoo n. and Fork 4.-- 21 to 41
.IE64'O4LE At Co., Eanura , turers' Agents, N 0.167
roadway, Nee York. armour:me that all of the above
at .f g .oda wall be sold for t ;ad Dollar each.
In close , uene+ of the great eingoation of trade in the
manufacturing distrieta of Eoglay.d, through the war
tiering cut or( the supply of at. a large quantity o
valuab'e Jewelry, orionally intended for the English
tnarke , , ha, been sent oiT for sale In this couatry, and
most be Bold at ant eacriflee 1 ruder these eircurn
stancee, AAR O:DALY. ArCo., acing as agents far the
principal kuropean rut ,ufacturrre, hare resolred 0010
a. Great Gift Diatribntion, subject to the following rept
rertifliates of the various articles are brat put into
envelopes 11 , e.1.,1 up, and mieed ; and when ordsred, are
tdieo out It ithu it r,irard to choice, and sent by mall,
thus airing all, a Mr chance. Ou the receipt or the
certiarate, you 'nil Ike what you are to hard, and then
It is at ys , ur option to amid .he dollar and tate the arti—
cle or not Purchasers may thus obtain s Gold Watch,
11.. ,, n0d Mug, or any Seto( Jewelry on oar Hat for one
In all tr netctiona by mail, we alien charge for for
warding the CertiEcatr, paying po.tare, and doing the
basinera.2s cents each winch moat be endowed when
the Certificate is lent for Fire cortitiesies will be gent
for $l, eleven .nr *2, thirty for $6, aixty-Eve for $lO, and
a hundred for $l6.
AGTNTS.—We want agents In every regiment, and in
every t .ern and eon Lt., in the country, and those acting
is such m ill be &tinned ten cents on every Certifleate or
dere • for them. penvide4 their r.m.ttance amounts to
one ;.lallar. Agents will coaect Yb c-btu for every Cer
tificlte, and remit 16 cents to as, either in cash or post
age stamps
A ddreu,
(Late Bones, Brown Si C 0..) -
Military di Naval Claims,
2 Park ?lace, Nem York.
Corresponding house to Washington. D. C., J. W .llsh
er & Co., ertt .14th Street
Haying bad three e aft' experience in the collection
of Claims and the general transanion of business in all
departments of Government, we can assure our clients
and c rrespoodenta that all haziness intrusted to as
edit be tieoron■i► and promptly, attended to. W* are
prepared to tasks advances upon and negotiate the gale
of claims, zed ;unchain Quartermaster's bills and
cheeks. as veil aa collect the following clewses
Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers and Orphan
Bounties for Soldiers, discir rod fu wounds received
in battle, those who hue served two years, and tbe
heirs of deceased; also huts bounty to such as en en
Arrears of pay for Moen and Soldiers, and the belts
of deceased.
• • .
Navy prim money for all captures.
Nevi pension and balance of pay.
accounts of discharged Aran settled, ordnases and
clothing returns properly made out and collected. Mid
clearances obtained from Ordnance and Quartermaster's
Departments. 1
U. S. a n for saki at • alscount of 3) to
4 per cent.
::i . :ll7iTholesille and Retail
are now receivin g at theirold stand, Ameri
can Block, State street, a large end superior
stock, of
NUTS, Lc., &c.,
together with every thing found in a House
of this kind, which they will sell as cheap
as Any other establishment in this city for
Cash or most kinds of country produce.
They tam also on tend one of the largest and &Nat
Stocks of Tobsooe sad Sows nee kosOt to Sr* to
shish they Write the attention 44 the !UM
/Jr Call and she ne—s nimble dzpenes la better than
a plow eoneennently Ca& hems niftend vest
bargains by nalltni MU"
Grocery Head Quarters!
June 2.l6xo—i f P. Jk. SCHLAUDALM.
Pleasure. Excursions.
tea ltraantiona on the Say, or to Milt the Peplum"
la, 'gill had ths andi•Mgand h a ve
ready. to sacommo
date hem good boats. I have 2 Volta
tilted out fir pie Aura partlea la addlhoa to e
of Ma Boats. fishing Tam/Llama Batt all the time ou
Persons desiring to have the quo of and et Inv boat !
will find me constantly on hand, at the old
oXU4t—s)P; JA Z. XM/r
• --xtritp•
. -
~ • .-:- ,
:" . a •
1".• -
The Graves of a Household.
They grew in beauty side by side,
They fill'd one home ■ith thus;
Their graves are severed far lad wide
13y mount, and stream, and eea.
The Name fond mother beat at night.
O'er esob fair Bleeping brow ;
She had each folded fl ; wer In sight—
Where are those dreamers now .!
One, 'midst the forest of the West,
By a dark stream is laid—
The Indian knows his place of rest.
Far in the cedar shade.
The sea, the lone blue sea, path one—
He lies Where pearls lie deep ;
He was the loved of all, ytt none
O'er his low bed rosy weep.
One sleeps where southern vines are ii;est.
Above the noble slain ;
Ile vrapt his colors round his breast,
On a blood-rod field of Spain.
And ono—o'er . her the myth) ahowera
Its leaves, by soft whack fann'd,
She ivied 'midst Italian flowers—
The last of that bright band.
And parted thus they rest, who play'd
Beneath the same green tree ;
Whose voices mingled as they pray'd
Around one went knee !
They that with smiles lit up the hall,
And cheered with eongs the hearth!
Alas, for love ! if thou wert all,
And naught beyond, 0 earth !
From the Philadelphia Ate ]
Col. Davis was born in Bucks county,
in this State, and is the only son of Gen
eral John Davis, who formerly represent
ed that district in Congress. He was edu
cated at the Military Academy at Nor
wich, Vermont. Immediately on gradu
ating, he was appointed Professor of
Mathematics and Military Instructor at
the Military Academy at Portsmouth,
Virginia. lie remained there two years,
when he returned home and studied law,
and was admitted to the bar. Thence he
entered the law school of Cambridge Uni
versity. At this time lion. Caleb Cushing
was raising his regiment to go to Mexico,
with•which country the United States was
then itt war. Mr. Davis shut up his law
books and enlisted us a private in Captain
Crowningshield's company. Isis know•
ledge of military affairs soon brought him
into notice. He was commissioned,- a
lieutenant, and then made adjutant of
the regiment. When Colonel Cushing
was promoted in the field, Lieutenant
Davis was offered the msjnrity of the reg
iment, but being tendered the position of
nid-decamp and acting assistant adjutant
general on the staff by Gen. Cushing, he
accepted the latter. lie served on the
upp?r line under General Taylor for some
time, and then was transferred with his
brigade to the lower line to reinforce
General Scott. He discharged the duties
of quartermaster for Patterbon's division
on the march from Vera Cruz to the city
of Mexico. In the winter of 1848 be was
promoted to a captaincy by an order of
General Scott, and as such served to the
end of the war.
On his return home in July, 1848, ho
opened an office in Doylestown, and com
menced the practice of thelaw. In Sep
tember, 1853 President Pierce appointed
him District Attorney of the United
States for the Territory of New Mexico,
and he crossed the great plains in Novein•
ber, of that year, and took up his resi
dence in Santa E. The District Attor-
ney was obligati to ride ttie circuit, a
thousand miles in extent, twice a year,
and cross the grand desert, known as El
Jornab del ifuerto the Journey ofpeach,
where for a distance of ninety miles water
is found iu only oae place, and that col
lected from rains. The country was in
fested by hostile Indians, hnd the travel
was dangerous. Captain Davis made this
trip in the spying of 1854 in company with
tour members of the bar and the Marshal.
In the summer of that year he was ap
pointed Secretary of the Territory, which
position he held until November, 1857,
when he resigned and returned to - Bucks
county. Meanwhile he was acting Gov
ernor and Superintendent of Indian af
fairs for over a year. While he resided in
Santa Fe he edited and published the
Santa Fe Gazette, in English and Spanish,
over two years. Colonel D.ivit theta cross•
ed the great plains that stretch from the
Missouri river to the Rocky Mountains
several times, and met with numerous
a iveutures. On one occasion he was re-
ARR 4ND 4.1• E & CO.,
141 Brimdway, IL Y
turning to the States in charge of a lady,
hor servant and child. When the little
party he was traveling with was some four
hundred miles out.. and on the Connaaron
river, they were pounced upon by a war
party of mounted Arrapahoe Indians and
made prisoners. When the Indians were
seen approaching, the females and child
were covered up with blankets in one of
the wagons, as their presence always in
creased the hostility of the savages. The
teams were stopped and the men obliged
to get out of the wagons. The Indians
sat down on the ground in a circle and
held a council of war, to determine the
fate of the prisoners. Finally the chief
agreed to let them go on condition that
they would divide their Provisions, which
being considered a cheap ransom, was ao•
cepted, and the party was released. At
_this time there was no friendly assistance
nearer than three hundred miles.
In the spring of 1858, Mr. Davis pur
chased the Doylestown Democrat, one of
the very largest country newspaper "es•
tablishments in the country, and since t.
then has been engaged in the profession
of a public journalist. The rebellion of
1861 found him busily engaged on his
paper. When the insurgents fired on
Sumpter he threw down the pen and took
up the sword. ,He raised the first armed
men in his county and Congressional dis
trict to su.tain the Government. He
called a meeting in the Court House on
his own responsibility, organized it, took
the rostrum, and in a short speech called
for volunteers. In two hours sixty had
enrolled their names, and in two days one
hundred and fifty had offered their ser
vices. •He went to Harrisburg with his
company, and was thence sent to York.
Here he was offered the lieutenant col
onelcy of the 16th regiment, but would
not leave his company. and• was then
transferred to the 25th, Pennsylvania reg
iment., in which he served as Captain
through the three month's campaign, on
the Upper Potomac, under Gen. Patter
son. Capt. Davis was ordered to guard a
six gun battery Irom York to Washing
ton, and his company ywas the first'body
of troops which passed through Baltimore
after the bloody riot of April 19th. His
men.were hooted at and stoned, and they
sat oh the trucks, with theirrifies cocked,
ready to resist attacks, but none were
Captain Davis was mustered out of ser
vice the last ot July. In August he went
to Washington and again tendered his
ser vices to the Secretary of War. He
was immediately authorized to raise a reg
iment of infantry and a battery ot artil
lery to serve for three years'er the war.
lie fixed his camp at Doylestown„and in
a Month his regiment, the 104tki P. V.,
was nearly full, composed of the very
Our Candidates.
flower of the yOnth of Bucks and tpt e
neighboring-counties. Ho turned the en
tire control and tourtgetneut of his neerr
paper over to Dr. John D. Mend.zhall, a
gentleman in whom he had coolideoce.
and gave all his time and thought; to his
military duties. He did not resume the
charge of his piper again until the lit of
January, 1865.
C slonel Davis marched to Washingtoe
the first of November ; and many of oar
citizens remember the splendid appear
ance of his regiment as it marched through '
the city. In less than a week, he was
placed in command cf a brigade and or
dered to organize and discipline it. Bafore
he had been a month at Washington, be
submitted to Gen. McClellan, then Cam
mender-in-Chief, a- plan of barracks to
winter his brigade:in, which was approv
ed, and he was ordered to build them.
They were erected on Meridian Hill and
the nark was entirely done by his itol
diers. For the last three years they h*ve
been known as "Carver General Hospi-,
t al." Colonel Davis took his brigade to
the Peninsula in March, 1862, sad com
manded it until the last of April, when'''.
was _relieved by General H. M. Naglee:
Ho then returned to his regiment. His
regiment participated in all the opera—
tions in the campaign on the Peninsula,
and with the 52d Pennsylvania regiment
led the celebrated reconnoisance from
the Coickahominy to within four miles of
Richmond. Colonel. Davis, with his reg
iment, brought; on the celebrsted melon
of Fair Oaks, the first of the series of
bloody encounters around the Confeder
ate capital. Here he lost forty per cent.
of . his men, and received a painful wound,
a rifle ball penetrating his left elbow, at
the joints. was also struck by a spent
musket-WI, in the left breast. He was
laid up by his wound two months, and
rejoined his regiment at Harrison's Land
ing, seven days before his leave of ab
sence expired, and when he could not
mount his horse without assistance, When
the Army of the Potomac returned' , to
Washington his division (Peck's) was i.e
ta,ned on the Peninsula, and Colonel
Danis was placed in command of the hit
portant post at Gloucester Point, garri
soned by a small brigade. He put the
extensive works there in complete repeir.
In December of that year he was transfer
red to North Carolina, when General Fps
ter placed •him in command of his old
brigade again, which he retained, with ,an
occasional 'change of regiment, until near
ly the end of his term of service. His
command was transferred to South Caro
lina, in January, 1863, with the army that
was intended to attack Charleston. He
commanded a brigade, or division, in the
subsequent operations before that city.
He was with General Terry in the action
on James Island, July 16th; he was next
placed in command of the important post
of Folly Island ; thence transferred to
Morris Island, and assisted in the siege
Operations against Wagner and Sumter.
His brigade was one of the two selected
by General Terry to make the final tumult
on Fort Wagner, the 7th of September.
From the,StOof January the 24th
of April, 1864, t,olonel Davis was in com
mand of the operations on Morris Island
against Charleston, the only place in the
department where active hostilities were
constantly carried on. This was at a time
when there were eleven geoWoral officers
in the department. Tne fact that Colo.
nel Davis was entrusted with- the com
mand of the post of honor, gives evidence
of the great confidence his superior 're
posed in him. From Morris Island he
Was transferred to the command of the
important D.strict of Hilton Head, ex
tending from St Helena sound to, and
including, Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of
Savannah river, a distance of sixty miles.
When a combined attack was made on
Charleston, in July, 1864 Colonel Davis
commanded the first brigade of Hatch's
division. He led the advance up John's
Island to within sight of the city. On the
morning of the 6th, while examining with
a glass, a rebel battery that was playing
upon his men, he was struck on the right
hand by a shell, which carried away the
fingers and tore the hand terribly. Of
course he is made a cripple for life. Atter
he had so far recovered, from i his wound
as to be able to do light duty, he was
made President of a general court mar
tial, in Philadelphia, where he remained
until he was mustered out of service, the
first of October. 1864.
Calonet Davis was never promote&the
reason of weich the War Department 'can
give. lie entered the service with more
knowledge of, and experience in, military
metiers than ninety-nine out of every
hundred officers in the volunteer army.
He has in his possession the very highest
testimonials from his superior officers, and
was frequently recommended for promo
tion, lie was honorably mentioned in
orders for his conduct at Fair Oaks. After
the fall of Wagner and Sumter, the Ad
jutant General of the army wrote to Gen
eral Gilmore, and requested him to report
the names of the officers of his corps who
deserved promotion. In the reply the
naMe of Colonel Davis stands number
two, but there it ended. The others, we
believe, were all promoted. Four out of
five of the regimental commanders in
Colonel Davis' brigade, and of ,coune his
juniors, were made generals. We are
speaking of facts in this connection, not
finding fault. It may be entertaining at
some time to ask the reason.
The War Department would not Tiro
-1 mote Colonel Davis. The Popular De
partment in Pennsylvania will probably
correct' executive errors so far as to elect
him Auditor General.
from the HarrisbarjPstriot.]
Oar candidate for Surveyor General,
Colonel John P. Linton, is a young•man
of about thirty-three years, a native of
Cambria county, a pure patriot, an honest,
upright man and a splendid representa
tive of the incorruptible mountain Dem
ocracy. He is the son of Robert P. Lin
ton, at various times sheriff of the county,
and grandson of Peter Levergood, Rig ,
who, many years ago, was Usual Commis
sioner of the Commonwealth. By profes
sion Colonel Linton is a lawyer, and before
the war be wiliest making his way to
eminence at the county bar. In general
intelligence he is far above the average,
and professionally he is well known among
the legal fraternity for his acquirements.
lie was a student of Jefferson •College,
and subsequently studied law with and
became the law partner of Hon. Cyrus L
Pershing. This latter fact is of itself a
guarantee for his intelligence and ability.
When, in 1861,
,the war was brought
upon the country, be was it lieutenant of
a holiday volunteer company : - Mainly
through his efforts the orgs.nintion was
maintained, the company recruited to the
maximum number, and; upon the decli
nation of other officers, he was unani
mously proclaimed captain. With 'his
company he faithfully served during the
three months campaign.
At the termination of the three months'
Campaign, Cols. Linton, Campbell and
lif'Dermott at once recruited a regiment,
tine 551 b) and the officers were ,soot}
after, in August, 1861, commissioned,. ea
tollows: Coronet, Jacob M. Campbell:
(Republican candidate for, Surveyor Gen
eral ;) Bernud if.'Dermett ;
(one of the soldiers of the war with Mex
ico;) %Ajar, John P. Linton. Sabres
vision,' C010n44 X'Derrodtt: resigied on
account of ill health, whioh, on February
Ist, 1863; advanced 3Gjor Linton to the
position of Lieutenant-Colonel.
The regiment was immediately assigned
to duty along the Baltimore lc Ohio rail
road. During the whole of the earl pe- .
riod-of .the war, when -the....mcnti. o fthe
Shenandoah Valley wail-he scene of con
stant alarms and raids, the 54th regiment
was stretched as a cordon of protection to
theilower t .tier_. of Peansylvanus counties.
We have not time nor space in this arti
cle to follow the regiment through its
later history ;. this will afford matter for
stebseotient' articles. It' is sufficient' to say
that 'after abnut two - yews - of detached
service the regiment was ordered to take
part in the active operations up the Val
ley. • During the most of this later, and
mate active period of gervice, Colonel
Campbell was away frog the roller—
in temporary command of a divisi nor
brigade, it is stated—so that Colonel Lin
ton had the honor of leading the 54th in
the battles of Newmarket and Piedmont.
And most bravely and gallantly he led
his regiment on those assatrons fields.
In both those battles fie was severely
wounded, hitt although for ti time cotn
pelted to go home for treatment, he
scarcely remained long enough Irons his
post to fully recover—so wedded was be
to his regiment, his duty and the serious
work required of him.
When the 54th was subsequently or
dered to the, front, before Petersburg,
Colonel Linton, we believe, still retained
direct command, and again led his men
in those hard-fought engagements which
proved so disasuona to that gallant old
regiment. . Hereafter we shall furnish a
detailed histciry of this regiment and its
anyunander in battle.
Colonel Linton is a candidate of whom
the Democracy tray well feel proud.
There is not positively a speck or flaw in
his history or chariuder. His claims do
not rest alone upod his military serr i ices.
He is a just man—en honest, an honora
ble and true min. He could not evade a
duty if he would and he would not if he
could. He never compromises with wrong,
and in the same manner that he perforins
his own. duty, be is exacting noon others
subject to his control. But, though firm
and unyielding where right and honor are
concerned, he is one of the racst temper
ate, genial and agreeable of men in all the
social relations. Should he be elected, the
people can rely upon having secured an
°Meer who will be an ornament and gain
to the State—one whom neither party nor
personal nor family friendship, can swerve
from duty.
Speech of Gen. Morgan
The following is the speech of Gen. G.
W. Morgan, accepting the Democratic
nomination for Governor of Ohio. It will
amply repay perusal : •
Me. President and Gentlemen of the Cbn
vention: Your committee has informed me
that the delegates from the people; here
assembled, have confided to my custody
during the present important contest, the
standard of constitational liberty. and I
appear before you, responsive to your call,
to ezpress my thapks, and to accept the
trust, and give my cordial indorsement to
the resolutions adopted by the Conven-
tion. j
It was my fortune, Mr. President, to be
associated for a short time in the field,
with the distinguished gentleman who is
the nominee of the Republican Conven
tion, and I entertain for him sentiments
of personal kindness and respect. ' But
our views
.on certain questious of vital
importance widely differ, and that differ
enoe of opinion ha, made us, without any
action on our part, opposing candidates
for the suffrages of our fellow citizens.
Our country is at peace. No one be
lieves that there is danger of civil com
motion or foreign war. Our gallant army
of white soldiers is being rapidly disband
ed, and they are welcomed to their homes
amid the grateful plaudits of alatriotic
people; but the fact that large Armes of
negro troops are retained. under arms,
should excite to vigilance and awaken the
anxiety of.every.citiaen.
The war is over, •the supremacy of our
flag is acknowledged over the entire Fed
eial domain ; there is cause for rejoicing
over the brilliant deeds of our soldfirs,
but. there is also mason for ►ve appre
becalm se to the. future.. The roar of
C11.1213013,' the clang of arms, and the shouts
of victory are no longer heard • the con
scription has ceased ; the hurried tread of
our young men on the pathway to war,
no longer startles our women and children
from their slumbers ;. but the Union, the
grand and only justifiable object of .the
war, the only object for which our soldiers
fought—the Union is not yet restored,
and a dangerous and powerful effort, is
being made by professed friends to ex
clude certain of the States from a repre-
sentation in the 'Federal Legiglature, and
thereby prevent the restoration
,of the
" Tho Union " does not mean any given
extent of territory held under arbitrary
rule, but is a • government of united States.
and until those &ate. sine represented in
the Federal • Legislature, as provided by
the Constitution, there can be no Union.
War has performed its part ; the soldier
has nobly discharged his duty, and let •us
take good care that his blood has not been
shed• in vain ; the insurrectionary armies
have surrendered their Munitions to the
Federal' authorities, end resumed their al
legiance to the government of the United
States, bat the restoration of the States
to their position • and rights under the
Constitution, is not yet achieved.
Upon this vital question, our fellow citi
zens of the Republican party are divided
among themselves, and a majority of that
party in Congress will oppose President
Johnson's plan t itr e the
to the
National Legislature the Senators and Re
presentetives from the' Southern States.
'fhe President declarer that he is in favor
of leaving the question of . reconstructing
their State Governments to the citizens of
the Southern Stites, in the exercise of
their Constitutional rights.
Oar government is not a consolidated
empire, like that of Russia, Austria or
Fiance ; nor a monarchy.. like that of
Great Britain ;, but we have a Union com
posed of States, with cio-ordifiate powers
and co-equal rights. - The States famed
the Union, and, in doing so, relinquished
certain rights which am distinctly speci
fied, and, the language of the Consti
tution. "all powers not delegated to the
United States, • nor prohibited . to 'the
-tates, are reserved to , the States or the
people." The Federal Government' de
rives its power from the Conttitution, and
possesses no lawful authority which is not
granted by that instrument. • Congress
may admit new States, bat has no author
ity to expel a Suite from the Union. Nino
teen states represented in Congress, have
not the right to exclude representatives
from seventeen,' and it not from seven
teen, they cannot *minds the represents.
tives of one State.
The powers of the States, as States.
being co-ordinate. and 's their , fights co
'egad. one Stotts ,ciannob.exemiss 'powers
orienioy privileges , to which, every ,other
State is not equally entitled.
Thus. every State it entitled to two
United States Senators: , 00 water what
may be the toeidity, of how email the pop
ulation. And the eenittars from a no-
jority of the Slates cannot exclude roern
bent' front a Minority ot- the Buelite„-wi th.
out thereby violating their - Constitutional
The six New ' Enshold - 'States, with
population a half a million lees than that
of theaingle State of New , York, have
twelve Senators, while New York has
only two. And the State of Ohio has a
greater population 'than five of the New
,England States, and yet they have ten
-Sendtors while Ohio has but two. Nor
will we complain of the fact that. one citi
zen of New England exercise* five times
more representative power in the Federal
. f
Senate than does a citizen of Ohio,. unless $
that girest d•sparity of poster be used to ) -
subvert the very . rights which it ,was
created to protect. - But we are told that
the pople of certain of the Southern
States have been in open insurrection,
and t at thereby the States in which the
Insurgents lived have forfeited their po
litical- existence. It is true that the peo•
pie of the South, at first in small numbers,
afterwards a msjority, did rise in insur
rection. Bat have they-not been terribly
punished for this fault? la - their slaves
atone they lost two thousand million dol
lars. Their lands have been ravaged ; -
their houses have been burned, and the
region in which the war was waged has
been converted into a charred wilderness.
Can jhstice, nay not justice, but can hit- -
man vengeance demand more than this.?
And *here let us ask, * the provision in
the Constitution, which declares that - a
State shall forfeit its political existence—
its rights under the C on s titution, because
a portion of all its citizens have been in
surgents ? • No such power exists, and it
would he absurd to suppose that the Con
stitution would provide for its own over
throw by authorizing the disintegration of
the Union , ' but it does provide for the
solVtalls/ of insurrectioe and.dornestio
violence. Where individual persons have
done wrong they are amenable to the
civil laws, but the acts of individuals can- -
not forfeit the existence of States, nor
confer powers upon the Federal Govern
ment unknown to the Constitution.
By what process is the•Union‘to'be rea- .
cored ? By what means are we again to
become countrymen in heart, as well as
in name? If we continue to treat the
Southern people ai enemies, can we ex
pect them to become friends? Would it
not be well to remember that civil wars
are like family feuds, and when, after
strife has ceased, and the cause of the dif
ficulty has been calmly considered, that
both parties are generally,found to be
more or leas in fault ?
Unselfish patriotism can restore the
Union, while selfish ambition may involve
the country in new horrors, and our in
stitutions in total ruin. It requires no
art, no mystery, no diplomacy to restore
the Union. We have but to say to our
countrymen of the South, Come, let us
again be friends : if in aught we have both
erred, then let us both profit by the ter
rible lesson of. the past four years, and if
only one has been" wrong, then let that
one be generously forgiven.
Ilad our civil authorities been in
fluenced by Ur! same spirit of generosity
and wise es:mei:lab° which inspired our
armies ; or had soldiena*Sherman and
McClellan • been autherised ; lo treat for '
peace, the war would not Ifetnisnreired
the second year, and . the 17tden would
have. been restored with sentiments of
cordial admiration and affection, warming
the hearts of our countrymen North and
South; for generous manhood begets rts
Our country can only be brought back
to the happy and prosperous condition
which existed prior to the war, by return
ing to the fundamental principles upon
which our institutions were based, and
those, great doctrinal truths taught by
J.fferson and Madison, and the other
early fathers of the Republic.
• * * rt
In most civilized countries, there are
inhabitants who are not citizens, but they
are fully protected by the laws ,of the
land in which they reside. There is no
hardship in limiting the negro to the
rights of an " inhabitant," and still less so,
when it is considered that for such servi
ces as be may have rendered iii the field,
he has been rewarded with freedom.
If the negroes so desire, they can re
main as "perpetual inhabitants, who,"
says Vattel, "are a kind of citizens of an
inferior order, and are united to the so
ciety without participating in all its ad
vantages." Maris, they would oe pro-
tected in life, liberty and property, with-.
out having the right to vote, or the exer
cise of other rights which are incident to
• .4"
* *
I am opposed to conferring the right of
suffrage on negroes in Ohio, or in the
South, now, or. at any future time, or
under any eircumetances.
In IMO, there were more than twenty
five thousand negroes in Ohio. and it is
believed that the nutxtbitr has been in
creased four-fold since Arb we
to confer the right of suffiiigo4ro nriegro
population of one hundred ihonsankand
thereby convert our great State ,InCo a
negro colony ? For, grant citizenship tti
negroes in Ohio, and the 'African " de
pendency " proposed to be established by
General Cox, would becorne depopulated
—the "waifs and strays " be the
only inhabitants of the "dependency,"
and the great body of negroes would mi
grate to Obio, and other States where they
could enjoy social and political equality
with the white race. And is this the re- "
war d which our -brave soldiers are to re
ceive for all their perils in a hundred bat
tles, and all their toils in a score of cam
paigns ? Now that the war is over, shall
we say to the soldiers, as a reward for
your valor, we will reduce you to the level
of negroes? And our laboring men, are
they, too, to be brought into competition
with negroes at half wages, 'and be forced
to take negroes' prices or starve? Ni,
airs. U mutt nog be dote
The whole scheme of negro equality. is
chimerical and fraught with danger. We
have upon this continent examples of the
total incapacity of mongrel races for self
government. At the outbreak of the
American revolution, the population of
'the United States and, that of Mexico
were about equal—three millions each.
In either country there were three races,
the white, red and black. In the States
of the Union. free as well' as slaves, the
negroes have been kept in a condition of
subordination to the white race, and from
a comparatively small number, they have
increased to four million souls. While on
the other hand, the savage spirit of the
Indians spurned control, and a conflict
ensued which will only cease with the ex
istence of the red man.,
And what is the relative condition of
Mexico and the United States The for
mer has but five million inhabitants;
nearly one half of her territory has been
absorbed by the United States; and
is destitute of commerce, mapiffsetures
and schools; while'onr ships cover the
water of every sea ; our manufactures are
to be found in every mart of the habitable
globe, and every child In our land has the
opportunity to obtain a good English ed
ucation. Why this difference? The Unitzd
States and Mexico were alike colonized by
-Europeans. In the former the white race
preserved its integrity ; while the Span
iards, on the other hand, amalgamated
with the Indian and the iNegrO, and a
race of wretched M.oagrels, doomed to a
state of chronic anarchy, is tke reatilt. -
Some well meaning persons ask, "Might
it not be' better to give the negro the
right of suffrage, and have done with th e
vexed question ?"
What has been the :Milt?
Let those who think thus not be de
ceived, for he who veto for Negro Suf
frage, votes fcir the inauguration of
most cruel, inanities and devastating - of
all . wary—.a war of races; a wet` which
spares neither age, nor sew, hor condition ;
a war which can know no pence, until one
race or the other bas been swept from the
earth ; a war which would make the West
and the North, u al tae &ugh, a .
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