uric Atticklll Obstvver, ERIE, PA.. AUGUST 24, ISO 'Cravelir's Guide. LIRE SEIOR6 LUTE. Going West. ,= Flat ... Cincinnati Repress ---- .. ........Day Exprese 8 33 p. m _llan and A coonmodation ..... 600 a. m. ... ....Night Expreu ........... 340 a. in. ......Toledo lexpresa 10.00 a. m P JILADELPHIA & ERIE RAILROAD. Ant,* ~ Accommodation .__..2205p. m. ... Through Mall 635 a. m. Corry Accommodttion 6.40 p m. . . Warren Aecommodation......lo.lo a. m. I:31E & PITTSBURG a RAILROAD. Arrive. _Ptttsburg Xrpress ..... 3 2n zi Accommodation U Sp p. m peulocratle County Convention. Democratic citizens of Erie counlrare to meet in their usual places of og primary elections, on Saturday, Sep for the purpose of selecting dele. 0 c ounty convention to be held in the Haws, in the city of Erie, on MONDAY,' tKscs ISrn, 1865, to place in nomina ,, catty ticket for'the support of the c f the Union and Constitution, at I: .,,ber election. , the representation to which i 3 entitled : 1!4 Jutrict, 2; 2d, 2; 3d, 2 ; 4th, 2 ; ' , ;; ; ;1 Creek, 3 ;'" West ?dill Creek, 3 ; Jr Creek. 4; North East township, 3; , E t .t borough, 2; Greenfield, ;Ye Watt , burg, 1; Amity, 3 ; Wayne, mcori, ; Corry, 2 ; Union township, lion M:114..2: Le Beouff, 3 ; Waterford , h , r. ;; ir3cerfard borough. 2; Greene, 11:Ketn, 3; Middleboro, 1 ; „c o n, ; Edinboro, 2; Franklin, 2 Creek, 3; Conneaut, , , 3 ; Albion, 2 ; I ,se:d, 4 ; Girard township, 3 ; Girard Lockport, 2 ; Fairview, 3. D. W. licrcnissos, Chairman. eIItrfIAITSZN, Secretary : itLit 23, 1865—t0 SALE.—The publio sale of Govern• ;:tees, advertised extensively, look 3n Thursday and Saturday, upon a Dt cri State street, near the canal. An , e Dumber of persons, chiefly farmers, :h i o n bath occasions, and the bidding q.nted. The animals met with ready , eri at 'prioes generally averaging le y would have cost at private sale. A i: y persons who expected that a fine ta tlty i.r speculation would be found, a vi9lllappointed. There were ratfic far b:r,r , a - a mg Cie lot, but the rum', • .f them looled as if they would not be Lt. any practical use. i gtytr Aertpr.sr.—About half past five et ,a Fr.d.iy afternoon. the 18th inst., Evans, of the firm of Evans & proprietors of the planing mill on ,;rent , between Seventh and Eigth, was i 9 I shociing canner. Mr. Evans was ,1 sawiug an ordinary clapboard saw, when suddenly the board I.ll.Jcie.manner, and flew into several , aa@ of which struck Mr. E. on the . rmr,rg a fearful gash, severing the .re sal arteries in an instant. The un :.e =so staggered a few steps and fell the blood gushing in jets from ..elted throat. Physicians and others 'hist immediately, but nothing lan.. to save life. Ile laid gasping thu blood flowing out of the sev. ::eries In about four minutes he ex The portion of board which struck viat whirling out of the window after 113:it had performed its fearful mission. t. vie about forty—five years of age, ce of our best known and highly res .! e.t.z,tm lie was a very inlustrious zcl had neon... Mated property to the :f s , tue $5,000. A wife and four chit— •e left to mourn this calamity.—Dis— e two Floral Concerts given in Farrar .1.5 t week, under the direction of Prof. r, were' well attended, as all amateur :Lnments are here, and gave very good The large class of pupils, all 1 In white, were arranged on seats oc nearly the entire stage, and elevated floor nearly to the ceiling, making a -;nt appearance. Owing to the tim the young ladies, some of them failed , as well as they are capable of doing, .no audience readily excused them, in :erasion of the circumstances. When it ‘mbered that the class had only been ;be Professor's instructions about two previous to the concerts, the rapidity progress, and the excellent discipline Ifiz displayed, are something remark— .te, however, of popular tasty, and at :zest risk of being styled an old fogy, !sy Out we cannot fully approve of ti •A eihibitions. The tendency, so yitai•allet?.l, of encouraging ladies to erat,, , itions of themselves, does .gain:: ir:ta tie idess•most sensible per ea:!ru.r. of w , msnly modesty. It would ter! m.1::1 to their future happiness,' dud 'lcier general bencfit, if the same pains tre Lein u)w a dsys in fitting young -aFieir well before popuisr audi bt 1 and at fashionable 'par 're etpented in preparing them for the cram duties of the domestic circle. L 4 T —The o.i)wing is a list of ill:. inn fir the tern of curt emcee Nlnity in September : —Frtat ‘Vues t :Creel—lleary Sallll.lk, 1[Y„I). Tracy; ?trr.3. Cr.elt—W. p. Canso. EUJih 07e3 := Ev.:—J.r—.l S. :Irwin, Joan Batt. up—Li tr‘ I Demon. .Ir--+: C. Cap:Ja, H. W. Bah'wiz", EEO . 2 ..e:,f-11::ey W. Bardick, F 11, Jiata .r t . l, l—Ctlyi l Avery, C. C. Ba.PI , r: d üby. J 6:er:ea. Litn4 , ni, Ira Thompe3n. •. zp.a—ileary iitnter. 1:1 )V t • ey . Ctark, Jsber. Clark, Jr. -- $.---Pe•cy M. Brindle, A. J. Thom F. W truer. S Chees:D4u. '/:.!--.J.115. {lir, J. J. Whipple, J. Van- Atwater, Alfred Green. F. Car,-oil, Thos. Woods. tf :••Atlng re the jurors for the court et; cy ca tn.! Monday of Septem- NI _kr , tickle, A. W. Bliley, " - k, Cl:lrd I),1:, Dominic Meyer, • !!.;:er, V. Ilt:;.13, 1). 1). Sta lker. lier.shey PQrter,Jatfies WlLitchi ._:mss!. C4n. , oc, E. Cartel', Chas. E. 1 7—L E Goighoon. :z Ltat:Qe. E. Matteson. I....ertJrl Lausa.-1./ P. Fritts. 11.1.:c1 p.:,lll3 rough—Johei Wood. r ft.: I :— Ster,ten J race. E let:t r : oa—Robert E. McWilliams. Crett—o,Car Colton: D.. M. Wood. ,4u:—.Saraktel Huntley, G. Bowman. ;%:,.;.!!'i—tvm B 31( 1. M. W. Robinson. B.air, Geo. Guilliford, Jas. .s":tw--J'el Heldler, S. V. Mason, D tr. Ja.!. It) an. tt:t CreekAinaSteel. _ • - .t'Ct•cago /trpoWiedst publishes the fhl. :g eizporotive estimate of the populs its ieal acg Lak e cities : 151,0. 1865. 4:3,417 61.125 81,129 94.685 45,618 68.217 109,260 207,066 -ele E• 4. 0 betrca, CkCaie, lents or Loc tt. Ineratrst.--03rry, the Drspatch says, is yet without, a burying ground. The people who die there, of whom there are not many, are interred at Colombo!, three or four miles distant. - - Corry, however, is determined to be behind the rest of the wcrld in nothing, and so a cemetery associate. Lion has been organixed.--Mr. Joseph Blen ner, an old and successful livery stable keep • et, has disposed of . hisdarie establishment on French street, to M. W. Brecht, who designs carrying it on upon a more extensive scale than ever.—Cole, the bookbinder, has added larjely to his concern, and will mien have one of the best establishments outside of the large cities. Ile has turned out some speci mens ef work lately that equal any we have seen. There is no excuse for persons in our city to go abroad to get Frintiog and binding. The OBSERVER and Dispatch offices have long been turning out work equal to that of the Buffalo and Cleveland printers, and now that we have a first.cleva bindery; business men here cr.n be supplied with every article they need in the paper or card line, without the necessity of going away from home.—The travel over the OH Creek railroad continues to be immense, and the want of good accom modations on the trains is a source of much diecomfatt to and complaint, by the passen gers. It is a matter of surprise to us that the managers do not at once remedy this state of matters. , With their experience of the business needs of the road, there is no longer any excuse for their failure to afford complete accommodations.—The new coma. ty scheme has at length taken definite shape, and will be urged with zeal upon the favora ble consideration of the next Legislature and the people interested. Titusville has been releeted as the county seat, and it is designed to take off portions ef Crawford, Venango and Warren counties sufficient to make a respecta ble sized county, The contest over this movement gives promise of growing very warm. Tho interests of the respective county seats of each of the counties named are at stake, and their people will undoubtedly op. pose the movement with bitterness and energy. —Mr. Holt, agent fey the Wheeler St. Wil son Sewing Machine, has an extensive as. sertment at his rooms in Union block, which he invites all to call and examine.—'lr. C. C. Griffoy, formerly of the Girard Union, has entered the dry goods trade at Conneaut, Ohio. We hope Grif. will be successful, but for the life of us, we can't see how a man who has once been in the editorial harness can content himself with dealiog out calico and ribbons.—The lottery dealers of Baltimore, Washington and New York are flooding this county with their eirculire :. We advise our readers to hey° nothing to do with these or any ether sort of gift enterprises. They are, without exception, unmitigated swindles. —We see it announced that a camp meet log was held last. week, two miles south of McKean.Corners, under the control of the United 'Brethren denomination. It commenced on Thuisday, and lasted over Sunday.— Hon. Glenni W. Scofield, member of Congress from our district, has been invited to deliver the Annual Address at the New York State Agriculteral Fair, to be held at Utica.— Messrs. J. P. Vincent and I. B. Gars attend. ed the Republican State Convention as dale gates from Erie county, the former having been substituted for Mr. James Skinner.—The Republican bounty Convention is called to meet at. the Court House on Monday, the 11th of September. The call includes all who sup port the National and State Administrations. We infer that the members of the party who coincide with the Gazette in wishing to force negro suffrage upon the South, in opposition to the policy of Mr. Johnson, are not to be allowed a participation in the proceedings. —Mr. Matthew R. Barr is formally an— nounced in the last Gazette, as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Legislature. Mr. DeCamp, it is understood, is no longer in the field, and the contest for - the city Legiala 'tive nomination will be narrowed down to Col. McCreary and Mr. Barr. It now looks as if the old politicians were determined to " slay " the former, and concentrate upon Mr. Barr. Col. Woodward, of Waterford, will, in all probability, recoive the nomination for the county without much opposition.—The noted Star Sisters are both located in Mead. ville—Juvenilia as the wife of her former concert agent, Mr. Hull, and eelestia, as the wife of Mr. John Porter, cashier of the First National Bank. The latter, having got a rich husband, has given up concertizing en tirely, but Juvenilia, not having been so for tunate in a financial sense, is expected soon to commence another professional tour.— The Conneautvitie Resord eays the long con tinued wet weather Las affected the potato crop in that section disastrously.—A prize fight came off in Sharon, on the line of the Erie & Pittsburg railroad, on Inds/ night, the ltith, between two bruisers named Roser and Tague. Twenty one rounds were fought. —An exchange rzcommends the eating freely of blackberries as a cheap and simple remedy for diarrhea, and similar complaints. We agreo with our cotemporary in everything except the cheap. If he tried to purchase the berries in this market the operation would be as good as a dose of physic, to his pocket .at least.--:The junior editor of the Conneaut. viile Record, having been drawn as a juror, announces his absence under the head of "Gone a Courting." We suspect there is 'another sort of " courting " ho would ratiter have indulged in.—Agricultural Fairs will be held at Conneaut, Ohio, on the 7th, Bth and 3.h cf September, and at WeAtietd on the 3th, 6th and 7th days of the same month. —The general impression that the business of Oil City has been injured by the develop meat of Etta Pithole territory is denied by the Register, of the former place, which says in the last year trade there has doubled.— Messrs. J. A. Neill and 0. 0. Trantum have associated themselves in the practice of law at Warren. The latter gentleman we are not acquainted with, .but. Mr. Neill we are, slightly, and we regard him as one of the most promising young attorneys at the War— ren bar.—The Warren Ledger describes a " singular phenomenon," which, it says, occurs regularly at that place every forenoon. In the early morning, the tomb stones in the cemetery, opposite the town, are plainly to be Been from the editor'e office windows, " but as the sun rises, sad between eight and nine o'clock, they seem obliterated, and do not re appear until afternoon." • If we did not know our friend, the editor of the Ledger, to be a strictly temperate man, we would hare strong suspicions of the cause of the " illusion." i''arren beverages are famous for having a decidedly 4. illusive " effect.—The an State Convention cast a slight upon our ( neighbor of the Gazette, which is insulting to the intensest degree. After all the Gazeitio eloquent and argumentative appeals for " nni 'vernal suffrage," it actually had the impu. deuce to pass a set of resolutions favoring President Johnson's reconstruction policy. Such base ingratitude was never before shown. We extend to our unfortunate cotemporary our warmest syMpatby in its affliction.— Two Masoaie Lodges are now in existence in this county—Lake Erie, at Gbard, sad the Western Star, at Albieti. Of the former, Capt. 1). W. litychinson is W. M.; of the latter, .1. Wells is W. M. The Lodge in this City was broken up some time ego, owing to diflioul ties with the Grand Lodge. A movement is on foot, we believe, to reorganize it..—An Atlas of Erie county is being prepared by Messrs. Beers, Ellis & Bente, from original surveys and on an original plan. It will give full maps of every townshtp and town in the county, with every man's house and farm die fleetly outlined aad marked with his name— tracings of all the roads and streams, and, In short, everything usually contained in a first class work of the kind. From samples that we hare seen-, we think the Atlas will be suet a production as no citizen of the. county de siring; to keep himself posted up , in Its affairs .-- will be willing to do without The Girard Union commenced its fifth volume with last *eek's issue, and the editor announces that it is in a flourishing' condition, its subsorip- tion and other patronage having largely in• Greased within the last year. We are happy to hear of our neighbor's prosperity. The Union, under its present management, is an ateresilag Intl. piper, and is entitled to a liberal support from the citizens of Girard. —Mary Steenburg comPlairod before Esti, Cam hasten on Thursday, that Joseph Crew had ommitted a rape upon her at Srringfield, on the 31st inst. Joseph was arrested and brought before the Justice, where lie denied the 'Charge. He was hell over in the sum of $l,OOO to appear before the next court. The _parties both reside is Springfield.—An ex press train is to be placed on the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, about the 10th of September, that will make the trip to Philadelphia in eighteen hours, stopping only fifteen times on 'the way. A convenience of this sort is needed and will be dell patronized.—A bard on Second street, between State and French, bo longitig to L. Dobbins, was burned to the ground early on Friday morning. It con tained considerable coal, and together with its contents, was valued at about $4OO, on which there was no insurance. The steam engine and Perry fire company were on hand, but could not render much assistance, owing to the old difficulty about obtaining water. The fire is supposed .to have been the work of an incendiary.—Bishop Ames preached in the First Methodist church on Sabbath. Ile was a guest of Capt. E. C. Wilson's.—A Presbyterian congregation has been organized iii Corry, and is prospering . , rapidly. A lot has been procured, and subscriptions are being obtained to build a fine church.—The horse attached to the mail wagon became frightened on Friday evening, while standing in front of Brown's Hotel, and started off at a rapid pace. In front of N. Murphy's tin store, be made a short turn, and dashed part. ly through one of the large windows of the establishment, cutting himself severely and receiving internal injurik which led to his death. The horse was a blind one, and has been in the mail service so long as to be fa miliar to everybody. Mr. Hubley, the mail agent, has been rather unfortunate since he held the place, and can poorly afford to stand this new loss.—The surplus gas from the Tenth street well has been applied to the running of Stearn et Marsh's steam engine. —Rev. Jas. H. Jones, of Philadelphia, a venerable minister, who preached in Erie more than forty years ago, conducted services in Park church on Sabbath last.—At the fire on Friday morning, we are informed, the Perry fire company was the first on the scene of action. It reached the ground about a quarter of an hour ahead of the steam engine, and until the latter came up obtained its water from a well in the vicinity. We think it due to the members of this enterprising company that its celerity on every occasion where it 3 services are required should receive duo notice. The young men belonging to it are zealous in promoting the efficiency. of their organization, anti the citizens owe it to themselves that their efforts should be ea couraged.—The damages by the runaway on Friday evening were s2lo—the mail horse being worth $B5, and the injury to Mr. Mur phy's store being about $123. The latter per. eon has acted quite magnanimously. Consid ering that Mr. Hubley is a poor man, he has repaired the damage at his • own expense, without calling upon the latter to pay any portion of the cost.—On endeavoring to open the large safe of the Keystone Bank, on Friday morning, ilia lock was found to be out of order, and it was impossible to get it to working correctly. The books and funds of the bank were all in the safe, and the officers were obliged to borrow means for the trans; action of business. The safe was finally opened by Mr. 11. Jarecki, who drilled the lock completely out, working at the job until Saturday afternoon.—Through accident we failed to notice the performances of the the atrical company in Farrar Hall, last week— an occurrence which gave ns no inconsidera ble annoyance, as we had promised to do so. The company closed its engagement on Mon day eveking, and we will make the best amends we can by speaking kindly of them in their absence. They made no pretensions to being " stars," and undertook no parts beyond their standard, but what they did perform was dome well. We formed the acquaintance cf most of the gentlemen, and found them as agreeable and honorable a set of men as we ever met. If they find it convenient to again visit Erie, we shall take pleasure in eadeav• oring to male their stay pleasant and success. fuL--The Warren county agricultural fair will be held at Youngsville on the 27th and 2Sth of September.—The Park louse has somehow been an unfortunate place for its boarders, three or four of them having lost money and clothing within the past few months. The trunk of • young gentleman named Joseph Berrie, employed in Crook's planing establishment, waist broken open oa Wednesday afternoon of last week. acd arti• Iles worth nearly $BOO taken from it. These repeated robberies in the same locality, with out any clue being obtained to the guilty par ties, look rather carious, to say the least. [Coaßannkstekt.l Howse' EUROPIUM CIRCUM.- 4 12 Saturday next, we are to have the Great European Cir— cus of Mr. S. B. Howes & Co. in Erie, and our citizens are on the tiptoe of expectation to witness its manifold marvels. It will be remembered that this is the troupe that have with them the enormous den of wild Lions, subdued and brought into subjection by the the celebrated Mr. James Crockett, one of which; a monster male, is carried through the streets unconfined. sad without !lain or fetter. The performances under canvas are everywhere spoken of as being of the most intensely interesting and novel character. To Paxatoxsas.—An inwortsnt antics to pensioners appears is another column, over the signature of Dr. Stewart. The DoctOr is Examining Surgeon for the district, and de siring to accommodate the people to the best of his ability, has fixed on certain days and hours when applicants will be certain to find him in his office. Thou applying for exami nation should read and remember kis adver tisement. Via Poi Orrtce—Ttle immense growth of our population withleithe I vit. five years could receive no better exemplification then_the crease of butiaetwot the Pest Office. In tt o evenings especially, the number of persons who visit the place is very large, and the want of proper facilities, and sufficient help in the offtee leads to Dough inconvenience and delay. We feel confident that it the Depart. ment were properly apprised of the Limey s':tees to which- our citizens are subjeelet, it would not hesitate to afford all the relief needed. The Post Office building itself in an unfit place for its purposes, •but to this very little objection would be cffered, if s proper improvement were male in the facilities for diitributiug the mails and delivering them when opened. We have often seen from fifty' to a hundred and fifty persons gathered in the vestibule and• on the steps, waiting for the mails to be opened, and impatiently venting their indignation on the Department for its! failure to meet the wants of -the c:mmunity. At least. two more openings for delivery, and the same number of clerks are needed to rightly accommodate the public. The present method of delivery is so alow - as to be produo • live of the greatest con:Tie:at, and with good cause. Very frequently on the oresing of the mails • the evening, the crowd is so large as to make it uncomfortable to remain within the building. As soon as the distribu tion has been completed, a desperate rush is made to the openings. Politeness is lost eight of in the anxiety to get mail - matter, and each one scrambles up in his own way, regardless of the rest. In this manner, ladies are often detained from a quarter to a half hour, and if they succeed then, it is generally due to the gallantry of come gentleman friend, whose notions of propriety are not of the sort fash ionable in the place. In short, the whole thing is an unmitigated nuisance, and should not be tolerated any longer. What is needed is, first and foremost, more clerk hire ; second, more points of delivery, and third, separate places for ladies and those who rent boxes. We trust the Postmaster will at once endeavor to secure these improvements. Ile can depend upon the hearty co operation of all our leeding business men. Eats Comm OIL Marrens.—The Dispatch of Monday morning gave the following report of the progreps and prospects of the various oil wells in this vicinity : The Morehead oil well. about eleven miles raft of the city, is 80 feet deep. and the drill is now going through gray sant torte. The indications are good. The Cooper well, near Wcsleyville,, four mi'es from the city, is 000 feet deep, mid the ownersare very sauguike of success. The Seventh street well in this city is 600 feet deep, and gas is coming up in great abundance The Tenth street well is ti 39 feet deer, and pumping salt water and emitting great quan— tities of gas. The Althoff well is quiet. A new engine is to be procured. A new system is to be adopted in pumping this well. Two mcveable Feed— bags and a Lrce pump are to be used, and great results are antimpued. The Morton well is quiet. Drilling will be commenced this week. The Gingrich well, on Mill Creek, about two miles from the city, is blocked by the too's. It Trill have to be reamed out wider. The Farrar or Evans well, near the Gin— grich well, is over 700 feet deep. Nothing . particular is be!tg done at present. The Reynolds well, on the Waterford turn pike, seven miles from the city, broke down while being pumped the other day, and the machinery was badly damaged. It will be repaired and the work coutinudd. The well on than farm, cu Mill Creek, and ten miles south of the city, is 200 feet deep. Drilling lit going on. Barr & Johnson's well, about „six miles east of the city, is'abcut GOO feet, deep, and the indications are gocd. [Co mmnelexted ] TB& Film es Fates:.—About 1 on Frilay last, the barn and wood-house of L Dobbins, corner of State and Second streets, was discovered to be on fire. The firemen, 'with 'their "machines," were promptly on hand, but. alas! their ammunition, to any extent, was " non eat." The wells in this portion of the town contain but little water at this season of the year, and were soon ex hausted, with but little impression upon the fire. Whatdwas le be done" Some one pro:- posed to try Park fence solution, but concluded it was inefficient in quenching filmes—only suitable for puffing. The gallant ..Jakics " were at a lots, " like a fish—out of water." Just then Mr. D. produced a keg of beer, which soon revived their drooping courage, and away they went for bore enough to reach the water in the bay ; the steamer was hur ried down to the landing and sewn. the wicked little spitfire was puffing and spouting a stream through one thousand feet of hose, and up an elevation of ninety feet. By this time the building hal fallen in, and the danger hat mostly pissed. However, the stream from the stettraer soon closed out the fire. At one time there was great danger of Mr. Dobbin's dwelling and the grail' house on the corner; as also the brick buildings on the north side of Second street, btlonging to the Hamot estate. Fortunately there was no wind, and 'there being many fruit trees sur rounding the fire, their thick foliane protected the buildings in the:immediate neighborhood. Cause of the fire, unknoww. Loss about S44A No insurance. i C ki , E9 roa Tai ..—The following cases are set down for trial at. the September term of court : Second Monday—Wright vs Davenport, as. signee of Bank of Commerce, Issue; Benson vs McLean, Issue; Caryl vs. McFarland -Bros , Tifft va Watson, Ecglesby vs Shade, Fickenger vs Thornton, Hagen vs Pen n . R . R . Co., Selden & Bliss TS Wright; Russell & Co. vs Miller, (countermanded,) Wallace et.' :I. vs Shelline, Wallace et. al. es Lstham, Henry TS &wily, Scott TS McLean, Swslley z e i m . er; Hall vs -ti-her, Mo,..'oakey & Shannon is Coleman, %Pesten:can & Co., Law vs Rawle et. al., Noonan vs Elliott, Thomas vs bowney. Th.rd Monday—Raymond vs !lath, Buck vs Butler, Tanner vs Butler, Tanner vs Gil Creek R. It. Co., Irvine vs Law et. al., Common wealth suggestion Wm C. Curry vs Johnston et. al., Wilkinson vs. Blakeslee, Wilkinson by next friend, Moffatt, vs Blakeslee, Harter vs Tielman. Frisbee, Pomroy vs Morrison, Miner vs Lazelle, Althoff vs snc 11 , Hays vs Sher man et. al., Gabel V. 3 Jareckl, Ads r. of Thom. as vs Sanford, Same vs Andrews, Same vs Sanford. Scott vs Dunbar, Lazelle vs Miner. Craw voa s Ituas.—The beet thing for • burn is the following, and every family ought to know it : As soon as possible after tee burn, throw a little green tea in hot water; let it steep. Stir an ladian meal poultice. Spread the tea leases on the poultice, pat it on the born or scald, whatever it may be. If burnt wi.h powder it will take it out, and the skin will be as clear as ever. New Advertisements. lALs here). given that application will to IA _toad. to Gov. Curio E_ the pardon of Allan Elli man and :iatanal 11l Miro. salt-3:a Lydia 11. Janos, iln ell Coati of Con on Pleas, by her nest friend,' of gr'e smutty, Atonal Poor, 1 N 0.17, disgust Itiriss,lBts. TL . Sevens and alias SlVena in George U. Jonas. ; Dimes. ) ri,evirnrd non eft Inventns. Tb Gene li. Jean—Respaint: Tab notice, that Lydia IL Jones has peUtionsd the Court for • &Tome trots the bonds of mettinsont: you are th er eo n h e rby notified to appear on the last Yon any i n °e a t er n e at, Ind answer WI eomplalassit. IL L. kip WN, Sheriff. tithatifrs Anrazt 1865. To Gorge IL Jescr—Rupgguiir - To rill take notice that the nadertlgned, appointed Conantisaloner by The Coed to tater and report testi :Dont in the above stated case. wi ll attaso to t h e ? a i m of his appointment, at h ale., In the city of kris, on the 21 der of October, 11163, et 10 erteek a tn, and eon• times urea as the teattnicny *hall hare been taken. ' acll 4w S. Call PLI VSE N. Comer. CTRA (VW. —Carte to tits prember of lb* at& ►arriber. eaat of tue city, oh the Hew, road, oo Irrldar eight. the 1 8th lost. a large Bed Cow, two w4lts spot. co ter back sod the same sa her ehbulce.i. The owner is requested is saw ferried, prose property, say charges lied take her away, et er. wile else rialto disposed et OOrkollog to lsor. seINHIP RHIN HOWL inifiLlt -14V,1".....d.1.1"ttE1" tug to thewane try. I wilt remain to my Ole daily. between the boats of 10 °Vont a. to awl 3 o'Sloek p as, from tbie 4th to the 10th of Peptember, for the purpose et oteldos the riteeotst easminsUon of penehmem regale,,! the Piaster Depaiteteot. Oaks 24 icor Persooa Stook North etde ot PaM. J. I.BTIIII ART. August 21. PHIL goatolning Burgess- D , CARSON, • Dalin to . ALL RINDS OP GROCCRIES, PRIIII'3, VROSTABLU ♦ND PROVISIONS, F.fth !beet, between State sad French, trim N. HaTipp purehamed our stock before the lets rim is price", we fe4 confident of being able to ems Esti.- tactics, both In price sod quality. o entry Piednee of avers sort beaeht and geld. Fanners can always depend on teeeiviag the highest ma. let price for their articles. DEALLTS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Ilium of Pothavd, EMPPMED WITH TRUTT, •VIGHTABLIM &CI Give as a Call REMSII3EN. MAT & .T 10100.17% MARKET DEPOT. 13,71 8 eal7-tf Phoebe Van Csinpen, be her 7 la the Common Pleas of next (Mud, Timothy Daniels, Trio won% Ti. No. 9, Feb. Term, 1164. Wm. E. Pan Campen. Subpoena in Divots& Alias No. 6, Noy. Term, 1666.2 Return " S WHErtit.l3, Phoebe Van Csmpen did prefer her petl• 111 Non to the Honorable Judge' albs Court of Con* mon Pleas for the County of Erie, praying for the tames therein set forth she might be Divorced from her husband, William K. Pau Campen, notice is hereby glean to the said William E. Van Cimpen to be and appear before the Judges, at Erie, at a Court of Common Plena, then and there to be holden fee the County of Exit, on the 21 Yonder in eepteraber, 1565, to sumer said pe tition, and abide the judgment of the Court I. the prem ises. H. L. BROWN, Sheri/. Sheriff's °Mee, Aug. 12, 1865-4 w. TILE lIEST PIANCe IN AYEBICA- Are made by S. DRUCICSII & CO WILLING Sells Them.. E. H. ANTHONY & co., Manliketoren of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALCAND RIiCAIL, 60 . 1 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. In addition to oar =la bushman of PHOTOORIPHIO II VI ERIaLq, we are ileadquartera for the following, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Wows. of these we um an Immense assortment, incleding War gronee, lanerlean sad [Dregs Cities sad Load re.pes, Groups, Statuar!, am, ks. Also, if eToleing ereoecrvea, fur public or prirate exhibition. Our cat alogue wit! be mot to any address on receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were lee first to introduce these into the United State; and we manufacture immen4e quantities in mat veriety, ranging in price from be cents to SAO each. Qer Albums hare the reputation of being superior In beauty ebd dorsi:lllHr to all others: They will be swot Di 15114/, free, on receipt of price. a"'Ftrier *Mame made to 0rder.,413 Card Photographs. Our catalogue embraces over are thousand differ* .• sal.j.ete, (to whisk additions are eonUnually being *ma le of portraits of eminent amerleane, &bon tllO Major Gene els, 550 Statesmen, zO3 Brig Generals, IS3 Divines, -74 Colonels, 125 Au th ors, ;IX/ Lieutenant Colonels, 10 artist; 150 Other officers, 125 Stage, 75 Navy Willem, 50 Prominent Women. 150 . Prominent iroreign Portrait Three it:tangent copies of worms of art, inelnd li g re produeU- as of the most celebrated engravinga, pent - Inge, :Alines, arc. Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp. An order for one drum pirtdres from oar catalogue will be Oiled on the receipt of $1 60, and sent by mall, tree. Phoographers a-d others * ordering goods U. u will palms remit tweaty-des oer cent. of the amount with their order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO , Alsoaradrrers of Plortorrapkic Maktith. 541 isitospir AV. N. Y. Eir'The prices and quality of our goods eaa ..t uU to ttittr. HARTFORD FIRE LISIIILANCE CO LILULTVORD, CONNECT WVI. INCORPOR4r6D 1810. CAP/Taa $1,030,000. T. C. ALLYN, Prat. 0.11. COIL, Seep CITY FIRE INSURLNCE COMPANY, U4RTPORD, CONNECTICUT. I.NCORPORATED 1547. C. IP/TAL $25490C Inf. E. BAKER, Prot. G KO. W. LYME, Seely. INSURANCE in the above old and veil awe Companies can be obtained on_appllesiden to inarsh23-4".. a. W. aII 3 S I L4 Meat C. DECK, LurrsAcrraiii AzDllllo3.llllo4lEiLuia SWABS, TOBACCO, SNUFF AC., Beth below State Street, ERIE, PA. Oppoilta the Dtapat eh hinting (Mc READY PAY STORE ! MINNIG & RUSSELL, Would respectfully inform the Public that they have Purchased the STOCK' OF GROCERICS 0F'743M9 A. 11.138, ook'arr. or bra AID • Where they intacd to keep as good an assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD & WILLOW WARY, AND VARIETY GOODS as is kept in Erie. Best Brands of Brie Count!' Flour, Kept constantly on head. EFARRANRCD d GOOD AIRTICLZ! „t 77" The highest Narkot Price paid for aU kinds of Country Produce. . Goode delivered free of charge to soy part of the City. A. NIIiNIG. imar3oll3tra J. RUSSELL. Spring and Sulzer Goods i MRS. S. H. HALL Would norpeettalip esti attenUon to her LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Jost rewired from New York, otobrosing Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Ito., Together with some DRY GOODS! :Which she will sell CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READUAY., E? Pullmans attentions psid to hiesehist, miming cod pressing. Store Os Peach St. 7 doors shows the Depot. lb* Pe leseenett Crawford,. Christian £ Ratty DpLa to GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Dried and Sealed Fruits, PAINTS k OILB, Ship Chandlery, Boat Stores, ex-, FO.: Bizarrra BLOCf. , P AZ =W. Also, Public Dock, Foot of State Street.. PERVA. WM. A. CRAWFORD. L V. CCM/AL:N. jzzerra-tit J. imam( BYTE. MORRISON & DENSMPBE, IMMO II Flour, Pork, Beef. Salt, Grain, CLOVER, TIMOTHY MD, dr. No. 2, Wayne Bleak, TRENCH BTRIC6I". Betray FM asst Sixth Sts., ERIE, PL. may9llJtt • Sewing .Machines!• THE CHEAPEST & Bat BUY RITE= THE EXPIRE OR SERGE& The erolardsseil listing been Napolat;d prat ta city for the above calibrated 1 1 W-ktaill. Tureetriib calls the &tisanes oC the public to the mass. Th e lar i a d e se rielossledgui to be the best is use aad ass the la the nut:. s Eash ham all the latest hal:amnia* "Ma reader theta ier saperier to ass ether romr sold. Tenons &shim to parches* a Seeing Yachts@ vill had it of advantage to sail arid ail/alas thew babes Win elsewhere. *staples oa ealabitlos at to dam No. ii, somas Block, blame iheParb cud erns% strait. jaehi No Coo t . WAIMEA. WE ABE OFFERING A lane usetaiset etkaiik ORA. D el * D o u lind4 PIA% ME= GOLDEN BITTERS. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. itensoluntio a fiTRZNOTBINING, /artiste the system apish the fell iQeeti ot emelt*le ICUI cure Dyspepsia:. Will we W. Will we Generaeaknoml Wiliam Heartburn. W ill eavelleadaehe. VI care Liver Complaint. Will melte and create a bialttgeMite. Will invigorate the organs of on and moderate • loaves* the temperature of the y and the Orme et thealation, action in fact u a gene: al aorroborant of lir @yahoos, oonlaining no pohosenur drags, and la THE HINT TONIC BITTERS IN THE WORLD ♦ bir Irbil is ausestly so:leited. OSO. C. CUBBEL k CO.. Proprieter4 Hodson, N.Y. Central Drpototinetiain Express Binding 64 Bp. BON BT., NEW YOWL Tor male by all Drank* Grown, b. Er NINNIG kfIOADEBT. Erie, Whobrals Agent% and tor nab by BaU k Warfel, Carter k Carver sad Wil kins k Booth. ectlree. • P. B. HONECKER, TO CARVER & HONECKER, .notasizz i =TM MLLES LW Leather, Hides, &c., No. 3 Pony Block, State St., TAN Pa. ' Constantly oo hand a largo stook of SOLE LEATHER, MOROC C O, LININGS DINDINGII 2 , FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF MOS, KIPS, UPPERB AND SPLITS, LASTS, PEGS, LASTINGS, GALLOONS, duo. ALAN A MU. ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, AU of witch they odor low for OAS11 . •OIL ruolier PAY. Mo,ylW63—tf. anlol3 ly • New. Grocery! JACOB BOOTZ would respectfully an. :menu to the people of Erie ell. yid county, that bi hee evened • NEW GROCERY &TORE, IRS tAs Irsd Sift of Pooch Bfrost i s Skoog Dist as Soca) 4' W Dan Sharo &pat, - Where he will keep on bands' se • user t of PROVISION% WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOUR Amid 1111112,j thing nasally boat la a Ent el& ore ALBO, Wine, Sweet Cider and Liquors. Tb. highest Market prize paid for hotline, is ours gl iFtlre me a cali, if you wietv V secure good lir. awn. 1 !tape myself to wall as Lew.i not Lower, than any other store la tl. eAty. torlTeitt. New Clothing Store. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE °PEN 1112 a Clothing 9jore on the corner of Fourth and State streets, where they groyne. to keep always on hand as good an asortment of Clothing as can be found in the city, made in the best manner from tbr best mar tate!, and so finished as to afford satisfaction to the most critical curtomer. P.rt , cular attention will be paid to Custom Work, in which brooch we propose to excel all other establishments In the city. We will al ways keep a line stock of Cloths. Candi:nem Vesting*, ke,, from which customers can select to th e very best advantage. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Drovers description, comprising all,Artteles In that line. the Clothing of Boys ill also be tot& a speciality. Give aaa call. BASSBa*AN Gin. basszaz ALsaar W. S. HS II DIA. Late Cutter with If. Koch. je=t3.s4( R. S. MORRISON -& SONS Bag Mare to inform the eitisens of trio and vicinity that they hare reentered their chock of DRY COODEI - To the RUSE BLOCK, in the letilding formerly pied by Yews. BATTS & KEPLER, where they intend keeping a large emortment of Dress Goods, Fancy Silks, GLOVES, HOISERY, &c... • &twain thous to oar mummers for their paste liberal patronage. we respectfally ask a continuance of Ike mem. Kr* Jan. 1, 1855. BELDEN & C 0.., • MANUFACTURING JIMELERS, 27 Colutlandt St., Now York. 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, GOLD .1. Pees, Peeeils. ke, ha, worth Geer tiab a MMus Della's! To be sold at One Dollar Each wittimat retard to value. And not to be paid Ice until you know what Ten axe to asetivs. 177"4 .7770 ."vcrm"m:rm7;';lll 111 t b. Sold for Go* Dolls , Saab. 800 Gents' _gold Watches, `5O to $l5O 800 Ladies goal Watches, 35 to 70 400 Gents' silver Watches, 35 to 70 200 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100 3,000 Gold Vert It Neck (Mains, 16 to 30 3,000 do. 4 to 6 3,000 Gold Oval Bard Bracelets, 4to 8 4,000 Chased Gold Bracelets, sto 10 2,000 Chatelaine Sr. guard chains, 6to . 20 6,000 Solitaire Sr. gold brooches, 4to 10 2,000 Lava & Florintine brooches, 4to 6 2,000 Coral, Opal & Em. brooches, 4to 8 2,000 klosiac, Jet. Lava & Florenr tine Ear Drops, 4to 8 4,500 Coral, opal & em. E. drops, 4to 6 4,000 Cal. Diamond breastpins, 2,50 to 10 3,000 Gold fob & vest watch keys, to 8 4,000 Fob & vest ribbon slides, 3to 10 4,000 Sets sleeve buttons, etc., 3to 8 3,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, etc., 4to 7 6,000 Miniature locket s, sto 8 4,000 Min. lockets—magic spring, 3to 20 4,000 Gold toothpicks & crosses,• 2to 8 5,000 Plain gold rings, 4to 11 5,000 Chased gold rings, 4to 11 7,000 Stone set & signet rings 2,50 to 10 6.000 California diamond rings, 2to 10 7;600 Sets ladies' jewelry—jet & gold, sto 15 6,000 Sets ladies jewelry-cameo, pearl, etc., _ 4to 16 5,000 Gold pens, silver extension holders & pencils, 4to 10 6,000 Gsid pens & gold-monnteal holders, ato 8 5,600 Gold pens, & pen-holders, 6to 10 5,000 Silver goblets & cups, sto 50 1,000 Silver castors, 15 to 50 2,000 Silver fruit & cake baskets, 10 to 50 1,000 Dosen silver tea spoons, 10, to 20 1,000 Do. table spoons & forks, MAMMA Or DISTRIBUTION Catidestm main sub article, sad its value we plead is dialed Envelopes, sad sell mixed. Olia of them earolopas oostalMog the Certificate sr Order for some Artie*, ( worth at least as dollar at Mall.) sill be eat by mall to aoy address without mud to choke, on receipt of 2 rents. The purchaser will see what Az ode It dram. and Its ado*, which may to from One to live Hundred mums, and can then mad Oss &Maraud receive the Aretle named, or say other on the 1 at of the me ,. ?lace, and alter mans thn artlale, If It dma not ere preset eattifactlon, ss dada, It to be immedl atvly ri p t uread and the amount pull wl/1 be refunded. By this mods we giro selection from a varied stock of line goods, of the beat rah and latest styles and of in. ulnae worth, at owolithat prim, while all bare idiom of secerieg sztleies of the very highest seine. la all easel are chirp for forwarding the Cedilla* =end dole; the business. the as of Twenty4To Midi mast to r la the ceder. The Cer tificates will be ra di ; elms for 62; tldtty Ise $6 ; slstulh. for $lO ; one bundled fot no. Pasties Ostia'. with us may Espied on hula, prompt esteem and the artals dm will Is teemadleadi atm to sal addable by retura.ssaller myna lathe oattsfactioa Graztatard In all seam Write your Neat. Sawa. County tad Stator and eddies@ BILDLie k C 41., sa2Sll3-450 Seastianda !tart" New Text. New lIVRNITVII2O STOIII, • Ire ban just opaniDd a aev r gnat uril;Staip. IN TAU BALL BrILDLIG, FBAXM. 6111111 T, igt A blo p iir 0 goods EICHIMMIIIM caload 'DI sod So agraff a HENDRICKS. j or•tl ;a • anastri pi L7L a iiwimodi Pm.lolsllsampegg s__lS 6 46. a r k Pl. HU'BBEL'S loam lista. OILOOK6I it& COLD! egMBE 186 , i \ 41 1 V‘l76-h-4-.1. 18 yews estabilahed in N. T. CHI." Warily Lutall , ble remedies known." "Free from Palmer." "not dangerous to the Haman ramil7." "Rata tome Oct of thttr halm to dle." "Costar's" Rat, Roach, & I x, Eitel.% Is • pate--ared' far Ads, Mks, Nosehes, k &NV &it dias, ha r , , ke "Costar's" Bed-Bog Extorminaior la a lloold or ►arb, amid to destroy, sod alto as a pra taatr►e for Bed -B aga, ~_ " Costar's " Electric Powder for insects. Is for Areas. Nasguitoa, Fist", Bed- B." limas ea Plena, Sines, daissals, te- jar Sold by all DrugsLitz and Retailers at, y Whiny. rir II! Murals !II of all wortbleaa ltaitseons. Bea that COSTA/ea " name la on 111141 Ltet and Flask, beton yen buy. ilat HENRY R. COSTAR, rer TIMFOIrAI. Drroz 432 Bioasway. N. Y. or Bold by sit !Ingests and Uselns Is Irie. 1865. INCIILLSIS oP RITS.—The Fanser's Gaulle (Lag. itch) *mutts and proves by arras that one pair of at; will have a progeny sal destundants no leu than asuao in three Jean. how, u.ileas this immense family can be kept down, they won:d contacts move food 'than would sustain 64,009 human beings. 8.• -COSTAR'S" adrertiientant in this paw. 1865, Mita were= Ela. s 3.—Whoever engages in shooting small birds is a eras! man: whoever aids to exterminate log retails a benetketor. We should like sours of tons in eorrespondents to give as the tenefit of their ezperissee driving oot thesets. We need eomething band's dogs, eats, and traps torsthis buntultss.—Sessetaie Awe* caw, It T. Lirso....c.mmes....advektitemen t in this paper. 1865. sure—She RAE lIXTERVINATOR 'elmp'e, meta and moat pare ct Itar-Itlcatlon nieet.ag ere hare tier at , ended. ETtly Rat that ran get it, Fogerty prepared according to dlrectona, will eat It, and every one that eats It will die, generally at some place aa dlo. tact aa poasitde !run where the medicine waa taken.— Lake SAare,,Atkli , gar sea" Coates's" adrarneemant in thla piper. • 1865. HOUSIKEEPICIt3 tt °abler! with Tenons nesdb• soar, lonyer, if they oar COSTAR:A" Exterminator. Ws have need It to our satisfaction; and if • box coat lion soled bare it. We hare tried palsome, but they effected sothfng i tot . Cortar'a" article know the breath oat of B• td, RP" Roach, e, Ante, and Bed-Bop, quicker than we me writs it. It Is In great demand all ever the conntry.—Veda, Wits, Gautte Yoe " Coaxes'. " adr....rtLeameit is this paper.. 1865. A VG: HE PROII THE FAH WEST.—Sp l ashing of "Cos. :see" Eat, Roach, Ant. rte., Ez'airninator—"more rain and provisions are dearroyed annoaliv in Grant county by vermin than would pay for tors of this Eat and Insect Elliev."—Laacdurier, Wis es Herald. See " Corr/Win advertisement in this paper. 1865. FARIfIfR3 AND 110173 UCEEPERS—ehould moiled that hundreds of dollars' 'worth of Rosin. ?necklace. An, are annual - 1y destroyed be Rata, Ulm - vita, and other_inseets and vermin—all of whiten east be F r vii.ts4 by a few dollars' worth of ''Corratea Rat,Ro eh, Ant. tee., Exterminator, beoght and used Bee "Cossaina" advertise:neat In this qw. Sold In KW, Pa , by all Drunista and DeaUrs: leeno-sto Keystone Stove Works ! Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead, XANUIACTISIIXIIII Or STOVES & HOLLOW WARE, Have a large awl extensive assortment of St: Tess Who/exalt and Rao/. THE IRON - GATE Is a dist-elan Coal Cook Store, with or without reser rot; for hard or soft o-al, or wood, and is BETTER THAN THE STEWART STOVE we al :o amass:alum The WKEAT SHEAF & NEW ERA, Bold low oven Cosl Cook Stone—wits wood crates -. as be cued either for coal or wood. THE FOREST OAK. Ra L. atilt mervefacturing this es:ibisted low evea Store for wood—with or witnoat reservoir. THE MENTOR, lor Chum Steer for Wu 4. This tan new Eton beautiful :erigo and now for sale—totetaer wits a large &mitt:neat et elerated Oren Cook, Part , `r Cook for wood or coal. aad Parlor %and ORIN Stores, :or wood or coal. C. M. TIIt'AL3, D. 31:11P4„ w. H. WHITSFIZALiI Erie, ha. 12. • GROCERIES! GROCERIES: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. P. SCHAAF, Weald respectinly inform the nubile that he has opener& a Stan, In No. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie.) Mums he will always keep on hand • lame MOS o' • GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARE, mums. LI qUOILS, CIGARS, thdmi everything visually for sale I. an establishmast e kind. cr. Term as reasonable as any other tort In thy tv Imam Inf. NOTICI E T rinser s /RAVINE/ PRODUC E. -/OE SALE. • . = we are now miming a Warket Line from Erie to Re news, on the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, aad wialase to secure all kind, of VEGETABLES AND COUNTIT PRODUCE To carry it oa, hare eetabliahed a Depot on FIFTH STREZT. to the rear of the old Reed Holm, BrrwEEN. STATE AND FRENCH STREETS, Where we will be at all times ready-to recom and pay the Etolgsr lIARiCrr PRICS fur the ace. All haviog rroduce for tale us requested to sire u a call lootura for Market Depot, rifth atm& Ms, Auruqt 10, 1461-tf MAY it JACKSON. COAL: COAL ! ! COAL I! : cm NOW nTU TINt - 1517777 . It has Reached Us,' Lasittaj Timm its le tilvw„., • D. IltlerCW - Ik 1501111c7;4wir!i.....W.; A: C• 1.0 Sigh t.ll Strut Y• rd. Yale. Han on Rand ALL RINDS OF SOFT AND HARD COLL. Which they oder to isll at the LOWEST FlGrßss Giro us a ealL We warrant stigmatic's eases-21 AD3IE 4 O SIFILITOIVI4. NOTICE.,-I,•. tm or ". naniountion on the estate of Fnalef, e k strnehen, doeeaaad. late of Giese' towneiltp, r A. eo „t y, hating been granted to the tinderatg-, td, „Aim t o h e m * . seen to alltaidebt•il to the isre- . . to mai , t ,, A , dtiar rattnent, and those having oto „ gut the add tate, grill pretest theca, prr peril .„th ei m a d a d. set U. mat. JOBS METH . Guard, hly 111„ "C I " P IX'S N JIL OTlC—Wherm Lotion Teo. R. 1.. ..;„ to the &tato of Ins: zlehfoldt. ha* Of __""ay.....4 township, SSW county. Fa. &sow ih m at, , yr: palate I to the sallegetbor. gal woos* tadobted to 'as rid ostuto aro dogreasted to tusks tateemliete pay ment* and thaw Iselin ololfoo or tbfaaesald Milos , tha *stow ol Wood& doelessel will mho bows tha tem. without ib i ta p kto - 0.1.20L1NZ lICHYM. August _1 1111141 w• Rsoesta tat 1865. 1211=2