The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 24, 1865, Image 2
drit obstrber. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1865 firfarzat PuntaUell ar 111 Puerta II orra Pates 0/ Aziasour beam —Amino Achim OBSERVER FOR THE CAMPAIGN. ady fifty Ceets (Sr 'Three aims. The Onsinvai will be furnished to sub- Bribers desiring to receive it during_ the campaign at the low . rate of Fifty Cents for three months. These terms are considerably lower than our umil rates, and can barely be afforded by no, but we are induced to offer them, in the hope of promoting the cause which all Democrats believe so earnestly to be that of their country and truth. Campaign subscribers can commence at any date they pee proper (the earlier the better) and will receive Thirteen lames of the paper. We want, if possible, to obtain five hundred campaign • subscribers. It depends on our friends whether we shall succeed. Let each of our present patrons procure a copy to be sent three months to some neighbor or friend, sad much good may follow. Who will be first to send us a club ? . an3-tf &ATI CONTWITION.—The Democratic State Convention meets at Harrisburg to day (Thursday), and before this issue of our paper.reaches mod of its readers, will .have concluded its proceedings. The delegates from this county, Messrs. Laird and Whitman, are both in attendance. The Republicans, in their State Conven Harrisburg, the other day, nomi nated; a General for Auditor• General, and a Colonel for Surveyor-General. We havn't heard that they have nominated a private soldier anywhere, for any thing. Patriot ism is a " big thing," !especially in epau lets. A. T. WALLING, Esq., has been nomina ted by the Democracy of the Pickaway district, Ohio, for State Senitor. This is one of the nominations " St to be made." Mr. T. is a native of this county—a grad uate of the Oaszaysa office—and a gentle man of acknowledged ability. We do not know the political character of his dis trict, but if energy and talent can succeed, we are certain of his election. IN a speech delivered by President Johnson, in the United States Senate, in 1859, he made the following emphatic de claration : "The man who deliberately and boldly asserts that .Thomas Jefferson, when he penned the sentiment that all men were created 'equal. had the negro in his mind, is either an idiot or a knave." It will be well for our readers to pre serve this extract, and thrust it into the teeth of any Abolitionist who quotes the Declaration to sustain negro suffrage. We cannot avoid an expression of admi ration at the shrewdness with which the late Republican State Convention at Har risburg was conducted—bitterly as we dis like its sentiments and intentions. Policy was the ground work of all its proceed ings, and party success the prime object. In these two characteristics the Democrats of the State and nation might learn a very useful lesson from their opponents. The instincts of the people are with the Dem ocratic party, and by proper management it would soon regain its old place in the affections of the people. We doubt, how ever, if the organization has been defeated often enugh yet, to convince certain would-be leader, that the masses fail to appreciate and are willing to dispense with their servio•ls. A err of extreme men, whose attach ment to their peculiar dogmas is stronger that their good sense, held a Convention at Columbus, Ohio, last week, and organ ized a factional movement against the regular Democratic org►nizttion of the State. Alex. Ling, the gentleman who made the famous peace speech in the last Congress, was 'placed in nomination for Governor, and Chilton A. White for Lieut. Governor. If the parties who participated in these foolish and disorganizing proceed ings are really Democrats, as they profess, they have taken an extraordinary way to show it. The tenor of their resolutions, and the political reputation of their can didates, would sink any organization. that attempted to sustain them into the depths of eternal ruin. We cannot believe that the gallant Democrats of Ohio will permit themselves to be again betrayed by the headlong madness of a few impraeticables. The man, or set of men, who attempts to distract the conservative vote at a period like this, is not entitled to the :name of Democrat, and wilt meet with the con demnation of all true friends of Constitu tional liberty. It would be much more manly for Mamie. 4 Long, White A Co. to vote for the Abolition ticket outright than to labor Wits semen by the means they now propose. The Atlantis Cable. The mystery which has enshrouded the Atlantic telegraph cable is at last cleared up. By the latest advices, we learn that the cable parted on the 2d inst. Un daunted by this apparently irremediable disaster, the gentleman having charge of the expedition went to work with a will to fish up the severed strand. - Strange as it may seem, it is announced that out of four consecutive efforts to grasp the cable at the enormous depth of one thousand nine hundred fathoms, but one failed, and that through the fouling of the grappel ; that the cable was .raised three times, only to sink again by the breaking of the grappling gear. It must be remembered that fishing for a wire in water two miles in depth is anything but a pastime. The Great Eastern has returned to Eng land, in order to perfect her machinerY for raising the cable. She has left buoys, as securely anchored as may be, to denote the spot where the hope of the expedition liar. She can hardly return to the scene of the disaster before September Ist, a time of the year by no means the most favorable for the truce& of efforts to res cue the cable. RoUgh weather begins to set in about that time ; and it will not do therefore, to be too sanguine regarding the resurrection of the now aband?ned wire. The Clearfield Republican, referring to the transfer of Rev. Father . Coady . from St. Patrick's church to Oil City, congratulates the congregation of the lstter pleat on their good fortune "In procuring the . servioes of so excellent a priest." • The so-called " Union," or Abolition, State Convention met in Harrisburg on Thursday last, and was called to order by Simon Cameron, Chairman of the State Central Committee, .the tame individual whose peculiarities are shown up in such an interesting manner by Congressman Kelly, in the letter we publish elsewhere. John Cessna, the renegade, who left the Democratic party because it would not nominate him for Governor in 1883, was chosen temporary Chairman. Col. Lemuel Todd, of Cumberland county, offered the following, which, on motion of Thaddeus Stevens, of Lancaster, the father of aboli tion disunionism in, Pennsylvania, was re ferred to the Committee on Resolutions : .Reso'ved, That this Convention, repre • senting the loyal people of Pennsylvania, recognize the claims of our soldiers on its confidence and gratitude as superior to those of all others ; and that in token, of the sincerity of this declaration, it will nominate none as candidate for office except those who have proven their loy alty and patriotism by services in the field against the enemies of the country. The Convention, as if exhausted by this effort, took a recess until after dinner. In the afternoon, the Convention was permanently orzani/A by the selection of Mr. H. C. Johnson, of Crawford county, as Chairman, with something less than half a•mile of Vice Presidents and Secre taries. The Committee on Resolutions, through their Chairman, Major McVeigh, of Chester county, submitted a series of milk and water effusions, with which it is 3esigned to again cheat the people as to the purposes of the Abolition managers. They "express confidence in the admin istration of President Johnson, and en dorse his reconstruction policy, (in which they differ from the Gazette and the great mass of the party in the State) ; compli ment Gov. Curtin and E. M. Stanton ; re commend the confiscation of property of Southern rebels amounting to over $lO,OOO in value, to pay pensions, &c., to the sol diers; advert to the revision of the reve nue law, so as to ensure protection to American industry ; endorse the Monroe doctrine ; maintain the claims of soldiers to offices and posts of profit and honor," and dodge "universal suffrage " entirely. After the adoption of these ponderous resolutions, the Convention proceeded to nominate Gen. John F. Hartrauft, of Montgomery county, for Auditor• General, and Cal. Jacob M. Campbell, of Cambria county, for Surreyor•G'eneral. John Cessna was chosen Chairman of the State Central Committee for the enaui3g year— s position he could not have attained in the Democratic party. if he had lived to be as old as Methuselah. We give the Abolitionists fair notice, though, that John will not be satisfied with this empty honor. He has Governor on the brain ; is determined to be Governor if political wriggling can accomplish it ; left the Democratio party because they persist ently declined to see his capacity for the place, and will desert his new allies if they appreciate him no better. We fail to perceive that Mr. Skinner received a solitary vote in the Conven tion. or that his name was even 'mentioned —an indignity which we feel sure the Gazette will resent, in the name of his many friends, with all its accustomed energy and talent. ""The Pot Calling the kettle Black." Simon Cameron is (or was, until last week,) the Chairman of the Abolition State Central Committee, the recognized leader of the Abolition faction in the State, and the man whose influence with the Administration at Washington- ex ceeds all others. He has twice been chosen to the Unitel States Senate, in each case notoriously and undeniably procuring his eleCtion by means that all honest men spurn and despise. In 18GO, be received the endorsement of the Penn sylvania Abolition Convention as a candi date for President, and was supported at Chicago by the delegates from this State for that distinguished office. Failing to receive sufficient votes to nominate him, he threw his influence for Mr. Lincoln, who rewarded him by making him Se cretary of War. He left that office, some say through choice, and some through necessity, and was immediately sent as Minister to Russia, from which office he soon returned, to again enter the arena of Pennsylvania politics. Having been for many years the chosen leader of Penn sylvania Abolitionism, it is no more than fair that, in judging of the trustworthiness of that party we should measure it by the antecedents and public character of its representative man. Wm. D. Kelly is an Abolition Congress. man from the city of Philadelphia, who has for a considerable period been one of the prinie movers in the measures of his party. •'Next to Thaddeus Stevens, he is probably the most prominent of the Penn sylvania delegation at Washington, and exercises the largest influence. In all our political campaigns, he is one of the chief Abolition orators,, and his efforts have doubtless done much service in promoting the fanatical cause of which he is a cham pion. Until lately, we have always under stood him to be a bosom friend of Came ron's, and through, intimacy he has probably acquired the thorough know ledge of the latter's record which we:find expressed in his letter, published in an other part of this week's paper. These two great Moguls of Pennsylva nia loyalty and patriotism—these virtuous and heroic chieftains of the party " based on great moral ideas "—quarrelled. The other Philadelphia Congressmen joined in -with Belly, and the contest waxed warm and exciting. Cameron' had friends, and the Philadelphia Congressmen had friends; the new Administration had ap pointments to make in the Quaker Citi; and each of these respective combatants wanted their adherents to obtain them. The battle mixed more' fierce and furious day by day, bat Simon, whose skill in strategy convinced outsiders that he would finally come out victorious, execu ted a brilliant " flank movement," and the Philadelphia Congressmen were rout ed, "horse, foot and dragoons." Came ron's friends got the offices, and full of elation the old Winnebago posted off to Philadelphia to receive their congratula dons. They serenaded him, of course, and he made a speech in whieTh said some very severe things of the Congress man. /t is to this speech that Ms. Kelly's lattatilit - taply; and we think - that C`hn• l eron will hardly attempt to attack Kelly 1 in any future oratorical efforts, Our readers should not fail to read the entire document. It is not only worth reading, but worth preserving, and if you bateau)! Rape)Hata neighbors it would not be a bad idea to let them see this per fect pen portrait of their master-spirit in Pennsylvania, drawn by in artist of their own creed., Pen and Ink Portrait of Simon Cameron. The Chairman of the Abolition State Coma mittee Delineated in all his Natural Beauty by au At:minima Congressman. A long and successful career in. crime . emboldens the guilty. A recent illustra tion ot this law of human nature impute me to violate my life-long rule of conduct, and for once to notice a political slander er. I do not, however, address you for the purpose of repelling his inuendoes or falsehoods. My life has been passed among you, and if its record. familiar to you all, does not repel teem, I have lived in vain. My purpose is simply tq pierce the mail of ill-gotten gold in wiellch the slanderer has clothed himself, aogd give you a glimpse of the loathsome object it protects. Tne papers of Friday announce that Simon Cameron, of Diuphin county, was serenaded by hie friends on the preceding evening at the Girard House in this city, and availed himself of the occasion to villify my colleagues and myself, '• the Congressmen of Pailadelphia," in a speech to the assemblage. I was but a youth when I first heard the name of Simon Cameron, and it was as the perpetrator ot a grett crime. He had been made the agent of the Government to carry a large amount of money, due to them, to the Winnebago Indians, and had taken advantage of their ignorance and helplessness to enrich himself. Those of you who had then attained to manhood, though you may not, after the lapse of so many years, revive the burning indiguse time with which you regarded the intam ous swindler of the poor Indian!, will 'doubtless remember that instead of pay ing them the specie which the Govern ment confided to him for that purpose, he retained it, and gave them the notes of the Middletown Bank, of which he was an owner. At their encampment in the remote wilderness these notes were utterly worthless. The Indians could not use them for any purpose there, nor carry them to Middletown for redemption. Bat what was that to Simon Cameron ? -Was not their loss his gain, and was he not so much the richer by every note that failed to come home for redemption, though they did suffer and starve Y And those of you who are not old enough to remember all this, now know why this bold, bad man is sometimes spoken of by your seniors as. the "great Winnebago," and sometimes as " Old Kickapoo." For more than thirty years I have watched the tortuous career of this man, and have never seen a reason to abandon my first impresslon of his character. Whether acting with the Democratic, the Know Nothing, or the Republican party —for he has in turn disgraced them all— he has never been false to his criminal instincts, He has endeavored to turn them all to profitable account. His am bition is sordid and panders to his avarice, and he measures honors by the perquis ites they expose to his grasp. Helms no confidence in the people, and is aware that they distrust him. His speech of Thursday evening was not characteristic of him, for he• is prone to the use of in -struments. His habit is to point the sti letto, but to employ another hand to drive it home. Though an active participant in the politics of his. Country and State for more than half a century, during which long period he has pursued the profits of office, of jobs, of contracts, with eager and ceaseless assiduity, he has never dared to permit hsname to be presented to the people of his county or State as a candi date for an elective office. He the feet of the appointing power. He cares not who may be King, so that he may " still be Vicar of Bray ;" and to that end he chaffers with and corrupts weak and needy members of conventions and the Legislature of both parties. I need not recite the disgraceful facts attending his several Lan va e for' the United States Senate. Their nauseous odor lingers in your nostrils to this hour. In the first he bought the votes of three Democratic members, and in the last bid twenty thousand dollars for the one vote which would have elected him. This last transaction was so flagrant that the Legis lature was compelled to take cognizance of it, and, if justice be not lame as well as blind, the law and honor of our State wiil yet be vindicated. The evil report of his deeds pervades the country es a reproach to our State. Yes, unhappily for Pennsylvania and her great interests, the buzzard-winged fame of Simon Cameron is national. By months of abject solicitation and .corrupt b Arpin ing he procured a mass of _letters, certifi cates and recantations, that. imposed him upon President Lincoln as the represen tative man of the Keystone State. That was an evil hour for Pennsylvania. You all remember how he organized the navy agency in this city, and feel tae ineffable reproach he thus brought on our Navy Yard and commercial and other business men. In the course of his impudent and ill-judged harangue he said : " In the olden time a member of Congress from Philadelphia would have had sufficient influence to have carried his point (the establishment of a naval station at League Island) without a dissenting voice." Is that the assertion of a sober man ? and did he who made it forget that our Con gressmen in the olden time in proposing to loc t'is a Government workshop at Phil adelphia, had not the terrible reputation of Simon Cameron, the Fagan of the Har risburg lobby and ex-Secretary of War, to contend with, and, therefore, bad some chance for success ? My colleagues and I acre less happy than they in this respect. As 1 have a- aid, he begged and bargain ed for the influence which induced Mr. Lincoln to invite him to a seat -in his Cabinet. It was now fondly hoped, by these who had not sounded the depths of his depravity, that, being old and rich, he would take advantage of so distinguhthed an opportunity to prove that he could be honest, and could administer a trust with out turning it to his own profit, or hand ing the fund over td his creatures, to-be used on joint account. How sadly these hopes were disappointed is attested by the brevity of his term of office, and the circumstances under which it closed. In less than one year from the day on which Simon Cameron was installed as Secretary of War, Congress—though at that early day it had before it but partial evidence of his crimes—indignantly drove him from that high office. e Two-thirds ot the members of the Lower House were friends of the Aministration, and would gladly have sustained each member of it as they did its distinguished-head. You can imagine how painful it must have been to them to find themselves constrained by duty to proclaim the fact that the first man the head of their party had been induced to appoint as the sue censor of Sohn B. Floyd bad exhibited. greater aptitude than he for his worst tricks. But it became inevitable, for this old man, notwithstanding his boasted and reputed millions,. believesthat one of his name is never rich enough until he has a little more, and, to save their party and the country, the - friends of the Adminis tration in the House had to proclaim hie infamy and denounce his crimes. Nor was the vote by which they did it a meagre one. His friends and those who would most gladly have averted this disgrace from our State, c3utd rally but about one. third - of the House acainst O.:, resolution of condemnation. The vote was 'bout twp t 0 vie against Ws, though I, its a _ PentsyNantan, not willing to bear *Mile against the representative of our State, but too well satisfied of hie guilt to vote against the resolution, failed to record my vote. In this fact, gentlemen, you have the secret of " thia distinguished statesman's" hostility to Me and my friends. Mr. Walborn, the Postmasterof Philadelphia, and other of his creatures, have offered me his friendship and support if I would endeavor to have that resolution expung• ed. My reply has invariably been that, to stir foul matter would be to produce a stench. I have never in this or aught else endeavored to propitiate him or hie creatures. No stone may mirk the spot where my poor remains may finally rest, but I mean that my children shall be able to vindicate my name by pointing to the -fact that Simon Cameron and his confi dential friends were ever hostile to me. With grateful regards, yours. very truly, Wm. D. KaLuty. / Tart Comeau!cation. Written for tbe O'aswer ] Ma. Enrroar—The extremely loyal (?) and christiau like (?) effusion of the Wash ington correspmleat of the Springfield •Repub/iszn. noted by you in the last Obser• ver,is a fair sample of the intolerance prac ticed by his Puritan ancestors in days of yore. Many of th>se eantinic hypicrites, pretended to servo the Lord (!) by burn ing holes with a hot iron throujh the tongues of both men and women, and then with a rope around their necks, fasten them to a cart and run theta round the streets; after which they would probably 13-3 hung as disbeliever., and witaes. And what was this punishment for? Why these Inretched offenders refthecl to go to " meet in" and did not believe every word of the Puritan Ltith (:)—were, probably, (tie= kers ? Now this modern representative of these self•constituted " choice of the Lord," af ter having admitted that " Mrs. Surratt was not guilty of the murder of Mr. Lin coln,", expresses himself delighted that ehe wai hung. "because it made the Dem ocrats (copperheads) swearing mad." It he was half as much given todelling the truth as he is in telling lies, he would have said, the Democrats desired that she and 4 Me conspiratrs should have had a trial by a rival tribunal ; and if found guil ty, shou!d have suffered the extreme pen alty of the law. They only took exception to this mole of trial. and why should they not? Dal not President Johnson proclaim to the Gettysburg Committee, a few days before these culprits were executed, " I should have been pleased to share with you.your joy at the return of peace. * * Armed treason is swept from the land; our ports are re•opened : our relations with other nations are of the most satisfactory character; our internal commerce is free," etc. Then if this be true, why not let Military courts, for the trial of civilians, cease with the war and its many other hor rors? To he sure,the prosecuting Attorney, said in his reply to Reverdy Johnson, that " We were in the midst of a bloody war. and these conspirators could not be tried in the city of Washington except by a mili tary court, and even then it was necesaafy to have an armed force to protect them." But no one believed him ; at that very time the War Department were mustering troops out of the service, at this very city of Washington, as fast as possible. So you see either Andrew Johnson or this Attorney did not tell the truth in regard to war and peace. This " wise man of the East " also says ; " I do not desire an era of good feeling ; I do not desire that men who hate the black man and the Union, shall lilts Mr. Johnson." Now I !lay that the hypocrisy of such men and such parties,is only sur passed by their impudence. Stephen A. Douglas said in the Senate,on the 25th of December, 1860: " The fact can no longer be di.guised, that many of the Republi can members desire war and disunion un derprotext of saving the Union;" and such is thesamespirit today, except that the po sition of matters is changed. The war is over in spite of many of those who wished to prolong it ; and now they wish to pre- vent the advent of "good feeling "—the restoration of the Union, under the cry of "Union and Negro Suffrage," coupling these widely separate matters together. Yea, ar.d without a particle of love for the Union, - or the negro and his rights. They advocate begro suffrage and equality, .be cause they think they . can get the negro 'to vote wi th them ;in short, it is not love ;for the negro, hut bate for the slavehold er, even aft,4r his slaves are taken from him. 'Mr. Elam., do you not believe that were the " tables turned," and it be found that the negro was opposei to them, they would at once denounce negro suffrage as infamous, fall back on their first love and claim that "this was a Government of white men 1" : Ta perpetuate their ride is what they are after, not the negro's rights. In conclusion, is it not an every day oc currence to see the false statements of hired correspondents misrepresenting the state of matters in the Southern States, and the contradictions by men high in authority there ?• The, wish to prevent the " era of good feeling." they wish to keep this country in a broil. However, if I may be allowed a prediction, they will yet be foiled. President Johnson's' policy for re construction is well founded, and I am glad to learn that he. like Gen. Jackson, is, "by the Eternal," determined to carry it out. I hope every sound Democrat will stand by him, and let minor issues and clap-trap, got up and thrown out by the ultras to deceive and draw their attention from the main issue, be given the go-by.— Get the machinery of the State Goevrn ments once in motion again, and all will be well. CONOILESSIONAL.—The question as to who shall be the next Congressman from this die. trict is beginning to attract some attention already in political clicks. It is understood that Mr. Scofield will not object to a re: election—in fact, intends 'being a candidate again, if there is any hopo of success. Sco• field is a sly chap, though, and unless he sees his way clear for a nomination, will not allow his name to be presented. There are not leas than half a dozen other candidates for the position, and as Mr. Scofield has bad it the usual number of terms allowed by party dis— cipline, we suspect their combined efforts will succeed In driving him off the traok. The Republicans of this county claim that lb', are entitled to the candidate, and Messrs. Lowry and Walker, it is said, will be in the field. The former gentleman, we are informed, has , g served notice" on Mr.quotleld that he intends running as a candidate. MO. Walker, it Is known to everybody, has long been am— bitious to go to Congress, and the old desire burns as strongly in his breast to-day as it did ten years ago. He feels, too, that as he is advancing in years, now is his last oppor. 'unity, and will probably strain all hie ener gies to secure success. If the contest nar— rows down to these two gentlemen it will be decidedly vigorous and interesting. Most of the Republicans look upon a nomination as equivalent - to election, but we would advise them not to be too confident on that. point. The capital known to be represented in the petroleum business in ten cities of the North is as follows ; Philadelphis, $ 168 ,71 5 ,000 ; New York, $134,045,000; Pi/GO:tug, 15,740,. 000; 43oston, 2,300,000; Baltimore, $1,750,. 000; Titusville, $4,000,000; Cleveland, $2,. 200,000; Chicago, $1,000,000; Cincinnati, $750,000; Washington, $700,000. Total, $331..200,000. This does not by any means include all - the capital engaged, as very many companies do not come before the public at with statements of their espitel. Me Moiling sloth .illustrative if the peculiarities of one of our noted fellow citizens of the contraband perstaslon, is familiar to most of our city readers, but may not ;'be those in the country. For their benefit, and in order that•the name tend lame of Commo dore Jatnes Stewart maybe perpetuated, we transfer it into our columns from Harper'. Monthly t] A SmactawCar.—There lives in the city of E., a certain colored individeal, whom ire will• designate as Jim S. One day he was doing a piece of work for a person by the name of R. After he had finished the job, and was about to depart, he was called by lire. R., who said she had something she wanted done. She took him into the kitchen and said, "Jim, do you see that cat !•' Jim caw it. give you a dollar if ycu will get rid of that cat for me." "0, yes, yes, I'd as lie' do it as not," said Jim - After receiving the specified dollar, Jim ttok the cat under his.arm and walked away. Re had not walked far when he was hailed by a neighbor name i M. " What have you got there Jim ?' said M. " Well," said Jim; exultingly, "it isi a Rocky Mountain oat, which I paid five dollars for." The hair had all fallen off with age, and the children had nisliciousiy cat its tail off. JI:took the cat, looted at it, and said, 44 It is a curiosity indeed." • "Yes, 'tis so," said Jim. " What will you take for it 1" said M. Jim was now in his element. 66 Well, I can't take les.; th In ten dollars." "0, that's too much, said M. - After considerable " beating down," Jim said: "As I havn't got much time to tend to the thing, you may have it for what I paid for it." M. paid over the V. and tuok his purchase home. - Not long after,. Mrs li calletnit M's. The firet thing she saw on going into the kitchen was the oat. gi IVLere In the world did yoti get that cat ?" she exclaitried. " Why," says Mrs. M " that's a Rocky Mountain cat, that Mr. M. bought of Jim S. the other day. lie gave five dJllars for it." Mrs. R began to laugh, and said : "That a the same old cat. I gave Jim a dol lar to carry off." Jim kept clear of thatplace f a while. PLaascaes.—" Brick " . Pomeroy truly says that local editors cannot well complain pow. On the on steamers and in hotels are daily hear] the pleasant pop of a revolver, or the crack of a rifle, while after dark, in pas— sage ways the mellow shriek of some inno cent victim calls a smile to the face of the weary ,local wha hunts for items. And at times a delicate boquet of blood, brains and hair smile an item for the editor. And then it is swept tofind in the morning in hotel:, corpses of poisoned men, and to accompany surgemi to witness the agonies of some naughty little girl, ravished and left sense less and bleeding by some pleasant looking aegro who is bound to enjoy his freedom Truly this is the reportorial millchiura! A friend tells one of our Meadville ex changes the following story, as illustrative of the rapid growth of Corry, particularly is the item of hotels: ' , Standing on the platform there, oaccti...y. lately, when a train came, I noticed a , runne accost an•indiridual who had just stepped off the cars, ♦aliso in hand, with • Wish to go to a hotel, sir? Carry your baggage right up.' Rather think I don't need you,' was the an swer, ' I keep a hotel myself.' Runner went off, growling, 'Party place this is for a fun ner—third new tavern keeper I've drummed to-day.' " To START A BAULKY HORSE.—The Ohio Farmer says : " Fill his mouth with dirt or gravel from the road and hell go. Now don't laugh at this, but try it. The plain philoso— phy of the thing is, it gives him something else to think about. We have' seen it tried a hun dred times, and it has never failed." • GENERAL NEWS. An extensive fire occurred in Quebec on Thursday night. Between GO and 8i) buildings were consumed. A man named Case, who was convicted of bigamy at Cedar Falls, lowa. hung himself in jail on the 11th inst. Ten wo man were widowed by his death. . The steamar Meteor, which collided last week with the Pewabic, has been raised. She is not much injured, and will be brought to Detroit.. Ex-Senator Banj min Fitzpatrick, for merly of Alabama, D]uglas candidate for Vice President in 1860, has among others, just been pardoned by Presidnt Johnson. The contract for converting Ford's The ater into a fire-proof building, as a deposi tory for the rebel archieves, has been awarded to Richard Dunbar, of Brooklyn, at $28,000. The Fenians of Chicago bad a grand excursion and pic-nie on Saturday. There were several thousand of them. Ther'e are two regiments of Fen' ians in Chicago. One of the speakers declared that a blor, for the freedom of Ireland is to be struck within a year. A Mr. Stowe eloped from Burlington, Vt., last week, with the wives of three prominent citizens. All the women were mistresses of the scamp. Ti/P guilty par ties crossed the Canada border closely pur sued by ono of the wronged husbands. A three story brick building on Race St., Cincinnatti, used'as a tenement house fell down on Sunday morning,- burying six families in the ruins.. o.le woman was killed, and several - perons badly injured. A fellow named CAse was arrested, tried and convicted of bigamy, at Cedar Falls, lowa. last week. He hung himself in the jail on Friday morning. The scamp had married about a dozen wives in vari ous quarters of the country, all living. He was preparing to marry another when ar rested. arsenal in Richmond, containing large quantity of shot and shell, tolettier with cartridges and ammunition for small arms, took fire and exploded on Tuesday last. A soldier was killed . and a nNro severely wounded. The loss is from sixty to one hundred thousand dollars. The sympathy of the Washington Se• cessionists for Mn.s .1( fl. Davis is decidedly substautial ib its eharacter. Tho amount subscebed in her behalf foots up to the handsome sum of :iT),510. The lowe,t con tribution to the fund was :zit°, and the highest s.sou. Ix Bedford, 0., on the Stli inst.., Dr .1. W. `I -filches shot and killed a woman named Fatiny Parsons, whom he had persuaded to marry him, because sites refused to livo with him when she found he had another wife living. Whon _ar rested, he declared that lie,was glad he had- killed the woman. A private letter from Fort Riley, of a quite recent date, says the Indians have been very troublesome for several days, and that about 40 men of the I Ith Kan sas Cavalry were murdered by them at Fort Yarab, near Fort Riley, and that the Indians bad also captured a train of military stores. The soldiers killed were a part of the train escort. Two woman, Minnie Hill and Mrs. Mary Meiser, attempted to commit evi• cide in ebica g o on Tuesday evening, the former by taking four ounces of laudanum, and the latter by taking a smaller dose of the same poison. By the active use of a stomach pump both were savdd from death. Minnie declares her intention to kill herself at all events. ISAAC FULLY, of Penn townshi9, Butler county, loved not wisely but too well, a single lady of his neighborhood. •Eni deuces of his criminality bec3ming appa rent, he bought a dose of strycnine, in formed),liis wife and family of his guilt, made-his will, swalloFed the poison and s soon a corpse. All of which took place last week. GOVEIRNIMIT NIGRO BORDISG HOE'Sg —A Newport ,correspondent of the . Baltimore Gaulle says : "The blacks seem to have entire pa-- session of Hampton An d v i cin ity. I n t h e immediate neighborhood there are fifteen thousand, to the most. of whom the Gov ernment is issuing rations, the rations in creasing daily, as the negroes come do wn the Peninsula and locate hereabout. There are said to be in the three. counties of Elizabeth pity. York and Warwick forty thousand blacks ;Nut few of them have any visible means of money getting, although they seem to be well supplied with greenbacks.—Many paople great uneasiness, fearing an insurrection among them. Around Hampton such a thing is hardley to be feared, for a suf ficient miltary fore' from Fortress Mon roe could be on the spot in Lal an hour. Indeed, things are in a unsettled state herebouts, and from appearances promise to remain so for some. time." No FOREIGN WAR —The Washington cor respondent of the Springfifild Republican say , : The big French war that c-rtin hot heads were for getting.up over an, does not yet appear al2ove the horizon. We shall have no foreign war. if the gov ernment is wise, we shall not draw the sword again in a (plater of a century. We have shown our power,—and what nation cares lo fight us ? With prudence, then, we can have at least twenty years of peace. They will see us out of our prer,ent fi nancial difficulties, for by that time the d• bt will been half paid off. Mr. Sew ard atilt talks peaCefully—and holds the reins. A shoddy sheet EI.T3 that President Johnson intends to place one of our larg est war vessels at the disposal of John Bright, an Abolition Englishman, for a free trip to this country and back. If this be true, let the exprthe be deducted from Johnson's Fal a ry. Abolition pleasure ex cursions have already cost the people many million dollars. Several Govern ment vesse:s are all the time itsvai:inz, the pleasure of rascally officials, who spend more time at their caruu:als than at busi ness. Tho city of South Bend, Ind.. was via- . ited by a terrible tornado Wednesday e% ening. .M my buildings•ivere demolish ed or badly damaged,and g3rdelys,crchards shrubbery and fences destroyed. The long bridge across the St. Joe River, 000, was swept away. The wart- House was unrifofed. The loss in the village it estimated at $200,000. The track of the tornado was about 200 lent wide, extending about ten miles west of the town. Many persons were more or less injured—none killed. A negro, named Charles Conover, was arrested in Monmouth county, N.J., a few days since, ou a charge of attempting to commit a rape on a white woman at Marl borough, and also for having committed an assault and battery upon 4 who heard the woman's cries and came to her assistance. The accused was committed to the county jail, to await trial at the Sep tember term of the court. The Minnesota Democratic State Con vention met at St. Paul on Wednesday. Resoluti , sns were adopted sustaining the' restoration policy of President Johnson, and in favor of the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine. Quite a severe shock of an earthquake was felt at Memphis, Lagrane , ., Holly Springs, Oxford and Uranada on Thursday. It lasted about 1U seconds. Some of the principal officers of the New Central Railroad Company, with some East ern capitalists, have just returned trout a trip along the lines of the Western railroads, with a view of selecting a narrow gnage route'for a through line West, which is to connect with the Central road. The result of the visit was the selection of the Lake Shore, Cleveland & Toledo, Sandusky, Dayton at.d Ciucinuati, (from Clide to Dayton,) and the new air line road from Dayton to Cincinnati, which latter is to be constructed by the New Vox k Central Company. This new route takes in a mrjority of the best cities in New Icrk and Ohio. So rays an exchange. Special Notices. There is nothing more certain to prerent female irregularities than Dr., lielpau's Fe- male Pills. They will n all cases effuse are turn of monthly sickness, without which no unmarrie I lady can enjoy perfect 'health. Sold by all Druggists. - ati3 I m " Miss not the occasion t by the forelock take That subtle power, the uerer.halting time, Lest a mere moment's putting off should " AIIoW the dreadful Catarrh to extend down the throat to your lungs, and Consumption fix its never•loosening grasp upon your life. At once use D D. 11. Seei-e's Liquid Ca tarrh Remedy. For sale by all,Druggistl. "There were twelve peers Like Charlemagncs—a•id all such peers in look And intellect, that neither eyes uor cars For citamociers hal ever them mistook." Still that dread disease Catarrh upon them lidd fixed itself, until nothing would perms. nently rerndvo it except Dr. D. 11. Seelye'o Liquid Cu trrh Romely. Testimonials from thousands who have been cured by it. Call for one et your Druggist's. .Mr. Gattsc!ialk, the distiogaishe 1 pianist, predicts that the Misun S Hamlin Cabinet Organs will become as fashionable as the pianoforte has been, And will indeed be " sure to find its way into every household of taste and refinement which can rossibly ati•,rd its moderate expense." lie pronounces the Mason & Hamlin instrumints far superior to all others of their class. MASON SI HAMLIN'S CABINET 011GANS.--- Having taken sonic pains to satisfy ourselies respecting the merits of these new instru• meats, we are able to speak very confidently in regard to them, and to recommend them heartily to our: rcaders. We have net found any difference in the 'opinions entrt t•tined.of them 'by musicians : value theta highly, and all agree that their sup rior.ty to all other instruments of the ela-s. Arn,rittan or foreign, is indisputable.—N , Eromitter. " Ag,- cannot wither me, nor custom stale My Infinite variety." Thus crici the magnificent Cleopatra, when many younger beauties were already weeping over their departing charms. Had she found the fabled Fountain of Youth ? Dr. Drake ....tras to have found it, for his Celebrated Plantation Bitter restore the aged, make the young more belutiftil, strengthen the weak, protect the strong, build up the feeble, and overcome -niseast. For DyspeTsia, Languor, Ileattburn, Ennui, Lack of Vigor,'and all ail t ar. is arising :rem a derangement of the Stn, Plantation Bitters are the true anti dot and 'cure. They cure disease and pro• mot Health, Ilappin2s3 and Long Life. t ,\. DIED. Gtinsnv In Wayne, August 7th, 1865, of dipthetia, Nathan; youngest sew of Eliab and Deborah Gurney, agol2 yeara, 1 month and 14 days. GURNEY—In Wayne, August 20th, 18i;5, or diptheria, Warrh, sou of tiliah and Debt,— borah Gurney, aged 4 years, 8 mouths and 8 days. Brown't Hotel, Corner of State . Street and the Pat It, Erie. THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN HOUSE Las into the control of the Undersigned, RAO are determined to spare no efforts that will tend to make it a pleas-ant stopping niece for the trarelicg rob lie. A number of important improrements Lae. alreadr been made, and others to be como'eted et an early pe Ind will render it oce of the finest hotels In the country. Espe.A.l care le taken to furnish the table with all the semonrib'e articles, aimed up in the noesrprored atl and by &won:to:iodating waiters. We took charge ot . the liot*t.with the resolution to wake It each as the wanta of this section require, awl feel couthlent, of tne,ti the approbal. n of our guests. LOOMIS Is Rung, A. T I o.llld, t rropr:etnni. W. 1.. Enna. 5 May 4 6.5-tt Wool, Wool WOOL WANTED. FQR WHICH THE riz un. haieltisT bA- k.t l'ttee 111. b. 4 Alums. GREAT SALi al Watches and 1 1 .000.000 WORTH'. TO BE Li 1. of at One Dollar aieb, wltionit to be raid :or urtil you know wbat By A. H: Konen k Co, p•nt No. 38 Beekman street, Nag Ycrk.. cr. Read the following Let of Artle., ONE DOLLAR Eiffl• 100. Gold hunting cHse Iratc64, 100 Gold watches, vari(,ol 200 Ladies' gold watch.., 600 Silver Watches, (1,000 Late style vest & neck title:li% jy 5,61)0 Gouts' Cal. diamond 4,000 Cal. diamond ear dr ol 3,000 Miniature revolving 4 2,000 Cal. dialvond rind uhrLei!t.l gents' scarf pins, TAF W ttylet, 2,000 Slavonic St emble m lino 2,600 Gold bend brace:cr.. 3,000 Jet and mosinc brooches, 2,000 ,Cameo brcoc 3,000 Coral ear drop, 2,000 Lulies' watch clm.u-, 6,000 Gents'. pine, t.rlPci %-!ort't, 4,000 Solitaire SieCTC n 4. 3,000 Sets studs & Film, 14/nen., 6,000 Sleeve buttorl4, (mg., 10,400 Plain & eirgrm.l r L;:s, 8,000 Lockets, rief,l:, 15,000 Sets ladies' latest etylcs, 5,000 Handsome t: r.. 2,000 8018 bCbotri 1,000 Gold pets :l , r-,15 2,C00 Sets jet ; e,r - drops, lat.--t 2,000 Gold thirel,l,-. 10,000 Gold pp.', t r „, 10,000 Geld lens, cboby n , . , l(rd,' 4 nig entire list of ben , itifu alai for 'toe Dollar e , rli artlelea will to platen in :4 envelopes are sent by nin ! l . to choler. fin tLe rerri; t - what Oti are to hare. and I. •,• • . send the dollsr and take the a' •t r ,•_ Fire certificates can be orte,re . :or S. ; sir thirty for .$4.1; Platy tee fur f tt at ta- ta r Nt 5. We will send a suag ttrot- • s cents. Agents wattled, to whom w• o t.r ~ s.nd 25 cents for one certitcat- ht it r: terms A. It. i. WE , P O. Box, 270, 36 Be.iman Ring's Vegetanle Aml A GREAT HAIR RESTO THIS PC.F.PAHATIoN I 3 WIILL FiN( region IS • Ttl IiONOLCI.O VEGETABLE. ;y33 and has this new name on account h. torer being c. msolidated with it Id se the pr.rpf.stors of the two preparst,,t. an imments sale, for tte follow let. It restores Gray (Lek to it, . 2d. It impnrts a beautiful • fa ed hair. Zd. It cures all Humors sird .1 se, is an mu diet e ..rad .at .• • • bth. It iv a rlchlr Lades I Du you desire to get ' artalciel Front Pieces' Then L. , r •t, restore your Grsy Hair to IL • air,, tremors of youtb. Gent!emen tin your heads e'. e • L , s , of Baldness' Then use the .u. , , , 17 more which are causing you- 141,.. it II ant dye I It does n o t s • ; • . 0. , x Ist It 'a IVA eel:Up ; eatelly 01 reg.tatl.s. itestotative. Try it and CO, E. M. TIPJUI A CO, rr• Pp r:-: .•, N. T. Hume, Chion, r.n. „ Northwestern Yeaciptviraci.l LucAl Agerits--Nal tt Co , Titusville ; 1.. 13. Woo,!, Corry. arr.,•, j. I'j.. r, ERIE AGEN 7-30 U. S. Bondi in amoar.:!n! $5O, $lOO, AND CPW ARDS, Od hand for Immediate Delivery SRI THE SUBSCRILER, Who ....e Daly Authorized nbsc ACENTS WM JAY COOKE & ma) - 11'C5 t BANK NOTICE! Keystone .:National Bank of SIT 5150,000 DIRECTORS: JQIIN W. H.%, , Br.SIER O. NOBLE.. 01:;NGE NOBLE, PreAl.lent. JO:1N J. TOWN, CaphiEr. 8141.7 EN );ARVIN, MARVIN', The above bank will opened for the bo.ineea on Monday, Dec. 5t14 in Rua West aide of State St., between Seventh u. SatUfactory paper decocts:ed. Money received on Deposit. Collectfocs made and proceeds promptueu. 11raltr, Sprcle and flank Itotrm t •::LtL s - ,0 " A share of Public Patronage is r.•;.c. flew Music Store. "I" PIANO FORTES AND MELO Irom the following celebrate , : MANUFACTURE Steinway & SOCIN New York. Wm. linabo & Co., Baltimore, Md. Littdeiwin & Sons, New i ork. Win. B. 13,radiittry, New York. John B. Dunham, New York. Croreeteen & Co. es York. Geo. A. Prince & Co., Batiste,. N. Y. Carhart.; Needham & Co., New: York Pries% at a Large Discount beli facturer's Prices. PIANOS • F . llOll Also, Instruction Cooks .. tvt 1! All persons wishing • first rat., rto cat on, are Invite.), to call and riacciar tabtraco fore putchaain t r elsewhere. Reed's Block, State strrot, near.; °TAT , . izr- P. S.—E.• 0k04'404 WHOLE T"UN LTiD(onn hare opener the Inenond, next store, where ihr; n the trade wen °rent mannfact. AND WILL TO Without their may tras-tf E RI CHANGE THC" Trains will le rls : East• Train No. 13 Train No 10.. Train No. 0... Train N 0.4 It* accoinuaodio ME LEM 4 :IC. I . . ~,::., $5OO, CLARK A IL